THE 3IORXIXO OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, ; APRIL. 1G, 1914. 19 ! DEMAND FOR PRUNES Eastern Trade Inquiring for 1914 Quotations. PACKERS ' NOT OFFERING Crop Prospects Satisfactory on Coast and Good Prices Are Assured, Owing to Cleanup of Old Stocks. , The trade in the Eastern States and In the Middle West Is choiring considerable Interest in new pack Italian Northwestern prunes. The market Jias not opened yet, hut the prospects are trood. As the situa tion is expjressed by J. T. Brumfleld, a local authority on the subject, VW will Tiave fair prices for prunes, even if the crops on the Coast are large. If the crops re small, prices will be exceedingly good." ... The prune crop in' the Northwest last year was & light one, and the holdover from 1918 was small. All of the 191 pack went into Jobbers hands at good prices, find stocks now held by Jobbers - and re tailers are very light. This conditions naturally makes 'for more or less Inquiry for prices on the- 1914 pack. Some of the Jobbers would be willing to buy a limited quantity of prunes for early shipment, but packers in Oregon and Wash ington have thought It best not to offer yet until the weather becomes settled and they know more about what kind, of a crop will be produced. Crop prospects up to this time have been "very good in both Oregon and California. Tn the latter, state the crop is probably as safe now as It will be three months hence, tut In the Northwest growers are hoping for a spell of clear, warm weather. Noth ing is doing in the way of contracting with growers, and the latter are not interested in selling. A late trade report from New York says: "Sellers of future California prunes are Impressed by the crop conditions mani fested thus early in the season and tend ing to indicate' a much - shorter crop than had been counted on. They are withdraw ing recent quotations and their new figures are from 3.ic to c above those on which they have been ready to do business here tofore. Tt was said -to be doubtful If any thing more could be bought for September b shipment on a 5c f. o. b. four-size basis -for 40a to 60s, the last reported transac tions In that month being on this basis. Packers are now reported to be reluctant to make further commitments for first half of October under 4 He and are generally asking 4Ko f. o. b. four-size bulk basis for 40s to 60s in Santa Clara stock. Pos sibly all October shipment in Santa Clara could still be done on a 4 f. o. b. bulk busis, 40s to 60s, though the general quo tation appears to be 4ic and some packers demand 4c. Otuside prunes, 40s to 90s, are- generally quoted on the basis of 4c for the four sizes, all October shipment, but the seller do not seem to be eager for business at this price. The . improvement In the tone of the Coast market is attrib ' utcd to the unprecedentedly heavy drop of setting fruit In many sections, for which as yet there seems to be no adequate explana tlon. Spot prunes are quiet but firm under small and closely concentrated stocks." FOREIGX MOHAIR ' MARKETS OPENING Brisk Trade in "New Turkish Clip I x " " peered. , New ' clip mohair Is now coming on the ' foreign- market's and prices for the current season will" sooix be; established. Reporting on foreign conditions, the Boston Com mercial . Bulletin says-: "Spinnera are still fairly busy In Tork - ahire, England, on old contracts, but they state that new business, whether for home consumption or for export account, is very slow, although of course with the new clip Just about to arrive on the market in, Con stantinople it is understood that 'consumers are not Inclined to paint a picture espe cially rosy-l)ued At the Cape some "Winter kid hair re cently sold up to lSd and near the end of March 100 bales of Basuto hair was reported sold at the Cape at lld. "The - Constantinople market is reported quiet. The new clip was expected to be coming into the up-country market very freely by Easter, according to mail ad vices of March 21. It is also expected that there will be a fairly brisk market, es pecially for fine ' hair, once the new clip actually begins to arrive in good quantities." " FARMERS ASKING HIGHER PRICES Valla Walla- Holders Want 83 Cent for Club Wheat. Very little wheat is being offered, and while dealers are trying to buy cheaper they meet with no response on .the part of sellers in the country. A few smwll lots of- club were available yesterday at points 1n the Walla Walla and Waltsburg sections, but . tn.e holders, jlJTpiU1A-d 85 cents, which la equal to 'about 99 cents here. ; The California market was stronger and better prices were bid for Northern wheat. The eats ' and barley markets continued Inactive, and weak. Local receipts In cars were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barter Blour Oats Hav Monday " 2 . 17 .17 11 g Tuesday 10 3 Wednesday..'. -14 "Year ago Season to date 1503 Tear ago 154T.0 c 6 7 22S8 240. 