THE MORNING OREGONIAX, TUESDAY, ' FEBRUARY lb, 1914. 11 RICHET SENTENCED FOR MISUSING MAIL Month in Jail and $4000 Fine Is Punishment 8 Months in Prison for Conway. JUDGE SCORES PRISONER Three Other Terms Meted Out in Federal Court Robber ot Salem l'ostofflce Lock Boxes Must Go to McNeil Island. Five sentences were passed by Rob ert S. Bean, United States District Judge, yesterday, involving punish ment of one month in the County Jail for Frank Richet, convicted of fraudu lent use of the mails after a hard fought legal battle, to 18 months in the Government penitentiary at McNeil Island for Theodore Larson, who plead ed guilty to taking letters, some con taining money, from lock boxes in the Salem postoffice. Richet was also fined $4000. He and J. T. Conway were convicted together on five counts in connection with their operations as officers of the Oregon Inland Development Company. Conway was sentenced to eight months in the County Jail. The Jury that found them KUllty recommended judicial leniency. Jay Bowerman, with C. W. Fu-lton, attorney for Conway and Richet, asked for 30 days in which to file a bill of exceptions, looking to an appeal to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals at San Francisco. The company of which Richet was president and Conway general mana Ker first advertised to sell certain school lands known as the Veason lands, their literature claiming that the lands were fruit lands. Later their activities were trans ferred to cutover lands in Union Coun ty, which were also advertised as fruit lands. Much of the evidence introduced was as to the character of the lands, the Government contending and Conway and Richet admitting that the Veason lands were not fruit lands. The total amount secured by the company from buyers of its lands was more than $60,000. The evidence showed that virtually all this money was used in advertising, for officers' salaries and office expenses. Judge Bean, In pronouncing sen tence, was especially severe in his criticism of Richet, who, it was shown. had not been acti'e in the affairs of the company, Conway being the operat ing head of the concern. Richet was scored for allowing his reputation of many years for business integrity to be used to bolster up the fraudulent scheme. Larson, who pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 18 months at McNeil Is land,, is said to be an ex-convict. He watched the people who left their post office keys in the boxes at Salem, took the keys and in the early morning, on his way to work at a mill, he took let ters from the boxes. Moses Alvarado pleaded guilty to taking liquor on the Siletz reserva tion and was sentenced to 13. months at McNeil Island. '. . . Claybourne Arden, who was indicted with Alvarado, pleaded not guilty. Henry Connors and John Connolly, arraigned on a charge of using the mails to defraud, filed a demurrer, con tending thr.t the facts as charged did not constitute a crime. J. W. Pulliam, alias Burns, arraigned for using the mails to promote an al leged fake school for railway brake men, pleaded not guilty. Henry Sandaul and Berthold Stein, alias Strauss, charged with passing counterfeit $5 gold pieces, were given until Monday to prepare their plea. Ernest Baldwin, on a plea of guilty to a white slave charge, was sentenced to 13 months at McNeil Island. He Drought his wife from Seattle to Port land in violation of the Mann act. LINCOLN DINNER PLANNED Progressive Business Men's Will Entertain Women. By way of celebrating the anniver sary of Lincoln's birthday the Progres sive Business Men's Club will have a dinner and dance at the Hotel Mult nomah Thursday evening-. The dinner will be at 7 o'clock in the blue room, and the dance will begin at 8:30 Jn the assembly '"rootlSHMir 'ladles' evening;," the clubmen call it. Chairman Knee land's announcement to the members states: "The keynote, as at Bayocean, will be a delightful informality, but reservations must be in my hands by Wednesday- noon." A woman's "get-acquainted" commit tee has been appointed, with Mrs. Sid ney C. Xtasniussen as chairman, and Mesdames "William F". Fieblgr. Marshall N. Dana, William F. Ross, George M. Hyland, Arthur Langguth. John J. Stritiel, Alva L. Stephena, H. Goodwin Beck with. Wilfrid P. Jones and Luther Howland. Charles R. Frazier is to be chairman of the meeting. The address on "Abra ham Lincoln" will be delivered by Wil liam T. Wheelwright. John Claire Mon- HOTELS AND A ROOM AND PRIVATE! BATH. A ROOM AND BATH PRIVILEGE, S1.50. 82. S2.SO Per Day. SI. S1.50. 82 Per Day. SAME RATES FOR ONE OR TWO PERSONS IN A ROOM. WEEKLY AND MONTHLY RATES - ARE REASONABLE Figure tip your room rent and carfare, then get our price for a desirable room, both tele phones, hot and cold running water, clothes closet, steam heat and a lira proof hotel, modern and clean in every respect. 'Bus meets trains and boata Hotel Washington PORTLAND ABSTRACTS Of TITLE. WOJIPI SEHVICE at reasonable prices. Pacific Title 4i Trust Co., 7 Clim, ot Com. ACCOKUION MJSATLNG. K. il'EFHA.N Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, side pleat, buttons covered, goous sponged ; mail orders. 