Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 02, 1914, Page 18, Image 18

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1 -"- h acres. $43.50 an acre. 1 i miles ,
uuu i uiaincL aney luwn; goo a
neigh bora, good roads, fine dairy and
Arming district; level land and rolling-:
80 acres slashed. 40 to 50 cleared: sarin it.
running: stream; 40 acres oak; a great
u-"' ii jou want to develop a farm
close to market: can be riivirie4 in hnif-
I have other great bargains near Mc
Minnvllle. New bur?. Yamhill, Carlton.
Gaston, Eugene, Salem. Woodbum, Sher
man ana otner V Ulamette Valley towns.
D. M'CHEo.NEr, Title Trust Bldg.
FOR SALE or exchange, hop, fruit and al
falfa ranch ; equity $lu.t;0U. mortgage
$7000. Give description of offer In first
letter. Owner. AV 112. Oregonian.
AN S-room modern residence with 4 bed
rooms, full size lot. sufficient for flowers
and garden. prefer Walnut Park. Pied
mont or Irvington. Might consider other
location. Moderate In price. Desire to pur
chase on monthly Installments as rental.
T biio, Oregonian.
Z HAVE a 3-fIat building, furnished, paying
$63 a month. Vajue $10,000; inc. S40O0.
Will exchange for suburban vacant. Would
atisume or pay some cash. K 801. Orego
nian. ANTED for cash, 4 or 5 acres ready for
cultivation; small house, good land; bar
ain: not more than 7 miles from limits;
owners only. AJ Oregonian.
"WANT Home good lots or close-in acreage
for about $3500 as first payment on a nice
i evidence in Irvington. w orth $6650.
F. KrCHP, 420 (Camber of Commerce.
Wanted, for cash, lot in this addition;
must be a snap; state full particulars; no
agents. AL StiO. Oregonian.
BTRA.VGER in city wants to buy on terms
a bungalow in good residence district. Y
j. , oregonian.
'ANT small house In Rose City Park; cash
SIuOO and balance like rent. L 869, Ore
Ionian. t'MXCL'MBERED property In Guthrie.
Okia.. to trade for like Portland property.
AJ 845, Oregonian.
LOT for equity in 5 rooms, with large lot,
3Ui st., Hawthorne district; rents $10;
2MK. 41 Railway Exchange.
OX p. E. & E. ELECTRIC. 3 miles south
west of City Hall, 30 acres. 12 in cultiva
tion; house, barn, outbuildings, team, out
fit, hay for sale. Take train to Harlem,
walk 1 mile west on track to Glen Cullen
Villa. Box 101. route 2, Hillsdale.
i OR LEASE for a term of years, 50 acres
rich bottom garden land on Columbia
fcloueh, adjoining the city. 43 acres un
der cultivation, good house. Address Win.
b Woodward. Woodard, Clarke Sz Co.
OK KENT 53 acres, 6 miles southwest of
Portland. Oswego, Route 1, Box 152.
.NICE farm for rent, close in. P. E. Lamar.
503 Lumbermens.
About 1 million ft., 32 miles Portland,
electric; fine fruit land, no rock; Yamhill
Co. Fred W. German Co.. 014 Cham, of
Ideal location for a mill; stream run
ning to railroad spur. S3 7th st.
X ANTED To rent or lease, small farm,
dairy farm preferred all furnished; good
city references. D 8S5, Oregonian.
W A NT ED To rent email farm with eoulp-
rnent. AO bTO. Oregonian.
4-ROOM bungalow. lot 100x100, house new
and modern ; price $ 10OO. mortgage $0uO.
7-room bungalow, lot 00x100; Just been
finished and is modern ; price, $lsOU,
mortgage $600. These places are at Ma
ple wood. 6-cent fare. will trade equity
or $ul01 for small farm not too far out.
3f'4 Oak st.
A SUBURBAN grocery doing good business,
with living-rooms in connection; lot lOux
3 CO, witli chicken-house and sheds, 2
horses, wagon and harness ; about $S0U
stock of goods; price $3250. Will take
31 Tin trade, balance payable $25 Pr
inonth. Want acreage close to school and
carlln. :.04 Oak st.
lu exchange; 1067-aere farm in Eastern
Washington. 200 acres in alfalfa. 650 in
wheat, 40 acres -fenced for hog pasture, 3
; good springs on place: rented for $11500
per year; price $65 per acre; will ex
Change for apartment-house; will also put
In SlO.u&o In good mortgages or assume
if necessary, zvi Lumber Exchange.
The finest, new. modern, 8-room house
In Mt. Tabor district, 57th and Hawthorne,
e:i3t front, unobstructed view, lot 100x110,
large garage, cherry, apple, . pear trees.
Crapes, berries, all improvements in, for
small bungalow or desirable lot as part
payment; no agents. Phone Tabor 1940
or call 341 E. 57th.
Equity to exchange.
This lot is In well-built-up. established
neighborhood ; mortgage on same slOuO to
run 1 year at 8 per cent, equity $1500: will
exchange for Portland suburban acreage,
mortgage on Portland property, or sellers'
contract. A B 8-12. Oregonian.
Four miles from Myrtle Creek, on S. P.
K. R., all fir timber, good springs, some
good fruit land; price $25 per acre; will
exchange for Portland lots or bouse and
lot and assume to $3000.
CALLAN & KASER, 722-24 Teon bldg.
lO exchange, 160-acre farm in Big Bend
country in Eastern Washington, on Mil
waukee R. R. ; all under cultivation; good
wheat land; practically level; price J400O;
to trade for good house and lot; will pay
cash difference or assume. 303 Lumber
VE have a list of inquiries for all kinds
of houses and bungalows, furnished and
unfurnished ; list your houses for rent
with us. We will do the rest. Whitmer
Keily Co.. 70 4tb st. Phones Main luOS.
A 1008.
WANTED To trade a 50x100 ail improved
corner lot. worth $2000. one block from
carline, for a good paying rooming-house.
Must be close in. For particulars, see Chas
Maurer, bet. 10 and 12 A. M. and 4-0
P. M. at 258 13th st. No agents.
Four-door standard make auto In fine
condition, to exchange for lot in Irvington,
Hose City or Alameda Park or vlcinitv.
Give exact location. Address AT S65. Ore
Ionian. FOR something In Oregon:
1 Seattle lot (Green Lake) X 800
u-room bungalow, Spokane 2500
" acres near Tacoma fcoO
10-acre North Yakima home 30O0
Owner, C04 Spalding bldg. Mar. 273.
Tf you have a lot or equity In lot and
Want a good house In Laurel hurst I will
allow you full value for your lot. See Mr.
Hosier, Realty Dept. of
Sale or trade. 30 building sites. Fine lo
cality Must dispose f quick for client.
F. J. Llchtenberger, &06 Northwestern
National Bank Bldg.
FOR EXCHANGE or sale. $1600 equity in
Kosjuiere residence, six rooms; all built
in conveniences; lawn, fruit trees, berries
and roses; would consider close-In prop
ertv. phone Tabor 2040.
HAVE a nice home in Irvington. value
f!50. incumbrance $3150. at 7 iwr rent?
will take good lots or close-in acreage for
my eijuny: wouia not assume much.
t FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce.
60 ACRES, one mile S. E. of Eueene. all
tillable and first-class soil; can cut 5J0
cords of wood on this; will trade for city
properly. at4 oan st.
