16 tttt7 MOnXTXG OWOOXTAN. THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1914. TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE. 5 acres, all under cultivation; email house and bam; good well; 7' miles from center o city price $3500; want city pro pert 3-. C acres, near Oregon City, 20 cleared; good house, old barn; living water; some stock and. farm tools; want city prop erty. 40 acres, 10 acres cleared, bal. open pas ture; owner wants smaller place near car line; price $3000. SO acreii. 10 acres cleared,, lVa -story frame house, eomo fruit, spring and creek. mile to school; price JiiUOO; owner wants small house and lot. Will exchange 40 or SO acres. , lacre at Oak Grove station; modern house; all kinds of fruits; fine home; price $5000; want city property. H. A. DRYER, 510 Lewis Bldg. VACANT LOTS WANTED. 5-room modern bungalow in Hawthorne i?trict; rented lor $jo. 1'rice $32oU; win take vacant lots for equity of Sli.AJ. 6-room bungalow; rented for $20; on E. Madison, near 41st. .Price $3250; want vacant lots for eauity of $14o0. 5-room modern bungalow; rented for 3u; ootb, near Main. trice $3300 take lots for eouitv of $1550. 7-room swell new bungalow on 33d. near Clinton. Price $4000; wants lota up to 9200 6-room modem house with hot water beat, in Laurelhurst, Price $5000; want lots up to $2soo. 8-room modern house, in Laurelhurst. Price $($000; want lots up to $3500. 8-room swell bungalow with large beau tiful srounds facing on three streets in Piedmont. Price $8500; want lots up to 5500. Any one or all of the above properties to exchange tor good lots GRUSSl & BO LPS, 536 Board of Trade. Main 7452, A 4401. I WANT IRVLNGTOX OR LAURELHURST PROPERTY. Will exchange my 40-acre ranch, 3 ml, south of Salem, for house and lot up to $12,000; good dryer and barn, small house, 30 acres in bearing orchard, 400 apple trees of choicest varieties; picked 21 boxes off single tree; 1500 Italian prunes gave 17 tons last year; 10O English walnuts; cherries and peaches for family use ; 15 minutes' ride by auto to Salem. Fine spring on place. G. X. Stani, realty dept. oi HARTMAN & THOMPSON. HOUeli and 4 lots clear of incumbrance, in good Eastern Oregon town, to trade for lot in Portland. House and hi acre In Seattle to trade lor house in Portland. Several good acreage tracts, partly cleared, near good town in the valley, lor Portland house or vacant lots. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 21"J Railway Exchange. 80 ACRES, $23.00 ACRE. 9 acre cleared, bal. timber: 1,000,000 feet good saw timber. mile from R. R station; good school, store, sawmill ; about 9 miles from North Yamhill. Will put $2000 to $2000 cash with above place for residence in Portland. SMITH INVESTMENT CO., 90 5.h st. Main S770. 8-ROOM modern house, also garage, lot 133 xl50, 2 blocks from Postoffice and churcn, at Forest Grove; also 193a Cadillac, 5-pas-senger auto, good as new and fully -equipped; total price $9500. Want farm in Eastern Oregon or Southern Idaho; must be improved. GODDARD & WIEDR1CK, 243 Stark Street. IG YOU want to make a change? If so, I have for exchange houses, lots, farms, acreage, rooming-houses,' cafeterias, stock and wheat ranches, all sizes. Many more good propositions. H. W. GARLAND. 191 4th St. FINE FARM FOR TIMBER. 156-acre improved fine farm, near Van couver, Wash.; will exchange for 20,000, 000 feet of good saw timber. Ask for Mr. Relnhardt, with GRUSSl & BOLDS. 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452, A 4401. FOR SALE OR TRADE 640-acre grain and hog ranch, 6 miles The Dalles; 5o0 tillable, 400 cultivated. All hog-tight fence. Plenty good water. Price $20,000; will accept good Income property. RIDS DALE REALTY CO. Marshall 3204. 302 Iewls bldg. TO ACRES in Marlon Co., 1 mi. from Turner station, 05 acres In cultivation, small family orchard, 7-room house, small barn. Price $7000. Want 2 to 5 acres near Port land, within 1 mile of electric line. GODDARD & WIEDR1CK, 24 Stark Street. INCOME property in large city, several brick buildings, prico $50,000, mtg. $16. 000; low Interest; owner will consider any property in Oregon of merit for his equity; this is first-class property. L. K. Moore, 327 Board of Trade. ONE or two houses to trade for farm land, or will sell at bargain. AT 779, Oregonian. WANTED-REAL ESTATE. WANTED To buy 4-room house and lot, S. E. (not further east than 40th street), not more than $1200, $100 cash, ti per cent on balance; payments yearly to suit buy er. (No answer considered unless state complete location and price.) AN oOO, Ore gonian. HAVE client with $400 cash who wants 40 to 60-acre ranch with 20 acres under cul tivation ; buildings, fences, etc. ; price not to exceed $:J000 HAMMOND" MORTGAGE CO., 42::-424 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU WANT TO SELL IT LIST IT WITH AMERICAN SALE & EXCHANGE CO., 227 Henry Bldg.. Portland, Or. WANTED To buy a lot in Rossmere Addi tion, on 37th or 38th, between Hancock and Knott; state price. AF 779, Orego nian. WILL PAY" CASH for small improved place of 3 or 30 acres, close to carllne. RIDSDALE REALTY CO. 302 Lewis bldg. WANTED To buy from owner 1 or 2 acres, improved, for cash; must be good soil and close in; state prico and location. Y 801, Oregonian. WANT a good 5 or 6-room bungalow north of Russell st. ; must be modern and a bargain. C. DeYoung & Co., 514 Chamber of Commerce. WANT lot or two near Rose City Park car; for clfent; owner only. Jas. C. Logan, 1102 Spalding bldg. WANT lots in suburbs up to $12,000. Will give some cash and income property. A 851, Oregonian. IF you want to sell it list ft with Currie, 337 Railway Exchange bldg. WANTED 100x300 on Portland Heights; must bo bargain. 2 OS Stock Exchange WANT building lot; will give $1000 R. E. mortgage. Y SO0. Oregonian. HAVE buyers for city and farm bargains. P E. LAMAR. 502-8 Lumbermens Bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. $.000,000 FEET beautiful timber, level ground, close to electric line, near Port land, by owner. Phone Main 8380. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. MTCRACKEN. 304 M'KAT BLDG. CHEAP STUMPAGE. Ideal location for a mill; stream run ning to railroad spur. S3Vr 5th st. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. MY client wants to rent a farm suitable for dairy and hog raising, near good school and transportation ; must have good buildings and 10-40 acres, clear; will lease for number of years and pay cash rent; -has his own stock and is responsible. P. E. Lamar, 002-3 Lumbermens bidg. FOR RENT FARMS. 400 ACRES In Morrow County, 30 in alfalfa, dandy dairy farm, for rent to good tenant for (i years at $00 per month. See Mr. Hewey. realty dept. of HARTMAN & THOMPSON. 