TUB .MORNING ORgCOXUX. T3TTTR SD A Y, APRIL 2, 1914. 19 FOR RE3TT. Rooms With Board in rrivse Families. 2sTCE room, new house, near Multnomah Club; two meals; reasonable. Main 22i9. Fnjnished Apart menti. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS 22d and Ulisan Streets. Walking Distance. Beautiful 4-rooin front apartment with sleeping-porch, exceptional furnishings, Persian ruga. Also one 4 -room bachelor apartment 'Kith sleeping-porch. REFERENCE REQUIRED. Marshall o!02. THE ALTAMONT Fifth and College. Clean, cosy three and four-room fur nished apartments, very cheap. Also bachelors' apartments. Heat, water, phone and janitor service Included. STRANGER TRAVELER Do you want a cozy home while In Port laud DaRy, weekly or monthly rates, i'ou will always find comfort, conven ience aud courteous treatment, and bs Close to the center of the city at the WHEELDGN ANNEX. 10XH AND SALMON STS. VILLA ST. CLAIR, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apaitiounut on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Kuol garden in connection. Iking ais Lance. References. CUMBERLAND, W. Park and Columbia ste. Very choice j and 3-ioum completely fur " nlshed apts., all modern conveniences, beautiful location, lacing the parks; five inmates' walk from busineet; center. We always maintain our reputation for first class clean apis., with best oi services, at reasonable prices; refere.-i -m required. JHB UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur sts. Fur nished 2-room apts., $15, $1S up; steam " heat, hot and cotd water iu every apart znci't; public bath, electric lights, gas ranges, laundry-room, all free. Take 'S," 2td or "W" car north. Phone Main .3523. THE CROMWELL i Filth and Columbia. ; 2 and It-room apartments, furnished: strictly modern and new; reterences; close walking distance; service first-class. HANDSOMELY furnished housekeeping apartments In select residence district; short walk from heart of city. 4 17 tn st. N. Main 6058. ANEW YORK APTS. Newly furnished, very central; 2 and 3 rooms; large kitcheu, bathe, heat, light and both phones; $16 to $-'5 per month; aiso sleeping rooms. East 7th and Belmont. GRANDEST A. E. Stark and Grand ave, New building, nicely furnished; private phone and baths, automatic elevator; moderate prices; walking aistance. Phone Eaat 208. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS, Corner Par!c and Taylor. Best location in the city; a cosy home; Weil -furnished in 2, 3 and 4-room suites; first-cias3 service. THE WINSTON, 41 14th St., at Market. New two and three-room apartments, completely furnished; walking distance; prices reasonable. Phone Main 3 7 HO. LUCRETIA COURT. On Lucrutia ml. iinesL unfurnished apts., all large, outside, . 2 and 5-rocm apts.; hardwood floors ; best service ; references. Manager, Mar. 3513; janitor, liar. looo. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, bet. 20th aud Ella. Furnished it-room front apartment, all outside rooms; strictly modern; walking distance; vacant April 1. EKE tlio Overton Apartments Furnished and unfurnished ; cheapest and beet in the city; private phone, bath and electric ele vator; no inside rooms; new managsr. y'itho "W" car. 274 N. lilst, cor. Overton. l'HHEE rooms, privaLe bath, sleeping porch, fcx8 clo t, heat, phone, water; newly tinted and well furnished. 051 East Yam bill gt. phone East 3710. Montgomery Apts., cor. .'id and Montgomery; new, modern brick building, automatic ele vator; 2-room apts., furnished coinplutL' 30 nits, wuik to P. P.; $20 to $o0. .VI. U400. HADDON HALL burnished and unfurnished apartments, private baicunies with eaciu 414 11th st. Marshall 1.71. JACKSON BUNG A LOW. Newly furnished apartment, within wuiking distance. $20 a. month. 454 11th street. 1' UKN'lSiiED housekeeping apartments at The A I via for rent vry cheap. 146 V Crand ae., near East Morrison st. Phone Kast 706. BURCH APARTMENTS, New, modern, furnished 2 -room apts., bath, phones, dressing-room, line location. 3 10 N. 2ist st. Marshall 4140. W car. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS Park st, at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room luriiished apart ments; rates reasonable. M'KINLEf APARTMENTS. Corner E. Morrison and 7th sts. Cosy, well-furnishca apartments 2. 8 IIU -i-1 OOII1 OUUtft, iv to THE AVALON, nearest to Union Depot of East Side apartments; three and four-room eteam-heaied, private bath and phone. East 1067. 285 Ross st. SAVE $15 PER MONTH 3 large, completely furnished outside rooms, with bath, phone, labia and bed linen. B 3041. East 22B3 DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished apts. and flats, in all parts of city we will locate you without charge. Portland Rn tal Bureau, 5u2 Broadway bids. Main. 0413. KILLINGS WORTH APTS. Two-room Tur" nished apts.. $10 pr month and up; light niry rooms, uiso sleeping rooms. " THE CHETOPA, lth and Flanders; 2 3 and 4-room modern apartments, furnished vr umuimancu, reierences req u i red. BANNER APARTMENTS, 4si Clay St Modern iv. o rooms, complete! v furnished $10. $18 nrd Si'. Mrslry-H 2l74. ' XAClLLK CuL'RT. 20th and Lovejoy. mod ern il-room apartment with private park, waiKing dlstaii.-e. Marshall 2031. ALTON I A, lUth and Marshall sts. Large, airy 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; quiet ARLINE APTS., 220 N. 17th st. Main 217. 2 and 3-room furnished apts., reasonable. BUEXA VIST A. 12th and Harrison 2 and 3 -room apart ments: best service. Apply on premises. PAGE APARTMENTS Beautiful apartments. furniHH Bnii n furnished, including fireplace, etc. E. 35otf: HARRISON COURT Apts., close in; every !, , . " auu xiarrison. Alain KEARNEY APTS. 5 rooms, light and airy furnished. Apply janitor. 672 Kearney' ARDMAY TERRACE. 395 12th st. Lance 2-room apartments. Mrs. John Cran. mgr. COMPLETELY furnished apartments, in con- crew uioca, no.: L nion ave. North. DR1CKSTOX 148 11th, strictlv modern low-priced. 2-room apts. Marshall 57. 8 AND 4-room furnished or unfurnished The Bjelland. A ISb'T. Main 1867. A 18.7' HERMEMA, 400 HaiL 2-room modern rea sonable. Main 6444. THE BOZANTA. 139 23d N. 3-room apt, $a; private bath, hall, phone. Mar. 2S4s! t nfurnished Apartments. biiEKFll.IJJ APA IITMEXtT, 272 Broad way, corner Jeff ei son : ensv waTkinsr dts tance; 3 or 4 rooms with private baths; - . j n-a.-uiiiiui- ljsi rerv ice, apt en did arrangement- All outside rooms. GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup sts i large rooms, front veranda and sleeping porta; hardwood floors, w-tter. heat. - c n n- n y iiiwici ii. .rx a. ra r : a 1 1 I O o. MEREDITH Modern. newly renovated ! and 4-room apartments. $20 and up; rood janitor service ; walking distance ; refer- s. j. v asn., op p. -'u. Mam 7134 sji.