THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, . MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 1914. 13 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MUoellaneoiu, yilONK your odd Jobi to tte Associated tnanupi. v nav men who are wiiim and abla to do any kind of work, skilled or otherwise. Main 717. A 1517. JAPANESE competent cook wants position In private family; good reference. Main :.6i. A 159. 121 X. 15th. PKUFKSSIONAL window Phone Main 7208. cleaner, whit 6ITT7ATIOXS WANTED FEMALE. Rook-keepers and Stenosraplirra. A COMPETENT bookke"per"andtypewrTter 1Blres permanent position, city references furnished; reasonable salary. Phone Mar sha!! ltfivo. room l. A LADT stenographer, with good references sls to character, wishes position ; exper ience iirauen; win work lor small salary AO 641, Oregonlan. b.LA i, quick. in:rfit tic young lady desires Position as bookkeeper or cashier; five yearn' fxpcrlcnre; cun furnish references. Call Pellwood 3SO. TlfOKOL'GHLT competent ethnographer and office assistant desires position. Willing to start on small salary. AJ 61i9, Oreson lan. HXPERiKNCRI bOukKeeper. In or out of cli : references given. Gilchrist, Main 71 lis. lOUNO lady position stenographer, good knowledge bookkeeping, reference. Wood lawn 54... EXPERIENCED stenographer and general ofrice work, wants position, phone Tabor 1270. IF you want an experienced and capable atenographer kindly p hone woodlawn Wtt. STKNOitRAPHCR. willing worker, accurate and rapid, seeks position, Marshall 27M. COMPETENT stenographer desires position. Woodlawn 1053. iTwmikfr, FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable prices, home or day. JSi-H Gibbs. Main 6194. H I GH -CLASS dressmaking. Just from San ranclsco ; would go out by day to in troduce myself; $3. 407 10th st. ARTISTIC, original gowns made reasonably by S. F. designer. East 36;.ti. Trouaeau, remodeling. DAINTY GOWN'S made fnr $1. 5Tl I e. De Rllllut (removed to) Hotel Weaver, 710 Washington, opposite Marshall 231. COM PETE NT dressmaker wishes work at housrt. jrjt and lines guaranteed. 6l3V Everett. Marshall 4S."7. 6J5W1NG, darning and mending by the day. Phone Sell wood 1212. EXPERT dressmaking and ladles' tailoring ( ir-.-tnTBoif. -.-.i iusea nuig.. 4tn & norrlnon 1 WANTED To do plain sewing at home. p Phone East 48tI0. ONE-PIECE dresses made In one day at your home. Main 377S, A 3J81. DRESSMAKING and ladies tailoring by the day. $3 per day. Phone Tabor 443. A N experienced nurse wtshoo chronic case ; Ist position S years; salary not less than $10 a week. Call Main H-J.'.l Monday after 10 A. M. V." N DE RGRADUATE nurse. position infant hospital or private work; references. Main 125, PRIVATE rooms, trained nurw. home com- forts for Invalids: reference. Tabor 221H. PRVCTICAL. NURSE, 34JH Wash. at. R. 7. Main 2002. Honsrkcepers. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wants pOFition in home of widower with children. Phone A 5076 and ask for I a civ uystairs or ad dress R. E.. 4s5 Aider st. AN experienced housekeeper m-lshes position as such In f I rst -class hotel or board iup house. Call Main 1451 Monday after 10 A. M. REFINED jmun? widow with daughter five desires position an housekeeper. Phone Main 764$ or V U39, OreRonian. IN ALL parts of the city. Portland Rental Bureau. 50:2 Broadway bldg. Main EXPERIENCED housokPi'imr 7nhotel or boarding-house, call Main 2102. Iometic. CTRL wants work for a email family on Irving ton line. Phone East 505S, between 11 and 1 2, forenoon. KEF IN ED young woman will take care of nucren afternoons and evenings. Sel' wood 2023. A GIRL wants laundtry work or general worn py gay or private family. Main BitSO. GIRL w ants position to work for room and board and small wages. Call Tabor 21Sli. Miscllttneortn. lOUNG Japanese woman wishes to work in good family, man will help on dinner tmitt if necessary. A N 6G0. Oregon Ian. YOUNG lady experienced wishes position 1 in tailor shop either in city or out. AV 3 To 2, Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by refined young lady in doctor's or dentist's office, either la city or out. AV 7.VI, OreRonlan. VORKINO girl wants placo to stay as com pnny In rhaticfl for room and board. A J 1143. Oregonlcn. PEHIEXfED Bill wants day work Tues Jays, Wednesdays. Saturdays. Call East fiTRONG. rnpable woman desires chamber work, waitress, or kitchen hulper. Phono ' Main 203U. EXPERIENCED woman cook desires posl- i. .' I'"""" jamuy. at. mollis Agency, Main L'0::n. ILF.FINEU lady, gelna Kast. will curt for convalescent or children for part of eje penses, Addrers AK 6'8. Oregonlan. 1IIOH school irlrl would llkn. private tele phone exchange alter school. Marshall 1 361. JtKLIATTK woman wants day work: dinners a specialty: also jther day work; rea BQnable. Main 1'i.$, apt. 23. HUNGARIAN woman wants housecleaning or work by the day. Main 717. A 1517. COMPETENT and experienced woman wants to do day work. Main 717. A 1;"17. . 1.AUV who Jh usel to all kinds of work wants day work. Phone Tabor 44H4. tiOoE plain cook wants housework. E. (liison at., cor. STith. COUiREO eirl would Uk e day work. Call Main iHi. WOMAN wants work by day. Phone Main 9089. A 4422. ropm,l, , . CAPABLE, reliable woman wants to do chamber or day work. Woodlawn 1182. 1A DY wants a plao for wARhlnc and houso cleaning. Mrg. Benko. phone Sel 'wood BOO. CAPABLE woman wants day work. Main 4391. WANTED .AGKNTS. ALES AGENT A top-notch salesman, un der 4o years of ate. n. man with ira "jMermlnation, energy, and a clean record, can obtain the exclusive selling rights for a well-known office appliance which has been successfully marketed In the Portland territory for many years; merchandise con signed to apent, liberal commission paid on sales, but nothing advanced on what a man has done or thinks he is going to do; man must be a real salesman, able to actually make sales himself, and must, therefore, possess sufficient enthusiasm, magnetism, . executive and managerial ability to suc cessfully direct a selling force; he must finance the selling expenses of the terri tory and requires for that purpose approx imately 51000 to StiiOO; this Is a big, diKnified, profitable and permanent propo sition for a b!g man; give you age, sell ing experience, t past and present occupa tion s. if you want to learn more of the proposition by definite appointment, AV t3tl. Oregonian. ON'T work on tb rockpile. sell m v lighter and make $3 or $4 per day; best household article on the market. Apply room 3Uy H'way Hotel, bet 9 and in or 5 and 6. M'ANTKD TO RENT. HoUM-9. WtH'LD Uk to rt-nt n 4 or S-room house closo to school. Please call, 144 11th and Morrison. ApaKiuruttt. XV ANTED --room and bath bachelor apt., furnished; moderate rental. Phone Main Roonas. 