17 PORTLAND ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. PROMPT SEBV1CB at reasonable price. Pacific Tltlfa A Trust Co., 7 Cham, ol Com. ACCOKii.ON PLEATING; K. STEPHAN Hemstitched and scalloping, accord, side pleat, buttons covered, goods sponged . mall orders. 3&8 Alder. M. 03 1 a. ART MATTKESS M'OKKS. lIATTREijSES made new out of old is our specialty Investigate. Marshall 2657. ASSAYKRS AD ANALYSTS. GILBERT & HALL, successors Wells A Co.. 60S to 613 Conch bids.. 108 4th. M. 7150. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-tesUng works. 142 2d St. DICKERING & Ca buy gold", silver ana platinum. 51U-11-1:: Northwest bldg. ATTORNEYS. J. R. GREENFIELD General practice, ab stracts, contracts, collaterals, etc., consul tation free: new offices. 707, 708, 70a Seli - trig bldg. Main 4'Jtt3. Open evenings. TVM. M LA FORCE, Counsellor-at-law, Failing bldg. CARPET WEAVING. SORTHWEHI RUG CO. Rugs from old car. peas, rag ruga 188 East 8tli. Both phones. C ELUXOIP .BUTTOXS, BADCEH. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY, , 2 Sth t. Phones Msln M2, and A 12S4. CHIROPODISTS. William, Estelle and tVilliam Jr., Deveney, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors, 302 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1S01. IH. FLETCHER, aseptic chlropldlst and foot specialist, treats all ills of the foot without pain; 24 years' experience; lady assistant. 308 Allsky bldg. Main 8762. TJr. and Mrs. Fletcher, painless chiropodists, orer the Hazelwood. Main 3713, A 512. CI1RIPODY and pedicuring. llrZ m! D. Hill. Offices Flledner bldg. Main 3472. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. Wl. M'MAHON, 121 4tu and 37 U Williams ave. Two offices; lady attendants; l.S au Jostments, $10. Main 205, East 6628. CLEANING AND PRESSING. DRESS SUITS for rent; we press one ault each week for $1.50 per month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO.. Bf9 Stark, bet. Sth and 6th. Main 614. COAL AND WOOD. KNIGHT coal has no equal; a clean, hard, quick-firing, long-enduring -Utah coal. Al bina Fuel Co., sole agents. COLLECTIONS. . - ' Accounts, notes, judgments colected, "Adopt Short Methods." Short Adjustment Co., 828 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 974. ACCOUNTS collected, claims adjusted. stan dard Collection Agency. 217 Broadway bldg. Main J1. COLLECTION AGENCY. KETH CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1798. No collections, no charge. DANCING. Mr. and Mrs. Heath's School, 109 2d St., bet. Wash, and Stark, and Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sta. Lessons daily; waltz and two-step guaranteed In 4 lessons; classes Mon. and Krl. eves.. 8 to 10. and 109 2d St. AGWCCLTIRAI, IMPLEMENTS. Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Co., Morrison and 3d rt. M. Wade .A Co.. 822-36 Hawthorne ave. ARCHITECTIRAI. wire ibonworks Portland Wire & Iron Wka., 2d & Columbia. AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DEBRPIUE BUGGY TOP CO., 200 Sd at. AUTOMOBILES. Mitchell, Lewis it staver Co.. Morrison and 2d AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT. 3th and Oalt Sta. AWNINGS. TENTS AN'U SAILS. PACIFIC TENT & AWN. CO., 1-S N. 1st St. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer. Park A Davis. BICYCLES. MOTORCYCLES SUPPLIES. BALIX3U & WRIGHT. 7th and Oak Sta. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery A Conf., Inc., 11th and Everett BREWERS-ANbTbOTTLERs; HENHY WEINHARD. 13th and Bumslde. CARRIAGE WORKS. PORTLAND carriage: wks. BODIES. WHEEfA SPRITJns. -JAQ 109 North Fourth Street. Main S8. CASCARA BARK AND GRAPE ROOT. KAH.V BROS., 191 FRONT 6T. CEMENT. LLMiC AND PLASTER. F. T. CROWE CO., i Fourth Street. COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICKS CLOSSET & DEVERS. 1-11 N. Front St. DRY GOODS. F-LEISCTINER-MAYER & CO.. 20T Ash t 1915 MAGNET DESIGNED SOlTHERJi OrtKGOV REPRESETfTA v TIVES PLAN CAMPAIGN. Scenery of Secrlon to Be Exploited Enthusiasm Evident at Prelim inary Meeting; In Medford. ' MEDFORD, Or., April 30. (Special.) Delegates from Klamath, Josephine and Jackson Counties met at the Com mercial Club banquet at the Hotel Med ford Tuesday night and perfected a permanent organization looking toward development of the scenic attractions f Southern Oregon, with special ref erence to attracting- people to this reslon during- the Panama Exposition. Representatives from the various commercial clubs were selected to form an executive committee and it was de cided to hold the next meeting at Kla math Falls early -in June. Meanwhile the Commercial Clubs of Medford, .Klamath Falls, Grants Pass, Central Point. Gold Hill and Ashland will ap point three members each to form a hoard of directors. Those directors will levi! a detailed plan of exploitation to be presented at the next meeting. Much enthusiasm and good will was displayed at the banquet, speeches beinsc made by Will G. Eteel. super intendent of Crater Lake Parle; Judge Henry L. Benson, of Klamath; Profes sor I. V. Vinlng, of Ashland; "Bill" J lan ley, of Burns. Or, and George M. Hyland, of Portland. The executive committee, which met this afternoon, consisted of F. . Wat son, of Ashland; C Ia Hobart, of Grants Pass: J. W. Sieman, of Klamath; C. B. Redfleld, of Gold Hill; TV. E. Kahler, of Central Point, and Ben C Sheldon, of Medford. 