Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 01, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Phosphorus and Sulphur Used
at Raymond Lumber Plant.
Attempt to Destroy Property of Case
Shingle & Lumber Company
t lol lowing Labor Trouble
j' Laid to Sympathizer.
day that "IoJ-al American," who in a
communication to The Oregon Ian. said
that there were no' American f lags dis
played in Salem, is mistaken. A flag
has floated over the Supreme Court
building since it was opened a few
months ago, and until the poles were
blown down some time ago, there were
two large flags on the Statehouse. The
Secretary of State is the custodian of
the bulldingand he decided not to un
furl the flags over it again until the
work of remodeling the structure was
completed. This work is near comple
tion and the flags soon will blow over
the building as heretofore.
There has always been a flag on th
Postofflce, and on numerous business
buildings is to be found the emblem of
the Nation.
Mr. Olcott said he was inclined to
think "Loyal American" was not a close
observer, and that if he had saluted
on his recent trip to Salem all the flags
m sight he would have been kept busy
for some time.
Sunday School Workers Gath
er at La Grande.
John ir. Alexander, Head of Inter
national " 'Teen"' Department
"Work, in Attendance l'"rom
Chicago, Hakes Address.
RAYMOND, Wash.. April 30. (Spe
cial..) An unsuccessful attempt was
made early this morning to burn Bhin
grle mill No. 2, one of four mills belong
ing to the Case Shingle & Lumber Com
pany, when the contents of a pint bot
tle containing a mixture of phosphorus I Illegal Fishing in Columbl
and sulphur was poured over a pile or
ten bundles of shingles just inside the
entrance to the mill. The shingles ig
nited and were partially burned be
fore the arrival of the mill crew, but
fortunately the fire burned out without
Llttlef One Violator Escape,
bnt Catcb I Taken.
LA GRANDE, Or., April 30. (Spe
cial.) The Twin State Sunday School
Convention opened here Wednesday
afternoon John Girdler, city superin
tendent of schools, welcomed the dele-
Declared I Sates on behalf of the city, and Rev.
r.. . ryKe, on Denait or the cnurcn.
A. L. James, state vice-president, of
Baker, responded. Dr. H. L. Boardman.
of Walla Walla, made the first prin
cipal address.
At the Methodist Church convention
ASTORIA. Or.. Anril 30. iRneoial
igniting the inflammable matter about k. -,-. ( -ulthere was a registration of over 200
the mill, although the stairway lead- r.,imv, , ,, . , J! from outside La Grande. A. L. James
lng to the sawing room was badly 7 viicu -i I presided until the arrival of State
scorched. When the bundles were continue unm August i President V. W. Emerson. Dr. J. V.
broken open and the air reached the I 25. The amount of gear that will go Milligan, Presbyterian superintendent
liquid the fire broke out afresh. I into the water at the beginning of the for Oregon; Dr. Sprlngston. Baptist
The use Of phosphorus and sulphur ann will l mi-h In t , I state superintendent: John M Alnan.
by firebugs is evidently the latest and f - t , .aneclallv true der international superintendent of
most sclent tie method of operation, ' JnV'Sf.,? th "Teens Department," who came
uu una mai, wiien auccessiuj, leaves . - - - " here from A Ihnnv Thursday TWr-a W O
no trace of the origin behind. The en- freshet and the comparatively clear I --, s.k,. , w.h
" - 1 "at-i . iieiiuii. iiiuso classes oi i ington, and Secretary Williams, of
way which, however, is used generally gear to operate much earlier than British Columbia, were the principal
-'r " ." " ' unnai. speakers this morning.
mill and it was an easy matter for the That but little illegal fishine- Is In Albert Menthorne. a Umatilla. Indian
iireDug : to btep insiae tne aoor ana progress in the Columbia River is with Allen Pattawa and Miss Barnhart,
pour the contents of the bottle upon shown hr the tt that mi. k-.i, I - v, -,,. ,i v
the shingles and get away without de- states have deputies patrolling con- thorne made a speech and sang with
ri.J nt...i. i t- . j stanuy not an arrest Has been report- the other Indians. He bunted deer
City Marshal Wheaton made a care-1 nAn,iv t - L I . . ,
J"T""V?. .the Pn lng iuV.dVht"wTth adi" earned davs of Grande Ronle Vallev.