3&3 Alder. M. Uoi3. iltr flUMltllE. Cabinet work, repairing, refirilBhing. S. Kugel He Son, 495 Wash, at Main -70U. ASSA1LRS A.VU A.NALVslS. G11.HEHT & HALJL, successors Wells 4c Co., UOa to 613 Coucll biug., 1UU 4111. M.. 7150. MONTANA AS.SAYOFFlCE Laboratory and ore-testing works, litft 2d t. ATTORNEYS. J. R. GREENFIELD General practice, ab stracts, contracts, collections, injuries, etc. Removed to new oltices, 707, 700, 70u Selling bldg. Consultation free. WM. j. ENGLISH., removed to 11 1 North westeru Bank bldg. Marshall 441. WM. M. LAFOKCE, Counsellor-at-law. 220 Falling bldg. BOAT U.U1LD1NG. O. P. GRAHAM Boat building and repair Ing. Marine ways, foot Abernethy at. CABP4.T WEAVING. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs from old car. pets, rag rugs. 188 East bth. Both phones. CELLJlTL0IOB UTTONS. BADGES. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 82 bth st. Phones Main 812 and A 1254 CHIROPODISI. William, Estelle and William, Jr., Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 3u2 Gerlinger bldg., S. W. corner 2d and Aider. Phone Main 1801. DR. FLETCHER. aseptic chiropodist ana foot specialist, t;euts all ills ox the foot without pain; 2-f years' experience; lady assistant. 806 AllBky bldg. Main 8782. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, officeB 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher, painless chiropodists, over the Hazeiwood. Main 3718, A 6129. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M'MAHON, 121 4th and 376 Williams ave. Two offices, lady attendants, 18 ad justments, $10. Main 205, East 6628. CLEANING AND PRESSING. DRESS SUITS for rent; we press one suit each week for $1.5U per month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO., 309 Stark, bet. 5tn and 6th. Main 514. COAL AND WOOD. KNIGHT coat has no equal; a clean, hard. quick-firing, long-burning Utah uosX Al- b 1 n a Fuel Co., sole agents. COLLECTIONS. Accounts, notes. Judgments collected. "Adopt Short Methods." Short Adjustment Co., 826 N W. Bank bldg. M. 974. LONGHI Collection Co. Claims of all kinds promptly collected. 635 Morgan bldg. COLLECTION AGENCY. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. No collections, no charge. Mam 1796 DANCING, PROF. WAL. WILSON School Lessons 25c; waltz, two-step, three-step, stage dancing -taught, morning, afternoon and evening; guarantee to teach anyone who walks how to dance. 85 Bth St., between Stark and Oak sts. Phone Main 7637. Mr. and Mrs. Heath's School, 109 2d St., bet. Wash, and Stark, ana AllBky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Lessons dally; waltz ana two-step guaranteed in 4 lessons: classes Mon. and Frl. eves., 8 to 10 at 109 2d st RINGLER Dancing Academy, new location, 14th, off Wash.; latest societv dances; o teachers; class and private. Main 8880. DETECTIVE. PRIVATE investigations, civil and criminal; terms reasonable. AE 710, Oregonlan. DENTISTS. DR. A. W. KEENE, 8r.l Washington Majestic Theater bldg st. Marshall 8205. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Co.. Morrison and 2d. R. M. Wade & Co.. 222-36 Hawthorne ave. ARCHITECTURAL WIRE & IRON WORKS. Portland Wire & Irou Wks., 2d & Columbia. ACTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DUBRUILL1E BUGGY TOP CO.. 200 id at, AUTOMOBILES. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.. Morrison and Id. ,. AUTO LAMPS AND RADIATOR REPAIRING. PORTLAND AUTO LAMP CO., 510 Alder AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOC & WRIGHT. 7th and Oak sts.- AWNINGS, TENTS PACIFIC TEXT & AWN. AND SAILS. CO., 1-3 N. 1st at BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. BaftKage & Omnibus Transfer. Park & Davis. BARBER SUPPLIES. Lewls-Stenger Barber Supply Co., lOth-Mor. BICYCLES. MOTORCYCLES SUPPLIES. BAI.LOli & WRIGHT, 7th and Oak sts. POPE F. P. Keenan Co., 190 4th St. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery & Conf., Inc., 11th and Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE IX HARD, 13th and Burnslde. CARRIAGE WORKS. PORTLAND CARRIAGE WK.S BODIES, WHEELS, SPRINGS. 109 North Fourth Street. Main 338. CASC'ARA BARK AND GRAPE ROOT. KAHN BSOi, 191 FRONT ST. CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER. F. T. Crowe & Co., 45 Fourth St. COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICES. CLDSSEX & DEVERS. 