1083 2019 9 2409 1865 1610 14Uu COUNTRY PRODUCE IN OXIOD DEMAND Poultry and Meats Clean t'p at Firm Prices. Egg Market Is Steady. - Receipts of poultry and dressed -meats were on a liberal scale yesterday, but every thins " cleaned up without trouble. liens sold readily at 18 cents. Broilers were more - plentiful than heretofore, and $0 cents was tho best price quoted. Meats sold at former prlce5. x The egg market was in good shape. The general quotation on the street was 19 cents. and single case lots brought half a cent . more. Packers reduced their buying price 10 ISIj. cents, but other storage operators and creameries still paid 19 cents. The butter and cheese markets were active and unchanged. KTRAW BERRV . DEMAND IS (, ROWING Good California 8tork Sells Readily Banana Train In. tjjs Angeles strawberries were plentiful end of good qusHty. They offered at $1.25 to $1.50 a crate and cleaned up closely. A carload is due today and . another Friday. Florin berries again came through in bad shape and 40 crates were condemned by the Market Inspector. Six cars of bananaa were received. Two ears of Wlnnlngstadt cabbage arrived last night, also a car of lettuce. The last . car of sweet potatoes of the season is in. Apples are well sold out of storage, and firm prices . are . asked foe all . grades re mainlng. - Bank - Clearing's, Bank clearings of tho Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. "Portland Seattle . Tacoma Spokane $2,842,043 $327.31 2,258.12 . 172.624 300,756 17.84 725.141 - 88.57; Orecon Hops Taken at 17 Cents. A few orders are on the market for heps, but the demand is limited. A. J. Ray tx. Bon bought a carload mads up In th J-amhUl and Dayton sections at 17 cents, also a car of Washington at 14'i.cents. A number of growers were around the local offices yesterday seeking to contract the new crop, and indicating 15 cents as an acceptable price. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain, floor. Feed, Ete. WHEAT Track prices: Clnb, Se; bins stem. 1; forty-fold, 08 Vic; red Russian, 91 tt'UVic; valley, Vic. BARLEY Feed. J22"J 22.50 per ton: brew ing. f2323.25; rolled, S24.5023.BO. OATS No. 1 white, milling, 023.50 per ton. CORN Whole, $S4; cracked, f5 per ton. FLOUR Patents. 14.80 per barrel: straights. $4.20: exports, 3.90; vaUey, 4 Si; graham, $4.80; whole wheat. $5. HAT No. 1 Eastern Oregon timothy, il617.SO; mixed timothy, 1415; valley, grain hay, I12.60O14; alfalfa, J12Q1S. M1LLFEED Bran, $23.50 per ton; shorts, $26; middlings. k z Fruits and Vegetables. - Local Jobbing quotations: . TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels. $1.752.S0 per box; lemons, $3.25 4.50 per box; pineapples. 6c per pound; bananas. 4Ve per pound: tangerines, $1.75 per box; grape fruit, California, $3.50; Florida, $5.75e per box. VEGETABLES Cauliflower. 75c $1.23 per dozen; cucumbers. $1.7$2 per dozen; egg plant. 25c per .pound; peppers. 85o per pound: radishes, 25c -per dozen: head let tuce, $2.50 per crate; garlic, 12Ho pound; sprouts. 10 11c per' pound: artichokes, 75 "J) 85o per dozen; celery, $3.75 4 crate; to matoes. $4&4.50 per crate; hothouse let tuce. 7refi$l per 'box; spinach. r,c per lb.: horseradish, s&lOc; rhubarb. 88Ho per lb.: cabbage, 2&2c per pound; asparagus, $1 & 1.25-per dozen; peas, 7 fa 8c per lb. ; gar lic, 12Vfcc pound; beans, 20c pound. GREEN FRUIT-Apples. $12.50 per box; grapes, Malagas, $7.500 per keg; cran berries. $12 012.50 per carrel; strawberries, $1.2o(S:.50 per crate. ONIONS Oregon, per stack, $4.60: Austra lian, 4 Vic per pound; Texas, $2.75 per crate. POTATOES Oregon, 75c per hundred; buying prices, 4OW60c at shipping points, sweet potatoes, $2.75(3) 3 per crate; new Cali fornia, 68c per pound. BACK VEGETABLES Turnips, foe; car rots, bSc; parsnips, Sic; beets, 00c. Iairy and Country Produce. Local lobbing quotations: EGOS Fresh Oregon ranch, 1910Vc per aozen. POULTRY Hens. 18c; broilers. 30c; tur keys, live. 20c; dressed, choice, 2027c; ducks. 1720c; geese, lOf&lSc. CHE-SSE Oregon triplets. 20c; Daisies, nominal; Young Americas, nominal. BUTTER Creamery prints, extra, 25o per pouna; cubes, zzc PORK Fancy, 10V4llo per pound. VEAL Fancy. 12 vt (p 18c ' per pound. (Maple Groceries. Local jobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia River, one-pound tails. $2.25 per uuzeu; bait-pound Ilats, $1.40; one-pound flats, $2.40; Alaska pink, one-pound tails, Soc; aiiversides, one-pound tar.e, $1.25. HONEY Choice. $3.006 3.75 per case. NUTS Walnuts. 14 & 20c per pound; Brazil nuta. 20c; filberts, 14015c; almonds. 19&2sc; peanuts, 40 Vac; cocoanuta, $1 per dozen; chestnuts, bifflOu per pound; p jeans, 14vloe- BEANS Small white, C"c; large white, 4.80c; Lima, 7c; pink, 5c; Mexican. ttisc; cayou, oftc. SUGAR Fruit and berry, $4.60; Honolulu plantation, $4.40, beet. $4.40; extra C, $4.10; powdered, lu barrels. S4a5. COFFEE Koasteu, in arums, 10?52o per pound. ' SALT Granulated. $15.00 per ton: half- ground, ICOs. $lu.7C per ton; bus. $11.50 per ton, uau-y,. $14 per ton. . RICE No. 1 Japan, 4 14 5c: .Southern neau. o i i ta c : uiand. ioi DRIED FRUITS Apples, 10c per pound; apricots, 1242'14c; peaches, btifllc; prunes, Italians, u&loo; currants, Vftc; raisins, loose, Muscatel, B'AwIvjc; bleached Thomp son, 113c; unbleached Sultana, ottc; seed ed, "9e? dates. Persian, 7ty7,c- per pound; lard, $1.40 per box. FIGS Package. 