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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1914)
THE MORXIXO OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, - JAXTTARTT 10, 1914. 11 CRITICISM OF TAX LAW SENT TO WEST City Council Adopts Resolution to Give Public Insight to New Measure. BURDEN DECLARED SEVERE Commissioners Assert That Act Re quiring Full Payment at One Time Is Inopportune and Fenaltlca Are Excessive. To present to Governor West and the people of Portland criticisms of the new state tax Ian- passed at the last session of the State Legislature, the city commission yesterday passed a resolution to be sent to the Governor and to be spread upon the city records. The Commissioner expressed a desire that the new law be given as much publicity as possible. Inasmuch .as there are drastic changes made In the system of collecting taxes which the taxpayers should know about In ad vance of taxpaylng time. The resolution, adopted by unanl mous vote of the Commission, reads as follows: "The Legislature of the State of Ore eon In 1913 passed a general state law covering the subject of taxation of all property, which seems to be exceed Ingly severe In Its terms denying to the taxpayers the privilege of making ' payment of taxes In two Installments unless the taxpayer be subjected to very heavy penalties for exercising the privilege, thereby forcing all who have money at their command or available credit to pay the full amount taxed In one payment, instead of two as has heretofore been the custom, which, we anticipate, will cause heavy withdraw als of each from circulation in the cen ters of population in this state, and In ' consequence will "tend to make more difficult the restoration of a strong, healthy business condition In the com munity. Ignorance of Uif Asserted. "The taxpayers generally seem to be unaware of the provisions of this new law, for they neither followed Its course through the Legislature, which was attended with very slight public ity, nor have they directed their atten tion to It since Its passage, and great numbers of taxpayers, resting under the belief that they may be permitted to pay their taxes in two installments as formerly, will probably be caught unawares In a condition of unprepared ness to pay their taxes In full, as re quired by the terms of the law. 'Tour attention Is also directed to the provisions of this statute providing for penalty and interest In the event that a taxpayer does not pay any taxes on April 1 the day set for the payment of taxes or if he has paid one-half of the taxes April 1, should fail to pay the remaining part on September 1, 1914. These provisions, as we under stand them. Impose a penalty of 10 per cent and Interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum when the entire sum is delinquent, and if one-half of the taxes should be paid April 1, then pen alty at the rate of 1 per cent per -month until September 1, and then 10 per cent penalty thereafter, plus 12 per cent in terest per annum, and at the expiration of one month from the date of delin quency, a certificate of delinquency may issue to the speculator In these securities, bearing the high rate of 15 per cent per annum, in addition to the penalties and interest accrued at the time of the Issuance of this delin quency certificate. Time Declared Inopportune. ""We regard these penalties and In terest as unreasonably budetisome, and we regard the present time for the en lorcement ot so severe a statute as being perhaps the most unfortunate time wnen sucn enormous pressure should be Imposed upon the peopl especially m view of the fact that the total of taxes to be paid by the people Is unusually large. "Theso facts and the views of this body are respeotully presented to you ' for your thoughtful consideration and action." Guatav Baar, 1009 