U,rV " r .i'" of Wallace - principal address was by
flVh lh. rarV -r from V, I . "V""" " l-UUH .CJia.IllCl , Oi in
........ . " - ' 1 .v kK if ann eiirnr fin mnn till thn man I nwtmtr,t '
bottle and air reached the liquid on awn ,,, t- , ,.. I , , '
the cork it flamed up immediately. It T.i, " ",T "-- Jr"" . .f "
Is thought that the would-be incendiary " "V " r.t Z.tZ .Z."" waB lne ""l"wr? reports at simui-
mi do apprenenaea, as every errort la I nations are thorn m ni mon ..i.... 1 13 r5v.i.j
Churches. Missions, temnerance. e-ood
citizenship, home visitation, county of
"Teens De
will be apprehended, as every
being made to learn his identity
Mill No. 2 Is the plant where the re-
rriU Ifthnr trnllhlpii Vintwoon thA ehlnHa
weavers and the employers broke out nnni CfT CIIDWCVf ncempn fLCerS anil.worer4 w-ero the principal
n1 it I.- hdievpri that nmo ihnr I rKUJ tl I C U K V h T S LI h S I K F 11 themes. Mrs. E. C. Knapp, Charles A.
pathlaor is responsible for the attempt uauu. gem uecretary ior
to Burn tne mill. Fmrinivp TIW UniiM T cn B". ur . ncrunsm, roruano.
D iRecretarv or tne v M i a.r Hv. I
000 Acres of Valdma Lands. w. Williamson, Vancouver. B. C; Dr.
j. u. bpringston, r or nana; Mrs. Stephen
A. Lowell, Pendleton, and Mrs. S. W.
Contests In
NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. April 30. I rx.. .Mt ' 'l
. . uAni1 2. ...... . i i .i i -
ivauowa county Are "l icriB-uon land, were the nrinclnal sneakers.
...ul ,,1Ia iaul4nern- Thursday night a '"Teen Age" ban
nun, wnicn wouia togetner contain up- I ,,,t win ,, h.M , i, i.n..ju.1
wAiua vi. ow.vvv acre, are proposea Py IChurch I.
-ngineer noil oi tne Indian service,
Rnled on Favorably.
ENTERPRISE Or.. April 30. (Spe- v.. rVl- . , ' T1,e convention closes Friday night
al.) That the old days of easy-Boinr T" "1?Le " with a general sessio n and song serv-
homesteading have passed, is proved by Tn h. oi i engineers lce led by Jeaso m. Jones, convention
the recent action of the General Land
Office in cancelling 10 Wallowa Coun
ty claims against which contests had
been filed. All the land in question
lies east of Knterprise. Seven of the
ItZlVh been .!ae.n "p ,b.Z waters of Satu
the Davin - Michcllod Sheep & Land
All the original hearings were set
by the Receiver of the Land Office at
La Grande before County Clerk Bilyeu.
The testimony of the defendants and
their witnesses was similar through
out. They united in saying the entry- Sudden Death of Raymond Man Doe
W. Williamson presiding,
intion closes Friday night
' i i i m pciiiion is 1 1 i . ' i , .
, .,.,, , ... . i iL.nn.i . uo muu uina wuirences
? r t"1', "' surveys can wm be neld May 2 and 3. under the
. ,.iw ,u,..u,,i leadership of Mrs. Ormsby and Mrs.
These projects would include two I v r- n- , ,i j Ti
flam n ln,nn,,nl W ... 1 .. .. . . I " " '"',,l" """ " "" """"
oF several creeksr One wouli storS thl Alexander for the boys.
Logy and Dry creeks
and their tributaries and the other the
waters of Simcoe Creek north of Fort
Mayor Matlock's Son Hears of Mono.
ment ISrected to Memory.
to Opium in Stomach.
PENDLETON. Or., April 30. (Spe
cial.) Westley Matlock, son of Mayor
w. luatiock. or this city, has lust re
cently learned that a monument has
been erected to his memory and on a
aud had plowed a little land on each
claim, and had visited the land "two
w tnree times a monui. witnesses TjATTViriMri ,- in-.-i in o i " j -
for the contestants alleged no one went Li. T 1 T. .--.", v . spot in far-away Alaska where he was
near the land for months at a time, and .IZ i" ci "PPosed to have been burled.
there never was any real residence The story reached Mr. Matlock
.. . i I j t.,L, uuuei in i.ui mi uircum82ncas. MK....h A T Hill ii i .
UHIII lB Will. - Vorifi.H no nnlnln. K k,-l., - .v.lla.u
" . j 1 vj.i.iiia, eling agent, who some time ago made
I a.K O V TlT(.kJH!iH v AG t OT-n -1 . . that .k. l.l .
l j -j, V - ,. a trip through Alaska. Passing
ku,u"",:" ouic.ue taKing opium. grave in the frozen North. Mr. Miller
"vermeyer conouctea was informed by an Eskimo that
the autopsy and found what thev con. n. ,,.,,,. t :.
