Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 11, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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I The craft, which
, N. J., is of the lat
Second Mate's Wife Signed So
She May Accompany Spouse.
Schooner Irene Rivals Imperator in
Number or Feminine Crew Cus
toms Men Puzzled Until Ex
planation Is Made.
'' When Custom-House and Immigra
tion Department officials were in
lOTmod yesterday that there were three
stewardesses aboard the schooner
Irene, which reacned Linnton late
fThm-sday night from Hobart, they bad
Visions of the crack sailer engaging
In the passenger trade. But when tt
was learned there were four women
ion board and two children, the offi
cials figured there were almost as
many feminine members of the crew
fes would be carried aboard the Im
perator. Captain Makes Explanation.
' Captain Mitchell was not Ions in set
I sting the Federal men on the right
j track. Mrs. Mitchell had determined
i to accompany her husband on the voy
Bge from Portland to Hobart and Miss
Jordan, of Sellwood. was signed in the
icapacity of nurse for the youngsters.
IT here was also the cook's wife, who is
feigned on the articles as "cabin boy.
, At Hobart, Second Mate Eutby joined
the ship, and as he was a husband of
tut two weeks, he was averse to re
turning to the land of the Stars and
Stripes without his wife, so she was
welcomed on board and signed as third
i stewardess.
Female "Cabin Boy" a Fixture,
i "Cookie" has been lord of the Irene's
feralley three years and his wife is fully
as much of a fixture as "cabin boy,"
and they are as proud as the skipper
of the clipper passages the schooner
"has made. The vessel loads at Linn-
xur Duuiueru v. rt-lliiui 111.1. uiiu. 1U1 mo
present will remain in the Coast fleet.
The schooner William Nottingham,
bound for Antofogasta, Is about ready
lor sea and will be cleared today with
a cargo of lumber measuring 1,215.830
, feet and valued at $12,048. The Not
tingham came into the river March 14
from Antofogasta.
was built at Bayonne,
test improved type and
is said to have cost (8600.
The steamer Northland sailed this
morning for Seattle, where she wilt
load lumber.
The steamer Siskiyou sailed today
for San Francisco with lumber.
The steamers General Hubbard and
Yosemite arrived today from San Fran
cisco. The former will load lumber at
Prescott and Wauna, and the latter
will load at St. Helens.
The steamer Portland, from San
Francisco, and the gasoline schooner
Mirene arrived today with cargo for
The steamer Yellowstone came down
the river during the night and is load
ing lumber at Westport.
The steamer Geo. W. Fenwkk fin
ished loading lumber at the Hammond
mill this evening and will sail for Ban
The tank steamer Catania sailed this
morning for California after discharg
ing her cargo of crude oil.
COOS BAT, Or. April 10. (Special.)
The gasoline schooner Rustler sailed
today with 100 tons of freight for Slus
law River merchants.
The Randolph, a gasoline schooner,
after having made a record trip to the
Rogue River, returned to Coos Bay
last night, rmiking the round voyage
and discharging cargo in 36 hours. The
Randolph sails for Portland tomorrow
and will call at Florence on the way
The Nann Smith, arrived from San
Francisco with 54 passengers and 400
tons of miscellaneous freight.
The Pilgrim left today to search off
shore about 20 miles for halibut banks.
The Whlttier, an oil tanker, arrived
this morning with oil for the Oregon
power Company.
The tug Gleaner, - from Gardiner,
sailed with freight for Umpqua River
The Redondo is due Saturday morn
ing from San Pedro.
Opinion of Shippers Divided on
Leasing of Pilotage.
Marine Notes.
News comes from San Francisco that
8. II- Burtls has succeeded K. A Ahlln
as master of the Swarne & Holt
steamer Camlno. The change is as
sumed to have been made as the
steamer was dispatched for one trip to
the Panama Canal under charter to
the Luckenbach line and when she re
turns Captain Ahlin will be reassigned.
He has been her master since she was
To finish loading lumber the steamer
Wasp proceeded to St. Helens last night
and works the last of her load at
Goble. The Shoshone has been cleared
for Los Angeles witn lumber measur
ing 650,000 feet.
As the Alaska steamer J. B. Stetson's
first voyage from Portland to Skagway
was not completed witnin the time estl.
mated, her sailing has been postponed
from Monday to Wednesday.
In tow of the steamer Ocklahama the
schooner Oakland will leave Alblna
dock today for the lower harbor,
"Berlin and AJcutan Soon to Leave for Siuslaw being her destination. She is
laoen witn various construction sup
Nubarak: River.
Cannery supplies, boat equipment and
at heavy assortment of things required
with which to capture and pack North'
ern salmon are stowed aboard the can
nery ship Levi G. Burgess, which leaves
today in tow of the steamer Ocklahama
for Astoria, on her way to Nushagak
River. The ship Berlin shifts today
from Albina dock to the American Can
Company's dock and should leave down
during next week. She will be fol
lowed by the tug Akutan, all sailing
under the flag of the Alaska-Portland
Packers' Association.