'i-''XN 1 LES and needy young man onable t.j work through sickness wishes one honsekeephifl: room free- or for a small rhnrge. Must havo help immediately. Main lilfli belwon 10 and 3. RooniH Mith Bonrd. JAPANESE buyinss man wishes to room and breakfast in private family; state terms and particulars; references. A"E 683. uregonian D Y and ch ild wants board and room in private family. Y 617. Oregonlan. FOR KENT. "umNhed Rooms. TH LAPJiABKE, '2Z7 U Larrabee Rooms week ud: brick build in a, steam hfaf ot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. V O I T N G man rooming at Y M. C. A. wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. luqulre Y. M. c. A.. th and Taylor. HOTEL ARTHUR, 3 1th and Yamhill ; every modern convn rate $4 week ant. up. Main 4 22 ft TUB: KING, 800 Jefferson," nicely furiilsneC rooms, modern, central, $2.25 week up. FOR RENT. ITarnlshed -iiooms. RATES, DAILY. WEEKLY. MONTHLY. HOTL WASHINGTON'. Formerly Called Annex HoteT. WASHINGTON ST., COR. 12TH. Family hotel. IjO rooms. Eur ocean olan absolutely fireproof building, modern and ciean in every respect; not ana coia run nine water, both tuleDhones in every room l&flies parlor, large baihroom. ladies' toilet and gentlemen's toilet, tiled floor, wei! ventilated, on each floor; large parlor off main loooy. . CHAS. H. ROWLEY. MANAGER, PORTLAND, OR. HOTEL, WEAVER, 710 Washington St. Under new management; large, pleasant rooms, private phone and bath with each; extra lrge closets; large, comfortable re ceptton parlor; rates most reasonable. Telephone Main 8651. HOTEL. ROWLAND. HOTEL -MiNOOK. 207 4th 4tb SPECIAT. WINTER RATES. Nicely furnished rooms; homelike, re spectable, clean and modern; hot and cold water, private baths; Winter rates, St per ween: and up. special attention given to tourists ; give us a call; you will like ic. lor you get your money a worth ana then some. HOTEL FORD, 733 Washington Street, corner Lucretia Place. Under new management; large, pleasant rooms; phone In every room; 0 private oains; raxes reasonaoie. Main HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 20th and Washing ton sts.; elegantly located, new and mod ern, outside rooms; well heated, quiet and homelike, for transient or permanen guests, $2.50 wk up; private lath, S3 wk. up. HOTEL REN WICK. Broadway, cor. Taylor, modern noiue, beautifully furnished out side rooms, some with private bath; a quiet, homelike piace for transient or per manent guests; rates reasonable. A. L. Steward, prop, and mgr.. l?0i Broad way. lOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable In orlce: fireproof build Ing. vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club facilities ; special rates at cafeteria. Cos nor 6th and Taylor sts. HOTEL MADRAS. Centrally located on Washington at 12th St., hot and cold water and phones ; S3 weekly and up; very attractive prices to permanent guests. HOTEL, SAVON. 131 Eleventh st.; new, modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate ba:.hs. hot and cold water, comfort- ably furnished; transients solicited. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and East - lielmont Rooms, $-12 month up. $22.50 up with private bath ; Is rge, pleasant lobby ; absolutely a respectable hotel. East 323. HOTEL OCKLEV. C904 Morrison St., cor. 10th. 50c per day and up ; weekly, $ 2.50 and up: freo bath and phones; steam heat. HOTEL FRANK LI.- -4R8 Washington st., cor. J3th. Mc per day and up: weekly. $3 and up; bath, phone, steam neat. HOTEL ANSONIA 124 14th st.. corner Washington: nicely furnished rooms, strictly modern; rates gt..V week and up. Marshall 1470 tjOOD, clean, warm rooms, $2.50 per week and up. Porter Hotel, ollVs lid at., oppo site Multnomah Hotel. HOTEL. CORDOVA. 2lil 11TH ST. Strictly modern; private baths; en suite; rooms $3.50 up. Main t472, A 47S3. HOTEL JOYCE. 270 fc 4TH ST. NliM?ly furnished rooms, day or week. UnfurniHlirtf Rooms. 5 NEWLY papered and painted unfurnished rooms, first floor. 1 2 - eleetriclt v. modern bath, lot rooms, u inquire , bath, lots of ground, iruit tres. also 3 pper floor. $S; rent reasonable. S6 E. Yamhill, phorse E. 2091. Rooms With &oarL the Virginia hill. 14th and Jefferson Sts, An exclusive residential hotel, attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Main W1!S3. A 0ti2S. m PAKKVilfiW HOTEL. .S0 Montgomery st., at West Park Mod- conveniences; rooms with or without h ; excellent table service : reasonable s for regular and transient guests. E WHITEHALL 253 CTH ST. Residential hotel ; large sun porch ; wjih or wnnouc Dams; noma coon- le boarc a specialty. EL Now changed to family hotel, rates; strictly home cooking, asa Phone Main 7O04. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 26th year Kooms with board, use of sewing-room, li hrary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson. Sup. THE MAN1TOU. 61 13th. stearrf heated good table, home priviieges. Main 11S4. ELEGANT rooms, facing the park, oiiiss boasl. 374 l ark Kt. Rooms With Board In Private Families. BEAUTIFUL furnished room in refined pri vate family; modern, steam hejit; very pretty home, large parlors, use of piano and home privileges; board if desired; close 1n. Phone East 6422. FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBER S Fu rn lsh ed rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof bond ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria. Cor ner 6th and Tavlor sts. BEAUTIFUL furnished room suitable for 3 with board, piano and home comfort; alo young man wishes roommate. 11 llth st. Main C3S1. LArtGE front Jnoms, modern conveniences, on three canines, eight minutes' ride; with or without board; rooms $J50; with board. $3. 523 E. Grant, ror. Urh. 424 W JEFFERSON Room and board, pri vate family. Reasonable rates. Call antl see. CONGENIAL young lady wishes roommate, good board, piano, home privileges, rea sonable. 191 llth. Main Q331. RUOM and board, shall 44i7. 414 Columbia st. ilar- ROOM and board for man and wife or two gent I em en. r phone Woodlawn 138. ROOM and board. 332 10 th st. distance. Main 6979, A 265. Walking TWO cosy rooms in nice private home, all conveniences, board it desired. 128 N ISth, near Hoyt. FRONT room, also large room and running water. Apply 745 Hoyt at. Marshall 4753. 327 6TH ST. Furnished rooms, modern res idence; c!oso In. Marshall 57S4. NIi.'E front rooms, modrrn accommodations, plenty of heat and hot water. 6S1 Glisan. 5irt COITCH ST. Two fine furnished rooms, all modern con'en!encs. Marshall 5fnp. SINGLE room, very reasonable; heat, phone, bath: tine location, 22 1 lth st. WANT ED B 2781. -Baby to board in private home. J TJi-nished Apartments. NEW YORK. APTS. Newly furnished, very central, 2 and 3 rooms, large kitchen, baths, heat, light and both phones; $16 to $25 tier month; also steeplng-roozns. East 7th and Belmont. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS, " Corner Park and Tavlor. Best location in the city; well fur nished. In & 3 and 4-room suites; first class service. GRANDEST A. East Park and Grand ave. New building; nicely furnished ; private phone and baths. automatic elevator; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 20S. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia. Two, three and four-room apartments, ftirnlsnd. first-class; reasonable rates. Main 7837. Home A 8610. THE WINSTON, 841 I4th St.. at Market. New two and three-room apartments, completely furnished; walking distance, prk-i-a reasonable. Phone Main 1739 THE CHETOPA, ISth and Flanders sts., 2. 