THE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY. ATKEL 10. 1914. 21 WOOLS SOLD AT ECHO Fifty Thousand Pounds Taken at Good Price. New York, a trade paper of that city says: Receipts of Vioxed apples have been fully qual to the demand, which dealers iem o think Is not so good as it was ft week- daily average of about seven cars have offered, and these have moved alnng with fair activity at tact week's quotations." Banl C tearings. Bank clearing of the Northwestern cities yesterday wero as follow: ,0lfj.lil '-7sl 1.7.T4'. I49..-.4 7 I'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' MU5.04.4 llG.S'.HS CONTRACTING UNDER WAY Shearing Starts in Eastern Oregon and Buyers Anticipate Active Market North Bank Clips Are Purchased. Fifty thousand pounds of wool were sold at Echo Wednesday. The exact price was not learned, but it is understood to ne high. This wool, which Is all that has been shorn at that point so far, was chiefly from mutton sheep. A little contractitiK has been done In Kastern Oregon in the past few days, amounting to probably 15,000 or 20,000 fleeces, at 15 cents for choice clips. Buyers have made offers to contract in the Pendle ton' and Heppner sections, but the growers there are inclined to hold for the sales days, which are only six or seven weeks off. Throughout Eastern Oregon sheepmen ex press a. determination to await tbe regular sealed bid sales, yet dealers believe wool will move fast after shearing starts. A little shearing has been done at Castle - Rock and at Arlington, and operations will start in the Pilot Rock country about April About 50.0O0 pounds of wool have been sold this week at points on the Columbia Kiver in Washington, between Roosevelt and Plymouth. The prices paid ranged from lo lrt cents. But little wool remains in growers own ership in Utah or Nevada. In the latter state some shearing has befn done and few lots are on the way East. Buyers are offering and paying 18 cents for average grade in Idaho and the Triangle, and in few instances half a cent better is reported In Montana, average clips have been bought at 18 cents, while for two or three of th best clips of mediums and half-bloods, 1 U cents has been paid. Many Montana grow ers are holding for a. 20-cent market. There has been active buying around Rawlins, Casper and Rock Springs. Wyo. Dealers figure the wools bought there on a, 52 to cent clean landed basis. The wool market is undeniably strong. That the spirit is not wholly speculative I shown by tho pressure of repreaenta ti ves o: Eastern mills in the field. At least three such agents are operating in Oregon, an they are picking up every lot they can get As one great cause of the strong mark is the scarcity of spot supplies, it remains to be seen what will be the result when the Western clip, or a considerable part of it. I is put on the market. That time, however. 1 is two or hree months distant, and in the meantime the Oregon growers will have ample opportunity to dispose of their clips on a safe and sound market. The healthy condition of the world's wool market may prevent a reaction the, but much will de pend on general industrial conditions in this country. CONTRACTING STARTED IN WALLOWA Portland eattte acoma pokane PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain. Flour. Teed, Ete. TV A EAT Track prices: Club. 93c; blue- em, 91.01; iony-ioio, u c; valley, 96C OATS No. 1 white, ml'-ling. $?3S23.C per ton.'. CORN Whole, $34; cracked. 3S per un. nnnn PatAntH. xi. SO per barre1; straights, $4.-. exports. $3.90; valley. S4.S; gran am. wnoie . BARLEY Feed, $2'Jt - perion; urv- ing. i-Zti ro.led, f4.ouy-j.ou. HAY No. 1 Eastern Oregon umowu. $1617.50; mixed timothy, $141; valley grain hay, $1.50114; alfalfa, MILLS kk u tsran, per - $2d; middlings, $31. market IS UNEVEN Industrial Stocks Are Forced Down by Selling. STEEL' UNDER PRESSURE Traders Kxpect Unfavorable RejKjrt on Unfilled March Tonnage Eng. 1UI. and DuU-h Holders Sell. Oil Shares Are Weak. Buyers for Eastern Houses telgn V p 16,000 rieeces In County. ENTERPRISE. Or., April !. (Special.) The wool-buying season has opened in Wal lowa County with the contracting of five considerable clips. The price, which was not given out, was substantially above last year's figures. All Spring the growers have been holding off for higher prices, and the fact that contracts have been made indi cates that they and the buyers have met and both are satisfied. J. A. Funk, buying for Hecht, I-iebmann & Co.. of Boston, has taken the clips of R. F. and Omar Stubblef ield. aggregating tS00 .fleeces. Frank A. Clarke, representing Hai ti well, Jones & Donald. of Boston. has bought the clips of Litch & Huffman. COOO fleeces; J. Ray Johnson. 