THE MORNING OREGONIAX, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1914. V HEWSGHOOLHULES. BENEFIT STUDENTS Superintendent Churchill Aims to Eliminate Apparently L Needless Examinations. TEACHERS' "SHOWING" HIT Provision Is Made for Letting Pnpils "Who Failed to Finish Grades Enter Higb School -Without Acquiring Diploma. SALEM, Or., Feb. 18. (Special.) To encourage more regular attendance and Improved deportment and to prevent leacners from using too much time preparing pupils for examinations when more Important work could be done. Superintendent of Public Instruc tion Churchill tonight made important changes In the rules governing the public schools. He also made provision for young men and women who leave school at the end of the sixth or sev enth grades and desire to resume their tudies when they have reached the age of 18 entering high school without having an eighth-grade diploma. The new rules provide that any pupil who has reached the age of 14 years and has taken the reVular eight-year courses of the elementary schools who can present to the county school su perintendent satisfactory evidence of having passed at least 450 days In attendance at any public school In Oregon during the sixth, seventh and eighth grades, and has made an aver age of not less than 85 per cent in deportment, may upon the recommen dation or the principal teacher in charge, be excused by the county school superintendent from examina tion In any subject In which he has made an. average of not less than 90 per cent In class work and school tests during that time. By producing school records to show that the averages have fceen made the county school superin tendent may accept it In lieu of an ex amination In the subject. Other Eliminations Intended. Any pupil who has taken the regular oven years of elementary school work and nan prove he has passed at least 450 days In attendance at any public school In the state during the fifth, sixth and seventh grades, and has made an average of not less than 85 per cent in deportment, may under the same conditions be excused from ex amination in geography if he has made an average of not less than 90 per cent in class work and school tests. Any pupil who has taken the reg lar six years' work of the elementary school and can show he has passed at least 450 days in attendance In any public school of the state during the fourth, fifth and sixth grades, with 85 per cent deportment record, etc., may under the same conditions as apply In the other grades be excused from ex amination in physiology. It is provided that teachers having pupils who ask exemptions In one or more subjects shall furnish the County School Superintendent with a list of pupils not less than 200 days prior to the examination, together with a cer tified statement of the record of each pupil, during the sixth, seventh and eighth grades, as shown by the school register and grade book, by reports from other schools. The County School Superintendent after having examined the record shall determine what ex emptions shall be allowed and notify the teacher accordingly. , Rules for Ex-Students Made. The. rule applying to young men and women 18 years of age who have left school and desire to re-enter is as fol lows: 'Pupils who have reached the age of 18 years may, at the discretion of the school board, be admitted to any high school without having passed the eighth grade examination, and receive, after earning three semester credits, the eighth grade diploma from that district." Heretofore it was necessary that pu rlls have an eighth grade diploma be fore they could enter high school. Mr. Churchill says, however that many who leave school while in the higher grades naturally educate themselves to some extent, that their minds are more mature than younger ones, and that Its is nothing but right that they should receive p. chance in the high school without having to return to the lower grades to work for an eighth grade di ploma. Ho says that many of the teachers to make a good showing de voted too much time to preparing children for the physiology examina tion in the .Rlx,tft.,lK5ade and the geog raphy examination in the seventh grade, and that under the new rule tills will be eliminated. FIRE LESSONS PREPARED Superintendent Churchill Sends In structions to Teachers. BALEM, Or.. Feb. 18. (Special.) Superintendent of Public Instruction Churchill is providing lessons on fire prevention, which he bolievea will be of