-iivi (lAiuiieni, ai ouisiae, sunny looms; 3 bedrooms, large closets. Dor.ii- V--t:,rences: - 780 Irving st. Tel Marshall lCU&E FRIEND, cor. Broadway snd Jeifer son Elegant unfurnished apartments tirst-cla ser--ice; private phone; ref. THE WINDSOR 3 or 4 nio co. nor room beautiful poaues; reasonable rent- walk inn distance. Cor. E. 14tn and Yamhiil k W r. rooir.a, unfurnished. J3u r.rf 1".""0; il"ti0 Kearney su Janitor, or WALDORF COL'RT. E. lth and Schuyl ri- iT.i unIurQis;ied. large porch. East AMERICAN REALTY COMPANY. Ae,TiVa Mar" borough. 4 and 5 rooms central. Mar. 33H. M h In 7."i I ti 'tJ7 lv EEL Eli APTS. MTU AND CLAY STS. 3 room suite. unfurr!M:ed ; references. iK-. 1 large-room apt., porches t-very I'onver ietit- rni. .t.U KlaildtMM X0 ER APTS. 3 rooms, unfurnished. - u juarsnaii 4J30. FOR KE'T. Unfurnished Apartment. THE JEFFERSON". 0O514 JEFFERSON ' 4T, COH. 5TH. Two and four unfurnished boase keeping rooms, newly papered; large bay windows, free bath, nice homelike pla.ce, only five minutes' walk from postomee; reduced rent. OVERLOOK APTS. One new 3-room apt., very desirable, high and sightly; over looks river, city and mountains; must b seen to be appreciated; reasonable. Call at SKil i Front, corner of Lowell avenue. Phone A U4btt. KINGSBURY Highelass"" $and 4 -room un furnished apartments, private balcony; rent reasonable. Ford at., near "Washing ton. Splendid view, high and sightly, overlooking private gardens. THE WASHINGTON. tS0 Northrup 5-room unfurnished apartments, with bath and ail modern conveniences, telephone strain heat, gas. electricity, etc. Take "W"' car to 21st and Northrup. Phone M. 437tJ. BELLE COURT apartment, front apart ment, 4 rooms and euuroum; $Oo. Mar- THE ORMONDE (-room apartment, light front room. 65 Flanders. Main 8251. Furnished or Unfurnished ApartmentN. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILES AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments, from 2 to 5 rooms, from $20 to ?.5 per month. If you want one, telephone Main 2015, Sundays, or A -Ui5, Evenings call Mr. Balden, Marshall 22SO. Our automobile will ca.il at any address with our agent, who will be glad to show the apartments. References required. We own or control the following: Cecelia, 22d aud Glisan. Clay pool, 11th and Clay Fts. Columbia, 3 1th and Columbia. Ford hum. 370 Ford. Haniiiorne, 215 12th st., near Main. Knicekrbocker, 410 Harrison, rear lltfc Hanover, Io.'j King st., near W ash. OrdtTirigh. S2 Grand avenue. St. Clair, 170 St. Clair st., near Wash. t-t, Francis, 21st and Hoyt st. Wellington, 3tlth and Everett ats. MORGAN. FL1EDNER A. BOICE. 813-821 Morgan bidg. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. 49-57 Trinity Place, The finest apartment s on the Pacific Coast, with every modern convenience; apartments furnished and unfurnished; terms reasonable; references required ; furnished bachelors' quarters with club room. Manager, Marshall Ilol. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving Fur- nisned aud unfurnished apartments, in 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick; electric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks; plenty of closet room; individual bath and toilet; vacuum cleaner free, phone Marshall 2101. REX ARMS. 33th and East Morrison sts.. 5 -story fire proof building, completed last Sept.; two and 3-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; white enameled woodwork, balconies, tile bathrooms, attractive rates; references. THfl DEZENDORP, 20S lOLh, near Taylor. M. 4705. Furnished aud unfurnished o-roora apLs., all outaida rooms; bay windows, porches and awnings; quiet surroundings. VERY quiet modern 2-room apartments; very lignL, walking distance; rent $20 up; side of Portland Heights. 1. J. Chapmau, care 555 Chapman. Marshall 5460. MORTON APTS., corner Wash, and King, 3- room apw., lurnianea or unturnisued ; also cheap furnished 4-room apt., on ground floor; walking distance. Main 30&2, A lioa. THE LET A High-class. 5 large outside rooms; line a private home ; balcony, sleeping-porch, steam heat. Phone Mux shall 3267. 4U9 West Broadway. KING DAVIS APTS.. 54 King 3 and 4-rm, niBii-uJusa , reierences. Alain svoa. Mat. TO AN elderly couple, 4 rooms and bath. au outsiuu rooms, linoleum on bath, kitchen, dining-room and hall; gas stove, hot water heat. Hot aud cold water. Rent $12 per mo. and 30 ruin, time per day. Phone A 4589. Call 5-5 Montgomery at. 5-ROOM flat. 4 blocks south of Jefferson, in hju commercial at.; enamei-tlle walis kitchen and bath, built-in bookcase, etc ; fine lawn and roses. Phone Col. 4HO. AN exceptionally well-arranged and lighted nut, rent reasonable to adults; easy walk ing distance, best car service, one block. Call forenoons. 164 E. 12th, cor. Belmont. AND 6-room flats in walking distance; 5 Jtent reasonable to good ' tenants. Mr W.rt1 Oil-. Unarl r, f T .... I TWO lower modern flats on loth, between vjilk. ana Marn; rent reasonable. Main 3288. MODERN 6-room corner flat, light aud iry ; plenty of closet room. Telephone Main 300. 3 AND tt-room modern flats, $29 and $23; est Moe, wanting aistance; fine condi tion. Woodward, lo4 2d st. -ROOM swell hat. fireplace and lurno.ee. $.;2.50. Phone Main 1436, Tabor 763 or -East 1431. 3-ROOM modern, steam -heated front base men t iiat. 3U llth fit., near Columbia, Mar. -.55:1. FOR RENT Modern b-room flat. 417 Harri son, ntui' inn. i hone i. A- Godel, Tabor 3, 4 AND 5-room unfurnished flats. 3IO, $12 aud $15; walking distance. West Side. Phone Marsh. 2091. mornings oi evenings. li 4 LOWER, large, liKht roonxt. Lata, iiii&tjiiifriL. V.OOK, near cnion. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath, 731 Hoyt st, lrn.-lri 1111 Mil, at Ilkr.n U'fTU Portland Heights, 4-room flat; bat, water. vtKcoes; mvuern , reasonable. Alain Myj. MUDh ; I N 3-room upper flat, sleejiug porch, walk his- dis. 424 Tillamook, Mar. -72. HOLLADAY ADDITION Beautiful flaL ecu 41 wasco st. jfhone East 3803. HOLLADAY ADDITION ; 5-room modern uat; s-o. uoruop, t. bth and Broa d w ay . $15 FIVE rooms, gas range and linoleum in kitchen. I'hone East 428. $16 2 modern 4-room Hats, walking dia- wntc. oa cart .wain, rnono cast UU7. FOR RENT Unfurnished flat, modern, clow m. fuone v. ioi;, r-ast ta. $12.51 3-ROOM fiat, gas stove, heater. 27; 14th st.. cor. Jerftrson. 4-FiOOM flat, both phones. Phone East 1719. o-t linums ave. Furnished Flats. FURNISHED FLAT 150. W?H arranted. furnished 4-room flat - private bath, all ouuslde rooms; only $16.50 per mcnui; aiso some uniurmshed at l2.5t Per month. Take "U car in Kok- st., walk west 3 blocks. Inquire at 539 commercial uourt. FOR RENT 6-room furnished flat, third floor; all outside rooms, in A 1 condition : rent $2 per month, water furnished. Call at 066 Maruet st. lane Chapman car on lrviiigton and Jefferson line. Don't phone. $2J.oO CLEAN. neatly furnished 3-room uat private oatn, fireplace, large grounds, walking distance; adults. 71 Belmont su -ROOM furnished fiat, facing rl-er, be tween Broadway and Steel bridge. 26$ Margin st. East 24 1L 3-ROOM flat; everything furnished com plete; $33; no objection to children. 