2400, and J. C. Mc- Fetridge & Sons, 1400. The clip this year promises to be de cidedly better than that of last year, which is a factor in the better prices. The Winter a year ago was extraordinarily severe and sheep came through poor and with light fleeces. The Winter just ended was very mild, with abundance of feed, and sheep are In prime condition. The opinion of those who are now sellig appears to be that in this section the prices are now at a level where nothing is to be gained by holding. Shearing will start about May 1 in W. H. Durham's plant, whfch will be located on Swamp Creek, the removal from the hill: being considered advisable to get nearer to the low level ranges where there Is less dan ger of cold weather. Fred W. Falconer and Jay H. Dobbin will be among the first to shear. C. B. Daugherty will be on hand early. Fruits and Vegetables. local Jobbing, quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS Ortn fS. r.svels. $1.732.50 per box; lemons. a.2.'.4.o0 per box: DiDiauDies. oc ter uouua. Dai:!. 73 per pouna i tangerines. .. per .jm . fruit. California, $a.50; Florida. $o.iot per box. VEGETABLES Cauliflower. 75c t? 91.23 per dozen; cucumbers. l.7o& per dozen; egg plant. 20o per pound; peppers. 3.c per nnnnH r rl i ho j7tf. nrr rtoMD'. Head let" tuce, $2.30 per crate; garlic. 12ic pound; sprouts, lu'ffllc per .pouna; BruLnuRo c (n SoC per dozen; celery, J.oU crate . to matoes. $2.75 ftp 4.50 per crate ; hot house let tuce. 75c(3$1.2o per box; epinach. &c per in., horseradish. Sty 10c; rhubarb. 3&3e per lb.; cabbage, 2 V 2 c per pound : asparagus. $L.50&2 per crate; peas, 7tosc per in.; garlic. 12-c pound; beans. 2uc pound. GREEN FRUIT Apples, Jl-.i-w per box; grapes. Malagas. $7.oU&9 per keg; cran berries. $12 i& 12.00 per iarrei; strawberries. $1.75 fi 2 per crate. OMOX3 Oregon, per eacst. i.ov; Austra lian. 4c per pound. rOTATOKS Oreeon. Toe ner nunareu. buying prices, 50c at shipping points. sweet potatoes, $2.753 pr crau; new Cali fornia, 53? 6c per pound. SACK VEGlST.BLtS Turnips. 75c; car rots. bOc; parsnips. S0c; beets, 90c. Iuir and Country 1'roduce. I n! iobhinB a notations: EGG Frebli Oregon ranch. 10c per doa. POULTRY Hens. 17- broiler. Z'tc; turkeys, live, 20c ; dressed, choice. 20 27c ducks. 17 'a. l'Jc: geese. 11 fa 12c. CHEIi-Shl Oregon triplets, 20c; Daisies, nominal; Young Americas, nominal. BUTTER Creamery prints, extra, 2oc per pound ; cubes, 22c. PORK Fancy. 104 lie per pound. VEAL Fancy. 12 ig- 13c per pound. baple Groceries. Local jobbing yuctations: bAL,jJON Columbia River, one-pound tali.. ..j per dujteu; half-pound lists. $1.-K; one-pouud liuta, $2.40; Alaska pink, one-pound ial, 60c; all ve raid ea, oxie-puunU tal.a, $1.23. HONEY Choice, $U.0Ui33.75 per case. 2." UTS Walnuts. 14'u2Uc per pound; Brazil nuts, 2Ue; iilberts. 14 tf loc; alwemti. lySifliSc; peanuts. ttGVc; cocoaauts, $1 per dozen, cUttfiouu, lOv pur pound; p jtaus, li& loc BEANS Small white, 0c; large white. 4.doc; Lima, 7c; pinU, Oc; Mexican, ofec; tayou, flVaC SUGAR Fruit and berry. $4.60; Honolulu plantation, $LbO, beet. $4.40; extra C, $4.10; puvtircJ, in barrel.. S4.bk CO?rx.i: KoosLcd. in urums, 10u2o per pound. SALT Granulated, $15.00 per ton; half- groiiiui. lUUb, $lu. nt per ton; oUn, $lL0o per ton . dairy, $14 per ion. RICE ia. 1 Japan. 4 V (S 5c i Southern head, V.c; lilana. hUhhto. DitlD FRUITS Applet loc per pound; upr:coia, 12 k 4c; b 41 lie; prunes. Italians, J i luc; currants. a'ic: raibins. loose. Muscatel, Vi :t c blacliod Thomp son. llc; unbleaciied. Sultana, 54c; seed ed, Uc; ualea, Persian, 1 i7 per pound; lard. $1.40 per box. FIGS Package. 8 ox.. 60 to box. Sl.Hi: jackagc, 10 oz., 12 to box, bOc; white, 25-lb. box, 3L75; blacK, 2."-lb box. $1.75; black. 50-lb box. $2.60; black. 10-lb. box. $1.13; Laiaiao ccuy uga. -o-iu. box. $3; Ki"rna, per box. $l.u0. NEW YOKK. April . The principal movements In the market today were nnm is the ind ust rials and akr railroad chare?, a number of which declined sharpl The market, an a whole, was uneven, with a heavy undertone. Pressure converged on Steel, In which large proportion of the day's bulnes w transacted. This siovk was thrown over t" lot of 10(1 to .'