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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1914)
13 THE MORNES'G OREGOXrAJf, TTJESDAT-, JAIVTJARY 6, 1914. REAL ESTATE. I 'or Kikle 1-ots. FINE HOMESITE3 AT RIGHT PRICES. 75x100, corner. west slope of Mt. Tabor; I fine view of city, bait block Xrom car; . easy terms. m 150x107, East 60th and Stark. Will i divide to four large lots. I 60x100, East 25th, near Tillamook, easy terms. I. Q. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of commerce. 1(1150 Irvlngton, Hancock-st. lot; beauti ful homes and surroundings, high and sightly, level, 1ft feet above grade, paved streets, etc CALL SECURITY T.T3VELOPMENT CO., 275 Pine St. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage; all locations, views and prices. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 8839. Every Customer Is a Reference. MULTNOMAH station homeslte at a sacri fice, about one-third acre, $800. It Is or no use to me. Who wants It Call 275 ' Pine st. TO TRADE House and lot In Wlnf'.eid, Kan., $1500, for house and lot or acre age neat? Portland. Address 403 East Flan ders. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. $860 lot for 9625 If taken at once. Bee Mr. Stahl. 269 Stark St.. at HASTMAN & THOMPSON. SACRIFICE FOR CASH. Lot 7, block 3, Jonesmore, worth $1000, 5&0, $300 cash. Merchants' Restaurant. Whltwood Court. i'AIRrORT ADDITION, 60x100 feet. $523. on Baldwin st near Minnesota. Call 275 Pine st. Main 1721. ARVINGTON corner, 100x100, 24th and Thompson; perfect site. Owner, 813 Cor bett bldg. 4lOSO, HAWTHORNE, corner, 76x100, east front. Owner. Main 8348. HANCOCK ST. and East 2Sth St.. 100x100 feet. $2400. Call 275 Pine St. $500, ALL cash, buys .100x100 In restricted district. Y 009. Oregonlan. looxioo. GLENN AVE., near Kllllngsworth; $1300 cash. Owner. AK 638, Oregonlan. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 518 Ablngton Bldg. For Bale Houses. HIGHEST POINT TJT ROSE) CTTT PARK. INVESTMENT OR HOME. 650 E. 60TH ST. NORTH. JU BLOCKS SO. OF SANDY BLVD. PARTY WILL LEASE $30 A MONTH. $4250 VALUE FOR $3850 TO PERSON WHO CAN PAY $1850 CASH.- INVESTI GATE. BEAUTIFUL NEW 6-ROOM. 2 6TORT AND SLEEPING PORCH. THOROUGHLY MODERN. MISSION' DE tn' AND FINISH THROUGHOUT. ! (MANTEL AND RUSTIC FIREPLACE, I ruTT.-., titti.'pc"P rmWi ft ntcra BOOKCASES BUILT IN IN HOLLAND DUTCH DESIGN. SOLID OAK FLOORS SLA1D OVER TWO OTHER THICKNESS ES OF FLOORING; BEAMED CEILINGS, LATEST STYLE DROP LIGHTS. FULL BIZE CEMENT BASEMENT. BUILT-IN TUBS. COMBINATION WOOD OR COAL FURNACE, FULL-SIZE LOT. OCCUPIED n v nfvPD. vrriT DtrrTn win Mnvu-v. MAKING INSTALLMENT HOUSE; WILL CARRY $500 TWO YEARS, $100O rOUB j tea aa if Dsai&ED. 250. fTAWTHORNH A VEX Fix beautiful rooms, full cement base ment, hardwood floors, beam celling;, fire place, panel walla, extra large buffet. Dutch kitchen and full-floored attlo, hard surface street. ALL IMPROVEMENTS PAID. East front, just off Hawthorne ave., $3000, JOHN L. KAKNOPF, 826 Railway Ex. bldg. Marshall 2574. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS RESI DENCE, OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 824 ABINGTON BLDG. " IRVINQTON. Beaulful new, strictly modern T-room home. Finished In Ivory and quarter sawed oak. Elegant Imported wallpapers; latest design lighting fixtures, built-in scats, bookcase, buffet, mirrors. The very l-4ie. Ideas embodied to make complete In every detail. My price cut to $5800. Terms. Easily worth $0000. 684 East 10th North, between Knott and Stanton. Robt. B. Beat, owner and builder. East 586. $100. DOWN. Modern 2-story 6-room house, walking distance, full cement basement and floor, . furnace, lighting fixtures, gas, -window hades, hardwood floors, buffet, panel walls, bedrooms and kitchen In white enamel; tlntod and decorated wans; standard plumbing. Improvements paid. Prloo $3050. Geo. A. Ross, owner, 301 Oerllnger bldg. phone Main 2070. "! SOME GOOD BUY. Six rooms, modern, fireplace, lot 100x 85, with chicken park, etc.. three blocks from car; price $2250, only $100 cash re . quired. ' PICK IT UP EARL7. ' W. A. BARNES CO. 404-5 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak. Main 2081. $5.V NEW email house and one lot. Total price ?55o; $50 cash and $15 per month, lnclud ng Interest. Take Rose City Park car to 724 st. See Austin. Gregory Investment Qo. WEST SIDE LOCATION WITH AN EAST SIDE" PRICE $6700 I 7 room and sleeping porch, beautiful I Tl,w two fireplaces, walking distance, ! Paved street, street Improvements all paid. Terms arranged. V PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, v 212-21-Selling bldg. GOOD TIME TO BUILD YOUR HOME OR APARTMENT. WHY NOT DEAL WITH RESPONSIBLE FIRM WHO CAN FURNISH THE MONEY? SASY PAYMENTS. WE HAVE DONE IT FOR MANY OTHERS, WHY NOT FOR TOUT PLANS TO SUIT. TAYLOR BUILDING CO., 608 1TKAY BLDG LAURELHURST HOT-WATER HEAT. I Fine, 6-room. strictly modern house, I with garage, fireplace, hardwood floors; all latest built-in effects and a hot water I beating plant; price a snap, only $4750, on easy terms if desired. Owner, Main 7452, A 4401. 816 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. ONLY $200 CASH. i Dandv bunerajow In Ram r. Port, district, hardwood floors and modern in -very way; ciose to car; price $8100. W. A. BARNES CO, 404-5 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. Main 2081. RANTED $1200, quick; offers choice 100 xiuu, improvel, coming business corner; . cosy, modern, plumbed, electric and gas I jifijiiau nou.n, rooms, Kltcnenette, natn- ' room and furniture: on carllne: row l'27n now 2100. Citizens' Agency, 170 2d st. -ROOM modern house In beautiful Pied mont, for sale at a sacrifice; cost -owner over $4000; will sell for $3125; good terms and no mortgage to assume. Call Main 2081 during day or East 4164 after S O CIOCK. OWNER'S forced sale new 6-room. 2-story, furnace, sleeping-porch, all double con struction. Ask about this snao from owner, terms. Hawthornerilstrlct. Tabor nr, n. svtn. 1A BEAUTIFUL home, artistically designed and well located on East Side, built 191S; prioe $16,000; will exchange equity $8000 for small houses or unincumbered lots. C wo, uresoniaa. We draw the plans, build the house, furnish the money; easy payments; low ' Interest. If you want It GOOD, see us. Butterworth-Stephenson Co., Couch bldg. S5500 A GOOD house and lot on lQth xr best part of Irvlngton; mortgage $3000; will take good, lot for equity. Weston. Mar. 3910. loOxlOO 5-ROOM small house, good fruit trees, street Improved and paid; WW car " passes door all furnished $2100. Weston, Mer. 3910. CHARMING MODERN HOME. Irvlngton, 9 rooms, oak and mahogany finish, oak floors 2 baths, servants' rooms garage. East 273. W. H. Herdman. 6-ROOM house, plastered, 45x100 lot, with cement walks; $lo0, $10 down, $10 month ly. Smith-Wagoner Co., 612 Stock Ex ehange. uVOR SALE by owner In Laurelhurst. 8-room house between Montavilla and Rose Clty carllne; all improvements. 