THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, APRIIi 23, 1014. 21 WAIT Oil SHEARERS Wool Buyers in Eastern Ore gon Ready for Clips. FIRM PRICES ARE BID Operations in Western States Less "Active, but Prices Are Holding: Their Own Speculation as to . Course of London Sales. Wool buyer in Eastern Oregon ar wait ing1 on the shearers. The demand is keen and it is certain that as soon as the clips are offered they will be taken at the firm prevailing prices. Throughout the "Western states operations have been lighter in the past week than in the few weeks preceding. This Is attrlbu td to the fact that shearing has begun in sections where medium clips predominate. An estimate has been made of the pur chases on contract at 05 per cent in Utah. SO per cent in Nevada, 60 per cent in the Trlanglo, !0 per cent in Wyoming and the same proportion in Montana. In Oregon only a small percetage of the clip was bought on the sheep's back. The last prices paid in all sections Indi cate a sound market. At Mack, Utah, a quantity of shorn wool was pooled and brought, it is reported, 20 cents at a sealed bid sale. Twenty cents flat was paid for another lot In that section. Montana grow ers are asking 19 and 20 cents, but buyers balk at these prices. A lot of 70,000 pounds of Saco district wool was contracted for at 18 cents. In the Boston market business is still largely in foreign cross-breds and merinos. New Western wools are arriving on tho market in a small way and selling as fast as received. Nevadas have brought 18 to 21 cents, tho clips running largely to fine wools. Arizona ranged in price from 21 4 to 23 cents. Regarding the approaching series of auc tion sales in London, it is predicted that fine merinos and fine cross-breeds will hold their sound position. It is believed that medium cross-breds may recede somewhat. The understanding is that care will be taken not to allow the surplus wool, espe cially of New Zealand cross-breds, to swamp the market. Therefore a serious break is not expected, though the indications, it is said, point towards some weakening. KNGI.IMI HOP GROWERS HOLD FIRM Strong Attitude of Holders Causes Suspen sion of Demand. The steadiness of the English hop mar ket. In the face of a limited demand. Is lointed out in the monthly report of the British Board of Agriculture as follows: "The course of business during the past month has confirmed the indications of im provement evident at the end of Febru ary. An active demand prevailed In the early part of March, and values rapidly advanced untii they reached 7 or 8, at which point they have, since . steadily re mained, these figures representing the aver age currency at the present date. The firm attitude of holders, who are generally refusing lower offers, has probably caused the suspension of demand from which the market has suffered within the last week or so, and, as is usual when sales are limited, there are suggestions of possible weakening of prices, which are perhaps strengthened by reports of exceptional and unimportant transactions at figures slightly below the recognized average. But the experience of buyers who may be seeking hops of reliable quality proves the stability of the market on the whole, and the practical impossibility Of securing any good lots at less than 7. "Pacific Coast hops are still being offered at very low prices, which can hardly be re munerative to shippers, but their competi tive influence Is necessarily detrimental to the English section. Very few Continental growths are now obtainable in the Bor ough." CXT IN ORIENTAL FREIGHT KATE MET Wheat Buying ICentricted by Extreme I'irm- netis of Farmers. The cut in freights on wheat and flour to the Orient, announced by one of the lines running out of the Sound, was met by another Japanese line yesterday. No ma terial increase in wheat business followed. for the reason that buyers find it almost Impossible to get supplies in the country Wheat is held stronger by farmers than ever before. There is evident a desire on the part of some dealers to buy, but as they are not disposed to raise their bids, they are not gettlns much. The shorp advances at Chicago and Liverpool yesterday nat urany produced a firmer undertone in the markets on the Coast. Barley trade was sluggish.' Dealers esti mate the unsold stock in Eastern Wash ington at about 1.000,000 bushels. Feed . ub nuotea locally at e-J.OU. The oats market was also dull. Local receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: I - Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday -0 L'l la a 3 riuesuay 12 8 4 4 Uvednesday ..17 4 4 r 1 ear ago at 15 o 5 14 Season to date.lS.lH4 2300 2448 1527 2440 tear ago . 01 2000 1421 193: TRAWBERRIES CLEARING VP TOLL two Half Cars Are Received Texas Ber muda Onions Coming, Half a car of Los Angeles strawberries as received yesterday and the same quan lity from Fresno, The demand was good nd supplies cleaned up well at steady prices. Two cars of oranges were received by rail, lso a car of mixed vegetables, mostly peas. 