Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 01, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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; Conservative Gain Shown in
f Banfc,Cearfngsr Postal and
I Stockyard ReceFpts.
V ; rttsy - tf i rears f ry -t7 r i
sfisEt &Ph' Since ikef - L 41 Jbt LjlQ
Yr'' Wm 1 Vtff Days of I , J
BnXrdlns Permits Below Ist rear,
J: XVhfn Three Brg- Structures Were
J Startecf, but Kesldenoe Con
stractlon Keportett Big-.
Reviewed statistically, the record -of
the month f April. 191. tn Portland,
considerably oTershadows the month of
April. 1913. The banlc clearings, postal
receipts, export Bhjpments and the
Htoclcyanl Teceipts favor tMs year In
the comparison, while the building- port
raits and real estate transfers show a
Considered in the whole, the records
re gratifylni? and show that the prog
ress of Portland is positive and con
sistent. V
The hank elearinys show a. g-alrf of
J2.603.717.49. or about 5 per cent. The
total of 57,520.527.33 for April. 1914,
is one of the larg-est for that month in
the history of tho Portland Clearins
House. It is also the record showing
for the present year thus far. Last
year the clearings were J54.91S.S09. 84.
A grain of a per cent is also made this
year in tho aggregate postal receipts,
when stamps to the value of tl0i.SSS.67
were sold, as cpmpared with 100.519.34
lor the same month, last year.
import! SBiow Material Gain.
According to the records at the Custom-House
between four and five times
as many exports left the Portland har
bor this year, as compared with last
year. During April, 1913, only 2075 bar
rels of flour and no grain were sent
from Portland to the foreign ports,
whereas this year -13,086 bushel of
wheat. 23.611 barrels of flour and 1S9,
053 bushels of barley left port during
the month.
Figures for 1914 and 1913 compare as
April, 1914, Exports.
Wheat. ST13.0S6 bushels $100,919
Vlour. barrels ............... 11.505
Barley. 1K,0.3 bushels 114,401
Lumber. 12.rtS5.77 feet 204.809
Miscellaneous freight .............. -0,315
Total value $632,048
April, 1013, Export n.
Flour. 2073 barrels $ 8.000
Lumber, 7,13ti,00O feet 93.9U2
Miscellaneous freight .............. 23.396
Total value $123,293
Stocks of wheat in the Northwest are
nearly exhausted, and this is responsi
ble for the lighter movement to this
port in the past month. Arrivals at
Portland in April amounted to 490,100
bushels, as compared with 646,100 bush
els received in the same month- last
year. The movement of barley and
oats was practically the same as in
April, 1913. but there was a decline in
flour and hay receipts. The total num
ber of carloads of wheat, oats, barley,
J"lour and hay received last- month was
1056, or 128 less than came in during
April last year.
The customary gain was shown In
receipts at the Portland Union Stock
yards last month. Total arrivals for
the month were 40,653 head, which
compares with 36,336 head received in
April last year. There were fewer
rattle at the yards than a year ago,
but the run of both hogs and sheep
showed good increases. The April
movement in this and last year com
pare as follows:
April. April,
1914. 1913.
ratlin 7,332 8,24
Calves ....................... 14:1 454
Hoss 16.51S 33.310
Kheep ,16,tiu 14,tto0
Cars 011 520
Stock Prices Steady.
The undertone of the market Is
steady and prices at the close of April
were practically the same as at the
opening of the month.
Building permits during the past
month totaled $803,975 as against $3,
SS7.885 for April of last year, which
was the second largest result for any
month in history. Last . year it hap
pened that permits were issued almost
simultaneously for the Northwestern
Hank building, the Pacific Telephone
Telegraph building and for part of
tho work on the Pittock block. These
three permits alone totaled $1,500,000.
Residence construction is at least as
active this year as it was last.
Real estate transfers totaling $677,
M2 in considerations were filed during
April, 1914, as compared with about
$1,500,000 during the same month last
IMea of Fred Tj. AVidell Is Denied by
Court After. Hearing-.
Children said to have been kidnaped
first from their mother and then by
her. may remain with her. Circuit
Judge McGinn announced yesterday,
when he denied the motion of Fred L.
AVidell, a Portland realty man, that he
receive custody of his two little daugh
ters. Charlotte and Louise, now held
by Mrs. Margaret Widell. The children
i were recovered by their mother last
f Friday frtm the home of C C. Carlson,
i Ka,st Ninety-second and Tillamook
streets, where they had been left by
I their father after he returned them
i from Chicago.
