THE ZMORNINQ OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1914. 17 FARMERS FIX PRICE peppers. There wa. also a, good supply of CLI1 IS RESUMED caui.riower. cabbage, radishes and parsley In addition to the California prod ucts. A shipment of tomatoes wag received from Orange County. California, and offered at S2.50 a crate. Tangerines were on the mar ket at J1.75 a box. Country demand for vegetables and fruits was heavy and taxed the shipping capacity of the street. STATEMENT OP CONDITION The Bank of California. National Ass"n San Francisco, Indudtog Its Branches in Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City, at Close of Business January 13, 1914. ASSETS Ixians and Discounts 09 fc,- qq-, Bank Premises (San Francisco and Branches) "lllS6!234"68 Other Real Estate 4S5 470 00 Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit SG-iVs J bundry Bonds and Stocks 4 5394 97 United States Bonds to Secure Circulation! . 5,'oi9,000.00 Other United States Bonds 85 000 00 Redemption Fund with U. S. Treasurer!!!!- 250,000.00 Cash and Sight Exchange 16,664,410.36 ' Wheat Sellers Force Market Up Another Cent. Wall-Street Stock Prices Again Advancing. BCTTER STEADS' AT KEW CUT PRICE City Creameries Quote Extra at 3S4 Cents. Eggs Are Mrm. The butter market was quoted about steady yesterday at the reduced price, and no further change In prices is expected this week. City creameries are now quoting best extras at 32 14 cents. This compares with quotations on corresponding dates In past year, as follows: 1913 , -q ? .::::::::::' :;; CLUB IS BOUGHT AT 87 NEW HIGH POINTS MADE Portland Gas & Coke Co, First and Refunding Gold Bonds Demand Is Xot Strong but la Suf ficient o InHnencc Market In quiries IVom California. AVcckly Grain Stutletics. Continued Absorption of Bonds at $ 1.00,000 5 Increased. Value Regarded aa One of Best Indications of Improvement in Situation. i 1910 1909 190S 1907 1906 1905 1 1909 190S T714 1907 . ;i ' 1906 r.i.. ................ -" . .:;o .32 '-j 190 The demand for wheat Is not strong, but " Is sufficient, under the clrcumKmcM. gradually to push prices to n higher level. Farmers rB steadily raisin tbelr asking prices and aro In a position to enforce their demands, as the dealer, must meet the sellers' views or do without the wheat. For club 7 cents was tld and paid yes terday, as lower otter, would not bo con sidered by holder.. Forty-fold was quoted t 11 hi cents and bluestera at cents. Thoro was Inquiry from California at coins prices. Buyer. In the South are prices up a little, but are till buying from hand to mouth. There will sooner or later bo a good trade In this "ut --arornlans are putting off their buying a. long as possible. It 1. clear PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain. Floor, Feed. Etc. now they will have to pay mora for the "vVTIEAT Track prices: Club, 87c; blue grain by waiting. No Oriental or other ex- Btm' B7c: ort-'-ola. red Russian port business was r.r.ort.,1 I 860 i valley. 87c Trad In th coarse rraln -1 1 -v. and In b&rlev nrl m . - - 'uk.iuu 10 sag. 5' rePta. In cars, were reported by cicnan ge as follows -Beaaon to data Whef uav-i. T..1 I straights, 14. OO; exports, S3.653.80: valle . . Jl 65 V1'-1 loar- - Hay ,4.60; graham. 'l4.8tN while wheat- t? 24 9 The Merchants' Exclisnir. v, . I ILLFEED Bran, 21.OuiSi22.0O per t( tstistics fonow: -xcUanG weekly wheat shorts. 4C.3.00 24.00; middlings. lj30 American visible sunnlv .... iJuhels. 'J 62. 4 91,000 ?, 66.824,000 Hi 4. 872. 000 42. 101. 000 J810 ...26.2S5.0O0 "09 46.S7S.00O J?0, 47.21S.OOO JJJ 44,730.000 Jsos 49,044, OflO VOS 38.U67.0uO Jan. la, Jan. 20, Jan. aa, Ian. i'S, Jan. 24, Jan. 25, Jan. 2 7, Jan. 2S, Jan. 29, Jan. SO, X"eire,:. I.S92.0OO 6S7.000 S. 238.000 z, -38, OOO I T icmons, sd.DU((F4.bu per 1.1 86.008 I box; pineapples. 7c per pound; bananas, 44c 197 (J OH I nor pound: lanrarinM 1 7X k . 1,839;000 729,000 42.000 4,000 increase. Quantities on passage For WE"J1 Wk End's Wk.Enfl'B For jan 17 Jan l0 Jan lg . , BUBheln. Bushels. Bushels. .,,,, u xo.viu.uuo 14.144,000 Tlal 83.480.OOO Zs.o79.oim. ooc World's shipments principal exporting countries (flour Included) i -Kn,d-S Wk.End'g -Wk.End'g ij V. i ' Jan. 18-13 Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. li.71 3.000 6.404.0O0 tiS ' - 5iJ-JJ? " . 2R8.0OO l.ssoiooo " ,Nr-ii J.oau.uoo 1,328,000 VTA 1.O16.000 . 