16 TTIE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1914. REAL ESTATE. Far Sale Hoases. $7000 IRVINGTON HOME $7000. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, large liv ing room, beamed and panelled dininjj room, buffet, large Dutch kitchen, with every built-in convenience; 4 large well lighted sleeping chambers, two com plete bathrooms, billiard room, full ce ment basement, large furnace, laundry trays, large garage, fine lawn and shrub bery ; one block from Broadway car; ex ceptional value- for the money. Terms. 3,-?50 ROSE CITY PARK S&KO. 5-room bungalow, strictly modern and every built-in convenience, fine fireplace, buffet. bookcases, oak. floor. Dutch kitchen, white enameled, cement base ment, furnace. laundry trays, large floored attic, good lawn and shrubbery; street Improvements all In ; 1 block to Kose City Park car; easy terms. $ 1 000 S A C R I nCE-l 1 000 7 larG rooms; practically new. double constructed throughout and beat or workmanship; fireplace, buffet, book cases, Dutch kitchen, three large bed rooms, full cement basement, corner lot. convenient to Hawthorne and Mount Scott cars; actual cost of property $3'JO0; will sell for $:."J0o; $1-'00 cash; no trades. Ask for Mr. Holsington. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. Selling Bids- Main 1800. A tGl. A Real Bargain r00 Under Value Partnership Trouble Causes the Builders to Sacrifice Their NEW SIX-ROOM BL'-VGALOW Price 2:7Ai $400 Down. Easy Ternii This is your opportunity to pick up one ef the finest bungalows in the Hawthorne district, in a splendid neignnornooa aim rdosa to the best car serf-ice. The house I. as large veranda, reception hall with French doors leading into living-room, dicr.g-room opening on the south with many windows, very large Dutch kitchen: three bedrooms and extra space for two more; all the desiralbe built-in effects, such as bookcases, buffet, paneled walls, cove ceiling; also has hardwood floors, fireplace with beautiful man'.ei and spe cial electric fixtures; full Miaent base ment with laundry trays. lon't hesitate a moment if you expect to secure this bargain. A. D. WILLOUGHBY Main r.OfiO. 8J8 Morgan bldg. CHOICE HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. u-room modern bungalow with fire place, built-in bookcase; it Is well con structed, faces east; cement walks, graded street, cement curb in, located on 73d, near Multnomah St.; take Montavilla; price $2S0ii; will take vacant lot as first payment, balance easy terms; or will take $100 cash, balance same as rent. 5-room modern bungalow in Woodmere, 2 blocks from car, very nicely built, only occupied short' time; will sell for $2250; $;,i will handle this; a splendid little home. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO. 133 First St. " 7-ROOM BUNGALOW Wesf Side, overlooking river and city, most bautifu view in town, 12 minutes by cars or walking distance, extra large lot. hard surface paid, big, wide front porch. large plate glass windows, hard wood floors, 0-foot buffet with mirror and plate doors, beam ceiling, bookcases and fireplace, panel dining-room, full enamel Dutch kitchen, large enameled batnroom, large bedrooms, extra large closets, plas tered sleeping porch, full cement base ment, furnace; price $ol'50; terms easy. Geo. G. Mair, 325 Railway Exchange. Mar shal: a 7 4. 3IGGBST SACRIFICE EVra OFFERED IN PORTLAND. WILL SACRIFICE THIS $6500 HOME IV ROSE CITY PARK, 7-ROOM COLO NIAL HOUSE. ON 75x100 LOT, FO R $4350 IF TAKEN IN NEXT FEW DAYS WILL ONLY TAKE $750 CASH. IF YOU ARE I.OOKJVG FOR A FINE HOME AT A SACRIFICE. INVESTIGATE THIS AT ONCE. OWNER, 710 LEWS BLDG., MARSHALL 4200. K150 1030 E. 30TH ST. NORTH $2130. HARDWOOD FLOORS. BEAMED CEILING. FIREPLACE. PANELED DINING-ROOM Brand new 5-room and bath bungalow, full cement basement, cement floor, wash trays, built-in effects, electric fixtures, lfiO feet south of Alberta car. Owner there all day or phone East 5465 evenings. TERMS. 1030 E. 30TH X. T ERMS. " ' 5 ROOMS, 91456, On easy terms. Lot 75x100 feet, all fenced. Bath and .basemen On Rose City Park carline. Get off at 72d and Sandy- road. See Austin, s Gregory Investment Co. TOTAL PRICE ONLY $550. New house and one lot, $50 cash and $15 per month. Including interest. Take Rose City Park enr to 72d st. SEE AUSTIN. ' GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. NEW BUNGALOW, one block from Rose City Park car, on Forty-sixth street ; live room and sleeping porch, large floored attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, full cement basement. furnace, screened porch, street paved ; terms. Call Main 5423 or A 7(U7. F. X. CLARK & COMPANY, Title A Trust Bldg. READ AND THINK. I have $22uo equity in new, modern," up t "-date 7-room house; will sell at once for $000; $400 cash; is nearly $100O un der actual cost; west of Rose City Park, H'O feet from car; no trade. Owner, AP 7!. Oregonian. $10 CASH, $10 FER MONTH. 50x100 lot, r.t.rf, plastered, very attract ive cottages. Prices $750 and $800. Three left. ar carline Take Rose tiity Park car to 72d st. See Austin. SACRIFICE! ROSE CITY PARK 7 room., colonial bungalow, a perfect beauty, $1250 under value; $tS50 buys my equity. See Mr. Foster, tv HARTMAN & THOMPSON" For Sale Business Property. FOR SALE by owner, fine inside business corner 0x100. Phone Marshall 560 or A 57:13. Aereasre. ELECTRIC LINE, eicht blocks of station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision near Gresham ; 5 acres J40t $500. $700; 3 acres. $500, $700; 10 acres, $7B0, $9fo. $1000 per tract; best soli, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scap pooBe. Or.. $t!5 to $100 per acre. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO.. 309 Yeon Bldg.. Portland, Or. $sooo ; lfiO acres of land, 10 miles from Port lend, lit has good timber which will cut r,nOo cords of wood. The wood will pay for the land and leave a subdivision proposition for the purchaser. Terms. DORR E. K EASE V & CO.. ?d floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. $goo (0 acres. 9 miles east of Woodland, Wash. ; entire tract can be cultivated ; owner needs the cash and asks $400 down, with terms to suit. H. H. BARBUR. With Fred W. German Co., f14 Chamber of Commerce. METZGER 2-ACRE TRACT, $1000. 2 or 30 minutes from Portland; gently sloping; timber enough to pay for clear ing; here is your opportunity to get 2 acres for the prlc of 2 lots. Fred W. German Co.. PI 4 Cham, of Com. TWO acres riverfront. West Wide, Soutn; this is a beautiful piece of property In most beautiful tract; described as lot 1. Glenmorrie; price $750"; building restric tions. $3500. Address E. B. Sterling, 12u i hurman st, $t50 BUYS a half acre, only 5c carfare, 20 minutes' ride; this land is suitable for berries, vegetables, chickens, etc.; has a bi future, $20 cash $10 per month. M. E. Lee. 522 Corhett bldg. 0 ACRES, near Newport Summer resort ; deep, black soil, heavy foliage, fine for platting into lots; MM) feet from new rail road survey; will sell at a sacrifice if taken quick. 