THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1914. ... a ! 1 ' I I PORTLAND ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. FeOMPI SERVICE at reasonable price. Pacific Title & Trust Co., 7 Cbam. of Com. ACCOKDIOX PLEATING. K. STEPHA.N Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, aide pleat, buttons covered, goods gpocgred; mail orders. 3so Alder. M. 'JiiTii. ACCOLNTAJlTB. CERTIFIED. C EMERY OLIVER Sc. CO., Marshall 320. Auditors, accouitunia. Panama bldg. ART MATTRESS WORKS. llATTREaSEd made new out of old is our specialty. Investigate. Marshall 2667. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. GILBERT & HALL,, successors Wells & Co., fi'9 to 613 Couch bldg., l'!t 4th. M. 715U. 1 ON TANA AbdAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing -works, 2d bl FICKERINCi &. CO. buy gold, silver and platinum. 510-11-12 Northwest bide. ATTORNEYS. 9. R. GREENFIELD General practice, ab stracts, contracts, collaterals, etc. ; consul tation free; new offices. 707, 708, 70S Selling bidg. Main 413. Open evenings. WM. J. ENGLISH, removed to 601 North weatern Bank bldg. Marshall 4641. WM. M. LA FORCE. Counsellor-at-law, 220 Failing bldg. CARPET WEAVING. KOBIHWESI RUG CO. Ruga f rom old car. pets, rag rugs. 188 East 8th. Both phones. CELLULOID BTJTTOX8. BADGES. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY 12 6th st. Phones Main S12 and A 125". CHIROPODISTS. Vrilllam. Estelle and William Jr., Deveney. the only scientific chiropodists In the city. J?rlrs. 302 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. corner i uuua aiam iui. DR. FLETCHER, aseptic chiropodist and foot specialist, treats all Ills of the foot without pain; 24 years experience; lady assistant, ana ki u.i. o-m Ir. and Mrs. Fletcher, painless chiropodists. -w .j..ui .. vjmi. jmh atXOt A OIL. '.uiKUl'ODT and pedicuring. Mrs. M. L. HI1L Offtces, 429 Filedner bids. Main 3472. CmKOFRACTIC PHYSICIANS. XR. MMAHON, 121 4th and 376 Williams ave. Two offices; lady attendants: IS ad Jqstments. 10. Main 205, East 6628. CLEANING AND PRESSING. X)RESS SUITS for rent; we press ods suit each -week for 81.50 per month. T-"NIiUE TA1UJR1NO CO., 800 Etark, bet. 6th and 6th. Main 514. COAL AND WOOD. KNIGHT coal has no equal; a clean, hard. Julck-flrlng. long-enduring Utah coaL Al bina Fuel Co., sole agenta COLLECTIONS. .Accounts, notes, judgments c ected, "Adopt Short Methods." Short Adjustment Co., 26 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 974. COLLECTION AGENCY. "ETII S CO., Worcester bids. Main 1706. No collections, no charge. AKGICd-TVHAl IMPLEMENTS. MltcheJl. Lewis & istaver Co.. Morrison and 2d Jt. M. wade & Co., 322-30 Hawthorne iveH AKCHITECTUKAI, WIRE & IKON WORKS. Portland Wire & Iron Wki., 2d & Columbia. AUTO AND BUtiGY TOPS. DUERUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 2UO 2d St. AUTOMOBILES. Mitchell, Lewis 6c fctaver Co., Morrison and 2d AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. EALLOTJ &. WRIGHT, 7th and Oak: ta AWNINGS, TENTS & SAIL9. PACIFIC TEXT & AWN. CO.. 1-8 N. 1st at. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer. Park & Davis. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES SUPPLIES. B A LLOU & WRIGHT, 7th and Oak sts. BREAD BAKERY'. Royal Bakery & Conf., Inc., 11th and Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE1NHARP. 13th and Burnslde. CARRIAGE WORKS. rUHTUKD CAKKUUE WKS. BODIES. WHEELS. SPRINGS. 109 North Fourth Street. Main 33S. .C.AsCAKA BARK AND GRAPE ROOT. KAHX BROS.. 1U1 FRONT ST. CEMENT, T. T. CROWE I.IME AND PLASTEB, CO., 45 Fourth SU COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSET & DEVEKS, 1-11 N. Front t DRY GOODS. FLEISCHNER-IIAYER & CO.. 207 Ash St. FUNERAL NOTICES. MILLER In this city, April 4. at the fam ily residence. :i41 East Ninth St., North. Joseph M. Miller, asred 69 years 3 months and 3 days. Beloved husband of Mrs. J. M. Miller and father of Mrs. Herman Smith, of Seattle, Wash.: Mrs. John J. Spindler. of Council Bluffs. la.; Mrs. Frank Bruhn, of this city; A. M. Miller, of Olympia, Wash.; Herbert Miller, of New York City; Mrs. A. H. Packard, of We natchee. Wash.: Miss Hortense Miller, of Seattle, "Wash., and Mrs. W. L. Abbott, of Seattle, Wash. The funeral services will be held at the conservatory chapel of F. S. .Dunning, Inc.. 414 East" Alder St.. at 2 P. M. ttodayl Wednesday. April 8. under the auspices of the G. A. R. Friends Invited. Services for Invited frienH. at Crematorium at 3 P. M. MILLER The funeral services of the late Joseph M. Miller will be held at tho con servatory chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc., East Side funeral directors 414 E Alder St.. at a P. M.. today (Wednesdav), April 8. under the auspices of the G. A. R., the concluding services w-lll bo held at the chapel of the Portland Crematorium at 3 P. M. Friends Invited. This is to correct an error which appeared In the two evening papers of Tuesday. WII.DI In this city. April 5, Edward WlldU ase 66 years. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held under the auspices of Willamette Tribe No. 6, Imp. Order of fled Men. in their 'wigwam . In the EaKles' Hall. 264 u. Madison St.. cor ner Sd. at 2 P. M. (today) Wednesday. Interment In Red Men's plot. Rlverview t emetftry. Remains are at Holman s funeral parlors until 1 P. M. Wednesday. VAN GROOS In this city. April 8, at his late residence. S20 Greenwood ave.. James -.. G. an Groos, aired 13 years. The tuneral servlc-s will be held todav Wednesday), nt 3:RO o'clock p. M.. at tho Ken lworth Presbyterian Church, Wood stock. rlends Invited. Services at the crematorium, private. Please omit flow ers. PARRELL- In this city. April 6, at his late residence. 4Ss54 Uod si. S. E, Wil liam R. Farrell. aged 41 vears. The funeral services will be held Thursday. . April , at 2:30 o'clock P. M-, at the residence establishment of J p Finley A Son. Montgomery at 5th. Friend's invited. Interment at Multnomah Cem etery. KETCHUM The funeral services of the late Itura Ketch um. who died at her late residence. 574 Spruce St.. April t will be held at the residence establish ment of J P. Fln!.