1.96S.000 2.104.000 24S.O00 312,000 S96.000 From U.S. and Can. Argentina . -Australia .. Inmio Kussla India Ttal 14.945,000 12.94S.00O 10,976,000 Monas shipments, season to date Total Since Same Period July 1. 1913 Xjist Season. TT. P. and Canada. ArK-ntlna Australia J anube .......... JlUKNia ...... India .' Total .168.210.000 . . 21,r,92.00O . 21.748.000 . S3.8S4.O00 . Z5.142.000 Hnnhpls 136,839,000 34,316.000 13.495,000 38.173.000 b9, 643, 000 40.266,000 354. 099. 000 T ?m Foreign crop conditions are summarized by Broomhall aa follnvri- Uulted Kingdom The crop outlook la i.vuraoje. with the weather sea sonable. Supplies of native wheat are mod erata. France The outlook for the new crop is wnere damage was sus tained by vermin. Offerings r native yrheat are on a liberal scale, but much of the quality la defective, .necessitating re- ""w purchases of foreign. The weather Oermany The outlook for the crop Is aormal with the weather very cold and general snow protection. Offerings of na tive wheat are comngmim. India. United Provinces In the irrigated rea the crop is doing well, but holders are ' -ocks moderate. The weather 1 ,y continues cry. ltussla The crop position conUnues gen erally favorable. Arrivals at the ports are very small, owing to the Christmas holi days, which are being now celebrated The weather Is more seasonable, with plenty of snow. ' L Rumania and Bulgaria Some complaints oi irregular growth. Sup plies are large, and the weather cold, with parts unprotected. Hungary The weather is very cold, with moderate snow. Offerings are small. JIORE HOPS BOIOHT AT 23 CENTS Grants rass Section I. Practically Cleaned Out Activity la California, The week has opened up with a rush of business In the hop market and every prospect of continued activity Joe Harris bought two lots' at S3 cents to the grower, the crops of Bert Pelland. 6 bales, and Bernler Brothers. 9 bales, both at St. Paul. The Grants Pass section was practically cleaned out by the operations of Connoyer who secured everything there except one or two lots. His total purchases amounted Z . 815 bales- Tha prIc" !" - ported to be 21 cents. The Beardsdorf lot of 69 bale, at Hllls trlhcentra bUKht by " J- Ra Son No business wa. reported done In Western bashing-ton, but 21 V4 cents was freely offered there without effect i,Cftfnl,L W're rePrt continued activ ity In the Southern state. Among the sales f Sonoma, were 150 bales by C. A w LV: CenU' 140 b,es by E- BSett at 20?4 cent, and the Cunningham lot of ISO bale, at 20 cents. All the California dealers have orders. Wolf & Xetter secured 500 bale, of 1914 Bacramentos on contract at 15 cents. Last week there was a report of a big Sacramen to contract made at 14 cents, but It now develops that the yard on which the con tract was written has not yet been planted in fact, the orchard stumps have not been grubbed. A Saas letter estimated only 25 0O cwt. of hops unsold In that district and In other Austrian districts only 2000 cwt. Prices current there are 280 to 830 kronen, equal to 51.48 to GO. 66 conts a pound. SHIPMENTS OF POTATOES" IKCREASI-G One Hundred Cars Week Golns; Out of Valley. Potato shipments are Increasing, now averaging 100 cars a week out of the val ley. There is s good demand for 60 to S cent stock for Texas points, and a far demand for the best 85 to SO cent potatoes for the San Francisco and Los Angeles trade. The shipping demand for onions is likely to ease up this week, owing to the large shipments In the past week, but all offer ings, bo far, have been accepted and the market Is firm. BIG DAT FOB FEOXT STREET DEALERS Country and Clly Trade in Fruits and -s-nuira neavy. . ppim, 11.aua2.iiu: lemons. 12 to 3 so Front street produce 'dealers had a hi ii5?? Fancy ranch, 37c; store. 84o. has been . 1 .. " U"llc'-""cy """y. ZTfec; seconds day of It. It has been a inni Hm. so weu supplied with vege- 2614 c- tables, and practically all the truck of- I Potatoes Oregon Bnrbanks, 1.25150 fered waa first elasa. .1,. I River Delta whites. 75c?1.30: Sallnn. fered waa first, class. Among the receipts ullf. I'8lt, w,htte"' c1.30;' SailV were car each of celery, lettuce. l-.mhi were a car each of celery, lettuce, sweet potatoes sua oranges, and a mixed car CSbbasa and pnHftmir. r- n-v . -I Southern. BfS7p brought an assortment of artichokes. n?3e ? , Flour f.2.,0 quarters: barley. 