20 AGUES, well improved; all necessary buildings: m milea from town, 50 miles from Fortland; with the privilege of buy ing. Inquire 211 Medical bldg. 13-ACRE farm and prune orchard; adjoins Vancouver city limits; good deal to right party; furnished house; electricity. McFarland, 309 Yeon bldg., Portland. FOR SALE 66 chickens, place for rent, 2-year lease, garden, fruit. 6-room house, $10 per month. Phone Sell wood 1078. PACIFIC highway, nenr Courtney, 35 min. from city, Sc fare, 10 acres, 8-r. modern cottase. $80 mo. F. Dayton. 235 Tay 1 or. FOR SALE 2-year lease on chicken ranch and chickens. Sell wood 1078. FARMS WANTED. WANT 200 to 400-acro ranch In valley; must be in cultivation and have some Frock; have clear Portland property up to $30,000 on right proposition. Marshall 3761. W. J. Summers. 300 Lewis bldg WANTED A nice 10-acro well improved farm, among Germans, not too far to Lutheran Church ; for client; give full description In first letter. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Commerce. TOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc FOR SALE. Horse. Vehicles, Harness, Etc. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES.' 42U Hawthorne ave.. Phone East 72, B 1309. ANOTHER shipment of the following horses: Span of mares, 4 and 7 years, -'iuj lbs., $250; spun of geldings, 5 years. -400 lbs.. $250; span of geldings. 7 years. 3200 lbs.. $400; some small farm chunks and middle-size wagon horses, all sound and guaranteed, G. K. Howltt. go N. 14th. A GUARANTEE by a firm established 30 years means something. Wc buy, sell or exchange horses of all descriptions. Satisfaction guaranteed. Frazier & McLean Stables. 5th and Taylor sts. KRAMER'S auction sale will take place Tuesday, March S3, at 1 :30; those hav ing horses or other livestock to sell will please write S. E. Kramer. 16th and Jef ferson, as early as possible, to get good spare in catalogue. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO. ell on commission horses, mules, vehicles and harness. Ruction sales every Monday and Friday 10 A. M. Private sales daily. 240 Kast 8th Bt., near Hawthorne. East 6315. HERE IS SXAH. buys l-year-bld horse, weight IITS: $t; buys two-horse covered spring wason as good as new: good for camping or de livery. Rear tl E. 1-th, between Wash, and Stark sts. WILL, sell or trade fine lot. HI. Tabor, east slope, fine view; three blocks from cars; want In exchange two or three liOU horses wagon, harness, moving oil ranch. Call 300 Mr-Kay bide, 3d and S tark. t'OU SALE One team of well-matched blacks. 5 years old. weighinj 2S0O lbs.; 1 team of blacks, i; years old, welshing 3000 lbs.; 1 team well-matched horses, weigh In 2:i0 lbs. 'SM Russell St. WANTED 1200-pound horse for general farm work, exchange for the keeping this Spring or longer; best of care given. H. C. Butler, R. K. 1, Estacada, Or. WELL-BRED bay mare, weight 1100 lbs., nice buggy and single harness, $12; this mare if perfectly gentle for women. 14S North Union ave. NOTICE: J. Cohen stables removed from S46 Front at. to 381 Water et., renting horses and wagons with or without license for $1.5 per day. Main L'208. SPAN of mules, weighing 1000 pounds, with harness; extra good workers, high-headed; 1.".0. At 2D N. 14th St., between Uurn side and Couch. $70 BAY horse, 1200 lbs., sound, good worker, only be is afraid of falling when the pavement is wet and slippery. 148 North union ave. WANTED To buy 1100-lb. horse, not over 9 years old. 1005 Belmont. Phone Tabor 4617. WANTED Two good teams to haul 1000 cords of wood by contract. Address yl Woodward ave. TEAM, weight 9.".0 lbs., both fine travelers and sound; $30 with tlieir harness. 14b North Union ave. SOME good farm or draft teams. Cail be fore 10 A. M. or after 6 P. M. Tabor 2632. PASTURE for stock near Portland. SS8 Sherlock bldg.. or Main 1410. FOR sale or trade, good, lively jack, with guarantee, 8 years old. AU 79f, oregonian. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. FREE $400 PIANO. A sample piano to be placed with one responsible party in 100 towns in Oregon and Washington. If you wish to own one of these high-grade pianos. WRITE TO DAY. Address ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 207-20S Selling- bids. PIANO REPAIRING, TUNINS And reflnished; expert player, change from 65 to SS-note. 441 Stark st. Phone Main 4478. Estimates free. $65 COLUMBIA graphoDola and 120 dif- rerent selections tu; aimun uew. ,ui 5465. Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock. BELGIAN HARES. Pedigreed and utility breeding stock. Young's Rabbitry. P. O. Box ui, Portland. Or. AIREDALE, Wyndhill Romeo; just arrived from the East; winner or 31 first prizes; at stud. 95 N. 6th, Portland. Or. FOR SALE CHEAP, 2 male puppies, Bos- S. E. AlKDALES, Ch. Ked Kaven at stud. Laddlx Kennels, Estacada. Or. COLLIE pups, S week, $3 and $5. W. P. Stables. Russell st. Furniture for Sale. EN TIKE new furnishings of residence; mut be Bacrinced at once. Circassian, Dira eye, mahogany and oak dressers and chif foniers, beautiful brass beds, handsome dining suite, library table and rockers, davenport, rugs and nearly new piano. Sell separately. Cail today, 707 Marshall, near -1st. FOR SALE Furniture of six-room bunga low, including leather upnoisterea cnairs, buitet, dining table, mahogany dresser, Navajo rugs. Phone Tabor 4."41. WILL soil at a bargain if taken at once good furniture for 7-room boiuse, good lo cation, cheap rent. OoO Everett st phone Main 200S. A BARGAIN if taken at once; Domestic sewing machine with attachment. .Main 1241 Parkhurst Apt., apt. J. 3 ROOMS of office furniture at your own price; fine Remington typewriter deans, etc. Come early. 407-8 Commercial bldg. $loO WILL handle furniture, G-room house. ior rem. t.oucn si. OLD STYLE furniture for sale In cottage. I'SS N. 19th st. Automobiles. M UST SELL M V NEW 5-TON TRUCK; COST WITH BODY $5 400: HAS RUN ONLY 600 MILKS; AM FORCED TO OFFER THIS BARGAIN. AB S14, ORE GONIAN. REAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS. SECOND-HAND IN NAME ONLY 1912 Chalmers 0. 5-pass., foredoor, self starter, demountable rims, in finest con dition, original cost $'JoOO; price $08.. 3912 Stoddard Dayton 40, ."-pass., $1100. 1011 CHdillac 110, 5-pass., $s,"o. 3011 Peerless 30, 5-pass., $lloO. 1011 Cadillac torpedo, .vpass., $0S5. l1l Cadillac, 4-pass., $SoO. 101 Chalmers So, 4-pass., $9."i0. 1912 Studebaker 0, .Vpass., new, ?7f0. 3911 Thomas little six, 5-pass., $1100. Over 40 cars in stock. They must be seen to be appreciated. Let us show them to you before you buy or write for bar gain list. FRANCIS & KADDERLY E. lltth and Hawthorne ave. Formerly Custom-House Auto Co. E. liny. B 1113. WE have client who has IS acres of Yam hill County s hnest fruit land, worth $1:000. who desires to trade his equity of $120 for automobile of same value; what have you? See Mr. Cleavcland. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 212 Selling Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE Either of these cars, In Al condition. 1 Ford runabout, 1012 model. 1 K. M. F. iiO tourinp. 1012 model. STANDARD MACHINERY CO. 4H 2d st. FOR SALE Five-passenger 1913 Mitchell, electric ltgnts, electric starter, new non skid tires, car used four months and in first-class condition; will give terms. AD 749, Oregonian. $27.. 3912 tforedoor runabout, in fine shape and looks good ; top glass front, speedo meter, etc. Owner, Marshall 2709. 1911 CADILLAC: will trade or sell cheap for cash ; goon conauion. i.au j 21 So Thursday bt-t. O and 12 or AB 813, Ore gonian. HUP 4-passenger. $400. Uliason roauster, aow. DULMAGE AUTO CO. HAVE your auto overhauled at home at Ka.lK3 ii me. i nunc o'" avxw E. 20th N. 4-CYL1NDER. 4-passenger automobile in good running order, for sale $200. Call A 5670. 250 24th North. NEW delivery wagons at second-hand prices. Oregon Molme flow company. DEAD STORAGE. $3 to $." per month. VAN HORN TKANsrhK CO.. 40 2d St. MICHIGAN roadster, 40-H. P.. $500. Cail Main "4. Room 1112 Spalding bidg FOR RENT Garage, 5 per month. 507 1." a Tovlnr Voir ftrK'l FIVE-PASSENGER car for hire; careful driver; $L00 per buur Tabor FOR SALE. Automobiles. AUTO SNAPS Cadillac, r.-pas.. $0UO. 'ole. 5-pass.. $7.li Kp'i, r-paHK.f Uro, H-pass., $3?.. Hoo truck, i:ctP-lnF. capacity, cheap. These cars are guaranteed by us. Terms given. NORTHWEST AUTO CO. Hroadway and Couch Bt. !(! Mii-IIK'.IV tmivlne car. tilie condition: Tectn,! lisht: 4S.-; must be sold before Monday. X Su"J. oicgoniaii. Automobile Wanted. WANTED Auto. Pierce-Arrow or other liih-grnle car; have acreage or lots; will trade. Main 013. after B P. M. Wmhj EQUITY in beautiful West Side lot to txthanKe for high-grade, late model auto. K MS, Oregonian. WILL pay cash for runabout or light car: must be cheap. Phono Maiu 11MJ4. -IS Worcester bid;;. WILL exchange 40 acres good w estcrn Kans. land for auto, valuation tSOO. W. uavla, Cresham, Or.. R. F. D. 3. LOT for sale or trade for 1913 5-passenger auto; Hup preferred; no juna. jh. Motorcycle. MOTORCYCLES and bicycles, new and second-hand, bought and sold; some snaps. Jefferson Cycle Co.. 2S7 Sd st. Poultry.. SEE ad. in Sunday's paper headed "Want experienced Poultryman," In "Business Opportunities" column. FOR SALE 6S chickens, place for rent, '.'-year lease, garden, fruit, fi-room house, 110 per month. Phone Sellwood 1078. BUFF, Brown or White Leghorn eggs. Ta bor 3426. S022 Or.th ave. S.E. PAIR of fine pit game chickens for sale or shares. I'hone A Livestock. FOR SALE 3 Holstein cows. A. C. Loh mire, 2S7 Taylor st.. Portland. I WISH to buy 20 to 40 dairy cows; must be reasonablo. X 796, Oregonian. Typewriters. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illus trated folder, retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., B21 Wash. st. TYPEWRITER. L. C. Smith, visible, tirst class condition, cheap for cash. J b40, O re gon i an. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $05. NOFTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 262 Stark St. NEW rebullt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C, 231 Stark. Main 1407. SLIGHTLY used Underwood typewriter No. u; reasonable. E 839, Oregonian. Machinery. MOTORS and dynamos bought, sold and re paired; largest stock of second-hand ma chinery "on the Coast. ROBT. SKEEN ELECTRIC WORKS, 400-402 Glisan St. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, contractors' machinery, all kin da. Railway Equipment Co., 1st and Oak. Miscellaneous. VISIBLE typewriters rented three months for 14; delivered anywhere; convenient at home. 244 Stark fit. Phones Main 6273 or A 4441. SAFES Mosler Safe Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy terms; safes openend and repaired; bargains in second-hand safes. 108 2d st. Phone Main 7676. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, of all makes, for sale or rented. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d, near Yam hiL Main 9431. FREE angler's license given with every pur chase of fishing tackle amounting to $7.50. 11. T. Hudson Arms Co.. 110 Third st. ML'LTIGRAPH, in first-class shape; cost $2vk; will take $100. 301 Phoenix bldg., T.th and Oak sts. Main 3347. $15 BUYS latest International Dictionary, reference history edition, full morocco, with stand and atlas. AO 813, Oregonian. EDISON mimeograph in first-class shape. Price, $25. 301 Phoenix bldg., 5th and Oak sts. Phone Main 3-'J47. FAST motorboat, 32 feet Vng, 45 H. P.; no better on the river; a bargain. See owner. jnamDer or commerce. Main 2oo. DuO SACKS potatoes at 50 cents a sack if Starkweather, phone Oak Grove, black 17. DROP-HEAD sewing machine, typewriter' desk and office chair, 2 small diamond rings, $10 and $15. 7 North Park. EXPERT TRUSS FITTING at the Lauo Davis Drug Co., 8d and Yamhill. LAUNCH sailer, 23 feet, 6-h.p., gray, $133. J 43, Oregonian. SAFES Second-hand and new; great bat gains. J. E. Davis. Hotel Edwards. WELL-PtOTTED manure fertilizer. East 4200. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' CASTOFF CLOTHING AND SHOES. CALL MAIN H203. 204 D ST. THE RELIABLE BUYER. WE BUY STOCKS OF MERCHANDISE. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. NEW OR SECOND-HAND. WE PAY THE BEST CASH PRICES. THE FAIR DEAL. MAIN 9272, A 3203. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. 221 Front St., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main 0U72. Our buyer calls promptly. WE buy for cash jsecond-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms; registers guaranteed. W. J. Macauley, 354 Burnside. Main 1816, A 181ft. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. Highest prices pjald for second-hand clothes. 340 1st st. Main 1383, A 63l. WANTED Second-hand motors and gener ators. Robert Skeen Electric Works, 400 403 Gliean St., corner 9th. 2D HAND FURNITURE, ETC.. WANTED. Don't give it away; get our figures first. Standard Fur. Co., 382 1st. Main 4773. TWO ladies want private party to take them riding twice a week afternoons; state terms. AG 792. Oregonian. M. GLICKMAN CASH BUYER OF FUR NITURE, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, ETC. 189 FRONT ST. CALL MAIN 4317. MUST have second-hand furniture. Phone East 6417. Any quantity at once. Alb in a Furn. Store, 548 Williams ave. DO not sell or give away any of your fur niture before you cail the Bell Auction House. 191 2d st. Marshall 4783. WANTED Second-hand printing press, 7x 11 or 8x12; must be a bargain for cash. AM 810, Ortgonian. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, PIANOS 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. PIANOS and furniture wanted; will pay cash. 105i 3d, room 15. Main 045. WANT furniture for lots or acreage Main 915 after P. M. WJB tint rooms for $2.50, paint house at your price. East 323. Hotel Edwards. WANTED 3 National cash registers at once; will pay spot cash. Main 60S. SPOT CASH. For your furniture. Phone Sellwood 1682. WANTED At once, diamond; cash for bar gain. Room 435 Ramapo Hotel. HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hochfeld, 35 N. 3d st,, cor. Couch. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. HIGHEST cash prices paid for second handed household goods. Tabor 172L RENT visible typewriter three months for $4. 244 Stark st. Main 02i'3. A 4441. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty parlors, 400 Dekura bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED 2 expert newspaper contest men ; only high-class expert men need apply. 411 Wilcox bldg. WANTED Strong youn? man, well ac quainted in city, for delivery wagon. State aae tnd experience. AD 7S9, Oregonian. WANTED At once, two men to learn auto repairing and driving for Spring work, Hawthorne Garage, 443 Hawthorne. WANTED Young man to learn the barber trade. 352 1st. near Mill. PHOTO coupon ; best offered ; beauty con test started. Cutberth Studio, Dekum bldg. WANTED 3 city salesmen for new propo sition : something good. SOI Dekum bldg. LIVE Dhoto solicitor: sood money: new proposition. Moore Studio, Elks bldg. WANTED A man to put in a repair shop in a downtown garage. Main 9496. BOY to learn baker's trade; good chance in a small shop. Apply at once, G43 1st st. SOLICITORS for special proposition. Ap ply 703 Oregonian bldg. WANTED Barber for Saturday. 4U0fci Jef ferson st. MEN wanted to solicit members for large co-operative store. 111S Spalding bldg. WASHER, none but first-class man need apply. AB 812. Oregonian. PHOTO AGENT, something new; extra com. mission paid. Garony Studio. Royal bldtf. MAN for clothing advertising proposition. If not hustler don't call. 520 Sweland bldg. FIRST-CLASS cook. Call 145ft Sixtb st, 9 A, today, . . , HOT WANTED MALE. INCIDENT., (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 bis total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment membership I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $0 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M. C. A. with all its resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. Jn less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 1913: Calls for men from employers. ...... .2655 Positions filled 1141 Special employment membership guar antees member will secure employment or membership feo will be refunded. Gives two months' full privileges, including use of gymnasium, swimming pool, bath, etc, and lo months' social or house privileges Including the services of the employment department for the entire year. All young men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines, are cordially invited to consult with the Sec retary of the Advisory and Employment Departments. WANTED Operating millwright, wood turner, trim sawtnen behind fast planers; drykiln man, gang trimmerman, farm hands, milkers and numerous others. N ew orders each day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 222 and 224 Couch St., bet. 1st. and 2d. WANTED AT ONCE. 2 shingle sawyers, 2 belters, 2 pack ers, union wages; open shop. Apply to the largest employment agency west of the Rocky Mountains, Bennett Employ ment Agency, 3S North 2d st. WANTED By wholesalers doing large business an assistant in credit depart- , ment; prefer man with some legal at tainment; give experience and reference and whether married or single. D S41, Oregonian. " MARRIED man 'to work on farm; must be experienced farmer and know how- to use all kinds of farm machinery; expert house and garden; fine placo for right man. Apply 331 Spauldlng bidg. WANTED A first-class cake and pastry baker; no others need apply. SOS Wash ington at., Vancouver, wasn. juain -103. WANTED Intelligent Greek willing to do hard work, who can speak and write Eng lish and competent to act as timekeeper; give age. previous experience and refer ences. Y 703, Oregonian. r WANTED 2 motorcycle ridersi with own machines, to ride in motordrome touring the U. S. ; good salary. Apply Tom Halo, care of Rice & Dore, .Winter quarters. country iup grounds. MANAGER wanted for amusement enter prise featuring public dances; capable, energetic business getter. AM 815, Ore gonian. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy, guaranteed stock, excellent terri tory; hustlers make money; Wi-snicgton Nursery Co., Toppenish. Wash. YOUNG man for general office work; mu.it be good typist; state experience and sal- ary. AD 7t2, Oregonian. YOUNG man, stenographer, by wholesale firm; $50 to start: advancement if capa ble. R 813, Oregonian. CLERK for manufacturing concern. Give references, age, salary expected, to AM 814, Oregonian. , WANTED At once, delivery boy with wheel. Apply office manager Marshall Wells Hardware Co, DENTIST wanted; good, all-round opera tor, registered in Oregon. V 814, Orego nian. WANT man acquainted with the auto trade to solicit storage of cars for downtown garage. Phone Main 9490. PAINTER to take contract on houses, and will take part pay in good lot. Gregg, L02 Wilcox bldg. WANTED Rapid dictophone-ty pewriter op erator; give phone number. AK. 819, Ore gonian. TWO special ed f t io?i solici tors ; good com mission. 268 Madison st. SALESMAN Sell art cards to merchants. 9 to 11 A. M., 50? Swettand bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 2 expert corset saleswomen. Ap ply between 9 and 10 A. M., superintend ent's office, 6th floor. MEIER & FRANK CO. WANTED A middle-aged lady or girl who would like a homo us one of the family to assist with housework and help care of two small children. Address Lock Box 345 Rainier, Or. GIRL or woman In vicinity of East 12th and Burnside, to do housework and sieep home; must be good cook and willing to work; wages $18 per month. Call o3 E. Burnside. AT once, girl to learn dressmaking by first class dressmaker; some experience neces sary; small wages while learning. Apply between 11 and 2. 389 Main st., near West Park. WANTED Experienced working middle aged housekeeper. GO rooms; name refer ences, stat experience, wages desired. In cluding free suite, or no attention paid. AT 809, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED umbrella and parasol maker; permanent work; good salary. Lennon's, Morrison St., opposite Port office. WANTED A competent nurse to take care of 3 children. Call mornings. 