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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1914)
12 THE MOHNTXG OREGOXIAX. ' 3IOXDAT, -JAXTTAITF 12, 1914. AMUSEMENTS. "CERTAIN RISES AT 8." HEILIG llth and MorriKon Main 1. A 1123 Robert B. Mantell ALL, THIS AVEEK. Tonight Klnr John Tomorrow nlcht Klchelleu AVedneaday Mat Merchant of Verilca 'Wednesday night Macbeth Thursday nlFht King Lear Friday nlsht King John Saturday matinee Hamlet Saturday night ....Richard 111 Nights: Orchestra, 10 rows $2: 12 rowa 1.50; balcony, GOc, 75c. and 1.0u. Wed., Sat. Mat: Orchestra. 10 rows, J1.50; 12 rows, $1. Hal.. 60c and 75c. BAKER TUFATEIt Main Z. A S380 1 Tin' TVmleht harmln niirht. all Beats 2!lC. The J'.aker Players, Portland's most popular' amusement organization, In ono o tie ftimnua plavs of the ace, "AS A MAN THINKS." As played Uy John Mason. Klrst time at finpular prices. Kntertaining. fascinating and nsplrlng. A performance you will never forget. Evenings: 25c, 85c. UOc, 75c. Mats., "Wed., 21c. Sat.. 2."ic, BOc. Next week The Traveling Salesman." Matinee Dally. Main , A 1030. Walter Lawrence and Frances Cameron, J'nul Conchas, Smith and Cook assisted by Marie Brandon, Four I'erex, Double Cross, Koy dimming". Helen Gladylngs, loleen Sla ters, World's Events, Orchestra. -SI Broadway, at Alder, TUB RIIINO COSTKLLOS, Newsboys' Sex tette Imperial Japanfw Acrobat. Allearro, l.vonH Cullom. Cannibal Ile, Musical hit with Walter Terry and I Ul ilrls, I'antacrfr rie, 4rheBtra. ropuiar rue. iwwi l irt Row Itulcony reserved, rhones, A Main itijti. Curtain 2:30, 7:15, 6:10. nd 236, Matinee Dally, Any Seat IBe. inrERB KVKKV 1M)BY OOE3 AKfinE OOODAI.L "Walking the Hoop." Mil. A- MRS. TEKKINR FISHER The Half-Way House." 8 MtSK KTKKKS 3 IIAVK HiWil SON 1'IIKK l'RK'K BEST SHOW IN TOWN LYRIC FornTH and ST A UK. SI'S. Iveatlnie & "Flood's Prlncfis Musical Comedy Company in "THE TOLLIES." Tuesday night. Athletic. Contest; Thursday night, llfty-plece Dinner Set for Be; Friday night. Chorus Girls' Contest. Prices: Nights 15c, J5c. Matinees, any seat 15c. Feature Sunday to Wednesday, "THE WITNESS TO THE WILL." Masterful Edison Drama In two parts. Other attractions: Alkali Ike In "A Snake vllle Courtship," and "The Bartered Crown," Edison drama. 10,. ADMISSION lOo Classified advertisements, to ceive proper classification in re the next day's issue of The Oregonian, must be in The Oregonian office be fore 10 o'clock at nlgrht. except Sat urday. Business office of The Oregonian will be open until 10 o'clock at night, as usual, and all classified advertisements for the next day's issue received too late for proper classification will be run under heading TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily or Sunday. Per Line. One time Ito Same ad two consecutive tiroes ....$c hanie ad three connecutive times SUc bame ad. iilx. or seven consecutive times. .5ic '1 lie above rates apply to advert iMemcnta tinder "New Today und all other clatmihva ttoug except the following: Ci I u u tiuoH an t ed Ma le, hit tia l ions an ted b eiuate. or Kent. Kooiuh. private Families. HuuiiiM and Uoard. Private 1-amities, Kate en the above c Li cations la 7 ceiiiri m line each insertion. lien one advt rt iKciurnt Is not ran in con secutive fttiNuea the one-time rate applies. t-ix average words count as one iiue on r a nIi advertisements and no ad counted for lehs limn two lines. On "charged" advertisements charge will be based m tue number ol lines appearing in the paper, regaruies of the number 01 words in each uu. Minimum charge, two lines. 'J he Oregonian will accept classified ad vertisement over the telephone, providing the advertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. Iso prices will be Quoted over the pnone, but bill will oe rendered the following day. a ni-ti ttiUsaituuAts luaiibjtotnib juidu ii accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of payment of telephone adver tiNementi. Situations Wanted and Personal advertisement! will not bo accepted over the telephone. Orders for one Insertion only will be accepted for "Furniture ror bale.' ".Busi ness Opportunities " "Ivooming-llou&es" and anted to iteut." The Oregonian will no guarantee accuracy or RMHuiue responsibility lor errors occurring an teiepuoneu uuveriiseaenta. The Oregonian will not be responsible for more tnau one incorrect Insertion of any advertisement ottered tor more than n ilmf. In "New Today" all advertisements are charged by measure only. 14 Tines to the Inch. Kemlttances must accompany out-of-town orders. Advertisements to receive nromnt clasnlfl- cation must be In The Oregonian office before 10 o'clock at nlRhl, except Saturday. Closing hour for The Sunday Orvgonlun will be u o'clock Saturday nlsht. The nice will be open until 111 o'clock 1. M.. as usual, and all nds received too late for proper classifi cation will be run under heading "Too iate to Classify." AUCTION SALE TODAY. FoM Auction House, 211 1st. Furniture, carpets, etc. Sale at 2 p. M. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A- M. Furniture. ltt6-. First st. MEETING NOTICES. CL.TTB SMOKERS We are prepared to furnish social clubs, lodges and other or ganisations everything for smoke talks, smoking concerts and club smokers. Cl ears and cigarettes by the box, pipes by the hundred and smoking tobacco by the pound. Come in and talK it over. big Mchel A Co.. 3d and 0th. at WashinEton. Both phones. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL ROYAL ARCANUM meets at U 1 II n 1 1 11.1. .. .1 .1.1 W:?--rr5 tho second and fourth Mondavi rfVf'tfTJfc of each month at 8 P. M. Vls vlt4TiA'' itors cordiallv welcomed. J"- P. LLOYD COVER, secretary. QrEEN. ELIZABETH HIVE, NO 24. L. O. T. M., will lnst.w officers Jointly with Tent No. CT. K. O. T. M... this (Monday) evening in I. O. O. F. Hall, E. 6th and Al der, at S o'clock. SARAH B. GUERIN. R. K. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Monday) eve. at T:30 o'clock. Visiting brethren welcome. TV. M. DB LIN. Sec. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER, NO. 14, O. E. S. Stated me-t-Ing thla (Monday) evening. East 8th and Burnside. Installation of offi cers. Order W. M. BKLLB RICHMOND, Sec. KNIGHTS AND TadTeS OF SECURITY, Anchor Council, will cive a card party ana dance Monday evening, January 12. Man chester Hall, 85& &tn st. Union music. Ad xniulon 15c NOTICE DIED. WRIGHT In this city. January !1, Mariah J. Wright, age 84 years 8 months and 10 days. The remains are at the conserva tory chapel of K. S. Dunning. East Side Kuneral Directors, 414 East Aider st. Fu neral notice In later issue. WALTON In this city, January 11. Hed Eillngson Walton, aged 2 years. 4 months. - days, beloved son of Winnie and Ned Walton. Remains at Holman's parlors. Funeral announcement later. BAIN Jessie Bain, age 57. today (January 11). Announcement of funeral later. Re mains at Krtcson Undertaking Parlors, l:Hh and Morrison. DYER January 11, at 1139 East 15th St. North, Genevieve, aged 4 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Dyer. JTTJNERAL NOTIPSa. HOLM AN January 10. at the family resi dence, 710 Aiblna ave., Oscar Leonard Holman, aged il years, lo months, 17 days, beloved sin of Selma and Martin Holman. brother of Emily, Carl Fred , erick and (ieorce Wllhelm Holman. Fu neral services will be conducted from the above residence tomorrow (Tuesday), Jan. 3:1. at 1:30- P. M. Frienda respectfully in vited. Interment family lot Rose City Cemetery. rt'ERAL DI3ECTORS. MR. EDWABn HOLMAN, the leading ftt neral director, 229 Third street, corner Sal mon. Lady assistant. A 1511. Main 607. F. 8. DCNaVING. INC. Est Side Funeral Directors. Alder st. East 62. B 252S. 414 Eh) DUNNING A M'ENTEE. funeral directors, 7th and I'lne l'hone Main 430. Lady at tendant. Office of Connty Coroner. 8KEWESrNDFRTATCTNG "COMPANY. Sd and Clay. Main 4152. A 831. Lady attendant. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK. I tn benuty nlnsularly npproprlntc. Its care peculiarly KUKKeMive of affection and nirmory. Elpuant nntl roiuniodlnui visitor rent roomn. Perpetual care Re fined. plenNlnjc aervlce. Reached by Nt Scott or C'atadero can. Both phones. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE NO. 320 UNION AVENUE CO It i Kit MARKET STRICET. I'bone Uast 1423, U 2513. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Heport all cases of cruelty to this office. Open day and night. NEW TODAY. To the German Citizens of Portland Tho General German Aid Society asks the co-operation of all citizens to assist in aiding the many needy men out of work. All persons having work of any kind to perform, no matter of what description or how small, in any branch or profession, are respectfully requested to communicate their needs by mail to the secretary. H. C. Bohlman, 4ti N. th st., or by telephone by calling Main 7iSf, and their request will re ceive prompt attention and workmen will be furnished to suit their needs. LAURELHURST Beautiful New Homes and High, Sightly Building Sites For Sale on easy terms in the finest, most highly developed close-In residence park In the city. Being located In the very heart of the East Side residence district, with best of car service and sur rounding Laurel hurst Park, the peer of all natural scenic parks In the world. Phone for our Auto. Main 1503 or A 1515. and let us show you around. PA Ul, C. MURPHY, Snips a sent. 270 Stark Street. Tract Of fice Hum ana ou&an ets.. lanor 9488. Edward E. Goudey Lewis Baildlns MORTGAGE LOANS n Business and Close - In Residence Properties Mortgage Loans Current Rates ROBERTSON & EWING 310 Failing Bids. MORTGAGE LOANS Loans of $1000 and up at lowest rates on Good Improved City Properties. If you need money call today. Our Installment payments are attractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay BIOS., Third and Stark St. loilyaoe Loans . 6 to 7 H. E. M00NEY Main 210. Room 421 Falling Bids MORTGAGE LOANS Our Own Money at Current Rates. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Commercial Club Bldg., Portland. Or. CITY & FARM LOANS $1000 and up at lowest rates. ZAD0W & FARMER 414 Corbett IILIlI. A 1416. Marshall 0: CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Kates. JOHN E. CR0NAN BO 2 SFiTldu- Kids. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved City Property Current HateN o Commiastona WM. MACMASTKR, 701 Corbett Bids. 6 PER CENT MONET. A. C. Mclionald, 300 Lombard st.Wood- lawn 813. HesiJrie. Tabor 1740. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BECK. William G.. 31S-316 Faillna bldg. BENEDICT BROS. (Burrcll Heights). 830 Hawthorne ave.. cor. Slst. Tabor 516. Jennings A Co. Main 1S8. 206 Oregonian. LOGAN, homes, loans. 815 Spalding bldg, PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 4O4-405-40 Wilcox bldg. REAL ESTATE. JTor Sale Lota. $2500 HANCOCK-ST. CORNER. 100x100. north and east front, 4 blocks from Broadway car; extra fine homes on entire street. Call 275 Pine st. Main 1721. LAURELHVRPT BARGAIN. $1000 below actual value, for cash, two 50-foot lots, one of the choicest building sites In tho addition. 211 Lumber Ex.. cor. 2d and Stark. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots, quarter blocks, tract, and acreage; all location", views and prices. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 38SU Every Customer la a Reference. $SB0 LOT on Schuyler and East 2Sth its. Kajy terms, all improvements In. Why go furthT out and pav more. SECIJRITV DEVELOPMENT CO. 4th and Pine sts. Main 1721. 5 LOTS CHEAP. Very easy terms and payments; if you are a builder see us; 50x100; near carllne. hard-surfaced streets; best buy in Port land. 120 Grand ave. CLOSB-IX CASH SNAP. lOOxino. a. 29th and Oak sts., $2000. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO. 275 Pine st. IRVINGTON rorner. 