THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1914. omnn rOBTLAKD, OKEGOK. tnterl at Portland, Oregon. Fostoffica as second-class matter. Subscription Kixtta invariably In Advance; (BY MAIL,) tally, Sunday Included, on year 18.00 lally, Sunday Included, six months. . . . 4.o laily, Sunday Included, three month. . 2.25 iJaliy, tiuuday Included, one month.,. taiiy, without Sunday, one year e.oo &lly. without Sunday, six months Dftliy, without Sunday, three months... l.iS IiMy, without Sunday, one month.... .60 Weekly, one year I'00 fcunday, one year....... s.oO Sunday and Weekly, one year B-i0 (BY OAlUUB) Oally, Sunday Included, one year. .... .$9.00 iJaiiy. Sunday included, one month.... -75 How to Bemit Send postofflce money or 1er. express order or personal check on your local bank. Stamp, coin or currency are at - eenaers risk. Uive postomce address in tun. iacluding county and state. Postage Kate 12 to la pases, 1 cent; IS to S2 pages, 2 cents; 34 to 48 pages, at cents; bu to 60 pages, 4 cents; vz to To pages, 5 f:ats; 78 to uz pages, a cents. Foreign post ge. double rates. JCaatern Business Offices Verree & Conk lln, Mew York. Brunswick building. Chi cago, Stcger building. nan Francisco Omce K. J. BldweU Oo.. J42 Market street. PORTLAND, SATCKDAY, MAY , 1014. vriu, mediation bxccekdt The -way to mediate la to mediate. If through concession and interces sion we may have peace with honor between the United States and Huerta, or if peace may be restored In Mexico through conciliation and Intervention, the duty of the United States is plain. Our interest and our feeling are, besides, in accord with our duty. But if we shall hamper the South American mediators with impossible conditions, how can mediation suc ceed? II we shall stipulate, for example, 'that Huerta must be eliminated, it is clear that we shall in advance have ourselves deliberately defeated the "whole purpose of mediation. Tet we Siave intimated to the world that we win consent to no interference in Mexico, and accept no result that does .jiot qo away wun jnuerta. vve will not pve tne mediators a tree hand. We will not confess our cardinal tilun- oer in opaline- v un rnp pnnra rvi pvt. can situation. We have failed to crack the Huerta nut, and we propose that the A. B. C. mediators, acting for the United States and for Huerta, : shall at the outset do for us what we have not done, and were unwilling to :do in the only way it could be done by force. If mediation fails, doubtless we 'shall find a way to blame it all on Huerta. We do not seriously expect Huerta to enter into mediation with honest motives, or to accept in good .faith the results. i Yet it may be questioned if our want of confidence in the sincerity and integrity of Huerta is sufficient reason for surrounding attempted me diation with conditions that insure us the decision in advance, and that therefore he is not at all likely to ac cept. ; BI TCS M VI.IAJKY. : Rufus Mallory was a fine example of the old-fashioned American who raised himself by his own efforts from humble beginnings to renown and great usefulness. He was born on a farm in Western New York some eighty-two years ago. Conditions Were primitive in that region then and the Mallory family had no ad vantages over their neighbors in op portunities or culture. The boy be gan life, as so many other distin guished Americans have done, by working on his father's farm, secur ing an education at odd intervals. Mallory differed from the other boys of the neighborhood only by his un usual gifts and his resolute ambition. In later years he was accustomed to say that he "always lacked self-confidence and newer had exerted him self as he ought to make opportuni ties." But this was merely the suc cessful man severely criticising his own career. Young Mallory did not fail to make opportunities for him self, as every man of commanding sv.bll.ty always will. He earned by lhard work the money to pay his way throusrh one of those excellent old academies which flourished before he day of the public high school, and vfterward attended a teachers' col Hogs. His youthful ambition was to prepare himself to teach In the public schools. He belonged in that very large and estimable class of our notable men who have made echoolteaching a step to something higher. They taught to make both ends meet while they were reading law, studying for the ministry or laying the foundations of a medical education. It is a question whether the schools did not thrive tetter under such management than they do now. The contact with reso lute, ambitious personalities was an excellent thing for the pupils, young and old. There were no grades. All the boys and girls studied and recited in the same room. The little ones were inspired to effort by the enlevements of the more advanced The teacher led them all forward by a Judicious neglect. Young Mallory probably applied in his schools the fundamental Montessori principle that too much help for the child is fcad. Much should be left to his own initiative. This was the crowning merit of the old-fashioned country schools in which Mallory earned the money that paid his fare to Oregon In his westward progress he dwelt for a time in Iowa, but Oregon was the goal of his ambition and, in the year !So9, he reached the place which had glowed in his youthful visions with 11 the beauty of a promised land. In those days there were three call ings to which an ambitious