'MCINTOSH TRIAL HALTS Wan Charged With Murder Changes Counsel at Trial. Selection of a Jury to try James Mc intosh, charged with the first degree murder of bis wife, Mrs. Agnes Mcin tosh, alias Agnes Meadows, was halted yesterday in Circuit Judtre Kavanaugh's court, wnen tne defendant desired change of counsel. At the former re quest of Mcintosh Judge Kavanaush appointed Attorneys Fredericli Whtt fleld and Ralph A. Coan to defend the crippled and white-haired prisoner. During a medical examination eon Quoted in Judge Kavanaugh's chambers Tuesday afternoon. Mcintosh was per- latent in his demand that Attorney John J. Jeffrey be appointed to defend him. Finally, that the prisoner might be satisfied. Judge Kavanaugh permit ted Attorney Jeffrey to be substituted tor Attorneys Whitfield and Coan. The selection of the Jury will be completed this morning and the trial begun. Deputy District Attorneys Collier and Maguire appear for the state. MOTHER ASKS $100,000 Ss. Anna I;. McFarland: Snss Ore gon Electric for Son's TXath. Suit for S100.000 for the death of her on. Neal J. MoFarland. who waa elec trocuted at the substation at Moffat, rVYasbiiiston County, in October, 1913, BUSINESS DIRECTORY PROF. Wal. Wilson, dancing school: waits, "onestep," twostep. schottische, hesitation waits, stage dancing; lessons 25c; every morning, afternoon, eve., guarantee to teach anybody who walks how to dance. 83 5th st., bet. Stark and Oak. Main 7837 DENTISTS. R. A. W. K.EENE, Majestic Theater bldg 351 ij Washington st. Marshall 3205. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding, all work guaranteed. H. M. 11. Electric Co.. 31 First St. Norm. Phone Main 8210. WE BUY, sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand motors, repair work a spe cislty. Western Electric Works, 213 oth. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatments by specialist, glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday, 517 Dekuin bl., 3d & Wash. FOUNDRY ANT MACHINE WORKS. PHOENIX Iron Works. East 3d and Haw thorne general machine and foundry work. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES: developing, printing and enlarging. P1K.E ec MARK. 11AM CO.. 845 Washington st. MACHINERY. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold ana exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co., Portland. MACHINERY INSTALLED. MACHINERY Installed. See Geo. H. Ham ilton. 474 East Liberty at. Phone Wood lawn 714. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO., motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 53, A 3163. MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 207 Fliedner bldg. A 4160, Mar. 1;S NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist In paralysis, ner vous. chronic diseases. 504 Oregonlan bldg. OPTICIANS. a A FIGHT on high price. Why pay to $10 for a wjrc Willi IirBL- quality lenses, gold filled frames, as low . wuuumu, 171 juomioa su, near OSXKOPATHIC PHYSICXAJNS. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 308 Morgan bldg., cor Broadway and Washington sts. Office phono Main 349; residence Hast 1028 PAINTING AND PAPER HANGIXTT A. OSBORX, 00 Grand ave., B 3002; paint ing, paperhanging. interior decorating. LAX I SCAPE GARDENING. We plant porch boxes, do landscape work and have all kinds of bedding plants for sale. Zimmerman Bros. Phone Main 8431. Tigard. Oregon. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' practice. U. 3. and foreign patent. 600 Dekum bldg. T. J. GEISLER, Atty. at Law. 503 Henry. Wm. C. Schmttt, Eng. and d raftsman. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, late of U. S. Patent office. 1010 B. of T. bldg. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Stubbs Electric Co.. 6th. and Pine sta. FISH, OYSTERS AND ICR. MALARKEY & CO.. Inc.. 14 Front St. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall. H. M. HOUSER. Board of Trade bids. GROCERS. WAPHAMS r CO.. 6S-7& 4th St. HAIR GOODS. DIAMOND HAIR WORKS. . WHOLESALE, 303-4 PANAMA BLTX3-. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO. WHOLESALE ONLY. 411 DEKUM BLDG. HATS AND CAPS. THANHATJSER HAT CO.. 53-S5 Front St. HAY. J. H. Klosterman & Co., leading hay dealers. HLDES. PELTS. WOOL AND ITKls. KAHN BROS., 11 Front St. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East end of Burnslde-st. bridge. STEEL STRUCTURAL PLANT. FOUNDRY. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS. STEEL BRIDGES ROOF TRUSSES. Carry Complete Stock of STEEL BEAMS, ANGLES, CHANNELS. PLATES. TEES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L. MASTIC CO.. 74 Front; leather . of every description, tape, mfg. findings. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY ft CO.. 231 Pino at. was filed yesterday by Mrs. Anna L McFarland against the Oregon Electric Railway Company. At the time of his death the boy was 19 years old, the complaint states, and had an expec tancy of 42 years. The suit was filed by Attorney Lotus L. Lanatley. Young McFarland was Inexperienced in the use and dangers of electricity, the complaint alleges. but met his death while working on wires carry ing 60.000 volts of electricity. The company was careless and responsible for her son's death, Mrs. McFarland charges. In failing to properly protect the wires and warn bim of danger. Dewitt Berry, another young man, was killed at the same time. Joseph Sibley w Prosecutor. SALEM. Or.. April 30. (Special.) Governor West today appointed Joseph Sibley, of Dallas, District Attorney of Polk County, to succeed Donald H. Up john, resigned. Mr. Upjohn is a Repub lican and was appointed by Governor West last June. Mr. Sibley is a Dem ocrat, and for a number of years was deputy district attorney of Polk Coun ty. Mr. Upjohn resigned to publish a weekly newspaper in Salem. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally ant Bund?. Per lino. On ttm 19 Same ad two consecutiva dnia tie Same ad three eonaacmiT tlmea. ....... Ma bame ad alx or ntcb consecutive tlmea. .Mo Tha above ratee aooly to adverttaemeate under "New Today and all other claariflcn. Uona except the foUowlms: gituaUone Wanted Male. fcituationa Wanted Female. Tor jBent. Koema. Private Famlllea. Boom and Board. Private FamlUea, Bate oa the above clal fleet oao la 7 eenta a line each laaerUoa. When one advertise in eat Is not ran In cen ecatlve Uauee tne one time rate applies, biz average word count aa one line on catti advertisements end no ad counted for lese than two linea. On "charned advertisements charge will be based en tne umoec of lines appearinn In the paper, rerardlese of the number of words in eacn una Minimum cAarge. two lines. The Oresronian vrlU accent classified aeV vertisements over the tieobooe. providlng tbe advertiser Is a subscriber to either pboao. No prices will be Quoted ever the phone, but bill will be rendered the followin rim.. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the ohoae depends upon the promptness of payment of telephone adver tisements. Situations Wanted and Personal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion only will be accepted for "Furniture for bale. "Busi ness Opportunities." ''Boomins-ouses and r urea n di. The O rex on lan will not raamatoa tmin-f er assume responsibility for errors eecurrlaa in telephoned advertisements. The Oregonlan will mot he responsible) for Diore un wcittiw; III 1 uu f y advertisement offered for snore than o time. Advertisements to receive prompt claaslfl- niiiaa nini an iu jrcfunimn 'OlTloe be fore 19 o'clock at nicrht. exreot amtntm.. Cleslna; hour for The holiday Oregon laa will be S o'clock Ha tarda? nlxht. The office will M open antu lu o clock Jr. M.. aa ntw I. end bjj aauj rwwwvn uio ibis jor proper rissslfl cation will be ru under hendiojf Tas JLata to Classify. MEETING NOTICES. ROSE CITY CHAPTER. No. 9 O. E. S. Regular meeting this fFTl day evening at 8 o'clock. Work. Past matrons will confer the floral degree. By order W. M. SARAH B. GUSRIN, See. martha' Washington social club Regular meeting tonight in Washington Masonlo Hall. All Eastern 6 tars Invited. ANNA B- KLI.gR, Secretary. ELECTION cf delegates to stockholders mseUng of Hibernian BuJldJng Association will be neld Morifiay evening at regular meet, lac of Ajicie&t Order oX Hiberaiaoxs, PATENT ATTORNEYS. lOa Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. PETER HABEL1X, g00 Victor bldg., Washington D. C. PIANO REPAIR fcHOP. IF your player or any kind piano or organ Is off order, call or w rite our expert. Piano shop. 441 Star su Main 4478; all work 'warranted. PIPE. Portland WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York at a. Main 5428. PLCJME8. DON'T throw your old plumes away; we are experts In feather dyeing, cleaning and remodel- wing, mounting trtrds of paradise 'our specialty. "THE PLUME," 8 Morgan bldg. Main 4O0D. RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. Ml Wash. at. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. fcEWlXG MACHINES. SEWING Machine Exchange, new and used machines from $3 up; rents and repairing. 251 Yamhill, bet. 2d and 3d. Main 62SL SHOWCASE, BANK & STORE FIXTURES. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 10th and Flanders; new and old window display and cabinet work. FOR reasonable price see Weatern Fixtures & Showcase Co., 48 N. 10th mt. STORAGE AND TRANSFER, PORTLAND Van 4c Storage Co., cor. 15th and Kearney sta.. just completed new fire proof warehouse for household effects, pianos and automobiles; contain separate tiro and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano-room, trunk and rug vaults, trackage for carload shipments, vans for moving; reduced freight rates on house hold goods to and from East In through cars. Main 664u, all departments. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., offices and commodious) 4-story brie It warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaules for valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine ats. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domeatio and foreign ports. Main 58ft, A 296. WE have moved to our new fireproof stor age warehouse, corner 15th and Iloyt. Heated piano rooms, private lock rooms for furniture, household goods,' trunks, etc. Teams and auto vans for moving for warding and distributing agents. Olson Roe Transfer Co. Main 547, A 2247. MERCHANDISE WAREHOUSE. Manning Warehouse &. Transfer Co. 13th and Everett Sta On terminal tracks. General transfer and forwarding agents. We operate the only exclusive merchan dise warehouse In city. Main 703, A JL14. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan St., cor. 13th. Telephone Main 69 or A 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates In the city. PACIFIC Coast Forwarding Company, 207 Railway Exchange bldg., cut rate freight on household goods in through care to all domestic and foreign points, automobilee forwarded. For information Tel. Mar. 2467. MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WARE ROUS E -Office 186 Madison; general merchandise, furniture and machinery storage; transfer and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7691. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., 83 Fifth st. M .I.LIN KRY. BRAD8HAW BF.OS.. Morrison and 7th sts. ORNAMENT IL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire A Iron Wka, 2d & Columbia. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., 16S First st. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. PIPK. PIPE FITTINGS ANT VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 81-89 Front at. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-8 Front St. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTES & CO., 1st and Oak sta. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARRELL, 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO.. Foot of Ankeoy. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works. 14th and Northrup. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., 63 Front St. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 2d St. WHOLESALE JEWELERS A OPTICIANS. BUTT ERF I ELD BROS.. MOHAWK BLDG. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire & Iron Wks.. 2d &. Columbia ME ETINO NOTICES. MT. HOOD LODGE. TT. T.. A P. AND A. M., 334 Russell st. fcpeciai communication this FVt day evening at 7.80. Work in M. M. degree, p. M. Holman. of Portland Lode. "N"n nr.. niu nn. fer the degree. Viaitors welcome. Order W. M. ED C. DICK. . PORTLAND LODGE, NO. Co, A. F. AND A. M. Snecial rnm- muni cation tb Is Friday even Inrj, 7: SO o'clock. Work in F. C. esrce. visiturs welcome. By or der W. M. 1 C M BTEADMAX, Sec. ALBERT PIKE LODGE. U. D., A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Frldavi even ing at 7:30, West Side Masonic Temple, E. ',Ju degree. Visitor welcome. i. c IV1E. bee NOTICE1 LINCOLN - GARFIELD POST No. 3. G. A. R.. will meet at Its hall at H o ciock f. jui xoaay. Ail comrades are cor dially invited to attend. JAS. P. SHAW, Adjt. W . M. HENDERSHQTT, Commander. HASSALO LODGE. NO. 15. L O. O F. will meet this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock In Oddfellows Temple. First and Alder sts. Work in the first degree. Visitors welcome. MARTIN FORBES CO., florists. 4l Washington, ifatn 869. A 12. Flowers for an occasions artistically arranged. AUCTION AXS TODAY. Ferd Auction House. 211 1st. Furniture, earpeta, etc Sale at 2 P. M, At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A; M. Furniture.. l6-8 First at. DIED. BOLL AM At Salt Lake City, Utah, April 2S Jesse D. Bollam, aged S5 years, father of Richard Bollam, son of Mrs. Elisabeth JBoiiam and. brother of Frank, Walter and vio Jonam ana urs. a. J. mtnnlng. if n neral notice later. TU KNBT7LL In this cirv. Arjril 3ft T.tllla.n Mary Turn bull, aged 18 years, daughter of w . a. i umouii or s uacramento st. The remains are at the resident entAh. liahment of J. P. Flnley b Son.. Mont- TOMPKINS At her lste home. 188 Hamil ton ave., April SO, Mrs. Mary J. Tompkins, aged 78 years, 6 months. Remains at Hoi man's parlors. Funeral announcement later. FCNEBAX NOTICES. MALLORY In this city, April 30. Rufus juauory, agea t years, at Dis isxe resi dence, 350 East 89th st. The funeral serv ices will be held tomorrow (Saturday), May 2. at 3 o'clock P. M., at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley & Son, Mont gomery, at Sth. Friends invited. Services at tne oruana crematorium private. Kinaiy omit now era. GOGGINS The funeral services of the late Grace Gogglns. of Lents, will be con ducted In I. O. O. F. HaiL Lents, today (Friday), May 1, at 10:30 A. M.. under tne auspices or ue ureka Kebekah Lodge. Friends Invited. Remains at the funeral parlors ef A. D. Ken worthy sc Co., of Lenta, interment sit. scotx Cemetery. PAT Th e funeral aer-rices of A rim xr He- loved wife of O. H- Fay. will be held Sun day. May 8, from R. T. Byrne's funeral parlors, "Williams avenue and Knott sts,. at f. a. inicrmeat at sat. ocott trm.Tit ceme tery. Friends invited. CURTIS The funeral services of the late William Spencer Curtis will be held today imuayi, t a ouock sr. aa., at toe resi dence estaDlisnment of J. T irtnlv a- nn Montgomery, at 6th. Friends invited. ln- i.Tzi iiicui m.i rvivcr mw i;em e te ry . FUNERAL PIRECTOaa. MR. FDWARD HOLMAN, the Um illng fl man. Lady A 1411. F. S. DUNNING, INC. East Bide Funeral Direetaca. 414 Aider at. Eat 6t, B 1381. DCNNTNG s M EXTEE. funeral directors. 7th and Fine. Phone Mala 4e. Lads as sr. r 1 PKEWES UNDFRT AKJNQ COMFAJIT. 84 and Clay. Main 4L&2. A 83 2 L Lady attaniasu MB. AND MBA t T. Rvsv. Eft. XiHIa, M HUiiflsms Are, irt UlJk AMUSEMENTS. HEILIC lltb and Marrisoa Mala X. A 112 TonightS: 15 ??ROW Special Price Matinee To: i morrow MARGARET ILLINGTON In the Dramatio Success. "WITHIN THE LAW." Evenings, Lower Floor: $2. fl.so. Bal., 11, Tuc. sou; Sat. Mat., $1.60 to 50c BOX OFFICE SALE OPENS TODAY 7 SSESlWo NEXT SUNDAY Special-Price Matinees. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. BIG Jf. T WINTER GARDEN CO. , THE i HONE l MOON EXPRESS AL JOLSON EXCELLENT CAST. Stunning Chorus 10 Oroheotin. Evenings: Lower Floor. $2, fl.&O. Bal.. ti.so, (1, 75c. 50c Wed., Frl., Sat. matinees: Lower Floor, (1.50, (1. Bal cony. $1. 75c, 50c TICKETS BY PHONE OR MAIL, Portland Symphony Orchestra Iast Concert of Season This Afternoon at 3 0'CIock HEII.1G THEATER, Georsre E. Jeffery, Conductor. Features: Tschaikowaky's sym phony "Pathetic," and Father JJominics overture, "The Call of the W est." Prices 1, 7Bc and 50c. BAKER THEATER Main t. A 5360. I . baiter. Mrr. Home of the Popular Baker Players. Tonight all week. Mat. Sat.. David Belasco's wldaiy dlscussea emotional play. "THE EASIEST WAY." By Eugene Walter. First time in this city. A powerful moral lesson. As played in New York by Frances Starr. Regular Baker prices, 25c, 35c, 60c, 75c Box seats II. Sat. Mat.. 23c. 50c; box seats TSc. Wed. Mat., all seats 25c. except boxes. Next week, starting Sun. Mm., - ine aemiusnce 3ian." JATRA 1 Hose Festival Tour da Luxa On Mn Contest votes given away with Baker ticketa Matinees Daily. Main fl, A 1020. Broadway at Taylor. WEEK APRIL. 2. The Water ()uwn OdlTa. Master Gabriel. Mabelle Adams. Kimberly and Mohr. Violet MarMillao. N'U-k Verger. Sforalis Hrothers. Broadwstv mt AliW. WEEK APRIL U7 Barnold's Dog and Monkey Actors. Tom Kelly. "The Jolly Jollier, The DeAlberts, Jerome c Carson. Wood & Lawson. Pantagescope. Popular t. duu i : : ' l row oaicony reservea. Phones. A 222a. M.in imik -. u , 80. 7:15. :10. Thesiter Open From 1:00 to 11 P. M. sd BODS Any Matinee Seat ISc GOES .ueruiald mud the Man" 14 Artists 10 Girls "The Jrnin. h." with Marietta Craig Bob JtaM Louis M. Orsnst Snyder and Hlnes Lucille Love. Girl of Mystery, 1'lun BEST SHOW IN TOWN BASEBALL RECltEATIO.V PARK, Cor. Vanshn and Twenty-Fourth Sta. SAN FRANCISCO vs. PORTLAND APRIL 38, SO, SO, May 1, 2 AND 3. Games Befiln Weekday, at 3t00 P. SI. bnndaya atSO P. M. LADIES DAY WEDNESDAY iSD FR1DAV. ' CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK. Contnlnlnf? 335 Acres, rort land's Only Modern Perpelual-Care Cemeterr Reflaed, Plesslng Service. Complete Perfect Kqutpment. Prices and Trrmt Reasonable. Both Telephones. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY BT GRAND ATE. It. Between Davis aad Everett. P bones iaat 1423, B 2B1B. Ofes Day aad A lake Report all cases of cruelty to this of flea Lethal chamber for small ant mala Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animala at a moment's notice. EW TODAT. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED CITY PFIOPEBTV We loam oar fwn fund, aad money la sisiisDie wnnin x sours alter receipt ROBERTSON & EWING tOT-8 Ssrtswtsters Beak Bids;. Mortgage Loans 6 TO 7 H. E. M0 ONE Y Mala tie. Room 431 Falltaa- 2:ds First Mortgage Loans H.aeT t. Air Aasaaa ta Oar Posses, sta a far Immediate ITar, ?. mr 7, annnuss n Mcsni7, PIELDS aOSBYMAK. m8-132g Yeoa Blda. Mala looa. BAENHAB.T INVESTMENT CO TOft Coack Blac Designers and Builders of FINE HOMES ALSO BnLDWO LOANS. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our own rnono at current rates. FARM. JLSB C1T1 LOAJUS, O F.arth li. BearsT of Trade Ride BUSINESS PBOPfHTYAWOaOSFIN unnTnanr mnin Wo EDWARD E.G0U0EY7 NORTHW5TRN 6Nr a'UO.iM j NEW TODAY. Stock and Orchard Ranch For sale by owner. 3332 acres. 48 acres in orchard. Will consider Portland city prtjperty in part payment. For particulars address "OWNER" Lyle, Washington Foreclosure Snap ?H acres, close 1n on Oregon Cttv carline. Vineyard Station: all Improved: 6-room house, with electric lights, bath, toilet, washtubs and running water, supplied by motor: fine barn and chick en coops, also a garage. Choice loca tion and surroundings. Price, $10,000. Only part cash. jil.IVS KHAKMKR. Henry Building. LADD ADDITION .Fine, modern, eiht-room house; largre breakfast - room and dtn. on.k- finnr two fireplaces and furnace; lot BOxllS; hard-surf are all ' in and nid 4 ri snap at $5500: $1000 down -and $25 per month. See this today. ZADOW & ALEXANDER t4 Corbett Bldsr. A 141K. Marshall 82 MORTGAGE LOANS Loans of 1000 and up at lowest rates on Good Improved City Properties. instalment payments are attractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 17-21B JVorthvTeetera Baak Bnlldlaa. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Hates. JOHN E. CBONAN eog Spaldlna Bids;. Portlaad. Or. CITY & FARM LOANS l.WESTWliVl' CO, 320 CJiuiuber ul Coisiiuereaw BEA L EST A TE 1) EA LE BS. BECK. William G.. 215-316 Pnllina- Kl BKXEDICT BROS. tBurrell Heghts, 930 PALMER-JONES CO., H P.. H04-40-405 Jennings & Co. Main 1SS. 206 Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. For ISaleLots. SAN MARINE. BY THE PEA. A KEAVIEW HOME. PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. Why not secure a lot In San Marine be fore the advance in prices? It is Just the place to spend your vacation plenty of fishing, hunting, boating, surf bathing, etc. IT IS ALSO AN INVESTMENT WORTHY OF YOUR CONSIDERATION. V 14 FOR A LOT nOxlOO FEET. TERMS, $f DOWN THEN a PER MONTH Call or Write tor Literature. WM. L, GRAHAM fc CO., olO HENRY BLDG., Phone Main 1117. LANDSCAPED suburban home site, 132x140; .is. acwo, Dumii ptu-a. qua.ai wanes, ar bors, at h rubs, perennials, 25 6-year fruit trees all varieties, all klnos grapes and berries; pleaaaot three-room tent-house; alter 4 years' beautiiying grounds pre paratory to building must return East Im mediately; 3 blocks car. 6c fare; owner d'.rect. Main 4675. Phone before 11 A. M. or after ti P. M. CHOICE QUARTER, BLOCK. S, W. Cor. 12 th and Hail Sta. Or Exchange For new bungalow in restricted district with $8000 cash, balance to suit purchaser-. Owner. P itZA, Oregon ian. IRVINGTON Select southwest corner, street a rue, hi tf.nu oianion, ocst lot in this select district for a home, $1400 cash, balance terms. Inquire owner, room 6, lEiUs Morrison. OUIl lots. In fruit with barn and hen house, near Mt. Tabor carline. Price only 10u0. Just the place for fine country home or poultry ranch. C- DeYoung Co M4 Chamber of Commerce. " BEAUTIFUL view homesite, 160x110. on rruonea tock roaa, ocst or soli, no rocks, i3c fare, 15-mlnute car ride. S thin? you can't beat it. Only $700. J20 cash. $10 mun i u. ai. su. Le, 021: corbett bldg. u view oi tno city, river and moun- (jmuu iol, v est aiae, 4-miie circle, 5-cent fare; big future, unsurpassed value only $330, $10 cash, 5 per month. M. E. i-.ee, o.ai coroett Diag. POSITIVE SNAP IN ROSE CITY PARK. x must rsise some money at once and so offer my corner lot, worth $1000, for vmii, w m. w uays oaiy. A2 vJ, THE CHEAPEST lot In town for the money; goo a locauon; 11 you do not look; this uu before you buy rou a r lng real money; $30O, terms. AH i03 TWO lots 44x100, one 60x100. on corner E. . 13th and Eeland; all for $1200; $ftoO down and balance on easy terms. T. E. Euater, 100x100 ON Ivon St.. between astti nH a,K Richmond, hard-surface street; everything in ajid paid f'ir; 1 block from "WR" car line. See R. W. Hodgklnson, 65 Broadway. $732 EQUITY in $1400 choice lot In Laurel hurst very cheap If takeu before May 4. Suxl76 ON carline, 15 minutes ride; good soil; 10 down. $5 per month. 014 Stock mawae OlLlg;. JHain O IOO. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL KSTATit GEO. T. MOORE CO., el$ Abington bldg. lAJr in Eiriand district, $350; worth $450; o montni. main nop, C of C. bldg. For Sale -Uoi IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. $4300. Best construction. 7 rooms, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, fire place. Imported wall decorations. harHwnoH floors, elegant lighting pictures, plate "asa winuuwi, iuicn Kitcnen, curtains. uaucB, kibbm mr an winaowi, neautl' ful lawn and shrubs. 1 block from Ttrnari way car, reduced from $5&"0. Owner leav- msr city, iso iraqe, owner. Wood lawn DONT FAIL TO PHONE MB TODAT IF YOU WANT A FINE MT. TABOR HOME CHEAP. 41 rooms and sleeping porches. select neighborhood, -magnificent view, unexcelled car service; furniture also for sale at a great sacriuce. Main uo. VERY STYLISH EASY TERMS BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARKji 7 rooms, new. restricted district, very artistic, eieganr. staie glass outlet , oak floors, cove ceilings, fireplace. French m lr rors. music- roo m, FYe nch doors, 20 minutes to city, rnone aoor ivuo. LET US BUILD YOU A HOIIK On your lot or ours; by your own plana or ours. p7 aa ukq rem, THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. 