Broadway building. faked an assault and robbery story yesterday morning to cause her em ployer to retain her in his service for her "heroism." Under questioning by Detectives Tichenor and Howell she broke down and admitted the "fake" within three hours after she first told her story. Miss Lent was discovered by an ele vator boy, who heard groaning In the office of Dr. Baar early yesterday. He summoned the police and Patrolman Coulter opened the door with a pass key. Miss Lenz was lying upon the floor, her hands and feet bound and a corked bottle of ether lying beside her. When released she told Coulter that a large man. disguised, entered the office, and after threatening her. ordered her to tell him the whereabouts of Dr. Baar's funds. She went Into another room, she said, and tried to call Dr. Baar on the telephone. Being detected, she thrust the doctor's funds in the bosom of her dress, she said. The rob ber,, she said, bound her and even took oft her shoes to And the money. Dis appointed, he left, she said. After she had been questioned for an hour, and her story scouted by the de tectives, she admitted that it was fictitious. SHERIFF GETS ORDERS JUDGE TELLS WORD TO RELEASE THE LIMNTOS BOWLING CLUB. Court Declares Officer Waa Wrong In Placing: Deputy In Charge ot Property. Though he refused to grant any re straining order. Judge Morrow held yesterday that Sheriff Word was be yond his authority In closing up tthe property of the Llnnton Bowling Club without any writ or order. He di rected Sheriff Word to release the property and remove the Deputy Sheriff left in charge. "I hesitate to issue an Injunction against the Sheriff In this county, for he is a most Important officer," said Judge Morrow. "I have refused to do so on two previous occasions and will refuse now. I am exceedingly careful not to molest an officer in the dis charge of his duty. However, he must have regard for others' rights, and to take property or close a man's busi- ess without legal process Is confis cation, which would destroy the fun damentals of our Government." Judge Morrow intimated that If a nuisance is being conducted at the property of the Llnnton Bowling Club, other procedures can be instituted, and the proprietors or any others who vio late the law arrested. ' The ruling was made on an order directing the Sheriff to show cause why an injunction should not be granted restraining him srom keeping deputy in charge of the Bowling Club property and In keeping the place closed. Suit was filed Wednesday by Attorney Plowden Stott, following the raid made by Deputy Sheriffs Tuesday Ight. I expect to go through with this thing." Sheriff Word told Judge Mor row while he was on the stand to ex plain why he had ordered the bowling lub closed, ' and the only way they an stop me from fighting these places is to put me In jail." ' Later in the afternoon Sheriff Word said ha did not expect to let up for ,one minute, but will arrest every party he finds at the road houses. I don't know exactly what other steps I will take in the matter," he said. btit you may be sure I am not at the end of my string. I am going to keep fighting these places until I close them up. If necessary we will put a lock and key on every one of them." QUARRIES COST $2725.01 Superintendent Heports on Kelly Ilutte and Linnton- for Month. It cost Multnomah County 12725.01 to operate the rock quarries at Kelly Uutta,, and Llpnton during December, according to a'Yeptirt' filed with the Commissioners yesterday by W. A. Katchel. superintendent of machinery, Auto trucks to distribute the rock cost $81X62. At Kolly Butte 14S3 yards of rock were crushed at a cest of $1.15 a cubic yard, as compared with 1988 yards crushed at the Linnton quarry, at an average cost of 51 cents a cubic yard. t he cost at Kelly Butte is increased because of the expense to the county