American boy might look forward with the hope of earning honor and leadership, law, medicine and the ministry. Young Mallory had chosen the law, and as soon as he had found an agreeable opening at Iloseburg he began to practice. The people appreciated his Treat abilities and were charmed by the modest frankness of his charac ter. Mr. Mallory was an utterly open- minded man without a shadow of pretense and of the most liberal opin ions on all subjects. It was inevitable that a man of his popular qualities should enter politics. The Douglas County people soon sent him to the Legislature and by doing so lost their most eminent citizen. Before his term expired an attractive law practice fell into his hands at Salem, he was pres ently elected District Attorney and that town became his home until he moved to Portland. In the year 1866 he prosecuted the celebrated murder case which dem onstrated to the world his unparal leled abilities as an analytical lawyer and firmly established his reputation A wealthy farmer. Daniel Delaney, had been shot down at his own door y some unknown person, but suspi cion fixed itself upon one George JBeall. Around this malefactor Mai' lory wove a web of circumstantial evidence so. perfect in every part that there was no escape for him. The central circumstance was a spot of blood on Beall's hat. Half the spot was missing and the hatband was also missing. The band stained with a bloodspot which exactly fitted the mark on the hat was found on a tree near the murdered man's dwelling. This was the foundation of Mr. Mal lory's case, which he prosecuted with such eloquence and legal acumen that he was ever afterward acknowledged to be one of the greatest lawyers in the state. Political honors followed. He was sent to the National House of Repre sentatives and might have gone to the Senate had he desired, but his genius called him in another direction. By native gifts Mr. Mallory was a lawyer and he presently forsook politics to devote himself to his profession. In 1883 he entered the old law firm of Dolph, Bronaugh and Simon, of which through all changes he re mained an active member until his death. One of his greatest cases was won in his 81st year. It was an ac tion for damages for breach of prom ise to marry. Mr. Mallory's analyti cal power shone as brilliantly in this action as it ever did in his life, his eloquence was copious and powerful and his logic so convincing that the Jury gave him a verdict for J50.000. It was the natural decline of old age rather than any definite malady that finally ended his days. His career and character remain without a blemish to the younger generation for an example and inspiration. "Oppor tunity." said he, "stands waiting for all who have the courage and energy to seek it." He had both the courage and the energy and the success he gained in his long career was as pure to the end as the bright ambitions of his boyhood. TO ENT-IGHTESf AS IGNORANT NEIGH BOR. The Portland Journal desires to be informed what a Governbr can con stitutionally do to stop state extrava gance beyond exercise of the veto. The answer is simple. Through his power of appointment he can compel many boards and commissions to spend less than the amount they are authorized to spend by appropriation. He can stop wholly the expenditure of other sums by removing members of commissions and refusing to ap point their successors. He can avoid other expenditures by refusing to ap point newly created commissions. All this has been done by Governors in other states. There has been expended from the state game protection fund since Governor West was elected more than $300,000. In 1913 alone the expendi tures aggregated as much as they did in the six years from 1905 to 1810, in clusive. The commission that expends the game protection fund is under the thumb of the Governor. Had this fund been conserved, the balance could be diverted by the 1914 Legislature to the general fund. It could be used, for example, to repay the $40,000 appropriated out of the general fund for bounties on wild beasts which prey on game as well as domestic animals. It could thus be used to wipe out one of the extrane ous items in the general appropria tion bill because of whose presence there the Governor ostensibly vetoed the measure. THE BARKING WATCHDOti. Between the lines of Governor West's address before the Jackson Club may be read his idea of the functions of a state executive. They are two and that is about all. One is to veto bills, the other is to call out the militia. It must be admitted that the Governor has lived up to his own notions. The vetoes of Governor Mrest have been remarkable from the standpoint of numbers. Between vetoing meas ures to punish unfriendly Legislators and the noble aspiration never to let the ink dry in his pen, the Governor has made quite a record. Yet at the same time his administration has been the most extravagant in the history of Oregon. Just now he and admiring friends are trying to demonstrate that the vetoes were inspired by desire for economy. The Governor, himself, gave an unfortunate illustration at the Jackson Club meeting. That was the veto of the Livestock Sanitary Board law in 1911 with its $50,000 appropriation. This bill was passed over the Governor's veto in 1913. The Governor lets the Incident rest there, but the bald fact is that in 1913 the Governor announced that he at that time no longer objected to