6 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TnUESDAT, FEBRUARY 19. 1914. HI GILL'S COST OF ; VOTE GETTING LOW But $525 Spent by 'Comeback' Champion in Seattle Pri mary Mayoralty Race. 1 SOCIALIST MAY CONTEST Vliisor Managers Do Not Concede ; . Defeat and Are to Investigate Charges or - Incorrect lte ports Bull Moose Ivoet. ' SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 18. (Spe i cial.) HI Gill, champion "come back" in yesterday's mayoralty primaries, to- day found lie had romped homo with . tlic highest number of votes at the lowest cost a vote. His ballots cost only 2 cents each. But for the others, the liigrh cost of vote getting is a burn injr issue. Gill paid all of his own bills, man- flglnr to squander a total of $525.75. ; He, however, ended the race with 23,419 . votes of confidence, which cost about l 2 cents each. The Gill forces are preparing for the final contest on Maroh 3. Gill has : promised strict regulation of the sa : loons, enforcement of all the laws, and removal of Chief of Police Bannlck. Jill declares that he received no sup port whatever from the saloons in yes .. terday's contest, j The only candidate who received a ; majority of all the votes cast yester- day was Robert B. Hesketh, President of the City Council a prominent labor ; leader, who got 36,000 votes. He will : be obliged to enter the finals, however. : The Socialists placed their candidates ' for Corporation Counsel, Controller and ' Treasurer on the final ballot. The highest Socialist vote cast yesterday , was 14.1S5 for Edwin J. Brown, candi- 3 date for Corporation Counsel. i ' Although Richard Winsor, nominee J ;of the Socialist party for Mayor of : .-..Seattle, finished in third place, 384 - ivotes behind James D. Trenholme, the ."Winsor managers will not concede his ; defeat, and say that they will make a ;c-areful investigation of charges that y the result was not reported correctly. ' George B. Worley, "efficiency engl : necr," declared that he spent 13555.25, and his friends tendered him support f In the sum of 971 votes. ; H. C. Pigott, Bull Moose and Prohlbl- tionist, who polled the lowest vote of ; :all, spent $249.23 for 644 votes. J . J. D. Trenholme, business men's can- 4 didate, who will finish the race with i Gill, disposed of $5300 in scoring 11,852 tallies. Austin E. Griffiths, who resigned a S3000-a-year Job as Councilman to run ' lor Mayor, declared that his expenses . were $1700.85. He polled 9087 votes. ; "Jack" Slater, chairman of the . progress and prosperity committee of the Chamber of Commerce, polled 2214 1 votes. He spent $1882.98. ment at the University of Oregon: this applies only to, the students upon the campus at Eugene, no account being taken of the law school at Portland, the medical school at Portland, last year's Summer school or the school of music. Oregon, of course, leads, and Wasn Ington comes second with 24 students. The 13 other states are: Arkansas, Cali fornia, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Okla homa. Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Dakota, South Dakota. Texas and Wisconsin. The four foreign countries are Japan, Greece, Germany and India. Of 662 students in arts, literature, science and engineering, 365 are men and 297 women. The freshman class In these departments numbers 2G2. These figures are from the registrar's annual report, just ready to issue. The whole enrollment Is 1247, not including students in the correspondence study department. ill ASPIRES MILKS ,S. JOHJYSOiV WOULD MEMBER OP CtUItl3SS. BE Aatlve of Portland. Who Made Uod In - Idaho, Mnltes Announcement of Ilia Candidacy. L.EWISTON, Idaho, Feb. 18. (Spe cial.) Miles S. Johnson, of Lewiston, Prosecuting Attorney of Nez Perce County, yesterday announced bis' can- - I M f ' i - 1 t 1 W .Ji . W. ! . S f - I EUGENE TRIP OOftWS Delegates to. Development Meet Expected to Be 150. BIG GATHERING ON TODAY CO-OPERATION TO BE TOPIC Vnlons of State of Washington to Meet in Seattle Soon. SEATTLE, Wash.. Feb. 18. (Special.) Beginning February 26, the sixth an nual meeting of the Washington State Co-Operative Union will continue two tlays at -Labor Temple In this city. Del egations have been invited from all co operative concerns which can qualify mder the state laws and a large at tendance is expected. Similar societies of Oregon, Idaho and British Columbia have also been asked to send repre sentatives. At the