16 TirE MORNING OREffOXIAN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1914. AMICEMENTSl 11th and Morrison. HEILIG Main 1, A 1122. TONIGHT TOMORROW NIGHT. BARGAIN PRICE MAT. TOMORROW. Billy 'SingIe"Clif ford In the musical play. BELIEVE rvlE" Popular Night Prires, $1. 75c. r.Oc Tomorrow's Bargain Mat., 75c, 50c. 25c 6 BS!So NEXT MONDAY Matinees Wed. and Sat. OTIS SKINNER IN KISMET" BOX OFFICE BALE OPENS TOBAT. iMvrvr floor, $2.00-J1.5O: balcony. 8 rows 11.60, 6 rows $1.00. 6 rows TSc, 4 rows SOc. Mall orders received from both In and oat of town. BAKER TTTKATER Main 3. A 8360 :-. I.. Baker, tf(f. The Baker Ylayera. Tonight, All Week. Matinee Tomorrow, First time In this city. "THE BUILDERS." By Marlon Fairfax. A thrlUlns; play of the great new West. Beautiful scenic ef fects. Interesting plot. Rich in comedy Evening 25, 85, 50, 76c. Mat. 28, 50c. Next week, starting Sunday. Matinee "The Lot tery Man." MATINEE DAILY.' Main 6. A 1020 NANCE O'NEIL CO. Bert Fitzeibhon Martin E. Johnson, Travelogues Wilson & rramon Roberto & Yerera Daisy Leon Marluw & Duffy LYRIC FOURTH AND S'l'AUK. STS. ENTIRE NEW COMPANY Headed by the Talented Stars Myrtle Rose I)e Loy Jack Westerman Al len Lewie Barry B. Cleveland and Hurry Bowen Presenting "A STtTBBORN CINDERELLA" A (1 Show for 15c and KJtr. Matinees. Amy Seat 15c. Matinee Dally, Any Beat 15a "THE CANOE filRI.S" MERIAN'S 40 DOO ACTORS ERNEST DCPILLE BERNARD ft LLOYD ALDKO ti MITCHELL A SHOW FULL OF LAUGHS 1IAKTA Broadway at Alder Street rner layior ana nis o soyiii aincn. x-ltons; The Great Amesens; Hetty Urma, America's Vesta Tilly; Vacation Time, with Roland Carter A Co.; Cornetta Trio, Peer less Entertainers; Fan tauescope ; l-antages Orchestra. "LOOK FOB TUB MOVING BEAR." Two More Days Charles Dickens great masterpiece, "DAVID C'OFFKKFUSLD," In 1 rompiete and beautiful parts. (Special bar gain matinee this afternoon, for school chil dren. Any seat 10c, from 1 1'. M. to 6:80 P. M. No Increase In prices. Featured Wednesday to Sundays ' "THE MOTH AND THE FLAME" PaX'he Drama In which a foolish woman Is misled Dy vanity ana love for excitement and fills clothes. Three other attractions of fered. 10c Admission 10c. Last Time Today and Tomorrow, Daniel Frohman's Famous Players' Company, With Laur.l Sawyer In "THE PORT OF DOOM." A Thrilling; Detective Photolay. lO ALWAYSr-lOc if f LJissit me EXMIBITI ARMORY Dec. 3 1st-Jan. 3rd. Open from two to ten p. m with illustrated lectures and motion pictures at three and eight p. m. Complimentary Tickets at any Kodak Jealers. Kelso "Women Award Medals. "KELSO Wash., Jan. 1. (Special.) Three Bilver medals' were awarded in the Women's Christian Temperance union contest at tne Baptist Church last Saturday night. , Three - classes contested, with 18 contestants in all jMiss Marjorie Wells won in the Birls' class. Miss Genevieve Matchette in the young ladies', and "Victor Staff in the young men's class. A large crowd at tended. AUCTION SALE TODAT. Ford Auction House, 211 1st. Furniture, carpets, etc. sale t : r. H. At Wilson's Anrttlon House, at lO A. Furniture. 168-J. First St. iiEn. M'CRART January 1. at 1018 Williams ave., Mrs. Nannie H. MeCrary. aged 4a years. Kemaina at A. it. seller co.'s par lurs. BV2 wiuiams ave. REYNOLDS December 81. Harley A. Rem olds, age 81 years. Funeral notice later. Remains at A R. Zeller Company parlors. ott wiiuams ave. BAYLOR Charles M. Saylor, at 60S East zuth st. Funeral notice later. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE NO. 3UO UMON AVKNUE. CORN EH SIARKKT STKK!5T. Phone ICaat 141.3. B 2515. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Open day and night. Pa3SL mm 1 IV- 'Wr- MEETING NOTICES. MT. HOOD LODGE, U. D., A. F. AND A. M. 834 Russell St. r,' JW Chilli CUlUIUUUIVttll'Jli .iiao ..- ucgrro. Aciicauiiicuio mi. u. vx attain at 7 P. M. In - M. M. de gree. Kenton Lodge will attend In a body, and confer the degree. Visitors welcome. iL o. jjujfa., bee. HASSALO LODGE. No. 15. I. O. O. F. An open meeting for Installation of offi cers will be held next Friday evening, Jan uary 2, In Oddfellows' Tmple, corner First and Alder sts. All Oddfellows and Re betcahs, their families and friends are In vited to be with us and enjoy a pleasant evening. FREDRICK COZENS, Recording Secretary. WASHINGTON LODGE; NO-. 46, A. F. ANJjr A. M. Special communication this (Friday) morning, 9:30 o'clock. East 8th and Burn side, to conduct the funeral of our late brother. Lawrence Newton. A . full attendance de sired. All M. M. invited. Order W. M. - , J. H. RICHMOND, Sec. MYRTLE CHAPTER, NO. 15. O. E. S. Special meeting this ( Fri day) evening. Masonic Grand Lodge Hall, at 8 o'clock. Joint installa tion with Camelia. No. 27: Corin thian, No. 54, and Ruse City, No. 86, O. E. visitors eoraiany invitea. jy oruer W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY, Sec. - MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP iterf TER. NO. 14. O. E. S. Officers and ii. members are requested to attend i' i.nc.T-a) nt nlip Int. hmthftr. Lawrance Newton, at the Portland Crematorium, this (Friday) morning, 10:30 clock. By order w. M. BELLE RICHMOND, Sec. PORTLAND LODGE, KO. 03, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this, (Friday) evening. 7:30 o'clock: ' Work in F. C. de gree. Visitors welcome. By or der W. Ma .-el' C M. ST BAD MAN, Sec ' CORINTHIAN CHAPTER, NO. 54. O. K. S. Special communication this (Friday) evening. Masonic sr 1 o ntninni, .horn Tnint 1 II- - raiioTiAn Mvrtia camella. Rose City and Corinthian Chapters. By order W M. ROSE CITY CHAPTER, NO. 86. O E. S. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. Joint Installation of officers. By order MSARAH B. GUERIN. Sec . CORNELIA CHAPTER, NO. 27. O fc, s. Joint Installation of officers with Myrtle Chapter No. 15, Corin thian No. 54 and Rose City No. 88 this (Friday) evening at Masonic Temple. MARIETTE ROBINSON, bee. FUNERAL NOTICES. HATNER The funeral services of the late Mrs. fcuen j. . r-w months, HI days, beloved wife of . -Hayner, mother of Mrs. Pearl Beyer C. A. Hayner Mrs. A. F. Hanke, will be held at X. R. Zeller Co ', parlors, 694 Williams ave.. today (Friday), Jan.' 2, at 1:30 P. M. Friends are kindly invited. Interment SCOTT In this city. Jan. 1. Daisy E. Scott. V T.A np,nn wife of Henry W. Scott, aged 36 years. The remains will be forwarded by J. P. Flnley & Son tomor . row (Saturday) morning to Gaston, Jfe eon where services will be held and ln- : . . m aria In !!!! famllV TjlOt. SEIDLER The funeral of the late Carl r reaericic oeiuicr ' 11 - , day) at 2:30 P. M., at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley a Son, Mont gomery, at 6th. Friends Invited. Inter. t T nna. Vi T OTTl Pt I.TV BLANCH ARD In this city, Jan. 1 Walter v.. d.mi ''U v.ars. The re mains will be' forwarded by J. P. & Son today (Friday), at 4 P. M., to Newberg, Oregon, where Interment will i. vr.aAn tn f hft family nlot. KUNZE George F. Kanze, aged 55 years, . l. i t.. Tan 1 hiiEhanrl of Emma Kunre, father of Louise and Stella. Re mains at Dunning & McEntee's chapel, from where funeral will take place to- c- o T-H 11 v-1 Tan R 1 T. M- liiui i u T ' - REYNOLDS The funeral of Byron P. Reyn- . . i ,i, i 1. .. 1 .1 hi- linmA An Rflnrlv giUB win ii' ii. i- " i- " " ; ' road Friday, Jan. 2. 1914. at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Please omit flowers. 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. a a .a. 1 .1, .. e.a- JtlK. nmiMAil, IIW aciaaaaa . - neral director. 22 Third street, corner Sal mon. Lady assistant. A 1511 Main S07. F. 8." DI SKING, INC. Kaat Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder st. East 52. B Z5Z5. DUNNING ft M'ENTEE, funeral directors, 7th asd Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady at tendant. Office ofCoumy coroner. r. tv r. v r. nt unutAianiu v v.. a a, ou and Clay. Main 412, A 32L Lady attendant. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK. - Its beauty Mnarularly appropriate. Ita care peculiarly suggestlTe of affection and memory. Elegant and commodioai visitors' rest rooms. .Perpetual care. Re fined, pleasing: service. Reached by M t- Scott or Caxadero earn. Botb phones. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or Sunday. Per Line. One time 12o Hame ad two consecutive times. 28c Same ad three consecutive times ..30c Same ad. ix or seven consecutive times. .56c The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other clabb idea tions except the following: bUuations wanted Male, Situations Wanted Female, lor Kent. Rooms, Private Families. Xoomi and Hoard. Private Families. Kate on the above classifications is 7 cents a line each insertion. When one advertisement la not run In con secutive Issues the one-time rate applies, feix average words count as one line oi cau advertisements and no ad counted for less than two Lines. On "charced" advertisements charee will be based os the number of lines appearing In the uaper. regardless of the number of words in each line. Minlmom charxe.' two unea. Ibe Orearonian will accent classified nd vwUsementd over the telephone, orovi dinar ine aaveniser is a snuscrioer to eitner pnone, no prices wiit ufl quotra over iue poone, but bill will be rendered the following dav. 01 iiui siaaoi.ujaADB nunbaafliia jjh).ii h acceptea over tne pnone aepenus upon tu proniDtness or payment or teiepnone adver tiHemrnts. Mtuations Wanted and Personal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion only will be accepted for "Furniture tor Hale "Busi ness Opportunities " Ivooming-liouses and Wanted to Kent." The Oregoniun will not aruarantee acenracv or assume responsibility ior errors occurring in telephoned advertisements. The Oreaonian will not be resnonsibiA fnr more man one incorrect insertion of an.f advertisement offered for more than one time. Ln. "ew Today all advertisements are charged by measure only. 14 . lines to the inch. Remittances must accompany out-of-town orders. Advertisements to receive nromot clasMfl- cation must be in The Oregoulan office before 10 o'clock at nlht, except Saturday. ClosLnjx hour for The iSuuday Oregon ian will be 9 y clock Saturday night. Tbe office will be open until 10 o'clock P. M., as usual, and all ads received too late for nrouer clasNirl. cation will be run under heading "Too La to to uasaiiy." NEW TODAT. iortpge Loans 6 TO 7 H. E. M00NEY Room 4JI Falling; Tilde. Main 210. Mortgage Loans Current Rates). ROBERTSON & EWING 81Q Falling Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Loans of J1000 and up at lowest' rates on Good Improved City Properties. If you need money tall today. Our installment payments are attractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO. S03 McKay Bids.. Third and Stark Sts. CITY & FARM LOANS J1000 and up at lowest rates. C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1416, Marshall 92. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Kates. ' JOHN E. CR0NAN 002 Spaldlnjr Bid. Portland. Or, NEW TODAY.' LAURELHURST Beautiful New Homes and High, Sightly Building Sites For Sale on easy terms In the finest, - most highly developed close-In residence park In the city. Being located In the very heart of the Bast Side residence district, with best of car service and sur rounding Laurelhuret Park, the peer of all natural scenic parks In the world. Phone, for our Auto. Main 1503 or A ISIS, and let us show you around., MEAD MURPHY, Sales Agents. 270V4 Stark Street. Trsrt Of fice K. 30th and Gliraa Sts. Tabor 8433. MORTGAGES BougHt . and Sold HARTMAN-TH0MPS0N BANK Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Edward E. Goudey Lewis Building;. MORTGAGE LOANS n ZSnalnesa nnd Clone - 1m Residence Properties - . MORTGAGE LOANS Oar Own Money at Current Rates. ' Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Commercial Club Bid sr.. .Portland, Or. ; REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BI'XK, William O.,-815-816 Failing bldg. BENEDICT BROS. tBurrell Heights), 30 a Hawthorne ave., cor. 31st. Tabor Gift. Jennings & Co. Alain 188. 2o Oregonlan. LOGAN, homes.' loans. 815 Spalding bldg. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P., 4O4-405-4UO Wilcox bldg. t REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lots. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage ; all locations, views and prices. Marshall 4827 BROOKE. A 3839. Every Customer Is a Reference. IRVINOTON corner. 