Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 08, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Entered at Portland, Oregon. Foatoff lea aa
second-class matter.
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Alabama's nomination of Repre
sentative Underwood for Senator in
preference to Representative Hobson
is a tribute to industrious work in
Congress guided by sterling ability,
integrity and devotion to party
principles. While Mr. Hobson has
been lecturing and delivering stump
speeches Mr. Underwood has been
doing the work for which he was
elected, and has been doing it well.
Although Mr. Underwood's opin
ions on the tariff do not coincide
with those of The Oregonian we
cheerfully pay tribute to his construc
tive statesmanship in putting those
opinions in the shape of law and in
procuring that law's enactment. His
stand on the canal tolls controversy
and his spirited replies to Mr. Bryan's
attacks show that he has a sturdy in
dependence which the people love to
see in their statesmen. He has no pa
tience for those new political ideas
which have become popular in the
West, but is a conservative Democrat
cf the best Southern type.
Mr. Hobson, on the other hand, has
shown little regard for his public
duties, but has devoted much of his
time and has capitalized his prom
inence to enlarge his fortune. He is
given to the spectacular and to exag
geration in his pronouncements on
public affairs. He has sought ad
vancement by taking up what seemed
popular fads, such as prohibition and
woman suffrage. He has gone to as
absurd extremes in his propaganda
for a large Navy as peace advocates
have gone to in opposing prepared
ness for National defense. He is a
Alabama has set an example worthy
of imitation by other states. Having
sent to Congress a man who has rend
ered distinguished service to the Na
tion as a leader of his party, it has
refused to punish him for attending
to his public duties to the neglect of
his political ambition, or to deprive
the Nation of his services because of
state issues. In rejecting Mr. Hob
son it has rebuked neglect of public
duty for private interest and personal
ambition; it has rebuked self-assertion
and self-exploitation. It prefers
to reward solid achievement as em
bodied in Mr. Underwood and it con
tributes to the Nation the abilities of
one of its best sons.
In the Senate Mr. Underwood is
sure to step to the front rank. He
will be welcomed by his opponents as
well as by his party associates, for
all prefer that the best brains and the
highest character shall be brought to
bear from both sides on settlement of
the great problems with which Con
gress must deal.
The United States is acquiring an
unenviable reputation as a consumer
of deleterious drugs. If investigators
are to be believed, we stand a little
ahead of China In this shameful prac
tice. Out of every 10,000 of the pop
ulation we have 445 drug addicts of
one sort and another, not counting
drunkards, while China has only 410.
A few years ago the Celestials were
much worse than they are now, but
their heroic efforts to escape from
opium slavery have partially suc
ceeded. While China has been break
ing her chains we have been forging
new ones for ourselves.
Our favorite drugs, apart from al
cohol and tobacco, are cocaine and
heroin, as it appears. Cocaine is de
rived from coca leaves, which we im
port in increasing quantities year
after year. Fully 20 times as much
of the raw material is now consumed
as there was twelve years ago. We
are going the pace with a vengeance
far as cocaine is concerned. This
drug is distributed in many patent
medicines, which lure the victim on
little by little until he is securely
trapped. Some physicians prescribe it
recklessly to their patients and there
are peddlers who deal it out to school
We are assured by investigators
that 15 per cent of the medical men
in the United States are drug addicts
themselves and naturally we cannot
expect many scruples from such char
acters in supplying drugs to their pa
tients. The Southern negroes are
slavishly addicted to cocaine. By far
the greater number of outrages com
mitted by negroes upon white women
are inspired by this drug, which is
sometimes consumed in whisky, some
times by injection into the veins. It
js sold at hundreds of miserable
backdoors virtually without Interfer
ence from the law.
Heroin is a preparation of opium
rather pleasant to the taste and easily
obtainable in almost any part of the
country. The United States enjoys the
distinction of being the only ' large
consumer of heroin and cocaine for
vicious purposes. Other nations sat
isfy their illegitimate cravings with
morphine, hasheesh and the like. The
effects are miserably ruinous. The
patient loses his fine human qualities
very rapidly under their influence and
becomes a degenerate both phvsical
ly and morally, with but little hope
or redemption.
It discourages one to learn that
these ruinous habits are spreading so
rapidly. Nothing hitherto done to
check them has had the slightest ef
fect. Indeed it is said that some laws
passed against them have actually
encouraged xneir tree. Although the
consequences of moral legislation
never can be accurately foreseen
there is now a loud cry for more
laws. The Postoffice Department has
barred certain Injurious drugs from
the malls but this cannot help mat
ters a great deal as long as the ex
press offices are available.
