TTTE MORNING OltEGONTAX, FRIDAY", FEBRUARY G. 1914. I 1 OR RE'T. ITsds. .l lint. 7S2 Ulisuii st. irdAoo(l flo beam ceiling, fireplace, alt mod- v. janitor, i uusan 1 'hynr Main 2015. 6-hmm lower flat, sleeping porch, s-ruoui upper flat; both modem; walking distance. t.'.l-uy3 Everett, between 21st and 22d. I'hono East rKAM-l KATKl) new Hut; every buill-in roHViu'vnre, hot and cold water; choice rt 1st riet, tine view. 3o5 E. 21 st, 1 bik. S. " w t nornw Hve. I'hone Jt 1,'Mi. .'ORNiiK 17th and Everett; choice neigh- uoi nyu'i, ii)r . rMttiiH, ali idc; well adapted to sublet ali itphl, uut- rooma. 1 1 l R I'.KN T T wo first-class 5 -mom flats. '.ll-(i.- MiUHiikle r. Kent $15 and 17 l-r month. Setlwn.i.l nc t-j. .uuwHiiKie sr. i per month. Sell wood '; lli'UKRN" C-rouTii flat, centrally wst aide, Phone Main 3-U. Key 6l 17th street. bNA P $15 each, two f luts, modern, new ly i uneu. Hit, trn s, la it? a porches, yard, r.H. Kt 2Mb and Kverett. Tabor 4778 C H hMS. modern, complete Fireplace, fur- sag rang-; ana neater; one diocm from Rrotd way car. Phone Eat 1 1 3 7. Kurn lulled Flat a. F I" LLY f urn ton vd flat, ore block from l nlon ave. ; four rooms and bath. phon, water, piano and garbage re mo vat in eluded. East f.UST. 8-liUUM flat, completely furnished, ltRht. pnone ana ruei inciuueo, $-0. iiOO tu&p man. coiner of Mill. 5-KOOM furnished Mat, near Flanders at. Ul 4 1?th st. N. Wood lawn 3221. Housekeeping Rooms. The Beaver, 12 th and Marshall sts.; fur- nianea ror nouseKeeping ; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free, S 1 2 per month up: a clean nlace.. best in the city for the money ; abort distance from Union Depot. Take S or Htth st. cars north, get otf at Marshall. No dogs. $1.50 to $2.75 week; clean, furnished house- Keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4 ; free heat, laundry, baLh, yard, gas. Phone E. tb'Si. 40tt Vancouver. 203 Stanton. U car. FOR RENT Large furnished housekeeping rooms at tub Aivin, 146 .a Grand ave., near Morrison. Kent cheap until spring. Front rooms. Phone Lust 7u6. TUB UPSHUR, 2th and Upshur; furnished J-room apts. ; steam heat, light; $13 up. Main 3323. Take 6, 23d or W car north. IX A LI parts of the city. Portland Rental Bureau. G02 Broadway bids. Main 4--3. THE GILMAX, 1st, cor. Alder; furnished housekeeping rooms, $1.50 week. til KAST Morrison, furnished one and two room housekeeping apartments, reasonable. UfousekeepUis; KoumH in Private J ami lies. niRr-yj fine, large, modern rooms for house. Keeping; larjro sleeping-porch. Holmes dis- Veanng Deo ; not-waier neat; new house, ne block from two cnrlines: must be seen io be appreciated, bid Albina ave. Mis- slssippi car. LARGK rooms, furnished ; gas range, electricity, heat, bath, pantry, porch ; close In, 1 block from Hawthorne car, anodern residence. Phone B-194tf. 734 E. Madison. -ROOM apartments on first floor suitable for three people; newly furnished, modern dwelling; sunny and warm; best West Side apartment district; everything Included; It rices raduced. 655 Flanders, near -0 th. fWO large front rooms, furnace heat, elec- t neiiy, do in p nones, wanting aistance, largo yard ; adults only, reasonable. 3tll Hassalo. "WO-KOOM suite, com pie to housekeeping, $17: everything furnished free; new u ptM. 3103 Belmont, corner Kast 39th. B 1-012. 20 THREE completely furnished house keeping rooms, close In, clean, cosy and quiet; gas range, private bath, telephone, etc. Call 128 East lVth st., near Morrison. A KO E front room. 6 ul table for - men or housekeeping; rent cheap; near Broadway bridge. 3h2 E. 1st st. X. ."ICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, phone, gas. bath, electricity. h at. $m- 10 rninutes from C. of C. bldg. Main S74:. HREE strictly clean housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished. fe5 E. Stark. Phoue E. f014. KATLY furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone, gaa, electricity and bath. 3U2 4th street. OL tiEKKKl'l NO rooms, also sleeping rooms, bath, phono and laundry : cheap H2 X. 11th. LAURKUICRLvST district, four rooms in modern furnished home. Fine library and piano. 1 1 40 or v:it E. Everett nt. MONTH up; nice clean housekeeping rooms, running water, light, bath and phono free. 66 N. 'J 1st st. Main 64MJ. ESJUAB1..E 0 and N-room houses. rSS and eiwo in. r.tLS.i lOtv. EA SANT furnished housekeeping rooms VHid. Vain aLt;tt. S87 3."t ; $. up. slN't;r,E houBckMplag rooms. 47.1 Main nth. ITI-j of 4 rtOiiS. hoUKekeeninif t.rKoto bath ; for rent at 21 H 10th st. h':i.V furnished housekeeping rooms. 07 . Mih pi.. I av is to Everett. .KAN, s eli-heated h . k . room S ..-, i ou ihort. walk, nit.o locality, iii i Tenth. -0TH. cor. Flanders: nea.tlv furnished housekeeping room a. 1 1 REE furnished II. K. roum, modern, fur- u.a. out i-,. ijurnsiue. vo large oiiiitido nuns. light house 4:t4 .lef v-.THon t. , im)MS first fl.Mr, kitehen, pantry, range, in, toilet. MM Kverett ft. Houses. tU)KKN SIX-KOUM Ioupo. four lots, im proved street, near St. Johns car; excel lent garden ; tree and small fruits; eq nipped foe cows and chickens ; reason able lease. Phono. Main lir3. ROOM house, eaat side, close In. cas. electric, large porch nnd yard, reasonable io kjoo tenant.. (in and Xillamook sts. Main Jiu7. RCx.iM house for rent, 4I3 Clay Rt. ; nice ard nnd eherry trees. 1'hone Main U'.U4 Tail for keys next door, StJ per month. 47 riav st. I-EGAXT, 7 ROOMS. BEAUTIFUL FIRE- PEAPK. UARdE EOT. UKAL'MO.NT; WORTH ti, YVIUU RENT FOR $30 MAIN 4436. UESIRAKLE HOUSES AND FLATS. IN ALT. PARTS OF THE CITY. STOUT INVESTMENT CO. r2S Chamber of Commerce. inin oliTO " NORTH 1STH, coiner Johnson, 8 rooms rveiiy bt.. near uibbs; 7 rooms, both ruoaern. well wood i n4U, M, SEr To rent In all parts of the city HACKER A- THEHKKLSEN, l'G Spalding Hbig. 7592 OIJ B-room house, bath, gus and elec tric 61 i Overtoil s!., J4. Key next door. Main 6S21. It RENT West Side modern fi-nnm ouso, 684 Everett, near 21st. Phone Main -'4eu ii io 4. OM HOl'tfK, with gas, hath, good vara uugn vornona. lt: 3 1th St. ; S22.iti . Williams. 92 1st Bt. tOOM house, 4 block, all kinds of fruit reus, i diockr io car, a 1st, near Haw home; only 15. Tabor 3524 mornings. R RENT 5-room cottage, big veranda. ino View. KOOU location : crura fr. nnm umiioh. fo r iri si. Aiarsnan 44dl. 1NOTON bungalow, 60S Schuyler, five ooms, attic, fireplace, furnace: rent s:iu V'NBK will lease first-class home. Xoh jui, j'r ithi!!. HUiKii ( 1 1.11 M n i - A1rlr- VR O.nt, orefconiaii. io:k from lia v i norne cur. Phone morning nd evening. East 20il. 7.d E. Yamhill. it K r-N r tve-rooni cottage, fine J ard. . w i"'wfrs: i'..h month m. f . Mct'lurr, 414 Failing bldg. .w..i nouse, m i,oo,i eoiiditfon, 1 tir. Eat t ii si., m ar lletmont. 20. Marshall IKHN 7-room bouse, Northrup, near 21st hj mon i h. andu n & Walton, 51o iianiucr oi v omooTce. eait rent vour house for ou HACKER 1 11 E R E. E L S E X . " Spalding HUig. . m i; i; EXT W.t d out house t fur blockh to new t 'or' I t h 1' M.i In :tu. ik a Hl.b o ami s-room houses, .'s ttnj .-an tvuiaei. eioso In. Kast ItiNo. i'Kti.V -ro.ini house, 4 bedrooms. West 'j- jiiKirg oistaii'-c. w oodwaru, 104 'd Ai.I. bouse on 10th and Hall sts. Inquire t Jl4 Hall, corner liitb. .Marshall -room hou-te. -le.