3 and 4-room 'apartments, furnished or un furnished, modern; lots of heat and hot water. HAWTHORNE Addition. 3-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished. heat light water and phone included. Call Tabor 3791 or Tabor 384. x MADISON PARK APARTMENTS Park st.. at Madison. Modern 8 and 4-room furnished apart ments; rates reasonable. AVALON Nearest to Union Depot of East Side apts.; one front, steam-heated room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; also 1 3 room apartment. East 19C7. THM M'KINLEY APARTMENTS. East 7th and Morrison sts. Very central; I ana d-room apartments, furnished com- pletely, privat ite b; bathe; room $20 to $21.50. BUENA VISTA 12th and Harrison 2 and 3-room apart ments. best service. Apply on premises. THE STAN FIELD. , Nw 2-room apts.; liht and gas in cluded; $15 up.. 204 Porter st. Main 732 THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders 5-room ; every convenience. Main 7516. - KING DAVTS-APTSR4 NKing3 and 4 room, high-class; reference. Main 2058. HERMENIA. 40ft Hall. 2 and 3 rooms; mod- ern. Main 6444. THE NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall St. One 2 room. furnished. x Main 4290. IN ALL parts of the ctty. Portland Rental Bureau, R02 Broadway bldg. Main 9493. ELEGANTLY furnished 4-rnom front apart ment. Florence Apts., 388 llth st. SpCLTfTl 3d st FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILH , , AT YOUR BERVIC8 WHEN ' HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments, from 9 to 5 rooms, from $20 to $55 per month. If you want one, telephone Main 2015 Sundays, or A 2V15 Evenings call Mr. Balden, Marshall 2290. Our automobile will call at any address wfth our agent, who will ba glad to show theso apartments. References required. We own or control the following: Cecilia. 22d and Gllsan sls. ' . Cla.vpool, llth and Clay eta Columbia, llth and Columbia, Fordham, 170 Ford. k . Hnnthorn. 215 32th st.. near Main. Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near llth. Hanover, 165 King st,. near Wash. Orderlelgh, 83 Grand ave. SL Clair. 170 St. Clair st., near Wash. St. Francis, 21st and Hoyt ata. Wellington. 16th and Everett ' st. MORGAN, FLIEDNER BOICE, 813-821 Morgan Bldg. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irvlng-sts. This new four-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4 room suites; reception hall, electric auto matic elevator. Holmes disappearing bed a built-in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Icebox, plenty of closet rooms, both f hones, vacuum cleaner f rea to patrons, f you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phone A 1744, Marshall 296L, STRANGER, TRAVELER. Do you want a cozy home while In Fort land? Daily, weekly or monthly rates. You will always find comfort, conven ience and courteous treatment, and be close to the center of the city at the IVHBELDON A N NEX, 10TH AND SALMON ST3. TRINITY ?LACE APARTMENTS. 4fl-7 Trinity Place. Ths finest apartments on the Pacific Coast, with e-v-ery nyxlern convenience; apartments furnished and unfurnished; terms reasonable; references required ; fur nished bacheior quarters with clubroom. Manager, Marshall 1101. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia. 2 and 3 -room apartments, furnished strictly modern and new; references; close wslking distance; service first class. THE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur sts. Fur nished 2 -room apts., $15, 13 up; steam heat, hot and cold water in every apart ment : public bath, electric lights, gti ' ranges, latmdry-room, all free. Take "H." 2-d or "W" car north. Phone Main 3523 VILLA ST. CLAIR. s 19th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific "Coast ; furnished complete. Roof garden In connection. Walking distance. References. SAVE $15 PER MONTH. Three large furnished rooms, $22.50, In cluding table end bed linen; Inrge rooms; on carl hie. See this sure. Tabor 22'JU,' East 1322. GRACE APTS.. 24th and Northrun sts., S large rooms, front veranda--and Bleeping porch, hardwood floors. water, heat, phone, strictly modern, unfurnished. ORICKSTON, 448 Jlth Three-room apart ment, two. Holmes beds, one two-room apartment all outside rooms. Marshall o. Unfurnished Apartments. THE WASHINGTON, 689 Northrup S-room unfurnished apartment, with bath and all modern conveniences, telephone, steam heat, gas, electric lights, etc. Take Wear to 21st and Nor thru p. phone Main 43 7. WALKING DISTANCE. REX ARMS APARTMENTS. . l"th and East Morrison sts. 5-story fire proof building; iil 2 and 3-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; automatic elevator, balcony, tile bathrooms, all lates. improvements; rates, $25 to $35. FORDHAM APARTMENTS. 170 Ford st. near Washington The best 3, 4 and 0- roum apartments in the city for the money ; finished in mahogany and oak, handsomely papered walls, elegant tile bathrooms; reut from $35 tq $52.50. LUCRETIA COURT. On Lucretia st., north of Washington; best residence district, walking distance; open court; rates reasonable; references. Mgr.. Mar. 1513. Janitor, Mar. 1500. HANOVER APARTMENTS, King and Wash. ing ton streets Absolutely fireproof, new, modern, sanitary ; pwo or three-room apartments, with bath, from $20 to $37.50; private balconies. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 272 Broad way, corner Jefferson; easy walking dis tance; 8 or 4 rooms, with private baths; very reasonable rent; best service, splen did arrangement. All outside rooms. KEELER APARTMENTS, 14TH AND CLAY STREF.TS. One of our best 4-room front suites, unfurnished ; references. corner ROOSEVELT 5 rooms, heat and hot water. nicely arranged? $32.50 per month. Port land Trust co., or janitor. 668 Kearney and 21st'sta. THE DEZSNDORF " 20$ 16th, near Taylor. Main 47B. K-room furnished and unfurnished apts. ROSE FRIEND Cor. Btt.vf.way and Jeffer son. Elegant unfurnished apartments; f 1 rat-class service ; private phone; ref, KINGSBU RY, Ford, near wTsh 1 n g t on; h Igh clays, unfurnished apartments. 3 and 4 rooms, private balcony, reasonable rent. Flat. S-ROOM flat. 7 .SO Glisan st.. near 23d st. car ; new. modern, convenient; hardwood floors, flreplaee and furnace; select neigh borhood. Morgan, Fliednur & Boyce. 813 Morgan bldg. CO N V E N I EN T. well-located S-room fiat, gas Btove and gas heater; reduced rent to good tenant. 633 Everett, near 21st. Phone East 8. " I K VI N G TON FLAT. 5 rooms and sleeping-porch 1 thoroughly modern and very choice ; reasonable rent. 24 East 14th st. North. $22.50 5 rooms, new range and gas heater, at 384 E. 1st St., near Broadway. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co., agents. 404 Wilcox bldg., phones M. 8iii9, A 2353. LOWER flat, $20; 6 rooms. G66 Hoyt st. See' Mr. Hyde. Janitor, St. Francis Apart ments. 21st and Hoyt sts. NEW modern flat. 7 large rooms, range and linoleum. Cor. E. 12th and Burnside. East 2301. CARPETS for sale and 4-room flat to rent. Apartment 1. Buck Apartments, 21st, near Flanders. AND fi-room modern flats. $20 and J22. West Bide, walking distance, fine condi tion. Woodward. 