Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 11, 1914, Page 20, Image 20

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very Article Reduced at Meier
s Removal Sale
(Groceries, "Silk Maid" Hose, Willamette Sewing Machines, 'Invincible
New ! Radiantly Beautiful Spring Apparel Underpriced
Our Buyers have just returned from the Eastern Markets and the New Merchandise they contracted for is arriving daily to enter this Great Kemoval Sale at Prices Much Under Ordinary.
Handsome "New" Wilton Rugs
In Beautiful Array of Colors at Removal Sale Prices!
This is an opportunity that you caii't afford to miss, if you contem
plate the purchase of new floor coverings this Spring or if you're fur
nishing the new home. These handsome "Wilton Rugs have just been
received and there's a splendid assortment of designs in rich and har
monious colorings. "We're offering tthem at the following reductions for
this great Kemoval Sale.
$38.00 Wilton Rugs Size 9x12 Removal Sale Price. ...... ..$29.50
$36.00 Wilton Rugs Size 8-3x10-6 Removal Sale Price. . . . .$27.50
$18.00 Wilton Rugs Size 4-6x7-6 Removal Sale Price. .'. ... .$11.50
$ 6.50 Wilton Rugs Size 36x63 Removal Sale Price . . . ... $ 5.35
$ 4.50 Wilton Rugs Size 27x54 Removal Sale Price 3.25
Meier & Frank's Third Floor, Main Bide.
New Ribbons Reduced for Removal Sale
New Lingerie Ribbons
Jacquard Patterns Entirely New Designs
Most attractive is this new Lingerie
Ribbon shown for the first time in Port
land in fact, we were the second to se
cure these lovely Ribbons from the manu
facturer. A quaint leaf and flower design,
woven in a beautiful quality of washable
silk, in white, blue, pink, lavender. Priced
most moderately for Removal Sale
35c No. 1 Width, reduced to, bolt. . .236
45c No. iy2 Width, reduced to, bolt 35c
65c No. 2 Width, reduced to, bolt. . -43d
75c No. 3 Width, reduced to, bolt. . .5C
.Meier A Frank's First Floor, Slain Bids;.
St Patrick's Day Party and
Dinner Favors, Removal Prices
DOe I.iinch Sets. Removal Sale Price
Wednesday-, each.
sncl.nneh Sets, Removal Sale Price,
Wednesday, earn
-5c I.unra Cloths, ItemovalSalePrlce
Wednesday, each
35c HackiiRe Fancy Paper Plates. Wednes
day, the package
25c Packaee Fancy Pnper Plates, Wednes
day, the package
15c FiKOred Crepe Paper. Wednesday, rojl
10c Crepe Paper, Wednesday, roll.
JOclrinh Flaps, Wednesday
5c Irish FlaKs. Wednesday
Oc Pka-. Shamrocks, Wednesday, pkjtr
Shamrock Streamers, Wednesday, each
V(wrcn Streamers. Wednesday, each.....
ftcDosen Aapklns. Wednesday, doxea
Fancy (ireetlna- Cards. W'nday. eu. -4o. 8S
St. Patrick's Post Cards. Wednesday, doren
Place Cards, W ednesday, doaen 'i'&C
60c Crane's Linen Lawn Stationery In
pure white and all the new shades. Re- A A
moval Sale price, box TTT'C
BOc Crane's Gold and Silver-Edse Corre- .4 .4
upondent Cards. Kemoval Sale price, box TtTtC
91 Crane's Linen Lawn Fancy Stationery qq
in all new shades. Removal Sale price, boxOIC
15c Highland Tablets, note size, each 134
J5cHigrhland Linen Envelopes, package 134
25c Bridge Playing: Cards, linen finish, pkg. 224
60c Poker Chips, 100 in box, the box 444
Meier & Frank's, First Floor, New Bids.