ot feeding the prisoners and guards, an expense that is paid at the Llnnton quarry by the city. The rock from Kelly Butte was dls tributed on the Powell Valley road, in . Lents and on the Foster and Multno mah roads. The Linnton ontput was distributed on the Columbia boulevard and in Portland and Lents. STREET WORK COMPLETED four Improvements Are Assessed Against Property Owners. The hard-surface Improvements north and south of Sandy boulevard from Kast Thirty-seventh to East Forty fifth streets, known as the Thompson improvement district, has been com pleted, and the total assessment $105,911. All these streets are paved south of Sandj boulevard to Halsey street and northward seven blocks. which makes It a completed hard-sur face district. The grading of East Glisan street from East Eighty - seoond to fast Ninety-second streets has beep com pleted, at a cost of $8136, and the as sessmeot made. In the South East Side the Improve ment of East Forty-second street from Holgale street to the Powell Valley road has been completed, at a cost of SI 8.390, and the assessment made. Kast Thirty-ninth street south from Wood stock avenue, in the South East Side, has been completed, at a cost of $11. 189. This improvement consisted of grading and cement sidewalks. "HEROINE" ADMITS FAKE x Physician's Assistant Says She Played Trick to Retain Position Miss Rose Lens, lately from Tlgard Or, an assistant In the office of Ir. SHRINE BAND HAS ELECTION Members Preparing to Hold Circus In Early Spring. At the annual meeting of "A! Kader" Shrine Band, held Thursday at the Scottish Rite Cathedral, the following officers were elected for 1914: President, Dr. F. II. Dammasch; sec retary and treasurer, C. II. Thomas; business manager, V. II. Jorgensen: musical director, Frank Lucas; librari an, A. B. Gottschalk; drum-major, Carl W. Frank. The members extended a vote of thanks to the retiring officers, W. A. Carter and W. C. Wasserman, and re gretted that their business affairs would not allow them to devote the necessary time to continue in office. The band is reported in excellent shape, having progressed rapidly in the last few months, now has increased instrumentation, much enthusiasm and an extensive library of standard music. A committee consisting of A. B. Gottschalk, C. II. Thomas and A. P. Goss was appointed to act In conjunc tlon with the general committee an pointed by the shrine, which is headed by Potentate H. W. Beckwith, to per feet arrangements for the circus which will be an event of the early Spring in roruand. PRISONERS BEAT OLD MAN Men Beoomo Angered When They Learn Charges Against Hadley. Clark Hadley. 74 years old. of 270 Fourth street, was badly beaten in the City Jail Thursday night, when prison ers learned that he was charged with indecent offenses against children from to 16 years of age. He appeared in court badly bruised yesterday morn ing, and his case was continued. William Rogers and William Mor rison, who were arraigned in court on vagrancy charges also bore marks of an encounter. It was explained that a blow intended for the old man reached Rogers and that thereafter the fight became general. Rogers was fined $10 and Morrison was given a suspended sentence. Patrolman Gill arrested Hadley, after a week's watchintr. "Bear" "Beaver" "Rose City" S. S. BEAVER SAILS . Jan. 11, 4 P. M. -(Bear, Jan. 21) Low Rates to California (Meals and berth, included). Tickets at Third and Washington (With O.-W.. R. & N. Co.) Phones, Marshall 4500, A 6121. THE . SAN FRANCISCO & PORT- LAND S, S. CO. New Carload Standard Central Needle Sewing Machines Just Received Department, Second Floor Free Embroidery and Crochet Lessons Daily From 1 to 5 Children's Classes Saturdays, 9:30 to 12 Clearance Rubber Goods Drug: Department, First Floor. - Regular 1 Red Rubtfer Syringe. 