.VK shares. Traders re garded Hteel as a particularly short sale today, on account of the general belief that the March tonnage figures tomorrow will reveal a shrinkage of ; tons or more in unfilled orders. Reports of further price cuts and possible wage reductions inteusi fi-d bearish sentiment, shares of (ndepena ent companies, as w ell as United States Steel, were weak. Foreign selling started the market down ard. Europe sold CanadiHn Pacific. Steel and Kansas & Texas. Canadian Pacific saiseed to liSS. the lowest in several years. Kansas & Texas was unloaded by Dutch holders, who feared a reduction of the dlvt dend on the preferred. For eight month earnings on this stock have been at th rate of only 2.l5 per rent. It was forced down more than 4 points. Oil shares weakened in sympathy with th decline on the curb of slocks In the Stand ard Oil group. The trend of the bond market ws toward a lower level, although some issue advanced. Rock Island collaterals fell point to another 1nv level. Total sales, $2. A-jn.oMQ. I'nited States 2a registered de dined , 2s coupon and Is registered on call. The 3s coupon advanced day. After stsrtlnK steady. 1 to II inta higher, prices sold 1j to 19 potnis n-i Igher. but weakened late undr res Using. hs close was steady nn ner. but Iirm on her positions, net 1 p-ynt 1 w r to w points net hiRher. Sales. 2i.Kl hsss. mil S.2c: Mav.; Jui. teptni- br. h.S7c: October. s.l4c; I cetnber, 9.1K:; anuary. .15c; 31arcb( W.20c. Spot steady. Rto. o. t. w-c; r-anxo. No. 4. 11 .. Mild. dull. Cordova. 12'sO 6c. nominal. Raw sugar. ni'Bay. Aloiuss-s sugar. - ic ; centrifuRal. 2.-r. Refined. quiL Metal Markets. NEW YORK. April y. Lead quiet at 3.75 3. ro. .London. 13. Spelter, quiet at 5.259 5.30c. London, n 10s. Copper, steady. Spot and June. 4.37 V : electrolytic. 14.7.: lake, 1m norui- al: canting. 1 4.37 s ?r 1 Tin. firm. Spot. ;'U.tHii 3c; June, 57.100 '.30c. , Antimony, dull. CVookson's. 7.26c Iron, quiet, unchanared. Naval Store. DAVANKAH, Oa.. April . Turpentine rm at 44c Sales, sr; receipts, t ; snip- men la. none : stocks. 1 .. Rosin nrm. Sai-s. receipts. -; Fnit- ments. none: stocks. T.M.i. wuote: A. is S.TQ: C. D. $3.75: tu. i t . s.i.j: . 4: T. K. $4.I; M. $l.o; u 3.75 WW. $'S. CLOSINO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. C. Wilson Sc. Co., Lew bunding, Portland. Sales. Allls-Chal Atnul 4'opp-r .. 11,500 Am Hect Sugar 300 rroviMOOK HAMS 10 to 12-pounU. 18 a lwC; ; j 2 4 -pound, lohiitp lt vie ; 14 to lb-pound, IS'A w ijic; skinned, lb ii 19c; picnic, lac; HAlON Fane j . 20 Va to 27 c: standard. DRY SALT CURED Short clear back. IS'; if I Oc; exports. 10 'tf loc; strips, lb tf 1 vc LARD Tierco basis. Pure. 12 hi 9 IS 4c; SECOND CARLOAD OF BtKKIES COMING First Large Shipment Will Reach X'ront Street Today. Another straightr gar of Tjs Angeles strawberries was started for Portland yes terday. The first car of the season is due today. Most of the shipment has been sold to arrive. There will be regular shipments of berries in car lots from thut point until Northern California sections ' come in. Liberal supplies will be received here from the Alameda district. which will begin shipping in car lots about April 13 or 20. Only a few crates of berries were avail able yesterday. A fair-sized shipment came In from Florida, but most of the lot was condemned by the market inspector on the ground that the berries were green and un fit for sale. Oranges are much firmer in California be cause of Increased demand. A car of head lettuce was received yes terday. A straight car of Texas Bermuda onions is due Monday. Coachella will start shipping Bermudas next week. Hops, Wool and Hide. HOPS 1912 crop prima and choice, 16 ic; j ai-t contractu. ic PELTS Dry. loc; ury short wooL 7c; dry shearinga, luc; green snea rings, loc; salted -iieci). uucitfti; aprmg iamoa, lofa25c HIDKd Salted hides, lie per pound; sa:t kip, 14c; salted caif. lUc; green bides, 12c; dry hides. 24c; tiiy caif. zic; sailed bulls. Jc per poena; green Duns, tc. WOOL Valley, II Isc; Ka&tern Oregon. 1- ISc MOHAIR 1914 clip, 27c per pound. cascaka ' AilK. o;d . nd new, ic per pound. GRAIN BAGS In carlots. Sc. Oil. KL'KOSENE Vatsr white, drums, bar rels or tank wagon. 10c; special, drums or barrels, la He; cases, lTiiyc. , GASOLINE Bulk, 16c; cases, 22c; motor spirit, bulk, l&c; cases, 23c Engine distil late, drums, be; cases. 15c, Naptha, drums. 15c. cases. 22c. I INSKED OIL Raw, barrels. 63c; bolleu, barrels. t0c; raw. -waea, toSc; boiled, cases. 70c TURPENTINE In case. 6Se per gallon; tan! 61c Am Can Co do preferred. . Am Car A Kly.. Am Cotton Oil.. Am Smel R-f do preferred. . Am Sugar 1o preferred., A m T-l & Tei . . Am Tobacco . .. Anaconda A T At Santa Fe do preferred. . Bait & Ohio . . . Brook K Tran : . 'anadian Pac. . C & O a- ; w & N W . M St Paul. . rntral leather, entral of N J. . Chinn Col Fuel & Iron Col Southern . .. - .oitsol ias .... . D L IV n & h o Distilling Secur. Erie Elertric ... Ot Nr.rth Ore . . t North pf ... Mlnoi Central. . nfrborn Metro do preferred. . lnt-r Harvester. K C Soutliem . . Lehigh Vall.y.. Louis &. Nash . . Mexican Central. M. S P & S S M Mo, Kan & Tex. Mo Pacifli- National tead . . Nat Biscuit . New Haven ... N Y Central . . . N Y, Oni & Wes N'orfo'.k & West. Northern Pac . . Pacific Mall .... Pafhc T & T. . do preferred.. Peiinsy H ania . .