229 Cornell road, between Marshall and Lovejoy; references required. GIRL wanted for general housework and cooking, family of 2; city references re quired. Call Main 8377 or A 7G58 after 10:30 A. M. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., 609 Roth child tldg., 4th and Washington. FIVE girls to learn beauty -ulture; pay while learning; position guaranteed. 40O 414 Dekum bldg., Sanitary Parlors. WANTED A nursegirl to assist with the care of children. Apply G74 East Morri- W ANTED Competent girl for general housework; references required. Apply 491 E. 18th st. North. WANTED A German girl for housekeeping, age 18 to 25 years. Address H. C. Har riger. Malta, Idaho. ' WANTID First-class lady solicitors on weekly periodical; big money. Apply 419 Piatt bldg. before 9 A. M. LADIES to travel, demonsfate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 per weeii. railroad fare raid. 615 Swetland bldg. Call mornings. COMPETENT girl to care for 8-months baby. afternoons only. 407 Highland Court. Marshall 3171 YOUNG girl for housework and assist with cooking; good home; no children. Call between 10 and 1. 321 6th st., cor. Ciay GJRL for general housework, family of two; best references. 1215 East Davis St., near 41st, Laurelhurst. WANTED Girl for general housework, family of 2 adults and 2 'children; plain cooking, call Tabor izvt. GOOD woman to care for baby evenings and Sundays. Call between 2 and 3". 533 Couch st., cor. 16th. WANTED Rapid dictophone-typewriter op erator; give phone number. AK 810, Ore gonian . i- c- TtJIHrptn T 4 niL'C A P.CVPV Washington bldg., 270 Washington, room 35. near 4th. Phone Main 8830 or A 3266. COOK. $40; second girl, $30; waitress. $20; housework. $35 to $35. St Louis Agency, 2S8 Main Bt. A 73 1 Main 2039. WANTED at once, girl for general house work, small family; good wages. Mrs. L S. Stasburger. Cascade Locks. Or. PIANO lessons and small wages la exchange f;r few hours housework daily. AG 788, Oregon ian WANTED Apprentice girls; millinery work; 'paid while learning. Call 486 Wash ington st. EXPERIENCED waitresses for short hours. Apply tearoom, 4th Iloor. Olds, Wort man & King. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general hdusework; 3 adults. Apply mornings, S07 Lovejoy. Phone Main 1877. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family. 739 Kearney. USE of apartment for assisting in apart-ment-house. Call E. 1016. GIRL for general housework; no children. 541 3th. In family; EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Thomp son's Restaurant, 427 Washington st. WANTED Experienced trimmer, millinery. Call 4S5 Washington t. GIRL wanted at 37 North 2d at., to work in cafe house. MILLINERY apprentice girl about 17; good opportunity. Fraley, -350 Morrison. A YOUNG girl for general housework. Apply 265 E. 52d. YOUNG girl wanted to assist with house work. 630 E. 45th N. WANTED A girl for general housework. 3 adults. 603 E. Morrison st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Mon and women to write photo plays and short stories; valuable text free. MILLER, box 156. Xo Angeles, Cal HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Earr.est young men and young women who desire thorough training in practical shorthand typewriting, account ing; private and individual instruction. Courses rigid. Results sure. Day and evening. 509-51Q wllcox bldg. ' YOU can earn $100 monthly writing for newspapers; experience unnecessary ; par ticulars for stamp. JSmpLr Syndicate, G183, Atlanta. Ga. FISK Teachers" Agency secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4835. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MECH A vrra a TTirvTTnv. Do you want to secure a good steady position at a good salarv, ono that will last indefinitely providing you exert your best energies in the interest of the com pany? Do you want a place where a small, absolutely secured investment at this time will guarantee the above? For information, -us Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade in 8 weeks; pays you while learning; tools free; tuition reduced this term; extra instructor; years in business; position guaranteed; special Inducements to ladies. 233 Madison St., 252 2d at. GOVERNMENT jobs for women; big pay; Portland examinations April 9 ; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. TuO L. Rochester. N. Y. YOUNG men, become Government railway mail clerks, $73 m onth ; "pull" unneces sary; sample examination questions free. .1 V Om--3, iicguuiiin. HOLER Barber College will teach you quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you while learning, furnish tools free. Write tor rree catalogue. A, 48 2d st. North. RAILWAY mail clei ks commence x7S month- Portland examinations coming; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. a-ts-L., iJ.ocn ester, n, y. RAILWAY mail clerks, P. O. clerks, car riers; exam, soon ; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacific Mates bchool, .McKay bldg., city. WHY work hard long hours for small wages? Learn iiovi.xo futurk OPERATING. COMMAND GOOD SALARY. 417 Roth CHILD BLDG. MAKE YOUR BEER. WHISKY. Simple, easy, genuine extracts; stamp for information. Ambrew Agency, Box 11 o, .rortiana. SHORTHAND, any system, and bookkeep ing courses; enroll now. E. B. U., 629 Worcester block. Marshall 2 1 il LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brake men, wages GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work, earn money while learning. The Hair Bazaar. Majestic Theater bldg.. Wash, and Park PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258. WANTED SECOND-HAND MOVING-PIC TURK MACHINES. 417 ROTHCHILD bu SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, ,0 PER MO, 269 14TK ST. M. 3S93. EXP. INSTRUC'N. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. LUMBERMAN", bookkeeper - stenographer . with 20 years' mill and wholesale expe rience, desires position; familiar with Driee-makinir. railroad tariffs and routing, cost -keeping, collecting and all the details of a lumber ottice; nest 01 reierences; surety company bond in any amount. Ad dress K 819, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER - STENOGRAPHER wants employment for spare time; fully compe tent, with best of citv references; can fur nish bond. Address W. A. Read, 930 Chamber of commerce? city. WANTED Position as bookkeeper or sten ographer, lumber business: large experl ence, Al references, in or out of city. R 7(0, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 23, good stenographer, book keeper, now temporarily employed by wholesale iirni, aesires permanent poai tion; moderate salary. Main 7410. YOUNG married man, 22 years old, wishes position In oirice or store wnere cnance for advancement is good ; general office