TTtt? MOTt:rX(J OltTSOOXIAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 2S, 1914. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREOONIAN TELEPHONES. Managing Editor Main 7070, A 6005 City Editor Main 7070. A m5 Sunday Editor Main 7070, A 6005 Advertising Department . ..Main 7070, A W)U5 City Circulation Main 7070, A 6095 Compostns-room Main 7J70, A 6095 Printing-room Main 7070, A BOWS Superintendent Building ...Main 7070. A 6005 AMCSEJIENTS. EEILIO THEATER (Eleventh and Morri son) -Margaxet Illington in the drama, "Within tu Law." Toniebt at 8:16. BAKER THEATER (Broadway and Morri son) Baker Players in "The Easiest Way." Tonight At 8:15. VAUDEVILLE THEATERS. ORPHEUU (Broadway and Taylor) This afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at 8:13. PANTAGE3 (Broadway and Alder) This afternoon at 2:30 and tonight at 7:30 and 0. EMPRESS (Broadway and Yamhill) Con tinuous from 1:30 to 11. , MOVING-PICTURE THEATERS. PEOPLES West Park and Alder. MAJESTIC Park and Washington. COLUMBIA Sixth, near Washington. GLOBE Eleventh and Washington. IS'EW STAR Park and Washington. RECREATION PARK (Twenty-fourth and Vaughn) Baseball. San Francisco vs. Portland. This afternoon at 2. Federal Grand Jury Sits. At the request of United States District At torney Heames, a Federal grand jury was Impaneled and set to work. The members are: Fred H. Adams, Deer Island; A. M. Anderson. Quincy; S. M. Billings, Portland; F. H. Blags, Hood Hiver; William Brund, Florence; A. B. Cavender, Portland; Frank Crabtree, Crabtree; Joseph Craven, Monmouth; K. A. Eddy, Tualatin; K. X. Hardins, Gaston; Robert A. Herscher, Brockway; C. E. Lankester, Astoria; J. E. Mitts, Aurora; C. P. Persinger, Corvallla; J. C. Porter, Hood River; Henry Schouer man, Albany: C. G. Schoel, Boyd; C. H. Southern, Albany; Elvin Within, Cor vallis; J. Wolford, Salem; F. E. Wray, Silverton. Three Companies File Articles. Articles of Incorporation of the A. L. Mackintosh Company, capitalized at $10,000, were filed yesterday in County Clerk Coffey's office. The incorpora tors of the company, which will engage in livestock commission business, real estate and general brokerage, are: A. L. Mackintosh, C. C. Mackintosh and O. JL. Price. The John A. Walter Company, real estate, capitalized at $5000. was Incorporated by John A. Walter, John A. Borthwick and A. L. Dundas. Arti cles of incorporation' of the Oxman Faull Auto Company, capitalized at $3000, were filed by Alfred E. Faull, F. H. Oxman and A. L. Dundas. Fruit Shippers Heard. Fruitgrowers, and fruit Bhippers of the Northwest told members of the Portland Trans portation Club at their weekly lunch eon at the Multnomah Hotel yesterday of the transportation possibilities and the transportation necessities Involved In handling this year's fruit crop. C. A. Pettibone, general agent for the Wabash Railroad, was chairman. Among the speakers were: Wilmer Seig, pales manager of the Northwest ern Fruitgrowers; J. C. Robinson, traffic manager for the Northwestern Fruit Exchange, and C. A. Malboeuf, manager of the Fruitgrowers' Trans portation League. Ira F. Powers Autos in Italy. "We have been autoing in Italy for ten days but found the famous roads very ordinary," writes Ira F. Powers, from Rome, to County Commissioner Lightner. "Multnomah County roads look good to me." Mr. Powers has been touring Europe for several weeks, during which time he has traveled over many famous roads of the Con tinent and writes County Commission ers and other local good roads enthu siasts that some of the Multnomah County roads compare favorably with the European roads that have been cited for so many years as models. Loss by Safeblowino $1600. I Shana. han announced yesterday that his loss through the blowing of the safe in his store at 146 Third street late Sat urday night approximated $1600. He said that conference with his cashier had reduced