003 Oregonlan bldg. MV'PT SELL acre and 4 -room house, run ning water, fruit, paved road. 5 blocks north of Gilbert station, on O. W. P. Make offer. G. P. Greenman. B 6111. REAR town, 5 acres, part creek bottom, new house ell cellar, chicken-house, fine lo cation; owner. Geo. A. Watts, Aurora, Oregon. PORTLAND FACTORY SITE BARGAIN". Four or eight acres; no fill; ready for building;' rai I and water; easy terms. Owner. S 6S0, Oregonlan. I HAVE subdivided my 4n acres at Orenco into two-acre tracts; It Is a beautiful grove, and 1 will sell ou terms. AH 70ti. Oregonian. SACRIFICE sale. 100 acres stump land, 2 miles from raltroad station, $S acre. Phone WoJdlawn 2C90 or call SO! Kerby st. $40 PER ACRE. 37 ACRES. Near station, good soil, nearly all till able, might trade. 418 Railway Exchange. ACRES. PRICK $650. New house, barn, workshop, fine chicken farm. 310 Yeon bldg. Marshall 2432. T Wo acres at Orenco. 40 minutes' out on Oregon Klf-tric; $750; terms. Owner, G ONE to four acres riverfront $1nOO per acre, easy terms. H. G. Starkweather. Risley station. Phone Oak Grove, Black 17. 1, 2, 3, 4, B-ACRE tracts, close in. cheap. P, E. LAMAR, 502-8 Lumber mens bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. 11-ACRE SNAP. Situated at Oreaco; plank walks lead ing to the station; 0 acres under cultiva tion and In orchard: 2 acres of stump land easily cleared; balance fir timber; tt room bungalow, modern; large barn and chicken-house; very best of soil; acreage around here Is selling for $500 an aero. Price. $4750. Easy terms can be ar ranged. This property must be sold at once as owner is moving to city. Ask for Mr. Hoisington. Provident Trust Com pany, 212 Selling Bldg.. Portland. Or. 5 ACRES $250 down and $10 per month buys 3 acres logged off land, between Portland and Centralia, on main line of 3 railroads, lfc miles from town of 1000 population; sawmills, shingle mills and other Indus tries. Some of these tracts are three fourths cleared, and have running streams or springs on. borne have enough wood and tie timber to pay for the land; good soil; lies well; fine location. Bell Real Estate Co., 212 Railway Exch. BIG RED STEEL CARS ON FOURTH STREET ELECTRIC. Leave 4th and Yamhill sts. at 8:45 and 10 A. M. everv dav. Our fancy acreage only 30 minutes out. Get off at Huber or Aloha stations. phone us for free transportation. Any sized tract; easy payments; installment plan. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 4th St. A S500 YOUR CHICKENS WT ILL PAY FOR THIS. 5 acres. $325. $32.50 cash and $8 per month; on good road, mile to station; steady work close at hand ; land easily cleared and fine soil, no rocks; the In come from a few chickens will pay for this; have larger tracts in same locality, on same terms, if desired. LUEDDEM ANN, RULEY & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. Homestead. 160 ACRES fine, heavy timber, close to river; will come into market soon; can be homesteaded or timber-claimed; get you immediate filing for $500; this is val uable timber. 603 Oregonlan bldg. For Vale Fruit Lands. $400. 5 acres, under cultivation; Ideal for orchard or garden truck, chlcens, etc.; on Pacific Highway, two blocks from Oresron Electric station, one mile from Southern Pacific station; good market, school and college and fine climate; price $1000; f40rt cash, balance $15 per month. Call or address Room 304, Hotel Faton, West Park and Morrison sts. MY LOSS IS YOUR GAIN. I own IS acres in the Sheridan, Or., fruit belt: I have paid $1250 to date; there is only $750 against the land with 5 years to complete payment; I have met with re verses and must have money at once; I will sell my equity of $1250 for $225 cash if taken at once. See my agent. Mr. Cleaveland. 212 Selling bldg.. Portland, Or. For Sale Farms. HIGHLY IMPROVED 100 acres; 45 acres in high state of cul tivation; 15 in rotten oak stumps; 3 good springs, 20 acres slashed and balance in small oak timber; all fenced and cross fenced, 2 good horses, weighing 1300 lbs. each, 5 good milch cows, 1 heifer calf, 2 China Poland sows, 60 chickens, now lay ing 3 to 4 dozen eggs a day; one wagon, cultivator, harrow, disc, new hack, nsOwer, . rake, cream separator, hay fork ahiL. all other necessary tools. Orchard of 200 trees assorted fruits as well as family or chard; good 8-room house, newly painted inside and out ; also papered ; fair barn, henhouse, hoghouse, smokehouse, house hold furniture such as good $65 steel range, Axmlnster rugs, extension table costing $57; china closet, dishes, sewing machine, cooking utensils, curtains and shades and other things too numerous to mention, plenty of feed to last until next crop; , most of the plowing done; place is on good gravel county road, R. F. D. and tele phone in the house; price $115 per acre, including everything, $2000, mortgage run ning 3 years at 6 per cent; will take Port land residence up to $4000 to $4500 and some cash. KUPPER & HUMPHRY, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce . A BARGAIN. 160 ACRES, $37.50 PER ACRE. An ideal ranch for stock, dairy or fruit, in good neighborhood, 7 miles from good town and Oregon Electric, 2 miles from Ry. stat Jon, in Lane County, this side of Eugene ; best of soil, no rock or gravel, land fenced and cross fenced ; land lies rolling with good drainage and is all tillable; about 60 acres are under culti vation. 50 more are in old pasture which could 'be cleared at not to exceed $15 per acre, balance In the finest kind of piling timber which alone will pay for more than half of the place; 4 -room house, large barn and outbuildings; family orchard, good spring and creek. The cheapest buy in that locality;- adjoining lands held at t&O to $80 per acre; half cash will han dle. For full particulars see KAUFFMANX & MOORE, 35 Lumber Exchange. DAIRY OR HOGS. 100 acres. 5 miles from Cathlamet; 100 acres In cultivation. (H acres pasture. Fenced and cross-fenced, good water, 7 room house, large barn and outbuildings, good orchard, 3 good mares. 1 registered Jersey bull. 3 registered Jersey cows, " Jersey cows. 6 heifers, some hogs, cream separator and dairy utensils. 2 wagons, hack, buggy, 3 sets of harness, hay baler, threshing putflt. woodsaw, blacksmith shop, mower, rake, 2 harrows, 2 plows, potato planter and digger; other small tools. Fine dairy, hoc or stock ranch. Will run 30 cows. Price $16,000, $5000 mortgage. Terms. KUPPER & HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce . JUST how to sell a poultry ranch is what is puzzling me. I'll tell the truth and it, perchance. Will find a buyer see? 4 acres level land. Improved, fenced, eandy loam, ttu fruit trees, bearing; barn and chicken-houses, fine water, good, new bungalow (a daisy), of four rooms with closets and porch; $800 insurance; house east front, level road, two miles Wood land, Wash.; R. R. and river town, SO miles north of Portland; $1600 buys, on easy terms. Tell your wife and bring her along; of course you'll come. S. U. Lane, Woodland, Wash. IMPROVED FARM MUST SELL TO CLOSE ESTATE 40o acres at $tfO per acre; 2O0 acres under cultivation, balance easy to clear. House, two barns, outbuildings and family orchard, creek through propert v. on main county road, omy 2 U miles from ,Tunt Ion City, which is on main line of Southern Pacific. This Ik positively the biggest snap we know of and is sacrificed only In order to cloFe an estate. Will bear close inspection. Can be handled on extremely easy terms. C ALLAN & KASER, 722-24 Yeon bldg. A CLOSE-IN COUNTRY HOME. 72 acres, all level land, with nice stream through place; 60 acres In cultivation, about 45 acfes In growing crops, good -room house, some furniture. Iarg barn, soma feed, several outbuildings, Jersey cows, 3 calves. 