TITI? MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1914. WASH ifJGTON IS TOLD If! DEBT REPORT Statistics Furnished by Gov i ernment Show Big Growth in 30 Years. ISSUE DATES FROM 1904 Most or Expense Starts Witli Bonds Sold for $206,000 and Float jt ing I-lability Increases From ! Year ' to Year. WASHINGTON', April 28. (Special.) Preliminary figures from the forth coming' bulletin pertaining to National and Ftate indebtedness and funds and investments have been g:iven out by director "W. -J. Harris, of the Bureau of the Census, Department of Com merce. The bulletin carries informa tion for the State of Washington, as "well as for the other states and the United States. The data were com piled under the supervision of John lee Coulter, expert special agent in charge of the inquiry on wealth, debt and taxation. The bulletin, which will soon be is sued, will contain statistics lor each state for each year from 1890 to 1913, inclusive, as far as statistics are avail able, and will also contain details for the year most nearly corresponding with 1880, thus making it possible to show the general movement during a period of over 30 years. The bulletin will show the total debt of the states as well as many details, such as the various classes of outstanding bonds and special debt obligations to public trust funds. It will also show the floating debt and its component parts. Under "Funds and Investments" will be shown separately all the different furrds and in each case cash and se curities. The population of the states for each year under consideration will be used, and the per capita debt, less sinking fund assets, will be given. Statistics Are Lacking. An inspection of the tables for Washington in the bulletin soon to be issued shows that only biennial reports were obtainable and no statistics were available for 1880. The bonded indebt edness was small and -disappeared alto gether in 1904; a new issue of $206,000 was recorded in 1910 and this sum was increased to $331,000 in 1912. No special debt obligations to public trust funds were reported during the first biennial period; $665,000 was outstand ing in 1900, this amount increasing to $1,340,000 in 1906, and disappearing en tirely in 1912. The floating debt changed greatly from year to year. though showing a general tendency to inccrease from $273,000 in 1890 to $1,225,000 in 1912. In the case of funds and invest ments no securities were recorded in 1890; $382,000 in 1892 advanced to $9,670,000 in 1912. The cash also shows marked increase in the amount on hand: $36,000 in 1890 rose, to $2,446,000 in 1912; thus the total funds and in vestments increased from $36,000 in 18U0 to $12,116,000 in 1912. No ?lnkmg fund assets, as such, were recorded in any year, thus leaving the debt (less sinking fund assets) the same as the total debt. Although the debt of the state in creased steadily during the 20-year pe riod, the tremendous increase in popu lation was sufficient to reduce the per capita indebtedness. State Iebt Advances. In 1890 the total debt of Washing ton at the close of the fscal year. September 30, was $573,000; in 1896 it had advanced to $2,185,000, but sub sequently fell to $1,556,000 in 1912. The population of the state increased from 350.000 in 1890 to 1.282.000 in 1912, be ing sufficient to offset the increased indebtedness and bring about a reduc tion in the per capita debt. In 1890 the per tapita debt was $1,60; in 1896 it has risen to $4.80; in 1910 it fell to the minimum amount $0.08. but again advanced to $1.21 in 1912. In contrast with tire State of Wash ington, it finds that, taking the entire debt Oess sinking fund assets) for the 48 states, the per capita debt, ac cording to the latest report, is $3.52, or $2.31 more than the per capita debt for Washington. At the present time about 1.4 per cent of the total population of the United States will be found in the State of Washington, and 0.5 per cent of the total debt, less sinking fund assets, is attributed to that state. seniors made this discovery when the excitement over the Mexican situation reached the campus in full force. The fourth-year scholars learned that their Alma Mater would grant them, their bachelor's degrees in June should occa sion arise for them to go to the front before finishing their academic course. The result was a sudden