-y & Son, Montgomery at ,th. today lWed;!p?Uyi al j .3,) p M Friends Invited. Services at the cre matorium, private. OLDS In this city. April 6. at 3 P M at her late home. No. 373 Hassalo' street Mrs. Lillian C. Olds, beloved wife of W I. Olds. Funeral will be held at 2-i o'clock today. Services will be conducted at the Unitarian Church. Broadway and Yamhill street. and at the Portland Crematorium. KUMMELIX April fi. at the famllv resi dence. 1ST Whittaker St.. Frank Rumme lin, aged 4S years anU 6 months, beloved husband of I,ouise R. and lather of Fran- ' res Rummelln. Funeral services Wedne day at 2 P. il. at the residence. Services at the grave private. HKLTZEL In this city at the familv res idence. r44 BIdwell ave.. April 3. Mollie Ann Heltzel. aged 77 years. The re mains will be forwarded this 1 Wednes day) morning to Banks. Or., for inter ment by J. P. Finley & Sons. K1-..N01.D The funeral services of Kmst i.ciiuuu. ho . years. Deiovea son of Mr. rfna ilr. Kcnouti, will be held at A. R. vo. s par.ors April s at . I M. ERICKSON The remains of Theodore Krtckson will be sent April 0 to Republic, " ash., for interment by A. R. Zeller Cr FUNERAL DIRECTORS'. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN. the leading .n neral director, i 9 Third street, comer Sal nan. Lij assistant. A Lill. Main MI, F. 8. DUNNING. INC. East Side I oneral Directors. Alder st. East S. B 1515. 41 East pCN-NINJi i M'EMIB, funeral directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady at tendant. Office of County Coroner. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMTANY, So ana i. iim a Lady tcndSBi MR. AND MR-. R. T. BYRNES. Est. 1303. Jjj Williams Ave. East 11 IS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY DANCING. RINGLER S Cotillion Hall and dancing stu dio, handsomest baliroom in the Wen; teaching all standard dances and hesita tion, one-step, Maxixe. Fourteenth St., off Washington, phone. Mr. and Mrs. Heath's school, lotf 2d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark, and Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison fits. Lessons daily; waltx and two-step guaranteed in 4 lessons; classes Mon. and Frl. eves.. S to 10, and 108 2d St. UI&S FISHBURNES dancing school All standard and late dances; six private. XJ; 12 class. Morrison. Marshall 313. DENTISTS. M. A. W. KJiENli, Majestic Theater bldg., 31 H Washington St. Marshall 3206. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. II. M. H. Electric Co., 31 First St. North. Phone Main 0210. WE BUY, sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand motors, repair work a ape clalty. Western Electric Works, 213 oth. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Treatments by specialist, glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday. 017 Dekura bL. 3d & Wash. tOl.NUBY AND MACHINE SHOP. STANDARD FOUNDRY ornamental castings. j3 CO. 7lh, Machinery, Madison sts. FOL'XDKV AND M.ACUINE WORKS. PHOENIX Iron Works, East 3d and Haw thorne. General machine and foundry work. KODAK'S and ALL SUPPLIES: ueveloplns. printing and enlarging. BLUMAUEK PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 345 Washington st MACHINERY. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co., Portland MECHANO-T HE RAPIST. Dr. J. DeLurey Mulloy. Permanent Health inrougn perrect circulation. 602 Dekum, MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO., motorcycle and bicycles. Phone Main 63. A 21S3. MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher; pupil aevclk. 207 Filedner bldg. A 4100. Mar. ltf9 NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. BR. PHILLIPS, specialist In paralysis, ner vous. chronic diseases. 604 Oregonian bldg. OPTICIANS. A FIGHT OQ hiirh nri. Why pay $5 to $10 lor a pair ox glasses when 1 can fit vour evfi with fl r Quality lenses, stood filled frtmei. ea lnw as $1.50? Goodman, 111 Morrison st-, near onuge. aauaiaction guaranteed. OSTEOPATHIC TllVS ICLAN S. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 308 Morgan bldg., cor Broadway and Washington sts. Office phone Main 349- residence. East 1023 PIA.NO STVDIOS. PIANO STUDIO, 2 14th South. Phone Main 3&3. Arrangements made for prac ticing. PATENT ATTORNEYS. 1032 Chamber of Commerce, Portland Or PETER HA BERLIN. 200 Victor bldg.. Washington. D. C. T, J. GEISLER, Atty. at Law. 503 Henry Wm. C. Schmltt, Eng. and draftsman. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Stubbs Electric Co., ttth and Pine sta. ITSU. OYSTERS AND ICE. MALAHKE1 & CO.. Inc., Hit Front street. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall. H. M. HOl'SKR. Board of Trade Bldg. GROCERS. WADHAMfi ; CO.. 6U-75 4th St. HAIR GOODS. DIAMO.N'U HAIR WORKS, WHOLESALE. 303-4 PANAMA BLDG. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO. WHOLESALE ONLY. 411 DEKLM BLDG. HATS AND CAPS. THAIfHAUSER HAT CO., S3-55 Front St. HAY. J. H. Klosterman & Co.. leading hay dealer. HIDES. PELTS, WOOL AND ICRS. KLAHN BROS., 191 Front st. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East end of Burnside-st. bridge. STEEL STRUCTURAL PLANT FOUNDRY. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON CASTINGS. STEEL BRIDGES ROOF TRUSSES. Carry Complete Stock of STEEL BEAMS. ANGLES. CHANNELS. PLATES. TEES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L. MASTIC CO.. 74 Front; leather of every description, taps, mfg. findings. LOGGING MACHINERY I K. ft. MALLORY & CO.. 231 Pine at. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 67 GRAND AVFi. Bf. Between Couch and Davis. Phones East 1423, B 2515. Open Day and Niarht. Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Lethal chamber tor small ani mals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS 0?ff IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY We loan oar own funds and money ! available within 24 hoars after receipt of a act- L.ot rate. ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 Northwestern Bank Bins. Sacrifice $1500 House and lot, 643 Clinton street, 7 blocks east of new Ford auto plant. on easy terms or big discount for cash. Best bargain in Portland. T. H. EDWARDS, 191 First street. MORTGAGE LOANS Loans of flOOO and up at lowest rates pn Good Improved City Properties. It you need money call today. Our Installment payments are attractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank Bnlldtns Corner Sixth and Morrison Streets. vmrtgage Loans 6 TO 7 H. E. M00NEY Rooni 421 Faluns; Bld. Mala 210. First Mortgage Loans Money to Any Amount In Onr Posses sion for Immediate I'se. - or 7, Accordins Co Hecnrlty. FIELDS A H03EJTIAN, I21S-1223 Yeon Bldg. Main 1002. TVs wUl build and finance a home on your lot or on any you may select. Pay for It like rent. We guarantee satisfaction. Call and see us. F. E. BOWMAN CO., Room 1. Commercial Club Bids. Main 026. A 1251. BARNHART INVESTMENT CO, 705 Coach Bids. Designers and Builders of FINE HOMES ALSO BVII.niNG LOANS. CITY & FARM LOANS USOERWRITERU LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO, S20 Chamber oi Cnmmeren. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 yeMr.' practice. L. a. and foreign patents. fr'O DcKum bldg. 11 -VNO KLFAJK bHOP. FlAO.NS tuned and repaired; 05-note player rebuilt to bS-notc; pianos and organs at very low prices. 441 stark. Main 4478. Portland WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 342U. PLLMLrf. DON'T throw vour oM nlumM tvt ilX '.- wy; we are experts In feather iiig, mouiiung birds of paraaise our specialty. lat fLuaiu., Morgan bldg. Main 4Qv. RtBBEK STAMPS, bEALM, BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS, 231 Wash, st. Phone Alain 710 and A 2710. dsEWLNO MACHINE. SEW'lXG Machine Exchange, new and used machines from $3 up; rents and repairing ' ."il Yamhill, bet. -d and 3d. Main t-iHOVCA?E. S.4.VK A STOKE FIXTURES. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 10th and Flanders; new and old window display and cabinet work. FOR reasonable price see Western Fixtures & Showcase Co.. 4S N. 10th at. SHEET METAL. OREGON SHEET Metal Works, 14 Front st. Tanks, stacks, re-Unnlng. hotel, raa- taurant and boat work. A ill-ltf. Main 2l4tt. STORAGE A0 TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van A Storage Co., cor. 15th and Kearney sts.. Just completed new fire proof warehouse for household effects, pianos and automobiles; contains separate tar and vermin-proof rooms, ateam-heated plano-room. trunk and rug vaults. trackage for carload shipments; vans for moving; reduced freight rate on house hold goods to and from East In through a. Main Bt5-10, all departments. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., offices and commodloua 4-story brick warehouse. separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults lor valuables; W. cor. d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, special rates made on goo a in our inrougn cars to an Domestic auu foreign ports. Mam 593, A 2ii. MERCHANDISE WAREHOUSE. Manning Warehouse fc Transcfer Co. 13th and Everett sis. on terminal tracks. General transfer and forwarding agenta. We operate the only exclusive merchan dise warehouse In city. Main 703. A 2214. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gliaan at., cor. 13th. Telephone Main otf or A lloU. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. . Lowest Insurance rates in the city. PACIFIC Coast Forwarding Company. 207 Railway Exchange bldg., cut rate freight on household goods In through cars to ail domestic and foreign points, automobiles Torwaraeo. tor information teu juar. zoi. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO.. general trane fer and storage, safes, pianos and furni ture moved and Dacked for shipment. Teams and auto vans for long-dlatance moving. S7-89 Front st. Main D47 or A 4i MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office lbd Madison: xeneral merchandise furniture and machinery storage; transfer and forwarding agenta. Phone Main tl. PORTLAND AUTO DEL. CO., drayage and storage; furniture moving and packing. 27 No. Front, Marshall 1.30, A OiOfl. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S MECKWKAB. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. t8 Fifth St. Mn.UNKRV. BKADSHAW BROS., Morrison and 7th eta. ORNAMENTAL J RON AMI WIRE. Portland Wire sc iron Wks., 2d & Columbia. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEElt PAINT CO.. 1S First st. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Uarla PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 64-e Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. e4-8 Front SU PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTES A CO., 1ST AND OAK STS, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVER DING & FARKELL, HO Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO., Foot of Ankeny. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. FULLER & CO., 12th and Uavla. SAWMILL MACHINCRV PORTLAND Iron Works, 14th and Northrup SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., 88 Front at. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPEK CO.. 2SO 2d St. WHOLESALE JEWELERS OPTICIANS. ULlitlttltLU BRUS., MOHAWK BLDli, WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire A Iron Wks.. 2d At Columbia. NEW TODAY. BARGAIN IRVINGT0N DISTRICT $4800 ON BROADWAY H-roora strictly modern bunealow-. ith completely equipped nrHKe. offered thl: week $1(KK) below apprafned value. House la practically new, every convenience, flrenlace furnace, large -If eplnff-porch. hot and cold water upstairs; tOxlOO-foot lot. flna lawn. shrubbery, etc. House will rent for JUS to per month. If you ever wanted a home In a fine d!s trlct or an Al investment, ace this. With out question one of the biggest bargains to oe round in Portland. Call owner. East SQ7 MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED PROPERTIES and ON APPROVED COLLATERALS. Time. 6 Months to 3 Years. THE SHAH-KIiAR COMPANY". 102 Foarls Street. Money to Loan Any sum to -0.000. Prompt service. GEO. IT. THOMAS, 27 Oak St Room 2. Alnnworth Bldar. BU51KTSS PHOPfRTVumr. ncrtu rr - Mnnrnj nr .1 n nid &- EDWARD E.GOUDEY-7 - s n. I r D W I l ( I Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our own money at current rates. FARM AND CITY LOANS. 80 Fourth at.. Board v( Trade Bids;. CITY AND . FARM LOANS Aay Amount at Currant Kate a. JOHN K CE0NAN REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BECK. WiU.ain Q.. 31C-316 Failing bldg. BENEDICT BROS. (Burr til Helgota), U10 rALMLH-JO.NES CO.. H. P.. 4 Jennings A Co.. Main 188. 