Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 02, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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System Effective Today De
clared to Be More Trouble
Than It Is Worth.
City Employes May Be Discharged
for Being: Sick and Other Hard
ships Possible Commission
Probably Will Change Rules.
perfection of the photography which
makes the various scenes of adventure
look so much like real life and not
mere passing' pictures. A fine bit of
acting was done by the victim of opium.
through whose villainy the unseaworthy
craft was sent upon its tragic Journey
across the ocean. His work is weird
and fascinating.
A Keystone comedy is included. A
new bill will be submitted next Sunday.
Believing that the new efficiency
system which goes Into effect in the
city service today has many flaws.
several Injustices and is apt to be tne
cause of much trouble, members of the
City Commission probably will con
sider at their next meeting amend
ments to the system to eliminate un
desirable features.
One of the principal complaints is
against the factors which have to be
used by the heads of divisions of the
service in giving employes demerit for
inefficient service. Provision is made
In the system for demerit marks for
sickness, belne late to work and a mul
titude of other things. It is probable
that the Commission will cut out the
provision regarding sickness.
tinder the system if an employe has
a prolonged spell of sickness which
keeps him away from work he or she
ran be discharged, if the head of the
department so desires. Sickness can
result In an employe being deprived
of a rise of wages at the end of elx
months' work and can even result in
a demotion of rank and a reduction of
Regarding tardiness of employes it
Is said there is no way Of checking up
on the majority of the employes ex
ceDtintr those who report at the City
Hall, the municipal shops or the fire
department. In the police service po
licemen often work long hours over
time and are then supposed to be on
hand for their next shift at the regu
lar time. It is considered unfair to
give them demerit marks for being a
few minutes late.
In the case of policemen dismissal
from the service under the new system
would be exceptionally easy, it is said,
if the plan should enforced to the
letter a policeman who had worked
overtime might report for work the
following, day an hour late. If he did
that twice within two months it would
be grounds for discharge.
It is considered that it will be hard
to make the system of any benefit
whatever unless it is enforced to the
letter. To enforce it means hardship
and injustice to employes, it is as
serted. In the health, water and engineer
ing departments men work at all times
of the day and night. To check up on
their hours of reporting would be im
possible. Although protests have been made
against the system and the heads of
divisions of the service have declared
that the system will be more trouble
than It is worth. It will go into effect
There will be a card for each em
ploye In the service. Upon this the
heads of divisions will make dally re
ports of the employes' work with de
merits for lateness, sickness, mistakes
in work and many other things.
At the end of each month the cards
will be sent to the Civil Service Com
mission and used for the compilation
of reports. Upon the ratings secured
by the employes depends their ad
vancement in salary and rank in the
service. The rating of the cards Is left
to the discretion of a head of a di
vision, who in most cases practically
Is on a par with those .under him in
the matter of salary and rank.
The system -will Involve considerable
expense.- Already a large printing bill
has benn run up for the publication of
the efficiency cards and blanks, the
preparation of books, and a special
clerk has been engaged to handle the
-ards for the Civil Service Board.
the Majestic, is one of the
strongest attractions offered this sea
son. It tells the story of a young Ger
man student who barters his soul for
the smile of a fair woman. The scenes
are set in Prague and show gatherings
of students, ancient castles and old
streets of the historic town.
The student rescues the heroine, a
lovely Countess, from drowning and
later calls on her. The Jealousy of
her bethrothed, the scheming of an ad
venturess, the challenge to a duel, the
forest scene, the haunting shadow that
follows the student and the splendid
acting of all the characters make the
films intensely interesting. The radi
um-gold fibre screen recently installed
shows the pictures to rare advantage.
The added attraction is a splendid
collection of views from all parts of
the world, showing events that have
made history during the last few
weeks. The race between fishing
boats at Brlxham, - England; the cele
bration of Admission day in Oakland,
Cal.; the review of German soldiers.
and a visit among the poor of New
York are among the best of the many
rood offerings.
"A Bargain With Satan' will con
tinue until Sunday, when Paul J.
Ralney's African pictures will be
rnHEJ Sella; Company has not spared
X expense or effort in the making of
the first "Adventures of Kathlyn," now
running at the Globe Theater. The
story opens In California, where Kath
lyn is brought up on a wild animal
farm. Her father, a wild animal dealer,
is called to India, whence Kathlyn is
induced to follow him. Here she is of
fered and forced upon the throne of
Allaba. Her adventures are exciting
and interesting.