rise in mili tarism. The light broke upon the seniors as a half dozen of the class leaders were discussing the possible eff-t of Presi dent Wilson's message to Congress. "It sounds queer -to me," said one of the youths, who had learned to sympa thize with the Mexicans after two fnonths of study under Professor Fred- Arink Starr "Tho ProalHent a a v-a t a lwon - Interfere and yet he is interfer-Hng." "Why don't you boys enlist and see some real life?" asked a passing co-ed. I understand you will get your de grees in that way without working for them." The information caused a race for the recorder's' office, where it was learned that there was a precedent to support the statement of the co-ed. The recorder found official documents showing that a senior who had fought in the Spanish war had received a di ploma in spite of a lack of credits, and several others whose records were not handy were known to have fared like wise. Officers of the university said that the precedent undoubtedly would hold. LUXURIES OF LIFE ARE ITS HIGH COST Society Woman Thinks $4000 Not Too Much for Clothes if One Has It. GERMAN JEW-BAITER DIES H. Ahlwardt Tried to Make Anti- Semitic Lecture Tour in America BERLIN'. April 30 (Special.) Her mann Ahlwardt, once celebrated as i German Jew-baiter, is dead at the age of 67, from the effects of a street acci dent in Lieipsic. Ahlwardt, who once attempted to make a barn-storming anti-Semitic lec ture tour of the United States, died a disappointed man, as animosity to ward the Jews, which he devoted most of his life to fanning: into a political force, has become less instead of greater since the days of his crusade. "When Jew-baiting began to wane in popularity, Ahlwardt turned his hate to the Junker-Agrarians and Jesuits; but, although he harangued the entire country and other parts of Europe, he never made much impression. The anti-Semitic party as a political organization has dwindled almost into non-existence and utter powerlessness. H HELD HEARS NEWS "AH, EZ ZAT SO," IS COMMB5T ON ZIEGFELD'S MARRIAGE, FUNCTIONS ARE EXPENSIVE $70 PAID 0N $20 LOAN Kansas City Porter Sues Agent for $23,200 for Extortion. KANSAS CITY, Mo April 29. Charging he had. already paid $70 on a $20 loan made in 1907. James Sanders brought suit for $25,200 damages against P. J. Hughes, loan agent. San ders is a porter for the Union Pacific Railroad. In order to harass and extort money from him, a claim of f25.75 was made aainst him by Ovlde Vlen in Council Bluffs, la., Sanders asserts. Sanders declares Vien is a "straw man" for H. J. Hughes and that the claim was fic titious. Sanders' petition states the suit Is one of the means that loan sharks use to harass their victims. They are filed at a distance and an unlawful advan tage is taken. Through the suit. San ders' wages were garnlsheed. Sanders has a large family. STUDENTS WANT TO JOIN Chicago Boys See Chance to Escape Classes by Earing Bullets, "Business, Business, Is All He Knew,'9 Says Beauty, When Told that "Billie" Burke Is Her Successor. NEW YORK, April 27. It was in"her room in the Belvedere Hotel as her maid was putting the last finishing touches to her toilet that Anna Held was told that Florens Ziegfeld, Jr., her former husband, had. married. Miss Bil lie Burke. Did she faint? Bid. she clasp her hands over her heart and sigh so that the leaves of all the open books in the room and. the curtains at the windows went rustling and flutter ing? . Did she strike a tragic pose and No: she did none of these things. She let her long eyelids, with their longer lashes, droop low over her brown eyes and she withdrew those eyes into her head in true Anna Held way. She advanced one foot slightly and, with one hand on one hip and her neck arched as only Anna Held can arch Anna Held's neck, she said: "Ah! Is that so? Well, you know that Is a matter of perfect indifference to me. I had. my chance to have Mr. Ziegfeld for a husband and I had. him and now" She shrugged her shoulders and made a mouth. Miss Held is -playing at the Mary land this week under the management of Mr. Ziegfeld. Did she find any thing unusual about that? "Not at all," said she, with that long lingering over each word, whicn has been characteristic of her acting. "Mr. Ziegfeld is a very, very good manager. But as a husband" she shrugged her shoulders and withdrew