Toutli Accused of Attemnt tn Vnrc aldered unmistakable evidence of the thai- v..n Motii, i e.u
presence of the poison in the victim's I tn , u..,,.
... suuu. . nni uo niiijipm . Miller took it for u-rantort that i
I tnmn nur n Chall I ' 1 . . Tl T .-. li i- I -
SPOKANE, April 30. George Bart- n!f.-0me:inS.tJ'"ciion,? haTAnS ?een r- cairn. Mr. Miller passed half a da
let. 20, is in jail here awaitine: ar- T A . """umen . ,M erecting a crude monument over th
raignment in the Federal Court on . n.1:' " . - ' . ' "!! "
charge of misuse of the mails in an- wVn-to do hrhl- h.,nJ . "
attemnt to ohtain -toon tmm ,,t well-to-do, one brother be,Ing a prac-
Paulsen. millionaire. The youth wn I "C1DS P"y"" ia CAPITOL GROUP PI ANWFn
o?e nich he believed contalned $1000 nDrnnM niTV rr-Tp ni hit w,.innnn t c,n uuiii. i.ui, n
i.iuiiluuii vl I I ULIO fLHIi l "
cf Mr. Paulsen's money from a messen
ger boy who had called at Mr. Paul-
en s home at the vouth's reauest.
Detectives followed, the messenger
and saw him give the package to the
man. Bartlet is said to have con
fessed to a postoffice inspector that
be threatened Mr. Paulsen by means
et letters to obtain 551000 with which
to buy a homestead in Canada.
Eugene Men Announce They "Will
Build Cannery in Fall.
$51250,000 for Buildings.
PORT NEEDS $300,000
New Bond Issue at Coos Bay to Com
plete Channel' ls Petitioned.
MARSH FIELD, Or.. April 30. (Spe-
cial.) The Port of Coos Bay put in
circulation today petitions calling for
a second port bond issue of $300,000,
wnicn are being signed freely.
OLTMPIA, Wash.. April 30. (Spe
cial.) In planning future buildings
" l I J 1." I ' .-. V ..,... . . I 1 -l 1 111- glUUlV, BJOLCUl LQ ,11 till, 1
r t,;, ' ' . vpeciai. forts wlu De made to keep well inside
. " vjii 11 ii'ivi uwii ocieLil-M l.l... r OKn flftn ,k .1. 1 . i . ; . ,1
V. !. " .... ..... l . i.i.i, 1 1. ill. . .1111.1.1 mil,
iu tu,.ci,, uu mt ran- the lands of the state capitol gran
. . "'"-" will bring on a fair market.
-...r , .Jr . " "l 5; "t Any amount that may be left, when
ws, i capitol fund indebtedness is settled
Commercial Club from W. N. Turner
and E. N. Booth, of Eugene.
These men were in Oregon City last
week seeking a site for a cannery.
Alter visiting i
the Willamette
Oregon City.
and buildings constructed. it was
stated, might be invested and the
terest used for capitol maintenance.
Although It was declared there wa
a -.,,k- "eV- no immediate prospect of continuing
,?'er,h tOW, further with the Temple of Justice, o
alley, they selected the construction of other buildings i
the new group plan.
without further
New Light
You wear them as you would eye
glasses or spectacles
$1.00 Shadeons, now..50
50c Shadeons, now. -25d
"SHADEONS" for automobilists,
stenographers, office men and
Optical Institute
209-10-11 Corbett Bldg.,
Fifth and x Morrison
legislation, the capitol commission
yesterday approved the purchase of
43,iuu worth of additional lands for
the capitol site, and negotiations were
said 4o be under way for other lots to
be added to the site.
"Readjustment" Eicum Denounced
Voter. Would IVot Have Atded
Party If Rennlt Kaevrn.
iscAiii,, wasn., April 30. Con
troller William A. Prendergast, of New
York, addressing a Republican meeting
tonight, said:
"Secretary of Commerce Iledfleld uses
the word "readjustment' to describe th
present widespread conditions of un
employment and the Nation-wide stag
nation in. business. Is it not pertinent
to ask Mr. Red neld whether President
Wilson or any of his followers Informed
the people during the Presidential cam
paig-n that the freedom from monop
oly, the increase of prosperity and the
reduction in the cost of living which
they were promising were only to be
accomplished after a period of "read
justment?' How many voters would
have supported the Democratic ticket
In 1912 If they had known that mills
would be closed, that everywhere men
would be cast out of work, that priva
tion would reach into every part of the
land, that capital would seek safety in
Inactivity, before any of the golden
predictions of President Wilson and his
supporters had been realized?"
ilscuK51ng the proposal to pay
Colombia $25,000,000 for her Panama
rights. Mr. Prendergast said:
"Colombia forfeited every claim to
any indemnities from this Nation by
her wanton treatment of us in 1903. She
has no valid claim now."
