Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 08, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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Rose Festival Managers Give
k. Out Parade Details.
Numerous Organizations to Have
Candidate for "Queen Kose"
) Voting Contest and Tor 1 1
f Maids of Honor.
Announcements have been made of
the prizes offered and the rules gov
erning participation in the business
and industrial division of the big day
. light parade of Friday, June 13, which
is to be one of the leading events of
the Rose Festival programme. A." II.
Averill. director of this division, re
ports a long list of entries and much
enthusiasm in the planning of impres
sive designs.
Cash prizes aggregating $330 -will be
given to the winning floats in this di
vision, as follows: For the most ar
t't'cdeslgn. first and second prizes
or i5 and J25, respectively; for the
best mechanical float, first and second
prizes, $75 and ?25; for the most
unique advertising entry, first and sec
ond prizes, ?75 and $25; for the drivers
of the floats winning first prizes. $10
Some of the rules governing entrants
In the indsutrial division: Floats shall,
so far as possible, depict in an adver
tising way the business engaged in
and preference will be given to floats
showing action or life; floats shall be
most conformable to art. regular in
arrangement and pleasing to the eye
to receive preference in the awarding
of prizes; mechanical floats shall be In
action, operated by physical or me
chanical power, and the advertising
floats must be the most unusual in
appearance or operation to receive
preference in the awards.
Much interest is being manifested
Jn the voting contest for "Queen
Itose" and her maids of honor. Nu
merous organizations have already se
lected their candidates and will an
nounce them within the next few days.
The candidate receiving the largest
number of votes -will be queen of the
Kose Festival and the next highest on
the list her maids of honor. Besides
participating prominently in all the
Festival events, the 12 popular girls
"will be given a luxurious 10-day trip
tip and down the Coast in a special caj.
Coupons, each good for five votes
are being published in the daily newspapers.
East Side Business Men Want Can
didate for Kose Festival Duty.
What young woman wants to be a
candidate of the East Side Business
Wen's Club from Central East Portland
as one of the 12 young women to be
selected as "Queen Rose" and her
maids of honor during the Rose Fes
tival? This was the subject considered Mon
day solemnly, seriously and prayer
fully, at the club luncheon. After ex
tended discussion, the club shifted the
selection to the shoulders of Dan Kel
laher, L,. M. Lepper, George E. Welter,
r. R. Rowe, M. B. McFaul, A. L. Camp
and M. O. Collins. It was conceded
that they have a hard job, not because
of lack; of young women who can
measure-up- to requirements; -but be
cause of the abundance of material to
select from.
San Francisco Company Will Supply
Record Books to County Clerk.
After considering the opinion by Dis
trict Attorney Evans that it is not
necessary to let a contract for county
supplies to the lowest local responsible
oidder. if an outside firm makes a bet
ter bid, the County Commissioners yes
terday rescinded a contract let last
week to the Irwin-Hodson Company of
Portland, for supplying 50 record books
to County Clerk Coffey, and let the
contract to H. S. Crocker & Co.. of San
x rancisco.
The Irwin-Hodson Company offered
to supply the books for $687.50. Two
outside firms underbid this quotation
but the Commissioners by a two to one
vote gave the contract to the local firm
Commissioner Lrtghtner asked Mr. Evans
for an opinion. . Crocker & Co. offered
to supply the books for. $575, and the
Lewis Sears Paper Company, of Seattle,
lor $58. 50. ,
Yen rfe-Kcptua. jTM?ttt t s Large Attend-)
anec at Gospel Meetings.
Reports or the activities of the Men's
Resort at Fourth and Burnslde streets,
conducted under the auspices of the
First Presbyterian Church, show that
In the year ending March 31 a total of
ISa gospel meetings were held, with an
average attendance of 150. There were
SO different speakers. Bible classes
were convened on 4 7 occasions, and
there were 14 musical and social con
certs with an average attendance of
331. A. total of 2382 men were sent out
to work.
The First Presbyterian Church con
tributed $3500 during the year. Among
the expenditures were $2638.80 for sal
aries, $854.56 for water, light and fuel
$728.54 for remodeling and furnishing
$4d5.57 for loans and interest, $202 for
Plumbing and $211.70 for miscellaneous
O. Wog, of Olympia. is at the Cor
nelius. Ross W. Smith, of Seattle, is at the
E. McMurray. of Seattle, is at the
R. J. Williams, of Seaside, is at the
J. Ph,ebus, of Seattle.' is at the
A. W. Parsons, of San Diego, is at
the Oregon.
X. E. Fernsworth, of Salem, is at the
E. Parrish, of San Francisco, is at
the Multnomah.