her eyes into the back of her head again. "Oh," said she. making a face, "he can think of nothing but business, business, business! All the time he thinks of business. "When I leave the theater and go home, it is the theater, he talks of always the theater. He worries al ways about this and about that. Ugh!" She shivered. "One wants a husband, who can talk something be sides busines to his wife. "You see, I married' Mr. Ziegfeld when 1 was very young, and. for 15 years he kept me in captivity." She j extended her hands and laughed. "I knew nobody else, but since I have been around I have seen so many men whom I like better. We little French women are not accustomed to talking business, .business, business." "What you say doesn't promise a very happy time for Miss Billie Burke," was " remarked. There was no venom in the little Frenchwoman's manner. "Oh," she exclaimed, "now that does not follow. He has been around a great deal since. He may have learned better." 1 Then she added: "I don't know Miss Burke, but I understand that she is a very nice lit tle girl." Miss Held was dressed in a tightly fitting tier skirt of black silk, with a white figure on it. Her waist was cut low in the neck. She now began to snap one pearl necklace after another about her neck and, as she played with a pendant which hung at the end of the longest of these, she said: ' "I do not think I shall ever marry again, but if I do the man must be a very big man, rich, with something to do, bigger intellectually than I am. To be happy a woman must look up to her husband, don't you think?" A man needn't be very tall to make Anna Held "look up to him" in the literal sense of the word. Athough the complexion of the famous stage beauty is not as fresh as it once was and a few lines show in her face, she is still a remarkably good-looking woman. There's some thing in her manner even more at tractive than her looks. How did she preserve her beauty? she was asked. "I treat myself as if I were a plant," she said. "I never worry, never! If women made up their mind that life was too short for worry, they'd all stay young longer. And. I'm careful about eating or drinking. If I eat too much one day, I eat less the next." Billie Burke herself announced her marriage to Ziegfeld in New York. l ne ceremony was performed In Ho- boken and Ziegfeld went with his bride to her home at Hastings-on-the-Hudson. I am very happy," said Mrs. Flor- ens Ziegfeld, Jr., formerly Miss Billie Burke. She was spending the first day of her honeymoon at her home, Bnrke leigh Crest, at Hastings-on-the-Hud- son. 'I hadn't intended to marrv twv legreid or anyone else, so I told no no to tne newspapers. But cirenm stances induce a girl to change her v e will spend our time here and at my husband's apartments at the Ansonla until my season closes and ne produces his Follies of 1914, After that we will go to Europe." A. J. DREXEL, JR., FINED $5 Operating Car Without Driver's 14 cense Is Xe-ark Charge. NEWARK. N. J.. April 2S. Anthnnv J. Drexel, Jr., was fined $5 by Judge rwouey in me first criminal Court re centiy lor operating an automobile here without having a driver's license lor At the time of the arrest, on Satur aay last, tne young son-in-law of ueorge ijouid was on his way to Lake wooo. and was accompanied by his wne, nis orotner-in-law, George Gould. Jr., and another man whose name was not learned. Mrs. Laflln Says Amount Spent Must Be Determined by Size of Purse Rather Than by One's Taste -or His Ambitions. NEW YORK. April 28. A girl of 18. Miss Kate Schermerhorn. applied for an increase in her allowance from 110,000 to 115,000 a year. A society woman. Mrs. John P. Laflin, whom her friends call the most charming widow in New York, has leased a $50,000 suite, con taining 37 rooms, for the occupancy of herself and her debutante daughter. A man said he would be glad to get a job at anything for 850 a month. It is not for the world to decide whether or not 815,000 a year is enough or too much for a gently bred bride elect to live on. Or whether It is extravagant for two to maintain a household of luxury such as was unknown to monarchs of long ago. Or whether there is some good reason why the Jobless man cannot get work to support his family. The world wags as it wags, and, after all, so long as' the wealthy spend their gold in