THE MORNING m?Fr.nTA. TTTTTT? ST A "V .TVTTiPr oo mii . ' - - - jl A K LAND BOARD SPLITS Ofj IRRIGATION PLAN State Treasurer, Engineer and Governor Divided in Hope less Fashion. MR. LEWIS TO TAKE STUMP Official Issues Statement Telling Why. lie Voted Against Motion' of Sir. AVest Amendment Be fore People Supported. HALEM, Or., Jan. 21. (Special.) The action of the State Desert Land Hoard In declining to approve a pro posal of Governor West providing that he north canal unit of the Central Oregon Irrigation Company's project he irrigated by state and Federal co operation indicates that the board is hopelessly divided and that there will fce war henceforth. Btate Treasurer Kay has always oeen opposed to the state reclaiming land; Governor West has favored appropria tions by the Legislature, as in the Tumalo project, for the work, and .Vtate Engineer Lewis has been an ad vocate of a constitutional amendment providing for the issuance of state bonds to raise money for irrigating lands, the work to be done by state and Federal co-operation, except where there is a moral obligation to the settlers, as In the Tumalo case. Mr. Lewis has made a study of con ditions in this state and, If necessary, will advocate the bond proposition on the stump In the coming campaign. That Governor West will defend the Plan suggested by him to reclaim the north canal unit goes without saying and State Treasurer Kay, who will be a candidate for re-election, is certain to make a fight against irrigation of public lands with state money. He will insist, as he indicated at the meet ing yesterday, that the "Federal Gov ernment irrigate lands In this state as it is doing in other stated" Mr, Lewis made the following statement today regarding bis position: Measure to Be Voted. "I voted against Governor West's motion to oo-operate with the United States In the construction of the north canal unit of the Central Oregon Irri gation Company's project, for the rea son that he refused to specify that state funds should be raised through the sale of state bonds, rather than by direct taxation. "At the last session of the Legisla ture a constitutional amendment was submitted for vote of the people, pro viding for the loaning of the state's credit to the extent of 2 per cent of the assessed valuation, for the construction of irrigation and power projects and for the development of the cut-over and other untilled lands of the state. This amendment will be voted upon in November of this year. "I am opposed to the construction of local projects through 'direct taxation of all the people, but am strongly in favor of the abovo constitutional amendment and the adoption of a com prehensive reclamation programme in co-operation with the Secretary of the Interior, whereby all large projects in the state can ultimately be constructed as rapidly as transportation and other conditions warrant. "The state and National Irrigation authorities should co-operate rather than work at cross-purposes as in the past. The entire reclamation fund In vested in Oregon would not Irrigate one-half of the 4.000,000 acres succep tlble of reclamation, besides most of this land is now In large private hold ings. Fund for Vacant Lauds, "The United States reclamation fund Is primarily intended for vacant public lands. Therefore our meager dry farm population will continue to haul water many miles for stock and domestic purposes, and future growth be limited, unless we assist In financing such de velopment. Through co-operation with a stable and experienced organization which has on the whole made good, the usual difficulties due to frequent changes in -state policy for political reasons can be overcome and safety of tate funds assured. "If some plan for utilizing the su perior credit of the United States could be worked out funds could be secured at about 3 per cent interest, and an an nual payment by the entryman of 4 per cent of the construction charge should in 50 years repay both principal and interest, as 1 per cent with S per cent compound Interest will in such time pay off the principal. "If the people fail to approve the plan of issuing state bonds in Novem ber, then we" should urge the United States to take over and complete the North canal unit, as the lands are al most exclusively property of the United States." M. HART IS WITNESS COUSTT COMMISSIONER THEM GOES TO HOSPITAL FOR OPERATION. Official Telia Grand Jury of Alleged Effort to Bribe Htm When Inter, state Bridge Contract Was Up. Before going to the hospital yester day for an operation. County Commis sioner Hart went before the grand Jury and toldhis story about the ef forts to bribe him in connection with the choice of a designing and consult ing engineer for the construction of the new Columbia Elver Interstate bridge. District Attorney Evans said he was not prepared to continue the Investigation today, but would do so next week, as he wants the Inquiry into the alleged attempted bribery dis posed of by the grand Jury now In session. "There are a number of witnessess I expect to call before this investiga tion is concluded, but I prefer not to Bivo out their names." he said yes terday. "Mr. Hart's story is worth the most thorough