-tr:e llKlv b lN-ment a iid plumbing ; Wooolnwn 3rt73. ti-RooM modern house, nice nelghbrr ooil. 341 E. 51st st. Tabor 4202. iTTAE of irllne. Inqulr- rnonm. Portland Heights P o Pti tton rnad. R renting department has w hat you aut.P. E. I.aniar. ,"3 Lumbermens bldg. US K of 5 room a n d ba t h . fl: E. 1 it th orth. Inquire Ut H st. Main 627S. -RN 8-room hone. ftl.P Flanders, neat: . Phone Main 6030. East 063. j,RN 6-room house, l blork from WR fi. 630 E. Taggart, near 17th. USES for rent In Irvington. East H. Herdman. O modern 8-room bouses. 77 1 Hoy t K Irvington: both near 23d. Main 6317. ;OOM modern bungalow. 3043 R Sher ian; rnt $18, Information E- 19S8. I iloV 1 FOB RKNT. MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AN D INFORMATION liL'RKAU. Fourth Floor Main Building. Completo and reliable list of all vacant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows In the city; make use of this service when you desire ; this does not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find us willing and ready at all times to help you in locating. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. NICK home on the southeast corner of 29th and Thurman sts., Willamette Heights; rooms and large finished attic; full cement basement, irood furnace and fire place, electricity and gas; can lease for one or two years; price $40 per month. Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3S0O. MODERN. K ROOMS, HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT: RESTRICTED CLOSE IX OISTR1CT; WORTH 4u. WILL RENT FOR ao. MAIN' 449S. J OR RENT Five-room modern new bun galow, electricity and gas. WW carllne. S Eagt 20th st. Phone Sell wood 23. Furnished Houses. FURNISHED HOUSE Completely furnished house of 10 rootni to rent, on Kast Side, close In ; will give lease for 12 months; rent $75; can give occupancy Immediate ly after February 1. Inquire T. A. LintU lcum & Co., 416 Board of Trade. OUR completely furnished home In Irving ton to responsible parties for 6 months or 1 year; fine location, one block from Broadway car; large rooms, piano, nice lawn: $50 per month. Call 6So JSchuyler st. phone C 1277. COMPLETELY furnished new 4-room home, full basement, large attic, full -sized lot, with rose hushes nnd fruit trees, choice district; 125. Lueddemann, Ruiey & Co., tU;i Chamber of Commerce. Main t97. MODERN 5-room bungalow, piano and lawn. 3 blocks from Irvington carllne. On 12tn and Skldmore sts. Rent $25 per month. C 3021. DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished houses in all parts of ctty; we will locate you without charge. Portland Rental Bu reau. 502 Broadway bldg. Main P493. 6-ROOM flat 2t52 Stout St.; yard, gas range, water heater, electricity; $25. Marshall 4220. 11-ROOM house, partly furnished. Moore Investment Co., 317 Board of Trade bldg. Main 80G7. FURNISH ED complete, clean, modern 7 room house : furnace ; reasonable. 9(5S Ha wthorne ave. FOR RENT Six-room house, furnished, Portland Heights, $33 per month. Main 351T. MODERN tV-room house. East 11th and Orunt St., $:-U. Inquire Tabor ls.Mi. 6-ROOM modern. completely furnished house; walking distance. E. 2411. $25 fi-KOOM house, furnished ; furnaee ; lawn. 5 IS Lumbermen bldg. Phone 4529. 8nimner Resorts. SEASIDE. Two adjoining cottages on 50x1 00 ft., within 1 block of the ocean; on 4th ave., near Main at.; well built and in first-class conditio:.; completely furnished; price for both ;ogether $lu00 ; terms H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones M. S899. A 2R33 Stores. STORE 20 by GO feet. ly Third st., neas Morrison; suitable clothing, men's fur nishings, shoes, millinery, cloaks, suite, grocery, delicatessen, cigars, news. Rea Bunable rent, with lease. Apply 171 3d st. SPACE IN MODERN BASEMENT, venti lated and well lighted; N. V. corner 4th and Aider sts.; suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc.; reasonable rent Mor gan. Flledner & Boyce, 813 Morgan bldg. STO RE for delicatessen, lunches, baker v. confections; choice location. Inquire Tbomassen Apis., 3d and Harrison. Main 7771. A 3970. STORE, brick building, Belmont, near Grand ttVO. HARTMAK A THOMPSOX. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR RENT Stores Nob. 249 and 250 Haw thorne ave.; east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. Phono East 20U3. FOR STORKS. FIOORS AND BLDGS., REE W. H. WEBB, 6u5 Yeon bldg. Main 4913. BRICK Ftore, corner 11th and Hawthorne, for rent. Falrehild. 232 Sherlock. Offices. FURNISH ED desk room, including use of phone and counter; plenty of room; good loeatiun. Call at 212 Railway Exchange bid s. OFFICES In HEART of CITY at prices very reasonable. Si J TABLE for MERCANTILE and PROFESSIONAL purposes. Arranged t suit tenants. 3u3 Swetland bldg WELL-FURNISHED private office" in N ort h -western Bank building; use of re.eeptiun room and telephone. Phone M. .1606. DESK room, $10 per month ; both 'phones, yj4 ult- lovato ry. 21 5 Oregonlan bldg. PRIVATE office, nlrely "furnished" 723 Chamber of Commerce. ROLL-TOP desk, including phone, $6. 723 Chamber of Commerce, Halls. COTILLION' LODGE II ALL, 14th off Wash" new bldg.. splendid hall for rent for meet ing purposes. Main 3380. FOR "RENT Eagles- HaI1. corner 3d and Madison sts., Tuesday evenings. Inquire at seeretnry'a office, 236 Madison si. Warehoiihf. WAREHOUSE room 1c per foot a month. H. Elston, 328 E. Morrison. R 2748. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FUEL hi US IN ESS, wholesale and retail active man can secure half interest; tills Ih first-class business. Mr. Wood 906 Board of Trade. ANTED Woman with $300 cash to tend office work and money to be well secured by real estute; not much experience neces- sary. AM 727, Oregouian. $5000 STOCK and fixtures for sale in A-l location, with cood lease. Owner- hu mhnr interests and will consider part payment i irqi estate. Answer AtL .Oregunian, CONTRACTING, land clearing, etc.; partner wanted; pay $4 day salary, also share of rminiri) verv much money. all room 329 Morgan bldg. GROCERY store-, close In, doing a good business; Wii trade for house and lot will invoice about $2000; might assume (ome. E:tst 923. St. HSTANTIAL ?tock of 2d-hnnd barber: chairs and f urnl r ure a! way s on hand- buv ers and sellers of barber shops brought t'c -. m wr narin-ia o U p p I ' c OW NEK of holel restaurs tit want nnnn to look afier help, take cash, etc.; on $150 required. Mr. Wood, t5 Board Trade. TRANSFER opportunity; well established; non-competitive district; doing splendid business; owner retiring offers this for $1250. 319 Lbr. Exch. bldg. HA E two unusual bargains in pool hail and bowling alleys, both clearing $2u0 month; also have several smaller ones that are vrmers 323 Lumber Exchange PATENT for sale; simple and useful article for home and office; no competition; a ut Luue tor ine rignt party. Particulars, A. Johnson. 112S Hawthorne ave. WASTED Writer to write "O-mi,,,.!. .-t on the Gerllnger-Frank $50,000 breach of promise suit. Best of booking assured AN 720, Oregonlan. S00 BUSINESS CARDS. 7Bo; other printing low-priced. Majestic Printing Co., basement Majestic Theater uiog. FOR SALE Cigar store. good location. ..t-. I , koou nusmess. See Chavis. 