the adop tion of the law. The trustworthiness of his state ments are further illustrated when in one breath he remarked that he never had the support of The Orego nian in a constructive piece of legis lation and in the next breath claimed credit for his administration for the adoption of the pubic utilities law, which The Oregonian supported and earnestly defended. Of the same caliber is his state ment that Senator Chamberlain never had the support of The Oregonian in a piece of constructive legislation. when everybody knows that The Ore gonian has commended and indorsed time and again Senator Chamberlain's Alaska railroad bill. Governor West's nature is entirely- one of extravagance. The man who is extravagant in speech and extrava- gant In acts is generally extravagant in the expenditure of money. The Governor is no exception to the rule His vetoes do not bear the test of economy. The most striking example was his veto of the general appropri ation bill. That he vetoed for rea sons stated in general but extrava gant terms. The extraneous items in the bill which he said were there but did not indicate in his veto message have never been pointed out by him He does not dare to do so. There are extraneous items in the bill he could have saved to the state, notwithstand ing its passage over his veto. The duties of a Governor do not end with holding the Legislature in check and in commanding the Na tional Guard. The Legislature mere ly gives authority to spend money. The Governor has In his control the saving or the expenditure of a large part of it. Governor West has exert ed no influence toward economy where authority has been given him to- spend. As a watchdog of the treas ury he has done nothing but bark. Is there possibility that the law yers, bv prolonging litigation, are killing the goose that lays the golden egg for them? The length, costliness and uncertainty of damage suits have had much to do with the demand for compensation laws, which are in ef t'ect in twenty-two states. Many con tracts now contain arbitration clauses designed to guard the makers against lawsuits in the event of disputes. More and more are lawyers em ployed to advise clients how to keep out of court. The mass of law has become so great that the risks of overlooking some point have grown to serious proportions and it is re garded as a good thing to avoid. Law yers may find it necessary to the pres ervation of their profession that they lead a movement to reduce the vol ume, the cost, the delays and the un certainties of litigation. TUB NEW CANCER HOSPITAL The adequate supply of radium which the new cancer hospital at Cornell has secured will be a boon to the afflicted. The treatment .of can cer by this element has heretofore been sadly hampered by the lack of sufficient quantity to produce the. ef fects desired. The radium acts by destroying the anarchistic cells whose irregular growth causes the cancerous condition. But the same time it de stroys the healthy cells also and great care must therefore be exercised in applying it. Enough radium must be used to act upon the entire extent of the malignant tumor, while at the same time the surrounding tissue must be protected from its radiations. It is apparent from these facts that great skill is needed to obtain the cur ative results and at the same time avoid injury to the patient. Hence we see the necessity for a hospital like that at Cornell where cancer alone will be treated. Such special! zation will permit the management to train a highJy efficient working force and attract physicians of un usual expertness. We have no doubt that the new hospital with its fine equipment and the competent scien tists whom it is certain to attract will draw cancer patients from the whole world. At present these unfortunates have only two remedies to depend upon, neither of which is by any means in fallible. When a cancer is detected early in its development the surgeon's knife should always be used. To this rule there are no exceptions whatever if the cancer is so situated that an operation is possible. Of course the tumor is sometimes so Involved among the large blood vessels that surgery is impossible. In such cases radium is the only hope, even at the begin' ning of the disease. The effects of radium are thus far somewhat uncertain. Now it eradi cates the cancer completely"; now it falls entirely. There are cases on record which it is said to have made worse. But upon the whole physi clans are gaining confidence in ra- dlum, as the foundation of the new hospital at Cornell demonstrates Whatever radium may or may not do, it is certain that the knife, applied early enough, effects a radical cure. LIMITING OIK JUSTIFICATION. If the refusal of Huerta to salute the American flag at Tampico were the sole cause for the armed occupa tion of Vera Cruz, what occasion would there be for the mediation of three South American nations and for the prolonged sessions of the Am bassadors of those nations to arrange terms of mediation? Such prolonged negotiation would not be necessary to decide whether a salute was due and how It should be iired. The fact that mediation ' is offered and accepted, and is undertaken with such gravity arid cTeliberation, the further fact that it. is to cover all points at issue between the United States and Mexico, prove that Senator Root spoke truly when he said, in supporting the Lodge substitute for the resolution Justifying