THE MORNING OREGONIAN. SATUKDAT. APRIL 25, 1914. 50 TROOPS MOVE AT SAN FRANCISCO Seventh. and Eighth Brigades of Army Depart to Do Service at Front. WARLIKE SCENES STAGED Crowds Cry Godspeed to Soldiers Who Go to Border, and Songs Echo Through Streets as Ixng Trains Take Departure. RAN FRANCISCO. April 24. (Spe cial.) This is the Army activity In San Francisco today. Total number of troops departing 8500. General movement under direction of JIajor-General Murray, commanding: "Western Department, including Sev enth and Eighth Brigades. Chief force- dispatched from San Francisco: The Eighth Brigade, commanded by Brigadier-General John J. Pershing, and Including the Sixth, Twelfth and Sixteenth Infantry regiments. Sixth. Lieutenant-Colonel James M. Arrasmlth. and Sixteenth, Colonel George Bell, Jr., go by Southern Pa cific to El Paso; Twelfth, Colonel Richard M. Bitchford, via Santa Fe for Nogales. Cars required: Three sections of 19 cars each for every regiment, besides one flatcar to two escort wagons, there being more than 250 of the latter. Troops K and L, First Cavalry en train at Monterey for Calexico. Five companies of Coast Artillery dis patched from San Francisco last night, well on their way to border points un der Major Joseph L. Knowlton. The song "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" and "The Girl I Left Behind Me" re-echoed In the streets of San Francisco today and cheering throngs gathered to cry godspeed to the Eighth Brigade, United States Army, as it left for the front. The men worked like trojans whip ping the long baggage trains into shape and toiling at their equipment. There was delay and they chafed, for never were soldiers more eager for the firing line. There was more time for good-by kisses, however no small compensa tion, the soldiers vowed. From morning the time of departure was dropped to afternoon, but the men who had worked over the luggage by lantern light continued, with martial hearts, singing to the end. The troops are to be in service at the border at Nogales, El Paso and Gal veston, the divisions to be made later. JtlLITIV 3IAX MACHIX-E GCXS Company to Be Mustered Into Cali fornia National Guard. SACRAMENTO. April 24. (Special.) Authorization for the formation and mustering into the California National Guard of a militia machine gun com pany in Sacramento was issued today by Adjutant-General E. A. Forbes. General . Forbes designated Captain Fred Angus, Attorney Charles Tuttle and R. B. Brown as organizers, and authorized them to proceed immediate ly to recruit 58 men to make up the company. The enlistment lists will be opened at once. The company will be supplied with equipment jointly by the State and the War Department. The War Depart ment will furnish the guns arid auxil iary equipment and the state all other equipment. A machine gun company has been organized at San Mateo and will be mustered into the service next Wednes. day night. With the addition of the San Mateo and Sacramento companies the National Guard of California will have four machine gun companies. There is one company in San Francisco and one in Los Angeles. The formation of a company in Richmond is con templated. MORE MARINES ORGANIZED Company Preparing to Sail on West Virginia for Southern City. VALLEJO, Cal., April 24. Under tel egraphic orders received today from Washington, another company of ma rines will be organized at Mare Island consisting of 120 men. under the com mand of Lieutenant Harold Pratt, for service in Mexico. The men will board tire cruiser-West -Virginia on her ar rival at San Francisco from Bremerton and proceed with her south. The new company includes 50 men taken from the receiving ship Marblehead. Only 314 marines now remain in the Mare Island barracks. The cruiser Cleveland will sail from Mare Island tomorrow af 2 o'clock for San Diego, where she will coal and proceed to Mazatlan. Orders were is sued at Mare Island today that no leave be granted either officers or men for a longer period than 12 hours and all must leave a telegraph or telephone address so that they can be reached immediately in case of emergency. Michigan Aggies Will Volunteer. LANSING. Mich.. April 24. Should President Wdlson issue a call for vol unteers a battalion known as "the Michigan Aggies," composed of stu dents at the Michigan Agricultural College, will