100x100, 24th and Thompson: perfect site. Owner, 818 Cor bett bldg. HEAL ESTATES. For bale Lots. FOB SALE. Snap 10-ncre tract, on Oregon Electric line, at $100 per acre: ready for plow. My equity, J300. for $1UU0 cash. In two lots in Murraymead Add., city. My equity of JliRiO in lot on 54th at. South, for $300 cash; this ia a bargain. Ali 062. Oregonian. WE ARB owners of lots 10 and 11, blook 32, Uelle Crest Addition to Portland, 100 feet frontage, corner property; Improved district; no reasonable offer refused; cash or terms. Address titump Broa.. - Limited, 839 Hastings St., Vancouver. B. C MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. .;. t. MOORE CO.. BIS Abington Bldg. For Sale -Houses. MODERN HOUSE. FINE NEIGHBORHOOD, ONLY 115 A MONTH. Pay J 15 a month for 3 months, and If you like house and neighborhood. I will allow the rentals to apply on purchase price of $2400. Five fine rooms, big ver anda, blg:X ireplace, brown ceilings. set-In bookcases, Dutch kitchen, etc. A. N. Searle. cor. E. 70th and E. Olisan CM. V. car). Office open today Sunday). THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE, OR ANYTHING: PLANS FREE WE ARE RESPONSIBLE, WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. S24 ABINGTON BLDG. WALKING DISTANCE. Modern "-room house with furnace, fire place, large living-room, lot 60x100 ft., on E. Couch St.. near E. 20th; price $8000 and terms can be arranged. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones M. 8699. A 26S3. $1500 FOR cottage and three lots, close to car and school; $350 cash and $15 month ly, or $700 cash and $10 monthly; have city lots, acreage and income beach prop erty for unincumbered city property with a rental valu':. Saneca C. Beach A Co., 92 First st. FOR SALE. A NOB HILL residence bf eight rooms, located on Kearney street, near Twenty first: lot 50x100; price $11,250. only $0000 cash required, be'ance time. Address own er. H 611. Oregonian. $1100 .-ROOM HOUSE. Investment for real bargain-seekers. Corner lot with business future. On car line. East Gllsan st. This property is worth $1800. Call 275 Pine St. Phone Main 1721. DO YOU WANT A HOME? We draw the plans, build the house. furnish the money; easy payments; low Interest. If you want It GOOD, see us. Butterworth-Stephenson Co.. Couch bldg. CHARMING MODERN HOME. Irvington. V) rooms, oak and mahogany finish, oak floors, z batns, servant's room. garage. East 23. w. nuerdman. $2800 5-ROOM bungalow, lot 50x100. $300 cash, balance easy terms. Close to car. Woodlawn 3229 SMALL apt. site, Columbia st. near 14th; present income $50' per month:, a snap. Owner, 500 Burnside. $20 MONTHLY, including Interest, for 4 room bungalow; Improved streets, near car, close in. 629 Worcester block. $2250 5-room bungalow. Rose City Park. 2 blocks from car. on pavement; $200 cash. 931 Chamber or commerce. Alain noy. FOR ouick sale will sacrifice my 8-room home, flUOO below value; terms. Tabor 17H4. NEW, modern nine-room house In nurst. fnone owner, t;ast NEW seven-room modern home, Ladd's Ad dition. East 2i25. For Sal Business Property. 15 NET 15. On Investment of $20,000: Bl-room apartment - house and two stores, centrally located. West Side ; balance purchase price on long time at 8 per cent; special ly desirable for parties wishing to person ally operate same; no agents, no phone Information. Call at 807 Wilcox bldg. MCST save other property; store bldg. splendid location, tuoo. $uuu aown, oai auce to suit. 205 Vs Jefferson st. For Sale Acreage. ELKCTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; chicken and fruit rancnes near fortiana tiro.- Ruhdl vision near Gresham : 5 acres 400. 500. S700: 3 acres $500, $700: IV acres $750. $900, $1000 per tract; beat soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at bcappoose, or., za to siw per acre, FRANK M'PARLAND REALTY CO., 809 Yeon bids., Portland. HAVE subdivided my Willamette Valley farm, one of the best on the Oregon Electric. Into 5 and 10-acre tracts; deep, rich loam, all in cultivation, level, near Station, school, store; you buy direct from me on easy terms. Full information my representative 929 Chamber of Commerce. ONE-ACRE COUNTRY HOME. For sale at Courtney Station on the Oregon City Electric, with new 6-room house containing all the latest improve ments. This suburban home 13 high-class and worthy of attention. Beckwith. House, Oak urove, Kea 432. uiuce, Main. saat. Homesteads. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, 6,000,000 feet beaut'iui timoer. on main une a. - souin of Eugene; good cabin and clearing. It will sell for $7000 when patented. If taken quick. $800 cash. 603 Oregonian bids. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale; price house and some improvements. $-350. Main 3165. Irrigated Lands. THE Ideal Irrigation project, south of Port land, with water in tne growing season, at the very time when the crops need it. Easy terms to bona fide settlers. Bee Willamette Valley Irrig. Land Co.. 269 Stark sc. For Sale Farms. FARM BARGAIN, $30 PER ACRE. 176 acres rich bottom and bench land; good road, running stream, 5-room house, poor barn ; a rundown place, but a snap for one with little money and plenty muscle; write for complete description. MORGAN & WALKER, Corvallls, Oregon. 600-ACRE stock ranch, west of Coast range; 200 acres bottom, H cultivated; fully equipped and stocked ; $4500 worth per sonal property; at less than $30 per acre. $0000 cash will handle. Woodlawn H022 or Y 59S. Oregonian. RANCH, 60 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland ,-" electrt. Une; bargain for all cs.h Ty i .. pt 18' 'orrlson st. How to Invest Your Money, or Sell Your Securities "W An Opportunity is Always Waiting for Your Action! Have you surplus funds you wish invested in lucrative stocks, bonds or mortgages? Do you own securities vou want to sell at once? If you are interested in either of these propositions you can get immediate action, quickly, cheaply through a Want Ad. Hundreds of buyers read our Investment Want Ads daily. . If you want to buy turn to our Want Ads non you may find the very securities you want. If you want to sell describe your offering in a brief little Want Ad it will find a buyer. Maybe the stocks you think are worthless have a market. Perhaps some security you want to buy is owned by a person down the street. The little Want Ad is the world's curb market with many bidders and many sellers. A few pennies will do the work. To-day is always the time to start. The use of our Little Want Ads will broaden your opportunity. Investment possibilities are always with you when yotj Use "The REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. DAIRY ranch lor sale; If you are looking for the best dairy proposition on tne Coast, 198-acre ranch, 13 miles from Portland; established milk route, horses farm Implements, 25 acres in crop, $0000 wtl! handle, part cash, most of balance 11 years time. AF 641, Oregonian. TO KXCHAXGK. 