Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 29, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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rrlntlng-room Mfn 7070. A 6005
-!ty Circulation Main 7070, A 6095
Manamns Editor Main 7070. A i8
Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 60W.1
Composing-Room Main 7070. A 6095
superintendent Building . . . Main 7070. A 8UU3
HKIL.IC3 THEATER (Morrison and Klev
fiitli Toulsa M. Alcott's "L.ittle Women."
This afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15.
BAKKK TH BATH R (Broadway and Mom
eon Raktir Players In "The Woman In
tha Case." Tonisht at 8:15.
ORPHEUM THEATER (Broadway and Tay
lor) Vaudeville. Thl afternoon at 2:10
and tonight at 8:15.
der) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:13
and tonight at 7:30 and 0.
EMPRESS THEATER (Broadway and Tam
hlll) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15
and tonight at 7:30 and 9.
LYRIC THEATER (Fourth and Stark)
Musical comedy. "Kosinskl's Dream." This
afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15.
PKOPLE'S THEATER (West Park and Al
der) Special moving picture bill, "A
Lady of Quality."
NEW STAR THEATER (Washington and
Park) ARCADE THEATER (Washington
between Hixth and Broadway) Exclusive
llrat-run pictures dally.
ington) Continuous first - run pictures
from 11 A. M.
MAJESTIC THEATER (Washington and
Park) Continuous first-run motion pic
tures. GLOBE THEATER (Eleventh and Wash
ington) Continuous first-run motion pictures.
rrvcmcB Mimj Stili, Grinds. Four
divorces were granted, yesterday by
Circuit Court judges. Judge McGinn
signing thrfe of the decrees and Judge
Davis the fourth. Mrs. Mabel Young
was granted a decree from Clair C.
Young, on the grounds of cruelty and
desertion, and Mrs. Young's maiden
name, Mabel Billups. waa restored. The
oouple were married in The Dalles,
November, 1908. Mrs. Mary W. Ken
nedy was divorced from Frank Ken
nedy, on jrrounds of desertion, whom
Khe married at Eugene in June, 1898.
The third divorce granted by Judge
McGinn was to Mrs. Ella Hirst from
fcamuol Hirst, who were married De
cember, 1910. Cruelty was the grounds
for the divorce. Judge Davis granted
a decree to May McCullough from Hugh
A. McCullough, who were married June
10, 1306.
Food Bureau Arrests Result in Fines.
Seven arrests on various charges of
violation of food and dairy law have
been made in Roseburg, Or., by M. S.
Schrock, State Commissioner Mickle's
chief deputy. John Crouch, Mrs. Kidd
& Son, Stubbs Grocery and Harvey
Eastman Company are charged with
selling short-weight butter; Oliver
Isewhard. selling misbranded butter,
fined $25; Wan Gee, owner of a restau
rant, fined $25 for adulterating milk;
McClellan Hotel, charged with having
adulterated cream. This last casa will
be tried February 10. Three dairies
were closed on account of unsanitary
Smith Beneficiaries Ark Score.
Petition for the probate of a certified
copy of the will of Mrs. Laura M. Smith,
who died at Oakland. Cal., January i,
leaving $70,000 real estate In Multno
mah County, wrs filed for record yes
terday by D. W. Wakefield, who re
quested that letters testamentary be
Issued to him. In addition to the Mult
nomah County property, Mrs. Smith left
property in California valued at $10,000.
After a bequest of $10,000 to her sister,
Mrs. Emma Wilkes, of Windsor, Vic
toria, Australia, Mrs. Smith, by her will,
directs that the residue of her estate
be divided among 2u other beneficiaries
named In the will.
Main to Supplement Water Pres
sure. Connection was made yesterday
between the new 12-inch main which
is being laid from East Twelfth and
Division streets to the waterfront dis
trict on the Kast Side. This main
starts at the intersection of East
Twelfth and Division, extends on Divi
sion to East Ninth, on East Ninth to
East Lincoln, on East Lincoln to East
Market and thence to the waterfront
mains. This main will Increase largely
the pressure of the mains in that dis
Etrlct in case of fire.
Library to Be Given as Reward.
The Sunday school having the best
record at the coming Sunday school
institute will receive a seven-volume
missionary library. A registration will
bo taken at each session and the
award will bo made at the last ses
sion. In order to give all schools an
equal chance it has been decided to
make the award on a percentage basis.