Itfl5 ACRES wheat or crazing land for Port
land property ; will assume. What have
jou to oner: tee itiack, 4ol eCferson.
Marsha!! 5725, A 4940.
I WANT to exchange country property,
valuation $7500, and some cash for mod
ern Portland residence free of mortgage.
AM S2. Oregonian.
ILL exchange Income Irvington flats for
cil-seiected vacant lota. F. E. Bowman
& CO.
lit ACRES adlolnina New berg : highest cul
tivation. 4-year-old apples, for residence.
aoout teiiwood lrf.
JO ACRES, one mile of Eugene, all tillable
and splendid sou; win trade for city
property. 3v4 oak st.
ltik ACHES southwest Eugene, X2T.00.. 4 acres
cit-ar. timber, tor residence, about
j:i'K. J m. Oregonian.
"WANTED One or two acres, on the Penin
sula, in exchange for residence near Reed
toiiesf-. N box Oregonian.
WANT 15 or 20 acres, partly improved, for
house and lot In city uo to $32u0; owners
on;y. a at uregorian.
5-ROOM modern bungalow, all built-in con
eniences: a bargain; lot as first payment
t-'O agents. -Wooulawn 477.
$o ACRES, partly clear and all tillable,
splendid soil, mile b. E. of Eugene
will trade for city property. 304 Oak st
5-ROOM modern bungalow, ail built-in con
veniencee; a bargain; tot as first payment
uo a goats. - Woodlawn 477.
710 Lewis B!dg
4th and Oak.
MarshaU 42C0. A 7158.
X 4,500 Five Acres, highly Improved. Eng.
lis 'a walnuts, apples and pear, all
bearing, good bldgs.. I'NINCUM
BE RED. to tradt for residence,
same value.
9 4.500 Modern 7-rm. house, closo In.
West Side, good rental. UNIN
CUMBERED, to trade for high
class t or 7-room bungalow, hard
wood finish, up to $12,ou0: must
be Al; will assume and pay some
Xo.OOO New. modern 8-room bungalow,
laurelhurst ; oak floors, tireplaca.
furnace, laundry, 50x 100 lot, UN
INCUMBERED, to trade for good
little improved dairy ranch, 5 to
4o acres, close to R. It., same
$ 7,500 Two first mortgages and 80 acres,
improved, UNINCUMBERED, to
trad for good city Income, same
$8.500 14 acres, near Oregon City. West
Side. UNINCUMBERED, t trade
for Portland income up to $15,Guo.
XIO.000 20 acres finest Tualatin Valley
soil, M mile to Oregon Electric,
well improved. 12 miles from
Courthouse, to trade for city in
come up to $7500.
$12.000 2 modern residences, 7 rms. each,
in Hoquiam. Wash., Income $100
per month, UNINCUMBERED, to
trade for 5 or lo acres highly im
proved, ciosa in. on electric line;
Eadt Sida preferred.
$15,000 Modern residence. Tacoma. and
H.00O.OO0 feet timber. Wash.. UN-
INCUMBERED, to trad for val
ley farm; might put In some cash.
$30,500 Miscellaneous city income, incum
branca $7000. and XSOou worth of
industrial stock; J 'J per cent last
yeur, to trade for good valley
ranch, fully equipped.
$45,000 32S0-acre wheat ranch. 640 acres
now in wheat; A-l proposition,
UNINCUMBERED, to trade for
good incomes property and will
$S5,0iO A-l brick apartment-house, close
In, West Side, secured lease 10
yrs. UNINCUMBERED, to trade
lor valley farm, equipped, or hop
If theee don't match yours, come In and
look over our other attractive offerings
from $5000 to $3lX,OO0.
. 710 Lewis Bldg.,
4th and Oak.
Marshall 4200. ' A 7158-
51 ACRES FOR S 6500.
This tract is certainly a nice piece of
land ; lies level, is free of rock. 1 mile
from good town, 35 mi lea south of Port
land; the tract contains 51 acres, all In
a high state of cultivation, on good county
road ; 30 acres in hay and rented this
year, 1 -;; of crop to owner; w ill trade
tliis place for smaller furm of not less
than 2i acres, with some improvement
and some personal property ; price $50O.
That is the exact cost to the owner. Mipht
take home in Portland to value of $5000.
122 N. 6th st.. near Glisan.
Main 4.381, A 7259.
at the right, price tor residence property.
5-room cottage, corner lot, $2liM; 5 va
cant lots. XmX, each clear except a little
street improvement; owner wants farm
and stock for part or all.
Strictly modern bungalow on E. 53d St.,
Improvements paid, and alt clear; $32uu;
owner would take farm and pay some dif
ference. 4-acre suburban tract, all In cultivation,
fruit and berries; 5-room house ; a fine
place; price $t'00. mortgage $4n; owner
would trade all or part for farm with
stock and implements and might assume
Good 7 -room house, 2 blocks from car,
lot 73x1 1;. $4500, mortgage $1300: owner
wants farm with stock preferred, and will
Z 50x100 lots and 2 r.-room houses;
owner lives In one and rents other for $15;
price $0000; mortgage on one lot $4w; will
trade for farm to full amount. Many
B. S. COOK & CO., 605 Corbett bldg.
60 ACRES, .35 in cultivation, all good black
soil, well fenced and cross fenced; good
family orchard, 6-room house almost new,
good barn and all kinds of outbuildings,
round trip fare from Portland is only 75
cents; price $7500; will take residence up
to $3300; investigate this at once.
90 5th St. Main 8770.
tt-ROOM. 2-story house. 5UxluO lot. K. 72d,
two oiocks from car; bath, lull cement
basement, fine value at J -750 ; take acre
age near the city for equity of 9 1300.
O. C. K- Ellis &. Co.. 309 Board of Trade,
4th and Oak sis.
A RESIDENCE property located in a good
town of SOu'J population, 2U miles out ol
Portland, bringing $12.50 per mo. rent,
for good 5-passenger car. G. T. Smith &
Co., 432 Chamber of Commerce.
WELL-SECURED commercial paper, value
juuu, ior gooa vacant tots, suitaoie ior
good residence or for small clear house.
Address A R 850. Oregonian.
$050 EQUITY in lot for grocery. Phone East
to exchange: MISCELLANEOUS.
TWO lots, worth $100. for good vlctrola or
furniture, a wis, oregonian.
Horse, Vehicle. Harness, Ete.
Second-hand vehicles bought and sold;
new wagon and auto beds made to order;
livery furnished to business parties at
special rates.
420 Hawthorne Ave.
Phone East 72. B 13u9.
on commission horses, mules, vehicles and
harness. Auction sales every Monday and
Friday. 10 A. M. Private sales daily. 24o
East sth st.. near Hawthorne. East 6315.
by a firm established 30 years means
something. We buy, selt or exchange
horses of all descriptions; guaranteed.
Crazier & McLean, 5th and Taylor.
GRAY team. 5-year-old geldings, weigh 3540,
neavy-boned, good ieet. wen-matched,
suitable for heavy work; bargain; must
sell at once. Can be seen Anderson Bros.,
241 Jefferson st.
WELLBRED driver, harness and rubber-
tired buggy. $125; this animal has plenty
of speed and is perfectly gentle for old
folks to handle and drive, 148 Union ave.
