16 TTTK ItrOTlXINQ OREGOyTAN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1914. WANTED KEAL ESTATE. RANCH WANTED. About 00 to 1 IX acres, partly Improved, with some stock, etc., not over $6iKH; will give unincumbered foOOO cash valua mod. era home ou East Irving at. HOME WANTED. 0-6-room modern house or bungalow on big lot. good neighborhood, nt:ar car; give 3u acres river bottom land near Tualatin, worth $dA)U; mortgage fi'SOU-; might as lumc, VACANT LOTS WANTED. Ladd's Addition or similar, near Haw thorne. Belmont, Mt. Scott, W'averly car; give modern $3000 home, Irvlngton dis trict, asHuma or pay difference. COPPEK, 415 CHAMpLR OF COMMERCE WANTED 10 OR MORE ACREd. 10 or more acres close to car line, not too far out ; not over $2500 ; must have a house and be partly cultivated. In ex change for modern house worth $20oo: even trade. Fred W. German Co., 13:; Cham, of Com. 1.UPROV ED one or two acres on, 5c fare. Phone Tabor 80 after ft P. M. FOR KENT FARMS. FOft RENT 4 Vi acres, with running water, good house, barn, woodshed and fruit trees; take Oregon City car, get off Silver Spring station, follow car two blocks, turn left. Address box Ii096, Station A, Port land. FOR RENT 37 acres garden land, near Beaverton, macadam road all way Into citv, good Improvements, school near, half rental In work. K. S. Jackson, 204 Rail way Exchange bldg. FOR RENT or sale, 20 acres near Oregon City, with or without stock; Improved; terira. A J 6.12. Oregonian. DAIRY farm, 14 miles from Seattle, will trade stock for Portland property. W. H. Seitz, 310 Spalding bldg. Main 65S4. HAVE Willamette Valley farms for rent. P. E. i.aniar. 5U2-3 Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS POL'GHT AND SOI-D. C. J. M'CKACKEX. 304 M KAY BLDG. CHEAP STUMPAGE. Ideal location for a mill; stream run ning to railroad spur. 834 ot" at. FARMS WANTED. ! WANTED A good hop ranch for a client of mine ; give full description In first letter; have live buyers if your ranch Is good. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Com merce. WE want direct from owner good ranch land for our clients. R. F. Bryan, &U9 hamber of Commerce. WAX TED TO KSNT FARMS. HAVE renters for hundred farms, every description; give full particulars and ex clusive agency.. P. E. Lamar, 002-3 Lumbermen bldg. FARM on share, preferably with some stock and option to buy. H. H. Neufeld, Lents. Oregon. WANTED To lease furnished farm on shares. 2" to fiO acres, Al reference. 350 L Tillamook St., city. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE. 40 acres In Clarke County, 1 mile from Rv., 3 miles from Battle Ground, 38 acres under cultivation, 0-room house, barn and outbuildings, family orchard. 2 horses. 2 cows, 4 hogs, ,0 chickens, wagon and im plements, $4300; take modern house of 5 rooms or so up to $2500, $600 cash and bal. 3 years, b per cent. 80 acres In Clarke County, 6Vi miles f nm Battle Ground, 10 acres In cultiva tion, 4-room house and outbuildings, 3 horses, 3 cows, 70 chickens and imple ments; $5500. Take modern house up to $3500 or small Improved farm. bal. cash. til acres, 3 miles from electric line, near Estacada. 22 acres under cultivation, IV more seeded; 4-room house, barn and out. buildings, 2 horses, 1 cow, 1' hogs, some chickens and all Implements, $tk0O. Take house up to $4000 with 1000 cash and balance mortgage. K AUFFM ANN A MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Wanted To exchange S-room modern house, lot 50x100, 8 nice large fruit trees, rice lawn; will trade for good Laurelhurst or Irvlngton lot or close-in acreage; price :iron; mtg. $3000 for 3 years, equity $1500. DIETZ & RTNGLER. 316 Railway Exchange Bldg. APARTMENT FOR HOME. 43-room apartment home on Everett St., West Side, close to car; one of the b-st paying apartments In the city of Its sire; price only $4500 ; clear of Incum brance; will trade for house up to full value. E. B. Barber, 505 Chamber of Com merce, 8H ACRES, near Troutdale, Or., all cultl va ted, 1 acre A-l orchard, all fenced, no buildings; will sell for marking down. If parties will build or will trade for a bun galow In Portland. See owner, 204 Falling bldg., or phone Tabor 604. WAN TSM ALLF A rIT : Have 4 good lots and 2 houses. Fort land, and 2 lots near Seattle, all free and clear of incumbrance, to trade for small improved farm, fully equipped, up to $6000. S 0o, Oregonian. LAURELHURST HOUSE. Swell -s-room house, strictly modern ; price SAGOO, equity $:t300. to exchange for nice bungalow, vacant lots or acreage. GRUSSI Hz BOLDS. nifl Board of Trade, Main 74.2- A 4401. 4 LOTS, 160x120 ; small house, chicken houses and runs, lots of fruit and berries; close to car; value $4000; no mortgage; will trade for 25 to 40 acres, partly im proved, on cream route; prefer Washington or Yamhill Counties. R 677, Oregonian. 22 ACRES, near Butteville, Or., 10 acres In cultivation; price $4 400 ; mortgage $1700; will take 6-room house and full lot In Brooklyn district; might assume some. E. IT. Dement. Marshall 4014. MT. TABOR HOME. $3200 equity In StiOOO modem new 8 room house to trade for bungalow, lots or arreaire. White, 41S Railway Exchange. Marshall ?I2S. fi ACRES level land on Salem Electric, un incumbered, 35 miles from Portland; trade for grocery or what you have. P 693, Oregonian. HAVE 8 lots, fine district, 4 blocks Broad way, car, value $8000; will trade qulty owo tor moaern or i -room home, re stricted district. V 073, Oregonian. WANT beach acreage suitable for subdivis ion in exchange for 40 acres of orchard land, clear of debt. Purse & Co., 818 unamoer or torn. CHOICE buildln site. West Sinn a Mt. To. bor, near the carllne and nark: will trade for B-room cottage; prefer Richmond or a averleigh district, fill Gerlinger bldg. $20-ACRE dairy and .bog ranch, equipped; $95 acre; will take half in trade; sr.0 00 cash required to handle. Owner, Main p;45. or can 6S6 Gllsan at. WILL trade of incumb 16 lots Goldendale, Wash., free ranee, for a good 5-passenger auto. AO 691. Oregonian, EWUlTi in modern 6-room bungalow; will take team, harness and lumber wagon as part. 7013 6ist ave. s. E., Mt. Scott. WORK ING man's restaurant, on best street in Portland to trade for real estate. D 6.0, Oregonian. WILL trade for city lot, 160 acres ii Harney County ; value $1200. X 4555, Oregonian. HIGH-GRADE player piano to trade for turniture. labor us. TO EXCHANGE Valley farm land for hotel or npartment-house. p iOt Oregonian. WANT farms to exchange for city property. f. k. umr, ouz-s Lumbermens bldg, $inoo EQUITY In 11300 lot. West Moreland. What have you to trade T 22 H N. 3d st. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc BLACK eliding, years old, weighs 3275, so urn. single ana nouDie, true as steel, rentle for any work, $125. Guaranteed, -41 Jpfrerson st i.ACK mare and gelding. years old, weight 2700 mare in foal by j-eglstered ' stallion; need the money; $200. 241 Jef ferson st. " HORSES FOR SALE. Good serviceable ranch team for sale cheap; trial allowed. 1029 E. Yamhill. FOR SALE cheap. 2 colli, 2 and 3 years old. out of good stock; 1 3-year-old family cow. 230 Russell st. WANTED A span of horses to trade for a motorhoat; will pay the difference. John Dick, 6.t1 Union ave. North. ST A I. t, TONS for sale cheap; can be seen at Murphy Horse & Mule Co.. 240 E. 8th. l'0-?Ort) horse, work single or double, price $70. 505 Alder. Marshall 4636. 1 R'G anting tm. wTl matched, harness n-ri -A-acor, fpr sa'.e at 251 East 74th N. SAryDLi ponv. $35: single footer. BOo Al- or. Marshall 4636. 7-YEAR-OLD horse, buggy and harness, $65. Apply 1073 East 14th st. Nortn. CHESTNUT sorral mare, -weight 1200.. $75. 605 Alder. FOR SALE Hot sew, Vehicles, Etc. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold ; new wagon and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne sve. a Phone East 7-, B 1309. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO. sell o;i commission, horses, mules, vehicles and harness. Auction sale every Monday and Friday. 10 A. M. Private sales daily, 240 East fcth Bt., near Hawthorne. E. (3313. JL'ST 10 head of young horses left, from 4 to 6 years old, li:ut to 1-iUO, but have two teams of small delivery horses I have taken In exchange; will sell very cheap. Ssl Water at. Phil Suetter. FOR SALE; 1 well-matched team, & and 6 years old, weighing 2700 lbs.; one first class team, 5 and 6 years old, weighing 31oo lbs.; all are guaranteed sound and true. 2-6 Russell at. - ROAN mare, 7 years old, weighs 1400, sound, works single and double and true, guar anteed every way; bargain, 241 Jefferson street. CHEAP for cash, team weighing good workers; also lM:-ton covered spring wag on. Inquire ltJ5 E. Uth., cor. Belmont, upstairs. PAIR matched grays, mare and horse, weigh 2750, chunky built, good bone, true as steel, guaranteed every way; prlcea to sell. Anderson Bros.' Stable. GOOD TEAM. Weight 2600, fine for farm; $100 with harness. S05 Alder. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. BRAND-NEW cabinet grafonola, mignonette style; original cost $100; because of own ing anotherw talking machine will sell for J50; bargain for one wanting a fine talk ing machine, p 700, Oregonian. Dogs, Birds, ret Stock. , I HAVE l. Hart a Mountain Rollers, female birds, large and healthy, 50 cents each. Phone Tabor 823. Vv ANTED Airedale service of large pedi greed and registered dog; no others. Phone East 5t8 after 0 P. M. AIREDALE TERRIERS for pals, guards, hunters. Laddix Kennels, Estacada, Or. Automobiles. USED AUTO SNAP. BUT NOW AND SAVE MONET. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. HUDSON 1913, 5-passenger, 6-cyllnder, electric starter, electric lights, nearly new; SNAP. CADILLAC, 5-passenger, 30 H. P., used very little. REO DELIVERY, 1500-lb. capacity; panel body; just overhauled and painted. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. Broadway and Couch Sts. Main SSS7. A 4959. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. 1 1913 Michigan 40, five-passenger car with electric lights and electric starter. Cost $1S75 new; will sell for $800. 1 1912 Michigan 33, four-passenger car with electric lights. Cost $1650 new; will sell for $400. 514 Alder st. Main 3066. Ask for Wildrlck. MOTOR TRUCKS. Send your name and address on a postal and we will forward you by return mail our new plan of selling trucks o. all capacities without any initial payment. Let the trucks pay for themselves. AUTOMOBILE SALES UNDERWRITING COMPANY, P. O. Box Portland, Or. WE will overhaul your car, put it In flrst- li3s (.-uimiinjii, utAfiA.Ni tne worK. for $ 20, plus the cost of new parts. PACIFIC GARAGE. 2G6-26S 11th St. FOR SALE Ford roadster, good as new; aaveniseQ tnis car last weeK at $35; $275 takes it now at Ford agency. Union and Davis. GROCERY delivery auto, very cheap, $150; iiave no usa ior it, closing out store. East ?&0. 1S32 Larrabee st. A LATE model Ford 5-passenger, 1-ton truck; Buick roadster or suitable for de livery car. b2 Broadway North. FOR SALE Ford auto in good condition, vwwi ueuvery or passenger DOdy. 420 Hawthorne ave. NEW delivery wagons at second-hand prices. cuii jqinuic now company. DEAD STORAGE, $3 to $5 per month. CARBON removed by oxygen process. Re- II -1 1 1 c uuiufiB, oom ana i-iawtnorne ave. Automobiles Wanted. GOOD used Ford or other moderate priced uiomoDiie; win exenange either $200 Vtc trola or $275 piano as full or part pay ment on same. Telephone B 3157 or address A 737, Oregonian. tVI LL trade lot worth $ I rH) cash for your auto; must be late model, pood shape, no junk. E. A. Snodgrass, Hillsboro. Or. Machinery. FOR SALE 15-h. p. Fairbanks horizontal gas engine in tirst-cJass condition, will sell at half Its cost, together with pump and winch, as we have no further use for this machinery. For particulars call on or write M. J. Clohessy, 41d Ablngton building. LATHE, American, 18x14; shapsr; Steptoe. 24; Badger punch shear; other complete equipment; new, used month ; reasonable. 260 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE or rent Logging and hoisting engines, contractors- machinery, all Kinds. Railway Equipment Co., 1st and Oak. Furniture for gale. DISAPPOINTED In lease, have entire fur- nisnmgs or 1 apartments for sale at sac rifice; elegant Circassian walnut, birds eye, maple, mahoeany and colden dressers. chiffoniers, dressing table, beautiful brass beds complete, library tables and leather rockers for living-room, handsome pedestal uiniug iHDies, ouuei, leatner dining chairs rugs, davenport and other artlnlVs- rar chance for parties furnishing home. Will ecu separately, (-an today. 707 Marshall near 21st. ENTIRE new furnishings residence, embrac ing very handsome Circassian walnut, ma hogany and golden bedroom furniture, elegant brass beds, costly pedestal din ing table, leather seat chairs and buffet, living-room rockers and library table, rugs davenport; will sell separately, call today! 