6 &HB aiORXFNG OREGOTTTAN, TUESDAY. APRIL 21, 1914 INDIANS iW SCULP COLTS; SCORE 7-1 Covaleskie Pitches Air-Tight Ball and Is Given Wonder ful Support. WETZEL, ONLY, SEES HOME Close Call to Shutout Staved Off . When Triple to Left Center Re sults in Score on Melchior'a -Triple to night Center. ' Northwest tea gue Standings. VT. U Pct.l W. L. Pet. Spokane... 6 1 .Si'Tacoma. . . . S 4 .42S Seattle S ! .71 4lVlctorla. .. . 2 5 .2S5 Vancouver. 4 3 -072!Portlund. . 1 6 .143 Yesterday's Kesulta. ', At Spokane Spokane T, Portland 1.' At Victoria Victoria 7. Tacoma 5. I . At Seattle Vancouver 11, Seattle 0. 1 SPOKANE. Wash.. April 20. (Spe cial.) Covaleskie pitched airtight ball and was accorded magnificent support In the opening game of the series against the Portland Colts this after noon and Spokane won. 7 to 1. The big Spokane pitcher, who lost his first out. was never in better form than today. Three safeties, two of them healthy triples and the other a lucky pop over . the infield, were the only satisfaction he gave Nick Wil liams' men. Until the seventh Inning not a Colt got as far as second. Net eel who in the -fourth made a fluke single and was thrown out with lots to spare in attempting to steal second, opened the seventh with a triple to left center and scored when Melcholr drove a triple to right center. With a runner on third, none out and Spokane only orie run to the good, the Colts' chances looked good and all the fans held their breath. Mllllgan hit a hot one to .Wuffll down the third base line and was thrown out at first. Ouignl then rolled an easy one to Ilolke. who threw Melcholr out at the bag. Shea blocking the Portland' run ner off cleverly. Guignl attempted to eteal, but was caught by a wide mar Kin -f by Shea's perfect throw. - This was 'the only Inning in which the vis itors were dangerous, not a single one getting beyond first in any of the other1 innings. In five of the nine in lngs they went out. ne, two, three. Loss Not Enstley's Fanlt. Eastley, who has long been a hard rut for the Indians to crack, was on the mound for the Colts, and It was not his fault that the score was not a lot closer. The tribe went out in order Jn the first. In the second Jlmmie Lewis was plven a base on balls, stole second and eccrea on Holke's Infield hit and Mur ray's error. The Portland catcher dropped Guigni's perfect peg. which had Lewis six feet off the plate. Holke went to second on the play and scored when Coltrln threw wild to catch "Wuffll at first Two runs, neither of them earned. It was not until. the. last half of the seventh that SDokino put the game sway beyond doubt. Lynch reached first on an error by Netzel and was forced at second,- Holke going "to first. Wuffll cracked out a hard double, Ilolke was thrown out at the plate by Eastley. Covaleskie, who is usually kood for about three hits a season, then brought Wuffll home with a pretty single, and Powell walked. Covaleskie Bccred on Butler's single, and Powell nd Butler reached home when Wag-J-.er hit one a mile a minute over sec ond. .Spokane Pangcruus in Eighth. Spokane was dangerous again In the eighth, when Holke and Wuffll poled out hits, but the former was caught at tiie plate when Thea rolled an easy one to Eastley. Score: Portland I Spokane an u A &i 4 0 3 0 1 Powell. 1. .. i O a 1 OfButler.B... 4 3 0 0 l!was;ner.2. 4 10 O U.LcwIs.r. . . 5 0 2 0 0I.ynch.m-. 5 0 7 4 ojHolke.l .... 3 O G 4 OIWuffli.3.. 0 5 2 rShca.c. . . FIGHTING MANAGER OF VENICE TIGERS, WHO BEINGS COAST CLUB HERS TODAY FOR SIX-GAME SERIES AGAINST PORTLAND gW'gWBtJ- .', ""M munimy irf mnUK) nitiilliuuii iJkllWWMiMViuii.q r - " g ' -' " . s r - I r - h r ' P-: ' J 1 i K ' 'J ; " ' - I i 1 ' - f'' i I i i i " fe-"''! L " , 'O- , TI " '." 