8 ox., 60 to box, $1.85; 1 ackage, 10 ox., 12 to box, 80c; white, 25-1 b box, $L75; black, 25-lb box, $1.75; black, 50-lb box. $2.60; black, 10-lb. box. $L15; Calurab candy figs, 20-lb. box, Si-Smyrna, per box, $1.60. iTovlslonK HAMS 10 to 13-pound. 18 MO 18 4c; 12 li 14-pound, 18HlUVc; 14 to 18-pound, lS'i tflujc; skinned, loyluc; picnic, 18c; boiled, 20c - .- - - . . BACON Fancy. 20 2754c;' standard. 21H&23HO. DRY SALT CURED Short clear backs, 13tspl6c; exports, 1510Vc; strips, 160 17c. LARD Tierce basis. Pure, 12 HOI fee; compound, ouc . a Hops, Wool, Hides." Etc. HOM 1912 crop prima and choice, IS 17c; 1914 -contracts, nominal. ' PELTS Dry, 10c; dry short wool. 7c; dry shearings, 10c; green shearings. lOc; salted -heep, uucu$l; Spring iunlii, 15 25c HIDE Salted hides. 13c per pound; salt kip, He; salted calf, 19o; reen hides, 12c; dry hides, 24c; dry calf, 26c; salted bulls, sc per pound; green bulls, 00. WOOL Valley, l.loc; Eastern Oregon. 12&I60. MOHAIR 1914 clip, $7 per pound. CASCAHA BARK. Old laid new, 60 per pound. FISH Halibut, 7c; Sacramento salmon, 19c; local salmon, IGo; black cod, be; sil ver perch, 10c. . Oils. KL'KOSENE Water white, drums, bar rels or tank wagon, 10c; special, drums or barrels, 18Vtc: cases. 17Vi &20140. GASOLINE Bulk. 16c; cases, 22c; motor spirit, bulk, 16o; cases. 23o. Engine distil late, drums, eo; cases. 15c Naptha, drums, 15c: cases, 22c I.iNbiiKB OIL Raw. barrels. 68c: boileu. barrels, boo; raw, oases, 600; boiled, cases. vc - TURPENTINE In cases. 6x- ner -:.llr.n- tauks. 61c. Bank Clearings. Hank clearings In the United States for the week ending April S. as reported to- urausiren s. aggregate 2.2h, 220.00O, gainst $3. 50;. UM. 000 in the- precedins week and $3.O74.:loa.0O0 in the same week last year. Trollowin are the returns for the week with percentages of cban-re from last year: P. C. Inc. New York . . , ..$1,843,960,000 8.6 Chicago ,. . S0O.193.O00 .. -17S.7oS.000 169,733,000 75,44,oi)0 13867,000 4.100.000 49.03,000 . 8, 083,000 . . " 24.61.000 26.766.OO0 22.9i3.0OO 27,284.000 23.4O3.000 . . 16.936.0II0 16,603.000 I. 1. 4 16,000 1R.794.000 14.009.000 13,160,000 II. 361. 000 .t- 11,663.000 -:9.S73.O0 7 Philadelphia .. 10.3 9.2 2.0 7.0 6.8 1.8 1.3 nosfm . . -. . St. Louis . . . . . Plttsbure Ka'nsas City San Francisco Baltimore . . . Detroit 14..T 11.6 'lncinnatl ... Minneapolis 9.4 10.6 Cleveland . . . , Los Angeles ., 3.6 1.9 New Orleans Omaha 7.0 Milwa-ukee ... 6.7 Atlanta , 1 ljulsville Portland, Or. 9.4 20.6 Heat tie , .7 3.0 Buffalo -St. Paul 7.6 Denver Indianapolis' . .'. 7.920.000 19.3 . . - 7. 34O.00O 5.2 . . . 4.7 provluencc . . Spokane 3.947.O0O 6.7 Oakland - 2,852,000 1.0 2. 203. 000 J7.0 3sn Diego ... Tacoma 3.1 1 7.000 17.S Sacramento ,. .2, ilo.OOO .$ Decrease. Metal .Markets. NEW YORK. Anril l.",. Lead nil let. 3.7SO .f.t: London. . Spelter easy. f. 7fa: 5.2r, ; London, 21 10s. Copper nominal. Spot and June. 18.50f n. o;. electrolytic, lake, lo.ou, nom inal: casting. 1 4.2 jSH'14.37 'i. Tin weak. Spot, U5.8u30.13; Jtzne, 89.00 . Antimony dull. Cookson's, 7.25. ' Iron steady, iiuchafiEed. Chicago Iulry Produce. ' CHICAGO. April 15. Butter, unchanged lower; receipt. itO.Osl cases; at mark, cases Included, ltJH'u,17c; ordinary nrsts. iBfeiWPJic; nrsts. iiKjitc. Cheese, easy; daisies. 17Spl71.4c: tn-fns. lO1, SJlo'ic; Americas, 10-tflBcr long norm. J.U (fl) 10 !-;C Dried Krult at New York. NEW YORK. April 15. Evaporsted ap ples quiet. Prunes firm. Apricots, quiet and firm. Peaches, steady.. Raisins, dull. Cotton Markets. NEW YORK. April 13. Spot cotton. Quiet. Middling uplands, 13.10c; gulf. 13.35c City Srs Bond Interest. CEXTRALIA, Wash., April 13. (Spe-cial.)- An agreement wss made with Carstert A Carles, a bonding- Arm, by the City Commission yesterday where by considerable-interest will be saved on bonds sold for- constructing; the local gravity wafer system. The bond ing? firm- agreed to buy $152,500 worth of the bonds. By agreement the money will be turned over as the city needs it. RALLY IN MARKET Pressure on Stocks Relaxes and Prices Rise. FAILURE OF BEAR RAID Mexican Affairs Play Little Part in Day's 'Speculation Xew Xork City Bond Sale Comes Vp ' to Expectations.. NEW YORK, April 13. Pressure on the stock market was relaxed today, and while the movement was irregular, there was no such, appearance of general weakness at during the preceding session. The buying power was limited, but whenever the mar ket showed signs of giving way, a suffi cient demand sprang up to bring about a roily. The range of prices wss narrow and tradine was on a much smaller scale. The only determined effort to bring about a resumption of the decline, which had been in progress most of the time for a week, was made during the -noon hour, when the hears raided the market, concentrating their attack: on union Pacific. The effect of the raid was short. Mexican affairs played little part in the day's market. Washington news was watched closely on the board room floor. but . the general inclination was to await developments, shares of corporations hav ing Interests