Maurice Costello, Mary Clarkson and
Kate Price are seen in "The Education
of Aunt Georglana." It is an excellent
story, beautifully played and set. Aunt
Is a "cross old thing,"' but the young
folks get the best of her.
"The Pair From Thespia" is a com
edy concerning two stranded actors,
who attempt to give a performance.
They do so, but not what they expect
ed. It is a laughable farce. Miss Lewis'
selections are giving pleasure to her
hearers. Same bill will be repeated, un
til Saturday night.
New Photo Plays Open
. Columbia.
YOUTH'S dreams of love are por
trayed cleverly in a Bplendld Es
aanay comedy, entitled "When Love
Is Young," which is appearing on the
Mil opening yesterday at the Columbia.
Tom and Dick, two country youngsters,
believe themselves deeply in love with
a pretty little miss from the city. They
become bitter enemies because of their
rivalry and resort to all sorts of stunts
to get the better of each other. Their
surprise is great and they become
heartbroken when the regular feller,"
of the little lass, arrives from the city
jnd she refuses to give either any
more of her attention.
A strong Paths drama, the story of
which is built around the old, but ever
new theme of the foolish woman mis
led by vanity and a love for excite
ment and fine clothes, is "The Moth
and the Flame." The wife heeds the
voice of the tempter and deserts her
young farmer husband and little baby
for the city. She finally repents, the
husband forgives and the drama has
a happy ending.
A clean and wholesome Biograph
drama entitled The Wedding Gown,"
Is replete with heart interest. An Es
sanay travelogue shows scenes of
Sugar Loaf Mountain In South America,
one of Nature's most beautiful master
pieces. Hubert W. MacMurray enter
tains with new songs. The same bill
will run until Sunday.
Action Snapshots Have Prominent
Place In Exhibition Dr. William
T. Stuohell Given Uttuxe.
"The most interesting exhibition
ever shown in Portland." This Is the
verdict of hundreds of visitors at the
kodak exhibition at the Armory,
which will continue today and to
morrow. Human interest has been the keynote
of the collection and there has not been
an emotion -of the human taste that
has been overlooked in . the selection
of views. The scenio,' beauties- of
Europe are revealed along with the
more wild and rugged landscapes of
tne Kew world. The work of. the ex
plorer is shown in the Arctic ice and
In the tropic Jungle, while big game
In Its natural environment, also. Is to
be seen embracing almost as great a
aoope. Child life In all Its phases,
from velvet clothing and rich laces In
ancestral halls to nude simplicity on
the Mojave desert, is pictured.
Action snapshots of sporting features
are gripping in their intensity, from
the spill of a steeplechase to the inter
locked wrestlers. Baseball and aquatics
have not been overlooked. There are
samples of what the world considers
architectural masterpieces, scenes of
the seashore and the busy harbor, re
productions of aboriginal life and illus
trations of modern manufactories, each
one of which represents the one best
effort of . some photographlo artist.
whose name is given in tbe catalogue.
Last evening a lecture by Br. Wil
liam Torranoe Stuchell, illustrated by
tereoptlcon slides, was given. There
was also f hown a charming motion pic
ture story, the little film drama being
based on experiences with a kodak.
O OME brand new faces are seen at
J the Arcade Theater, and the publlo
cordially welcomed a splendid change
of programme.
The Arcade has the exclusive first-
run privilege of all Universal brands,
and is, therefore, able three times a
week to present an array of films not
to be seen In any other first-run picture
theater in Portland.
The actors most prominent are King
Baggott, Jack Kerrigan, Leah Baird
Florence Lawrence. Irving Cummings
Phillip Smalley and a host of others
whose faces are familiar tb thousands.
Another new bill will be given to
SO marked has been the success of
"The Port of Doom" at the new
Star Theater that it was continued yes
terday, and will be on for the remain
der of the week. This Frohman famous
play, with Laura Sawyer in the big
part, is a model or artistic acting and
thrilling action. The wreck of the
doomed Bhlp presents one of the most
graphic and realistic adventures ever
shown on a motion picture screen. In
fact ,it seems almost incredible that
actors and actresses can be persuaded
into taking such desperate chances as
were taken in the preparation of this
wonderful picture.
Another striking quality is in the
Small Fracture of Skull May Have
Hastened Death.
George Kunze, 50 years old. a dealer
In eggs, died suddenly late Wednesday
night in his home on Arthur street, be
tween .Fourth and Fifth streets. Death
is thought to have been due to heart
failure, though a small fracture of the
skull was caused by his falling over a
sack of dry bread, used for chicken
Sufficient eggs, crated, were found
in his home to have been the product
of his 13 hens far the past five years.