104 2d. -ROOM lower flat, with ences. 632 Marshall st. Rent $30. mod ern corner conveol Of 20th. THOSE beautiful flats on 15 th and East Morrison st. are now completed and ready for occupancy. Phone East 1619. UNFURNISHED lower fiat. 344 H ery. near Broadway, reduced 2(45. Montgom to $15. E. HOLLADAY ADDITION Beautiful flat, . Call 412 V Wasco st. Phone East S305. 6-ROOM flat. Inquire 175 choicest location. West Side. 16th St., corner Yamhill. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt st. Inquire !30 6th st. Phone Main 6278. SWELL 4-room flat, strictly modern, with garage. 314 Maegley. Tabor 3088. IN ALL parts of the city. Portland Rental Bureau. 502 Broadway bldg. Main 9493. MODERN 4-room flat, 394 Benton, 1 block north of Broadway bridge, $18. C 2021. ONE 6-rgom Madison st. upper corner flat. 635 East Phone East 234. TWO modern 4-room corner flats, upper and lower, furnace. Phone E. 5, B 1404. MODERN furnished 4-room. uppj-r flat, electricity. n E. HOth st. N. rnrnSsbe-d Flats. MODERN 4-room flat, 10 minutes from Broadway and Wash. 33 Ross st., close Broadway bridge. C S109. 4-ROOM flat, furnished bath, porches. East 4S11; or unfurnished, walking distance. NICELY furnifhed 3-room fiat, water, phone and bath, $2n.5'. 230 N. ISth st. MODERN 6-room furnished flat, 8 East 12th st. N. Marshall 797. A. 7131. FURNISHED East 12."0. flat, complete. $21. Phone Housekeeping Rooms. The Beaver, 12th and Marshall sts; fur nlshed for housekeeping; gas range, elec tro liehts. hot water, bath, laundrv free. $12 per month up; a clean place, best la the city for the money ; short distance from Union Depot. Take S or 16th au cars north, get off at Maraliall. No dogs. $1.50 to $2.75 week ; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free hfst, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone' E. 6031). 406 Vancouver, 203 Stanton, . U car. THE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur" f urnlshed 2-room apts.: steam heat, light; $15 up. Main 8523. Take "S 23d or "W" car north. ROYCRKST. 175-12thTlarge rooms; furnace heat; complete for H. K. ; all conveniences. FUKNISHED h. bid-., 3d, cor. k. rooms cheap. Cambridge Morrison. Phone Main. 94 5. i-ROOM APT., light, heat, phone, bath free. $4.50 per week. 410 Jefferson. THE OILMAN, 1st St., cor. Alder; furnished housekeeping-rooms. $1.50 week up. L 2, 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely fur nished. 545 -Washington, near 16th. 461 EAST MORRISON Neatly furnished one and two-room housekeeping apartments. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Families. FURNISHED apartments for housekeeping. $15; 1 front room and kitehenette, t ur- nir.hsa. Main 66S0. FOR RENT Housekeeping Rooms In Private Families. 2-ROOM suites on tirst floor, suitable for tnree people; no objection to children; warm and comfortable; everything fur nrshed complete; also single room, $5 per niyjii xoo j? lauuera near zum. FOR, RENT. 2 large, clean, completely furnished front H. K. rooms, first floor, free lights and phone, sink, porch, yard; child taken. 7S E. Yamhill. E. 2091. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms 10, private house. Four-room apartment, fur nished, with use of piano. $17. Phone Tabor 483. v TWO lovely, convenient modern rooms, completely furnished, light "housekeeping. 6&2i2 Everett st. SINGLE housekeeping rooms, running ter, heat, phone, bath, fine location. wa- 221 $15 TWO neat, modern h. k. rooms; walk ing distance; no children. Mar. 584. 450 Montgomery. , NICELY furnished - housekeeping rooms, 67 N. 14th st. Davis to Everett. $2.50 TWO connected on second floor. 3S8 housekeeping 5th st. NICE rooraa, newly papered ; fine, central. Nob Hill; phone. 5i4 Everett at. , TWO furnished housekeeping-rooms, 227 Cherry st., $3 week, phone East 3010. ONE OR TWO Urge connecting rooms, cor ner, light housekeeping. Main 67S5. MEIER & FRANK'S FREE RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Fourth Floor Main Building. Complete and reliable list of all vacant houses, flats, apartments and bungalows In the city; make usa of this service when you desire; this does not obligate you in any manner to this store. You will find us willing and ready at all times to' help you in locating. Newcomers in Portland will find this service especially valuable. HOUSES, rooms at 467 Market st.. $2' near 13th. $256 rooms at 288 North 17th st., near Petty grove. $25 8 rooms, modern, at" 349 North Twenty-eighth street, Willamette Heights. $rt0 11 rooms, suitable for lodging-house, at corner Tenth and Yamhill sts. H. P. PALMER-J ONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones M. 8699. A 2653. HOUSE TO RENT 1C7 E- 7th st. North. Holladay Addition; strictly modern house. 7 rooms, sleeping porch; tirst-class condi tion; $35. or attractive reduction on lease of two or thre years. Key next door or call up Tabcr 1800. FOR LEAS-E Beautiful country home, new modern house, hot and cold water, etc., on two and one-third acres; within two blocks of Oregon Electric station, Tigard. 0 minutes from heart of city; good car service. D 635, Oregonlan. ALL OR PAltTrOF23ROOMSJ JUST VA CATED AND USED AS A SUCCESSFUL FAMILY HOTEL.. COR. 17TH AlNiJ COUCH. MORNINGS, MAIN 7160, ROOM 408. FOR RENT New, modern 8-room house; good plumbing, electric lights; very rea sonable rent. Also good 6-room house. East Taylor Ft., $20. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. J. .1. OEDER. Real Estate and Rentals. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. LAURELHURST. For rent or lease, elegant modern 8 room residence, with billiard-room, tiled bath and garage. Phona Tabor 13S1. $10.00 5-room house, 1 block to Llewellyn School, 1 block Sellwood car, 128 East 15th, cor. Tolraan ave. Phones Main 1858, Sellwood 508. FOR RENT Nice, clean 7 -room corner house, with reception ball, and 6-room upper fiat, very reasonable. Phone B 132. FOR RENT 5-room modern bungalow, two BO-xlOO lots: eood nolEhborhooa ; conven lent to trolley; rent $12.50 to reliable ten ant. J. O. Elrod, owner, 519 Corbett bldg. ATTRACTIVE furnace, ' gas, sale, good aa coin at 48th 5-room modern bungalow, electricity. Furniture for new. Call i:;01 East Lin st. WE can rent your house for you. HACKER & THERKELSEN, 806 Spalding bldg. M. 7592. HOUSES to r"nt In all parts of the city. HACKER A THERKELSEN, 806 Spalding bldg! M. 7592. $3."i Good olaoe for business, one block west of Portland Hotel; stx-rppm house. Phone Marshall 4440. MODERN 7-room house, Northrup near 218 $40 month. Vanduyn & Walton, 5& Chamber of Commerce. $22.50 6 -room modern house, furnace, gas, electricity. 2 blocks Sellwood car, 081 Hen ry avei Phones Sellwood 008, Main 1858. $18 7-room modern house. 1 block to Llew ellyn school, 1 block Sellwood car. 3293 East 15th.-Phones Sellwood 508. Main 1858. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow, splendid neighborhood, tine view, $25 month. Mar shall 4S27. DOUBLE house, Montgomery St., near 4th; 22 rooms. $65. H. A. Holmes. 