our warlike action, that "the insult to the flag is but a part the culmination of a long series of violations of American rights, ... made possible by the weakness of government" in Mexico. Mr. Root said: Lyinir back of this incident Is a condition or things in Mexico which absolutely pre vents the protection o American lire and property except through respect for the American flag, the American uniform, the American Government. It is that which gives significance to the demand that pub lie respect shall he paid to the fla of the United Htates. There is our Justification. It Is a Justification lying not in Knerta. but In the universal condition of affairs in Alexlco. Mr. Root showed that if the Insult to our flag had been the only Justifi cation for our intervention, the diffi culty could have been adjusted ami cably, as a like difficulty would have been adjusted with a first-class power. He asked, if that were all, "how can we in the arrogance of power Justify treating this weak neighbor with a peremptory harsh ness that we would not think of using toward a powerful nation?" The House resolution simply de clared the President "justified in the employment of armed forces to en force the demands made upon Huerta for unequivocal amends for affronts and indignities." The Senate commit tee simply added a disclaimer of "hos tility to the Mexican people or any purpose to make war upon Mexico." The Lodge substitute gave as justifi cation "the state of unrestrained violence and anarchy which ex ists in Mexico," the murders and spoliation of Americans which have resulted, the impossibility of obtain tng redress, and finally "the unpro vpked insults and indignities inflicted upon the flag and uniform of the United States." It concluded with this broad assertion: That the self-respect and dignity of the United Mates ami the duty to protect its citizens and its international rights require that such a course be followed In Mexico by our Government as to compel respect and oDservance ot its rigms. The House resolution implied plainly that the Government might punish the Insult to the flag and then withdraw. The Lodge resolution re quired that the Government protect its citizens and its international rights. That would impose on Mr. Wilson a far broader obligation, which could not be fulfilled by the occupation of one city. It would require protection of American rights everywhere throughout Mexico, which would re quire occupation and pacification of the whole republic. The Government minimized the cause for intervention because it was unwilling to accept responsibility for the inevitable consequences of Its own policy of diplomatic war on Huerta. That diplomatic war weakened Huerta and drew down on Americans the hos tility of the people in the parts of Mexico under his control. Many Americans were murdered and robbed, but no move was made to obtain redress. Had those wrongs been specified by Congress as cause for intervention, responsibility for provoking them would have been fas tened on the Administration and the duty would have been imposed upon it of doing that which it had made necessary but which it had shirked and wished to continue to shirk. The President wished Congress to justify only the limited intervention he contemplated, not the general in tervention which alone could remedy. the evil brought about by the long! imiu oi events or wnicn tne xampico incident was only the culmination. d congress did as it was bid. , One American who has come out of Mexico with flying colors is Nelson O bhaughnessy. There could hardly be a mere difficult position than that of diplor-ratic representative to the government of a ruler whom his own government did not recognize and whose country was torn by civil war. especially when the government which sent him was weakening the ruler's ability to subdue his foes. Mr. O'Shaughnessy has ftUed that position and has done good service for his Government while keeping on the right side of Huerta, To do that re quires diplomatic genius. The Homiletlc Review has pub lished a' book entitled "The Church, the People and the Age." which un dertakes to explain the modern in difference to the church. The opin ions of 10a men are collected in the volume, among them being such au thorities as Rudolf 'Eucken, Adolf Harnack and David Starr Jordan. They all agree that "the church in vites indifference by its remoteness from life, the unreality of its teach ing and its chilliness toward science and social activities." It is agreed on all sides that poetry Is becoming popular again after fifty years of neglect and many explana tions of the phenomenon are offered. The most ingenious comes from a publisher who reminds us that poetry has escaped the . competition of the picture shows. "You cannot get poetry Into the moving picture form,' he says. You must either take it in its own form or leave it, and the pub lie seems just now to be in the mood for taking it. The Ulster aristocrats continue to talk "big" to the British government. Sir Edward Carson's tone reminds one disagreeably of the slave oli garchs on the eve of the Civil War. Morally he and his fellow conspira tors stand Just about where Toombs and Davis did. Their talk about "re ligion" is pure hypocrisy. They dread home rule because it would shake their seats on the backs of the people. New England is facing a problem in connection with her immigrants which bothered Wisconsin