investigation, and we shall not drop the matter until we have Inquired into every possible phase of trie matter. We owe this Investigation to the interstate bridge commission ajid to Multnomah and Clarke County. Though Mr. Evans has a number of witnesses he expects to call and some documentary evidence to submit to the jury, he said yesterdav that he did not know how far the inquiry would go, it oeingr necessary to determine that by the developments. During the interim between meetings of the interstate bridge commission at which the selection of a designing en gineer was under discussion. Commis sioner Hart reported that he was id- proached by representatives of three of me competing firms, two of them of fering him J1000 and the third llKnn for his vote. The commission finally chose Waddell & Harrington for the po sition, tar. Hart has refused to dl- PORTLAND ABSTKACTS OF TITLE. PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable prices. Pacific Title & Trust Co., 7 Cham, of Com. ACOOK1HON PLEATING. K. KT&PHAN Hemstitching and scalloping;, accord. Bide pleat, buttons covered, goods ponged ; mail orders. 3S3 Alder. M. U373. ASSAVEKS AND ANALYSTS. GILBERT & H ALL successors WeUa A Co. "! to 613 couch bids-. 10 4th. M. 7150 MONTANA ASSAY' OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing works. 142 t- ATTOKNEYS. J. It. GKKD.NFILLD General practice, ab stracts, contracts, collections, injuries, etc. Removed to new offices. 707. 70S, 70U Selling bids. Consultation free. WM. M. LAFOIXCK. Counsellor-at-law. 220 Falling; bids;. WM. J. ENGLISH, removed to 601 North western Bank bids. Marshall 4641. BOAT 111 IIJli.MI. O. P. GRAHAM Boat building and repair ing, Marine ways, foot Abernethy st. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST HUG CO. Hum fronj older pets, rag rugs. 1S8 East 8th. Both phones. CKLLILOIU UUT10X8. UADGES. THE 1RWIN-HODSON COMPANY. B2 5th afc Phone Main 812 and A 1254. CHIROPODIST. William. Estelle and William. Jr.. Deveney, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 8ua Uerllnger bldg., s. w. corner 2d and Aider. Phone Main 1301. BR. FLETCHER, aseptic chiropodist and foot specialist, treats all Ills of the foot without pain; 24 years' experience; lady assistant. 3 Alisky bldg. Mala 878a. CHIROPODY and tinillniirin. M r XT r 11111. Offloes, 429 Fliedner bl'dg. Main 34731 DR. and Mrs. Fletcher, painless chiropodists, over the Hazelwood. Main 3713, A 612B. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M'MAHON 121 4th and .176 Williams avo. Two offices. Lady attendants, 18 ad- Justmenta, $io. Mala 205. East 6ti28. CLliAMXi; ANI PRESSING. suits for rent; we press on aui; each week for $1.5 per month. UNIQUE TAILORING (TO., 809 Btark. bet. 6th and 6th. Main 1114 COAL. HIAWATHA" Utah hard coal, preferred by Government, guaranteed bv mine agent. Kdlefaen. 208 Stark st. Phone East B03. COAL, AND WOOD. KNIGHT coal has no equal; a clean, hard-qulok-flring long-burning Utah coal. Al blna Fuel Co., sole agents. FOR FIRST-CLASS DRY SLABWOOD CALL, 350 NORTH 16TH. Main 644. t'OI.LKCTIONS- ACCOUNTS, notes. Judgments collected. Adopt Short Methods." Short Adjust ment Co., sos Lewis bldg. Main 803. OOLLECTION AGENCY. NETH A CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1798. No collection, no charge. DANCING. PROF. WAL WILSON School Lessons 23c; waltz, two-step, three-step, atage dancing taught, morning, afternoon and evening; guarantee to teach anyone who walks how to dance. 85 V4 5th st., between stark and Oak sis. Phone Main 7637. Mr. and Mrs. Heath's school, 109 id at., bet. Waah. and Stark, and Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Lessons daily; waits and two-step guaranteed in 4 lessons; classes Mon. and Frl. aves.. 8 to 10. at 100 2d st. RINOLER Dancing Academy, new location, Hth off Wash.; latest society dances; 5 teachers; class and private. Main S3S0. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Mitchell. Luvia 4c Staver Co.. Morrison and 2d, it. M. Wade & Co.. 822-36 Hawthorne ave. ARCHlTECTCItAL WIRE & IRONWORKS. Portland Wiro & Iron Wke.. 2d & Columbia. AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. pUBRTJILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 200 2d St. AUTOMOBILES. Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Co., Morrison and 2d. AUTO LA.Ml'8 AND RADIATOR REPAIRING. PORTLAND AUTO LAMP CO.. 510 Alder St. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WlilUHT. 7th and Oak sts. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage A Omnibus Transfer, Park & Davis. ' BARBER SUPPLIES. T.f wls-gtenger Barber Supply Co., lOth-Mor. BICYCLES. MOTORCYCLES ft SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT, 7th and Oak sts. POPE F. P. Keenan Co.. 110 4th street. BREAD BATkEKY. Royal Bakery & Conf., Inc., 11th and Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. nEXRt WE1NH ARD. 13th an d Burnslde. C A RRIAGE WORK! TORTLAKD CARRIAGE WKS., BODIFS. WHKK1.S KPRTriM 10U North Fourth street. Jvrw Main 9338. j's,'- CASCAKA DARK AND GRAPE ROOT. KAHN BROS.. 191 FRONT ST. CEMENT. LIME AND PLASTER. F. T. Crowe & Co. 45 Fourth street. COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES. CLOS3BT & Dl-rVEKS, 1-11 N. Front St. DIES AND SHEET METAL STAMPING. WESTERN Tool Die Works. 