95 Albina ave., cor. Blandena. L car. FOR RENT Newly furnished 4-room flat. o.'o- Di'imuni si. inquire 13 llth St., Christenson's bldg. FURNISHED flats, $3 to $12 month. in quire on rtroau way urive. Main 402J. MODERN 4-room flat, close to Broadway hridee. low rpnt. Rati Sill O Si ilo MODERN 4-room flat; walking distance. 27o Ross st Phone Woodlawu 1859. FURNISHED 3-room lower flat, $12. 561 Powell st. Key at store, 559. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $12 per month up; a ckan place, best in the city for the money ; short distance from Union Depot. Take S" or ldth-st. cars north, get off at MarshalL No dog $1.50 TO $2.73 weea; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4 ; free heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone East 6':i9. 4i8 Vancouver. 203 Stanton. "U" car THE MONTGOMERY, East Morrison and Sh. Two-room housekeeping apartments, furnished. 1, 2. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely fur nished; free phone, bath; $8 month and up. 545 Mt Washington st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; modern, $::...o to $5 weekly; outside rooms. 272'j Williams. THE UPSHUR, 2th and Upshur Furnished 2-room apts.; steam heat; light; $13 up. Main 3523. Take S," 23d or "W car north FURNISHED h. k. rooms cheap. Cambridge bldg.. 3d. cor. Morrison. THE G1LM AN, 1st, cor. Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms $1.50 week. RoVCREST. 175 lUth. suite. two large rooms; also, single. All conveniences. ONE and 2-room apt., beat, light, bath, phone: $3.25. $4.25 week. 410 Jefferson. Housekeeping Rooms la Private Families. . BUSi N ESs oman. aione. win rent to business women beautiful rooms, with use of k itchen : every convenience. Phone eeninps. Tabor 34S5. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooma. i 12 37 3 2th st. NH'KLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 215 llth st.. cor. Salmon. FOll BENT. Housekeeping Rooms Id Private Families. SPLENDID housekeeping rooms, with Dutch kitchen, heat, water, lights, use of phone, laundry, lawn, first-class loca tion; W car from Union Depot, 2."d, lHth-wt. cars; walking' distance to city proper; $2.50 to $5 week, rates by month. ' ' 5 Couch at., corner iOt h. --ROOM suites and siugle housekeeping room; Summer rates, prices reduced; newly furnished ; modern dwelling ; sunny and warm; best West Side apartment dis trict; everything included. o55 glanders, near 20th. WELL furnished room. Dutch kitchen, sink., hot and coid water, free lights, phone, bath ; rent reasonable; also large front room with kitchenette. I'hone East 5-Oti. 254 E. 32d st. N. HOUSEKEEPING suite, everything new, reasonable: sink, bath nhnn nnrt hat. walking distance, also sleeping rooms. Clay, near Broadway. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms, modern, very reasonable, walking distance. 448 Co- liimhin bt6 JOHNSON ST., 2 nicely furninhed house keeping rooms; furnace heat, gas, bath, running water also single rooms. LAD"i, alone, will r-nt room i;h kitchen, modern cottage; nice yard and porches. 2:1 F.ast :;itlh st., cor. Hawthorne. TWO housekeeping-rooms, furnished, cheap. -M Rfws it. phone East 3010. SINGLE furnisli;d house keeping -room, $3 a week; light, phone. 3i5 11th st. FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms. $1.25 per week; suite. $2.5o week up. ."i6 1st su FURNISHED housekeeping rooms tn privat home, modern 6:o East Burnslde. ONE or two rooms, dandy central Nob Hill jobation, nrst xinor. 594 Everett. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $2 aud up. 244 Montgomery et. Phone Main 4140. NEWLY furnished 3-room suite, 15 mouth; cwcniiuren. a,u J4tli St. FRONT uuf urnishesd H. K. rooms, furnished rooms, all convnMicf. I . Mill st. NICE front suite. 3 south windows, range, porch. 533 Yamhill. 2tirt NORTH 2TU 2 furnished H. K. rooms $8 per month. TWO furnished front housekeeping rooms. .......-o weeK. im s. 'Jt sr. Main .4:w. Roaieft. MEIER & FRANK'S FREE P.ENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU Fourth Flour Main building. Complete and reliable list of ai. vacant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows In the city; make us of this service when you desire; tins does not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find us willing and ready at all times to help you In locating. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. Real estate men and owners of private property are invited to list their unoccu pied apartments, flats and bouses at Meier c Frank's Free Rental Bureau. CALL AND SEE PROPERTY. At 654 E. luth st.; Sellwood car; mod ern, 7 rooms, nice corner property with garage; will lease for one year very rea- sonaoie; aon'i forget the number, 651 E. i-ch St., or phone Main 2S5. i am going i moo immediately and want good ten FOR RENT $17 PER MONTH. FOR S ALE $ J 5 PER MONTH. Very attractive, up-io-dai bungalow at 34 Stafford at.. block from Kenton car, near Peninsular City Park and sui rounded bv uood h.imos- bti n.-w To Inspect 'jo Mr. Banschbach, 3020 iron PlQg. FOR RENT 169 East 7th sL North.. Hol laday's Addition, tt-room house; bath and eleeplng-porch, furnace and fireplace. dr basement, built-in sideboard and modern in every detail; tlrst-class condition. Key next door north of 1 7 1 East 7th st. North, or phone owner. Tabor 1800. Rent. $30. WE have an elegantly furnished 14 -room house on St. Clair street for rent; two louuott, luraisa rugs and all appoint ments Ideal; two garages; $250 a month. joon j-. v estou Co.. 1302 North western r-nn n. D1U?. M ain 4U-0. MliOOM HOUSE RENT $25. Willkilli.' dolt:iT1f'f 1''ri unrl UncnalH faces south and east; line large yard) . lawn ana shrubbery ; key ut office. ' A- "-r 11 cnamoer or Commerce. DESIRABLE HOUSES AND FLATS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. STOUT INVESTMENT CO., i2n Chamber of Commerce. Main 512L MODERN 9-room house; good condition, fur u.ivv, Kiiiiv, eaaj waiKtng uista nee; call .l nouse atter iu o clock. 453 Hail rent $30. MODERN" 5-room house, sleeping and sun porch; furnace. East 2tth aud Wy liant; $20. Phone Woodlawn 197. GOoD o-room houe, 617 Overton st. $ 15 pt-r mo. Inquire 202 Stock Exch. biug., 3d " ittiMiuii. main r ' i MODERN S-roum house. 27th and Kclnidi.t in first-class condition ; $18. Inquire 394 5-ROOM modern house, 2 block ML cott -ar ; poultry-houBe, Owner, O b70, Oro- cuiuan. LARGE 7-room all modern residence, will o. iu tu. u.'in st., corner toher man. Mar. 2753. A. E. Foulsen. PORTLAND H EIGHTS cottage. 5 room- fit eplacc, on carline. 729 Green way. Main 6 ROOMS, 26 East loth street. 6 rooms, 506 East Ash street. W. L. PACE. 1UT Sherlock Bidg A BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow, corner lot. furnace. hardwood floors. shower on i ii. jo. i a dot IRVINGTON o-room house, nice yard, 439 E. 13tU North, "I J" car. Rent $25. East o i. M-.M o-room cottaKo within easy walking distance. 52 East 7th au North. mono w uou iawn ulK)J. $3.". 