12. spread Fenoh esrrots. eg, plntnd Zlu ?fcceat1': l". hay. 51 The ek-g market was In good shape. Ilo ceipts were not heavy and were entirely cleaned up. Candled eggs sold at 34 and 35 cents. Front street dealers held uncan dled eggs at 33 cents. Poultry and dressed meat receipts were light and Saturday's prices were repeated. Bank Clearing. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities Clearings. Port anfl c i ... Seattle 1,886,526 Tacoma .............. . 439 314 Spokane S12.314 Balances. S 20S .'id 1 148,704 111.377 136,156 OATS No. 1 white. J24.50L'5 per ton. CORN Whole, ta5; cracked, 136 per ton. BAKLBV Feed. :!48':i4.;;o per ton. irewlrg. 25.60. rolled, a K-T-Trt 13. ....... m . on . - . . . b.sulo, fi.ou per Dsrrai; uwsoa, s-s.uv; exports, S3.os3.80; valley iUi .nham 11 Rft- 1 , . . UA H A 7 1.1 , , , " a c.Lciu urflKon cimoinv. 1 . . .... . I 816.50: mixed tirnoth. 111 mi - ifaifa iu Vear ago. ..11997 1691 i-si TiH iiSi clover. S10; valley, araln hav. Ill MIS mts' Bxch,.,. v: I ..fe?iri,.'". 21.00 22.00. per ton; Fruits and Vegetables. Local Jobbing Quotations: TROPir1 AT. PUIHTC f , - - -" - - . . u vji mi nsen, f2.zCit2.Ti per box; lemons, $3.50SJ4.D0 per . . . ,i,io per dux; grape. fruit. California, $3.50; Florida, $4.75 5.75 VKGETABLES Cabbage, 224c per rtOlllltl- (.RTitlfl,.,... rt T- . ' , j.. .- amea; cu cumbers, $15(811.60 per dozen; eggplant, 10c per pound; peppers. So per pound; rad ishes, doc per dozen; head lettuce, per crate; garlic, 12a,15o per pound; sprouts, 10c per pound; artichokes S2 per dozen: AtiiiMilt 1 : . a.,'t - . " .,,1,,, nln, . ; i.iman, a.zd per crate; hothouse lettuce, 60&7ac per time Nnlno.h T . - . , -, . 1. ... per craifl. iKi-ii Apples. 75c$2.25 per box; grapes, Malagas. J7.S09 per keg; Em- DPmrH li nAP lr... .. I ; . . . . . . ' - ' ' -' " - P atiirvi 1 icb, 1WL.9U per barrel; pears. 1. 25 1.75. rir-vrr- a rsirtwrr-i . . . ruiAiuoo urrgon, ucfi.oo per hnn- points; sweet potatoes, $2.:0 per crate. - - - - avjaj x iiKt3 x urn i pa, a car rots, $X; paraiilps. $1; beets, $1 Dairy and Country Produce. J Local Jobbing Quotations: KGGS Ores: on fresh ranch fsnr dozen. POULTRY TTrtib IRfiien,. e lSc; turkeys, live. fit 22c: dressed choice. 25ij)27Hc; ducks. 1416c; reese, li 0 10. CHEESE nroirnn trlnUf. lri nominal; oung Americas, nominal. 4 1 creamery prints, extras. 30 !c pound; cubes, 27a28c per pound PORK Fancy. lOlOo per pound. VKALi Fancy, 14VC per pound. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SALMON" PDhimhla R I vat m IVJk J per dozen: half-pound flats, 1.0; one-pound flats, $2.45; AlasKa. pink, one-pound tails. 85c; allversldes. one-pounu tails. $1.25. 3?Tr?:YC.ho,ca' ?3!!53.75 per ease. NUTS Wnlntitn n .. of.001 flloerts. IBS'lSHc; almonds. 23 S?,Vrd:K.hot2",.B' 100 P Pound; hickSr, 27c " ' A'c pine, 17 H l BEANS 5rrtTl . e. . . . mi", ou: iiirrn wtiirs 4-aoc; Lima. O.soc; plnk. 4140- Mexican. oiac; Dayou, 5ic. SUGAK Fruit and berry. $4.00; Ronolulu powdered. h.rr,l. isi ' " no rl ' ln drums' 16932c per SALT Cranulaterl m aa . . . : f t . , uci (.uu : ! h 1 1 grounu. loos si ft ok .- ton. , itsvk --r: -J-""' -va- p rrades 7u. b .C"pani 55c: cheaper J.0"- P? 8lA" P io w currania- wc; - raisins, loose. Miisrntsil fl iz s T 1 . . . 1 I- . son. "L"L"cn . - - ' tjuHttims, o c ; seea- uo ir"' Perslan' 8iio per pouad: ounce".W,Xe?V, " "2? ... ,-. ' ' c-uucc. 91.0a; t it 4-ounce, s..ij, Smyrna, -lO-pound boxes, 20c Provisions. HAMS tf tn lO-r, .1 ,o .. . impound, xsdioor i. to is.'ir"!, 2c --.; .liuioara, rWW CAT T mmni. . --.. . ro, BaCOn, 18H20c JKD Tierce basis: Pure, 12 HO 18 de compound, lOKc ruro, i'ine, Oils. COAT. OTT. a T-TikT 1 1 . . .... A jq "Taw cases, GASOLTNTi! Ttnl la-. spirit, bulk. 16c ; cases, 23c C D" r,rSESiP OIIRaw. barrels. 61o; boiled, barrels. fiSn. i-.v aaA . . . . , : e8c . uuueu. cases. TURPgXTIXK In cases. 4a - gallon. Hops, Wool and TTId. HOPS 141S . . ffl9?- ,ou .1 "i""0 cnoice, PELTS rrv 1 - Hm, i . . . . shearlings, 10c; green shearlings. 10c; salted Ushts. 8075c; salted heavy. 75&alc! ,'tir"falted ,.hides- 12 p P"i: bulls. 80 per pound; sreen bulls. 7c 10 15c 'w"c; "n Oregon, J.'Pil111-1913 cIP' 20 P pound. CASCAHA Bipi- ri.i , r " pound. 