As the fleet's destination is not near
er than 50 miles to a custom-house.
they are permitted to clear from here
with the understanding they are not re
quired to enter in Alaska or clear for
the return, such a ruling being made
by the Department of Commerce. Some
of the Alaska fishing fleet are already
. on the way up the coast and during the
present month the last of them are to
set started.
Opponents Say Portland Interests
Would Be Unprotected.- Wltito
Others Think Tugboatmen Able
to GItc Cheaper Service.
Norwood. San Pt-dro for San Francisco. 10
mllea west of I'uint rmln.
Litr oi ft lh . faJboa. lor san r&cctico.
off antt Barbara.
Multnomah. Aaioriav for San FMro. 3Q .
miles west Point Hucnetne. i
H larva rd. ban P ti ro for San Franc Ibco,
passed Point Hutncme, 6:36 P. M.
Korea. tan FrnncUco for Ilonakonc. iww
milf-s from San Francisco. April V.
Siberia. San Francisco for Honikonc, 191
miles from ta Francisco, April U.
sama aiana. ron Mn luis xor rvinuiui,
'Z mllea from port San l-u L. April tt.
Ventura. fcan Francisco for Sydney. SOI
miles from -ban Francisco, April
watson. San Francisco for Seattle, off
Point He yea.
nienmona. Ricnmona for Seattle, 40 mites
from Richmond.
Havel ooiiar. San Pedro for Portland.
miles south of San Francisco.
Huia City, San Francisco for Portland. 13
miles north of point Reyes.
cento, tan J-rancisco lor Portland, on
Fish rock.
Koma. Seattle Tor Port San luia. lu mues
south of Farallone lirhL
I'Ucaa. Vancouver lor san jrrancisco, 10
miles south of Point Kevea.
Yucatan. San Francisco for Portland, three
miles north of Point Arena.
Roanoke. Portland for San Francisco, 16
miles south of Point Arena.
Porter. Monterey for Kverett, 60 miles
north of San Francisco.
Yale, San Francivco for San Pedro, passed
Pigeon point at :17 P. M.
Colusa. San Pedro for San Francisco,
abeam tiolden Gate.
Lanslna. port San Luis for Juneau 12
miles south of San Francisco.
Corona do. San Pedro for San Francisco,
orr Von Helm Rork.
Phelps. San L.uls for Oleum, SO miles south
or ran rancisro.
Stanley Dollar. San Pedro for Grays Har
bor. 107 mllea south of San Francisco.
Speedwell, San Kranriico for Hand on,
seven miles south Cape Illanco.
Arolln. San Francisco for Portland, ISO
mils south Coos Bav.
Hooper. Raymond for San Pedro, 40 miles
norm tap 3ienaocino.
Scott, Tacoroa for San Pedro, oft Cane
Hi an co.
Santa Rita. Vancouver for Port San Luis,
low in ilea north Mn rancisco.
Centralis, Aberdeen for San Francisco. SO
miles south cpe Blanco.
Republican Candidate for
Visits Eugene Home.
piles and railroad gear.
As the steamer Bailey Gatzert was
Inspected yesterday she will leave here
Tuesday for Middle Columbia River
points In place of the Dalles City
which Is due for inspection Thursday.
Captain Wilhelm Ficher arrived yes
terday from Tacoma to assume com
mand of the German bark Osterbek. a
late arrival In the river from Tocopllla,
which is to leave Astoria for Linnton
tonight in tow of the steamer Ockla
hama. Captain Ficher was mate of
the German bark Goldbek now on
Puget Sound, and his place on that
vessel is to be taken by Captain Jen
sen, who navigated the Osterbek here
from the West Coast. Captain Ficher
was mate of the German bark Miml,
which went ashore February 14, 1913,
near Nehalem, and capsized April 6
when she had been floated. Sixteen
lives were lost as a consequence.
District Forecaster Beals says the
Willamette will rise here for the next
few days. For 24. hours ending yes
terday morning there was a gain of
nine-tenths of an inch.
Comment in shipping circles on the
action of the Port of Portland Coramts
slon in offering the pilotage and tow-
ge service at the mouth of the river
for lease to a corporation or individu
als, appears divided. Some contend that
the Commission should maintain the
fleet as the only means of insuring for
the port equal rates with competing
harbors, while others are Inclined to
the view that outsiders probably could
operate at lower cost.
The Port of Portland Commission
took over the towage from the O.-W. R.
& N., and assumed charge of the pilots
July 1, 1909. The present bar tug
Wallula was Included in the deal, and
a second tug was taken under charter
from the Puget Sound Tugboat Com
pany for a year, the Tatoosh being
used In Winter and the llolyoke and
Wanderer at other times. The river
towboat Ocklahama was also bought
from the O. R- efc N. The tug
Oneonta was commissioned July 1. 1910.
While the Commission was legally au
thorized to include pilotage and tow
age among Its functions, the members
take the stand that they are not bound
to continue the business and are priv
ileged even to dispose of It. '
At the time the O. R. & K. relin
quished its control of the fleet the
pilotage rates were 60 per cent higher
than at present, and towage charges on
the bar were 25 per cent more. On the
river the former tariff was the same
between Portland and Astoria as to
any intermediate point, but the Com
mission placed in vogue a way charge
so lumber vessels towing to Prescott,
St. Helens and other places paid less
than those bounl for Portland to load.