In Mexico, such as Smelting ana Mexican Petroleum, were heavy Kansas Sc Texas preferred was again under pressure, breaking to 33, the lowest figure 111 Ji years. Selling of this stock was pro voked by uncertainty as to what action tne directors, who are to meet next week, will take, on the dividend. Cuts In the prices of copper metal and oil were re flected In heaviness of the petroleum and copper snares. The sale of $ij5.00O,000 New York City 44 per cent bonds about came uo to ex pectatlons In regard to the prices realized ana l tie volume of Mas. Bonds were irregular. Rock Island showed strength. Total sales par value, $2S5,00O. United States 2s registered and 4 registered aecunea A and Panama 3s registered H on .can. . . - . - CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. C. Wilson Sc Co., Lewis building. Portland. Closini LOW. Bid. 10 73 7:1 Sales. Allis-Chal Amal Copper . . 21.SV0 Am Beet Sugar..- Am Can Co .... "00 ' do preferred.. loo Am Cnr & Fdy.. 800 Am Cotton Oil Am Smel Ret 2,400 do preferred.. luo Am Sugar . . . . .v 500 do preferred.. 3m Art Tel ec Tel.. 1,200 . Am Tobacco Anaconda 1,000 Atl Coast Line.'. ". A T Sc Santa Fe 1,400 do preferred Bait & Ohio . . . 1,Hm Brok R Tran.. t0O High. 22 -4 28 hi H 411-7, ' '' 101 110 1 10'i 120 5b . ".37 ' ixi i "SH 01 200 V4 52 12 Vi 132 CiS4 S.VH 40 V, 2 27 H fc 41M B0H 101 110 ll . !33 "65 X . t5 1 4 12V 132 07 i it 411', 41 0H IOI 1U h, ll 22 121 vi 13V 110 "8V4 !1 ll8i 31 12V, 12 7T 34",a 40 28 H 2l', 12B 306 12V 13 V 2V 144 Vi 31H 121 110 Vis 14H 60 302 24 141 Ti 144 V 11 J21 11 24 128 122 67 26 Vi lli:i 75 loo 22 22 l-'OV, l:t "5 91 24 127 13 3 S2 16 r.R KVs 04 61 73 Canadian Pacific 10.::0O C & O . . 2,loo 10O 100 3. KM) R.1MK) 3.S0O . 3uO C O W C & N W C. M & St Paul. Central Leather. Chino Col FutI & Iron Col Southern 2SH Consul Has . . .. ' I U & W D R j 100 300 7,400 ' "40o 2.S00 8IM 400 2O0 13,300 . aoo 12tt IJ 28 "sivi 12a "i-i'-i U0-7 144 135 J2' 16 27 H "aoH 121 "i, "l4H 60 b 24H 141'. 104 Distilling Securl c.rie a.. ....... General Electric (jt North Ore . . t North pf . . . !llnois Central, nterboro Metro. do preferred.. Inter Harvester. K C Southern... Lehigh Valley .. Louis A Nssh... Mexican Central M. 6 P Sc S S M Mo, Kan Sc Tex,: Mo Pacific ..... Nat Biscuit ... l.WK) 1,200 ir.fe 24 k in 23 do preferred.. New Haven 2.80O 3,noo 40 U0 ' 2'. 7 00 400 8.000 2J,K6 l.wn 000 4.S00 L04I0 1.40O 30.2OO 07 M 26 r. 103 iio'H 23 'a 23 164 " 22 02 24 138 l."HiB 6 esvi 26S 103 imi 22 22 iir." 2J I 24 137 134 N Y Central . . . N Y, Ont Sc Wes Norfolk & Wet, North America.. Northern Pac . . Pacific Mail Pennsylvania ... Peoples Oas ... Reading Republic S I. Rock Island Co. Southern Pac . . Southern Ry ... Texas Oil Union Pacific . do preferred.. Pnlted Rds S F. U S Steel Cor.. 66.700 ' V.806 700 I.IOO 1,100 58 "o4i 1 Vs H2S 72 H do preferred.. Utah Copper . .. 54 61 72 Wabash Western T. nion. . Westinr Elec . . Wisconsin . Cent. 41 Total sales for the day. 306,400 shares. BONDS. Reported ly Overbeck Sc COoke Co., Board of Trade Bldg. Bid. Asked. Atch Gen 4s.. 95 96 Atl Coast Uno lit il. 4 'J 3 '4 B c O Oold 4S 94 Vj 9-r'.4 B K T 4s f0 01 fhes & O 4V-..... 92V; 94 C M & St P Oen 4 Vis 102 t" R I Col 4s . 33 Cal Gas 3s ?14 OlVs c B O. Joint 4s B7 97 Erie Gen 4s 74! 74V, Int Mt 4Vj.s 76 7J Louisville Nash ITn 4s 95 ti It.", Missouri Pac 4S. 50 60, NYC Gen HVis S2 8:t N W 1st Con 4 3 Northern Pac 4s 95 ..... Oregon short Lane Ref 4s 92V, 92 Pac Tel 5s 97 9S Penna Con 4s 100 101 Reading Gen 4a 95 95 st 1, & San Fran Ref 4s 77 77 Vt So P Ref 4s 92!s 95 S p Col 4S. 91 91 So Ry 3s l3Vi 1C So Ry 4s 74 74 l;n Ry Inv 4s 58 I n Pai 1st and Ref -4a 94 U4 Vi I' S Stoel 5s 102 103 West Shore 4fl 94 ..... Wahasn 4s 3:t 55 Whouse Klec cv 5s. ........... . 15 95 Wisconsin Central 4s 88 ..;.. Mocks at Boston. BOSTON. April 13. Closing Quotations AUouez ........ 41 INev Con 14 Amal Cop 73 iNiplssipg Mines.. 6 t z.- i. A: m.. m-isorm .Butte .... ze Aria Com 4; North Lake i Calumet sr Arix. 6. Old Dominion... 1!) I Wet-la 416 Osceola. 77 Centennial 16 IQulncy &8V4j Cop Range c C 37 IShannon ....... 5Vi V. fcmtte fop Mn 1014 superior 2sv P'rarklln .. 5 Sup at Bos Mine. 2 liranby Con SO- Tamarack fVi orecne cananea a -lu h n k Min. 7 . I Royalle Con) 18 do pfd 47 i Kerr Ijke 4I'tah Con Lake Corner... 7Wlnona ...... La Salle Copper Wolverine .... Miami Copper... 23v?jButtc A Sup.. Mohawk 42V4i 10 8 4Z 34 I Money, Kxchange, Etc. NEW YORK. April 13. Call money steady 1:(2 per ct-nt: ruling rate. 1 per cent cloinz bid. lft2 ner rent. Time loans, weak: 60 days. 2MQ2 per cent: 90 das. 2 '3 per cent; six months. 5rrc3 per cent. Mercantile naper. 3o3 per rent. bterlfng exchange, steady; 60-day bills. Commercial hills. $4.S4. Bar sliver. 3SC. Mexican dollars. 45Vqtc Government bonds, heavy; railroad bonds. irregular. LONDON. April 15. 26 13-16d. -Bar silver steady Aioner, oia. Short bills. 1; three months, 2. SAN FRANCISCO, April 15. Isrs. 4SV4C Mexican dot Sterling exchange. 0 days. 14.84; sight, $4.86. Drafts, telegraph 2 Vic, sight par. Naval Ktores. SAVANNAH. Ga., April 15. Turpentine firm. 43 4 -4:15 c: sales, 239: receipts. 