experience; reierences. ' uregonian. Miscellaneous. GOING TO BUILD? Experienced archi tect momentarily idle, will draw your plans, specifications very cheap; work guaranteed; references. AR S12. Orego nian. WANTED posit Ion. on ranch; 10 years' ex peri ence; orchard work a specialty; can handle any kind of farm machinery, gas or steam stationary engines; age sin gle, best references, fnono tu. 3i.:. ENGINEER and general mechanic; refriger ation a specialty; don t use liquor or to bacco; 9 years with last employer; can refer to same; have A'-l references. Y 795, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED physician and surgeon de sires to become associated witn a physi cian in Portland needing an assistant: ref erences given and required. Address Physician. Box 43, Aloha, Or. CHAUFFEUR. Japanese, with good expe rience, careful and sober, alao good house worker, wants position in private family; any reasonable salary, w M3, Oregonian. CHINESE, good cooks and good bakers, want nosltions in restaurants. hotels, boarding-houses or families. AS 762, Ore gonian. MAN and wife, cook and helper, In camp or family hotel, or wife to cook and man to do outside work. Frank Downing, 428 Yamhill. CIVIL engineer of executive ability, owning automobile, desires position ; familiar with highway construction, drainage and land clearing. Y 799, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN 40 years of age, with good hotel experience and good reference, wants position as hotel manager; salary or com mission. Answer W. J. Kerkes, 214 13th st. A MIDDLE-AGED man, temperate, wants Inside or outside laboring work, in city, 8 or 9 hours a day; wages 20 cents an hour. Y 70S, Oregonian. WANTED Cordwood cutting, from 600 to 30OO cords, or will buy stumpage; have, our own tools and outfit. E. Simmons, 225 ft 1st St., Portland, Or. Ml DD LE-AGED mau, unmarried, wants light work on ranch or farm; cannot milk; good home with moderate wages dfsircd. Phone Tabor 2492. j EX PERlEXCKD Hawaiian-Japanese chauf feur, licensed, wants position in private family: well acquainted witn tnis cny. AC 815, Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wants employment; five years experience ; best or references. Aa. dress Robert Campbell, 332 Gllsan St., Portland, Or. EXPERIENCED German farmer, married, wants work on farm. Henry Deschner, Lents, Or. VEGETABLE man for restaurant wants work; references. J. D-, Villa Hotel, 25ft N. 3d St., room 20. YOUNG man with six years' experience wants position in grocery; best of refer ences. Call Woodlawn 1401. JANITOR First-class man, doing own re pairing, wants position; wood or oil burn er. AR 810. Oregonian. MAN and wife, experienced, would like po sition as camp cook and helper. Y 797, oregonian. WANTED By young pharmacist of good habits and willing to work, position in drugstore. AV 991, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, age 27. wishes position as gardener; have good experience. E. A., box 3-iO. cliv. 2 YOUNG men, 20 ears old, desire work; will consider anything. AK 818, Orego nian. MECHANIC, machinery, gas engines, autos, installations and repairing. R. V., 1331 Orient st. Phone Woodlawn 3373. WANTED Employment on Saturdays, by young man, student of Jefferson High. AN 812, Oregonian. JAPANESE, good cook, and wife wish po sition for family in city or country. AG 784, Oregonian. SEWING machine adjuster and repairer. 20 years experience, seeks work; permanency preferred. AV 3S, Oregonian. CA R P ENTER Just the man you want. Rough or finish alterations; small Jobs; first-class and reasonable. Main 8127. CAPABLE carpenter wants work as fore man; reliable references; fino finisher. AF 783, Oregonisn. - JAPANESE couple want positions; man highest-class cook, wife second work or nurse. Henry, 269ft Everett St., city. GENERAL machinist wants position; can do toolmakint? and metal pattern work. P. O. Box 80S. City. COM POTENT moving-picturo operator wishes position, city or out: can furnish reference. AH 786. Oregonian. LANDSCAPE gardener and fruitgrower. 20 years' experience. Phone A 2715. O 804, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS German chef wants position, city or country. X 801, Oregonian. GARDENER, single. German, also camp cook, wants position. AR 814. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants situation In cafeteria or delicatessen. AF 78G. Oregonian. WANTED, by elderly German, garden or lawn work. L 815, Oregonian. YOUNG chauffeur, 22 years of age; expert chauffeur. K 816, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED gardener and lawnmaker by hour, day or season. Main 23!0. FIRST-CLASS engineer. Ice refrigerators, etc. Mill or factory. X 752, Oregonian. JAPANESE competent cook wants place in jrivate family. Phones Main 9361, A 1569. WHEN y.ou waat & cjp.efltex call Eait U23. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. SALESMAN, 33 ears old, of good personal appearance, with S years of selling experi ence, wants position ; experienced in spe cialties hardware and mill supplies. Phone Main 5891, apartment 35 annex, between 12 and 1 o'clock or after 6 P. M. or write AT 813. Oregonian. BAKER Cake baker, foreman, sober, relia ble man. 25 years' New York City expe rience In highest-class Phop on catering weddings and parties; will go anywhere to first class, steady position; moderate remuneration. Address D 844. Oregonian. WANTED By middle-aged man, job as rnoreman. gardener, watchman, iireman. Cue! or oil. all-around handy man; don't drink or smoke; best recommendations: can run an engine and care for it. Ad dress J 842, Oregonian. FLORIST and gardener; 20 years' experi ence In all branches; capable of taking full charge; wants permanent position private family or commercial. AB S17, Oregonian. SALESMAN, high-class experience and ref erences, desires position: capable and con scientious worker. Address AN 818, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED sausagemaker and butcher, German, ago 50. 51 North 2d st., city. J. Maeder. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and stenographers. YOUNG girl with good education, good typist and some knowledge of stenography, wants . office position; small salary to start. G 816. Oregonian. POSITION aa stenographer by woman, in or out of city. Address D., care G. A, Halvorson, Kennewick. Wash. BOOKKEEPER, with 5 years' experience In general office work, desires position; good references. N 81 4. Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes oiTice position; knowl edge of shorthand and typewriting. Main 9428. EXPERIENCED young lady d'sires clerical or cashier work, day or evenings. Main 3427. EXPERIENCED btenographer desires per manent position phone Marshall 2751. YOUNG lady wishes position as stenograph, er. K $15, Oreeonian. Dres makers. CHICAGO dressmaker; original designs; prettiest dresses in city made for $7, as an Introduction, on orders placed this week only. Marshall 150. Apt. 47. DRESSMAKING, one-piece dresses, chil dren's clothes a specialty. Mrs. Smith, Woodlawn 1945. MADAME DE BILLAUT, Flledner building. Main 612". Dainty gowns made for $10. Nurse. NURSE would take ono or two invalids in suburban home ; best of care given : ref erences given and required. Address Nurse. Box 44. Jennings Lodge. Or. PRACTICAL nurso desires case, maternity, invalid, assist housework. A 7175, Main 202 ft YOUNG- woman wishes work as nurse girl or other light work; will leave town. AC 814, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse wishes case, chronic in valid. Phone B 3040. NURSE. experienced, references; assist work, $10 per week. Main 3051. WHO wants a young, strong, healthy wet nurs? Call East 123. Housekeepers. EXPERIENCED nurse and housekeeper wants position as housekeeper in home of refinement where first-class services would bo appreciated; best of references. 140 East 47th st. UNINCUMBERED lady wants housekeeping in widower's or bachelor's home or apart ments. West Side preferred. B 821, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wants posi tion; widower's home preferred; good cook. Main 7063. EASTERN woman as housekeeper; beat of re f e re nces. Box 27. Hyulton. Or. Domestics. JAPANESE woman want housework in private family; no experience. AN &lo. Oregonian. COLORED woman wishes to cook In small family. Main S21S. GIRL wants general housework. Phone Main 5141. Miscellaneous. POSITION wanted by a ladies cutter; eight years' experience In a first-class estab lishment; will be ablo to take up new position by April 15. Address AV 057. oregonian. LACE CURTAINS laundered, 25c up. Called for, delivered. Teas, dinner parties, cooked or served. Beat of references. Sellwood 1696. WANTED By colored cook; willing to go to country or beach or in city; can give best of references; wages $40. Phone Main 9260 between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. YOUNG woman 20 years oid, from the East, wants work by day or week; wants to sleep home. 720 Mississippi. Woudlayn 801. Nazareno Army of America. STRONG girl, 10, wants nice place to as sist with housework. Call or write 810 Cleveland ave. CAPABLE girl will exchange light services morning and evening lor room, dinners West Side, close in. AS 7S5, Oregonian. EXPE1UENCED gh-1 wishes general houee workf Call Homo phone C 31-u I. 0S0 M 1 n neso t a ave. A YOUNG lady wants to learn tailoring trade. Phone Woodlawn 28is2. Miss Ka len, after 5 P. M. YOUNG lady wants room and laundry in exchange for light services evenings. G 817, Oregonian DAY work, laundry and cooking. Tabor 4723. RELIABLE woman wants day work. Call Main 9121. BABY or child to board in my home by a mother; best of care. Marshall 3499. GOOD piano player wants position with moving-picture show. Call Marshall 3521. STRONG German woman wants day work; lace curtains to launder, Woodlawn 3572. FIRST-CLASS laundress desires position, family or institution. A 7175, Main 2039. WANT chambermaid work by capable young woman. 334 oth, room ziry. FINE weather to have your room cleaned good worker. Main 4G70. room 431. EXPERIENCED girl wuihh general house work. Call S7 North !th st. LACE curtains laundered, called for, deliv ered. S58 Grand avr. North. Mrs. Lewis. LACE curtains, draperies, linens laundered by expert. Called for. Tabor 317. WAMED AGENTS. A MONEY-MAKER for a man who is a rustler and has auto: exclusive county rights for a new guarenteed puncture cure and tube tonic Full particulars on application. G 818, oregonian. WANT El TO KENT. WE have a number of calls for 6 to 10-room houses in Irvington or good West Side locations; must be absolutely first-class; people waiting to pay up to $100 per montn ; want ooni lumusuuu nu unxu nished. F. N. CLARK & COMPANY, Main 5423. Title & Trust bldg. A 7617. RESPONSIBLE adult family of three de sire to rent modern furnished house lo cated on Wesl Side. J. B. Steinbach, Corbett bldg. . 5 OK 6-ROOM bungalow, by March 17, with range; good district; not over $15 rent. AR 810, Oregonian. WANTED By responsible couple, no chil dren, 5-room bungalow or flat, completely funiiahed. Marshall 5-ROOM modern bungalow or cottage on East Side, not over $15; no children. L 81b, Oregonian. HAVE clients for all kinds houses P. E. La mar. 0C2-8 Lum bermeni bldg. FURNISHED bungalows, $30 to $33. Main 9403. Apart mentB. YOUNG office man wants room, with break fast and dinner, in refined private family, close in on East side; room mutt bo mod ern. AK 817, Oregonian. Rooms. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes board and room in private family living in suburbs of city; would like the attention of lady of house during part of afternoon to go walking. X 795. Oregonian A ROOM in Rose City Park by young bach elor in business on west csiae. as i 00, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. WANTED Home in private family for 3-year-old boy; state price; give references. V S13. Oregonian. WANTED Occasional room and board, near good fishing stream, within 50 miles of Portland, by couple. A $65, Oregonian. FOR RENT. t umished Rooms. HOTEL CORDOVA, 200 UTtl ST. Ktrictlv modern: private baths; en suite; rooms $3-50 up. Main 0472, A 47J3. YOUNG man rooming at Y. M. C. A. wants' roommate to reauce rooming expenses. Iauuirtt 1'. Pt A-t eti ana Ji;iu FOR KENT. Forniidied Koonw. DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY Same rate for one or two persons in a room. . 515, $IS: others at $20, $22.50. f-o. with privilege of bath; no extra charge. Rooms and private bath $2o, $o0, foj. Two rooms with bath between, $50 per month, special. Modern Fireproof Clean. HOTEL WASHINGTON. Washington SL, Cor. 12th. Charles H. Rowley, Mgr. HOTEL FORD 733 4 Washington St. Cor. Lucrctia Place, Under new management, large, pleasant, rooms; phone, hot and cold water in everv room; 30 private haths; rates, $10 per month up. Main 625. HOTEL EATON. West Park and Morrison Sts. Affording all tho conveniences of a mod ern hotel; located in the heart of the theater and shopping districts; $1 per day and up. Special rated by tho week and month. HOTEL ROWLAND HOTEL MINOOK 207s- 4th. 2K 1- 4th. SPECIAL WINTER KATES. Nicelv furnished rooms; homelike, re spectable, clean and modern; hot and cold water, private baths; W'inter rates, $3 per week and up; special attention g!vn tu tourists; give us a call; you will like it, for you get jour money's worth and then sonic. HOTEL F R A N K L I N. Washington St.. at Thirteenth. 