3 horses. 12- hogs. 100 chickens. 25 ducks, all kinds of farm tools and implements; family orchard and berries; good roads: close to electric line; 30c fare; some cash, balance terms to suit ; better see this. 006 Stock Exchange bldg. DAIRY FARM AND COWS 120 acres, 2 miles from station, in Lin coln County ; 80 acres in cultivation ; all new buildings; 13 milch cows, thorough bred Hoist ein bull, qood team. 65 goats. 40 ewes. 6 hogs and all farming Imple ments included. For everything. $10,500, one-third cash, or might consider Portland house up to $r0OO. LUEDDEM ANN. RULEY & CO.. H13 Chamber of Commerce. A FARM FOR TODAY. Completely equipped and Improved 41 a?re farm. Willamette Valley, 3 miles from station, $4SO0; can sell on $1300 cash, balance 10 years at H per cent; all equip ment and stock included; good team. 3 cows, heifer, sows. pigs, chickens, farm machinery, household goods. Farm has "7 acres in cultivation, spring water piped, fi-room house, good barn, family orchard. P. McChesney1. 60:! Title & Trust bldg. DA TRY land. 149 acres, in Umpqua Valley, conceded by U. S. Agricultural Department to have best climatic conditions in United States; 130 acres in crop, running water, springs, ib'pp rich, soil ; $?00 cash and trms. Owner. Will F. Smith. Xortonla Hotel. FARM BARGAINS. Write for our description of 100 Wil lamette Valley farms of 10 to 1300 acres each. MORGAN & WALKER, Corvallls. Or. RANCH. 60 acres, with buildings. 1R mites from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cahh. By owner. 182 Morrison st. Miscellaneous. STATE HOTEL and 50x100 lot at Pendleton. Or. ; pas $130 rent per month; prlc $15,000. H. G. Starkweather, R. F D. No 1. Milwaukle. Or. WANTED BKAL ESTATE. I HAVE a buyer for that house, any part of the city. Write me today if you wish to buy or sell. Chas. Hammick. 4PS Com mercial st. I HAVE cash to pay for bargains In houses well located; prefer west of 40th on East Side; give cx;i.t location and price. T 7."i, Orer;onian. WANT a home in Alberta district: give price, tonns, location. J 7'.U, Oregonlan. CASH for lots: must bo cheap or not want ed. S 7?7, Oregonlan. HAVE buyers for city and farm bargain P. E. LAMAR, 602-3 Lumbermen Bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT city property, from $60,000 to $123, Q'JQ value, for good farms. S. N. STEELE.-, . 432 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 255. WANTED 1 or 2 acres, near Linnton. part ly improved. E. J. Geiser, 42 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT FARMS. 4M ACRES, ideal stock ranch, to rent; $000 cash rent takes this place; 7-room house, 2 large barns, implements and machinery; 2VH acres of meadow. 40 acres In timothy, 10 acres clover. 38 acres, alfalfa. 130 acres under cultivation, lar?e acreage plowed last Fall ready for seeding; oOQ tons of hay taken off last year. JOHN P. WESTON. Main 4020. j.302 Northwestern 3k. bldg. 12-ACRE farm and prune orchard, large furnished: house, dandy place; adjoins Vancouver citv limits; good deal to right party. McFarland, 309 Yeon bldg., Port land. - ' PACIFIC highway, near Courtney, 35 min. from citv, 8c fare, 10 acres. 8-r. modern cottage, $30 mo. F. Dayton, 235 Taylor. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. EXCELLENT lodging proposition of flJ, 000.000 on railroad; also tract of 11,000. 000 near railroad, for sale by owner. 50 Journal bldg. Marshall 4240. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C -7. M' CRACK EN, 304 M' KAY BLDG. CHEAP STUM PAGE. Ideal location for a mill; stream run ning to railroad spur. 83s 5th mt. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent a farm, 20 to 40 acres, furnished. G 772, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. WE have the following to exchange for Portland income property: 1400-acre wheat ranch, well located; springs and buiidinga; 1100 under culti vation ; price $31,5O0. 7oxl0O feet Portland, improved with one 3-room and one 5-room flat; $4500. 6 acres, with 3, 5 and 7-year-old com mercial .apples; 2 miles to Hood River; $0"O0. Will exchange all of this and assnw J2U.GG0 if you can show value. HAWTHORNE-AVE. STABLES, ' 420 Hawthorne Ave. A BIG SACRIFICE 1120-acre wheat ranch, 7 miles front Ritzville, Wash., 100O under cultivation, 530 ready for crop; fair bldgs., mtge. $o, S per cent. Estimated minimum net in come this year $18u0 above all expenses, taxes and interest. Property estimated worth $30,000. Will trade equity for clear property in Oregon, Washington. Idaho or Alberta, with actual value of $12,000 or more. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO. 512-513 Yeon bldg. 7-ROOM modern house, sleeping porch, fire place, hardwood floors, built-in features, lot 50x100, for good lot. 2 -acres on carline, inside city limits, for acreage, partly improved. 5-ruoin modern nouse, $3100, for small piece of acreage, near city. First mortgage, $1500. for good rooming-house. 623 WORCESTER BLDG. WANT Portland residence WANT or stock groceries WANT or merchandise. Exchange for $5000 equity 30 acres or chard, located electric road, 20 miles Port land; incumbrance 350ti; fine proposition. D. J. KOL'PAL, 4 Newberg, Or. EXCHANGE. X have some good lots, all clear, to trade for light auto. $250O mortgage, as part payment, on good 5 or 8-room house or good lots. H. S. CLODFELTER, 506 McKay bldg. Main 1881. 70 ACRES ALFALFA LAND -Yz miles from railroad and good town, 30 acres seeded, balance ready to seed. Price $125 per acre; will exchange for clear Portland property and assume. CALLAN & KASER, 722-24 Yeon bldg. 20 ACRES level tract 1 Vfr miles north of Vancouver city limits. 250 fruit trees, close to Pacific Highway, and fine graded Ideal homespot, $8000. Will trade for stock of merchandise. Address AV 960, Oregonlan. STEEL MOTORBOAT HULL. Cruiser type; cabin built and canvassed and ready for paint: built by Detroit Ship building Co.; value $400; will trade for lot or what have you? Fred W. German Co., 014 Cham, of Com. $120t EQUITY 5-acre walnut orchard, 50 miles Portland; $500 due on contract; monthly payments; might consider trade Portland lots. D. J. KOUPAU Newberg, Or. 240 ACRES rolling land, ab.ut 1U0 acres In cultivation, old house, near station ; will trt'd 'ree and clear for citv property. John P. Weston Co.. 1302 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 4020. RESIDENCE, best section West Side, value $9300. equity $4000, for clear East Side lots or clear house and lot; no phone in formation. W. J. Summers, 305 Lewis bldg. Marshall 3761. MERCHANDISE stock, general store. In voice $40,000. pays 20 per cent net; take part good securities, balance city im proved. W. J. Summers, 305 Lewis bids:. Marshall 3761 WANT to trade two beaut If ully located, close-in view lots in Spokane, small house on one. value $2750, for Portland resi dence under S40O0; give full particulars. AS 737, Oregon tan. HAVE $1000 first mortgage ou 40 acres; will trade for lot or house in restricted district; will pay cash difference, AP 704, Oregon ian. ACRE at Seattle, value $2500. clear, for house and lot here; will assume up to $1000 on good proposition. W. .1. Summers. 