The Institute Is Interdenominational
and will be held in the Centenary
Methodist Episcopal Church February
6 and 7.
Citt to Bur New Auto. Follow
ing a recommendation of the officials
of the municipal shops that the city
buy a new automobile for the Police
Department rather than expend more
than $1000 in repairing the machine
which was wrecked in a collision
with a train on East Morrison street
last week, the City Commission yester
day ordered Purchasing Agent Wood
to advertise for bids for a new ma
chine. It Is probable the city will try
to collect damages from the railroad
company for the wrecking of the car.
Employes When III Mat Get Pat.
City employes who work overtime may
be permitted to draw pay for days
upon which they are absent on account
of sickness. When a case Involving
this question was brought before the
Commission yesterday arrangements
were made for the giving of special
consideration at some later date.
Under present conditions an employe
Is given no pay for overtime and when
be is sick he Is docked for the time
he Is off.
Auditorium Meeting Postponed.
Owing to the Inability of members of
the auditorium committee to meet to
morrow night to consider finally all
suggestions to be made by the public
as to the site and class of building to
oe Beieciea tne meeting has been post
poned until Monday night at 8 o'clock
In the Council chamber at the City
Mall. This will be the final public
meeting of the committee. As soon
afterward as possible the committee
will make its final report to the
Home for School Girl, Wanted.
Mrs-. Margaret Thoroman. of the As
sociated Charities. Is looking for a
Kood home for a 13-year-old girl who
has recently arrived from a near-by
town and needs a home where she can
go to school and receive kindness
and love. The girl Is industrious,
healthy and very well behaved, says
Mrs. Thoroman, but she Is also very
lonely. Anyone willing to befriend the
girl may notify the Associated Chari
ties. Professor Reddie to Lecture. Pro
fessor Reddle, of the University of
Oregon, will give a dramatic reading
from "Strife," by John Galsworthy,
Friday evening In Library hall. This
lecture is to take tha place of the one
by Dr. Rebec, previously announced.
The Capital Hill Dairt has moved
to a new place, and now has a most
sanitary milk house and barn, being
strictly In accordance with the in
spector's requirements. Telephone and
mail address same as before. Caspar
Brog, proprietor. Adv.
Port Townsend Man Buried Herb.
Charles Butter, of Port Townsend,
Wash., passed away Monday at the
Minor Hospital, Seattle, Wash. Funeral
services at Holman Chapel at 2 P. M.
Dr. Ralph A. Fenton, the eye, ear.
nose and throat surgeon, will be in
his office In The Oregonian building
after February 8. Adv.
L. A. A. O. H. Reservations and re
turns Sunday banquet muit be made
of Mrs. Eivers by Friday. Main 1498.
Knight, Rock Springs and Mendota
coal; quick service. East 182, C 1117,
AJblna Fuel Company. Adv.
Minor Buts Cigarettes and Liquor.
To get evidence that L. S. Boyd,
proprietor of a saloon at 246 Yamhill
street, had sold liquor to a minor, and
that Tim Mahoney, who runs a tobacco
store at Third and Burnside streets,
had sold cigarettes to a minor. Deputy
City Attorney Stadter yesterday fur
nished Jasper W. Hill, 17 years old.
with money to purchase cigarettes and
liquor, and accompanied the boy to
witness the transactions. Hill had
been arrested for having wine and
cigarettes in his room. When he ap
peared In court, no officer was present
to accompany him to the resorts where
he said he had purchased the goods.
Judge Stevenson suggested that
Stadter "be the goat." Hill had no
trouble In buying either the liquor or
the cigarettes, and Body and Mahoney
were arrested by Officers Wise and
Eugene Club Promotes Meeting.
The Eugene Commercial Club .is dis
patching throughout the state calls for
the development meeting which is to
be held In that city February 14, and
will endeavor to bring prominent men
and representatives of all of the com
mercial bodies of the state into attend
ance. This meeting will be the climax
of the series started under the auspices
of the Portland Commercial Club and
for which Tom Richardson has been
working In the field for several
months. Community development and
wider advertisement of Oregon's
resources Is the object of the move
ment and more than 100 commercial
clubs are interested in It,
Funeral to Bra Held Todat. The
funeral of Charles Butler, of Port
Townsend, Wash., who died in Seattle
Monday evening, will be held at 2
o'clock today from the Holman chapel.