7Q full two-quart size. Special only 7C Regular $1.25 Red RubberQQ Syringe, full three-quart size, at-- Regular $1.00 Hot-Water Bottles 7Q in two-quart size, special now at 27 C $1.25 Three-quart Hot Bottles at the reduced WaterfQ price ofSOl. Olds Wortnuan Ss 9 Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Store Honrs 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Every Business Day Saturday Included iCltuo Clearance Sale Brushes Drug Department, First Floor. Regular 65c R u b b e r - Cushion OQ Hair Brushes, clearance sale it OIC Regular 50c Hair Brushes now OQ reduced to the low price of only OIC Regular 25c Tooth Brushes In 1 ff a great many styles, clearance IOC Regular 15c Tooth Brushes now -l on sale at the low price of only XVFC WIG. Id KveYtS Article Meduced Excepting Only Groceries and a Few Restricted Lines The Year's Greatest Money-Saving Event Drastic price reductions are the order throughout every department of the store. This includes not only . special lines and small lots, but our entire stock of dependable merchandise groceries and a few restricted lines being the only exceptions. Women's Suits, Coats, Gowns, Waists and ready-to-wear apparel of all kinds reduced. All Children's Wear reduced. Men's and boys' Wear reduced. Neckwear, Gloves and Hosiery reduced. Dress Goods and Silks reduced. Domestics and Home Needs reduced. Crockery, Glass ware, Silverware, etc., reduced. Carpets and Draperies reduced; in fact, you may select almost anything ' for personal or home requirements now at prices lower than at any other time of the year. Women's Up to $30 Suits Clearance $10 Suit Salons, Second Floor Still a splendid assortment of these excel lent Suits for those who come today. Cutaways, belted effects and plain-tailored models in broadcloth, serges, corduroys, stripes, checks and novelty mixtures. Tailored or draped skirts. Several attractive styles for misses and girls. Suits selling O "f f ff formerly up to $30.00. Clearance Sale price, only Women's $22.50 Winter Coats Clearance $12.98 Garment Department, Second Floor Shown in a great many smart styles, in or full lengths. Some in the popular cutaway effects; others in belted or plain-tailored models, with novelty collars and cuffs. Wide range of desirable fabrics, including the heavy, rough weaves, and almost all colors are represented. Coats 3? t O QO which were priced to $22.50. Clearance Sale price P O Dainty Lingerie Waists, Clearance 98c Waists Worth to $3.50, Now $1.98 Center Circle, First Floor Scores of pretty styles, with high or low necks and long or short sleeves. Effectively trimmed with laces, tucks,' embroideries, frills, fancy buttons, etc. Complete AO, Center Circle, First Floor This special lot of Waists is composed of several lines from our regular stock. A wonderful assortment of styles and materials. Waists selling formerly up C? T QO to $3.50. Clearance PJ-.Z'O range of sizes. Special Women's $4.5Q Bath Robes at $2.98 Regular $8.50 Bath Robes $5.69 Heavy Blanket Bathrobes, in pretty figured and floral effects, with or without 3J Qi2 collars. Clearance VO Wool Blanket Bathrobes, trim'd with bands, pockets and cord girdle. Several dif- ZCT ?Q ferent styles. Each J SensationalMillmeryClearance Beautiful New Trimmed Mats These Goods Are Strictly New and Fresh From an Eastern Concern Values Up to $12.50 . Saturday Only at Women's 50c Hosiery 35c Pr. Women's 35ctlose 25c Pair 1 See Our Special Millinery Ad, Page IP W 'iiiillffv w Women's full-fashioned cotton and silk' lisle Hose, in black only. Regular and outsizes. EZg. Clearance Sale price, pr. Children's "Pony-" and "No-Mend" Hose, Clearance, the pair, 22 Girls' 50c "Onyx" Silk Lisle Hose, black, white, pink, blue, 33 Children's 25c and 35c Ribbed Wool Hose, Clearance, the pair, 19i Women's cotton and lisle Hose, in black, black with white foot, and colors. Kegular doc