meeting a move' will be start ed to have the Legislature pass a meas ure providing for state farm credit banks. The establishment of a state co-operative paper also will be a mat ter for discussion and plans for a wholesale agency for the societies of the state will be urged. T. M. Wold, of Stanwood, is presi dent, and A. Wardall, of Seattle, is sec retary of the state union. MILWAUKIE TALKS ROADS Heated Discussion Held Over Flan to Guild Permanent System. MILWAUKIE. Or.. Feb. 18. (Spe- rmi. rant is. jjimlcjt and T. W. Sul livan surged people to vote for the pro posed $690,000 bond issue for Derma nent roads, and C. E. Spence and H. G. Starkweather opposed the issue at the meeting held in the Milwaukie City Hall last night under' the ausDices of the Milwaukie Commercial Club. There was a large attendance. No vote was taKen. as the meeting was called to : educate the people on the question. - Mrs. Knud Roald gave a eolo, .and in strumental music was rendered. , CHECK ON BANK UNDER WAY Superintendent Sargent Takes Up Xortli Powder Closing. NORTH POWDER, Or., Feb. 18 . lopeciai.j b. iv. Sargent, superintend - nt of banks of Oregon, arrived Tues . day and began a check of the Powder -Valley State Bank, which closed its doors yesterday pending an investiga tion. Mr. Sargent ' said today that the -closing was entirely voluntary on the , part of the bank's officers. Wishing ; to avoid difficulties they appealed to ."the state for an examination. : Mr. Sargent said that in no way had the officials of the bank overstepped - the law. Mile s. Johnson, of Lenrlston, Idaho, Who If as Announced His Candidacy for the Repik. llcan Nomination for Repre sentative In Congress Fran daho. v didacy for the Republican nomination for representative in Congress from Idaho. Mr. Johnson has lived In Lewiston since 1898. He is 43 years old and a native of Portland, Or., being a son of Jasper W. Johnson and Mary E. John son, pioneers. His grandfather, Will iam Johnson, arrived ' in Oregon with his family in- 1846 and took up a dona tion land claim six miles east f the present City of Portland. John D. Post, his grandfather on his mother's Bide, moved to Oregon City in 1853 to become president of the Baptist Col lege there. Since coming to-Idaho 16 years ago Mr. Johnson has taKen an active part In the state's affairs. In 1901 he was elected Prosecuting Attorney of Nez Perce County and served two terms, until 1905. Again, in 1912. "as a candi date for the same office he was elected by an overwhelming majority. In 1905 he was appointed Assistant United States Attorney. One of his achievements was the breaking up of an organization of cattle rustlers. He resigned in 1908, but was afterward named special assistant to the Attor ney General of the United States in the prosecution of land fraud cases. "I believe that the Representative from Idaho should do everything that It is possible for him to do toward pro tecting and aiding every industry west of the Rocky Mountains and he should work in harmony with the members from all states west of the Rocky Mountains who hold like views," he says. DEPARTMENT HEAD QUITS Washington Commissioner Doea Hot Like Criticism of Bis Methods. OLTMPIA, Wash., Feb. IS. (Special.) J. H. Perkins. Washington's first State Commissioner of Agriculture, will retire March 15, it -was announced to day. Criticism of the expenditure of the larger part of the biennial fair ap propriation on last year's State Fair is regarded as responsible for the change. Edward A. McDonald, of Seattle, Fed eral Food and Drug Inspector, and for mer State Dairy and Food Commis sioner under the Rogers administra tion, .is mentioned as Perkins' succes ment, combining a number .of subid lary departments, was organized last June under a law passed by the last Legislature at Governor Lister's be best. Representatives From All Parts X State Likely to Be 1000, Among "Whom Will Be Men. of Af fairs ana Prominence. ' With the list of reservations at a total of 131 last night and demands for more reservations coming in, the prep arations for the excursion to the de velopment meeting in Eugene, which will be held . this afternoon, were brought to a conclusion. The Portland Commercial Club will probably be rep resented in Eugene today, with the list already reserved and with the "11th hour" members which will join the party at the North Bank depot when the excursion leaves at 7:40 this morn