Interment will be la the Lone Fir
Cemetery. Mr. BuUer was 71 years
old. He was born la Michigan, and
came to the Northwest about 35 years
agoi Since that time he had been a
stock buyer. Eefore he moved to Port
Townsend, 23 years ago, Mr. Butler
resided in Portland for eight or nine
years. He is survived by his -widow,
Florence Butler, a eon, Charles A.
Butler, of Spokane, and a daughter,
Gladys Butler, of Port Townsend.
Mrs. Holland Still Holds Out. Over
the protest of Mrs. Margaret Holland,
the City Commission yesterday started
proceedings for the condemnation of a
strip of land 30 by 110 feet in width
needed for the complete widening of
Mill street from Sixteenth to Chapman
streets. Mrs. Holland, who has held
up the improvement for about five
years, said at ;the Council meeting that
sne will resist the present proceedings
in every way possible unless the city
is willing to give her $10,000. The
Council proposed In past proceedings
to give her about half that amount.
Land Firm Officer Oct on Bail.
John Anderson, an officer of the
Swedish Land & Colonization Com
pany, arrested Tuesday night by
Deputy Sheriff Beckman on a charge
of a contract forgery, was released
yesterday on $3000 bail. Anderson was
indicted last week by the grand Jury
on a complaint sworn to by Dr. John
C. Lannerberg, who was discharged
several weeks ago on a charge of
shooting at Anderson in the office of
the land company, in which both men
are Interested.
Through Train Abandoned.
Through passenger service between
Portland and St. Paul on the Soo-Spo-kane-Portland
trains of the O.-W. R.
& N. Co. and Canadian Pacific will be
discontinued after February 5. A local
train will continue to serve the terri
tory between Portland' and Spokane,
and operate on the same time, leaving
here at 9 P. M. and arriving at 11:15
A. M. Convenient connection will be
made at Spokane for local points on
the Spokane & International and the
Canadian Pacific.
Edward Mitchell Arraigned. Ed
ward Mitchell, indicted last week for
the murder of George Morgan on the
night of December 80. appeared In
Judge Morrow's court yesterday, ac
companied by his attorney, Edward
T. Williams, for arraignment. The
time for pleading was fixed for next
Wednesday. Mitchell Is accused of
shooting Morgan at the corner of
Third and Couch street following a
request. It Is said, made by Morgan
for financial assistance.
Citt Attorney to Defend Mayor.
The City Commission yesterday passed
a resolution backing Mayor Albee in
his action last week In submitting to
arrest by State Labor Commissioner
Holt on a charge of requiring firemen
and. policemen to work more than
eight hours each day. In the resolu
tion the Council Instructs City At
torney LaRoche to conduct the Mayor's
case In the State Supreme Court, where
habeas" corpus proceedings have been
Lecture Will Be Given at Cnmcn.
"How the City Protects Life and
Property" is the subject of the lecture
in the Reed extension course to be
given at the Sellwood Methodist Epis
copal Church at 8 o'clock tonight. "Co
ordination of Various Forms of Social
Work" is the Bubject of the lecture
In the Reed extension course to be
given by Professor Wood at" the Main
Library at 8 P. M. today. All exten
sion course lectures are open to the
Two Firms Incorporate. Articles of
incorporation of the Columbia Awning
& Shade Company were filed for record
yesterday In County Clerk Coffey's
office by Margaret V. Huber, Max Som-
mers and Fred L. Moreland. The com.
pany Is Incorporated for $20,000
Richard Shepard, Rae M. Shepard,
Walter J. Gearln and Delia H. Gearln
filed articles of Shepard & Gearln, a
real estate and brokerage firm cap!
talized at $1000.
Monet Given for Unemployed.
Johnathan Bourne, . Jr., telegraphed
yesterday from Wahsington, D. C,
pledging himself to a donation of $100
for the purchase of blankets for the
comiort or tne unemployed who are
being housed in the city. His message
was sent In reply to a request from
the Oregon Civlo League which is
leading the movement In relief of the
Two Girls Escape From School.
Jeanette Van Llle and Ethel Grlsson,
both 19 years old, escaped from the
State Industrial School at Salem Tues
day night, according to a report sent
the police yesterday by .the school
officials. The girls are said to be
on their way to Portland. Miss Van
Llle Is described as tall, dark and of
medium weight. Miss Grisson is
Man kicked bt Horse May Not
Recover. Louis Schroeder. of St.