They are believed to have been cold
storage eggs. .The body was found
by a young girl, who went to the place
for eerga.
When "Pape's Diapepsin" Reaches
Stomach All Indigestion, Gas and
Sourness Disappears.
You don't want a slow remedy when
your stomach is bad or an uncertain
one or a harmful one your stomach
is too valuable; you mustn't injure it
with drastic drugs..
Rape's Diapepsin is noted for its
speed in giving relief; its harmless
ness; its certain unfailing , action in
regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs.
Its millions of cures In indigestion,
dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach
trouble has made It famous the world
over. '
Keep this perfect stomach doctor in
your home keep It handy get a large
fifty-cent case from any drug store and
then if anyone should eat something
which doesn't agree with them; if
what they eat lays like lead, ferments
and sours and forms gas; causes head
ache, dizziness and nausea; eructa
tions of acid and undigested food
remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin
comes in contact with the stomach all
Buch distress vanishes. Its promptness,
certainty and ease in overcoming the
worst stomach disorders Is a revela
tion to those who try it. Adv.
Portland Agents Gossard Front-Lace, Bien Jolie, Nemo, Mme. Mariette, Bon Ton, Royal Worcester Corsets Dept. 2d Fir.
Delightful Luncheon Served Daily in Our Popular Tea Room, 4th Floor 2924 Calendars, Except School and College l2 Price
Trading Stamps
On Charge Accounts
Stamps given on charge accounts, pro
viding same are paid in fall on or before
the 10th of each month. Trading stamps
will not be given on amounts carried
forward from one month to the next.
Olds, Wortmian King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Store' Honrs 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Every Business Day Saturday Included
Standard Central Needle
Sewing Machines
Second Floor The original "hygienic"
sit-straight Sewing Machine. Indorsed
by prominent physicians, and educators
all over the country. A lifetime guar
antee will be given with each machine.
Our 3(Sih A
Every Article ReducedExcept Groceries and Restricted Lines
. A mighty merchandising event that should command the attention of every man and woman within reach of this
great store on account of the splendid savings that are afforded on high-grade seasonable merchandise of every
description An unequaled opportunity to supply persona or home needs at the lowest prices of entire year
Women9 s Ready-to-Wear Apparel Greatly Reduced
... 1
y .-::r'i'
r fx ''J Tt
A 1 -A
A i ' ' ' '
: : J
si " ' v J'
' i r ' I
nr; r i
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$25.00 Suits Now $12.98
Suit Salons, 2d Floor Smart cutaway effects or
plain tailored styles in nearly all the sought-for
shades. Excellent wool materials in both plain and
novelty mixtures. This season's very newest models.
Worth tip to $25.00 the Suit, (t g Cy G
Priced for the Clearance Sale at D Jtt. W i0
Clearance of Women's Fine Suits
Second Floor Special liae of high-class suits in the Clearance at decided reduc
tions. Broadcloths, Cheviots, Serges, Wool Velours, ' Tweeds, etc., in models
suitable for wqar on all occasions. Many fur trimmed. Good range of sizes.
$35.00 Suits Now $16.98
In this special lot we show handsome Tailored Suits,
designed in the latest modes.. Some plain, others in
novelty styles, with fancy collars and cuffs, fancy
vest effects. Also Combination Suits. All leading
colors. Up to $35.00 " grades in f " jT
this lot.. Clearance Sale price only JL v7v3
22.50 Tailored Suits at $15.00
P28.50 Tailored Suits at 19.00
132.50 Tailored Suits at $21.67
$37.60 Tailored Suits at $25.00
$45.00 Tailored Suits at....S30.00
$65.00 Tailored Suits at S43.34
$87.50 Tailored Suits at.... 58.34
$95.00 Tailored Suits at.... $63.34
Women's $22.50 Coats for $12.98
Women's $35.00 Coats at $15.98
Second Floor Women's and Misses'
Winter Coats in a great variety of
wanted heavy materials. Some in 3-4,
others in full length styles, with fancy
collars and cuffs. Coats selling here
tofore up to $25.50.
Clearance price, now
In the assortment we include several
lines from our regular stock; 3-4 and
full-length models in plain or cutaway
effects. Excellent range of materials
and colors to choose from. Coats
worth to $35.00. Spe- CI fff QO
cial Clearance Price p-.J70
Ask for S. & H.