100x100, 24th - and Thompson; perfect site. Owner, 313 Cor bett bldg. MONET TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 518 Ablngton Bidg. $15 DOWN And $15 par month buys a nice 4 -room house, built one year ago ln Fern Park; price J900 reduced from $1200; the biggest bargain ln Port land. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COM PANT. 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. iTOR SALE I built a home for a couple and now they have split up. leaving the house on my hands. It has 6 good rooms and bath, with large fireplace, built-in buffet and bookcases; nice big, front and back porches; full basement; sidewalks in and paid for. This house was built- for a home not to sell. Xo some good fellow I will sell it for $30 a month, which in cludes tnterest. Call me mornings and evenings. East 2549. V THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO - INCOME t WE WILL FURXI3H THE MONEY, . BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE, OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R, BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 834 ABLNGTON BLDG. GOOD TIMB TO BUILD YOUR HOME OR APARTMENT. WHY NOT DEAL WITH RESPONSIBLE FIRM WHO CAN FURNISH THE MONEY. EASY PAYMENTS. WE HAVE DONE IT FOR MANY OTHERS. WHY NOT FOR YOU? PLANS TO SUIT. TAYLOR BUILDING CO., 1506 M'KAY BLDG. LAURELHURST HOT-WATER HEAT. Fine 6-room. strictly modern house, with garage, fireplace, hardwood floors, all the latest built-in effects and , a hot-water heating plant; price a snap, only $4750, on easy terms if desired. OWNER. MAIN 7452, A 4401. 816 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. $30 DOWN. $30 PER MONTH. New, cozy 6-room house, 1039 Knott st., Beaumont carline; sleeping porch and other modern conveniences; hard surface street: price 53750 covering everything. This is a snap. Phone owner, Marshall jv.ij, W3 r lOt L Ulll. HAWTHORNE AVE., beautiful new 6-room home, very artistic, elegant buffet, swell electric fixtures, hardwood floors; a model home; easy terms. Phona owner. Tabor 651. I HAVE 8 houses near Jefferson High School worth $7250, incumbered for $2750; will sell my equity for $3000 cash if taken at once. Would trade for $4000 farm, unin cumbered. L 641, Oregonlan. WEST SIDE Aristocratic 8-room house on lower Heights, within walking distance; magnificent unobstructed view; modern throughout, $9000, terms. F 635, Orego nlan. I HAVE 3 houses In Portland and 2 farms In adjoining counties, worth $18,000; in cumbered for $7650; will sell my $10,0u0 equity for $0000 cash. G640, Orego nlan. - DO YOU WANT A HOME? We draw the plans, build the bouse, furnish the money; easy payments; low Interest. If you want It GOOD see us. Butterworth-Stephenson Co., Couch bldg. IRVINGTON HOME, $5000. 7 rooms, modern. East 14th, near Bra aee, $50O cash, balance monthly; no mort gage. E. A. McGrath, 623 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CHARMING MODERN HOME. Irvington. 9 rooms, oak and mahogany nnish, oak noors. i baths, servants rooms, garage. East 273. W. H. Herdman. FOR SALE Beautiful home In Laurelhurst, cost $950O, will take $biiU0, S3200 cash, balance terms. Address 212 Alco apt., N, Union. E. Couch St., Portland. NEW, modern nine-room house la Laurel hurst. phone owner, Eait 2433. BARGAIN 8-room houso and vacant ner on Belmont. EOo Henry bldg. For Sale Business Property. WEST SIDE, Llnntn road, between the ferry and future North Bank transfer sta tion, near Gasco, a block of o lots, fac ing on the boulevard, for $2500. P. O.- Box 640, Portland. For (Sale Acreage. SECTION LINE ROAD 2.66 cres fronting on this beautiful road, only four miles from the city. Rich, level land, fine for fruit and garden. Much good cord wood. Owner must have money and will sacrifice this piece for $1000 cash. STRONG & CO.. G03 Concord bldg. ELECTRIC LINE. eiKbt blocks of station chicken and fruit ranches near Portland ; new subdivision near Gresham : 5 acr . $400, $500, $700; 3 acres $500, $700; 10 acres $750. $900, $1000 per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at bcappoose, (Jr.; to $100 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., 309 Yeon Bldg., Portland. BUY direct from me on easy terms 5 acres . or more and make, your payments to t national bank. Have subdivided my WIT lamette V alley farm, one of the best on the Oregon Electric; deep, rich loam all ln cultivation, level, near station, school, store. Full information from my represen- lauva at ui;w unamoer or oomerce. A GOOD BARGAIN. I have about 2 V3 acres which fronts on road between the Powell Valley and Sec tion Line roads. The land Is partly clear and la only 8 miles from the Courthouse. Will sell for $40O per acre. AO 628, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE 40 acres land, close to Port land, near school, store and railroad some improvements; price $40 per acre: half cash. See pwner. Take W-R car to snd. 1194 East Ivon St.. Portland, Or. S ACRES, close in, on electric; best of soil"; no rock or gravel. Price $1400; terms.4 AG 635, Oregonlan. BEAVERDAM onion land that "pays 100 per cent on the dollar; 5 and 10-acre tracts. M. F. Johnston, Sherwood, Or. Trrl-rated 1 and. THE Ideal irrigation project, south ot Port land, with water in the Browing season, at the Very time when the crops need It. . Easy terms to bona fide settlers. See Will : amette Valley Irrlg. Land Co, 269 Stark street. ' For SaleFarms. 640 ACRES of North Dakota wheat land; 400 acres under cultivation; good buildings; part cash and, trade for income property. $30 per acre. G605, Oregonlan. FOR SALE$3000 equity in good farm. Will take automobile or good team in part payment some cash required. K 649, Oregonlan. R A NCH, 60 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain Cor all cash. By owner. 182 Morrison st. RKLL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. FOR SALE 5000 acres of high-class agri cultural lands in the Ochocq and Crooked Rivar Valleys. Crook County, Or.; deep, rich soil, marvelousyy productive, excel lent well water at 20 feet, artesian water at less than 250 feet; railway transporta tion, excellent marketing facilities; price S25 to $30 per acre; one-tenth cash, bal ance In nine eq.ua! annual payments. OREGON & WESTERN COLONIZATION CO MPANY, 2CS Stark St., Portland. Or. FARM for sale;' a beautiful little farm ot SI acres, at right price, liberal terms. For particulars address owner, P. O. box 7li, Myrtle Creek, Or. No agents. TO EXCHANGE. LOT on Broadway and East' 3Eh; paved street, all improvements pa-Id for; trade for equity In good East Bide residence. 