00 per NEW TOR U" tain -1 CI . ock n,arxe,w,. remea toSA rSSjor! erro V ., . snares overcame the ertect of the reaction late last week and established new hleh -.. ... . Jle?. a?2 movement. Gains ln man i., . ; ,. . "unougn profit-taking ilaaI hour cut lnto 'he advance. Adder! rp.l.a l.t . . ,,,Q.T V . uuposea oy tne ois- Inclination of traders to take on new lines .nn". . oeuvery or President Wll fir.r.2 tB". t0 Conres on trust ques tlOns. Whlrh fsj avnAAr. j . , ' "u 10 oo or large In- Sorid UPn "enUmeiat la th linlnclal ltealn i ti. j . conspicuous exception Stee? .KmVement- London buying of ,t tne cPPer assisted the up the JS,iS.M0. ,hares- I" other quarters of X. ' "maon sold stocks. Althounh dmanri i , . . . ment stock, feli off. The "1?: 7f1"a5.-t"-..Trad referred to wTV- 1 B't"atio.'?:. Offerings this : . . - v" v state issue of 44 per cent bonds will offer a clear test of the tu.Uon. with a!,' Indication. ""i-tcBom, outcome, xotai ValuS' 2-0.000. United States . w, ujii.ii tsmjea on caJ.1. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. bulldlni: Po-"," Co.. Lewis hales. Amal Copper... 13,400 Am Beet Sugar. Am Caji Co ... . do pfd Am Car & Fdy. Am Cotton Oil. Am S & Kfg Co do nfrl Am Sugar ..... 00 prd Am TAT r-rt Am Tnhap.A Anaconda ... 1 1 At! Coast Line. A T 4 B Fe. .. . do nf.l B & O ' " Brooklyn K T. . Can Plc com... C & O r? O. W C & N W C M & Bt P Central Leather CentraJ of 7f .T Chino Colo K & 1 Colo Southern.. Cons Gas 1 L & W n & II G Dlst Securities.. Erie (Jen Electric... Gt Nor Ore Gt Nor pfd. . . . Illinois Central.. Interboro Mt.. Int Harvester - lv C Southern.. Lehigh Valley.. L & N M Central... M St 1 R R M K & T Mr Papifii. National Lead.". National Biscuit do pfd N Y Central... X" V O X- w Norfolk & W 9,200 800 800 100 7,500 High. 76 il'i. 33 114 H 4S 40?, 200 111. 1.100 10 4,000 85 i 1,100 100 700 0.800 2,700 800 134 6.000 loan 600 . 20 ! 113 no 21.IH Low. 74 U7 32S 04 li 47 1U4 120 ! P7', 2129, 1.800 bOU 5h 4ii 1 33 i 102 Ti 3954 40 32 S00 134H 13' lOO 800 6.200 30O 8,500 1,200 800 800 400 :ioo 0,500 900 "coo 400 2.S0O 17 17H 0 14.-1 hi 80 Vk 1284 113-4 15 100 2I!4 3 S3 li 141 120" - 17 17'4 30 144 38 H 127i 112 la 15 3ns Vk 26 hi 152 140 hi 12Si 2-J 27 Close. 26 82;, 1M 40 tl.SU 101 4 105 110 120 244 35 123 17 US IO-4 S 213 64 51 13 133 i 103 2S4 noo 40 27 133 3U2 17 17 30 4 144-4 88 128 112T4 154; ICR 20 1 B.-l 141 IO ii 128 4 4.4O0 r.oo aooo 104 :S 28 4DU 12K v 120 '10 91 21 IlorJs, Etc.. at New York. . . " . . v . jan, 1 n. -Hops steady. lsfnr1"1 t0 choic9 1913 crop, 24(2Sc; 1915: 22&24C? """" aJs:7c; Hides Stearlv T) avi L o. i - . . , -- ovTxvuxnc; cen tral America, 20..c. Petroleum Steady. Refined New York bulk, Jj.25; barrels. JS.75; cases, ill 25. senile-Steady- domestic fleece. XX Ohio. T.'.Tr1.? Foreign Trade Holds Errn. trade during the year 1913 was as follows-iP-V-'r073-750'000 aa compared with mi' oL7"0,000 1H12- ExPr' were 2.520, 00O.000 as compared with 2,239.25O,O00. Dried Iult at New Yorfe. NFiw vonir .Ton 10 v . quiet, fancy. Hwisc; choice, o 9K T prime. 8&Sc- "sikhc. Prunes Stenly; Callfornias, 8 12c- Ore gons, 8llc W ' " Peaches More active; choice. 66V.c: extra choice, oft-.c; fancy, 7i-8c SAX IT? AN CI SCO l'KODCCE MARKET Prices Quoted nt the Buy City for Yege- tames, rruits, Ktc. - ' -' . jc. . Ufl IOIJOW- lng produce prices were current here today taSlcw' ,oung Amerl Fruits Apples. Bellflowers, $1.15i B0 Newtowns, S1.4OO1-70; other varieties. 60c tfast.Rr,- i.ti,-. 1 , . . .... . ..n, nine. ' . " , ...... ,1,0, o.o. .1 'n " ; . ... . . . . u , green of pea. Sllc; string beans, Sl5c; egg-nlant No American... Nor Pacific . .. Pacific Mall.... Pacific, T & T.. do frl Pennsylvania . . Peoples Gas.... Reading ....... Rap S I So Pacific com. 13.900 00 ftauway . ... . . , 4 1 M) Texas Oil 8.200 Union Pacific. 0,100 do pfd 3,100 TJtd Rds of S F U S Steel Cor.. 43.6"0 do pfd 6-0 0ft 71 V. 3.900 3 134 2.200 -.i 100 2S 6,100 113 124 eoo 46.90O 1.800 600 17o 24 14 94 26 140 159 84 63 ion 62 103 4 71 28 112 324 168T4 23 14 93 25 1311 158 84 2i" 10!) 50 T4 TJtah Copper... 3,600 Wabash, Western Union 800 69 60 West Electric... 