1H0 Northweatern Bank Bldg. CHARMING 7-ROOM house. Irrlngton. very finely finished, choicest mahogany, first-class, easy terms. Cast 1 1. w . 11. nnraman. BEST bargain Rose City Psrk. b- ownor new S-room bungalow. Come and aee. 400 East 47th st. North. i2'00 A NEW modern 5-rootn buntov unincumbered, completely furnlsned. $300 casn sna -u a monui, nooo. o s.v. $i2b0 &-ROOM modern bungalow In First a a a. to uoiiaaay rare; oeat oargaia In city. an ijiiw $17(K NEW modern S-room house, t.0xl0o lot, 4 Mocka car; so minutes out; ca. terms, snap. Ownr, Marshall 4123. BEST BARGAIN IN ROSE CITY PARK. Ft sate at cost by owner, new 7-room pungaiow, Tim mni nanny. 1 aoor 4841 MX'ST sell new 5-room modern bungalow 12250; terme. S7 Liberty st. Dekum ave. car to istn. w 0001 awn zeix NEW 5-ropm. modem bnnaralow, a snap. KEAX ESTATE. BIO HOME FOR UTTlsB MONEIv. Story an faalf house, suitable for very larse faxniiy; 8 big lota, plenty of garden race, Cine view; only 16 minutea from courthouse oa 4th-aireet electric Ud; school, church and store handy; Just the place for a mun with a large fxmily who 1 wanting to cut down expense aad own his own home; price l- ju; $u down. 917. 60 monthly. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. : 08-2 21 Selling Bldg. PAY ilE $00 DOWN. ns month and I will sell you new -rotm double cotuttruotod bungalow at cost, with hardwood floors. ft replace, bookcases, veneer paneled dining-room ; swell buffet: Dutch kitchen; with a'l Kinds of conveniences ; linen closet in pass hall, two good bedrooms, bath be tween. Bathroom has best of plumbing; cement floor in basement, laundry trays; also a good attic Klne fixtures and win dow shades; lot 37 HxlOu. .i2 a. 40 th st Owner. ;ioo th st. Phone Tabor 451. Price $iS00. JLKT came out of the hospital, must sacri fice my equity In beautiful 5-room bun galow. This Is restricted property; all rooms large, fireplace, built-in bookcase and window seat, paneled dining-room, double constructed, basement, all plumb ing and fixtures rlrM class; equity worth 1200; wilt take S50O, and If you desire will take one-year lease on property or give Immediate possession; balance on con. tract pr month ; no agenta. Phone t-llwood 1J27. PIKDMONT SACRIFICE. Swell, modern 6-room bungalow, on a large, beautiful corner, almost 3 lota, and facing 3 streets, on Vancouver ave.. ono block from Killingswortli and car; house and lot cost owner sr00. and for a short time can be bought for $0.iou on any rea sonable terms, a real home. GUUSSI a. BOLUS. "1ft Board of Trade. Main 74T.2. A 4401. THAT VACANT EOT. WHY NOT TURN" A BIRDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FL'RMSH THE MONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE -OR ANYTHING; PLAN'S FREE; WE AR2 RESPONSIBLE. WK ENOW BOW. TALE WITH OUR CLIENTS. fcEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS L. R. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. S24 AB1NGTON BLDG. IS THIS TOUR OPPORTUNITY? EirniloMnliv wall Hull .. 7-r&Oril LAURELHIIHST hnma Varriwri floors and plate-glass windows first floor, large living and d inlng-rooms. regular gem of a kitchen with cooler special fea ture; dandy sleeping porch; $&500; on very easy terms; wiH take good clear lot as part payment, AG 912. Oregonlan. FREE EXCURSION SUNDAY. Lots, quarter acres, acreage; easy terms. Homesltcs 4300: $10 down. S3 month; all conveniences; free carfare for year; In formation and excursion tickets 41 & Sel ling building or ask for McOormic. owner. Garden Home. Oregon Electric car. WANTED To buy 6 or 7-room house on large lot. price $200o to $3000: must be willing to take a 10-acre apple orchard with 300 trees. 6-room house, barn, good well of fine water; this place is worth SOOO, but will put it In at $1300, balance caah. See Mr. Riffle. 275 Pine st. SUNNYSIDE, 6-room -modern house, 3 bed rooms and sleeping porch, corner lot 43x lo0; nice garage, one block to car, hard surface all in and paid; big snap at $od00; easy terms; on 39th st. ZADOW ALEXANDER. 414 Corbett Bids:. A 1416, Marshall 92. TRUSTEE'S SALE IRVINGTON Splendid 10-room house, strictly modern, 2 bathrooms. 2 fire places, garage, grounds. 75x100; value $11,000; am ordered to sell at sacrifice. J. J. Tyrrell. Trustee, Q5 Broadway. BUILD ON YOUR LOT. We will build on your lot; terms like rent ; f 1.-st -class guaranteed work. UMBDEN STOCK & LARSON CO.. 286 Oak St. See Mr. Furlong. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Just finishing new modern 6-aoom bungalow, a beautiful place for the money. o re this. No. 3t0 East 4Sd st... near Harrison. Owner's address on house. SWELL 2-fulIy modern flat, 5 and 6 rooms. rental vaiue suu; a snap at 975O0. $1000 down and 50 per month, on E. Yamhill St.. walking distance. Owner, III E. 23rt, near Belmont. Phone E. 5943. $1C.0 BUYS 6 Iota and small bungalow In Alberta district. Bicseat snin in Port - - land. C. DeYoung Sc Co., 514 Chamber of commerce. MUST sell my Laurelhurst home quick: $5aUO for SboOO home; any terms to re sponsible party. Elmer S. Shauk. 303 Ry. 5-ROOM bungalow with steeping porch and wilier itiiiiga iini-ciaus, ior 13UU; glUO down and $10 a month. 