the estimate from $2500. ine aetectives working on the case have no clews. Bertillon Operator Hunter failed to find finger prints about the safe or its contents, probably be cause the shot of nitroglycerine threw the door completely away from the safe and it was not necessary for the robbers to handle it. Purse-Snatchino Popular. Two at tempts at purse snatching were re ported to the police yesterday as having happened Sunday night. Mrs. L. M. Kandle, of 497 Albina avenue, said a man tried to steal her puTse at Nine teenth and Everett streets. Miss Sophie Peck, of 334 Hall street, said a man tried to snatch her handbag at Tenth and Hall streets. Screams In both cases drove away the thieves. Jail. Term Given Deputy Constable. Fred Mosher, a Deputy Constable; who has had a beat as a watchman and was accused of stealing tools and house building materials from a place on his beat, was convicted in Municipal Court yesterday afternoon and sen tenced to 30 days in Jail. He admitted the theft of the wood, but denied stealing the tools. He has a wife and a small child. Probate Petition Filed. Petition was Hied yesterday by Stephen A. Brownsworth that he be appointed ex ecutor or the estate of his wife, Mr. jumaine Brownsworth, who died at Arieta April 11, leaving an estate valued at approximately $8513.40. By tne terms or a will which Mr. Browns worth says his wife left, he is the sole neir to the estate, there being no chil dren of the marriage. Dr. C. S. White to Make Addresses. Dr. Calvin S. White, secretary of the fctate Board or Health, will leave for Coos Bay on the steamer Breakwater this morning. He will deliver several addresses on social hygiene and will investigate sanitary conditions. He will return to Portland at the end of the week. Marshfield, North Bend. Coquille and Bandon are among the places he win visit. Money Saved to County. Approxi mately $1S50 has been saved to the county since January 1 by discounting Dins aue, saia Auditor Martin yester day. All bills except those resulting irom contract nave been discounted at 2 per cent. The total amount of the bills paid, subject to the discount. curing tni3 time was $67,469.50. vaccines to Be Discussed. "The New Vaccines in Relation to the Public .Health" will te the subject of an ad dress by Dr. Frank F. Cassedav at the meeting of the Health Defense League ruesaay evening at a o clock, room 417 Dekum building. Boon Cason will also speak briefly on the legal aspects of public Health work. f ATHCR UONATT TO TALK. A patri otic entertainment win De given on '.Thursday nlgnt at Rose City Park lubhouse under the direction of gather Conaty, or fat. Rose parish. An address on "American History" will be given ty Fattier Conaty and Nations airs will be the feature of the musical programme. Elk Trade Desired. The city wants to get in touch with someone owning a young uiympio strain male elk which they would be willing to trade Tor one oi the elk at Washington Park, lhe purpose is to Improve the local herd. HOTEL Carlton. 14th and Washing ton, desirable suites and single rooms. all outside. with or without bath, moderate rates by week or month. Adv. For Rent. Store, 10x20. best loca tion on Washington sL, V 817 Oregonian. Adv. Dr. Harrt F. Mckay has resumed practice. Offices Morgan bldg.A E hip herd Springs. Now la a. good time o go. Adv. POPULAR ACTRESS BRINGS GREAT TONIGHT. PLAY TO HEUJG -' J" y?' - ltSA 3 9 & 4s,- sv-. ;---vriT At : . J ' , ., . . J : : " - I ivC - . ' ' " , - ' t t Svj , , - r. : 4 i ... W 4 . r ' ' ' f ; J ' "H I 1 v ' I i ' V-'--"-'i i i A - i V r s itlk g - if - . ' ....: . ' - : ' it - - i ' ' f if 'I I U. t ft i- tJX' . M Escrows eliminate ' annoyance of paying1 taxes and city liens. figuring interest. adjusting rents. discharging incum brances. releasing liens. transferring insur ance, and collecting brokerage or commission. Investigate. Call for