great benefit in minimizing the number of fires. The pamphlet is com prehensive, giving the laws relating to fire prevention and - regulations for school buildings. "All teachers," says the pamphlet, "of public and private schools are re Quired to have at least one fire drill each month in schools having an aver age daily attendance of 60 or more pupils; are required to Instruct all pupils between the ages of 6 and 14 years in the danprers of fires, and to devote not less than 30 minutes each month to such instruction." DALLAS JURY DISAGREES Case Charging Terjury at Marriage Uesults in Xo Verdict. DALLAS. Or.. Feb. IS. (Special.) Lester Stone, accused of subornation of perjury in connection with an alleged false certificate made as to the age of his bride, whose age was declared 15 years at the time, was tried in the Cir cuit Court here. The Jury was out all right, and came Into court with a dis agreement. Young Stone eloped with Violet Conkey from the home of the bride In Monmouth, came to Dallas, obtained a marriage license and went to Salem, where they were married. Later the pair were divorced. FOREST OPENED TO SHEEP Government AVants Oregon Flocks on Idaho Ranges. PENDLETON, Or., Feb. 18. (Special.) R. G. Wilson, Deputy Supervisor of the Clearwater National Forest in Ida ho, arrived In Pendleton today and is endeavoring to persuade Eastern Ore gon sheepmen to send some of their flocks to the .Clearwater forest for their Summer range. This reserve was devastated by fire several years ago, but the grass has now been restored, according to Wll son,; and affords splendid sheep graz ing facilities. He says It Is capable of handling 600,000 sheep during the Sum mer and, as there are but few flocks in the vicinity of the forest, they are be ing sought from distant points. The Government is anxious to have the for est grazed, because it tends to lessen the danger of forest fires. The' mini mum grazing fee of 5 cents per head for adult sheep, with lambs admitted free, has been granted. Local sheepmen appear to be greatly interested and it Is probable several bands will be shipped from Eastern VETERAN MAIL CARRIER DIES AT HOOD RIVER. i Homer V. Wocdnortk. Homer V. Woodworth, who died at his residence- at 980 Third street, this city, on Wed nesday, February 18, was ap pointed a letter carrier May 1, 1885, at Milwaukee. Wis. He came to Portland in 1900. He was president of Multnomah Branch, No. 82, National' Associa tion of Letter Carriers, in 1902, snoruy alter wnicn he was trans ferred to the Hood River post office, where he was a carrier at the time of his death. He survived by a widow and four children, Mabel, Elmer, Gladys and Grace. Funeral services will be held at Holman's chapel Frl- day afternoon, February 20, at 3 o'clock. Oregon. The railroad has granted a special rate of $50 per car for ten-carload lots. LAUD RUINATION DENIED DEFENSE ANSWERS CHARGES IN HIGHLAND MILL CASE. Baker County Farmers' Assertions That Sediment and Slime Damage Re futed by Company's Witnesses. BAKER, Or., Feb. 18. (Special.) Vigorous denial of the charges that the sediments and slimes from the High land mill are ruining the fields along Rock Creek and Maxwell Creek was made today by witnesses for the de fense in the Injunction Buit being heard before Judge Anderson wherein the farmers of the two creeks seek to re strain the mill from operating. Robert McGaughey, manager of the mine, declared that the Highland De velopment Company and the Highland Mines Company had expended $500,000 in their plants and he pointed out that the companies are expending a total of $10,000 a month for labor and mate rials, all of which stays In Baker County. He declared that should the injunction be made permanent It would not only put the mine entirely out of business and ruin Its entire Investment, but would be a death blow to the min ing industry In Baker County, as, 'he said, the same conditions prevail at every mine in the district as prevail at the Highland. Mr. McGaughey testified that all practical methods were being employed for the Impounding of the tailings of the mill. Absolute denial was made that these sediments injured the fields or rendered the water unfit for drinking, domestic purposes or watering stock. It was contended that the pulverized quartz, which comprises the greater part of the sediment. Is not impervious to wate,r, as has been charged, but is of soil forming material. Decision of the court will either close the