Trading Stamps.
Clearance of Dainty Silk Kimonos
Department, Second Floor Very latest effects in Crepe de Chine, Florentine
Silks, Jap Silks, Albatross and Challies. Beautiful designs and colors. They
are trimmed with ribbons, laces, silks, etc., styled in empire or loose effects.
Regular $12.50 Kimonos at $ 9.38
Regular $15.00 Kimonos at $11.25
Regular $18.60 Kimonos at $13.87
Regular $20.00 Kimonos at $15.00
Kimonos $1.29, $1.49
Second Floor Women's Flannelette Ki
monos in Empire and loose effects, V
necks or roll collars trimmed with silk
bands and pipings ; 2 spe- C? i , y5 Q
cial lines at Si .29 and V '7
Regular $22.50 Kimonos at $16.87
Regular $25.00 Kimonos at $18.75
Regular $30.00 Kimonos at $22.50
Regular $32.50 Kimonos at $24.37
Special $1.00
Bargain Circle,1 First Floor.
Madef blipover'-style', ' with" square
neck' and short sleeves. ' Ginghams
and chambrays" in stripes,' checks
and plain colors. Trimmed ' with
bias -bands and ' belt across
the back. Special 2 f ' ff
tor today's sale, only P
House Dresses, $1.19 Ginghams
and percales in stripes, cheeks and
figures. High or low neck, long or
short sleeves. Neatly 2J T t Q
trimmed. Clearance P f
Women's Petticoats. Special, 98
Women's Silk Petticoats, $3.29
Waist Clearance
$18.50 Waists, $7.45 Chiffon,
Lace, Net, Crepe de Chine, etc, in
many beautiful models. High or
low necks. Waists CT
worth up to $18.50, P
$5.00 Waists, $2.98 Dainty styles
of Chiffon, Laoe, Hessaline and
Taffeta Silks. New low-neck ef
fect with frills, etc. Waists worth
up to $5.00. Special 3JO QO
Clearance Sale price P&JJ
Clearance of
Gloves, Hosiery
Supply Your Needs!
Center Circle, First Floor
Extraordinary bargains are these
which we offer for today's selling.
$1 .25, $1.50 Gloves 69 c
Women's $1.25 and $1.50 Kid and
Chamois Gloves, in one-clasp style.
Natural color. Sizes 5y2
to 6 and 7 to 7y2. PairtHU
85c Kid Gloves for 39c
Schmarshen Lamb and Cape Gloves,
in small sizes only. Also broken
lines in soiled Kid Gloves. OQ
Reg. 75c and 85c grades
Women's 50c Hose 35c
Fine cotton and lisle thread, in
regular, outsize and opera lengths.
AH black and split soles. O
Regular 50o Hose. Pair O
Women's 65c Hose 49c
Thread eilk booted or full silk
plated, with double soles and toes.
Shown in black, tan and!Q
white. Regular 65o Hose -i?
Infants' 25c Hose l2V2c
Infants' colored cashmere Hose, in
pink, sky, tan; also black in small
sizes only. Regular 1 ?l)i
25o grades, at, pair --W 2l
25c, 35c Wool Hose 19c
Children's heavy 2x2 ribbed black
cashmere Hose. Full line of all
sizes. Standard 25c and W Ckf
35c grades. Special, pair 2 C
Clearance of Bath Robes and Sweaters
$8.75 Robes, $5.69 Women's
Wool Blanket Bath Robes in fig
ured and floral designs. Boll or
sailor collars, patch CP J
pockets. Clearance pJ.JZr
$4.60 Robes, $2.98 Heavy blan
ket materials in many attractive
patterns, trimmed with bands,
etc. Special at the flJO ChQ
Clearance Price of P.ZrO.
$4.00 Sweaters, $2.98 Short and
3-4 length styles, plain and fancy
weaves. Koll or Jtsyron collar.
V-neck. All
ed colors. Clearance
$6.50 Sweaters, $5.00 Ruff neck,
V or Roll Collars. Medium
ribbed wool, in red, white and
gray. All sizes. fC
Clearance Price at
want- eo QO
Women's $3.5Q to $5.00 Shoes $2.85
In the Main Floor Shoe Dept.