be among the nrst to re spond. Two hundred and fifty of them have already signed an agreement to volunteer. The Michigan college re cently won the intercollegiate rifle shooting championship of the United States. WILSON EXPECTS NO WAR (Continued From First Pane.V blockade had been declared, or a state of war existed. The American Govern ment holds that its seizure of the custom-house is , in accord with interna tional precedent as an act of reprisal. No blockade has been declared and no Interference with commerce will be at tempted. The German vessel which carried the big shipment of arms, which it was feared might reach Huerta, has landed its commercial cargo, but the captain of the vessel, for reasons of his own, has not put the ammunition ashore. There has been no effort on the part of the United States at Vera Cruz to pre vent its landing. The accepted theory here is that the ammunition was not landed because of the certainty that it would not reach the consignee if de posited in the Vera Cruz custom-house. American naval officers will not inter fere with the interior shipment of the cargoes, but will collect the customs and hold them until reparation has been made for all offenses. - Consuls . Authorised, to Leave. Mr. Bryan gave much attention to arranging for the supervision of Amer ican consulates In Mexico. He Issued orders authorizing all American Con-J suis, both In federal and constitution alist territory, to withdraw from Mex ico, but left it to their discretion when to leave. The Secretary announced the Consuls of Great Britain, Chile and ARMY REPORTS SHOW 41.702 FED ERAL REGULARS IX MEXICO. WASHINGTON. April 24. (Spe cial.) The War Department has re ceived reports Indicating there are 42.702 Federal regular soldiers In all Mexico, distributed as follows as to all forces exceeding 500 in number: Mexico City. 6000 Puebla laoo Guadalajara 6000 Tamplco . Mazatlan . Zacatecas Lastllal . . Ouanjuata. Acapulco . Victoria . . . S800 ..2000 . .3000 . .2000 2635 . .1530 .1500 Valles 1400 Vera Cruz.. 900 Tampecho . . J00 Fresmlllo . . 500 Cahvllo GOO PuertoMorris 500 Tulo 700 Teplc 800 Tachurco . . . 660s Ixtlla ...... SCO Tbe fact that Tamplco has a garri son of 6800, while there were only 000 in Vera Cruz. Is believed to have had an Influence on receat move ments of the United States forces. France would look out for American interests at points where the Brazilian government had no consulates. Brazil already has taken -charge of the Amer ican embassy at Mexico City. Consul-General Shanklin is still in Mexico City, according to. the latest word at the State Department, and has been instructed to use his discretion about leaving. It is believed he will stay until the last American la cared for, taking refuge finally, if necessary, in some of the other foreign consulate. Railroad to Be Seised. It is -regarded as practically certain that on the arrival of tne soldiers u t Vera Cruz, a movement will be begun 10 iaae possession of 27 miles of the railroad to the big bridge which is the keystone of the railroad system be tween Vera Cruz and Mexico City. In all about 4000 troops will reinforce the 5000 and upwards of marines and bluejackets. The Navy Department was atraln a center of intense interest. The occu pation of Vera Cruz by the naval forces was reported complete. The total American killed thus far is 17 and 70 wounded; Mexican 126 dead and 195 wounded. Secretary Daniels gave most of his time to arranging for the departure of American refugees. . Most of the Americans at Puerto. Mexico, are aboard a Hawaiian-American steam ship anchored there, while the British cruiser Berwick was ready to take on more. I ne srunboat Nashville has gone to relieve the congestion there. Preparations for keeping the Army and Navy supplied -with plenty of food ana provisions were advanced by the Secretary of the Navy. We will send a ship to Vera Cruz In. a day or two," he said, "which will contain supplies for 60 days for our forces. Another ship will follow in a week. All ships now at Vera Cruz art amply provisioned." 