206 Pine at. HOTELS AND A ROOM AND PRIVATE BATH, A ROOM. AND BATH PRIVILEGE, Sl.SO. 32, S2.SO Per Day. SI, SI. 50, 82 Per Day. SAME KATE FOB ONE OR TWO PERSONS IN A ROOM. WEEKLY AND MONTHLY RATES ARE REASONABLE Figure Up your room rent and carfare, then get our prioe for a desirable room both tele phones, hot and cold running water, clothes closet, steam heat 'and a fire proof hotel, modern and clean In every respect. 'Bus meets trains and boats. Hotel ? aslbington Motel Cornelius THE HOUSE OF WELCOME PARK AND ALDER STS, PORTLAND, OR. In the-theater and shopping district, one block from any carline. Rates $1.00 per day and np. With bath. $1.50 per day and up. Take our Brown Auto 'Bus. C. W. Cornelius, President - H. E. Fletcher, Manager A Permanent Home The utmost in comfort, in service, in locality, in environments coupled with the utmost in economy are available at the 1 1th, Just Off Washington vulge the names of the men who ap proached him. but exonerates the Kansas City firm which was selected. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marrlsfre Licenses. DTER-LAtGHLIN Edward J. Dyer city. S4, and Ethel I.aushlln, city 25. HANNA-HADDAT 3eorKe Hanna. city, 25, and Feeney Haddat, city, 23. LAWS-WOOLLEY Samuel M. Laws, city 2J, and Ruth O. Woollev, city, 21. HOWARD-MEADE John E Howard city, legul, and Helen T. L. Meade, city, legal. KRIEDMAN-ROBISON I. Friedman, city legal, and Bessie Roblson. city, legal. OlBSON-tHLI.ETTE William A. Gibson, city, 33, and Alfa Gillette, city, . k SOKOLICH-GEBAC Domlnlck Sokollch city. :10, and Lena Oebac, citv, 20. MORTON-WILKINSON Harley E. Mor ton, Bandon. Or., S2. and Hazel R. Wilkin son, city; 22. LUND-KIMBROTTGH Samuel Lnnd Wei ser. Idaho, 20. and Grace E. Kimbroueh city, 23. FABER-WOOLSET Peter Faber city 38, and Flossie Woolsey, city, 23. Births. IXGRAHAM To Mr. and Mrs. William B Ingraham, 151 S Mississippi avenue. Decem ber 29. a daughter. WOOD To Mr. and Mrs. Dave R Wood. 1809 Hamlin street, January 14, a daughter BSRKEY To Mr. and Mrs. William Hen- BUSINESS DIRECTORY DRAFTING. PATENT AND COMMERCIAL DRAFTING. WM. C. BCHM1TT. 603 Henry bdg. M. 1285. DENTISTS. DR. A W. KEENB, Majestlo Theater bldg., 861 H Washington St. Mar. 81105. ELEt'TRle MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electrio Co.. 81 First tt. North. Phone Main 8210. WE buy, sell rent and exchange new and second-hand motors; repair work a spe clalty. Western Electric Works, 213 6th. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. HAN LEY' Employment Agency. 28 Second su North. Main 727, A 2290. p. J. Hanley, prop. Res. phones, Kast 109, C 3027. EYE. EAR, NO.-K AND THRO AX. Treatments by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday, 617 Dakum bL. 8d & Wash. EIRE INSCRAXC1K. LET OWEN SUMMERS write your fire in surance. 833 Morgan bldg. Main 8429. rOONUBV AND MACHINE SHOPS. PHOENIX Iron Works, East 8d and Haw thorne. Gttueral machine and foundry work. HOCBB MOVING. A. D. MOOD1E, 103 E. Water si. East 8826 Latest improved machinery . fop handling heavy bodies. Brick, buildings a specialty. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL, SUPPLIES: develop ing, printing and enlarging. BLUMAUEK PHOTO SUPPLY CO., 346 Washington st. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. NOW is the best time to prune your fruit trees, roses, shrubbery) have it done by experts. Zimmerman Bros. Tlgard. Or. Main SH31. LEATHER AND FINDING. J. A. STROWBRLDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 18a Front at. MACHINERY. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co.. Portland. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY ME'SENQKR CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 63. A 2153. MCLTiGRArirrNO. CRANE LETTER CO., multigraphlng, ad dressing, mailing. 305 Northwest bldg. Marshall 6S22. MtTSICAL. EMU, THIELHORN, violin teacher; pupil ' iicuner piqg. A 41DU, Alar. low. T. E. LAWSON. piano studio, 42214 Morrison. Main 6459. Special attention given children. VIOLIN lessons given at Tour home at con venient hours. Phone East 4421. NATUROPATHIC PHTSICIAN8. Dr. Grover, specialist In paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 504 Oregonlan bid. M.8142 . OPTICIANS. " A FIGHT on high prices. Whv nav SR. CIA , pair of glasses when I can quality lenses, gold filled frames, as low as $1.60 Goodman, 191 Morrison St., near bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 308 Morgan bldg., cor. Broadway and Washington st. Office phone. Main 349; residence, East 1028. PATENT ATTORNEYS. T. J. GEI8LER. Atty. at Law, 603-4 Henry bldg. Wm. a. Schmltt, Engineer and draftsman. Main 1285. R. C. WRIGHT 23 years' practice, U. S. and foreign patents. 6oo Dekum bldg. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS , DRY GOODS. FtEISCnXBR-MAflH & CO., COT Ash St. . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Etubbs Electrical Co., 6th ana Pine sts. f,SH' OYSTERS AND ICE. MAtARKEK & CO., Inc., 149 Front street. FLOl'R MILLS. CROWN MILLS, Board of Trade bldr. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co.. Front and Marshall. BALFOUR-GUTHRIE & CO., Park and Oak. H. M. HOL'SER. Board of Trade bldg. THE W- A GORDON CO., Board of Trade. GROCERIES. WADHAM3 fk CO.. 6U-75 4th St. HAIR GOODS. DIAMOND HAIR WORKS, "WHOLESALE. 303-4 PANAMA BLDG. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO.. WHOLESALE ONLY. 411 DEKUl BLPQ. HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 53-56 Front St. HAY. J. H. Klosterman & Co.. leading hay dealers. HIDES. FELTS, WOOL AND FURS. KAHN BROS., lul Front street. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East Ud and Burnaida sts. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS. Complete stock of BEAMS, ANGLES, CHANNELS. PLATES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L. MASTICK CO., 74 Front; leather of every description, taps. mfg. findings. RESORTS. Washington St. Corner 1 2th St. PORTLAND, OR. th. II. Ron ley. Mgr. Nortonia Hotel Sol Due Hot Springs Motel . In the Heart of the Olympics. For descriptive literature, address the Manager. Sol Due, Clallam County. Washington. ry Berkey, 435 Patton Road, January 2 a daughter. 6PI.XN-IMG To Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson Spinning;. 250 East ThIrty-aecond street, January 6. a daughter. Grants Pass to Expert Books. GRANTS PASS,' Or.. Jan. 3. (Spe cial.) Grants Pass city books are to he experted. R. "W. Clarke, manager of the Oregon California Power Com pany, Is the expert accountant who will have charge of the matter. No action upon this matter has been taken by tha Council but a petition has been circu lated and the salary of the accountant pledged by citizens, in case the Coun cil should not act favorably upon grant ing his salary. PATENT ATTORNEYS. U. 9. AND foreign patents obtained by Peter naoerun, ivt cnam. ot iom. Portland: Victor bldg., Washington, D. C. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, lata of U- B. Patent Office. 1010 B. of T. bldg. PHYSICIANS. FOR $1 a month we pay your hospital, doc tor and drug bills, call and investigate. 803 Selling bldg. Northwest Hoip. Assn. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and offlce near 24th and York. its. Main 8489. RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS, 831 Wash, st, phones Main 710 and A2T10. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY, 92 6th st. Phones Main 312, A 1254. SEWING MACHINES. Machines of all makes, new and 2d-hand, for sale rented and repaired. M. B431, Sewing Machine Emporium, ISO 3d st., nr. Yamhill SHOWCASES. BANK STOKK I I XT I'RKS. FOR reasonable price see Western Fixtures sz anowcasa t;o., 48 N. 10th St. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new and old window display and cabinet work. SHEET METAL. OREGON SHEET Metal Works, 146 Front st. Tanks, stacks, re-tinning, hottl, restaurant and boat work. A 2146, Main 2140. SHRUB B E MY AND TREES. OREGON NURSERY CO.; 1200 acres of choice nursery block; walnuts specialized. 64 East 12th at. North. Phone E. 4080. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van Storage Co., cor. 15th jvenrney bib., jusi completed new fire proof warehouse for hntisRhnM flffurtiL pianos and automobiles; contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano room, trunk and rug vaults; track age for carload shipments; vans for mov- iiir, reauoea ireignt rates on nousenoia goods to and from East in through can. Main 6640. all departments. EILF.HS MUSIC HOUSE piano storage warehouses, the only place especially built for the proper storage and handling of pianos; storage, cartage, boxing and ship ping of pianos; tuning pianos, polishing pianos, all at lowest rates: e-uaranteed work by proven experts. Ellers Music .nouse, '.i:crs bldg., Hroadway at Alder. Phone Main 66,15 or A S350. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables: N. W. cor. 2d and Pino sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestlo and roreign ports. Mln 61)8, A 296. . .. MERCHANDISE WAREHOUSE. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., -18th and Everett sts. on terminal tracVs General transfer tnil fripwurrltn nti We operate the only exclusive merchan- oiae warenouse In city. Main 708, A 2214. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 GUsan St., cor. 18th. Telephone Main 60 or A 1189. General transfer and forwarding agents. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on termtnal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in the city. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO." general transfer and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. Teams and auto vans for long-distance moving. 87-89 Front St. Main 647 or A2247. C. C. Yett & Son, 208 Alder. Marshall 289, East 8842 Furniture, pianos moved and packed for shipment and storage: general transferring; 1 month's free storage. PORTLAND AUTO DEL. Co.. drayage and storage; furniture moving end p aching. 27 No. Front. Marshall 17S0, A 6769. TRUSSES. EXPERT TRUSS FITTING at tba Laosw Davis Drug Co.. 8d and Yamhill. LOGGING MACHINERY". V". -B. MALLORY 4 CO., 231 Pine St. ,. LUBRICATING OILS. Balfour, Guthrie & Co.. park and Oak. ' MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., 88 Fifth st. MILLINERY. BRAPSHAW BROS.. Morrison and Tth sts. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIReT Portland Wire & Iron win., 2d Columbia. T.T.,PA,JfT8 AJD WALL PAPER. i. ' loll Jjirsi St. W. P. FULLER A CO., 12th and Davla. 11 PK Il IlTTIVna A-jw I- a i- . - .... M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-80 Front St. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTES at CO.. 1ST AND OAK STS. PKOnirr' ,-uii. .. . . .... . . . . . . EVEP.DING & FARRELL, 140 Front St. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. Kl vn Awn f . . . . COLUMBIA DIGGER CO., Foot Ankeny at. BAUU ..,..... . . . . . - . W. P. FILLER A CO.. 18th and Davis fi A UTUI w w a a-iwa PORTLAND Iron Worka, Uth and Northrup. UATi A 1"s-k " aTrx 1 w'CZ - . . . COLUMBrA8L-PFLY'"co..TO MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 280 2d St. n.ri?ni a-vtv. ....... Portland wire & Iron Wks.. 2d & Columbia. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFF-ICE NO, 320 l!MO. AVENUE. CORNER MARKET STREET. Phone East 1423, B 2515. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Open day and night ACCTXOX SALE TOBAI At -Wilson's Auction House.. 169-8 First st. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At Baker's Auction House, 166-168 Park st. Furniture, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. MEETING NOTICE3. Alt KADER TEMPLE. A. A O. N. M. S. Stated ses sion Saturday, Jan. 24, at 8 P. M., Masonlo Temple, West Park and Tamhlu sto. Visit ing nobles cordially Invited. By order of the potentate. HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 114. A F. AND A M. Special com munication this (Thursday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Labor in the M. M. de- klns will confer the degree. Visiting breth ren welcome. By order W. M. BHED L. OLSON, Secretary. OREGON COMMANDER Y, K. T. Special Thursday even ing at 7:30, order of the Tern- ie. jjriu and rehearsal at :3U. Pnrlnra nnan fpnn. Sir Knights are requested to make use of PIED. ECKLTTND In this city, January 21, John Ecklund. at his late residence, 265 B. 15th st., aged 46 years. Notice of funeral ucre&xier. QUARNBERG Bertha C, Portland Sanita rium. Milwaukle, January 21. Interment, Vancouver, Wash. ITKEBAL NOTICIiaV. HOLLABAUGH Jan. 20. A. M. T7r,llnh.T, aged 78 years 6 months. Funeral will take place from the residence. 32S Grant st.. Friday. Jan. 23. at 8:30 A, M. Services at St. Lawrence Church, cor. 8d and Sher man, v o ciock. r rienas respectfully in vited. Interment Mt Calvary Cemetery. JORGENSEN January 41. at the family . .iiutni-L, Atiitctauu riato, on VOtn St.. between Section and Base Line roads Ernest, son of Mr. and Mrs. C7hrlt iti Jorgensen. Funeral services at above res idence Thursday, January 22, at 2 P. M Interment Multnomah Cemetery. JXTCHEMICH The funeral services of the late Herbert A. Juchemlch will be held today .(Thursday) at 1 o'clock P. M at the residence establishment of J P Fin-' ley & Son. Montgomery at 6th. Friends invited. HA SKIN'S Funeral services of the late Rob ert M. Haskins will be held at the under taking parlors of P. L Lerch. East 6th and Alder sts., at 3 P. M. today. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Scott Park Ceme- A ' - . . XV rtii KJAlb. i J J og Kal e. 11 uuff. . I I 11th ud MnrHmn I -.1 x n..r .1 1111 ji HIM I III isuu '"-'1 I HEILIG Main 1 and A 112 4SES0 Tonight 8:15 Special Frlce Matinee Saturday. AMERICA'S FAMOUS COMEDIENNE ii IRWIN In tha Comedy "With Musio "WIDOW BY PROXY" Evening's: Lower floor J3, $1.50; balcony fl, 75c, 50c. Special Price Sat. Mat.: Lower floor $1.60: baloony $1, 75o 60a. SEATS KQW SELLING. ALL NEXT WEEK, BEGIN MONDAY. Bargain Matinees Wed., Thurs.. FrL Louisa- M. Alcott's Play "LITTLE WOMEN" Eve. and Sat. Mat. $1.60 to 50 o. Bargain Mat. Wed., Thura, FrL $1. 75c. 50a. J 6c BOX OFFICE SALE TOMORROW BAKER 5ATEK A 0SB eo. L. Baker. MrT. The Baker Players. Tonight, all week. Mat, '-- Auvui.i ota Bucgoii, Ante u oroes celebrated comedy, "THE TRAVELING BAXEBMAN." By author of "The Chorus Lady." A real adventure in tha life of a commercial drum mer. Full of genuine comedy, thrills and love Interest. Evening prices 25c. 3Bc. 6O0. T5o Mat.. 5c. coo. Next week "The Woman in the Csw.' Matinee Dally. Mala S, A lOtX WXTEK JAN. 19 Eddie Leonard assisted by Mabel Russell, .Willa Holt Wakefield, Dr. Carl Herman, McCormack Jt Irvine, Claude and Fannie Usher, Nelnon and Nelson, Cole man's European Novelty, World'a Events, Orchestra. Bid JIM. Danrlna- Rear. MAURICE IRIiDMAM CO, "Tony and the Htork." ClIARI.Kr C. 1IKKW St CO. "Mr. l-'lynn from lynn." WILLIAMS WARNER. FROST1CK, HTJ.MK THOMAS. ft. i Broadway, at Alder. The Pollard Opera Company In "A Million aire For a Dftj" ; Gertrude Forbes ft Co., Roche and Crawford, Kxeco and r'ox. The lie l-'orretita, l'sntuffscope, Orrhestra. Pop ular prices. Boxes and first row balcony re nerved. Phone A iZHB, Main- 463ii. Curtain ;30, 7:13 and 9:10. LYRIC FOURTH ANTJ STAKK blS. Return of the Old Favorite, El 8. ALLEN. Comedian. of the Prinress Musical Comedv Company. In 'ROSlNSIiI'9 DREAM." Tuesday night. Athletlo Contest; Thursday night, SO-pleoe dinner set for So; Friday night. Chorus Girls' Contest. Prices Nights, 15c, 25c. Mats., Any Seat lSe. Feature Wednesday to Sunday "THE RUNAWAY rKISCEfiS" Thanhauser Two-Reel Drama Featuring Maude Fealy. "The Sorority Initiation," Majestlo Drama, and "Whose Baby Are Tou7" Apollo Comedy. lOc ADMISSION 10c. FUNERAL NOTICES. BLACKWOOD In this city, January 21, at the residence. 