110 per acre, 170 acres near Newberg, 123 acres cultivated ; . good' buildings; equity of 510,000 ; exchange for Portland property. $7300, Piedmont residence, -100 by 100; south and east front, eight rooms, all con veniences; fine hornet equity , to trade, for suburban home. $o0 per acre, 85 acres, all cultivated and fenced; good soil; 25 acres in clover, bal anca ready to seed; one good crop of clover seed will pay for this land; a snap; no trades. . LB GRAND M. BALDWIN,. 719 Dekura Bids. - CHOICE WHEAT LAND FOR SALE ON CROP PAYMENT PLAN OR EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND OR WILLAMETTE VALLEY PROPERTIED. I HANDLE ONLY MT OWN PROP-ERTIE-S. THESE WHEAT LANDS ARE HIGHLY IMPROVED AND DESIRABLY LOCATED. J. O. ELROD, C19 CORBETT BUILDING. CATTLEMEN TAKE NOTICE. 1320 acres, with ' tots of outrange, in Eastern Oregon, whenj plenty of raia falls; river runs through place; 120 head cattle, 70 horses, 50 hogs, 100 chickens, plenty hay and feed, to exchange. Owner. Wil liam Johnson, 527 Chamber of .Commerce. A 30-ACRE orchard, three and half years old, located In Bitter Root Valley, near county seat; you can make your living on this raislne oroduce between the trees. Will exchange for unincumbered timber property. Address AV 722,, Oregonlan. WE HAVE FOR "EXCHANGES houses, lots, farms, acreage, rooming-houses, restaurants, -.timber land, dairy ranches, etc, or 'anything else you want. , H. W, GARLAND, 191 4TH ST. FOR N. Y. or Penn, property, 9-room plas tered house, basement,, electrlo lights, bath, 2 toilets, wood and henhouse; nicely arranged for 2 families; rents for $5 a month. Located on best street in college town. O. P. Hazard. Corvallis, Or. FOR SALE by. owner, beautiful 5-room bun galow ; large livin g-room, fireplace, book case, built-in buffet, hardwood floors and furnace; lots of roses and fruit trees; will trade for lots In good locality. Call (J 1345. BUSINESS LOT TO TRADE. A fine business, lot on Milwaukle ave., - near Frankfort, $2000'; will trade for bun galow, house or cheaper lots. GRXJSSI & BOLDS, 310 Board of Trade. Main 7452. A 4401. 166 ACRES, half mile Columbia River front, some cleared, Bmall bungalow ; want wheat or alfalfa ranch, stocked, to $20,000; price $16,600. J. R. Halght, Vancouver, Wash. 4 EXCHANGE Lot 100x100, West Portland Park Add., for anything of -value, diamond preferred. AG 637, Oregonlan. MODERN 6-room house for vaqgnt and some cash. G 64 3, Oregonlan. land FOR EXCHANGE Property In Eastern Ore gon for Portland property. 146 11th. TACOMA house for' Portland property; give good deal. Swank, tll Northwest oiag. W ANTED REAL ESTATE. IRVINGTON HOUSE WANTED. We have a buyer for an Irvington house. If you have a bargain, com in and let us talk to you. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 212-21 Selling bldg. - LOT iir to S120O or $1500: I have stock in a gooo, live Durness nere in me city as Dart navment: e:ive description ot prop- . erty. Address or phone number in first letter, p 59, oregonlan. - . WILL pay all cash for best bargain of fered in 10-15 acres good land, with some improvements and level; not over fiouu. AS 569, Oregonlan. WANTED Choice 100x100 corner for apart ment;-houfle. In vicinity of 22d and Davis; musi oe bargain xor casn. A3 oiu, ure g on lan. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR kjgnt 37 acres garden land, near Beaverton, macadam road all way into . city, gooa improvements, scnoot near, third rental ln work. B. S. Jackson. 204 ita 11 way bxenange Diug. FARM to rent, near Medford ; also want to hire man to care for orchard In Idaho. Phone E. 3901 or Tabor 290 0. FOR SALE TIAIBEK LANDS, TIMBER limit for sale: on Gilford Island. British Columbia; every section cruised . thoroughly and reported on In 10-acre ? blocks, by J. W. Rankin. Olvmnia. Wash, 806,625,000 feet cedar, hemlock and white. piue ; price uo,uuu, i-ts casn, uu.itiit;o m.i - ranged. This figures about 68c Der 1000 feet. Apply T. O. Mack ay, 403 Belmont block, Victoria, B. C. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 M'KAY BLDO. CHEAP STUMPAGB. Ideal locaUon for a mill; stream run- nlng torailroad spur. 83 5th et. FORCED sale, 160 acres timber now $2000. Box 168, Falls City, Oregon. FARMS WANTED. HAVE a cash customer for 60 to 100-acre farm within 30 miles of Portland ; must be well improved; no high prices ,consid ered. - . LB GRAND M. BALDWIN, 710 Dekum Bldg. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Bite. HORSES AND WAGONS RENT. FOR SALH OR Second-hand vehicles bought nd cold; new wagon and auto beds made to order livery furnished to business parties at HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72. B 1369. CARLOAD of farm chunks. mares and geldings, from 4 to 7 years old, weighing irora izuu to iouy 10s., an young, souna and well broke. Come and pick out your ctioice. iacn ana every norso soia witn guarantee. Call Anderson Bros., 241 Jef- lersou st. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE .CO. sell on commission, horses, mules, vehi cles and harness. Auction sale every Mon . day and Friday, 10 A. M. Private sales daily. 240 E. - 8th St., near Hawthorne. E. 6:il5. ' 35 HEAD of horses just arrived, 1000 to 1 1 uo, wen oroKe. 3 to 8 years 01a, wen matched teams; also some we have taken in exchange cheap. 381 Water, foot of Montgomery. Phil Suetter. Main 2208. 2300-LB TEAM, sound and gentle. Just ai Kood a pair of workers as anybody owns " will take $iiK for them and their har ness. 103 Nor tli Eleventh street. Take S car. BARGAIN Span blacks, mare and' gelding. 6 yearse old, weight 2700; gentle; right off rancn; fuu. Anderson .tiros., -a ana uei f erson. AM going- away and will sell team, weight 1200 each, harness and farm wagon for $100. . Woodstock car to 621 East 24th FIRST-CLASS horse and wagon, day. 648 Front at. $L23 par SERVICEABLE team, your own price; party going East, loatf -ts. Yamhiu at. NICE gentle pony for sale cheap at 103 North llth st. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. PIANO FOR SALE. $90 buys a fine upright piano and stool, original cost $300. 320 Lumber Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE Pianola, practically new. 6317. x Main LADY, employed, wishes piano for storage; pay dray age; references. Call A 5048 Dogs, Birds. Pet Stock. HUGE St. Bernard pup from prize winning registered, pedigreed mother; trained ta pull Rochat. II. 2. Spokaire. Wash. al HE DALE TERRIERS for palst guards, hunters. Laddix Kennels. Estacada, Or FOR SALE A thorougbred Angora pup; price $25. Tabor 4090. WANTED A little dog. K 646, Oregonlan. Furniture for Kale. ENTIRE new furnishings, residence, embrac ing very handsome Circassian walnut, gol den oak and mahogany bedroom furniture, elegant brass beds, costly pedestal dining table, leather - chairs and buffet, livrhsg room rockers and table, rugs and other articles. Call today. 707 Marshall. BARGAINS- Black walnut full and three quarter size iron beds, cots, rugs, oak dresser, dining table, chairs, couch, writ lnjj desk, sewing machine, wash stand, bearoom water set, lawn mower, tubs, wheelbarrow, etc, 408 East 15th st. North. Phone East 3433. - FOR SALE Autom obiies. I AUTO SNAPS. GUARANTEED USED AUTOMOBILES, v "We have the following list of used cars that we have traded in on new Coies and Loziers. We need the room. For quick, sales will name an attractive price. M910 Studebaker Garford, 7-passenger, 40 hqrsepower, fully equipped; good tires and in A - 1 condition; snap, $760. 1913 Hudson, 6-cy.inder, B-passenger, fully equipped;- electric lights and electric self-starter, brand new tires and in A-l condition; a sacrifice for quick sale, $1250. 1911 Michigan, S-passenger, 32 -horsepower, $400. v , v 1911 Cole, ' 5-passenger, 40-horsepowe, fully equipped; guaranteed 0 m.onths. $S00. 1913 Michigan, five-passenger, 40-horse-' power, fully equipped. A-l condition, like new; cheap for quick sale; $875. See us for light Ndellverles, It will pay you to see our line of -used cars before ' you buy. We can save you money.. v Liberal terms If desired, -1 - NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, - - Broadway and Couch Sts.. - ' $1500 FOR a 1913 Cadillac; has been run only .,2200 miles: six-passenger car, fully equipped : electric lights, electrlo self- starter. Klaxon electric horn. Kelloxa "four- cylirfaer tire pump; demountable rims; extra rim and new non-skid tire; extra inner tubes. - in A-l condition ana a oar gain; cash only; no trades or time. AV 742, Oregonlan. MUST be sold at once; 1913 Ford runabout perfect condition; iree demonstration Vmir nwn rtT-inm- 11511 AT i kki bsI n n) . quo near Kllllngswort ave. Phone Wood lawn 3 9'. J. 1912 MICHIGAN "o-passenger 40-horsepower. luuy equippea; new -tires,, a xso. l condi tion, good as new; guaranteed cost $2000 cheap for quick sale, $850. AO 631, Ore gonlan. ONE Ohio electric coupe, entirely enclosed. just tne ttiing ror this weather, will trade for gas car of equal value. Telephones Aiam t . or a .tzb. FOR SALE Cash only, one Studebaker Flanders, "4-passenger ; good condition new tires. East 32, B 2633. DEAD STORAGE, $3 to $5 per month. VAN HORN TRANS. CO., 40 2D ST. NEW delivery wagons at second-hand prices wiejiuii iu -! ne now Lompany. CARBON removed by oxygen process. Re liance Garage, 3ith and Hawthorne ave. GARAGE for rent. 12-29 E, Everett. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED- MOTOR TRUCK. 3 to 5-ton, in good condition; must be a bargain.. An swer by letter, 30&-14 'East Salmon St., city. WANTED MOTOR TRUCK, 3 to 5 tons, in . gool condition; must be a bargain. Answer by letter. 30$ 14th, cor. East Salmon St.. ' city. - 0 WANT automobile for 30 acres Clackamas land, balance easy terms. Woodlawn 103O. Poultry. EGGS for hatching from Winter-laying An. con as. $2 per 15; guaranteed fertile and fresh. W. T. Evans, box 366, The Dalles, Oregon. Livestock. 10 HEAD of fresh dairy cows and three com ing fresh in few days; Jersey and Guern sey, from 3 to 7 years old. Take Wood stock car to 60th ave. 3 blocks west and 1 north. Machinery. REMINGTON 8-ton refrigerating machine. Phone Main 764. Typewriters. $16 TO $65 will buy a Gill rebuilt type writer as good as new; all makes to choose from and workmanship guaranteed; terms - to suit; catalogue' mailed on request. THE J. K. GILL COMPANY. 2d and Alder sts. Main fcaOO, A 6A6S. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illus trated folder; retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 3:5 Wash. st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to . NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 262 Stark st. $65. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark: Main 1407 PRACTICALLY new Oliver typewriter for sale at sacrifice. .Woodlawn 644. Miscellaneous. 40 YEARS IN PORTLAND. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. 21-jeweI Hamilton, Elgin and Wal t h am watches, ln 14-karat 25-year cases, $l&. Steel-blue diamond earscrews, guaran teed perfect original cost $220t, only $170. 1 -karat steel-blue diamond, guaranteed, only 200i. Imported pearl and Japanese emerald Laval 1 i ere, guaranteed ; original cost 75; for $35. Genuine elk teeth, sold mounted, from $5 to $15 each. 14-karat solid gold 2S-Jewel Illinois Railroad watch; original cost $ IT 5; only $65. Miscellaneous articles, such as kodaks, violins, opera-glasses, silverware, etc., at greatly reduced prices. Bear In mind that my entire stock must be sold as soon as possible, and that 1 am making substantial reductions .on every article. UNCLE MYERS, "40 years in Portland." " 71 Sixth et., near Oak. SECOND-HAND billiard -and pocket tables, built and ref Inlshed, completely equipped, at prices from $100 upward; liberal terms. The" Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 46 6th st. Phone Main 768. A 17011 ONE" second-hand roll top, two flat top, two bookkeepers' desks, three rotary chairs, ono 60-inch mahogany .roll top desk and chair. Bushong & Co.. 91 Park " st. Main 104. SAFES Mosier .Sife Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy terms; safes opened and repaired ; barsns in second-hand safes. 