1032 Pacific Phone Tabor 2902. (2750 FOR . moflern 6-room bungalow; Tot 50x100; furnace and cement basement; this is income proyerty, 104 per cent, $75Q will handle. Woodlawn 8229. (NEW. modern nine-room house In Laurel hurst. "phone owner. East 2432. NICE clean modern 8-room dwelling corner East Alder and 16th st. Phone A 4809. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW SNAP. Swell 8-room bungalow, furnace, fire . place, all latest built-in effects, S bed rooms, fine wide porch on two aides of house, lot Is 100x129 and faces on three streets, on Vancouver ave., near Killings worth. This place cost the owner $83uo; our price for a short time, $8500, on any reasonable terms. ohi;kst a- "RriT.nR. 816 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452, A440L NEW modern 5-room bungalow basement, fireplace, near car; only $1400; terms.. Ta- bor 3949. l-'or Sale Acreage. GOOD FOR ONE ROUND - TRIP TICKET. Cut this advertisement out and bring It to our office. Let us tell you about our WEST SIDE SUBURBAN ACREAGE TRACTS, 30 minutes out on the NEW FOURTH-STREET ELECTRIC LINE. If you are interested In buying one acre or more we win be pleased to have you ac company one of our salesmen to the tract, w-here you can see the development and get our prices. You can secure an acre of rich soil, close to station, on easy terms, for the price of a city lot. Build your home where you can keep a cow, raise chickens, grow vegetables for your own use and to sell and enjoy city conveniences without city restrictions. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 85. 10s Fourth St. A-3 5 00. $6o0 BUYS a half acre, close in on-the West Side, with some beautiful young fir trees; only $15 minutes car ride, 5c fare; terms only $20 down, $10 per month; with a large piece of ground like this you can raise all your vegetables, small - fruit, chickens, etc., which means the larger part of your living. M. E. Lee, 622 COr- ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision near Gresham; 5 acres $400, $500, $700; 8 acres $500, $700; lO acres $760, $900, $1000 per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose, Or., $25 to $10O per cre. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO., AOQ V.nn l,1r!r Xn-t I a n H STOP THE RENT Buy one of our -acre tracts, close in on the West Side. 16 min utes' car ride, Bo fare: price $326; $10 down. $5 per month; on one of these tracts you can raise all of your vegetables, ber ries, small fruit, chickens, etc., which will help to solve the problem of the high cost of living. M. E. Lee. 628 Corbett bldg. BUY direct from me on easy terms 5 acres or mure ana xnuae your payments to a National bank. Have subdivided my Wil lamette Valley farm, one of the best on the Oregon Electric; deep, rich loam, all In cultivation, - level, near station, school, store. Full Information from my represen tatlve at 920 Chamber of Commerce. " ACREAGE tracts and small farm within easy reach of city; prices right:- some on easy terms; others part exchange will be considered. Tracts range in size from 7 to 80 acres. I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. LARGE beautiful home sites. 15 minutes c.r ride. West Bide. 6o fare; price only 325; $10 down, balance $6 per month; the best value in the city. If you aro look ing for a. place with a big future this will suit you. M. E. Lee. 622 Corbett hldg. I OWN 85 acres of fine land In Tillamook County, Oregon; In good location; will make a splendid farm for someone; my price only $30 per acre, it Is worth $80 per acre. See owner at 619 Worcester bldg. YOUR chance; five acres, all in cultivation, close to town and electric railway; will ell on easy terms, long time; no pay ment down to party who will build. C. S. Parker. Hlllsboro. Or. - TWO-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. 4-room house, with bath; good chicken houses; at Gilbert station; will sell $1500 cash equity for $750, balance 6 per cent, long time. Owner. Main 44O0. Tabor 450O. I DESIRE to sell my equity In 3 acres of land at Glllis Station, on Mt Hood car line, no commission; an attractive invest ment. AG 643. Oregonian. BEAVERDAM onion land that pays 100 per cent on tne aoiiar; o ana ioacre tracts. M. F. Johnson. Sherwood. Or THREE acres in new village on electrio line; fine soil, no rocks; good roads. $1400. terms. B 2051. Irrigated Ixd(Ih, THE Ideal irrigation project, south of Port. ianu wiui water in tne growing season, at the very time when the crops need it Easy terms to bona fide settlers. See Willamette Valley Irrig. Land Co.. 26a Stark st. For Sale Tt FOR SALE SO acres, 25 acres in cultiva tion, balance In timber, one mile to saw mill; 7-room house, barn, chicken-house and yard, woodshed, well, spring In pas ture; part fenced with woven wire for goat pasture; county road, milk route, telephone, R. F. D., small orchard, ap ples and prunes ? In Washington County, 85 miles to Portland, 10 miles to Forest , Grove, 6 miles to Banks. Price $6500, $1500 cash, balance $r00 a year. Interest 6 per cent. Would consider 5-room house and, lot in Portland In part payment. Place can be occupied March 1, 1914. Deal with owner, 830 Gantenbeln ave.. Port land. Cr. WANT improved farm with stock, on good iuuu, not too tar Trom town; will noi pay over $5000, cash down $1500 and give property, value $1500, In exchange, for balance mortgage at 6 per cent. AR 65t, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Farm near Portland; 188 acres all cleared, price $2 00 an acre, buildings and running water on place; good car service; will not consider trade; half cash down, balance time. Phone Tabor 4980. 275-ACRE farm, good dairying, good living water, good soil; all modern improve ments; located 5 miles east of Olympia, Wash. David Fleetwood, Lacey, Wash 640 ACRES of North Dakota wheat land; 400 acres under cultivation; good buildings; pnrt cash and trade for Income property, 830 per acre. O 605. Oregonlan. RANCH. 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland near electric line; bargain fr all cash. By owner. 182 Morrison st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 6-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW WANTED. Have $3000 timber claim to offer In part payment; give full particulars. AO 65 i . Oregonlan. WANTED A lot for my equity of $500 in modern 4-room bungalow, with sleeping porch; Dutch -kitchen, fixtures, shades; lot 40xl2O. close to car. Phone Main 2970. CASH HaVe client WhO Will r,v .V. arnnJ bargain on Portland Heights. K 661, Ore- WILL pay cash for house and lot In South Portland, south of Hall St.; must be cheap; owners only. A 710. Oregonlan. WANTED 6-room bungalow that can be bought on easy terms; price not to exoeed $2500. AM 659, Oregonlan. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. HAVE 4,000,000 splendid timber, on county road. 20 miles -from Portland; new mill frame, ready for machinerv; other neces sary buildings; sell reasonable; other tim. ber adjoining. Seward. 52 East 79th st Phone Tabor 2706. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 M'KAY BLDG. CHEAP STUMP AGE. Ideal location for a mill; stream run nlng to railroad spur. 83 6th st. FOR SALE A timber claim; party will sell irawiiKoifl ior casn. t 034, oregonlan. FORCED sale, 160 acres timber now $2000. - " iu j, Oregon. FOR RENT FARMS. 44 ACRES, deep soil, cultivated, fenced, 6 room house, small orchard, i -n - , . hh.. near electric depot and county road, 12 miles Portland: rent or trade. McFarland xieaity uo.. sua xeon bldg. FOR RENT 37 acre, garden land, near Beaverton, macadam road all way Into city, good Improvements, school near. rental in worn. s. Jackson, 204 TO EXCHANGE." WE HAVE $1400 equity, modern, 6-room bungalow In Irvlngton district; will take i-t&Bu iinu b. gooa lot I or tne same. v-au jt,ast on Monday. HAVE new residence, clear and cash; want improved acreage, ju to 40 acres, on elec tric line; must be a bargain. 803 Phoenix mag., corner otn ana oak. TWO timber tracts of 88 and55 million, re spectlvely, clear; want clear cltv nrnn erty; might consider clear farm lands and ume casn. sua rnoemi blag., 5th and Oak. 8600 ACRES In valley on Southern -Pacific, clear, $71,000: want city income; will as sume. 80S Phoenix bldg., corner 5th and sts. IRVINGTON home equity $2000 to trade ior i arm acreage or vaacnt lot. Owner A 707. Oregonlan. WANTED To trade house and lot in St. Johns for auto. 1098 Glenn ave. Call ounnay. 40 ACRES Improved, near R. R. town and river, unincumbered, for bungalow. Van duyn & Walton. 515 Cham, of Com. WHAT can you exchange for 4-room cottage in ine uauesr jisuu casn. owner, M 660, Oregon lan! WILL exchange Income Irvlngton flats for wen-iocatea vacant lots. . E. Bowman st uo. WILLAMETTE. Improved 80, $3000; neces sary buildings; -r:nt residence. Owner, 1030 Grand, North, TO EXCHANGE. 2o ACRES FRUIT LAND, 8 MILES OF Portland, l miles north of Vancouver city limits; 100 " rods from hard-surf aoed Pacifio highway . and from fine graded school, close to Vancouver Lake; 16 acres under' cultivation; all level, sandy loam; - about 250 fruit trees; rather old '9-room house; 80-foot well, with 14 H. P. engine; f'lenty of pure water; an ideal place to ive among the finest prune orchards in the West; price $9500; will trade for stock of general merchandise. Lenla Merchan tile Co.. Lenla, Idaho. WHAT have you to exchange for 16 lots In uoiaenaaie, w asn., rree or incumbrancer Will trade my equity of $2500 In 2 lots 76x110 in Murraymead Ada., 24th and Sherman sts. i I hava 7-passenger car. what have you to offer In exchange? AF 639, Oregonlan. TO TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 280 acres, 6 miles west of Dufur, Or., 100 acres in cultivation, 140 more can be cultivated, 10 acres aln alfalfa, plenty of water, buildings of all kinds, 1 ',-4 miles to school; price $60 per acre; $G500 in cumbrance runs 7 years at 6 per cent in terest. For further particulars address box 166. Dufur, Or. CHOICE WHEAT LAND FOR SALE ON CROP PAYMENT PLAN OB EXCHANGE "FOR PORTLAND OR WILLAMETTE VALLEY PROPERTIES. I HANDLE ONLY MY OWN PROP ERTIES. THESE WHEAT LANDS ARE HIGHLY IMPROVED AND DESIRABLY LOCATED. J. O. ELROD. 819 CORBETT BUILDING. CATTLEMEN TAKE NOTICE. 1320 acres, with lots- of outrange, in Eastern Oregon, where plenty of rain falls; river runs through place; 120 head cattle, 70 horses, OO.hogs, lOO chickens, plenty hay and feed, to exchange. Owner, Wil liam Johnson, 527 Chamber -of Commerce. FOR EXCHANGE. A 80-acre orchard, three and half yeara old, located In Bitter Root Valley, near county road ; you can make your living on this raising produce between the trees. Will exchange for unincumbered timber property. Address AV 737, Oregonlan. SOUTHERN OREGON. Good general zndse. business, P. O., ho tel and ranch; semi-resort and farming community; a veritable snap for right man ; some cash, part trade, balance good terms. , Vanduyn & Walton, 615 Cham, of Com. LAURELHURST HOUSE. Swell 8-room house, strictly modern price t6CHl0. equity $3300, to exchange for nice Dungaiow, vacant lots or acreage. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. A 4401. A 30-acre orchard, three and half years oia, located in Bitter Root valley, near county seat; you can make your living bn this raising produce between the trees. Will exchange for unincumbered timber property. Address av 72, oregonlan. FOR N. Y. or Penn. property, 9-room plas- terea nouse, casement, electric iignts, bath. 2 toilets, wood and henhouse: nlcelv arranged for 2 families; rents for $35 a month. Located on best street In college town. o. P. Hazard, Corva'Us, Or. 10.300 ACRES grazing land, with about $l'5,O0O worth of sheep and other personal property; a snap; $125,000; must be some cash., bal. No. 1; good trade. Phone Main 7058, Leonard. CLOSE-IN West Side corner, some income. value 10.OO0; fine apartment site; will take modern home as part payment, O. W. BRYAN. Main 1963. 609 Cham, of Com. A 1227, WILL EXCHANGE , 50 choice lots in live, coming town. Al berta. Canada, for farm within 60 miles Portland.' Big chance for big profits, clear title. c 654, Oregonian. EQUITIES bought and exchanged, houses, acreage; 320-acre stock farm, trade for wnat you want. Asoggess & Co.. 206 uer- llnger bldg. WILL trade $5500 equity In 8 lots, fine dis trict, ior i-room modem nouse in re stricted district. AR 60O. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Horses, Vehicles, Ete. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. . Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds made to order: ' livery furnisbed to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phorte East 72, B 1369. 8-YEAR-OLD gray horse, extra heavy boned ana low-set, cnuna, weigns 1385, bdbo lutely sound and well broke; also black gelding 6 years old, weighs 13O0, broke single and double; gray mare, 6 years old, weight 1300, sound and true. Call Anderson Bros.. 241 Jefferson st. THE MURPHY . HORSE & MULE CO. sell on commission, horses, mules, vehi cles and harness. Auction sale every (Mon day and Friday, 10 A. M. Private sales daily. 240 E. 8th St., near Hawthorne. E. 6315. EIGHT head of horses cheap, as Tm going to. leave city. Ranging in price from o to $75, weight 1000 to 1250 pounds each. Take Fulton car to crossroads, walk one block north to 1640 Macadam st. 35 HEAD of horses Just arrived, 1000 to 1700, well broke, 8 to 8 years old, well matched teams; also some we have taken in exchange cheap. 881 Water, foot of Montgomery. Phil Suetter. Main 2208. GOOD 2200-lb. ranch team, harness and , nearly new farm wagon for sale cheap. 1967 E. Stark, Montavilla car to end of line and two blocks west. Also 2 buggies for sale, cheap. A BARGAIN. Three good delivery horses and wagons; 3 sets of single harness, . 1 . set of heavy double work harness. 605 Alder. v 1 NEARLY new grocery top wagon for sale. $35; 1 light express wagon, $36, if taken at once. 68O Front St., cor. Arthur, in blacksmith shop. PAIR of bay geldings, G and 6 years old. nlSHl AOOV. VUUUU, C .111 U, BUIUMI1Q 1 VI 1 immediate use; must sell; bargain. 