mine, or, the farm ers contend, result in thousands of acres of land being rendered unfit for agriculture. PROSECUTOR NOT TO ACT Tillamook Official Sees No Reason for Trying Gun-Carriers. WHEELER, Or., Feb. IS. (Special.) W. J. Gerson, prosecutor of Tillamook County, has issued a statement to State Game Warden Finley In which he gives reasons for refusing to prosecute G. Albaness and Sandy Damanik, unnat uralized foreigners, who had firearms in their possession when arrested by Deputy Game Warden K. H. Clark Mon day. The men were digging clams on Nehalem Bay and each had a shotgun. The prosecutor contends the men do not technically come within the law forbid ding foreign-born, unnaturalized resi dents of Oregon from carrying weap ons, Inasmuch as they were arrested within bounds not subscribed specifi cally in the law, and further that the guns were not carried as concealed weapons, but were possessed merely as property. Prosecutor Gerson has asked Mr. Finley to ask a decision from the Attorney-General. Deputy Warden Clark had asked that the men be prose cuted. Grants Pass Awaits Mr. Booth. GRANTS PASS, Or., Feb. 18. (Spe cial.) When- R. A. Booth comes to Southern Oregon in his campaign for the United States Senatorship he will find growing institutions of which he was a part in its earlier life. He also will meet with men who were long Identified with him in business, es pecially in the First National Bank, Grants Pass Banking Company and the box factory. In fact Mr. Booth was one of the leading .factors in the up building of Grants Pass, and his re ception among old friends will be cor dial. Kidgefield Pythians to Celebrate. RIDGEFIELD, Wash.. Feb. 18. (Spe cial.) Lake River Lodge No. 124, Knights of Pythias, of this place, will celebrate the Both anniversary of the foundation of the order at their lodge room on Thursday evening, February 19. Judge Back, of Vancouver, will speak. I V t f V' r - : ' j'" V s . ' J ?. r i ' ' ': f 'riMM'--1! Trilling TRIBES TO POW-WOW Redskins From 15 Tribes Will Hold Wa-Wa at Tacoma, BLIND TYEE TO TALK Tribesmen Plan to Send Delegation to Washington to Ask for Title to Lands and for Succor for Aged Reds. TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 18. (Special.) Representatives of 15 or more fish eating Indian tribes will gather in Ta coma Saturday for a three days' pow wow. Thomas Bishop, of Tacoma, is originator of the gathering, the pri mary purpose of which is to take con certed action to protect the rights of the few remaining Indians, secure title to their land, and provide for the care of old Indians, who have no .land and who, under treaties with the Govern ment and agreements heretofore made, are entitled to consideration. A proposal has been made to send a committee of five reds to Washington City this Summer to show the Federal officials the intelligence and general cnaracter or tne Indians, and at the same time present their requests. Blind Chief to Speak, The sessions will bs in Oddfellows' Temple, that of Saturday night being open to the public Several white men, among them Rev. Edwin E. Eells and Mayor Seymour, will make addresses. Chief Taholah, of Qulnault tribe, more than 90 years old and completely blind, will tell of the signing of the treaty with the white men in 1854 bv his and other tribes. Chief Taholah speaks no English. George Charley, a middle-aged Indian of Georgetown, probably will be one of the committee. George Charley has not attended school a day In his life and has had no instructions from white teachers. So able has he become as a writer and so well versed that his let ters are looked on as the finest Denned by any Northwest redskin. He Is a large man of haughty bearing, straight and trim, and is relied on to make an impression at. Washington. Many Tribes Represented. Another who may be sent is Billy Mason, of the Quinaults. Mason made a big hit with the Indian affairs com mittee when It visited Tacoma several months ago. So cautious is he -with his money that members of the com mittee offered to sign his application for full deed to his property them selves. Bishop has received assura-nce that delegations will be sent from the Mats mats, Neah Bay, Wlllapa Harbor, Stel llwamish, Tulalip and Point Discovery tribes, from remnants of Point Ludlow, Telm, Cowlitz Prairie. Georgetown. Bav Center, Castle Rock and Fldalgo Is lands. There will be several delegates from the Qulnault, Nisqually, P-uyallup and Squakin tribes. MUSKRAT