7-rooiu modern house, E. 65 th antl Durnsioe, jit. i aoor a ist rlct Prig more Younger. S4i Morgan biug. Main 7525. CWNEK will lease first-ciass hums. Htii. for terms; w alking--dlstance. Address ak. uv. oregonian. FOR RENT 5-room modern hnnulow range; Hawthorne district. Mar. 920, ONE tl-ioom house, large, bright, newly pa pered rooms, modern, f in In wn. BJel land's Grocery. A-1807, Main 1867. $20 7-ROOM house. Just tinted. $03 East I'avic. -vi am i3. 9-ROOM house In good condition, elect ria jiiiu. i v y.' t. m -, -o. ioargnill t it i 4 FOR RENT 7-room houn". 268 llth sL, r.':ir Jefferson. Main 370. OUR renting aeparttnent has what you want, r. n.. earner, oo.t L-urnnerrnf nj bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 7-room modern cottag. DESIRABLE 6 and B-room houses. 3SS and oHO San rtaiaei. close in. East 1685. liOL iE of 5 rooms and bath. 09 E. tuth -onn. inquire ;-.u oin si. Main o275. 6-ROOM hous-; newly papered: modern; call at nouse. -;o ruene st; rent J.50. $15 6 rooms, on carline. Smith-Wagoner o., mock r.xcnange. 7-ROOM 1 house, 363 Ross St., 2 blocks Of Broadway bridge; rent $22. C 3109. MODERN 8 -room house, 4 bedrooms. West Side, walking distance, woodward. 104 Jd. FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, Johnson st. Inquire 774 Johnson st. .HOUSES for rent, Irvington, 1 furnished. East 2j3. w. ll. Herdman. 5-RoOM cottage in good condition, rent $13. inqulie uj.j r-asi piars si. MODERN 5-room house, E. 24th and OregoD. Wood! awn laou. S-ROOM house, close to business center, good location roomers. jerxerson st. 3-ROOM HOU.--E. bath. 189 Miil, near Front, Key e N. lUtil. Ross. MERE home, modern, 8 rooms ; refer ences; will lease. Phone Tabor 1521. NEW 8-room house, 728 Eat Oak. cor. a 1st. r?nt ?i'o. Jiain i;m. 5-ROOM modern cottage with water. $14. Main 135U. A 5-ROOM cottage. West Side. Marshall 4SS1. RESIDENCE for rent at bargain. East Cj84, Farobhed Houses. FOR RENT Furnished houpe, $ rooms. kitchen, pantry, 2 baths, best residence district; immeatate possession. Phone Mam biQ9 mornings. MODERN furnished 3-room cottage, also 3- room apartment, private pain, near s. P hops. .ii-i r - ist. Ji car. PORTLAND cottage $: 9H4S. HEIGHTS, 4-room furnished 5 month; no children. Main v'ET SIDE 61 S Quimby st.. furnished S ruom house. $35 p--r mo. 'JV2 Stock Exch. oidg.. aa and amnt'.i. Main esi. 73 BROADWAY Furnished four-room cottage ; eiectriu lights, bath, central, a? Mi2, Oregonian. - ROOM furnished house ; paved street. nice lawn ; fhone seiiwood 1299. G-P-OOM cottage, clean and comfortable. Piano. 612 3d St. Main 43f0. $ 1.50 4-room. furnished ; St. J oh r.s car. smitn -w aponer cc. mock Exctian?e. PA RT of vry pleasant furnished home. Wooaiawn .-o-i. .larrett st. $5 TWO-ROOM cottage, partly furnished. 1316 E. 35th st. N. Phone East 64. tloTTAGE. 243 Mo.iroe St.. near Wiiliums ;i., rruiti wa'Kiug rtlirt nce. 1 car. RENT Furnished house. Si a month Cail 84 East bttu iu FOR BENT. Fmraiabed Ho COMPARATIVELY new turnished 7-room nome: nrepiu.ee ; choice rosea and fruit ; residential section ; lease to responsible party. Phone East 6411. DESIRABLE f umisoed and unfurnished houses In all parts of city. We will locate you without charge. Port land Rental La. reeu. 5Q2 Broadway bldg. Mala 43. FOR RENT Beautiful furnished 7-room bungalow; Rose City park. Tabor 2.133. fetor SPACE IN MODERN BASEMENT, ventl- inieu ana wen urn tea; n. vv. corner 4th and Alder ata. ; suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc.; reasonable rent. Mor gan. Fliedner A Boyce, 613 Morgan bldg. NICE store rooms, 242 and 244 Killings- worm ave.. corner ancouver; low rent, leases. Inquire 202 Stock Each, bldg., 3d and Yamhill. Main b21. A 4144. FUR RENT to l ores Not. 248 and a5u Haw- tnorne ae. ; east en a ot bridge. Appty iaw i.iornc ioca . o. f none .ast 'ASlllNGTON-ST. store. 16xl0O, with base ment; light, airy, very cheap rant. Loe-w- vniinn aid Rliln hlriv R STORES. FLOORS AND BLDGS SEK W. H. WEBB. 6V5 Yeon bldg. Main 4UJJ. BRICK store, corner llth and Hawthorne, i or rent. faircniid. Z3Z herioca. BRICK store, corner 3 1th- and 11a thorn. ior rent, r aircmio, fonenocK. Office. OFFICES In HEART of CITY at prices very reasonaDie; KLliADLfi tor MbKCA.MU.a and PROFESSIONAL purposes; arranged to suit tenants. 303 Swetland bldg. DESK ROOM Both phones and alcno- upner. nil Koara or l raue. l9,OoO FT. floor fpa-6, $100 per mo. On S. i . iracK. ujs b, Morrison. t$ z k 9. TO JLKAfB. GAR At E. salesroom or auppl house, best location, new fireproof building; 14tu and Burnsidc; lo.ooo jeet: first month's rent tree. Inquire on premises. Main 330. BUSLNEH8 OPPOKTCN1TIKH. HAVE it good paying cash busincM clear ing $2ih per month and up; Just ihu thing for a young man ; $looo require.! ; selling on account of health. S 865, Orejeonir n. BARBER SHOP. 2 of the latest model chairs, nice bathroom, place new ly reno vated ; it's a beautiful shop ; everything the best ; cheap rent and fine location ; price 5Q0. Sul Lumber Exchange. BARGAIN in dandy little restaurant; fine v est biae notel district ; prices way be low value; owner obliged to leave city ; here's a real chance. $1$ Lumber Ex change. WANTED PARTNER, TAKE INTEREST MONEY-MA K I.J LINES; states covered, Oregon. Washington. Idaho; OOo required, full h.i!f interest. A 922. Oregonian. FI RST-CLASS garage, big storage business; loeai location ; no competition ; oet prop osition on the market; price $00 0 ; in cludes $50o advanced rent. 31$ Lumber Exchange. WILL turn over state aeency richt party. splendid as side line; also good money m ad -j handling evenings in city; very lit tle money required. Call 11 to I. room 2Q7. rtenwtck Hotel, phone Main 823. 'OR SALE or trade Cigar and confc tionery store for f Ive-pusseiiger touring car; must be In good shape ; bring on your car or money; good business; good location. 523 Union ave. and Russell. FI RST-CLASS grocery w ants reliable part- uuiuroa ncii rat auiihliru , JI euO 1 1 location with A -1 class of custom; bears strictest investigation. 319 Lumber Rjt changt. RELIABLE partener wanted In solid lunch ousmesH; keeps open day and night; can not depend on hired help. 204 Uerllnger bldg. PICTURE theater, on busy street, cheap lent, iig.il expense, clearing a Dove all ex penses $150 mouth; price $10u0. 203 Lum ber Exchange. STOCK corapanle 'Incorporated; we bid to 1'iier entire allotments oi s toe ice or Doooa for corporations. J. N. Sechrest 4k Co Investment bankers. Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Partner with 'Io for restaurant jJttrtne.-ship; best proposition in city. Par ticulars, address C. D., IOO Flrnt st. tii one who understands the business. PARTNER wanted for automobile business; pay week salary, also share of profits; xrienre not necessary. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. SELL Vs Interest in well-established busi ness, good chance for German-speak i ng business man; only little cash, balauce from earnings. Room 4. 