Wash Ribbons at Special Prices
White, blue, pink and lavender, in fancy
checked patterns, 5-yard bolts, specially
priced ;
No. 1 Width Wash Ribbon, sp'l, bolt. .5
No, li2 Width Wash Ribbon, sp'l, bit. 7
No. 2 Width Wash Ribbon, sp'l, bolt. .9
Fancy Satin Wash Ribbon
French Dotted Design
White, pink, blue and lavender, in
5-yard bolts
No. 1 Width Satin Wash Ribbon, bolt 7
No. IV2 Width Satin Wash Rib'n, bolt 9
No. 2 Width Satin Wash Rib'n, bit. 12d
Satin Ribbons in 10-Yd. Bolts
White, pink, blue, yellow, orange, cream,
old rose, purple, navy, Yale, emerald,
cardinal, white, Nile, brown and black
are tlie colors at these reductions
I2V2C No. 1 Width,. bolt ...'.106
15c No. iy0 Width, bolt... 12
25c No. 2 Width, bolt .-206
35c No. 3 Width, bolt. . . . .25c
Meier & Frank's First Floor, Main tilde.
New Lace Corset Covers and
Camisoles! Note Reductions!
Beauties, every one and there are five
distinct styles, the very newest models,
that have just arrived; in fact, they're
not all out of their dainty wrappings yet.
Shadow laces, nets and Val. laces. Some
made in Camisole style, others in corset
cover style with the dainty short sleeve
effect, so desirable for wear with trans
parent gowns. Lace or ribbon shoulder
straps, dainty ribbon-run beading finish
ing at the waist line.
$1.59 Corset Covers or Camisoles, SI. 39
$1.98 Corset Covers or Camisoles, 1.69
$2.50 Corset Covers or Camisoles, SI. 98
Meier A Frank's Second Floor, A civ Dldg.
Six $6.50 "Madame Irene"
Corset Models
Reduced for Removal to $5.00
They're all new Spring Models of the popular Madame
Irene Corset and we're featuring hem for Wednesday's
Removal Sale at only $5.00 the original price being
$6.50. . Low bust, long-hip styles, cut on the demanded
straight lines. Made of coutil of fine quality, boned
with walohn. The following are the models reduced
Nos. 2270,; 2269, 1882, 1592, 1751 and 2223.. If your favor
ite model is among them, we advise an early selection
from this assortment of Madame Irene Cor- f(
sets, reduced from $6.50 to only.... P3UU
Meier & Frank's Second Floor, New Bide.
Cheney Brothers' Famous
Showerproof Foulards, 77c
1914 Colors and Designs
The lowest price at which this famous Cheney Bros.'
Showerproof Foulard has been offered in Portland 77c
Black, navy, brown, reseda, myrtle, tan and Copenhagen
colors, and in a host of neat, attractive and distinctive
designs, in white and color combinations at
your disposal now the yard ... ..',. . C
Meier & Frank's First Floor, Main Bids;.
Women's Spring, Summer Underwear,
Women's $1.50 to $2.50 Union Suits neatly and comfortably
fashioned of fine lisle; no sleeves, low neck is cut faultlessly;
daintily trimmed with fine lace; and umbrella 1 1 Q
knees. Splendid line to choose from. Garment Jj) 1 A c
Women's $1 to $1.25 Vests finely made of plain mercerized
lisle and also silk lisle; plain and prettily crocheted yokes; low
neck and no sleeves ; and all regular sizes. The rigid elasticity
of the weave in these Vests is noteworthy. The Re
moval price today ...OtC
Women's 65c to 85c Vests plain and mercerized lisle; low
neck is neatly cut and well finished ; no sleeves ; crocheted
yokes and French band tape tops; material proper weight
for Spring; come in white only all regular sizes oa
today OtC
Women's 50c Fine Rib Lisle Vests yokes prettily trimmed
in lace; low neck and no sleeves all regular sizes. This fine
rib lisle employed makes up into splendid Vests and
everv one is of perfect finish. Today.
Women's 25c to 50c Fine Rib Cotton Vests in either high
neck and long sleeves, or low neck and no sleeves, plain and
lace trimmed tops. Pants are knee and ankle lengths, in plain
and lace trimmed. All sizes, 4 to 6. Spring weight
and today -XC
Meier & Frank's First Floor, Main Bids.