CAUSE OF ALARM Cottage Grove Water System Nearly Put Out of Business' by Rodent. COTTAGE GROVE, Or., Feb. 18. (Special.) A muskrat which had done some excavating under the West Side reservoir nearly put the Cottage GroveJ water system out of business this weekTI The weight of water had crushed then thin upper wall left by the engineer ing rodent and the water escaped through the opening. This reservoir Is automatically sup plied from the East Side reservoir, and as the water from the East Side reser voir ran out of the other reservoir as rapidly as it ran in, it was but a Oaw hours until the pressure was so w ak over the city as to cause alarm. Me m- bers of the water board at first thought something must have happened to. the intake pipe In the forest reserve,' and the discovery of the . real cause, was somewhat of a surprise. The damage was repaired within a few houri.. but It was some time before the resefrvoirs were again sufficiently filled tr give nurmai pressure. W'aitsbnrg Fortune Distribtated. WALLA WALLA. Wash., F b. 18. (Special.) The, will of Mary i!,. Storm, of Waitsburg, was filed in Superior jeieray. at oequeatn es about $40,000 worth of property, r.instlv tn nieces and nephews in the East and Middle West The First PKssbyterian Church of Waitsburg gets t?i000; Nan na Baker, of Seattle, $2000; Anna M. Baker, of Seattle. $2000 and any prop erty left after other bequerrf.s are paid; James D. Laldlaw, of Wall sburg, gets her residence property because of kind nesses to her late husband- J. D. Storm; Mrs. James Morgan, Mrs. ! Martin Wel ler, and Mrs. J. D. Laidlav Waitsburc. friends, get her silver are, clothing and keepsakes. Christine Hanson is given two lots in Walts! urg for hav ing taken care of her during the last years of her life. , Declamatory Jjeagmt s Proposed. JOHNSON, Wash.. Feo. 18. (Special.) County Superintended .it Busbey -is en deavoring to organise the pupils of the grades and the Tiigh schools Into two declamatory leaf.ues. The county has been divided into districts In which there will be try-oits for the cham pionship and these l.-arlous champions will contend in a Contest for county 1 0 CENT "GaSCARETS" STRJaHTENYOUUP No Sick Heada che, Bilious Stomach, loaiea 105; gue or Constipated BowJs by Morning. Get a 10-cefat box now. Turn the r .seals out the headache, biliousness, it jdigestlon, the sick, sour stomach and foul gases turn them out tonight and keep them out with Cascarets. , Millions o f men and women take a Cascaret ni,w( and then and never know the misery caused by a lazy liver, clog; ;ed bowels or an upset stom ach. Don't p it In another day of distress. Let Case are ts cleanse your stomach; remove the sour, fermenting food; take the excess bile from your liver and cari.y out all the constipated waste matter and poison in the bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cs scaret tonight straightens you out by? morning. They work while you sleep. A 10-cent box from any drug store means a clear head. sweet stomfk ch and clean, healthy liver and bowe. action for months. Children love y Cascarets because they never gripe or :f icken. Adv. Tl treat 0 wr'w & Apia im. JUUK L 0H SOS. BMmm. SANATIVE SHAVING Self Shampooing r CUTICURA SOAP Assisted in case of irritation of the skin or scalp by light applications of Cuticura Ointment, mean up-to-date care of the skin, and hair. Special directions with each cake. Cntloura Soap sad Ointment Ml fl throucboot tba world. Liberal wapla at esah nsslsd tna. with 2S-S. book. AdCnsj "Cuucun," Ipt. 12H, Botlaa. championship at Colfaj; on the evening or April it. at wmcn . time the annual teachers' institute win be in session. Tne annual institute -will be In ses sion three days, after' which tha torv. ers win De rree to, attend the Inland Empire Teachers' Association in Spo- JAPANESE OUTLAW SEEN MAN WANTED FOR WALVILLE MUR DER BUYS AMMUNITION. Terror-Strlcken Store Clerks Make No Attempt to Capture, and Nipponese of Colony Are Terrified, SOUTH BEOT, Wash., Feb. 18. (Spe cial.) Yamaj-nota, the Japanese outlaw of the Walvklle woods, either ignorant or tne nnaing of the bodies of hli murdered countrymen, or braving cap ture by the Sheriffs posses now In the woods, walked into a store at Walville today, heavily armed and accompanied by his fatthlul dog. He purchased am munition and provisions and laid down his gun, but the clerks were so terror- stricken they did not attempt to cap ture him. He left immediately for