Helens, was severely Injured yesterday
when he was thrown from a horse at
the North Bank Depot. The animal
kicked him in the head as he lay on
the ground with a broken arm. The
man was taken to St. Vincent's Hos
pital. His recovery Is doubtful.
Alleged Swindler Bound Over.
Hugh Trainor, charged with obtaining
money by false pretenses by working
the old horse racing fraud on Crlch
ton Symes, an Idaho rancher, was
bound over to the grand Jury yester
day by District Judge Dayton, and
remanded to Jail under $2500 cash
bail or $5000 bond.
Visiting Salvationists to Talk.
Lieutenant-Colonel T. Scott, of Seattle,
will conduct the service at the Sal
vation Army hall. Second and Ankeny
streets, tonight at 8 o'clock. His
subject, "Twice Born Men." The Colo
nel has the supervision of the Army
work In Oregon and Washington. All
are Invited.
Tims Is Allowed George C. Homes.
George C. Hodges, accused of
fraudulent use of the mails In con
nection with the Columbia River Or
chards Company, was arraigned in
United States District Court yester
day, and on request of his attorney
will have until Monday to prepare his
Shiphkrd Springs. Now is a stood
Jtlmo to to A0.T,
Aleina Club to Hold Mass Meeting.
The Albina Business Men's Club In
session Tuesday night In the Albina
Branch Library adopted a resolution
favoring Vancouver avenue as an ap
proach to the Interstate bridge. It
was decided to hold a mass meeting
in the Library hall Tuesday night in
the interest of this movement to make
Vancouver avenue an approach to the
bridge. S. Collins, H. Hennings. E. S.
Schroeder, T. L. Adams, J. F. Hill, T.
J. Murphy and A. Rutherford were ap
pointed to arrange for this meeting.
Maps and sketches will - be made of
the bridge and districts on the south
side of the -Columbia to show that
Vancouver avenue is the logical ap
proach to the bridge. The County
Commissioners will be asked to attend.
Some musical selections will be had.
The club completed its organization by
adopting constitution and bylaws and
by appointing W. N. Smith, L. G.
Schneider committee on membership.
Army Deserter Captured. Arthur
A Linscott, wanted at Vancouver Bar
racks for desertion from the United
States Army was captured Monday
night by Deputy Probation Officer
Sandefer and returned to the post. The
right name of the soldier. Sandefer
said, is Perl Linscott, under which
name he -was registered at a hotel
when he was taken. Linscott deserted
the cavalry at Vancouver Barracks,
according to the Army records, about
five months ago, following a service
of only 20 days. Since that time he
told Officer Sandefer he has been
working In logging camps.
Ordinance Holds Good. For the
protection of bench level monuments
which will be erected In various parts
of the city by the public works de
partment the City Commission yester
day arranged strictly to enforce an
ordinance which prohibits the destruc
tion of public property in any way.
A new ordinance to bring about this
result was introduced by Commissioner
Dieck, but was withdrawn when City
Attorney LaRoche declared that the
old ordinance covers the subject.
Frederic H. Whitfield announces
the removal of his law office from the
Fenton bldg., to suite 1201 Northwest
ern Bank bldg., after February 2, 1914.
Phones: Main 6976, A 4361. Adv.
Taxpayers Will Be Mailed Statements
on Request and Checks Will
Be Received In Payment.
Collection of taxes will begin Mon
day morning. Treasurer Lewis has an
nounced, when a full force will be
ready to handle the business with the
greatest dispatch. The collection of
live taxes is a new duty for the Treas
urer, Imposed by the new tax law
passed at the last session of the Leg
islature. Mr. Lewis has retained a
large number of the employes in the
tax department as operated by Sheriff
Word and will be ready to conduct the
work without a hitch.
The clerks have been busy for more
than a week making out statements.
which will be mailed to any one upon
request, Mr. Lewis says, and checks
will be received in payment of taxes.
This feature will make it unnecessary
for those taking advantage- of Mr.
Lewis' offer to come to the office to
pay taxes, where it often will be neces
sary to wait some time to attend to
the business.