V3 Off on Dinnerware for Removal
French, English, American and Austrian China
At This Radical Reduction
We're getting ready to move our enormous stocks of China
to the new Temporary Annex (Fourth Floor), and simply
MUST reduce our stocks to make removal as easy a matter as
possible and avoid breakage. . To this end we've reduced the
following Dinner Set patterns just oue-third less than the
original prices. 1-3 off on the following attractive items :
Haviland & Co.'s French China Dinner Sets
Lace Gold Border design, plain Derby shapes, with handles
of solid gold. Open-stock patterns. Fine French China.
$64.00 60-piece Dinner Set reduced to S42.66
595.00 100-piece Dinner Set reduced to S63.33
Haviland & Co.'s French China Dinner Sets
Grecian Border Design deep red coloring. All handles are
of solid gold. Open-stock pattern Fine French China.
$50.00 60-piece Dinner Set reduced to S33.33
$67.00 100-piece Dinner Set reduced to S44.69
Austrian China Dinner Sets
Conventional Blue Underglaze Design, very artistic in shape.
Beautiful Austrian China.
$32.50 60-piece Dinner Sets reduced to S21. 67
$46.50 100-piece Dinner Sets reduced to S31.00
Austrian China Dinner Sets
In Border and Wreath Design pale green "coloring,
bossed in pink enamel most attractive effect.
$17.00 60-piece Dinner Sets reduced to SI 1.33
- . $22.25 100-niece Dinner Sets reduced to C1 Q
50c Printed Voiles, Ratine, 35c
Yards and yards of finely printed
Voiles and Ratine bearing the distinct
impress of the "New" are here for
your selection. The new Spring color
ings are wonderful in their brilliancy
and you'll do well to choose today
from these new Printed Voiles and
Ratine in 38-inch width at the Re
moval Sale price of yard, 356.
First Floor, New Bids.
New 50c to 75c Ribbons for
Removal Sale, Yard 21c
, A timely purchase of 15,000 yards of
lovely new Ribbon, in addition to the de
sire for quick disposal of goods before
moving our stock into the new build
ing, brings to you this exceptional op--portunity.
This is all pure Silk Ribbon,
including 200 pretty designs in Dres
dens, Roman Stripes, Plaids,-etc. also
50 different colors in plain Silk Taffeta
and Silk Moire Ribbons. Widths range
from 42 to 6 inches. These gorgeous
Ribbons are most appropriate for Mil
linery purposes, Sashes, Girdles, Dress
trimmings and many other uses that
are dictated by this season's fancies.
Ordinarily you'd pay from 50c to 75c
the yard for the Ribbons offered dur
ing this Removal Sale a yard, 216
First Floor, Main Uldg.
$3.00 Plaid Blankets, $2.45
They're full size, fancy plaid Blankets, in
gray, tan and blue cheeks. Attractive arid
decidedly reduced for Removal Sale.'
Wool-rilled Silk-Covered Comforters
Reduced They're full size and come in a number
of plain colors and floral designs. Priced,
for Removal Sale, at only $6.15, 7.75
and $8.75 Third Floor, Mala Bide.
Shadow Laces, Embroideries
" Underpriced for Removal .
Just received! this shipment of new
Shadow Laces in white and cream
just the material for dainty afternoon
and evening gowns and to insure
quick selling, we've reduced them for,
Removal Sale as follows :
$1.50 Shadow Laces 18 to 27-inch
widths yard . . . ... i ....... . G76
75c to $1 Shadow Laces 12 to 18-inch
widths yard . . . . . , .-. . . . . . . .496
" 50c to 85c Embroideries of . extra
fine Swiss and Nainsook in 18-inch
width either fine or heavier Of"
designs. Removal Sale Price S3 C
. First Floor, ev Hldg.
1200 Pairs of Women's 50c
. Gloves at 25c '
These are all Gloves of German pia.nufac
ture? warranted to fit arid wear well.
They're Washable Chamoisette, Silk Finish
Lisle and Suede Lisle Gloves, in, white and .
nutural color. ''Variety of styles and sizes
(5 to 9... Every pair of Gloves, in this assort
"ment is worth 50e a pair-f- for Removal .