305 Lewis bldg. Marshall 3761. $2000 EQUITY In 8-room house. 9n-ft. lot, restricted, for lots. Owner. AF 735, Ore gonlan. LOTS, houses and lots, acreage, for other property and business chances. What have you to trade or sell? 623 Worcester bldg. EQUITY $200. new bouse, Hawthorne dis trict, for timber, acreage or vacant. W. J. Summers. S0& Lewis bhig. Marshall 3761. FIKST-CLASS lots in Salem, Or., as part payment for port land improved property. A R 70:i, Oregonlan. I W'A NT well-Imp roved country property within a radius of 30 miles of Portland for my home. Tabor 3S42. HAVH good timber claim, free and clear, to trade for a home in a good neighborhood. Owner, AO 764. oregonlan. 40 ACRES good alfalfa and potato land un der god ditch: plenty, water; for vacant lots $3500. J $22, Oregonlan. WILL, exchange income 1 rvington flats for well -selected vacant loits. K. E. Bowman R- Co. o2o ACRES, improved. Alberta, Canada, for Oregon propert 3". 629 Cham her Commerce. & ACRES of fine land at Scio. Or., for clear Portland lots or furniture. Tabor 2014. FIKST-CLASS residence property, Salem. Or., for Portland property. T 7S6. Oregonlan. SECURITIES and property to trade for auto. 430 Worcester bldg. WII-L exchange 2 lots, Capitol Hill, for at-reige: price $1000. AT 7:0, Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Hordes, Vehicles, HarneM. Etc. THE MURPHY HORSE &. MULE CO. sells n commission horses, mules, vehicles and harness. Auction sales every Monday and Friday 10 A. M. Private sales daily. 240 East 8th st.. near Hawthorne. East 6315. JUST received a consignment of horses this evening too late to classify them. Call early and get your choice at a bargain. ft05 Alder. WANTED A gentle, sound horse for a lady to drive, weight over 1050 lbs.; also har ness and 2-soated. rig in good condition, at bargain price. L 780. Oregonian. NOTICE J. Cohen stables removed from 546 Front su to 38! Water at., renting horses and wagons with or without license for 41.25 per day. Main 2208. FOR SALE Delivery wagons, pleasure ve hicles, farm wagons, dump wagons, 'har ness and robes; easy terms. Studebakers. 330-336 East Morrison st. TWO teams, 4 and 5-year-olds; weight 1400 to 16M). 368-374 Front st.. cor. Mont gomery. TO EXCHANGE! Express wagon for farm wagon. Bti.aard auce. Aduress 135 Kil lings worth aye., room 14. BAY MARE, S years old, weight 13S0; good true puller, in foal by Imported stallion. $1 10. L'4! Jefferson st. ONE chunky -built bay horse. 4 years old, sound and right; bargain. 241 Jefferson st. DEAD horses and cattle hauled away free. Tabor 4203. SORREL pacer. 3 years old, sound and gentle. $S0. 148 Union ave. N. CHEAP farm team, new wagon and harness at a bargain. 1020 E. Yamhill st. TEAM weighing 2000 lbs.; harness and farm wagon. 4S7 East Washington. TEAM Weight 22O0. and good, heavy har ness, $110. 148 Union ave. N. SOME cood farm or draft teams. Call be fore 10 A. M. or after 6 P. M. Tabor 2632. HORSES FOR SALE. &3 E. 7TH ST, NORTH. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicle, Harness, Etc. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds made to crder; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne ave.. Phone East 72. B 1360. A GUAR ANTES by a firm established SO years means something. We buy, sell or exchange horses of all descriptions. Satisfaction guaranteed. Frazier & McLean Stables. 5th and Taylor sts. FOR SALE One well-malched team. 5 years old, weighing 2800 lbs.; one team. and 6 years old, weighing 3100 lbs.; one 5-year-old black mare, weighing 1500 lbs.; one light delivery team, weighing 23iH lbs. ; one good delivery horse, weighing 1250 lbs. 226 Russell st. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments FREE $400 PIANO. A sample piano to be placed with one responsible party in 100 towns In Oregon and Washington. If you wish to own one of these high-grade pianos. WRITE TO DAY. Address ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 207-20S Selling bldg FOR SALE Orchestra music library; also collection of comic opera scores, majority Gilbert and Sullivan; reasonable. S. N. Stuckey. Aberdeen, Wash. BEAUTIFULLY carved golden oak Ludwig piano, perfect condition; cost $4u0; leaving city, will sacrifice for $15o. s 71H, Ore gonlan. log, Birda, Pet Stock. BELGIAN HARES, fedigreed and utility breeding stock. Young's Rabbltrf. P. O. Box 61. Portland. FOR SALE Three thoroughbred Boston bull t orriiifu 'ft9 Tilth at A1KDALES, Ch. Red Raven at stud. Laddix Kennels, Estacada. Or. Furniture For Salo. ENTIRE new furnishings of three apart ments at . sacrifice. Circassian, birdseye and golden dressers and chiffoniers, beau tiful brass beds complete, handsome dln In tables, leather chairs and buffets, li brary tables and leather rockers, dav enport, rugs and nearly new inahoganv upright piano. Rare opportunity for par ties needing furniture. Sell separately. Call today. 707 Marshall St., near 21st. B iXKNITURE for sale, leaving city at once; sewing machine $15, dining-room table and G chairs $15; kitchen cabinet, $7, one rug 0x12, $12.50, 3 rugs 0x12 $3 each; 2 rockers 5, 2 iron beds, springs and mat tresses, $6 and $4 per set; also 5-room bungalow for sale at a bargain. 605 E. 61 st st. N. Rose City Park car. Phone C 121S. GAS range, dresser, bed, springs and wood heater, at 122 East 2lth t. North. Call East 6254. FURNITURE of 6-room house for sale cheap. Inquire 90 10th st. FURNITURE of 5-room cottage for sale, 2 rooms rented pay rent. OO North 17th. FURNITURE of 4 rooms for sale cheap. Inquire 546 Gideon st. Automobiles. REAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS. 1912 Chalmers 36, 5-pass.. $1000. 1!13 Chalmers 30, 5-pass., $950. 1912 Stoddard-Dayton 40, 5-paas.. $1100. 1911 Cadillac 30, 5-pass., $850. 1911 Peerless HO, 5-pass., $1150. 191 Chalmers 30, 4-pass., $9.x5. 1912 American 30, 4-pass., $1150. 1910 Corbin 30, 5-pass $S50. 1911 Thomas 6, 5-pass.. $1100. These cars must be seen to be appre ciated ; over 30 cars in stock. Write for list. FRANCIS & KADDERLY. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. Formerly Custom-House Auto Co. E. 1199. B J213. AUTO SNAPS. Cadillac, 5-pass.. $0ou. Cole, 5-pass., $750. Keo, 5-pass., $550. Reo., 5-pasii.. $325, Reo truck. J50o lbs. capacity, cheap. These' cars are guaranteed by us. Terms given. NOTH WEST AUTO CO.. Broadway and (.'ouch Sts. 1014 MODEL 5-passenger auto, electric 'lights and starter. Extra rim, tire and cover. Clock on dash. Only been driven fen hundred miles. $1000 cash if taken at once. A 830, Oregonian. NEW delivery wagons at second-hand prices. Oregon Moline Plow Company. DEAD STORAGE, $3 to $5 per month. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO., 40 2d st. MICHIGAN roadster, 40-H. P., $500. Call Main G't.yi. Room 1112 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE One 5-passenger 1012 Ford. Hawthorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. Automobiles Wanted. WjLL take auto to value $800 as first pay ment oh my 5-room bungalow, corner lot. ' t ao blocks from Rore City Park carline; price $2SU0; don't waste your dine to show me old junk. P. J. Foran. I808 Sandy boulevard, at East 72d st. Phone O 3272. WANT to buy 3-passenser automobile for cash; second-hand; must be almost new; stat price. AT 78, Oregonian. Livestock. PURE-BRED registered Jersey cow 4 years old ; bargain ; come and see her milked. 241 Jefferson st. Typewriters. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on ah' makes of typewriters. Send for our illus trated folder, retail department. AV HOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash. st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $63. N O F TH WES T TYPE WRITER CO., 262 Stark St. NO. J I C. Smith typewriter, in first-class condition. $50. Call 127 11th st. Phone East 1653 evenings. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C, 231 Stark. Main 1407. Machinery. MOTORS and dynamos bought, sold and re paired ; largest stock of second-hand ma th i tier v on the Coast. t ROBT. SKEEN' ELECTRIC AVORKS, 400-40:! Gllsan St. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, contractors' machinery, all kinds. Railway Equipment Co., 1st and Oak. Miscellaneous. NOTICE. Something every woman should have; jou will never be without them after once using. Write for particulars to 336 Mor gan bldg., Portland, Or., and receive sam ple. HOP ROOTS FOR SALE. 200,000 choice S to 12-in roots, best In state. $4 per 1000 f. o. b. Dundee Land ing. Address J. 1. Ranzau. Dundee, Or. VISIBLE typewriters rented three months for 14 ; delivered anywhere ; convenient at home. 244 Stark st. Phones Main 6-'73 or A 4441. SAFES Mosler Safe Co.. manufacturers; low prices, asy terms; safes openend and repaired ; bargains in second-hand safes. 108 "id st. Phone Main 7676. SEWING machires, new and second-iiand, of all makes, for sale or rented. Sewing Mach ine Emporium, 190 Sd, near Yam hill. Main $431. FREE angler's license given with every pur chase of iishlng tackle amounting to $7-50. H. T. Hudson Arms Co., 110 Third at. FbRfcVLE One 23-foot motorboat. S H. P.. 4-eycle. 16 miles. Hans, caro Y. Mubbo, 100 First st.. Portland, Or. SEED potatoes, raised on low ground. Bur bank and American Wonder, at 060 Will In ms ave. 500 SACKS potatoes at 60 cents a sack if taken at barn near Risley station. II. G. Starkweather. I SAFES AT COST. All safes In store, steel cabinets and fixtures at cost, purcell Safe Co.. 83 5th st. EXPERT TRUSS FITTING at the Lau Davie Drug Co., 3d and Yamhill. SPRAY pump, built on coast, for sale cheap or trade; what have you? Tabor 2014. TO EXCII AN t c Furnit ure. carpets or range for small gas range. Tabor 2400. T WO Reno pool tables, almost hs good as new; a snap buy. AV 065. Oregonian. $26 BiJYS new $yo White sewing machine. Hunt's Storage, 2W Yamhill St. SAFES Second-hand and new; great bar gains. J. E. Davis, Hotel Edwards. $35 SADDLE and bridle for $10. 113 Union ave. NEW drophead machine; cost y45; will sell fheip. 533 Couh M., Apt. 6. A-l WIRELESS outfit cheap. 3 horse ma rine engine; terms, AS 730, Oregonian. FOUR donkey engines, lines, block, bargain. K 790, Oregonlan. WELL rotted manure. Call East 4296. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Keauty parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, PIANOS. 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. WE tint rooms for $2.50, paint house at your price. East 323. Hotel Edwards. WANTED 3 National cash regfstt-rs at once; will pay spot cash. Main GO 6. SPOT CASH. For your furniture. Phone Sellwood 16S'. HIGHEST cash prices paid for second handed household goods. Tabor 3721. HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hochfeld, $5 N. 3d st., cor. Couch. W A NT ED M ISC ELLA N KO I 8. S. H. BARGER, THE AUCTIONEER, will auction your furniture or what not at yjur residence for you or will pay highest cash price for same. We sell at Barger Auction House. 3i8 E. Morrison St., at auction prices at any time.- East 1022. WANTED Second -band furniture, cash paid, actual worth, or value, or will ex change new for second-hand and give 20 per cent more. Phone East 6417. ALBINA FURNITURE STORE 54 s Williams a ve. WE BUY STOCKS OF MERCHANDISE. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE NEW OR SECOND-HAND. WE PAY THE BEaT CASH PRICE?. THE FAIR DEAL. MAIN 0272, A 3263. TO buy a tent In good condition, suitable for gospel work; also will look, at Btable tent, 30x60 or 70. Address P. O. Box 555, Forest Grove. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. 221 Front St., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call a 7174 or Mam UOii. Our buyer calls promptly. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest cash prices paid for ladies' and gents' castoff clothing and shoes. Call Main 0263. 204 3d st. The reliaole buyer. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms; registers guaranteed. W. J. Macauley. 354 Hurnside. Main :S16, A 1S10. WANTED Machinery. First-class steam shovel; state make, model, number, length of time usea, location, delivery and price. - Big Creek Logging Co.. Knap pa. Or. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. Highest prices pjaid for second-hand clothes. 346 1st St. Main 1383, A o631. EXCHANGE lots near Seattle for typewriter dask, multigraph, etc. 21s Lumbermen's bldg. WANTED Second-hand motors and gener ators. Konert to Keen Electric WorKs, 400 402 Glisan st., corner 9th. 2D HAND FURNITURE, ETC.. WANTED. Don't give it away; get our figures first. Standard Fur. Co.. 1S2 1st. Main 4773. DO not Bell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House. 101 2d st. Marshall 4783. WANTED To buy one good pair of second hand field glasses or binoculars. Phone Marshall 2051. E. E. Baliou, l':8 N. 20th st. FOKD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8051. RENT visible typewriter three months for $4. 244 Stark st. Main 62i3. A 4441. HELP. WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C A, Youns man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) ! I pay you $5 for employment membership I will have only $13 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M. C. A. with all its resources between you and starvation. Result Young man joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. record for 1913: Cnlis for men from employers 2655 Positions filled 1041 Special employment membership guar antees member will secure employment or membership tee will be refunded. Gives two months' full privileges, including use of gymnasium, swimming pool, bath, etc., ' and It months' social or houae privileges including the services of the employment liepanraeiit for the entire year. All young men seeking employment 10 commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin ists, carpenters, mill workers or in other skilled lines are cordially invited to con sult with the secretary of the advisory and employment departments. 