the woods. Sheriff Bell and three deputies are near vvaivme looking for the out 3aw. The Japanese colony is in a state of terror over the reappearance of Yama mota. Prosecuting Attorney Ilewen today allowed Miss Okane, alias Mrs. ' Mitsui, alias Kane Oura, to go to Tacoma with S. Shlbagakl, secretary of the Tacoma Japanese Association, on 1250 bail bona. signed by Shibagaki. She is charged with being an accessory after the fact of the two murders. She took no part in them, but witnessed one of the kill ings. Kozo Koyama, brother of one of the murdered men, and a Seattle inter preter, left here today for their homes. Coroner Henderson leaves tomorrow for Seattle and Vancouver. B. C, with THE RICE Wfc.fc.IN cKUAUWAi AND PARK STS. MEDICAL BUILDING jtic Portland s best and finest Shoe Store is expiring fast. This'tremendous big stock of Shoes must be turned into cash in a very short time at a GREAT SACRIFICE. This high-grade stock of Men's, Ladies', Misses' ASS1611 ses Am,enca s supremest grades of. Shoes, such as the . famous JOHNSTON & MURPHY and CROSSETT and the good, old TILT Shoe, also Riley, H. & M., etc. This sale is entirely unlike any shoe sale ever held before. When you read this ad., remember, we are offering all sizes and styles. This is not an odds and ends sale or broken lines. Not one price will be misrepresented. Plenty of experi enced salesmen at your service. Store open Saturday Nights. MEN'S SHOES ALL $4.00 MEN'S SHOES, Good- t0 OLt yeax welts, your choice J)s-i.D ALL $5.00 SHOES, Tilts, Crossetts, etc, wide assortment in all styles and leath- d o Sr ers, your choice.. uO00 Misses' and Children's Shoes A very good assortment in all styles and sizes at very great reductions. All Johnston & Murphy Shoes at Similar Redactions. See Our Bis, Honest Reductions on All Boys' Shoes. SALE 1 Atterbury and Stein-Bloch Clothes for Men - IUG. US. PAT. OFFICE the bodies of Koyama and Deguchl. Hashida, Hashlkunl and Mlyawaga are in Jail here. They will be tried at the April term of the Superior Court, the first two as accessories and Miyagawa for the murder of Deguchl and Naklsh ima. Dorena Miss Dies Suddenly. COTTAGE GROVE, Or., Feb. 18. (Special.) Miss Clara Ward, 17-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ward, of Dorena, died Friday of quinsy. About noon she requested to be put where she could lie down. In complying with the request the father became aware of her dying condition, but death resulted before medical aid could be secured. Several other mem 1 e t 1 P A H P P. of GREAT - MAGINNIS or tne most fashionable and sua V i NF" a STARTS THIS MORNING AT 9 O'CLOCK ice-Maginois 349 Alder Street Medical Building Next to Pantages Theater, Between Broadway and Park Medical Building. Notice We call special attention to the Ad Cluh,. to the newspaper men, to the Anyone is welcome to come to this store, and they are invited to investigate the of our sale. We are going out of business. All fixtures for sale. , 0 e t7.a 1 . -ew -" z6 7- or i vr wn -r 0 bers of the family had suffered from the malady and recovered. Besides tne father and mother, two brothers and three sisters Burvlve. One Apple Day Date Is Hope. LBWISTpN, Ida.. Feb. 18. (Special.) The Lewiston Commercial Club Is working in conjunction with the Yak ima Commercial Club, endeavoring to have the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana select the same date for the observance of Apple day. As it is, each state has selected a dif ferent date, and it is the desire of the clubs that the Northwest states agree upon a certain date on account of the publicity It would give not only here ADM DAD SHOE STORE-349 street Best Shoe Stores in Portland a n n nsmess LADIES' SHOES ALL $4.00 LADIES' SHOES this shoe in other stores sold for $5.00 in all styles f and leathers, big assortment; choice PssCi0D $5.00 SHOES, air sizes, all styles. go qn This covers our entire stock; choice PJ.OO $4.00 TO $5.00 LADIES' PUMPS They come in suedes, velvet, patents, etc., all col- Jo Off ors, styles and sizes; Shoe Store Next to Pantages Theater, Between Broadway and Park Medical Building. RCS.LL.rAT.0FnCS . y.ej System Smart Clothes for Young Men but in the Eastern and Middle West ern states. ee Pae Fm, Tats lammn "Ptcfcttaar the Selllag Cost." Is your choice... B03 ' . . I I I ii Jmk stir 3r.w i.m in r.a uah ukus mis em braces our entire stock of different styles and leathers and all sizes ; d f "V your choice. v) X a!0 public. honesty 109.3