2 TIGERS MAY HIG READY FOR ROAR WAR HAPPY HOGAX. Whitt.3. . MeKune.5 .'etset.l.. M'lchlor.r M'tisaa.ra t-iiugnl.t. Coltrln, s. Mvirray.c. Iaetley.p 2 2 0 4 01' 29 S 24 15 5 4 OjC'eleskie.p B H O A "E 3 0 10 0 14 2 0 2 3 3 1 0 1 O O 0 .1 o 0 2 10 10 2 1X0 0 4 2 0 1 0 s o iotais. 2 S 24 li s Totals. 31 8 27 13 1 rortland 0 O 0 O 0 0 1 0 O 1 fcpokane 0 2 0 O 0 S t 7 Runs, Netzel, Powell, Lewis. Holke. Wuf- in. Coveleskle. Two-baw; hit, Wuffll. Three- "i. .etxei. aielcnror. Sacrifice hits. IfliS.,T.Vnoh. Silk. KajlflPV 1. Sitnlvn J-ewls. T airner. Baec on balls, off Coveleskle off Kantley 3. Struck out. by Coveleskle S, yy Eastley 2. X,cft on bases. Portland 3, Spo kane i. Time. 1:23. Umpire, Casey, SEATTLK SHUT OUT, 1 1 TO "What Vancouver Did to MclTor and Gipc Is Sad to Relate. SEATTLE. Wash.. April 20. -Van couver batted Melvor and Glpe all over lite oi toaay and won from Seattle. 11 to 0. Clark, for Vancouver, was In good form and held the locals to seven scat tered nits. Score: Seattle -' B. Perrlne,2. 4 1 o 3 O Benuett.2. 1 6 0 0'McCarl.l.. Oil OlPrlsk.r... O a 1 2!Brlaker.m 0 O 1 ljHlester.3. i v u v v otteu.l. Itaynt'd.'s .1 KIMliay.m 4 Swain, 1.. 4 I uddy.:;. .. 2 ltrown.3. . 3 JaD)i.l.. 4 Johnson.r 4 Huim.c. 3 Mclvor.p. 1 Gipe.p... 2 1 Vancouver . if. H. O.A.E. Shaw.s. . .- 4 1 2 10 O 0 0 0 1 5 0 10 3 0 10 10 Cheek.c. ijiarK.p. Totals.. 83 7 27 10 4 2 14 0 1 12 O 0 3 2 0 0 2 3 o a 3 1 2 0 1 4 O 0 O 2 0 0 3 0 5 0 Totals. .41 15 27 12 0 Two-base hita, Ryan. Nye. Abbott. Three base hit. wilhoit. Home ro na, Pelmas. West. Butler. Stolen bases. Million. Bloomer. Struck out. by Steele 6; by McGlnnity 5. Bases on ball, off Steele 2: McGlnnity 4. Hit by pitcher, Bloomer by Steele. Passed ball. Carney. Wild pitch. Steele. Left on buses. Tacoma 7. Victoria 6. Time, 1:45. Umpire, Sbuster. RED SOX DTtOP TWO IX DAV Athletics Rnn Away With 8-2 and Shutout Game. BOSTON. April 20. The world's champion Philadelphia Athletics broke into the winning column of the Ameri can League standing for the first time this season by defeating Boston in two Patriot day games today. The score of the morning contest was 8 to 2 in 19 innings, and the afternoon game fi to 0. In the afternoon game Pennock was trong in the box as well as at the bat. allowing the home team only four scat tered hits. Boston got only two men as far as third base. Scores: Morninfr same Philadelphia Boston B II O A E B H OAK Murphy, r. 3 110 0!HToopor.r. 3 0 10 0 Daley. I... 4 O 1 OOlvnile.l 6 110 lO E.eorns,2 & 3 4 2 1 Speaker.nu 4 1 Z 00 Baker. 3... 4 11 4 !LewK,l. . . SI 1 0 1 Mclnnes.l 5 2 1 1 :JaHVrln 0 0 0 00 Strunk.m. 4 12 OOiRehir.l 1 0 0 00 Harry.s... 4 z o 4 o Jardner,5 . 4 14 11 Schang.c. 5 2 E 3 0; Yerkes.3 ... 3 0 1 00 Houck.p.. O .O O 2 O Scott. s 4 17 60 Orr 1.0 0 0 OlCady.c 41410 Wyckoff.p 2 0 0 3 0R.Col'ns,p. 2 0 0 20 Plank.p. . 2 0 0 1 0 .Vamakerf 1 0 0 0 0 IBedient.p. o o o u o IKelley.p. .. 0 O 0 0 0 Totals. 39 12 30 20 Totals. 34 0 30 13 2 Batted for Houck in third: ran for Lewis in eighth; tbatted for Collins in ninth. Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 Boston 0 1 0 0 O 0 0 1 0 0 2 Runs, Murphy 2. Daley. B. Collins 2, Mc Innes, Strunk. Barry. Lewis. Janvrln. Two base hits, Lewis, Schang- Barry, B. Collina 2. Baker. Hits, off Houck. 3 in 2 Innings: off Wyckoff. 2 in S 1-S lnninas; off Plank. 1 in 2 2-S Innings: off Collins, 1 In 9 In nings: off Bedient. 