Astoria Gets Well-Known Secretary
From Lewiston Organization.
LEWISTON, Idaho, April 30. (Spe
cial.) The board of directors of the
Ijewiston Commercial Club have ac
cepted the resignation of Wallace R.
Struble as secretary of the club, and
directed that a letter be sent to Mr.
Struble expressing appreciation of his
work and wishing him success in hi
new field at Astoria.
Mr. Struble has been in Portland for
some time directing th work of th
Canrlsht Hart Schaflner & Mars
You've no idea of the value or the extreme satis
faction men find in
Hart S chaff ner & Marx
clothes unless you have actually worn them.
There's satisfaction of knowing you're dressed in the latest and best
fashion, that you have the finest .qualities that ran be bought that
you've actually saved money. A Hart Schaffner & Marx Suit will out
wear two of the ordinary kind.
Naturally, we feel a good deal of pleasure at the selections we have here
for you; you'll feel the same when you see them.
Come in Today Suits $18 to $10
most complete line here to make your selection ; soft roll brim, stiff brim
Sennet straw and Panamas, $3 to $7.50.
Saml Rosenblatt & Co.
The Men's Shop for
Quality and Service
Northwest Comer
Third and Morrison
Columbia and Snake River Waterways
Association, and has accepted the po
sition of secretary with the Ports of
Columbia and the Astoria Chamber of
Commerce, the step resulting in tender
ing a resignation of his position here.
Ezra Meeker Seeks Share of .Property
Held "by Prominent Centra Han.
CENTRALIA. Wash.. April 30. (Spe
cial.) The case of Ezra Meeker against
R. W. Waddle was heard by Judge Rice
in the Superior Court Tuesday and
taken under advisement. Meeker is one
of the state's oldest pioneers. He lives
at Puyailup. Waddle is a prominent
resident of Centralia.
When the latter's wife died Trtlhout
leaving any will her husband took over
all the property which is located in and
near this city. Mrs. Meeker, however,
Mrs. Waddle's sister, claimed a share
of the estate as' her own, and when
she died she willed this share to
Meeker. It is to recover this that the
pioneer filed suit.
garden truck report slight damage has
been done to some of the tender plants,
such as beans and tomatoes. Several
miles? down Snake Rivxer considerable
damage was done, and some growers
state they will have but a 50 per cent
Three Months of Married Iife Ends
in Doable Tragedy at Boslyn.
ROSLYN, Wash.. April 30. (Spe
cial.) While all police officers and
Deputy Sheriffs In this vicinity were
searching for him on a charge of mur
derous assault on his wife. Robert Bell,
colored, a miner, eluded them and com-
by drowning In a
mittcd suicide
Bell was married three months ago
and his mental derangement was
thought due in part to domestic Infelicity.
Single Tax and City Ownership
Man Xcw Seattle Councilman.
SEATTLE. April 30. George R. Coo
ley, advocate ot municipal ownership,
single tax and prohibition, was elected
a member of the City Council by that
body today, on the 17th ballot.
He succeeds John O. Peirce, who re
signed under charges.
Cold Damages Idaho Fruit Crop.
LEWISTON, Idaho. April 30. (Spe
cial.) The fall in temperature In this
immediate district during the past sev
eral days has done but little, if any.
damage to the fruit crop. Growers ot
The commissioners legally may is- riai r Vl ,tPrU 3U-"TiSP5"
ue the bonds without consulting the 'T- M" ,Lhue. ?lr superintend-
the petition
electors, but preferred
method rather than run the risk of
oelay which a referendum election
might Involve. The new bonds will be
used to finance the completion of the
a-zoot channel to the sea.
Knglneer Is Severely Scalded Before I
Kenioved From Dangerous Position.
XORTH BEND. Or.," April SO. (Spe-
Free Books Up to Parents.
CENTRALIA. Wash., April 30. (Spe-
ent of schools, yesterday sent out clr-1
cular letters to all of the Centralia I
school patrons asking whether or not
tuey are In favor of the free text
book system in the Centralia schools
and, if they are, whether or not
tney will donate all books their chil
dren have on hand. The letters start
ed coming back to the superintendent
tats morning.
Wedded 6 Months, Divorce Sought.
PENDLETON, Or.. April 30. (Spe
cial.) Surprising her friends here, Mrs.