The drug addict cares little how
much his poison costs as long as he
pets Ju Tha criminal classes exe
largely recruited in the cities from
the ranks of drug fiends, who steal
to buy their doses. It would be In
teresting to learn precisely what it is
in our climate. National habits or
heredity that makes us the champion
drug addicts of the world. And when
we have learned this mysterious se
cret it would be interesting to try
some more effectual method of re
form than passing laws. How many
thousand more demonstrations must
we have of the ineffectiveness of
crude legislation to reform morals
before we shall adopt a wiser course
and reinforce the law with construc
tive effort?
The Oregonian points to what It Is pleased
to call the "abject failure of President
Wilson's Mexican policy" because It Is lead
ing to what that paper asserts It was de
sired to avoid armed intervention. Is It
not light for the President to exhaust
every means to prevent armed intervention
if he can do so? If we can arrive at a
solution of the Mexican problem without
resorting: to the measure of force, surely
the President was right in seeking that
solution. Armed intervention always re
mains as the ultimate If other things
should fall which they have not. Salem
Capital Journal.
Here is the defense of President
Wilson's Mexican policy, or want of
policy, quite clearly and effectively
stated. It is undeniable that it is
right for the President to prevent
armed intervention by every means
short of National dishonor or the vio
lation of National duty. But has the
President taken a course to avoid
armed intervention ? The Oregonian
thinks he has not. It has thought
that the President had' utterly mis
conceived the Mexican situation. It
has thought that his high-flown talk
about constitutional government In
Mexico was little short of twaddle.
It has thought that his refusal to rec
ognize Huerta destroyed Mexico's last
chance of orderly government. It
has seen that In Villa he would have
on his hands a problem far more se
rious even than Huerta. It has won
dered at his calm refusal to Talse a
hand for the protection of American
residents in Mexico. It has been
amazed that any American President
should coldly assume that the way
to restore peace in a neighboring state
Is to tolerate murder, arson, pillage,
rapine and universal havoc. The only
affirmative measure we have devised
Is to open the door by the free ex
portation to Mexico of arms for
quicker ruin and more complete de
struction. It is a policy of helplessness and
evasion not becoming to the Ameri
can people or their President.
In his explanation of why he Is
disposed to vote as President Wilson
says on canal tolls Senator Lane
seems to have become confused as to
where the canal is, for he says:
Aa near as I can ascertain the facts,
this Government, in the acquisition of the
Canal Zone and in Its active participation
In bringing about a rebellion In the Nlca
raguan government, by which it secured
possession of the territory, has Infringed
upon the rights of England and Germany.
If that be as near as Dr. Lane "can
ascertain the facts," it is a pretty ex
posure of the height, depth, length
and breadth , of Dr. Lane's under
standing, or of the extent of his study
of the subject. He seems to imagine
that the canal Is in Nicaragua and
that the Republic of Panama sprang
from a Nlcaraguan revolution.
Dr. Lane is evidently inclined to
take Mr. Wilson's word for the wis
dom of the Wilson policy, for he says:
President Wilson has assured me per
sonally, from his study of the question and
perusal of state documents, etc.. that he
has been compelled to conclude, much
against his personal preference In the mat
ter, that this Government is under solemn
obligation to permit English vessels to use
the canal on the same terms as our own.
It is barely possible that, if the
Senator would study the subject him
self and exercise his independent
Judgment, he might arrive at a con
clusion different from Mr. Wilson's.
The people of Oregon elected him to
the Senate in the expectation that he
would use what understanding he
possesses to study out each question
for himself and to reach his own con
clusions. They did not expect that
he would sit, like a docile pupil, at
the feet of Mr. Wilson and drink in
the President's golden words. They
did expect that, having reached a
conclusion by thinking for himself,
he would have enough independence
to vote accordingly, regardless of the
opinion of the President or any other
man, but regardful, above all, of the
Interests of Oregon.
Americans own 2,250,000 tons of
ships which fly foreign flags, but not
one of them has taken advantage of
the opportunity to register his ships
under the American flag since that
privilege was accorded them. The
explanation is that the cost of opera
tion would be immediately increased
by the necessity of complying with
American law.
Captain Robert Dollar, in a letter
to the New York Evening Post, ex
plains how this increase would orig
inate. Our law requires more men
In the engine-room than foreign laws
require. On an 8000-ton ship the ex
tra wages and board of these men
would total $8736 a year. AVe reckon
a ship's tonnage differently, thus add
ing 24 per cent to British and 35
per cent to Danish measurement.
This increases the wharf, port and in
spection fees in foreign ports by an
amount which Captain Dollar estl
mates at $5500 a year on an 8000-ton
ship. American boiler inspection
costs $3000 a year more on each ship
than that of the leading foreign na
tions, though he considers the latter
ample. All told, the extra cost of
sailing a ship under the American
flag would be $17,236 a year. To
this the LaFolIette seaman's bill
would add immensely.