MARES. 5 to 7, weight 1275 to 1:160, all iu
foal by imported stallion Camrot; use in
city; will take in exchange smaller team
or one large horse. Anderson Bros. barn.
FOR SALE Delivery wagons, pleasure ve-
nicies. iarm wagons, oump wagons, har
ness and robes; easy terms. Studebaker's.
330-33ti E. Morrison st.
4 YOUNG mares, team young geldings, two
single drivers, gelding ltfoO lbs. Cheap.
Nlcsum. Kelly dock, foot East Alder.
MARE, weighing llOO, works double or sin.
gle; a fine driver or saddler, for $50. Cab'
at stable, Mississippi ave. and Russell st
CHEAP. IIOO-lb farm mare; also butcher
wagon and harness; will sell separate.
Seilwood 141.
TRADE lot $50 for team horses, 1200 to
lttou. East 2017.
GOOD O-year-old horse cheap for cash, lo
6th t. North.
DEAD horses and cattle hauled away free,
Oregon Bone Meal Works, Tabor 4203.
GOOD 230o farm team and harness. $n5;
also wagon cheap. 148 Union ave North.
PASTURE for stock, tear Portland. 33
Sherlock bldg.. or phone Main 1410.
WAGONS and horses by day, $1.25. J. Cohen,
3hl Water st. Main 2zc
GOOD team mares, weight 2lOO. and heavy
harness, $HH. 148 Union ave. North.
GOOD horse for sale cheap. Tabor 4617.
Piano. Organs and Musical Instruments.
ELEGANT mahogany cabinet grand piano,
nearly new, at sacrifice, $125; best bargain,
7o7 Marshall St., near 21st.
SLIDE trombone, complete, In case ; cost $65.
good as new, $35. 671 Kearney st. Phone
Main ;;:13.
FOR SALE: Wurlitzer military band organ,
style 149. Address Wurlltxer. 417 Harri
son st.. Seattle. Wash.
PI A NO, $325. practically new . $l.,t . lit7
Last Washington. Phone Tabor 5075.
Pianoj. Orgmn and Motiatl Instrument.
NEW hlgb-grade S-note pla er piano for
sale at bargain: might consider part trade,
Uhat have you? Owner, 12u6 Commercial
at.. Pdmont.
Dogs, Bird. Pet Stock.
AIREDALES Ch. red Raven, best Amer
ican and imported Colne president at stud;
stock always on ha&d, Laddix Kennels,
Estacada. or.
AIREDALE. Wyndhiil Romeo; just arrived
from the East; winner of si first prizes;
at stud. 6th .it. North, Portland. Or.
furniture for Sale.
ENTIRE furnishings residence, embracing
high-grade Circassian and birdseye dress
ers and chiffoniers, beautiful brass beds,
complete, costly dining-room suite. li
brary table and leather rockers. rugs,
Davenport, sanitary couch, umbrella stand,
paintings, water-colors, engravings, cut
glass, ornaments, cushions, pillows, china;
splendid opportunity for those f urnlsoiug
home. Sell separately. Call touay. 7u
M a rs h a 1 1 st., near 21 su
iTOR SALE McCaskey account register.
Dayton scale, cheese cutter, 2. showcases, 2
bag holders. National cash register (style
452). Icebox, or will trade part fixtures for
closed wagon, horse and harness: no scrap.
Crown Tea Co.. Mississippi ave.
FOR SALE Furniture of 7-room flat, closs
In. West Side, reasonable rent; will sell
without renting; price $400. A 2719.
FURNITURE of 4 -room flat, all or part;
no reasonable offer refused; fiat "for rent.
loiiT Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE Furniture 5-rooin cottage,
newly papered and painted; can rent room
to pay rent. 4ud Jelterson.
MUST b sold Good, clean furniture of nice
5-room bungalow for X150. 499 Umatilla
ave. Sell wood car.
FURNITURE of 5-room house, all In good
condition. 252 McMillan st.
FOR SALE Sheraton mahogany dining
table and six cbaUa P 89. oregonian.
1912 Rco, 5-pass $ 5a0
1913 Reo, 5-pass 750
1912 Reo delivery ZZO
1911 Cole, 5-pass 70
1911 Studebaker-Garford, 4 -pass .. 800
1911 . Studebaker-Garford. 7 -pass 1200
1912 Owen, 6-pass ? 1200
Overhauled In our shop and guaranteed.
See them before you buy.
Broadway and Couch Sts.
Late model Studehaker electric coupey,
cost $275u, first-class condition, for quick
sale only 50o; don't wait. Call today: a
real sacrifice.
orynuwHy ana coucn
WILL take good runabout as payment on
large 7-rooni modern residence. 442 K
Hth st.. corner Sherman, bulance on the
easy terms of $25 total monthly; thts In
cludes Interest; no mortgage to assume.
Una ought to rent for t.iat sum. A. E.
Pou.s-n. 71rt Cham, of Com. Mar. 2753
1 Win ton yix auto. 1 Kioddard-Dayton
auto, 1 Oakland roadster. Your choice
for $450 3-ton truck. $50. 5-passenger
eo, $140. Terms, or discount for cash
R")Of X. lwlh-aiiA 11A . v
. j ai w 1 iiurnp ave
-- " u 1 unuM -1, iirsi-ciass con
dition; e.e trie and tut lights; oversize
tires; over $HM extra equipment; $rnj if
eold before noon today. Ask tor Mr. Todd,
at 454 Hawthorne ave.
fal ANDARD MAKE H13 seven-paseenaer
auto: self-stater, electric lights. W. J.
hummers. 3o5 Lewis uldg. Marshall 3761.
NEED money, will sacrifice my Studeoaker
1!13 car, worth 120j; will take $75u-casa.
Address AS 7i0. Oregonian.
WANTED Responsible party to take o-r
good auto truck; will give contract to do
naming. Call at feol Williams ave.
1 HAVE 1 acre, close in. West Side, cost
$a0; will exchange for a 6-P. light car.
Phone Main $774.
Foit SALE Flanders deliveiy; Al couul
tion. Cull W ood lawn 3 1 i 1 .
NEW unlivery wagons at second-hand prices.
Oregon .MoHn plow Company.
DEAL M OK AGE. $:; to $5 per month.
Automobiles anted.
j-pass as first or part payment on new
5-room modern bungalow, near Rose City
Park car; price 22Oo; payments like
Ha' 5f ?,lre4:, ,Ja- c builder.
1102 Spalding bldg.
bUH SALE Single-comb White Leghorn
eggs for hatching, and baby chicks. F A
Holt. Mllwaukie. Or.. It. F. D. 1, Box 34S.
FOUR head of first-class milch cows, Jer
sey and Guernsey; all tested; 3 fresh one
to freshen soon. Take Woodstock car to
5tfth ave.. walk 3 blocks west to 3Mh su
17 GOOD milch cows for sale; cows are on
a dairy ranch near Portland. Address
Mrs. K. a. Parent, So. Tacoma, Wash..
R. F. D. No. 1, box 12.
FRESH cow for sale, with or without calf.
H. W. Maffct, Latourell, Or. Phone Cor
bett 1020.
BIG brindle Durham cow ; t gallons: 1 Jer
sey family cow. 4 gallons. lf0 Division.
FOR SA LE or rent, logging and hoisting
engines, contractors' machinery, all kinds.