.. n . luwiuuuve jicrnall, a wealthy and prominent
t-risiueer ior i ernam oiaiey, con- farmer of this county, filed suit for
tractors, who are grading here, was I divnr- r i r h-i
pinned under his locomotive when It life. air. McPhail was a. widower he-
There is satisfaction in cooking when you use
It removes dozens of worries from the mind of the cook.
This is the way an excellent cook prepares
overturned this morning. He was se- fore his recent marriasre and is past
middle age. Mrs. Jdcfhall formerly
was Miss Mabel Craig. The grounds
alleged are said to be incompatibility.
verely scalded before he could be re
Mr. Henderson is at Mercy Hospital.
where the attending physician says he
will be enmnellAri tn tt u
weeks. His burns are on his lower While Salmon Happy Over Highway.
1 . ... V. .. T I
(Special.) Much elation is felt here I
m nnnilnmin nmni- .... I "yr l" report mat tne oiumoia
DUUUUnUUIMU Oil AOD WAKM River Highway will cross the river at
I otevenson and continue on tne vash-
j. rat or, wanted on I'haree of I ine-ton side to Lvle or Ma rvhui ih
nome of Sam Ilia flans are being
formulated to start a publicity cam
paign to further this as soon as authen-
PROSSER. Wash, April 30. (Spe- I ti0 confirmation of this report can be
ciai.) ri. j. f avor, tne alleged mur- I ecei eu.
derer of bis former wife. Is known to
be, alive. Officers with bloodhounds
traced- him to Mabton yesterday. He
was seen by three persons Sunday, who
nave given, good descriptions of him.
Murder, Traced to Mabton.
Lewiston to Be in Genesee Show.
LEWISTON. Idaho. April 30. (Spe
cial.) The governing board of the I
The dogs traced him directly to the 1 Lewiston Commercial Club has author
ized President Sheppard to appoint a I
committee which will arrange for par- I
water tank in Mabton. It is supposed
he boarded a westbound train on Sun
day night. All division points have I ticipation by the Commercial Club in I
I. H'l 'till '" 1.1
i ; ; i
Take a pint of crated corn (or a can of sweet corn when rreen corn
is oat of season three eces, two tablespoon nils of milk, one table
spoonful of melted Cottolene, and one and a quarter teaspoons (level)
of salt. First beat the egfft well, adding- the corn by decrees, also the
milk and Cottolene; thicken with enough flour to hold them toe-ether,
first ad dins: a tea spoonful of baking powder to the flour. H&ve ready m
kettle of hot Cottolene and drop the corn from a spoon into it and
fry to a light brown. These fritters are also good fried In Cottolene
the same as one would fry cck
been notified.
the Genesee horse show.
. June 11. 12 and 13.
to be held
Any practical housewife win at once appreciate
the wholesomeness and economy of this pure
cooking fat-
Remember always to use one-third less Cottolene
than you would of butter or lard-
Order Cottolene today from your grocer. Also send to
os for on FREE Cook Book, HOME HELPS, writ
ten by Mrs. Helen Armstrong, Mrs. Lincoln and
other cooking authorities.
V- u;-w-
jl I: MA
Bi ll fttM fiE-
,-v V
St. John Frnit Hit by Frost.
Secretary of State Denies That 'Em- I
blera Is Xot Displayed.
ST. JOHN. Wash. ADril 30. (Sua.
cial.) Heavy frosts the past two nights
nave Burt cherries and peaches, while
fruitmen state that Mrlv annla.
SALEM, Or.. April SO. (Special.) I are badly damaged. It la thought that
Secretary of State Olcott declared to-1 late fruit is still undamaged.
9 glw
H rlW. V ,r1 'l r
--winwimiiiiBn!ll'llfSl!'l ( I
Chicago ai;a ' f
W!m f
One Hundred Miles of Blossoms
or a
Loop Trip Through the Willamette
on the
'The Exposition Line, 1915"
You can leave Portland Union Depot
at 8:45 A. M., Fourth and Yamliill
8:54 A. M., via the "West Side, pass
through Shattuek, Beaverton, Reed-'
ville, Ilillsboro, Forest Grove, Carl
ton and St. Joseph. Arrive McMinn
ville 10:55 A. M. Have from two to
five hours to visit there, and can re
turn via the East Side through La
Fayette, Dayton, Dundee, New-berg,
Middleton, Sherwood and. Oswego,
Return Trains Leave McMinnville 1 2:40 and 3:25 P. M.
$1.60 Round Trip Saturday and Sunday.
$2.30 Round Trip Daily. .
Call at City Ticket Office, 80 Sixth Street, Cor
ner Oak, Union Depot, or Ticket Office, Fourth
and Yamhill streets.
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.