43IERICANS AT EX SEX ADA SAFE Arrival of Monitor Causes Excite ment Among Mexicans. - - - - , i -r . oaieiy 01 Americans reported to be menaced by Mexicans at Ensenada, on the west coast of Mexico, was reported to the Navv T e rt rtmpnt tn a .ftiovi ... i i dispatch from Lieutenant Jensen, com- uuimiug me monitor cneyenne, re porting his arrival oft Ensenada. The Mexican garrison and populace were greatly excited by the appear ance of the American man of war. A Navy Department statement nnii,k said: . "Troops (Mexican) were hurriedly stationed tn r i an ov.... i 1 - i lauu- Ing and four field guns were brought m war. lieutenant Jensen said that the commanding general guaranteed the safetv of A meHcflna q that n an additional precaution the American iubui yesieraay sent all Americans to plantations Ave and ten miles down the coast. He rennrto that en , -t cans desire transportation north. Tele graphic communication has been in- 1.1 upveu aim aa-amonai -troops are being enlisted by the commanding general." SEVEN AMERICANS HELD (Continued From First Pa ge. ) the naval officers and Consul Canada and . his staff, including . C. E. Mac eachran, former secretary of John Lind, are keeping long hours at business. ' The cable office here is -being taxed to its . utmost capacity with official, commercial and press dispatches. In some cases operators have had no sleep for more than 36 hours. The United States supports 221 433 churches. Likewise 450.000 saloons more than all the churches, hospitals, colleges and hlfrh schools combined. emergency appropriation for the War Department for fear it might be inter preted as a forerunner of war. Mr. Wilson will affix i, " " e'ClAhUI, probably tomorrow, to the volunteer "j mr raising a vol unteer army force in any time of emergency. The possibility, that "the militia might be needed Vat this time led to an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States for decision of a pending case to remove legal obstacles In thA lien r, t mlll.ln ' . . , " volunteer service. Estimates by Army officers luuiucr oi men ine President might call for in case of war ransre from 60.000 to 100.000. but not a syl lable has come from the White House as to this point. Foreign Governments Inquiring-. Secretary Bryan talked to a proces sion of callers today. The Spanish Ambassador had a brief conference, presenting, it is believed, an inquiry from his government about possible mediation. The German Ambassador! it Was IlnHpmtnn1 ii- n . ' the- uncertainty abroad whether at COFFEE Wg. specialize : in coffee. Get the benefit of our twenty- five years experi ence.' MANNINGS COFFEE STORE JONES MARKET FOURTH ALDER. -T2 ?T7 Misses' $1.50 Hand Bags 98c These bags are of genuine morocco and can be had in red. purple, navy and light blue, with a moire silk lining. Mounted on gold or silver finished frames and fitted with change purse and carried by regulation handles. F"lr floor. of of Merit On! Watch Bracelets, Special 65c -Watch bracelets of pigskin, morocco, suede and calf skin, in assorted color; and sizes. Splendidly made bracelets guaranteed to withstand the hardest wear. First Floor. Saturday We Will Introduce for the First Time To the Boys and Girls of Portland, NEW PLAY SUITS In Styles That Are Different, at Prices That Are Reduced uioves This is YOUR Store -During the past month we have been re cruiting customers daily. They concede that for reliable, dependable, first-quality, well- selected gloves, selling at a fair price, no other store offers equal assortments. In ad dition, women tell us that more attention is given in this store to the proper fitting of gloves than elsewhere. It is not a case of MAKING A SALE, but in every instance we strive to satisfy the customer. No trying to fit a 5 y2 glove where a 6 is required. FOR SATURDAY WE OFFER Doe Skin Gloves, Special 95 We guarantee these gloves to be washable. One clasp style, pique sewn. Paris point stitching. Of specially selected skins a regular $1.25 quality.. Hundreds attest to the excellent wearing qualities and washing qualities of this special glove. SAME STYLE 16-BUTTON LENGTH, SfliUIAL, $2.23 First Floor. Boys' New Play Suits AT SPECIAL PRICES Cowboy Suits Special, 98c, $1.49, $1.79 Regular $1.35, $1.85 and $2.25. INDIAN SUITS Special, 89c and $1.12 Regular $1.25 to $1.50. $1.85 Policemen Suits $1.49 $1.50 Football Suits $1.12 $1.79 Separate Chaps $1.49 Fourth Floor. The Men's Store H ave you ever put it to The Best Only in Boys' Clothing Deeply Reduced for Saturday's Selling Two-Pants Suits, Special $4.49, $5.85, $6.50 to $12.95 Blue Serge