Should experienced tugboat men be
come interested in the service and
command their own vessels, carrying
as small a force of pilots as possible,
and when arrivals increase use the tugs
as convoys to guide the deepwater
steamers inside, a few mariners think
that the venture might be made to pay.
At any rate it is being given consld
eration in some quarters and, though I New Charter Is Adopted and (George
the Port Commission was not ap
EUGENE. Or.. April 10 (Special.)
Anticipating no opposition against his
candidacy for. the Republican nomina
tion for United States Senator. R. A.
Booth returned last night from Port
land for a few days rest at home after
a vigorous campaign, lie will remain
at home, however, only a week, and will
leave soon for Coos Bay-to renew cam
palgn activities.
The campaign from now on, as it vlr
tually has been from the first, is for
the Fall election. He believes that all
work done at this time will count In
the final race, and with the short rest
during the coming week he will com
mence the steady campaign again.
After speaking In the Coos Bay
country, he will leave for a trip over
Eastern Oregon. He will be gone on
these trips nearly a month.
All Are Acrrrl That Wraals M mmt Be
Attended T Reeard-BreakJna;
Crowd. A aril 1.
The expert window decorators of the
city have taken up the "Go-to-Church-
Sunday" movement with enthusiasm
and already several of the leading
stores are calling attention attractive
ly to the event. nOe enterprising mu
sical firm has a window that attracts
much attention. While suggesting the also serve, to emphaslxe
the "Go-to-Church Sunday" which will
follow. Seated at - a large organ Is
seen a vested organist and In front
of an improvised altar rail a choir
boy In vestments with hym-book in
hand. Amid the flowers are noted the
signs that read "Go-to-Church-Sunday,
April 19. Everybody s Going. It Mat
ters Not Where But Go."
The cards advertising the eventful
day are In great demand. Slides are
being run at the Pantages, Helllg,
Orpheum. Empress, Baker, Lyric. Ma
jestic, Globe. People's, Star and Co
lumbia theaters.
"Go-to-Church Sunday" will be fea-
tured In St. James' Church a a fitting
way, with a special sermon by the pas
tor, and In the evening the choir will
render the oratorio, "The Ascension.
The civic pride of the merchants and
leading citizens demands that the day
be a success and that the efforts of
other cities along this line be totally
ectlpsed. ,
The Easter day sermons and songs
will be in the nature of an awakening
In church work that will increase and
become universally popular by the fol
lowing Sunday.
Beginning Tomorrow
The Nigtit Riders
The Black Cap Raiders
SENSATION ! A Big ViUrrmpa Special in 3 Parts SENSATION !
Remember Only 3 Days, Beginning Tomorrow,
Sunday, April 12 '
1 Oc Regular Admission 1 Oc
gene. Junction. Santa Clara and Jas
per, ended Its three days' sessions to
night at the Christian Church here. C
F. iSwander. state field secretary; Mrs.
Clara G. Ksson, field worker tor the
Bible school department, and Mrs. Ellen
Hunter, also a state Held m-orker, were
among the speakers.
Ex-Senator of Idaho Is Choice for
Lewiston Land Office.
ington. April 10. Ex-Senator Heltfeld
ant Chautauquan by Meriill MoCormtck.
of Chicago, tonight. He referred to
American Ambassadors as literary
diplomats and said other nations would
be ashamed to eend such men to the
United States. The Panama Canal tolls
matter, he said, was purely domestic
and should not be involved in fureign
Mr. MrCormlrk. after addressing a
Progressive meeting, left for Portland
Large Grants Pass Andicnce Hears Idaho, was today nominated by the
President to be register of the Lewlrton
Lecture by John G. Woolcy.
GRANTS PASS. Or.. April 10. (Spe
cial.) Nearly S00 persona listened to
John G. Woolley on the subject of Na
tional and state-wide prohibition to
night. Mr. Woolley said he has been
lecturing for the temperance cause for
over 20 years.
Mr. Woolley said the "Christian man
must make good." He also claimed
that Christian men had not in the past
taken sufficient Interest In politics to
carry their point, and that in order to
win on National prohibition they must
be willing to enter the race and work
In the interest of the cause.
George W. Morrow, for eight years
president of the Anti-Saloon League in
Michigan, declared that the Anti-Saloon
League with the help of Christian peo
ple would carry the day.
Land Office. This appointment was
made on recommendations of ex
Governor Hawley. ex-Senator Dubois
and ex-Senator Perky.
Early In 1913 Mr. Heltfeld was
strongly urged for appointment as Com
missioned of the General Land Office.
The President .today also nominated
John E. Williams, of Twlnn Falls, for
register, and William E. Hews, of
Glenns Ferry, for receiver of the Haw
ley Land Office, and named Charles E.