2 in 1-3 liming: off Kel ley, 1 in 2-3 inning. Sacrifice hits, raley, Yerkns, R. Collins. Lewis. Stolen bases, Janvrln, Gardner, Barry. .Schang, Engle 2. louble plays. Hchang and' K. Collins. Kcott (unassisted). Left on bases, Philadelphia 8. Boston 8. Baso on balls, off Houck 1, off Wyckoff 2, off Collins 2, off Bedient 3, off Kelley 1. Struck out, by Houck 1. by Wyckoff 1, by Plank 1, by Collins 2. Time. 2:21. Umpires, Connolly and Dineen. Afternoon game Philadelphia I Boston B H O AEI S 1 2 0 0'Hooper.r.. 4 0 4 0 O'Engle.l . . . 0 1 0;Speaker,m 1 0 Lewis... . 3 OOGardner.3. 4 0 0yerkes,2.. 2 6 O Scott.s. .. . 1 0 OIThomas.c. 0 3 ON'n'm'kT.o 0 O O 00 iFoster.p... 2 O 1 30 Monuson.D 0 o 1 o ;Rehg 1 0 0 0 i:arrigan 0 0 o 0 0 iJanvrin" 0 O 0 Oo 1 Totals. .US 8 27 13 11 Totals. .2S 4 27 13 1 Batted for Thomas In seventh. "Bat- recent bout in Raymond. Wash-, had he so desired. Conner states that if such had been the case the referee would have awarded the decision and not a draw to Anderson. Swain was in a weakened condition due to reducing his weight. Me had to take off 17 pounds In IS days, and as a result he was not in his best possible condition. Welch Adds to Ball Record. When Oregon's crack twirler, Welch, stopped Washington In the 4-3 game at Seattle Saturday, it tacked another game onto his remarkable three years' record with the lemon-yellow. In that time he has lost but one game for Ore gon. Bigbee won Oregon's game with a homer with the bases full. A Grain of Comfort By Dean C'olllnfi. Murphy, r Daley. 1. . . Colllns.2. Baker..".. . Mclnnis,l Strunk.m Barry.s. . . Lapp.c . . .. Pennock, p 4 1 4 0 4 11 4 1 B H O AH 3 0 O 0 0 3 0 12 1 0 3 O 2 0 o 3 14 0 0 4 a O 2 1 .1 1 3 10 4 0 2 4 0 2'0 3 10 feattla... 00000000 0 0 Vancouver 00400020 0 11 Runs, Shaw 2, Bennett, McCarl. Frisk ? Br'nkar- Cheek 2, Clark 2. Two-base bits.. Bennett, Hiester. Wottell, Clark. Sac rifice hits, Raymond. Shaw 2. Bennelt. 5 J.en ?ase Hiester. struck out, by Mclvor I. V"" "A rlarK, - Basea on balls. ff Mclvor 1. off Glpe 2. off Clark 0. Dou ble play Duddy (unassisted). Pitchers' summary. 0 hits and 7 runs off Mclvor in t 5 i a 4 runB off Glpe ... -o iiuiuks. v,narge aeieat to Mclvor. 'wiv, t.oo. umpire, rary, BEES' ItALLY IS MAGNIFICENT With Defeat-Near-Victoria Wallops McGlnnity's Men, 7-5." VICTORIA,' B. C, April 20. With a Cand rally In the eighth Inning. Vic toria came from behind today and beat Tacoma, 7 to 5. McGlnnity had - the liees on bis hip up to the sixth, when they began to hit him. Steele was hit with frequency throughout. It was opening day here and the attendance nearly 5000 set a record for the city, ilayor Stewart . pitched the tirst ball, Sir Richard McBride, Premier of the rovince, unsealing and handing it to him. Score: . . - . Tacoma I Victoria ' v - B H O A K HOAt- PACIFIC : COAST LBAGCE TEAM 8 FARED DURING THE rAST WEEK. Record of games played, won and lost.' with hits, runs and errors made by each team last week, as follows: . a. W.L. R. H. B. Portland 4 2 2 16 85 0 Oakland 4 2,2 16 39 6 San Francisco.... 7 6 1 42 75 It Los Angeles ...... 7 A a 20 61 ' 12 Venice T 4 3 26 46 5 Sacramento 7 3 4 23 61 17 Totals 36 18 18 143 317 58 Two of Oldest . Pitchers in Business to Face Each Other Today. POWELL BULKY ATHLETE There's a tear within my eye, kid, And my Adam's apple chokes. When I think of how we didn't Cop the series from the Oaks. We had started out so lucky. When the first two games went through, That it seemed an awful shame, kid. We should drop those other two. Oh, the Jinx was on the Job. kid. Sunday it was plain to see; That's the dope that makes me sob, kid Such a score as four to three. But there's still a grain of comfort That relieves my doleful sighin' When I think they couldn't do it Without walkin' Buddy Ryan. So this simple song I'm slngin". Really, truly alms to show That there's always something soothin' For a fan's most bitter woe. Though we split that series even. When that last game went a-flyin' Still it's good to think Prough dare not Put 'em close to Buddy Ryan. Though He Boasts of 40 Summers as Against 32 Winters for Hig ginbothani, Game) Promises In terest as Powell's First. Pacific) Cwt League btauidiacs. W. L. Pct. W. L. Pet. tr- tr. 1 A k T".T T .m Anirt-lea S 12 .4VO v.nlo. . "'ll ! loSOPortland .... 