Women's $4.50 and $5.00 Shoes in the Clearance Sale at, pair, $3.85
Women's $5.60 and $6.00 Shoes in the Clearance ale at, pair, $4.85
Men's $4.00 and$4.50 high-grade Shoes, Clearance price, $3.39
Boys' high-cut Loggers1 Shoes, all sizes, Clearance Sale price, $2.48
Shoes for big misses, regular $3.50 grades, Clearance price, $2.85
Shoes for misses and girls, regular $3.00 grades, Clearance, $2.48
Sale Dainty Embroidery Flouncings
At 25c Yard 18-inch Flouncings
and Corset Cover Embroidery on
swiss and cambric. Clear- O CTf.
ance Sale price, yard
At. 68c Yard Dainty Baby
Flouncings, in many beautiful
patterns. 27 inches wide. fiQf
Clearance Sale, the yard-'tJV
At 98c Yard Choice assortment
of 45-inch embroidered Crepe
Voile Flouncings. ManyQO,
dainty designs. The. yard' Ot
At 59c Yard Allovers and
Shadow Lace Flouncings; widths
from . 18 to 22. inches. Og
White, cream and ecru
Annual Clearance of Men's Clothing
Men's Store, Main Floor Every fancy Suit and Overcoat in
the house is included in this sweeping Clearance. Sizes S2 to
46, in models to suit everyone Blims, stouts and regulars.
Men's $10.00 Suits and Overcoats Clearance $ 7.45
Men's $15.00 Suits and Overcoats Clearance $11.25
Men's $20.00 Suits and Overcoats Clearance $14.95
Men's $25.00 Suits and Overcoats Clearance $18.75
Men's $30.00 Suits and Overcoats Clearance $22.50
Men's $35.00 Suits and Overcoats Clearance $26.25
An unexcelled opportunity to choose from several well-known makes,
including Brandegee, Kincaid, Michels, Stern and Brokaw Bros. Every
. Suit or Coat guaranteed to fit before it leaves the store.
All Men's Blue and Black Suits and Overcoats on sale at 10 per cent off
All Men's Trousers, priced at $3.00 to $6.50, Clearance, one-fourth off
Clearance Men's Soft Hats at Vz Price
Plain and Scratch Felts Austrian Velours
Men's Store, Main Floor Here's your chance! Choose from this special line of
Soft Hats at just one-half regular prices. English Scratch or Plain Felts and
Austrian Velours, in tans, grays, black and blue. All styles and shapes in the lot.
Regular $2.00 Hats, Clearance, $1.00
Regular $3.00 Hats, Clearance, $1.50
Regular $3.50 Hats, Clearance, $1.75
Regular $4.00 Hats, Clearance, $2.00
Regular $5.00 Hats, Clearance, $2.50
Regular $6.50 Hats, Clearance, $3.25
Clearance of Dress Goods, Silks
50c and 60c Wool Challies, in assorted designs, Clearance price, 39
85c Wool Batiste in nearly all colors, Clearance Sale price, yard, 69
$1.25 and $1.50 Novelty Suitings, all colors. Clearance, yard, -98
Special line of Zibelines, selling at $2.50, Clearance Sale price, $1.48
$1.25 and $1.50 French Poplins, Batiste, Silk and Wool Crepe, 98
$3.00 and $3.50 heavy Wool Coatings and Suitings, the yard, $1.98
$4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Imported Coatings and Suitings, yard, $2.48
$4.00 Imported Tailor Suitings, 58 inches wide, Clearance, yd., $2.29
$1.00 and $1.25 Fancy Silks, Marquisettes,' Pongees, special at 5i)
$1.00 and $1.25 Fancy Poplins, Crepe de Chine and Crepes for 79
$1.50 and $1.7fi Faille Silk, Satins and Marquisettes, Clearance, 89
$2.25 and $2.50 Two-Tune Faille and Bordered Grenadines, at $1.29
Linens and Domestics Reduced
$ 9.0D Pattern Table Cloths, size 2y2x2V2 yards, $ 7.00
$ 7.50 Pattern Table Cloths, size 2y2x3 yards, $ G.OO
$10.00 Pattern Table Cloths, size 2y2x3 yards, $ 8.25
$15.00 Pattern Table Cloths, size x4 yards, $11. 50
$1.00 Table Damask, full two yards wide. Clearance Sale, yard, 83
Fine quality Linen Napkins to match. Clearance Sale, dozen, $2.50
Richardson's $22 pair Hand-Embroidered Sheets. Clearance, $11. OO
Richardson's $24 pair Hand-Embroidered Sheets. Clearance, $12.00
Richardson's Hand-Embroidered and Scalloped Cloths at just 1-4 off
Annual Clearance of White Materials
White Flaxons, Linaires, etc., in plain and fancy weaves, yard, 18o
10-yard piece Phantom Cloth for Lingerie. Special, the piece, $2.48
20c White Plisse for Underwear, Dresses, Waists, etc. Yard, 14o
Extra fine Nainsook in 10-yard pieces. Clearance Sale price, $2.25
Towel Bargains
Large size colored Border Q
Towels. Clearance Sale price 0
Linen Huck Towels, with 1 O
colored border. Clearance O
Large size Bleached Bath O On
Towels. Clearance Sale "
Heavy Huck Towels . with 1 (f
-a. iv
i? t or?