6 per cent Inter est. Phone Sellwood 439. FOR SALE Easy terms, up-to-date 7-room oungaiow, nose city Park: new v fur nished, every convenler.ee; best bargain 111 ia.ii owner, i aoor .,. $2850 BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, reduced from $3500: Imnrnvo. ments; might take lot as first paymenL la nanway exenan-e. aiarshall 02S. HOUSE and fractional lot close in. West Side, ou carline. reasonable nrira , lavorable terms. John Bain, 307 Spalding tSOO BUYS 4 -room housn and ;rV1 Im 20-minute car ride; house not finished; big bargain ; Sf.O cash. $10 per month. siuctw. ai. cj. Ler. it coroett blag. SELL your lot; turn your vacant nronertv Into new home, well rented. Address El- mer p. nanK. aua ity. Exchange. $1500 PAYS entirely for 5-room honxn vrnnt St.. near Hamilton, West Side; terms to AM leaving city, will sacrifice best cash our win uko my equity in this fine rtiverview nomesue. X 923. Oregonlan. For bale Business property. COOS BAY REALTY Choice tract In bunlniK nar ne itv adjoining steamship dock; very suitable for platting or factory situ; worth InveaU- ssa-niig:. oux niarsiiieici, or. FOR factory site, Kenton. See .... utigt ' cn or terms Subnrban Home Property. FIVE ACRES. WEST SIDE., Beautiful 5-acre tract; lays fine on a fine automobile road; 4 miles from center wl city ana sou tit oi tne r'oetofTlce; 5 cent carfare: seven blocks frnm mr- price $20M). This la absolutely the best ouy arouna or liana. W. J. DAVIK. 621! Corbett Bldg. LOOK THIS UP. CHEAP OREGON CITY LINE ACREAGE OTEAPET THAN CITY LOTS. $450 to $O0 per acre for full acre tracts near car; lu good district; can be naa at very easy terms. CALLAN A KASER, 7SS-24 Teonbldg. ON Is- acre, all clear. with new, modern nouse (partially fumtuhed. 5 rooms, batn large, light attic and full basement, on Oregon Electric, near Garden Home, 2 blocks to station, 30 minutea to city. Price $3500. $12CK cash, balance like rent. Adjoining acre, clear. $1000; terms. Phone GIBSON HALF AlTRICfl Good soil, city water, close to marline. vaai7 wi tuav w in ouna to suit parcnss Phone Marshall 1.HT or 811 wood 47$. JOHN H. GIBSON. OWNER. GRAND view of the city, river and mouu fains. 75x100 lot on West Side, 4-mi Is circle. 5-cent fare; big future. unsur passed value: only $350. $10 cash. $5 per mini i u. ji. c Lee. Qm,mi coroett Diag. BEAUTIFUL view homesite, ICOxllO. on crusnea rocs roaa, oest or. soil, no rocks, r-eent fare. 15 minutes car ride. See this, you can't beat It; only 97O0. 20 cash and i per mo. as., n. uee. 0.3 cornett mag. FURNISHED house and 2 acres In fin cultivation at Metzger Station; I will sell or rent same for $19 per month. Phone Marshall S41. ft 03 Oregonlan bldg. lor Sale Acreage, ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; chicken and fruit ranches, near Portland new subdivision, near Gresham; 6 acres! $400. $aO0. $700; S acres. iOO. S700; It acres $750, $00. $1000 per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scap pooae. Or.. 2S to $100 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. yo Yeon Bldg.. Po (land. Or. CHOICE acreage at Oak Grove, 3 block from car; running water, springs, shade trees, good road; $&Ou to $1500 per acre, easy terms; 5 per cent under value. C. W. HAYHURsT, owner. 40 Stark sL HAVE 5 acres at ilcMtnn ville. all fenced and In commercial orchard, just coming into beannK. worth Siiooo; will trade my equity of S140O for clear lota or house in Portland, balance can be paid at $13 a month. 142. Oregonlan. BEFORE locat(ng, be sure and visit the Willamette Valley Information Bureau at 236 Washington st. (between 3d and 4th.) A free scenic trip through: the valley. Absolutely free. Bring the ladies. 1 to 4:30 and 7:80 te ft P. M. $10 DOWN, It A MOWTH buya two or three-acre tract Jnst outside city limits of Oreneo, $300 an acre. 300 Oregonlan bldg. Main 1084. Fl RST-CLAaS cranberry land for sale, reasonable prices; sold by owner; further Information . C R. Baker, Lose Beach, Y BAaa KKAL ESTATE. For bale "Acreage. FIVB ACRES. WEST 61DK. Beautiful .'.-acre tract, lies fine on a fine automobile road ; 4 miles from center of ctty and south of th post of fire; 5-cent cjt fare; seven blocks from car: pne J0O. This s absolutely the best buy around Portland. W. J. IUVIK, .Vara Corbett Bldg. o AORKS. 2v'.0. SIO down and per month buys 5 acre of good logged-oft land near Asto ria.. 1 H mllra from small town, railroad stutlou and Columbia River; some of these tracts have springs ana running streams on; good soil; no reck or grave. . and tho location is exceptionally tine; some few tracts that havs steep laud on at less price, Thore are but a fw of then tracts iXi. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 13 RAILWAY KKCHANGE. YEARS' TIME v Best river bottom laud lu 10-acra tracts. S mites from Corvallia, on graeled road. M down, balance In 6 eara. Write for descriptive booklet free. B. W. JOHNSON, corrallls. Or. .SUBURBAN homes ite for sale by owner; $ acrt-s, a miles from Portland, on baiem, Electric, will be sacrificed for Quick, sale; a 50 per acre; rich soil, lies well; good garden and truck land ; would mwke An a suburban home: adjoining acre tracts not so well located bringing fOuu per acre. terms. M Oregonlan. liomesteada. HOMESTEADEKS, LAST OPPORTUNITV. This is the last advertisement of ours which will appear, giving you the oppor tunity of taking advantage of the open ing of 234. ouo acres in Oregon. May 1. 1U14. This Is the best land that is sub ject to tmtry in the lit ate of Oregon. Join our excursion. FRANK V. HE ALT, 4(2-a Panama Hlrig. SEVERAL homesteads of good value. -v and J-O acre, some 4 utilfS to R. K. Good ton, roads. watr. timber, stores, daily mail, close to neighbors. All fruit, vegetables, grains thrive; opened for en trance March 1. 111. 14u mites from Portland. Call at St. Charles Hotel. Port land. Bant a & Shively. PEOPLE desiring to locate homesteads in me uescnutes Torest reserve, choice re serve, which will be thrown open on May 0, lt14, can get Information to their ad vantage at i&y- i eon uuig. Main eTOft. WANTED To buy a relinquishment, able to pay oC0 or lu0. 500 Goldsmith su. Lower Albina. For Sale -Fruit Ijuida. FOR SALE One-third Interest in 100 acres of lana. four muea south or Ouell station. Hood River County, Or.; -5 acres bear ing orchard, ten acres two-year-old trscs, all Spitxcnberg and -Yeliow Xewtowne. place fully equipped with buildings, team and farming implements; plenty of run ning water; price $7000; e ready employ ment at good salary by purchaser If de sired, lnqruire of. owner, O. 1 Warden, Mu Hood, Oregon. For Sale 31 ACRES. 