707 Marshall. FOR SALE Mahogany tables, chair, chif- urass oea, sanitary couch, re frigerator, bargains. 343 East 19th street WANTED Furniture of 8 or 10-room res idence in Nob Hill district; some cash and rest In payments or trade. Marshall FURNITURE 6-room cottage. $135; parties .awut, wij , uay, rent -iv. i4 uarri son. cor. 10th. Typewriters. $15 TO $65 will buy a Gill rebuilt type writer as rood as new- all mnUnt n iinnA from and workmanship guaranteed; terms w ouu; L-aidiuue uiauea on request. THE J. K. GILL COMPANY, 3d and Alder sts. Main S5O0, A 606S, WE save yon from 50 to 75 per cent an all lUKKLes or typewriters, send for our Illus trated folder : retail rionnrtTn rt xx- hid .tv SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash. st. 1 1PE WRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. i uiv -i xi v t, 1 1 IrBi VV IvlTtK CO., 263 Stark St. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut lates. tf. d. j. co., 231 Stark. Main 1407 Livestock. 25 HEAD grade Holsteln heifers, all black and white, well marked, bred to registered jioistein duii; be fresh in 30 to f0 days, W. S. Johnson, Route 1, Box DS5, Port land. Or. FOR a good fresh cow. 5 salloriH nr Hav guaranteed, at bargain. Call at Red Front stable, Oregon Citv. MlsceUstneou s. FIVE second-hand roll-top, 2 stools, 3 flat top, 2 bookkeepers' desks, 0 rotary chairs, 8 arm chairs, l T. w hbIt n ukiau 1 60-inch mahogany roll-top desk and timir. iiusnong & Co., ul Park st. 1X1W.1H IV-, o.l-a.mj billiard and pocket tables, built and refinlshed. completely equipped, at prices from $10O unward ? lihrai tarm The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 46 in Bt. rnone main 70S, A 1709. COMPLETE steam service table, gas range nu uuiie urns, ior smau careteria, com plete set American Law Encyclopedia, new, good condition. Main 1114 or Wdl. VISIBLE T Y PE WRITERS rented three inonins Tor delivered. Convenient at home. 244 Stark su Phones Main 0273. SAFES Mosler Safe Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy, terms; safes opened and repaired; bargains In second-hand safes. ii'f a-st. hnone Main 767t. THREE second-hand roll-top desks at $12, -i ana io; Bargains, ivt st. POTATO SEED for sale. Call at 221 Mor rlson st. We have 85 sacks. WSLL-ROTTED HORSE AND COW- MA NURE. PHONE EAST 4206. $65 BUYS a fine diamond ring. 320 Lum ber Exchange bldg. ROTTED COW MANURE. East 4S2. B 2246. NATIONAL cash registers. Get my prices. r r . o. i w asn., Dnsement. Main .Ott FILM-DEVELOPING plant, camera, printer, etc. inquire oi; cocic exenange bitig ONE kitchen range at ISth st bargain. Apply 166 OFFICE furniture, bargain, seven pieces. an or part. oi oemng; plug. WE sell anything. Room 2, Worcester bldg Ko fakes Apply Ingram Co, OTICE! Classified advertisements, to receive proper classification in, the next day's issue of The Oregonian, must be in The Oregonian office before 10 o'clock at night, except Saturday. Closing hour for Sunday Oregonian will be 9 o'clock Saturday night. Business office of The Oregonian will be open until 10 o'clock at night, as usual, and all classified advertisements for the next day's issue received too late for proper classification will be run under heading "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFiV' FOB SALE Miscellaneous. GROCERY store fixtures for sale, counters. neiving, iceoox, electric coiree mill, meat slicer, computing scales, cash register, coal oil tank, 3 counter showcases, cheese cutter, delivery auto; also groceries and canned goods, at wholesale, either case lots or broken. East 28th 32 Larrabee st. -CARAT blue steel, perfect diamond, 14- carat 5eisner mounting; cneap ior casn. B 3309. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE People's Institute appeals to Its xrient.s ana tne housewives ot Portland for the baby buggies and furniture that you are not using and do not need. We especially need beds, new springs and bedding. Phone Main 1S71. S. H. BARGER, THE AUCTIONEER, will auction your furniture or what not at your residence for you or will pay highest cash prices for same. We sell at Barger Auction House, 36S E. Morrison st.. at auction prices at any time. E. 1022. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., Front st., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174, or Main 1H72. Our buyer calls promptly. WE BUY STOCKS OF MERCHANDISE. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. NEW OR SECOND HAND. WE PAY THE BEST CASH PRICES. THE FAIR DEAL. MAIN 922", A 3263, "FURNITURE WANTED." We want $1000 worth of second-hand furniture at once; will pay top-notch price. Williams Ave. Fur. Exchange. East 636. WE pay highest cash prices for second-hand Diuiara ana pocnet taoies. i ne uruns-wick-Balke-Col!ender Co., 46 Dth St. Phone Main 769, A 1769. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest cash prices paid for ladles' and gents' castof f clothing and shoes. Call Main 9263. 204 3d st. The reliable buyer. WE buy for cash, second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms ; registers guaranteed. W. J. Macauley, 354 Burnslde. Main 3316, A 1816. WANTKD SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. Highest prices paid for eecond-hand clothes. 316 1st st. Main 1383, A 3681. WANTED A donkey engine, most any size: win pay casn ana mar net value. J ot i, Oregonian. 1 WANTED A victrola, new style; state age. gonlan. WE want to buy furniture for 22 iroomi. Koom J 16.j 3d st., corner AAorrison. Phone Main 945. 2D-HAND FURNITURE, ETC.. WANTED. Don't give it away; get our figures first. Standard Fur Co., 1S2 1st. Main 4773. DO not eel or give away any of your fur niture berore you can the Bell Auction Home, 191 2d st. Marshall 4783. WE want $10,00 worth of second-hand fur- nnure; nignest prices paid. Kenwood itiS-. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary ea'ity parlors, 4W Dekum blag. WANT to buy roll-top desk at bargain. A a in j 43 W orcester. NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonaoie. Main out, a ttuo. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for M.ny Rina ot iurniture. wain eyoi. HIGHEST prices paid for rifles, she t guns. cameras, riocnieia. bd mi St., cor Joucn. READY cash for furniture. See us first. 121 brand ave. East 1562. 