'ho latter are now offered at 6 cents. Beans rem Coacbella are plentiful and of fine Duality and selling at IS cents. Local as paragus is In good supply, and some Cali fornia grass is also coming along. Pyramids sell at f2 per crate and local at fl1.25 a dozen. A car of Texas Berronuda onions is due Friday and another car next Tuesday. A straight car of crystal wax onions will ar rive Monday from the Imperial Valley. NO ORDERS FOR WAR SUPPLIES Imperial Valley Cantaloupe Crop May Be Ruined by Border Troubles. No orders for military or naval supplies have been placed here yet, but Jobbers would not be surprised if such a demand fhould come. Purchases of this kind, how ever, are more likely to be made at San Francisco or Los Angelas. During the Spanish-American War. Government buying an this market was heavy. Fruit dealers are particularly interested 1 4. border developments In the vicinity of the Imp rial Valley. Should the Mexicans ut outf the Irrigation head gates on the oloraeo River, as Is feared, it will mean he ruin of the cantaloupe crop, as water needed now for its growth. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cltio; esteraay were as follows: Clearings. Balances. ortland 2.02fl an 2no.Kii7 ................. i.yim.aui Jt3U.ii4 I'acoma 802.805 .Ki.OOo pokane 7S8,(i3a 70,513 Poultry Receipts Are Increasing. Weakness In the poultry market is ex rcted. as receipts are gradually Increasing. Sens sold yesterday at 18 and 19 cents. ?ssed meats were unchanged An uncertain feeling prevails in the i larket. owing to the partial cessation of fiorins. inna was no ouisiae demand ves teruay ana prv.-c were -oareiy steady. The dairy produce markets were without change. PORTLAND -MARKKT QUOTATIONS. Grain. Flour, Feed. Etc WHEAT Track price.: Club, mHS'92c; blttesrem.' 17 9Sc; forty-fold, &2fec; red Russian. i"0 Vic; valley. 2c. BARLET Feed, $21.6022 per ton; brew ing. $22.50tfi2,o; rolled, f2-i..0ft2.i.5O. OATS No. 1 white, milling, $2S per ton. FLOUR Patents. 94.8O per barrel; straights. $4.20; exports. $8. SO; valley. $4 8; graham, $4.80; whole wheat, $5. . CORN Whole. S4; cracked, $S5 per ton. HAY No. 1 Eastern Oregon timothy, $ltf&l8: mixed timothy. 14&15; valley grain hay. $12.r0& 14 ; alfalfa. $12513.50. MILLFEED Bran. f 24 3 24.50 prr ton; shorts, 32bg26.5Q; nlddlings. $32633. Fruits and Vegetables. Local Jobbing quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. navels. $2 (&2.&0 per box; lemons, J3..o 4.50 per box; pineapples. 6c per pound, bananas. 4Vo per pound; tangerines, 91.75 per box; grape fruit. Florida. ?6feS.75 per box. VEGETABLES Cauliflower, 75c $1.25 per dozen; cucumbers. 91.75 (g 2 per dozen; egg -plant. 25c per pound; peppers, 85c per pound; radishes, 17 per dozen; head lettuce,- 93 per crate; garlic. 12 4 c pound; sprouts. 10 11c per. pound, - artichokes, o5t5c per dozen; celery, 93.754 crate; to matoes, 94 qtf 4.0 per craiw ; hothouse let tuce. Toe ji $1 . per box; spinach, 5c per lb., horseradish, sqyiec; rhubarb, 2&2&c per lb. ; cabbage, zc per pound; asparagus, $1 $1.25 per dozen; peas, bo per pound; beans, 15c per pound. GREEN FRUIT Apples, 91&2.50 per box; strawberries. $1&1.1M per crate. ONIONS Oregon, per sack. $4.00; Texas, 92.75 per crate; California. $J.00&3 per crate. POTATOES Oregon, 65 (375c per hundred; buying prices, -u(y6oc at shipping points; sweet potatoes, 92.7i3 per crate; new Cali fornia, 5 & 6c per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips. 75c; car rots, bc; par&uips, 85c; beets, 90o- Dalry and Country Produce. Local Jobbing quotations: EGGS Fresh Oregon ranch, case count, lSiyc; cau tiled, 2ife per. dozen. POULTRY Hens,. lbfe.?llu; broilers, S0p 32Vc; turkeys, live, 2uc; dressed, choice, 25fcf2Gc; ducks, 1716u; geese, lO&12c. CHEESE Oregon triplets, ZUc, liatslea, nominal, Young Americas, nominal, BUTTER Creamery y rials, extra, 25a per pound, cubes. 22c PORK. Fancy. lOfeeilo per pound. VEAL Fancy, 1313c per pound. S'aple Groceries. ' Local Jobbing quotations: SALidON Columbia River, one-pound talis. 92.25 per dozen; Half-pound flats, 91.40; one-pouud fiau, 92.46. Alaska pink, one-pound tail. b5c; aiiverjudes, one-pounu talis, 9125. BONE Choice, 93.503.75 per case. :;L'TS Walnuts, 1420c per pound; Brazil nuts. 2Uc, uioorts, 144 15c; almonds. 1 a 28c; peanuts, otic, cocoanuts, 91 per dozen. cUesinuu. b Vs (U'lVc per pound; piaus, 14( loo. BEANS amali white, 5c; large white, 4.doc ; Lima, 7c; pink, 5c , Mexican, tt i c . layou, tifec SUGAR Fruit and berry, 94.60; Honolulu plantation. 90, beet. 94.40; extra C, 94.10; yuwucrvu, lu u arrets, 94.85. COi?r n.E K 03 tea, in urums, 10052c per pound. SALT Granulated, 915.00 per ton; naif ground, lOua, 91U.75 per tou; uos, 911.00 per ton, dairy, 914 per ion. RICE No. 1 Japan, 45c; Southern nead. t V v c , isiand. 