Sale, however, .they 're half 'priced, OC
" the pair.
: . First Floor, Main Bids-
Drapery Dept. Offerings Are:
35e to 40c. White Grenadine Madras, re
duced tor yard: . ... .". . ..19
85e to $1,00, Double Width; Cretonne, re-
. dueed to, yard. 49
75c, 85c, $1.00 English and French Cre
tonne, reduced to, yard. '. ..... . .20
, $9.00 Real Hand-Made Arabian Lace Cur
tains, pair . ... . . ......... '. . . ... .. .$6.95
$7.00 Real Hand-Made .Arabian Lace Cur
tains, pair . . : . . ................ $5.65
$4.00 New Style Beige Irish Point Curtains,
pair . ... ........J...... $2.95
$1.25 Dainty White Muslin' Curtains, re
duced to, pair .98
. Third Floor, Main Bids,
Meier A Frank's Bis Basement Store.
Daily 50c
Served in Our
Unrivalled Seventh-Floor
taurant, 11 to
2:30 P. M.
Music During
Afternoon Tea
2:30 to 5 P. M.
FiftN., SixUvTtorrisor Alder 3ts. . ' :
All That Is New in the World of Fashion
- r -
Greets the Visitor in Meier & Frank's Garment Salons Where
Deep Removal Sale Reductions Are in Effect on Spring Apparel
The Vogue of the Silk Coat
Becomes more evident each day. "Chic" best describes the models in short
and three-quarter lengths that we are showing the newest creations of the
best designers. Taffeta, Silk Moire, Faille and other equally as popular mate
rials are used in black and colors, though black is by far the favorite. A
Beautiful Drecoll Model is carried out in black silk moire, floral design.
Shirred at the hip line and again at the collar line, the deep flaring collar of
black silk velvet. The lower part of the coat and sleeves are in one piece,
with velvet inlay when the arms are lifted the fashionable. pannier effect
being secured. Beautifully lined with cherry-colored satin.
Black Taffeta Separate Skirts
made their bow, and at once leaped into the greatest popularity. Lovely
. models are here, bustle back, pannier effects, overskirts, rippled and Minaret
' styles. Soft mystere and chiffon taffeta and brocaded faille seem to bo the
favorite materials for these extremely fashionable Separate Skirts.
White Suits
are coming in every day, beautifully tailored and modeled. The new Golf
ine material, Eponge, Serge apd Bedford Cord. One is a striking model in
Bedford Cord, with short Bolero jacket, trimmed in Roman stripe. Others
. - t show touches of color, plaids, etc., in belts and buttons, giving a touch of
individuality that is most charming.
Separate Coats for Spring Wear
are more alluring than ever this year. White holds its own, while colors
arc equally as fashionble. Many arc of the new "Golfine" one beautiful
. example being in Orange Golfinc, made in the Balmacaan style, softly lined
with colored crepe. Sport Coats, Balmacaan and numerous novelty-effects aro
shown in these favorite garments.
The New Spring Dresses
show such a variety of charming models that description is inadequate.
Great novelty in design, materials and trimmings is seen, though the soft,
clinging, easily-draped materials are far in the lead, crepes, taffetas, messa
iincs and crepe de chine being shown. Skirts are uuique the' pannier, back
bustle, overskirt, tiered and tunic effects all being extremely favored.
Jacket effects are pronounced and the Bolero and the Zouave have once
more come into high favor. The decided novelty in collars is the flarethe
Japanese Flare collar being especially desirable. And yet there are a variety
of simple rolling effects in collars that hold high favor, especially in the odd
fabrics and cuts now seen. All in all, the Dress models of the present season
are the essence of beauty, gracefulness and decidedly feminine in every
reSpeet--the fluffier and more beruffled the better. And the colors fulfill
the dream of the most aesthetic softly beautiful, demure, or striking, as
you please. ;
Spring's Offering in Women's Suits
"Dressy" Suits are the leaders, though the reliable tailored Suit always has its
place. The short coat predominates, and it's a welcome deviation from the three
quarter length that has obtained for the past few seasons. There are many variations
of the short coat; some sharp cutaway ; others hanging loose from the shoulders. Yoko
effects and raglan-cut coats are also extremely popular. The flare coat is almost a
necessity, in view of the bouffant skirt styles. All skirts show extra width at the hips
and the bustle back, the tiered, the pannier, the pegtop and various styles of draped
skirts are about equal in popularity. The loveliest and most striking effects aro
secured in collar and cuff trimmings, which supply for the most part the dash needed,
Suits generally depending upon their unique modeling for their individuality. The ma
' terials'are exquisite, a great variety being used, in plain colors, plaids and novelty
effects. Removal sale reductions on all this new Spring Merchandise.
