18 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1914. BE AL ESTATE. For Bale Acreage. SPECIAL. ATTENTION. 40 acres of fine, level valley land, all In cultivation, mile from transportation near Corvallis; will sell at $150 per acre on terms of nothing down if you will improve with buildings or oy planting lOKununnw. ur i an nm.ortuumt v that Is seldom of fered, so take advantage of it while you can. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 518 Board of Trade Bide. Homesteads. 160 ACRES fine, lieavy timber, close to river; will come into market Boon; can be homesteaded or timber-claimed; get vou immediate filing for $-00; tins is val uable timber. t93 oregonian piug. tor iSaie Fruit Land. S-tlKi 0 acres, under cultivation: ideal tor orchard or garden truck, chlcens, etc.. on Pacific Highway, two blocks from Oregon Electric station, one mile from Southern Pacific station: good market, school and college and fine climate; price 1tmo- $4M cash, balance Jlo per innnui, Call or address Room 3u4. Hotel Eaton, West Park and Morrison sts. . For Sale Farms. COMPLETE LITTLE FARM i.-. acres $2000 This is best shot soil, no rock or gravel: running water, spring at house. - miles from carline, 2S miles Portland; fair house, smail barn. 0 acres cultivated, new crop in. Ail kinds tree fruits and berries, horse, cow. wagon, harness, plows, har row and all small tools; some furniture Included. Cash SO0; 1. - and 3 years on balance. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. 002 Dekum bldg. 60-ACKE farm and house, only $700. lt;r acres, near R. K., only $7 per acre. 222-acre dairy farm, in Yamhill County, b-st bargain in the country, only 30 per acre: good terms' and some trade. 40u-acre improved farm, only $40 acre. 500 acres, mostly in cultivation, in the best part of Polk County; very cheap and easy terms. I handle nothing but real bargains. If you want them, see me. P. K. Lamar, 002-3 Lumbcrmens bldg. IK YOU KNOW VALVES, this will appeal to you; 160 acres, 110 under plow; good 6 roorn house, barn and other outbuildings. 2 teams. 2 wagons, farm implements, 12 cows, 4 calves. 4 registered pigs; run ning water; only $60 per acre; located near Drain. SCOTT-BEESLEY-DEANE CO., 211-11' Abington Bldg. DAIRY land. 149 acres, in Umpqua Valley, conceded by U. S. Agricultural Department to have best climatic conditions in United States: l.i0 acres in crop, running water, springs, deep rich soil; $2i00 cash and terms. Owner, Will F. Smith. Nortonia Hotel. TOH fc-ALE or rent. w ll-improved farm of acre, one mile south, two miles west of Kcappoos?, Oregon: suitable for fruit, dairy and chicken ranch; also S-room hou&e, big barn and crops; reasonable price. Owner. And. Cholick, R. No. 1, Scappoose, Or. S2 ACRES In Crook County, near Prine ville, in section So, township 17 south, range 19 east; only J1200; JSOO down, bal ance to suit. M. ZADOW. 14 Corbett Bldg., A 1416. Marshall 92. FARM BARGAINS. Write for our description of 100 Wil lamette Valley farms of 10 to 1300 acres each. MORGAN & WALKER. Corvallis, Or. 302-ACRE ranch, near Valier, Teton Coun ty, Montana, close to school: partly cul tivated; $111 an acre, on terms. E. M. Golder. V2H? 2d st.. Portland. DO YOU WANT a valley farm, all choice soil, all conven iences, at half price? Must sell. Address AD Oregonian. RANCH. 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner. 182 Morrison St. ! icel laneous. STATE HOTEL, and OOxlUO lot at Pendleton, Or. ; nays $130 rent per month ; price S15.0O0. H. G. Starkweather, R. F. D. No. 1. Milwaukie. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 7 OR S rooms and sleeping porch ; must be strictly modern and up to date; want 4 bedrooms on second floor and 2 bath rooms; prefer corner 100x100 but would consider 00x100; two or three blocks from Irvlngton or Broadway car in Irvington ; must be good surroundings: will pay cash If necessary. Ask for Mr. Hoteington. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 209-221 Selling Bldg. 1 HAVE a buyer for that house, any part of the city. Write me today if you wish to buy or sell. Chas. Hammick, 4P8 Com mercial St. VA NTED -Cheap country land timber tract, stump land or city lot as payment on Portland Income property (new); good chance to use your unproductive property to Brood advantage. C 806, Oregonian. IF YOU WANT TO HELL, IT LIST IT "WITH AMERICAN SALE & EXCHANGE CO., 227 Henrv Bldg., Portland, Or. I HAVE cash to pay for bargains in houses well located; prefer west of 40th on East Side; give exact location and price, T s,-. Oregonian. CASK for lots; must be cheap or not want ed. S 7S7, Oregonian. HAVE buyers for city and farm -bargains. P E. LAMAR. 502-3 Lumbermens Bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. 12-ACRE farm and prune orchard, large furnished house, dandy place; adjoins Vancouver city limits; good deal to right party. McFarland, 309 Yeon bldg., Port land. - PACIFIC highway, near Courtney, 30 min. from city. Sc fare, 10 acres, S-r. modern cottage. $30 mo. F. Dayton, 233 Taylor. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. EXCELLENT loerging proposition of R, 000,000 on railroad; also tract of 11,000. 000 near railroad, for sale by owner. 607 Journal bids- Marshall 4240. " TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. S04 M'KAY BLDG. CHEAP STUMPAGE. Idoel location for a mill; stream run ning to railroad spur. 83 5th sU WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED. SMALL RANCH. Wanted, to lease a small ranch of from ten acres up: must have house and out buildings: will buy any stock that is oo piace. W. O. Tuttle, 3339 Randolph ave., Oakland, Cal. FARMS WASTED; "WANTED To buy farm near city and car line, 15 or 20 acres, cash. Call between 1 and 2:30. Frank A. Clark, Clyde Hotel. TO EXCHANGE. I WANT a few Improved acres close to city and transportation, suitable for suburban home. Will exchange close-In apartment ' site with some income. AM 750, Ore gonian. JDO you want to make an exchange? If so, see me. I have farms, lots, acreage, stock ranches, farms, houses, apartment and manv more to exchange. See me. H. W. GARLAND, 101 4TH ST. $30,000, CLEAR Portland improved, for go injc dairy ranch of equal value in Willam ette Valley. W. J. SUMMERS Marshall 3701.' 000 Lewis bid?. ONE acre land with fi-room house. 3 blocks from carline. near Mount Hood depot, for ale or trade for butcher shop in live country town. A E 703, Oregonian. 4-ROOM modern bungalow on Rose City Park "carline; price $1SOO. Will take lot or acreage in. part payment. 01S Board of Trade Bldg. 11 ACRESaT" Oregon City, clear, $f;!007and lot in Portland. $1000, exchange for house and lot up to $3000. H. W. GARLAND, 101 4th St. FIVE acres planted to walnuts and apples to exchange for Portland property or auto. AC 786. Oregonian. EQUITY In 5-room modern furnished $30o0 bungalow for building lot. Owner, 307 Broadwav bldg. Main 1SH. CARPENTERS 20 beach lots, value 1200. for , building- $:rt beach cottage. Dr. Swain. HOT Broadway, cor. 20th. FIKST-CI.ASS lots in Salem, Or., as part payment for Portland improved property. AR 703, Oregonian. WHAT have you to trade for a sec t ion of land in Central Oregon, handy to rail road town? M. K. Lee, ,'2J Corbett bldg. WANT to exchange modern $3000 equity in a good, modern. 