Aubrey Bond, of Fort Stevens, Or.,
is at the Oregon.
F. M. Hanlin is registered at the Ore
gon from Astoria.
Mrs. H. A. Bell, of Bridal Veil, Or.,
is at the Washington.
J. Dands, of Seattle, registered at the
Washington yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Bryan, of De
troit, arc at the Carlton.
George Brewster is registered at the
imperial from Prineville.
J. H. Martin is registered at the
Carlton from Man Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Scott, of Nepon-
et. 111., are at the Carlton.
M. L. Mlshler registered at the Carl
ton yesterday from Denver.
J. C. Moreland, clerk of the. Btate
Supreme Court, is registered at the
Cornelius from Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. ' Samek. of New
York, is at the Benson.
Mrs. May Norcross. of Butte. Is reg
istered at the Nortonia.
K- R- Gray is registered at the Ore
gon from Genesee, Idaho.
O. J. Paulson, of San Francisco, Is
stopping at the Nortonla.
II. M. Crooks, president of Albany
College, is at the Cornelius.
E. J. Tucker is registered at the Nor
tonia Hotel from Butte, Mon.
W. Edwin Tribble. of Woodland,
Wash., is at the Multnomah.
L. P. Harrington is registered at the
Cornelius from Creswell. Or.
J. M. Gllmore, of Butte. Mon, la reg
istered at the Nortonla, Hotel.
Mr. -and Mrs. I. 8. Strasburger. of
Cascade Locks, are at the Benson.
R. C. Ferguson, a Seattlo manufac
turer, is registered at the Benson.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Fogel are registered
at the Washington from Tlgard, Or.
E. M. Paulson is registered at the
Nortonia Hotel from Kalama, Wash
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Ardrey. of La
Grande, are registered at the Nortonla.
M. Hallberg. of Kalama, is stopping
at the Nortonla Hotel while in Port
land. J. E. Robertson and F. E. Newby, ot
Hood River, are registered at the Im
perial. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Campbell, of San
Francisco, are registered at the Mult
nomah. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Smith, of
Mrs. Mollle Ann Noland Heltxel.
Mrs. Mollie Ann Noland Helt
zel died Sunday at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Smith,
544 Bidwell avenue, Sellwood.
After lying in state yesterday for
friends and members of the
Rebekahs. of which order Mrs.
Smith is a member, the body will
be taken to Banks. Or, which
was Mrs. Heltzel's former home,
for burial.
Mrs. Heltzel was born near
Kansas City, Mo., September 12.
1836. She was married to P. J.
Heltzel. November 20. 1865, and
came to Oregon in 1875. They
lived near Banks until the death
of Mr. Heltzel. in 1909, when his
widow came to Portland. The
other surviving children are
Harry H. Heltzel, of Banks. Or.;
Mrs. Alice Storev and Mm. Martha
Rasmussen, of Stella, Wash., and
Mrs. Ida Davis, of San Fran- I
Cisco. J
. ... -
Warwick. N. Y., registered at the Ben-
A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. F.
J. Baker at Vancouver. Wash, bar
racks Sunday. Mr. Baker belongs to
the quartermaster corps.
Congratulations are being received
by Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Wilhelm on the
arrival Monday of a second son at
their home. 210 East Thirty-second
street. Mr. Wilhelm is an ex-city
CHICAGO,' April 7 (Special.) In
Chicago from Portland are: At the
Great Northern, J. D. Gresham and
wife; at the La Salle, C. B. Carter.
Patent Incited In February, 1908, la
Not Attacked; Suit la Against
Those Charged With Payment.
Judge Wolverton yesterday over
ruled the demurrer of the Baldwin
Sheep & Land Company and others to
the complaint of the Government in its
suit to recover $1600 for a stone and
timber .claim of 160 acres in the Hay
Creek district of Oregon, patent to
wnicn, it is alleged, was obtained by
fraud. The demurrer contended that
the facts cited in the complaint were
insufficient to warrant the charge.
Patent- was Issued for the land to
Mrs. H. Sager February 13. 1908. She
conveyed the land to J. G. Edwards in
April, 1909. and he in turn transferred
it to the Baldwin Sheep & Land Com
pany. The land is now owned by tho
Baldwin Sheep Company, a separate
corporation having no connection with
the other company of similar name.
It Is alleged that the Baldwin Sheep
& Land Company, J. G. Edwards, J. G.
Rice and J. W. Robinson were con
cerned in a deal with Mrs. Sager,
whereby they gave her the money for
filing fees, paid all expenses of per
fecting the patent, and then paid her
$125 to sell the land to Edwards, she
at no time being a bona flde claimant,
but a dummy through which the de
fendants worked to gain possession of
the land.