All $12.50 Garments reduced for Removal Sale to ; .$10.00
All $25.00 Garments reduced for Removal Sale to.. $20.00
All $35.00 Garments reduced for Removal Sale to S52S.OO
All $37.50 Garments reduced for Removal Sale to S30.00
All $45.00 Garments reduced for Removal Sale to S36.00
All $50.00 Garments reduced for Removal Sale to..:..... JMO.OO
Meier A Frank's, Garmeat Salons, Second Floor, Mnlo lllds.
Children's Coats and Dresses
New Spring Arrivals at Removal Sale Prices
Children's wear is just as distinctive in style this season as that of the elders.
And every day we're receiving the most charming little Coats and Dresses, and as
fast as they're unpacked marking them at the reduced prices now in effect for
Removal Every Garment in our Children's Department is reduced for Removal
Coats in sizes to fit the 2 to 14-year-olds, and Dresses for the 6 to 15-year-old girls.
A Peau de Soie Coat at $5.40 a beautiful little model, made of the softest mate
rial lined with white. T.Wide Balkan belt, lingerie col.lar.and . trimmed with Iw.o rows
of pearl buttons. Sizes 2 to C years. A veritable "bargain" at this special price.
An Ail-Wool Checked Coat Model at $7.95 reduced from $10. Made in the
Balkan style, with belt. Hand-embroidered linen collar and effective red glass but
tons, complete a splendid little Coat for 2 to 6-year-olds at only S7.95.
Hand-Embroidered Linen Dresses at $6.50 peplum style,' and straight Russian
models. Handsome Dresses that are greatly underpriced for the Removal Sale.
-Lingerie Dresses at $3.75, $5.55 and $3.75 made of soft lawns and batiste, beau
tifully trimmed with laces and embroidery. Immensely reduced for Removal Sale.
Meier A Frank's Second Floor, Main Dlris.
Prepare for the Rose Festival Now
Nearly 5000 Sturdy Two-Year-OId Field-Grown Rose
Bushes Priced for Quick Disposal at uacn
No Phone Orders No Deliveries
' You'll doubtless remember our tremendous sale of Rose Bushes
last Fall at 19c each and this event will be of far greater im
portance to you, owing to the fact that nearly 5000 Rose Bushes
were ordered at tlie expiration of the last sale, before our removal
plans were made. They've just arrived, and now, to insure disposal
of them before moving into our new annex, we're offering them at
the Kemoval Sale price of 17? each.
These Rose Bushes were grown in one of the foremost Western
Rose Nurseries have been examined by famous horticultural in
spectors and pronounced by them to be healthy, vigorous stock, full
of life and vitality, and in splendid condition to grow and bloom
this year. They're field-grown, which insures you of well de
veloped roots and they've been but recently dug carefully
wrapped in moss and each Bush tagged, with its variety.
Most opportune is this sale for right now is the time to
plant your Rose Bushes, while the ground is wet and soft.
65 well-known varieties are included in this lot of nearly
5000 Rose Bushes and while any remain you may choose
at the unusually low price of, each, 17
Mme. Caroline Testout Gloire De Lyonaisse
Pink Mme. Cochet Climbing La Trance
Dorothy Perkins Climbing Mme. Caroline Testont
Beauty of Europe Rainbow
. Competent Gardener in attendance to give Planting Instruc
tions, help you with your selections, etc.
' Meier A Frank's We Basement Store.