Harris, of Montpelier to be receiver of
the Black Foot Land Office. The three
last-named appointees were recom
mended by the Wilson organization
Mr. Harris gets the Job for which
C. A. Holden. of Blackfoot was urged
by ex-feenator Dubois.
proached yesterday, it is believed Puget
Sound or San Francisco Interests will
submit a proposal before the next meet
Steamer Schedule.
Kama From. Data.
eaver. .7.o. Angeles.'. .... In port
uc.iu. ......... MO LHeao. ...... .April 17
ose CUT. ........ Lo A niceles. .... .-April 13
Breakwater- ...... Coos Bay. ....... .April 12
Bear .,
Roanoke. . .
Harvard. . .
Beaver. . ..
oeemlte. .
Driver of
Seven Big: Steamers Being Built in
Germany for Kosmos Line.
As Portland people have loaded the
JCarnak, Memphis and Luxor, of the
Kosmos line, and it is believed more
of the flag- may be taken to work
cargo In the river, interest is manl-
lested in the annual report of that
service that seven additional carriers
have been contracted for, each of 13.-
600 tons capacity. They will be larger
than the three vessels dispatched from
xi ere and are to make 12 knots at sea.
Besides intending the steamers for
cargo purposes mainly, the company
made provision in the plans for 1
.first-class accommodations, as a de
mand for them is to be found in the
coasting trade, the ships operating to
LNorth Pacific ports by way of the
Ktraita nf Macallan an? hnrhnr. -f
Couth and Central America. The ves- A KHUN SUrtKUtUhS ULUAK.
seis are unaer construction at Rtettm
Preacher Leaves Ministry to Go Into
Own Restaurant
ojemlU ......... .Lm Angele
Arolln.. ... ....... jLooi fclay.....
..fean Difeo.
Breakwater. ...... Coo. Bay
C.lllo Lo. Angeles. .
Kb. City. .. .. ACK.i.1. .
Alliance. .......... jureaa. .. .
Lights Reflected AVarn
Man In Path and; Car Stops.
DENVER, Colo.. April 4. The bald
head of Christian Chrlstensen saved
his life last night. While crossing the
street near City Hall he dropped unconscious.
The auto of Fire Chief Healy sped
down the street and as it neared the
spot where Chrlstensen was lying, the
chauffeur say Christensen's bald head
reflect the rays of the headlights. By
throwing on the emergency brakes the
machine was stopped within four
inches of the prostrate man's body,
and Gestemunde. Their names will be I
Amasis. Ammon, Denderah. Itauri, Se-
eostrls, Isls and Totmes. New vessels
now in operation from Hamburg to
the coast include the Memphis, Luxor,
Jiamaes, Karnak and Hathor.
ranta Cruz Leaves Harbor to Work
San Francisco Cargo.
On the completion of the present
Voyage of the British steamer Colusa,
of the Grace fleet, which is now on
the way from the West Coast, she
will be ordered to eliminate British
Columbia for the voyage and loads
back from Puget Sound, calling here
and at San Francisco to finish.
The Santa Cruz, of the same line.
but which operates to New Tork while
the Colusa only plys on the West Coast,
will be towed through the bridges from
the Portland mill tonight or tomor
row, as her lumber cargo is being
completed. The Santa Catalina was
last reported arriving at New York
March 26 and was to have finished
loading there yesterday. The Santa
Cecilia left Balboa March 13 for Callao
and other South American ports en
route to New York and loads there in
June for the return voyage, while the
Santa Cruz is scheduled to make the
Journey so as to take on her return
cargo at New York in July.
BOSTON. April 4. After preaching 25
years. Rev. Nathanlal A. Marriott, of
New Bedford, has laid aside his clerical
garb to don a white apron and manage
This unusual move is taken because
he believes that the life of a restaurant
keeper will be better for his health
than the strain of delivering up-to-date
sermons twice every Sunday. "The
devil is Just as active as in the years
gone by and perhaps more so, he said.
'So I shall go back into the ministry
Just as soon as my health permits.
Railroad Sends Official to Get More
Trackage at Wheeler.
WHEELER, Or., April 10. (Special.)
The Wheeler Commercial Club enter
tained Assistant-General Freight Agent
J. H. Mulcahy, of the Southern Pa
cine and Pacific Railway & Navigation
Railroad, at a smoker in the Rector
Hotel last evening. The P. R. & N. wan
deep water dockage and additional
trackage at Wheeler and Mr. Mulcahy
was here to investigate and select
Wheeler is to be a distributing poln
for deep water and rail shipments.
Barmbck Starts Loading Grain for
Vnited Kingdom Next Week.
By noon today the Harrison Direct
liner Crown of Galicia Is to be ready
for sea with 3000 tons of wheat
aboard. A pilot was ordered yesterday
for that hour, so she can proceed to
the lower harbor with the expectation
of getting to sea at the first opportu
nity. San Francisco being her first
port of call.
The Barmbek was to have been at
Irving dock today to begin working
grain for Europe, but through delay
in discharging ballast she will not
shift from Linnton until tomorrow.