Under the new law all taxes levied
and charged shall be paid before April
1. Taxes not paid before April 1 are
subject to a penalty of 1 per cent a
month if paid before September 1, af
ter which, if they still are unpaid.
they become delinquent and are sub
ject to a penalty of 10 per cent and
12 per cent interest. The feature of
the old law making one-half of the
taxes due in September is abolished, all
the taxes being due now before April
1. Half of the taxes may be left for
payment until September 1, with a pen
alty of 1 per cent a month before the
tax is delinquent and interest begins to
Mr. Lewis has found, a number of
vexing problems and has called on
District Attorney Evans to help him
out. and interpret some sections of the
statute. Mr. Lewis asks if, as tax col
lector, the same rules apply in deposit
ing collected taxes as apply to him as
Treasurer. Does the law require that
banks which receive taxes must de
posit with the Treasurer securities? is
a second question, and a third one is
whether the banks must pay interest
on temporary deposits of taxes made
by him as collector of taxes, before
the money Is segregated and turned
over to himself as County Treasurer,
after which time the interest problem
has been settled.
John McCormack Will Sing in. Popn-
lar-JPriced Sunday After
noon Concert.
"Such limpid use of the voice, such
a delicate command of portamento,
such round, luscious, appealing, ring
ing tone, floating on the breath, Mr,
McCormack appears to bear the stand
ard of bel canto pure and undeflled
savs the Los Angeles Times. !
A remarkable opportunity to hear
this greatest of all lyric tenors will
be given Portland people at a popular
priced Sunday afternoon concert, Feb
ruary 8, at the' Armory. Mall orders
are now being received by Lois Steers
Wynn Coman, 308 Columbia Bldg.
Prices, 50c, 76c, $1 and $1.50. Send self
addressed envelope. Adv.
Is Hiawatha Utah hard coal; keeps Are
all night. Coal and dry wood, $6 up.
Edlefsen's, 262 Stark. Phones: East
303, C 2303. Adv.
Fishermen Increase Capital.
ASTORIA, Or., Jan. 28. (Special.)
The annual meeting of the stockhold-
We have it ,When
.you need it why not
come to the source?
.We are principals, not
brokers We loan on
improved real estate
only -We buy bonds
secured by mortgage.
Commerce Safe Deposit
and Mortgage Co.
91 Third Street
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Saying "Yes"
It's the wise investor who
knows when to say "yes"
about real estate invest
ments. Any one can safe
ly say "yeB," so far as the
title Is concerned, by se
curing our Guaranteed
Certificate of Title. In
vestigate. Call for book
let. Title & Trust Co, 4th
near Stark.
We Also Inane Title
246 Pirn Street, Portland, Or.
Phone A 3770
Gold bracelets, signet rings, belt buckles
in any design, made to order, with, names or
good luck Chinese characters engraved
thereon. Prices reasonable. Orders prompt
ly executed and sent prepaid anywhere In
U. S. We are skilled Chinese Jewelers.
ers of the Union Fishermen's Co-operative
Packing Company was held yes
terday. The reports of the officers
showed that the affairs of the com
pany were In excellent condition. The
capital stock was increased from $30,
000 to 180,000, which is all paid up.
Thomas Nason was elected general
manager, to succeed Franz Kankko
nen, who resigned.
District Attorney Evans Reassures
California Couple.
District Attorney Evans played as
sistant Cupid yesterday when he wrote
an opinion which permitted Mrs. Ida
E. Pease, divorced last month in Cali
fornia, to secure a license to marry
L. H. Daswell. of Terra Buena. Cal.
Mrs. Pease received an interlocutory
decree in December, 1912. and last
month, more than a year later, the
decree was made final.
Mr. Evans was visited by the couple
Tuesday night and asked if they could
be married legally. He looked up the
California law for them arid found
that the final decree Is granted at the
request of either party a year after
the interlocutory decree is granted.
and after final decree either party
may marry again.
But when Mr. Evans had advised
them that they could be married, it
was too late to secure a license, and
the ceremony had to be postponed
until yesterday. They came up from
California Just for the trip they said,
and wanted to be married here to
"surprise their friends."
Scio Bank Directors Elect.
SCIO. Or., Jan. 28. (Special.) At the
annual meeting of the directors of the
Sclo State Bank officers were elected
for the coming year. Directors were
re-elected, and E. D. Myers elected
cashier in place of W. A. Ewlng, re-
an article as it is what you get for your money that counts. Our trade
tells us that everything they get at our store is good, and that is why
they come back again. Why not follow the crowds and trade at the
Portland's Exclusive Handlers of Everything Good to Eat.