1-11 N. Front st. teith will sing and respond to encores, and Prasp's orchestra has been engaged to furnish music MURDER CASE NOT SETTLED Jury Kails to Agree Kegardln? Joe Mossi Other Actions Vp. No agreement was possible, members of the Jury which heard the case against Joe Mossi, Troutdale rancher, en trial for the murder of an uni dentified tramp last November, re ported when the jury was brought into court yesterday morning, and Judge Kavanaugh discharged it. The case was given to the Jury for its con sideration Saturday afternoon, the Jury having had it under advisement over Sunday. Mossi was remanded to Jail by Judge Kavanaugh until he can furnish a $2000 statutory bond. He was released several week3 ago by Judge Morrow on a personal bond, but District Attorney RESORTS. Washington St. Corner 1 2th St. PORTLAND, OR. Chaa. H. Kowlrj, Mgr. Hotel Cornelius THE HOUSE OF WELCOME PARK AND ALDER STS, PORTLAND, OR. In the theater and shopping district, one block from any carline. Rates $1.00 per day and up. With bath. $1.50 per day and up. Take our Brown Auto 'Bus. 0. W. Cornelius, President H. E. Fletcher, Manager HOTEL CARLTON Fourteenth and Washington Streets. ROOMS, WITH BATH, $1.60 DAY. ROOMS WITHOUT BATH, $1.00 DAY. All outside rooms, fireproof construction. Special rates for permanent guests. Ross Finnegan, Mgr. Victor Brandt, Propr. BUSINESS DIRECTORY DRAFTING. PATENT AND COMMERCIAL, DRAFTING. WM. C. SCHMITT, 603 Henry bid. M. 1286. EYE, KAK, NOSE AND THROAT. Treatments by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday. SIT Pckum bl.. 8d Wash. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, aold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co., 31 Firat st. Nortiu. Phones Main U210. O.-W. ELECTRIC & MACHINE WORKS. All work guaranteed; motor and gen erator troubles a specialty. 84 N. Broad way. Marshall 864, A 2427. WE buy, sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand motora; repair work a spe cialty. Western Electric Works, 213 6th. EMPLOYMENT AG EN tit. HAN LEY Employment Agency, 28 Second st. North. Main 727, A 22UO. P. J. Hanley, prop. Res, phones East 109, C 8027. FIRE INSURANCE. LET OWEN SUMMERS write your fire la surance. 833 Morgan bldg. Main 8429. FOUXDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. PHOENIX Iron Works, East 3d and Haw thorne. General machine and foundry work. STANDARD COUNDRY ornamental castings. E. co. 7th. Machinery; Madison sts. HOUSE MOVING. D. MOODIE. 103 E. Water st. East 8826 Latest improved machinery for handling heavy bodies. Brick buildings a specialty. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES; developing, printing and enlarging. BLUMAUEK PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 345 Washington st. MACHINERY. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co.. Portland. ART MATTRESS WORKS. MATTRESSES renovated and to order. The only special admirable shop. Marshall 2657. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO., motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 53, A 2153. MULTIGRAPHINO. ' CRANE LETTER CO., multlgraphing, ad dressing, mailing. 305 Northwest bldg. Marshall 5822. MUSICAL. PORTLAND Piano and Organ Tuning and Repairing Shop Repair and rebuild all kinds player-pianos, grand pianos and electric; 25 years' experience; all work warranted; estimate free. V. Kremar and O. Carlson. 441 Stark at. Phone Main 4478. EM1L THIELHORN, violin teacher- pupil Sevclk. 207 Fliedner bldg. A 4160, Mar.1620 NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Grover, specialist in paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases, JQj Oregonlan bid. M. 314a OPTICIANS. A FiGHT on high prices. Why pay 83 to $10 for a pair of glasses when I can fit your eves with first- quality lenses, gold filled frames, as low as 81.50? Goodman, 191 Morrison st., near bridge. Satisfaction guarantor. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 308 Morgan bldg., cor. Broadway and Washington sts. Office phone Main 3-19; residence. East 1028. PATENT ATTORNEYS. K. C. WRIGHT 22 years' practice. U. S and foreign patents. 600 Dekum bldg U. S. AND foreign patents obtained by Peter Haberlin, 408 Cham, of Com., Portland Victor bldg., Washington. D. C. T. J. GE1SLER. Atty. at Law. 503 Henry. Wm. C. Schmitt. Eng. and draftsman. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, late ot U. S. Patent Office. 1010 B. of T. bldg WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS" DIES AND SHEET METAL STAMPING. WESTERN Tool & Die Works. 208 Pine at. DRY GOODS. FLEISCHNER-MAYEK & CO., 207 Ash at. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Stubbs Electrical Co.. 6th and Pine sts. FISH, MALARKEY OYSTERS AND ICE. & CO., Inc., 149 Front street. FLOUR MUf-a. CROWN MILLS, Board ot Trade bldg. GRAIN MERCHANTS. . Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall. BALFOUR-GUTHRIE & CO., Park and Oak. H. M. HOUSER, Board of Trade bldg. THE W. A. GORDON CO.. Board ot Trade. GROCERIES. & CO., 69-7 4th St. WADHAMS HAIR GOODS. DIAMOND HAIR WORKS, WHOLESALE. 303-4 PANAMA BLDG. PORTLAND, HAIR GOODS CO.. WHOLESALE ONLY. 411 DEKUM BLDG. " HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO., 63-65 Front St. HAY. H. Kloaterman & Co., leadin r hay dealers. HIDES, KELTS, WOOL AND 1UKS. KAHN BROS., 191 Front street. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS, East 3d and Burnslde sta. ALL. ARCHITECTURAL IROM. CASTINGS. Complete stock of BEAMS, ANGLES. CHANNELS. PLATES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORK SCT -.'LIES. CHAS. L. MASTICK CO., 74 Fronti leather of every description, taps, mfg. findings. Collier asked Judge Kavanaugh to make the bond more exacting. At the conclusion of the Mossi case, the trial of J. McClaren, charged wih burning box cars in the North Bank termintU yards, was begun. The case of Mrs. Helen M. Oeren, charged with fraudulent real estate transactions, will follow the McClaren trial. New Oregon Electric 'Station Asked. SALEM. Or., Feb. 9. (Special.) The State Railroad Commission has under consideration a petition signed by Sol Due Hot Springs Hotel la the Heart of the Olyaislca. For descriptive literature, address the Manager. Sol Duo, Clallam County, Washington. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or Sunday. Per Line. One time Me Same ad two consecutive times..... 22c Same ad three consecutive times 80c bame ad six or seven consecutive times. .5o The above rates apply to advertisements under "Heyr Today" and all other classifica tions except the following: , Situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. tor Rent. Boonu, Private Families. Kooms and Board, Private Families. Kate on the above classifications Is 1 cents a line each insertion. r When one advertisement is not ran in con secutive Issnes the one-time rate appUes. average words count as one line on rah advertisements and no ad connted for leei than two lines. On "charged" advertisements charge will be based on the number .of lines appearlns; in the paper, regardless of the number of words in each line. Minimum charge, two lines. The Oregonlan will accent classified ad vertisements over the telephone, providing the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but biU wiU be rendered the following rinv Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness 01 payment or telepbone adver tisements. Situations WantH u ml (-.--..... i advertisements will not be accepted over the iriepiioae. uraera tor one insertion only will be accepted for "Furniture for Sale," "Busi ness Opportunities.' "Rooming-Houses" and "Wanted to Kent." The Oregonian will not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors occurring in telephoned advertisements. The Oregonian will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement offered for more than - one time. In "New Today" all advertisements are charged by measure only. 14 lines to the inch. Remittances must accompany out-of-town orders. Advertisements to receive prompt classifi cation must be in The Oregonlan office before 10 o'clock at night, except Saturday. Closing hour for The bunday Oregonlan will be 9 o'clock Oatnrday night. The office will be open until 10 o'clock P. ft!., as usual, and all ads received too late for proper classifi cation will be run under heading "Too Late to iiassuy." PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS of value registered by Mason, Fenwlck & Lawrenoa. Washington, D. C. Established over half a century. Valuable booklet free. Highest reference. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24lh and York sts. Main 8489 RUB-BE. K STAMPS, SEALS, BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 21 Wash, st Phone Main 710 and A 2710 . THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY, 92 5th St. Phones Main 312. A 1254. SEWING MACHINES. Machines of all makes, new and 2d-hand, for sale, rented and repaired. M. 9431. Sewing Machine Emporium, 190 3d st., nr. Yamhill SHOWCASES. BANK & STORE FIXTURES FOR reasonable price see Western Fixtures & Showcase Co.. 48 N. 10th St. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new and old window display and cabinet wqrk. SHEET METAL. OREGON SHEET Metal Works. 146 Front at Tanks, stacks, rc-tlnning, hotel, restaurant and boat work. A 21 6. Main 2146. SHRUBBERY AND TREES. ACME SPRAYING COl spraying, pruning Phone evenings, Marshall 4838; day, Mar shall S507. OREGON NURSERY CO., 120O acres of choice nursery stock; walnuts specialized. 64 East 12th st. North. Phone K. 4080. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van & Storage Co., cor. 15th and Kearney sts.. Just completed new fire proof warehouse for household effects, pianos and automobiles; contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano-room, trunk and rug vaults; track age for carload shipments; vans for mov ing, reduced freight rates on household goods to and from East in through cars. Main 664Q. all departments. EILERS MUSIC HOUSE piano storage warehouses, the only place especially built for the proper storage and handling ot pianos; storage, cartage, boxing and ship ping of pianos; tuning pianos, polishing pianos, all at lowest rates; guaranteed work by proven experts. Ellers Music House. Ellers bldg., Broadway at Aid r. Phone Main 6656 or A 2350. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables: N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed " for shipment, special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main 696. A 296. MERCHANDISE WAREHOUSE. Manning Warehouse A Transfer Co.. 13th and Everett sts. on terminal tracks. General transfer and forwarding agents. We operate the only exclusive merchan dise warehouse in city. Main 703. A 2214. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St.. cor. 13th. Telephone Main 69 or A 1169. General transfer and forwarding agents. We own and operate two large class ,-A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the city. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO.. general trans fer and storage, safes, pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipment. Teams and auto vans for long-distance moving. 87-89 Front st. Main 547 or A S247. PORTLAND AUTO DEL. CO., drayage and storage; furniture moving and packing. 27 No. Front. . Marshall 1730. A 8759. TRISSE8. EXPERT TRUSS Davis Drug Co., FITTING at the Sd and Yamhill. WELL DRILLING. STEVENS A WILLIAMS contractors, drill ers, water wells, soundings and test holea ijoucee st. t'hone Main 0siti2. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY & CO., 231 Pine at. LUBRICATING OILS. Balfour. Guthrie & Co.. Park and Oak. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., 88 Fifth at. MILLINERY. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sta. ORNAMENTAL IRON Portland Wire at Iron Wks., AND WIRE. 2d and Columbia PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., ltu First st. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, S4-8B Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front st. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. W. BALTES 3c CO., 1ST AND OAK STS. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARRELL, 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th aad Northrup. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO., Foot Ankeny at. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works, 14th and Northrtip. SODA IXrNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., 68 Front St. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 2SO 2d St. WHOLESALE JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS BUTTER FIE LP BROS., MOHAWK BLDG. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire & Iron Wks., 2d and Columbia about 100 persons asking that the Ore gon Electric Railway be compelled to establish a flag station between Nesmith and Metzger. It is alleged that patrons of the road who live on the west side of the track must traverse the company's right of way and cross a trestle. They say they thus endanger their lives. Great Britain in 1U07 made and sold 5.- UW.UUU.WW DriCKS. MEKTIXG NOTICES. -AL KADETR TEMPLE, A. A. O. N. M. S. ceremonial session -Saturday, February 14, 1814, at 8 P. M. Masonic Temple, West Park and Yamhill streets. Candidates must be present not later than 7:30 P. M. Petitions must be in by 2 P. M., February 14. A short business session will be held at 2 P. M. for the purpose of receiving and balloting on cetitions. Visiting nobles cordially Invited, of ths Potentate. By order HUGHJTBOTD, Recorder. THE PASTM ASTERS' ASSO CIATION will meet as the guests of Imperial Lodge, U. D., this (Tuesday) evening. Rev. Oswald W. Taylor will deliver an address On "The PhilOSOnhv nf Ma,nnrv The committee will make Its report relative i uo urttnaizaiiuii ox a masonic Ulub. and otner matters or particular Interest to louges meeting in tno Temple, will be con sidered. By order of the president LESLIE S. PARKER, Seo. 1M1-EK1AL LODGE, U. Z., A. F. and A. M. Stated communi cation Tuesday evening, 8 o'clock. February 10 3914 Masonic Temple, west Side. The Master and WarirAnn' iii.i.,in. meet with us. Lecture. music. refresh ments. Sojourning brethren welcome. W. P. AN DR US, Seo. A. & A. S. RITE.- -Meeting tonlght. social only. v- By order Presiding Officer. WASHINGTON COMMAND. ERY. NO. 15. K. T. Stated uuiiciive mis (Tuesday) even lng, 7:30. Order of th. Tm pie. All Sir Knights courteous ly invnea to attend F. H. NOLTNER. Roc PORTLAND OFFICERS' ASSnriiTmv OF W. OF W. All members are - requested Women of Wooderal t bide. ImnAi-i..t business. All grand officers will be In the tJiijr BL IJ119 medium. NELLIE G. BARNEY, Pres. tljL,lS- ENUAMfMENT NO. 1 I O O. F. Regular meeting this (Tuesday) evenlns at 8 o'clock at I. O. O. F Tannic First and Alder streets. Royal Purple de visiiuia wnajri welcome R- OSVOLD. Scribe. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. NO. os, b otated communlca- uua m iiueraayi evening. o'clock snarp. Degrees. By order . HENRIETTA M'CABB, 8o. MOtLNT HOOD LODGE, U. D., A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Tues day) evenlnj at 7:30. "Work in K. C. de crees, v i3i tors welcome. e. C. Dick, Sec. MUSICIANS' MUTUAL ASSOCIATION MusJo furnished for all occasions. 8e our me Jib era or phone Main 34007, A 625 AMl'XEMliNTS. HEILIC 11th and Morrison Main 1, A 1122 E. .S0THERN H TONIGHT 8 Jmorrw Tomorrow and Saturday Matlmeea The Romantic Drama. "IK I WERE KING" Tomorrow Kve., "HAMLET." Thnrs.. "MERCHANT OF VKNICTE." Fri., "TAMING OF THE MLRJ5W." Sat. Kve.. "HAMLET." Prices Both Night end Matinees Lower Floor, 2, 1.50; Balcony. S rows. tl.SO, 4 rows, SI ; 6 rows. 75c: 4 rows. !S0c Curtain rises at and t o'clock. BAKER TIFEATER Main 2. A 8360 1 .Ml. T. Ru Lit, XT trw The popular Baker players. Tonight. All week, mats. Wed.. Sat. Edgar Selwyn's noted comedy, "The Country Boy." Experiences of a small town youth In New York. Big hit. One whole year on Broadway. First time in siock. evening prices. 