5&64sc LR1ED FRU ITS Apples, J uc per pound . upi'jcut. 1241 14c, peacites. bllc; prunes, Italians, b iy. iuc; currants, bc; raisins, loose. Muscatel, 14 w v c , blt&cued '1 nurap- 1011, aa-c, uuuteduucu suitana, f seed- d, Uc; dales, fernttu, . w v c ner uouuu. a.d, 91.40 pur box. rius-fackage, s oz., 50 to box, 91. So, itkaae, lu oz.. to box. ttUc: white. box, 4L75,, Zo-io box, 9L75: biacv' 50-lb box, 92.5U; black, lu-ib. box. el.lit. ta.wo cimuy iifis, box. 9; nirna, per box, 9L50. Jrrovialonv. HAMS 10 to li-pound, lbiiOiaijc; li j 14-pound, latawiutec; 14 to 18-pound, 'ttttic; sKiuiicu, xewHuo; picnic, loc. UO!!vd, 20C, bacom Fane, 26l271c; stanaaru, iiitfjaisc. DltSi taALT CURED short clear backs, exports, lOSTlosc: strios. lliu l.rt KB Tierca basis. Pure. UUaiiu.: cuuiyuuiid. UC Uop, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS 1912 crop prime and choice, lsa 17c; 1&14. contracts, nominal. - fiLTs tin, luc; ur snort wool. 7c: dr snearlngs, luc; .teen sneaiings, 10c; sailsa neejj, uucui; pnag lumos, 1J Si 25a. HiJJtj Sailed niae. loc per puund: aait Kip, 14u; salLed cait, luu; green nides, 12c; dry hiaue, 24c; dry call. 20c; sailed bulls, uc per pouua, green ouilm, be VVUOL, vailej. liuiloc; Eastern Oregon. v 10c. MOHAIR 1814 clip, 17o per pound. itAB& uia new. QB tlMr I&H Halibut, ro. 1, 7c per pound; No. ovxi tiaimon, 10c. Oils. KL'UOSENli Water white, drums. bar- reis or tank wagon, iuc; special barrels, 13 fee; cases, 17i.4riOV.C- drums or UASOL1MS nuia. 16c; cases. 22c: motor spirit, bulk, loc; cases, 23c. LnKlne distil. late, drums. 8c; cases. 15c. Naptna, drama. loc, cases, I IKSAliU U1L Haw, barrels. 63c: bolleu. barrels. 45u; raw. vases, t3c; boiled, cases. IVV. .TURPENTINE In cases, GSn tier -allnn Chicago- Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. April 22. Butter, unchanged. Lggs, higher; reeeilts. 20,u7U cases: at mark, cases Included. 17MslS?iC; ordinary uiBL!,, iiuwifc; iirsts, laisc. Lneese, lower, palsies, 106170: twins. 10 hi (ai 1C c ; Americas. 10 10c; lonrf Cotton Market. NEW YORK. April 22. Snot cotton steady. Aiiauiing upianas. la.ioc; uo. gull, J3.4UC Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. ADril 22. Kvaoorated an pies quiet. Prunes, firm. Peaches, steady. Duluth Linseed Market. DULTJTH. April 22. Linseed. 41.54 Vt 1.55; May, SI. 55; July, $1.57. Hops at New York. NEW YORK, April 22. Hops Easy. DAILY VOTES TO CONTINUE Festival Board of Governors Extend Contest Feature to April 2 8. Daily publication of voting coupons in the contest for the Rose Festival Queen and her 11 maids of honor will be continued at least until . Tuesday, April 28, according to a decision of a meeting- between the Rose , Festiva board of governors and the candidates and their managers in the Multnomah Hotel last night. The publication of the coupons after April 28 will be left to the discretion of the board of gov ernors, who announced Saturday that the publication would be discontinued after April 20. Strong opposition de veloped among the candidates, .some o whom maintained that this would prac tically eliminate them from the con test. Last night the board of governors explained that there is a deficit in the Rose Festival funds, and the placing 01 tne contest on a strict money basi is necessary to provide funds for the festival. PHONE COMPLAINT IS MADE Commissioner Daly Told of Illegal Poles and Wires. An investigation of the franchise held by the Home Telephone Company to determine whether its provisions are being violated has been started by City Commissioner Daly. Complaint has been made that the company is erect ing poles in the underground district is using iron wire instead of coppe wire and is installing some manual telephones instead of automatic instru meats. - . I Conferences with officials of th I company have been held and arrange - 1 ments made for a personal inspectio I by Mr. Daly. STOCKS ARE STEADY Market Makes Good Showing in Spite of War. TRADING IS NOT HEAVY Opening Tendency Is Lower, but Iteeovery Seta In 'in Afternoon, and Losses Are Cancelled in Most Cases Bonds Irregular. NEW YORK, April 22. In viow of ths opening of war with Mexico, tho stock mar ket today made a tooii . showing. Trading was quieter than yesterday. At the opening, prices were barely changed, in spite of a lower scale in London. After an hour the market weakened. With no increase in ac tivity, prices fell away until a number of Issues were 1 to 3 points lower. There the movements stopped. In the afternoon business was dull and toward the close a recovery set In. At the na or tho day losses were cancelled in most cases. A few stocks were weak. Can- dian Pacific at one time was more than 3 points lower. Kansas & Texas common and preferred reached the bottom figures for sev eral years, although news of tho passing of ine preierrea dividend was not received till the market closed. Bond prices sueeed. with heaviness in a few isolated cases. Total sales. S3.400.000. nited States 2s coupon and registered. 3s nd 4s registered, and Panama 3a registered declined U on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Itenortcd bv J. C Wilson JE Pn T.w1 Duuuing, 1'orliand. Closing High. Low. lilil. W 74 7SH 74 21 ii 21 . 