608 Beck bldg. Phone Main 6552. HOUSE of 5 rooms and bath. 09 E. 10th North. Inquire 180 6th st. Main 6278. MODERN 8-room house for rent; corner lot. 42 East 15th st. nice lawn. DESIRABLE 0 and R-room bouses. R88 and 396 San Rafael, close In. East 1685. MODERN 8-room house, electric light, gas and furnace. 60 Ella st. Main 6887. ATTRACTIVE 4-room cottage and bath, Portland Heights carlfne. Main 6972. NEW 6-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, $25. 862 E. Franklin. HOUSES IN IRVING TON FOR RENT. EAST 273. W- H. HERDMAN, S-ROOM house, 16rt North 18th st.. suitable for home or rerenting rooms. Main 0518. TWO 740 modern 8-room houses. 771 Hoyt. Irvinsr, both near 23d. Main 6317. MODERN 8-room house. 23d. Phone Main GO;;o, 699 Flanders, near East 963. FOR 7 near ENT 6-room Williams ave. hoiiFe. 295 Cook ave.. reasonable rent. 5-ROOM cottatre. 070 Tarsart St., W-w car. Marshall 4317. $14. Take 8-ROOM hnuao, newly reflnlshed, 369 llth St., $22.50. Fred 8. Williams. 92 1st st. 5-ROOM house, 700 Davis St.. between 21st nnd 22d Marshall 35'D. Main ."OSS. "Famished Uodm 526 MODERN furnished house, 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace and lawn. 6 69 Union ave. N. Inquire 518 Lumbermens bldg. NEW 6-room house, completely furnished, K. 23d near Hawthorne ave. ; will lease. East 2419. 6-ROOM furnished cottage on East Taylor; rent only $20 to desirable tenant 807 Wilcox bldg. Main 2744. 4-ROOM home, acre of land and fruit trees; unfurnished. $10; furnished, $15. Phone -between 11 and 1. Marshall 3061. $20 3-room bungalow, bath; 13th Portland Academy ; fine view. Park. Phone Marshall 4215. st., near . S51 W. COMPLETELY furnished 7-room house; hot water and heat, fireplace, piano- all ready for occupancy. Woodlawn 3229. MODERN bungalow, 6 rooms, fully fur nlshed. very desirable location. Phone ' East 1137. 6-FOOM house for rent, 20 East 15th st. furniture for sale. $1 1 COTTAGE furnished. 734 Pacific St. East 1216. COMPLETELY furnished 8-r6om house Irvington. on carline. East 4384. $20 FURNISHED four-room modern cot tage. Inquire 173 Morris st. IN ALL parts of the city. Portland Rental Bureau, 502 Broadway bldg. Main 9493. 6-ROOM modern, completely house, walking distance. $40. furnished East 2411. FOR RENT 4-room cottage, furnished; wa ter, lights; no children; $16. East 1502. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room house. 847 Wasco st. Phone C 2678. 273 BROADWAY Furnished 4-room cottage, electric lights, bath, central. FURNISHED complete, new. modern 7 room house : furnace. 966 Hawthorne ave. Stores. SPACE IN MODERN BASEMENT, venti lated and well lighted; N. W. corner 4th and A Ider sts. ; suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc. ; rea sop able rent. Mor (ran. Flledner & Boyce, 8l:,?Jorgan bldg LA HUE liht f rent room, with large piate glus3 window, fronting Washington st.. second floor Majestic Theater bldg. ; rea sonable rent : also cheap basement space. Apply Majestic Theater. ' 0 STORE, brick building, Belmont near Grand ave. HARTMAN THOMP?OV, - Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR RENT Stores Nos. 2-t8 and 250 Haw thorne ave. ; east end of bridge. A ppl Hawthorne Dock Co. Phono East 20C3. LARGE STORE. $30, 200 3d st., near Jeffer son, fine for light manufacturing or sales room. WA S H INGTON. near 12th. 16x100, with ' basement; good light and ventilation; rent very low. 41 Buchanan bldg. BRICK store, corner- llth and Hawthorne, for rent. Falrchild. 2:?2 Sherlock. FOR STORESrFL O rRS AND BLDGS.. PEE W. H. V f . B, 605 Yeon bids. Main 4913. 1- FOR RENT. Stores. FOR RENT Store with three living-rooms partly furnished. This store has been occupied about 8 years as a delicatessen, tight grocery, cigars and candy. Now can be had for a long lease or by the month, $20 per month. Showcases, counters, shelv ing and gas fixtures included; bed-, room and kitchen furniture; located 190 Gibbs st. Phone Main 1511. Owner at 805 Water st. Offices, OFFICES In HEART of CITY at prices very reasonable, SUITABLE for MERCANTILE and PROFESSIONAL purposes. Arranged to suit tenants. 308 S wetland bldg. 4. NICE rooms, 4th floor Dekum bldg.; lady tenants wanted; rent reasonable; 40 wom - en on he floor; any business in ladies line. Call at room 411, Dekum bldg. DOCTOR'S and 60th car. affice, ave.. new S. E. location. E. 46th Take Woodstock ROLL-TOP deak including phone and other conveniences, $6. 723 Chamber of Corn-mere-". DESKROOM, $10 per month; both phones, vault, lavatory. 215 Oregonlan bldg. Halls. DANCE HALL for reut for any night with the exception of Tuesday. For one night In each week, $10 per month. Located cor- - ner Front and Gibbs. Phone Main loll mornings or evenings. Owner 805 Water st. Miscellaneous GARAGE for rent. 1229 E, Everett. TO LEASE. AUTOMOBILE MEN. NOTICE. 13,000 square feet, best location for salesroom, accessories, tire snpply or gar age. New building, 14tn and Bumslde, Marshall 813. BtJSrNESS OFPORTITXITtKS. FOR SALE Small, first-class hotel, the -only , hotel In the prosperous, growing town of Madras. Will take part cash, balance long time with small interest, or will take part trade.- Anyone interested In this kind of a proposition will do well to investigate. Owner has other business which demands bis attention. Address Hotel Madras, Madras, Or. THERE is an opening for an up-to-date live man to take charge of a sales force; if you can get results out of salesmen and can Invest some money in stock of tho company, we would like to talk to you; more attention paid to the man than the Investment. 203-204 Piatt bldg.. Park and Washington sts. WANTED Man or woman as active, or si lent partner, for well-known musical com edy company. Have all wardrobe, scenery, printing and good territory. Only small amount needed ; a good-paying business. See Brown, between 12 and 8 P. M.. 007 Yeon bldg. $00 TO $100 DAILY. Butcher shop established for years for sale on account of 111 health, sell stock at invoice for cash, fixtures on terms to suit. $300 will handle this. Call room 15, Lumber Exchange bldg. HAVE a high-class manufacturing and sell ing proposition to offer. The proposition will interest anyone desirous or manufac turing and selling; a device well protected by patents: simple to manufacture and with a wide range; will require an ln vestment of $1.0OO. AN 45o, Oregonlan TWO-CHAIR dental off ice, complete, w i t h well-established business, for less than half cost of furniture; $1000 cash (no credit); business coming in regularly; will pay for it in few weeks. Apply 314 Ab lugton bldg. ATTENTION. Before buying or selling a business, see Mr. Chamberlain, with PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 212-221 Selling bldg.. Portland .Or. PARTNER, OFFICE MAN. Office man capable of handling books can purchase half Interest In thriving business paying $4000 yearly ; thorough invest 1 gat ion sol Iclted. Calt at 815 Lum ber Ex c h a n ge bldg. . CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing deal for so-called Inter est in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. F. U PURSE, Secretary. 