1 HELP WANTED MALE, INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) If 1 pay you $5 for employment membership I will have only $13 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ- ment membership, you will have the Y. M. C. A. with all its resources, between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less thau a week, he had satisfactory employment. Record for 1912: Calls for men from employers 2635 Positions filled 1941 Special employment membership ruar- antees member will secure employment or membership fee will be refunded. Gives two months full privileges, including use of gymnasium, swimming pool, bath, etc.. and 10 months" social or house privileges, including the services of the employment department lor the entire year. All young men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin ists, carpenters, millworkers, or in other skilled lines are cordially invited to con sult with the secretary of the advisory and employment departments. WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bodied, un married men between ages of 18 and 36, citizens of United States of good charac ter and temperate habits, 'who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to recruiting officer. Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak ats.. Port land, Or. BOOKKEEPER For sawmill ofTlce, located Rmall town on coast; must have thorough knowled pe of bookkeeping and experience in lumber manufacturing office details, do ing cargo and rail business. S 669, Ore gonian. WANTED Plasterer to take lot as part payment for work; good proposition for the rit?ht man. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO., 418 Corbett Bldg. WANTED Immediately, scalesman, not over 40 years old, of good address, bright and active; must be 11 v wire. THE FIRM THAT DOES THINGS. 203 Piatt Bldg. HAVE A GOOD 71RE Insurance business ; want partner with a good real estate list; no money. V 640, Oregonian. CASH advanced you weekly selling out hardy, guaranteed stock; excellent terri tory: hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. STENOGRAPH ER For sawmill office In a coast town, experienced in cargo manifest ing and general office work. AE 673, Oregonian. REPRESENTATIVES wan,ted for fast-selling home and office necessities ; easy to sell and handle; big prollts. Write. Dens more Mfg. Co., box 11S0, Spokane, Wash. WANTED Men to write health and acci dent Insurance. Oregon Surety & Casualty Co., 801 Board of Trade bldg. SALESMAN, clean-cut, wide-awake, for city work on A No. 1 proposition. Call 9-10. Room 736 Morgan bldg. WANTED You np lawyer; excellent oppor tunity to eaiaDiisn practice. w ti, ore gonian. FRONT ST. house wants office boy, 13 to 17 years; apply in own handwriting. L 6S4. Oregonian. WANTED Saddle makers, must be good mechanics. The S. C. Gallup Saddlery Co., Puebio, Colo. WANTED First-class saddlemakers; steady employment. Great West Saddlery Co., Calgary, Canada. FIRST-CLASS experienced pants presser wanted: no other need apply. McDonald & Collett, tailors, 2S9 Wash. st. WANTED Dentist, good all-around man, good salary. B 653, Oregonian. FIRE Insurance solicitor to sell at cut rales P CS3. Oregonian. PHOTO coupon : best offered ; beauty con test started. Cutberth Studio. Dekum blg. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 266 First Bl. LIVE photo solicitors; good money, new proposition. Mooro etuaio, LlKs bldgf MR. REGER, please call at 473 Main st. iwharo you wero last Saturday evening. HELP WANTED MALF.. SEAMLESS BRASS AND COPPER TUBING SALESMAN At once, for Portland and vicinity. One who has had experience in this line, who knows the trade in this territory, who can get the business, and who can furnish A-l references. This mitrht also interest commission men. who represent other metal products, and who have an established trade. When replying give complete experience, age and salary last received. Address AV 783, Oregonian. WANTED Bright, energetic boys, ages 10 to 18 ; good opportunity for advancement. Apply superintendent's office, 6th floor, be tween 'J and 10 A. M. Meier & Frank Co. PHOTO AGENT, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony Studio, Royal bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADY solicitors wanted in every town to sell the Leona three-in-one garments com bining corset cover, skirt and drawers; patented: it Is a pleasant way to make money; no experience necessary. We will show you how. Leona Garment Co., 242 Main st.. La Crosse, Wis. WANTED EXPERIENCED DRAPERY SALESWOMAN; good salary to one who Is competent to fill tho position; must have had practical experience In drapery lines. Apply superintendent's office, 6th floor, between 9 and 10 A. M. Meier & Frank Co. THE HOLTZ STORE requires the services of an experienced lady clerk for delicates sen dept. ; short hours and good pay for rlht party. Apply 8 to 10 A. M. to Supt. The Holtz Store. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and general housework; foreigner preferred; permanent; good waes. Apply Friday. 34a 32d t. N.. Willamette Heights. WANTED Lady under 45 to travel, salary, commission, railroad fare. Write O. A Dunn, 601 Metropolitan bldg., St. Louis, Missouri vv tit nave a piace ior a reliable worn fair education who Is free to trave organize mothers clubs. Phone 20th tury Self-Culture Association. Main an of and FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay while learning; position guaranteed. 4U0 414 Dekum bldg., Sanitary Parlors. WANTED A girl for general housework. Call after 11 A. M.. Z.iO N. 24th St.. be tween Lovejoy and Marshall. A YOUNG lady pianist, sight reader wil ling worker. F. W. Woolworth Co., 88 Washington st. LADIES to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers, $25 to $50 per week; railroad fare paia. pis swetiana bldg. call mornings. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, Washington bldg., 270 H Washington, room 35, near 4th. phone Main 8636 or A 3266. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., 609 Roth child bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED Experienced German cook, pri vate family; wages $40. St. Louis Agency. Main 2U39. WANTED Capable girl to eo to Hood River. general housework in small family. Phone au-a. 6i Kearney st. STENOGRAPHER Must have experience In general lumoer otrice details and know edge of bookkeeping. AE 670, Oregpnian. each week or in 2 days of each week. WANTED Girl for general housework; ex kci 'cin-u. vijpij' i i j aiuiinoma 11 st COMPETENT girl for general housework, o -o o-u, w iiiamene i-ieignts GIRL wanted for general housework ant . ij '-"-'v limine. iiv rjani Jim i . GENERAL housework girl; good plain cook 735 Gllsan. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and house work; 2 people, nice room. 705 Everett st. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for two men in country, ran at uiyde Hotel, room 222. REFINED girl to assist in the home. 341 Jiiast oxst, near jnawtnorne ave. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. t . u jjovejoy St., cor. 2 1st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Man and wife to assist In small rooming-nouse in exchange ior room and board. Marshall 682. FISK Teachers' Aeency secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4835. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade in 8 weeks; pays you while learning; tools free; tuition reduced this term; extra instructors; years in business, position guaranteed ; special Inducements to lauies. aa Aiaaison st. 252 2d St. . , , . .,a - kaiuwai man ciern examination February 21. Parcel post requires" more clerks Salary $900 to $1700. Act quickly and at once. Pacific States School, McKay bldg city. MOLER Barber College -will teach you quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you while learning, furnish tools free. Write for free catalogue, A. 48 2d st. North. PORTLAND . railway mall clerk examina tions, Feb. 21; commence $75 month; sam ple questions free; apply Immediately. AV 7S4, Oregonian. GOVERNMENT jobs open to men, women; big pay; write, list positions available. Franklin Institute, dept. 340J, Rochester, N. Y. WOMEN Get Government jobs; big pay. Write for list of positions available. Frank Iln Institute, Dept. 690-J, Rochester, N. Y. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual Instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258. to operate moving pictures ; full course taueht; operators earn $i5 to $35 weekly. 393 Oak st. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work; earn money while learning. The Hair Bazaar. Majestic Theater bldg.. Wash, and Park. LOCOMOTIVE firemen brakemen" wages nbout $100; experience unnecessary; send age, stamp. Railway, care Oregonian. SHORTHAND and bookkeeping courses; short, rapid, thorough. E. B. U., 629 Wor cester block. Marshall 2751. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING. $5 PER MONTH 93 11TH ST. EXP. TEACHER. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITTNGr$5PERMO 263 14TH ST M EXP. IXSTRL'C'X. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE; Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERIENCED timekeeeper ihd paymas ter desires position; best of references V 675 Oregonian, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED Position as bookkeeper or office man by energetic, accurate man ; eight years experience and good references ; must get to work at once. Phone East 2iXU. R 67S, Oregonian-. GOOD man will take a poor place until the other good ma.n goes on a vataiioa; cleri cal work, assistant in shipping, time keeper, gen. mdse., in or out of city; sat isfactory reference. AG 603, Oregonian. WILL AUDIT, OPEN," CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements. Install systems. Gillingham, auditor, 414 Lewis bldg. Marsnal! 717. Miscellaneous. COMPOSITOR, one of the best job primers of East, expert on commercial uesigns, catalogues, magazine advertisements, young, ambitious, sober, steady, rapid, wishes to locate with Portland Ann. K 6t7, Oregonian. X LIKE to plant 30 acres potatoes; must 1 find the man who he can to furnish me stock, land and expenses. I will take Interest from the crop above the ex penses. AD 649. Oregonian. YOUNG attorney wishes position with llrm where ability counts; will take charge oi collections department; had some practice. It 674, Oregonian. CAPABLE and live farmer wants position as working manager on farm; stock pre ferred; references to suit the most par tlcular. AG 634, Oregonian. ALASKAN wants general lines to carry up north ; experience In clothing, groceries, shoes, cigars ; commission basis only ; rel erencea. A V 775, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, 27, sober, wants permanent position with some business firm; no pre vious experience, but willing to work and learn; good references. M til4, Oregonian. BARITONE singer wants position in motion picture show ; can furnish fine piano player. Eastern Ore. or Wash, preferred; otners write AV S12, Oregonian. YOUNG man going to high school wishes to work a few hours day or night for room and board; best of references and not afraid of work. P 70S. Oregonian. JAPANEE3 boy wants a position as school boy who will do good cooking; also gen eral housework. K. &. S. Cafe, 24i Burnslde st. JAPANESE man and wife want position in private family, man as cook, woman as second girl; good references. Address AV 776, Oregonian. AS manager or assistant, general store, small town or country, experienced, capable, re liable; references. Write AV 810. Orego nian. HAVE manager lumber yard; can give good references; will work in or out of town. All 647, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced clothier. In or out of town ; can give best of references. AH 04S, Oregonian. COOK and waiter wants position la city or in country, near city. AF 649, Orego nian. YOUNG man, chauffeur, willing to do any thing; ' trustworthy; excellent reference. John Filch er, general delivery. EXPERIENCED garage helper or chauffeur desires position in country or city. AF 64S, Oregonian. CARPENTER, foreman, wants position, day or contract. J. B. Young, 49th st, and 60th ave. Southeast. DRIVER would like a position "tor auto or repair work; can furnish good references. AH 677, Oregonian. GOOD all-around cook wants position ; ex perienced, sober and reliable. Main G694. Room 55. Brown. A YOUNG Japanese wants a position as nousewor; gooa experience. V 67, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED hotel man and wife would like to manage country hotel on salary or partnership. T 676, Oregonian. YOUNG man of 20. sober, reliable, wishes position chauffeur; good at repairing. E 676, Oregonian. HIGH-GRADE salesman seeks salaried po sition ; business-getter, with credentials. V 674, Oregonian. CARPENTER First-class finisher, day or contract. w aiaer, u ja iioyt. iiarsnaii JAPANESE, trustworthy, wants work In hotel or apartment; small wages ; speaks ingusn perxectiy. i esj, oregonian. SCHOOLBOY want easy work. Church, Main O301. BARTENDER wants situation; married, and good city relerenccs. K 703, Oregonian. lOL'NG Japanese wants situation for school boy In family. D 682, Oregonian. BOY, 16, wants work, any kind. M 675, Ore. gonian. PRACTICAL tailor and cuttr desires posi tion; modest salary. AL 68, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. CAPABLE office woman, expert stenograph er, uuuersianas pooKKeeping. aesires po fcitlon: best local references. Address P t DO, oregonian. Al BOOKKEEPER and stenographer with wide commercta I experience; best refer ences; salary $75. AP 695, Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer, accurate and dependable, six years' experience, pood ed ucation, desires permanent or substitute position. Main 6630. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper y anil steno grapher desires position. Call between 1 HHU O O ClOCK. A 2&oO. CAPABLE stenographer wants position ; 5 ars' experience; law preferred. Phone COMPETENT stenographer, permanent or temporary position; references. Marshall 34 11. Al STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper de- tires position, g o. o 70, Oregonian. Dressmakers. PRACTICAL dressmaker wants work at nome or Dy day. Fancy gowns and tail ored suits to order. References. Irs. Summers, 26 Page Apts. E. 3229. " "WOMAN wants tewing by the day; reason able wages. Phone Marshall 1S74, room 200. FOR short time, tailor suits $15, one-piece dresses, $6 up; work guaranteed. Main 7710. ELEGANT costumes, designing, expert re modeling, tailoring, perfect fit guaran teed. Woodlawn 3492. LADIES and gents, bring all your dress and suit troubles to room 3, 163 13th st. I repair everything. SEWING, darning and mending by the day. Phone Sell wood 1952. ONE-PIECE dresses made in one day at your home; references. Main 5773, A 3281. THE latest creations In gowns and suits, made from $1Q. Marshall 0170. FINE embroidery and millinery made to order; very reasonablo. Phone E. 6736. WANTED Sewing, by dayl Tabor 2851. Nurses. PRACTICAL maternity nurse wishes po sition. Phone M. 2452. Mrs. White. PRACTICAL nurse. Mrs. Munce. 310 E. 73d North. Montavilla. WANTED Position as nursegirl or compan ion. Tabor 2182. Housekeeper). REFINED widow, competent housekeeper, wishes position In refined widower's home or for single men; reference. AP 693, Oregonian. COMPETENT, respectable, not afraid to work ; wish position as housekeeper in lirst-class hotel. Call Marshall 2740, room COLORED woman with child year old will keep house for an elderly person or cou ple that work during the day. Phone Woodlawn 3395 before noon. HOUSEKEEPER ; experienced, reliable woman; references; wishes position, hotel, rooming-house. Marshall 4925. EXPERIENCED housekeeper, good cook, . wants position, widower's home preferred! Main 7 12S. REFINED widow desires position as house keeper in respectable widower's home. Main 60G2. WIDOW with baby ten months old wishes position as housekeeper or cook In small camp. Box 193, Linnton, Or. REFINED woman desires position as house, keeper for widower or bachelor. Phone Marshall 4176. KL t-'INED lady wishes position In respecta ble widower's home, r t76, Oregonian. Domestics. EXPERIENCED girl wants housework, sleep home nights. AH 646, Oregonian. CAPABLE lady wishes day work. Main 2039. LADY wants general housework. Main 4140. Miscellaneous. YOUNG girl wishes to assist with house work; not experienced in cooking; $18. Call Main 2161, betwene 10 and 6. WANTED By lady day work, cleaning or anything. 5306 Lake st. Main 6342. YOUNG girl wants second work or be nurse girl. Call 112 East 45th Ft. STRONG, mlddie-afcd Irish woman, pantry work or help In kitchen. Main 2039. DAY work by good worker. Phone Main 4394. ALL-AROUND country printer wants steady position. A. C. Gleason. Forest Grove, Or. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work Fri. and Sat.; references. Woodlawn 16117 LADY wants day; work Phono East 6634. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous WANTED Position as saleslady in cloak and suit department; can do any kind of store work equally as remunerative. 1 6y9, Oregonian. NEAT, experienced woman desires position, waitress, kitchen helper, housework. Maiu 2033. WIDOW, with 8-year girl, wishes house work. Maiu 33-4. 730 4th St.; or general work. NEAT, capable, ml ddle-aged woman wants work in restaurant, dining-room or kitch en. Phone Wood lawn 2632. CAPABLE woman warns work; home nights Woodlawn 3389 pr K 6S6, Oregonian. GOOD cashier wishes position; also good P ianlst. Marshall 5924. LACE CURTAINS, draperies, linens, laun dered by expert; called for. Tabor 317. WOMAN wants 2 or 3 days a week house cleaning. Woodlawn 3193. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WE want unfurnished bungalows in Haw thorne district to rent; we have constant call, especially for those having furnace. We want IO houses on the West Side: must be absolutely first-class in every re I spect ana snouiu navq garage; people wait ing for houses worth $50 and over per month. F. K. CLARK COMPANY, Title & Trust bldg. Main 5423. A 7617. WANTED 5 -8-room house or bungalow to rent; must be in good locality. P. E. Lamar. 502-3 Lumbermens bldg. WE can rent your furnished house. Portland nentai jaureau. 31am 1403. Apartmeats. WANTED By elderly widow with daughter (employed), 2 or 3 modern rooms or apts. partly furnished in exchanee for nlain sewing or housework for all or part of 1 , irvinRion or noiiaaay Aaa it ion pre ferred; references given. N 675, Oregonian. HAVE renters for furnished fiats, close In. f. r-. Lamar, ou-'-a Lnmoermens bldg. WANTED Unfurnished room, light house keeping; private family. Main 7947. Rooms With Board. YOUNG couple desires room and board la KtrlftlXT npivfltA Om!lv rwaatm Kl t -,- land or Willamette Heights. AN 671, Ore gonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Roomw. RATES, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY. HOTEL WASHINGTON, Formerly called Annex Hotel. WASHINGTON ST., COR. 12TH. Family hotel, 150 rooms, European plan; absolutely fireproof building, modern and clean in every respect; hot and cold run ning water, both telephones in every room; ladles' parlor, large bathroom, ladies toilet and gentlemen's toilet, tiled floor, well ventilated, on each floor; large parlor off main lobby. , CHAS. H. ROWLEY, MANAGER. PORTLAND. OR. HOTEL WEAVER, 710 Washington St. Under new management: large, pleas ant rooms, private phone and bath with each; extra large closets; large, comfort able reception parlor; rates most reason able. Telephone Maiu 8051. HOTEL ROWLAND, HOTEL MINOOK, , 207 4th. 213 Hs 4th. SPECIAL WINTER RATES. Nicely furnished rooms; homelike, re spectable, clean and modern; hot and cold water, private baths; Winter rates. $3 per week and up, special attention given to tourists; give us a call; you will like it, for you get your money's worth and then some. HOTEL FOsD. 735 Washington Street. Corner Lucretla Place. Under new management; large, pleasant rooms; phone In every room; 30 private 1 " J . it.asnnoie. aiain -ii. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. i!0th and Washing ton sts.; elegantly located, new and mod ern, outside rooms; well heated, quiet and homelike, .for transient or permanent guests, 4,2.00 wk. up; private bath, S5 wk up. FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned, shower oaths, ciuo fariiities; special rates at cafeteria. Cor ner tith and Taylor sts. HOTEL MADRAS. Centrally located on Washington at 12th Ft., hot and cold water and phones; $:t weekly and up; very attractive prices to permanent guests. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and East Belmont Rooms, $12 month up, $22.50 up with private bath ; large, pleasant lobby, absolutely a respectable hotel. East 323, HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh St.; new, modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably furnished; transients solicited HOTEL ANSONIA 124 14th st., corner Washington; nicely furnished rooms, strictlv modern rates $3..0 week and up. Marshall 1470. HOTEL FRANKLIN, 468 Washington st.. cor. 13 th. 5c per day and up; weekly $3 and up; nath, phone, steam heat. STAN DISH HOTEL. R48H Washington St.. off 18th. Hot and cold water, steam heat, free baths; rates $2.50 wk. up. M. 3603, A 7534. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Nicely furnished modern rooms, $2.50 a week up: a few dainty housekeeping rooms. 123 14th st. YOUNG man rooming at Y. M. C. A. wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire Y. M. C. A., 6th and Taylor. THE LARRABEE. 227 H Larrabee Rooms $2 week up; brick building, steam heat, hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL ARTHUR, 11 th and Y amhlll ; every modern conven lence; rate 54 week and up. Main 41iJ6. HOTEL CORDOVA. 2G0 11TH ST. Strictly modern; private baths; en suite, rooms $3.541 up. Main 9472, A 4783. HOTEL JOYCE, 270 4TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, day or week. PRINCESS HOTEL, East Burnslde; strictly inoaern, low rates, rnone E 171. FnrnlHhed Rooms In Private Families. THREE or four furnished rooms in delight ful modern home, reasonablo. walking distance, home privileges. 3S1 16th. Main 78S8. LARGE front-room suite, steam heat, hot and cold water, bath, etc.; new furniture. 128 14.th St., Just off Washington; rent $14.50. TWO nice rooms, bath and furnace heat, easy walking distance, $1 and $12 per month; men preferred. 190 13th St.. near Yamhill. NICELY furnished large sunny room, strict ly modern, very warm, $10 per month. 332 Ifarrlson. TWO nicely furnished, steam-heated front rooms, bath, phone, for rent singly or en suite. 403 12th. Marshall 5676. FRONT room, running water, also single room, reasonable. 715 Hoyt. Marshall PLEASANT, comfortable room; will furnish to suit one or two business people; rea sonable rent. 715 Hoyt st. LARGE, clean, nicely furnished front room, heat and light, 4 blocks from postoffice; rent reasonable. 265 0th st. COM PORTABLE' room, heat, phone, bath; $; per month. 468 Taylor, near 33th. NEWLY furnished rooms in steam-heated house. Main 9287. LARGE neatly furnished outside room. 831 Mill St., bet 6th and 7th. NICELY furnished front room with alcove, private family. 84 W. Park st. LARGS room, light, airy; running water, heat, electric light, bath. 850 Madison. NICE furnished room, suitable for two, $15 or one $10. 592 2d st. WELL-FURNISH ED bedroom, $ij per month. 311 Main at SiNOLK sleeping room, phone, light and bath. 'J'2 13th st. FURNISHED rooms for rent. 367 10th St.. cor. Mill. Phone Main 395S. Rooms AYith Board. ONE newly and elegantly furnished front room and two meals dally In private boarding-house; all home comforts; rates very reasonable. 181 17th St., corner Yamhill. THE WHITEHALL. 253 0TH ST. A residential hotel ; large sun porch ; rooms with or without baths; home cook ing: table board a specialty. WELL furnished front room, steam heat, electric light and free phone; special rates to permanent guests. The Colonial, 165 10th st. BUS IN ESS women and students will find pood boarl and room $4 and $4.50 week - Portland Women's Union, 5IO Flanders. THE HAZEL Now changed to family hoe.: special rates; strictlv home tJokiiiK. Pj 3d st. Phono Main 7P94. ' THE M ANITOU, 261 13th Steam heated; good table, home privileges. Main 11R4. 452 MORRISON, corner 13th; neat, at tractive rooms; board optional. Main 2097. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14 th and Jefferson Sts. An exclusive residential hotel, attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. - Main 92S3, A 662S. PARKVIEW HOTEL, 3SR Montgomery st.. at West Park Mod ern conveniences ; rooms with or without bath ; excel lent table service ; reasonable rates for regular and transient guests. Rooms With Board In Private Families. BOARD and room in private boarding-house; beautifully v furnished rooms, brass beds, etc, one with fireplace, bay windows, ex cellent table, choice location, attractive home, only 6 minutes to business district, phone, electric lights, usa of parlor and piano. 811 11th st. Phone Marshall 2003. FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Fu rials hTd rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria. Cor ner 6th and Taylor sts. NICE, large room with, bay window over looking park; suitable for 2 business gen. .tlemen or ladies; room is warm; separata beds and dressers; excellent home cooking; references exchanged. Marshall 5757. BEAUTIFUL furnished room suitable for 3, with board, piano and home comforts; also young man wishes roommate. 191 11th st. Main 63S1. YOUNG lady can have a nice furnished front room, with home privileges; break fast if desired; reasonable. 171 Union ave. North. Phone East 5648. NICELY furnished room with board for one cr two; every modern convenience, use of piano, etc.; hot and cold water in room; very close in. Main 4504. PLEASANT room, good board; walking dis tance; $5 week; gentleman preferred. East 4240. VERY pleasant room, with board; furnace heat, electric lights; walking distance; best home cooking; reasonable. Main 32-S0. COMFORTABLE room, reasonable; neat, phone, home privileges; board optional. BOARD and room for one, nice home com forts, room. walking distance, $18.50 month. 