-. People's Gas . .. Reading Republic S & I.. Rock Island Co. Southern Pac .. Southern Ry . .. Texas Oil Third Ave Union Pacific . . do preferred.. 300 300 J OO 2H 1.4MO 7M V.4'b 1.7m 242H 3.U0 .Vui 1..VHI 1 .30 1 noo- I.2 30 fii0 l.Hi'O 2.1M ::.ioo l,nm 7U4 V.700 eoo 4tx) SfM ft.I00 3.'0 0.2no 1.4..0 tM Oi'O 1.20f 200 High. 7S 2" " 30 M jr. ! 2 H I: Clnin Low. Bid 12 7ft l'H 34 T 75 28S iji'H V.4 JKI-JS so M I2W lltv 52 lmt w 34 31 2SS PI 50 IS' Urt "is" .til !i 1I4 i-ir."'." 1 ivt IT j 1:1 is l'r 'J'J 1 l' T.M :;4 11m S9 .VI is Kid 8 , 305 41i 31 . -ja 121 3Mi 12'.i 1 2n 14 LAMBS AT LOWER PRICE DEASOXABI.R DECLIM! I Si OFFERINGS. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital Surplus $1,000,000 $1,000,000 OFFICERS J. C ATX S WORTH rrl4eat. R. LEA BAR5ES, Vlce-Pratdeat. W. A. HOLT. Amt. CasUer. A- 9A. "U"RIGHT Aaal. Cmaale-r. R, TV. SCHMEER, Cashier. P. ft- Dlck Asst. Caaafer. at Y4irda la saal and Trade Inactive Cattle and Hog Price Meady. A few small bunches of lambs and a Pinal load of bogs were all that was offered for sale at the stocky a rd yesterday. Spring lambs sold at S.:0 to $10 and the yearlinss the going price. There was no change in tha situation in other lines Receipts were 2? hoci, 37 sheep, 1 row and 1 calf. The shippers -were: r-. 14. Lcker. Sllverton. 1 car hoes; J. L. Dinimore. leb non. t car hogs and sheep and Patton Overton. Halsey. 1 car rattle, calves and hogs. The day's ale were as follows: Wl. Price: Wt. Price 17 y. Iambs. S' i.7.rj 17 . lambs. &3 (10. 00 10 s. lambfl.. 47 B.:0 i-' hogs. ... 11 8ii 10 s. lambs.. 50 s.&oi Current local quotations on the various etaBsea of livestock follow: Prtina steers Choice steers .... Medium steers . -. Choice cows Medium cows lieliers . Ujcht calves Heavy calves .............. Bulls States Hog j Light Heavy Sheer Lambs, wool Lambs, sheared ........... Wethers, wool Wethers, sheared Ewa wool ............... Eu. sheered LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859 Capital and Surplus S2.000.000 Commercial and Savings Deposits Miir, HAMBURGkAI.'.ERIJ.!! largest SSCo -?ver l4?,?; Ships ,417.710 TOS NO FROST DAMAGE Wheat Escapes Freezing Weather in Middle West. Urt oj14.". i :m :i2Vi 123 V 124 liOVi 14 I". (11 1U1 i-t-ivj ian us. 121 14 V 24-W 7'4 27 k 1 n: 3 12'i 241, 1..V10 TOO 29.4H0 C'W 4.400 XO0 1.3i'0 11.2MO 400 United Uo. S F U S Stocl Cor.. tt.Y2oo do pr. furred.. 1.7h Utah .Copper ... S.IOO Waoash l,rlO Western l,"nion.. finil AVatlnjr Klec . . Rilik Wisconsin Cent. 10o llo; 3 221. 1(1. " 3 04 S 2.V 14:1 4:tS 1 .-.! 8i'i' 'WlK lioi Z.6U. 1 62 H 74 m 42 1 In '4 123 in.-. 23 :t as 4 141 m 43 83 110 - i 24 74 42 14414 137 3 22 1.1'. 24 4" 121 07 K In:: '4 1 1 2 u X4 29 S8 110H 32 1 (I.". '. 2 21: 3 !4 141 i 43 'i 3.. s 1 ;2 uoi Om.ha l.lvetK-k klarkrl. KfllTTH OMAHA. N'h.. April . Hoc. Rrt-lpt. 7SH0; m.rk.t. hiRher. Heavy. $v4ii ns.&zi light. $v4oti .5; --. pis. i. S.2i: bulk of nal., S.4r. I'attle Receipts. 2sti0; market. hlpher, Xatlve ateera. s;r!I.H5: CO.. anrt h.-'fer. s.9it: We. tern ateera. 6.2:.a; Tn ateera. .7.:o: cowa and lieifeta, I.Sf .10: ralvea. 7.7SrlO so. . KhMD HeeelDta. onO: market. ateady. Yearltncs. 96.7S&7.&0; wuthera. .l 7; lainba. .7.408.2.. lllraco I.lvratork Market. rHlCArtO. April t. Hos Receipt.. 17.- 000: market, atcady. Bulk of .aK-a. s..T 8.2: lieht. JS.iiifti S.Si ; mtxej. .s.fitr 8.87: heavy. fS.tora.B; rough. )S.lvtf r-.ttle Receipts. 4000: market. Meady. Beevea. $7.059.0: Texaa uteera. $ 7. 30 4r S. 3 5 ; Weatern ateers. $7.10 n 8.20 : atockera mu feeder.. Ij-tiHulU; coua and heifera. S3.7& fis.65: calvea. aTSxio.ztk. hheep rieceipia.": maraet. ateaar Native, as. 4067: western.; year- linsa. 93.SO?! 7.40: lamba. native, (5.306 8.10; Western. fb.;.UVI.ZU. 7.r.Ofl s.10 7.UO. 7.2."i 2iU U.uii s U.2j tl.otijii 7.20 fc.UOf io tJ.IKi'. 7."0 UU'd O.UO tl.Ouv. 7.o0 8.0J- 3 I n.7.-.r 7iKi oo-.r 2 j 5.74 t .-. 