170 shiumeuts. 1382: stocks, lu-,844. Rosin firm: sales. 1791; receipts. 634 shipments. HhM: stocks, 100.738. Quote: AB $3.75. CDF S3.S3, FG - $3.95, HI $4.10. K. $i.l5. M $4.50, N $3.30, WG and WW $5.73. . ' Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. April 15. The indifferent showing ot Kuropean market, continued good weather In Brazil, free old-crop move ment and a renewal of scattering May liQul dattona caused an opening decline of 8 to points In coffee today. Offerings of May were absorbed by prominent brokers an the market steadied on covering, with the clou 10 points-net lower to 3 points higher. Sales, 25,000 bags. May. S.53c; June, 8.61c; July. 8.70c: August. 8.78c; September, 8.84c; October. 8.93c; November. 9c: December, 9.06c; January, 9.12c; February, 9.19c; March, 9.26c Spot quiet. Rio No. 7. 8c; Santos No. 4, 11 He. Mild dull. Cordova, 12'416o nom inal. . Raw sugar closed barely steady. Centrif ugal. 2.95c: molasses sugar, 2.30c. Sales, 29, 000 bags. Refined, steady. 8AN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Quoted at the Bay City , on Fruits, Vegetables, Etc SAN FRANCISCO. April 15. Fruit Pineapples, $1.502; apples, Newtown Pip pins, $1.251.75; Hoover, $1,554 1.50; No. 3. 60c $1; Mexican limes, 7&s; California lemons. $1.75 3.50. Potatoes Delta wnites. 75Cftii.iv; Ore gon Burbanks, $5C4$1.25; sweats. $2,100 2.15. Vegetables Cucumbers, hothouse. $1; green peas, Zt94Hc; string Deans. 10c; eggplant, nominal. - Butter Fancy creamery, 22Vsc; seconds. 3c Eggs Fancy , ranch. 21 '-ic; store, 20c. Onions Oregon, $4 4.25. Cheese Young America, Itfil9c; new. ISa 16V.C Receipts Flour, Isos quarter sacks; bar ley, 7045 centals; potatoes, 387a sacks; hay. 60 tons. HOG MARKET HOLDS UP READILY PAV LISHED PRICK. KSTAB. Several toads of Montana Steers Moved at f$ Dar'a Ran Is Not . Latge, Ten loads of oeule and four ot hogs mad up the transfers at the yards yesterday. Market conditions In general were un changed. tlood Montana steers, of which about four loads were offered, were sold at $. Several loads of lower grade ranged in price from $7 to $ The hog market held well at the estab lished price of $S.73 for top grade. A few smooth heavy hogs sold at $7.75. No sheep were available. Receipts were 126 cattle snd 42 hogs. Shippers were: F. B. Dlshmoe, Red Rock, 5 cars cattle; J. T. Cooper, Condon, 1 car hogs; Fred Weatherford. Sneplers. 1 car hogs; T. J. McCuliough. Shanlko. 1 car hogs; J. W. Weer, Roosevelt, 1 car hogs; A. R. Brown. Ashland. 1 car hogs. The day's sales were as follows: Weight. Price. i 38 steers .1127$.0o; s hogs 1 steer ..1216 ti.00,lotr"logs Wt. Price. ISO $S.7-i . 20:t .t.73 7.73 7.73 7.75 8.23 8.30 5.60 0.H3 7.1W1 7.23 1 r steers . 1 1 lO n.001 1 hoi . 430 . 4:10 . 460 . ::2 . 170 . s:!4 . 79 .1041 .111s IS steers 10 steers 40 hogs . 43 hugs . 2 hogs . 93 hogs . 1 hog . . 1 hog . . 41 hogs . HS4 .111.-1 . 116 . 176 . 270 . 161 . 370 . ::oo . 213 .0o 1 hog . s.ool 1 hog . s.bsi 1 hoe . 8.75t 2 hogs 7.20; 27 cows e.7.! 24 cows 7.731 23 steers 7.73i 26 steers 8.731 26 steers ..1128 l.Mt Current local Quotations on the various . $7.50 at 8.20 . 7.304j 7.50 . 7.004X 7.25 . 6.25.,D 7.00 . 6.004? 6.25 , 6.00 4i 7.25 . 8.00 '(f 9.00 6.00 if 7.50 . .00ri 6.2$ , 6.00 (ti 7.50 . 8.00(6) 8.73 . 7.00.0 7.80 . 6.75 (if 7.10 . 6.00 a 6.16 . 5.35ti 5.65 . 4.759 5.00 . 4.26 4.50 classes of livestock follow: Prime steers Choice steers Medium, steers ............ Choice cows Medium cows Heifers Light calves .... Heavy calves Bulls tags nogs T.lght Heavy Sheen ambs, wool . . . .ambs. sheared . Wethers, sheared wes. wool Ewes, sheared . . Omaha Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. Aorll 13. Hogs Receipts. 10,000; market, lower. Heavy. lOiSS.ti..; light. $s.40ra.6O: pigs, $7,309 M; bulk of sales, ss.533.60. Cattle Receipts. gouO: market, easier. I"a- ive steers. 87.339: native cows and heifers. $6.23 & 8. 15: Western steers, $6.30 dig; Texas teera. ojg7.oo; lx:is cows anu Letters, 5.75W7.13: calves. $91310.75. Sheep Receiots. 10.000: market, lower. Yearlings, $6.S0tt7.60; wethers, $ti.40 jj7.1o; Iambs, 7.40u 8.40. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. April 15. Hogs Receipts. !.- 000; market, steady, at yesterday's average Bulk of sales. $8.b0$i8.85; light. $8.65 5.90; mixed. $S.608.9O; heavy. S.40-Si; rough $8.4Oj8.50; pigs. 7.30&'S.60. cattle Receipts. 11,000; market, steady to stronger. Beeves, $7,1049.50; Texas steers. T.S5ih.s.S0: Western steers. $7.10(fi S.20. tockers and feeders. $5.6061 S.15: cows and heifers. $3.75&8.i!0; cslves, $4.