ing, by nearly 150 persons. x William Woodhead, president of the Associated Ad Clubs of America, who Is guest of the Portland Ad Club in Portland, will go with the party to Eugene and will be one of the speak ers at the convention. G. M. Hyland has been delegated by the Panama-Pacific Exposition commission" to speak in its behalf. The other details of the programme will be handled chiefly by the Eugene Commercial Club, which is to be the host to the 1000 or more dele gates from other parts of the state who will be at the convention. Badges Issued to the members of the excursion feature the sloeran. "Buv Your Ticket via Oregon in- 191S." which is to be one of the important points of discussion at the convention. faalem, Albany, Rosebursr. Medford. Roseburg and many other large cities of the Willamette Valley are sending special trains bearing their delegations 10 me convention today. The list of reservations in the Port land party last night was as follows: J. A Currey. E. R. Peltoh. John H. Bnr- Eard, T. Pearson, Judge C. W. Qantenbein, R. W. Schmeer, Yv'ilfrld P. Jones. H. C Campbell, Milton Markewltz, E. Ehrmin, R. M. Irvine, Charles M. Hemphill, Dwight Edwards, W B. Glafke. Clayton Wenta. Tom Richardson, Beall & Company, J. D. Abbott. Hicks-Chatten Encnvini Com pany, John Tait, Pacific Iron Works, Mitch ell, .Lewis & Staver Company? John S. Beall, Chausse-Prudhomme Company C. C. Chap man, W F. Grler, Paul DeHaas, H. R Lewis. IT. TV. MacLean. Chester A. Whit more. Robert E Worrell, George M. Hyland. Lamoun, jjavicf -M.. .Dunne, K. )X. Crozler, J. L. Wallln, H. B. Miller, R. W. Raymond, Frank McCrlllis. A. C. Jackson. Frank E. Bmitb. O. C. Bortimavar. J. Fred Larson, Jacob Kanzler, Eugena Brook lets, Parlln & Orendortf Plow Company, J. S. Seed, A W. Kutsche. O. G. Huuhson. George L. Baker, Phil Metachan. Jr., John H. Hartog, R L. Gltsan, E. W. Wright, E. D. Timms. E. F. Hitchcock. C. H. Dexter, Pacific Telephone Sc. Telegraph Clmpany. A. C. Black. B. C. Darnall. A. King Wilson. C. F. Wright. C. H. Farrington. F. A. Kosenlu-aos. E. H. Carlton. Dr. C. W. Cor nelius, c. B. Waters R. J. Paterson, Quy Talbot, F. X. Le Doux, A. J. Bale, E. R Shaw, A. B. Tenney. F. M. Knapp. Dr. Byron E. Miller. H. Gordan. J. L. Bowman. E. B. Barber, W. C. Seachrest, W. J. Mor ton. C. W. Antll!. I. C. Davidson, C. D. Hurtt, W. J. Mason. J. C. Burch, Hy Ellers, M. J. Scovllle. A. S. Rotbwell, Dr. William Deveny and wife. G. L. Hamilton. M. E. smeaa, A. It. Metcalf. C E. Metcalf. O. S. Crego. John E. Cronan. Frank E. Cronan, P. T. Devereaux. C. A. Wolfi-amr n r Beebe, W. H. Mall, J. W. Vogan. J. K. Gill. r . uiiirence, j. w. BicKrorfl. R. S. Heustls. W. H. Grirwold. E. C Griffin. E. C. Summons. William Woodhead. E. W. Randolph. S. Connell. D. J". Ifntmnr Pr.d Lotkley, Addison Bennett. John H. Scott, Charles King, G. L. Wood. R. W. Wood, George S. Beechwood. M. W. Parelius. H. H. Keim. Mrs. Kelm. Thomas UiiIt- Tr,-.,i Johnson, W. J. Patterson, c M. Whl. F. Althoff. J. F. Lund. H. M. Cum-mlngs. I F. W. JENNINGS RELEASED Portland Man Is Discharged I'rom Custody lay Rosebnrg Court. ;- ROSEBURG, Or.. Feb. 18. (Special.) t On motion of the District Attorney, ; the case against F. W. Jennings, of v Portland, charged with Bhooting and In juring a valuable dog belonging to Ike Gervais. of Sutherlin, was dismissed - late today and W. E. Caldwell, on trial yesterday charged with larceny of $80, was acquitted by a jury. S. E. Krown, a local druggist, recent ly convicted of violating the local op- tion laws in the Justice Court, today '.'dismissed his appeal to the Circuit ' Court and paid a fine of 2b0. OREGON "U" ATTRACTIVE .Canal Zone, Alaska and Four Ior- " cign Countries on Knrollment. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, '. Feb. 17. Fifteen states, Alaska, the Canal Zone and four foreign countries are represented in this year's enroll- H0PGR0WERS START WORK New Poles and Wires Being Placed in Fields Near Bnena Vista. ' BUENA VISTA, Or., Feb. 18. (Spe ciaL) Hopyards for miles .along the bottoms of the Luckiamute River are undergoing a renovation with the re placement of many poles and wires. Growers in the entire district are pre paring for another successful season. and an earlier etart than usual ha3 been made. It is estimated that about 2,000,000 new poles will be required and these will be obtained from nearby woods. According to the growers,, plenty of help for Spring work in the yards Is available.. re" " W'-r 'X. ,i tk'- Eye Strain Saps the general nervous system. It Is responsible for most headaches and .much, stomach trouble. Any man --who fits--glasses for vision only is yet in the nursery of optics. An in ferior examination of the eyes, as well as careful consideration of. the rserve and muscle conditions, is es tf ntial if accuracy is desired. WE MAKES NO CHARGES FOR SUCH EXAMINATIONS. DAYTON EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. 