320 Weidler. V car. BOARD with room for men; exclusive Nob Hill district. Phone Main C316. Mrs. Raleigh, 735 Everett st. CONGENIAL young lady wishes roommate; good board, piano, home privileges, rea sonable. liU utrf. Main 63S1. ROOM and board, S32 10th st. Walking distance. Main 6979. A 2S65. BOARD and room. 473 Main Bt! between 13th and 14th. J20 FRONT rooms, single or double, mod ern conveniences. 88 17th, near Everett. MODERN furnished room in private family. boa-d if desired. Phone East 2305. ON E or two children to board. Mrs. Nellie Slavln, 1176 Belmont st. NICELY furnished room with board, be-t-veen 11th and 12th. 427 Clay. EXCELLENT table board for $5 a week. 31 1 llth st. Marshall 2003. Furnished Apartments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN m HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments, from 2 to 5 rooms, from $20 to $55 per month. If you want, one, telephone Main 2015. Sundays, or A 2U15 Evenings call Mr. Balden, Marshall 2200. Our automobile will call at any address with our agent, who will be glad to show these apartments. References required. We own or control the following; Cecelia, 22d and Gllsan sts. Clay pool, 1 1 th and Clay sts. Columbia, llth and Columbia. Ford ham, 170 Ford. Hanihorn, 215 llith St., near Main. Knickerbocker. 410 Harrison, near llth. Hanover, 165 King st., near Wash. Orderieigh. S2 Grand ave. St. Clair. 170 St. Clair St.. near Wash. St. Francis, 21st and Hoyt sts. Wellington, 16th and Everett sts. MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BOICE, S13-S21 Morgan Bldg. STRANGER. TRAVELER. Do you want a cosy home while in. Port land? Daily, weekly or monthly rates. You will always find comfort, conveni ence and courteous treatment, and be close to the center of the city at tho W HEEL DO N ANNEX. , 10TH AND SALMON STS. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, 49-57 Trinity Place. The finest apartments on the Pacific Coast, with every modern convenience, apartments furnished and unfurnished ; terms reasonable; references required; fur nished bachelor quarters with clubroom. Manager, Marshall 1101. SERE NEC O URT! East First and Multnomah Sts. Tho most up-to-date 2 and 3-room fur nished apartment-house; each suite has two disappearing beds and two dressinK rooms; all outside rooms ; roof garden and sun parlor. Phone East 1426. THE BARKER, cor. 2lst and Irving Fur nished and unfurnished apartments in 2, 3 and 4 rooms, four story , brick; electric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks; plenty of closet room ; individual both and toilet, vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2961. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia, 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished; etrictly modern and new; references; close walking distance; service first-class. . THE UPSHUR. 26th and Upshur sts. Fur nished 2-room apts.. $15, $18 up; steam heat, hot and cold water in every apart ment; public bath, electric lights. gas ranges, laundry-room, all free. Take "S." 23d or "W" car north. Phone Main 3523. VILLA ST. CLAIR. 12 th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden In connection. Walking distance. References. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. Corner Park and Taylor. Best location in the city; a cosy home; well furnished, in 2, 3 and 4-room suites: first-class service. NEW YORK APTS. Newly furnished, very central, 2 and 3 rooms; larpre kitchen, baths, heat, light and both phones : $ IO to $25 per month : also sleeping-rooms. East 7 th and Belmont. GR AND EST A. FTast St:irk and Orsnd ave. New building : nicely furnished ; privata phone and baths. automatic elevator; moderate prices ; walking distance. Phone East 20S. THE WlN'StON, 341 14th St.. at Market. New two nnd three-room apartments, completely furnished : walk ing distance ; prices reasonable. Phone Mam 1739. SEE the Overton Apartments Furnished and unfurnished; cheapest and best in the city; private phone, bath, and electric ele vator; no insid rooms; new manager. Take "W" car. 273 21st and Overton. THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS. East 7th and Morrison sts. Very central ; 2 and S-room apartments, furnished com pletely, private baths; room $20 to $21.50. CUMBERLAND, W. Park and Columbia st. 1 beautifully furnished 3-room front apt., choice location, pnly 5 minutes walk from business center; references. " M AD I S ON PA RK A PA RTMENTS, Park st.. at Madison. Modem 8 and 4-room furnished apart ments; rates reasonable. THE AVALON, nearest to Union Depot of East Side apartments, 3 and 4-room, steam heated, private bath and phone. East 1967. 2S5 Ross st. THE DAVENPORT. 505 Jefferson st. Sin gle rooms, eteam heat, hot and cold water, phene and electric lights. THE PTANFTKTJb7 New 2-room apts. ; llpht and gas In cluded; $15 up. 204 Porter st. Main 732. THE DEZENDORF, 20S 16th. near Taylor. Main 475. 5-room furnished and nnf urnished apts. THE FLORENCE 3P8 lit h Sroom f ron t apt., completely furnished. baby grand piano, sewing machine, $40. " BUENA VISTA, 12th anf! Harrison 2 and 3-room apart ments: be.t service. Apply on premises. TWO sunny outside nicely furnished house keeping rooms; phone, etc., $18. 867 E. Washington St., cor. 2Sth. IN ALT parts of th city. Portland Rennl Bnronu. S02 Broadway bldtr. Main 0493. KEARNEY APTS.. K rooms, nlc-tv furnished. l!K-ht. airy. Apply Janitor. 672- Kearney. DRICKSTON. 443 llth. choice S-room apart ment : 2 Holmes beds. Marshall 57. KING DAVT S APTS., 54 NKlng 3 and 4-' room, hie-h-class; references. Main 2058. H" ER MENTA. 40HalI. 2 and 8 rooms; mod ern. Main 6444. UnfuniiHbed Apartments. WELLINGTON' COfRT. 15th and Everett Two, three and four-room apartments from 20 to 527. riO; easy walking distance. Marshall 1245. GRACE APTS.. 24th and N'orthmp sts.; 5 lar rooms, front veranda and sleeping porch. harilwood floors, water. heat, phone: strictly modern: unfurnished. AMKRIfAV PKALTY COMPANT. American A IJarlhorniiitli. 4 nnd 5- rornni. central. Mir. S.160. Main T516. A -.7rt. ' KflEI.KR APARTMENTS" UTH AND CLAY STREETS. Or? of our best 4-room front corner suites, unfurnished; references. ROSE FRIEND Cor. Broadway and Jeffer son ; elegant unfurnished apartment; first-class service; private phone 1 ras