21 21 2 a 24 U e7 4 4. - 4S 30 Ts SOVi 40' 0l 03 05 -j 101 i. loo V 100 loo' 110 120 i 110 l'JU fralcs. Allls-Chal ma! Copper . . 1)3.700 m iseet sugar. 100 Am Can Co ... 8,bU0 do preferred.. , m Car ii Fdy. 200 iasKa uoid . .. 2.4UO m Cotton Oil.. iiuu Am Sniel & Kef 3.200 do preferred.. Am Sugar ..... 200 do nrelerred.. Am Tel & Tel.. 000 m louacuQ ... ...... naconoa ...... 3i 110 115 '4 90 ss t . 00 i:U 53 1114 130S4 111 34 300 30 20 21 126 305 1114 14 27 142, 31 "-i 3 20 HO 14 RllU 102 24 154 134 J0 1 111 14 1!' 45 12S 123 o .S S t- 20 10a 100 23 tl Coast Line. A T & Santa Fe 300 9i 85 1,000 is'i "biik OOO IH kO i7,( li',s 104 S J ,00O 5oV 53 is 20U 1 1 1 1 IV2 100 l.:oi law, 3.0fHl US 1, 07 U 2. 500 i:r. aiH ,3,000 30; 100 2 20 "400 ii'vi 'ii" 4,'JOll 27 T 27 i 2IX 143 14.! .-.on ;: 1 i j 1 2.1UO 121V. 1205, V.700 'iiVi "i:': 1,700 oa r.oos 100 102 Vs lrJht do preferred.. Bait & Ohio . .. Brook H Trail.. anadlau Pac. &. O & o w & N W JI &. ft Paul. untral Leather eniral of N J . hino Col Fuel & Iron ol southern .. onsol Cas .... I L W D & K O listtlliiig Secur. rie en fc.lectrie . .. t North Ore t North p( linois Central. nterboro Metro. od preferred.. nter Harvester. rw C southern Lehigh Vall'-y.. 11,200 Louis & Nash . . 1!0 Mexican Central oOO M . SS P & S S M Mo, Kan & Tex. l.lMXt Mo Paclllc 0.700 National Lead Nat Biscuit .... ;0 132Vi 1.15 10?4 "i-ils lu s" ' SS 2;'i 102 'i losv, 23 w lf3' 10 15Vi 20 do Dret erred.. New Haven .... 2,7oO 00 2i 102S lOO'i 23' V Central . . . wn Y. Ont i Wes 2IHI Norfolk & West. 5011 Northern Pac .. 2.000 acinc Mail .... 3VU acilic T & T do preferred.. ennsylvania 2.40O eople's Gas ... 20 '. loT ioi tu 24 H 141 'A 153 S2tt r,s 'i J08 54 1 114 10!) 1 20 h Kil teadinir 20.4O0 1110 "3 8 24 13 152 V S2 57 308',i 54 Vs 1 01 71 Republic S & 1 Kock Island Co 800 , 21 li 3 Southern Pac .. 9,100 Pouthein Ky 1.400 !I0 " 24 lexas Oil 2.10)1 Union Pacific ... 20,700 340 153 e2 do preferred.. 200 United Rds S F. U S Steel Cor 46.100 300 2.100 10O 1.000 300 58 do preferred. . 1US 54 Utah Copper ... Wabash Western T nion.. lit Westing Klec 11 Wisconsin Cent.. Alt Total sales for the day, 2S3, 90O shares. BONDS. Reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co.. Board 01 -1 raae nuliaing. Portland, or. Bid. Asked. Atch. Gen 4s 95 98 Atl Coast Line 1st 4s 94 B & O Gold 4s 94 B It T 4s 88 Ches & o 4V-S 93 05 !.4 Bit 03 C M & St P Gen 48 102 10: C R I Col 4s 35 35 t: Cal Gas 5s 93 C B Q Joint 4s 98 Krie Gn 4s .. 72 :7 73 Int Met 4s 75 Louisville & Nash In 4s 95 Missouri Puc 4s 53 M Y C Gen 3s 83 75 00 59 N & W 1st Con 4s 95 Northern Pac 4s..v..'.. 95 Oregon Short Line Ret 4s.-... Pac Tel 6s 97 Penna Con 4s 100 Reading Gen 4s 94 95 4 01 07 54 77 St. L & San Fran Ret 4s 77 So P. Ret 4s 92 3 91 S P Col 4s 90 So Ry 5s 105 do 13 Vn Ry Inv 4s 55 Vn Pac 1st and Ref 4s 94 58 95 102 94 55 05 S Steel 5s 102 West Shore 4s 03 Wabash 4s....... 54 Westuifrhouse Elec cv 5s.... . . 0 Wisconsin Central 4s 87 88 L nited States 2s registered.... 97 98 98 101 Tl o coupon hT1- United States 3s registered. ... .101 14 ao coupon lui tt. 102 111 United States 4s registered 110 00 coupon 110 ... IStocks at Boston. BOSTON", April 22. Closing; quotations: Allouez 38 IXevada Con.... 144 Amal Copper... 74 Nlpissing Mines. 6 Am l & f-m.. it isortn Butte ' Arizona com.... 4, North Lake ... 18 Cal-.met & Ariz 3 Old Dominion... 4 r.ji & Hecla ...416 lOsceola 72 ntennlal l luulncy -Copper IX C Co 30 Ifchannon " 5 y. hutte coo M 10 superior I'-ranklin 4:sup A B M 158 tranby Con 78!Tamarack 31 Greene cananea 30 ;U S Sm RAM.. 35 1 itoyane tcop ji 73 ao preierrea.. 40 iverr MK6 4 v Utah '.on 10 Lake Copper.... 6 .Utah Copper Co. 04 f.a Salle Copper 4. Winona 3 Miami copper.. 1 wolverine 3U Mohawk 41 I Butte & Sup iJ Money, Exchange, tc NEW YORK. April 22. Call money steady, 1 - per cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent cio.sinc uiu. ittgiz per cent. Time loans, stronger; 00 days, 3 per cent 90 days. 3 a 3 14 per cent; six months, 3 per cent. Mercantile' paper. 2 64 per cent. Sterling exchange, arm; 00 days, $4.8525 acmana. 34.bi3U. Commercial bills. $4.84. Bar silver, 5Sc Mexican dollars. 45c. Government bonds, weak; railroad bonds. Heavy. LONDON. April 22. Bar silver, steady, 26 35-10d per ounce; rate of discount in oDen -market for abort bills. 1 0 1 'A per cent; do. three months' bills, -2 &2 per cent; money, 1 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, April 22. Silver bars. 5Sc. Drafts, sight, par; do. telegraph. 2c Sterling on Loudon, 00 days, $4.85; do. signt, t,. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, April 22. The condition of the United States Treasury at the begin ninv of husinesa today was: Net balance in general fund..$ 86,302,603 Total receipts yesterday 2,248,603 Total oavments vesteraay 1.140.IT The deficit this fiscal year is $30,421,413, against a surplus of S8.306.6O3 last year. exclusive ot Panama canal ana pumic aeo transactions. Metal -Markets, NEW YORK, April 22. Lead quiet, 3.75 3.85: London. 