60S-SC9 Svrrf laud Bnlldlnsr, Fifth and "WaMhington, Fifth Floor. EVntrance on Fifth Street. for next j'ear is Imperative. The last school enumeration shows Harrisburg to have gnade the second largest in crease in - the county. Work on the building probably will begin as soon aa school closses. MM CANDIDATES FILE B. V. JONES, tXP BOSEBCRG, ASPIRES TO SEAT IN CONGRESS. LOGGING CAMPS TO OPEN Mild Winter Permits Early Resump tion of Operations In Woods. WASHOUGAIa Wash., Feb. 18. (Spe. cial.) Owing to the open Winter most or the logging camps in this section will begin work about the first of March. Ansel Wall says he will start the Du bois logging camp near Ariel, Wash., within a week. This is one of the largest camps in this vicinity. , Late O, M.. Priugle Pioneer. ' SAX. EM. Or.. Feb.- 18. (Special.) O. M. Pringle, a pioneer of 1842, who died at his home in Portland last night, was a resident of this city for a number of years. He lived near Prineville for 40 years before moving to Salem. Mr. Pi-lngle was 81 years old. i Mrs. A. N. Bush, of this city, is his. niece and Mrs. John Hughes, of this city, his Bis ter. - Mr. Pringle moved to Portland two years ago. EUGENE PREPARES WELCOME Delegates to Development Meeting Arrive on Night Trains. EUGENE. Or.. Feb. 18. fSneciali The advance guard of the hundreds who are to be here tomorrow to attend the meeting of the Oregon Development Congress, began to- arrive tonie-ht and by tomorrow there probably will be 1000 "isitors here, ready to spend the after noon in devising ways for nresentine- the claims of Oregon to the tourists who will pass through the state on their was to or from the Panama Expo sition. Elaborate preparations are being made for the entertainment of the visitors. The Radiators, the Eugeno marching organization, will be out in uniform to meet all the trains, and the band will also be in evidence as the visitors arrive. The Southern Pacific Conmanv will have a special train to bring 125 dele gates irom Roseburg. The sessions are' to begin earlv i the afternoon, called to order by Judge William Colvig. tax airent for th southern Paciflc Company. M. J. Duryea, secretary or tne isusene Commereia.1 Club and of the Oregon Commissioners to the Chicago Land Show this past Winter, will be permanent chairman, and Luke L. Goodrich, president of the Eugene Commercial Club, will make the address of welcome. Response will be made by ex-Mayor George F. Rodg ers, of Salem. C C. Chapman and Tom Richardson are the only speakers scheduled to night, and they are to explain briefly me proposition to nave an adequate dis play of Oregon products made at Ash land, where passengers into the state have half an hour to wait while en glue's are changed. ASHLAND SENDS PARTY OP S3 Citizens' Pledge to Support Perma nent Exhibit Is Allowed. ASHLAND. Or.. Feb. IS. fSnecial 1 Backed, by a pledge from citizens that they would work for an amendment to Ashland s charter providing a special levy for funds for heating. llrhtlnr. af fording caretakers and beautifying the grounds around the proposed Oregon state exhibit building in this c'tv. 33 delegates left for Eugene tonight to atend the booster rally tomorrow. They wore badges reading "The Gate way city. ROSEB TJR G HAS 150 DELEGATES Special Train to Carry Represent tlves to Eugene Meet. , ROSEBURG, Or., Feb. 18. (Special.) Koseburg will be represented at to morrow's meeting of the Oregon De velopment Congress at Eugene by not less than loo. A special train has been chartered for the occasion. The train will leave here at 7:30 o'clock, arriving at Eugene two hours later. In addition to the Roseburg contingent, Sutherlin will send 25 dele gates, while . other Northern Douglas County towns will be represented. Harrisburg School Bonds Voted. HARRISBURG, Or., Feb. 18. (Spe cial.) A warm contest on the question of issuing school bonds to build an ad dltion to the present school building