Railway Equipment Co., 1st and Oak,
AMES deep-well pump lifts water 1O0O feet;
m' eiectric motor. lu-horsepower. Tabor
WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all
makes of typewriters. Send for our illus
trated folder, retail department. WHOLE
TYPEWRITERS. aH makes. $10 to XttT
202 Stark st.
NEW. rebuilt second-hand rentals at cat
rates P. p. C., 231 Stark st. Main 14U7.
M ifcellaneous.
SAFES, fireproof and burglar proof, also
vault doors and safe deposit boxes at fac
tory prices; large assortment of second
hand safes and vault doors, cash nr torma
Mosler Safe Co., 408 and 4ou Northwest-
eru xnn oiog. fnone .Main 7076.
Send 25c silver for beautiful caiorM
copper ore specimens; all the rage for hat
pin, ring and stick pin mountings. Cop-
"- "u'cn)i vo., pppenieia, (jr.
MOTORBOAT, suitable for deep water, good
encine. fine condition : will nrrv .-.
pie; actual value $1000; will sacrifice for
nw. Aauress s &t3. Oregonian.
SEWING machines, new and second-hand,
of all makes, for sale or rented. Sewing
Machine Emporium. ISO 3rd. near Yam
hill. Main 0431.
nlliu-U KAUa MOTORBOAT Best of
condition, fully equipped; 32-foot, stand
ard make. Inquire W. J. Summers, 3u5
FOR SALE or rent, complete cleaning plant,
steam engine, large washer, extractor, dis
inter, etc., in gooa running order, is 71,
MORRIS canoe, just refinished. cost $51 ;
sell for $35, with equipment. AD fe45.
FOR SALE?, cheap, nearly new wood caok-
stove, fine baker, also large gas range.
12"g Commercial st. Piedmont .
AT a bargain, one H. P., D. C. electric motor
with starting box, D. Kellaher c Co., 133
Grand ave.
FOR SALE Bicycle, almost new; Corbln
braTte and lamp; bargain. W. A. ScheLL
Phone Seilwood 1S:.
500 SACKS potatoes at 50 cenis a sack if
taken at barn, near Risley station. H. G.
Starkweather, phone Oak Grove, black 17.
I HAVE a diamond crescent. Is perfect
stones, white, worth easy $100. sacrifice
for $'j5Q; need money. L S4. Oregonian.
YOU can rent visible t pew riters three
months for $4. 244 Stark it Main 673.
A 4441.
FOR SALE Reliable gas range; practically
new. p 87. Oregonian.
TO RENT A sweet-tone German piano.
Main 4415.
CASH paid for nair combings. , sanitary
Beauty Parlors. 4'0 Dekum bldpr.
CftJl cAbil.
For your furniture, phone Seilwood 162.
FREE RENT for oung couple, cure of
rooms. Gran, 1 'd.
. AN old-fahoned wooden plunder churn.
I j. j. Johnson, 260 Alder SL
- i E-KLniiua II ii tm i t 1 . t k h -v -w-
HIGHEST price paid for men's castoff
clothing and all kinds of jobs; we also buy
tailor-made, left-over suits, trunks, suit
cases, shotguns, cameras, tMt and bi
cycles. Orders promptly attended. Phone
Main 9321 at 51 3d sL Full dress and
tuxedo suits a specialty for sa!e or rent.
HONEST DEAL second-hand clothing buy
ers; we pay the highest price for ladles'
and gents' clothes, shoes, etc. Try us.
Call Main 61U5. 2u3 Madison su
221 Front St.. buys second-hand furniture,
carptrts, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools
of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main Vu72.
Our buyer calls promptly.
Highest price paid for second-hand
clothes. 340 1st St. Main 1383. A 36M.
LAWNMOWEHS wanted to sharpen on our
a u torn a tic grinder. Portland Uwnmowtr
Hospital.- Seilwood 205. We call for and
MIST have second-hand furniture. Phone
East 6417. Any Quantity at once. Alblna
Furniture Store. 5!j Williams ave.
Lo not sell or Ive away any of your fur
niture before you call the B-ll Auctlon
House. Hl I'd st. MarshaU 4703.
We buy furniture, clothing, harware,
etc. Call Main 9272.
Don't give it away; get our figures first.
Standard Fur Co., 1 y 1st. Main 4773.
FORD AUCTION CO. pa more cash for
ny Kinu or rurnilure. Main M.1
1'IANOS and furniture w anted : m ill pay
cash. 1 G.' 3d, room 15. Main U45.
WANTED 3 National cash leg.HTers t
once: will pay spot cash. Main tXfti.
HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shotguns,
cameras. Hochfeld, 44a N. 3d st.
WANTED A piano for storage; w ill pay
WE tint rooms for $2.50. paint houae at i jut
price Stacy Rooms. Main 4122.
Office Secretary Employment Department.
Y. M. C. A,
Young man. stranger, seeking employ
ment $20 his total cash asset) If 1 pay
you $5 for employment membership I will
have ouly $15 between me and starvation.
Secretary If you pay $5 for employ
ment membership you will have the Y. M.
C. A. w ith all its resources between you
add starvation.
Result Young man joined association.
In leM than a week he had satisfactory
lor 1018:
Call for men from employers.... 2653
Positions filled Jt41
Special employment membership guar
antees member will secure employment or
nieiubet-ttlilo fee w ill be refunded. Gives
two months' full privileges. Including use
of g niuaiium, swimming poo), bath, etc,
and 10 months - social or house privileges
including the services of the employment
department for the entire year.
Ail young men seeking tmploymftlt In
commercial, clerical or technic ai lines, are
cordially Invited to consult with the Sec
retary of the Advisory and Employment
WANTED. TODAY Lumber grader. $5.7$
up. 1 looring. ceiling, etc
News agent on train ; commission.
Man and wife, man to work In mill or
woods, woman to board 10 or 12 men 00
contract: must have own cooking outflL
- - - and 224 Couch St.. bt-t. 1st and 2d.
Yol'NG mn for clerical position: good prac
tical education and some commercial ex
perience necessary; must know how to use
typewriter; large corporation ; excellent
opportunity for advancement; givo ad
dress and phone number. AP 751. Ore
gonian. 7
WANTED 25 mm for Government work.
$ day, 8 hours; long job.
Inquire at
232 and 224 Couch St., bet. 1st and 2d.
YOUNG man. A I stenographer and- book
keeper; state experience and references;
salary according to ability displayed no
tobacco or liquor users considered : e splen
t!id futuie for the right man. J tt4. Ore
gonian. W ANTED Young men from 16 to 1 5 years
old to learn the hardware business: those
living with parents and having high school
education preferred. Apply lioneyiuan
Hardware f"o.. 4th and Ald-r.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer for coun
try bank, excellent opportunity for young
man with Initiative and ability: give com
plete Information concerning yourself;
acancy now. AV 986. Oregonian.
2U STATION nif n. Pacific highway vt ork.
Southern Oregon. Good prl.c-s. Tools and
outfit furnished at reasonable rates For
particulars address J. W. Sweeney Con-
WANT K D ouitg men with some hurdtvare
experience wauted at once; state experi
ence wanted at once: state exnn.-n.
age and reference In answering. Address V
WANTED Fraternal orcanizern. din trie I or
siat j managei. men or women ; the best
ever given fraternal workers. U1S Dekum
Mdg. Phone Marshall
CASH advanced ou weekly selling my
hardy, guaranteed stock, excellent terri
tory : hustlers make monev ; Washington
Nursery Co., Toppenlsh Wash.