booklet. Title & Trust Co. Fourth, Near Stark MARGARET ILLI"GTO IX "AVITHIX THE LAW." j Margaret Illlngton returns to the Hells Theater. Eleventh and Mor rison, for five nights beginning tonight at 8:15, to repeat the triumph she attained at the time of her initial appearance here last Fall In the stellar role of Bayard Veiller's world-wide success, "Within the Law." Upon this drama many publi c men of importance, including Pres ident Wilson and ex-Presidents Taft and Roosevelt, have expressed themselves eloquently and at length. By general consensus of opin ion, "Within the Law" has beeq pronounced the strongest play of its kind produced in this country in a generation or more. Sewed Assessments Made. Assess ment for the East Sixty-third-street sewer extension of the East Stark treet trunk sewer No. 2 has been made and amounts to J167.841. The sewer tarts at East Forty-fourth street. north of East Stark and extends to East Sixty-third north of East Gllsan street. One branch on East Glisan street is built to East Seventy-fourth treet, and another branch extends from East Glisan street south to North Mount Tabor. The sewer averages Beven feet In diameter. It was Inspected recently by City Engineer Dater and Commissioner Dieck. It was built large enough to carry the third unit from Montavilla and East Mount Tabor. Citizens and property owners have joined in a request that the third unit be built with as little delay as possible. Views op Orient to Be Shown. In line with the purpose of the Univer- salist Church to meet the needs of the community in the largest possible way. there will be given at the church at Broadway and East Twenty-fourth street at 8 o clock tonight a talk on travel covering the trip to the Orient taken by the Shriners. E. J. Jaeger, whose letters were printed in The Ore gonian, will be the speaker. He has 150 beautifully colored slideB, made from photographs which he took per sonally and which show the choice viewB of places opened to these in fluential visitors. It is requested that the many who will want to see these views will kindly be at the church on time so ae to start the journey with the lecturer. Road and K e r r t Planned. The county will improve the road from Fairview to the Columbia River this year and has appropriated $4000 for this purpose. It is planned to raise the road above high-water mark. Part of the road is now above that mark. One or more bridges will be built. The distance is only a mile and a half from Sandy road to the river. The im provement will not be made until after the June freshet. This road will fur nlsh a short route to Camas on the Washington side. A launch is now operated, but it is expected that a ferry for vehicles will be established when this road has been improved. Wkidler-Strket Extrancb Improved. Weidler 6treet has been Improved from Williams avenue to the connec lion with Broadway by way of Wheeler street. A heavy All was made and. recently crushed rock was placed on the surface, which is now being rolled. Williams avenue, which was filled from Weidler to " Broadway, is being paved with crushed rock and rolled. The improvement of Weidler street will give entrance to Broadway bridge from that street, and the im provement in progress on Williams avenue will eliminate a bad. section on that street. W. W. Cotton Talks Todat. W. W. Cotton will be the speaker of the day at the luncheon of the Portland Rotary Club, at the Multnomah Hotel, today at noon. He will talk on "Resistant Energy: or Acquiescing Without Thought in Some of the Public Measures That Have Been Passed Without Due Consideration or Analysis." Peninsula Rose Committee to Meet. The committee on arrangements for the Peninsula Rose Show will meet to night in the North Portland Library, Killingsworth avenue and Commercial street, at 7:30 o'clock for important business. Mrs. Grace Lawrence, the