oodles, chunks and gobs, the poor man has a better chance to earn some of It. Standards of Youth High. Mrs. Laflin seemed best able to com ment on the situation, so she was asked if she thought rather wild spending was the tendency of the age. "I can answer yes to that," she said. "The cost of social life is enormous. Much of this expenditure, however, is perfectly legitimate and necessary. "'In the case of Miss Schermerhorn, I do not wish to say a word of criti cism. Wa have to decide our manner of living tor ourselves. But I do think young people nowadays have set up standards that would horrify their great-grandmothers. "In what I might call non-society circles, a man. wife and several chil dren could live well on 110,000 a year. But if an establishment must be main tained, with servants, one or more motor cars, suitable wardrobe and lib eral entertainments, 8 10,000 or- $15,000 a year would go nowhere. 4000 Cost of Clothes. "One cannot hire an automobile for less than $250 or $300 a month, and one cannot move in social circles with out the conveniences usual to persons in those circles. ."A girl's wardrobe, without extrava gance, can consume $3000 or $4000, while much must be added for wed ding presents, theater and opera tickets, flowers, souvenirs and incidentals that have to be paid for during the year. "It Is not the necessary things of life mac trouDie us. It is the luxuries im posed on us by custom. Our course we do not have to follow custom. The error is in following it when you can not afford to do so." One understands here, bv lnf.r.ni. that there Is no good reason why those so inclined should not spend their wealth in social luxuries when they can anora it. Women More Efficient. Mrs. Laflin certainlv sets an Mumni. of application, industry and helpful ness. She attends to every detail of her bookkeeping and disbursements. A considerable portion of her Inrnm. in based on her personal study of finance and investment. She uDenrtn.i Vicr- household and invents her entertain ments. . She devotes much time to work among the unemployed, the sick and tne unnappy. vv nen asked the inevitable auarHaii about suffrage, she denied th lm. peaenment that she believed in the bal- iol ior women. ne declares she is a ieminist, not a suffragist j. am tor women every time. I love women; I believe in women; I employ women whenever I possibly can. There is scarcely any line of work in which both sexes are employed that women are not more efficient than men. Only Women Employed. x nave a woman cook, n woman v.i.- ler, women cleaners, houseworkers and secretary. would have a woman cnauneur n i oia not dislike to exDose a woman to the rain, the cold and the solitary waiting. , I hope to give employment to five or six servants In my new home the nome mat is causing so much excite ment, laugnea airs. Lafiin. in aouinern Alabama voice. vvnen we tear out partitions t -. will not be more than 25 or 27 rnnm. They will be large and comfortable and adapted for entertaining. Most apart- ucuia tLin cut up into foolish cubbyholes. T do not like to be called extrava. gant, she added. "No rule for living can be made to cover all allien w must settle those questions personally .i-vuiuuiB lu our own consciences, this Spring, according to Eugene Smith, secretary of the Merchants' Exchange. From Missouri. Kansas and Oklahoma come reports that the Winter wheat has Wintered well, and that soil conditions are favorable for the planting and quick, germination of corn and other grain. 'There were no bad freezes last Win ter." Smith said. "When a Winter rain is followed by a hard freeze, the wheat is hurt Last Winter the freezes fol lowed snows, which kept the embryo wheat stalks tucked warmly in their beds. "It is very rarely that the crop and soil conditions are as promising in the second half of April as this year. Throughout the Southwest, in fact, all aver the country. Winter wheat prom ises well. The outlook is that Missouri will harvest between 40,000,000 and 45.000.000 bushels." With a heavy crop of wheat and corn, many St. Louisans, otherwise idle, will be kept busy between the Fourth of July and Christmas. The commis sion men, the elevator companies and the railroads need extra help to move the crops. The commission men make a small profit on the stream of wheat -as it passes them. The elevator