After having driven the American
flag from all except coastwise ships
by these oppressive laws. Congress
seems now disposed to refuse our
coastwise ships the small i offset of
canal-toll exemption. These ships
must compete with foreign ships ply
ing from Canadian ports on one coast
to American ports on the other in as
full a sense as though American
coastwise trade were open to foreign
ships. They must pay all the extra
expenses enumerated by Captain Dol
lar, thus being greatly handicapped,
but must not be relieved of tolls for
using a canal which the United States
built and to which Canada did not
contribute one dollar.
Had it been proved that we had
lmprovidently contracted away the
right to exempt our coastwise ships.
our people would take their medicine,
but it has not been proved. Great
Britain did not ask repeal; it asked
arbitration, but Mr. Wilson, in ef
feet, says: "We won't bother to arbi
trate: you can have it your way."
After having deprived the Ameri
can ship of this small advantage. It
i will be the mote incumbent on. Mr,
Wilson to hasten radical reform of
our shipping laws, that our shipown
ers may do business as cheaply as
foreigners. This would only bene
fit the coastwise shipowner by In
creasing the volume of business done
by water; the direct money-saving
would accrue to the consumer, for
the consumer pays the freight. Don't
forget that; every dollar added to the
cost of operating a ship Is added to
the freight It must earn, and the
consumer pays the freight.
Another champion has entered the
lists against the "goblin damned" of
written examinations. This time it
is a woman who offers to break a
lance in the holy cause of free and
happy childhood. Ellen Key once ut
tered a pious wish that "written ex
aminations may be obliterated from
the face of the earth." Mrs. Jane
Pollock Anderson, an Illinois high
school teacher, reiterates and empha
sizes the Swedish author's wish.
In Miss Anderson's opinion exam
inations are useless If the pupils have
been well taught. They are required
only when the teacher is incompe
tent. With a pitiless examination af
fronting him at the end of the term
a child will sometimes study his les
sons even if his teacher is useless.
Under a competent teacher he will
learn all he ought without the neces
sity of a final period of torture. Our
worship of written examinations Is
Just about as senseless as our worship
of textbooks.
We make a terrible to do over the
kind of books our children shall learn
their lessons from, as if that were an
important matter. With good teach
ers the textbook is a trifling consid
eration. When a child is well taught
what he learns becomes an insep
arable part of his being. No exam
ination is needed to force him to re
member it and it makes no difference
in what book he finds it. Even if
he should happen to learn something
without any book at all there would
be no harm done.
The disinclination of some of our
best human specimens to marry still
disturbs Jie thoughts of scientific eu-
genists. Th3 undesirable classes
marry readily enough and regularly
produce undesirable offspring, but
many of the best men physically and
mentally and too many of the best
women shun matrimony. They put it
oft until late in life or they shirk the
duty altogether. How shall we rem
edy this shortcoming?
Professor Roswell Hill Johnson, of
Pittsburg, thinks something can be
effected by exhortation. "Urge young
men to lead clean lives," he pleads.
and toll them into wedded bliss as
soon as possible."
Opportunity has much to do with
early marriage. Place a man where
he meets many charming girls and
he is soon captured. Fix his destiny
in a dreary boarding-house, with no
companions in misery but decayed
gentlewomen and crusty bachelors
and It Is only a little while before he
grows decayed and crusty himself.
Those who want early marriage to
become the rule must contrive some
way 'for young men and maidens to
meet under happy conditions, so that
the preliminary courtship may not be
cut off.
Professor Johnson lays some blame
for our sterility upon the colleges.
They aro perpetually raising their ad
mission requirements and thus push
ing graduation day farther and far
ther into life's best years.
Some way should be found to admit
young men to professional life while
they are still romantic enough to want
to marry. In later years their minds
wither up and wives lose, all charm.
The real issue in the canal tolls
controversy is said by the New York
World and the Indianapolis News to
be enmity to President Wilson on the
part of the Clark-Hearst-Murphy-
Wall street kind of Democracy. The
latter element is accused by the News
of having howled for armed interven
tion in Mexico, and by the World of
having rallied against Mr. Wilson's
canal tolls policy and of having
'made It a question of whether his
Administration is to be sustained by
the men who were sent to Congress
to sustain it."
The ardor of these champions of
the President has blinded them to the
facts or they would not have men
tioned Wall street as among the ele
ments which oppose the President on
canal tolls. If the newspapers which
voice the sentiments of Wall street
are a guide. Wall street stands solidly
behind the President on that Issue.
He is backed by the Times, the Sun
and the Evening Post. They speak
for the great railroad Interests, which
are as much British as American, and
which will be the chief gainers by
the levying of tolls on coastwise ships.
In this particular case at least, Mr.
Wilson Is working for the interests
against the people, while his oppo
nents are working for the people
against the Interests. That may not
be the purpose of Mr. Wilson's policy,
but that certainly is the effect.
Although other motives may have
helped to influence those Democrats
who opposed Mr. Wilsons policy in
the House, the broad difference be
tween the two elements Is one of at
titude on foreign questions. Mr.