231 V; M'orrlnon. MOVING PHTUKE THEATER. WEST HIDE SPECIAL SNAP. $600 required, few dai only. 417 Roth child bid?. FOR SA LE Bakery and lunch counter. with portable oven, at Tillamook beach. Apply to J. Miller. 204 Columbia st. Phone Main 7910. 1AR.;E for nale. fully equipped, besl loca tion in Willamette Valley town; good stor. ave business and stock of sup pi lea. AV 99, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY and ice-cream store: KM over sio montu; present owner has had It over 4 years. Room 329, Morgan bid. BUSINESS brokerage office wants act iv young man as partner; purcy outnide work: mull Investment required. Wood. fOS Board Trade. A GOOD medical practice, near Portland: win go witn tne sale or equipment by a iinysiciau wno must leave oy April i&, AV l-i. Oregonian. $SUU BUSY ideal confectionery, ic cream parior. cigars: f feint corner location., on carline; big cream trade m season. 31$ i.umper bxenange. BIG money to be made, patent spring chair or porcn. lawn or living-room. ready sener; win trade for acreage. Call I3i (irand ave. VOL'I.O sell iiilereMt or all of first-clarf gentn- xurnisniug store; party must be el recommended, as owner has other bual nens. AC bah. Oregonian. DO you want a real drur store? We have one just like that for $3500; will consider unincumoered real estate. Page Co., 345 Morrison sL. room 6. RESTAURANT Best street. Weet Fide. tiauy receipts average ao; price only $500; beautiful fixtures. 303 Lumber Ex change. WANTED Helmed lady an partner; small investment; good proposition Majestic bldg.. Park and Wash. The Hair Jbz.Hr. PRINTING) OFFICE Rig snap for one or two men ; doing good business, $2500; terms. E 90, Oregonian. PARTNER $200 required; A No. 1 proposi tion: references exchanged. Call today. P. A. Donaldson. Ockley Hotel. SOLID business, partner wanted; owner will guarantee you $125 month ; experience Is not necessary. Room 32ft, Morgan bldg. GOOD pay In g barber shop; fine location ; cheap if taken now: owner leaving city. Call 49 H fcd st. North. RESTAURANT Partner wanted to act as cashier and look after tielp; a fine place and a bargain. Wood. 05 Board Trade. GROCERY store, cigars and candies; sleeping-room in back; $T0o. Theodor Mari gon. 268 t& llth st. North. FOR SALE Good business cheap If sold at once; good locality; on account of health must sell. Apply Y 853. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted for a cash business; du ties easily learned; good pay. $223 re- qulred. Room 329 Morgan bldg. GOOD paying cigar, fruit confectionery. Ice cream store; established 25 years; cheap rent; long lease. 203 First St. RESTAURANT for sale; splendid opportun ity. For particulars, E. T. Peterson, Ta- GROCERY and tea store, part cash, balance terms: in town of 10,000, near Portland. AV 987. Oregonian. 3-CHATR barber shop for sale at a bargain or will trade for a shop In Portland, O K. Bates. Albany, Or. PARTNER wanted in safe cash business big profits for live man. 304 Gerllnger bldg. FOR SALE Fine furnishing goods store. Owner wishes to leave city. Answer AH 841. OreRonlan. PARTNER wanted in employment agency; must be a good business man; can draw salary and profits. Wwo, ft05 Board Trade. RESTAURANT, fine location, well eqnlpoed E. B. Bluchard. 7S Market au C boh a Us. Wash. TAILOR business for sale cheap; good lo cation, new building, low rent. 507 Union ave. N". CLEANING, pressing; good business, good location: cheap because of other business ?4j-- Yamhill t. Ml ST sell by 1st. dressmaking business, fully equipped. Price $250. 501 Empress Theater bldg. 500 BUSINESS CARDS. 55c Other work low. Majestic ptg. Co. basement. Park and Washington sts GROCERY, clean, new, well located, gooi living rooms will invoice. AM 847 ore gonian. BARBER SHOP for sale. 43 'i 0th SU N. Knur chair. BIO bargain In small grocery with living, rooms. Cu" Lumber Exchange. BY OWNER Cleaning establishment cheap. $15 rent, fins location. Come. 431 Alder, BCSlXKtoA OPPOHTIMTIEP. 5o BU YS half Interest tn moving piclui e theater; cioee In, on Fat Side; rent only $2. a month. owner has other business and cannot handle alone. To the right party, owner will secure yon. for your in estments. it will pay you to lnestgate this proposition. Eipenence not n;ea aary. Pre-nt owner wiil teaeh vou the -. . r - -i (ioiiivuir, BPI'I . lLIITl - ber Exchange bidg.. cor. 2d and Htark sts, M 1LLI NEKT! Ml LLI N E R Y I MI Ll.t N E R Y I Established. well-palng millinery busi ness for sale In one of luc moat prosper ous towns of Oregon. In connection with this store we wish to d1spoa of a good wheat and dairy ranch. Both could be handled by man and wife. , Will sell single or together or trade for unincumbered Portland property. C 803, Oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing deal tor ao-called Interest In established real estate businesa. aei ad. vie of Portland Realty Board. F. PURSE. Secretary. 81 Chamber of Commerce bldg. to TATE sale manager wanted, with road or oxuco experience; $kovu per ar- $50O will equip you. If you are the man we wnt win pay your expensea to come ana ve us. West Coast bales Co., zu$ Bryson blog.. Los Angeiea. ANTcD An idea! Who can think of some slmpie thing to patent? Protect your ideas, they may bring yon wealth, write for "Needed inventions.' "Ho t Get Your Patent and Money." Randolph v... r ationie)!, waanington, U. J, FOR SALE Ieae of hotel Iu town ot 150o i ooma, u to Doarders; 9 yearg lease; rent $50 month, taken out la board by owner; completely furnished; $15t cash will take over this entire business. Ad dress B 87o, Oregonian. CIGAR STAND For sale. In a first-class office building, an up-to-date cigar stand, one of the beat locations in the clt v. Inquire 42 Ore gonian bldg. or phone 1. 3521, A 35&7 between the hours of a and 4 p M. FOR HALE Small tock of grocri a and fixtures. Main 558. 1517 Yeon bldg. tUKIr..H OrPORTl'NITlKN WANTED. PARTNERSHIP wanted In merchandise brokerage business; have had exixrtnce and well acquainted lit the city-, hlghuat clas references. W 865. Orenonian. WANTED Paying restaurant; must be bar gain; state particulars in first letter. M 09, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSKS. FOR PALE Hotel cf 30 rocma. cen trally located, modern brick build ing, artistically furnished In Circas sian walnut and mahogany. Bise low Axmlnstex carpets throughout, equipped with a stationary vacuum cleaner. It Is absolutely one of the best furnished hotels in clt v. price $12,009 or will trade. AD h32, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Hotel with v-iv modern ron venlence; concrete building; good location; only commercial hoi. -I in the city; situated In county seat; good furniture; hotel In "t gooa condition; low rent; doing good ousineas; good reason for selling: hotel situated in Oregon; investigate this bar gain. Address AV 51, Oregoniun. SIXTY ROOMS BARGA'N. (ood West Side corner, moucrn brick build. ug. furniture worth double the price ankrtd; good leom, 5 years, cheap rem wmi Krouna not-r office If desired, see kiiis oetore it is too !