20 ACRES FRUIT LAND, 9 MILES OF Portland, 1 miles horth of Vancouver city limits; 100 rods from hard'-surf aced Pacific highway and from Tine graded school, close to Vancouver Lake; 16 acres mtfier cultivation; all level; candy loam; about 250 fruit trees; rather old 9-room house; 80-foot well, with 1 H. P. engine; filenty of pure water; an ideal place to ive among the finest prune orchards in the West; price $95(K); will trade for stock of general merchandise. Lenia Merchan tlle Co., Lenia, Idaho. WANT to exchange my equity In seven acre tract, well improved, about 450 peach trees. 9 almond trees, about 25 apple trees ana otner iruit: trees o years oia four-room house, good barn and all other outbuildings on niace: trade ror unlra proved lot or acreage ; this snap will not oe on tne marKet long, inquire at fort land Tent & Awning Co., 16 Front st. N. TO TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 2sU acres, b miles west of Dufur. Or. 100 acres in cultivation, 140 more can be cultivated. 10 acres ain alfalfa. Dlenty of water, buildings of all kinds, 1 H miles to scnooi ; price $ou per acre ; fttuu in cumbrance runs 7 years at 6 per cent In terest. For further particulars address box 165, Dufur, Or. CATTLEMEN TAKE NOTICJ3. 1820 acres, with lots of outrange. In Eastern Oregon, where plenty of rain falls; river runs through place; 120 head cattle, 70 horsca, SO hogs, 100 chickens, plenty hay and feed, to exchange. Owner, Wil liam Johnson, 527 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, with fireplace. furnace, full cement basement, sleeping porch and large attic; small auto, let or good diamond taken as first payment, bal ance $30 per month, Including interest. 2.j3 E. TOth North. Montavilla car, 5 blocks north, or phone week days Marshall 5S77, Owner. WANTED Rooming-house, pool hall, or tneater, ror any part of 160.000 worth or Pasco City lots, clear if your property is clear; this Is a chance to buy lots that will double your money. Q 62tJ, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE MEN! Want to exchange for income property, 800-acre stock ranch In Roseburg district. Submit what you have. C. F. Young, 811 Llndelle Blk, Spokane, Wash. A FINE 6-room house on corner, 1 block from Alberta car, value $3200 for lots ; prefer them In Vernon district or acreage. Give description and full particulars first letter. A 727, Oregonian. SAN DIEGO FOR OREGON. Wanted Gcod Improved Willamette Valley ranch in exchange for close-In property to Sam Diego, up to $20,000. R. S. Babcock. 1625 "C" St., San Diego. 160 ACRES, NO INCUMBRANCE.' Will exchange 160 acres clear of Incum brance, 30 in " cultivation. In fine farming country, for good business. What have you? AO 674, Oregonian. 10 ACRES beaverdam land, ready for plow. Have been asking $1200, will trade for diamond, city property, auto, or if taken quick, $300 cash. 603 Oregonian bldg. WANT a small stock of groceries or lot In exchange for equity !n a house and corner lot in Sunnyslde. Phone B 1084. Tabor 1G53. OWNER would trade fin corner, 2 lots, new 2-story house, very best construction, for small farm, close In, value about $4000. Owners only, Tabor 3117 WHAT have you to offer In trade for a modem 6-room bungalow In The Dalles. 267 Failing st. 820-ACRE stock ranch for any kind of equities ; assume incumbrance. Boggess & Co., 206 Gerlinger bldg.. Second and Alder. 14 ACRES on carline, near In; price $12,000; take city property to $SO00; terms on remainder. G 651, Oregonian. WILL exchange passenger. AL my 663. 7-passenger Oregonian. FOR EXCHANGE My equity in good player piano for phonograph. Phone Tabor 89 FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT IVi acrea, with running water, good house, barn, woodshed and fruit trees. Take Oregon City car. get off Sil ver Spring Sta.. follow car 2 blocks, turn left. Address Box 2006. Sta. A, Portland. ATTRACTIVE ranch for rent, 45 miles from Portland, on Washington bank of Colum- ' bia River, to two or more young men; good chance for agricultural students. For particulars, address Felix Horst, Prindle, Wash. GARDEN lad. 50. 37, 25 and 12 acres, for rent; sell on easy terms; smallresi dence part payment, James, 293 Mont gomery st. A 8231. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent about 15 acres of land for the growing of onions and cabbage; give terms and distance from Portland. C. E. Schneider, Lynndyle, Utah. WANT to rent farm; take possession March 1 ; 30 acres or more, under cultivation ; I am a good farmer. Address AV 713. Ore gonian. GERMAN farmer wants to rent fruit and alfalfa ranch from 35 to 60 acres. Buy later when good. W. Sacman. 254 Page et San Francisco. WANTED REAX ESTATE. WANTED Bargain in 5-room bungalow In good district ; prefer to deal with own era only. K 619, Oregonian. I WANT a house up to date, value $5000; will exchange 100x100 SSOoO lot and as sume the rest. Main 6S09. PROPERTY LISTED ADVERTISED. NELSON BROS., Lewis Bldg. Main rs9i FOR SALE: TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. M'CRACKEN, 804 M'KAT BLDO. CHEAP STUMP AGE. Ideal location for a mill; stream run ning to railroad spur. 88 5th st. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED to buy timber or cord wood in any quantity. Write or call E. Ping, 05 E. 54th st. "t'TH ' "" yw v a" 3 ' 't 1 m A- A "'.'.,. 4 (Suggestion for You to Adopt) WANTBD TO PRIX Fifty sharen seren per cent cumulative preferred, of the Bax ter Corporation or will trade for flrt mort Cac or mnrtenre bonds. Name terms when writing. Addresa: WANTED TO BUY Any pa"rt of At hnn drid ahareft of neen per cent cumulatlTe preferred stock of Baxter Corporation; will pay 103 or trade ailt e1aed bonds. Address with particulars of holdings: 17 r i i Want Ad Way FOR 8 AXE. Horsed, vehicles. Etc. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR BALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new waeon and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72, B 1 369; 5-YEAR-OLD gray horse, extra heavy boned i and low-set, chunk, weighs 13So, abso lutely sound and. well broke; also black gelding 6 years old, weigKs 1300, broke single and double ; gray mare, 6 years old., weight 1300, sound and true. Call Anderson Bros., 241 Jefferson st. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO. sell on commission, horses, mules, vehi cles and harness. Auction Bale every Mon day and Friday, 10 A. M. Private sales dally. 240 E. feth St., near Hawthorne, E. 6315. JUST 20 head left; young, sound horses. 4 to 6 years old; weight 1150 to 15UO; also have some cheap ranch horses I have taken in exchange. 881 Water, foot of Montgomery. Phil. Suetter, Main 2208. FOR SALE One team well-matched blacks, 5 years old, weighing 290O pounds; one team young horsts, well matched, weigh ing 2S0O pounds ; one 5-year-old horse, weighing 1500 pounds. 223 Russell st. PAIR of bay geldings, 5 and 6 years old weight 2350, sound, gentle, bu! table for immediate use; must sell; bargain. 41 J eff erson st. ' WANTED Draft stallion- must be pure bred and registered; will give good secur ity or trade good property. G. Gabbott, 021 East 24th st. ON account of sickness, must sell 2 mares. 2 horses, 1200 to 1400 lbs., no reasonable offer refused. Mrs. L. stark. Union ave,, and Clay st. Dunford Apt., 4. FOR SALE One fine delivery mare, 5 years old, weighing 1200 pounds; one team well matched horses, weighing 220O pounds. 226 Russell st. A BARGAIN. Three good delivery horses and wagons, 3 sets of single harness, 1 set . of heavy double work harness. o03 Alder. FOR SALE Three teams of well-matched horses, weighing between 1300 and 1500 pounds: one team of matched horses. weighing 220O pounds. 226 Russell st. MUST SELL. Team, weighing 2800; bay and brown; In good flesh; no reasonable offer refused. roa Alder. FOR SALE at your own price, serviceable team; would make good ranch team. 1029 iasi xamuiii st. FOR SALE 6-cyllnder, 7-passenger Fierce- Arrow, in first-class condition, $700 cash, Tabor 13U3. SACRIFICE, $30; steel tired buggy good as new, and harness, also gooa; lzw-pouna horse, $5. E. 6th and Schuyler. WANTED Team; tree and clear. w 111 exchange Marshall 4862. MEAT cutter wanted, wages $15 per week. Call at OtiO Jefferson. FIRST-CLASS horse and wagon, $1.25 per day. 546 Front st. WANTED Team for feed; good reference. Phone Tabor 1402. $75 TAKES serviceable farm team. Come quicK lor bargain, iuzu ii;. lamnm. Pianos, Organs am Musical Instruments. FOR RENT or sale A very fine piano. Phone Main 610O and A 1621. ALMOST new $."0O Packard piano, terms. Marshall 699, after 12. $200, Dogs, Birds, Pet $?ock. AIREDALE TERRIERS for pals, guards. hunters. Laddix Kennels, Estacada, Or. REAL Irish terriers, best of pals and watchmen, ivy press, 68 Fourth Bt. Furniture For Sale. ENTIRE new furnishings residence, embrac ing verv handsome Circassian walnut. golden oak and mahogany bedroom fur niture, elegant brass beds, costly pedistai dining-room table, leather seat chairs and buffet, living-room rockers and library table, davenport, rugs, etc Call today 707 Marshall. FURNITURE for sale. 4-room modern, heat ed flat. 407 Jefferson St., apartment A, PARLOR, dining and bedroom furniture very reasonable. Main 6771, Apt. 49. Automobiles. AUTO CLUB RATES. If you in tend buying an automobile, can pay cash or want terms, and have no old cur to trade in, let us hear from you. In clubs of two or three you can save money on brand new cars direct from the factory. A postal will bring full partic ujars. Automobile Sales Underwriting Co., Box 1062, Portland, Or. HERE is your opportunity; 1-ton truck slightly used; A-l condition; tires new price $84 0 ; small payment down, easy terms on balance. P. O. box 10b2. FOREDOOR Hunmobile runabout. $375: 5 passenger Ford, S;HR 1913 Hupmoblle, good as new, $900. Dulmage Auto Co., 40-48 N. 2oth. 5-PASS., four-door Ford car, Buick road ster. Ford taxicab, 1913 Ford chassis, E. M. F. delivery car, all in good shape. 454 Hawthorne. East 643. E. M. F. 30, 1012 model, 4-passenger, good condition, $500: will trade for machinery or Portland real estate. Tabor 3782. AUTO truck and touring car for hire, best of service, nrice reasonable. Phone East 4096 or E. 2647. ONE 2Vi-to;i truck, A-l condition; price S50. Phone Main U341, East 2S31. 211 Couch bldg. DEAD STORAGE, $3 to $5 per month. VAN HORN TRANS CO.. 40 2D ST. NEW delivery wagons at second-hand prices. Oregon Moiine Plow Company. CARBON removed by oxygen process. Re liance Garage, 36th and Hawthorne ave. POPE TORPEDO RUNABOUT or will trade for Ford. 707 Spalding, Sellwood 1897. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED Runabout; must be in good con dition; will pay cash. .Address AK 62 0. Oregonian. Poultry. WANTED Two dozen white or barred Plymouth Rock pullets and two cocker els; must be thoroughbred, laying strain and reasonable. Phone Main 9u4G. Machinery. FOR SALK or rent IOKging and hoisting engines, contractors' machinery, s,U kinds. Railway Equipment Co., 1st and Oak. "WANTED A small gasoline engine for No. 7 Remington typewriter. East 4387. REMINGTON 8-ton refrigerating machine. Phone Main 7ti4. BUY or trade for second-hand well drill. A 674, Oregonian. Typewriters. $15 TO ?05 will buy a Gill rebuilt type writer as good as new; all makes to choose from and workmanship guaranteed; terms to suit; catalogue mailed on request, THE J. K. GILL. COMPANY. 3d and Alder sts. Main 8500, A 6068. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented three months for $4, delivered. Convenient at home. 244 Stark st. Phones Main 6273, A 4441. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illus trated folder; retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash, st TYPEWRITERS, all makes, -?10 to t!5 NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 202 Stark st. ALMOST new Fox visible typewriter. 4ti4 E. 20th st. Take WW car. $25. NEW. rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 2S1 Stark. Main 1407. Miscel lan eou 8. SECOND-HAND billiard and pocket tables, built and reflnlFhed, completely equipped, at prices from $100 upward; liberal terms. The Brunswlck-Ralke-Collender Co., 40 5th st. phone Main 78. A 1769. SAFES M osier Safe Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy terms; safes opened and repaired ; bargains in second-hand safes. 10s 2d st. Phone Main 7670. LOGANBERRY PLANTS. U YEARS OLD FOR SALE; GROW BETTER AND BEAR YEAR SOONER THAN TIPS. N GOO. OREGONIAN. OFFICE partition, mahogany and glass par tition, first-class condition. AD 020. Ore gonian. DON'T pay $35 for an Oxipathor when I will sell you the same one for $20. Call evenings. 344 Montgomery st. AUTO DRIVERS, attention Russian fur lined coat, Al condition, for eale cheap. AK 661. Oregonian. WELL-ROTTED HORSE AND COW MA NURE. PHONE EAST 4296. NATIONAL cash registers. Get my prices. Povey. 351 Ug Wash., basement. Main 606 WANTED Small gasoline engine for a. No. 7 Remington typewriter. East 4397. FOR SALE Plctnre show, drummer's out fit, $25. AH 631. Oregonian PRINTING nresw 6xlO. and outfit, cheap, good as new. 8054 First st. WE sell anything. Room 2, Worcester bldg. No fakes. Apply Ingram Co. USE Bassett's Native tlsm. 52 tablets for Herbs for rheuma 'Tc. AH druggists. FOR SALE Medium-sized safe; reasonable. 71 9 S wetland bldg. will sell WILL sacrifice my 2 diamond rings, H carat. K 659, Oregonian. $55 BUYS fine diamond ring. Tiffany set tine1. 320 Lumber Ex. bldg. SODA fountains from $00 up. Call up Dunn. Marshall 5512. FOR SALE Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Filing equipment at one-ha'.f cost; 16 Number 20 Y. A E. Shannon arch letter sections of nine drawers each, with number one bases and number lo tops to make lour stacKs tour sections high, in good condition; cost $433.20; will forward cuts or photos on application. Address Willamette Pulp & Paper Co.. or phone Main 91, Oreon City. FIVE second-hand roll-top, 2 stools, 8 flat top, z DooKTtceperr aestts, a rotary cnairs, 8 arm chairs 1 T. W. desk, 8 tables, 1 60-inch mahogany roll-top desk and chair. Bushong & Co., 91 Park u Main 104. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. S. li. BARGER. THE AUCTIONEER, will auction your furniture or what not at your residence for you or will pay highest cash prices for same. We sell at Barger- Auction House, 3GS E. Morrison St., at auction prices at any time. E. 1022. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front st.. buys second-hand furniture. carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main 9072. uur buyer calls promptly. WE BUY STOCKS OF MERCHANDISE WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. NEW OK SECOND HAND. WE PAY THE BEST CASH PRICES. THE FAIR DEAL. MAIN 9227, A 3263 WANTED Second - hand comptometer in good condition. State model and price. Address Willamette Navigation Co., Box C, Oregon City, Or., or telephone .Main 91, Oregon City. FURNITURE WANTED. We want $1000 worth of second-hand furniture at once; will pay top-notch price. Williams Ave. Fur. Exchange. E. 636. WE pay highest cash prices for sf'cond-hand umiara ana pocKet tames. The Bruns- wick-BtL Ike-Co I lepder Co., 46 5th street. Phone Main 709. A 1769. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest cash prices paid (or ladies' and gents' castoff clothing and shoes. Call Main 92H3. 294 3d st. The reliable buyer. WR biy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms; rei;i(.ers guaranteed. W. J. Macauley, 354 Burnside. Main 1S16, A 1816. WANTED Second-hand llth Edition Ency clopedia Brltannica; India paper ; flexi ble binding; state price first letter. O 650 Oregonian. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. H iehest prices paid for second -hand clothes. 346 1st st. Main 1383. A 3681. SHOT CASH paid for household goods. C. M. Pennell, 351 1st st- Phone Marshall 4265. WANTED Diamond, size about one karat; must be cheap for cash. Address AP 667, Oregonian. CASH paid for furniture, pianos and mer chandise. Room 13 Cambridge bldg.. 1656 3d st. Main 945. DO not sell or give away any of your fur niture before yon call the Bell Auction house, 191 2d at. Marshall 4783. WANT to buy for cash, a billiard or pool outfit: must be cheap so it will pay to move it. Main 1511, mornings or evenings. WA NTED A 2-seated surrey or carriage with harness; mut be In prood condition and reasonable. Sellwood 730. WANTED To rent or buy a jpecond-hand invalid chair. Call Woodlawn 2979. pav cash or will rent CO-inch sani desk. Main 6h0. NEAT kalsomlning. $2.50 room; woodwork cleaned, painting, etc. Phone M. 405. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur niture; highest prices paid. Sellwood 1682. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 4O0 Dekum bldg. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. NATIONAL cash register ; reasonable. Main 66, A price :i606. CASH BUYER DIAMONDS. PIANOS. MAIN 4617. HIGHEST prices paid for rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hochfeld, 33 N. 3d St., cor. Couch. WANTED Second-hand restaurant equip ment of all kinds. Wood, lOl 6th st. READY cash for furniture. See us first. 121 Grand ave East 1563. HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT (One of Many?. Oiflce Secretary Employment Department, T. M. C. A. Young man. stranger, seeking employ ment t$20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment membership I will have only $15 between me and starvation Secretary If you pay ." for employ ment membership, you will have the T. At. C. A.