206 Oreioniaj. JIKAL E6TATE. For State Iyta. lO MONTH frtr lot near Broadway. Ro .n mrh; cicar. u ner, AM Ore W'Tt 1(111. ri-M-- aouoie lot in Murrymeade Add, 76xlli iuw viue at. easy payments,. KS', Oregonian. ROPE CITY PARK. Wtl! sacrifice a good building lot for oniy ca requirea. Main LOT In Flrland district, worth ii a .. . v v, wet b vQmraorce. MONEY TO IX) AN ON REAL FSTiTr GKO. T. MOORE CO.. 518 A.tlngton Bidg. SEAL ESTATE. I For fials Le4a. QUARTER acre tracts. West Side, onlv 15 minutes' car ride. 5c fare; price onlv $50 each. 210 down, $5 per month; It will pay ou to see this property If you are look ing towards stopping the high coat of liv ing, as on a large tract like this you can raise all your vegetables, berries. ru chickens, etc.. which is a greater part oj your living; this 1 the bent value to be I nud in the city. M. E. Lee, 522 Cbrbett bldg. L'MO.N' AVENUE. 11 SxlZO earner. with satisfactory In come; I hold this under option and I know that you never be abia to buy It so cheap again after my option ex pires. COME QUICK. Put your money whera It Is sure to grow. W. H. ROSS. M6 Spalding Bldg. FINE business or apartment corner, East 12 th st. and Ladd ave., at Hawthorne; over 11,000 square feet, 350 feet of street frontage; also alley; all Improvements paid; $9500; easy term a. C. W. Ha hurst, owner. 240 Stark st. COLLINS view tract, large, beut iful view tracts, grand view or the mountains, Wil lamette and Columbia Rivers, East Port land ; Ideal for a home and Investment; price only $.Tr0 each, $10 down, S.l por month; the let value In the city. M. E. lxe. Corbett bldg. BELMONT ST. Owner leaving city will sll halt block f acinar south on Belmont, between ISth and 31Hh, cheap, very easy terms. 40b CaDT. Bin II. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 lota at Oak t.rove. near car; lie nice, will sell at a bargain, part cash; will take a lot as part pay. Call on Crockett fc Sturker, room 3, Washington bldg. FORCED PALE; ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful corner lot 60x1 OO; faces east. 1 block to Handy boulevard: face earn; Improvements all In; price $900 cash. C. A. RVFK. Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE: The best 100xlK at the east end of the Broadway bridge; old Improve ments pay per cent on price asked. AN 8SO. Oregonian. 10 DOWN. J5 monthly buys HOxlIOO fr hoo. with houae: 35 minutes out Oregon City line. A. C. Marstere. liOH Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. Tabor 1770. SNAP oOxlOO. near Rose City Park school, 34.... part cash. Dubois, bl'U Chamber or Commerce. ASTORIA Great development on. Buy now Lots near new docks. loo; monthly pay- menta P $;2. Oregonian. LARGE view lot near carline. overlooking Irvln K t on, i nOO. U u r t . owner. Main 4-. 3 MT. tiCOTT lots, cheap, alone or together, cash or time : b per cent. Tibor fc3. ROSE CITY PARK DITRICT. "5 rooms and sleeping porch; very large living-room, fireplace, bookcaacs. beautliui buffet, paneled dining-room, oak f ioore, large Dutch kitchen with every built-in convenience; two large. well-Hunted bed rooms, large floored attic, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays: conven ient to fireproof school ; 3750; terms to suit. large rooms, strictly modern ; very largo Dutch kitchen with all built-in con venience, large, living-room w 1th beautl iui fireplace. booKcasen. hTench winaows, large dining-room, beamed and paneled, buffet, 1 sleeping chamber and bath on main floor, J large sleeping chambers and toilet on second floor; lawn, shrub bery. e vera I beautiful large trees; 1 block to Rose City Park car: convenient to lire proof school; owner has left city and has reduced price .w: price now vr reasonable term a Ask for Mr. liolsing- ton. PROVIDENT TRI'ST COMPANY, w-r.'l Selling Bldg. LOOKTNT, FOR A HOVE HERE ARE THREE THAT WE RECOMMEND. Five-room bungalow. s:tn including furnace, fixtures, shades, hardwood floi.r; onlv a half block from Row City Park canine, west ot - 47tn st.; it nan good attic. Yea. we will give easy ter on this. Seven-room home; It's a bungalow tth two rooms finished upstairs : i:;r.vK.; this is an Ideal home; terms to suit; Roso City Park. Here's the best buy in Portland; seven rooms; large living-room, beautiful sun parlor; we are Just finishing this plae ann it you want a s.-nnm nome tor ' don't fail to see this; It is on E. 36th si. N.. Just north of Sandy boulevard. tSCOTT-BEESLEY-DEANE CO., 211-13 Abtngton bldg. A NEW 5-ROOM BCNC.ALOW THAT WILL CHARM YOV. ONLY -.O :i0o DOWN. 115 PER MO, Let m show It to you. as you have eon nothing like It for t he price In all Hawthorne district. Jt Is In a separata clastt from the ordinary bun ca low It. will appeal to you at once. Lateat in design, with every built-in feature, such as book rase, fireplace, paneled walls, beam ceil ings, burret. nardwood floors, eieoir.c na tures, winoow snades; woodwork nana rubbed, paperln- new and exquisite. Be sides the rooms there Is a reception hall. bath, attic, full cement rasement, wash trays. In splendid neighborhood and closu to the car. A. D. WILLOL'GHBY. Morgan Bldg. Main ::!. SS!30 ALAMEDA 3u0. Hall. large. living-room. dining-room separated French doors, sun parlor, pass pantry and kitchen downstairs; S bed rooms, bath and large sleeping porch up stairs: hardwood floors In all rooms, mir ror door. medicine chest, linen closet, fruft closet, furnace with hot water coil, solid hardware all through, cellar drain, cement floor, and fine lot facing east. Take Broadway car. get off at 3mh and Shaver, look It over, name on house; $MX) cash will handle. Here Is where you deal direct with owner and builder; will piy no commissions or consider trade. Tabor 781. SWELL 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. Brand new 7-room bungalow; funace, fireplace, hardwood floors, all latest hu llt In eftet ts. 4 bedrooms nd sleeping porch, doubly built, tinted and decorated walla; a very nifty home; lot 50xlH. east front; half block to car, on East ."..Id. near Clin ton; prlc a snap. S3750, IoO cash and $2U per month. GKT SRI & ROLDS. S16 Board of Trade. Main 74VJ. A 4401 . WEST SIDE. -room, thoroughly modern bungalow. full cement basement, furnace, finished sleeping porch, buffet, bookcases, fire place. hardwood floors, fixtures and shades: 2 blocks to car; short walk from City Hall; extra large lot; improvements paid; iooo: terms to suit. jo. Q. Mair. i Railway Exchange. Marshall 1674 or Marshall 171. DOWN will buy 908 K. 11th st. Ni, 3-room house with plumbing, street paved and included in puce; tmmeaiHte possession ; lot a ion la well worth the money. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. ALBERTA ST. SNAP. Nice 4 -room bungalow; gas, electricity, nice bath, etc.. on a business lot on Alberta st.. near lOth; worth and for a few days can be bought for 4J2000. 816 Board of Trade. Main 74.12, A 4401 COLUMBIA-6T SNAP. Good fr-room house, arranged for two families; rental value $45 per month; prloa xoiu-u; on Columbia, near J 4th, lew mlu ules walk down town. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 316 Board of Trade. Main 74TO. A 4401. LOVELY home ; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnuce. modern in every respect; on one of t he finest corners in Waverlelgh Heights; price $:i7o0; will take $5h down. taiunce nae rent. joraan. oi Lumber mens bldg. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, corner lot. 73x lOo. Rose City Park ; garage, sleeping porch, all built-in effects, beautiful lawn ana rose garden. in scu at a sacrllice Phone Main 9'lt'2. 1.ADD5 ADDITION. OWNER LE AVI NO CITY. and will sell this modern 6-room house way below cost: this la a snap. Act quick. rnone e.esi moo. 4-ROOM cottage; large grounds; near Oras crossing, that can be had for the balance clue on a contract which the purchaser coum not Keep up; siikh; easy terms. Mimbermem NEAT. new. five-room bungalow and 3 good lots; fine location; convenient to cars; this la a xorcea sale, bee owner. E. B. RABB. 213. 213 Chamber of Commerce. VANCO UVE R AVE., near Broadway, six room modern home; choice lot; must sei immediately ana win take. xOO. tee my attorney, tu run FOR SALE 6-room modern hutiiMiow. with two lots, on very dealrabla corner near Mt. Tabor Trk; On view. Phone Tabor BEAUTIFUL homo. -room, modern. 10ix 200, ML Scott car, plenty fruit, shrubs, eir.; unmrumurrru. i a nor nior. CHARMING BUNGALOW. Irvington. good location; rooms: cheap; jri iiiioiiri. r- r i. - ... . n. Hrcmt $4O0 BELOW actual coat, modern 6-room nouse on i-iawtnom canine; snap lftQ. a;s Falling bldg. Marshall 23 FOR SALE 6 -room modern house. com pletely furnished, corner lot. 100x100, owner. r qoiibj n DoUIBWg m.F i l. HOCSE fr sal by owner, Rosa City Park. r Hunt iicor b. FOR SALE Two lots. S-room house. $S50. i i.t r ern at., v oooiawn. REAL ETATE. Fr bale GREAT SACRIFICE- Owing to a changa of business which compels mm to leae city I am going to sacrifice my new &-room bungalow and furniture. It la located on lot 44x110, in good residence district, only two blocks from car and west of 34th st. Paid for bungalow months ago. $3000 Furniture. Including new Schumann piano S00 Will take SSIOO for bunKalow. Including furniture; must hava fiUi) cash, balance can be arranged to suit your aonvenlence. It has pressed brick fireplace, butlt-tn bookcases and buffet, paneled dining-room, white enameled Dutch kitchen, full con crete basement with cement floor and laundry trays. There is a large floored at tie which can be made Into two extra rooms If drslrd. Can lease it at $30 per month, so If you are looking for either a homo or Investment call at 10?& Haw thorne ave. or phone Tabor 2 60S. 9 -ROOM HOME, ' 9-room home, convenient to Hawthorne car: walking distance; llvina-room and re ception hall finished In solid mahogany; den select fir, dining-room quarter-aa wed oak. kitchen white enamel with every built-In convenience; four very large sleeping chamber and dressing-room on second floor; two complete bathrooms, very large family sleeping -porch. very tasty draperies throughout the house can be had If desired ; large garage. Beautiful view of city and Mt Hood. Price reduced to $lit.OOO. Terms can be arranged to suit. Owner leaving city. Ask for Mr. Holstngton. PROVIDENT TR1 FT rOMPANT, 209-211 Selling Bldg. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. -ROOM BARGAIN. Practically new, double constructed. 6 room house, double floors upstairs ana down, dining-room paneled, built-in buf fet and large living -room, kitchen, recep tion hall. 3 bedrooma upstairs and larse bath; corner lot, convenient to Hawthorne car; $1300 cash, balance first mortgage. No tradea considered. This house cost $J6A0 to build and the lot Is worth at least SHOO; price $J350. Ask for Mr. Hoislngion. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, Selling Bldg. Phones Main 16c0. A OL'61. $4160 LAURELHURST $4150. Hal). large living-room. dining-room separated French doors, sun parlor, pass pantry and kitchen downstairs; 3 bed rooms, bath and large sleeping porch up stairs : hardwood floors in all rooms, mir ror door, medicine chest, linen closet, fruit closet, furnace with hot water coll. solid hardware all through, cellar drain, ce ment floor, and lot 60x150 feet. Take Rose City, Iaurelhurst or Montavilla car to 39tn and Multnomah in Laurelhurat name on house. $500 cash will handle. Here la where you deal direct with owner and builder; win pay no commissions or consider trade. laoor si. REAL HOUSE BARGAINS. 3 rooms, $ r.i-o. 4 rooms. $197".. 4 rooms, kxi. i rooms. g:;.t. 5 rooms, f J . . rooms. $'27M. Terms Like Rent. IMBL'lNSTOCK & LARSON '0.. 29. Oak St. Sea Mr. Larson. ROSB CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 1 have just taken back a 6-room bunga low w here the buyer was compelled to leave the city. 1 will sell It to you on easy terms. $:& down and $35 a month. Including Interest, giving you the benefit of the payments of the former buyer. Take Roso City Park car to East "lat st.. walk block and ha.f north to 700 East 61st St.. get key ucii door. T. G. Anderson. ROSE CITY PARK. Being very anxious to sell my home, i am willing to sell at a sacrifice to make turn now; has S rooms and all dandle., oak floor, fireplace, tile hearth, furnace, etc. You can sen it at any time; located at &? East 47th st. N. My price will sur prise you. 1 mean to sell, bee owner at 212 Selling bldg. NAME YOIR Ti:RMS. NAME YOUR TERMS. A cosy 1-ruom buncalow, built a short time, same as new. Located in the heart of Hawthorne district : has veranda, re ception hall, large living-room, dining room, has paneled walls, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full basement, electric fixtures, window shades and a big kitchen range; price reduced to A. D. Vll.LOUGHBY. Morgan bldg. Main SWELL 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. Brand-new 7-room bungalow: furnace, flreplnce. hardwood floors, all latest built in effect, 4 bedrooma and sleeping-porch, doubly built, tinted and decorated walls; a very nifty home; lot MlxlOO: east front; half block to car. on Fast 33d. near Clin ton; price a snap, $3.'