148 Third Street A 4432, Main 9432
St. Johnsbury Crackers, per package 20
Leader Imported French Camerbert in wood, a box 4()
Gifford's Jumbo Olives, q.varts 90 pints 50
American White Label "Special Extra Large" grade
Quarts 75 a can pints, a can 40
New Bezier Boneless Sardines, 3 tins for ...1.00
Droste Cocoa, "Best Dutch," a tin -50
Jordan's "Tip Top" Virginia Hams, pound 40i
Lady Betty Specialties, from Brookline, Mass. .
REAL GLOUCESTER CODFISH, in 2-lb. boxes, box 60
Leiderkranz Cheese, "The Latest," each 25
Keiller's Creme do Menthe After Dinner Mints
CIALS: One Day Old Ranch Eggs, Rhode Butter, Mayer's Society
Blend Coffee
We make three deliveries a week Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
urday Mornings. .
We carry all leading brands. All local Beer at Brewery Prices.
Booth's Orange Gin, per bottle S2.0O
Jefferson Cocktails, all kinds, per bottle . . . . Jjil.OO
"The Store That Gives Dependable Quality."
Men of Metal
The ninth annual convention of
the Oregon Hardware and Imple
ment Dealers' Association is now
heing held at the
Imperial Hotel
(Official Headquarters)
Problems of the hardware busi
ness are heing discussed from
carpet tacks to threshing ma
chines. COME Meet the Metal Men, their families
and friends.
Lunch From 12 to 2 . . . 50c
Dinner From 5:30 to 9 75c
Music Evenings.
mum tt
i s r ? r5 - rsn iii - v -i 3 1
signed. An assistant cashier will be
elected aoon.
Repeat Orders Are Advantage.
In the opinion of successful grocers
staple commodities which bring them
dally repeat orders are the best busi
ness builders. There is nothing more
staple than bread and it is conceded
that the Royal Table Queen loaf not
only holds customers, but gets more
repeat orders than bread of the ordi
nary kind. Adv.
Home-cooked 50c dinners will be
served at Women's Exchange, 6th and
Yamhill, from 5:30 to 7 on and after
February 2. Adv.
We wish to thank our many friends
for their assistance and sympathy in
the burial of our husband, father and
brother. ANNIE LEA MING.
Antony and Cleopatra, 8 parts. Peo
ples Theater next Sunday. Adv.
otel Benson
Formerly New Oregon
equipment, fur
nishings and
service. Absolutely
fireproof. New man
agement The same
excellent dining
room service as heretofore.
Car) Stanley , Manager
G. Kirke Drury. Asst. "Manager
(Tf Yes, Marie,
H, I'll wear my most
beautiful LaValliere the
one which just came from
Our line of La Val
lieres is large and com
plete from the simplest
pendant to the newest and
most exquisite conceit in
lace-platinum, set with
glorious diamonds. Come
in. We'll be glad to show
them to you.
Oldest Jewelry House
in the Northwest
Washington Near Tenth
Ever Held in Northwest
Admission 50c
Association. Inc.
'm&msme Acmeve-
of real goodness In candy
produced under absolutely
sanitary conditions and can
be bought fresh dally.
The Hazelwood
Confectioner?- and
WanbioKton at Tenth. A
All Departments of
our, business are now
located in our new
premises, seven
stories and basement,
'Everything for the Office'
Commercial Stationers.
Office Outfitters.
Printers, Engravers.
Booklet Makers and
Architects' and Engineer's Instru
ments and Supplies.
Our old store and store
room, 20,000 sq. ft., for rent
at half price.
Do tou itant . portion wber. your
kill and knvwfodc. call foe ooa
tant tdructl
Beeaw9 tbe btoM men of rtrt
land ban provided and rapport the
T. M- C- A Dmy and Niht Bualneae
and Trade Baboo la Hundreds
secured eacb positions and bad tils
salary raise You can.
Cal or address Room 418 T. M.
C. A. bids;., and Jtm will receive
full Information in respect to tbe
Advert table)
Bhowcard wrttlne;
Surveying and
Wireless Tele??
FTwhnd drew1!
Boys School
College prop.
Civil Service
Cost Ens.
Reinforced oa
orete const
g ai esmanabin
Nam. .......
Address ... M,
The doughs are scaled
and made up in the
all by
entries .
for the
label on
every loaf