2Ht; "d st. AfAlvl.lfc,.T-HUrSK, 40 rooms, on East roue, i it .toe io r HUIU Ol" CltV propiTtV ' p'tce X230. E.iff T-Jt;.;. ReMi Crand aV. Si ttlL j L. i cash groeer. takine in not less tnan JK'ior- per day. guaranteed; S2u00, or Invoice. 303 ,umber Exchange. H XCH COl XTER for sale; stock and lixtures, 540, terms; tree rent, tkl North FOR SAUK Dental of f U e, fine location for young dent ist ; residence district. Address Dentist. 140 1- Hawthorne ave. $:;;o icl'YS nice restaurant, good" location, ehoap ; must be sold at once. Call 24fe '2 Stark st. FIXTURES of restaurant for sale at sacrl-ih-e rr!;-H if taken at once. Call at 312 Burnside si. EUROPEAN capital for investment in attrac tive enterprises. Address Bankers' Alliance 1J1 Southampton Row. London, England. THREE-CIIAIR barber Hnd pressing estab lishment for sale, lease. Portland Cutlery & Barber Supply Co.. 86 6th st FOR SALE Hardware and Implement stock. " D. Bocker. Amity. Or. -CJ1ATK barber shop for sale Ing city. ::4',, N. 4th st. o ner leav- PRESSING parlor, living-room, rent $15; long lease, good bargain. Marshall 1373. RESTAURANTS" bought, old and ex changed. R. W. Wood. 101 6th st. BARBER SHOP Good location, cheer, rent lease. Great sacrifice. 221 1st st. BARBER shops; we buy end sellPortland Cutlery B. S. Co., 86 6th. Get our price. SALOON for aale. For particulars "address A a 61. Oregonlan. $225 BUYS neat little grocery. 272 Going at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HALF interest la business, clears $L& month. 432oo Confectionery, cigars and to bacco. - $-000 Grocery, doing $G0O week, all cash. $350 Cigar store, making big money. $ IsoO Pool hail, doing $25 to $50 day. S2uoo Drug store, fine location good business. $7.y Restaurant, making good money. $225 Barber shop, doing bit? business. JHoO Orocery on good business at, S350 Restaurant in a central location. Particulars, room 6, 245 Vj Morrison st. WANTED A reliable man to inform me as to where 1 may secure honora-ble, perma nent employment; will pay 0O cah when arrangements for work are complete; have good general business education and a splendid commercial selling experience. I prefer management of a small or medium size business enterprise or as sales man ager or as manager of a hotel. Can fur nish Al references on short notice. D. i. Dudley, general delivery, city. RELIABLE and energetic agents wanted ; agents are making big commissions sell ing low-priced lots on easy monthly pay m;nts at It ED DEER, Alberta ; on lour railroads; aiready has monthly payroll of. o0,OOO; will become one of the really big cities of Western Canada; extensive advertising to assist agents ; reference re quired. Write for full particulars. D. Mac. Lurg. 91Q Dominion bldg., Vancouver, B.C. $750. . Delicatessen business in leading public market for sale; present owner engaged in. other lines, cannot handle both; a Hn opening for small investment; suitable lor man or woman; established all cash trade. O 756, Oregouian. FOR SALE Well-established dentul prac tice, witn, complete office equipment, fine location ; will lease office or will consider takiifg a competent man in the office on a oO per cent basis, and carry on practice. Address Mrs. W. E. Oris wold, 555 Phoenix bldg., Butte, Montana. tArlNER wanted to t;ike charge of branch office in this state; the position is worth to you $10 to $20 a day ; we guarantee you $10o a. month; - we pay all the ex penses; small capital required. Canadian Homestead Company, 73 N. 6lh st. PARTY with $5000 to $50,000 can make a fortune in a successfully demonstrated railroad patent, which may be seen in actual service. Quick returns; easy seller; sate Investment. F'ull information to in teres ted" inquiries. L 715, Oregonlan. HAVE two openings where $ 150 and serv ices gives you half interest with reliable men ; you can depend on better than wages In either place and steaoy, pleasant work. 303 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. GREENHOUSK SNAP. 4 greenhouses under 15,000 ft. glass. Boiler heading plant; hencnes, complete. 1 lots 45x110, on Woodstock carline. All in carnations now. X. A. Shindler, 205 Abington bldg. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. SIS Chamber of Commerce Bldg. THEATER Pic. and Vau., iu live town, main street, ready to open; stage, ma chines, etc. Price $1500; will accept paid up tot first payment and terms for bal. Main 4307. Will consider partner. PA RTNER wanted In the automobile busi ness; experience is not necessary and it requires very little money ; will pay large profits to energetic man. Call room 320 Morgan bldg. WANTED A good partner In gents' cloth ing and furnishings goods store; good lo cation on Front street; stock invoice about $2500 ; big money for the right ni'sn A K 723, Oregonlan. A FIRST-CLASS office man, experienced in handling the public, can interest himself in responsible wholesale and retail estab lishment, either with property or cash. C 720, Oregonian. FURNITURE and lease of modern new apartment-house, 42 rooms, full and pay ing $3500. Want small payment and bal ance in good lots or small acreage. No agents. Phone East 3708. YOU NO man of pleasing personality and good character to travel and demonstrate long contract, nothing to soil, partnership, some cash, will net better than $300 per month; investigate. AC 710. Oregonlan. t IN K country business. Southern Oregon, with P. O., hotel and Improved ranch In connection ; some cash, some trade, bal. easy. Vanduyn. & Walton, 515 Chamber of Com. ACTIVE man with good incorporated com pany for clean office work; will pay $100 per month besides profits of the business; moderate investment required. Call 24SV6 Stark st. BUTCHER BUSINESS. If you are looking for a first-class money-making meat business where a .it tJe money wil handle it, call at 335 Lum ber Exchange bldg.. for particulars. LOCAL millinery firm has space for cloak and suit shop in new down-town location; reasonable rent; excellent opportunity for right party; quick action necessary. Apply Lowengart & Co. PARTNER. GENERAL STORE. Half interest for sale in country store that is doing $4000 monthly; will bear closest Investigation, sell at invoice. Par ticulars, room3l5 Lumber Exchange bldg. PICTURE show that produces bona fide net profits of $00 weekly; buyer can handle receipts for a week to verify; $1800 cash will handle. 319 Lbr. Exch. bldg. FOR SALE Complete millinery store, tn thriving town on Columbia River. The only stock in town; good reasons lor seil Ing. Apply Lowengart Co. BEST grocery and specialty store, business tlistriet; every sale brings customers back will invoice about $1noO; can make no mistake here. 323 Lumber Exch ft nge. BEST grocery buy in Portland today; fine location ; established trade; living rooms In connection ; will invoice about $-J30O. 19 Lbr. Exch. bldg. MAN to join me in buying well-established wholesale and retail business, 8 years; S3000 needed. Full Investigation. 1 hold option. 515 Lumber Exchange. BARBER shop for sale; must be sold this month : good location and lease, making good money; owner going on farm, ltiu ith st. FINE confectionery, p lend id transfer cot -ner; $30 day business; no better bargain tnis city; trial given. 