president, desires that all members of the committee should attend. Actoists Forfeit BAIL-Aseven mem. bers of two auto parties who were ir rested early Sunday morning by Pa trolman Dolan after they had blocked the road at Milwaukle and Crampton with their machines, and were engaged in an alleged drunken squabble,, for felted bail yesterday in Municipal Court. Monet Talk Scheduled. Dr. C. H. Chapman will talk on "National Money" at the next meeting of the department of revenue and taxation of the Oregon Civic League at 12 o'clock in the college room of the Hazelwood, today. All citizens are Invited. War Veteran Found Dead. The body of John Mclntyre, a Grand Army veteran who was for a long time Janitor at the Gem Theater, was found yesterday in his room at 647 First street. Death was due to pulmonary hemorrhage. Large country slab. Main 65, A 1665 Adv. GREEK EDITRESS IS HERE "OCR PEOPLE LOSE MORALS IX AMERICA," SAYS MRS. ECOXOMIDT. Xew York Publisher Is Trying to In duce Her Countrymen to Return to Their Fatherland. As a prime mover in the "Greece for the Greeks" campaign, Mrs. Marie H. Economidy, wife of H. Economidy, ed itor and publisher of "H. Niklr. a Greek weekly, published in New York, is in Oregon to study conditions under which the Greeks live and to discour age further immigration of her coun trymen to the United States. Oregon is the 41st state Mrs. Econo midy has visited on her present trip. She will leave Portland today on a tour of inspection among the section gangs and lumber camps at Albany, Wheeler, Eugene, Falls City, Summit and other places. She says there are 10,000 Greeks in Oregon. 'We Greeks in America," said Mrs. Economidy at the Multnomah Hotel, do not want our boys to come over here. It Is not good for them in any way. They lose their morals, be come degenerates and forget the high sense or sex pride engendered In their native country. "At home we employ foreigners to do the drudgery, and Greeks really live." Why should they come to the United States and become slaves?" Mrs. Economidy has compiled full statistics as to the wages received and the general conditions of her race. These figures and observations are be ing featured in the weekly magazine which she and her husband publish and the popularity of her work has greatly increased the circulation of the publica tion, bne has been alone durlne- her 10 months of Investigation and pays ner own expenses, she will return to rorunnti in a lew aays. A visit was made yesterday at all the coffee-houses in Portland, where words of cheer and encouragement were passed out by her. MALE NURSES ARE WANTED Naval Recruiting Station Here Re ceives "Word to Move Fast. Male nurses for Naval Hospital Corns service are to be recruited as raDidlv bb possioie ana sent to receiving ships and stations. Lieutenant R. R. Smith, at the local Navy recruiting station, 316 Morgan building, announced yesterday the receipt of these instructions from the iMavy Department. Men qualified as professional nurses or who desire to take ud this line of work and who have had at least h. grammar school education may be en listed as "hospital apprentices" or "hos pital apprentices, first class," accord ing to their qualifications. The pay for the first is J22 per month and for the latter $33 per month, with doming, subsistence and lodging fur nished. Lewlston Adds Agricultural Course. LEWISTON, Idaho. April 27. (Spe cial.) A course in agriculture, hortl culture and gardening will be Intro duced in the Lewlston schools as part .CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Owing to the popularity of the "free soenio trips through the Willamette Valley" at 266 Washington st. (opposite Ladd & Tilton Bank), the show will be given continuously from 1 to 4:30 and from 7:30 to 9 P. M absolutely free! Reserved seats for ladies. Adv. HOME COOKING. Women's Exchange, lunch 11:30 to 2; afternoon