108 2d st. Phnne Main 7676. SAFES New and second hand ; low prices, easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PURGE LL SAFE CO. and PORT LAND SAFE CO.. 85 5th St. Main 6309. KENT from the manufacturers visible type writers at $4 for three months : conven ient at home. 244 Stark sL Phone Main 6273 or A 4441. PURE, well-rotted cow manure. Geo. W. Lindsay, gardener and dealer In fertili sers. Phono evenings Sell wood 16SS. FOR SALE at a bargain. 2 Wilton and one body Brussels rugs, nearly new, excellent quality. Woodlawn 644 DIAMONDS for the money loaned, $65 and up, both Belcher and Tiffany settings. 320 Lumber Exchange Building. FERTILIZER for sale; cow manure. 4270. ONE billiard and pool table cheap for cash. 1004 Corbett st. Main 7634. FERTILIZER, $2 per load ; well-rotted horse manure. Phone Sellwood 1521. NATIONAL cash retrlsters. Get my prices. Povey, S51 Wash., basement. Main 606. WE sell anything. Room 2, Worcester bldg. no lanes. Appiy Ingram -o. MUST sell good, White sewing machine; also Kdison p nonog ra pn, cneap. jm. a in 4a. WELL ROTTED HORSE AND COW MA NURE. PHONE EAST 4296. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SPOT CASH paid for household goods. C. M- Pennell. 851 1st st. Phone Marshal) 4265. ' DO not sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House. 191 2d St. Marshall 4783. FAIR DEAL We pay best prices for second-hand clothing and furniture. Call Main 9272. GOhk 3d St. Phone A 62'63. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur- niture; highest prices paid.- Sellwood 16S2. CASH paid for haJr combings. Sanlta Beauty Parlors, 40O Dekum bldg. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more c&ah any kind of furniture. Main S95L for NATIONAL cash register; price reasonable. Main 660. A 3606. must be CASH BUYER DIAMONDS, PIANOS. MAIN 4617. HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hochfeld, 35 N. d su, cor. Couch. PICTURE-FRAME maker's outfit. Miter and vice combined, etc. 514 Ablngton blk. WANTED Fixtures for a drug store, John Dick, 651 Union ave. North, W ANTED M I SCE LL AN EOTJ9. YOU are sure of steady employment, good wages; lew montn only learning, ror particulars, Watchmaklng-Engraving-Optl. cai School, 216 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., Z Front st., buys second-hand furniture. ..carpets, sto.'es. ranges, hardware or too.s of any kind. Call A 7"74 or Main HU72. Our buyer calls promptly. WE want to buy $1000 worth o second- iianu turniture in tae next oo uays anu pay all the cash.lt is worth. Wiliiams ave. Furniture Ejcchange. Pnone East 636. WE pay. highest cash prices for second-hand billiard and pocket tables. - The Bruns vi ick-Balke-Collender Co., 46 6th street. Phone Main 769. A 1709. WANTED House or building, to be torn down or moved; vicinity Rodney and Fre mont; must be cheap. 731 Rodney. C 2272. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers -ana sell them on easy terms; registers guaranteed. W. J. Macauley, 354 Burnslde. Main 1S16. A 1816. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. Highest prices paid for second-hand clothes. 346 1st at- Main 1383, A 36S1. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest cash prices paid for ladies and gents' castoif clothing and shoes. Call Main 9263. 294 3d st. The reliable buyer. WANT roll-top desk, chairs and. maps for sainia unite. v . xv. iiAiu t, suu btocn mtcnange oiag. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED. Buyer calls promptly; estimates given 184 1st, near Yamhill. Main 773. HELP WANTED MALE. r- INCIDBNT (One of Many). Office Secretary Employment Department Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) If I pay you- $5 fpr employment membership I will nave onry ja netween me ana starvation. becretary If you pay $o for employ ment raembersniu. you will have the Y. M. C. A., with aii Its resources, between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined assoqlation. In biss than & week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 11 months ending Nov. SO: Calls for men from emnlovers 240.H Positions filled 1724 Special . employment membership guar antees member will -secure employment or memfcrerahip fee will be refunded. Gives two months' full privileges. Including use of gymnasium, swimming pool, bath, etc. and 10 months social or house privileges, including the services of the emisloyment department for the entire year. AM young men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin ists, carpenters, mlllworkers or ln other skilled lines, are cordially invited to con sult with the secretary of the advisory and employment department. WANTED First -class merchandising men with general store and advertising experi ence. Only men with broad experience considered; good salary. Apply before 10 A. M. Friday, Botsford Company, S01 Broadway bldg. WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bodied, un married men between ages of 18 and 36, citizens of United States of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to recruiting officer, Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts., Port- land, Or. - WANTED Capable merchandise man with general or department store experience ; knowledge of advertising necessary, card writer would have preference. Apply 301 Broadway bldg. before 12 Friday morn ing. MAN and wife wanted on farm near town. Must have experience in general farming and handling of horses and stock. No chil dren. Recammenda tions necessary. An swer, giving past experience and for whom you have worked. J 666, Oregonlan. WANTED A young or middle-aged man, familiar with Icemaking machinery, am monia and brine system, to assist in oper ating 10-ton ice plant. Apply, stating ex perience, etc., to the Lincoln Produce & Refrigerating Co., Twin Falls, Idaho. PHOTOGRAPHER wanted, operator and re toucher; must be up to date and a hust ler; steady year-around lob if suitable; state wages wanted. Clinkenbeard Photo o., Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED A young man without business training or experience who