323 Lumber Ex change. FI X E pool hall, netting $100 monthly and up; excellent location; custom can bo ma terially increased by right man ; $1300 cash required. 319 Lbr. Exch. bldg. PARTNER wanted for cash grocery store, best location in town, $i00 weekly sabjs; must have good references. Mr. Wood, 305 Board of Trade. WANTED Reliable man to take orders and measure for tailor-made clothes : good proposition for the right man. Call at room 1. Ar, u. Washington st. CASH business, clearing $3T per week; active, huuest man can make good money; only small amount of money needed. Call 24S' Stark st. PARTNER wanted for a picture show; ex perience not necessary and very little money required. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. IDEALLY located confectionery and cigar store ; excellent business; owner going in other business; less than invoice price; $soo. 319 lbr. Exch. bldg. GROCERY store, close in, doing a good business; will trade for house and lot; will invoice about $2000; might assume some. Phone East 92,:t. $1000 SECOND mortgage, well secured by Portland property, due In 6 months, to trade for grocery stock; might consider auto. M 727, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted to hein tend office, take customers oui to see stores, etc; good pay. Uq rtlnilars 329 Morgan bldg. Story on Lost Dog Brings Quick Results PORTLAND, Feb. 5. (To the Editor.) The Ore jron Humane Society is very grateful to yow forgiv ing us space for the story about the lost dog owned by Mrs. Anna Smith and the quick results we ob tained through it. Our phone was busy all day with queries concerning "Jimraj-." it is amazing how much interest for good is created by any article of that sort. "Ye received a long telegram from the old lady who owned the dog and she will very likely also write you. I am very truly yours, ' The Oregon Humane Society By Louise Bryant Trullingw. BVJSIES8 OPPORTTJXrTEES. RESTAURANT wants partner to be caahior, ste., requires very little money; pay you a alary ; free board and abare of prof LU. Room 829 Morgan bldg. BUSINESS OPPOKTUXITTES WANTED. IF you have $3000 and will help In office, I will give good security and employment or interest: in ousineea. ah o, oregonian. WANT confectionery for cash, at once, about ROOMING-HOUSES. 76-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. Strictly modern brick building. West Side location, in walking distance; ele gantly furnished with leather uphol stered furniture, brass beds and Axmin ster carpets throughout ; mostly al4 in 2-room suites; always full and positively clearing $200 per month net; price $6500. $1500 cash, $2500 in good property and balance mortgages. R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC.. Suite 402 Wilcox bldg. . HOW IS THIS 0iE? 19 rooms, all furnished, fine location, rooms all taken, 3 years' lease at $65 per month; this place clears every month above all expenses $5 ; price for a few days $S0O. DIETZ & RIXGLER, 316 Railway Exchange Bldg. REMO VA L NOTI c'e, MARY E. LENT. 508-5O9 Northwestern Bank Bldg., 6th and Morrison St. HOTELS, ROOMING, APARTMENT HOUSES SOLD AND EXCHANGED. Phone Main 8560. Free Auto Service. NOTICE. MAIN C. V. RYAN & CO.. 8551 319 Falling b!dg., cor. 3d and Wash sts. HOTELS, ROOMING, APT. . HOUSES BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. None too large, none too small. 21 years in the business. I WILL sell my 40 -room rooming-house at a sacrifice ; on account of death, must go East; brick building, hot and cold water, steam heat, rent cheap. 413 4 Wash, st. By owner. 20 FINELY furnished housekeeping and single rooms, large bathroom and halls, all on second floor of brick building, cor ner, center of city; lease and easy terms. L. E. Thompson & Co., 253 Madison st. ELEGANT new furniture, 10-room house, 7 rented men roomers; make beautiful home, fine Income ; will sacrifice. Mar. 34J. NING rooms, complete housekeeping, good furniture; a bargain; must be sold t once. 140 16tri North. NOB HILL - third off. 11 rooms; other interests; one. IO to 3 2 A. M-. 594 Everett st. ONE week offer 11-h.k at price : always full; clears $50 month. Main 4170. 12-ROOM furnished lodging-house, $35, with light and water. Inquire 12 Alder. LOST AND FOUND. i'KE following articles have been found in the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may se cure same by applying at barns as indi cated. Sellwod bam A 6131 1 celve, 1 va lise, 1 basket, 1 glove, 1 umbrella, 1 lunch box, 4 miscellaneous parcels. Piedmont barn A 6131 2 pkga. shoes, 2 pkgs. Ankeny bam 1 purse, 1 lunch box. Savier-st. car house- A 6131 1 suit case, 1 pkg. magazines, 1 breastpin, 1 bank check, 1 umbrella. LOST Lady's bead purso on 23d and Love joy car, about 2 P. M. Feb. 4, containing $175, SI 65 in gold tied in handkerchief, about $10 In a small black velvet purse; liberal reward ; no Questions asked. 134 N. 23d st. Marshall Shi. LOST Wed. noon, somewhere on Washing ton st. or 16th, a pair of ,-Iength tan g fovea, with whlto straps. Call or phone Oregonian Business Office. LOST Masonic pin, "Knight Templar" on one side, "Blue Lodge" on other .attached to chain and stickpin. Phone East 3155. Hew ard. LOST A sable and 'white Scotch collie, name Major; return for liberal reward to 1434 Wisteria ave. Phone Tabor 362. LOST Gold watch and fob. Wed., between E. 2d and Washington sts. and 25th and Els worth sts. East S52. Reward. LOST Coral necklace Tuesday last. Please return to Heywood Bros. z Wakefield Co., and receive reward. FOUND Pair of gold spectacles. Owner can recover same by paying for ad. Phone M. 432. LOST Gold cross and chain ; return to 301 East Oak and Water sts. and receive re ward. LOST Pocketbook containing between $65 and $70 In gold, silver and currency. Finder return to 53 N. Front st. Reward. FOUND A lady's hand bag on Alberta st. ; owner can have same by answering this ad. Phone Woodlawn 1077. LOST On East Morrison St., shorthand note book and diary. Phone East 4006- LOST Eastern Star pin. Liberal reward If returned to Oregonlan office. LOST Hibernia Tabor 1073. bank book No. 130S7. Phone LOST Umbrella, in postoff ice, February 4. Finder please call East 2363. S FECI A L. N OT1CK. Proposals Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the District of Oregon. . Iu the matter of Joscpiisuu's. Bankrupt. Request for bids. I will receive sealed bids for the lol lowing property, situated at Roseburg, Oregon, in the storeroom formerly occu pied by the above-named bankrupts, up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Friday, Feb ruary 20. 1014: Stock of goods, wares and merchandise, consisting of dry goods, shoes, gents' fur nishings, ladles' furnishings, etc., of the inventoried value of $73S3.53. Fixtures pertaining to the -ame of the inventoried value of $1644.07. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to the approval of the court. Inventory of the property may be seen or. my office, and also at Roseburg; Ore ton, where trie property may be inspected. Dated this 2d day of February. R14. R. i. SAB IN. 740 Morgan bldg., Portland, Or. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the undersigned, 40 1 Courthouse, Port land. Or., until o P. M., March 3. 