241 Jefferson st. I HAVE a 1200-pound work horse and no use lor him. Will sell for $30. Ask for Wm. Hardy at Fulton feed barn. 1638 Macadam street. TEAM of horses. 750 lbs. each, with harness ' and farm wagon, all -complete; $125. Lyons Stable, Union ave. and E. Salmon st. FOR SALE at your own price, serviceable team; would make good ranch team. 1029 East Yamhill st. 2 SPAN of workhorses and harness; weigh zuou ids. ; cheap it sold at once. 116 Iowa st. Take F car. TWO ponies for sale cheap at 103 North 11th. Take "S" car.- FIRST-CLASS horse and wagon, $1.25 per aay. D4U f ront St. CHUNKY bay team. 7 and 10 years old cheap. 103 North-11th; take "S" car. llanos. Organs and Musical Instruments. PLAYER PIANOS Bungalow, 88-note, dull mahogany, $318.60; Brewster, 88-note, ma hogany, $355: Lagonda, 88-note, English oak case, $395; a beautiful $1000 Btarck. latest model 88-note, only $560; one of the world's famous Hallet & Davis Vlrtuolo 88-note players fine mahogany, $578; every one of these players In good con dltlon and guaranteed the same aa new: it will pay anyone interested in a player piano to see tnese rignt away. Reea French Piano Mfg.- Co., 10th and Stark streets. GRANDS A large-size Weber grand, used a short time for concert work, at a great sacrifice to anyone that can use a big grand; a Lester baby grand in fine con dition for $585: a great snan in a rood grand and you will never do better on a piano of this kind. Reed-French Piano Mig. CO.. loto. ana etark sts. UPRIGHTS Kimball. $262; Schubert. $278; Starck, $2S2; Henry & S. Q. LIndeman, $338; Circassian walnut Wlllard. $172; Stein back & Dreher, $227; here are some bar gains that should get vour attention. Reed. French Piano Mfg. Co., 10th and Stark IF YOU want to get a snap in an almost- new, moaern ea-note player piano, let me hear from you: will accept a good lot, free of encumbrance or a runabout for all or part. Aaaress l 619, Oregonlan. ORGANS A Kimball, $42.0; another, same mane, oo; a vv nitney At Holmes for $27.50. All in good condition. Reed-French riano mrg. io.. lutn and stark sts. Doge. Birds. Pet Stock. lIREDALE TERRIERS for pals, guards, hunters. Laddix Kennels. Estacada. Or FOR SALE A thoroughbred angora buck price $25. Tabor 4090. Furniture for Sale. ENTIRE new furnishings, residence, embrac ing Very handsome Circassian walnut, gol den oak and mahogany bedroom furniture, elegant brass beds, costly pedestal dining table, leather chairs and buffet, living- room rockers and table, rugs and other articles, call -today. 707 Marshall. 7 ROOM 3 furniture, almost new; will sacri fice f4'M); will take part cash. bal. month, ly. Wdln. 1266. FOUR rooms new furniture for sale at once. 212 carutners St., apt. 18. FURNITURE of nine-room house for sale cneap; nouse run. 2S9 salmon. Automobiles. DEAD STORAGE, $3 to $3 per month, VAN HORN TRANS. CO., O 2D ST. NEW delivery wagons at second-hand prlcea Oregon Mollne Plow Company. CARBON removed by oxygen process. Re- iiance Garage, 36th and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Detroit electric Address 1121 East Gllsan st. GARAGE for rent. 1229 E. Everett. FOR BATE Automobile. USED AUTO SNAP. 1 CASH OR TERMS. t Investigate our guarantee on used cars; Here are a few for your consideration: 1913 Hudson, 6-cyi.. 6-pass., electric starter and lights; nearly new. 1913 Michigan, o-pass., 40 H. P.. nearly new. 1913 Reo roadster, 80 H. P., brand new. 1911 Cole. 6-pass.. 4 H. P.; Just over, hauled and painted. 1911, Studebaker Garford. 7-paas., 40 H. P. ; cheap. , See us for light deliveries. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch Sts. $1500 FOR a 1918 Cadillac; has been run only 2200 miles; six-passenger car, fully equipped: electric lights. electrio self, starter. Klaxon electric horn, Kellogg four, cylinder tire pump; demountable rims; - extra rim and new non-skid tire; extra inner tubes. In A-l condition and a bar gain; cash only; no trades or time. AV 742, Oregonlan. HUPMOBILE. foredoor runabout, splendid condition. $375; 2-cyllnder Maxwell, $150 Snap In 1913 Hupmoblle, Just taken In ex change, guaranteed for 1 year. Dulmage Auto Co., 46 N. 20th. ONE Ohio electric coupe, entirely enclosed. Just the thing for this weather. Will trads for gas car of equal value. Telephones Main 6747 or A 7826. ONE 2-on truck. Al condition; prioe $850. Phone Main 9841, East 283L 211 Couch bldg. FOR SALE cheap, 1911 Oakland roadster; Just thoroughly overhauled, and In first-clas.-i condition. Phone Tabor 4541. "FLANDERS 20" delivery car, first-class shape, $300; will take horse and wagon in trade. .The Wardrobe. FORD taxlcab for sale or trade for light car. AM 658. Oregonlan. ONE 3-ton truck; price $950 terms. AB 643, Oregonlan. Automobiles Wanted. WANT automobile for 80 acres Clackamas land, balanoe easy terms. Woodlawn 108Q. Poultry. ( 24 PRIZE chickens, trade for piano, auto or equity on lots. 1098 Glenn ave., call Sunday. LEGHORN hens, 18 months, direct from Tanered's. AG 640, Oregonlan. ' Hvqetocfc. THE MURPHY HORSE A MI'I.H CO sell on commission, horses, mules, vehi cles and harness. Auction sale everv Mon day and Friday 10 A. M. Private sales aaay. 24U Hi. 8tn St., near Hawthorne. is. 6316. FOR SALE Registered Poland-China boar, age 18 months; weight, about 400 pounds; price $50. A. R. Nail. Coyote. Or. TWO family cows. $30 each. Hawthorne car, 71et, 4 blocks north to 24th avenue. Machinery. REMINGTON 8-ton refrigerating and ice niacnine. fnone Aaain 704. Typewriters. $16 TO $65 will buy a Gill rebuilt type writer as good as new; all makes to choose from and workmanship guaranteed; terms to suit; catalogue mailed en request. THE J. K. GILL COMPANY. 3d and Alder sts. Main 8500. A 6068. WE save you from 50 to 75 per -cent on all makes of typewriters, send for our illus trated folder; retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $63. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 262 Stark st. NEW. rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P.. D. c. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407 Miscellaneous. ONE fine oak roll-top desk $45.00 One oak swivel chair, leather seat and back . 7.60 One No. 5 Underwood Typewriter. . . 40.0O one j.4-in. westingnouse u. 0. elec tric fan 7.50 One flat-top fir desk, 6-drawer 7.50 One 2-drawer oak card file 2.50 One pipe-threading tool H to 2-ln 6.00 Two pipe chain wrenches 3.0i one bill lading register 7.00 Above articles in first-class order and best of their kind. J. F. M'Carthy. 