( with all its resources, between ou and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In lee a than a week he had satisfactory employment. ' Record for 1018: Calls for men from employers 2685 Positions filled 1941 Special employment membership guar antees member wilt secure employment or membership fee will be refunded. Gives two months' full privileges, including use of gymnasium, swimming pool, bath, etc., and 10 months' social or house privileges. Including the services of the employment department for the entire year Ali young men seeking employment In commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin ists, carpenters, mill workers or In other skilled lines ,are cordially invited to con Bult with the secretary of the advisory and employment department. WANTED Men to represent us perman ently in leading fruit belts of Oregon and Washington. Experience not neces sary. We teach you. Willingness to work and learn of first importance. References required, Oregon Nursery Company, or enco. Or. WANTED For IT. S. Army, able-bodied, un married men between ages of 18 and 36, citizens of United States of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to recruiting officer. Worcester bldg., ild and Oak bis., Port land. Or. WANTED Two good salesmen on commis sion to represent large manufacturer of a staple line, business established 10 years; some funds necessary to run the business with. Address Manager. 4017 Ar cade bldg., Seattle. COUNTY manager for a new model patented household article Belling for $3.50. Half profit. $8 to $12 a day. Life Job. Sells over and over again to the same people. Samples loaned. Sales Manager, 122 Syca more st., Milwaukee, Wis. ORDER CLERK, young man, 20 to 30 years of age, lor order clerk in wnoiesaie anu retail market; must be Industrious, quick and accurate at figures and a good pen man. M 606, Oregonian. GOOD, live young man with some experience In hardware and machinery line as ordar and stock clerk. Give experience, refer ences and salary expected. Apply In own handwriting. AD 018, Oregonian. CASH advanced you weekly selling our hardy, guaranteed stock ; excellent terri tory ; hustlers make money. Washington N u rse ry Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. WANTED Live, wide-awake salesman that can show results ; permanent position. Call room 737, Morgan bldg. WANTED Two good milkers to work on darfy farm; Germans or Swiss preferred. Reply to E. H. Lester, Walville, Wash. JUVENILE character and heavy for dra matic company. coston JrtooKing Agency, Panama bldg. 506-8. $20 TO 530 week easily made selling fire insurance at reaucea rates. k. boa, Ore gonian. WANTED State manager for circulation and advertising company. AO 6(8, Orego n ian. ADVERTISING solicitors, good city weeklies, commission ; contracts cashed. Clyde, 207 Stock Exchange. SALESMEN WANTED. Good article, big territory. 03 First St. WANTED Men to write health and acci dent insurance? Oregon Surety St Casualty Co., H01 Board of Trade bid?. PHOTO solicitors. MOO diamond ring given free. Barony Studio, 346 'A Morrison. BAKER, first-ciass baker on cake. Oregonian. AV 779, BARBER wanted, 165 N. Gth st. good man, steady Job. PH OTO coupon ; liest offered ; beauty con est started. Cutberth studio, kum bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADiFTS to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers, $25 to $50 per week; railroad fare paid. 615 S wetland bldg. Call mornings. WANTED Experienced woman for cooking and general housework ; good wages. Ap ply mornings. 340 10th. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldp., 27i Washington, room 33. "hear 4th. Phone Main 8S3H or A 3266. WANTED Itef ined, capable woman for re sponsible position. VlavJ Co.. 609 Roth chill bldg.. 4th and Washington. COMPETENT housework girl; must be good plain cook. Apply afternoons. 1 05 Everett. GI RL wanted to assist Grace Apartment 2. In housework. Cull WANTED erences. -Girl for general housework; ref- Appiy mornings. 2o 12th st. FINISHERS on pants, steady job. 8$ Sd, room 4. A KITCHEN girl wanted. " 70 West Park. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Capable young women to enter training scnooi tor nurses, tor y ti vj -Inquire of Miss Rogers, supt., Hoqulam General Hospital, Hoquiam, Wash. AMBITIOUS, energetic woman over 25 for position with wholesale house; permanent; experience unnecesary. AE C47, Orego nian. NEAT-APPEARING lady demonstrators for liarcley Corset Co. Phone i-Uiel Hamil ton. East 4391, In mornings for appoint ment. MARRIED man to work on farm, 12 miles from city; good Job for hustler; give ref erences and state previous experience. K 653, Oregonian. DRAMATIC and vaudeville performers, singers, dancers, chorus girls, register. Boston Theatrical Agency, Panama bldg., 506-8. CASHIER, experienced young lady; bring reference, Meve's Restaurant, 311 Wash- ington st. FAMILY cook. $40; second work $30; gen eral housework, $15 to $40. St. Louis Agency. 288 Main. Main 2039, FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay while learning: position guaranteed. 400 414 Dekum bldg.. Sanitary Parlors. WANTED Ladies to sell article every wom an wears; make $1 : per week. Adrian, Grand ave. and E. Morrison, room 311. AN experienced cashier and bookkeeper for a busy office: give experience and state salary expected. AL 6S8. Oregonian. A LADY to keep house for man and chll dren, J30 per month. Win. Hosklss, Sat sop. Wash. WANTED A girl to do general housework In steam-heated flat. 787 Northrup. Flat E. 20 WAIST finishers, experience, must be dressmakers by trade. 434 Morrison. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Contributors for Illustrated liter ary magazine; stories, poems, humor; all manuscripts considered; becmners encour aged. Send address. Publishers Oopp bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. SOLICITORS Men and women, exclusive territory in city or outside; a money makere for live. Intelligent solicitors; no other need apply. Call 405 Jekum bldg. FISK Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 3ie Journal bldg. Main 4835. HTTLP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade in 8 weeks; pays you while learning; tools free; tuition reduced this term; extra instructors; years in business; position guaranteed; special inducements to ladles. 