has the am bition and determination to work up Into a splendid position; give references as to character. J COS. Oregonlan. CASH advanced you weekly selling our hardy, guaranteed stock ; excellent terri tory; hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. WANTED Machine tool salesman, familiar witn iraae ana a practical man; state ex perience, age, salary expected and give reierences. av uregonian. BAKER to take charge of cakje department; must be well recommended. Call 608 Washington st,, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 403. A WILLING boy wanted to work ln a bak ery and deliver. Call 331 17th . stu, near jiiaritet. B -p f WANTED 20 men of good appea.fa.nce for extra worit in .jismet. Apply on stage. tieuig Theater, j? riaay, a i. m. WANTED Men to write health and acci dent insurance. Oregon Surety & Casualty Co., 301 Board of Trade bldg. PHOTO coupon ; best offered ; beauty con test started. Cutberth Studio, Dekum bldg A(Lh. promoter win be interested ln my proposition. w o, oregonlan. WANTED Delivery 631 Union ave. N. boy In grocery store. PHOTO solicitors, $100 diamond ring given free. Sarony Studio. 846 Morrison. WANTED A ladles' Ellers bldg. tailor. B. Fink. 407 WANTED A good solicitor at man. 727 Thur- $35 TO $40 WEEK made selling fire insur ance at cat rates, af eo,- oregonlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl that can do first-class cooking and general housework Jtor small lamny. Must have good reierences and o capable. Will pay a very good wage to the right party. Call 1O0O E. Gllsan sL, laureihurst. WANTED An ambitious young woman who can give character references; previous oirice experience or training not essential. j oot, oregonian. COMPETENT woman for general house work; Email washing; three children. wages $35. Call neiore noon; references re quired. Main 1749. WANTED A high school girl to assist with housework: 2 blocks from Washing ton High ; some pay. Call East - 52, ask for H. A. THOROUGHLY experienced gswn sales woman, also hlfrh-class waist woman, mus know the business. References required. j boo, oregonian. WANTED Competent girl for general housework ; good wages. 46b N. 324 st. Willamette Heights. Morrison car. COMPETENT second girl, city references; apply morning. 193 King st. Phone Main 24TO. WANTED Two young ladies, agreeable work. Apply mornings between 9 and 10:30. 850 Morgan bldg. WANTED Finnish or Swedish girl to assist with general housework. Cai at 52 Lu cretia st. WANTED Capable cook for general house work. Phone or call Lt. Weeks, Qra. 14, Vancouver Barracks. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. Washington bltig., 270 H Washington, room 35. near 4th. phone Main ob3d or A 3266. CAPABLE girls are securing good positions through the Domestic Service Bureau. 833 llth st. Main 7667, A 615. WAN TED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., 609 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. COMPETENT housework ! apply. 5t4 girl wanted for general none but experienced need East 20lh North. East 503 S. FI VE girls Lo learn beauty culture ; while learning; position guaranteed. 414 Dekum bidg. Sanitary Parlors. pay 400- LADi ES to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers, $25 to $50 per week- railroad far paid 615 Swetland bldg. Call mornings. "AN experienced house girl to assist In wait ing; no cooking. Apply at once. Union Depot Restaurant. WANTED Experienced . girl for general housework, small salary, good wages; ref erences Call 1'73 Savier st. WANTED A lady fas- light housework. 634 Sandy boulevard. WANTED and room, - Schoolgirl to work for board Phone B 1046. GIRL or lady to work In bakery store. 294 Russell st. . WANTED Girl for dining-room work. The Campbell Hotel, 23d and Hoyt. ' COMPETENT .girl for light housework; wages $20. Phone Sellwood 75 GIRI for general housework in family of two. phone East 9:.9. WANTED Girl in coffee-house to wait on tables. Call after lO A. M. N. 6th. WANTED Gi" for general housework. 804 Commercial block, alter 9 A. M. GIRL for general housework;' good cook; references. Phone East 4674. WANTED A cafana girl at N. 2d at HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl for office work from 9 to 12 A. M.; some knowledge of typewriting required, but ot shorthau.1; work chiefly keeping office open. Address in own writ lug, giving experience. ag salary ei pectea, rtc, AM Oregonian. ' WANTED A nurse lor general duty 1 small hospital. Address P. o. Box Sour h Forest G rove, or phone Main 02-1. Forest Grove. 2T. LOUIS Ladies' Employment Agency has good position.". Mam St., tel. 4ta anu "th. Phone Main 2-.39. HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. THE HOLTZ STORE has a number of posi tions for high srhool and cniie student or clerks not employed Saturday evenings to .work front 6 to 1:30 o'clocK iSaturdaj Apply to superintendent. th H'.'liz Store. MAKE money writing stories or artude-s; good pay; free booklet tt-Ils how. United Press Synd icate. San Francisco. F1SK Teachers' Agency Eecures positions for teacners. oio journal tics. Alain wo. HELP WANTED Ml SCE LEAN EpE S. MOVING-PICTl RE 'OPERATORS WANTED IN EVERY CITY. UNCLE SAM has donated moving-picture machines for his Army. Moving-pictdre machines are being IN STALLED in .SCHOOLS and CHURCHES. New theaters opening EVERYWHERE. Operators EARN $i0 to $30 week. Thorough THEATER course given. 417 Rothchild bldg. OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade in 8 weeks; pays you while learning; tools free; tuition reduced this term; extra instructors; years in business; position guaranteed; special inducements to ladies. 2;i3 Madison st. 252 2d st. GOV ERN M E NT positions open to women ; $75 month; write immediately for free list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 695 ti. Rochester, N. Y. MOLER Barber College will teach you quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you while learning, furnish tools free. Write for free catalogue. A 4S 2d st. North. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Custom-house examinations soon; Parcel Post gaining . more clerks; $00O to $1700; free book. Pacific States School, McKay Idg. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen, wages about $100; experience unnecesary; sen a. age, stamp. Railway, care, Oregonlan. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work ; earn money while learning. The Hair Bazaar. Majestic Theater bldg.. Wash, and Park. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping, 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258. CENTRAL BUSINESS CoTx.EGE will help you start the new year right; new classes Jan. 5. Central bldg. Main 6o99. $10,000 PURIFICATION prize-winning re ceipt for women, and 25c stamps for sliver. Box 1176. Portland. MEN, 18 -to 35. wishing to be railway mall clerks. $75 month, apply for Information, AV 6S1. Oregonlan. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. $5 PER MONTH. 393 11TH ST. EXP. TEACHER. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. $5 PER MO. U6'. 14TH ST. M. 8S93. EX P. 1NSTRUC N. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE, INVESTIGATED MEN. The kind you want. Honest, industrtou. qualified. Can do anything you want done. Anxious to serve you. Records in hand for your Inspection. Call. Write. Phone. STANLEY BAKER, Employment Secretary, Y. M. C. A. Main 7065, A 7561. BOOKKEEPER with practical experience la wholesale and retail lumber, implement, building and loan and mercantile lines; operate typewriter; can do anything to be done in an office; no work too bard; go anywhere; references and bond furnished. AV 744, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, married man, with several years', banking experience. - speaks Eng lish, German, French and Hungarian, de sires to have position In office work ; moderate terms. Address J. Szlver. $57 .12th st. H. Phone A 7373. COMPETENT stenographer. 16 years of age. bright, honest and willing to work, wants a position, not particular about salary to start. Call or write 6294 S. First at. Mr. Rubin. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITS up books, prepare balance and statements, install systems. Gillingham auditor. 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. BY strictly sober young man, several years' experience camp cook ; also experience as meaicutter and grocery clerk; best of ref erences. R 036. Oregonlan. A-l ACCOUNT A N Ta n d bookkeeper, 7-years" experience, first-class references; lumber or sash and door preferred. Phone Main 6S1, or address-P. O. Box 727. SALESMAN owns runabout, well acquainted, wants good city line; references. F 661, Oreyronlan. SHOE salesman desires position in Port land Immediately; all or part commission, i V 036, Oregonlan. COMPETENT male stenographer desires po sition. Phone Tabor 4258. A-l GROCERYMAN wants phone call. Tabor 1020. work. Leave M lscellaneous. A COMPETENT, careful and experienced chauffeur, attending Holmes Business Col lege, desires care of family car in ex change for room and board; best of ref erences. Call Main 513. A 2554. I AM an experienced Old Country German baker on cakes, pies and bread, or am a f:ood camp cook, and I wish position do ng one or the other. Address Tony God lip. 3j3 14th st. North. YOUNG man would take position any kind; good mechanical ability, understands re pairing of any kind ; can run postcard gallery ; can leavQ city; references. 1392 East 14th st. Phone Sellwood 2050. PHONE your odd jobs to the Associated Charities. We have men who are willing and able to do any kind of work, skilled or otherwise. Main 717. A 1517. WANTED By young man, place to work to help defray expenses while attending business college; experienced chauffeur; best of references. AP 618, Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE mechanic wants automobiles to overhaul and repair at your own ga rage. Phone Tabor 1025 or address AF 631, Oregonian. MAN and wife, firs t-cT ass cook and helper, want work, out of town preferred. Percy Howell, 609 Everett st. POSITION, chef, economical, la Oregonlan. !0 years' experience, sober, or out of city. AO 629, JAPANESE, good, young, earnest boy, wants housework. B 639, Oregonian. PROFESSIONAL window Phone Main 726S. cleaner, white. YOUNG married man would like position as chauffeur; best references. Tabor 3565. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. COMPETENT stenographer, experienced in general office work and billing, wishes permanent position. Phone Friday between 9 and 6; Saturday between 9 and 1; Main 791; A 27U1. NEAT, quick, energetic young lady desires position as bookkeeper or cashier; five years' experience ; tan furnish references. Call Sellwood 350. BUSINESS college student desires position as bookkeeper or stenographer. F 6t5. Oregonian. A BEGINNER In stenographic work desires position where there Is chance for ad vancement, phone Marshall 1919. AI TYPIST. S yrs. experience, billing, etc, $60 per month. bressmakrr. bookkeeping. Mar. 2239. DRESSMAKER, prices very reasonable, sat isfaction guaranteed. 1124 Gresham. su, St. Johns. . FASHIONABLE dressmaking gowns, spe cialty; prices reasonable. Room 311 Grandesta Apt. East 4505 A WELL-KNOWN modiste will visit at your home during January at $4 per day. Phone Main 8651. , FA SH 1 ON ABLE dressmaking and millinerv, home or day. 132 G:bb3 gt. Main 6194. SEWING, darning and mending by the day. Phone Sellwood 1952 Nurses. COMPETENT woman wants position as nurse, day or night, assist In household. Phone Main 4175. apt. 8, or K 647, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED nurse desires chronic case, ln or out city; Is years. 228 Main. Main 2039. position, st case 3 H ou K ecpere. WIDOW would like position housekeeping, for widower or bachelor. In nice horn?; would leave city. 748 E. 17th St.. Sell wood car. REFINED Swedish lady, 17 years, desires position as housekeeper, widower's, home; young children- preferre J. M a1n 20"9. Domeetlcs- YOL'NG lady attending art school wishes a place In private family where she may work for her board and room, mornlnga ; must have from l o'clock on In afternoon free for herself. Call Main 2161 between 10 and 6; Y.'est Side only. YOUNG uiv I wishes hojs3work at $15. tweea and 8. to assist with ligfct Call Main 2161 ba- Miscellaneous. FIRST-CLASS family cook deaires position wages $40 Phone Main, 2039.