18 THE MORNING OREGON! AN. TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1914. FOR SALE Autouiobiltf. AUTO SNAPS. GUARANTEED USED AUTOMOBILES. Wo have the following list of used cars that we have traded In on new Coles and 1 .osiers. We need the room. For quick sales will name an attractive price. 1910 Studehaker Carford, 7-paEsenger, 0 horsepower, fully equipped; . good tires and in A - 1 cundilion; snap. Hot. 1913 Hudson, 6-cyllnder, 6-passenger fully equipped: eiectrio lights and electric eii-staricr, Diana new tires and in A - 1 condition; a sacrifice for quick: sate; aiou. 1911 Michigan, 5-passenger. 22-horsepow-er. $450. . 1911 Cole. 5-passenrer. 40-horserjower. fully equipped; guaranteed 6 months. saw. 1913 Michigan, five-passenger. 40-horsepower, fully equipped. A-l condition, like new; cheap for quick: sale; $875. See us for light deliveries. It will pay you to see our line 'of used cars before you buy. We. can save, you money. Liberal terms If desired. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. Broadway and Couch Sts, FOR SALE Cash only, one Studebaker- r landers, 4-passnnger; good condition; new tires. jast 3-, IS Poultry. EGGS for hatching from Winter-laying An conns. 2 per 16; guaranteed fertile and fresh, w. T. Evans, box 368, The Dalles, livestock. JERSEY cow and heifer calf. $05. Haw thorne. car. East 71st., 4 blocks north to lower house. Machinery. HEMIXGTON 8-ton refrigerating and Ice inacnine. fnone Alain 7S4. Typewriter. $15 TO too will buy a Gill rebuilt type writer as good as new; all makes to choose fi'om and workmanship guaranteed: terms to suit; catalogue mailed on request. THE J. K. GILL COM PAN Y, 3d and Alder sts. Main t3(K, A 6068. WE save you from 50 to 73 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illus trated folder: retail department. VVHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 32,1 Wash. St. T if PEWH ITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. NORTHWEST TYPEWKITEK CO., 262 Stark St. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut lates. P. P. C. Co., 231 Stark, Main 140T A NEW standard folding typewriter- good as new; $.i5. T 6:13. Oregonian. PiUCTlCALLT new Oilier typewriter for sale at sacrifice. Wooalawn 644. A2 lecelianeous. 40 YEARS IN PORTLAND. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. 21-JeweI Hamilton. Elgin and Waltham watches. In 14-karat 20-year cases, $18. Bteel-blue diamond earscrews, guaran teed perfect; original cost $220. only $170. 1-karat steel-blue diamond, guaranteed only $20O. Imported pearl and Japanese emerald I.avalllere, guaranteed; original cost 75; for (oj. Genuine elk teeth, gold mounted, from 95 to $13 each, 14-karat solid gold 23-Jewel Illinois R,ailroad watch; original cost $175; only Miscellaneous articles, such as kodaks violins, opera-slassen. silverware, etc. at greatly reduced prices. Bear In mind that my entire stock must be sold as soon as possible, and that 1 am making substantial reductions on every article. UN'CLB MYERS, "40 years in Portland." 71 Sixth St., near Oak. . v., "PE SPECIALS. .'4,"ln-.bIa.ck- -d-hand pipe. 2c per foot. 1- in. black, 2d-hand pipe. 8V4o per foot. (Thia pipe Is practically new.) 1-lnch Dractlcally new black. .Do foot 1-lnch .Id-hand black pipe 54cfoot 2- inch 2d-hand black pipe. . . ... . .7 wl foot a-lnch 2d-hand black pipe 14c foot i!nc r,5"5anl black P'Pe 17ttcfoot &-lnch .id-hand black pipe 25c foot 6-lnch 2d-hand black pipe 30c foot 8-lnch 2d-hand black pipe 50e foot 10-inch 2d-hand black pipe 70c foot Writs for further Information. We take pleasure in answering you. M. BARDE & SONS, "The House of a Million Bargains." 240-242 Front St., corner Main. WE have an extra large lot of new steel spilt pulleys shafting, cable, drums and all sizes of pipe that we will sell very reasonable in order to reduce our stock before the Brst of the year. Write us your wants; we take pleasure in answering. M. BARDE A PONS, "Tit1". House of a Million Bargains." . 