re suited in a majority of nine votes in favor of the proposition. The present building la overcrowded and mora room Declarations) Cerer Several District and County Officeii Anti-Circulation Fay Pettfilom Approved. SALEM. Or, Feb. 18. (Special.) B. F. Jones, of Roselsurg, today filed his declaration with Secretary of State Ol cott as a candidate Sor the Republican nomination for Representative in Con gress in the First Congressional Dis trict. Glen O. Holman, of;'- Dallas, filed his declaration as candidate-for the Repub lican nomination for Circuit Judge In the 12th Judicial District. A declaration as a candidate for the Republican nomination tor Representa tive in the State Legislature- was filed by A. A. Anderson, of Astoria. The Secretary of Staote today ap proved the petition for a till to be sub mitted for initiation by ex-United States Senator Bourne, -which pro hibits the payment of persons for (Cir culating -petitions for initiative and referendum measures and' recall and nominating proceedings. W. H. Squire and Bert W..' Macy have filed declarations with tbe Marion County "Clerk as candidate fior the Re publican nomination for CUunty Recorder. IT. L Clark is a candidate for - the Democratic nomination for County Re corder. ; Albert E. Zimmerman seeks the Re publican nomination for Countiy Treas urer. W. H. Goulet and George W. Whit ney have filed declarations as candi dates for the Republican nomination for County Commissioner. Daniel Webster is seeking re-elec tion on the Republican ticket as Jus tice of the Peace. Benjamin S. Via seeks the Republican nomination for the same office. Dr. Hagood Passes Examination. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Feb. 18. -r. Rufus H. Hagood. of Pendleton, has rassed his prelimin ary examination forappointment in the Army Medical Corps and will be ordered to Washington October 1 for a course of instruction at the Army Medical SchooL Rancher Hurt in Runaway. GRANDVIEW, Wash., Feb. 18. (Spe cial.) John D. Dyas, a well-known rancher, sustained fractures of the col larbong and ribs in a runaway accident .arndsom N TTT ew ii lanoj The First Carload Lot Purchased Just Received The wonderful selling we enjoyed, since the Removal Sale began had depleted our stock and left us free to take full advantage of the phenomenal values offered in the purchase of Pianos and Player Pianos. This $325 New Upright for $210 STi J mermtt. as.-r2f!.v-i . .-... - - - -. ; . y-.t.x -."a -r-Mf.. c ;:of.'a.-:.tf . -f " . p rT, , ' " . . . -' ' J ' f V tit . m fil ' siP sgrT- fi - '...-i f? T j l?a-K f--.-' V , v-v. . 1 A el.- ; -;'.' .- . 'V-'H:-. - n t .'X.- ,-.'.-.,?''t--' .- - ?. J-i5 i -i K tl r " ' 4 i X !- -JJ13 - it - ' ' ; T ' J t : J --J .- - f'.- r Wt- i'i- ' ' ' ' 9 ilVf 1 jTnfi ; 1 I IO Cash "Will Send It to Your Home." 36 Monthly "Will Keep It There." Tiie Last Word in New Pianos The case is double veneered inside and out; crat3ide with fancy mahogany and oak veneer, inside with white maple. Colonial in design. Pilasters and trusses to match its appearance; full Em pire top, drop motildings, malting the case very symmetrical and refined. Compare look the city over you can arrive at but one conclusion that the Graves Music Co. Removal Sale has no competitors because of its Quality, Reduced Prices and Easy Terms of Payment it is the one place to buy your Piano or Player Piano now. It makes no difference how new the style how costly the quality how fine the tone how easy and elastic the action how celebrated the maker or how high the original or "usual" price go they must all reduced in price all include! in this Removal Sale no room here new build ing not yet ready this is, .therefore, a forced sale at prices that will move them quick. Other Pianos $65, $135, $195, $245, $3 1 5, Etc. Player Pianos $365, $415, $465, $565, Etc. TERMS 31 and $2 WEEKLY START WITH SI lak iT.ur Ble.tion pay 1 down, if you do not want to pay the full amount, and uiniil II I III l then, before delivery, you pay the balance in cash or 9, or whatever agreement you make for the first payment, and the balance monthly, etc., until the piano is paid for in full. Out-of-town Buyers: It is safe and satisfactory to buy one of these pianos by mail. Write us and we will send you full description, or. If you like, ship the piano subject to your approval. We pay freight to anr noint in Oregon, Washington'-or Idaho. Buy now and hav it shipped when ready. v s 10 ny DOlnt Every piano or player piano purchased carries with it the Graves Music Company guarantee of satisfaction, as also the uiral guarantee of each manufacturer of thee new musical instruments. Besides we take it in exchange within one year, allowing the full amount paid, if desired. cvn.aji.iu Graves Music Co. Removal Sale, 111 Fourth St. at his ranch south of Grandview Tues day. Str. Eya was unconscious when found lttter by a man passing hia place. 