2oc. 3.-e sOc. T5e Box seats $1. Sat. Mat.. 2oe. 60c; box seats ioc. Wed. Barsaln Mat ait .a.. a , .... . boxes), 25o. Next week "The Thief." Matinee Dally. Main , A 1020. The Queen of dance, Bessie Clayton, in dances of her own creation, assisted by a B LuuiiiHiijr ui careiuny selected dancers. r wr.' ajjcmpiio .tango vciette, with mm morion, miss Ada Ayres. Mr. M. Diamond, Miss Lee Shaw. Hans Robert Y- ' ooiey, yivia Jyal and her non, Cheratto Bros., World's Events. Matinee Dally, Any Seat 15c WHERE EVERY- iriTasfanaBl goes. ABAS FAMILY (Thrillers) JOHN K. (iOKDON 4i COMPANY "What Would You Do?" . FOUR LAD-KLLA COMIQTJKS AMhkllA.N (WtKDV Kclt N KM O KAN l OELBERti Broadwav at A IHr. Twenty Minutes In Chinatown.'' vaudeville's greaiesi scenic noveuy, tyeoo iroupe. A-ia- nun vtaiMon, Aiononnn, uryer K i.yer, Mil lard, Kennedy A Curtis. PavntstsrescoDA. Pop ular prices. Boxes and first row balcony re served. Phones, A 2286, Main 4036. Curtain z:3Q, 7:l&. :lu. LYRIC FOURTH Atvn STAHK SIS. Keating; & Flood Company In "Setting; the Pace." a musical comedy hit. Soecial added attraction. Johnnie O'Leary, Northwest light weight champion, in a clever and instructive exhibition of skill. Tuesday night. Athletic LoawBU -xnursaay nignt, ov-piece dinner set for Be. Friday night. Chorus Girls Con test. A i show at popular prices. XMlghts, loc. dc. Matinees, any seat, lfc. Feature bundav to Wednesdav: "AT THE POTTER'S WHEEL." American education drama, featuring; Sydney Ayres and Vivian Rich. "The Hidden Clue," Reliance drama: 'Iouble Crossed." Key stone comedy and Mutual Weekly. AUCTION 8AUB TODAY At 10 A. M.. at 281 -A Morrison St.. corner First. Physician's outfit. Rooms tt-11, includ ing ortice furniture, sare, carpets, electric machines, operating tables, etc. J. T. , Wil son, auctioneer. At Baker's auction house, 166-168 Park st. Furniture, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. DIED. GRIFFIN At his late residence. 330 Wil liams ave., Feb. , Francis Gritfin, aged 0 years, -24 days. Remains at P. L. Lerch undertaking; parlors. Funeral notice later. KEHM. In this city, Feb. 9, Conrad Kehm, late of 350 N. lth St., agred 78 years. The remains are at the residence estab lishment of J. P. Finley A Son. JEAN At the home of his daughter, Mrs. 5. H. Bryan, in Seattle, Feb. Kev, i. Jean, aged SI years. HENRT At 300 E. 52d St., Feb. 0, John C. Henry, aged t6 years. Funeral notice later. STEVENS At his late residence, 889v Sandy road, February 9, Ruben W. Stevens, aged 2t years. Funeral notice later. FEN ERA I, NOTICES. DECKER At Ventura Park, February 9, Ulysses S. Grant Decker, tuberculosis, be loved husband of Eff ie Decker, father of Maud Decker, brother of Mrs. Nellie Heatht Nelson J. Decker, of Ventura Park; Philip Decker, of U. S. Navy; Susie Miller, of Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. Jeanett Hamilton, Kansas City, Kan. Funeral services at W. H. Hamilton funeral chapel, Feb. 11, at 2 P. M. Interment Rose City Cemetery. CHALMAN Feb. 8, at her residence at Raleigh, Or., Mrs. Mary Chalman, aged t7 years, beloved wife of Mr. Martin Chal- man and mother of Ellen and Edward Chalman. Funeral will leave residence on Tuesday, Feb. 10, at 12:45 o'clock. Serv ices will be held at Asme Chapel Church at 1:30. Friends respectfully invited. In terment Crescent Grove Cemetery. KOTTEM ANN The funeral services of the late Harry Alfred Kottemann, wno died in San Francisco, Cal., January 31, 1914, will be held today at 2 P. M. from the new chapel of the Skewes Undertaking Com pany, corner Third and Clay. Friends kindly invited to attend. Interment River view Cemetery. MAXWELL At the family residence, 378 JBenton street, February 9, George Max well, aged 20 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Maxwell. The funeral services will be held at the above resi dence Wednesday, February 11, at 1:80 P. M. Friends are Invited. Interment, Rlvervlew Cemetery. LINKLATER The funeral services of the late Dr. S. T. Llnklater will be held at the M. E. Church in Hillsboro at 1 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday, February 11. Inter ment will follow at- the cemetery of the North Tualatin Plains Presbyterian Church, north of Hillsboro. LINKLATER In this city, Feb. 8, Dr. Sam uel T. Llnklater, aged 60 years. The re mains will oe xorwaraea tnis (Tuesday) afternoon at 3:25 by J. P. Finlev A Son to Hillsboro, Or., where services will be held and interment made Wednesday, Feb ruary 11. MARA February 8. Timothy Mara, aged 75 years. Funeral will take place from Dun ning A McEntee's chapel Thursday, Feb ruary 12, at 7:45 A. M. Services at St. Mary's Cathedral 8 o'clock. Friends in vited. Interment, Mount Calvary Ceme tery. DODGE At his late residence, SOS Johnson street, February 8, Frank T. Dodge, aged 73 years. Friends Invited to attend fu neral services, which will be held at the above residence at 2 P. M., today (Tues day), February 