tea, 2 to 6:30.. Dinners will be discontinued for the present. Adv. a B ,-J B S ft a B 0 B n Mortgage Loans This is our busi ness and if you want a loan see us. Commerce Safe Deposit and Mortgage Co. 91 Third St., Chamber of Commerce Bid:?. B B 0 .B :B B 0 S 8 B 141 kS) Vocal and Instrumental Concert during lunch, din ner and after the theater. f HIS Celebrated E u r o p e an Concert soloists nave won in stant favor with Portia nd's music. loving public their selec ' tlons embrace the operatic and classic selections as well is well - chosen and splendidly - rendered popu lar ballads. They are as sisted in their work by SIGXOR P1ETKO MARINO and the Oregon Symphony Orches tra, Portland's Premier Musical Organization. Requests Cheerfully Granted. Merchants Lunch 50c Hotel Oregon Chai. Wright. President. M. C. Dickinson, Managing Director. of the regular school curriculum. John J. Hayden, of the University of Idaho, has been elected assistant teacher in science in the Lewlston High School and will have charge "of the work in agriculture. Barbers ATTENTION! f You cannot af- ? ford to have any but a first-class Towel and Linen supply service. i TRY OURS i it is all that PHONE US E QfecojzafsacL Coemlu3 Maia398 A 1123 XAY3- Shares in this company sold either for cash or on the installment plan. 100 shares cost $36 and pay 2 par value quarterly r 8 n in ii mi ctwwwwb am Parents Don't Sit on the Safety Valve Jacob A. Riii, the New York settlement worker, says: "Every American child is a little steam boiler with the steam always up. Sit on the safety valve and bang goes the boiler. IF YOU live in an apartment - house you certainly are silting on lhe valve. Parents who provide a beautiful home for their children in Laurel hurst (where their youngsters have access to beautiful Laurel hurst Park "Kid Paradise") have gone far toward solving their "Child Problem." THEY WILL FIND keen enjoyment and an outlet for childish enthusiasm right near their own homes. WON'T YOU let us help you build a home of your own in Laurelhurst? It won't cost you any more than you are now paying out. Come in at 270'2 Stark street and let us explain our proposition. Phones Main 1503. A-1515. Auto serv ice. WHEN OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS. ANSWER; DON'T WAIT FOR HER TO KICK IN A PANEL. PAUL C. MURPHY. Vice-President and Ealesagent for The Addition of Beautiful Homes V Theflre ft Charles A. Johns Candidate for Governor in Republican Primaries 7 i ' - x- t V . 1 V Now a resident of Portland Mr. Johns formerly resided in Baker City, where-he was elected to office nin,e times by the people. AVhy not vote for him for Governor? Paid advertisement. on Extraordinarily-Low Selling Prices Still prevail in the Big Sale at FRIEDLANDER'S , The stock is so immense and replete in fine DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, CLOCKS, NOVELTIES, ETC, that there are many rare and beautiful pieces left, at prices that will not admit of their remaining unsold. If you have not at tended this sale, be up and doing. Remember in order to satisfy our creditors, we have cut prices to the lowest notch. A FEW INSTANCES OF THE BARGAINS: II II I! II 14k Solid Gold Hat Pins, the new and popular short ones, set with jewels, formerly $2.50 to $5.00. Now $1.25 to $2.50 Bluebirds at HALT PRICE Cloisonne Enameled Summer Jewelrv now at HALF FORMER PRICE Sterling Silver Photo Frame, oval, 6 inches hisrh, formerly $3.50 Now $3.00 $6.00 Umbrellas now reduced to $2.95 $12.00 Umbrellas now re duced to 7.50 Cut Qass Jam and Jelly Jar, with sterling silver cover, for merly $6.50 Now $4.50 MacLaren 's Cheese Holder iu sterling silver, pierced design, with cover and ladle, for merly $8.50 Now S5.00 II II Closing out the very finest line of Leather fioods at LESS THAN y2 FORMEU PRICES Pnrses, Traveling Sets, Card Cases, Wallets, Photo Holders, Gentlemen's Belts, silver and grnld mounted. 