Clark and those who voted with him
stand up for American Interests
against all other nations and would
not yield a right w e have once claimed
until it is proved to have been
claimed wrongfully, though they may
oppose our exercise of that right. Mr.
Wilson and his supporters are of that
peculiar type which Is always ready
to admit Its own nation to be in the
wrong whenever that nation's con
duct Is questioned. Mr. Clark and
his supporters would scorn to violate
a treaty, but they would not accept
another nation's interpretation until
the question had been tried out.
The tolls controversy is being made
the occasion of dividing the Demo
cratic party. The Clark faction Is ac
cused by the News of having "com
bined in an effort to discredit and
overthrow" Mr Wilson's leadership.
That Journal says the tolls question
"has paled somewhat before the pos
sibility that a great, historic party
that has within the last year served
the Nation so well, may be captured
by spoils politicians, subsidy grab
bers and reactionaries."
Democratic harmony has already
been destroyed, but it has been de
stroyed by the action of the Presi
dent in violating his platform by pro
posing a surrender to Europe, not by
those Democrats who stand by their
platform and who. in so doing, stand
by the'Ir country.
Justice sometimes plays queer
pranks. JViea ahej punishes a man
for refusing to work we all say, "well
done." But when she punishes poor
Charlie Lee because he wants to work
we feel misgivings. Lee is a China
man who tinkers teeth and thus
keeps a wife and five children. But
he has no dentist's license. Hence
these tears. Lee now languishes in
Jail and his family are begging
bread, but the majesty of the law is
vindicated, which Is the thing we
really live for.
The annual sacrifice of human be
ings to the Idol Canis begins this
year with County Commissioner Mar
tin, of Tacoma. His pet dog bit him
and in three weeks he was dead of
rabies. Soon we shall hear of nu
merous similar deaths. Rabies has
become endemic here among dogs,
coyotes and other pests. It is liable
to appear anywhere and reap a har
vest of human lives. Children stand
In the greatest danger from mad
dogs, but they threaten everybody.
"Well now, what next?" we are all
asking of the ultra violet rays. Ap
parently there is nothing they can
not do from exploding torpedoes to
lighting lamps. Madame Victor Henri
now discovers that they can trans
form microbes into new shapes and
thus produce new germ diseases. This
Is the acme of luxury. A consump
tion patient goes to sleep under ultra
violet rays and wakes up with pneu
monia or typhoid, Just as he chooses.
Life grows more exciting every day.
The best advertisement Oregon
could contrive at this time would be
the assurance of a quick sale at a
good price for everything the farm
ers can grow. It becomes wearisome
after a while to raise crops for which
there is not always an adequate mar
ket. Those who want to double Ore
gon's population in the next five
years should give their best thought
to perfecting Oregon's machinery for
distributing farm products.
It is not a good sign to see how
eagerly farmers take up projects that
are of no use to them and neglect
those which are all-important. In a
town which has abominable roads on
all sides and which has no cannery,
no drier, no cold-storage plant, no
market facilities whatever, the farm
ers lately contributed hundreds of
dollars for a fair. These men need
Instruction about their own interests.
In Mrs. W. P. Olds' death the world
loses a woman of high Ideals and
beautiful character. Every good
cause had her sympathy and help.
Her charities were wide and efficient
Christianity was her life. Devotion
to good works was her career. She
will be mourned by all who knew her.
Her - deeds proclaim her faith. She
has passed victoriously to greater op
portunities than earth could offer.
No doubt the Army officer who Is
short $9000 used the money In his
big financial operations intending to
return it intact. The money in all
cases ia to be returned, you know.
A street sweeper, finding a pack
age of diamonds, returned them
promptly to the owner. Who said
honesty Is on tho wane in this "un
regenerate age?"
Churches are urged to try publicity
for the go-to-church Sunday move
ment. Oddly enough the go-flshing
Sunday movement requires no ad
vertising. The guillotine has boon established
in Mexico by the rebels. Some of
Huerta's troops will shortly find
themselves literally without a head.
Senator Lane says ho favors Wil
son's stand on free tolls. Possibly he
might not be so frank about It If this
were election year for him.
Cy Warman's productions were not
classics, but they helped pass many
an Idle hour and touched the hearts
of the people.
If you cannot pause Friday for
prayer, meditation or to do a good
deed. Just stop long enough to pay a
small bill.
Secretary Brjan'a bronchial tubes
are affected. Good chance for him to
clean up his desk at the State De
partment. With Clean-Up day on the 18th and
Go-to-Church the 19th. Oregon
should be freshened clvically and
Postal reforms are to be tried first
in Portland. Hope we continue to re
ceive our dally mall Just the same.
Miners at Terre Haute have voted
against going on a strike. This ia no
season for a coal workers' strike.