887 E. 3d, near Schuyler. FOR SALE Filing equipment at one-half cost; 16 Number 20 Y. & E. Shannon arch letter sections of nine drawers each, with number one bases and number 10 tops to make four stacks four sections high; in good condition; coat $433.20; will forward cuts or photos on application. Address Willamette Pulp & Paper Co.. or phone mam wi, Oregon city. SECOND-HAND billiard and pocket tables, built and reflnlshed, completely equipped, at nricex from xlOO DDWird: liberal terms The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co. 46 6th st. Phone Main 768, A 1769 A GOOD, clean stock of groceries for sale. nave a fine trade established, about SSOOO: I will take one-half cash and balance in real estate; this is a fine opportunity for tne rignt man, see Qiv Worcester bldg. ONE second-hand roll top. two flat top, .two bookkeeners" desks, three rotary chairs, ono fiO-lnch mahogany roll top desk and chair. Bushong & Co.. 91 Park st. Main 104. SAFES Mosler .Safe Co.. manufacturers; low prices, easy terms; safes opened and repaired; bargains in second-hand safes. 108 2d st. Phone Main 7876. RENT from the manufacturers visible type writers at $4 for three months: cenven lent at home. 244 Stark- St. Phone Main 6273 or A 4441. IF you are in need of a pair of cumputlng scales, see me or call Main 3807. ' Modern Meat Market, 23d and Marshall St.; re a Hunuoie. iuw , uiuurao, .uu, lino akovjtt.; u eo, 200 novelty envelopes on first 50 orders when ad inclosed. George Stackpole, Dix- MAKE your own ink. paste, srlue. starch. soap. etc. 10 recipes for 25c. No. 81 Tay- iur-wana apia. roruana. - M L'LTIGRAPH machine, electric drive, au tomatio fe'ed; half price, $250. 207 Stock n,xcnange. gine, speed 12 mile's, bargain. Mason's j-ara, toot t;ast Washington st. DIAMONDS for the money loaned, $65 and up. both Belcher and Tiffany settings. 820 Lumber Exchange Building. FRESH ranch - eggs, delivered, 40 cents a dozen. AM 65 1, Oregonlan. AUTO coat for sale cheap; used only months. Marshall 1607. few ONE billiard and pool table cheap for cash. 1094 Corbett st. Main 7S34. FERTILIZER. $2 per load; well-rotted noree manure. Phono Kenwood 1521. NATIONAL cash registers. Get mv prices. Povey. 851 14 Wash., basement. Main 606. LARGE sanitary desk, chair, $42.50 compto graph, $li0. Large safe, $260. 514 Alder. WE sell anything. Room 2, Worcester bldg. No fakes. 'Apply Ingram Co. . WELL ROTTED HORSE AND COW MA NL'BE. PHONE EAST 4296. 30-INCH hotel boiler, new-, combination gas and charcoal; Chef, University Club, WASTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE want to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture in the next 30 uays and pay all the cash It Is worth. Wtlllams ave. Furniture Exchange. Phone Bast 080. WE BUY-STOCKS OF MERCHANDISE.' WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. WB PAY THE BEST CASH PRICES. THE FAIR DEAL, MAIN 8272. WE pay highest cash prices for second-hand billiard and pocket tables. The Brum-wick-Balke-Collender Co., 46 6th street. Phone Main 769. A 1769. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest cash prices paid for ladles' and gents' castoff clothing and shoes. Call Main 9263. 2Q4 3d St. The reliable buyer. WE buy for cash second-hand Natloual cash registers and sell them on easy terms; registers guaranteed. W. J. Macauley, 354 Burnslde. Main 1816. A 1816. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. Highest prices paid for Becond-hand clothes. 346 1st St. Main 1383. A 868L SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED. Buyer calls promptly; estimates given 184 1st, near Yamhill. Main -.773. TPOT CASH paid for household goods. C. M. Pennell, 3B1 1st st. Phone Marshall 4265. i CASH paid for furniture, pianos and mer chandise. Room 15 Cambridge bldg., 165 3d Bt. Main 945. DO not sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House.. 191 2d St. Marshall 4783. WANTED Set of ivory billiard balls. Ap ply 233 First st. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur niture; highest prices paid. Sellwood 1682. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitar Beauty Parlors, 4UO Dekum bldg. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cesh for any kind of furniture. Main SSL WANTED Self-measuring gasoline storage pump. Address 10 E. 9th st. N. apt. E. NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable. Main 660. A 3606. WANTED Motorcycle; must be bargain. Pnone Main 701O, apt. 5, after 5:S0 P. M. READY cash for furniture. See us first. 121 Grand ave. East 1562. CASH BUYER DIAMONDS, PIANOS. MAIN 44)17. HIGHEST prices paid for rifles, shotguns, cameras Hochfeld. 35 N. 3d sf, cor. Couch. WANTED Good second-hand collapsible go-cart. X oil. Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., ...1 irront st.. buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7"74 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. WANTED Fixtures for a drug store. John dick. 851 Union ave. North. HELP WANTED HALE. INCIDENT (One of Many). Office Secretary Employment Department. Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) It I pay you $5 for employment membership I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ, ment membership, you will have the Y. M. C. A., with all its resources, between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 11 months ending Nov. 80: Calls for men from employers... 2408 Positions filled 1724 Special employment membership guar antees member will secure employment or membership fee will be refunded. Gives two months' full privileges, lnoludlng use of gymnasium, swimming pool, bath, etc, and 10 months social or house privileges, lnoludlng the services of the employment department for the entire year. All young men seeking employment In commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin ists, carpenters, rnlllworkers or In other skilled lines are cordially invited to con sult with the secretary of the advisory and employment department. PLASTERERS WANTED IN SAN FRAN- cisco Local Plasterers' Union. No. 66. has walked out on all work In San Francisco on a Jurisdictional dispute with the car penters on framing and nailing up staff work on exposition buildings. The building Trades Council awarded thia work to the carpenters. As a result of the dispute the council has formed a. new union local No. 1, to which Journeymen plasterers answering this advertisement will be ad mitted. The charter is open for 80 days at a Tee of $Q Plasterers must be willing to Join the new union. Plenty of work for competent Journeymen, wages $7 per day. eight hour work. Plasterers desiring to come here to work, wire or write date of arrival to W. E. Hague. Secretary, Gen eral Contractors' Association. Ill Jessie St.. San Francisco, or San Francisco Build- ing j. raaes council. THE New Year is here. The currency bill is passea. ine New year nas started wttn - the beet prospects ever known in the his tory of, Portland, We are putting on new men both in the stock department and in the sales department. If you are dls- . satisfied with your present occupation or feel that you can be successful in selling property or stocks, we know you can make $5000 during this year. All It re quires Is hard work and perseverance. See Mr. Brown of the FIRM THAT DOU3 THINGS. 