1914. for coal for the various schools of School District No. 1, Multnomah County, Ore gon, for the school year of 1914-1915. Specifications may be obtained at the of fice of the undersigned. Certified check for 10 per cent, of the amount of the total bid. payable to the undersigned, must accompany each proposal; the Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R, II. THOMAS. School Clerk. Portland. Or.. Feb. 2, 1914. $5O4)0 SCHOOL bond issue. Bcbool District No. 32, Washington County,- Oregon, 6 per cent. For further data write John M. Wall, Hillsboro. Or. Mi see lion eon a. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States In and for the District of Oregon. Ninth Judicial Circuit In equity. N. Coy, complainant, vs. The Title Guar antee & Trust Company, a corporation; J. Thorburn Ross, George H. Hill, T. T. Burkhart, John E. Altchison and F. M. Warren, defendants In the matter of the insolvency and receivership of The Title Guarantee & Trust Company. No. 3209. Notice of rule and order to show cause against the petition of R. S. Howard, Jr.. receiver, to include certain lands In west extension of Umatilla Project. United States of America. State and District of Oregon ss. To Oregon Land & Water Company, Bailer Ditch Company, Columbia Lfcrrj Irrigation Company. G FECIAL MOflCES. Miscellan eous. Bingham Land & Water Company, Colum bia Desert Land & Irrigation Company, the Oregon Railroad &. Navigation Com pany, tne Northern Pacific Railway Com pany, I. H. Bingham, F. B. Holbrook, J. Thorburn Ross, A. A. Lindsley, Johu Cook; and to Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company and Northern Pacific Railway Confpany; and to R. Stanfleld, lessee; and to A. A. Lindsley and Marion Patton Lindsay. J. P. Miller, Mary E. Mc Nurlen, John P. Freeze, Michael and G. Susbauer. J. S. Cabbage, Walter Henry, Burtis L. Jenkins, J, V. Carithers. Cora L. Sperry, B. V. Pompella, Lincoln Meador, trustee; Lincoln Meador, H. J. Hibbard John Painter, Margarette I. Sm'th. L. E. Barber, B. E. Priest, Frank Reeves. A. A. Anthony, Thurston Grim, J. L. Egbert. Ernest C. Hamilton, Nancy J. Lap ham. J. R. Strong. C. M. Speck, John W. Cook. Waller Bacon, Pyron Powell, J. L. Munro, EUa Murphy. T. W. Osgood. F. A. Bauer. H. H. Quimby. Herbert L. Gill, W. U P-agley, Gilbert R. Jones, H. S. English. George Rand, George Blurae, A. W. Beach ler. A. L. Parsons, Letta D. Holbrook. Clara T. Benedict, E. T. Allen. Chas. i. Dexter. A. Daggett. Grant S. Potter, Flo rence N. Kent, John E. Aitchison. Eng lish &: Walpole, Peter Susbauer, Alfred Ives. C. H. Ives, A. E. McFariand. J. W. Tabor. Harmon Stuber, S. L. Carson, J. N. Harney, Grace McQueen, E. H. Bell, A. M Parker, philander Bishop, John McClas key. Frank L. -W'aite, Hariette I Walte. D. G. Ferguson. Fred Reiks, I B. Kicker, Charles V. Caldwell. George W. Allen. Charles P. Cahoon. P. E. Lynse. W. S. Hunt, Lucius A. Doble. H. A. Priest. Min nie Norris Schlee, L. L. Ellis. C. L. Road ruck, George H. Cook, D.V. Lofton. Jen nie B. Corey, George Susbauer, George Carbuhn, S. K. White, George A. Hil.s. Willard W. Nason, Charles A. LaFavre. B. Ferrell, T. J. Jones, D. F. Kessler Martin C. Gilbertson, Frank KIoasnr Charles E- Johnson. J. M. Clark nnd Mary A. Clark, J. M. McCaw, I. N. Cushman. T. L. Shinall and Frances Shinall. C. A. McCabe, M. E. Watson, J. H. Longweii Versie Nelson, Daniel Brunton, T. A. Scott. W. O. McCaw, F. P. Knapp. Elmer Brown, Frances Norris. D. W. Price, A. G Thompson, ETla S. Smith, John Bachtold. Richard Yerxa, F. M- Pike. Ella R. Wal pole, Mary A. Thorpe, Zelma A. Roe E. F. Orr. T. J. George. R. H. Whitehead. Clyde E. Xil-s. William Riggs. R. P. Pike, James F. Willows. D. Sharnhorst, John Greuel. H. B. Lancaster, H. L. Lancaster, Mary Lancaster. L. W. Lancaster. Ray mond Miller, J. F. Fox, Joseph Geiger. Irving Worthing ton, H. C. Woodward, J. T. Eubanks. R. G. Belden, Albert E. Bronson. F. L. Beasley. J. Clinton McFad den, John Bottjer. D. J. Van Scyve. C. H. Bingham. Wlllinm Heup. J. A. Pine. Rob ert J. KIrkpa trick. Louise Fair Skinner. Kittie Alice McGill, Bank of loie. trustee; Joseph Fitzgerald. Hariette A. Olson, James T. Bullock, H. H. Edwards. Wil liam J. Locke, James N. Astin. Man- E. Lester, Mrs. L. M. Cook. C. L. Swain," Til lle Meador, W. M. Castle. R. E. Dodd, May Buchanan, J. F. Portfoes, Cynthia A. Egbert, United Evangelical Church Parsonage, Anna M. Templeton, T. E. Wil son. Frances E. Wilson, S. White. C. W Mann. F. E. Connerford. School District lo, W. J. Moore, C. F. Ellis. Tillie Hill. N. A. 'Henkle. Narcissi A. Allen, First Christian Church Building. G. H. Smith. R. C. Houston. John Jeffries, J. A. Fos ter. W. Fitzgerald. O. Hinkle. Cynthia Bowers. Bennett ft Walpole. Egbert & Wads worth. Fred Cronk, Horace Meeker. F. Rosebaum. A. R. Kellv, George Steltz. Ida A. Beck. L. B. Wells. Eliza Qulnian, F. N. Oimmlngs. Andrew Jorger.sen. G. X. Davis, Dobble Bell, Ella Mareellus. Conrad steltz, B. F. Glover. Anna E. Car son, J. S. Smith. J. W. Martin. Alma C. Steenberg. N. E. Newton, Laura Peter son. C. E. Johnson, Fannie B. Worthing .ton, W. C. Corey. C. B. Niles. A. S. Rhodes. Hattle K3sler, JuHa H. Bumgar, Charles H. Benedict, D. H. Burrows. May pa-ker, J. E. Kessler. Thomas Lin chan. First Presbyterian Church Parson age. P. w. Price. S. H. Kauffman. Walter N. Dagett. C. L, Rwornisted. Ella H. Mil lar. Dora Miller. Mary Pears, J. H. Smith. F. S. Stokes, J. H. Munro. C. P. Oamsnon. F. B. Reed, J. T. Edwards, Oscar Haines. A. H. Linn, Obed I. Miller. F. R. Bellow. Maria A. Davis, Patrick Fitzgerald. Schoenhoret, Stiltz, Wi'.lows & ingle. Marv Powderly. C. E. Whileman. James Geiger. William Lynn HaseVrouck, J. H. Dnnlap. T. Grimm, W. C. Wilson. J. E. Wilson. R. E. Vinson. Wind River Lumber Co.; Roadruck. Corey & Henkle; nnd to Ira L. Hoffman, E. B. Davrett. Benjamin F. Curtiss. J. R. Glendenninir G. B. Kid-v.-oll, F. c. Moore; nnd to H. H. Edwards and D. C. Bro. nell, claiming to act as road supervisors of Umatilla County; and ti Oswald West. Thomas Kav, Ben W. Olcott, as the Board of State School Land Commissioners, and G. G. Brown, clerk thereof; and to Ada I. Ghent. Vada Sear borjugh an1 Roswel) C. Canfleld. claim ing to be purchasers from the state; and to each and every one and all of you: Notice is hereby given to you and each of you by virtue of an order made In and issued out of the above entitled court by the Honorable Charles E. Wolverton, Judg t hereof, on the application of R. S. How ard. Jr., receiver of The Title Guarantee Al Trust Company, that you are required to be and appear in the above entitled court on Mondav, the lGih day of Febru ary, 191 4, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said dav. or as soon there after as the court can conveniently hear you. at the Federal Courthouse, in the Post off ice Build in sr. In the City of Port land, on the block between Yamhill and Morrison and Fifth and Sxth street, tr. the City of Portland, Oregon, and that there and 4 hen you answer, pi cad. dem ur on otherwise -how cause to the petition of said R. S. Howard. Jr., receiver of The Title Guarantee Trust Company, show ing either that said petition is Insufficient or that the -rder prayed