&08.50. rineep rtecetpts,; market, steaay. Native. $3.50'o-7: Western. $3.60(7.10; year lings, $5.904g7.C: lambs, native. $u.308.25; western, 1 Hops at New York. NEW YORK. April 1$. Hops quiet. LINN PIONEER PASSES JAMKS M. MARKS ASHKItS CALL AT OAKLAND AT AGE OK" M2. Orearon Residence Datea to ISo'J, and Activity in Affairs of State Covers I'erlod or Over Fifty Years. ALBANY, Or.. April 15. (Special.) James M. Marks, Oregon pioneer of 1852, and resident of Linn County con tinuously for more than half a century, died last night at his home in Oakland, Cal.. at the asrc of 82 years. Mr. Marks -was born April -j, 1832, in Washington County, Indiana, and re sided in that state until 1852. when ith his parents and brothers, lie crossed tho plains to Oregon. The fam- llv settled In Linn County, and Mr. Mar' took up a donation land claim on rsouth rjantlam laver, just norm of present city of Lebanon. He lived there a few years and then moved to a farm four miles west of Lebanon, where he passed almost 30 years. In 1891 he moved Into Lebanon and lour years later came to Albany, residing here, until five years ago, when he went to Oakland. Throughout his active life Mr. Marks took a keen Interest in public affairs, and was prominent in the community in which he rived. He was especially active in educational and relltrious mat ters. He assisted in orfranlzing differ ent rural schools in this county, and was a director in his school district for a great many years. He was one of the organizers of the First Presbyterian Church of Lebanon. Mr. Marks was married July 3. 1S6 to Mary P. Blain.-daughter of Wilson Blaln, pioneer Oregon minister and at one time editor of the Oregon i-.pee tator. Orejron's first newspaper. They celebrated their a-olden wedding- at their home In Oakland in 1912. He is sur vived bv his widow and seven children Alvin W. Marks, of Oakland: Mrs. Ktta P. Orove. of Vlsalla. Cal.: J Bernard Marks. of Oakland. Mrs. Mary I. Eocieston. of Oakland; Mrs AVInella Callenrler. of Burmah. Kas India: Miss Marsraret Marks, of San Francisco, and W'illard L. Marks. Albany, County Clerk of Linn County. 285 BOYS IN PIG CONTEST Many Pupils in Oregon Scliools Be girt l-'ccdlng So9 Superintendent In . letter to O. M. Plummer. seere tary-treasurer of the Portland Union Stockyards Company and member o the Portland School Board. Slat Superintendent ot Schools Churchill savs: "Up to the present time 285 boys of Orecon schools have enrolled lor in plg-feedlng contest, and this means they have already Degun to leea in Disrs. Similar work is being- carried on i Washinsrton, Idaho and Montana as practical means of promoting; the agrl cultural and industrial education anion i school children. -. - - MAY FORGED HIGHER Limited guying Adds Another Half Cent to Price. OTHER SELLERS UNEASY General Wheat Market Is Kir 111 in Spite ot Bcarlfeli Crop News. Corn Shorts Alarmed by Report of Large Proposed Shipment. CHICAGO, April 13. Increasing lightness wilh which the Mky delivery of wheat was held tended today .to make the market as a wholo seem rather erratic.' Closing prices were unchanged at a shade oft to VaWNo una compared with last night. Corn also had an Irregular . finish, varying-from Vy decline to c advance.' Oats closed the same as last night to So higher and provls ions down 1 2 V (ti-1 Ttc to 42Hc. It took only a limited amount ot buying to force May wheat "t cent a bushel above the topmost figures of the previous session. The effect was to cause uneasiness among sellers of the later months, notwithstanding that croD news was mostly be&riab. Shorts In corn recetved Quite a scare from unconfirmed reports that vessel room had been chartered here for the shipment of 2.000.000 bushels of corn to the East. There was a heavy spread between May delivery and the more deferred futures, especially September, which was freely, sold against purchases of May. Oklahoma and Northern Tcxaa sent reports of damage said to have resulted from recent cold weather. Provisions suffered severely from liqul dating sales by miscellaneous longs. Th only demand was that of shorts, v, ho were tuklng profits. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. .$ .2, '. -eOV: High. $ .2 .80 Low. -2 .86 Close. May July $ .92 .86 CORN. .67 H .' .06 .UO OATS. .S7"i .37 'i .37 .31 MESS. FORK. Mav July .6 .06 Vs .68 .66 Ms July .30 May July . ..20.75 20.75 20.32 '1 20.35 ...20.75" 20.75 20.37 Vs 20.40 LARD. May July ...10 45 10.45 10.32Vi ...10.05 10.60 1O.50 SHORT RIBS. ...11.07 11.07 10.97Vi . ..ll.::o 11. :to 11.15 10.32 10. jO May 10.97 Vi July 11. fnsi nrlrpa were' Wheat No. 2 red. 91'ii95V4c: No. 3 red. 93 4 Utc; No. 2 hard, 92c; No. 3 hard, 9292V4c; No. 2 Northern, 944i93c; No. 3 Northern, 93 si 94 -.c ; No. 2 Spring V4i93V-c Corn No. a old. Vic: No. 3. 66Hr6TVtC No. a white, U7V46S,.ic; No. 3 yellow, 07 a OS c. Rve No. 2. 61c Barley. 49'T5c. Timothy. $:icp4.60. Clover. $S'dl2- Europeaa Grain Markets. LONDON. April 1$. -Cargoes on passage outer. Kiikllsn country maraata quici; rroncn country markets Quiet. t.lvRRPllO!. Anril 13. Wheat Spot ulet. Futures steady. May and July, is la October, 7s d. Ouluth Linseed Market. DCI.l'TH. April 15. Linseed, ay. $1.5d; July. $1.58. $1.55 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Anril 13. Wheat. No. hard, 93&U4c; No. 1 Northern. 919 92c: No. 2 Northern. agti9Uc; No. wheat, S6iu8Sc; May, sbuc uty. 90ffOOc Barley. 41 fa a sc. Flax, $l.S2ql.$4. Han IVanrUco Orain Market. SAN FRANCISCO. April 13. Spot quota tions: Walla Walla, $1.62 tt ; rea Russian. $1.60(&. 1.61 : Turkey red. $1,654? 