7-room house for land. AC 700. Oregonian. S ACRES of fine land at Solo. Or., for clear Portland lots or furniture, xaoor 2014. FIRST-CLASS residence property, Salem, Or., for Portland property. T 78ti. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE for carpenter work. See Swank. 611 Northwest bldg. Main 4190. WILL exchange 2 lots. Capitol Hill, for acreige; price $1000. AP ilH, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGES. That mill deserve your consideration. $45,000 300 acres, improved on Oregon Electric and Willamette River, near Salem: clear; wants income property. $::;i,000 115 acres, near Hillsboro, on Ore. Electric; clear; to trade for in come and will assume. $20,000 Equities In first-class residence property, to trade for good valley farm and assume. $13.500 Equity mtgs., $6500; good Income bearing property to trade for close-in acreage. $12,000 Splendid income apartment-houae. Wants Southern Oregon farm of same value. $11,400 19 acres near Parkrose, clear; to trade for income and will assume. $ 6,000 Equity $3000, mtgs. 7' acres high ly improved, strictly modern 10 100m house; to trade for any thing about clear. These are just a few of our exclusive listings. Call on or addres about these or anything else you might want. COLUMBIA TRUST CO., 018 Board of Trade Bldg. WE have the following to exchange for Portland Ificome property: 14u0-acre wheat ranch, well located; springs and buildings; 1100 under culti vation ; price $31,00. 75x100 feet Portland, improved with one 3-room and one &-room flat; $4500. acres, with 3, 5 and 7-year-old com mercial apples; 2 miles to Hood River; $050o. Will exchange all of this and assn $20,000 if you can show value. HAWTHORNE-AVE. STABLES. 420 Hawthorne Ave. A BIG SACRIFICE. 1120-acre wheat ranch. 7 miles from Rltzville, Wash., lOOo under cultivation, 030 ready for orop; fair bldgs., mtge. $0d(i, S per cent. Estimated minimum net in come this year $lMJO above all expenses, taxes and interest. property estimated worth $30,000. Will trade equity for clear property in Oregon. Washington, Idaho or Alberta, with actual value of $12,000 or more. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO., 512-513 Yeon Bldg. TO EXCHANGE Twelve acres, beautifully located, 14 miles from i-ortiaim. near ci line; all in cultivation; barn 50xtu, large and small fruits, hay, grain, team and chickens; all ready for Spring work; for modern home of one or two acres; must be on carline within 0c fare; give description, location and price. Address R. F. D. No. 4, box 107. - . WANT Portland residence WANT or stock groceries WANT or merchandise. Exchange for $0tMH equity 30 acres or chard, located electric road, 20 miles Port land; incumbrance $35u; tine proposition. D. J. KOUPAL, Newberg, Or. INSIDE PORTLAND PROPERTY FOR SALE OR EXCHAMi c. 74x100 feet, on Third St., 7 blocks from Third and Morrison sts. ; will exchange for farm cIo?c to Portland; must be clear of incumbrance and on a good road. See owner, 404 Gerllngcr bldg., or p..one Main 003. HIGH-GRADE ranch in Washington, on railroad, good buildings, stock and im plements, equity $21.uU0, for proposition of equal merit in Portland, and will assume. W. J. SUMMERS Marshall 37il. 3O0 Lewis bldg. FOUR Portland lots, trade on 20 to 40 acres land to $4!uu; tieaverion. nve ncre, $LSU0, trade $1 lt0 equity for lots or small house. Vancouver lot. $300, trade on Port land lot to $800, some cash. AC 796, Ore gonian. ; 80-ACRE improved farm south of Salem; 7- room house, large Darn, iarui iiiipicuieina, 20 acres voung commercial orchard, fam ily orchard in full bearing. Will exchange for city property, improved or unimproved. See Ferris, 518 Board of Trade bldg. WILL trade fine home for auto; 8 rooms, 2 baths, sleeping-porcn. tonet m nasemem. 4 porches; lot 60x100; value $3000: my equity $1700; will take auto and you can carry balance at $00 per month, including interest. AH 707, Oregonian. $3000 EQUITY in a beautiful. West Side resiaence iui or nuuiuiicui anc, uci. and 20th; 20 blocks from the postoffice; one house and lot or auto on $3000 value, unincumbered; state location. AH 700, Oregonian. 20 ACRES level tract IVi miles north of Vancouver city limits, 2oO truit trees, close to Pacific Highway, and fine graded ideal homespot. $S0i0. Will trade for stock of merchandise. Address A V 000, Oregonian. ALFALFA ranch, 320- acres. Eastern Ore gon, paid-up water rignts, an tencea; wm consider any good proposition up to $40, 000, and assume. W. J. SUMMERS Marshall 3701. 300 Lewis bldg. STEEL MOTORBOAT HULL. Cruiser type; cabin built and canvassed and ready for paint: built by Detroit Ship building Co.; value $400; will trade for lot or what have ou? Fred W. German Co., 914 Cham, or cojn. $1200 EQUITY 5-acre walnut orchard, 00 miles fortiana ; ou uue on couiruci.. monthly payments; might consider trade Portland lots. D. J. KOUPAU Newberg, Or. CLEAR timber, Jackson County, cruise five mi it ion. mostly pine; warn pome up iu $0000, clear. VV. J. SUMMERS Marshall 3701. 305 Lewis bldg. WANT to trade two beautifully located. close-in view lots in Spokane, small house on one, value $2700, for Portland resi dence under $40OO; give full particulars. AS 737, Oregonian. LOTS, houses and lots, acreage, for other property and business chances, w nat nave you to trade or sell? 623 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE. lIore, Vehicle, Harness, Etc. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds made to crder; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne ave.. Phone East 72, B 1360. A GUARANTEE by a firm established 30 yea re means something. We buy, sell or exchange horses of all descriptions. Satisfaction guaranteed. Frazier & McLean Stables, &th and Taylor sts. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO. sells on commission horses, mules, vcnicies and harness. Auction sales every Monday and Friday 10 A. M. Private sales daily. 240 East 8th St., near Hawthorne. East 6315. FOR SALE One well-watched young team. weighing 2300 ids.; one team or di&cks, -and G years old, weighing 3000 lbs.; one team of horses weighing 2000 lbs, 22ti Russell. NOTICE J. Cohen stables removed from 54G Front st. to 381 water at., renting horses and wagons with or without license for $1.25 per day. Main 2208. FOR SALE Delivery wagons, pleasure ve hicles, tarm wagons, aump wagons. Har ness and robes; easy terms. Studebakers, 330-336 East Morrison st. TO EXCHANGE! Express wagon for farm wanon. stnadara gauge. Auuress iuj ivu lingsworth ave., room 14. ; BAY" MARE. 8 years old, weight 13S0; good true puller, in foal by imported stallion, $1 10. 