4.7.t. 1 1 rnvillinKnrss to tarry loraraumcnn Over Holiday AIM) Causes teii- BULLS LOSE THEIR GRIP Commercial Club to the repeal of free tolls and Bend them to th. Oregon ConeTretMilonal delegation. Ontralia Has Trades Coumrll. CENTRALIA. Wash.. April 9. (Spe cial.) At a meetlns of the recently orKanlzed Centralis Trades Council last nlKht tho following officers were elect ed: William Mills, of the printers" inlon. president, and Frank Kluite, of he clerks, secretary. The other offi ers will bo elected next week. The council is composed of Jhree. delegates from each of the Tollowinir unions: Printers, painters, carpenters, bricklay ers, clerks, stovemakor, barbers, bar tenders and electricians. s V J MM 150 SHRINERS WILL COME Spokane Lodge Members Plan Trip . to Portland In Special Tnesday 02 ti 74 41 Total sales for the day. 2o,700 shares. BOND?. Reported l.y Overheck Cooke Co., Board SPOKANE. Wash.. April 9. (Spe claL) Seventy-seven Shrinera. all members ot Kl Katlf Temple, have made reservations on the Shrine spe clal which the North Bank Railroad will nnerata to Portland Arril 14. It is expected that 130 Shriners will make I the trip. The special train, consisting of an observation parlor car. four standard sleepers. & baggage car and a diner, will leave the Northern Pacific sta tion Tuesday morning. ins Pressure, and L.ast Prices Are Weak. CHiCACiO. April 9. Inrreaatna belief that wheat had eaeaped damare from the treex Ine weather tended today to dislodge bullish contiol of the market. After a decided aa vance. prlrea closed eak, Hlillc off lo tc un. compared with last nlaht. Other spec ulative articles all showed a net oecune corn ic oats He to c and provlslona ae to 7 Va'- Sellinz pressure developed In the whea pit when it became evident that talk of possible damace by cold waa not backed y complaints from the reflona thou(hl lo b affected. Besldea. holdera evinced a oppo sition lo liquidate, rather than to chance uncertainties durina in. noim ............. -nm tumbled later in tha day. Influenced laraely by proof that Argentine ahlpmenta necessarily contained no weevIL Oata weakened ahead of th. other (rain. Cheao carsoea obtainable from Canada bur dened the market. More plentiful reeeipta or no, .i c.v.-.i. points carried down provision.. which enauea was ... ......... . the declines In sraln. The leading; futures ranged as ions... 1 WHEAT. May July I July Mar July Open. .. .1 .. .8 HiRh. .lVi .67 Low. .0i CORN'. . .H ,8. .Vs OATS. .3V -3SV MESS PORK. .Si .65 S .38 4. Close. .8 .38 May July ..I0.S?, ..21.00 ;rain TR.VJJK of small volt ME Wheat la Finn, but Little It. Doing Feed Cereals Weak. BuMiness was almost at a standstill yes terday in all branches of the grain trade. The demand for wheat was moderate, and there was little offered tor sale. Prices were firm and unchanged. o?ts and bar Icy were dull and both were weak, as large supplies remain unsold in the country. Weekly foreign wheat shipments were as follows: This week. Last week. Last year. lndii 102.0110 4. Ono 2Si.ouu .Xrjrentina . . . . 1. 170. ooo 1.2;:2.0 G.O'.Hj.ooO Australia l.r52.uH) 3.bU4.0OO l.ti48.04K receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' txchangre. as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday K 4 Tuesday IS K W'llncsday .. 17 3 Thursday .... 11 Year ago .... 20 Reason to date. 14. pir 223 Year ago ....1S.3s3 li30 SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MAUKKX rricea Quoted at the Bay City on Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. KAN' FRANCISCO. April :i. Fruit Pineapples, S1.&0&2: applea. Newtown Pip pins. $1.25i 1.75: Hoover, el.l'64-: No. J, 60c&$l: Mexican limes. $5.S046: California lemons. $23.CiO. Potatoes River deltas. 75.gS5c: Oregon Burbanka. 24c: iweeu. 2. IOl 2.1.V Vegetables Cucumbers, boulhouse, $1; green peas. S.icl&.l; string beans, 10c; egg plant, nominal. liutter Fancy creamery. 23 1 c ; seconds, 23c. Kggs Fancy ranch. 22 Sc; store, 21e. Onions Oregon, I1."iSij. Cheese Young America. 16Vj51Sc; new. 13til5c. Receipts Flour. 1202 quarters: barley. 4120 centals; potatoes, uS30 sacks; hay, 210 tons. of Trade LuildinH-lWrtland. Atchison general 4s Atlantic Coast Line 1st 4s.... II & O gold 4s R K T 4k fhes -fc Ohio 4s C M & St P gen 4 Vs C K 1 col 4s , Cal Gas ."".H C B Q Joint 4s Erie peneral 4s Int Met ISi Louisvttle & Nashville unl 4a. Missouri Pacific 4s N Y gen :is N 4t V 1st con 4s Northern Pacific 4s orejron Short Line tef 4s Pacific Tel rs Penna con 4h Heading genera 4s St L & S K ref 4a Southern Pacific ref 4a....... Southern pacific col 4s Southern Railway 7.3 Sourhtrn Rallwav 4s I'nited Railway inv 4s Union Pacific 1st and ref 4s. . United states Hteel ."is West Shore 43 WahHsh 4. W est inchouse Klec conv 5s... ijii.-onyin central 4s Unite.1 states 2s registered... I nit..! States 2s coupon Unite.-! states ::. registered... United states :: coupon I'nited States 4. registered... United States 4s coupon Pld. Asked. . 11314 .-.Ta . 114". 4"- . Wt, l'4-i. . !lt M . 2S !4- .1o2vi io:;s . ". :S4V, . or. 04 . !7 i7 H . 74'i 7J . 7i.T 77 . US Ms W.H .. 0U 1 . S3 K.'IV. . ;i. us . nr. '4 . !2'-, !i::i . 71i US .101 .... . nr. nr.'t. . 774 7' . :i x::at . n I m . . lor.'i in.". '4 . 7S 74', . . 7.7 .".K Wj . . :SVi 04 . -1:: 1IV . . ;n :i.i . . ."..1 . . r,ti 03Vi . . S7 v, s . . 