67 V: bluestem. $I.70'i 1.7'J ; feed bar lev. $1.05; brewing barley, nominal: white oats. $1.27 H 4 1.28 ; bran. $24.5042 25; mid- lings, $oO(:ii; snorts, Bofc .o.ou. Call board: Barley. December. $1.04U May. $1.04; April, $i.Q3 liia. $1.03 asaea. Pugrt Sound W"hrat Markets. 8EATTLK. April 15. Wheat Rluesten 98c; fortyfold. 97 c; club, 92c; lie. Wio red Russian. 90c. yesterday s car receipts, wneat if. oats , al ley 4, nay 10, - Hour o. TACOMA. Aorll 15. Wheat Bluestem, 9fcj $l-0o; fortyfold, 82c; club and red ITlfs, 91c. Car receipts, wneat nil, barley l, nay lo. 50-YEAR FRANCHISE ASKED Milwaukio Council Balks fit Itcqncst of Oa Company. MII.AVAUKIK. Or.. April 13. (Spe ial. ) The Portland Gas Company mad application for a 50-year franchise to lay khb mains In the streets of Mil waukee to furnish sras at a minimum rate of $1.2T at tho meeting: of Mllwau klo CountII last niirht. The street com mittee objected to the franchise on the grounds that It was for too lougr a time, and that tlx charge wu too frrcat. It will be considered at a later meeting. Plans and specifications lor the Im provement of Laurel avenue were sub mitted, the improvement to cost about $7000. The matter was postponed until the Council ascertains if the property owners approve of the cost. The im provement of He Witt street, costing- $2000. was approved. A special meetincr of the Council will be held Thursday night to complete un finished business. Acceptance of the pavtnsr of Front street, - which cost $40,000. and the matter of procuring Bull Kun water will be considered Two applications for the water bonds havo been received. The city Is au thorized to Issue $20,000 for water works. IDAHO GOOD HOG COUNTRY Prominent Experts Tell Karmcra Wlioro Tlrcy Make MMakes. LEWISTON. Idaho. April 16. (Spe cial.) The farmers' institute, which was conducted In Potlatch during tne past week, was larjrely attended and a areat success. It was the nrst meet ing: of the kind ever held in Potlatch. Among- the speakers were rroressor Kllincrton. of the dairying department Professor Moore, of the poultry depart ment: Professor Iddlngs. of animal husbandry; Dr. Peterson, soil specialist. and William M. Morsran. lawyer ol Moscow. All of these men were agreed that the farmers of this vicinity have been making a grave mistake by not dolus; more diversitled farming. An other mistaken idea, it was stated, is that this country Is not adapted to the raising of livestock as well as Is the corn belt. Mr. Iddlngs quoted from the "American Swineherd, one of the most conservative of agricultural papers, to prove that hogs can be raised with greater ease in this country, where pasture land is plentiful and where more kinds of crops can be raised than In the corn belt. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. April 16. Maximum temper ature, ot decrees: minimum, ao.j aesreea. River read. 8 A. M.. 8. feet: rhanire in last 24 hours. .4 toot rise, total rainiaii to r. m, to 5 P. M. . Jii inch; total since September 1. 1013. ;;o.lK inrtics: normal, ds.a.t mens deficiency. 3.17 Inches. Total sunshine, i hours lO minutes: possible. 13 hours 32 mln utes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) 5 P. M., 20.13 mcnea. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The Vancouver storm bss moved eastward LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859 Capital and Surplus' Commercial and Sailings from next La f - n m n m E i i s -i m j til it -I irr i si niranvrxTKAntlt lAI.OBHAINKMni IJ mwK(m) May 17 ITC?K (aii) L?y L. ritOKN K May 0 M A IKRA1T. Jun 'r .V.,5 -i,r, ',,,;, tQuadniple-screw sinainsr. Twin-screw .s'e"T,"r- . . . w KPFCI 4L nlTlKHAl b.i.mii w nu r. . ' iv rv. . . ... ovB CLAPS CAUIN H) aud TUlllB-CLA.-'M Pa.seueers only. KlM HtMBl U April S3 IIICAt.O. .May n r httem W lb it. A. - Charlton. 335 Morrison .t.; K. M. Taylor. M Ttirksoa $4$ U aihinirton U; North Bsnlt iioud, 0U and btark sts., L. !'. Walker,' asent ITnlun l'aclflo KaUvray. to tho reslon. north of Montana. It lies caused $eneral ruins on the Paeitic Slope as far south as fan Francisco. Tho barometer la now rislns; rapiaiy ovpr urspm ami wasn iliffton. A small low-pressur..- area is cen tral over Virginia and it has raused rain In the routh ana liaaie Atlantic states -um New Enaland. It Is cooler in this district and the Atlantic states and Bonerally warm er between the llocky Mountains ana tne Mississippi River. The conditions are favorable for rlearlnar weather tn this district Thursday, with ris lns; temperatures. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Showers, followed by fair, wsrmer: westerly winds. Oregon and Washinaton Showers, fol lowed by fair, wanner; westerly winds. TUB WKATHER. Wind STATIONS. State of weather Baker 52 0.18 10 N Rain t-2 0.4O1 4 SW Rain .5i fl.orS'NXU Rain bOIA.olj H'K Cloudy 0'1.00; UN'S Clear oo.oil s.W Cloudy 7rt.O.OO 0 W . Pt. cloudy 74 O.OO: 4 N Clear ttti O.oo! 6 W Clear fni o.7l' 1L' NW Clear Holse Koaton CulKury thiuago ....... Colfax lonver ........ tes Moines . . . . Dululh Kuroka tialveston .. "L' O.dOli SW ICIcar Helena til ".on lit M loutly 7H0.l0i W JCIear 7H o.oot 4'N Clear e.l-rt.0-.'