Yesterday having been Good Friday no
cables arrived f rom abroad dealing
with the charter market, but offers
made late Thursday will probably be
answered today. The Teasels being
negotiated for are for December 31
News From Oregon Ports,
ASTORIA. Or.. April 1 . I Special.)
A new power lifeboat fnr the life-sav
ing station at Grays Harbor arrived
this morning and will be taken to
Grays Harbor under its own power,
Three Women Seek Office.
M'MINXVILLE, Or., April 10. (Spe
cial.) "-The third woman candidate to
enter the primary election in thi
county is Mrs. Mary Scott, of Sheridan,
who is seeking the Democratic nom
lnation for County Treasurer. Alice
L. Adams, Republican, is out for
Treasurer, and Mrs. C. L. Sherwood,
Republican, for Recorder.
. .1-03 Angeles.
... ..Eureka
feen Ileso. . .
.... S. F. to L. A....
, . .L-oa Ans.lea. . .
San Francisco.
. . a. IT. to a.. ..
April 11
.. April 18
, . April lv
. . April 11
.-April li
..Ayril i;
. . April la
..April 14
. . April 14
..April 13
. .Vpril li
...April 17 I
...April 17
.. ADril 2
Bear. Lrfa Anselo.. ... . .April
Hoanok.. &an Diego ........ April 22
Nam a From Dat
Radnorshire. ... ...London. ......... April 24
tiudmarfc. ... Hamburg. ....... April ai
Glenroy ........... London. ...... .. atay 1
Den or Hutnv.B. . . -London . ......... May
Ho.rd. .......... Ham burs. ....... May
Ulenlocny. Lonaon. ... ...... June
Sambla. .Hamburg. Jun.
Caruarvonanlra. ... London. ........ .J uly
C 1-.rd Laelas. ... .Hatoburi. ... ... . Ju.y
Andaluala. ........ Hamburg. ....... Aug.
Name, ' For Data,
Radnorshire. ... .. .London. .May 1
budmara. ...... ... Hamburg. ... .May
Glanroy. London. ........ .May
Den of Rutnvaa. .. .London. . . .......May
.Hamburg. ....... May
London ..J un.
. .H am burg. ... .. ... Jun.
. London . .....July
. . Hamburg. ....... Aug.
. .Hamburg ...AU.
Nam. For Data
H. stetson fkagway ..April la
uulnault ....HKagvtay . April la
lata, u nua.... . . Apru -
Certificates on th. following veaeaui
plr. during April, a. Indicated:
Sir. Dallea City Portland. ... ...April 14
Sir. Ceo. H. Williams Portland April 1
ntr. Akutan Portland. ..... . Aprl
Sir. Harvest Queen. . Portland. ..... .AprU 4V
W. Evans Clioacn Mayor.
FLORENCE. Or.. April 10. (Special.)
In the city election held here yester
day a new charter was adopted by a
6-to-l vote. It provides for what is
practically a commission form of gov
ernment with a budget for expenses.
This charter was largely drawn by Dr.
Sowers, of the University of Oregon.
George W. Evans was elected Mayor
and William Bryrid. Fred E. Meyers,
D. M. Kyle and D. W. Reesman. trus
tees. C..W. McLaughlin was elected
Marshal. D. E. Severy, who has served
for the last 10 years as Recorder, was
(ilenlochy . .....
bambla. ........
Car narvonahlra.
C. rcrd Laelas..
Lime Being Vs-ed in Lane County to
Make Clover Crop Success.
EUGENE. Or.. April 10. (Special.)
Farmers In Lane County, who recently
agreed to plant more than 4000 acres
to clover, in hopes of renourishlng land
which has been exhausted by the con
tinual growing of grain for the past
50 years, are preparing to experiment
with the use of lime to aid in the clover
growing. The experiments are being
made under the direction of the Lane
County farm expert-
Samples of soil from all parts of Lane
County are being analyzed to deter
mine parts of lime needed.
Masons Meet at Junction City.
JUNCTION CITY. Or., April 10.
(Special.) Scottish Rite Masons met in
the Masonic Temple yesterday to have
their mystic banquet in observance of
Maunday Thursday. There are ten 32d
degree Masons here.
4 00 Clackamas Citizens Petition to I
Have $600,000 Issue on Ballot.
OREGON CITY, Or., April 10. (Spe
cial.) A petition, signed by 400 voters
of the county, has, been presented to
the County Court and filed with the
County Clerk, asking that the proposed
$600,000 permanent road bond issue be
placed on the ballot at the primaries
May 16.
This Is the first definite step taken
by the good road boosters in Clacka
mas County.
An adjourned sesion of the County
Court will be called between now and
May 1 to name the particular roads to
be improved.
Commissioner Asks Council to Adopt
Seattle Dan for Care of AVaste.
Portland may adopt Seattle's plan of
filling gulches and ravines by use of
the city's garbage supply. Commis
sioner Daly, who has charge of the
crematory plant, put the proposition up
to the Council yesterday and tt prob
ably will receive serious consideration
Seattle, It is said, dumps a great deal
of garbage in the gulches. There is
said to be no stench in the vicinity be
cause the mans of waste is covered with
dirt every few day a Commissioner
Daly ears there Is a chance to utilize
the gulches to such an extent that the
erection of a new incinerator may be
postponed several years.