At this time of year the system
needs the tonic in the mess of greens
provided by the lowly dandelion.
Canada continues to do a few
things better. The killing of two
bank robbers is a good score.
The Condon disaster will teach
many country towns to add a truck to
the chemical equipment.
Of course Hobson would have had
a walk-away could the women vote
in Alabama.
A Paris bacteriologist has invented
a new disease. We have too many al
Think of It next Fall and shudder.
Chinese eggs are going Into storage
The Prince of Monaco will seek a
change of game In Alaska this Sum
Oscar Wallop-'em Underwood was
well named. He has Hobson's scalp
About time for Villa to be getting
into deep diplomatic water again.
The wild and wooly West has be
taken Itself to British Columbia.
Summer will be with us at least
until the lawns need water.
But the Northwest Is really the big
feature of the 1915 show.
Let's make election day the real
clean-up day.
The guillotine may prove a civilizer
in Mexico.
Altruism Per Schedule
By Deaa Col II as.
K pause at noon on Good Friday, for the
performance) of some charity or kindly deed.
is urgea in a message that la sains sent out
broadcast News Item,
Through all the long year, as the days
nurry Dy,
I'm zealously hunting an eye for an
But I have decided, next Friday at
To sins a mora gentle and merciful
At 1! o'clock, sharp give attention
and heed
I'll then be at home for some sort of
good deed.
Oh, seek ye a loan of a shekel or
Next Friday at noon I'm prepared to
come through;
I'll unpack a smilo most expansive
and bland.
And take from the rack the long Idle
glad hand.
For I am aware there is really a
That I should pause then and perform
a good deed.
All ye that are sick, heavy-laden or
At 13 o'clock Friday prepare to be
For that is the hour that's appointed
to be
The time when I'll feel like a brother
to thee.
And sharp at that hour, when the
wnistie shall blow.
Will charity sweet through my whole
system now.
My foes, through the year, to destroy
I have striven.
But If they'll drop round, they will all
be forgiven:
At 13 o'clock, noon, when the sun
nangs above.
I'll put on a feeling of brotherly love.
So grab that swift moment, for when
it Is o'er
I'll never be gentle nor kind any
The Colt of the Gaest-ma. ....
(Befere the aruest arrives, tha nerfect
hostess, who has taken a correspond
ence course In hospitality, inspects bar
guest-room, and soliloquises thus:)
"I've remembered, I've remembered
The new embroidered sDread.
The towls cross-stitched in designs
Of navy blue and red.
It always seems so much too small.
. n- kucbi lower or today
Perhups that's why the modern guest
Won't make a longer stay.
I've remembered. I've remembered
The nosegay, stiff and tltrht.
The-reading-lamp with cretonne shade
That throws a ghastly light.
The 'Kind Words' calendar I've hung.
And by the hand-glass set
Some bargain sale cologne. . .oh dearl
in price marks on it yet!
Tve remembered, I've remembered
Pink sealing-wax to brlnar
Removed a cache of spoons from "twixt
i ne mattress and tha spring.
'Sleep Sweet Within This Quiet Room'
I've had refrained: I've boua-ht
For bedside books, 'Jane Eyre." 'Lucille,'
Ana. vemn o Aioaern TboUKDL
I've remembered. Fve remembered
A lot of details small
That I am very sure no guest
Would ever want at all.
But 'twould be shocking Ignorance
Of Fashion Journals' chat
To aim for Solid Comfort here.
Ana let it go at that."
arah Redington. In Harper's.
The Alarm Clock.
Each night I bravely wind It up
And set It bv m v head.
Then say my "Now I lay me down"
And snugly go to bed.
And in the' watches of the night
i tninK or it with dread.
So grim and wakeful sitting there.
With minatory ticks.
To sound its dreadful reveille
At quarter after six.
I wake up wondering what's tha time.
And strike a match to see.
It looks me coldly in the face
And answers half paat three.
I hear the patter of the hall
Against the window nane.
Then turn me In my downy couch
And seek Tor sleep again.
I think about the bitter cold
And try to sleep In vain.
And. like a felon In his cell.
Condemned and all forlorn.
I feel it is a death watch set
To sound my doom at morn.
When, after tosslngs to and fro.
And tribulations long.
I fall into a fftful sleep.
It sounds its baneful gong.
I boll indignant out of bed
And choke the strident peat.
While passions primitive and fierce
Possess my angry breast.
Oh. how I'd love to take a club
And knock It galley-west.
Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch.
Moral Danaer- Protest Made to Ilrook
rm laatitatr. New York. Falls,
N. T. Cor. Washington (D. O Post.
Statues In the nude are still un
draped In the Central Museum of the
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sci
ences, despite the protest made by Al
bert Kuelling and two other members
of the Vanderveer Park Taxpayers' As.