1,000 S'i s Total shares sold, 350,800. BONT1S Reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co.. Board 28 103 71 V. 113 27 2S 83 118 124 169 -4 14 93 355 -iriat 84 21 r.3 109 51 Ti S B8 7 Atchison general 4s Auanuc LOaBX JL.ine ZSt 4S...... 92 Baltimore & Ohio gold 4s 9.';v- Brooklyn Rapid Transit 4s 89 Chesapeake & Ohio 4s 94 C M & St p general 4is 101 Chlcacro Rock Island col. 4s 01 Cal Gas 5s 04 C B & Q joint 4s 95-4 Erie general 4s 74 Int Met 4s 77 Louisville ce Nashville un 4s. t.. 93 Missouri Pacific 4s 63 NYC general 3s 83 N & W 1st Con. 4s 1)4 Northern Pacific 4s 94 Oregon Short Line Kef 4a 90 Oregon Ry Nav 4s 92 4 Pacific Tel 5s ns Pennsylvania Con 4s 100 Reading general 4s U3 St L & San Fran Ref 4s 74 Southern Pacific Col 4s. .. .!!!! 9S ooutnern rtailway OS. ......... .103 Southern Railway 4s.. 74 ITnlon Pririflo Is nnrl Tre J.a U1 11 U S Steel 6s !!!l00 West Shore 4s.. 9 Wabash 4s 56 Wisconsin Central 4s ...I 87 United States 3s registered 98 unitea states s coupon........ 98 Cnited RtAtea Jt rArlRtPTvri . mo . United States Ss coupon 102 United States 4s registered 111 United States 4s coupon ..112 Eld. Asked 94 94 94 8U 95 102, 51 94 95 74 77 93 83 94 -04 91 08 93 75 81 93 105 75 92 100 93 66 92 87 89 163" 103 112 Money, Exchange, Etc NEW TOB1T -Tan 1 0 T-aU . 2(5)2 per cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent: closing bid, 22 per cent. Time loans, weak; 60 days. 33 per 4tz 4 per cent. Mercantile paper, 4(S;5 per cent. Sterling. nvilian.a c, a ,i .. . j. -t . -.. . , demand, $4.8040. commercial tuis, $4.82. Bar silver, 57c Mexlcan dollars, 44o. Government hnnrlft Rtufir- . - . j , vjuv. uvuua, strong. PAW A vrtdpn t! irt c-. i , 57c. Mexican dollars, nominal; drafts slsht, 02! do telegraph, OS. SterllnK ln London, eo days. $4.83; do sight, 1.S6. LONDON, .Tan. 19. Bar silver, steady, 20 9-16d per ounce; money, 22 per cent- rntA ii f . 1 l.m,.. r . -; , . .mi. rt , . . - ' - " - i". ---- . uina, oi per cent; do, three months' bills. 83 15-16 per cent. DUALITY SELLS WELL v TOP PRICES PAID FOR BEST STOCK AT YARDS. Prime Steers Tken at $7.60 Choice Hogs Are Nickel Higher Active Trade In Sheep. eral offerings of all classes of livestock at the yards yesterday and top prices were obtainable on the best grades. , In the cattle division there was a good showing of prime stock. About six loads of top grade steers were sold at $7.60, an advance of a dime over last week's price. Butcher stock sold within the previous range of quotations. The hog market was ln rood shape con sidering the large run. The bulk of the toppers brought $S, and on two loads buyers stretched the limit a nickel. wh uusiness man usual was put through iiiTs em-Bp noiue, oven loaas or lambs were disposed of, choio stuff at $6.65 and $6.75. Ewes had a wide range ln quality as shown by the sales running from $3.30 to $4.05. Wethers again Sold off cars at $5.86. cars at $5.85. Receipts were 646 cattle, 1 calf, 1997shogs and 5359 sheep. Shippers were: Clyde Adams, Pilot Rock. - - - a. imjiom, josepa car cattle; Walter A. G-over. Robinette, 4 cars , .j.. ...... u u,.iivi, o csiLie; Dated January 1. 1910; Due January 1, 1940. Interest Payable January and July. Optional at 110 and Interest After Jannaxy 1, 1920. Gross Earnings for 1913 $1,280,916 Operating Expenses and Taxes 625,668 Net Earnings $655,243 Total Amount of Bonds Outstanding $5,491,000 Net earnings therefore are more than double the interest charge. We have invested our personal funds in stock of this corporation, therefore highly recommend the bonds as a high-grade and profitable investment at 95 and accrued interest. - Call or write. ROBERTSON & EWING 310 Failing Building. Frank W. Burke, Burley. 5 cars cattle; Wal ter Brose, Harrison. 1 car cattle; T. W. De voe. Jerome, 1 car cattle; M. N. Elliott, Haines, 5 cars cattle; C. Lock, Fairfield, 1 car hogs; c M. Olsen, Canby, 1 car hoes; C II. Johnson, Payette, 1 car hogs; C. W. Hill. Weiser, 1 car hogs; B. J. Grover. vVelser. 1 car hogs; W. B. Moray, Weiser, 1 car hogs; p. Phillips, Baker, 1 car hogs; Epaulding & Baugh, Baker, 1 jar hogs; John steiger. Baker, 1 car sheep; W. E. Jones, Elgin, 1 car hogs; J. W. Chandler, Enterprise, 1 car hogs; same, Lostlne, 1 car hogs; same, 'Wallowa, 1 car hogs; D. E. Mead. Washtucoa 1 car hogs; Pendleton Meat Company, Pendleton, 1 car hogs; H. B. Davidhiser, Joseph, 1 car cattle and 1 car hogs; i. L. Wiley, Lostlne, 2 cars bogs; Citizens' Rank, Grass Valley, 1 car hogs; K. L. lion, Boise, 1 car hogs; W. E. Ander son, Fairfield, 1 car hogs; John Steiger, Baker, 1 car sheep; George Dickson, Terre bonne, 1 car sheep; C. I. Saunders, Knowl ton, 1 car sheep; O. Hogdon, Milton, 1 car slreep; W. E. Boner, Joseph. 