David A. Johnston's Death Occurs
5 Weeks After That of Sister.
David Arthur Johnston, a commer
cial salesman, died at his home, 909
East Glisan street, yesterday. He was
27 yeara old and the youngest son of
the late Thomas J. and Mary Johnston.
He was a member of the Travelers'
Protective Association. He gave up his
work about a year ago because of ill
Mr. Johnston leaves one brother and
four sisters T. W. Johnston, of San
Francisco, and Mrs. C. D. Lownsdale
and Misses Carrie E., Mildred G. and
Hazel C. Johnston, of this city. A
younger sister. Beatrice May Johnston,
died five weeks ago.
The funeral will be held from Hoi-
man's chapel at 2:30 P. M. Sunday, and
burial will be In Lone Fir Cemetery.
Salem Woman on Trip Abroad Wed-1
ded Only IVw Months Before Death.
SALEM, Or., April 10 (Special.) A
cablegram from 11. S. Glle. a wholesale
merchant of this city, received tonight.
announced that his wife died today in
Arcachon, France. Mr. Gile left this
city several months ago to travel
abroad, and while on his trip married
Miss Margaret Clark, also of Salem.
Mrs. Gile suffered from tuberculosis.
and her journey was for the benefit of
her health.
District Convention Closes.
SPRINGFIELD. Or.. April 10. (Spe
cial.) A district convention of the
Christian Church, attended by dele
gates from Cottage Grove. Creswell. Eu
Measure for 1'iind for Idaho ITni-
verslty Reported- Favorably.
MOSCOW. Idaho. April 10. (Special.)
There Is great rejoicing at the Uni
versity of Idaho over the receipt of a
telegram from Senator Brady saying
his amendment to tha agricultural ap
propriation bill providing lor 115.000
for the use of the forestry department
at the university in carrying on experi
ments in saving wood by-products has
been favorably reported.
The money would make it possible
to complete experiments which may
make destruction of stumps on logged
off lands simple and at the same time
produce by-products, such as turpen
tine, resin, pitch, tar and creosote at
slight coat.
Marriage License.
HALL-DUERDEV John C. Hall. Seattle,
W'a.h.. 35, and Harriett Duerden. city, X4.
(IRANT-WELLS Dr. Daniel Grant, city,
legal, and Jane A. Wells, city, lecal.
MAI.LOT-ALVOX W. T. Jlalloy. Linn
ton, Or.. 27. and Alice Adcox. Linnton. Or.
MERRIFIEI.D-LEV7 Mur Sylvester Mer
rlfleld. city, 51, and Dorothy R. Levi, city,
M'MIT.I.AS-SAMSON-Malcolm Mllea Mc
Millan, city. 35. and Emma M. Samaon, city,
NOMA-TSt.-BOl Kosekl Noma, city, legal,
and Tacno Tsuooi, city, lexal.
TOTN To Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Toyn. 11S4
Ivon street. April &. a daughter,
LEHMAN To Mr. and Mrm. Arthur C.
Lehman. b48 East Thirty-first street. April
1. a daughter.
S1TTKL To Mr. and Mrs. F. R. SltteU
84 7 Cleveland avenue. April 2. a son.
SVTHERLA.VD To Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
I Sutherland. S6 Knott St.. April 3. a son.
Royal Arcanum Meeting Set.
OREGON CITY. Or. April 10. (Spe
cial.) The grand council of the Royal
Arcanum will meet in this city Wed
nesday, and it is expected that 75 dele
gates from all parts of the state will
e present.
NEWS ABOUT RAILROADS man returns, wife gone
EORGE W. BOSCHKE, chief en-
Bglneer of the O.-W. R. A. N. Com
pany, yesterday confirmed the
unofficial announcement In The Orego
nlan of yesterday morning that he had
resigned. Although Mr. Boschke de
nied his resignation on Thursday even
ing, he had notified J. D. Farrell. pres
ident of the company, of his intention
to leave the service more than two
weeks ago. Pending Mr. Farrell's for-
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. April 10. Arrived Steam
er. YoAemlte, Shosnon. and Portland, from
San Francisco: atamer General Hubbard.
from tan Pedro, balled bteamer Klamath.
for ban Diego and way ports; steamer A:-
Uance. for Coos Bay.
Astoria. April 10. sailed at 4 A. M ..
steojner Northland, for Seattle. Sailed at I mal acceptance of the resignation, Mr.
Cisco. Arrived at 4 and left up at a A. M.
steamer Tosemlte, from ean Francisco. Ar
rived at C ana left up at ti:30 A. M-. steam-
Portland- from San rancisco. Sailed
6:30 A. M.. ateamen. Catania, for port San
Luis. Arrived at and letl up at lo A. M.,
steamer General Hubbard, from San Pedro.
n F-ranclsro. April 10. tailed at lo A.
steamers Celijo and ucatan. for Port-
litnd. Sailed at 4 r - JU-. steamer uoee wur,
for Portland. Arrived at 10 A. M.. eteamer
Paralso. from Portland. Sailed last ntshL.
steamer. Saginaw and Arollne. Xor Fort-
Aberdeen. April a. Arrived steamer Ai-
vandit from Portland.