.0; $300 cash and $i:0 per month. GRUPSl & BOLDP, Board of Trade. Main 74,2. A 4401. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO TYCOM E? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; FLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L, R. BAILEY A CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLDG. DON'T PAY RENT. We will build a home on your lot. $1000 to $o0"0; terms like rent; we do first class, guaranteed work; large variety of plans to select from. UMBDENSTOCK A LARSON CO.. US6 Oak St. See Mr. Furlong. NEW. STYLISH. 7-ROOM HOME. $30(Mt ; most up-to-date in city : restricted district; double living-room with French doors. 7-foot beveled plate-glass buffet, hardwood floors. 3 French mirrors, beauti ful mantel, solid brass hardware, select grain finish ; block to car. J. minutes to city : terma Phone owner. Tabor 19o. A TIP $2!Sfl IRVINGTON DISTRICT $21 W 5-room modern bunaalow. new. artistic. Go see. Key next door. 713 East STlh N. Broadway car to Klickitat St. DOE3 6 PER CENT Interest you on deferred payments for this modern. 5-room house, new, 1 block to Rose City Pork car. large lot? Price for quick sale, $26oO. $300 down. $18 month. Interest 6 per cent. If sold, phone owner evenings only. Tabor 304O. COLUMBIA-ST. SNAP. Good 9-room house, arranged for two families: rental value $45 per month; price $.'i2W; on Columbia, near 14th, few min utes' walk down town. GRUSSI & BOLD. 16 Board of Trade. Main 7452. A 4401. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME CHEAP. R-room. - sleeping porch, two bathrooma hard floors upstairs and down, 2 fireplace, furnace, water heater, cash or bart for my equity; might take good lot. Dubois, 6-W Chamher of Commerce. HAWTHORNE-AVENUE DISTRICT. Large 4-room modern bungalow near East Harrison and 37th sta. Large bath room, lots of roses and garden. Nice neighborhood. Price $2600. P 653. Ore gonian $l-,:,0 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $1500 One house and lot, $luO down, $20 per month. Including Interest : terms, or one cor. lot for $14.".o on E. Madison and 45th street. Call 1305 E. Madison from 1 to 8, or phone Taor 3660 from 1 to 3. BL ILD EASY TERMS BUILD. WE FURNISH THE MONEY AND PLANS HOMES. APARTMENTS. ECON OMY. RELIABILITY. TAYLOR BUILD ING CO.. 006 M'KAY BLDG. LET US BUII-D YOU A HOME On your lot or ours; by your wu plans or ours; pav OS like rent, THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 133Q Northweatern Bank Bldg. 6IX room a, aloe ping-porch, cement baae ment. furnace, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, mirror door, two toilets; $J0O. Take lot. owner N 857. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL Eat Side home. $7.".oo. eiitht rooms and sleeping porch, two hatha. $.kK) down and V50 per month. Including Inter est. AR Oregonian. FOR SALE 2 lots with house, woodshed, fruit trees and water; $2lh cash, balance at per cent. Call Marshall 651 beu 11 and 1. (J150 MODERN 3-nom bungalow. com pietely furnished; lot aOxlCMi. 1014 Grand a e. ; fine apartment sua. Wood lawn 8229. BY owner, besutiful new modern 6-room house, in restricted dtatrlct; must be sold far below actual valuei psrt cash, balance $2 per month. Call evenings. Tabor FOR a rood lot or modern home at M.n coat see C. H. Finkenon. 2ri Selling blda at. a. Jt a I A m. NEW, modern, -room house In Laura; hurst. Phone owner. East ?432. REAL ESTATE. MUST SACRIFICE 6 ROOM HOME. E. 4Ut, between Braaee and Knott. Thoroughly modern, hardwood floor, fireplace, full cement base ment, furnace, l block to car; every modern street Improvement, all In cluded In price of 37.'0; cost 4Kau; must raltte '0, can rent ltt mon t ha at per month tf desired. Guar anteed the bast buy In the Beau mont. Rose Citv Park district. Phone owner. Tabor 2.4, mornings. tor Sale -llUMDC Property. CHOICE apartment-house site, corner East Ninth and Hancock. One of the few available corners. 3x1AA ft., which l must sell Immediately. Will take $4000. Call M2 Piatt bldg. SACRIFICE, Close In business comer, Income $600 year. Price g'u, half cash. OWNER, Phone E. 41. Suburban Home Property. JENNINGS LO DO E . BE At'TY PRETTIEST HOME O.N OREGON CITY LINE. 8-10 acre and beautiful 6-room house: all built-in conveniences: flrenlace. hard wood floors. water system and septic uuiuui anruDDery ana garden: prlca $o0 terms. SILVER SPRINGS SNAP. Ona acre, ail under cultivation : hss good four-room house. on nH id eated near station; price $J6t'tt. with $4h car a. aon, Duunct to suit. tALLA.V & R. ASK R, 7 -' - - 4 Yeon Bldg. rv 1 HIS t f. CHEAP OREGON CITY LINE ACREAGE. CHEAPER THAN CITY LOTS. 14X0 in SKIM? nor f tracts near car; in good dUtrlct; can be C ALLAN & KASER, 722-24 Teon Blda. 1-OII RENT Six-room hoove ..nM land, elect no llghta. water eystem. barn and chicken-boue, at Silver Springs sta tion, Oregon City car; rent $13. Phone Ked 17 or call at waiting-room Oak Grova week daya Far Sale Aoreoge. CHOICE 2 AND 5-ACRE TRACTS. $200 TO $350 PER ACRE. Part In cultivation, some of It beaver dam, some upland, scenic views for coun try homos: several tracts timber at $J per acre, balance all cleared and paatured for years, amall expense to put in culti vation. Right at Hcrrman station, on S. P. e'ec trU. 1 mile Ort-gon Electric, 1 mile Tua latin. 1 4c commutation fare. 45 minutes 4th and Yamhiil, best section of Tualatin Valley. There ian't a more attractive sub division on the S. P. and the price are very low. Attractive t-rma. J, G. KAINEV, 1304 Yeon bldg. Marshal! 3177. MILWAUKIE. I Redmond McGovern eff ice, opposite of station. Mllwaukie. has the bargains of the Oregon City carline; two and three fourths acres with a new six-room bun galow with full basement, fine spring. 0 fruit tre-s. good barn, chicken-houses and everything that roes with a modern coun try home. This place is easily worth $Sitio; we can sell for $4750. 10ui cash, balsnce long time. We have some acreage In Mll waukie, clustered with dogwood, maple, ftr and oak trees; very sightly and in re stricted district, we are just placing on the market at a bargain. LM'REl. ACRES. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. SMALL TRACTS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. We sre the ow ners of a acres. 3 W mile from the city limits, fronting on the Section Une and Powell V a I lev roads; land Is level, soil good, rorered with second-growth timber; In order to dispose of same quickly we will, until Mav first, sell Inside traota containing 1 a --res or more, at the wholesale price of $;.5i per acre, lo per cent .doan, balance in monthly payments to suit ; this offer good only iuring this month. STRONG CO.. 6U.1 CONCORD BLDG. 305 ACRES. $50 PER ACRE. This farm is near Philomath. In Benton County; haa over 1O0 acres in crop, plenty of running water at all seasons; frod or" chard, house, bam and outbuildings, mod ern and convenient; garden handv to house and for anyone desiring a place of thl size It is certainly a suitable and remuner ative home ; price mentioned Includes all farming Impleme nts, r.o he-p c nd Kot?, 2 dairy cows with calves 6 months old. ) hoes and 6 horses; will take house up to $:t5 valuation In Portland as part pav ment. Terma Address 42S E. 52d St. Phone Tabor 4186. A PRETTY HOME IN LOVELY LINN PARK. ON POWELL VALLEY ROAD. 1 ACRE FOR GARDEN AND CHICKENS. whn you are tired of throwing away money for rent and high taxes and con clude to have a pron table and happv home, we can help you. Prices. $5H to $54u per acre; payments same as rent. LLTDDEMAXX. RULE Y A- CO., Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE 1 am thtj owner of the most desirable siihurhan home site around Portland, and am prepared to sell at a price below the value, and almost any terms. Has Bull Run water, teas, etc., and within 10 min utes" ej.y walk of 5c streetcar fare: roso are Hard -surfaced and macadam all the way. surrounding property sold at nearly double my price and under high building restrictions. If interested, I will submit my proposition In person. AN 2). Ore gonian. 5 ACRES, $250, $10 down and 5 month buys 5 acres J'-idped-ofT land, bet een Portland and Centralis, on main lln 3 railroads; 1 mlMs from town of lm0 population; saw mills, shingle mills and other Industries; some of tnese tracts are cleared and have running sfreama or springs on; soma have enough wood and tie timber to pay for the land; good soil; lies wall; Una lo cation. BELL REAL ESTATE CO, 212 Railway Exchange. CHICKEN RANCH. 20 acres, four-room house, chicken shed, spring, good land, only 2H miles from R. R. station: easy terms, too. Call and read the owner" a description ; price only $1850. W. A. BARNES CO.. 404 Lew Ja bldg., 4th and Oak sts. Main 2nl. $50 CASH PUTS YOU OX t acres, ideally adapted for chicken rais ing, vegetaoies. xruita and berries; In fact, a splendid tract for diversified farming; within IO miles of Portland ; good level roaa. ana oniy mile from station: 4 rrea xine cree a Dot torn land and fin trout stream within 20O feet. Total price Vuw, sriaai uiuunujr payments. LUEDDEM ANN, RULE Y A CO., $13 Chamber of Commerce. "SMALL farm" on electric line; larger than half ordinary city block; $S00; terms to suit. 1 will plant your garden truck and cultivate It for you free and give you the produce a practical plan to reduce your i "e wpcuifj na a gooa lana invest ment. A W27, Oregonian. 5 ACRES, finest cranberry land; ready for " i in no 1 1 m aianon at beavtew. Wash.; land adjoining is now In ranh rr- las nA vsliiai4 i - s. . sere : title perfect; easy u-rmi to respousl. ble party. Geo. Grable. Ilwaco, Wash., or onstsPie w r'utnam. Seaview, Wash. 14 ACRES AT $JO PER MONTH, Electric line station on p round Sprlug water, hard-surfaced roads. Fine farm for right party, AM OREGONIAN. BEST ACREAGE BUY OUT 5 acres on 4th si. carline in high state oi cultivation: mna ail fenced nnA orchard only :.25u: $750 cash: terms t-n balance. Dubois. 621 Ch. Commerce. 1 ACRE level deep rich soil In the Powell alley.- Just outaide city limits; only $5.. Payments 2 per cent per month; Hull Run water this Summer. Fine for chickens. K 7M. Oregonian. FOR SALE Senty acres laiwl in Pacific County. Washington, about 50 of w hich ts excellent cranberry land; very light clearing: must sell. ,N :, Oregonian. YOUR own terms, large acre. 4-room house, chicken -bruise ; 17 minutes out; West Side; s-cent fare; $1400; would lease Owner. Marshall $s:i. j-j ACRE. West nearly level, fine view. 5c carfare. Bull Run water, gas. electric ity; $4f". with terms to suit. Apply own er. AN 122. Oregonian. CLOtE-lN acreage near 6'ction Line road, west of Gresham, on O. W. P.; only $2i5 per acre; worth double this money W. H. ROSS. 516 Spald'ng Hdg. 11 ACRES verv beat beaverdam land; excel lent transportation, rail and Water; $2T5' terms te suit. Apply 4t9 Panama bldg.. Sd and Alder sis. FIRST-CLASS cranberry land for sale, reasonable prices: sold by owner further Information C R. Baker. Long Beaca. Wash. OREGON CITY line. 1 2 or re tracts, near Rlsley and Concord atations. Phooe Oak Grove. Red 12. Address c W. Rlsley. Milaaukle. Or. ECU1TT S choice adjoining home si lea about h mere each. AT &M2. Oreconlan REAL 1T.ITX a'nr s le ELECTRIC LINE, en fat blocks of station, chicken and fru.t rancnes near Portland; new subdivision near; 5 auras, $oO, t "OO, $ 7o ; $ a cree. $5o0. $ TOO . 1 1 cresi $75i.i. $;h0. $looo pr tract; beat eoll, 'f wod, spring watsr; acreage at Scp pAoae. Or., $.5 to $100 pr acre. "RANK MTARLAND REALTY COw, v9 eop bldg, Portland. Or. Riuetedh. M o m k s t e a n or!; .v i n t ; . Preaident W !,.n. March J2. iwlt. cgned an order setting a dle of opening for homestead set l. cm, nt a prt or the Des i hutea Valley, w h.vh 1 agricultural land. o have personal. y eianuiir-d thse land and are m a pos.tion to give first-hand Information r-narui:.K We have au organisation for t b purpose of locat Ice you on one of these 'horn stt-ada u. aud ace us FRANK V. HEALY. 4i2-4tx; Pantim bids. WE can loi-ate 15 more Immesieaoa . 1-arty leaving for land the 15th; location lA-e. $ ''O. liriudlng automobile trane port at ion on to lwn.1. v.T. Henry Mdg. HOMESTEAD rrilnquishment; fine aoil. good county road, near aohool. 314 Gerllnger bid-. Irrigated I -and. IDAHO IrrUat. ,1 nds. !n 40. 