1 car sheep; McCully & Rumble, Joseph, 2 cars sheep; J. C. McConnell, Nyssa, 1 car sheep; C. J. Brooks, Robinette, 1 car sheep; R. M. Stan ield, Stanfteld, 2 cars sheep; J. D. Watson, Eaton, -1 cars sheep; J, II. Block & Co., Filer, 1 car sheep. xne days sales were as follows; 92 hogs 10 hogs 81 hogs 70 hogs lhog . 8 hogs 3 hogs 117 hogs 1 hog . 1 cow , 28 cows 26 cows 1 bull Wt Price. . 188 $8.00 174 . .. 1S6 ... ISO ... 800 ... ?o . .. 827 . .. 14 . .. 10O ...1160 . ..1088 ...1810 7 steers ..1063 2 steers . .1085 1 cow ....1440 4 steers ..1168 8 cows . . . 953 Scows ...110:$ 0 steers . . i0 1 bull .... IWO 15 steers . .1240 07 hogs nogs 74 hogs 49 hogs 98 hogs 1 hog . 1 bull . 7 cows , 19 steers 23 stoers 8 cows . 1 cow . . 1 cow . . 6 steers 7 cows . 7 calves 1 bull . . 12 steers 191 ... 180 , .. 160 . . 173 ... 1H4 .. 440 ..1350 ..1084 ..1230 ..1235 ..1166 . .1350 ' . .1170 . . 950 ..1"84 ' .. 270 .. 980 S18 SO 8.00 7.95 6.031 6.93 7.!I5! 8.50I 5.25 5.7B 5.25 5.25 l.OOi .UU 5.50 7.00! 6.25 6.25 6.50 5.501 7.25' 8.00 7.001 7.90 7.95 8.00 7.00) 8 steers , 5 steers . 25 steers . 4 steers . 4 steers . 4 steers 85 hogs 62 hogs . . 3 hogs 130 lambs . li?3 lambs 10 hogs .. 50 Iambs . 8 hogs 64 hogs . . 12 hogs . . 1 hog 128 hogs . . : 8 Iambs . 100 wethers M hogs 85 hogs . . 2S ewes . . . 107 hogs .. , 66 hogs .. 4 hogs . . 2 hogs .. nogs . . Wt. Price. .1313 J7.00 .1330 7.50 n.noi S4 hoes 6.30lO5 hogs ... 7.25 249 wethers 6.65 240 wethers 5.251 1 hog . . . 4.5O1104 hogs . . 3.50 86 lambs . 6.0O 16 ewes ... 6.001150 lambs . 8.501 12 ewes . . 5.40 15 ewes .. . 6.50125ewes ... 6.60 92hOKS ... 6.60 221 ewes ... 7.40; 2 hogs 16 steers ..1089 3 steers . .1147 23 steers . . 1 25 steers ..1196 7!60'144 lambs 27 steers ..1157 7.SO15ewes 20 steers ..1142 7.60 92 hogs 26 steers ..1170 7.601 88 hogs 2 bulls ...1120 5.50 2 hogs T cows 1233 6.351 99 hogs 1 cow . 130 5.501 5 hogs 21 cows ... 990 6.25100hogs Off cars. Current local Quotations classes of livestock follow; Prime steers Choice steers Medium steers ............ Choice cows .............. Medium cows ............. Heifers Light calves Heavy calves Bulls Stags Hon Light Heavy ..................... Sheep- Wethers Ewes Ewes ....................., Lambs .1410 905 763 960 111 1S7 307 77 79 195 73 320 151 315 400 185 76 92 235 245 .81 178 256 400 5oO 8S5 200 1S2 95 99 SO0 185 63 93 63 96 t.8 S7 201 96 250 76 178 176 410 197 844 168 7.00 6.O0 6.75 6.75 7.25 7.00 6.70 6.65 6.65 7.25 6.75 7.00 7.90 7.25 6.50 7.95 6.00 6.65 7.45 7.15 3.30 S.0U 8.00 7.50 7.0O 7.0 b 8.05 8.00 5.85 6.83 7.50 6.15 4.20 6.15 4.25 4.05 4.05 8.00 4.65 7.00 6. 4.25 8.00 8.00 7.05 8.05 6.90 7.9 WHEAT OFF ONE-HALF Prospect of Free Argentine Grain Weakens Market. EASY CLOSE AT CHICAGO on the various $7.25 $7.60 .... 7.oor T.. .... 6.73 7.00 . ... 6.15(g) 6.50 ..... S.OO0 .25 .... 6.00 O 6.75 8.06 0 .0I ..... 6.0US T.75 ..... 4.00(g) 5.73 6.00 3 6-5 . 7.25 8.05 .... 6.00 7.0O . ... B.00f9 5.t5 .... 8.50s 4.65 . 3.50igi 4.75 B.O0 6.75 Omaha Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. -Tan. If). Hon Receipts, 5600; market, higher. Heavy, 18.20 bu.7; licnt. Diss. I6S7.5U: UU1K OE SaieS. 4S.UQW8.dU. Cattle Receipts. 6000: market, lower. N tlve steers. S6.7538.90; rows and helfersL so.oom-7.7a; western steers, $7. 8.15; cows ana nellers, S4.606: calves, $710. oneen ttecelpts. 14.00O: market, steady. Yearlings, $5.756.90; wethers, $5.255.90; Chlcag-o Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Jan. 19. Cattle Romints 2.V- 000: market. steadv to a shade lower. Beeves. S6.70(S)9.tiO? Texas sfftem lft.fl03 8.10; Western steers. S6.25A7.UOr storlrrs i3.504C8.50 ; calves. S7.r.isn KO Hogs Receipts, 45,000; market, strong to 8.45; mixed. $8.258.52ii ; heavy. $8.15 8.53; rough. $8.158.25; pigs, $6-753!8.20; bulk of sales, $6.35 ri 8.50. Sheep Receipts, 35.0O0; market, slow. Na tive. S 4 7.", 'I 7t 1 If. - WMtAm tl Rilffiirt. lings, $5.857.05; lambs' native, $3.7509: Western, $6.80 7. . Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Jan. 19 Twr vrn cables and reports that Brazilian firm offers wore uacnangea to lb lower seemed re- ponslble for a break In coffee todav. The opening was steady 5 to S lower and active months sold 20 to 27 net lower during the The close was barelv steadv at m. not decline of 23 to 26. Sales. 4O.000. January. 06c: March. 9.22c: Mav. 9.47c: .Ttilv a C7r- September. 