WANTED A first -class furniture oon
rarver; must have references. F. A, Tay
lor Co.. 130 loth st.
WANTED Experienced clothlnc uml ihiwt
salesman. mut be card writer. Address
av i, oregonian.
AN all-around office man : must t enm
petent bookkeeper; references required. A
95. Oregonian.
WANTED Boy 16 or 17 years old to learn
ma.-ble trade. Apply the Mission Marble
Works, 2!uh and Nicolal sis.
BOY living witn parents for architect's of
fice; small salary to commence; state age,
etc. A B 87 1. Oregonian.
A TELEG KAPH operator w anted ; must be
proficient on typewriter and dirtatlon;
good opportunity. AG 817. Oregonian
WANTED At once, two mn to Nam auto
repairing and driving for Spring work.
Hawthorne Gsrage. 445 Hawthorne
WANTED A first-class itlckerman 00
hardwood. 41 Union ave. N. East 32.
B 2U3.
MILKER wanted ; must be thoroughly ex
perienced ; no other need apply ; good
wages to right man. AC Oregonian.
A-I AUTO and carrias) painter and 3nihor.
315 Hawthorne ave.. upstairs.
JOURNEYMAN and helper, house-wiring;
state experience and wagts. AS 707 Ore
gonian. SALESMAN to call on merchants. Call
mornings. 502 Swetland bldg.
MEN with patentable Ideas write Randolph
& Co.. Patent Solicitors. Washington. D. C.
GOOD solicitor for wagon; good commission;
Perth cleaners. 37 3d su
YOUNG man to wrap packages, over 16
years old. Apply 2u2 Oak st.
LIVE photo solicitors, good money ; new
proposition. Moore Studio. Elks' bldg.
WANTED A man to plow
East 199.
garden. Call
PHOTO agents, something new; extra com
mlsalon paid. Sarony Studio. Royal bldg.
FIRST-CLASS specialty salesmen wanted.
603 Board of Trade.
WANTED A flrst-clasa meatcutler.
dress box ISt, Eugene. Or.
BOY over 16, must have good references
to honesty, etc. 8 th st.
PHOTO coupon, new tickets, for live ones.
Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg.
BA R BE R wanted to rent f urnLshed shop.
2btn and East Morrison.
FOUR SALESMEN. Phone East 1532.
WANTED Rerined. capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 609) Roth
cblld bldg.. 4th end Washington.
EXPERIENCED solicitor, with some knowl
edge of photographic work; good, commia
sious. AB e66. Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework. Apply at
once. 345 E. 37th St., 3 blocks south of
Hawthorne ave.
WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman to
cook in private family of three; country.
Box 421. Rainier. Or.
GIRL wanted for general housework, good
home. 241 N. 2 1st.
RELIABLE girl for general housework, two
in family. 651 Hoyt st.
WANTED A girl to attend to sewing and
buaheling In tailor shop. 164 ;td s:.
WANTED Woman to assist la kitchen; Cer.
man preferred. Call 4vi Yamhill st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
1'MJ North 22d, near Fiamlers.
EXPERIENCED rlrl for general housework.
3m East 5Iju. near Haw thorne. R 32i7.
HELP wanted In alterations; none but rx.
perienced need apply. 406 Fiiedner bldg.
LADY barber wanted, good, steady lob. Ap
ply 12 N. 3d st.
TWO lady stenographers wanted at once;
must .be quick, neat. Apply -64 Teon bldg.
WANTED Girl for general housework, 702
Nortnrup st.
I I . Miscellaneous. I nunn Plam.
SALESWOMEN Good salary; only those
thoroughly experienced need apply. Call
between and 10 A. M. at superinten
dent's office. 6th floor. Meier e Frank
3 waitress-, out. $25. r. and b. : 1 wait
ress, out. $0. board; housekeeper, ranch.
-; 2 colored girls, gen. work. $23 and
$u; second cook. rest., out, $25; hotel
Look, $40, board
-03 Morrison st. Ladies' Dept.
WANTED Japanese girl to do about two
hours' work cleaning up small apartment
daily. Apply between 1 1 and IS o'clock
today to Mrs. McCleaand. apartment il.
The Fairmont. 24 11th st.
Gl KI.S between IS und 25 years to learn
Comptometer adding machine ; good position-
provided when course is com
pleted. Call 44$ Morgan bldg. Miss Fltx
K. ra:d.
Location th and Wash. ; best in city:
lady must be responsible. Call 411 Dekum
ANTED BusiueMs college or tilth school
girl to assist with housework Ior board
and room and small wastes; Irving ion
home. Phone Marshall 2317.
W ANTED By elderly man on ranch, bouse,
keeper with boy about 15 or middle-aged
couple willing to work reasonable. Call
M uriiciral Employment Bureau.
WANTED Competent girl or woman ( Ger
man for general housework to go out of
town, Appty afternoou at &4S Overton it,
WANTED Experienced girl for second work.
Call between lo and J 2 mornings. S. tl.
corner 2uth and Jackson. Portland
WANTED Girl for general housework. 41
K. 31st st., cor. Couch. B 3504. Call fore
noons. WANTED Six girls to learn beauty cul
ture; one-half commission while learning.
.121 Morgan bldg.
EXPERIENCED girl f.r cooking end -n-era!
housework. Small family. No wash
ing. Apply 7t5 W'e Idler at.
Vtamlngtoa bldg., 270 Washington, room
Ho, near 4th. Phone Main b.;6 or A
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gefT
eral housework; small family, grown peo
ple: references. 7.2 Loveior.
DRESSMAKER, at once; plenty work; good
proposiilon. sfaerk Co, Kencewica.
W ash.
LADIES to travel, demonstrate and sell
tJCr-i f to ' &er "oek: railroad fare
w - ennu o.qg. yau morn in ga
WANTED First-class cafe checker: ex
perience, where previously employed. AL
'17. Oregonian.
1VE girls to learn beauty culture; pay
while learning; position guaranteed. 400
Dekum bldg.. anitnry Parlors
GIRL student to assist In housework for
.v.. Biiu uwttru in irvington lumuy; good
borne. Phone A 4D44.
CHILD'S nurse. $25: housework, $15 to $40:
other positions. St. ijuis Agency.
Main street. A 7175, Main 2U3W.
COMPETENT second girl. 211 E
Phone Tabor ltr.1.
WANTED Girl lo nasist with housework.
32Q j 1th st. Phone A !::.
HELP WANTED Palace Steam Laundry.
E. 10th nnd Kvrett.
MILLINERY a"slsrty for afternoons; only
first-class need apply. l?5 Alder st.
EX PERlENrnb girl for house workTnuTtl
family. 1764 E. Vimhll!.
YOUNG girl to do housework in small fsm
Hy. 565 5th SL
WAIST draper wanted at once. 15 Tilford
ANTED Earnest young men and young
women who ?slre thorough training in
practical shorthand, typewr'ttng. account
ing; private and Individual instruction.
Courses rigid. Results cure. Day and
evening. 5ott-M0 Wilcox bldg.
1-115 K Teachers' Agency- secures positions tof
teachers. 316 Journal bid g. Main 45.
