TTIE MOENIXG OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY - 10, 1914. A SHOE SAILE With a Definite Purpose - With a Positive Object With a Fixed Principle With Genuine Economy Every Pair of Winter Shoes for Men, Women, Children Is Trenchantly Reduced Every Pair New This Season Buwal. Look Into This SHOE SALE Look Beneath the Surface And see how much real shoe-goodness is built into our shoes. Not every shoe dealer, of course, can afford to give such advice, as shoes in the average sales around town cannot bear such close inspection but the shoes in this sale WILL stand such inspection even by shoe experts. Their material and workmanship are just as excellent as their pleasing lines and finish. And when you buy such "real shoe goodness in shoes at Clearance, $4.45 Pair you may know that you are getting full worth for every cent, and more, too. Of dull calf and tan Russian calf lace styles with tips of same. Also English' models, double soles; and patent leather shoes, button style; and brown willow calf, button or lace, blucher styles. Clearance, $3.65 Pair Men's dull calf boots vici kid shoes Winter weight box calf shoes in blucher lace style and patent colt and dull calf shoes, button style. Basement c"MercKaudfo ore Merit Only SWINDLER IS CALM Impersonator of Rich Man Says Way Was "Easy." EXTRADITION IS ASKED San Francisco Charge to Have Right-of-way Young Man Laughs at Miss Meyers' Denial They , Were Engaged. DENVEIi. Jan. S. (Special.) John It. Dew, the debonair young prisoner arrested at the Albany Hotel hero for Impersonating Adolphus Busch, of St. Louis, will be extradited to San Fran cisco if plans made today are not changed. A warrant has been Issued In the Coast city charging him wlta ob taining money under false pretenses It Is considered that the San Fran cisco case against Dew is stronger than the one In Derive", as the only charge that can be placed against him here is "borrowing under false pretenses. Dew declared in Jail today that he had no hope of regaining the conn dence of Wllma Meyers, the daughter of a wealthy Los Angeles man, who he rays was engaged to marry him. A denial In Portland by Miss Meyers that there was an engagement caused him to laugh. 'I guess her letters are evidence enough." he declared. He referred to letters he turned over to the police and which are couched in most endearing terms. Dew takes the situation calmly. He declares he knew he would be caught some day, but that it was so easy to obtain money by representing himself as a member of the millionaire St. Louis brewing family he could not re sist. He refused to discuss his divorce record In St. Louis. "That has nothing to do with this case, but I do not intend to involve others," he said. Asked again who the St. Louis mar rled woman was who he says caused his downfall, he said: "A gentleman never gives the lady s name. GIRTj DENTES K G AN GEM EXT t Miss Meyers Says Sew Seems Bent on Spreading Report. That J. R. Dew has Tepeatedly as serted that he was engaged to marry her, although she has no more than a passing acquaintance with him, was the statement of Miss wilma Meyers, 585 Twentieth street. North, last night. She said she met Dew in Los Angeles. The Meyers recently moved here from California. "I think Mr. Dew must be crazy," she said, laughing. "We were good friends, In a way, although I never thought of marryjng him. But the first thing I heard when I arrived In Portland was that we were engaged. He seems bent on spreading the report all over the United States. "I met him in Los Angeles last Sum mer. He was a nice boy, but you know he is only about 20 years old This talk about my sending him home to make a man of himself is all the work of his own imagination." Klamath Falls Club Elects. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Jan. 9. (Special.) The annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce resulted In the choice of George J. Walton as presl dent and W. T. Lee as vice-president for the yeaj-. The local directors are Sid B. Evans, R. B. Smith, Charles Graves, H. J. Darling, Charles Martin, Leslie Rogers, Charles F. De Lap, J. W, Siemens and H. J. Savidge. From out side Klamath Falls, J. Frank Adams, Merrill: F. W. Broadsword, Bonanza, and James Pelton, of Fort Klamath, were electee. SaturdayOn the Entire Juvenile Floor C"Me!xkandisorc. MerifcOnIT Clearance Sales For Juniors, Girls and Boys Trimmed Hats Latest Winter Styles Selling Regularly $15 Saturday $3.95 We inventory next week. Preparatory to this semi-annual event we have selected 100 stylish, attractive and serviceable hats for this sale. They range in price from $8.50 to $15 each. Smart hats. Hats trimmed in pre vailing fashions that can be worn constantly for the next four months. They come in many styles in small, medium and large shapes, in velvet, plush and velour, in black and colors. Second Floor Free Lessons and Demonstration in Fleisher Yarns Art Department Second Floor. lL M Gi"' LastSatu Three-Piece Suits for Misses and Girls In Sizes from 10 to 16 Years At the Most Remarkable Low Price Saturday $6.95 For $10 to $13.50 