14k Solid Gold Mounted Eve glass Cases Now $3.90 Gunmetal Cisrarette Cases, formerly $3.50 to $7.50. Now 53.00 to S3.90 Baking Dishes, formerly $8.50 to $15. Now $5.90 to SO. 75 A splendidly complete line of Sterling Silver - Mounted Salve Jars, Puff Jars, Atom izers, etc. Parts of broken sets, at LESS THAN IN VENTORY PRICE. Whiskey Set, Silver Deposit, engraved grape design, jug and half dozen glasses, for merly $18 Now $10.75 Sterling Silver 11-inch Bowl, formerly $16. .Now 11.73 Sterling Silver Cream and Sugar Set, large size and heavy, formerly $10.50. Now $ 12.50 Sterling Silver Vase. 12 inches high, formerly $20.00. Now S14.SO A521 Diamond and 2 square, Sapphire Pendant, full plat inum mount incr and chain, formerly $67.50, Now S43.SO A9 Diamond Earrings, plat inum top mount insr, formerly $145.00 Now $94.06 A283 Diamond Pendant of 21 Diamonds, full platinum mounting and chain, former ly $275.00.. Now S195.00 FRIEDLANDER'S 310 Washington SL Between Fifth and Sixth gonlfomeBiiflders o The Most Popular "Uptown" Hotel WASHINGTON Wuhtngtoa St.. Cor. Tirelftk. Portland, Or. Chaa. H. Rowley. Mgr. Fireproof Modern, European Plan Running Water, Both Phones, Clothes Closet, Two Parlors and Large Lounging-Room. Beautiful Marble Lobby Entranee Daily Rates, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50. Bus Meets Trains and Boats. $18, $20, $22.50, $25 per Month. Detached Bath, no Extra Charge $25. S30. $35 Private Bath. LIP READING Taught Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons Easy, rapid method: uniformly success ful. Defects of speech scientifically corrected. MUt Kaxtherine King SOS Central Hldg., Cor. 10th and Alder. Greatest Cut-Price Sale .of Used Cars ever held In Portland now on. Come In today and see tbe wonderful bar gains for yourself. THE WISTOS MOTOR CAR CO, . Twenty-third d Washington Sta. To Know Bread Eat GOOD bread. To KNOW that the bread you eat Is the beat to bo had. the moat delightful and digestible, al ways eat BU1IEBSII Bread. U. & Bakery. ITTTE U Is King nt yonr (racer Thousands of Flowering Plants For Window and Porch Boxes Flower Beds and Borders We claim to have the only large and complete assortment of choice and select, well-rooted, high quality Flowering Plants and Vines in the city. Come and see what we have to offer and leave your order now to secure the choice new varieties before stock is exhausted. Prices very low this year. SPRAY YOUR ROSE BUSHES NOW Don't let the Green Aphis ruin the young rose buds. Examine your bushes at once and "7ft.v j3 also look for the Green Worm that eats the : ; ; xjar r .:. - . leaves. We have guaranteed remedies for Aphis, P.a.t.inflr Trisects and .Mildew, nut up in small or large packages, ail reaay 10 mix wun waier V- inexpensive and effective. ,Nivtf Sprayers of All Kinds From LJ. 35c Up r V1 XTi.- . U Vv Just Received, Shipment of Imported Hartz Mt. Canaries. Come in and Hear Them Sing. Wo Have Everything for the Gardener and Poultry-Keeper. Routledge Seed & Floral Co. 169-171 2d St., Near Morrison The Store of Quality Phones: Main 5956, A 3811 I i 1 1 1 ffAPCMAX, HOTEL Your Friends will appreciate your thoughtfulnees and good taste when they are your guests at the Imperial Hotel Grill Cuisine, menu and service are imiformly good to the ponit of entire satisfaction. Lunch 12 to 2 Music Dinner 5:30 to 9 3.o to 50c Evenings ". THE OLDEST RELIABLE DENTAL CO. INC IN OREGON. MAKING GUARANTEE GOOD. Work finished tn one oar 'when required. nrn OI R PRICKS. Rood Itobber Platen, rack. . .IS.OO The Beat Red Rubber Plates, each 7-50 ZS-karat Gold or Porcelain Crown C5-00 Latest Painless Methods Cud. Platen With Flexible Snrtton Tho very best and latest In modern dentistry. No more fallin plates. What We Can't Uuaimatoa We Don't Do. Wise Dental Co. Phones Main 3029, A-2020 FalUna; Bide Sd and Wnahlnajrton II II II II