0 .400 Sacramento 8 10 .444'Os.kland ....6 10 -S3 Yesterday's ItMults. No games played traveling dar. BT ROSCOIS FAWCETT. When the Venice Tigers pounce upon the field at 3 o'clock this afternoon against the Portland Coasters, to re sume their annual warfare, two or the oldest pitchers in .the business will be pitted against each other. - Jack Powell and Irve Hlgglnbotham are the hoary-headed octogenarians in mind. Powell is, perhaps, the bulkiest ath lete in the Pacific Coast League, be sides being one of the oldest He boasts of 40 Summers, as against 82 Winters for Higganbotham. Unlike the local giant, Poweli is new to most Coast fans, for this is his first year in the circuit. Manager Hogan got Powell from Louisville In trade for Sterrett and O'Rourke. For 19 seasons big Jack has been pitching good ball. Patsy Tebeau found him in 1895 and signed him for the Cleveland Spiders. He was one of the men the Robinsons took to St. Louis when they transferred their Cleveland National club to Mizxou." The big boilermaker was among the leading twlrlers of the American league back about four or five years ago. He Is said to have terrific speed and good control. All of which fits Higganbotham In everv particular. - Htg pitched for St." Louis, the Cardi nals, in 1908. and then, after a couple of seasons with the Chicago Cubs, slipped back Into the minors via Louisville, as did Powell. McCredie bought him from Toledo. ), Two or three other ex-big leaguers will come north with the Venice boss this morning, among the foremost be ing Southpaw "Doc" White, for years with the Chicago White Sox. Pitcher Smith, of the same club, and Babe Borton, the big flrst-sacker who starred with the same club for a few months, finally going to the New York Yanks last season in the sensational Zeider-for-Hal Chase barter. When it was announced during the Winter that Hogan had fixed a deal for "Doc" White, his old boss. Fielder Jones, ' opined that "Doc" would have a good year out on the Coast. And Fielder seems to have diag nosed the .situation with more than ordinary acumen. White already has pitched and won five games for the Tigers. He took the San Francisco Seals down twice the opening week, winning two of the three games ac quired by the Venetians. - Since last Fall Hogan has over hauled considerably his batting order. Jack Bliss, of the Senators, has been added to the catching roster; Leard, of the Oaks, occupies Brashear's niche at second: McArdle, of the Seals, is at short, and Pitcher Henley, of the Seals. is another acquisition well known to Portland fandom. Hogan has been using Frans Hosp at third base, and it win not De sur prising to see him disporting himself at the difficult corner most of the sea son. Honug McArdle has been doing wonderfully well at short. Thus far in the year no team has been able to make the Tigers back up, and. those who have seen them In action think the Tigers the most for midable pennant stumbling block in the circuit. Los Angeles larruped Oakland un mercifully and the Tigers rode rough shod over the afflicted Angels. San Francisco made mincemeat out of the SHOWING BY FEDERALS IS SURPRISE TO MATTY Star Pitcher of Giants Says if New League Continues as It Has Started Many Players Will