Suit for divorce has been filed by
AVidell, charging statutory grounds. Mr
AVidell will be allowed to visit or have
the children with him three hours each
Sunday afternoon. Judge McGinn ruled.
i Patrons of .Jonesmore School Itc
l: quest Chang in Name.
: At the nest meeting of the School
recommend that the name of the Jones
more School be changed to Glen
a. tw. ouneaiiiyra js a SUDdlViSlOn
a larirer tmrt nt1p-lrall v .
-en vu
talenhaven u n H thA hti..Q i
reuomemnded at the instance of patron
ma aisinci.
Followine thA w
Tuesday night, the members' of
umaiuiHn cumuiiciee remained
after mldnle-bt n H i i. .j
- - ............ l,1D 1 1 1 1 tt 1 1 1.
of the district in order to- determi
What fUndS Will hA av-jllokl. .
u.umau,V3 IU Cpfl
during the coming months on ne
I nances
I Municipal Department Shows Great
! Gain Over April, 1913.
: Receipts of the Municipal Court for
the past month were nearly 100 per
cent greater than in April 1813. ac-
They told the Blue Ribbon story to millions
daily during the last year.
iThey didn't have to make blue Ribbon known.
It has been a popular, favorite for years. But
these advertisements did have to live up to the
Blue Ribbon reputation. How different.
We could not do" justice to a celebrated brewing
standard by an ordinary line of talk, by bragging"
or by startling revelations of brewing secrets be
cause there are none.
When reading any beer advertisement, a bottle
of Blue Ribbon on the side will enlighten
you considerably without words or pictures or
exclamation marks.
A refined, cultured weman, after a sip of Blue
Ribbon, had exclaimed in our hearing, "And
I thought I didn't like beer." We knew the
real hearty "Friend for Forty Years," in fact,
several of him. We knew a lot of good, sane,
substantial people who said good things about
Blue Ribbon.
When we put them into this advertising free
of wordy claims and scientific excelsior wc
found thousands the country over who dupli
cated these pleasant experiences with the beer
that always comes in crystal-clear bottles to
show its amber purity.
The advertisements told the simple truth.
The first became famous in a day. All made
thousands read between the lines the half-century-long
story ofPabst perfection which
sparkles up at you from every wholesome glass
of Blue Ribbon.
oflimcg' MnIfeIh).(Mii
ike Beer of Quality
F. Zimmerman & vCo.
Phones Main and A 1021
91 and 93 Front St. PORTLAND, ORE.
Cofirrirkt 19J4. Pabst Bmpbtg Ca.
"""i ill... i
cording to figures compiled by Muni
cipal Court Clerk Beutgen yesterday.
The total receipts Tor the month
were $4277. against $2211 for last
year's April. Of this amount this year
the fines amounted to $3912, forfeitures
of bail $284 and costs to $81.
Chief contributors to the fund were
Ah Chung, and 29 others, who paid in
ail $600; Jo Bicen. druggist, convicted
of selling poison without a label. $500;
Edna Bradley, for running a disorderly
house, $250: Mike Christ and G. Geor-g-okles.
$100 each for selling liquor
without a license, and Charles Amos,
$100 for disorderly conduct.
lltanlc ulaow Donates Memorial. I There are two waKe-earning women to
A. - a-i.t v.. v.,.v. w '"very five wago-earnlng men la Great Brit-
- pi .Mwmjn. ouo am.
F- M. AVarren has donated the sum of
$5000 to the First Congregational Church
of thia city. The late V. M. Warren,
who was one of the leading- salmon
packers' of the Coast, lost hta life in the
Titanic disaster two years ago.
Installment Plan Adopted for Man
Convicted In Municipal Court.
Paying of Municipal Court fines by
tha Installment plait was started yes
terday by Deputy City Attorney Fred
Staoter, in the case of J. P. Smith,
who vras charged with disorderly con
duct on a streetcar. The man was al
lowed to sTO from the court on his
promise to pay bis $10 fine in in
stallments. Bmlth, who supports his ased mother.
Uvea at Hi ilerflsoa street. pro
fessed that he could not pay all the
fine at once. Tne only alternative
was to send him to jail to serve the
$10 fine at the rate of $2 a day. Dep
uty City Attorney Stadter proposed
the Installment plan
Such a course will he carried odt
in all cases, he says. If it proves