1 AM looking for a man who wants a posi tion, not a job. There is a big difference. I want a man who is not content to re ceive each pay day but little more than enough to meet actual expenses. I want a man who FEELS 1 he has the ability, KNOWS lie has the backbone and is WILLING and KEEN to tackle a business which Is making other men $5000 a year and more without any of their own money invested. Perhaps you are one of the man holding down a job when you have the ability to fill a position. Are you ad. vancing from year to year, both financial ly and otherwise, as much as you fel you are capable of doing? if you are not, get out of that rut and come up and see me. 1 want a LIVE WIRE who is making a suc cess selling goods and who is not receiv ing the money he thinks he sliould. Show nie you can qualify and 1 will snow you how you can make $5t)U0 a year with the most progressive institution of its kind on the Coast. A. 13. Cleaveland, sales man ager, provident Trust Computi, 212 Seii iiig building, Portland, Oregon. WANTED Young man 25 years old in col lecting department of large installment house; should have had some experience in collecting and office work; must be able to handle collectors; give full particulars as to experience and references. AO Ji4. Oregonian. IF you have nad some experience soliciting life or fire insurance, taking orders for books or magazines or canvassing for any other line 1 will show you how to earn from $10 to $100 weekly. See ine today. 72m Northwestern Bank bldg. SALESMEN to handle the new Coliier mag azine offer. We are opening new territory and will n'cd capable men for road work. Call ;;;: Oregonian bldg., 0 to 10 A. M., 4 to 5 1. M. ' WANT ED Tea Teamster who understands thip railroad and boats in the city; ke care of 2 horses; steady job ; ping to inuot mnr t-aie ji m iiuibcs, DlCttU JUU state smallest salary; give phone. N 796, WANTED Experienced landscape gardener. single man, who can make himself gen erally useful. inquire Northeast cor. 1st and Aukeny after H A. M. CASH advanced you weekly eiiin - my hardy, guaranteed stock; excellent terri tory , hustlers make monye; Washing' or N11 rscry Co., Toppenish. Wash. WANTED Plasterer, one that can also build chimneys; four modern houses; will pay part cash, part to apply on lot; good nrfinnilinn .1 Kill) flrAirmiiun TRAVELING man to handle our line of elntfo in V:islilni-lnn ml 1,luti,k a commission basis. Portland Glove Works, 445-447 Stark st. WANTED Outside position as Lalesman, have machine, married; I know the city; am now w orking inside. AS 738, Orego nian. oA LESMEN v. anted to sell stock !n a sub stantial proposition that is making good; easily cold and good commission. Ills Spalding bldg. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper or accountant t keen books for lumber concern few hours night; must thoroughly understand lum ber business. N 7!;:, Oregonian. fc WANTED Offire boy for wholesale house; good opportunity for advancement; state fige and schooling. G 706. Oregonian. W ANTE D T o correspond with good, live man who can promote a first-class Indus Irial proposition. AV 075, Oregonian. WANTED High-class solicitor to call on business houses; must have experience. Call S:."0 to 10 A. M. 421 Washington st. WANTED Young man with musical edu cation to demonstrate player pianos; sal ary $6 weekly. Address X 76S. Oregonlan. CHINESE cook wanted In familv of three. Apply nt No. 6uO 4th st city. BOY wanted for delivery. Apply Portland Heights Market. CASH paid on advertising contracts; 12 so licitors wanted. 268 Madison. PiiuTo coupon; best ' offered; beauty con test started, culberth Studio, Dekum bldg. LIVE I'hoto solicitors; good mone ; new proposition. Moore Studio. Elks Tdg. WANTED Experienced magazine solif Itur., hustlers only; good money. 4!i Piatt bitig. PHOTO AGENT, something new; extra com. mission paid. Barony Studio. Royal blag. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Kefined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., 600 Koth ehild tldg.. 4th and Washington. EX PERIENCED stenographer; must be neat -appearing: state wages desired. Ad dress V 7S5, Oregonian. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay while learning; position guaranteed. 0U 414 Iekum bldg., Sanitary Parlors. LA DUOS to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 per week; railroad fare paid. 615 Swetland bldg. Call mornings. LADY solicitors for Harcley corset, also uKents for small tonus. Ethel Hamilton, 40tl-. Morrison WANTED Housekeeper to cook and help with a rooming-house; middle-aged lady preferred. AT 780, Oregonian. EX PERIENCED waitrs. country, $25; stenographer, country. $50. H mvo's Agency, 1 11 ! w aMiingion LADY' Agents wanted, quick seller. Call room 221 ( arlton Hotai Thursday and Fri day. 0 to 12 A. M. THE HAIK SHOP wants two ladies to learn business; good chance. 150 5th st. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270A Washington, room 3.". near 4th. Phone Main 8S36 or A 3266. NEAT German or Swedish sirl for general housework; no children. "Si Glisan. v ANTED Finnish or Swedish girl to assist with housework. Call at 32 Lucretia st. WANTED A capable cirl for general house work. Phone Main 6339. LADY barber. 244 1st. between Madison and Main. GERALDIN'E Wanted at office. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED GIRLS TO LEARN THE BUSI NESS ages lti to IS. Good opportunity for advancement. Apply cheek rooiu. basement. to 10 A. m. Meier & Frank Co. WOlI.n HW. 1 n ImvA a irirl from 1 tO 14 years for company in a good home for room and board. Call after 6 o clocK. Jira. R. Woahn. 355 Salmon st. GIRL for general housework and to as sist in care of child two years of age; three in family. Call between 1 and 4. 4hS Harrison St., between 14th and 15th sts. WAITRESsr'boarding-housc $J0; family cook. $40; housework, $15 to $40. SL Louis Agency, 2S8 Main st. A 7175, Main 2030. PUBLIC btenographer given free use finely furnished office, telephone and typewriter desk. In exchange for attention to phone calls only. Call room 509 Oregonian bMg. WANTED Girl or woman to assist with housework; 2 in family; $3 per week. Phone ti 3164. Call mornings. G1KL wanted to fix up act with comedian; must have good appearance. AB 701. Ore gonian. WANTED Young woman with musical edu cation to demonstrate player piano; sal ary $6 weekly. Address Al iSt, Oreqnnian. LADY swimmers for water show; 30 weeks' work. Mice & Dore, Box 27. WANTED Second girl, one to assist with laundry; references. 175 X. 24th. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. F1SK Teachers Agency secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4s33. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. OKEGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade in S weeks; pays you while learning; tools free; tuition reduced this term; extra instructor; years in business; position guaranteed ; special Inducements to ladles. 233 Madison st.. 252 2d st. lULEil Darber College will teach you quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you while learning, furnish tools free. Write for free catalogue. A., 48 2d st. North. AUTOMOBILE chauffeurs get $25 week and over; iwany Spring openings; sample in structions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. H2i K, Rochester. N- Y. WOMEN, get Government jobs, big pay; Portland examinations April It; bangle q ueetions free. Franklin Institute. Dept 617 K, Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerks commence $75 month. Portland examinations coming; sample questions free, franklin Institute, uept. 348-L. Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerks, P. U. clerk?, car riers; exam, soon; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacitic Prates School, McKay bldg., city. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen, wages about $100; experience unnecessary. Send age, postage. Railway, care oregonian. WA NTED Youne man a manager of : attle office; legitimate; big money-making business; $600 required. AB 79S. Oregonian. MEN. aged IS to 35, become railway mail clerks, $75 month; pull unnecessary. Par- ticulars free. AV b4 Oregonian. GiKLS Learn beauty parlor work; earn money while learning. The Hair Bazaar. Majestic Theater bldg.. Wash, and park PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual Instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258. WANTED Men to learn moving picture op erating. 4 1 ( Kotncnim ning. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. ;5 PER MO. 260 14TH ST. M. 3SIt3. EXP. INSTKUC X. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERIENCED clothing salesman, capable of managing department ; wiil give you one month's time to value my services; none but lirst -class stores considered. N vt. Oregonian. POSITION" a bookkeeper or cashier. In or old. X 75. Oregonian WANTED ExDerieneed hookkeoer; state ex perience; salary .luO per month. Address K 708. oregonian. Miscellaneous. OPEN FOR POSITION MARCH 13. I am no "feas been,'' "will be," but am a good, live, general store man, with jeais of experience, well posted on mer chandise and a. No. 1 salesman; good trimmer and card writer; Washington, Oregon and Montana. What have you to offer V AV W40, oregonian. A LI ROUND country printer wants steady position, steady, reliable, competent to take foremanship of small shop; no booze or tobacco; married, go anywhere; wages 515 per. week; recommendations from last posit ion. A V 046, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 2S. technical graduate, with ."even years' practical designing, estimat ing and building, desires work with build pr; competent to handle work from pre liminary drawings to finishing. L 7bS, Oregonian. YOUNG man, thoroughly ex perieticed a t farm w 01 k and has had eoine experience in restaurant, wants work; has a good ed ucation; references and is not afraid of work. AT 7M. Oregonian. YOUNG married man wishes position on ranch : understands care of stock. som experience in fruit; references. Phone Marshall 3413. Write D. C. Clark. 312 Clay st., Portland. N EAT young German wants work in ma chine shop, washing dishes, running ele vator or any light work. AF 734. Ore gonian. CIVIL engineer and surveyor, S ears ex perience, wants position as assistant en glneer or transit man. AO 7Nl, Orego plan. ELECTRICIAN Employment wanted in the electrical trades; graduate of technical whodi; At mechanic; also familiar with steam and gas engines. X 70, Oregonian EXPERIENCED colored man. position as janitor or porter, with b years experience references. Apply 153 K. 14th st. Main 2. 10. PA ST RY 'OOK and baker w ants position : was employed two years Butler, Seattle; 1'. year Empress, Victoria, B. C. AP 712. i iregonian. WANTED Position on ranch, several years' experience, can handle any kind of ma chinery; references. Phone r.ast . 1.1:1. WANTED, by experience! midd!e-aged man, a jb on farm. Chas. Anderson. Globe Hotel. 44 1st st. iort n. CA RPENTE R foreman wants situation, day or contract. J. B. 1 oung, 6014 40t h M. S. E. family to work Inside or in garden or Viftth TV 711 I Ireiron ian MAN wants contract to clear land, 10 or i.t acres; references. . tain i.usKaun. 510 Delay st. JAPANESK. very trustworthy, wants gen eral work In hotel ; email wages; speaks English perfect I y. V 77 1. Oregonian. EX PER I EN 'ED cook wan ts posit i n in or out of city. Address 761 Crund ave. North. Port lnnd. Or. A-l CONCRETE foreman, thoroughly un derstands haitdliug men, alsto figuring and making estimates. E M0, oregonian. YOUNG Japanese couple want positions ; Man highest-class cook; wife 2d work or wash. H. J- S., Box 6, City. POSITION by moving picture -perator ; go any place; best of leference. D "yl, Ore conlan. CH A U KFEUK w an! si poMt ion ; 6 years fx perience. a M 7 ' 7, Oregonian. Marshal 1535. A 3025. TRAVELING salesman would like to carry sideline of cigars; can furnish references. J 810. Oregonian. OLD couple would like light place where could have home and small wasres in re turn for services. Main 717, A 1517. YfU'XG man, strong and willing, wants work ; i3 experienced farm band. Tabor 5026. WANTED Situation by Japanese boy to do cooking and general housework. E. H0, Oregonian. yOI.'NCJ colored man wants work; is stronj? and willing; has experience with cement work and horses. Main 717. MAN and wife with three children want place on ranch: are young and willing to work. Main 717, A 1517. r CAMP cook wants work; is capable of tak ing charge. Main 717. PA INTER wants work ; kalsomining and paperhanging neatly done. Main 717. CA PA ISLE mach Inist and stationary engi neer n a nt s vrk. Main 717. FIRST-CLASS teamster or stable man wants position. .1. W. Hudson. 