Snap Up Next Offers. ((iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii:iitnii:ii:iniiiiiiuiiinii::iiitinHKuim!j Vj IN.; W CJ"H if! ,ljir4j ml iirttxx i mm in ill The Sanitary Ail-Gas Kitchen PICTURE to yourself this kitchen ia operation the Rund Automatic Gas Water Heater in the basement, without any attention save the turn of a faucet, supplying you with unlimited, inexpensive, pure hot water. Unlimiud because the water runs piping hot as long as the faucet remains open the laundry and bath supplied at the same time. Inexpensive because the Ruud is self-operating and burns gas only while you are drawing hot water. Pure because the water is heated as it passes through the long copper heating coils direct from the water main. Think of the Modern Gas Range, especially equipped for any mode of cooking, heat easily regulated to a "just right" temperature, no dirt, no ashes, no excessive labor, and all this comfort and convenience at a low cost for gas. The best demonstration of .the merits of these "comfort makers" is to see them in operation at our showroom, or a postal will bring you complete informatioa by return mail. Portland Gas & Coke Fifth and Yamhill Streets w Portland, Oregon IiKi!!siia2;i?tJii.:::ii3s:.jxii!iii!iiSllIs 'Uiiiniii Mil EGflf k Tnfesa Am Co. MMif N Mtlllon.1.. Jtuiler.S. . Abbott, m. JloMul'n.S rv'irhbors.r We-at. 1 Bloomer, JIarrla.c. . Kelly. c. . . WG'nity.p 0 X 1 1 S 0 1 2 1 1 I xo s 0 s 0 Of Nye. 3 llCrum.m.. . 00'Wilhoit.l. . 3 OlZ'erman.r. 0 OtUmb.; X 3IF B H O A E 4 1 110 3 1 2 1 0 4 3 3 0 0 4 0 10 0 3 0 110 4 2 I DO i :; .- o :: n it i o 2 0 0 5 1 Rvfln 1 1 11 jlnifa,H.. 2 0Crny.c.. 2 0 3 1 i Mecle.u. . . 4 0 1 0 , Totals. 36 11 24 IS SI T.itHls. .30 RL'7 14 1 Tacoma o 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 i Victoria 0 U 0 0 0 1 1 3 7 T'.uns. Million a. Butler. McMullin. West. "ye. f'rum. Delmas. Wilhoit. l.amb. Kvan 1'. fc'acrifive hit CTuin, Sacrifice fly, Steele! ifjte ted for Foster in eighth. Kan for Gard ner in eighth. Philadelphia 04O0O010 1 8 Boston .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 Huns. Mclnnes, Strunk. Barry 2, Lapp, Pennock. Three-bft hits, Pennock, Strunk, I Iuis. Hits, oft Foster In 8 lnnlnsrs; oft Johnson. 2 In 1 Inning. Sacrifice hlut, Kn. fie. Speaker, ltpp. Barry. Stolen bases. xerKes. uaraner. uouDle play tlarry la,, nssisted). Left on bases, Philadelphia 4, Boston 7. Bases on balls, off Pennock 3. off Foster 2. Hit by pitcher. Carrigan by Pennock). Struck out, by Foster 3. by Pen nock 1. Time, 1:30. Umpires. Dineen ana Connolly. CHICAGO. April" 20. Chicago-St. LouiB KJrtn postponed; cold. DETROIT. April 20. Cleveland-Detroit same postponed; "cold. . NEW YORK, April 20. New York Wasiiington game postponed; rain. IJml Had Xo Edge, Conners Savt. CENT R AHA, Wash..' April 20. (Spe cial.) Eddie Connere, manager of Joe tiwain. Is Indignant over the reports that Bud Anderson could have knocked Swain out in the fourth rouad of their BY CHRISTY MATH EW SON. The Giants' Star Pitcher. EW YORK," N. Y., April 20. (Spe cial.) Many calculations have been upset In baseball since the season started. The clubs that 1 ex pected to get the jump havo fallen down, and the supposed weak ones have come ' through in pretty good shape so far. The Federal League also has got away with flying colors, an other unexpected development, from my point of view. But. after all, the showing of the first week does not amount to much. The new organization has made a profound impression on the ballplay ers lately, especially since the opening of the league in Baltimore across the street from where the Giants were meeting the Baltimore International