Suits, Special $4.49, $6.75, $7.65, $8.95 to $14.85 Suits of Fancy Mixtures, With One Pair of Pants Special $4.49, $5.85, $6.75, $7.65, $8.95 to $14.85 -This sale includes our entire line of high-grade boys' clothing, one and two-pants suits. These suits are shown in all the latest mixtures, fancy English Norfolk models and regulation Norfolk and sack styles. Navy blue serge suits and cheviots, corduroys, black and white checks, in tan, brown, gray and blue mixtures. These suits are built right and made to withstand the hard wear of growing boys. The pants in knickerbocker style, all full lined with taped seams. In sizes from 6 to 1 8 years. Fourth Floor. Sale of Wash Frocks for Girls From 2 to 6 Years 75c and 85c Bloomer Dresses, Special 59c These most practical dresses are for children from 2 to 6 years of age and are made of plain colored chambray, striped and checked ginghams and figured percales. They vare made with square neck and kimono sleeves trimmed with self material, contrasting bandings or embroidery edgings. Also in straight style with low belt. Some button down tne front and have set-in sleeves. Colors are light and cadet blue, pink and tan. Each dress has separate bloomers to match, which take the place of extra skirts. Bloomer Dresses, Special 89c They are made of blue and tan chambray. pink or blue check ginghams and white pique, in two different models. One has square neck and buttons on shoulder, forming kimono sleeves, trimmed with plain or striped bandings. The other is made in square-neck effect with yoke edged with braid. Both are straight styles with belts and bloomers to match. $1.25 to $1.35 Wash Dresses, Special 98c For children from 2 to 6 years. Another shipment of these popular dresses has just come in. Made of extra quality An derson ginghams in light and dark colors, in plaids and stripes. They are made in straight and waisted styles some with white pique collars and cuffs and plain chambray trimmings, deep low belts, round necks, kimono sleeves and turn-back cuff effect Others have square necl, and panel front with em broidery edge trimmings. Fourth Floor. The Lipman, Wolfe Hair Goods Shop Announces a Are you acquainted with it? a test? Have you ever given your furnishing needs the proper consideration? Do you demand the MOST FOR YOUR MONEY? If you did, this store would enjoy your patronage. It boasts among its steady customers the most discriminating men in the city. MEN WHO KNOW. For Saturday we are featuring athletic underwear. GOOD UNDERWEAR. By that we mean underwear that is cut right, fits right and is made of first quality materials. There is a saving on each of the four styles of underwear advertised for Saturday. Men's Athletic Underwear Special 89c Athletic style union suits in sleeveless, half-sleeve and knee length the ideal Summer garment for men. Made of fine quality nainsook, tailored in the most improved style. 50c Shirts and Drawers Special 43c Each A new make of athletic shirts and drawers, excellent in quality and style. Shirts are made sleeveless and drawers knee length, of nainsook of the finest count. 75c Balbriggan Underwear Special 48c : "Blue Edge" is the name of this fine quality underwear, sold here exclusively. To introduce it we offer all styles of shirts and drawers, including long sleeves, half sleeves and sleeveless shirts and long or knee-length drawers at this special price. $1-50 Lisle Union Suits Special 98c Fine lisie thread union suits in ecru or pure white, made in differ ent styles, including long, half-sleeve or sleeveless. All sizes. The Largest Men's Shirt Store in the City First Floor, Washington-street Entrance The "Merry Widow" is the coquettish name applied to the nen Stockings of "Fiber Silk" for Women 50c the Pair These stockings possess wonderful wearing qualities and are introduced to the women of Portland in all the latest colorings. These color ings were personally selected by us and dyed to our especial order, and we can therefore recommend them highly. They are of medium weight, glossy and silky look ing and will wear better than many finer grades of thread silk. In such popular shades as Tango Violet Silver Lavender Taupe Kelly Green New Cardinal Pink Sky Blue Navl Blue Black White First Floor Watches For Men and Boys Special 95c Nickel and gunmetal watches which are just the thing for golfing, fishing and all outing purposes. These watches were made espe cially for us. having the name, "Rose City," ' stamped on the dial. They are fully guaranteed and come with a leather fob complete. welry Shop, First Floor Engraving News Special Low Prices We employ only the best engrav ers and furnish only Crane's finest cards in kid or linen finishes. 