81S Chamber of Commerce bldg. MAKE your OWN BEER, WHISKY, WINE with GENUINE concentrated distilled ex tracts simple, easy and saves you 100 per cent. Send stamp for information. An dreas Ambrew-Umversal Import Agency, dept. C, box 1178, Portland, Or. I HAVE a 3-chair barber shop with an es tablished trade for 35 years that I must sell before January 10, ' as I leave town Immediately. Persona with less than $200 need not apply. Roy Barnard. Apply 86 otn st. PICTURE and vaudeville theater. 850 opera chairs, in town 6500; nothing finer In the state; this will open your eyes and you can have it If you mean business.. Address AV 741, Oregonlan. SMALL amount will handle my Interest in good cleaning and pressing business, laun dry office ; rent $15, with good living room in back. 847 Salmon. A 20-ROOM sawmill boarding-house, for sale cheap ; present owner going on a farm. Call at the White House, Llnnton. Or. HAVE you small amount to Invest and will ing to work 8 hours a day for $150 month? (No Sunday work). Then call at 303 Lum ber Exchange, 2d and Stark. T0 RENT Millinery store with 3 living rooms, clearing $100 per month; rent of store and fixtures, $25 per month. Address P. O. box 582, Montesano. Wash, . SELL YOUR BUSINESS Or Buy a Business. Fee W. LAWRENCE. 815 I, umber Exchange bldg. BoO phones. FINE confectionery, and cigar store, best section East Side; bargain. 321 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE or rent, a four-box bowling al ley, two running ; cheap rent. Apply at B5 N. 2d. cor. Davis. THE EdI Brau barber shop and baths for sale. G"od business and long lease. Ap ply 208 Morrison st. GROCERY one of largest and best, modern; bst location: good business, to be seen to be appreciated; $7000. G 638, Oregonlan. DRUGSTORE location, fixtures, stock, busl lies. A-l ; a real sacrifice. V 63 S. orego nlan. t BAKERY- Modern, fully equipped; good lo cation; growing d istrict ; rent reasonable ; a bargain. W. P. Sinnolt, S12 Yeon bldg. IF YOU have anything you want to sell or trade, see Blak, 451 Jefferson st. He matches you. Marshall 5725. A 4040. HALF interest, nice office business, only small amount required. 323 Lumber Ex change. GRAND THEATER, sale ; pic. and vau. Pendleton, OrM for A L 610, Oregonlan. 3-CHAIR barber shop for sale; good loca tion ; must leave. R 638. Oregon ian. SALOON Good-paying place, good location, cheap rent. . AR 639, Oreconlan. MY half interest in billiard parlors; profits over $400 a month. 262 Alder st. WE want some good business listings. C. fe A. Investment Co., 288 E. Morrison st. ONLY flower store in opportunity AV 755 city of 20,000. Fine , Oregonlan. FOR SALE: Flower stand; have no time to attend to It. Call at 129 2d st. GOOD-PAYING restaurant, $300; rent $1$ per month. AK 654, OreEfonlan. BARBER SHOP Threo chairs, fine case, good location. Lease. Phone Mar. 1631. FOR SALE Grocery store. 428 Failing St. FOR SALE Small grocery. 321 N. ROOMING-HOUSES. NOTICE. We buy, ' sell and exchange rooming houses, hotels and apartment-houses for quick results and a square deal. DIETZ & R1NGLER, 316 Railway Exchange Bldg. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. HOTELS, ROOMING AND APARTMENT HOUSES SOLD AND EXCHANGED. 822-24 Falling bldg., 3d and Wash. Sts. Free Auto Service. Phone Main S560. MARY E. LENT. C. V. R?AN. roH SALE, reasonable, nice 12-room house; furnace heat, bath, excellent location, short walking distance from Morrison. 254 12th. 4 20 ROOMS, within five blocks of Postofficc; will sell at a sacrifice; will consider half trade. Call Main 228T. FOR SALE - Finely furnished apartment house of ".1 rooms, rent .575 per month. very central. Phone A 20a4. 20 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all full, cheap rent, walking: distance, $700, terms; .will exchange for city property. Main C432. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A" Fitch fur, between the Oregon Grill and- the Blackstone Hotel. Phone Marshall 2740. Reward. LOST Ladles' gold watch and pin. Initial "H. A.." Hampton works. 501 E. 39th st. S. Tabor 41145. Reward. LOST Evening January 8, Venetian pearl and steel bead necklace. Main 1320. Re ward. . . x- LOST -Saturday, small gold pin. initials A. B. G. Call Arthur Rand, care Blake McPnll Co. PARTY who stole umbrella' from 473 Alder st. Is known,; return or name will be pub lished. L03T Gray Ansora cat. 81. Call c 218. In Overlook, Dec. IX8T AND FOIND. THE following articles have been found in tha-ears of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may se cure same oy applying at cams & mai cated. Ankeny barn. A 6131 3 lenrtbs of nine, 1 umbrella, 1 basket of clothes, 1 hand bag and purse, 1 pair ladles gloves. Piedmont barn, phone A 6131 1 suitcase. --j, 1 pair snoes, J. pair ruDDers, 4 miscellaneous packages. Sellwood barn. phone A 6131 1 lunchbox, 2 umbrellas, 1 painter's outfit, 1 handbag, 2 suitcases, 1 dozen eggs, 1 pattern. Lavior street carhouse. phone A 6131 1 overcoat, 1 ladies' jacket, 1 glove, 1 hat, 2- umbrellas. 1 currouiton. LOST Betfeen Hof Brau and 264 Alder, cheokbook and billbook containing re ceipts of Cathlamet Timber Co. and pic ture. Return to Cathlamet, Washington. l. c. Clung. Reward. LOST Saturday evening between the P. O. and Elton Court on Yamhill St.. a small coin purse containing $51. Finder please return to the money-order department. t . o., or Eiton court; receive reward. IF PARTY seen earring away bright blue silk India umbrella from second floor Beryl apts.. will return same to Janitor, no questions asKea. LOST Scotch Collie puppy, 4 months old, in neighborhood of East 62d St.; please return to Pearl McClure 243 East 52d. WDerai rewara. Tabor 2OB. LOST Ladies' pearl pin, valued as a keep sake, Oregon rill or vicinity. Reward for return to 1009 Vaughn st. eTCCCIAL NOTTCKS. Proposal Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the District of Oregon, in the matter of Max Albert, bankrupt; requests for bids. I will receive sealed bids for a stock of mercnannise, consisting or trunks, sult- t-awF,. gents- lurnianinss, snoes, ciocning, etc.. of the inventorv value of S1S83 55. and fixtures pertaining to the same of ti.e Inventory value of $9.45, formerly the property of Max Albert. but now the prcperty of the above estate, situated at 215 Front street, Portland, Oregon, up to ana until rz o Clock noon on Friday, Jan uary 9 1914. Certified check for 10 per cent ot the mruni Dia must acocmpany each bid. Sale subject to the approval of the court. Inventory of the property mav be seen at my of ice and the property inspected upon appointment. R. L. RABIN. 