0. i- gnd lrt-acre trct-; price ? to $5 per acre; terms. Idaho Irrigation Co., Klchheld. For Sale BIG CRor-i SURE. CHEAP IRK1CATED LAND. COWS ON BUTTERFAT PAYMENTS, Crop prospects In the fnnioua Loa Mo linos Irrigated district. Sacramento Vsl lv. were never so bright as now. Every fruit or nut tree and evcrv vine is weight ed down." strawberries are already ripe and alfalfa ready to cut; six good cut tin a sur this ear. Some farmers w ill get I 1 or 12 tons per acre. Now la the time to si art. Any sized tracts you -want on 8 ears time and only one-tenth caah. Some land already In alfalfa on almost sum terms. Close to town and achool. Good roads. Settlers all Americana All the cows you want on butterfat pay ments. Not a cent of cash down. You Just pay In half vour cream receipts. Still time to seed alfalfa. Come to the one district in the state a here there has never bren a water short are or crop failure. here evervbody makes good. Where there i a beautiful, heatthful country and a rich river mill soil. Absolutely the best dairy and alfalfa section in the wor'd. Selling more land than inv other land company in California. There's a reason. Call at once or rite LOS MOLINO LAND COMPANY. Los Volmos, Ca I. GOOD FARMS. v er v R i:a so n a b l e rr. ic es. HARGROVE & SUNS About 65 miles south of Portland, near splendid small town, on main line Soutn ern Pacific. e have the best buys in well-Improved farms that we have ever had in our long experience in t he farm lttis?; we uuote a few prices below to give jou an idea: l'" acres, 5 miles from on. all In cultivation. woen-wlre fences, new li room plastered house, new barn and out buildings; beat of soli; price $UK per cr; easy terms. 10 acres. :i miles from town, all bot tom land. 14 acres In cultivation; buiia-Ina-s- price $75 rer acre. 1T acres. ,l In cultivation, level, rich, black land, new woven-w ire fences, new moern buPd in cs : Just 2 miles electric line, price $;, x,r are. We are headquarters for farm lands. HARGROVE SONS, 2 N. '.th St.. nar Gllsan. Msin r-M. A 72:.. Tl.N At lii; SNAP, PRICE 4275- Ti' ow ner of t h i pla-e ir going t sel it: he has put 1 1W prb-e about $10w btlow what it would take to clear tlin Isr.d and erect the buildings; he has lov, acres if as good land ax can be found In this sect ion ; all choice sandy loam bottom end never overflows; mil in cultivation except 1 acre of timber; nice younc fruit and berries; neat new 7-room bunaalow. nicely painted and with .leep wie." porch, nice new red barn, moiiern chicken houses and all ot bui Idlngs. on good countv road 1 i miles from good town. 2 miles Portland; is trains pt dsy and 1ut 4 rods from fine fit-hlng at ream ; prico only $275i. HARGROVE & SONS. 122 N. th Pt.. near Glisin. Main 4591. A 725:. . r A - K LINK BARGAIN. JLST HALF PRICE 2 ACRES FUR $6WO. ' Just 14 inl!es from the center of Port- land, east, out the Base Line Road, we have the best buy nnr the citv. In fact, owinc to domeilc trt-ubles. you can w get this plate for Just half price. There are 24 acres, and it is one of the prettiest, lying tracts around tbj city, and the soil is unexcelled; IS acres in cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture, l acres of tlie place in clover and timothy, balance of ' place plowed and ready for spuds, grain, -etc. Fair 5-room houe, large barn, 36x52 . with stanchions for 10 cow, several out buildings, line well with steel casing. pump, aasollce engine, and luOO-gallon " water tower, unlimited supplv of water. Remember you have perfect " roads, best of soil, splendid view and convenient, tu car. Price $250 per. barely half price, HARGROVE SONS 122 N. 61 h St., near Gliaan. M 4581, A 7250. FOR SALE BY OWNER. J2f-acre stock mnch. 7"0 can be plowed 4Ao under cultivation. 127 In grain. 2A in commercial Soaring orchard. 15 in alfalfa several hundred acres can be put In al falfa: lota of water to Irrigate; good set or buildings, including 3 cows, S horse?, hogs. pips, etc.; price and terms to suit, mav consider some trade. See owner at 515 Gerlmger bldg.. 2d and Alder. 160 ACRES. 55 miles from Portland; this place has good 7-wire fence all around ; small house and barn: haa no rock or gravel: about 8 acres partially cleared, haa fine garden, 3 fine springs, 4 miles from railroad, S mile to good auto road; this is fine fruit land when cleared; has now 2 o.OOO cords of No. 1 wood, or can be sawed to timber. For quick sale $;" per acre; $1000 will handle, E 713. Orego nian. CO-ACRE FARM. Good family orchard, sandy loam soil, ni rock or gravel, hulldinirs. fenced good water, rear Portland: thl place Is worth $5mh; I ran sell u for $oMu. terms See Hartshornc. 4X1 Chamber of Commerce. MY LOSS! VOI R PROFIT! I am forced to s 11 m v 32 acres near Reecdvir.e, on the a ay to Hlllsboro and will give you a bargain provided you can let me have ;:.. o cash, balance on time. S Heaey. 2M Stark at., ut HART.M AN & THOMPSON lti:sT 25 ACRES. Close to orca-on Electric; all In culti vation; finest soil in the loganberry d s trict, where, we make from 2W to $4ort per acre; sTiall house and barn; $125 per acre; one-third cash, balance 6 per cenu I. N. I-rOron, Gervals. Or. FARM for e!e. Jackson County, on Pacifio ec Eastern Railroad, good for dairy ranch -2K) acres; 5 under cultivation, plenty water, fenced In, two good barns and house, 10.000 feet lumber, black solr; $7i per acre; no agents. L. A. Diamond. Butte Falls, Or. MIST B Y7 SOLD. "26 acres rich vallev and ro'lirtg hill land on rood road. A SNAP at $.2 5d per .rj. write for complete description MORG AN A- W ALKER. CorvaMis, Or. A 'It E. 25 m lies from cit . aaree has be-n cl seed, all fenced, mostl v a 1 pl.w land. a'. out 4 miles from elect no Itne; .nce $s5.h, cash $2.i0, balance terms. Hom est end Rea'ty Co. room hi. Yaah. st. THIS FARM YOU WANT. 40 mrr-. went of Forest Grove; hot-, barn, other out ouild in gs ; orchard. S fcortw hai nes. w agin. plow, barrow, etc.- $ ".".' terms I ' m : b t is. 2! Chamber of t.'omn-.crce RANCH, rt'i acres, with buildings. 1$ mUee irjm Portland near electric line: bargain for all easy By owner. 107 First st. FOR SALE or rent. 10 acre in Hiilaboro Acres. HMlsbore. Or. ; one m'le north of town. Arpir to F. V Baker. Watta. Cal BY own'. acres cheap If fxkri thi in Wii:mft te Vi:,'. month. For narttcu- lara call Eat 34 or East 840 K