(; price only $35oo; n cash, balance monthly. O. C. Ellis et o ju iioard of Trade, 4lh and Oak, I MIST sell this elegantly furnished, 24 houHekeepine; room apt.. In one of best locutions in city. Price is $l30u, rent only $ 120, nd operating oil well-paying basis ; good lease; ::o down, balance eas. or vill tratle. 2H 13th sL MARY E. LENT. &08-9 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 6th and Morrison Sts. Hotels, Rooming. Apartment-Houses Sold and Exchanged. Phone Main 85oO. TODAY ONLY. 8-room room lng-hous on Wath. st. ; clean place; pr today lor all. $iiO; tt room rooming-houx 2 blocks from Wash. St.. cheap rent, prh-e today for al $03. HA VE It rooms rented in 2-room suites, h oiiKeU i.iinfti f um al...irl.,ii, .-., .... - tine loiation: rent $5tt; cost $1 Mm; lake j J;:',:$2'io cash. $50 per mot.th; no agents, j A BAIUIAIN R-room boarding and rooming-house. centrally locaLed; niul tU on a.-cotrnt of sickness. A bargain if tuken by Monda. Call Murshal :t5ttl. HOT El. CENTRALLY LOCATED 50 rooms. Mfum heat. htt water, tele phones In rooms: rent reawonaMe; lone leas, cheap for cash, or will take part eood rvR estate. m s?tt. Oregon :an FORCED TO SELL Best buy on luth st.; lv-rooni roomlnc- liotie. well ranted ; worth ."o; rent $:k; will take $275 for all ; terms. No trade or agents. 187 North ltth st. 39 ROOMS, new furniture. steam heat, cheap rent; I own building. S blocks from approach, of Interstate bridge. Vancouver, Wash. P 84$. Oregonian. 12 ROOMS, well furntshel. 12th St., near Sttlmon. only $354); here is the SNAP ou have been looking for. 301 Board of Ti-jde. 41 h and Oak sts. 14 ROOMS, finely furnished, central loca tion. Income $205 a mo. Rent $73 Part trsde. 1'houe A 2C4. A good rooming-house for al. good terms to l he right party. 18 34th st. AF A KTSI E NT h ouse. 1 5 room s. very c h e Ai . clcurs $10o month. 518 Ablution bldg. HOTEL PORTOLA 3d and Bumside; long If see; cheap rent; must aelL Owner. LOST AND FOUND. THE following article have been round on tne cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may secure same by applying at barns as in dicated: h ound on cars, SeRwoorl barn. Phone A IH31 1 suit case. 1 umbrella, I book. 1 belt buckle. 1 glove. 1 pkg. of nlcot:uc. Found on cars, Pi-dmont barn. Phone A 131 1 lunch box, 3 book. 4 pkga.. 4 umbrellas. Found on cars. Ankeny barn. Phone A 61312 umbrellas, 1 purse. 1 pair gloves. 1 lunch box. Found -on cars. Savler-street car house. Phone A OI31 5 umbrella, l raincoat, 1 pkg. mdse. AT City Park, child's silver umbrella, en graved Eleanor Davidson, from Grandpa l-erry. Finder kindly return to S7 Aider or call East 3011. LOST A yellow collie, bad collar on with license tax No. 21.94. Call Main 4459. LOST Gray coat and brown vest contain Ing pocketbook. Reward. Main S57S. LOST Cameo, near Sandy River bridge; re ward if returned. Main $t3. SPECIAL NOTICE. Propoaala Invited. PROPOSALS, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICUL TURE. Forest Service Supply Depot. Ogden. Utah. Sealed proposals for furnishing sta tionery, office supplies. Instruments, field equipment and furniture to the Forest Service Supply Depot at Offden. Utah, dur ing the hacal year beginning July 1. Ioi4. will be received at the orTtce of the chief cierk until 2 o'clock P. M. Tuesday, May 6, 3914. and then publicly opened" Pro posal blanks with full Instructions and information furnished upon application to the Chief Clerk, Department of Agricul ture. Washington, D. C, or to the Pur chasing Agent, Forest Service, Ogden. U tan. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the District or Oregon. In the matter of Ehret c Norwood, bankrupts requost for bids. I will recede sealed bids for a stock of merchandise con sisting of groceries, dry goods, ladies'. 4.nir and boys' furnishings, glass wsre and sundries, shoes, hats, comforts, b.az-ke-.s. furs, notions, etc, of the inventoried value of $(592S.5i, and fixtures pertaining to the same of the Inventoried value of $1492.50. situated at Albany. Oregon. 1a the store formerly occupied by Ehret Norwood, up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Friday. April 3. 3914. Certified cl.cca for 10 per cent must accompany each bid Sale sutject to the approval of the court Inventory of the property may be seen ct my office, and at Albany, Oregon, a bar the property may be inspected. R. L. SABIN. 74o Morgan bldg.. Portland, Oregon. Dated tula 26tb day of March, 1W14. FORAGE AND bTRAW Office Department Quartermaster. Chronicle bldg.. San Fran, ciico. Cai., March SO. 1914. Sealed pro posals will be received here until 11 A. M , April SO. 1914. for furnishing forage a no straw, etc.. required at posts in the West ern Department during fiscal year com menCiO July 1. 1114. Information f ur nlsned on application here or to Post Quar termasters, and Quartermasters at Seattle. Wash., and Portland. Or., and bids may be received by Post Quartermasters until 11 A. M. Pacific time, April Go. lwM. H. s. Wallace, Col.. Quartermaster Corps. BIDS wanted for the construct ion of four utiles of log xing railroad : must . sub mitted Ly April 10. Call at 12u7 Icon bldg. tor details and specification. ePlXIAL NOTICES. I'rovoaala lartted. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STAT US FOR 1UE DISTRICT OF OREGON: la the matter of M. Ha-hlva, bankrupC REQUEST FOR BIDS. I will recviv sealed bids for the follow. Ing stock, fixtures, etc., situated in the buildtug (orxueriy occupied by M. Hachiva, comer Finn and Fianders atreeta, i'o'rt laud, Oregon. Parcel No. 3, American goods con is ting of gents' furnishings, clothing, ertoes, notions, dry goodtt, jeo.r, hardware, palnLa, groceries, etc, of the wventorlca value of $ S.137.6 Parcel No. 2- Jananeaa mpr- chandise. groceries, etc of the loveuioried value of Parcel No. 3. Fixtures, ma chinery, etc. in said stor of tho inventoried value of... Parcel No. 4. Hotel fumitoie and fittings situated at FUlA and Flanaera su-eeta, of the in cntorled value oi. .............. 4.1 It T7 2.070.83 3.7L2$ Total $13,106.34 Bids will be receled upon said property up to and until Monday. April , 1914, at 3:00 o clock noon, at my oifice, the same to be received upon parcels as above set forth numbered l. 2. 3 aud 4, ana lor tne property as a whole. Should the total of the highest bids for each of the parcels aa abotc-aet forth be greater than the hihet bid for the w liolv tne said bids wilt be accepted subject to the approval of the court for aaid parcels; but auould the biichest bid for the whole be greater than tne total of the highest bids for each of the pare tin, the said ms il eal t-ld tor the whole will be acceptea subject to the approval of the court. Ail blda must be accompanied by cer tified cneck for ten per cent tlv of the amount offered. Inventory of the above stock and fix tures may be seen at my otfie and upoa the premises, w here the property ina be inspected, R. L. SABIN, 7 4U Morgan Blug.. Portland. Oregon. ADMAN 1STRA3 OR SALE. The undersigned administrator will re ceive bids for the next 5 days on 14 lota lu Glen wood Park Add. to Portland - these lots must b sold to settle up aa rwr lurmir particulars address J. j. umnop. z bouth Liboity il, aatexu. l icr 1 1 a Dev u. BARGES tor rent. Paitulo. 