203-204 Piatt Bldg., Park and wasn. ssts. THE NAVY'S PURPOSE is to make every one of its enlisted men a success In life. The greater his success, the better the American Navy. Navy training tits men- ior useiuiness, in tne r.avy or in civil life; variety of work aboard ship offers many opportunities for skilled men: pay excellent. graded according to compe tence. Apply Navy Recruiting Station. Morgan Dunning. .Broadway and wasn ington sts., Portland. WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bodied, un married men between ages of 18 and 8U, citizens of United States of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to recruiting officer, Worcester bldg., 8d and Oak: sts Port land. Or. Experienced advertising solicitors, commis sion. - contracts cashed: Italian. Scandi navian. German, religious, farm and other Portland weekly papers. Clyde s Agency. zu i biocg ix. oiag. .staDiisnea 189b. RAILROAD clerk with experience on sta tistios and preferably in disbursements accounts. Apply in own handwriting, stat. in; experience fully. AK 656, Oregonlan. THE HOTLZ STORE requires the services - of a bus boy for cafeteria. Apply this morning to Supt. the Holtz Store, 6th and w asnington. WANTED Three live solicitors for good money-maker, exclusive territory in city or outside, see ri. s. Tompkins, . 723 Lnamoer oi iwOmmerce Diag. CASH advanced you weekly selling our hardy, guaranteed stock; -excellent terri tory; hustlers make money. Washington in urBery co., ioppenisn, wasn. UiVTlrri man fn. fan. single or married; references; capable oi taxing complete charge. l pop, oregonlan. PAIN TM EN to fltrure on contract for nalnt ing house. S, Peterson, cor. fJiskiyou and I--. J -t L 1 1 ML. IN. YOUNG experienced man for dishwashing and all around restaurant work. $7 per wees, to start. loo laurman St. WANTED Lumber salesman: state expert ence and salary expected. AF 635, Ore gonlan. WANTED First-class cutter for country. Apply D. B. McBride &. Co.. 346 ft Mor rlsen St. WANTED Men to write health and acci dent insurance. Oregon Surety & Casualty Co., 301 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED A man for furniture and stove repairing, steady Job; references required. 221 Front st. JUVENILE man for vaudeville sketch; must be experienced. S 032. Oregonlan. PHOTO coupon; best offered; beauty con test started. Cutberth Studio, Dekum bldg WANTED Competent salesmen. Apply at 216 Piatt bldg. BOY wanted; must know city. Archer & Schanz Co., 0th and Oak. WANTED 3 salesmen for city. Apply 209 E. (5th st. WANTED A registered dentist. Tllford bldg. Phone Marshall 262. C. M. Cafferty A REAL man can make $4 per day solicit ing for the J. K. Shop. 423 Wash. WANTED Live, wideawake salesman; per manent. Call 9 A. M. 737 Morgan bldg. WANTED Experienced clerk. New Oxford, 6th and Oak sts., before 8 A. M. PHOTO solicitors, $100 diamond ring given free. Sarony Studio-. 8-10 li Morrison. WANTED -P-ellboy for hotel. Apply between v ana 1 1. Tne uamppen. xaa ana noyt. WASHER for steam laundry. 890 East Ciay. HELP WANTED FEMALE, LADIES WANTED. Neat ladles having soliciting experience to handle universal household necessities. Can easily make $3 to $5 a day. Call 833 Chamber of Commerce. COMPANIONABLE young woman for light housework and assist with care 'baby. Apply 343 Fargo st., near. Union ave. Phone C 1700. WANTED Agents to handle a speciality used in every household; no experience reqnrea; sens usen. Room oi4. Wlllard Hotel. WANTED Graduate surgical nurse to care for doctor's office; must have knowledge or stenograpny ana typewriting; none other need apply. 801 Electric bldg. WANTED Young girl to assist with light housework In return for board, room and piano leesons; three in family, no chil dren. Sellwood 149. ENTIRE chorus (experienced preferred) for musical comeuy company now renearsing. Boston Booking- Agency, Panama bldg., 50-8. EXPERIENCED girl for second work. Ap ply morning, southeast corner 20th and Jackson sts.. Portland Heights. Phone Main 2644. - COMPETENT airl for aeneral honsework: family of three adults. Call forenoons. 786 i4.earney at. GIRL wanted for general housework: good home, good wages, small family. 680 Lovejoy st. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ily of 2; 4 rooms. Call before 2 P. M. ' 807 Savier st. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family, no washing. Call 121 Port. land blvd.. corner Albina ave. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Apply 1115 Thurman St., Wil lamette Heights. WANTED Two apprentices: fine oppor tunity to learn the hair business. The riair uiiop, loo otn st. A RELIABLE girl for housework, good wages, good home to right party, call after 1 o'clock. 620 East Ankeny. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 'Washington bldg., 2704 Washington, room Sri, near 4th. Phone Main 8836 or A 3266. MIDDLE-AGED woman to work for board. room, husband and self, no objection to cnuaren. 284 Main st. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington, t BUSINESS requires bright, capable woman not under 80 for outside work: canvassers ' neet not apply. O 035, Oregonlan. WANTED Middle-aged lady to care for small family, pay small wages. Phone Main 1607. WANTED Three young ladles for nurses' training; pay from the start. Nlsbeth Sanatarium, 616 Lovejoy St. WAITRESS wanted. 404 Madison, corner 10th. Phone Main 2006. WANT woman for directory work. Phone Main 3945. A GIRL to assist with housework; no wash Ing. rib small children. 224 Sherman st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. 223 North 21st. corner of Lovejoy. GIRL for general housework. Apply between 8 and 2. T21 Kearney sU. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED The services of a woman who nas general Knowledge of the Jewelry business; good salary paid to one who is competent. Apply superintendent's effice, 9 to 10 A. M., 6th floor. Meier & Frank Company. LADIES to travel, demonstrate and sell aeaiers. $25 to $.10 per week; railroad fare paid 615 Swetland bldg. Call mornings. WANTED Competent girl for general nousework in family of 8 no washings; references required. - C 2197. WANTED Competent girl for general iiuu.cnuin, laiu.t J 1 .1, cuuua JU.UlOU.Vl. 8086 between lO and 12. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper for wnoiesaie nouse; state salary. o 04a. Oregonlan.' WANTED First-class surgical nurse for head nurse; one with managing ability. Nlsbeth Sanatarlum. 616 Lovelov st. , housework $15 to $35, other positions. St. Lout" A ,n-v Xfnln Main 'NVUl WANTED Experienced second maid with references. Phone Marshall 30 79. GIRL for general housework. Call morn ings, 65 N. 20th St. GIRL for general housework. 605 East Mor rison, 3 adults. GIRL wanted for general housework; good wages to right party. 874 Dawson St. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Apply osi Knott st. WANTED A neat, reliable girl for general nougewora. Apply zi A4tn St., apt- so. WANTED Girl for general housework. 164 ZlSt St. N. YOUNG lady to assist in dental office. 