grades. Clearance, pair 25c lOOO Untrhnmed Ijals, Worth to $7.50, Choice Millinery Department, Second Floor High-grade velvets, velours and plushes, in good assortment of popular colors. This season's latest styles for street and dress wear, in small, medium or large effects. For immediate clearance we have grouped about 1000 of these splendid Hat Shapes and offer them today at, your choice Clearance of Fancy Ribbons Department, Main Floor Fine quality silk taffeta and messaline Ribbons, in latest novelty effects stripes, plaids, figured and floral designs. Regular 75c grades at 48; regular 50c grades at O C, 33 and regular 35c grades at, the yard All Jewelry Now at 1-4 Off Department; Main Floor This includes our entire stocky with the exception of Ingersoll Watches. Hair Ornaments, Shaving Mirrors and Toilet Sets are also included. Make your selec- a Off tions today. Clearance Prices, at Sale of Drugs and Toilet Articles - ,,, .-. - . i ... i ... ... . . 5c Fairy Soap 3c Cake Limit 6 Cakes to a Customer Soap delivered only with other . purchases in the Drug Department. . 15c Toilet Paper, 1500 sheets, 10 15c 4711 White Rose Soap, lOp 15c Pears' Unscented Soap, 10? 4 $1.00 Bocobella Castile Soap, large bar,' special for today, only 75? Odds and ends 10c Soap only 2? 15c 20-Mule-Tcam Borax at 10c Candy Specials For Saturday Bargain Circle, First Floor 1500 pounds of delicious, fresh Candies on sale at special reduced prices. $1 "OWE" Bon Bons and Choc olates, two-pound box, for 757 40c Assorted Fruit Paste, 25C SOc Cocoanut Caramels, lb., 25 40c Cream Chocolates, lb., 30 30c Toast Marshmallows, lb. 25 20c Broken Mixed Candy, lb. 15 25c Large Gum- Drops, lb., 20 40c Cream Almonds, lb. at 30 & 40c Choco. Marshmallows, 30 25c French Mixed Candy at 20 50c "OWE" Bitter Sweets, 40? 30c Cream Dates at, pound, 20 40c Mint Choc. Squares at 30c 30c Crystal Cream Wafers, 18 10c Hand Sapolio, special, at 6 10c Kitchen Sapolio, special, 6? 10c Williams' Shaving Soap, 5? 25c Kolynos Tooth Paste, on spe cial sale Saturday only, 3 for 50i 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste at 28S 25c Colgate's Ribbon Paste, 20& 50c Pompeian Mass. Cream, 39i 75c' Pompeian Mass" Cream, $1 Pompeian Mass. Cream at 507 10c Abelina Water now for 5? $1.00 Beef Iron and Wine at 69 $1.00 Scott's Emulsion now 83 50c Scott's Emulsion now at 45 25c Syr. White Pine and Tar, 17? $1.00 Swamp-Root, special, 79c 50c Syrup of Figs, special, 35 35c Castoria now for only 25 $1.00 Pinkham's Remedies at 79? $1.00 Prune Laxative only 69 $1.00 Dr. Pierce's Remedies, 79? SOc Mentholatum, special, 39 $1.00 Wine of Cardui, special, 69 25c Denver Mud, for aches, in flammation and congestion, IOC Borden's Malted Milk for Good Health! While, in the store today stop at the. demonstration booth and try a cup of this delicious beverage. The health and strength-giving properties of Borden's Malted Milk, make il specially helpful to persons of delicate constitution. Recom mended and prescribed by prominent physicians the world over. Regular $3.75 hospital size on sale Saturday, Clearance, $2.98 ' Regular $1.00 size for only SO; regular SOc size for only 4Q? 25c Malt Nutrine now only 19 50c' Lambert's Listerine only 35? 25c Sal Hepatcia, special at 19 50c Sal Hepatcia, special at 43(6 $1 Sal Hepatcia, special at 85 10c Bromo Seltzer now at only 8 25c Bromo Seltzer now at 20? 50c Bromo Seltzer now at ' 43f $1.00 Bromo Seltzer now at 85? lOe 14 -pound Peroxide only 5? 