81 10th at.. Mrs. Lucv Blank- wood, aged 62 years. Funeral from Hol- man's f uneral parlors at 8:30 A. M. today (Thursday). January 22; thence to the cathedral, ISth and Davis sts. Services at 9 A. M. Friends Invited. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. Please omit flowers. POWELL At the family residence, Powell Valley road and E. 82d St., January 20, Fidelia Powell, aged 5a years, widow of the late Perry Powell. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at 11 A. M. tomorrow (Friday), January 23. Inter ment Multnomah Cemetery. FUNERAL . DIRECTORS. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leading fn. neral director. 229 Third street, corner Sal mon. - Lady assistant. A 1311, Main 507. F. 8. DUNNrNO. INC. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East niurr BL. r.asc oz, 11 zaso. DUNNTNfl M'ENTEE. funeral directors. ..u . in. ruuuD 1 it 1 11 3u. Laar at tendant. Office of County Coroner. SKEttES O'DERTAKrNG COMPANY, 8d aad Clay. Main 4158, A 2321. Lady attendant. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK. Containing; 38.1 Acres. Portland' Only Modern Perpetaal-Care Cemetery. Kefinrd, Pleanlnor Service. Complete Perfect Equipment. Prlcea and Terms Heaaonablc Roth Telephones. NEW TODAT. Mortgage Loans 6, TO 7 H. E. M00NEY Main 210. Room 421 Falllaa; BH, E.Third and Madison Sts. Corner, 100x100 feet, served by 200 feet of trackage. Excellent location for warehouse or wholesale business. Price and terms on application. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 404 "Wilcox Building Phone M. 8699, A 2653 Loans On Improved Portland real estate. FIDELITY REALTY A MORTGAGE! CO, 604 Piatt bldsr. Wawhlng-toa and Park. Mortgage Loans Current Ratea. ROBERTSON, & EWING 31Q Falling Bldg. CITY & FARM LOANS - $1000 andup at lowest' rates. ZADOW & FARMER 414 Corbett Bids, A 1410, Mars kail 92, I II r 1 $&?f Matinee Dally. Any Seat, 15c. f REST bllO W I IN TOWN J ynpttrmn-Thompson- n 4 ACRES IN HOPS, sacrificed at s, sacrificed at VJ va $1250 cash; tl year. See Mr. j ibuu, out must nave nrnrlitprl ilfliut Initl v . -. r V . .-vicLjaniei. WILL EXCHANGE 20 to 50 acres i in hlifh state of cultivation, Wll-vl lametia valley, rignt pear town, ror I clear city property. Bee Mr. llewey. M 3 p-t' W 200 CAHH. rtoso City Park bun- A ralow; 6 r., fully modern, hardwood J q floors, light fixtures, window shades; B p auuu. bc air. roster. I ' L WHEAT LAND that will pay lOfi; alfalfa land; stock and dairy ranches and small farms for sala or exchange. No Inflated values. See Mr. Hulae. J BUILDING LOTS. 90x100 corner . 60XIU0 corner 750; Rosa City 1 Park, close to car 10 cash, with second mtgr privileges. Call quickly. 50 PER ACRE i 40 acres. !! culti vated, 17 miles from Vancouver. Wash., near school and stores, black son, wen iencea. Bee Mr. Rottrbough. ROSE CITY PARK HOME; 6 r.. Just completed, all modern convenl- nces, handy to car; think of it. my 2.1uu; furnace. See Mr. StahU HllTlinwr Tit a TTIiiltfTTiTirilTITsTTlT BARGAIN GRAND AVE. CORNER For Sale or Exchange PRICE $13,000 This property is well located, some in come, .and listed at a very low figure. The above is but one of the many at tractive properties offered for sale or exchange by us at prices which will appeal to the most conservative. Inside Property Dealers Ground Ploor Henry Building LAURELHURST Beautiful New Homea and High, Sightly Build inn Bltea For Sala on eaay tarma in th finest, most highly developed close-in residence park in the city. Being located in the very heart of the East Bide residence district, with best of car service and sur rounding Laurelhurat Park, the peer of all natural scenic parks In the world. Phone for our Auto. Main 15uft or A IMS, and let ua show you around. PAUL C. MCBPHY, 6ala agent. 270 14 Stark Stiwt. Tnurt Of fice K. 89th and GUsan Sts. Tabor S4SS. West Side Snap Two-story hotel building- of 76 rooms. In first-class condition and rented to responsible tenants, paying: 8 per cent on price: 100x100 corner in the north part of the city near new public docks; vacant quarters all around are held at $35,000. Price of this property $30,000; one-half cash; $15,000 below value for quick sale. Gnussi noi.DS, 81 Board of Trade. Mala 74T.2, A 4401. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CEONAN 03 Samldii- Hllc. Portlaad. O. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved City Property Current Hates No ConuuliMloss WM, M ACM ASTER. 701 Corbett Bids. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BECK, William G., ai5-31tt Falling bids. BENEDICT liROS. tBurrell Heights) 030 Hawthorns ave., cor. :ilst. Tabor 616. Jennings & Co., Main 18S. 208 Oregonlan. PALMEK-JONES CO., H. I'.. 4O4-405-404 Wilcox bldg. SEAL ESTATE. 1'or Sale -Lots. $700 FOR A HALF ACRE IS minutes' car ride, west biue, do fare; on a pleca of ground like this you can raise ail your -vegetables, berries, chickens, etc, which means over nan your living; terma only $20 cash, balanca $10 per month. M. k Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. FOR SAL. EL Lota S3 and 84, block 14, Argyle Park, on &th St., near Sandy road. Look them up and mailt me a cash oiler quick. 