10, thence to Portland crematorium, f lease omit flowers. SMITH At the family residence, 320 East Forty-fourth street, February 9, Malcolm S beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Smith. Remains are at Holman's fu neral parlors. Announcement of funeral later. CARTER -In this city, February 9, LeRoy R. Carter, aged 14 years. The funeral serv ices will be held tomorrow (Wednesday) February 11, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Iamlly residence, B74 E. tfth st. Friends In vited. Interment at Rlvervlew Cemetery. ZIMMERMAN The funeral services of the late Mrs. Christina Zimmerman will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 1 P. M. today (Tuesday). Interment, Multno mah, Cemetery. ULERT February 9. John Ulerv. ar-rl .i years. Remains at Dunning & McEntee's parlors, wnere tney nave been prepared to be shipped to Yacolt, Waih. MARIN The funeral services of the late Edward Marin will be held from P. L. Lerch undertaking parlors Tuesday at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. BTJNTKKA1. DIRECTORS. MR- EDWARD HOLMAN. the leullii. fn. neral director. 229 Third street, corner Sal mon. Lady assistant. A IS 11. Main T. B. DCVKISO, INC. East Side Funeral Directors. Alder St. East 63. B SS25. 414 East DTJNS1SG & M'KNTFE. funeral directors, 7th and Pine. Fbnne Main 430. Lady at- idohdu vitice OA j uji iy coroner. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 8d and Clay. Main 415Z, A 2321. Lady attendant. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK. Containing 83S Acres. Portland's Only Modern Perpetual-Care Cemetery. Refined, Pleaalnsr Service. Complete Perfect Equipment. Prices and Terms Reasonable. Both Telephones. V A BKST SHOW IN TOWN OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE MOOM 124 SARfiEXT HOTEL, CORAFK UKA.D A:NI H AWTHOK.V E. Phones Kaxt 1423, H 2515. Mptkt Call Ket 21. Horse ambulance (or sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Take all cats, dofrs and other small animals to be disposed of to 415 East Seventh St., corner Grant. NKW TODAY. Auction Sale TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY, AT 2 P, M. WE ARE rSTRlCTED TO SELL THE ENTIRE CONTEXTS OF THE PORTLAND RESTAURANT, 127 FOURTH STREET, (Between Washington and Alder Sts.) ComprlalnK CHAIRS, TABLES, CASH REGISTERS, CIGAR SHOWCASE, MIR RORS, TABLE LIES, SILVERWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LARGE REFRIGERATOR, ELECTRIC PANS, ELECTRIC FIXTURES, STEAM TABLE, LINOLEUM. FRENCH RANGE and other efteern. SALE POSITIVE NO RESERVE. J. T. WILSON, AUCTIONEER. BUNGALOW Beantlful New Five-Room BunsrnlOTT on Forty -third Street. Two. Blocks Sonth of Hawthorne Carline. Attio large enough for two extra rooms, reception hall, larpe livlngr-room with bookcases and fireplace: dining room has paneled walls, beam ceiling and built-in buffet, hardwood floors, full cabinet kitchen, shades and electric fixtures: full cement basement, wash trays. Improvements paid. J3300 any reasonable terms accepted. A. D. Willoughby No. 828 Morrsn Bids:. Mnln 3!0. West Side Snap Seventy-six-room, three-story hotel, rented and paying 8 per cent on the price; 100x100 corner near new public uocks, in tne norm ena or tne city; vacant Quarters all around are held at $35,000. Price of this, including the improvements, which cost $12,000, Is $30,000, half cash; $15,000 below actual value. GRCSSI & HOLDS 316 Board of Trade Bids. Main 74B2. A -MO I. WANTED III! LOAN On First Mortgages. Best of Security. No Agents. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, Mortaaae Loan Dep't, 13.10 Northwestern. Bank Bldg. Mar. 3718. A 6291. BUNGALOW New. modern, six rooms, larga attic, three bedrooms, hardwood floors, book cases, fireplace, Uutch kitchen; lot 33 1-3x100, faces east; hard - surfaced street; only $3100; $200 down and $20 per month. On Rast Forty - seventh street, near Hawthorne avenue. ZADOW & FARMER 414 Corbett Bldg. A 141, Marshall 02 Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 H. E. M00NEY Main 210. Room 421 Failing Bldg. TUALATIN GARDENS 12 acres, all cleared; three - room house; 40 fruit trees; close to school and electric station. A snap at $3500; $1000 down. Make an offer. ZADOW & FARMER 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1410, Marshall 92. Mortgage Loans Our Own. Money, N'o Delay. ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 Northwestern Bank Bldg. THE ONLY AGENT DEALING IN Portland Heights Exclusively To really see this district you will have to come to me. More than ,5 per cent of Portland Heights realty thansactions during past three years wore negotiated by me, and every customer Is a reference. All classes ot homes and vacant property. Pleased to show you. BROOKE, 841 Montgomery Drive, Corner Elm. Marshall 4827. x 8830. LOANi We Pay the Highest Interest AMERICAN SECURITIES CO. 90S IV. W. Bank Bldg. On improved Portland real estate. FIDELITY REALTY A MORTGAGE CO. 604 Piatt bide;. Washington and Park.' Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our own money at current rates. EAR M AAIJ CITY LOAZVS. SO fourth St., Board of Trade Blda-. CITY & FARM LOANS $1000 and up at lowest rates. ZADOW & FARMER 414 Corbett Bids. A 1418. Marshall 93. MORTGAGE LOANS OX IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY Current Rates No Commissions WM. MACMASTER. 701 Corbett Bide. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rutes. JOHN E. CRONAN 90S Spalding Bids. Portland, Or. MONEY T NEW TODAY. INCOME PROPERTY For Exchange Paying 10 Net on $100,000 We axe authorized to sell or exchange one of the finest apartment-houses in Portland, with a net income of over $10. 000 per annum. The price of this property including furnish ings of over $10,000 is $100,000, some mortgage running 3 years. 100x100 foot corner covered with strictly modern brick build ing always full. Owner de sires to exchange for apartment house sites and some cash, or vacant business property. This is a gilt-edge proposition open to investigation. Only those propositions submitted on their cash value will be considered. No phone information. jg..:,V.y.-'S?ca mil TssiHrjWsg, Ground Floor Henry Building. CORNER jfcuRTH VND STARK HARTMA0"" NOW IS TSi TIME TOINVJEST. m sum of $100, $500 and multiples thereof. The safest and cleanest way to secure a liberal Interest. Backed by a first mortgage on the lands of the VVillarnette Valley Irrigated Land Co. See Mr. Hartopr, 269 Stark, or phone him at Main 208 or A 2050. at -HARTMAN & TH0MPS0N- IRVINGTONSNAP Eight-room modern house attic, four bedrooms, oak floors, fireplace and fur nace, pass pantry and Dutch kitchen: lot 50x100; nice garage; hard-surface all In and paid. Absolutely the biggest snap in Irvington. Worth $7500, and now $5500; $2750 down, balance three years. On East Twenty-first, near the club grounds. ZADOW & FARMER 414 Corbett Bids. A 1416, Marshall 83. Factory Sites. Bargain Four and 8 acres. No fill, ready to build on. Rail and water. Easy terms OWIWKK. 678 Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BECK. William O.. 815-810 Falling bids. ISK.NED1CT ilKOS. (Burrell Heights), 83 Hawthorns ave.. cor. 81st Tabor 618. Jsnnlngs & Co.. Main 188. 208 Oregonlan PALMAR-JONES CO., H. p., 04-05-40 Wilcox bids;. REAL ESTATE. 1 or bale Lots. MUST sell my fine lot. worth $850. to rata Immediate funds: WI1K let this go for $400: a little down and time on ths balance. Phone Marshall &ti2u. HERE! 13 THB LOT $660 CASH KOS13 CITY PARK CAR 1 BLOCK. CORNER LOT, 50x100; ths pries "tells you that it Is a sacrifice; bargains like this will not wait until tomorrow. See A. H. Hickman. Main 2US or A 2060. with HARTMAN & THOMPSON $350, $10 CASH, $0 per month buys a fine homesite West bide, 15 minutes' ride 6c fare. If you are looking for a large' lot where you can raise your vegetables, ber ries, etc., with a big future, this will suit you: best value In the city. M E Lee 52a Corbett bldg. PAEKKOSE, 100x160 FEET. J80O: FINE SOIL: you can pay for it like rent; restrictions; only $500; car 4 short blocks. See A. H. Hickman. A 2060 or Main 203. with HARTMAN & THOMPSON. VERY fine view lots. West Side, 13 minutes" car ride, Cc fare; lots axe iOxllo feet. If you are looking for a location for a home this is the btwt value that can be had lrt the city. Price only $330, $10 down. $5 per month. M. E. Lee. 622 Corbett bldg A REAL BARGAIN Must sacrifice three choice lots In "West over Terraces at once; floOO'ln cash with terms for the balance. Apply room 317. Falling bide, 3d and Wasb. sta., Port land, or. 80X110-FOOT lots at $350, $10 down, $5 per month. This property is located on ths West Side, 15 minutes car ride, 5o fare: Ideal for a home; best value in the city M. K. Lee. 62a Corbett bldg. SACRIFICE for quick sale; fully improved eaBt-faca lot, $375; no agents. Owner. Phone Woodlawn 2375. $1200 EQUITY in 3 Spokane lots, well lo cated, for Portland property. 823 Henry bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO T. MOORE CO.. 518 Abington Bldg. BEST buy in Laurelhurst, $1840 equity for $700. Tabor 8555. UUAUMONT lot on SSth. dirt cheap for cash. Phone Marshall 2024. LEAVING CITY. WILL SACRIFICE. Beautiful West Side home. lO lacpe rooms, nicely finished; 3 large rooms on first floor can be thrown together: 2 large bathrooms, 8 toilets, several large clothes closets, a fireplaces, full cement basemeni, large furnac, douole constructed and built for home; - fine lawn and shrubbery; all street improvements in; one block to car: walking distance; owner leaving city. This must be seen to appreciate Its value. Price $15,000: terms. Ask for Mr. Hoisington. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 2O0-221 Selling Bldg. Phones: Main 1800. A C281. $450 FOR 3-room house and lot. Bull Run wattr in. Mt. fcirott line, fie fare; $iio cash. Kiggs, e!5 Spalding bldg. A OOOD 5-room bungalow, modern. $500 be low cost. Tabor 3818. BKST buy In Jonesmore for $4000, SS'JOO rash ; concrete house, modern. Tahor 3818. 1 1 WON"ESTOitYT3-room cottage. E. SSth st, terms. Tabor 3818. NEW. modern v-room houso. in Lcurel hurgt. Phone owner. East 2432. r of- feo. teiKb 4