740-74T Morgan bldg.. Portland, Or. Dated this 3d day of January, 1914. NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, as receiver of Heard, Inc., a corporation, will sell for cash at public auction, in one lot, the entire stock of v merchandise, consisting of men's suits ana overcoats, together with store fix tures. now located at No. 1100 Commerce street, Tacoma, Washington. Inspection of the same may be had and full Informa tion secured by applying to the under signed during regular business hours. Said sale will take place at the Courthouse door in the City of Tacoma on January . ivi4, at tne nour or 10 o clock A. m.. O. E. L. AGASSIZ. Receiver. Room 220 Perkins bldg.. Tacoma, Wasn. IN the matter of Portland Rubber Mills: I will receive sealed bids for the plant, ma chinery, tools, equipment and miscellan eous items pertaining to this estate, lo cated at No. 868 East 9th st. South. Port land. Or., of the inventory valuation of 116.383.83. together with fixtures amount ing to iU'J. up to 12 o clock noon of Mon day. January 12. 1914. at my office. No 740 Morgan bide. Portland. Oreeon. Terms, cash and a deposit of 10 per cent 01 amount dii must accompany each pro posal. RIfrnt Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my orrice ana property inspected on ap plication, li. i.. ISA i I.X. Dated Portland. Or., Dec. 27. 191S. M Isuella neo us. IN the County Court of the State of Ore icon, for Morrow County. In the matter or tho estate of C. T. Walker, deceased. as executor or the last will and testa ment of C. T. Walker, deceased. I have for sale a stock of merchandise located at lone. Morrow County. Oregon, consisting of groceries, about 3000: hardware. aoout sd.tuu: dry goods, notions, etc S400; crockery and glassware. 5300; snoes, jj:;uu; ciotmng. overalls, etc.. xiouo gloves, (150: paints and oils. S350: hat! and caps. J400; machinery, S500. making a total of $14,700, together with fixtures. $1000. I will receive bids ud to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday. January 24, 1014i for an or said merchandise and fixtures. Terms cash. Sale is subject to approval ot ine vuuniy couri. btocK may De seen on application. correspondence solicited, J. A. WATERS. Executor of last will and testament of I c i . walker, deceased. ALASKA GUANO CO. The annual stockholders' Ujieeting of the above company will be held in the office or tne company. No. 602 concord bldg.. Portland. Or., on Wednesday the 21st day ui jauuary. ivii -at 12 noon. BRYDON H. NICOLL,. See. NOTICE is hereby aiven that I have mir chased the stock of groceries known as tha Park orocery at 40U Jefferson St. Anyone holding claims- aaglnst the store must pre sent them wirhln fi days. H. K. Grant, room morgan oiag. MB. GARDNER having purchased the store of Chas. Malone at East 7th and Harri ' son, all debts against said store must be presenrea witnin i days. vym. Garaner. BARGES for rent. Mdin 1410. Apply A. S. Pattullo. FINANCIAL WK BUT MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND MORTGAGE CO.. 410 COMMERCIAL. CLUB BLDG. WE furnish the money at a low rate of In terest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent If we do the planning and building for you. It will pay you to see us. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc.. 324 Ablngtou CASH paid for good first or second mort gages on real estate or sellers interest in contracts for sale. II. JS. Noble, 318 hum bermens bldg. B'lKST and seor.d mortgaKes and building contracts bought, a. B. Mlil-r. 410 Ablns ton bldg. WE MAKE short-lerm loans, r.00 upward on approved bankable securities. Itobert son A Ewlng. 310 l-'alllng bldg. U'.'KTllAllR LOANi, iioles. contracts, mortgages- (first and second i( equities pur rhased. F. H. Lewis & Co.. 8 Lewis h(Lr. i.Nn i a i,Ldr.M mortgages and contracts bought. Odell, 606 Concord bids- Main WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. OTTO. T. VOORK CO.. 51 S Ablngton b'dg. W p; JJL'Y notes, bonds arid mortgages. Itob ertson .t Eiving. 310 Kalllns bids. Money to Loan Real Kstate. MAKE specialty of loans from sroo tr $::goOt property examined same day application Is inaae. a. u. wnsougnDy St. Co.. 4ia cor bett hldg. Main 88KB. $1000 TO loan at 8 per cent. Improved Port land property. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-424 Chamber of Sjommeroe. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL. ESTATE. J. J. OEDER, Heal Estate and Loans. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Anktnr. MORTGAGE LOANS. 05t TO TV H. E. MOOSIT, Main 210. Room 41 Falling bldg. $200,000 TO loan In sums to suit: building loans: lowest rates, w., O. Beck, 815-S1S railing Diag. $63,000 TO LOAN CITY OR FARMS. .T. O. ROl'NTREE, CHAOTER OF COMMERCE BLDG, HAVE $10,000 to $15,000 to loan on gilt edge first mortgage, 2 or 3 years. Address ij o&u, uregoman. MORTGAGE loans on cltv property; low est rates. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay Tnlrtg.. 3d and Stark at. PRIVATE monev loaned, $1000 up; easy terms. E. Evens, 206 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and HlfTpr. TO LOAN $30,000 OP. LEsSS. FAPRI.VGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDfl. $500. $1OO0 AND UPWARD on Improved real estate; favorable terms; no delays: no brokerage. John Bain. f07 Spalding bldg. $1500 TO loan on home In Rossmere or Rose Pity Park. Address W 635. Oregonlan. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Selta a Co.. 810 Spalding bids. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. 813 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND T PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 220 STARK ST. MONEY to loan. eTE. Cumpston. Phone Sellwood J 422. MONEY to loan on Improved city property. Ridlnes Riley. 404 Broadway bd. M.2817 MONEY TO LOAN. AND 7 PER CENT. F. W. TOROLER. 108 SHERLOCK BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE GEO. P. DEKUM. 22S HENRY BLDG. Money loaned, real estate, contracts & mtga. bought. H. M!y, 204 Gerllnger bldg. $1000 TO K5000, rrivate funds for good loan. Phone Tnbor 2?S20. STATE FUNDS. 6 per cent. TT. E. Thomas. arent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. Henry C. Pmdhomme. 80 Wilcox bldg. SHORT-TERM loans on real nd collateral securities. 804 Lewis bldfc ?oo. ano. nnn. jttioo. $isoo. Fred W. German Co.. S3? Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS AT 6 AND T PER CENT. FRED S. WILLI A VS. 2H 1ST ST. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Keal Otcate. MONEY ON IMPROVED FARMS. MONEY ON IMPROVED CITY PROP ERTY. MADE WITHOUT RED TAPE. PROMPT SERVICE. COURTEOUS TREATMENT. R. H. BLOSSOM, Sl CHAMBER COM MERCE. 7otK), $12,500 and $15,000 to loan by exec utor to close an estate; security must be Income-bearing city property; no com mission charged; no business over tele- fhone; describe property; can take one oan for two of above amounts. 1 65b, Oregonlan. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED R2AL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO.. 918 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN. I HAVE PLEN1 Y OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT 5 TO 8 PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL. 800 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ON improved city property or for building purposes, 3 to 8 years' time: liberal pay 'ment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav lnga ae Trust Association, 240 Stark St. MONEY TO LOAN! Good supply for city and farm property, ft to 7 per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St., near Washington. J100O STERLING 2(0i 3500 FOSTER 7 and 8 per cent 908 Teon Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount; prompt service. Geo. H. Thomas, 267 Oak at.. room 2. Alnsworth bldg. $20,000 TO LOAN, SUMSTO SUIT. NOTES BOUGHT. AF 62i. OREGONI A N. MONEY to loan, city or farm lands. J. J. Cahallnj 633 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY loaned by private party, real estate security. Hatfield. 