'jxt Madison st. 252 2d st. MOLEK Barber College will teach you quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you while learning, furnish tools free. Write for free catalogue. A 48 2d z.t. North. WOMEN Get Government jobs; big pay. Write for list of positions available. Franklin Institute, Dept. 6W5-J. Roches ter. N. Y. GOVERNMENT jobs open to men, women; big pay; write, list positions available. Franklin Institute, dept. 3l0jt Rochester- POKTLAND railway mall cleak examina tions soon; $5 month; common educa tion ; pull" unnecessary. For particulars artflress AV 721, Oregonian. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Custom-house examinations soon; Parcel Post gaining moro clerks; $.0o to $1700; free book. Pacific States School. McKay bldjc. RAILWAY mail clerks wanted; big demand; parcels post, $.5 and up monthly; write Immediately. American Institute, Dept. 115. Kansas City, Mo. GiKLS Learn beauty parlor work; earn money while learning. The Hair Bazaar. Majestic Theater bldg.. Wash, and Park. WANTED, at once, two men to learn auto repairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne Oarage, 445 Hawthorne ave. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE-Indlviduai instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book-keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 425.. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen, wages about $100; experience unnecessary ; send age, stamp. Railway, care Oregonian. HAM and eggs with hot cakes and coffee. 25c. served all day. Rice & Cocoa Dairy Lunch, 101 cth St., corner of Stark. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, $5 PER MONTH. 3i3 11TH ST. EXP. TEACHER. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING. $5 PER MO. 2tW 14TH ST. M. 3S.'3. EXP. iXSTKUC'N. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and C lerks. WILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITS up books, prepare balance and statements. Install systems. Gillingiiam, auditor. 414 Lewis bid it. Marshall 717. WANTED Young man desires position as bookkeeper and stenographer ; good pen man, rapid and accurate; thoroughly ex perienced ; references. Address Y Ci8, Oregonian. WANTED Evening work, stenograph ic, clerical or any kind; young man. A 71-, Oregonian. , BOO ICKEEPER and all-around office man, with six years experience, desires position; best of references. X 023. Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper uuts a position. Phone Main 2-172. CAPABLE salesman and offire man seeks change of employment. B 610, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. DRY GOODS, a builder of business and repu table advertising man with thorough knowled ge of dry goods details is open for position on or before Feb 1. What have you to offer? Confidential. AV 7y-, Oregonian, EXPERIENCED young Japanese chauffeur, of excellent moral habits, married, wants permanent position in good family ; knows the city well; wife help housework. Sam. 225 Sheridan st. DO you know "Jeff?" He is a boarding house or camp cook. If you want t try him, write box 77 or phono Main 51). Esta cada, Or. WANTED Situation, all around printer. Ads, Jobs, presses, etc. Good manager, fine workman, temperate, married. Ad dress Box 604, Deer Lodge. Mont. WANTED Position by experienced chauf feur, careful driver ; truck or private car; no objections to iome other work. Room 5l, Hotel Medford. Knows city. YOUNG man, with considerable experience in orchard work, wishes position on fruit ranch. Address Li. W.. 150 Page st. Phone East 603O. BOY 17 wants position of any kind; lias ex perience In plumbing" and machinery. 4ii& Bidwell ave. A SINGLE man of 40 seeks work In a small dairy to take care of cows, chop wood, etc. AB 672, Oregonian. WANTED work on a farm by single for eigner, speaks little English. R. Savoff, VD 633, Oregonian. FOUND Just the man you want; household carpentry, small jobs and odds: first-class, neat and reasonable. Main 8127. PAINTING, papering, tinting, hard times prices; work guaranteed. Call E. 157, week evenings, 7 to 8. AUTO mechanic wants work driving or re pairing truck or private. 356 Sacramento. C 20O4. UP-TO-DATE practical tailor and cutter de sires position, moderate salary. D 643, Oregonian. JAPANESE chauffeur, experienced In repair, desires a position In first-class family. A 711, Oregonian. T A VT-CT Pnilflnn ViW n TannncHA In nn 11 1 - try-vard, has many years' experience in poultry keeping J. Fuji. 207 Everett st. JAPANESE boy. en tie nnd honest, wants situation to do cooking in family. Ad- - dress N2 4th st. North, city. EXPERIENCE) Janitor wants Job; can give first-class references; in city. Main 717, A 1517. AN ALL-AROUND dairyman needs work; will work at a ny thing ; married ; can give, reference. F 670, Oregonian. WANTED position as have A-l recipe. AH Ice 033, cream maker; Oregonian. JAPANESE cook wants position in family; s m ail wages. V 647. Oregonian. MAN wants position cleaning offices, tem porary or permanent. Main 717, A 1517. YOUNG Japanese wants situation for school boy in family. Y 6:0, Oregonian. WANTED Job by good dry hand, milker, near city. Medford Hotel, room 5W. YOUNG Japanese wants a situation as schoolboy. AH C28. Oregonian. 8ITCATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer of wide commercial experience, competent and reliable; can handle confidential mat ters with tact; permanent position de sired. G 650, - Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper of neat appearance desires per manent position with law firm ; object more educational than remunerative; in terview solicited. F 6 74, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced lady bookkeeper wishes position ; good penman -. am als stenographer; best of references. Address Y 630, oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, assistant bookkeeper and office assistant needs work at once. Main 1311. EX rERlENCED oung lady wants general office work ; can furnish Ai references. O 624, Oregonian. COM PETEXT bookkeeper and stenographer desires position; years of experience; best references. Main V-5.