Astoria. April . Arrived at r:30 and left
up at 6:30 P. M., steamer tihoahone, from
Ku n Francisco.
shanrhi! Anrll lo. Arrived previously.
steamer Shidzuoxa Marti, from Tacoma.
Seattle. Waeh.. April 10. Arrived swam-
er Sado Maru (Japanese), from Honxkonar.
Called Steamer. Admiral Farrasrut. for San
Francisco: Delhi, for Southeastern Alaska;
Cardiganshire (British), for London: Tlver
ton lor Portland: shin Pt. Francis, for
Nushagak; bark W. B. Flint, for Bristol
Bay: schooner Willis A. Holden. for
Inula tie
Ha n Francisco. Anrll 10. Arrived Steam
ers Sierra, from Honolulu; China. from
Honekonr: Flfleld. Grace Dollar, from Bin-
ilsn: Paralso. from Portland: ship Manga
Reva. from Philadelphia Sailed Steamers
Sebara (German), for Adelaide, via Seattle
anil Tacnmi- Kverre (Nor.) from Aberdeen:
Yucatan, Ceillo. for Astoria: barka Star of
India. Star of Zealand, for Bristol Kay; snip
glnlram, lor uristoi isay
King's Condition Favorable.
STOCKHOLM, Sweden. April 10. The
condition of King Gustavo of Sweden,
who underwent an operation yesterday
for a stomach ailment. Is favorable. A
bulletin issued by surgeons tonight said
that the King was suffering less pain
and that he had taken sufficient nour
ishment during the day.
La Fine Man AVotild Open Bank.
SALEM7, Or,, April 18, (SpeclaL)
Alfred A, Aya, of La Pine, today ap
plied t Superintendent of Ranks Bar
gent for permission to establish a state
bank in La Pine. Hi8 articles of in
corporation provide for a capital stock
of ila.OSA,
Colombia River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD. April lO. Condition of
the bar at 5 P. M-. smooth; wind, north
west, IS mllea
Tide, at Astoria Saturday.
High. Low.
0:B2 A.' M 3.8 feet'T:45 A. M 1.0 foot
1:4, t. M O.O teet;i:41 f. 1. . . x.i leci
Marconi Wireless "Reports.
(All positions reported at I P. M.. April 10,
unleM othenriae designated.)
Navajo. San Francisco for Portland, 12
miles jouth Columbia River.
Washtenaw, port San Luis for Port
Moody. Til miles sooth Cape Flattery.
rename.. Seattle for San Francisco. 15
miles siuth Cape Mean,
FH Sea-undo, Richmond for Seattle, 861
miles north Ban Francisco.
Oliver J. Olson. San Francisco for Se
attle. mile, north Gray. Harbor.
Oleum. Seattle for San Francisco. 43?
ralles north Han Francisco.
Delhi, Beattla for Alaska, between East
peine and Active Paaa.
farraiut, f-atf.e for San Franeiseo. off
1?nti! weather Bluff.
Hanalel, Han for tnr San Pe
dro. 17 mile, eaet Point Conception.
r-eniisylv.nla, Hnlbea for San Francisco,
SOi miles south San e randaco.
Boschke persisted In his denial, and tt
was not until yesterday that Mr. Far
rell's office was able formally to ac
cept it, inasmuch as his successor had
not been selected. It Is understood
that J. R. Holman. assistant engineer
at Seattle, will be made chief engineer,
effective about May 1.
Mr. Boschke has been In the service
of the Karrlman group of railroads for
more than 29 years, beginning when
be was 18 years of age as a member
of a surveying party on the Southern
Pacific in California. He helped to
build the Oregon & California Railroad
between Sn Francisco and Portland
and had an active part in Southern Pa
cific; construction work In various parts
of California. Arizona, New Mexico and
Texas. It was while serving as en
gineer for the company In Texas that
he built the Galveston sea wall, one of
the most remarkable engineering proj
ets of the age. He has been chief en
gineer of the O.-W. R. A N. Company
for more than nine years and previous to
the dissolution of the Southern-Union
Pacific merger also had charge of
Southern Pacific work In Oregon. He
had active charge of the construction
of the O.-W. R. & N. Company's line
through the Deschutes canyon and of
11 the other important work under
taken by the company In the last
Is is probable that Mr. Boschke will
establish himself as a consulting en
gineer although he has a number of
offers from other corporations. It is
his Intention to remain for a while at
least in Portland.
The meeting of the North Pacific
Coast Passenger Association, which was
scheduled to take place at Vancouver.
Wash., yesterday, was postponed until
April 2L
Motor car service will be established
between Tillamook and Mohler on the
Tillamook line of the Southern Pacific,
beginning tomorrow.