Laguers. There was not room in the Federal League's grounds for the crowd which desired to attend, and some of the overflow came across the street to see the Giants' big game. But all the enthusiasm was over the rival attrac tion. A big holiday was made of the occasion in Baltimore, and the Gover nor of Maryland attended. .' Some of the members of the New York club expressed their surprise at the showing. If the Feds can keep up this sort of attendance pace for any length of time they are going to con vince the ballplayers that they really have a league. Many of the stars in the big leagues have been holding off until the Feds got under way before believing that the new organization is liable to stick. A lot of them will lis ten to offers for next season, if the present showing holds up.- Of course this large attendance at the start may be simply the result of the curiosity of the fans to see what the new league will do, and may not bo any true indication of how far the league will go. Almost (anybody - will go once to see a new exhibit, but if the real goods are not on display pernio- nently, they won t go again. As T have na.id before, I don't think that the new league has the ballplay ers to carry it through the season with the) patronage necessary for success In these days of high salaries. However, if the Feds make it this year, it is go ing to be easier for them to pick up the real stars next Winter. You would be surprised at the sensible players in the business who are beginning to take the Federal League seriously. I know of one man wh5 has been on a club that has taken three world's champion, ships, who made this remark to me recently: If the Federal League makes me an offer next -Fall like the one it did last, I'm going to consider it a long time. If I don t take It, I'll worry somebody anyway. Even some of the Giants are wonder ing what it is all coming: to, but the older players on the club are too loyal to McGraw and too sure of the future of the team to do any Jumping. How ever, the good start of the Federal League baa worried the club owners, because it was confidently hoped by the powers in organized baseball that the new league would crack as soon as it saw the light of April sunshine. AH baseball men realize that the new league means the expenditure of a lot of money before it either cracks or Is taken into organized baseball. The players appreciate this fact, too, and they are going to. profit by it. because they know that as soon as the war is settled, the scale of salaries is going to be badly cut. A prominent baseball magnate as sured me last week that under the new scale of wages only, a few clubs in organized baseball have any chance of making money this year. Of course, the Athletics, the Giants, the White Sox, with their solid Chicago patronage, and one or two more teams which should finish in the first division. should show -a profit. This magnate added that the club owners in the Fed eral League -did not have a chance to get anything on the good side of the ledger with the salaries in that or ganization exaggerated as they are at present and the added expense of the new parks to carry. Such men as Falkenberg. formerly of Cleveland, ilenorix. wltn tne firates last year. and Seaton are taking; down enormous pay, while Knabe, Tinker. Doolan. and the rest are getting the real cream in the money line. Beavers and Ihe Tigers tied them on their home grounds. Add to these proxy comparisons the fact that Venice also has a series over Sacramento to Its credit and you will readily Bee that Venice looms up now as the best bet in the Coast League. However, trie season is too young yet to indulge in