owners profit by the use of their tall granaries. The St. Louis banks lend money on the grain stored in the elevators and col lect interest. And the St. Louis whole sale and retail houses are patronized by the planters who reap the real har vest when they sell the wheat and corn they have nursed along. CHILD GLEANS PRECINCT LILLY COHEN, OF NEW YORK, AGE 11, IS TERROR. OP UBITIDY. CHICAGO, April 28. War with Mex ico might have its compensations for the overworked college student. A group of University' of Chicago A nolsless bowlinr allv Ik a -KVni novUy. one having been invented in Paris iub n geea mtroaucea Into the Cau casus. DOG r IS DYING OF GRIEF Jack, Valued at $2000, Refuses to Eat When Old Comrade Deserts. ni-EiW YORK. April 28 Tank . $2000 sheep dog given to Central Park by the late J. P. Morgan, is dying of griet Because ne has lost "his old mas ter. Shepherd James Conway. Conway retired March 1, after hav ing been in the park service for RS years. Jack had been his comrade for 14 years. The dog mourned for dava and since he found that his master was not coming oacK ne has refused to eat. TANGO LURES OLD COUPLE Man, 75, Wife, 73, Dance at Golden Wedding- Anniversary. NEW YORK, April 28. Simon Stein. er and .his wife. Katherine, danced the tango at their golden wedding recent ly. Simon is 75 years old and his wife is ,3. They live at 455 East 140th st, ine Bronx. They were married in tsonemia 50 years ago and have been in tnis country 3d years. -niiaren, grandchildren and guests to tne numner ot 300 attended the an niversary, which was celebrated In canton iiaii, at 108 West 127rh st. WHEAT YIELD GIGANTIC Southern Crop Prospects Best Many Year's, Say Merchants. in ST. LOUIS, April 28. Oldest inhab itants must cudgel their brains to re call crop prospects as bright as exist By Accident Backing of Captain Swee ney is rmcmed In Flsrht Against Defaclnsr Walla. NEW YORK, April 28. Up in the Fifteenth Precinct they don't say. "Tell it to Sweeney!" because they know that Lilly Cohen, 11 years old. of 28 Avenue A, will do it, anyway, if they don't clean bouse. Sweeney is captain of the Fifth-street police sta tion, and Lilly is the Idol ot the Fif teenth. 'About three weeks ago Captain Sweeney was walking toward, the sta tion, when a little girl came along from public school 25, which is right across the street from the station. She was fleeing from ribald remarks that ounded a lot like "Mind your busi ness!" and were punctuated with fre quent references to the kind of family Lilly belonged to and her own meddle some ways. The captain inquired what it was all about, and the little girl told him that she had been objecting to the defacing of the walls of the school with chalk. At home I m accustomed to having things clean and nice," she added, "and i think little folks ought to be brought up to be neat and clean, and not dirty euouc property. 1 told the other schol ars so and they laughed at me and only made more marks on the school. Then, wnen I told them they ought to be ashamed to deface school buildings they torn me to mlna my own business, and some of the toughest ones swore at me and called me horrid names." Excuse me a minute, miss." said the captain, as he gallantly raised his hat. He crossed the street, said a few things that caused the youngsters there to disperse without answering back, and returnea to tne astonished Lilly. "I'm Captain Sweeney and my office is right here at the sign of the two cran lamps " 'Oh, you're a policeman!" "Yes, and I'm in hearty svmnathv with the ideas you urge. I'll baric vn. to the limit in this precinct." So that Is why Lilly Cohen Is the terror of the untidy of the Fifteenth. wnen tne janitors see her coming thev put out the brand-new garbage and ash cans, which she made them pur chase, and the children cnnotni ih.i. chalk. As soon as she gets th vtf. teentb all clean she is going to hmnr-h out into other sections of the city. TRANSFER DENIAL COSTLY St. IxnJs Passenger Awarded $2050 Against Streetcar Company. ST. LOUIS. Mo. Aoril 29 Rn.. United Railways Company conductor refused to give Michael T. Cnrran iisa Juniata street, the kind of transfer he wanted a Jury in Circuit Judge Grimm's court returned a verdict for $2050 in favor of Curran. The $50 was actual damages sustained by Curran in being put off the car and the