21 S Monroe st. FIRST-CLASS engineer, refrigerators, etc. Mill or factory. X 752, Oregonlan. WINDOW-CLEANING. responsible w bite man. Call Main 7269. JAPANESE boy, position schoolboy, in good family. AS 73.;, Oregonian. CA NADIAN lawyer wants position In law office. K S1 1 . Oregon tan. HOUSKCLEANING. all odd jobs done, hi reik'.ble party. Call Marshall 4337. MAN and heavy work team for Iiire. $4 day. J 821. Oregonian. JAPANKSK. u- '('. ft' 'K . -a , cstliuri n fTinily; fXinTient-rt. V.3!n '! ALL-AROUND baker wishes position in city or country. a. h-( iregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED tEMALS. Bookkeeper mod Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER with 3 years' experience wants position; experienced in law, lum ber and uenera! oifice work; good refer ences; salary $1U per week. D toll. Ore gonian. POSITION wanted I v young lady afternoons I ::;o to 5;;w; experienced ia shorthand. tvDewriting and bookkeeping. C IU2. Ore gonian. STLNOGRAPHER. experienced and accu rate, wiiiinic worker. wishes position. Phone Marshall 2701. WOMAN of business abilitv and tact wishes position with bufine: firm or office, quick, accurate. A V 7o, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenoyra pher desires po.i tio:i. Sell w ooj J 6 C. YOUNG girl wants cashier w-nrk In moving picture show. Phone Main M10. YOUNG lady wishes position; knowledge in shorthai id and 1 1 y e w r i 1 1 n g. Main 848. i) restomrtke rs. EXPERIENCED in ursmakin;. alterations and plain sewing; will take, work lionxe or go out by day or haif-day; reasonable-. Phone East 5:;i 1. FASHIONABLE dressmaking and tailoring, all work guaranteed: price- reasonable. Mrs. Thomas, Mar. .'040, A 6-",4. ONE-PI ECE dresses, 3.5ij; satisfaction guaranteed; children's work a specially; phone orders. Robinson. Main t;.;n;. NOVELTY waists made to order. Ms. Wil son. Hotel Gordon. Phone Main W2. NURSE, experienced, take charge elderly. Invalid, assist other work; reasonable. Marshall 6lS. UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants cases; any thing taken: terms reasonable. Main i7'v GOOD, practical nurse, doctors reference. Main &37. Housekeepers. UNINCUMBERED young widow desires po sition as cook or housekeeper !n good home; best of references phone Marshall L'J7S CHARGE of a rooming-house lv competent lady. C ii'mj:;, after ."i:::u p. M. MiM-ellatieout). EXPERIENCED teacher wants pupils, even ings; grade and high school subjects, in cluding French and German. V 76, Ore gonian. YOUNG girl, attending Lincoln High School, wishes to work for room and board In good family. Inquire E. Mathiaon, tiOu Cham ber of Commerce bldg. DON'T say jou can't go; semi for me; 1 will take care of your children or babies, day or nipiit. at your home; references Kiven. Marshall .iri. GOOD cook wishes work, hotel or camp. where little or no other help employed. Main room or write Mrs. Kemp. 167 West Park st. (J1KL wishes position in office; experienced in Countv Recorder's office; copy work. Phone East ;b. GERMAN -:irl wants general housework, good plain cook, city or country; refer ences. The Ridgeway, -1 tU li st. WANTED Day work, cleaning; would cook luncheons or dinners, l'.'i cents au hour; references. Phone Wood in wn Ki."i. EI RST-CLASS laundress will do w aching reasonable for ladies at her home. Main 2I.1 9. WANTED, by Spanish girl, s.-neral house work, cooking, in small adult family; Irv inwton preferred. phone C 4l. RELIABLE German woman wishes days' or half -day's w ork. Phone Main 2-i. EXPERIENCED girl wants day work or housework. AN 797, Oregonian. JAPANESE yirl wants position, housework, in small family. Main f.o 1 4. FI RST-CLASS laundress w a tits work Hiui s. and Kri. ; reference?. Woodiawn Hill. RELIAHI-E woman wants day work. Main 717. A 1'I7. WOMAN wants work at housework or cham ber w ork. Main 717. TWO yirls want ireneral housework. M N. loth st. GIRL wants general housework, plain cook Ing. 77J Montana ave. GIRL IS wants light housework for us of piano and small wagt-s. Phone East 17ti". BUS. col. girl wants place to work for room and board, close in. Tabor C-d. EX PER 1 ENCED . oman wants day w ork. any kind. Marshal ti.".."i. WANTED AGENTS. M i.N i'Y made selling kitchen bets, prepaid $1.J.". Including Rogers silvcrpiece worn 7-'-c. AO 7!!t, Oregonian. WANTED TOKENT. Bouse. WANTED 8 or 10-room house, furnished. Board given for part rent. West Side, close in. AN 7&, Oregonian. HAVE clients for all kinds houses. P. E. Lamar. 5u2-8 Lumbermena bldg. FOB BENT. Fornlalied Booms. RATES ARE REASONABLE. DAILY WEEK.LV MONTHLY. Same rate for one or two peraons. HOTEL WASHINGTON, Washington St., Corner 1-tb. Peauiiful marble lobby entrance oc Washington st. Family hotel, European Elan; 15u outside rooms, single or double ed; two bedrooms with bath, between, or parlor and bedroom suite with bath ; clothes closet, hot and cold running water, both telephones, modern and clean; ladies' and gentlemen's toilet ou each floor; large parlor off main lobby. CHARLES II. ROWLET. MGR., Main 5"S1, A 661. HOTEL FORD. 7".o f-x Washington St.. Cor. Lucretia Place. Under new management, large, pleasant rooms; phone, hot and cold water in every roon. ; iiO private baths; rates. per mouth up. Main tii!o. HOTEL EATON. Weft park nd Morrison Sts. Affording all the conveniences of a mod ern hotel ; located in the heart of the t heater and shopping districts ; 91 per day and up. special rates by the week and month. HOTEL ROWLAND, HOTEL MINOOK, - 2o7i 4th. 4th. SPECIAL WINTER KATES. Nicely furnished rooms; homelike, re spectable, clean and modern; hot and cold water, private baths; Winter rstes, $:i per w eek and up; special attention given to tourists; give us a call; you will like it, for you ei your money's worth void then s'riie. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington st., at Thirteenth. Kic per day; weekly $3, monthly (11 up. Running water, phone in each room, steam h'at. fireproof bldg., ground-floor lobby, all-night service. Business is good. HOTEL ARTHUR, Eleventh, bet ween Morrison and Yamhill. 7 it clean and quiet rooms, with every modern convenience; rates single or double. Daily detached bath $1. private $!.."' WceMy. . . .irtachod bath private $3.oo HOTEL MADRAS. Corner Itii and Washington: steam heat, hot and cold running water, prl ate and detached baths; single, $3; suite 2 rooms. $6. FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price ; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria. Cor ner 6th and Taylor eta. ilOTEL BUCKINGHAM. liOth and Washing, ton sts. Elegantly located, new, modern clian, quiet; outside rooms; private or public bath. ?2.."U week up; same f r odd or two persons. HOTEL AN SON I A. "' 121 14th St.. cor. Washington Nicely fur nished rooms; Btrictly modern; rates $3.50 week and up- Marshall 1470. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and Ea.t Belmont Rooms $12 month up. $22. 5o up with private bath; large, pleatant lobbj . absolutely a respectable hotel. East ij:i. HOT EN SAVON, 131 Eleventh Ml. New. modern brick building, steam iieated. pri vate baths, hot and cold water; comforta bly furnished; transients solicited. THE RANDOLPH, cor. ;,d and Columbia Furnished rooms, steam heat, hot ana cold watr. bath; $'2 week up. HOTEL CORDOVA. '-Mil 11TH ST. Strictly modern; private baths: en suite; rooms y.'i.r0 up. Main b472, A 4783. YOUNG man rooming at Y. M. C. A. wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Iu quir Y. M. O. A.. 6th asd Taylor. HOTEL JOYCE. 270 4TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, day or wewfe. 1 tl WESTONIA, West Park, near Morri Kon : modern conveniences; newly furnished Furnished Koomt in Private Families. FURNISHED front room, light, suitable for two. month ; heat, 701 Savier st. LIGHT wiry rooms, walking distance, bath, heat. 411 Market st. Main Baoi. PLEASANT front room; moderate. 268 12th, it 1 1