and Mln nesota years ago. They are herding their children in private schools, where no English Is taught, so that the youngsters grow up as alien to our institutions as their parents are The solution is difficult, since the for eign, un-American vote holds the balance of power. In the last Mexican War we. em ployed about 84,000 soldiers, of whom about 1500 died in battle or from wounds and 10,800 from dis ease. About 12,000 were discharged for disability or other causes. Mod ern sanitary improvement should greatly reduce the death roll from disease if our troops should go on from Vera Cruz. The one drawback to success of a public market is the disdain of the average farmer for gardening, which he leaves entirely to the women folks and the farmer's wife is not a market gardener. American refugees from Tampico charge that they, received no protec tion from the American fleet there, Did Mayo permit his pedal extremities to become chilled after baiting Huerta? Mexicans at Vera Cruz are delight ed with American control. The more the Mexicans see of American civili zation the more they will be dissatis fied with their own brand. Carranza's reply to armistice over tures was the order for attack on Tampico and Saltlllo. Evidently he Is one man who still thinks actions speak louder than words. Senator Poindexter wants "Doc" Cook given a gold medal by Congress Surely some recognition should be given the most stupendous fraud of the age. The soldiers drowned off Fort Ste vens are heroes as much as those who fall in battle. They lost their lives while obeying orders. There is one very fertile danger in mediation that its possible failure will be laid to the attitude of the United States. Out again, in again, Americans with Interests in Mexico are kept on the Jump by the shifting winds of "watch ful waiting." The Pacific Mall Company showed the proper spirit when the passengers on the Siberia were in peril. It begins to look as If Huerta will have to give us another kick or two to save himself from Villa- Having heard of the minimum wage law in Oregon, Chicago waitresses have struck for $8 a week. Royal chinook salmon, fresh from the mouth of the Columbia, Is now due on the bill of fare. With rise in temperature comes the old fear that some will sprinkle the lawn out of hours. The next vessel on the rocks will bear the name of Mediation, or we miss our guess. The Portland teams will get into their stride when the weather Is warmer. The Colonel is on. his way home. Hold back the dogs of war until he arrives ! The man in a straw hat yesterday was conscious of looking different. Young John D. Is being threatened Its cruel to scare that mollycoddle. The Rose Festival Is beginning to loom up on the horizon. The eleventh-hour crowd broke the registration records. Politics is still unable to speak above a whisper. Did you let indifference disfran chise you? The straw hat is back on the job. This is nothing, short of Bummer,. Half a Century Aga From The Oregonian of May 2. 1864.) The St. Joseph Herald recently no ticed 60 wagons crossing the river on their way to Idaho. On one wagon from Maine were the following "di rections': "Bound for Bannock, the Land of Gold. Conscripts. Indiana and Mormon Widows. Our Motto Klches or More Poverty." Chicago, April 30. Particulars of the capture of Camden, Ark., by General Steele have been received. Steele by his movements deluded Price into the belief that he intended to attack Shreveport. Price hastened to Prairie du Ilohn. dug rifle pits and threw up earthworks, when Steele executed a sudden flank movement, which caused Price to retreat toward Washington. Having placed Price on the arc ot a circle. Steele moved directly toward Camden. Discovering his mistake. Price concentrated his cavalry and hoped so to embarrass Steele that his infantry could not gain the fortifications of Camden. Steele pressed on. however, fighting his way for 71 miles,- and en tered tamaen on the loth. Philadelphia, April 29. The Union fftate Convention instructed delegates to support Mr. Lincoln for the Presi dency. The May party a-iven on Saturday- bv the students of Portland Academy and remale seminary was participated In by about 200. who embarked on the Senator and made the river banks ring with slioutinir "The Battla-Crv of Frr. dom." Upon reaching- Ross Island the party was landed and the enjoyments of the festival were entered Into heartily until 2 P. M., when they set out upon their return. They passed the city, going as far as Swan Island, sing ing some fine patriotic! airs, and wound up with "Home Again." The fine new steamer New World was the subject of great attention Yes terday, and was crowded with vlsitora The United States Steamboat InsDec- tor. Mr. Burnett, has finished the work of testing boilers In this vicinity and is stopping at Astoria It seemed as thou eh evervbodv not oevotionaiiy inclined took a hand In pleasure rides and excursions on the river yesterday. Jonn R. foster tt Co. This old and well-established firm, situated on Front street, have a full assortment of hard ware and tools. APPEAL TO FELLOW UPIIFTERS Forget the Fly and Swat the Mexican, Says a Radiator. EUGENE, Or, April SO (To the Edi tor.) These be. Indeed, sad days for us uplifters. The lecture hall no longer attracts and eloquence Is gone to a dis count. Yet the fly Is only half swatted. and eugenics and sex problems remain. True, the ambulatory professor still ambles