50c per day; weekly $3, monthly fit lit. Running water, phone in each room, sta:n heat, fireproof bldg., ground-floor lobbj. all-night service. Htisiness is gooa. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yamhill. 70 clean and quiet room?, with every modern convenience : rates single or goudip. Dailv detached bath $1, private $1.50 Weekly .detached bath $5, private $0.00 Corner 12th and Washington; steam heat, hot and cold running water, pri vate and detached baths; single, $5; suite 2 rooms. SO. FOR Y. M. C. A. MEM BERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in pri'o; fireproof build in w vncimm cleaned, shower baths, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria. Coi ner 6th and Taylor sts. hotri. BUCKINGHAM. 2uth and Washing ton sts. Elegantly located, new, modern, clean, quiet; outside rooms; private or public bath. $2.50 week up; same for one or two persons. BE6T rooms in city for $2, $2.25 and $2.5 week; hot water, Daths. neat, pnone. comfortable, w ell furnished. Hotel Cadil lac. 3d St., near Jefferson. $2.50 WEEK Beautiful room on 3d st.. newly furnished in white enamel; plenty hot water, batha included: nice, quiet place, 2SS 3d st., near Jefferson. HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th St.. cor. Washington. Nicely fur nished rooms; strictly modern; rates $3.50 week and up. Marsnau mu. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and East Belmont Rooms $12 month up. $22.50 un with private bath; large, pleasant iodd absolutely a respectable hotel. East 3-3 HOTEL SAVON. 331 Eleventh St. New, modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water; comforta bly furnished; transients solicited. LAKRAREE HOTEL Two dollars per we.k and up ; strictly modern ; transient 5Me. 227 H Lairabee ttre' t. HOTEL JOYCE, 270;-j 4TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, day or week. Furnished Rooms in Private Families. TWO large, well furnished very clean front rooms with kitchenette and balcony; good neighbor hood ; two carlinea ; private fam ilv. 77l' E. Taylor. Phone East 5200. 228 10TH, nice large room, heat, bath, phon, private entrance. $3 per week; suitable for one or two gentlemen. FURNISHED 2 rooms, scrupulously noat, gas, electric light, lacing Park and hi!lt; fine for economical couple. Marshall 455'. 475 MORRISON, pleasant front rooms, sin gle or en suite, also small room; new. clean ; piano, or housekeeping If desired. LARGE front alcove room, also single, clean and well kept; nice placo for particular people. 268 14th st. DELIGHT KUL front room, modern, reas onable. 30 N. 3 6th, near Washington; will board. B K A UTI V U L f u rn ish ed room i n Fo rd h a in Apts. ; good homo for retiued person. Mar shall lb4lt. HO L'S E K E K PI NG - room or room and board in private family. Main t42s. ROOM, with running water; also small room reasonable. 745 Tfoyt. Marshall 475;: BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in good home ; reference. 738 .Johnson street. NICE furnished room: modern conveniences, central, good bed: $12, 404 Clay, near loth. NICELY furnished room, hot-water heat, phone; no other roomers. A 1330. NEATLY furnished front bedroom, walking distance; $1.30 per week. 431 6:h st. MOD Kit N, well furnished room in steam heated flat, vacant 15lh. phone A 4551. NEWLY furnished, large, airy front rooms, all conveniences. Marshall 4 104. 474 Clay. trVrKT comfortable little room. CGS 12th. In furnished Rooms. WHY pay more? 2-room uutumisheil apartment, $1.5i per week; gas late fur nished; ull outside rooms. 4MH, Belmont. TWO unfurnished rooms, private entrance, use of bat h, phone, light. 171 13th at. Phone Main 0451. Kooms With Board. ELTON COURT. 11th and Yamhill. An excellent family hotel, attractive rates, transients or permanent guests. Main 6053. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 34th and Jefferson Streets. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Main 023. A 602S. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 386 Montgomery st.. at West Park Mod ern conveniences; rooms with or without bath ; excellent tablo service; reasonable rates for regular-or transient guests. THE WHITEHALL, 253 0TH ST. A residential hotel; large sun porch; rooms with or without baths; home cook ing; tablo board a specialty. BUSINESS women and students will find good board and room. $4 and $4.50 week. Portland Women's Union, 510 Flanders. THE HAZEL Now changed to family ho tel; special rates; strictly home cooking. 3S3 3d st. Phone Main 7004. Room a With Board in J"Tivate Fa mil if a. BOARD and room, best home cooking; coxy rooms, suitable for 4 boys or young ooupl, very reasonable; also 2 rooms together with bourd. $45; single front room. $1 a day; second room downstairs, $2;. 413 Broad wa . Main 52TS. ROOM and board for 2 persons in refined home, attractively furnished, bteam heated room, splendid nieaU, home privileges, good location on West Side; young ladies preferred; very reasonable rates. Phono Marshall 2438. A SNAP Board and room; bath, use of sitting-room, sewing machine, laundry: bun galow ; uo objections to babies. 040 Bel mont st. Tabor 4778. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with board, suitable for 3; separate beds; use of piano and home comforts: also sleeping porch. Main 3M. 111 31th. LOVELY room, extra large closet; all tuod ora conveniences; gentleman, good h;bits; homo comforts; board if desired. Marshall 412 NEWLY furnished rooms with board, si 1 1 home cooking, walking distance. .Mar. 4407. -114 Columbia td. CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate. Good board and Uoine comforts- Reason able. 301 11th st. Main 0381. TWO gentlemen, good habits, largo frnu room; extra large closets; alt modern con vi nienees ; board If desired. Mai shall 4 1 ""-. TWO nice large rooms, with in bl board, for ladies or gentlemen. Marshall 5757. 554 Hull, corner Park. CONGENIAL young lacy wishes roommate good board, piano, uome privileges; rea sonable, 301 31th st. Phone Main 65M. NEWLY furnished room, excellent board, reasonable, by widow with 110 children. 430 Jetferson. Main 67rt. FURNISHED room and sleeping-porch In hf-autiful house: references. G 778, Ore gonian. ROOMMATE for gentleman in lovely home; hot and cold water; walking distance. 355 11th ft, or Main 7265. NICELY furnished room, good board If desired 1-S K. 12th. F U RN ISHED room and board In prira te home. East 4402. ROOM and board. 332 10th St.. walking dis tance. Phone Main 6979. A 28t5. CAS A ROSA. 5th and Jefferson: a largi rorm suitable for young inn. Main 1491. NK'KLY 1'urn ihf it room--, with (tosrd, rit 303 it ii M. Furnished Apartment. ARDMAY TERRACE, 395 12th st, Large 2-j-Qom, apartments. Mrs. John cr&n, mtu HOUSES FOR SALE. 88 E. 7TH ST. JXQRTH. e