pennant predictions. Portland always comes stronger after McCredie has had time to pet his team In lighting shape. He is handi capped by having to train away oft in a foreign land with no outlet for strenuous competition. Sacramento is bound to come stronger, too, after a month or two, while San Francisco is pretty sure to become more phlegmatic as the sea son progresses. Venice generally holds to pretty stilt gait the entire season through, but, somehow or other Hogan seems to lack the supreme driving power at the finish tape. He h'as been nosed out so often that it likely would send a chill down the Hogan back should he get within striking distance this Fall. Los Angeles, as heretofore, is the deep-dyed mystery of the current cam. palgn. A few weeks ago most of the wiseacres had the Dillon tribe figured the most to-be-feared team in the league, but. the way the Tigers trampled upon them was shameful. Perhaps It was the same old jinx that always ha" troubled Xlllon in his settoes with Venice. Portland does not face the Angels until the first week in May, however, so we will not wrinkle our fair complexion worrying over that phase of the dope. CATtPKXTIER TO MEET GUNBOAT French Champion to Go CO KounUis for Stake of $25,000. LONDON, April 10. Georges Carpen. tier, the French champion, signed articles today for a 20-round contest with "Gunboat" Smith for a stake of o,000. .offered by Dick Burge, and a sido bet of $2500. The fight is to take place in June at London. OJAI TOURNEY IS GLASSY TEN MS l'LAV IV SOUTH TO DRIMj OUT BEST. DOPESTEITS CORNER Two Pacific Coast Teams Made lO Hits Without Run Uaring 1013 CampalaTB. I T doesn't seem possible for a team to pile up ten hits off an oppost tlon pitcher and yet not score a single run, but, in 1913, two Pacific Coast League clubs did this stunt, Oakland and Portland being the sufferers. July 25 Dutch Klawltter. of Sacra mento. beat Portland 3 to 0, and allowed ten safeties. July 1 . Roy Hitt, of Venice, beat Oakland 1 to 0 allowing ten safe knocks. These two records technically were outdone in the final Portland-Sacra- mento srame of the year, at Sacramento. but. this latter was a iarce game. , Kenworthy twiriea lor tne senators for five innings and allowed 11 hits. Sacramento winning S to 0. The game cannot be taken seriously alongside the two ten-hit engagements. Klawitter figured in another notable pitching performance last year, losing a one-hit game to Venice. ine soor was 2 to 0. "Giants" Defeat Idaho U., 13-0. MOSCOW, Idaho, 20. (Special.) To a crowd that was just about one-third as large an had been expected the game between the university baseball nine and the colored "Giants" from Chicago presented on the new athletic field Fri. day a full measure of enjoyment. The score was 13 to 0 in favor of the visiting team. Tho Forest service Is compiling a new volume table for calculating the board con tents of standing Western yellow pine tres In the Southwest. Tt Is based on actual measurements of 8000 trees. Floreaee Suttoa AmoKg Those to Be Seen oat Courts This Week With 283 Other Entraata. LOS ANGELES. April 20. (Special.) Entries for the Ojal Valley annual tennis tournament, which will open next Thursday at Nordhoff. exceed the 283 of last year, according to C. W. Wooldredge and R. M. Griffith, of Thatcher School, who are in Los An geles today. In addition to excelling in number of entries any tournament in the United States, the Ojal events will pre sent big league class, both in the com petitions for men and for women. In the women s doubles event. Miss Florence Sutton and Mrs. Kearne. of Riverside, winners of last year's Ojal tournament and also winners of