1 Fine Tunis That Pre 1asfed Energy Proper Sitostas to Keree Genlsrs Gives Impohis to Blood Heslib. B Skaay people refer to the "merit" of S. B. S. By this they meaa that it causes them to feel good; they get rid of stagna tion. Things are Aappeninjwitnlii us all the time that give evioeaee f harins slipped a cog. r We are constantly producing waste products teat homMI mk oat promptly. But they accumulate here aod there,' the aerres tell as abeut it, the sUa shows It, there are almost always certala iBdicattoM that we need kelp. The blood n4 the nerrea are so inti mately associated that they are mutually dependent' tipoa each ether for health. And since the Influence ef S. S. S. is so pronounced In the blood It necessarily must prove a proper stimulus to the nerves wberebyeaeh assists the other te ' checii and eliminate conditions of disease. There is probably no other remedy se well known as S. 6. f!. for the blood. And for this reasom it is the one remedy invariably called' for. But there are many people who da not inn tot cpon hav Ing S. S. S. and are easily persuaded te try something else "Just as good." so they are told. If your blood is thia : if you have rheumatic pains ; if your skin is ir ritated with eczema, lupus, tetter, psoria sis, or any other blood humour; if you are troubled with pimples or boils do not permit yourself to be talked Into buying something else, but lmsiet upon S. S. S. It is really a remarkable remedy. It contains one ingredient, the active pur pose of which is to stimulate the tl&aues to the healthy selection of its own essen tial nutriment. And the medicinal ele ments Bt thia BtfffiUtfa Uocd aiirifler art iast aa essential to weU-balaneed health a -tba antritious elttoaents of the meats, grains, fats and augaJk: of our daily food. Not only this, but sT from the presence of ease disterbteg poteen there is a legal or general Interferes! ot natxitloa to cause boils, carbuncle abscesses and kindred troubles, S. fi. U3. so directs the local cells that this poissra is' rejected and eliminated front their par.sencc Then, too, 8. B. 3. M siieh specific stimulation en these local cells as te pre aerve their mutual welfantt and a proper relative assistance te aaesi other. In a very brief time B. 1 8. 8. has the receoetructlTe process so lander control that reanarkabla jehaage; tare observed. All eruptive places heal, ak'terlous pains and aches nave diaappeareii, and from. head to foot there is a coneeleus sensa tion of renewed keaitn. T9.mt etraage, moody, morMif feeling ef cftapreestoa Is lifted, and the entire syscam& sesponda with suiuiialna- esnrzr. Frees the fact that 8. 6. S) ia purely a botanical preparation, it im accepted by the weakest stomuch and fans gseaa toadc influence in all the digestive anicans. It is certainly a wonderful blood Iraeaictne. and ts prepared -direct from natWe mate rials gathered by the experts of the fa bbous Swift Laboratory. Not onev&ruo ef minerals or drugs is used in its is repara tion. Ask -for H. S. . and tnehg: upon. caving It. Tou can get S. S. S. at any drusrwtere. Beware of any effort te mill you soensttsinr cuum ea xe oe "just as good." Ix yoacs is a pecDtiar ase and you desire expert:' ad vlre, write to The Swift Spectfie Ce, 3Utf Baftlt BKH, AUMta, Cs, SPEND SUNDAY AND MONDAY (Washington's Birthday) AT CLATSOP BEACH SEASIDE GEAR HART ROUND TRIP Saturday and Sunday, Return Monday DELIGHTFUL HOLIDAYS BY THE SEA "Why not get the benefit of two or three midwinter days in refreshing salt air1? Hotels at Gearhart and Seaside are open and provide special entertainment for Washington's Birthday guests. - Trains leave North Bank Station at 8:10 A. M. daily and 6:30 P. M. Saturday. Parlor car and rail tickets at CITY TICKET OFFICE, FIFTH AND STARK STREETS NORTH BANK STATION, TENTH AND HOYT STREETS Yes it's pure without a doubt, sir, Hops and malt and water, too, All combined by perfect brewing In a beer just right for you. A