857 Morgan bldg. THREE waitresses (out), $25. Hansen's Empt. Office, 845 Wash. St., R. 7. . EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral, nousewora. Apply tox loyt at. TWO girls for out-of-town work. Call Main CAPABLE foreign girl for general house, work. 1028 Raleigh St. WANTED An experienced girl for general uuu.nn ui .v. Aiiiiijr i . i'j. jaorriBoii st HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MAKE money writing stories or articles; good pay; free booklet tells how. United Press Syndicate. San Francisco. FISK Teachers Agency secures positions for teachers. 816 Journal bldg. Main 4886. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. BARBERS' STATE BOARD OF EXAM IN ERS will be In session January 1U and 13 at 846 Va Morrison St., for the purpose ot examining all applicants holding permits. Those holding permits and falling to ap pear for examination on the above date their permits will be -revoked. T. M. Leabo, Secretary. SREOON Barber -College teaches you the barber trade in 8 weeks; pays you whlls learning; tools free; tuition reduced this term; extra instructors; years in business; position guaranteed; specla1 Inducements to ladles. 233 Madison St. 22 2d St. GOVERNMENT positions open to women; $75 month; write Immediately for free list. Franklin Institute, Dept. H0S IL Rochester. N. T. PORTLAND rairway mall clerk examina tions soon; $75 month ;--common educa tion, "pull" unnecessary. For particulars address AV 71, Oregonlan. MOLER Barber College will teach you quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you while learning, furnish tools free. Write for free catalogue. A 48 2d st. North. WOMEN Get Government Jobs; big pay. Write for list of positions available. Franklin Institute, Dept. G95-J, Roches ter, N. Y. GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men, women; big pay; write, list positions available. Franklin Institute, dept. 340J, Rochester. N. Y. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Custom-house examinations soon; Parcel Post gaining more clerks; $U0O to $1700; free book. Pacific States School, McKay ldg. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen, wages about $100; experience unnecesary; sen J age, stamp. Railway, care, Oregonlan. HAM and eggs with hot cakes and co'tee, 25c. served all day. Rice & Cocoa Dairy Lunch. 1Q1 6th St., comer of Stark. (ilKLS Learn beauty parlor work: earn money while learning. The Hair Bazaar. Majestlo Theater bldg.. Wash, and Park. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual Instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping, 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, $5 PER MONTH. 893 11TH ST. EXP. TEACHER SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING. $5 PER MO. 269 11TH ST. M. 8893. EXP. 1NSTRUCN. 6ITTJATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. INVESTIGATED MEN. The kind you want. Honest, industrious, qualified. Can do anything you want done. Anxious to serve you. Records in hand for your inspection. Call. Write. Phone. STANLEY BAKER. Employment Secretary, Y. M. C. A. Main 7065. A 0561. YOUNG man wants position; has had 6 years banking experience; is A-l account ant and bookkeeper and can give first class references. J. G. Hunter. Main 717. 412 Commercial block. WILL AUDIT," OPEN, CLOSE OR WRIT B up books, prepare' balanoe and statements. Install systems. Glllingham auditor. 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. DRUGGIST, registered, wants work, 16 years' experience; no habits; reasonable salary; In or out of city. Main 5228 or write suite B. 485 Clay st. BOY desires position as stenographer or other office work; will work reasonable. Phone East 5245. Al BOOKKEEPER desires position, best of - references. Marshall 0738. Miscellaneous. MAN and wife want position as cook ana waitress In mining camp, 12 years exper ience; economical and thoroughly reliable. AO 617. Oregonian. PHONE your odd Jobs to the Associated Charities. We have men who are willing and able to do any kind of work, skilled or otherwise. Main 717. A 1 m 7. MAN and wife want position aa chef and housekeeper of club, mountain resort or hnlAl I vAnr' .Tni-rl."-.- .-nm- petent. AO 658. Oregonlan. HANDY man wants work of any kind- has ' had 10 years' experience in undertaking, understands the care of horses and auto mobiles. Phone Sellwood COO. YuUNG man, with considerable experience in orchard work, wishes position on fruit ranch.. Address H. W., 150 Page St. Phone East 0I13O. YOUNG man, expert driver and mechanic, any machine; salary $100. Address AB 642. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS, all-around chef, cook, wishes gosition, notei or restaurant; money-saver; est references. Palmer, 405 S. 1st st. WANTED Position on ranch, orchard work a specialty; best of references; single. Phone Marshall 4376. POLISH Catholic boy 17 years of age wants any kind of work; speaks very little Eng llsh. Main 717. A 1517. CHAUFFEUR, sober and reliable, wants position: can give best of references. N. 637, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants position, where earnest effort will secure him a future. AM 660, Oregonlan. MOVING PICTURE operator, with 6 years' experience, needs position. AL G5S, Ore gonlan. YOUNG man wants to study law or adver tising; high school education; good habits. AK 655, Oregonian. POSITION All-round hotel men, 8 years' experience as clerk; will consider, any thing. AK 657, Oregonian. FOUND Just the man you want; household carpentry, small Jobs and odds; first-class, neat anjd reasonable. Main 8127. BY man cook, steamboat, institute or hotel, experienced, clean, economical. K 652, Oregonlan. MARRIED man wants work on farm; 23 years' experience. Address D 664, Ore gonlan. LICENSED chauffeur, with some repairing experience, wants position on any car, prl- vate or qeiivery. .g P45, oregonian. WANTED By responsible middle-aged man. position aa night watchman or similar; local references. AE 633. Oregonlan. "JAPANESE club' member desires situation cook, waiter, valet, store work. AE 642. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Janitor wants Job: can give first-class references; in city. Main 717, A 1517. MAN wants position cleaning offices, tem porary or permanent. Main 717. A 1517. JAPANESE bov. 13, position schoolboy; nice home. West Side. A 3199, Main 3076. BOY wants Jbb as hall sweeper in hotel; has experience. Phone Woodlawn 824. YOUNG man willing to take position for room and board. AM 656. Oregonlan. BAKER'S helper wants work in bakery or restaurant. J 671. Oregonlan. JAPANESE school boy wants situation in email family. A 703, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Mlscellaoeo aa. I AM experienced in farming nd clearing tana; am looking ior a permanent piaoe and know I can give satisfaction If I can eat the chance ; would do clearing1 until Spring work opens; have small family one son old enough to work. Address A. E. Currier. 