for t herein should not be passed or t hrtt any nf the relief asked for therein he not granted and the reasons therefor, an1 why, if any fduse you or any of you can show, the lands and property, real, persona and mixed, together with the easements, franchises and privileges ard the appropriations nl water and the uce thereof and the uri pa'inn works, canalu, rHtehes ann" flumes employed In the use thereof, .should not be included with in the proposed extension of the Umatma Project of the United States, frenerally known and designated as West Extension of Umatilla Prolect. con struction of the first unit of which has been authorized;- and that you and each of you and all of you there and then show. If any cause you have, why the riprhts cf way and easements alreadv conveyed to Oregon -Washington Railway & Naviga tion Company and Northern Pacific Rail way Company should not be by any order passed in said proceedings preserved; and that the leasehold Interest of R. N. Stan . field run and continue as provided In his lease until modification of the same by the court; and that the receiver continue in the possession of said property and all of the same as b ere tot ore owned, held, pos sessed and enjoyed by Oregon Land & Water Company at Irrl.2ron and ad jacont to the Columbia and Umatilla Klvers In t ne counties of Umatilla and Morrow in the State of Oregon as they tne ret of ore were prior to the passage of the decree of June 17. 11)12, in cause No. SftVf? in thi court, reference thereunto being now had for more particularity, the same be in 5 on file in the office of the clerk nf this court in the Federal Courthouse But Id in, in said City of Portland, at the i!ace above described, until sold or Included In said project ; That pursuant to said order this Entice Is to be published once each week for six consecutive weeks in The Morning Ore gonlan, of Portland, Or., and In the East Oregonian, of Pendleton, Or.; That the full period of publication of this said order will expire on Friday, the 13 th day of February, 1014; That the day and time upon which you are above notified, and by said order re quired, to appear in said court is the Monday following the last publication of said order: That at said time of hearing said peti tion the receiver has prayed for such fur ther, other, different and general relief as- may be proper to accomplish the in clusion of all of the lands or Oregon Land Sr Water Company In the proposed plan of the United States for the west extension of the Umatilla Project, the United States undertaking, as In said plan and proposal made, upon payment of the lawful charges accruing to it. to furnish watr to persons holding under present deeds and contracts issued by Oregon Land & Water Company or its receiver to the same extent and in the same manner as said Oregon Land & Water Company or said receiver might be obligated to do; and if any of you have cause or reason to show why such an arrangement should not be made and the United States, with its larger irrigation works and plans for the reclamation of additional frrigahie area of said lands, not substituted for the smaller works of Oregon Land Water Company as now existing. you shall make that appear to the court at the time of said hearing ; Each and every landowner holding un der a deed or contract from Oregon Land A- Water Company or its receiver under the tTms of the order requested hy the petition to be passed Is remit ted to nnd protected in full liberty of '-ontrart with the United States and its officers with re spect to the continuance of his water right, the possession of bis property ana the performance of deliverln g water thereto, and In the event the operations of the United States or any of Its officers, agents or employes accompTsh any in jury or damage to the lands or water rights or '.he delivery of water to the lands of any owner or contracting vendee from Oregon Land fr Water Company, or lt receiver, such damage or Injury Is and shall be the subject of negotiation be tween said person or said contracting ven dee and the United States, having noth Incr to do with the srtlon of this court In respect of said receivership, and you are accordingly notified to eee that j ou and each of you occupying any such relation ship are careful to exercise and protect your own riphts as If entirely Independent of and free from any other land, property, rights or Interest within the administra tion of this court through its receiver. You are further notified that the United States has claimed and the receiver has asked in his petition for the preservation of proceedings in condemnation in favor of the United States by suah independent proceedings as it may be by its -ifficers dvisee" to take with respect to the lands Ind properties described In said present deeds and contracts from the Oregon Land c Water Company or its successors in SPECIAL NOTICES. Mlsoell&jaeotts, interest aside from and without the ad ministration of this court la the matter of said receivership ; Thn t the petition of said receiver and the proposed decree thereon for the inclu sion of the lands, water rights and other property and easements as therein de scribed within the west extension of the Umatilla Project as proposed by the United states is on nie In the office of the Clerk of said court at the location above given and open to Inspection by all per sons Interested ; That the present proposals of the United States for the construction of the sixth unit of said west extension of the Uma tilla Project as set forth in said peti tion of said receiver Include lands adja cent to the Columbia River on the north and the Umatilla River on the east Id townships 4 and 5 north, ranges '24, 2o. 6, 7 and 28 east of Willamette Merid ian, in Umatilla County. Oregon. And that you, the Board of State School Land Commissioners of the State of Ore gon, and G. G'. Brown, Us clerk, and Ada I. Ghent, alleged purchaser of some part of alleged lands In pretended section 16, township 5 north of range 2fi ; and you. Vada Scarborough, alleged purchaser of some part of alleged lands in prctendeo section 16, township 5 north of range L'6; and you, Roswell C. Cantield. alleged pur chaser of some part of alletred lands in pretended section 16, township n north of range 28, are partieularlv notified that over and against the protests and objec tions of Oregon Land ft Water Company and Its receiver and of R. S. Howard, Jr. the receiver of the Title Guarantee ft Trust Company, you pretended to assert and claim ownership to and tn sell certain lands In action 21, township 5 north ol range -d. east or me wuiamette Meridian, as and if the same were a part of sec tion 16. whereas in truth and In fact said lands were a part of said section 21, townshin ." north of ran tre rt ar of Wil lamette Meridian, and you shall show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of the petition in respect of said lands in all of said section 21, township 5 north of range o, east or tne Willamette Meridian, should not be Included In said project. This notice Is published pursuant to the order of Honorable Charles E. Wolver ton In this be,half rendered and given on the sixth day of January, 1014 and the first day of its publication Is Fridav, the ninth 9th day of January. 