0 . . uv; os i. . .101 , 102i . .lniai 102 ..llli 112'. ..111 112 July DAILY MKTKOKOLOOICAL BE1-OKT. PORTLAND. April U. Maximum temper-I Sept. ature, degrees; minimum, .,l.s aegrees. v ... HHIno. m t ti A VI 71 reet - chMn.e In i.. .,, v. r. n m root -t.. n'ot.t rMitifall 1 May tS P.M. to .1 P. M . ) . 0.14 Inch; total rainfall July since September 1. ll:t. C:t.2'J Inches; nor mal rainfall since September 1. 37.71 Inchei deficiency of rainfall since September 1. li:l. 4.42 Inches. Tutal sunshine April u, none, tiosslble sunshine. 13 hours, li min utes. Barometer t reduced lo sea leveli at 5 P. M., 2U.7 3 Incnes. THE WEATHKll. o.s: 10.7Vs 10.71Vi 10.90 :o.7i io.7;i 10. o 11.15 ii.i:vs hTATIONS. Stocks at Ronton. BOSTON. April 9. Closing quotatlons: Alloues 41 jNevada Con .... l.".. Aniaig Copper.. 74 ;Nlpissing Mines, 22 11 o 4 s 4 r '. 7 7 . . : 2:! 14!I2 2.-S1 1'.'74 1332 1S16 Chirago Iairy Prudurr. CHICAGO. April Butter lower. Cream eries. 1SG12..0. Kgss Lower. Receipts. 24.711 cases: at mark, cases Included. 1717ic: ordinary rirsts. 1 vlii-: tir.tsti 17!ii4ilSc: Cheese Unchanged. Dried 1-Tuit at New York. NEW YORK. April 9. Evaporated apples quiet; prunes, steady, peaches, quiet firm. but POULTRY RECEIPTS NOT SO HEAVY Market Cleans Vp on All Kinds of Country 1 adduce. Country produce cleaned up better yester day than for several days past. There was no improvement in the demand, but receipt, were smaller. Hen. sold at 17 cents and other poultry at former prices. Dressed meats probably will recover some of the recent loss when Lent is over, but a plentiful supply of veal can be looked for for some time. Spring lambs again sold at 12 cents. The egg market waa firm at 19 centa Front street dealers could sell all they had at this price, but could not get a fraction of a cent more. 4 There wer. no changes in the butter or cheese markets. Dulutb Linseed Market. nl'Ll'TK, April Linseed. S1..".V. May. $1.65: July. si..",. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April V.-i Spot cotton quiet. Middling uplands. 13.30c: do. guif, 13.6ue. Box Apple Trade In East. B.porting on the Western apple business Canby Man Seeks Coniniii-sioners-hip. OREGON CITY. Or.. April 9. (Spe cial.) Adam Kniarht. postmaster at Canby. filed his declaration Thursday with the County Clerk In the race for County Commissioner on , the Repub lican ticket. The words which will be placed after his name on the ballot are: "Good roads, low taxes and no bonds." His announcement is a surprise to his friends. ' v Injured Workman. Gets Verdict. HOOD RIVER, Or.. April 9. (Spe cial.) The case of Sonniksen against the Hood River Gas & Electric Com pany in which the plaintiff sought $50. 000 damages on account of the loss of his right arm and leg-, resulting frorrj injuries while, working on the defend ant's lines last Kali, resulted in a jury's verdict for tlo.OuO in Circuit Court last night in favor cl Sonniksen. A Z I. & Sm 164 .North Futte.. Arizona Com .. 41t!iNorth l.ake... Cal A Arizona.. OSS Old Dominion. Cal & Heela....420 jOsceola 7 centennial T1 Quincy 61 Cop Ran Con Co "7'r Shannon . K Rulte Cop M. II1.. Superior 2 Franklin ."V'Snp Bos Mln.. 2 I7ranhy Con ... R.: Tamarack ...... .",14 f;reene Cananea. 37 U K tj R ft M . . . ::l I Royal!. (Cop) 19 ' po preferred... 474 iverr ukc . -s t tan con .......3 1 l.ake Copper.... 4 Utah copper Co. Gtm- 1 .a Salle Copper 4. Winona a4 Miami Copper... In Wolverine Mohawk 43j Rutte & Superior 34 .Money. Exchange. Etc. NEW YORK. April I. Cal money steady at i per cent; ruling rate. per cent closing bid. lVfe.2 per cent. Time loans, weak: 60 days. 2t-24 per cent: wi days, z? per cent: six months. per cent. Mercantile paper. 3H4 per cent. Sterling exchange, firm: OO days. $4.95 demand. 4.675. , Commercial bills. 4.S4ti. Bar silver. r.SHc. Mexican dollars, 4514c. Government bonds. Irregular; railroad bonds, easy. SAN FRANCISCO. April 9. Silver bars, S'-o. Drafts Sight, par: d... telegraph. 2'ic. sterling in London, 60 days. $4.83; do. sight. 4.S674- LONDON. April 9. Bar silver, steadv. 26 la-16d per ounce: money. 1Hr14 per cent; rate or discount tor short oil's. 1 per cent; do. three months' bills, IT. per cent. Baker Molse Boston .... Calgary ... Chicago Colfax Denver Des Moines. Duluth .... Eureka . . . . Clalveston Helena Jacksonville Kan.aa City k iamath Laurler os Angeles. ... Marshfleld Medford Montreal New Orleans... New York North Head .... North Yakima.. Pendleton phoenix Pocatello Portland Ruseburg Sacramento ... fu Louis St. Paul Salt Lake San Francisco.. Seattle Spokane Tacoma Tatooah Island. Walla Walla... Washington .... Winnipeg Wind 3 3 2 -o A" - . at f5 Ct if 5 I -1 Stale of l.OS 1-07 -i LARD. lO.Ti 10.77H i.90 lo.;. SHORT RIBS. 11. JO 11-55 11.1 11.40 ll.SVu h nriefs were: WhMt. No. 3 rd. S1 ti 94c; Xo. S red, ?Ufi!2c: No. 3 hard. lvi51Hc: No. 3 hard, 0S$iSlc. No. 2 Northern. 