Suits . This sale is certainly most unusual even in this store, where the com paratively unusual is almost an every-day matter. It is almost unprece dented to be able to buy the latest fashions, at their very best, at such prices. These excellent suits are made of brown mixed cloth, white corduroy, navy blue serge, tan cord, and brown and white diagonal cloths, consist ing of a coat and a one-piece dress. The jackets are in simple straight box styles, some having belts, and regulation Norfolks, self-collars or com bination and silk-trimmed collars. The dresses are fashioned with panel skirts back and front, and the waists have round or square necks, full blouse style, some are braid trimmed and others with silk revers. Other Three-Piece Suits at Half Price Selling from $17. SO to $37.50 Of black and white checks, tan whale serge blue and white stripe cord, navy blue French serge and cord material trimmed with silk or lace and many with fine dainty embroid ered collars. Various Models in This Final Clearance OF JUNIORS' SUITS That are usually $16.50 to $32.50 Special, Saturday, $9.95 Our selling of tailored suits for misses and small women has this season exceeded every record of past experiences. Assortments are almost exhausted sizes are broken but if you can be fitted in one of these suits you will indeed be fortunate. Suits in brown and mahogany pebble cloth, navy blue corduroys, brown serges. Plain tailored suits for all around wear, also blouse and peplum styles. The skirts are very artistically draped. Girls' $1.50 and $1,75 Balkan Blouses Clearance 95c Blouses of extra quality white galatea made with sailor col lars, others with turndown collars and showing combination trimmings of plain navy blue. Sizes 8 to 20. A MOST IMPORTANT SALE OF Misses' $12.95 and $16.50 Sports Coats IN THE LATEST MODELS Clearance $9.95 Serge and Shepherd Plaid Dresses Selling Regularly at $6.50 to $12.50 Clearance $3.45 Sixes From 6 to 14 Years rday this sale was inaugurated' and for this week end we again offer these dresses for sale but with an additional as sortment of styles and sizes they are sample dresses which spell "advance Spring styles" they are the smartest and prettiest youthful frocks we have ever seen and can be had of fine serge and shepherd plaids in one and two-piece styles blouse and Peter Thompson styles, Norfolk and straight models. Trimmed with fancy collars of plain or checked materials, soutache braids and pipings-j in navy blue, Copenhagen, brown, black and white checks and reds. -Juniors'. $12.50 and $17.50 Dresses OF SILK AND CLOTH MATERIALS Clearance $6.45 Sizes for Girls Frjom 13 to 18 Years 'Attractive and youthful frocks in one and two-piece styles in cadet blue, navy blue, wine, purple, wistaria, brown and fancy plaids and checks. Of charmeuse silk, wool serge and wool plaids. Combination styles, that is frocks of plain colored serge com bined with plaid having satin collars and cuffs the fashionable suspender dress and the silk dresses with trimmings of fancy buttons, chiffon vests, net and shadow laces long or three-quarter sleeves. Corduroy Coats for 2 to 5-Year Children $1.25 Instead of $4.50 This is an excellent opportunity for economy, as a child can wear a corduroy coat as well in the Summer as in the Winter in fact it is the one coat that every mother figures on having for her little daughter. So this is certainly the time for you to get her a new one they are made of good quality velvet corduroy that wears. In double-breasted styles, high necks, fancy buttons, or turndown collars; also plain straight box styles. Other coats of cloth in tan. electric blue and red, made in the same fashion as the corduroy coats. ' w If You Are a Little Girl From 2 to 8 Years Old' You May Choose a Smart Little Hat From a Variety of $1.50 to $2.00 Styles At 50c This is certainly one of those rarest of rare occasions just think of it a smart "tailored" hat at 50c; shaped in youthful, attractive styles of felt, velvet, corduroy with Tyrolean or round crowns, drooping and rolled brims. Having silk bands or satin ribbon bows and plaited ribbon around the crowns. Some have jaunty little feather stick-ups. In red, navy blue, brown, black and white. You will find these coats to be almost identical with those shown for early Spring and their weights are just right for wear the entire year around smartest of sports coats that are made to button close around the neck or with regulation turndown collar and revers. They all have the large patch pockets and fancy or bone buttons. In rose, brown, green, mahogany, boucle and fancy reversible cloth with striped, plaid or figured back. The reversible models have cuffs, collar and collars as well as belts of the plaid. Pictorial Review Patterns Sold here exclusively. The New Spring Fashion Books and Patterns Now on Sale. Second Floor. Picture Framing One-Fourth Off Newest Mouldings Exquisite Neckw'ar at Surprisingly Little Prices in the White Sale For $1.98 and $1.75 Collars Clearance 98c Each -The finest of Bulgarian em broidery and French embroid ery are used in adorning these collars and are shown in soft, rich color combinations flat collars that are now so much in vogue in various shapes. 