! s SW Cloudy n-2 0.r,7 NT Cloudy 8L"'0.1 6 W Pt. cloudy 4ti'0.1Sl 4'W (Cloudy M-0.1'01 S NW Raln 44 O.OO IS NK IPt. cloudy 7S 0.OO ,il;SW Clear 410.44 2S K 'Rain 4S'o.2li VNWCloudv BL'iO.r.n ll' XWtpt. cloudy lO'O.ool 4'W (Cloudy IM (i.oiil ; W Pt. cloudy MOI0.4fii :HK Iciou-ly Jacksonville ... Kansas City Klamath Kails Laurier I,os Anffnles ... Marshflold Modtord Montreal ...... New Orleans ... New York North Head . . . North Yakima . Pendleton Phoenix ....... Pocatello Portland ...... itoeebenr . .",4 . r.ol in sw-cioudy I !3,NWlRitl I 70 U.0O 1 SW ICIoar I 70O.0f(i 6 XW'Pt. cloudy . 72'rt.Mi CUE (clear Sacramento .... St. I.OU1S St. Paul Salt Lake Nan Francisco , S O.ool 4 S W Cloudy ".". V'JI1H,N WJCIear r.ilo.44 12 N'R (Cloudy BS O.L'O 22 SW Cloudy ,r.4lt.44'12W Pt. cloudy 4H O.S2 lS'W Pt. cloudy r.!.rti iosw cloudy f.2 .' R NK Rain ."Ml. ooi 4;XK Pt. cloudy Seattle Spokane ........ Tacoma Tatoosh Island Walla Walla .. Washington .... innipeg- Idaho fhowers. EUWAIto A. BEAI.S, fistrlet Fil-H-iJt er. IN SIX YEARS The business of this bank has 'nearly quadru pled in the past six years. Is this not evidence of a pp roved m e t h ods and efficient service? We have the organization and connections which enable ns to be of the ut most service, to cor p o r a t i o n s firms . and indi viduals whose business we de sire. ' Your account is invited. lumbermens National bank Capital $1,000,000 Fifth and Stark Sts. The most enthusiastic friends of "Bitulithic" pavement are the property owners who have paid for it and used it. r kSlSTOi4f . r- - - u sv CON8ULTINC and CONSTRUCTION ENCINEERS PUBLIO SERVICE PROPERTIES FINANCED and MANACEO " SO Pine Street New York S2,O0O,O0O Savings Deposits Compev4nie' Gener&le Trnsat!antique Direct IJne to Havre-Parts (France). New York every Wednesday, 10 A. M. Savoie, WecL, April 22 f TBATKLER GCTDE. "WMIii'D INDEPENDENT TRIPS $620.65 up First Claaa Throstghsmt See the countries that have made world-history. Europe. Greece, Egypt. India, Ceylon, Java, China. Japan. Philippines, Hawaii. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD It Otrdlea the Globe Start any time, any place, either direction; the price is the same. A trip the memories of which will last throughout life. Take along a supply of North German Lloyd Travelers' Checks Good all over the world Writ for "Around tae World" ftoesM CELEJCHS k CO, Ceo. Agcats B Broadway. i.. l.iuru nyeuc, It.A.r..., f Thr " r. I a Tn.-Al1 sat tiaas f M Kranri Hotel & 0?arv H. K. -or lAcal NKta. 5T-taropc . Li Royal Mail Steamships "The Line ot Good Service" SCENIC. ST. LAWRENCE ROUTE The MJVV Tl'HBIXK Quadruple-Screw S. S. "ALSATIAN" and S. S. ' 4 CALGARIAN ' LAHGKTFIKST FASTEST CANADIAN HUITK 3 Weekly Sailings Montreal-Quebec Liverpool-Glasgow-Havre-London Uroais Caaaasie 1-aa 1 hsa 4 Uava. Summer reservation lists now open. Early bookings recommended. Send for descriptive booklet "li." For full par ticulars as to sailings, rates, eta. apply to Local AKnnt or ALLAN A CO, Oneral Aaeatm, 127 IMorUi Dearborn atroeL Chicago. AUSTRALIA TAIUTI ANU NEW ItALAMl Round Trku Kami 1st cU to Tahiti $135. to rlliulon J6;.50. to bydney -luo. apet'iul i'ecilic Ocean luur (inuiudlcisT Eouth sea Isiesi, 1st elaaa. Hound the World Kates on application. Hesulur Ihroush service fioni .San rrancuco. a. ti. Tahiti iU.oimj tons sails April 2i S. Sa, Moana 1 1. tons sails May -7 ti. S. 'W'Ulocnra (12,000 unsl, sails June St yend t-jr I'Siurihict. VnloT SteainBhip, t o. uC New Zealand. Ltd. Of i Ice: OiU Market strtet, baa Kruicuco, or local rf. y. and It. R. aaenta. ARGENTINE: An4t all HorU New and Ksvat ( 1 2.Vn ton) Fiwnjrn' St4amara fmm New Trvrk rvrnr altcrnaU batarda 17 DAIS TO RIO JANKTKO. ti DAYS TO BXTCN03 ATRES. BOSK k DAKLELS, Cca, Aim I hnUwj. N. T. Dorufy IX h. Third and tVaal. injg HI., or any lml a rot. TO BAN FR TISCO. T.O ASCELCS ANU SAN UIliGO. ROANOKE WI.IINKKDAV. APKIf, 22. COOS BAY AND Kl'KEKA S. S. ALLIANCE MONDAY, APRIL 0. NORTH I'At IF1C STFAMSII1P CO. Tl.krt ffle, ! Ireigbt OflU-e. 3d. St. Columb'a Dock. Main 1314, A Ul. 11 Main A a. s-skist S. S. BOK CITT For SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES O A. April 17. Tne Sen Francisco & Portland S.S. fo M and Washington Sia, twit a o-W. H. St K. Co.) fri. Alarxhail 4JUU. A eiM. COOS BAY LINE STEA.USItlP B K K.V KW A 1 t-H. Calls lrm Ainsworta Locs, s. A. M. Vednesila. Mar. 10. Apr. 1. . li. 2 J, Tuesday, Apr. ZB- Freisbt received until NOON day previous to s&lllns. Passenger Far: First Class. CIO, Seoond Class mea oaly). 97 including berta and meals. Oftlcs: Uwir Alnsworth Sock. Portland St Coos Bay S 8. Line. Li H. Koauna. AieiL Phones Main oo: A Useful Map of Great Britain TR1X Also Illustrated book of tours on th GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY OFENGLNAD T. Kateicjr. tiea Asjt 601 Stb Ajsv. M. V". J. C. WILSON & CO. BjlOCsvS. BON'DS. GSA1M AND COTTON. MZMBEKb tST.W YORK STOCK KXCHASOR, CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADX, XEW TORS t'OriON EXCUAN'bS, TBS STOCK AJr BONO EXCUA.VOK, BAN FKANCl.-CO. POETIiAUD OrnOE: Lewii Building. 269 Oak Street. Phones Marshall 3S58. A 1187. I i sVi- 'Thri :i iTX,