3j4c; No. 3 Normern. vzuvc; -o. a opnm, o j Corn. No. 3. IS,UiOc; ,-vo. .t wnuc, l (i)c; No. 3 yellow. Q i. Kf, -NO. 3, b-'C. Hurley. 4r3c. Timothy. .T it 4.7i. Clover. $S 15.ZS. Kuropemn Grain Market. LONDON. April 9. Cargoe on ptfMg, better demand. Knicltsh country markrta, easier; French I country markets, steady. KxchancM Will B Clnl. NEW YORK. April 9. All donmtlc mar kets -n-Ul be closed tomorrow. Gru Friday. and th l-ivcrprfl. Uondon. Paris and1 rr.ln exchanges tomorrow. Ssturday and Monday. Coffee and u;r. EW TORK. April . Hijrh Europein rabls and steadier showing of yesterday's CflT!f mrket caused: som covcrinr for th buiidays at tbe opening- of the coffee nuuikat u.oi R s H-ioudy C-l o.04f SW Raln 4'.H 0.74:iH'V K'lear 44 O.IHItltl.N Clear 44 ().' lii;SW It'ltar 7J 0.Mts. .. . ..lear O.OL 14 NW CIrar 4; it.oo Hi SW Jt'lear 44 ti.nn i; flcHr .Virt.H t W Rain TiS M.mi 4 NW;t I far r4 'O.Ktl s NV "lom!v .(MHirj'VWH'loudir;io s Pt. cinudv KalLK- . . -H '.! 4 NE loudy i u.iiu; a iear ; iij.s u'ioudv M 1 .h e SW "1oudy 5N'! S N iloudy 34 -0. il 1S;V llear V oioiidy 4- O.UK L'O NW 'lear ."41 J.:tli14 S (Rain 7m O.tUit NR j'loudv 7". O.Oo! 4 NP; rt. cloud V .i.O" 4 rK u'ioudv t1frO.(H h W 'floudy .v. O 1 a W I Raln .! M ll.m! 4 NWlClouiiv .1 4.4 (. 14112 S tt'loudy 44" 1- i ear VJ n.tHi 4 NWjoioudy -J u.oS ,VV U;iondy . 4.nt 4 SW Houdy . ttrto.oi; 4 XK, rear .1 J'o.0 sV !""toudy i 5?'0.(Mi:l S i'.'Inudy . 7tiio.Mfi! 4 N 'cloudy .( 44 t. f 1 NW;Mear .( 4; o.on in s (Cloudy LIVERPOOL, April quiet, futures Arm. May, 2d; October, .a o. . Wheat Spot 7a 'd; July. Depositors First I We always give our reg ular customers the preference in the matter of loans Security Savings and Trust Company Fifth and Morrison Sts. Capital and Surplus, tl, 400,000 Established 1S90 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 9. Wheat No. 1 hard. KlHeflSe: No. 1 Northern, SSHO HON'': No. 3 Northern. S6H$rfc.c: No. wheat. !4 a SO'.c; M.iy. STKkSSc; July. b!"-e. Kye 53 S . 37c. Rnin J' .".0. l-'Iax 1.01'ISI 1.34. San Franelaeo Orain Market. SAN FRANCISCO. April 3. Spot quota tions: Waila Walla. l.rt-V tt 1.63 H ; red Rus sian. l.oa l.tll : Turkey red. 1 .'.( l.ti'S: hluesteui. 1.70 i 1."-: feed barley. S1.1H: brwwlng barley, nominal; white oats. el.'T t $j l.a; bran. 9L'4.rtu mlddllnga, lii'fiCI: ahoi ta. l-'rt V Call bosrd Barley lecember, $1.10; May, fl.ovii: April, bid. The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE Toronto, Canada. Established 1867. A general banking bumlneia transacted. Interest paid on time deposits Letter of Credit and Traveler Checks Issued. PORTLAND BRANCH, Corner Second and Stark Sta. F. C. MALPAS. Manager. WEATHER CONDITIONS. a trmifh-ihiDH ow-nrfiir area ttndt from Uritish . Columbia Foutn to a nri a ant ail nenreBKion is -n iru over Manitoba. l ne uikoim nigr-prcHun: r Via moved southeaHt ward to HninMi, Oeneral ralna nave Taiien on me racmc Slope as far south as Fresno. California, and a I r n rtftve Iinrn in imiiiun vi tana, the Dakota. fc.Rtfrn . oiorado. lorica and the N vr tneiana Mas. 11 is itiu-m r-nirier In th Atlantic States and Western Oregon, and correspondingly warmer in th I tain 8 Mates, i ppr isiaaippi mi.cj mi Upper I.akeB Retion. The conditlona sre favorable for showers ha this district Friday. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity 6 ho era, so uth west er! v winds. Oregon and Washington Shower, south westerly winds. Ida ho Showers. EDWARD A. BKAUS. DlstrU t l-orecatcr. PiiKt Knnd Wheat Market. SKATT1,K. Wash.. April ft. Wheat Blue atem. MH-z furtyfoid. 0c; club, V2c; Qfe. 0c ; red Russian. IKK:. Yesterday's "ar receipts Wheat, 7 ; oats. 1 ; barley. 1 ; hay. V: flour, 3. TACOMA. Wash.. April .Wheat Blue stem. mcO$l. iortyfoid, O-'c; club, and red fife. 91c Yesterday's car receipts Wheat. hay. nine. J.C.WILSON & CO. STOCKS. BONUS. GK.4IN AND COTTON. MEM tta.SU NK VOBK MOCa EXCHANGE. CKICAOO BOAKU OF TRADE. NEW lURg COTTON EXCHANUK, THK OTOCK A.M BOND KXCllANtlK. SAN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND OFnCE: Lewis Building. 