018 Board ot Trade bldg. SOxllO-FT. LOTS, West Side, fine for a noma, lor only 3!U; $1U down, 15 per month; this is the best value In the city; if you are lookincr for a homesltA with . big future it will pay you to see this property. Al. is. bee, tsz corbett bldg. SNAP S425 CASH. COxlOO on Couch, near C2&; sidewalks ana euros bonaea COE H. M'KENZIEJ & CO., 727 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage; all locations, vlewB and prices. Marsnall 4t27. BROOKS. A3S3U. Every Customer la a Keferenca. HAWTHORNS LOT, $650. SO by 100. 50th and E. Ola v. l.ton ca.h IS months; of course, it Is the best snap yuu ever iie&ra 01. rrea w . Vjerman CO., 03'J Cham, of Com, FOR BALE Full residence lot. West Side, 12 minutes lrom Washington at., $560, terms, ovit -xitie g urust. Diag. 1HVINGTON corner, 100x100, 24th and Thompson; perfect Bite. Owner. 818 Cor bett bldg. FOR SALE Most choice Improved lot In Irvington, 50 or 55 by 100, $1000 cash. oaiunce terms. t ojz, oregonlan, TWO lots, 50x123 each, on 62d at.; 20O feet from Hawthorne carline; hearing fruit trees. $00 each; terms. 2932 o2d st. S. B. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 818 Abington Bldg. For Sale Beach Property. FOR SALE 4-room Summer home; Sum mer kitchen, outbuildings, 4 minutes walk to beach, $300. Mrs. M. L. Barrett, owner. Seaside, Or. For rale Hoosea, SPLENDID HOME. IKVIXOTnu Corner lot, 7 rooms, good basement; araga; $S:O0, worth $6500. East 273. w. H. HhKDMAX, 50 BUYS a dandy little bungalow two blocks from Multnomah station; easy terms. See owner, 612 Piatt bldg. LEAVING FOR CALIFORNIA. Will sacrifice my Irvington home. Mod ern, new, nine rooms, garage. East 374. MODERN 6-room bungalow, lot 50x100, an ideal home; best bargain in tho city. Phone Tabor 4976. BARGAIN. 8-ROOM bungalow in Rose City Park; price $3000. Phone East 2285. FOR SALE Lot and 2 -room house, $1000; . " iimmii, .twiie as rent. vj iiUtt. SMALL equity In 6-room bungalow, with NEW, modern, 9-roora house. In Laurel huxt Phona owaar. East S4&2, 1RVXNQTON DISTRICT. ONLY $2150. Just flnlshed, 6-room bungalow, reception hall, hardwood floors, tire place, nice electrio fixtures, modern plumbing, cabinet kitchen, full base ment with cement Hoor and laun dry trays; this is a littla gem for the money; In the Immediate vicin ity ara soma of the nicest homes In tha city. Exclusively for sale by W. A BARNES CO., 401-405 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sta. Main 2081. LET US FEATHER YOUR NEST. New 6-room modern bungalow, furnished complete with new furniture, fireplace, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, large, light bed rooms, bath, oak floors, cement basement, furnace, all rooms timed, electrio fixtures and shades furnished; lot 00x140, near school. It blocks to car, cement walks, curbs, graded streets, water, gas In and paid; Rose City Park district. $3300. $500 cash, balance to suit. Ask for Mr. Hoi sing ton. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., 2d Floor Selling Bldg.. 0th and Alder. Main 1800, A 62R1. MUST BE SOLD AND SOLD QUICK. DANDY BUNGALOW. MUST BE SOLD AND SOLD QUICK. New 5-room modern home, well built, full basement, laundry trays, ftrepluc?. buffet, all conveniences large porches. as and electricity; lot 00x114; only one block to Rose City Park cur; cement walks, grade and curbs are in. Price i $2M0; owner will accept any reasonable offer either for terms or for cash. yee laa. C. Logan, S15 Spalding bldg., Mar shall 274B. A S4SU. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW SNAP. Swell 8-room bungalow; furnace, all the latest built-in effects; 0 bedrooms, flue, wide porch on two sides of house; lot Is 100x120 and faces on three streets, on Vancouver ave. and Jessup. 1 block from KUlingswortb. This platje cost tne owner Jts5ul; our price for a short tlmo, $0bliu. on any reasonable terms. UKLSSI & HOLDS. 818 Board Trade Blug. Ma;n 7452, A 4401. $0200 New 7-room home. Just completed. cellent finish and workmanship; modern in every respect and all built-in conven iences; large corner lot; all street im provements in and Included In price; near school and Broadway car, Alameda Parh. For terms see Mr. Hnisington. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. 2d Floor Selling Bldg.. 6th and Alder. Main lsoo, A 6261. THAT VACANT LOT. "WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN- INTO INCOME ? WE WILL FURNISH TIKI MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OL K CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 824 ABINGTON BLDG. $2100 ALBERTA DISTRICT ,210O WU4 East 27th St., N. Brand new 6-room bungalow, standard plumbing electrio fixtures, elegant fire place, full basement with cement floor, built-in effects. All modern conveniences, rooms all tinted, the best buy in Portlaml today. Price $2150. Terms. Alberta car to 27th St., then one block south, owner there from 11 to S dally. TOTAL PRICE ONLY $550. New house and one lot. $50- cash and $16 per month. Including interest. Take Rose city Park car to 72d at. SEE AUSTIN, GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. NOW PAYING 8 PER CENT. 4-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, $1350. V, BLOCK TO CAR. This place is now rented and is a good buy for an invest ment, as well as a home; lot 60x100 ft., some nice fir trees in yard. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 212-21 Selling Bldg. A 6261. Main 1800. BUY THIS HOME. IT WILL SUIT YOU. Attractive, modern, eight rooms, beau tiful location, in heart ot Irvington; priced low. NELSOX BROS.. MAIN T591. 804 Lewis bldg. WE FURNISH THE MONEY AND PLANS TO SUIT AND BUILD YOUR HOME OR APARTMENTS; OUR ECO NOMICAL SYSTEM SAVES MONEY, TIMK AND ANNOYANCE: NO COMPOUND IN TEREST; LOWEST RATES. TAYLOR BUILDING CO.. 506 M'KAY BLDG. FURNISHED BUNGALOW, MODERN. $2500 4 rooms, right up to date; lot 60x125: close to new Jonesmore School; furniture good and practically new; $M) down, $20 monthly. Fred "W. German Co 082 Cham, of Com. CHEAP AT $150O. Six-room house, with bath, laundry trays, etc. ; lot 60x115, berries, flowers, cement walk; two blocks from Sell wood car. 20 minutes' ride; street improved; terms. 1241 Milwaukle at. DANDY 4-room modern house, well worth $1000. Will sell on terms to suit you or will take $4O0 or $500 in trade. Come in and look the house over and make me an offer. Somebody will get a good deal. SIS Board of Trade bldg. HOME FOR NEWLY-WEDS. $2000. Modern 6-room bungalow, Mt. Tabor carline, $2000, $250 cash, bal. terms; up to date and bran new; In a district witli a future; an ideal home. Fred W. Ger man Co., H32 Cham, of Com. DO YOU WANT A HOME? "We draw the plans, build the house, furnish the money; easy payments; low interest. If you want it GOOD, see ua. Butterworth -Stephen son Co., Couch bids. HERE'S A BARGAIN; $2500 $100. DOWN. Cosy bungalow with four large lots, commanding nplendld view; short ride to business section. AK B91, Oregonlan. LADD'S ADDITION. This modern 6-room house for sale at reasonable price; will consider lots not too far out as part payment. Phone East 4438. FOUR LOTS, GOOD HUM E. $2(KX). Make money and live riKht; fruit trees, garden, chicken-house and wire; $lvi cash. Easy terms. Tabor 2540. FOR SALE Private home, eight rooms, modern throughout. 25th and Overton sts $H,000, payable monthly. AN 608, Orego nlan. MODERN 6-room bungalow. Rose City Tark section, $f04 cash. $ZO month and Interest: other good homes. Purse & Co., sis Cham ber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL bungalow. In Rose City Park, with garage; corner lot, slxe 73x100. This place is worth $70O0, will sell foi $5300; part cash. phone East 2285. MODERN 6-room bungalow; improvements all in and paid for; $300 down, easy terms. Main h800. Local 68. Shepard. l or Sale A reage. 6 ACRES. V!60. flQ DOWN, $5 MONTH, buys 5 acres good, level land. 1 mile from railroad. betv.een Portland and Astoria. Also 10 acres on main line of railroad between Portland and Centralla, 1 miles from station; $300; $10 down, $5 month. This has a fine stream on it. Also 40 acres, near Castle Hock, $800: $20 down, $10 month; close to railroad station; 20 acres of this is creek bottom, with a beautiful trout stream through iu BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 212 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. $12.50 PER ACRE $1230 13,000 acres, genuine PARK land, G0O0 acres under cultivation, 90 per cent of balance high-class farm lands, located In Oregon's suocessful farming country, from 2 to 15 miles from towns and railway; a reasonable cash payment, with 5 years on, balance, will be considered; only bona fida purchasers need answer. Address AX 6&4, Oregonlan. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocka of station! chicken and fruit ranches near Portland: new subdivision near Gresham; S acrea $400. $.",oo, $7uti; s acres $500. $700: lt acres $750, $900, $1000 per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose, Or., $25 to $100 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO, 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. 1-ACRB tracts, near city, cleared. $380. 10-acre tracts, stump land, $20 per acre. 20 acres, chicken ranch, cleared, $40 per acre. 10 acrea fruit land, cleared, $75 per acre. Plenty of other bargains eTerywhere. P. E. LAMAR. 602-3 Lumbermen bldg. HAVE subdivided my Willamette Vallsy farm, one of the best on the Oregon Electric, into 0 and 10-acre tracts; deep rich loam, all in cultivation, level, near station, school, store; you buy direct from me on easy terma Full Information, my representative, 829 Chamber of Commerce. $700 FOR A H A LFA C R B 1 5 minutes' car ride. West Side. So fare; on a piece of ground like this you can raise all your vegetables, berries, chickens, etc, which means over half your living; terms only $20 cash, balance $10 per month. M. E. ijee, ouz tjoroett bldg. FOR SALE Improved acre at Garden Home: easy terms. S. L. N. GUman. 205 Piatt bldg. 12 ACRES set to full-bearing prunes, 1 mile to electric line and station; bargain. Owner. J., 34 E. 13th N. 80 ACRES, part beaverdam land, close to Portland, for quick sale $2500 cash ot might iv lime, 603 Oregonlaa bids.