out his schedule, but really the Jig Is up. Grim visaged war has butted In. and George Bernard Shaw, the erotic play, and the whole emotional pro gramme, to use the expressive words of Dr. Mary Walker on another nr. sion, "have been ruthlessly thrust aside." . We are In the dumns. but our errlef should not be self-centered, for there are others. What of our helbers from the educational institutions who so kindly took upon themselves the task of being instructors and advisers gen eral of the state and the Inhabitants thereof? Have we no thought of them. they who with lighted faces have gone from one end of the state to the other preaching the awful ravage of the nouse-ny? Tret, indeed, and aDDrecin tion, too! We can well understand the absolute impossibility of the soul that has once thrilled to the applause of tne lecture-room and the aDDreciative sighs of the ladies' club going back to tne numarum worK or trying to pound German and geology into a restless crowd of young people whose Interest is mainly in football and social func tions. It cannot be done, unless. ner haps, with a very considerable Increase or salary. And will the state auibble over a rew paltry dollars? But I wander. What I really want space for is to Impress upon my fellow uplifters the impracticability of trying to stem tne war tide. It Is far better, for the time being, to go with the cur rent. It will afford us. too. an ooDor- tunity to demonstrate the versatility of our accomplishments. We ought not to put all our Intellectual eggs, so to speaK. in one basket. Merely to illustrate: I thoua-ht I could sing only of uplift, but last night I laid aside the shovel for the nen: re sult, the following war poem, which is really not so worse as I feared: "Treason" Well Defined. PORTLAND. May l. (To the Ed! tor.) Now that the front page is not quite so full of war news, will you al tow me to animadvert briefly unon some of the pearls of thought wh,ich our doughty hero. Colonel Martin, re cently threw before us? According to the Colonel, those of us who dare to suggest that "rich American land own ers have been stirring up an agitation tor the uncalled-for war with Mexico' are traitors. It is a good thing for some of us that the Constttutfon of the United States defines so carefully the crime of treason, otherwise any one who questioned the motives of those who would precipitate what ex-Preal- dent Taft calls "a terrible calamity' would be haled before the courts by the gallant (Jolonel. I am glad to hear that Andrew Car negie and Norman Angell "come from a different school than" Colonel Martin, So did Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson and Woodrow Wilson. It is interesting to note that "They (i.e.. the peace advocates) are using strenuous efforts to avert war, as is illustrated by the present mediation negotiations" which the Colonel knows will prove futile. It had been my impression that the mediation was proposed by the gov ernments of the A. B. C. powers, but perhaps I was mistaken and it was the nefarious work of Andrew Carnegie, Norman Angell et al. In conclusion, would It "smack of treason" to hint at the remote, possi bility of a motive back of the desire for war on the part of the soldier by vocation or avocation? HERBERT B. AUGUR. THOSE! VA1W REGRETS. Said Woodrow to William, said he: "That Huerta mightily bothers me: He's on my nerves both night and day. If he'd but obligingly fade away! But he doesn't fade!" Said William to "Woodrow, said he: "Sure, sire, I'm as sorry as sorry can be. But I guess the thing's ordained that way. What else can a Presbyterian say? What else, indeed!" Said Woodrow to Williams, said he: "If only I'd known how set they be. That peppery crowd In Mexico, I think I'd given old Huerta more show. Yes. I really do!" Said William to Woodrow, said he: "Your drift is apparent now to me; With Congress so easily bowled over. You quite misjudged the nerve of the soldier. In fact, you misjudged it a whole lot!" And, parting, each went his troubled way. And each of the other at heart did say: "He bungled the thing to the last de gree. Why didn't he leave It all to me?" Yours on a war footing, . - Vt i, UJPTEB, rFFRAGB BILLS ARB COMPARED Mrs. Dulirsjr I pholda Original Susan B. Antkony Draft. PORTLAND, May 1. (To the Edl 'r ) Two different National wings of the Woman Surfrage Association are now before Congress in advocacy of different equal suffrage amendments which experienced suffragists are fear ing will be detrimental to the success of either. The . Shaf roth amendment, backed by the National president of W. S. A., is a new movement to be In troduced In the Senate by direction of President Anna Shaw, is supported by Mrs. Medill MeCormlck, of Chicago. It proposes that: W'henever any number of lesal voters of any state, to a number exceepltiK 8 per cen turn of legal voters, shall netitlon for the UbmiSSlOn to the vntera nf i H at 1 - such question shall be so submitted, and if upon such submission a majority of the lej;al voters of the state, voting on the Ques tion, shall vote In favor ot granting equal right, the Same Shall he 1hnr,aft,r Hml established, anvthlns- In th constitution of ui-ii auiu to tne contrary notwithstanding- tne time-honored amendment moth ered In the sixties bv Susan B. Anthony and recentiv reintroduced and led by Senator Chamberlain, of Oregon, was adhered to without change till tne Anna bhaw regime came into