1914. and thereafter to be published once each week . for six consecutive weeks, pursuant to the act of Congress In such cases made and provided. R. B. HOWARD. JR., Receiver of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company. WILLIAM C. BRISTOL, Attorney for said Receiver. NOTICE. TO THE INTERSTATE SE1 VICE COM PANY. A CORPORATION. AND TO ALL OTHER PERSONS: You, and each, and all of you arc here by notified that the undersigned, the Valley &. Siletx Railroad Company, nas deposited with John B. Coffey, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Multnomah County, State ot Oregon (.Multnomah County, Ore gon, . being the principal office of the Valley & Slleta Railroad Company), the sum of Eleven Hundred Fiftv-two and &1.10Q $! l- oI ) Dollars, being the amounts of money due and owing the Interstate Service Company by the Val ley Si let z Railroad Company by reason of a certain contract for rail road grading entered into with the said Interstate Serv ice Company ; the said sum of money be ing the balance due and owing the said Interstate Service Company by reason of said contract. This notice is published in pursuance of Section 74J1 of Lord's Ore gon Laws. First publication January 2S. l'Jl 4. Last publication, February ti, 1014. VALLEY & S1LKTZ RAILROAD COM PAN Y . By F. 8. BELCHER. Secretary and Treasurer. FEB. 4, 1014- My wife, Anne Stronach, hav ing left me without cause, I will not be responsible for any debts incurred bv her. JOHN STRONACH. FINANCIAL. v i f urnisii the money at a low rate of in terest and save you more than the brok erage ot '2 per cent if wo do me planning ana builuing for you; ii will pay you to see us. L. U. Bailey Co., Inc.. a 2 4 Abington. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., Hi 4th street. Board of Trade bldg. ca SH paid for good first or, second mort gages on real entitle or sellers' interest In om tracts lor sale. H. E. Noble, iilti ) .umber mens blag. i Bt. Y m on t lily paj merit mortgages and contracts. Odell, tiuo Concord bldg. Main i,4 f2. kiOiVI'GAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, moi t-yagt-s (.lirsi and second), equities pur chnsed. F. H. Lewis & Co.. Ii Lewis bldg iVK MAKE short-term loans, $oo upward, 0:1 approved bankable securities, liobcri soi) & Ewing. 07-8 N. W. Bank bldg. ion SALE $7t'U mortgage, 3 years. 8 per eent. improved property. Woodlawn :ti7a. A'E .ouy notes, bonus and mortgages. Hot) ertson & Ewing, t7-6 N. W. Bunk hlug. WE BUY MOHTGAC.ES AND NOTES. GEO. T. Mi ORE CO., MS Abington bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN ON" IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY' FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS ; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO., ulo Spalding Bldg. TO LOAN. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT 0 TO b PER CENT. EDWARD 1". MALL, BOO CHAMBER OF 1 UMMIiKCK. ON improved city property or for buiiduTg purposes, H to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advam-ed as build ing progresses. The Equitable Savin gi &; Trust Association, 24o Stark tst. MONEY TO LOAN, & TO 8 PER CENT. Any Amount. PROMPT SERVICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 4-3-424 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY ON HAND. $12,000 at 8 per cent for Al farm loans L'sOOti at 7 per cent for Al city loans. COE A. M' K.ENNA .fc CO.. 727 Chamber Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN in sums of $1000, $1500, $tfJ0, $5in, on improved real estate. SCOTT-B E ESLEY-DE A N E CO., 211-12 Abington bldg. MONEY TO LO A N . Good supply for city and farm property, 0 to 7 per cent. M ALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St., near Washington. MORTGAGE LOANS, 67o TO 7e. II. E. MOON KV, Main 210. Room 421 Falling- bldg. 2m) AND up on real efltale at current rates". BOID REALTY CO.. iliW Alder St. $10OO TO LOAN on Portland real estate. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 413-424 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE 2o0o ready to loan for three or five years. A- -. WUIoughby, fejs Moi gan bldg. Main 30. $200,000 to loan in sums to suit: building loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 316-31i Failing bldg. MONE V for LOANS on Improved city property ; current rates; no commissions. Wm. MacMaster. 701 Corbett bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. Ii. Blrrell Co.. 2v2 McKay blug., 3-1 and Stark sts. MORTGAGE LOANS, in any amount OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. Inc., Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. 953,000 TO LOAN CITY OR FARMS. J. O. ROUNTREE, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY" REAL ES TATE AND FARM LANDS. GEO. P. DEKUM. 228 HENRY" BLDG. TO LOAN $4t.0nn OR LESS. FA RRI NGTON, SO ITH, BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. MORTGAGE- LOAN.-! Real stock :stat e security, current rates. 201 Exchangu bb:g.. 3d and Yum hi 1 1. SEE us today for loans on improved property. G to .S per cent ; J3'J0 uu Celiars-M urton t o., 82o Yeon bldg. improved city id up. $.V., $1000 AND UPWARD on improved reaj estate; favorable terms; no .delays; nc bro:rai;e. John Ba in no 7 Spalding bldg Monev loaned, real estate, contracts & mtgs. bought. H. Miley. JM4 Gerlinger bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amonntflio deTaT. Henry C. Prudhomme, S07 Wilcox bids. MORT GAG El .O AN S6 "A N 1 1 7 PE R CENT. Lit i is 1.0.V! L''3 STARK ST MONEY, anv amount, rt to s per cent H. Seltas & Co., 310 Spalding bid W. MONEY TtO LOAN, AND 7 PER CENT. r . v . uni'.iijr.H. ith ntiKLUt K. CLIlG. MORTGAGE LOANS AT fr. and r'o. FRED S. WILLIAMS, 92'-. 1ST ST. $lvm TO STfOOfi. p-Jvate funds for good loan Phone Tabor 2 ."20. STATE FUNDS. per rent. W. E. fhomis a'ri rt Multnomah County. 4f! Ch. or Com MONEY to loan, cit J. t ahalin. :, ,t hamber of Commerce 5200. 930. ?fl00, $000. $1200. flSho Fred W. German Co.. 32 ham, of Com. MONEY TO LOAN ON PEA I , EST Vr" A H. HARD TNG. St Ch. of Com. 9 1 (X' 0 TO loan 3 to 5 ypirs, s p e r eVij't. Ven'iuyn ft Walton. 615 Chamber of Corn. MONEY- 7 nnd per cent. In sums of SDou and Up. CIS Henry bldg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Etste. . QUICK service on mortgage loans uf amount to $2t,0CO. Main -429. iuv Ait moue. easy terms, ar.y amount. United Realty. 2U Gerilr.Rr-r bias. Monry to Loan Chattels and feal&rie. N EED MONL'V WiT? " You can et it TODAY. WE LOAN ANY AMOUNT, to Working People and Others on Plain Notes, Furniture, Livestock, 1'iunus, Autos, Storage Receipts, Real Estate. Motor cycles or Diamonds. W E BUY M ORTG AGES. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. Rebates Given if Paid Before Dae, -PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, 413 M ACLEa Y BLDG., between 4th and 6tU sts. on Washington st. open H A. M. to ti P. M. every day; Sat. till 8 P. M. MONEY! MONEY: MONEY! SO CHEAP THAT NO ONE SHOULD BS WITHOUT IT. SALARY LOANS WITHOUT SECURITY. YOU CAN REP A Y US IN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PA Y ME N T S. SEE OTHERS. THEN SEE US. STATE S ECU Rl T Y Co.. aU'J F Al LINO B LDO. WHY PAY EXORBITANT RATES? W'e will - loan you money as low as 1 Xer cent on your diamonds and Jewelry. We are the most liberal licensed money lenders in the city. Our estatdisnment is located at y:i4 Washington streut. uear Broau way. Get our prices on iorfelted diamonds. Diamond Palace. PRIVATE FLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS on diamonds watches, jewelry, automobiles, musical instruments. All Interviews strictly conf idcntiaU. Elbv Company. :;20 Lumber Exchange. ACCOMMODATION LOAN CO. Loans on plain notes, salaries, chat tels or anything of value, confidential, cmrteoirs. 317 Lumber Exchange bldg. Mam as'JS, jo TO to loan on furniture, autos. pianos, storage receipts, diamonds, mort gages and ial estate at ;t per cent per month. Write E 7oS, Oregonmn. WE loan monu at legal rates on pianos, furniture, autos, II v estock. storage re ceipts, real estate, etc. Manhattan Mort gage Co.. aio Abington. Main 2G. MR. OR MKS. WAGE EARNER wishing money without security quickly, g,uietiy and cheaply. Mercantile Credit Co., iiiirt Henry bldg. MON E Y loaned on diamonds, wutches. jew elry, pianos and warehouse receipts. Brown A- Co.. room ! Washington bldg. LO -VNS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elr. Wm. iloU. room 8. Washington bide MONEY to loan on diamonds or anvthmg of value at 3 per cenu Apply 413 Maclcav bldg. WE LOAN money on tiiatnonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx flc B.och. 74 3d st. MONEY sold on Installments; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Nawtnn, Henry bldg. LOANS or. diamonds and Jewlr ; stricti confidential. 141 Va 3d, near Alder. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on fur ultuie, pianos, autos, motorcycles and real estate. 20i; Alder St. Lmuh Wanted. WANTED. From private party, i00 at 7 per cent; good security ; also iMutiO for 3 years at 7 per cent. DIETZ & R INGLE R, 316 Railway Exchange Bldg. HAVE first mortgages, Portland proprtr, $J0(J. or.OO and 31-:. 00-0. s per cent; will give liberal discount for Immediate action. -ddrea AL 73U, Oregonian. U AND 7 PER CENT MTG. LOANS. Save time and money by seeing us first; $1000 to $!. 1 mo lor immediate loan. A. K. HILL, 41t Henry bldg. LOAN WANTED SJ500 for 3 or 5 years at 7 per cent 011 1 1 acres, valued at $ tk'Ov. AE 71 Oregonian. WANT tuoue m ortgave, StHrk nr. , on fine farm, security ; first per cunt. J. 1 1. Hartog. "w A.TED- iJouo at s per cent, for 2 years, property ft orth $ lu,(Mu. F. Kl.'CHS, 4 20. Chamber of Commerce. W A N T E D ." n m a r 7 per cen t , 11 rst murl -gage ou farm wort h $12,uoi; no broke ra. A .1" Hsr, Oregouian. LOAN of .SIT.O for S months on auto; will pay $0 for same from private party only, I'honta East WANTED Loan of $2000 to help build handsome seven-room house. Phone Mar shall ,"o40, room o2u. WANTED $!2oo at S per cent for 3 to a ear on n Hr.?t mortgage. intiuin; Glllett Stare Rank, White Minimi, Wish. WA NT $12,000. S per cent, 011 30 -room apartment-house worth iJJj.OOt). Address AD US I, Oregonian. PERSONAL. HAIR-JI AIR-HAIR-HAIR. Jli C4-inuh switches ? 2d-inch switches Hairdres.sing Face massage Shampo Manicure, 'jec: u for 12 scarp treatments Superfluous hair removed by needle; guaranteed not to return Cut hair iu any shade; swit Icntsth; prices half. Sanitary par .$4.45 . l.b. -1 .2- .25 .2 . . .".ai ectri hes anv 400- lors. Ji- DOKum Mag., 3d and Waslmi gton. NATUROPATHtC TREATMENTS WILL JI V E YOU li EA LTH. I hn;i: the in-'M epensive. tinest C'lolppea private oili';j on l he Coast. -1 No medicines or operations. 1 use ev.-ry mouern. up-to-date method us. d in America or Europe. My results in ail ac cepted cnt"5 are most uondorfuJ. Urer iMioti testimonials at my office. Consulta tions free. W. E. Mallory, Naturopath. :H2 Rot hehild bldg- N1SBLTH SANITARIUM. Fully equipped with electric light baths, bake ovons, full hydropathic. electric eg. uipmen t und St etui- h massage, eto, ; rheumatism, nervous and chronic diseases 510 Lovejoy U. FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading and toupe makers ; f r est stock of human h ir goods, sw itches f roiu it.'ic up; hairdressing, manicuring, face atul scalp treatments; combings mad up to oi't-r. 147 7'h, near Morrtrion. Main M. SWEDISH Tit Al NED NTH SE Helsi ug f or graduate ; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments una. r pnysician a direc tions; hat h, massage. No. 7 East 1 1 th at., second coor south from East Ankeny car. linj. Phone East 2r0, B J 53. REMARKABLE results for 2"i years has proven that Oko Culture not oniv cures but elim ir.ates disorde rs completely ; no medicine; no incision. Dr. Kindom. 31?7"Vi Washington st. at tir n. Mtir.hnH -''44. GERMAN TRAINED N 1 HtE-Tn-fl'm-nta for rheumatism. imbaiio, t- tc. ; massage and baibs. salmon st., cor. loin. Marshall 033. open Sundays. OBESITY CURED. Reduced my weight (Hi lbs. and girth measure. 14 Inches in eight months wUimut medicine or diet. Write box -7.". Spokane, Wash. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 05c; curls and puffs, 7fc. San itary Beauty parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. THOSE in poor health that want relief call at the Natural Sanitarium, 178 E. ttOta st. Take Mi. Tabor car. O. Onne Jura. CHIROPODY Mrs. Potter. ibratory scalp treatments. 412 Northwest bldg. Open Sunday. !3Lsa1 IOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and .spiritual sci entist, 3o2 Ahsky bldg. Question and mes satio night. Wed., S o'clock. Main S2'Jo. LO K EN'. Nerve Tablets restore lost vitality; If 5c per box, for $1.20. Stipe-Tailor Drug Co , S! Morraon. MRS. STEVENS. 20 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late, books on sole. 2'.H .Morrison st. Open daily. V I B R A TOR trea tments, scalp shampoorhg. Office 20 Hotel Gordon, Yajuhlll, West Park. UR health culture courses will restore you to health and life. School of Applied Metapb vsics. Stock Exchange bide:. IF you have corns or ingrowing nails. ie Dr. Ethel A. Sacry, expert chiropodist. 312 Panama bldg., 3d and Aider. M. B LA Z KR, manicuring, face and scalp t reatme:its. COS Northwest bldg. Main M KS. C. rf. MORRISON S tea in hat hs and m ge for rheumatism, iumbairo, etc. 33 1 Mi'dison. A 44TO, Marshall 3'.m;S. Divorces; lawyer, 25 years' experience, i liable. Advice free. 404 Rot hehild bldg., 287 Wash. st. LESSONS in phrenology, palmistry and cm-d roding. 235 6th st. Phone Main 7548. hours, 1 to ,". 6 to S. GR VDUATE masseuse for paralysis, rheum atism and nervous tlis-RHs a specialty. 2i Graham ave.; take Mississippi er. C 13ii). SWEDISH MASSAGE Scalp treatments. 23 Gorden. West park ond Yamhill. MRS. NELLIE SPRING, chiropodist. it .Aider st.. office 4. ml shampooing. hW st.. room 1: iioun II to X. ARIE, XF INS, electric baths and feat merto. 412 Rothehild bldg. Main 6198. CHI tiOPK ACTIC vlbrntfT.v t rea tments. bnt. and n'as?ns .-.rK.'.i Xonhwt Mil M.3790 RIl OD A P r F, hi r E. manicuring, rlson. st.. eor. r.fh. room S. 21 U Mor- BALM "F 1 I compound Rova Ton' T.rW. r.nj Davis jst. -phone Main 2r.iir . AjlOLI-S. surrf 'i..i,. ha removed. Mrs i D. H.U -'.21 FMefTcr I U 1 5-. Main Jl47-i. EASTERN trained operator gives scalp massage. 15 tith el, oifice 12. V