241 Jefferson st. WANTED Cheap horses, logging size; give description and price. Address At ,1 Oregonian. WANTED Gentle horse for light work for its keep good pasture, best of care. AG 760, Oregonian. TEAM of niares, 2CO0 lbs. : mare and (fol ding. 29 00 lbs., age t. cneap; staoie root of East Alder. Nickum & Kelly dock. TEA M of gray chunks and heavy harness, $1 7.. Front and aiarKet. ONE chunky-built bay horse. 4 years old. sound and right; bargain. 241 Jefferson st. DEAD horses and cattle hauled away free. Tabor 4203. SORREL pacer. 3 years old, sound and gentle. ?so. 143 union ave. .n. CHEAP farm team, new wagon and harness at a bargain. 10211 is. Yanamil st. SOME ood farm or draft' teams. Call be fore 10 A. M. or after 6 P. M. Tabor 2632. HORSES FOR SALE.. S8 E. 7TH ST. NORTH. pianon. Organs and Musical Ind mments. FREE $400 PIANO. A sample piano to be placed with one responsible party in 100 towns In Oregon and Washington. Jf you wish to own one of these hlvh-gnde pianos. WRITE TO DAY. Address ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 207-208 Selling bldg. FOR SALE Orchestra music library; also collection of comic opera scores, majority Gilbert and Sullivan ; reasonable. S. N. Stuekey. Aberdeen, Wash. BEAUTIFULLY carved golden oak Ludwlg piano, perfect condition; cost $400; leaving . city, will sacrifice for $100. S 70O, Ore gonian. Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock. AIRDALES, Ch. Red Raven at stud. Laddlx Kennels, Estacada, Or. FOB SALE. logs. Bird, ret 8 lock. BELGIAN HARES. -Pedigreed and utility breeding stock. Young s Rabbttry. P. O. Box 61, Portland. AM leaving city, will sell beautiful white spitz male dog, 6 months old, $2.50. Phone Tabor 3!US. Furniture For Sale. TWO fine walnut beds, springs and mat tress ; 2 large, fine dressers ; library ta ble, heavy oak; lady's oak desk, a beauty: 2 rugs, 0x12; 1 Singer sewing machine; fine dining-room table and six chairs, leather seats; 3 fine reed rockers; china closet; rockers, ccrpets, fine set of dishes, lace curtains and curtains, range and gas range, fine heater, tables, cupboard, lawn mower, hose, canned goods, jelly s, etc., and many other articles: also antique chairs, J00 vears old. First comer gets it. Entire nw fiirntshlnes of three apart ments at sacrifice. Circassian, birdseye and golden dressers and chiffoniers, beau tiful brass beds complete, handsome din lmj t&bles, leather chairs and buffets, li brary tables and leather rockers, dav enport, rugs and nearly new mahogany upright piano. Rare opportunity for par ties needing furniture. Sell separately. Call today. 707 Marshall St.. near 21st. GOOD snap, furniture of 0 rooms, modern 6-room flat; if taken at once, $SO; 2 rooms rented. - Phone A 1001 or Main 8479, apt. L - RANGE for sale; Majestic, in first-class condition, nearly new; also other furni ture. 3S7 East Couch, bet. Union and Grand aves. $00 DOWN. G-room flat, close in. West Side, or separate pieces, to sell. AC 70S, Ore gonian. STEEL range, heater, dressers, dining table and cbairs. rockers, rugs, dishes, beds, etc. 170 Eiift SOth st. North. FURNITURE of 7-room house for sale at a great sacrifice; part mahogany. 144 East 27th st. Pnone East 0408. GAS range, dresser, bed, springs and wood heater, at 122 East 20th at. North. Call East 0204. FURNITURE of 4 rooms for sale cheap. Inquirt 540 Gideon st. Automobiles. REAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS. 191J Chalmers 36, 5-pass.. $1000. 19l:i Chalmers 30. 5-pass., $&50. iyl2 Stoddard-Davton 40, 5-paas.. $1100. 1911 Cadmec 30, 0-pass.. $S50. 1911 Peerb'ss 30. 5-pass., $1150. 1912 Chalmers 30. 4-pass., $9S5. 1912 American 30, 4-pass., $1150. 1910 Corbin 30. 5-pass., $850. 1911 Thomas 6. 5-pass., $1100. These cars must be seen to be appre ciated; over 30 cars in stock. Write for list. FRANCIS A K ADDER LY. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. Formerly Custom-House Auto Co. E. 1199. B 1213. AUTO SNAPS. Cadillac. 5-pass., $000. Cole, 0-pasS., $700. Reo, 5-pass., $00 1. Reo., 5-pas., $320. Reo truck, 1000 lbs. capacity, cheap. These cars aiy guaranteed by us. Terms given. NOTH WEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch Sts. FORD runabout. Ford chassis and Ford tax ieabs with enlarged bodies, all in tirst class condition, for cash. Inquire at 000 Burnside, Carlton Hotel bldg. NEW delivery wagons at eecoiid-hand prices. Oregon Moline Plow Company. DEAD STORAGE. $3 to $0 per month. VAN HORN' TRANSFER CO., 40 2cl St. MICHIGAN roadster, 40-H. P.. $000. Call Main 0034. Room 1112 Spalding bldg FOR SALE One 5-passenger 1012 Ford. Hawthorne Stables. 42t Hawthorne ave. Automobiles Wanted. WILL take auto to value $800 as first pay ment on my 5-room bungalow, corner lot, two blocks from Rose City Park carline; price $2800; don't waste your time to show me old junk. P. J. Forau. 183S ' Sandv boulevard, at East 7 2d at. Phone C 3272. Motorcycles. BARGAIN condition. -4 H. P. 3911 Y'ale clutch, fine $30 cash today. -4 25 Stark St. Livestock. AUCTION SALE of my entire herd of grade Holsteins at my farm, one mile south of Hogan, 2Vi miles southeast of Gresham, Or.. Tuesday, March 10. 1014, 11 o'clock A. M., 24 cows, one half to three-quarter-blood Holstein; 5 , grade 2-year-old heifers, 6 grade calves cows and heifers bred to Sir Colantha Champion Fayne and Sir Johanna Fayne 4th; tubercular tested and certificate goes with each cow. The 6 calves are from these fine bulls. Entire herd goes, no re serve Terms, cash or bankable note. Take Estacada car. First and Alder, Port land, S :45 A. M. Martin Winch, owner; W. S. Wood, Vancouver, auctioneer. AUCTION sale of my entire herd of dairy cows, 1 V miles east of Washougal, Wash., Friday, March 6. 1014, 11 o'clock A. M. : 10 cows, 3 2-year-old heifers, 4 yearling heifers, 1 bull calf, team of mares, 1300 pound 4-year-old horse, all farm machin ery, wagons, etc. ; mixed breed of cattle, Jersey and Durham ; quite a number of them nearly full-blood Durham; an extra fine herd of cattle. Terms, S months' time on approved security without interest if paid when due. Geo. Adams, owner. Van. couver, Wash. Wr. S. Wood, auctioneer. FOR SALE 3 very high-class A. J. C. C. registered Jersey cows coming fresh soon with second calf; also registered Jersey bull 1 year old royally bred and at rea sonable prices. Address 775 Belmont st. 10 H EAD of good milch cow s, Jersey and Durham, 3 to 7 years old; part ere fresh, balance to freshen soon. Take Woodstock car to 60th ave.. walk 3 blocks west, 1 north. PURE-BRED registered Jersey cow 4 years old; bargain; come and see her milked. 241 Jefferson st. FOR SALE Milch goats. Address e E. Kcpner, Springlield, Or. Typewriters. WE tave you from 00 to 70 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illus trated folder, retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash. st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $60. NOP TH WEST TYPE WRITER CO., 262 Stark St. NO. 2 L- C. Smith tvpe writer, in first-class condition. $50. Call 127 11th st. Phone East 1003 evenings. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C, 231 Stark. Main 3407. Machinery. MOTORS and dynamos bought, sold and re paired; largest stock of second-hand ma chinery on the Coust. ROBT. SKEEN ELECTRIC WORKS. 400-402 Glisan St. FOR SALE or rent, logging aud hoitsting engines, contractors machinery- all kinds. Railway Equipment Co.. 1st and Oak. Miscellaneous. HOP ROOTS FOR SALE. 200,000 choice S to 12-in roots, best In state. $4 per lOOO.f. o. b. Dundee Land ing. Address J. P. Ranzau, Dundee, Or. VISIBLE typewriters rented three months for i4 ; delivered anywhere; convenient at home. 244 Stark sU Phones Main 6273 or A 4441. SAFES Mosler Safe Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy terms; safes openend and repaired ; bargains in second-hand safe3. 108 2d st. Phon Main 77ii. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, of all makes, for sale or rented. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d. near Yam hill. Main 9431. FREE angler's license given with every pur chase of fishing tackle amounting to $7.00. 11. T. Hudson Arms Co.. 110 Third st. DROP-HEAD sewing machine, typewriter's desk and office chair, 2 small diamond rings. $10 and $15. 7 W. Park. SEED potatoes, raised on low ground. Bur bank and American Wonder, at 000 Will iams ave. 500 SACKS potatoes at 50 cents a sack if talten at barn near Rlsiey station. H. G. Starkweather. SAFES AT COST. All safes in store, steel cabinets and fixtures at cost, purcell Safe Co., 80 oth st. FOR SALE1 Two taxi cab suits, one dress D,1. nr, ,A T3rln.. til,.,.! nrta a -rl x-n u practically new. AB 795. Oregonian. EXPERT TRUSS FITTING at the Lau- DavUs Drug Co.. 3d and lamhill. IF taken today, will sell wood range for $10. Tabor 2307. PRINCE Albert coat and vest, size 3S, new, $8. AD 708, Oregonian. SPRAY pump, built on coast, for sale cheap or trade; what have you? Tabor 2014. $120 BUYS beautiful diamond ring. Tiffany setting. 32i Lumber Exchange bldg. TWO Reno pool . tables, almost as good as new; a snap buy. AV 060, Oresonian. SA FES Second-hand and new ; great bar gains. J. E. Davis, Hotel Edwards. FOUR donkey engines, lines, block, bargain. E 790, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED To buy one good pair of second hand field glasses or binoculars. Phone Marshall 2051. E. E. Ballou, 28 N. 20th st. WANTED 3 National cash registers at once; will pay spot cash. Main 606. - SPOT CASH. For your furniture. Phone Sellwotd 1632. HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hochfekl, 85 N. 3d st., cor. Couch. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. t5. H. BARGE R, THE AUCTIONEER, will auction your furniture or what not at yjur residence for you or will pay highest cash price for same. We sell at Barger Auction House, 308 E. Morrison St., at auction pricea at any time. East 1022. WE BUY STOCKS OF MERCHANDISE. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. NEW OR SECOND-HAND. WE PAY THE BEST CASH TRICES. THE FAIR DEAL. MAIN 272. A 32U3. LEVIjc HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. 221 Front St., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main ao?2. Our buyer calls promptly. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front stv buys second-hand furniture, c-trpets. stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main 9072 our buyer calls pioinptly. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest cash prices paid for ladies" and gents' cestui f clothing and shoes. Call Vain 0203. 204 3d st. The reliaole buyer. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms; registers guaranteed. W. J. Macauley. 34 Burnside. Main 1816, A 1S16. WANTED Machinery. First-class steam sh'ovel; state make, model, number, length of time used. location, delivery and price. Big Creek Logging Co.. Knappa. Or. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. Highest prices pjald for second-hand Clothes. 340 1st St. Main 1383. A -631. WANTED First-class second-hand cigar wall case and a cigar showcase; must be good and price right. Write and tell us what you have. AE 0j, Oregonian. WANTED Second-hand motors and gener ators. Robert Skeen Electric Works, 400- 402 Gllsan st., corner 9th. 2D HAND FURNITURE, ETC.. WANTED. Don't give It away; get our figures first. Standard Fur. Co.. 182 1st. Mali. 4773. MOTOR-BOAT, equipped, or hull, skiff, marine motor. What have you for cash? AC 707. Oregonian.- LET us figure on your wall tinting, paint ing, papering. Rose City Tainting Co. Tabor 0312. DO not sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auct.oa House. 101 2d st. Marshall 47S3. MUST have second-hand furniture. Phone Ea-st 6417. Any quantity at once. Albina Furn. Store, n IS Williams ave. WANTED Wrrstllns mat. John Ameele, Milwaukie. Or. Phono Rod 402. HOOD banjo, cah, or will trade line Rock ford watch. AN 703, Oregonian. I'UKi) AL CTION CO. pay more cash for any hind of furniture. Main 8051. ENGINE lathe 38 or 20-inch ; give dimen sions and price. AG 700, Oregonian. H IGHEST cash prices paid for second handed household goods. Tabor 1721. RENT vlsihle typew riter threo months tor $4. 244 Stark st. - Main 62(3, A 444L CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. CASH PA ID FOR DIAMONDS, p 1 AN Ofc. 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. WE tint rooms for $2.50, paint house at your price. East 323. Hotel Edwards. HELP WANTED MALK. INCJ-OENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M.' C, A. - Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $0 for employment membership I will have only $10 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $0 for employ ment membership you will nave the Y. M. C. A. with ail Its resources between you and starvation. Result Young man joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record-for 1013: Calls for men from employers 2655 toe.'tions tilled Special employment membership guar antees member will secure employment or membership fee will be refunded. Gives two months' full privileges, including use of gymnasium, swimming pool, bath, etc., and li months' social or house privileges Including the services of the employment department for the entire ear. All young men seeking employment m commercial, clerical or technical lines, are cordially Invited to consult with the Sec retary of the Advisory and Employment Departments. 