power, after Miss Anthony's death. The advocates of Miss Anthony's amend ment declare the proposed new amend ment to be full of "Jokers." They af firm that its effect would be to create a continual warfare between advocates and opponents of votes for women with all the advantage on the side of the power that has votes! They assert that the proposed amendment Is nal- pably unconstitutional, and will not enhance the progress of the cause. Ida Husted Harper, biographer of Susan B. Anthony and official histo rian of the National Council of Women Voters, is backing the National Con gressional Union In Washington, of which Alice Paul Is chairman. The original Susan B. Anthony amendment is now in charge of senator Bristow, who introduced it in the Senate, im mediately after the recent vote was taken, which, though reaching a ma jority vote, lacked the necessary two- tniras vote. It Is contended the amendment was forced to a premature vote, against the expressed wishes of Its advocates, who asked a postpone ment of the vote till sure of the nec essary majority, but were overridden by advocates of a new amendment. containing the unconstitutional joker aforesaid, with many others for which the limits of this article have no space. The Anthony amendment follows: The right of cltlxens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by tne united btatea. or by any state on ac count ot sex. The consolation suffragists draw from noting these divisions of forces lies In the fact that the movement has grown strong enough to fly with inde pendent wings. ABIGAIL SCOTT DUNIWAY. MR. GEER'S REPLY MISCOXSTRl'ED Prohibition Party Was Not Asked to Get Oft the Earth. CORVALLIS. Or.. April SO. (To the Editor.) Referring to Mr. E. T. John son's letter in The Oregoniar. today, permit me to say that he strangely misinterprets my reply to the execu tive committee of the Prohibition party when he says my position, in substance, asks his party to "get off the earth." Uuite on the contrary. I asked that all parties keep out of the contest for the suppression of the liquor traffic, as parties, in order that Individual voters In all of them may unite on the ques tion and thereby win a certain and substantial victory. To the sincere Prohibitionist this should be enough. aiy suggestion is to work precisely as aiem and Albany and Eugene and other cities in Oregon have been made dry" not through the lead of the Pro, hibition or any other party. My suit gestlon was to make the entire state "dry" by the same procedure as has been followed In every successful cam palgn so far waged in Oregon, or else wnere. on tnis subject. It shouldn't seriously concern a Pro hibition party man as to which method is pursued in this matter, so the prin clple he is after is adopted no matter where It might land his party. If we can suppress the liquor traflc In Oregon by "Joining hands" and it cannot be done otherwise) then let us join hands and. accomplish It. That is a sane and safe way to proceed: the same process by which nearly all the large coun ties in Oregon are now dry. Why now, when a state-wide victory can be won by uniting all favorable forces In all the parties. Invite almost certain defeat by Insisting upon a minor detail? Let the matter of the glory of the victory, if it shall be won. be kept in the background and the object sought credited to the good judgment of the people of Oregon Irrespective of party lines. Shouldn't that be sufficient for all men and women? T. T. GEER. WHAT SHALL WB TALK ABOUT f There is a saying I've heard very many years old. You've heard it, I know. Have you never been told? "Well, people will talk." If this saying be true, and I'm quite sure It la, Would it not be as well when you go for a vis. To step to the closet and take from the shelf A budget of sayings about your own self? Or if In that musty and dusty old place Of that fearful old bundle you find not a trace, 'Twill answer as well for the purpose. I trow. To pick up some scraps of something you Know A tale of some past Indiscretion will do. Tell It out straight; let it ring true. Maybe you've saved some choice bit of scandal; If it Is not too dirty and musty to handle. By lying so long on the old closet shelf. Or spoiled by the keeping because bout yourself. sucn things are not to our memory a ear. But the listener Is always so eager to hear. I say, my dear friend, if you're dying to ten A nice bit of scandal, you love It so well. Ransack the old closet, the uppermost shelf. Find a budget or scrap about your own self. N. S. Keasey. "Prise Fight" Needs No Definition. DALLAS. Or., April 30. (To the Edi tor) Several days ago I observed In The Oregonian that Judge Webster Holmes, of Tillamook, held that prize fighting under our statutes is not un lawful. The Judge gave as his rea son that the code did not define what prize fighting is and therefore dis missed four indictments. It appears to the layman that the words "prize fighting" simply mean fighting for a prize, but I suppose when there is applied our many tech nlcal and abstruse principles of law it might mean most anything. In view of the above decision, our young "white hopes" will take courage and we may expect to see all sorts of scraps for the edification of the pub- 11 c Thls statute has been construed many times by the various courts of this state, but It has never been ques tioned. I suppose the reason that it has never been passed upon by the Supreme Court Is that no one ever thought there was any question about what the words meant. Some of the boys in this locality are thinking of pulling off a fight and the question of the legality of the proposition natural ly. came to my mind. A. LAYMAN, Twenty-five Years Ago From The Oregonian of May 2. 