12700 27 miles west of Portland in Washing ton County. 44 miles north of Forest Grove, in well settled ne'ghborhood, close to church and school; good rocked road to town; excellent soil, no rock or gravel, 7 acres und-r cultivation. 4 more easily cleared and balance in good timber whirh will cut 20o0 cords of wood and alone will pay for place ; 4 -room, furnished house, barn and outbuildings; family orchard, good w eil and spring water; good heavy wagon for hauling wood, with rack, bar nee and implements, al&o one horse; price $2700: 1650 cash, balance easy terms; a snap. KAITFMANX & MOOKE. 3-3 Lumber Exchaugo. RET I RING from business, would seP treat . er part of ranch and 500 head Hereford cattle; offr Includes distinctive stock rancii. 2S40 acres, meadow, paature. tim ber, farming land, f reo range. $7.50 per acre; also 1500 acres of home place Brookside .ranch, exceptionally fine land acquired as pick of Southeastern Oregon 40 years ago. 2oo acres in cultivation, grain, timothy, alfalfa, fenced, permanent spring, running water, barn 1 :;nx;5 feet, outside range, beautiful homesites: Swan Lake Valley. 8 miles from Klamath Falls, good road, good school. poMoftice; $"5 and $30 per acre; terms. S. B. Apple gntP. Box Klamath Falls. Or. GET WHEAT LANDS in North Dakota, the greatest wheat-producing state in the Union. I own 020-acre, well Improved farm in Red River Valley ; Improved 1 6 adjoining county sat town in Cannon Bull Valley; 160. Improved, ftve miles from county seat; lu. Improved. 2 miles from town. Am not a farmer; will sell or trade auy or all; every toot plow lana; want to come West; business opening or Improved dairy farm close In wi.I Inter est me. Don't write unless you mean busi ness, for I do. Describe yours fully first letter. JOHN B. SLOfSOX. Beach. North Dakota. JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOO K I N C, FO R. 55 acres, 2 miles out ; 5 acres cul tivated ; close to school and R. F. D.; good buildings; plenty wood and water; 13 goats go with place; $U-00; good terms. lOU acre, 3 Ji miles out ; good soil ; 65 acres bottom land, 13 acres prunes. ;t5 acres fn grain, u acres hops; 7-room house, good barn, family orchard ; school V; mile, R. F. D. at gate ; a. good buy at $10O per acre, with terms. R. F. MARTIN. Yamhill. Or. FOR SALE or trade, a good wheat or hog ranch of 1400 acres, looo acres under the plow; all fenced and cross-fenced; about 500 ac res in g ra i n this year; w ill ei 1 for small payment down and crop pay -went or trade for income property. HAWTHORNE STABLES. East 72 or B i:;60. 4 JO Hawthorne ave. " FOR SALE BY OWNER. A good dairy farm of So acres; good house Hud barn, 3 horses, 6 cows, cream separator, chickens, farm tools, farm well watered , 4 miles from Oregon City; 1 Z from Portland- price $13 per acre. with, terms. C. A. Fosecrana, Oregon City, Or. Route 2. Box BS. HIGH-CLASS. FULLY EQUIPPED. 20 miles of -Portland, 7- acres all level, fine soil, cows, horses, horn, ducks, chick -. ens. family orchard: house, barn, other buildings; running stream: near electric line. To see is to buy. tSuS Stock Ex change bldg. " ALFALFA RANCH. $5 PER ACRE In the Twin Falls district of Sunny Ida ho, where the sun shines 10 months In th. year: 80 acres; IO acres In alfalfa; ail fenced: neighbors all around; no build ings; $10u0 cash, your own time on baL. See photos at office. Fred W. German Co.. t14 Cham, of Com. NEWCOMERS! the easiest way to get posted on farm land is to come to the free show today at 2rt6 Washington at. f between 3d and 4th and tfike the scenic trip through the valley. Interesting, Instructive ami absolutely free. Bring tho ladies. 1 to 4:30 and 7:30 to I'. M. 80 ACRES finest standing timber In Che halia County. Wash. Will sell or ex -change for Improved acreage, valuation XT Jam. Jaualik, South Bend, Waa l . . CARL MATSON DRILLING CO. Wells from .o to 1QJ0 ft.; placer and dredging ground tested. Resident-, East -054; office. 4a y. Front at. Main 1043. SACRIFICE SO acres, substantial improve menta, $6000; 40. neceasary buildings. $1S00. another, $600; exchange considered. Owner. 1030 Grand North. RANCH ttO acres, with bulldiugs, 18 m!j from Portland, near electric line; bargain for ail cash. By owner, 107 1st st. GOOD 140-acre ranch, cheap, easy term, also farm to trado for indie, or city residence. O. C. Osborn, Gooding. Ids ho. 40-ACRE hill farm, 2 miles W i 1 amine. Or.. Improved; 25K). AV lul. Oreponian. TO EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE. 10-ACRE. 7-year apple orchard, ono mile from -Salem; sacrifice If sold this week; would exchange for property in viein!! Los Angeles and some cash. V 941. Ore -Konlao. WE HAVE FOR EXCHANGE Houses. Lots. Acreage, Farms;. Dairy Ranches, Wheat Ranches, or anvthing else you want. GARLAND & L1ND. 151 4th St. EXCHANGE lots at Windsor COrcgen City) for unimproved farm land or would sell on very easy terms. L. N. Blowsrs. Hood River. X HAVE equity la two Laurelhurst lo with second mortgage pri ilege. Will ex change for good first or second mort gage. V 4 S. Oregonlan. WILL trade lot free from lncurub.auces In Laurelhurst for automobile; must be hlgh claea. second-hand car. bee Mr. Riffle. 575 Pine at. 6-ROOM modern bungalow and six lots to ex-hsnge for in Improved farm. Coleman, 73 t'h. of f'om. WHAT have you for 27 acres In Clackamas County near Coiton ? tell for $$00; trade Owner, room 15. 15 8d st. MODERN house In Irvirgton district, f-ir exchange. B. M. Lombard, 11 Madlsou bldg. Main 6692. A V8fr0. WANT good lots for house equities. Cole man. 723 Chamber of commerce. HIGH grade aAtemobile. will take lot or house o,uity. Phone Marshsll 241'. WANTED Resldnre Wst Sde" firr New York Ctty rroperty. AN PL'S. OreonlsM. BEAUTIFUL 1'-' acres, on carline, for aulo moblle or equity in home. Ma'n 674. WANTED A good farm for New York Ciiy property,, K 2T, Oiegunian, i property