J. J. Wilson, soliciting freight agent
for the Northern Pacific, has been pro
moted to a position in the general
freight office of the same road at
The new station on the Oregon Elec
tric between Nesmlth and Metzger, 9.5
mllea from Portland, recently estab
lished at the request of residents of
the district, has been named "Pine
J. W. Platts. who has been traveling
freight and passenger agent for the
Erie Railroad in the Portland territory
for the last few years, has been ap
pointed acting agent to succeed C B.
Baker, who resigned recently.
W. C. McBrlde. general agent for the
Denver 4k Rio Grande and other Gould
roads, has been detained at his home
for the last few days on account of
severe illness.
While In Portland on Thursday L.
W. Hill, chief executive of the Great
Northern, found time to vlstt William
Harder, general agent for the Great
Northern, who is recovering after an
operation, at the Good Samaritan Hos
The New York Central has estab
lished a freight transfer station at Gib
son, Ind.. 2a miles out of Chicago, to
relieve congestion In the city. Ship
pers In Chicago will bo able thus to
load their less-than-carload shipments
into a single car and consign It to
Gibson, where the traffic will be re
"One Year Before" Is the title of
panoramic picture of the Panama-Pa
cific Exposition grounds recently is
sued by the Southern Pacific and now
being distributed by that road, through
Its agencies, in folder form.
"The cities of the Pacific Coast are
among the most progressive in the
country," asserts the current traffic de
partment bulletin of the Chicago
Northwestern Railroad.
An Idea of the volume of traffic
handled by the Canadian Pacific is
gained from the current bulletins of
that road. In 1913 an aggregate of
46,230.765 passengers were carried
total distance of 3.265,656.080 miles.
John M. Scott, general passenger
agent of the Southern Pacific, and
Frank L. Burckhalter, division superln
tendent, will travel over the Portland,
Eugene & Eastern between Portland
and McMlnnville by special train today
to Investigate a number of applica
tions for additional stops.
Iorsey B. Smith, general agent for
the Grand Trunk, wants it understood
that he is not the same Dorsey Smith
who was arrested a few days ago for
retaining undersized trout.
M. C Brera, assistant to the prest
dent of the Great Northern at St. Paul.
has resigned, but his place has not
yet been filled.
Chenalls Resident Find Another
VumllT Uvlng In House.
CENTRAL! A. Wash, April 10 (Spe
cial.) Harry Mattoon was in Centralla
yesterday looking for his wife, who,
moved away from their home in Che-
halls while he was in cauiornia
Mattoon went south in January to
look for employment and says he wrote
to his wife regularly while he was
cone, but for some reason she never
received his letters. Mattoon returned
to Chehalls Wednesday and found an
other family living in the house and
the neighbors know ing nothing of his
wife's whereabouts.
It was reported that she bad come
to Centrali a to keep house for a fam
ily here.
Vancouver Court Requested to Post
pone Speed Violation Case.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. April 10. (Spe
cial.) W. W. McCredle, baseball mag
nate. ex-Congressman from tnis ais
trlct and now a resident ot foniana.
who was arrested for speeding In Van
couver to catch a ferry last Friday
today asked for a continuance of the
case through his attorney, jonn u
Mr. McCredle. who had been visiting
frlenda here, remained too long and in
attempting to catch the ferry was ar
Medical Officers of Xorthwest Militia
to Study at Vancouver.
April 10. (SpeclaL) Medical officers
for the militia of Oregon, Washington
and Idaho will go Into camp at thi
post, beginning June 7. for a period o
Instruction lasting from ten cays t
two weeks. A number of noncommls
sioned officers also will be here.
A big camp and field hspital will be
pitched. Major Jere B. Clayton, in
charge of the medical corps in the
post, will have charge of the camp.
Mrs. Alvar. McQatjohet.
'My "on Donald bad several spells of
croup last winter and I became greatly
alarmed about him," writes Mrs. AJvah.
McGaoRhey. Indiana, Pa. "Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy proved better than
anv other for this trouble because he
took it willingly and it relieved him at
once. 1 believe it is the best known
cough remedy sold in Indiana, for hardly
a week goes by that I do not hear some
raerson recommending Chamber laia'a
Cough Remedy."
Medlll MeCormick Assails Bryan In
Address In Walla Walla.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., April 10.
(Special.) -Bryan was called an itinar-
Resinol stops
skin torments!
THE soothing; healing medi
cation in Reainol Ointment
and Reainol Soap penetrates
every tiny pore of the akin, clears
it of impurities, and tops itching
instantly. Resinol speedily heals
eczema, rashes. ringworm and other
eruptions and dear away disfigur
ing pimples and blackheads, when
other treatments prove a waste of
time and money.
Peainol is net an experiment, H la a
doctor, pretwiripuon which proved so
rronderful!y succetaiul for .Ida trouble,
that it hae been uaed by other doctor, all
otttt the country for the past nineteea
r-ara, Bold by all druaxi.ta Realnol
f '. fitment, AOe aci Si, xteamol Soap. Se-
i or u-iai iree, writ. 10 1 . pt- .2-?, rteae
l T, - , h.j .
u. . ...' " -. -U,. UUMUOa