The case presents a new aspect in
that the Government is not asking for
the cancellation of the patent, but
for damages for having been defrauded.
It is contended that the land is worth
at least $10 an acre, the amount asked
as damages. Mrs. Sager paid $2.50 an
acre. for; the land when she received
her patent, which,, having stood for
more than six years, is not subject to
cancellation.- The land having passed
into the hands of "innocent purchasers.'-'
there is nothing for the Gov
ernment to do but ask for damages.
John J. Beckman, assistant United
States District Attorney, has charge of
the case for the Government.
Professor Ludwig in charge of Nata-
lunum taster week. Hotel reserva
tions 1004 th st. Phone Main 1293 -Adv.
Oregon Electric Sleeper
On the Eugene "Owl" beginning Tues
day, April 7, temporarily withdrawn
from service for overhauling. Adv.
KOH-I-NOOR means pencil economy One
KOH-I-NOOR easily outlasts half a dozen
ordinarr pencil and writes more smoothl.
17 varlatioas of lead, a hard or aott as you
like; also Copying. A.dr,
Annual Reunion to Take Place
in Portland June 18.
Others Named to Take Part In Ccle
' bration and General Commit
tee Is Clio son to Attend
to Necessary Details.
A meeting of tho board of directors
of the Oregon Pioneer Association was
held recently at the rooms of the Ore
gon Historical Society. 207 Second
street, to arrange for the 41st annual
Those present and the year they
came to- the state are as follows: Jo
seph I Carter. 1844. Hood River, presi
dent; T. T. Geer. 1861. Portland, vice
president, George H. Himes. 1853. Port
land, secretary: P. H. D'Arey, 1857. Sa
lem: Charles B. Moores, 1852, and N.
H. Bird, 1848. Portland, directors.
After discussion Portland was se
lected as the place for holding the
meeting, the public exercises to be m
the Masonic Temple and the banauet.
under the management of the Pioneer
Woman's Auxiliary, will be given in
the Armory.
The date of the reunion will be
Thursday, June 18, and the date of
the reunion of the Indian War Vet
erans will be the day before.
Judge Grant B. Dlmick, of Oregon
City, who descends from a pioneer
family of 1847. was selected to deliver
the annual address. Rev. P. S. Knight.
1863, Salem, was chosen to act as
chaplain, and N. H Bird, 1848, grand
marshal. T. T. Geer, Charles B.
Moores and George H. Himes were ap
pointed a general committee of ar
rangements to attend to. all further
The question of celebrating the 71st
anniversary of the organization of civil
government in Oregon, May 2, 1843,
at Champoeg, was discussed and it was
decided that unier no circumstances
should the celebration, which has been
an annual event at that place since
May 2, 1901, be discontinued. P. H.
D'Arey, of Salem, was appointed chair
man with power to select his own
committee to arrange for an appropri
ate celebration Saturday, May 2. It
was decided that one of the principal
features of the celebration this year
should be a memorial address in honor
of the late Hon. F. X. Matthleu. which
will be prepared 'by Charles B. Moores,
followed by a number of brief ad
dresses in the nature of tribute to
the character and life of the late Mr.
peanut butchers will. star at
siirim;rs' carnival.
Nobles Will Dispense "Arm Zrm" and
Scores Dressed as Clowns Will Ride
On Animal Cases In Parades.
One of the star attractions of the
Shrine carnival and circus next week
will be approximately $5,000,000 worth
of -ancient and honorable butchers of
the royal peanut. Concession Boss Ivan
Humason saya he has rounded the
highest-priced and handsomest galaxy
of goober jugglers that ever performed
In front of, under or around a main
top and every one of them is a big
Income tax contributor.
Class will prevail likewise among the
dispenser ot "camel s milk, " and the
Importations of real "zem tem" fresh
from Araby's desert. These will take
the place of the usual liquid thirst
disturbers such as cerise lemonade.
pop and Hood River apple cider. The
entire squad must appear at the Mult
nomah grounds, where the big show
takes place, arrayed either in the
oniciai fchrlne grab or in some dis
guise in keeping with the Arabic
customs of the order.