the women's doubles in the Maryland- uuntington tournament, again will compete. Among those who will op pose the champions will be Miss Kin caid and Miss Jessie Grieve, of tho Uni versity of Southern California; Miss Dorothy Linnard, of Pasadena; Miss Ena Young, of Bishops School. La Jolla, and Miss Maud Lowell, of Stanford. In the intercollegiate doubles Eu gene Warren and Harold Huntington will represent the University of South ern California. Harold Herlihay and Fred Eldred will Play under Occidental colors, while Ira Cate will be one of the team representing Pomona. To win intercollegiate honors the southerners will have to overcome Willis Davis, of the University of California, who, at the Long Beach tournament last year, played Tom Bundy a five-set match, and his partner. Emery Rogers, mem ber of the championship team in last year's Ojal lnterecholastic and a run ner-up in the Stanford lnteracholastic which was won last year by Barber, and McCormick, of Los Angeles High School, present Oregon champion. GIRLS TAKE SWIMMING TEST Several Juniors Successful ind Wee Tots Show Efficiency. The first Junior swimming and diving test of the Portland Y. W. C. A. was held in the association tank last Sat urday with 18 taking part. The re quirements for the test were to swim the tank 20 consecutive lengths, or 380 yard's, showing three different strokes. breast, side and back strokes along with a plain front and a plain back dive. Those who successfully passed the examination given by Miss Mille Schloth were Blanch and Marion Fisher, Grace Goodall. Dorothy Green, Harrlette Walters and Vera Sheldon. Theso Juniors now are entitled to wear a pin of special design which bears the Inscription, "Swtmminsr una Divlns. Portland Y. W. C. A." After the tostM a life-saving ex hibition was presented by the entire class including little Doris McCllntock, aged years. Doris successful ly swam the length of the pool in a rescue act, dragging her swimmingr teacher. Miss Schloth, to safety. Ruth Helms. another wee miss, repeated the per formance. In an exciting raco of 28 yards Ruth Bruere, daughter of Dr. Gustav Bruere. showed the fastest tpeed. while Dorothy Green, daughter of T. 11. Green, UnlEhed first among- the older grlrls. Those taking part in the meet were: Virginia Wilson. Alice and Ruth Bruere, Vera Sheldon, Dorothy Green, Harrlette Walters. Grace Goodall. Blanch Fisher. Marion Fisher. Kutll Helms. Doris Mc Cllntock. Jean McDonald. Eileen Stephens, Mildred Barnes, Vivian John son, Eva Schultz, Agnes Sehultz and Tessla Dlllanc. Ilillsboro Mooe Team Victor. HILLRBORO, Or.. April 20. (Spe cial.) For the first time this year the Archer-Wiggins Weonas team of Port land loKt, the local Mouse baseball team trimmtiiar them 9 to 3 here yesterday. Two pitchers were ustd by the visitors but to no avail, as 11 hits were secured by the winners. Martin and Phelps worked for the winners with Jorgnn- son, Schwartz and Broden for the Weonas. -4.;."... - " Cheney Heady to Join Federals. ST. LOUIS. April 20. Larry Cheney, pitcher of the Cubs, conferred with Manager Tinker, of tho Chicago Fed erals, today and It was reliably re ported practically decided to Jeava the Cuba and Join the "outlaws." The deal Is awaiting only the sanction of Presi dent Weesrhman, according to report. STANDISH f ' ' T fi"t"aiii fr'-ii J ARROW COLLAR-ifort CWtt rWy & C0..W. Makr "- 4 NOT GOOD AFTER APRIL 26, 1914 ROSE FESTIVAL ASSOCIATION TOUR DE LUXE VOTING COUPON. THIS COTTON WILL COUNT FOR ITVE VOTES For Street Cleea for five vote wkra wrwwrrly fillet nmt mm test te the Tm HsaafCf tby soatU or otherwise I, Yloom 4 V. Morgaa Uulldlsia. or he tore tho shove slate.