"The matter has received little or
no attention from the officers of tha
institute. said William H. Kox. di
rector of the museum. "When the
three members of the Taxpayers' Asso
ciation called only one of them. Mr.
Kuelling. I believe, was of the opinion
that there was any moral danger in
me art display. After conversatlo
with the other two I found that they
were not at all opposed to tha idea of
the nude in art Mr. Kuelllna- con
fessed to me that ha had not baan in
side the museum for many years, while
the others told me they were frequent
Two pieces of sculpture. "Venua and
Adonis" and "Bacchante." both by
Frederick Macmonles. were among
those enumerated as objectionable In
Mr. duelling s survey, according to Mr.
One effect of the discussion regard
ing me statues were Increased attend
ance at the museum. Tha two con
spicuous examples of art la the nude
were centers of attraction.
Excavators Find Hit Una; la Ground
Whea Eternal City Was Founded.
Living Church.
Slgnor Bonci. director of excavations
in the Roman forum, announces that he
has at last found tha mundus. around
which the ancient city of Rome waa
built- Ha proceeds at length to describe
wnal a mundus Is. It waa the hola dug
In the ground on the Palatine hill, pre
sumably by Romulua and Ramus. April
21. B. C. 753, as tha actual and sacred
center or tha proposed new citv.
Into this pit were cast shovels of
earth from the former homes, with
other precious things, and around It at
suitable distances, and after much re
ligious ceremony, war ploughed bound
ary Unas whera the walls of tha city
must rise.
It seems that there really waa this
ancient civic center, over which waa
placed a square stone, and on which
there was to be kept burning forever
a fira which would symbolise the com
mon hearth of the city, as the rireplare
does that of the private home. The
stona was "the porta, tha gate, which
separated the world of tha living from
that of the dead," a theory taken to ba
suggestive of a vagua faith among tha
ancients In life beyond tha tomb.
Maay Dollars Are Wasted Every Year,
Sara J. II. VVIIsoa.
CORVALL1S. Or, April S (To the
Editor.) A number of persons have
asked ma to further indicate how a
saving can be made In tha public ex
penses of tha state. All seem to realize
that every dollar of expense saved re
sults in lower taxes, and that is what
Is wanted. Tho other day I had the
temerity to suggest that $3000 a year Is
excessive pay for a Governor's clerk or
even for Secretary of State's clerk or
Treasurer's clerk, arid this suggestion
drew from different points in the state
a hearty "Amen." aa my mail will
One candidate for Governor on tha
Progressive ticket is very positive In
his declarations against extravagance
In public state offices and particularly
towards abolishing aoma unnecessary
and expensive offices, and also to
wards combining several commissions
which do no good to any one. Another
candidate, on the Republican ticket,
has been showing, on the stump, how
tho cost of running the state offices
has Increased the last decade or so
without any apparent cause other than
the greed of the office-holders and
their utter disregard of the dispropor
tion between their large salariea and
what taxpayers aa a rule can earn. I
asked a rather heavy taxpayer the
other day If ha could earn, indepen
dently of his farms. $1S00 a year. And
he aaid "no" he could not- Thla man la
quite intelligent, as well educated, as
much experienced, and fully as well
equipped in every way as most chief
clerks. But they generally. In state
offices, receive salariea well above
$1300 a year, which is an outside limit
for clerk hire.
A state, to actually progress and
keep up-to-the-minute with its com
missions and other officers, should en
deavor to make the work of the com
missions and officers self-sustaining.
In Wisconsin, whore commissions have
reached a high degree of development,
many commtsnlona are almost If not
quite self-sustaining. Oregon Is known
abroad as a state of fads and of freak
legislation. Undoubtedly nothing but
freak legislation could put a couple of
Democratic Senators in office In a state
which has a heavy Republican major
ity. It Is an easy matter to take the leg
islative appropriation bills for 1913 and
detect evidences of waste and extrava
gance all down the line from Gover
nor's $3000 clerk to dog-pelter. But
what is more to tha point, and the
thing w-hlch taxpayers generally, all
over Oregon, should do, if they desire
their taxes to get lower instead of
getting higher, is to scan and canvass
every aspirant for Governor and for
the Legislature who announces a can
didacy this year, and next time, too.
Not only to scan them but have them
promise the voters publicly beyond tho
possibility of evasion that they will
recommend and vote, first, last, and all
the time, to reduce these expensive
clerk salariea these expensive commis
sions, and otherwise vote for reduc
tion all down the line
Oregon cannot legitimately expend
$1.000.0u0 a year in any useful and
necessary direction, but the state is
expending far In excess of $1,000,000
each year. And tho taxpayers furnish
every dollar of that unnecessary and
extravagant expense. Don't forget
that. J. H. WILSON.
The Vetrrs Should Watch Thraa Close
ly Knaarsta Mr. l.on rll.