The gum and candy man. whose
identity will be kept a secret, is having
a Zulu chieftain's outfit manufactured
for his use. The "wild man of Borneo"
will be another ofthe nickel-grabbing
Vacancies on the different com
mittees will be left open so as to give
the visiting Nobles from Spokane, Se
attle, Tacoma and the different Oregon
cities a chance to get in and
or hawk the tempting wares of the
Director-General Hutchinson - a
nounced yesterday that he would ba
compelled to assign by lot the honors
on board the herd of camels which will
take part in the dally afternoon and
evening performances. New sqnads
will be given a chance each day. The
same system probably will be followed
in selecting the elephant and camel
riders for the morning parades down
town. The officials of the divan will
get these jobs for the Initial parade,
Thursday. April 16. and the past poten
tates and visiting celebraties will be
wedged Into the parades.
If the management of the Barnes
circus will consent, the children of
the leading local Shrlners will be per
mitted to Aon fezes and ride on the
little pet Shetland ponies during the
parades, but this matter has not been
definitely settled.
Another strong number In connection
with the parades will be the clown
stunts. In addition to the 40 regular
mummers with the circus, a score or
more of the Portland Nobles will dress
up as harlequins and ride on the
animal cages, band-wagons and on
various species of wild beasts that will
submit to such familiarity. Places
also will be found for the visiting
Shrine bands, of which there will be
three and perhaps four.
The Elks will also be given a chance
to wrest honors away from the
Shrlncrs themselves, as the Portland
Lodge has been offered the run of
things for one of the three evening
shows and has been Invited in krin
along the 45-piece Elks' band to assist
in me Riae-snows and after-circus con
cert. This will be the first chance the
general public has had to see the big
Elks' band In action since It has been
rehearsing for its content with other
Elk bandp at the coming grand lodge
reunion at Denver.
The Elks will decide within the next
day. or two. Just how strong they will
go in for the Jinks and entertainment.
Judge McGuIre Refuses to Hear Case
Because He Advised Statute Does
Not Apply to Woman Not In Jail.
Five of the Circuit Jiidrra e nr..i.
nomah County will decide the man-
uamus suit Drought several weeks ago
by District Attorney Evans to compel
County Clerk Coffey to pay Mrs-. Alice
Palmer fees for being detained as a
witness against Harry Palmer, recent
ly convicted on a non-iutinnrt ,-.ko -,.
Judge McGinn, to whose department
me case was assigned, announced yes
terday that he will transfer the case to
the five other Judges. He refused to
near me case, he said, because he had
advised Mr. Coffey in the matter before
the suit was brought.
Under the statute which provides
that witnesses held In jail or other
wise detained to appear In criminal
cases, shall be paid $1.60 a day as long
as detained. District Attornev Evans is
sued an order on County Clerk Coffey
to pay Mrs. Palmer for 45 days during
which she had been in the custody of
Mrs. Margaret Thoroman, social service
secretary of the Associated Charities
Mr. Coffey refused to pay the fees,
stating that Mrs. Palmer had not been
held in jail and had been permitted to
go at will, the detention by Mrs. Thoro
man being merely formal.
Judge McGinn said that he had ad
vised Mr. Coffey that it was hi opin
ion that only witnesses confined in
Jail should be paid as provided by the
new statute.
County Clerk Coffey has filed a de
murer to the complaint. The date for
the hearing by the Judges en banc has
not been set.
Store Will Be Closed
All Day Toddy Wednesday
On Account of
The Death of Mrs. W. P. Olds
Olds, Wortman & King
Auto Club Committee Proposes
Pedestrian Rules Again.
County Fair Directors Authorize
Other Improvements, at Grounds.
Erection of a building devoted ex
clusively to eugenics, an ample poultry-house,
a new stock barn 40x80 feet
and the complete ornamentation of the
grounds at Gresham with foliage and
Mowers, were authorized Monday at the
meeting of the directors of the Mult
nomah County Fair Association. The
contract for printing the premium list
was awarded the Outlook Publishing
Company, of Gresham.
The eugenics building Is to be a new
feature of the fair. O. M. Plummer.
newly-elected director, who is interested
In eugenics, will assist in this depart
ment. H. A. Lewis, R. W. Gill. J. J. John
son. O. M. Plummer and A. p. Miller
were appointed to confer with the
County Commissioners about making
an exhibit at the State Fair.
Portland Policeman Weds.
R. C. Nelson and Alice Bowman were
married In Vancouver. Wash., Satur
day. April 4. Mr. Nelson is a member
of the Portland police department.
Commissioners Asked to Enlarge
Zone to Take in All Streets Hav
ing Car Tracks, and Reduce
It In Business Section.
In hope of getting the City Council
to pass the traffio ordinance proposed
recently by the Portland Automobile
Club, providing, among other things,
for pedestrians to observe the whistle
signals of traffic policemen, a commit
tee of the club met yesterday with
memoers of the Commission. It- an
nounced a willingness to change the
ordinance In some respects.