1 AM looking for a man who wants a posi tion, not a job. There is a big difference. I want a man who is not content to re ceive each pay day but little more than enough to meet actual expenses. I want a man who FEELS he has the ability. KNOWS he has the backbone and is WILLING and KEEN to tackle a business which is making other men $5000 a year and more without any of their own money Invested. Perhaps you are one of the man holding down a Job when you have the ability to fill a position. Are you ad vancing from year to year, both financial ly and otherwise, as much as you feel 'u are capable of doing? II you are not, get out of that rut and come up and see me. I want a LIVE WIRE who is making a suc cess selling goods and who is not receiv ing the money he thinks he should. Show me you can qualify and 1 will suow you how you can make $0000 a year with the most progressive institution of its kind on the Coast, a. B. Cleaveland, sales man ager. Provident Trust Company, 212 Sell ing building, Portland. Oregon. PRACTICAL MAN, with family, familiar with horses, for general farm and orchard work; salary at rate of $U0 per month. Permanent ; opportunity to acquire small farm to right party with not less than $250 cash to invest. School and store on premises. " AS 722, Oregonian. WANTED Chef for hotel. $S0 per month; lumber pller for dry kiln, $73 per month. Lumber grader for planer, $3. Pacilic Employment Co., 222 Couch st. INTELLIGENT young man to take churge of branch office; best of opportunities for advancement;, largest corporation in business; will require from $0iK to $10O0; all answers strictly confidential. AM 7$7. Oregonian. IF you have had some experience soliciting life or fire insurance, taking orders for books or magazines or canvassing tor any . other line l will show you how to earn from $20 to $100 weekly. See me today. 72 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED A THOROUGHLY EXPERI ENCED. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER, BOOKKEEPER; NO OTHERS CONSID ERED; STATE WAGES. REFERENCES. ADDRESS LOCK BOX 014, -PORTLAND, OREGON. WANTED Teamster who understands ship ping to railroad and boats in the city; must take care of 2 horses; steady job; state smallest salary; give phone. N 79t, Oregonian. WANTED A first-class meatcutter; must Itavo best of reference ; no boozer need upply. Call at 4O0 2 3d st. Friday, be tween 10 and 1 1 :30 A. M. ; steady work; Family Cash Market. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy, guaranteed stock, excellent terri tory; hustlers inuke money; Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenish, Wash. TRAVELING man to handle our line of gloves in Washington and Idaho on a commission basis. Portland Glove Works, 440-447 Stark st. WANTED 6 experienced section foremen ; single preferred. Grand Trunk Pacific Rail way. Addrets box 120, Smithers, B. C, Canada. SALESMAN Active young man with initia tive and selling ability as local agent for office specialty; state references and ex perience. AB 7i7. Oregonian. SALESMEN wanted to sell stock '11 a sub stantial proposition that is making good ; easily cold and good commission. 11 IS Spalding bldg. YOUNG man to learn the watchmaking and Jewelry business;, pay while learning. Ap ply IV. urauu SALESMEN "Get out of the rut"; proposi tion that appeals; quick promotion. 32 34th st. WANTED Office boy for wholesale house; good opportunity for advancement- state age and scnooung. (j iu. oregonian, WANTED To correspond with good, live man who can promote a first-class Indus trial proposition. AV 075, Oregonian. STRONG boy wanted, 16 to 20 years of age, permanent position. Apply 6S Gth St., 8:30 A. M. WANTED High-class solicitor to call on business houses; must have experience. Call 8:30 to 10 A. M. 421 Washington st. WANTED Young man with musical edu- cation to demonstrate player pianos: Fal ary $6 weekly. Address X 719, Oregonian. BOY wanted for delivery. Apply Portland Heights Market. ' CASH paid on advertising contracts; 12 so llc.Rors wanted. 268 Madison. PHOTO coupon ; beat offered ; beauty con test started. Cutberth Studio, Dekum bldg. WANTED Man for lawn, etc., by day. AJ 700. Oregonian. A LADIES tailor wanted, imperial Tailor Shop. ;i4 3d. EXPERIENCED solicitor on special propo sition. Apnly 70:; Oregonian bldg. WANTED Young man who can operate t y pe writer. Apply 0 I ' r o n t s X. SALESMAN Sell art show cards to mer chants; smalt deposit. 002 Swetland bldg. LIVE photo solicitors: p-ood money : new proposition. Moore Studio, Elks bldg. WANTED Ex perienoed magazine solicitors, hustlers only; good money. 419 Piatt bldg. PHOTO AGENT, something new; extra com. nission paid. &arony Studio, Royal bid?. HELP WANTED FEMALE. PASTRY cook, small place, $5 wk., r. and b. 2 waitresses, $20 and $20. Housekeeper, out, $25. Cook, small crew, $20. German girl for gen. work., $33. Gen. housework, $15 to $33. NEW POSITIONS EVERY DAY. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Ladies' Dept. 200 Morrison St. WANTED First-elass trimmers for good out-of-town position. Bradshaw Bros., wholesale milliners. Broadway and Morri- . son sts. CATHOLIC WOMAN'S LEAGUE can supply competent girls with general housework; wages $10 to $30 per mo. Call Main 2401 between 10 and 0. WANTED A young lady to check invoices; must be good at figure; give references and salary expected. AH 704, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED nure for baby. 0 months old. with reference. Call Marshall 3604 after 0 P. M. COOK, $40; housework. $15 to $40; other positions. St. Louis Agencv, 2S8 Main st. A 7175, Main 2030. W A NTED Operators on stratv hats. Write Washington Ladies" Hat Mfg. Co., 1020 4th ave.. Seattle. Wash. W A N T E D -A ll elderly lady to do light housework ; no children; go home at night. ;1S0 Constance st. WANTED Young woman with musical edu cation to demonstrate player piano; sal ary $6 weekl . Address AT 7f7, Oregonian. LADY agents wanted, quick seller. Call room 221 Carlton Hotel Friday, 9 to 12 A. M. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vtavi Co., 600 Roth cniio i.ldg.. 4th attd Washington. EXPERIENCED stenographer; must be neat-appearing: state wages desired. Ad dress V 785, Oregonian. FIVE girls to learn beauty ulture; pay while learning; position guaranteed. 4W 414 Dekum bldg., sanitary Parlors. LADIES to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $2. to Junker week; railroad fare t; railroad fare Ca II mornings. taid. 610 swetiana oiag. LAD 1' tolicitors tor Barcleji corset, also agents for small towns. Ethel Hamilton, 400 'A Morrison. THE HAIR SHOP wants two ladies to learn business; good chance. 100 3th st. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. Wa-minton bldg.. 270 Washington, room Z. near 4th. Phone Main hs;;0 or A 3261. WA NTED A lirl for general housework. Phono East 0206. "WANTED Middle-aged woman to help Ie clothing store. 324 1st st. WIDOWER desires an intelligent managing housekeeper. A F 704, Ort-gonlan. GOOD places for competent girls. Domes tic Serviee Bureau. 307 Central bldg. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 7U Flanders. LADY swimmers for water show; 30 weeks' work. Rice t Dore. Box 276. HELP WANTED MALE OH I EMALK. FISK Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 310 Journal bldg. Alain 430. HELP WA NT fc D Ml SCEL LAN EO U.S. OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade in S weeks; pays you while learning; tools free; tuition reduced this term; extra instructor; years in business; position guaranteed ; special inducements to ladies. Madison st., 202 2d st. MOLKR Barber College will teach you quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you while learning, furnish tools free. Write for free catalogue. A., 4a 2d st. North. RAILWAY mail clerks commence $70 month. Portland examinations coming; sampl; questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. ..-t.-L. r:ocnester, N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerks, P. O. clerks, ear ners; exam, soon; parcel posL demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacific States School, McKay bldg., city. GOVERNMENT jobs for women; big pay; Portland examinations April 0; sample questions free. Franklin institute. Dept. 700 L. Rochester, N. Y. YOUNG men, become Government railway mail clerks, $70 month : "pull" unneces sary; sample examination questions free. AV 02 S, Oregonian. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen, wages about $10o; experience unnecessary. Send age, postage. Railway, care Oregonian. WANTED Young man as manager of Se attle office; legitimate; big money-making buaines- $600 required. AB 7S. Oregonian. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work ; earn money while learning. This Hair Bazaar. Majestic Theater bldg., Wash, and park PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual Instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. -Mar. 4208. MOVING-PICTURE operating taught thor oughly. For particulars call at 4ii Dekum bldg., 11 A. M. WANTED Men to learn moving picture op erating. 417 Rothchild bldg. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, ;0 PER MO. 200 14TH ST, M. Hti'A. EXP. INSTRUC'N. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. IJook keepers and Clerki. EXPERIENCED clotlilng salesman, capable of managing department ; will give you one month's time to value my services ; none but first -class stores considered. N 7v, oregonian. REGISTERED pharmacist wants position; city or country : good salesman, steady and reliable; references. AD 700, Orego nian. MR. BUSINESS MAN Have you found the competent and reliable bookkeeper you were looking for? If not, can find him by addressing AD 767, Oregonian POSITION as bookkeeper or cashier, in or out of city, by competent man, 20 years old. X 700, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced bookkeper; state ex perience; salary $100 per month. Address K 708. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. OPEN FOR POSITION MARCH 15. I am no "has been," "will be," but am a good, live, general store man, with years of experience, well posted on mer chandise and a No. 1 salesman ; good trimmer and card writer; Washington, Oregon and Montana. What have you to offer? AV 940, Oregonian. ALL-ROUND country printer wants steady position. siead, reliahl competent to take foremanship of small shop; no booze or tobacco; married, go anywhere; wages $10 per week; recommendations from, last position. AV 040, Oiegonian. CHAUFFEU R, expt-rlenced on all maltes of cars, wishea a position with private fam ily or doctor; can give best of reference. Address Ernest Tucker. Forest Grove, Or. WANTED Outside position as talesman, have machine, married; I know the city; am now working inside. AS 733, Orego nian. ' NEAT young German wants work In ma chine shop, washing dishes, running ele vator or any light work. AF 734, Ore gonian. ELECTRICIAN Employment wanted in the electrical trades; graduate of technical school; Al mechanic; also familiar with steam and gas engines. X 770, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED colored man, position as Janitor or porter, with 6 years experience; references. Apply 102 N. 14th st. Main 2010. GOOD Japanese cook wants situation to do cooking in family. Address George, b2 N. 4th st.. city. WANTED Position on ranch, several years' experience, can handle any kind of ma chinery ; references. Phone East 3130. WANTED, by experienced middle-aged man, a Job on farm. Chas. Anderson. Globe Hotel, 14 1st st. North. WANTED Situation by .Napanese to do cooking and general housework. AE 7S3. Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese couple, want position, man cook or garden work, wife 2d or wash ing. AD 707, Oregonian. . CARPENTER foreman wants situation, day or contract. J. B. Young, 0014 40th st. S. E. TIMEKEEPER with five years experience would like position; will leave city. AC 78, Oregonian JAPANESE wants steady employment in family to work inside or in garden or both. W 7S0, Oregonian. MAN wants contract to clear land, 10 or 13 acres; references. W. Sam Laskalln, 010 Delay sL JAPANESE, very trustworthy, wants gen eral work in hotel; small wages; speaks English perfectly. Y 771, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook wants position in or out of city. Address 7til Grand ave. North. -Portland. Or. A-l CONCRETE foreman, thoroughly un derstands 'handling men. also figuring and making estimates. E 810, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS teamster or stable man wants ' position. J. W. Hudson, 2iS Monroe st. FIRST-CLASS engineer, ice refrigerators, etc. Mill or factory. X 752," Oregonian. JAPANESE boy. position schoolboy, in good family. AS 7M3, Oregonian. J A PAN ESE. good cook, wants position in family: experienced. Main 0014. ALL-AROUND baker wishes position In city or country. X 772, Oregonian. WHEN you want a carpenter call East 173$. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. CHAUFFEUR wants position; years ex perience, AM 707, Oregonian, Alarshail 1 030, A 3020. - WANTED Job by blacksmith; no horse shoeing. AE 7DK, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Book-keeper and btenograpbe . POSITION wanted by young lady afternoons 1 ::;y to 5:0; experienced in shorthand, typewriting and bookkeeping. C. 70-. Ore tonian. STENOGRAPHER, experienced and accu rate, willing worker, wishes position. Phone Marshall 2701. FEMALE stenographer, bookkeeper, with some experience, wants position. AG 701, Oregonian. ST E NOG R A P H E R, ten years' experience, wishes substitute or permanent position. Tabor 3000. YOUNG lady desires office work ; experi enced as assistant bookkeeper; references. Phone Wood lawn 420. WANTED position as cashier or typist having knowledge of bookkeeping. Mar shall 0060. YOUNG girl wants cashier work in moving picture show. Phone Main S010. YOUNG lady wishes position; knowledge in shorthand and typewriting. Main S428. YOUNG lady wants cashier, store or office work. Main 20it:t. A 7170. COMPETENT. experienced stenographer, wishes posit !on. East 04i0. Dressmakers. EXPERIENCED in dressmaking, alterations and plain, sewing; will take work home or go out by day or half-day; reasonable. Phone East 531 1. AN up-to-date Eastern dressmaker will come to the home; perfect fit guaran teed. Wood lawn 2t!'2. NOVELTY waists made to order. Mrs. Wil son. Hotel Gordon. Phone Main 202. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes day work, good references. Marshall 13s3. DRESSMAKER wishes sewing by the day; best of references. E. 3720. UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants crises; any thing taken; terms reasonable. Main 3S7-S. GOOD, practical nurse, doctors' references. Main 0037. CHARGE of a rooming-house bv competent lady. C 2!t0-'t. after .1:30 I. M. NURSE Maternity, chronic, city references; assist work; $11 per week. Main 3001. Housekeepers. GOOD cook, neat housekeeper, fond of making tiome attractive; respertable will dower's home preferred. Miss King. Main YOl'NG widow as housekeeper for widower, with children preferred. A H 70S, Ore gonian. Domestic. YOUNG woman, convalescing and wit hout means, w ishes home in private fan. ily where she may work for her board and room. Call Main 2401, between 10 ml 0. EXPERIENCED woman, day work, wash ing, ironing and cleaning. A 7 1 70, Main 2000. EXPERIENCED .Finn girl desires housework. St. Louis Agency, A 7170. Mam 2U3:. M i see I Ian enu EXPERIENCED teacher wants pupils, even ings; grade and high school subjects, in eluding French and German. V 7b6, Ore gonian. WANTED Day work; cleaning; would cook luncheons or dinners, 20 cents an hour; references. Phone Woodlawn 130'.. DAY work of any kind, either for woman ;r man or both. Call Woodlawn JS04 after 7 P. M-. room 8. FIRST-CLASS laundress will do washing reasonable for ladies at her home. Main 2109. WANTED, by Danish girl, general house work, cooking, in small adult family; lrv ington preferred. Phone C 2841. EXPERIENCED girl wants day housework. AN 707, Oregonian. work or JAPANESE 'Ir! wants position, housework, in small tain ily. Main tf 1 1. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work Fri., Sat.; references. Woodlawn 1011. WANTED Baby to be cared for by good, motherly woman. Phone Woodlawn 230b. T Wo experienced women want camp work, cook and helper. Marshall 704. DAY work wanted, Friday and Saturday; nood laundress. Main S303, room 200. TWO girls want general housework. 61 N. loth st. WANTEU AGENTS. EVERY office needs them; sell "Shurnuf" window ventilators; salesmen wanted. 0o0 Board of Trade. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. WANTED To lent furnished cottage or bungalow, 4 to 6 rooms, modern, com pletely furnished, 2 beds, reasonable rent and payable semi-monthly; will be occu pied by young couple; no children; write lull particulars at once. John Siwel. 71 Grand ave. North. WANTED 0 or 6-room modern bungalow in good district ; will considtr year lease; no children; might buy. AE 780, Orego nian. THOROUGHLY modern 0 or 6-room bunga low or cottage, all conveniences, not more than 20 minutes out; must be reasonable. N 7S0, Oregonian. HAVE clients for all kinds houses. P. E. Lamar. 502-8 Lumbermens bldg. Rooms. BUSINESS man wants to engage a place to live with family who have good, comfort able home; want room with private bath and li meals. Price no object, but place must be firt-class and In best neighbor hood. Main 001. WANTED Room with private family in apartment-house. AJ 70S, Oregonian. Rooms ith lioarti. WANTED Two nice rooms, with board, in strictly private family. East Side pre ferred. AC 7fi7, Oregonian. WANTED Board and room in private fam ily by lady with child ; lady employed during day. AM 7S0. Oregonian. FOR RENT. NEW I. Y furnished large front room and kitchenette. very pleasant, reasonable rent. 30 4th. t urn i wlied Rooiiw. HOTEL ROWLAND HOTEL MINOOK 207 H 4th. 213ivj 4th. SPECIAL WINTER RATES Nicely furnished rooms; homelike, re spectable, clean and modern; hot and cold water, private baths; Winter rates, $3 per week and up; special attention given to tourists; give us a call; you will like it, for you get your money's worth and then some. HOTEL ARTHUR Eleventh, between Morrison and Yamhill. 70 clean and quiet rooms, with every' modern convenience; rates single or double. Daily detached bath $1. private jl.00 Weekly ... .detached bath $0, private $i.00 DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished houses in all parts of city; we will locate you without charge. Portland Rental Bu reau, 0O2 Broadway bldg. Main 9403. HOTEL MADRAS. Corner 12th and Washington; steam heat, hot and cold running water, pri vate and detached baths; single, $3; suite 2 rooms. $8. FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club facilities; special rates at cu-feteria. Cor ner th and Taylor sts. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 2tMh and Washing ton sts. Elegantly located, new. modern, clean, quiet ; outside rooms; private or public bath. $2.0o week up; same for one or two persons. HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th St., cor. Washington Nicely fur niahed rooms; strictly modern; rates $3.00 week and up. Marshall 1470. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and Eat Belmont Rooms $12 month up, $ 22.50 up with private bath ; larye, pleasant lobby; absolutely a respectable hotel. East 323. $2 WEEK Large, clean, outride, well fur nished rooms; best in city for the money; baths free. Hotel Cadillac, 3d, near Jef ferson. HOTEL SAVON, iTTi Eleventh st. New, modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water; comforta bly furnished; transients solicited. NEW 5-room bungalow, modern in every respect. 1 block from car, restricted dis trict; f 27.50. Sell wood 100 or 86. THE RANDOLPH, cor. 3d aud Columbia Furnished rooms, steam heat, hot anu cold water, bath; $2 week up. HOTEL CORDOVA, 209 UTH ST. Strictly modern: private baUts; en suite; rooms $3.00 up. Main 0472, A 4.;8J. YOUNG man rooming at Y. M. c. A. wanrs roominnte to reduce rooming expenses. In quire 1. 31. -'v-. 01 11 anu 1 ay lor. TTr.TI.'I IAVTL" A Tit C"T" Nicely furnished rooms, day or week. THB WE STONi A, West I 'ark. ncsr Morrl son; mod.rn conveniences; newlj furnished I "OK RENT. furnished Booms. RATES ARE REASONABLE. DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY. Same rate for one or two persons. HOTEL WASHINGTON. Washington St., Comer 12th. Beautiful marble lobby entrance on Washington st. Family hotel, European glan; 100 outside .rooms, single or double ed; two bedrooms with bath between, or parlor and bedroom suite with bath ; clothes closet, hot and cold running water, both telephones, modern and ch-an: ladies' and gentlemen's toilet on each floor; large parlor off main lobby. CHARLES H. ROWLEY. MGR., Main &0bl. A 6621. HOTEI, FOKD T3:;r Wa-suinstnn Cor. Lucretia Place. Under new management, large, pleasant rooms; phone, hot and cold water in every room; 30 private baths; rates. ?lo Pr month up. Main 02a. HOTEL EATON YSesl Park and Morrison st?. Affording all the conveniences of a mod ern hotel ; located in xli.- heart of the theater and shopping d;strieth: SI dav and up. Special laivs by the e"k and month. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington St., at Thirteenth. 