105H 4th at. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. NEED MONEY QUrrK? Tou can get it TODAY. WE LOAN ANY AMOUNT to Working People and Others on Pla'l Notes. Furniture. Livestock. Pianos. Autos. - Storage Receipts. Real Estate. Motor cycles or Diamonds. WE BUY MORTGAGES. Yon Do Not Jeopardize Your Furniture or Sell Your Peace of Mind IF YOU DEAL WITH US. NO CHARGE FOR APPLICATION. NO EXTRAS. NO DELAY. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL Rebates Given If Paid Before Due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. 41 MACLEAY BLDG.. between 4th and 5th sts. on Washington st. Open 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. every day: Sat. till 8 P. M. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10. $20. $30, $40. $50. $00. $70, $100. Cheapest and beet piace to BORROW MONEV. Lowest ra.tes. Easiest payments. KEMEMRER, IF YOU WORK. WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY. OPEN' S A. M. TO 6 P. M. Saturdays until P P. M. STATE SECURITY CO.. X'-" Falling Bldg. WHY PAY EXORBITANT RATES? We will loan you money as low as S per cent on your diamonds and Jewelr. . Wo are the most liberal licensed money lenders In the city. Our establishment is located at 334 Washington street, near Broadway. Get our prices on forfeited diamonds. Diamond Pe lace. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS on diamonds, watches. Jowe'.i'y, automo biles, musical Instruments. All interviews strictly confidential. Elby Company. S2' Lumber Ex. Blrlg. MONEY for salaried people and others upon their own names; cheap rates, easy pay ments. See me befure dea-ing elsewhere; confidential. D. D. Drake. 32S Henry bid?. MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches. Jew elry. pianos and warehouse receipts. Brown &-Co., room ! WoshtnKton bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds or anything of value at 3 per cent. Apply 413 Mac.eay hide. WE LOAN money on dinm-truis and Jewelry at half the rates charged by broUera. Marx Bloch. 74 3d st. MONEY sold on Installments; confidential ; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry hldg. LOANS on diamonds and jewelry: strlctl. confidential. 141 3d, near Alder. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. -Wm. Holl, room 8 Washington bldg. Lonns Wanted. WANTED Loan of JOO'Wl for .1 years at 7 per cent; security worth K3O.0OO. and growing in value. Principals only. No commission. Address AT 1307, Oregonlan. WANT fgooo on West Side vacant block In manufacturing district and worth S2o.00i. Address D 657, Oregonlan. WANTED on first mortgaKes on close-in high-grade improved. $2500 nnd $2000 at 8 per cent. Address D e5. Oregonian. WANTED from private party. S3200 on $.?O0o income property. East 2i0. WANT $2500 on first-class improved view property, value $8000. K 648, Oregonlan. PERSONAL. HAIR-H AIR-HAIR-HAIR. . $12 ,-4-lncii switches ?4.45 S 2-inch switches 1.0" Halrdressing 2 Face massage Shampoo 29 Manicure, 25c; 5 for .' ; 1.00 12 scalp treatments 5.00 Superfluous hair removed by electric needle; guaranteed cot to return. Cut hair in -any shade; switches ar.y length: prices half. Sanitary Parlors. 4u0 4 1 Dekum hldg., 3d and Washington. DON't be hairy. It is easy to get rid of su perfluous hair on fuce. neck or hands, by iieing our DEPENDABLE DEPILATORY. It removes hair like magic. Write fr particulars and free sample to PUGET BJL'VJ SPECIALTY C.. Partlr.nd. Ta coma. Wash. Dept. "7." FEBVET & HASEBVT, Leading wig and tnupe-makers; finest stock of human hair goods, switches from y.'c up; hairdresslng, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; comblnga made up to o:-dt-r. 147 7th. r.ear Morrison. Main 542. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE. First-class masseuse. German praduate, treats rheumatism, lumbago, massage and baths. 452 Salmon. Phone Marshall 50o3. Opn Sundas. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's direc tions: bath, massage. No. 7 KaM 11th St., second door miulh from Eaut Ankeny car line. Phone East 2i.O. B 1S03. DRE.SS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rib. repaired. $1.5o month; prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 369 Stark. MRS. STEVENS. 20 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, now at 201 H Mor rison st. Nervous ailments cured by music. DIVORCES Lawyer. 25 years' experience, reliable, advice free. 404 Rothchlld bldg.. 287 j Wash. CUT rates this week; chlropraotle, osteo path and vibratory treatments for all ali ments. 291 H Morrison at., waiting-room 8. BOSTON graduate nurse, sanitarium, trent. ment, medical gymnastics. 387 Yamhilt at., up one flight, room 7. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental and spiritual sci entist, 302 A'i"ky Mtie. Question and mes saga night Wed., 8 P. M. Main 8228. LESSONS in phrenology, palmistry and card reading. 25a sth st. Phone Main 7o4S. Hours 1 to b. 6 to 8. EVERY woman should have this Parisian receipt. Mailed In plain envelope. 26c. stamps or silver. Box 1178, Portland. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. 05c; curls and puffs, 75c. San itary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Prion Readings daily. Circle Tues. 2, Wed. and Bun. S. 375 2d St. Marshall 4283. A 2883 MRS. C. S. MORRISON Steam baths and massage for rheumatism, lumbago, eto. 833 Madison. A 4470. Marshall 8968. THE FUR SHOP Remodeling and new orders; trimming; best work, low prices. 620 Swetland bldg. LOR ENZ NerveTablets restore lost vitality -oc per oox, o tor 11.0. s tlpe-T. aylor Drug Co., 29 Morrison. CHIROPODY Mrs. Potter, - vibratory scaip ana racial treatments. 41 northwest hldg. MANICURING Office 22. Hotel Gordon. lamhlll and West Park. A YOUNG couple wishes to adopt small cuiKi. r,aai --tl. DR. ETHEL A. SACRY. painless chiropodist. a IX r-anama mug., aa ana Alaer. USE Bassett's Native. Herbs for rheuma tism. 52 tablets tor 25c. All druggists. CHIROPRACTIC, vibratory treatments, bath and massage. EQ8-9 Northwest bldg. M.87P9 CHIROPODY and manicurist. 001 North west Diag. jifin 043. RHODA PIERCE, manicuring. rison st.. cor. rtn. room 8. SPIRITUAL medium. Mrs. A. Hamlot, office aaiiy. 411 Koincnua bldg.. 4th and wash. JiRS. NELLIE SPRING. chiropoUUt. Of rice ;wtf. Morrison t. SWEDISH maeaage. scalp treatments. Roo.M ira. uiraon notei, vv. park ana Yamhill. BALM OK FIGS, cornpoend Royal Tonic irwtets. .-,i'i javls st. Phone 'a!n 25N:l MTiI.F.S. surerfluoi: rair removed. Mrf. M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473.