1SS9. Walla Walla. Mav 1. T. C. Griffith. of Spokane Falls, obtained from Judge -Langford a restraining order against the building of a new Courthouse at Colfax, W hitman County. Port Townsend. "W. T . Mav 1 Frn nW McXee. brother of President Harrison's son-in-law, has been appointed Deputy Collector of Customs, vice Walter toowen. William F. Learned has been appointed Inspector, vice Thomas De laney. Salem. May 1. F. H. Ogle, a young married man. well and popularly known, was shot this evening by W. K. Hawkins while walking on Commercial street near State with J. H. McNary. San Francisco. May 1. A speech by Frank Pixley last evening opposing foreign Immigration caused shouts of dissent from a part of the audience. When the mass of the audience rose, gave three cheers for the orator and moved to charge against the disturb ers, they subsided. London, May 1. The direct examina tion of Charles Stewart Parnell before the Parnell commission was concluded today. Last Sunday the 8-year-old son of Otto Kleemann was fearfully bitten by an Infuriated cat. Miss Grace Browning, of Lewis River. Is visiting Mrs. E. L. Thorpe. Mrs. Catherine Scott, widow of the late C. C. Scott, yesterday filed a peti tion with the County Court asking that Edward A. Post, surviving partner of Soott & Post, proprietors of the Gil man House, show why he should not glva her a monthly allowance of $350 out of the receipts of the house. The employes In A Anderson & Co.'s printing and lithographing establish ment have organized an employes' In vestment association. C. D. Riley, one of Oregon's early pioneers, who lately removed here from Idaho, was among the visitors on April SO. Mr. Riley wis In Portland 25 years ago, when the city was a comparative ly small town. He said the only decent building at that ttme stood on the cor ner now occupied by Ladd & Tllton's bank. Everybody visits the cyclorama these days. It Is one of the main features of attraction. William Weidner, an O. R. & N. con ductor, who was well known In this city, was killed in a railroad collision near Trinidad, Colo. The City Council yesterday read an ordinance granting a franchise to the Transcontinental street Railway Co.. passed an ordinance extending the franchise of the Metropolitan Street Railway Company and accepted a prop osition of the Willamette Falls Elec trio Company to substitute aro for in candescent street lights. 'Payment of School Coaches. PORTLAND, May 1. (To the Edi tor.) As is probably known by you. the athletes of the various schools of the city receive no pay. They are mere amateurs of course, and If paid would be called professionals. They ought not to be paid. But the coaches of the various high school teams are very well paid. Why should they be? It may be argued that their time is valuable and they deserve pay. The coaches of high school teams are al ways teachers in the school that they coach. so it doesn't seem right that they should be paid any more than the athletes In training. Teachers are not supposed to have any outside business, and it is certainly wrong to pay them and not the athletes. The athletes time is Just as valuable as the teacher coaches', and if one is paid, both should be. Surely it is not right that either should be paid. One of the coaches in a certain high school In this city receives $400 for the coaching done. Almost all the money of the student body is paid out and as a consequence it is almost always in debt. Here's hoping that all paying of coaches will be stopped. HIGH SCHOOL LOVER. In The Oregonian Tomorrow. THE POWER OF THE PRESIDENT By Ex-Senator Albert J. Beveridge. A close analysis of Mr. Wilson and his methods.. Elaborately illus trated. Mr. "Dooley. PETER FINLEY DUNNE'S phil osophical humorist is resurrected for a discussion of the military career and the troubles of Ulster. Shooting Straight. An article by Secretary of War Garrison on training young Amer ica in marksmanship. Ottr righting Men. A full page of photographs show ing different phases of campaign ing as it is conducted by American soldiers in wartime. These are graphic action pictures and of es pecial interest at this time. Latin America and the Canal Just what the big ditch will do for our sister republics is told by John Barrett. Modern 'Woman She is dissected and discussed by Conningsby Dawson, the 2njlish author, who includes a chapter on the things in women that attract men. When Royalty Comes A full page in colors on royal per sonages that have visited the United States and on how the Bul garian Queen will be received and entertained. The Mated Enbies A story of love and adventure, by Mulloy Finnegan. riying to the Pole. Admiral Peary tells how this jour ney will be accomplished ere long by daring aeronauts. Master of Dancing. The story of Nijinsky, greatest o dancers, who is a big man with the strength and build of a Sandow. Peace in the World. Just what makes for international amity is discussed by THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Character Analysis. The concluding installment of Mrs. Hall's handwriting series. Scores of Other Features . Order today of your news dealer.