207 Commercial Club bldg. liXPERIEN'CKD young- Japanese chauffeur. i excellent moral naoits, married, wants permanent position In good family; knows the city well; wife help housework. Sam, 225 Sheridan st. PiKSS M AN Cylinder and platen, desires jsuomun in up-to-uaxe country suop ; com petent, reliable, married, no booxe, good reference. AL 658, Oregonian. A YOL NG Spanish Castilian wishes position as Janitor or all-around hand, hotel or private home; .good reference. X) 0GT, Oregonlan. - COOK or cook's helper, steady, reliable man. inKiieui pmce. j 67o -uregonian CARPENTER wants job or repair work. SHORTORDER cook wants position, neat . ""-.. room oo. Drawn. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. 10J-I(O lady wants position private ex change operator; has knowledge of short Si1.,1"1 WPOWriting; moderate salary. D Po5. Oregonlan FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper, cashier, account ant; la years' experience wholesale and insurance: references and bond. Phone & ln . tiO 7 . A COMPETENT bookkeeper and typewriter desires permanent position, city references furnished; reasonable salary. Phone Mar shall lt50. room BIO. A DADY stenographer, with good references ff to .Ch.ara,oter-,, wishes position: exper aS A ; W.1U work for salary. NnoTMoUlCk' rUL6"-3 yunS lady desires position as bookkeeper or cashier: five Cea?rSetroo'den3C5eo. Terences. THOROUGHLY competent stenographer and office assistant desires position. Wll'lng to start on small salary. AJ 629, Oregon- EF.fIC1ENT ?'f,nSraPher of demonstrated iT.-T . i uralr" responsible poel tion; local references. AB 652, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posf-!l053:-rVomt18.Btart- Phn8 t0day' Mala STENOGRAPHER, two years' experlenoeJ wants position; $35 to start. B 640, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED Btenogrnpher and general 1276 work' va-nt position. Phone Tabor BOOKKEEPER or any kind of office workj YOUNG lady desires nosltlon .tnr.r.nv. . -j,-.-. . ,ii uw:iora onice. main 399L EFFICIENT stenographer deslrea position, moderate salary. Main 2761, room 19. 'Uressmakera. EXPERT dressmaker and ladles- tailor, suits remodeled. By day or home. East 822 after 6- STYLISH coats, eleeant costume fir.tnia.. w-j-.i ButtiiiBfld at nome or wie uay. wooaiawn 3492. MEN S shirts to make to order; special rates on dressmaking during January Malri717. EXPERT dressmaking and ladles' tailoring reasonable. 23 Russell bldg., 4th and Mor. rison. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable prices,- home or day. 182 H GIbbs. Main 6194. ARTISTIC, original gowns made reasonably by S.. F. designer. East 3656. Trouseau. remodeling. DRESSMAKER would like a few more en gagements by the day at $2.60 a day. Phone East 4728. . SEWING, darnlnr and mending by the day. Phone Sellwood 1962. W A N TED To do plain sewing at home Phone East 4860. ONE-PIECE dresses mads In one day at your home. Main B773. A 323L PIiAIN. B,e,v,!'? neatly done of any kind. Marshall 462. 28 H N. 16th St. Mi EXPERIENCED nurse wlBhes position either in city or country. Mrs. Minnie Rose. . sren. del. UNDERGRADUATE nurse. position infant hospital or private work; references. Main PRIVATE rooms, trained nurse, home com forts for Invalids; references. Tabor a 213. NURSE, best references, desires case ln valid or institution. phone Main 2039. Housekeepers. RESPECTABLE woman with boy 14 wishes position as housekeeper; understands all kinds of housework: country preferred. Catholic Women's League. Main 2161 be tween 10 and 8. MIDDLE-AGED German lady wishes posi tion as housekeeper In widower's home or with small family- no objections to lpav-a city. Phone Tabor 1508. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wants position in home of widower with children. Phone A 50(6 and ask for lady upstairs or ad dress R. E 485 Alder st. DRESSMAKER wants sewing to do at home; will do any kind that is desired. Call at 10 E. 0th St. N. Mrs. Carrie Frye, apt. E. REFINED young widow with daughter five desires position as housekeeper. Phone Main 7648 or V 639, Oregonlan. REFINED lady desires position as house keper In respectable widower's home. AB 34 Oregonlan. Domestlcs- HOUSEWORK WANTED. A girl would like to have housework; not able to talk English. Address 828 Missouri ave.. bet. Falling and Shaver sta EXPERIENCED cook wishes situation pri vate family, good wages. 227 North 21st St. Mar. 1562. Mlscellaneons. A PROFICIENT seamstress will sew and render very llht service In exchange for nice board, J3 week; must be received as ene of the family. Phone Marshall 2883. room 10. TL' TORINO In exchange for board and room, university graduate, experienced high- ' school and grade teacher. Address D 618, Oregonlan. YOUNG Japanese woman wishes to work in good family, man will help on dinner time if necessary. AN 660, Oregonlan. WORKING girl wants place to stay as com pany In exchange for - room and board. AJ 643. Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position In prl vata family. 241 5th St., room 8. Phone A 7065. . CAPABLE woman wants work by day. week or month; city reference. Woodlawn 33S9. EXPERIENCED girl wants day work Tues days, Wednesdays, Saturdays. Call East 8749. REFINED lady, .going East will care for convalescent or children for part of ex penses. Address AF 628. Oregonian. TWO young ladles wish position in cafeteria or small family hotel, immediately. Main 2161 between 10 and 6. NEAT refined young woman with baby wants light position; will accept small .wages. Main 717, A 1517. AN ALL-AROUND woman cook wants work, boarding-house or family; willing to leave city. AP 6G0. Oregonian. BY a girl, a good place to learn cooking; willing to work for little or no wages. AP 659, Oregonlan. HUNGARIAN woman wants housed eanlng or work by the day. Main 717, A 1617. EXPERIENCED woman cook, private fam ily. St. Louis Agency. Main 2039. COLORED woman wishes half-day's work. Call Main 2261. EXPERIENCED jrlrl wants housework, sleep home. Main 1S28. LADY will care for babies evenings at their homes. Phone Woodlawn 574. ' COMPETENT and experienced woman wants to do day work. Main 717, A 1517. COLORED girl would like day work. Call Main 9261. " TWO girl3 want work in store or factory. E 660, Oregonlan. COMPETENT woman wants work by day or half day. Woodlawn E137. DAY work by competent woman. Marshall 242. WOMAN wants work or mending, plain sew ing .or darning. Main 717. A 1517. WANTED Washing and Ironing nicely done, 50c per dozen, phone Tabor 4750. YOUNG lady wants position as pianist. E 659, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED German laundress wants day work. Call Tabor 4508. CAPABLE, reliable woman wants to do chamber or day work. Woodlawn 1182. CAPABLE woman wants day work. Phone Main 4394. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. IF you have vacant property we can help you get that income started again. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY 518 Board of Trade bldg. ,4th and Oak. COL'PI.K desire modern B-room furnished cottage. Main 6S73, A 4441. aph- . I 399L J