Clearanca O X tdd
Men's $6 Coat Sweaters $3.45
Men's Four-in-Hand Ties, selling up to 50c, Annual Clearance Sale price, 23
Men's Union Suits
Main 'Floor Broken lines of
"Lewis " Norfolk and New Bruns
wick Wool Union Suits for men
at the following: low prices:
Grades Benin at S2.SO for S3. 19
Grades aellinff at S3.50 for ft .'5. It
. Grades kIUhk at S5.0O for 3.65
Main Floor Men's Heavy Knit Wool Coat Sweaters several broken
lines grouped for quick Clearance. Ruff-Neck style, with large, full
Doay ana ciose-riDDea cuirs, cardinal and gray. Sweaters
selling formerly up to $6.00, Clearance Sale price
Bous $S-$6 NorfolkSuits
Main Floor Broken lines of sizes, but
still a good range to select from. Strict
ly hand-tailored garments selling form
erly to $5.00 and $6.50. 3PO QO
While they last, Clearance, PW70
Boys' Knicker Pants $1.19
Made to stand the hardest kind of wear. Cut full
peg top, with double taped seams and T T Q
lined throughout. Reg. $1.50, $2, $2.50, J X X
Boys' Overcoats and Mackinaws
Now at h Off,
Also Chinchillas. Excellent assortment of styles
and colorings to choose from. Sizes m f-f
range from 10 to 17. Clearance price
$3.45 I
Men's Shirts at 95c
Main Floor Men's high-grade
shirts in plain or plaited bosoms,
also in semi-bosom. Coat style
with attached cuffs. Shown in a
variety of pleasing patterns and
best of materials. Sizes Q
from 14 to 18. Clearance J'iJC
Clearance Men's Gloves
Brown and gray Suede and tan
kid, fleece-lined. For fl T lO
Clearance Sale, pair, P
Fleece-lined Tan Kid also gray
and brown suede. T O
Clearance Sale, pair, pJL.aJiJ
Llama lined in tan kid, gray
and brown suede. 3 1 C?
Clearance Sale, pair P-M.J 4
Tan Kid, in gray and brown
Llamo lined. Clear- fi Qfh
ance Sale price, pair, P O V
Dent's wool lined, in gray suede
and tan kid. Clear- CJO t T
ance Sale price, pair, P-'-
Tan Kid, angora lined at $3.15
plain or tancy borders, at 1
Heavy, lull-oea size cro
chet Spreads,
Sale Kitchen Needs, Home Furnishings 3d Foor
Third Floor Extra coated gray
enameled ware at reduced prices.
Regular 75c Tea Kettles at 59
27c Sauce Pans (4-q.nart) at 19
40c Coffee Pots (2-quart) at 32
43c Tea Pots (2-qt. size) at 35
25c Straight Sauce Pans only 19
38c Straight Sauce Pots only 29
25c Deep Cake Moulds only 19
Blue' Enameled Ware reduced.
85c Seamless Tea Pots only 65
$1.25 Seamless.Tea. Pots for 99
83c Lipped Kettles for only 25
40c Lipped Kettles for only 32
47c Lipped Kettles for only 35
$1.25 Straight Stock Pots at 99
57c Covered Buckets (2-qt.) 45
Regular 43c Dippers (2-qt.) 30
$3.00 Black Fire Screens, $1.69
$2.90 Black Andirons for $2.20
$6.25 Black Fire Sets now $5.00
$1.40 Covered Roasters at $1.05
$1.25 Covered Roasters, only 99
$1.15 Covered Roasters, only 90
25c Wood Salt Boxes, only 15
15c Double Chopping Knives, lO
$3 Aluminum Tea Kettles, $2.40
4Qc Imperial Coffee
Fourth Floor On sale today.
Hereafter regular Coffee Day will
be Thursday. Coffee delivered only
with other purchases.