WALK 3 blocks Mini hsvo $5 a block. Be
cause we moved 3 blocks out of the hUb
lent district, enables us to make you a
suit for $15 less than you can buv any
where In Portland. Yes, we do more than
cut to your measure. We are master
tailors of fit. from style and that Intangi
ble thing known as CHARACTER ii
clothes, beside we nik you mn extra
pair of pants free with every suit you
order. Men of brains, come and inspec t
our stock of goods, just arrived, our epe
cla. $15 and up. Remember, this sale
Is for a few days onl.
2-0 Oth St.. near Mam st.
RAILWAY mall clerks. P. O. clerks, car
riers; exam, soon; parcel post demands
many more clerks: act at once. Pacific
States school. McKay blrlg.. city.
OL NO men, become Government railway
mail clerks, $75 month ; "pull" unneces
sary ; sample examination que I Ion tr.
Av 2S. Oregonian.
GOVERNMENT Jobs for women; big pay!
Portland examination soon; sample ques
tions fee Franklin Institute, Dept. ioO L.
Rochester, y. Y.
RAILWAY mail clerks commence $75 month.
Portland examinations coming . earn p. e
q -j cations free. Franklin Institute, Dcpu
a47-L. Rochester, N Y.
OREGON Barber College Now Is the time
to learn the barber trade; positions guar
anteed; paid while learning, tools free;
tuition reduced. 23 Madison st.
MOLER Berber College will teach you
quicklr. cheaply and thoroughly, pay you
w hl.e learning, furnish toos lree. WrU
fr free catalogue, a. 48 2d st. North.
LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakeraen; wages
uooui 100; experience unnecessary; send
age, postage. Railway, qaro Oregonian.
nimui-uuii UIVLtiU MlUniHAMJ, DOOM-
keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 425s.
w.v-j u ueuuiy pa nor wora ; earn
money while learning. 1 be Hair Baaaar
Majestic Theater bldg.. Wash, and Para!
PHOTO playwright, young man as partner,
some capital required. AH 7;t. Oregonian.
PUBLIC stenographer office; beat location
in cny. kj rt t, oregonian.
261 14TH ST. M. au3. EXP. INSTRUCTS,
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
li:i ATE secretaryship by young man 27
years; executive ability, business experi
ence and first-class stenographer; at pres
ent holding sut h position and can leave
with Al reference; change desired for per.
wonal reasons. AR S4 0. Oregonian.
YOUNG German, with vears of ex nrUnn.
office work, bookkeeper, good stenograph,
er In English and German, wants posuton
as timekeeper or clerk In construction
camp. r t7U. oregonian.
YOUNG man ( 21 . stenographer, wants posi
tion, lumber prefererd; neat, rapid and
accurate: 2 years experience; good refer,
ences. T 871. Oregonian. Phone 524, Y.
11. 1. Tv.
1RST class bookkeeper. conscientious
worker, who can furnish local references,
wants permanent or temporary office po-
POSITION wanted by experienced book
keeper, stenographer; local references. B
i., oregonian.
POSITION by ex per. e need bookkeeper and
stenographer; salary reasonable. N 672,
THOROUGHLY experienced office men. fine
ctouiimnt, spicnaia reierences. W S64.
YOU NO man. co:ieKe education, wants am
work; prefer place with chunce of ad
vancement. Ait e51. Oregonian.
EVEN1 N'G work, young man, stenographer.
M IseeUanevua.
MARRIED man wishes position as manager
or janitor or apartment; sober, honest and; Deal r reierences. V 872, Ore
WOR K on dairy or aeneral farm hv erw
rl-uced man; steady and sober, willing
v.- rat man irnarrieqi. io years' clerical
experience lnrge corporations, desires po-
"!"". v vreRoniun.
J A r A N k, s wants dsy w ork. Phone A 4523.
Bi' young man to learn plumbers trade;
WANTED Situation on farm: good worker.
' "i i mitK. t none iaror
W A NT ED Situation, lauitor or porter: e
perienctd: references. phone Tabor 3tV.
k f any kind by young man
T M7. reg o n is n.
PAINTING, papering, tinting: guaranteed at
hfr! time prices. Phone East K-7.
WE do your building ard repairing at cost;
reltuhle. ei pen en red, prione Seilwood lf.5.
ANTED Po:tion aa advertis-meni writer;
first-class relerencea. A R V.3. tregoniap.
2 YOU NO men want j unit or w ork" xpe
rtenced. V S"--. Orezmilan.
CARPENTER foremen lsi:cs potf.ion by
dsy or contract. AD til, Oregonian.
1 CAN till the following position; Transit-
....i.. Mininwu. computer, lekwtman, rod
nian., conerete foreman, labor
foreman, timekeeper, material cleia, arti
chect's superintendent. I need wura and
cannot nnd iL Can you use me 7 Phoi.e
Woodlawn 3546.
LAN, 4U. speaks English. German. Russian,
with some experience In hotel, wine cel
lar or wholesale liquor store work, wishes
similar work; can do porter or janitor
Job sober, wiiliug. Adur, L.. 2iKi Ca
rutheia s: cu.
MAN wife with girl 5 yers old. wiah
wora on ranch s working foreman or
will take lull charge; can uellver the
goods; try us it ou need a hustler;
reference; reasonable wages. Phone Main
6. 1 1. apartment 2ft.
WANTED Job as foreman on lanu or atomic
ranch. Ui rent raucn on shares with
everything furnished ; 20 years' exper.
cnc. ; good reftsreucc. AR s.0. Orego
nian. 11DDLK-AGED mau wants place lo work
as chore man ana garuener; good milker,
strt.-lly temperate, go anywhere. p S7
. ol NG man, married, aged 2l, w ishes a po
sition as collector or salesman; can fur
nUh good reference if reouirvd. R 71.
lOI NO man w ith sx years' cxterience
aants position In grocery; not airaid r
aork; best of references. Cail Woodlawn
1 4'l.
YOI.'NG man, experienced gardener, would
"" n c position w itn private raiuuv ;
sober and industrious; referencea AN Sua.
SITUATION on farm by si rone bo v. IS:
have had some experience. D fcliy, Ore
gonian. COLOiiED rhiuf'.fur wishes position In pri-
ear experience on f lrt
rlKas cars. A I. K.. Oregonian.
MACHINIST w ishes position, six ? ears ex
perience; ivou reierenee. V 70. Orego
nian. CARPENTER will draw your plans and fr-
'"" our iiouib reasonably. R 6b,
CH Al'FFEUR wishes position driving any
-....u xfi. vr or irucn; experienced; ref
rrences. O B72. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur and repair man
w i mies position dri lug or in the shop;
tlri -class left rences. N Oreeonian.
.OOK, ail-round man, sober, steady, reli
able: cltv or out. Grluer, 2ty
Market, room 63. Main 32.
EXPERIENCED moving -picture operator,
sober, steady and re. table, wants position.
Ad-iresa X V2. Oregotiinn.
Young man as manager of lu
rij.i UK KtM Al KANT; El'
iMl'lAiYMENT by reliable, temperate
as janitor or general housework. AK
nut a
S3 5,
EXPERIENCED gardener wants 15
law ns to care tor; hour, season.
G A RDEN ER Sober, competent. w.Vita
AT sit ion witn private xaimiy ; referuccs
61. Oregonian.
JAPANESE coupltt wants posi'.ion in fa:i
nan can cook. Okumura. 52 N. 4th
F 1 HST-CI.AS- engineer. H e ref riser,
eic. .v.n: or mctory. x tfrj. Oregon!