33b Sherlock bldg. Phono Main 1110. FINANCIAL. V E furulsh the money at a low rate of in tcreat and save oa mora than the brok erage ot 2 per Cent It we do Ilia man mux aud building for you; it will pay you to w ut, u 1.. xa;iey -o., inc. s.4 Abington. WIS BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. W USTERN BOND & MOR i G AGE CO. 80 4th St.. Board ot Trade Bids. LOANS on Improved inside property; plenty I money; Kw rates; no delay; principals ony. nonerifm 4 -wiug. o -2U iorui western Bank bidg. MONEY TO LOAN In sums of $lOOO. $15oO, $2000. $2.'i0, on Improved real estaUa. SCOTT-B LESLEY -Dl AN K Co. 211-12 Abinglon Blag. MORTGAGE loans, no tea contract, mnrt gages i first m.aA second , equitiea pur- FIRST and second mortaaaea also fllerm Interest In contracts purcnased, Oregon or asn. ti. I- .uuie, l.umitTineni bldg. HIGHEST prices paid for contracts, also urai or aeconu mortgage. j. v . A. Feake, h. buy notes, bonds and mortgage Rob- cnion st cwing. rs. w. Hank b.dg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATH GEO. T. MOO HE CO.. 618 Ablngton bldg. $40.00 TO $1000. Cunning nam. 832 Morgan B!dg. Money to Low -Real EMLat. MONEY TO f.O -N. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOrt i iii.xi rt n I Ucr; VERY FLEX IDLE CONTRACTS. NO CO.t MISSIONS COLUMBIA I.IFK 4: TRUST CO Via Spalding Blug. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY $1000, 4 15(H). $JOoO, $25UO, $3oO0 at T per cent on chup.-e security. ALSO BUILDING LOANS in sums to suit as building progresses STRONG CO. FINANCIAL AG EN IS, SuS CONCORD BLDG. CITY AND FARM IRAN'S. $luoo and up at lowest rates. C M. ZADoW. , 414 Corbett Bldg. A llld. Marshall 92. TO LOAN. i have plenty of monet to loan on real estate securities o ij i t- i. e- - i . EDWARD P. MALL, 3QQ CllAMBr.lt OF COM MERCS. MONEY TO LOAN. & TO a PER CENT. Any Amount. PROMPT SERVICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-44 Chamber of commerce. MONEY TO LOAN in any amount. nt ift et prevalltng rates, on Improved city and .( iivy.iucc. r ir mortgc.ce pur chased. Connecticut Mortgage Coaiwtn r. WUcox bldg. ON Improved city property or for building I'urpwm, a 10 9 years- time ; liberal psy llium privileges; money advanced as build ing progresses. The Equitable Savings St I.osn Association. 240 Mark st. MONEY TO LOAN. Good supply for city and farm property 6 to 7 pr cent. MALL AND VON LOKSTEL. 104 Second sc. near Washington. LOANS from $5o to $5h made promptly on vacant lots, eontracts and realtv equi ties; small morHnK.'s and contracts bought. 120 N. W. Bank bldg. PLENTY of money now available. any amount, lowest current rates ; prompt, ausiactoty service. Connecticut Moil ease Company. Wilcox b 1 d g. MORTGAGE LOANS, a to 7 per cfiit. H, e. moon e y. Main 213. Room 4'1 Falling bid;. $500. $looi AND UPWARD on improved real estate; favorable terms; no delav . no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalutnyr- SEE us today for loans 03 Improved city property. 6 to 8 per cent: $Soo and up. Ccllar-Murton Co.. S25 Yeon bldg REALTY 1ST MORTGAGES ANY SUM. Per Cent and I'd. M. K. Thompson. 4 20 H. nry B:dg. $10t0 TO LOAN on Portlan dreal estate HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. MoNEY to loau on Improved real estate. G to S per ceuL Ernest C Uaiow, 1310 Yeon bldr TO LO.N $4i.ooi OR LESS. 1'A RRI NGTON. P0 4TH. BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. MORTGAG3 LOANS. Real ortate security, currant rates. 201-$ Stock Exchange bldg.. Sd and YamhtlL $150. $2000. $3000. $4000. $5000. Current - ratas. prompt service. Prod W, GrTimn Co.. 014 Cham, of Com. $2'0.ovO TO LOAN In sums to suit; build in ir losns; lowest rates. W, G. Bock, ttl& 313 Falling bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; Ion est rates. 217-19 Northwestern Bank bids., corner tfih and Morrison sts. $750 FOR immediate loan on real estate at S per cent A. E. Puulsen, 719 Cham, of Co. 11. Mar. 2753. MONEY TO LOAN, on ral estate In amounts to suit. A. H. Bel!, 2M Gsrlliiger bg.. 2d Alder. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount, OREGON INV. i MORTGAGE CO. InC-. Stock Kxehanr b'rfc, 3u and Yamhill MONEY to loan on real estate In small tmouats. E. E Cumpston. Phone Sell wood 1 422. $10.0 SO at 7 per etaL AB $4 7. Oregonian. $: u AND ut on real estate. Bold Realty Co.. 1'ort Alder St. MORTG AC E LOANS 0 AND 7 PER CENT I X F 1 S SALOMON i"0. 22- STARK ST. MORTGAGE IOANS. sny smount, no uela. rtenry . . rrun lomme-. gv v iicox bldg. sTATE FUNDS. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, MONEY loaned on real estate; Contracts aud mtra. bought. H. MIley, 2o4 Gerllngtr bg. SC5.ooo TO loan on improved city property Main 3441. MoNEY to loan on l;y or farm land. J. j. 'ahalln. 4S35 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY, any amount. C to S per cent. H. Selts & Co.. 31Q Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL EPTAT A. H. HARDING. 513 Ch of Com. HONEY to LOAN. 6 AND 7 Ptt t CENT F. W. TOROLER. in SHERLOCK BLDG. $2o0. $350. SoX'0, S'JCO. $32c0. $18lK Fred W. German Co.. 014 Cham, of Com. $1o.k TO S.'-'NT'O private funds, for good loan Phone Tsoor 2520. JIT Y' and farm lo-is, ai isy. Wm C. MeClare. y smount. no de 414 Fall:tg bldg 2 $4H, $500, $1000, $Lm. $ J5uO. J. Wells ft. Co.. 521 Of C. bids. MORTGAC-K LOANS AT AND S WILLIAMS. 2 S 1ST ST. Slv.OuO TO loan or wilt divide. Main 2441. INANCIAL Money to Loan -Real r.Mate. $I2.v'0 On Income propctty at 7 per cent: most be gilted; im lonuulieioll; princlpaS onlv. X 5:i. i'moniin. Money ts laan hat tela and SalarWm. N O TU k! NEW ADDRESS. NEED MONavV W - ICR? cu can gel it ioLA Y. W'K LOAN ANY AilUl NT. to W o: kmc Peuple and uUitia on Plsi Notes. Furniture, Livestock. Pl.-noa, Autos, fetoiage Reveij-ts. l;aa Eztatc. Mulor clea or Diamonds, WE Bt Y MORTO A (.ES. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS tu.xnOK.NTUL Rebates Gis -a if Is id Be tore Due. PORTLAND LOAN CoMHANl 20. KOTHCHILD HLDvi., Mb st.. on Washington st. Oi n 8 A. M. to ii P. .t. e ry .a ; tat. till P. at. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTS $10 To $.100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY Ni SECURITY BCS1N KSS STRICTLY N F 1 1 'E VITAL. hours a. m. to v. m. SATURDAYS TO ! p. M M'AIK SEC! KITV CO.. 3u FAILING BLDG. 11 Y I A Y UXOR BITANX 1 T ES ? We will loatt ou n,iu) as lo- as 1 per cent ou our dianioi.uM and jc elry. We are the uit litonl licensed mouev lenders fu the cny. i.tUr establishment is located at 3.; 1 Washington street, near Broadaay. Get our p; uv ou lurfcitvd o miuomi.H. Diamond Paiae. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS OS diamonds, watchca. Jewciiy. automobiles, uiuwral insu-umeuia. Separate dtp;u tment for ladies. All lutcrMeaa atrictiy vouiidculial. Elby Com nany, sjo Lumir Exchange. COLUMBIA LOAN CO., Swetland Bldg.. io and 7. Money to loan ou aalary. e hat tela, piano, plain notes or au) Uiuig of valvs; couf ideniiai. MONEa to lon on p.anoa, furniture, euloa. llvestoca storage receipts, real sstata, etc We Buy Mo:iagt.a MANHATTAN MORTC. AGK CO.. Vsm 62v. 'a0 Abmmon F'ds. ACCOMMODATION LOAN CO.. Plain notes, aiar! . chattels or any t.liia; of alue, coutidentlal courteous. 17 Lumber Est l-.ane bids Mam 59k). MIL OR MRS. W AGE E A K N E R. tauiiiK mniKv without securlLy. q jlckl. quietly and cheaply. Mi-rcaniilu Urtdit Co, 5t4 Hsiuy bldg. MoNEY loaned on diamonds, watches, lea dry, piauoa and MuronouMi receipts. Brown Co. room 1 Washington bog. QUICK, loans, without publicity, on furni ture, pianos, autoa. moioicydea aud live stock. 2i Abler St. MONEY to loau 011 tliauiouds, or anything of aluo at 4 per cuiu App.y 413 Maicay WE LOAN mutie) on diamond aud Jewe.ry at half the rates char-eu b brokers. Mart c Bioch. 74 3d au MONEY' sold on installments; coupon : 1h 1 ; salaried r-onple. F. A. N a ton. H-nry Md. slli RT-T I'.li. M loan. n t-.,i jn,; lolUlcral secu.ltlc. N-li-on. M4 1 w is iMr LOANS on teal estuU. d. anion. : nd Jtn elry. W nt. llo'i, loom V u 1 1. 1 wi l ug. Lo A NS ou d luinonds urU jtAtii, . trvW coiifldetitlal. lim 3d mar AMr Loons Wanted. notice to entire would. Most espei-tally to Cd's If ;, num b rmg st h ast 14 4. 0110. This is l he hour of God's judgment. hen.-e ihr end of the Oentile leign. i'al v joint heirs with Jesus Christ. The hi phcrd cll his flock to r l ) 1 lie ho.y j rU-sin-KHl fi-r thf Order of the Son of God. The public are Invited to a l-ciur slid d emon ti at iu on Sim da v to be g t v 11 t Fores it is Hall, 1-9 4 1 It bt.. at 7: 45 1. M. Subject. G l S Gi-eateat Kevfluiln to Man Since th Creation of tljtt World." Bertrana. $15K TO 25ii WANTED on property in Bind. Or- Will al m any teMoH.oi- p' of 3it.iMK worth of r a I e.Mi i.d pay expense of trip to Menu ; per cent Inter -eel. Acci-pi money frTn one t three ePs. all M 7 Board 01 Trade bldg.. or Main 0j. new. Modern hi ngalow. nwm. PER i RN '1 . Lot, 5t xlim. i t n.ri.i in and paid, rih-ely locaw-ii. Kred W. G- 1 man t;o., SH ft 4'liamber of I'uinpn-fr. $ i oKJ, C LOS E IN. 7 P .-; U K NT. 2Wl U and KaM A n K'ii y, i'-ruit:i imli rn huuoe, hard -surl.iee imm-iik-iiU 'Ihl is ejt tra good. Fied W. (kniiaii Co., 914 Cham. of Commerce. $1;ku k I'Klt CENT first mortime. new 1 - loom home, Ujm City Park; haidwoel I'.oois. furnace, etc.; cast $5750. no comm. T f2. Oregon ia 11. WANT .", 2 years. pr cent, on thiec fourths acre, on E 74ili it.. near Haw thorne carilne. ail :;. Board of Trade, 4ih and O.tk. M. 4775. A $('! SECOND mortcago i.m 40-a- re p,xo, cteared; io $l.'i Mtoml nUg. paying $JO a month aud inttret; 15 p-r cent discouut McKay bldg. Main Zi. WANTED MHi. 1 x.ji. lots, ltws Hit. all (niro berries, et,.., 4 K lio N Ci egon la 11. r n:, t,n 4 house, truil. cur. Oh iter. MONEY WANTED Applications 011 lnnd for Ue.fiirabl loan, nttioonti (,'mmi to $ JJ.Om. Also aev-nl lirit inurtyupra lor F.ile. Hcn ry C. rruilhoinnio. vT W 1 ico x b Idg. CONCRETE B U S I N K.S BlAiC K. f 45uO. 7 p::.; en r. Enquire about this, KreJ W. German t 0.. Pit . liamber T tntiim-rT. WANT $:..t.p on gotl cuiUMiitn'l a -otintf, psaMe moTithl; w:H n-i 15 por cent or trt-Konliin. A" A V I- L'll CI. Mill B .- .- 2.h 7 prr cent. Goldschmldt's Agency 2os Stock Es- WANT J Joo". i art- ). mti, n p.r -ent, 7 rooin ne w modern house. W. J. Summers. :.o5 Lev is bidg. Marshall ."Tt'.L WANT $Ro loau ou five a res, Oregon City carline; will not pay brokerage. AD e41, Oregonian. $U'oo LOAN wanted on 4o acrea imp. da;ry farm ou Columbia River. A. J. Brooke, Rainier, or. 5Kl or ooO for one esr. god security, farm land In Linn County. Apply owner, 4r.f. Woreept.-r blug. To borrow $..00 to linisii i.ev home, second moricape. m s72. urfonlan. . YVANTEL A $500 loan ou a high-grads car costing $4o00. Call Main ."4. WANT $125o loan on $250 bungalow, 6 r cent. A P t7. Oregoniun. FERHONAL HALR-UAIU-UAIK-UAIU $12 31-inch switches .$4 4 $ a H-inch awilcUca l.5 lialrdreasins . ...................... t ace massage ...................... t-ha in poo . ......................... .yj X'anicure, 25c; & for................. 1 00 12 scs.i) trcauuenta 3.0t Superfluous hair removed by slectrls need. a; gaurar.teed r.ot to return. Cut Lair m any shade; su itches any length; prices huif. toanUsry parlors, oo 4 11- Dekum bldg.. Sd anu Washington. WE use the best of every natural method c treatment, including Radium. Liecti ioi: ". Heat. Light, Baths. Maasage. Manipula tions and Adjustments. NcrvuutOcM, Uaad aclie . internal pains, skin trouble, all chronic and acute complaints tucceufuitr t res lea. No meuiciuc. No opr lions. Con sultation free. Dr. W. E, aiiorj, Ala Rothchl.d bldg. SWEDISH TRAIN ED Nl RE Helmfor. graduate; rheumatism, nervous and atom, ach ailments uiuicr phy sicians directions; buth. massage. No. 7 East llth st.. sec ond door south froia Bust Ankeny carline. I'hone tat 200. B LS"5. tor rlicumatlsm. I utn bago, etc ; Sud baths. 452 Salmon su. i Marshall 5t53. Open Sundays. SOPHIA B. SE1P. mental snd spiritual sci entist. ao2 Ai'-sky bldg.. question and mes sage niKht. Wed., b o clot k. Main to--5. THOSE IN poor health who want relict ca.'. 'at the Natural tanitarlum. 17b East A. a at. Take ML Tabor car. Ol Onne Jurvs. MKo. STEVENS. 2d ears Portland's iesaing patmUi and cial r o a u u has her late booas on sale 2Ji Morrison st. Open cai:y. DIVORCES Lawer. 25 years' experience ; rellab.e; ad ice free; 404 Rothchild blag. 27 x-a W'shiugton tL MRS. C. S. MORRISON Steam batos massage for ru umatisin. iumtntiu, 5.3 Madison. A 447l. Maivhall and ate MAUtt oF YOUR COMBINGS. Switciies, Offc; curls and pulls. 75c. 4kai tarj Beauty Psrlors, 400 Dhu:n b d--. Sc" A LP and facial treatments. bldg. MANICURING, s- alp 3t'S Panama biog.. and facial maasagw 3 J and Aider. Dl Vo K"ES saltation. - Prompt ; conf ident!. Write A K 05. O: tl; frew con -fton:in, BALM OF FIGS compound Roai Toms Tablets 504 Davis st Phone Main SMX Lbs' iohetr N. tiv Herbs for rheumatism LO tablets for 2c; all dr "ista. Ml A M 7OClN G. facial and scalp ' maMs. 'S tiardon blflg.. V . Park and YarnlulL p: liiiietry and ca-d I'hone Mam 754 S. Uwl.i u;.erl .uout hair rmo u D. HHI. 423 Fliedner bldg. Mam FEBVET c HANEBUT Ieadinx vls and loupe makers; finest stock o human hair goods, switches IrOjn H5c up; halrdresing. manicuring, face and I scalp treatments: combings made up to order. 147 7th. i.car Mori inon. Main 54e Gr.iC MAN TRAINED NURSE Ttaatments V OH 109.0