100 cards engraved from your own plate, special. 55c. New Engraved Plates -We will engrave new copper plates and furnish 1 00 engraved cards with same for . the following low prices: - Script type, four styles, spe cial . . $1.28 Old English, special. .$1.89 Shaded Old English, spe cial .$2.78 French Script, special $2.19 Shaded French Script, spe cial $2.78 Caxton Script, special, $2.78 Spanish Script, special $2.78 Lined Old English, sp'l $2.78 Shaded English, special $2.78 Roman Type, special, $2.19 Shaded English, special $2.78 We show over 1 8 different style of type to select from. -Wedding and announce ment cards at special prices during this "sale. MONOGRAMS, SP'L, 10c We will stamp your two-letter monogram in gold or silver on any paper bought here by the quire dur ing this sale. " Basement Gray Hair Sale Catering to women whose hair is gray is one of the most important features of our hair goods department. We can match out of stock nearly every . shade. For today, we offer gray switches and transformations from black with a slight sprin kle of white to snow white at these pleasing prices: GRAY WAVY SWITCHES OF SOFT FLUFFY HAIR 18 inches long, worth $2.00, Special $1.15 20 inches long, worth $3.00, Special $1.55 22 inches long, worth $4.00, Special $2J25 24 inches long, worth $5.00, Special 2.65 $8.00 gray all-around Wavy Transformations $5.45 . Experts will dress your hair in a new and becoming style without charge when a purchase is made. 25c Human Hair Nets in Gray at 20c. Second Floor. SALE GIRJUS NEW BLOUSES New "Middy Miss" Blouses Special $1.25 The latest novelty in middy blouses especially becoming and suit able for schoolgirls. They are made of white crepe with self or plaid, collars, trimmed with colored stars, or of blue, tan or pink seersucker in plain middy style, loose effect with short sleeves. Sizes 8 to 20. $2.00 "Middy Miss" Blouses Special $1.69 Made in the new blouse effect, of white crepe with light blue. pink, tan or fancy plaid collars. Others of plain blue. pink, green and tan crepe with hemstitched collars and short sleeves, hemstitched yoke effect and tie. Sizes 8 to 20. New Middy Blouses Special $1.29 These middies are made with raglan sleeves and laced front with pocket. Material is a good quality of white galatea with navy, red or white collar trimmed with braid. Sizes 12 to 20. $1.50 Middy Blouses Special $1.19 " Two different models one in slipover style with striped red or navy collar and cuffs and laced front, or in the new straight style, open front, with deep low belt, collar and cuffs of striped galatea in navy or red. Sizes 10 to 20 or 34 to 40 bust. Fourth Floor Hats HatsSp Selling LA SelU"S $10.90 I $10.90 Special TTfy$dW Special $4.95 XNlJ $4.95 Practical, fashionable hats, expressing the newest ideas, which have been reproduced from the higher imported mod els. Of Milan hemps and hand-made hats showing trim mings of wreaths, ribbon bows and novelty feather effects. Bandeau hats, hats in the new sailor style, small and me dium turban effects. Hats in black, and all the fashionable colorings. Hats that are suitable for misses as well as women. Second Floor. Cljc gfjop of The Little Chapeaux For Children Offers a Special Sale of Little Children's Wash Hats and Bonnets Special 79c, 98c, $1.19, $1.23 and $1.63 77is Hide Hal Shop is a fascinating place, rvhere little girls of all ages may he becomingly) and artistically suited in hats and bonnets especially designed for youthful faces. This special sale and display which we make for Saturday has never been equaled. It presents the largest collection of pique wash hats and bonnets and fancy crepe hats ever shown. There are also white pique hats with self or colored linings of pink or blue. Dainty tum-back styles; some with tiny rosebuds in the crowns, and others with satin ribbon trimmings; also dot ted effects in crepes. These have scalloped edges and buttoned on crowns so they can be easily laundered. tourth tloor ZyiL