269 Oak Street Phones Marshall SS5S. A 4187. TRAVELERS- Of IDE. SYDNEY 1 9 Jadgc Clcflon to bit at Astoria. ASTORIA. Or.. April 9. (Special.) judee Cleeton. of Multnomah County, arrived in the city last evenlnjc and will hold sessions ot the Circuit Court here durinc Ihe balance of the week, lace of Judxe t-akin. who is holding t in Portland. CLUB. FAVORS FREE TOLLS St. Jolius. ConimercLat Body Votes to Sfnd Protect to Cona;rci.srien. ST. JOHNS. Or.. April 9. (Special.) H. K. Pennell vice-president of the Pt- Jolins Lumber Company, addressed the directors of the St. Johns commercial Club at the luncheon Tuesday. In which he declared fee tolls for coastwise American vessels should be maintained. Mr. Pennell said ttiat either Oregon lumber dealers must curtain -their out put and lessen their payroll if the tree toll provision i repealed or broaden their market. Mr. Pennell declared that if the free tolls clause Is repealed in stead of American vessels carrying Oreeon lumber through the Panama Canal. Canadian vessels will carry British Columbia lumber from British Columbia ports to Atlantic porta. The rote W3s unanimous aatnt re peal of free tolls. Mr. Pennell was au thorlaed to prepare resolutions setting lorUi the opposition of tho il Johns DAYS FROM SAM FUflUSCO AUSTRALIA WEATHER FINE SAMOA AND SHORTEST UHE '.SOUTH SEAS QUICKEST TIME PrJrod.d summers. UnrdilOOA 1.(10.000 ton dispUol Sydnsy Short Lin. sail ins rmy twr weeks. $110 B3K0LuLU (faWcEKS) SYDSEY$3C3 Soma trip, arwod class, iYOtiiY i20. Vsritsai tours i- -udtnc Java. Cta.a. Jasar sad Round th. Worts. Beth, lot InSrr. OCEAMIC S. . uJU 175 MarkM St- f N FRANC1SC9 COOS BAY LINE STEAMSHIP BRtVKWAltB. Kail from Aicawurth Uock. tt. A- 3-L Waancsday. Max. lb. U; Apr. 1. &, 1A. -i. Tueadav. A Dr. a. raicht rclvd uatl NlkjN day jrvious to , scillnn. Kuwnitr CaXS: r irn immm. iv, ocvuuw mm only). ST. lociuaioa brtn ana maaia. uiiica Towr Alna ortb XoctL. fort lavnd a Co as Bay B. 8. LIE- U. H. lLaatlns. Asatti. Phonaa Main A'H; a 2532. GOING Ok COMING TB.1TI.L BT , World'i Largest Steamiuip "IHPERATOR" (013 fee Issl April IV Jnst S7. May la. .ulr IS. Jan. S. Ausn.t 13. d reculnriy thereafter. VATERLAND if ttem 4 ta.aea) Toa.) 1H, Alguit 1 Jalr 7. AasrsiM - J aad rirwlarty sr. LONDON, PARIS, HAMBURG and tbe Imartllor April IS, 9 A. U Ctarlnnuti April IK. 1 P. - Inrrlkii April 23, 9 A. M. Craf.-W .!!. . Apr.l 1" Bonn ktt. l.ulr. .April :. 1 r. X. MEDITERRANEAN Madeira, t.lbralrar, Algiers, Naples t".- !. K Moltkr April IS, S T.M. -S. -i. Itatiiharc . . ... IB. P. M. S. Moll li. J BM t, x r. .. f. . Haniuunc. .June .. S P. l. 111 not call at ladcire or Alstera. CRllbE Around the World Throuch tha PANAMA CANAL 7 Feb. 22. 1915 by the S. S. Clevelamd IOC f Cont. Inoludii: ihtre tT;r wJ and iit.-f- SlQnf."J Pnry rxjrns P' UT la urdrr to itrrurf -!ilt locntit'U. rovnit orinutd be honked DO Writ for Booklet. BAMEURG-AJ.ER1CAN US i ".t SiiicVton ft.. San rria- f 1 c.rx. CrL. HarvfT A. ain.T. F J North T sctr-o Oen I A If. 411- f J I i 41 t WMt H'rts- rl' F'-ioil fj J.iTO snrt io:. W ah. fr.-ut hm i'acit ir Co.. f J t'th at.. O. - W R r ft N. Co, Na I'ariffe. O. K. G.. BuTtinctoa in out. Mi:auao tt t J a puitt found It. tv-. -m Ot. North. Ry-. fj 5 .V uorir jH. fJ& tmlth. ad at V W ash. sis Jf V Portlana LL.OY London Paris Bremen HmnnrintMtiii Ceelle. . April tl $ltren.rn April tkl. n li m 1-t tmAC .Airxn Irin -"ritr,-h Uhelm . Air. SH Kai-er Hhelm lay 5 .rHfr kurfurr-4 May 7 Sails at 1 A. M. tCarrles no ( I or (.11) cabin i lii toiea di rect. Baltimore-Hranr direct. Ob cabin ill Wednesdays. THE MEDITERRANEAN tterlia April tS IMsins Irene May 6 The North Oennan I landed more paasenxer. lrt Cabin. Secoatl a bin and mteeraKe In the port of w ork ri urine 19 1. i than ay oCbr line. ifpiwHit It BnasTveluua reeord of 191 Throuah ratea trorr Egypt. India Nr York to FAK L.ST and South America via juropa NORWAY-VOUR rRI ISES June 13. July 4. Ife. 4. AuK. 11. Independent Trips. AfOUnd rirst-ciasa the World throuhout $620,65 & Up Travelers Cherhs Good All UTer the World. OtT Rl( IIS i CO.. Ua Asna. ft Broadv ay. New ork. C. -T0 povt ell 51 .. un j-ranctKco, or local a cent a. lsm f Steamer Service STKIMEK II ASSAM Leaves Portland. Ash-stre.t Dork, dally, except Saturday, at s:'ta P. M. Arrive Astoria 6:00 A. M. L, a a v e s Astoria daily, except Suniliiv, at :U0 A. M. Arrives Portland. 5:00 P. M. Make reservations Ash-street Ioclt or City Ticket o.'ric Third and Washinjfton. Phones Marshall 5U0. A 121. t AM) HAN lIK.0. YUCATAN VKIKSt)AY. APRIL 15. (OOS BAV AM) KVBEKA S. S. ALLIANCE I-R11AY. APKIL 10. NORTH PM II1C M-KAMMUP CO. Ilrbn ffire. i rrelcht Office. ija :u tt. j: t'ciumMa iork. Vain 1314. A 1314. II Main :.-tii, A ji a n J xm... v.' S. S. BKlVtK Per SAN FRAJMC1SCO LOS ANGELES A. M April is. Tbe tyi trin'lMt Ji i'oriiuod ti.H. 141 and vasninTion ols. wib American-Ha wauan S. S. Co.- Tfbssatrsw Kaate." I'OKTLA.XIJ .NEW VURK FHEIUUT CEKVirK HK4lKT OaILINU LOW RATES SCHKDULE C", o ki:.m:uv, a seat. 27o btsrs stre4. Vsrful Map of Great Britain FBI.E. Ais. tUustratetl book of tours on th. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY CF EA'GLNAD X. Katelry. Oen. Act. 01 ft I a 2i. X