9.87c; October, 9.92 Vic; Decem ber. 10.02c. Spot, unsettled: Rio No. 7. tU: Santos Ainu, quiet; tjoraova, 13pl6c nominal. Raw sugar firm. Muscovado JUtc ..on - trifugal, 3.33c; molasses. 2.5Sn: refined steady; cut loaf, B.05c; crushed, 4.95c: mold A, 4.50a: cubes. 4.30c: fine granulated. .05c; diamond "A." 4.05c; confectioners A," 3.95c; No. 1. S.ftOc. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Jan. 19. Lead ouiet. 4.05 3 4;10; London, 20 7s 6d. Snelter steady. 5.200 5.S0: London. C2i 10s. Copper steady. Standard, snot to A nrll. offered at 14.50: electrolytic, 14.87H Q 14.50; lake, 15.00. nominal; casting, 14.0014.12W. Tin firm. Snot and Januarv. 37 5.l(a 87.62H: February. 87.87 i ft 87.62 hi : March, ptti.oa; April, oi.ou.iii.TO. Antimony, dull. Cooksons. 7.45fff7.60. Iron steady. No. 1 Northern. 15S 15.50; No. 2 Northern, 14.7515.25; No. 1 South ern. 15.X15.50; No. 1 Southern soft. 15.UU 15.60. , Chicago Dairy Produce. " CHICAGO, Jan. 19. Butter Easier. Creameires, 23iS)24c to 8232c Eggs Lower. Receipts. 8263 cases; at mark, cases Included, 2831c; ordinary hrsts, 2Syi29t4c; firsts. El 32c. Cheese Steady. Daisies, 1 7 '4 17c: twins, . 16)17c; Americas, 1717c; long horns, 1718c. - Elgtn Hotter Market. ELGIN". Ill Jan. 19. Butter, steady, 32 Z2hi cents. . w Decrease in. Feeding Demand Causes Sag in Coma Prices Oats Traders Ignore Canadian Shipments as Market Factor. CHICAGO, Jan. 19. Final removal of any obstacle to importing wheat from Argentina duty free was an element today in depress in e the market hmi. TT-i- ,inu . a decline of Hhio net. Corn finished He to UKc down And nmi nnphanvul ... a shade off, but provisions up S'37Hc to 20c orn saggea as a result of feeding demand falling off. Oatrf showed mnra atMnh bther grain. Traders seemed disposed to Ignore Canadian shipments as a price-making factor at present. P tl r-lr i ! ( ,. rr. 1 1 , . . - - j,. Alio nil Was made feasible owing- to higher prices being Tl . 1 H fm- . w - " ' . 1 11 ... Futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. nTt 1.1 v. t - a, . - , . ' "i. i ' iv . uiose. Mav .tli uni! 0 1 ... Ju'y 87 j .ba .87 ? .87 hi CORN. .06 May July May July May -65 .05 .39 '4 .39 hi .21.70 .05 ii OATS. .:i94 .39 PORK. 21.934 LARD. 11.17 11.40 .65 i .64 .30 '4 .38 21.70 11.1254 11.35 11.70 Jan. 11.15 May 1LS714 RIBS. May 11.70 11.80 Cash nrliB 11- a - o. 8. 59, 62c; No. 3 65fei66c; No. 8 yellow. 014 6Sc. Re No. 2, 61ViI02c. 73WM" Barley. 50S77c. Timothy, $3.75(5.25. Clover, $11.75 & 14.50. .65 n .64 7, .39 H .sv 21.90 11.17 11.40 11.80 white, European Grain Markets. aliJ- 19 Canoes on passage English, country markets quiet. I-Tench. country markets quiet. LIVERPOOL, Jan. IS). Wheat Spot firm July"sl"d. March- 78 2d: Miy. 7s ldi Minneapolis Market, fc J,r,AXls- Jan- 1 Wheat No. 1 -'.-., --no. i iortnern, 8688c; No IA0.thSrn- 82,lS5c: No- wheat?81 ,nour "Fancy PatenB. $4.55; first clears, $3.40; second clears, $2.45. Barley 47 to 64c. Flax $1.46 1.60 hi . San Francisco Grain Market. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 19. Spot nuota ",; S'Si1?, ,a". 1.65l.38 red Rn. ?K?li.Ki631-,Ji; Turkey red, $1.55 If':. blne 'tem $1.57 &, 1.60; feed larley. Br?ilb0aJf."IesiT"What' arm! no trading. $1.26; February, $1.24 Rsked! ' ' Ina-et Sound Wheat Markets. .TAC2lMAi Wash.. Jan. 19. Wheat Blue sZ' 86cf J ortyfold 87: club and red KuL YeitArrlnv1! ya tt a. . . . ley, 4; com. 1; oats, 1; hay, 7. ' SEATTLE. Wash., Jan. Wheat Blue ifeTVelRuanfc. ClUb' 86e Cotton Market. NTiTW TOTtV T wa n a. . . . Middling uplan-ds.ia.oo', guf. lli Mops at London. IJERPOOL Jan. 19. Hops in London Pacific Coast. f5 6s a' fa 15s. Duintb Linseed Market. rtnYT?- Jan- 19- Linseed, $1.49: Jan uary, $1.48j: May. $1.52j. EXPENSES KEPT SEPARATE County Treasurer and Sheriff Get Orders From Commissioners. Exoenaefl innnrrpfl Vn. -irt, , , .. , r v" ..l r llU.