60 c per day; weekly $3. monthly $11 up. Runnir.cr water, phone in each room, steam heat, fireproof bldg., ground-floor lobby, all-night service. Business is good. I-'urnisthed Rooms in Private Families, ONE lurgrt front and one small room, with all conveniences and comforts of a mod ern home; convenient to two cailincs; reu on..hle. East 0311. A SNAP Board and room, with bath, for two; uso of sitting-room, sewing ma chine, laundry : bungalow : private family. 040 Belmont sr. Tabor 477S. ROOMS. $2.00. S3 per week; nice and clean; staniu heat, bath any tuna, phone. 44i coiumMa st. FL'KN It-11 ED room suitable for 'l or 2 ladies; disappearing wall bed; 6 blocks from P. O. Call Main 6S10. LADY wants congenial gentleman roomer; $-' a week; Call Sunday or after 7 P. M. 124 E. 7 1 h and Giisan. "MY" car. $10 AND $12: steam-heated. furnished rooms, electric lights, bath, phone. 000 :. Glifan st. ONE large front room, suitable for two gen tlemen; also small room, close In. 304 Columbia st.. cor. 10th. 470 MOR RISON Exceptionally wfcdl f ur nished front room, al-o small room; con veniences, jiiaii' . DESIRABLE room, hot and cold watei : meals convenient. 70 H t. Marshall 4703. LIGHT airy rooms, walking distance, bath, heat. 414 Maiket st. Main 5201. LA R I !? room ; every conv Dezendorf Apt... 2t"S l'i Apt. 0U St. NICE furnished front room, modern conven iences, good bed. $12. 404 Clay, near 10th. ItARGE front room in new home, breakfast and dinner if desired. F SU, Oregonian. Ilvl UT1KULLY furnis'sed 100, i . in good b -ie; refo-.-nres-; Nob Hilt. 73s Johnson W;-:i- Tuiniwiied front room, riKap. modern. woul.l bo'ird. 30 N. lOth. near Washington. NEATI.V furnished front bedroom, walking distance, $!.;. per week. 431 Oth t- F I" HNlSHKli i ooms and Fleepiutf porch, pood location. 471 Ya-rJiill. cor. 1 1th. Room With Boar.t ELTON COI KT 11th and Yam hill. An excellent family hotel, attractive 1 ales, transients or permanent quests. Mm in 6'0. THE VIRGINIA HILi 14th antl Jefferson Streets. An excellent residential hotel; attract!.- rates to transients or permanent ueat3. Main C2S3, A 002. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 30 Montgomery st., at West Park Mod ern ci.'. vei. ienc-s; rooms with or without bath; excellent tai-ie s-rvice; reasonable rates for regular or transient guests. THE WHITEHALL. .o:j CTLI ST. A residc-.tial hotel; la rye sjii porch: rooms will; or without baths; home cool; inn; taMe board a specialty. Bi'i-INE.Sd -vo:m-n and students will find Kooil boar-t and room, 4 aud $4.00 week. Portland Women's 1 nion. 01 Eland ers. TH E l.V. EL Now changed to familv ho tel ; special rates; st rictly home cooklns :ts: ;,d st. phone Main 7c:4. Roomn With Hoard In Private Families. A COLPLE havintr modern bouse In Irvine ton will ii.'vlv furnish two front rooms. Sivlns breakfast and dinner to t-enrb-mon onlv; have excellent cook; no other board ers: .refor-MU'".'. A.I 7", 'irir eonian. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with board, suitable for II; separate beds; use of piano and homo comforts; also sleep ins porch. Main tiOM. litl 11th. WITH refined family, modern home, busi ness people to board, or board and room; references; best home cooklmj; 10 minutes walk down town. 18 N. ISth st. NEWLY furnished room, excellent board, reasonable, by widow with no children. A'.'m Jefferson. Main (i74. WANTED Two small children or baby to care for by week or month by a middle Hired ladv." AM 7SS Oreuonian. ROOMMATE for gentleman in lovely home; hot and cold water; walking distance. 11th t. or Main 7265. CONGENIAL youns lady wishes roommate; good board, piano, home privileges; rea sonable, lit! 11th st. Phone Main 6381. CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate. Good board and home comforts. Reason able, lttl 11th st. Main B3S1. KL'KNISHKb room with all comforts; board If rie-Oreil. U Montgomery. ARUM VY TERRACE, 390 12th st. Large 2 room apartments. Mrs. John Cran, mgr. CAS A ROSA. Oth and Jefferson ; a large room suitable for young men. Main 1494. ROOM and board. 3." 10th St., walking dis tance. Phone Main tl979. A 2S65. IF YOU are tired of hotel fare. looking for a pood homo, No. r.7 Trinity Place. GOOD hoard, comfortable room, bath; walk ing distance: $0 per week. Enst. 424ii. FURNISHED room, with board. BflUt 4492. Furnished Apartment- GRAND EST A, Last Siark and Grand ave. Nv building, nicely furnished; private phone and bath, -automatic elevator; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 2'jS. TAYLOR APTS., new management, clean, liifht larce and modern, 2 rooms, every thing furnished, free bath, day, week or month, reasonable. UOtP. First St.. cor. Taylor. Main 5083. THE DEZEXDORP 2oS 1'ith. near Taylor. New and completely furnished S-room apt., all outside rooms, every modern convenience, walking distance. THREE rooms, furnished apartment at 1 4 KlUinRSworth ave.. in the Blanchard bids . from $J0 to t2Z; tluae are new and up-to-date. For particulars phone C L'SCO or Woodlawn 2961. Call at apt. G for janitor. ONE furnished 2-room corner stam-heated apartment; easy w alkinar distance; only $22 00 per month. 1S7 17th at., near "iam hlll. LIGHT, all v apartment of 0 rooms for rent, beautifully furnished. American Apt., apt. 00, after 4 o'clock. Phone Marshall THE AVALON, nearest to Union Depot of East f-ide apartments, 3 and 4-room. st-am-heated, private bath and phone. East lO'.T. 2S5 Roes st. Montgomrv Apts.. cor. 3d and Montgomery, new, modern brick building, automatic elevator; 2-room apts., furnished complete. 10 mts. walk to P. P.; $20 to $:K). M. 94i. DESIRABLE furnished and unf ui niM) vi apts. and flats in all parts of city. We wi;l locate you without charge. Portland F:eN ta) Bureau. '02 Broadway bldg. Main 04i-. WESTFAL, 1410 5th, near Hall Concrete bldg., elevator, private bath, elegantly fur nished free; 3 and 4-room apts $5 to $4"; walking distance. Main ?019. A 29ti0. M'KINLKV APARTMENTS Corner East Morrison and 7th sts Cosy, well turnihsed apartments, and 4-room suites. $ I. to $00. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS park st. at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments; rats reasonable. DOVER APTS., 3 rooms, unfurnished. In -quire 3S7 N. 24 th st. Phone Marshall BANNER Apartments. 4S Clay st. ; modern two rooms, completely furnished; $16, $1S and $20. Marshall 2074. FURNISHED anartment in agreeably lo cated residence district. Address N. 17th. or phone Main EUENA VISTA 12th and Harrison 2 and 3-rnom apart ments: but service. A pp!y in premiss. THE STAN FIELD New 2 -room apt.; licht and gas In cluded; $"t0 up. 2'4 porter Ft. Main 73& KEARNEY" APTS.. 5 rooms, light find airy. inrnishd. Apply janitor. i72 Kearnev AND 4 -room furnished or unfurnished. The Bjollnnd, A 1S;;7. Main 1S7. A 1R07. Love joy Apts., 17th and Lovejoy. Main 210. 2 and r.-ron-n furnished apts., reasonable. ANGELA Apts., 39 Trinity Place. 2, S and 4 roora modern apt. Marshall 1900, Apt. 2&