18. Spelter quiet, 5.1003.20; London. 21 IBs. copper, nominal, spot ana june, lo.ovvp 14.00 ; electrolytic, l4.iur n. 1 u. t.p. ke castinas. 14.253:14.37 Tin irregular. Spot, 34.94 35.00; June, 83.00 85.70. Antimony dull. Cooksons, T.25. . Iron quiet, unchanged. Naval Stores. SAVA.NN.UI, Ga., April 22. Turpentine, firm. 4.1'. c: Eales. 195: receipts, -478: ship ments. 1S2: stocks 16.122. ....... Kosin. firm: sales. 1..27: receipts, I44: shipments. 1075: stocks, P254. Quote: H. 13.&0; C. L, .i.o; b, J.'Ju; r , u-ji o 4.fM; G, $4.0": 11. I. .17fe: K. 4.40; M. 4.70; N. 5.3f.-. WG and WW. 5.75. SAN- KRANCISCO PKOIH T5 MAKKKT rices Quoted at the Bay City on Fruit , Vegetables. Ktc. KAN- FRANCISCO, April 22. Fruit ineapplee. $1. 50(2: apples. Newtown Pip- ins. Slo'lo; Hoover. $1.2.isi) l.,"VO; No. 3. b'c4i$l; Mexican limes. 7(8'S; California lemons, $1.75 iy 3.50. Potatoes Delta whites, TSrvfMO; Ore gon Burbanks. 83c0 sl.2o ; sweets, 2.10Sj 15. Vegetables Cucumbers, hothouse, $1; green-peas. SI T2 per sack. Eggs Fancy ranch, 32c: store, 21c. Onions Australian, S4.20. Cheese Young America, 16-101c; new 2wU3o. : Receipts Flour, B3S quarters; barley. 65o0 centals; potatoes. 2490 sacks; bay. 348 tons. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. April 22. The coffco market sa oulet today and within a range of 2 r 3 points. The opening was steady, un changed to 1 higher on steady European cables and steady cost and freight market. May liquidation was less active and tbsre as some scattered covering of that po tion with the clone steady, net 1 higher to 2 lower. Sales, 20.O0O bags. April, K.47c; May, S.Olc: Jul', 8.8c; September. 8.SH0; r.tober. 8.00c: December. 9.11c: January, .17c: March, $.28c Spot,, aulet; Rio. No. 7. 8c: Santos. 4s. ll'jc. Mild, dull; Cordova, 12',i&10'-i nom inal. ugar closed firm: centrifugal. 8.01c: mo lasses sugar. 2.36c; sales. 100,000 bags. Re fined, steady, unchanged. SHEEP PRICES HOLD FIRM BIG BUNCH OP EWES BRINGS 5 AT STOCKYARDS.' Hogs Are Steady. With VK.70 Airaln Top Qnotatlon Small Trade In' Cattle Division. With a moderate sized run at tho stock yards yesterday prices held up well. In the nog market the previous day s loss of a uick- 1 was regained. Otherwise Drices were un- changd. Only a few loads of cattle were sold. The best steeers offered brought 7.05 and others sold from f 1.50 to $7.25. Cows had a range of $3.50 to 7.25. In the hog market SS.70 was again the top price, but more sales were muda at $8.65. The feature of trading in the sheephousc was the sale of a big bunch of choice ewes t S.i. A few wethers were taken at $..50 and Spring lambs sold at 98.15. Receipts were lo3 cattle. 11 calves. 55 hogs and 500 sheep. Shippers were: With cattle Stlllwell A Profit, Red Rock, 1 car: K. McBee, Cecil, cars. With hogs William IMtzschke. Cen- terville, 1 car; B. B. Kauikner, Roosevelt, 1 car: T. T. Lilly, Condon, 1 car: Kinsman & Hall, Heppner, 1 car. With sheep K. T. Ketchum. Orchard. 2 cars. With mixed loads Prank nice, JAontpeller, 3 cars cattle ana alves; Arlington Lumber Company, Condon, car cattle and 'nogs; J. w. Wilson. Van Dyke. 1 car cattle and hogs; J. T. Davis, Shedd. 1 car hogs and sheep. The day s sales were aa follows: Wt. Prlr. 1 179 $7.25 1151 7.25 11SS T.IO 13(12 7.05 920 H. 2." 1111 6.90I Wt. Price. 26 steers . . 2it steers . . 449 ewes... 91 $5.'H) 89 5.5o 8.00 51 Weill 92 hoes. . . . 31 hogs. . . 57 hogs. . . , 58 hogs 4 hoKS. . . . 93 hos's. . . , 'J liogs. . . . 72 hogs. . . 2S hoKS. . . . 1 hog 8 hoKS. . . 3 hoes. . . 7 calves. t steers. . 10 steers. . 3i 8.2 177 S.! 2 cows . . . 8 cows . . . 214 8.70 28 steers . . 84S o..1l 24 8. 70 1 hog 1 hog 440 3tiO l.VJ S.65 350 7.0, 163 8.0 42 hogs. . . ISO 8.70 9 hoes. . . 203 8.7 04 K. 1 : 333 6.7i lo.".5 7.2. 1 S2 S.C5 04 s. lambs 7.05 371 ".on 3 cows . . . 2 cows. . . 1 cow .... 277 8.15 247 8. 00 IUiO 5.u0 Current local quotations on ths various classes of livestock follow: rirae steers I7.50WSS.25 Choice steers .................. 7.300 7.5 Medium steers 7.00 7.35 Choice cows ................... 8.250 7.00 Medium cows (.000 S.2S Betters - 6.000 7 2 Light calves 8.000 9.00 Heavy calves 6.000 7.SI Bulls (.000 .Zf Stags S.OO0 7.61 HOKS Light s.nofv 8.70 Heavy 7.00 0 7.65 Sheen- Lambs, wool 6.73 7.00 Lambs, sheared 6.000 .2S Wethers, wool..... 5. 7540 6. on wethers, sheared 5.3i 0 0.50 Ewes, wool 4.7S0 6.00 Eves, sheared L. . . . . . 4.230 4.60 Omaha Livestock Market SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. April 22. Hogs Receipts. 10.000; market, lower. Mealy, $8.20S.27; lights, $8.20(3-8.25; pigs. $7.50 618.00: bulk or sales, s.uia-.u. Cattle Receipts. 4200: market, lower. Na- tive steers, $7.808.0; cows and heifers, Srt.-'.-i 8.25: Western steers. sU.40M8.2U; Texas steers. $6g7.60; cows and heifer $5.85427.10: calves. $8.50930.30. Sheerj Receipts. 5200; market, steady. Yearlings. $0. Suit 7.40; wethers, $U.2ut .vo lambs,'u s.Jo. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. April 22. Hogs Receipts, 20.