JOB wanted hy young insn as houeu
iong experience. tregonlan.
Bookkeepers and 1eni:r Alters.
hlTU ATION wanted by young lady as
stenographer; one year experience, beat
of city references; willing and reliable.
li lorenoona. Seilwood 4 43.
LXl'EKI ENCr. D ktenoi; ra pher ntuat have
Kuatiiut. m oi rv pieicrreu. i none
Main 606.
STENOGRAPH ER desires position; w tiling
to go out oi town ; y car aud a nail ex
perience. Matn 7 3t 4.
EX PER1ENCED st tu tMj.her desires posi
tion; $,'k month. Phone Wood awn I'.i.V,
Bookkeeper and tpit desires a posi-
t .on. Rest of reference. Mjtn Jo:m.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking; hnd-tatlicd
suits a M;x-ciall ; aatk.'Bcilon guarauteu;
pe-lul Eastern prices. Mrs, Thomas. Mr
e : : 1 .Vt4. A t.2l4.
I C il 1' ET K N T Jrr maker at home , one -piece
drees. $2 5o up ; l-oa" and girls'
clothes. Phone Tbor 23:4.
AM EU A few more engMgeiucuts b a
gtKd tlerisner: references glv n ; $3 per
uav. ftiniu Main room
MADAME DE HiLLALT. Flledner bldg
Mm 6127 Sulta uud gowns ir.ide from
!'. puw.ii iia;s rtmoiifii.
PLAIN sewing, children's a specialty, fliuui
Woodlawn 160
N unee.
TRAIN ED uuie has own home on Erroi
Heights and will take ail kinds of In
vallus and ch Muren to ca re for. private
room, .hign location, fresh eggs every
day; all ".he conveniences for chronic In
valids and convalescents. Rates very rea
s i:able. 14 865, Oregonian.
TRAINED nurse wishes position as house
keeper or matrou in Institution or orphan
age ; experienced ; good executive ability.
Addresa Box tJ. Chemawa. or.
P14 AfTlCA L nurse t sires case. ln all,
elderly, sick ; references, a 7175. Main 2'3U.
1'osITlON as houae keeper for widower
w uere there are grow n girls; no objection
to leaving city; re; ere nee exchanged;
middle-aged lady; hotel preferred. W Sb3,
M 1 LDLE-A G ED. r T.ncU woman wishes
poitMn as housekeeper to w luuwer wito
children. Invalid lady or In home of pend
ing confinement ; experienced, Al reter-tnc'-
B S74. Oregonian.
A RESPECTABLE, middle-aged lady wants
a position as housekeeper in a rooming
house; wilt take fud charge and do the
worK reasonable. . Y 851. Oregonian.
M1LLLE-AGED lady wants place as house,
keeper for widower's family. AC MH). Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCE O family cook w ants position
w here second girl Is kept; wages $30 to
$35. B s7.. oregonian.
YOUNG girl wishes to assist with house
work; not experienced tn cook lug. Cail
Main 2161.
WANTED Housew ork ; treated as one of
the family. Main 2771, A 6741.
FINNISH girl wants nousework; can't apeak
Eng llsh. Phono Wood law n 2'.H.i.
M lacel laneoua.
MARRIED woman wants light housework
where there is no objection to having 2-rnonths-old
baby. P $71. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS cook; no washing; wages $40
to $15. Call or write. Miss M., 56j Ever
ert st., city.
EXPERIENCED refined young woman
wanta position as cook or housekeeper;
neat, reliable. O 873, Oregonian.
RELIABLE party wanta family washing or
lace curtains. Phone Woodlawn ltt2w.
GOOD woman wants duy work. Phone Main
4 .'04.
MANICURIST wlshea position tn respectable
place, phone East 300.
LADV wants housework for Friday and sat
urcay. phone Wood Is wn 1 2 6 2.
LACE curtains, draperies, linens laundered
by expert. Called for. Tabor S17.
WOMAN wanta work by the hour. East
5073. room a.
BY LADY experienced in grocery, delicat
essen and bakery. Phone Marshall 1 75.
TRAINED uuise wants care of Infant; price
LADY wishes care of babies or children day
A .1.1.1 Unnhall F.KI
LACE, scrim, silk, curtains, hand laundered.
-5c and up; wool blaoketa Seilwood 16.
3 4 A. wheat ranch, all in cult., for
equity In modern house.
Clear lots for house or land.
Rooming-house for land.
15 acres, near Salem, for city property.
Many more good propositions.
HAVE clients for one-story modern house a
P. iZ. Lamar. 102-3 Lumbermen.
WANTED 5-room modern bungalow; state
price. Write P. O. toi 816, city.
CLEAN, small house, with garden, partly
furnished, cheap rent. M 871. Oregonian.
YOU NO iadv desires furnished room tn pri
vate family ; wa.king distance, R t7 2.
ONE or two furnlahed housekeeping rooms
or lurmiuea nouae in irvington. l, fetiit.
Rooms V.itb Board.
ROOMS and meals wanted by young
couple, no cnuuren: must te in private.
modern home. Portland Heights or Nob
iiiu. near garag; siate price and details.
i'. kj. nox vr--. cny.
W 1 DO W E R w la h es to place h . a four 1 1 .
giris witn re ponei parties In home
like surroundings to live: thr-e attending
iiuui, n h - u' o j ei v . p;mt iocutldO
n-l terms p-r mont.t. m vi1. oregono
YOUNG Lidy would like board with
i y
room or s.e-puig porch; wa.king distance.
aa eta, urcgontto.
LOCATION for carpenter shop wanted neat
present tddrw. muKt be clieap. Moore ei
Biundin. lii Lown-lale.
l-arn&ahed Room a.
7S3 Washington St.
Cor. Lucie t.a Place.
Under new management, large, pleavsant
rooms; phone, hot aud cold water In et-ery
room ; ii private baths; ra;vs. $10 per
month up. Main 2J.
2u7 S Lh. 21:; s 4itv
New. modern buck bui.ding. centra: y
located; nkf;y furnished rooms; .H-n.
modern and homciKe; latea $3 per w t k,
and up: special attention given to lour
Ista; same rates to 1 or 2 peopl; r.-ee
read lug -room, phor.e und b t U . nuui
service. Pnoae N'.araua'.l 4."t:.
Waanlngtou St.. at Thirteenth,
$0o per day; weekly $3. monthly $11 up.
Runulug water, p.'toue in each room, aea:a
heat. fireproof blug.. ground -floor loaby,
all-night service. Business Is good.
20th and Washington St a.
Dally, weekly, montnly, same rate to 1
er 2 persona in roora $2.5o w ku up. free
bath and phone, witn private baths 5 up;
elegantly located, new, modern, clean.
Eleventh, between Morrison and YamhllL
70 clean and quiet rooms, with every
modern conveuience, rates aiugle or double.
Daily detached bath $ I. private $
Weekly. . . .detached bath j. priate $4 oo
Corner 12th and W ash lii g ton; steam
heat, hot and coid running water, a
vale and detached baihs; single, $3;
2 rooms, $.
A quiet, homelike place, modern, bear
t'fully furnished, rates reasonable, 2 9
Broadway, coruor Ta ior. l'houe Main 914.