remainder was ior punitive damages. -urran, traffic manager for the TMn- gen Stove Company, boarded a Fourth street car at Eleventh and Chouteau avenue last December 17. He asked for a transfer west on the Tower r.m line. The Tower Grove line, both east and westbound. Intersects the Fourth- street tracKs at the place where Cur ran boarded the. car. They again In tersect at Grand avenue and Arsenal street. The conductor declined to lun. th. transfer and ejected Curran from the car. The conductor, according to Cur ran. stated he was acting under orders. Curran testified he frequently had ob tained such a transfer as he asked for. riis oDject tor wishing to transfer to the Tower Grove at Grand avenue and Arsenal street Instead of Eleventh and Chouteau avenue. Curran said, was that the Tower Grove was so crowded dur ing the rush hours that he could seldom get apoara a car at Eleventh and Chouteau. w Double Trading Stamps Today Bring the Coupon. Many Good "Buys" Besides All Uver the Store 20Extra-20 Bring this coupon and Ret 20 extra S. At H. T r a d 1 n K Stamps with your first cash purchase) of one dollar or more and double stamba on balance of purchase on our first three floor?. Good only on Satur. dy. May . DRUGS AND PATENTS 10o Eose Water 6 10c Moth Balls 5 10c Bird Seed 7 50c Formaldelivde at 38 15c Washing Am monia J 15c Lime Water O 10c Chl'ide Lime 8t 25c Sal Hepatiea at 17 50c Bromo Seltzer at 29 $1.00 Paine 's Celery Compound . -71 $1 Plant Juice 79 $1 Swamp R't 71 PERFUMES $1.50 Oriental Cream 98 $1.00 Lily of the Valley 69 50c Pebeco 28 50c Hind's Honey Almond Cream.... 33 SOAPS 10c Olive Castile Soap 5; 6 for 25 25c Pears' Glycerine .' 15 $1.00 Contii Castile 65 Are l : "AXSCO" Films are perfect, and if you let us do your developing and printing we'll guarantee satisfaction. NEW Burroughs - Wellcome Exposure Record for 1914, postpaid 50i This Is the Time to Spray SPRAYERS 35S 50S 90 WHALE OIL SOAP 15 APHICIDE, pint 25; quart 50 TRAVELING- BAGS Rjrular $S.50 genuine Cowhide Traveling Bags, 16, 17 and 18 inches long, extra largo cut, leather lined, reinforced corners, three piece sido stitched while thev last, $6.47 THERMOS BOTTLES AND LUNCH SETS, SS.OO to 3.50 We are closing out a very attractive line of hand-colored Photogravures, each handsome ly framed, vals. to $3.50, at,special price SI Shown in our West Park windows. r Bring U Your Prescriptions Six registered pharmacists give to this important branch of our business their whole time and close attention. A motor cycle will call for and deliver purchases. Today We place on sale a line of HOT-WATER BOTTLES and FOUNTAIN SYRINGES ' 2 or 3-quart Your choice at 62 Values rangR from $1.50 : to $2.75. urn Woodard, Wood-Lark Building Clarke Sc Co. Alder Street at West Park JURY SEES MOVIE SHOW AMISEMKNT GIVEN HEX BEF-OfUS LOCKED XV FOR NIGHT. Jurors, Under Guard, Korjtrt About Road Graft Cue Being; Tried and See Hone Tblevea and Indlaaa Shot. RIVERHEA-D. L. I.. April 28. (Spe cial.) Mercy of the unstrained variety dropped like the gentle rain, more gen tly in f act. from the lips of Justice Isaac Kapper the other night. Instead of having the Jurymen now sitting in the road graft cases sent to a hotel and locked up for the night ho permitted them to go to the movies and enjoy themselves for the first time since wit nesses began to testify about specifi cations, sand, gravel, cobblestones, top dressing and all the other things that make country roads uninteresting. The Jurymen, under guard of four Deputy Sheriffs, had been locked up for two nights. Every one f them is a movie fan. and this being the night when Rlverhead gets its films they must go to the show. Therefore the last witness for the prosecution having been heard and court adjourned they united In a request to be taken to the theater. 