- 000; market, slow, oc to 10c under yester day's averaee. Bulk of sales. $s.45US.55 llcht. ss.-0!ri.8.o; mixeu. ss.ou?r'8.oo: heavy. $S.10(E.8.57 ; rough. $S.10i&8.20; pigs, $7.00 r a. 2a. cattle Receipts, lo.uoo: market, steaay to a shade lower. Beeves, $i.05(t9.40; lex s steers. J7.1UW8.-'": western steers. $ 8.10; stockers and feeders, $ cow and heifers. $3.70(5-8.50; calves, $6&S.50. neeo tteceipts, ..uuo: maraet, slow mostly 10c lower. Native. $.2o& 6.75: West era. S5.35ia-6.80: yearllncs. J0.70'a7.4o lambs, native, $ 6. zo 0.0.10: western. $u.20iui S.4U. SHIPPING NOT AFFECTED OPERATIONS IN MEXICAN WATERS -NOT VIEWED SERIOLSL,Y. Cargoes Via Tehusstepee Route Mlsht Be Interfered With, it Is Felt, If Ilaerta'a Hand Is Forced. Operations in Mexican waters by the American fleet had not brought ex plicit ordera late yesterday to ceas the movement of any cargoes to locall ties that might be affected by warlike operations. "Our officials have expressed them selves as assured of reasonable protec tion for their vessels, but further than that I have received no advices," said C. U. Kennedy, Portland agent of th American-Hawaiian Steamship Com pany. This line handles cargoes by water from Portland and other Coast citie to Salina Cruz and thence to Puerto Mexico via the Tehuantepec route. Vera Cruz is not far north of Puerto Mexico, and some exporters are inclined to th view that the Mexicans may seek to Interfere with shipping there. . The Tehuantepec route is controlle by British financial interests, though known as the Mexican National Hail road, and it is doubted if Huerta forces will attempt to hamper its op eration, unless an emergency arises for the movement of troops. It is, there fore, regarded safe for America freighters to move on the Atlantic an Pacific sides, so long as the Navy is well represented in patrol vessels. MORE FOUNTAINS PLANNED Installation of l-'ew Drinking Places . in Ashland Increases Demand. ASHLAND, Or.. April 22 (Special.) A dozen additional water fountain to be installed at convenient points throughout the city, is under consid eration by the City Council. This i In line with a policy adopted some time ago. The installation of the Carter memo rial fountain on the plaza set the pac and in response to an insistent de mand the municipal authorities wil extend the improvements to buslnes centers as well as parks and play ground WHEAT PRICES SOAR War Excitement Carries Chi cago Market Upward. ALL MONTHS ARE HIGHER Dry Weather Complaints in Kansas and' Nebraska Alfo Responsible for Buying Coarse Grains Idkcviise AdTance. CHICAGO, April 22. War excitement elped carry prices higher today for -every speculative article on 'chanse. Tho closa ns stronu all arouud, with net gains as follows: Wheat. 1 Vb to !.: corn. 194 to He; oats. Ts to lc; provisions. 1714 to 5."c. Complaints of increasing menace from dry weather In Kansas and Nebraska formed an Important reason for activity in buying of wheat. Some export -business at New York and Kansas City counted also- against tho bears, especially as the day seared an end. It was further said that millers Northwest were figurine on taking round lots out ot store. Asiao xrom too rrewi 01 t. nrire of corn had an upward slant on ac count of rains in Argentina. Cash sales here today reached 450,000 bushels or more, max ing the total for two days about 1.000.000 bushels. Oats bulared with otner grain, inougo en- Ing at times was of a somewnal uater mined sort. Prospects of moisture soon was hat induced resistance oy tn Dears. w,.,. nd wind Southern demand for meats ad much to do with bringing about tho big advanca in provisions. Tho leading futures ranged aa follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. $ .92 $ .93 $ .! SU9i .eSi, .86i .88 CORK. 3i .04-Si .63 .W"4 63 s .644 .C3:"4 OATS. .H7'4 .37 .37 Vi -37 ...... .37 .38 .37 .37 Jm MESS PORK. 10 80 20.27H 19.80 20.2A- 19.80 20.27 Vi 10-8O 20.22 Vi LARD. . ...'.1n'02i 10.2" 10.02'i 10.2) 10.22 10.40 10.22 Vs 10.37H SHORT RIBS. 10 SO 11.02,i lO.gO 11.0 11:00 11.20 ll.OO 11.174 May uly May uly May uly Mar uly May uly May uly 4'ash prices were: Wheat No. 2 red. 03 a 06c: ?o. 3 red. 03" & 4 'ic; No. 2 hard. 1)3 & !3'i c : No. 4 nard. P-c: o. z onneru, i cv- 3 Northern. 035 0r.c: No. 2 Spring UjJiOoVic; No. 3 Spring. 03'i li5c. corn No. 2. Bic; No. S yellow. 680; No. , .- ,c: N". 3 yellow, 06SrtSJ Vic Rye No. two. Barley. 4SW04C. -Timothy. :tsj4.7ri. Clover. S & 12.80. ' European Oraln Market. 13SDO.V. April 22. Cargoes on passage steadily held. English country mantels, urm; r rout a country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL, AprU 22. Wheat Spot. nuiet; futures, firm. May. 7s 2d; July, s 2d; October, 7s l&4d. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 22. Wheat No. 1 hard .c: No. 1 Northern, 0314 484Hc; No. 2 Northern. H4H 92c; No. 3 wheat, yo'c; May. HlnUllsc; July. 92 Vs 4'J2c Barley, Klax. f 1.53 U 1.3R. Sun Francisco Grain Market. RAN KBANCISCO, April 22. Spot quota tions: Walla Walla. l.r.2VJl-3: rea Russian, H.14 91.K'i: rumey rea. i.o--a I.,.,. - Dluestem. i. iu w 1. ie pv. s.l.o-: brewing, nominal: wnno SI 28i to 1.27 4 : bran. $'-'l.."'Oitt25: middlings, S30M31; shorts, $2U2.M). Call board: Barley. December. S1.05K: May, J1.00T4. Puget hound Wheat Markets. TACOMA. April 22. Wheat Bluestem, 9Sc; fortyfold, U2c; club and red -Kuasian. BOe. Car receipts, wheat 31. barley -, nay . ficiiTTi.R Anrii 22. wheat Bluestem, OSe: fortyfold, 01c; club, 81c; Fife, t0c; red Russian, b9c. Yesterday's car receipts, wheat 15. oats s. barley 4. hay 10. flour . DAILY MKTEOKOI.OGICAI. REPORT. PORTLAND April 22. Maximum temper ature. 69.6 degrees; minimum. 43.4 degrees. River reading. 8 A. M . !. feet; change in lust 24 hours, 0.4 foot rail. Total rain fall, 6 P. M. to r, P. M.. none: total rain fall since- September 1. 111. 35.83 Inches normal. 29.09 Inelies: deficiency. S.76 Inches. TntHl sunshine. 13 hours ua minutes: ddi sible, 13 hours, &rt minutes. Barometer (re duced to sea level) 5 P. M.. 29.69 Inches THE WEATHER. U'icd STATIONS. State ot weathel Baker 20.olflVSK IRain S4'0.01! 4 NWICIoudy SS-O.OO "0!W ICIear Boise Boston ......... Calgary ........ 620.0OI i SE IPt. cloudy Chicago ........ Colfax 4SI0. 02:18 N Pt. cloudy 6S 0.00 culm Clear 64 . 0" U NW Cloudy 7o.0.0016iE Cloudy 4010.00 22;NE ICloudy 52-0 .021 10 N W-Raln 70 0.00 14 SE (Cloudy 5610.001 t'NWICIoudy 7;o.OO 8 E Clear 760.00!lo:s Cloudy Denver Des Moines Duluth Kureka ........ Galveston Helena Jacksonville Kansas City Klamath Falls '. Ina Af.gelas .... 60.00i 6 NWPt. cloudy 600.IK s:jk lATiouay OuiO.01 4:NW Cloudy 84 O.02I 8 SW 'Rain Marshfleld Medford Montreal New Orleans .... New York North Head North Yakima . . Pendleton Phoenix Poratello , Portland Roseburg Sacramento . . . . St. I-ouls tit. Paul Salt Lake San Francisco. . Seattle Spokane Tucoma Taroofeh Inland. Walla Walla . . . Washington "Winnipeg .04,0.00:24 NWIPt. cloudy 7610.00 4 SE 'Cloudy 66 0.04 30:NW'Cloudy 62!0.0O,141NWPt. cloudy 7110.00 61S Clear 71-0.00 6,E Rain 64-0. IO 4'SE Cloudy 7O0.10! I K Cloudy 0.O0 14 SW Clear st'o.oo 1; SW Cloudy ei.o.OO'lSlSW Ipt. cloudy S'-'iO.OO 8 SE r-iear 51 (l.lii) II E Pi. cloudy ;'!ll.0i:U'SE Cloudv 3S0.0112IW IPt. cloudy .1 sco. 00' 4 NWiciouoy 66 0.001 4 w Cloudy Sl'o.ool 4W 'Ft. cloudy M D.CO lfl'S IPt. cloudy 62 O.OO 4 s Cloudy go!n.oo-l'N 'Pt. cloudy BO'0.00!12!SE ICloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. The Great Salt I.ake disturbance now forms part of a large low-pressure area which overlies nearly all or the Kock Mountain States. A high-pressure area o moderate proportions Is central over the Lake Region, and the barometer is rising rupidly over California. Showers and thun der storms have occurred In nearly all of the Southern States west of the Mississippi River, including California and Arizona. It is warmer In Montana, the Dakotas, Ne braska and along the Atlantic Coast from Massachusetts to the Virginias. The tem peratures have fallen in the Upper Lake Region. - Kansas, Oklahoma and Northern Ta. The conditions are favorable for showers In thla district Thursday with lower tem peratures "In Northwestern Oregon, Wash ington and Northern Idaho. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Thursday showers and cooler; westerly winds. Oregon- Thursday showers; cooler north west portion: easterly winds. Washington Thursday showers: cooler except near the coaait; westerly winds. Idaho Thursday showers; cooler north portion. EDWARD A. REALS. District Forecaster. Creswoll Honors Aged Kesldent. CRESWELL, Or.. April 31. (Spe cial.) More than 80 friends and neigh bors of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Anderson gathered at their home Saturday af ternoon to take part In a flag raising programme and to Join In the cele bration of the 33d birthday of Dr. Sid ney "Wakefield. A 50-foot flag polo had been raised In front of the Ander son residence, and after the crowd had assembled, I f. Harrington opened tbe lumbermens FS-ational Bank . Capital $1,000,000 Officers Geo. W. Bates, E. G. Crawford, Vicc-Pres. Graham Dukehart, LADD & TILTON BANK EctabUshed 1859 Capital and Surplus Commercial and ill r5! v 1 3 w I MiJiya?p5- Mil f I Pi VI U,r.5i 1,1 ,. i ngs from New York ovary nlli0 Tw. La Provence, . , ., . .. mm S 'l.APIimEMEMartii uiuikkmsb on no a lc.HMl' I.".'?. ivi t.n.i m:i (la s.wuik Jum 10 T,. rr. .IP.mer 81'KCIAL HAIIBI)A sAUINCS ONE CLASS CAFIN l" SJ"i irinrARO May .rt. -nay jo ntar to (Ub BtTj A. D.Charlton. 833 Morrison st.: K. M. Taylor. (Mincer, so oin r n. rsmith. 8 6th . A. V. Sheldon. 