- urer Lewis and Sheriff Word In col lecting live and delinquent taxes will be kept separate as far as possible, and all expenses which cannot be charged exclusively to one department will be segregated at tha end of the year, to one department or the other according; .w n gruor pas sea oy tne uounty Com- miRsionm vnntnFov v ----- - -" xiiaurance Commissioner Fergruson will be re- quesiea oy tne uommissionerg to assist Auditor Martin in making an equitable segregation. TrAftSlirMK T.jktxr1a v.. V, , n . . live taxes, and Sheriff Word, collector Delinquent taxes, nave reached an agreement whereby both will employ tha Bsma fflrr.p. rn Hi. than i- 1 a separate force, as it was thought mcy wouiu nave to ao wnen the new tax law was passed. Iowa Is to have women factory Inspectors. bpanl&U dictionaries contain ..., I'mmui words. " . LIABILITIES Capital Paid in Gold Coin Surplus and Undivided Profits Circulation Letters of Credit !!!!! Other Liabilities ..".. Y. Deposits .V.V $62,018,375.64 $ 8,500,000.00 .... 7,868,632.27 . . . . 4.989,995.00 -4,064,595.71 157,465.84 36,437,686.82 $62,018,375.64 PORTLAND BRANCH Corner Third and Stark Streets Wm. A. MacRAE, J. T. BURTCHAELL, ManaSer- Asst. Manager. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus $1,000,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Eocky Mountains 00ENER FIRST AND WASHINGTON ST& LADD &TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital $1,000,000 SurPlns 1,000,000 Ma Commercial and Savings Accounts OFFICER S. W. M. Ladd, President. Robert S. Howard Aist TashUr Edward Cookingrham Vice-Pres. J. W Lad "aT" Caihier? ' . If. Uunckley. Cashier. Walter M. Cook. AWtCashler. Corner Washington and Third Streets. Mil ALSO 1 lp:w 5 - Li lAll Ml PANAMA CANAL SOUTH AMERICA Newest Steamer in theTrade Triple" &HBrmf3,MWP" 14.892 try Screw 243. O txys January 31 TONS I75 lpwtvrd Other Cruises March 4 and April 4- to to ZO U ayj. 9I4S to S 1 75 Up 619 Second Ave., Seattle, or Local Agents. White Star Line n m Generale Transallakntique Direct I.invi to Havre-Part IFnuMl. Sailings from New York every Wedneaday. 10 A. It sauLcg L& Savoie, WerL January 28 Vi-KANCE ner).Frb. 4 I.A SAVOIE ...Feb. 1 I.A I'KOVKMK Mar.4 J-A 'LA TOTJKAXNZ1 Feb.B I.A IXKRAJtK Mu.ll Twln-Bcrew steamer. TQuaUi uple-scre w ateamer. SPECIAL, SATl'lalAI SAILINGS FROM NEW VOKK, S F. M. ONE CLASS CABIN (II) and THIRD-CLASS Passensera Onlv. tROCHAMBKA V Jan. 81 CHICAGO Feb. 14 C. V. tSllner. an 6th St. A. D. Charlton Morriaon nt. ; K. M. Taylor C. M. .st. P. Ky.: Doreey B. Smith. 6!) flth t. : A. C. Sheldon, 100 d at. i II. IMekaon, 34H Washington ot.; North Bank Road, 5th. aad Stark ata.: E. I). Waiker, stceHt Ualon Pacific Railway. Do you know that noisy pavement se- riously affects your m S nerves? Insist on Bitulithic, the prac tically noiseless pavement. J.C.WILSON&CO. blOCliS, ilO.NDS, CHAIN AMU CUXAOJi. KKW TOES STOCK EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF TBADd 1HB bXOCK AM, BOND KXCliAJiGaV KAN FUAN CISCO. PORTLAND OFFICE: Lewis Building, 289 Oak Street Phones Marshall 4120. A 4187. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. TO SAN IT? AVC I SCO, LOS AXGELK3 AND SAM DIKUO S. S. YUCATAN WEDNESDAY. JAN. ei. COOS BAY AND EUREKA S. S. ALLIANCE TinjRSIJAY. JAN. 82, e P. SI. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. IM-A THIRD (STREET Phonea Main and . A I .SI 4. AUSTRALIA TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAKD. Bonnd Trip Rates: 1st class ta Tahiti $180. to Wellington ib1J0. to Sydney IM4. Special Pacific Ocean Tour Unci trains South Sea Isles to feydney via Tahiti. Raro tonga and New Zealand and returning to Ean Francisco (or Vancouver via Auckland. FIJI or Samoa and Honolulu, $325, 1st class. Stop-overs any point, good one year Sail Inge from San Francisco. Jan. 7. Feb. 4. Mar 4, etc. Union Steamahtn. Co. mt New Zeata3td, Ltd. Office: 679 Market Street. San Francisco. TRAVELERS' OTJIDE. aFi n v v- v -r? t-n 4 ABA All AfKoBLIlM Sew and r't. (1S.60U ion) Passenger Steamers from New York, every alternate batuxusf . 17 DAVS TO EIU JASK1RO. SS DAYS TO BUESOS ATBEa. For rates, oto., apply local ticket Agents, Of BUSK A DAM t.LS. (tenentl Azents, Pnl Troone En-bangc. Heir York. - EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT C'HAJsGE. S. S. BEAR Sails 4 P. M. Jan. 21. S. S. BEAVEK Sails Jan. .6. THE SAN FRANCISCO Ml PORTLAND S. 8. CO. Ticket Office, 3d and Washing ton, with O.-W. It. A N. Co. Phone Marshall AOO, A 61S1. COOS BAY LINE. Steamship Breakwater Sails from Ainsworth dock, Portland, at & P. M. every Tuesday evening. Freight re ceived until 12 O'CLOCK (NOON) ON SAIL ING DAY. Passenger tare: First-class, $lu: second-class meu only). 7, Including berth and meals. Ticket office at LOWER AINSWORTH DOCK. PORTLAND & COOs BAY STEAMSHIP LINE. L.. li. KBAT1XU. Agent. A'hones Main 3iy0, A 233-. a