'I'm afraid, gentlemen." said Justice Kapper, "you'll need a boat to get very far." but he granted the request. The Jurors attended under guard, rain or no rain .and stayed until all the horse thieves were hanged, the Indians shot and the white-haired boy f the plains was restored to the arms of the school teacher with whom he was In love. EDISON, IDLE, GETS FAT "Vacation Is Izjr Thing, Keeping a FeHow Down," He Says. WEST ORANGE, N. J., April 28. Thomas A. Edison. Mrs. Edison, Miss Madeline Edison and Theodore and Charles Edison have returned to their home in Llewellyn Park, after six weeks at the Inventor's Winter home In Fort Meyer. Fla. Mr. Edison, was several pounds heav ier than when he left, and he remarked to a friend at the Market-street sta tion of the Pennsylvania Railroad In Newark: 'A vacation is a lazy thing, and keeps a fellow down so much that he has to put on weight whether he wants to or not." While Mr. Edison visited the Ever glades with Henry Ford, the automo bile manufacturer, and John Bur roughs, the naturalist, it was difficult to keep him from staying constantly in h laboratory. xheodore Edison, 14 years old, want ed to go deep Into the Everglades with Mr. Burroughs, The naturalist declined COURT ORDER IS RESENTED Woman Beating Bugs Ordered to "Beat It" by Judge. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. ADril 29. rSnprial When the Spring term of Circuit Court and Spring house-cleaning in the courtyard or a private home clash, should a bailiff step in Just because the judge tells him to and stoD the hnnnn. cleaning? tieorge Jf roc tor did Just that in Edwardsville recently and started a miniature war. Mrs. H. D. Harless. 119 Johnson street. Is going to find out whether she may beat her carpets in her own yard. Of course she stopped when the court order came, but she says the iude-e will have to convince her to keep her inactive long. The clash came when court was con' vened In a room provided bv the rrom mercial Club in the residence district. xne oinciai courtroom is out of re pair. In the opening case an attorney start ed an eloquent appeal for his client. Just outside the window there was a noise as of a giant base drum. The Judge could not hear and the Jury could not hear the lawyer. A glance from ne winuow snowea Airs. Harless at work. Court took a recess while the bailiff iota Mrs. .rlaness to "beat if instead or Dealing tne carpet. I run i Fatal to Man, 100. MELBOURNE, April 29. (Special.) Lieorge sara, who attained hi lonth year on November SO last, died at Wil dunga. South Australia, recently. He was In good health and was having his breakfast, when he choked in eating a pxuui luu paraiyeia ensuea. ecm. rouiiTii vii,n sts. PHoivns PAeiFie AATtSHAIk I HOAVti v 6201 Veal and Lamb Both of Superior Quality, on Sale This Saturday At Specially Reduced Prices LAMB Legs of Lamb, lb . . 18 Racks of Lamb, lb. 18 Loins of Lamb, lb. . 18 Shldrs. Lamb, lb.l2i, Breast of Lamb, lb . . 8 VEAL Legs of Veal, lb.... 20 Racks of Veal, lb. .18t Loins of Veal, lb. ..20 Shldrs. of Veal, lb..l5 Breast of Veal, lb.. 15 Special Prices Are for This Day Only. Cash or Credit Accounts. Buy at Portland's Greatest Depot for the Sale of Edibles. to accede, and the boy was preparing to go alone, when his father rounded him up and sent him baclt to Fort Meyer. WIDOWER DONS 1854 TILE Promise Made on Wedding Day to Keep Anniversary Is Fulfilled. JAMESBURG, N. J.. April 28 Ful filling a promise made to his wife at the time of their marriage 59 years ago, Matthew Eler, who has been a wid ower for 16 years, recently wore a silk hat which he bought in 1854, before he was married. He said he promised his wife to wear the tilt on every an niversary of the wedding. Eler bought tire- siHc hat in" New Brunswick from John S. Stewart, who died two months ago at the age of 84. It is in splendid condition, and has been worn only one day a year since the wedding day. Eler is one of the oldest men draw ing a pension from the Pennsylvania Railroad. He is in his SOth year, and as spry as many a man 20 years young er. For many years he was employed at the upper station here as baggage master, and for more than 40 years he lived with his family In the sta tion. He lives with a daughter, Mrs. Otto Isele. Tripoli now has a population of 57.000. Government of British Columbia ILsiiHid. There will be offered at public auction in the cities of Vancouver, Victoria and Prince George, British Columbia, the government holdings in the town sites of Prince George, Port George and South Port George, comprising in all 2350 lots. Dates of sale: MAY 19, 20, 21, VANCOUVER MAY 26 AND 27, VICTORIA JUNE 9, 10, 11, PRINCE GEORGE For- full particulars, descriptive literature and maps, apply to AlTFOStlT'Oini U ElHs Selling Agents for Government of British Columbia HEAD OFPICE: 803-4-5 BIRKS BUILDING VANCOUVER, B. C.