A. L. Stewart, proprietor.
West Park and Morrison St a
Before looking e.sewhere. see our riewi;
furnished rooms at our attractive ratea
Morrison St.. at loin. Central location.
"Summer rates.' 5Uc per aay up. weekly
$2.50 up. Neat rooms, runnir.g water, free
pnones and bath, sir am heat.
Modern, airy. $2 per week nnd up.
Special Summer rates in force.
HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave aud East
Beimont Rooms $1$ month up, $;.S0 up
e-lth private batn; large, pleasant lobby,
absolutely a respectable hotel. East
HOTEL SAVON, I..1 Eleventh st, New
modern brick building, steam heated, pri
vate baths, hot and cold water; comf oi ta
biy f urn i lied ; transients solicited.
124 14th st.. cor. WafrhinKton. Nicely fur
l.:ticj rooms; strictly mo lern; rates $3.50
wek aid up. Marshail 1 1 7
FOR Y. M . C. A. Ml! M B ER S Fu rn i lied
riimii. reusonuMe In jTtce. fireproof build-
Itie. shower bth. fi'cciat ratt.s at c(c-
tri:. ;ih and Taylor sts.
$2 per week and up; at rictly modern;
transient 5oc 2S 7 S Larmbee s
A MORRISON leiran htige !ront roiin.
conveniences ; Jlecjung or liouac Keeping.
Mtic'e room, $!'.
Yo"Nt mau root!4iiic at V. M. . A. wants
roommate t o red u room i ti- expenses.
Inqtiite Y. M- C. A.. 6th "! Tavioi.
Strictly modern: private baths; n suits;
rooms $.t.50 up. Main $472. A 47SX.
THE KING. 30J Jetferwou: nicely furnished
rooms, modem, central. $2.25 per week up.
I nrnl-tied Rooms In Private Families.
BEAUTIFULLY furntf.h'd room. In refined fNtnily: a gentleman uniy; inodtrti.
team Itratl . 1 1 ie t4 1 h roo n ; htu nearly
lit, very h-ndon.iy lurntahed. I'lano.
homo privileges. loi d If desired. Lefer
etie. st K-ii nrr Plione E.iSl 422.
Ill REE be w ly
lirtht. CU
E tt
I u r n i li d a . ee p 1 1 1 g i oo:n a in
iny, icphoim and eie tno
06 Vancouver av. i'hon
NR ELY fiintr-hed (rmit ronin. prixjte fam
ll , oi.e or :v.o gent : men, cei.trsl'y locat
. 1. Wet SWic, nfvrittrck. L 70, Orego-
LAi.GE trout rMUi, well furnished, furnco
lieul. $.1 j week. 1 or 2 persons; very e!oe
in. 44i BurnsHie. between llth atiad 12tli.
Main 2nm.
NICE, a ir , out u:e room, ntru I ; y riioticni.
Nob llil! difiri- t. rxc.-limi board narb.
I'hon e Ma ronull 4217.
Ci ' M I 'OK 1" A I .l.E rTM."ij u lu n.o.Ki n itrai
healed 11;. c'oe lu. We. I luruished;
H2 5. l'ho:te A 45M.
$v FINE sleeping porch with large room
in inoticrn nume tor a young man. 31 W.
Park. Marshall 4.1S forenoon.
NICELY furnished, well-heated loum with
bath, with sleeping, is. a 73s;i.
61su Hot.
PLEASANT room for rent; with fireplaca.
hot w ater, large ard 414 Market at.
Min &-oi.
N EW LY furnished seeping joreh w it h
double led. surrounaeu with Lowers and
fruit trees, modern home. 1 23 N. 23d M.
FURNISHED room lu new home in Laurel
hurl labor SS$4.
N 1CE1. Y furnished r-ms fT giris. do ow n
cocking. 25c day. 6i2 Front st.
BEAUTIFULLY fui ::shed room In god
lum-; references ; Not Hill. 7S Johnson.
$11 FOR gentleman in private home. 54
Lucretia st.. Wash., near 23d. A 1H5S.
NICE clean rooms $1.50 up. Phone, bath;
walking distance. l.". N. 16th.
LARGE end slng rooni ; running wutcr;
good location. 745 Hnjt, Marvhs!) 47.:;
NICE large bedroom and sitting room; also
smaller room, f-6'j Flanders.
Rooms With Board.
14th and Jefferson sts.
An excellent residential hotel; attractive
rates to transients or permanent guests.
Main U2S3. A 662.
ISC Montgomery su. at West Park Mod
ern convenience; rooms with or without
bsth; excellent tabie service; reasonable
rstes for regular or transient guests.
llth and YamhllL
An excellent family hotel, attractive
rates, transients or permanent guests.
Main r31.
A BEAUTIFUL b.g front room w i;h pri
vate both and alt modern conveniences:
first-class home cooking. for $75 per
month for two. The WiUard Hotel, 15o
Park sL
Residential hotel : home attractions;
only place in city with sia porches, table
board: lew rates, pcrmat.y-nt or transients.
BL'SINESS women and studenta will find
good board and room, $4 and $4.1 week.
Portland Women's Union. 610 Fishers.
THE HAZEL Now changed to family ho
tel; special rates; strictly home cooking.
1SI Sd sL Phone Main 70t4.
Rooms Mth Hoard In Private FaraUiea.
IN homelike place, good board and room,
with use of piano and home comforts ;
rooms extra large and beautifully fur
nished: walking distance; also young
lady wlahlng roommate; rates $3.5". up. 5ul
Harrison St.. near 14th. Main i8L
NICELY furnished front room, good board,
suitable for two: would take If cuiet
and not destructive: close east end of
Broadway bridge. 235 Haisey at. Phone
East 4 ML
PLEASANT steam-healed room suitable lor
2 persona In refined modern home; eaa
walking distance. West Side, moderate
ratea Maranall 24T-0L
LOVELY front room, nicely furnished, mod
ern conveniences; also smaller room, bet
of board, walking distance, reasonable.
Main 32 0.
CHILDREN and babies carefully cared for
on farm: can give best reference. Mrs.
N. G. Little. The Da Ilea. Or., rural No. 2,
box $3.
Pit I V ATE boarding , a real home piece, not
cheapest, but best, pleasant room, home
cooking. 12 North 1Mb. Main e573.
NICELY" furnished front room with board ; j
suitable for one or two gentlemen; wa.k
ing C istsnce; home cooking. Kmci 1 i j.
TO RENT Nice sleeping porch. llu board:
home privileges; terms reasonable. Tabor
4 1W6.
STRICTLY private. Utc room, hot aud coid
water; exceptional board, home eurrouad
lngw: heart of town. 1:91 West Park.
DANDY room and board; large room and
cioeet; use if whole bnusa; only young
peo pie tn fai ily. Main TT.1 o.
ROOM and board in private family. 47$
Main. Marsha!! &!o5.
CLOSE In room, with 2 me a is a day. Phone
Ttt'or 3.V.'5.
ROOM and board. 715 Flanders. Main 154 7.
In mornings and after 4 P. M.
ROOM and two mrIa, lovely home, 355 17th, i
streM. Main 7 25
COMFORTABLY" furnislied room, with board.
PI. one E. 4 i2. and toard. .2 tth at., walking dis
t r ti . I I; n e M : f n Vi7 ', A 2i
Nr.WI.V f urui e,l r"-m w ithout bowxd, l'
N. 22d IU Main 24.