It was proposed by tho committee
that the district in which pedestrian
traffic shall be required to cross streets
at intersections only be reduced to take
In the territory bounded by Tenth. Sal
mon and Glisan streets and the water
front on the West Side and all streets
throughout the city where streetcar
tracks extend.
Zone Enlarged In One Way.
This lessens the zone within th
business center and enlarges it In the
residence sections. Originally the or
dinance provided for this restriction a
far west as Twenty-third street on the
West Side snd as far east as East
Twelfth street on the East Side.
The committee still insists that the
ordinance have the provision that no
pedestrian shall cross a street at any
place excepting at a regular Intersec
tion within the district described and
mat no pedestrian cross at lntersec
tion diagonally or in any other direc
tion excepting along regular cross
walks. Pedestrian traffic the commit,
tee maintained, should be suhlect to
the whistle signals or th trrft ....
licemen wherever tationed. .
w- Clemens, president of the Au
tomobile Club and ltnlrm.i f ,,.
committee, declared that everything Is
"on ir me pedestrian and noth
ing for the autnmnhtli.t .1.1 1- w
should share in the regulation for the
an re tv Af nit
- x .
Antolat Gets All "Slame.
PorTih,.Cr? "? w 6000 "tomoblles In
Portland, which reoresent. ne..i.n..
a population nf ?n nnn .. .'.
- ifciauus, Bill U
Mr. Clemens. -The autolst Is regulated.
arrBte nd made the
blainT " WZi?: "
pedestrian should share In It. Ithlnk
this ordinance as proposed Is a good
one and should pass."
Personally." declared Mayor Albee.
"I do not find any trouble in getting
along under the present ordlnance.-
"The man who does have trouble."
asserted Commissioner Digelow. "is the
man you find going 40 miles an hour
out On the highways."
At the conclusion of the meeting It
was announced that the amendments
to the ordinance as proposed by the
committee would be considered fully
and would be brought up for final con
sideration in the near future. On the
committee, in addition to Mr. Clemens
were Arthur Kish and James e!
big b
trWT My good reader, why notsee'Jy NSxl ToLr
SfcWMWSZ what a good pair of shoes you am xff ii'rC
(liipl fr1" ftil
"T.l 1,1 -"P 'V f fa; r"J
i liinr iii
l -tin
i IA 111 u ii? in. ' 1 "-
$500 Piano Quality Souvenir Price $385
Souvenir Pianos and Player Pianos
any other store Just received from the foremost factories of thTs
country and now displayed on our second and third floors!.
..E1.eant "eW Piano" nd Plyr Pianos that have been selected with
especial care, purchased and to be sold as souvenirs of the opening of
our new store. 149-151 Fourth street.- opening or
To make sure that you actually secure one of these first choice
f-qUi"U!h 19,4 dela make Vour selection nowlok for he
blue ribbons. W"h "S ,uv""" card-. onwuit
All "Souvenir Pianos and Player Pianos - are ticketed with OrPrn
.Ve"." Int"'P' ice Cards, b :-rlng the Individual 1 Lumber Pwhloh
?h . " fUnd " ,he lnHlda " fh piano, and This uniber
identifies and secures that particular choice piano for you. number
Rare and Beautiful Pianos and Player Pianos
Exquisite Kranich & Bach Tianos and Player Pianos
Magnificent Bradbury Pianos and Player Pianos
Artistic Haines Bros." Pianos and Tlayer Pianos.
Reliable Universal "Brass Tubing" Player Pianos
Popular Rlcca & Sons' Pianos and Plaver Pianos
Splendid Cable-Nelson Pianos and Tlayer Pianos.
Excellent Strohber Pianos and Player Pianos.
"Old-Time" Prescott Pianos and Player Pianos
Weiler, "the Biggest Seller." Pianos and Player Pianos
many other makes of Pianos and Player Pianos.
Prices of Wide Range
New Pianos $195, $235, $290, $335 to $950 Cah
Terms ot, tO Cask. Monthly .d Upwards.
Mraple Basking Intereat. . .
New Player Pianos $385, $465, $535, $695, $1000 Cash
Terms ot SIS Cash. S10 Mo.thly and Upwards,
Electric Player Pianos $495 to $1200 Cash
Terms of aso Cash. SIS Monthly and Upwards.
All Departments Now Ready for Business
Graves Music Co., New Store
149-151 Fourth Street.
You might call it "Bottled- gun
shine," For it looks so clear and bright
And its always pure and -wholesome.
You can drink it day and night.
Brewed by Henry Weinhard Brewery.
Large or Small Bottles. Phone for a ease todsy.
. PboDe Main 72, A-1172.