50c Chemisettes'25c The chemisette the one in dispensable article of every woman's wardrobe of soft net in white, cream or ecru, made with boned collar and felled seams. Women's Vests ' Selling From $2.50 to $10 HALF PRICE A most varied assortment of these fashionable mannish vests single and double-breasted styles, high or low collar ef fects, of troche velour, figured satins, silks in dainty Dresden designs, of white or 6triped madras and moire in most every color imaginable, as well as plain white and black. 69c and 98c Collars Clearance 49c Each Separate collars for coats and dresses and sets consisting of collar and cuffs also for out ing wraps and frocks of beau tiful patterns in Venise laces, Plauen laces and St. Gall laces -various shapes shown in white, cream and ecru. AT HALF PRICE In this lot will be found a varied assortment of chiffon capes, Medici collars. Fichu collars and handsome Dresden scarfs dainty, lovely acces sories that every woman needs and which have always sold from $2.50 as high as $15.00 each, but owing to Clearance we have marked them all at Half Price. First Floor. Dependable Gloves of Doeskin AT LOWEST PRICES Special 95c Pair For $1.25 Short Gloves One-clasp gloves of soft, pli able doeskin, pique sewn. Clearance $2.23 For $3.00 Long Gloves Full 16-button length doeskin gloves, pique sewn made from selected skins and fashioned to fit perfectly. Clearance $1.85 Two pearl clasp doeskin gloves with pique sewn seams and heavily embroidered backs in self-color, or black stitching. $1.25 and $1.50 Pair One-clasp style gloves, pique sewn and P. X. M. sewn. Of a fine soft quality doeskin, perfectly shaped and evenly sewn. Gloves at $1.75 Pair Women's imported doeskin gloves, pique sewn and showing elaborately embroidered backs. Fint Floor. For Navy Blue Serge and Cheviot Suits Sizes from 6 to 18 years Lowest Prices Ever Quoted for Such Fine Suits , Our entire stock of serge and cheviot suits is re duced suits which are the finest of their kind that can be had perfect fitting, extra well made suits, finished in the best manner and lined with the finest materials. Sack and Norfolk styles. $7.00 and $7.50 Suits $5.45 $9.50 to $10.50 Suits. $7.95 $8.50 Suits $6.95 $11.50 to $13.50 Suits $9.95 $14.50 to $16.50 Suits for $11.95 Boys' Fancy Mixed Cloth Suits Selling regularly from $5.00 to $16.50 Clearance $3.75 to $11.50 In this assortment we include our entire stock of suits in fancy mixtures plain sack and plain Nor folk and novelty Norfolk styles suits in tans, browns, gray, oxford and blue mixtures. Pants are full lined and taped seams. Sizes 6 to 1 8 years. Our Boys' Raincoats All Reduced Selling from $6.00 to $13.50 Clearance $4.79 to $10.85 Sizes 6 to 1 8 years. Raincoats in plain tan, fancy mixtures and garbardines the best quality, guaran teed, made with storm collars, box style, some belted across the back. Boys' Blouses, 69c Instead of $1.00 Fine laundered blouses, tapeless styles, of extra quality percales and madras, in light and dark colors and stripe effects. Laundered collars, no cuffs. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Boys' Blouses, Clearance, 39c Sizes 6 to 14 years. New Spring blouses of per cales and madras and flannels, light and dark stripe effects. Made with new pointed collars, .tapeless styles. Boys' $1.25 to $1.65 Hats for 98c Extra large assortment of boys fine felt hats, with high, low or medium crowns, wide and narrow brims, in plain and scratch felts, velvets and cloths, self silk bands, also college shapes, for boys from 6 to 14 years. In black, brown, navy, gray, steel and oxford. Fourth Floor. . The Shoe Sale For Misses and Children OF PATENT COLT and dull calf, button styles, wide toe models with welt soles and tip of same material. $2.00 Shoes, sizes 6 to 8, special $1.65 $2.50 Shoes, sizes 8 to 11, special $1.95 $3.00 Shoes, sizes IIV2 to 2, special $2.45 CHILDREN'S gun metal calf button shoes with medium high toes, plump soles. Sizes 2y2 to 6, special $1.95 Sizes 8y2 to 11, special $1.60 Sizes HVz to 2, special $1.80 Misses kid button shoes with patent tips. Sizes liy2 to 2, special $1.50 Sizes 2y2 to 6, special $1.95 INFANTS' fancy top shoes, with patent leather vamps, champ and brown tops, red tops and also dull kid tops; hand-turned soles, well fin ished in every particular. $1.50 Shoes, 2 to 5, special $1.10 $1.75 Shoes, 6 to 8, $1.35 CHILDREN'S $1.10 felt Romeos, fur trimmed, special 85c The Shoe Sale for Boys BOYS' KANGAROO calf blucher shoes and gunmetal calf but ton shoes, heavily lined throughout, having strong soles and reinforced seams. Sizes 2V2 to 6, special $1.95 Sizes 13y2 to 2, special $1.65 Sizes 9 to 13, special $1.45 BOYS' LOGGERS of kangaroo calf, heavy double soles, nailed and sewed. Made over full round toe last with tip of same. Sizes 1 to 6, special, $2.75 Sizes 10 to 13, special, $1.95 BOYS' tan grain loggers with buckles at top and wide toe last, low heels, heavy soles, nailed and sewed. Sizes 10 to 13, special $2.45 Ra,rmfllt. 4