100 Sd St.; irkLoa S4 Waihington st.; North Bank Boad, 5th and utaxk ats.; JE. c. O. M. n. ieKM. Stall-. O. Vt alker. atesi nroarramme with a, Bnorr. aaaress ap propriate for the occasion. Then came the principal feature ot tne prosrrammo which was the raising of tho flag by Dr. Wakefield, who walked out unas- isted and raised the large nag us tne crowd sang the "Star Spangled Ban ner, after wnicn ne was ihcmiucu with a. bouquet of S3 roses ns a toKen of congratulation on his birthday. Morton Buys Kddyville Pool. ALBANY. Or.. April 22. (Special.) H. M. Morton, of Portland, bought tno Kddyvllle mohair pool at 6 o'clock this afternoon, paying 2 cents. Portland p r o p e rty owners who favor the short cut to low er taxes and in creased v a 1 ues are interested in "Bitulit hie " pavement. J.C. WILSON & CO. STOCKS. BONOS, ORAIN AND COTTO-V p-.M abacas NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGR. CHICAOO BOARD OF TRADB, NEW VORK COTTON KXCHANOB. THE STOCK AMD BOND EAtlloAuB, SAM FRAKCISCO. POETliAND OrriCE: Lewis Building, 269 Oak Street Phones Marshall 3858. A 4187. INCORPORATED C0NSULTINQ and CONSTRUCTION ENCINEERS PUBLIC SERVICE PROPERTIES FINANCED and MANAGED " SO Pins Street New Yortc TRAVELERS' GCIDE. STEAMSHIP Sails Direct for SAX FRANCISCO. I.OS ANGELES AND SAN D1ECO FRIDAY APRIL - t30 f. M. SAV FKANCKCO. PORTLAND & LOS ANGELES STEAMSHIP CO. FRANK BOLLAM. Acmt. 124 Third Street. A 4.1041. Main -I- rid:? lam PORT 8; HO ITU",, r-, f E JAN CITY BEAUTIFUL BAHiA. Santos. tn vrrvirFO. BbbNOS AY RES and ROSARIO New sad Fsst (15.600 ton) Psntngtr Stesmers from New York every aiwrnaie Salurdr. BUSL ft DANIELS. Gsa. At., I Brwswsy. N. T. Dorsey B. Smith. Third and Wash In bta.v ar any local scent. COOS BAY LINE STEAMSHIP BKkiAKWATLB. Sails tram AiMwwUi Dock, a. A. M. Wednesday. Max. la 2a; Apr. 1. 8. 13, XJ, Tuesday, Apr. 2a. . Fraigbt racalved uoui NOON day previous to sailing. Fajaeoiw Fare: Ftrat Claaa. AlO; Second Claas In.ta only). S7. Including berth and moala. Office: Lower Alneworth Dock. Portland A Coo Bay S. S. Line. L. H. Keating, jvgaub Phones Main 00; A SSiX. Useful Map of Great Britain FRJiK. Alaa Illustrated book of tours on tba GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY OF ENGLNAD T. Kaueley. Ura AgL. &01 stb Aa. N. . WANTED FORD CARS ONLY TO USE The Boston Self Starter, installed, $30 starts jour car from seat. The Boston Starter starts the engrine with the same certainty as though the crank were used. Attractive proposition for arrents and dealers. Good territory open in Oregon. . Address S. Ct. MORRISON, State Agent. 1390 Garfield Street. Phone Woodlawn 1330. Presi.lent. A. L. Tucker, Cashier. Ass't Cashier. 14 S2.000.000 Savings Deposits TrAnsallantlqt WecL, rQuadropte-screw steamer. VKOM N KW YORK. P. I. luinu - v. - - "-.. i. TKAVFI-r-RS- GCIDB, White Star Line r LONDON MAY 9 "OR DA D !CT MAY 30. JUNE JTI.Y 11. AT"G. S. Ar. ?9. Via Plymonth tlieroitira fMtutbampton OTHER PA1L1NOS Oceanic May -eanir May ts Ot. I'aul May 13 --t. Ixnix June ft American I.ino steamer. New York Qurenhtouat - Liverpool Bailie May 7;t cdrlo Mar tl Adriatie May 14 Cell ic May 28 Ktoo Queent4iwa Livrrpot A-.6U up. arcerdine to atcainrr. Cymrie May olAral.lo Muy 19 Ronton Mediterranean Italy Cretle May ls.C'anopio ....June 6 AMERICAN LINE. " One-class i'abln (II service, $55 up. Chcrbfkursr, SoathMmptan rhilsMilhi.Mr llt. Inn. Max 1 ? M. LouU Muy .Nw Vrk. . .Muy Zi ATLANTIC TRANSP0aT UE Nw York, London Iirect. MinnettpulU...M7 2 Vlinnrbtlis. . Mar 14 Mlnnrwrn-ksi.. ..Miy !),.MInDFtinkK.Muy S3 RED STAR LINE. New York Dover Antwerp Vaderlaml. ..May SiKlnland May 16 Kxooniauid. ...May 8Lpland ....May 23 WHITE STAR DOMINION Saturdays From Montreal and Quebec among tho Largest Canadian Liners LAURENTIC MEGANTIC TEUTONIC CANADA bend for folder of beantifnl bt. Law rence ront to Enropf. A. E. DI8VEY. Pnnoenrer Arnt, Batler Bids;.. 610 Second Avr., Hrittlo. Telephone Mnia 113 or IocjU. Baliwaj od btemhip Asento. Royal Mail Steamships -The LiM ol Goo beric ' SCENIC ST. LAWRENCE ROUTE Tk NEW Ti lt HIV K Uoatlruple-ScreK S. S. "ALSATIAN" and S. S. ' CALGARIAN ' ' LARGEST KISEST FASTEST ' . CANADIAN HOirU 3 Weekly Sailiogs Montreal-Quebec Liverpool-Glasgow-Hayre-Londoii Oceaa I'aaaaace Le I aaa a llaja. Summer reservation Hsu now open. Karly bookings recommended. Send for descriptive Booklet "O." For full par ticulars as to Bailing's, rates, etc applx to Local Agent or ALI.A.V A CO. Geseral A Kent. 127 .North Dearborn Street. Chicago, , ... AND 8 AN DLkdO. YUCATAN WKPXESDAV. AI-KIL 19. COOS BAY AMI El'KEKA S. S. ALLIANCE MONDAY'. ATRIL 30. NORTH PAC1ITC HKAMSIUP CO. llrket Office. ji IrcUlil Office, 1UA Sd St. Columbia DOCK. Main ISl-i. Jk. 1314. Main 03, A b22 AUSTRALIA TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND Kmnii Trin Kate.; 1st cl to Tahiti $135. to Wellington G7.iO. to byduey 30O. Spet-ial Pawilic Ik-ens Tour i including Siutb eea lstesi. $:& 1st ciaaa Round the World hates on application. Regular through service from an Francisco. S. S. Tahiti (l-.oiio tons sails .AT-ril J S. S. Moana (1i.O(h tonsl sailn May '27 a. S. Willochra (i:,000 tons), sails June S Send for patni-let- lTnlwsi Bteam.hip Co. of Nw Zealand. Ltd. Otfl.-ui: 071 Market street. San i'r.iucisco. or local &. S. and H. R. agenta. 8. . BUYER For SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES 9 A. M.. April ST. The 8an Franelneo Si Portland S.!. Co. 3d and Wafhington Kts. (with O.-W. R. '. Co.l Tel Marrhall 4,",oo. A i:i.