PENDLETON. Or, April 6. (To the
Editor.) As a Republican, I want to
earnestly commend the resolution of
the Jackson Club, adopted at Its Friday
meeting, condemning evasion of tha
provisions of tho corrupt practices act
by candidates and their friends, and
out or a rich and somewhat painful
personal experience. I desire also to
appear to every political club and to
every voter In the Hate, to indorse that
resolution, and to refuse to support any
candidate of any party whose campaign
expenditures appear to be In excess of
the sum allowed by the spirit of the
There is no other remedy under the
law as it now stands. It Is a delusion,
and so carelessly drawn that there Is
really no restriction upon tha expendi
ture which may be made by the rich
and unscrupulous. Its spirit Is so eas
ily evaded that the courts could not ba
successfully invoked to punish. The
only bulwark against abuse Is retri
butive Justice, speaking through tha
electorate. If tho voters of the state
who believe In political decency will
vigorously oppose tha spendthrift can
didates, however, a salutary lesson will
be taught.
Tho writer drew a series of amend
ments to the set, and caused them to
be submitted to the laat Legislature,
but they received small consideration
from that august, and now lamented
body. The purpose of the amendments
was to give tho law some teeth, and
make It effective, but the average poli
tician wants nothing of that kind. Tho
question is up to the people, and It is
tha concern of every honest voter.
In tho primary campaign a candidate
for Governor can spend IS per cent of
tho amount of his Hrst year's salary,
to-wit, $730. and no more, if tho law
means anything at all. Tho annual
salary of the Governor Is $5000. By
the same token, a candidate for United
States Senator or Congressman can ex
pend $1175 and no more, the salary of
those officers being $7500 per year. The
same rule applies all along down the
It is quite apparent that those sums
will not permit the maintenance of
elaborate headquarters, nor will they
permit either widespread advertising,
long campaigning Journeys, employ
ment of political missionaries or vol
uminous letter writing. The voters'
pamphlet is supposed to accomplish all
mat worn at a-minimum of expense
The Jackson Club has spoken as
Jackson would speak. Let the Lincoln
Club follow with like Llncolnian sen
timent. God speed the movement, and
arouse public sentiment.
How They Proved Themselves Pre
pared to Face aa Emeraeary.
New York Times.
A woman's college consists not of its
buildings, but of its young womanhood.
That is why Mrs. Henry K. Durant. the
widow of tha founder of .Wellesley Col
lege, had reason to rejoice as she be
held against the flames that consumed
its great College Hall the splendidly
ordered ranks of young women, brave
and self-controlled, roused by their
leaders and descending In safety with
out panic and with displays of heroism
seldom shown by men In like emergen
cies. It was an hour of triumph, not
of disaster. The spirit that makes
Wellesley will rear new buildings, bel
ter equipped and safeguarded than the
fire trap that liea in ruins.
Without the panic - stirring cry of
"Fire'." but with tho self-possessed or
der "Put on your wraps." Miss Moffat
and Miss Donnell roused the hundreds
of sleeping students, teachers and
maids, after sounding tha alarm. Then
the fire brigade, headed by Miss Ar
thur, marshaled its captains of twen
ties that marched quietly through
smoke-filled corridors and paat the
flaming entrance to a free exit. Four
minutes had passed, and the rollcall
disclosed eight missing. Back through
tha smoke tha monitors rushed and
brought the eight to safety.
They were discipline.!, prepared, cour
ageous. The fathers, mothers, sisters
and brothers of these young women
must feel that they vindicated the
, cause of a higher education.
Twenty-five Years Ago
From The Oregonian of April S. 1SS9.
r-raiue. April .. A prizefight at tho
race track- thi, --.. .
, . -' " 1 1 . oetween Will
iam Scott and Frank Britton ended in a
jZZ' ,nw.hU"h ,hr" mon -e shot.
James MrCann probably fatally. Frank
7, Finney eaca received a
flesh wound.
Charles H. todd dellveroH . .j.i
at Trinity Church last evening.
Hon. Geore II, Willlamg repeated his
lecture on "Tho Plvinitv of rhrui- i
tha First Baptist Church last evenins.
Panama. April 7. t-'i nro the ftuicrten.
slon of work on the canal over SOOO la-
oorers nave been repatriated. Ther. r
still over 3000 perrons on tho lino of
works in a destitute condition. So mo
deaths from starvation have already
oeen reported.
Tho Portland & Willamette Valley
Railway Company has made arrange
ments to afford extraordinary facilities
'or travellntr between thia citv
Sellwood and Milwaukle. Tha public
has tho option of cither taking tho
steamer J. B. Stevens direct from the
foot of Stark street or can take anv
one of tho seven trains from the foot
of Jefferson street to Rivervlew ceme
tery landing, whence passengers will
be transported by steamer to Sellweod
In three minutes and the steamer will
men go up to Alilwaukie.