40c Vo-pound Bay Rum only 25? SOc Sanitary Napkins, put up 12 in a box. Special, a dozen, 3o 15c Belladona Plasters only 10P Mary Garden Extract, oz., $1.25 Maurine Tojlet Goods We are sole Portland agents , for this famous line.' Maurine Prep-. arations - are fully guaranteed. : Money back if not satisfactory. Maurine Beauty Lotion, 50, SI Maurine Satin Cream, 50, $1 . Maurine Rosebud Rouge only $1 f'fBWilfflftl t Malted I II Milk 1 Women's $3.50 to $5 Shoes for $2.69 Men's $4 and $5 Shoes at $3.39 6J ( Main Floor Women's high boots, in but ton or lace styles. Fabrics, suedes, vel vets, satins, kid and calf leathers." Turned and welt soles. Arranged on individual, tables according, to. size. , Low-heeled Shoes for growing girls also included. $3.50 to $5 Shoes $2.69 Main Floor A great Clearance of men's high-grade Shoes at a remarkably low price. Black Russia, velour and gunmetal leathers, in great variety of styles. Fa- "mous Burt & Packard correct shape Shoes also included. Standard $4 20 QO , and $5 grades. Special, pair p-J'& GfOCiZI'li SftCCtalS ine ImPrteJ Swiss Cheese at, lb.,' 320 . , Young Chickens, about 3 lbs. each, lb., 25 Order early. Experienced phone clerks will take orders beginning at 8:30 A. M. Third Floor Clearance Bargains Boys' $8.50 Suits $3.98 1 Ages 8 to 17 Years Main Floor A rousing clean-up of Boys' Suits which will -bring many parents to the store today. In going through our stock we find many lines that have sold down to two or three of a kind. All these have been grouped into one big lot for quick clearance. This season's newest styles and fabrics. Sell-QO QO ing formerly up to $3.50 All Boys9 Overcoats Reduced Main Floor Cravenetted cheviots and chinchillas, also an excellent assortment of other materials. Boys' $ 5.00 Overcoats on sale for only $ 3.75 Boys' $ 6.50 Overcoats on sale for only $ 4.85 Boys'. $10.00 Overcoats on sale for only $ 7.45 Boys' $15.00 Overcoats on sale for only $11.25 Men's $2.50, $3 Shirts $1.89 Men's $1.25 Coat Shirts 95c Main Floor Men's high-grade Main Floor Men's Coat Shirts, Imported Madras Coat Shirts. plain, plaited and semi -bosom Very finely tailored and good styles. Body cut plenty full and full sizes. Plaited and plain made from good strong ma bosoms. Sizes 14 to 18. Reg- terials. Sizes from 14 up to 18. ular $2.50 and $3 g Y OQ Regular' $1.25 Shirts. Qff0 Shirrs. Clearance Clearance Sale price Men's $1.50 Yorke, Arrow and Bates Street Shirts, special, $1.15 Men's $2.00 Yorke, Emery and Arrow Shirts, Clearance, $1.35 Men's Felt Hats V2 Price -Regular 20c "Dandy" Floor Mops, Clearance, 12 Regular 25c "Dandy" Floor Mops, Clearance, 15 Regular 30c "Dandy" Floor Mops, Clearance, 20 Patent Dish Washers, complete, sale price, $1.50 25c Metal Wall Match Safes, Clearance Sale, 15 $1.25 Royal Enameled Roasters, Clearance Sale, 85 $1.40 Royal Enameled Roasters, Clearance Sale, 98 Regular $1.15 Covered Crown Roasters, special, 75 Regular $2.75 Aluminum Tea Kettles, special, $1.75 Regular $3.00 Aluminum Tea Kettles, special, $1.75 Regular 25c Wood Salt Boxes, Clearance ale, 13 Regular $1.35 Oval Willow Clothes Baskets at 98? 25c 10-inch Fruit or Salad Bowls, blue design,-10? 10c Individual Fruit Saucers, blue design, at only 5c Special Clearance Sale Prices on Dinner Ware and Fancy China Dept., Main Floor zyTZT Men's Soft Felt Hats, in black, -f-, 'r4i gray, browns and mixtures. This ''' includes special lines of velours, ygj---:mwvm -ftftrj: plain telts, .KJnglisn scratcu nais. ?" Reg. $6.50 Velour Hats at $3.25 1$'ZZ Reg. $4.00 Velour Hats at $2.00 mr Reg. $3.00 Felt Hats only $1.5U t ceg. $z.uu x eit iiais omy Men's SOc Suspenders tA"t? Special, 39c Main Floor Special line of Men 's Suspenders. Standard 50c quali ties, in heavy and light weights, 1 J 1.1." ,1 wiin iancy or piam weuuiug auu l)t' kid or pigskin ends. sest "-JCJ 50e grades. Special, pair OC Men's $3.5Q Underwear for $1.98 Men's 50c Neckivear 23c White and natural cashmere and silk and wool Shirts and Drawers, in sizes 34 to 44. A well-known make. "B O Q $3.50 grade .. s .. - .GA. Reg. Meu's Neckwear, in plain colors and fancy patterns. Wide flow ing ends. Made to slide easily under the collar. To O 0 SOc grades, special, at"-'' 1