An unexpected claimant o a hir
in tha estate of tho late C. C. Scott has
come to light in the person of a son
18 years of ago by a former wife from
whom ha was divorced. The estate con
sists principally of an interest in tho
Oilman House business.
When tho Corbett building, now
under construction on Third and Oak
streets, ia completed, tho O. R. &. X.
Co. will occupy tha three upper floor
na a room on tha ground floor.
Forest Grove. April 6. "Grandma-
Walker reached tha 78th annlversarv
of her birthday on Monday last- A
pleasant surprise was given her by a
few friends.
Dr. Harry Lane. urertnt edent of tho
Insane asylum at Salem, says that Mon
golian pheasants are Quito numerous
on tha grounds.
The Exposition building will bo
opened on April 30 by a grand celebra
tion of tho ceatennial of Washington's
Mrs. Lettie S. Hill and her sister.
Mis Myrtle Smith, returned from San
Francisco a few days ago. Mrs. Hill
Is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alman
Smith, at 360 Twelfth street.
Half a Century Aga
From Tho Oregonian of April S. lS6t.
David P. Thompson. United States
Deputy Surveyor, has recently selected,
under authority of Governor Gibe.,
lis. 11 acres of land for tha state, as
part of tha donation of 500.000 acres
made by Congress. Tho land is in Ba
ker County.
A patriotic meeting was held at the
Betpassi Institute on April . at which
O. Jacobs and S. Colver, of Jackson
County, mado eloquent speeches.
Walln Walla. April 5. Tha expedi
tion to tha plains will leave about April
15. Captain !. B. Curry commanding.
Lieutenant Pepoon goes as Quarter
master. Tha first through stage from
Bolo arrived Kehruary -;. and tho ar
rival waa celebrated by a torchlight
procession, illuminations, etc.
Wa paid Vancouver a short visit yes
terday, going and coming by the steam
er Wilson O. Hunt. Vancouver is ahead
of Portlund in some things. First, the
streets are cleaner and hotter; a per
son can rido anywhere without fear of
being stuck in the mud. Next, there is
some attraction about tho common, tho
green sward Is very Inviting, and wo
don't blamo our marriageable Oregon
people for escaping from Oregon to be
bound by hymen's chains in a spot so
truly rural and romantic. Tho major
ity of tho troops have gone In pursuit
of Snake Indians, only about SO men
remaining. Captain Owens, infantry,
has 27, and Captain Caldwell, cavalry,
has 63. The business of the Quarter
master's department wo found In a
pressing condition, ahd Captain Hop
kins muat have strong nerves to stand
Mr. West, or Wells. Fargo & Co.'s
express, arrived last evening, bringing
an abundance of letters and about lbo
pounds of gold dust. The Bolsa ex
press rime through In 10 days, and
from T,ewlston we have an express In
five days
Master Francis Marion Brown, a
youth about 8 years of a ere. son of t-am-uel
Brown, of Belpassi. w a bald
eagle alight in a tree, hurried to tho
house, secured a rifle and shot It.
wounding it so that it was taken and
killed. Tha eagle measured seven feet
from tip to tip, and weighed 13 pounds.
The soldier drowned from the steam
er Julia on Tuesday was Charles White
hurst. A pleasant little surprise was ten
dered to Rev. ci. H. Atkinson and bis
lady last evening.
E. J. Dellart was chosen by Mult
nomah Fire Company No. 2 last even
ing to represent them in tho board of
delegates, in place of Mr. Semple. who
has resigned and gone to the Boise
Eaaar oa a Favorite.
Tho following version of "Mary Had
a Little Lamb" appeared, according to
a Corning. N. Y correspondent among
the papers presented in response to a
teacher's suggestion that her fourth
grade pupils write an essay on animals:
Mary had a little lamb;
She put In on a shelf.
Every tlma it wagged its tail
It spanked itself.
Talk of the Bashful Lovar.
Ladle:' Homo Journal.
"You est very little. Mr. Smith." Faid
the maiden coyly to the bashful lover
who had been invited to share the fam
ily holiday dinner.
"Yes." replied he, and for once ho
saw a chance, and. grasping his cour
age, ho said: "To sit next to you. Miss
Grace, is to lose one's sppetlte."
Concentrated Push
Mr. Advertiser and Advertieer-to-Be.
there sra many ways, good ways,
to advertise to tell people all about
what you make and what you sell.
But the fii-st and foremost ex
ponents of the gopel of concen
trated push are dally newspapers
like Tha Oregonian.
If you wish to reach this com
munity, to cover it thoroughly
every borne, every Individual If you
want your name and your merchan
dise to be a part of the daily thought
of this city, advertise in Tha Ore
gonian and other good newspapers.
If you wish to reach one city or
ten. or ten time ten the nation If
you choose tiie Rood newspapers
offer tha same brand of concen
trated puj-h.