210-24:4 front St., corner Main. 100 GOVERNMENT tents, 16x20. regular price $21;, our price $il.75 each. All guaranteed absolutely fjrst-class. 1O0 tarpaulins and Wagon cdvers. oii tents, sizes from ltix20 to 00x70. If you need anything in tents, canvas of any kind, see us. J. SIMON & BRO., Front and Grant sts. PLUMBINu SUPPLIES. Complete stock. Prices right. Satisfac tion guaranteed. CENTRAL PLUMB INO & MACHINKRT COMPANY. 226-22S Front St. I0O TONS BO, 40, 58, 80, TO-POTJNO RELAYING RAILS, , -'2.60 PER TOM. Help us fight the trust. J. SIMON & BRO., Front and Grant sts. (SECOND-HAND billiard and pocket tables built and reflnlshed, completely equipped' at prices from $100 upward; liberal terms' The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co 46 6th st. phone Main 768. A 1769 ONE second-hand roll top, two flat top two bookkeepers' desks, three rotary chairs, ono 60-lnch mahogany roll top desk and chair. Bushong & Co.. 91 Park st. Main 104. ESPECIALLY lmpoj-ted from Alaska; first quality mink skins: not made up; must be sold; rare chance to get selected furs at sacrifice. Sol Wash. St. Friday, Satur day. bAiEa Mosler rUfe Co., manufacturers; low prices, easv terms; safes opened and repaired; bargains In second-hand safes. 108 2d st. Phone Main 7676. SAFES New and second hand; low prices easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORT. LAND SAFE CO., 80 Sth St. Main BS09 RENT from the manufacturers visible type writers at $4 for three months; conven ient at home. 244 Stark su Phone Main lig;:t or A 4441. GKAFONOLA in perfect condition, 66 double face records, for sale very cheap Phone A 8564. Main 7219. 2-11. P. STATIONARY gasoline engine; -pump; pulley shafting, etc.; 4i price. 648 ancouver ave, DIAMOND, unusually fine. In latest enam eled mans mounting. $125; cost whole sale $.'00. Call 114 Sd st. PURE, well-rotted cow manure. Geo W Lindsay, gardener and dealer In fertlll zer. Phone evenings Sellwood' 1S8S FERTILIZER for sale; cow manure. East 4 270. ONE billiard and pool table cheap for cash 1O04 Corbett st. Main 76.14. FERTILIZER. $2 per load; well-rotled horse manure. Phone Sellwood 1521. NATIONAL cash registers! Get mv prices Povey. 351 Wash., basement. Main 606. WE sell anything. Room 2, Worcester" bldg No fakes. Apply Ingram Co. BARGAIN Must have caih; will sacrifice carat diamond. N 631. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. M Iscellaneous. FORCED TO SELL GOODS. Our yards and warehouses are over crowded. We must sell goods regardless of prices. We sell for cash or credit. Every piece of machinery nought from us we fully guarantee. Your money posi tively refunded if you are not satisfied. 1 0-h. p. boiler, $60. 1 15-h. p. boiler. $100. . 1 10-h. p. boiler, $75. 1 4-h. p. ensine. $40. 1 :t-h. p. engine, $.1(1. 1 60-h. p. boiler. $300. 2 SO-h. p. boilers, JS50. 1 10O h. p. boiler. $400. 1 SO-h. p. engine, $.100. 1 125-h. p. engine. $530. 1 centrifugal pump -at a snap. 1 42o-h. r. Atlas engine. I12v7xl2-size pump. 5200. 25 different sizes pumps. 1 concrete mixer. 1 12xlSxl2xlS-xlSxl8 compound pump. Above pump is as good as new; cost $1800; will sell at any reasonable offer. 1 drag saw. 1 40-h. p. boiler. 1 25-h. p. Corliss engine. 50,0410 feet cable. 1 2000-pound safe, $50. 1 10.OO0-gal. tank. 1 20.000-gal. tank. 1 5000-giil. tank. Grate bars, all sizes and kinds. I-beams, channels, rails. Remember, if you are in need of any kind of machinery or anything else made of iron, see us. We can save you money. We have the largest stock In the city and can make prompt shipments. J. SIMON & BRO.. Front and Grant sts. Only second-hand store nl the city that has the money-back policy of you are not satisfied. Boilers Engines Dynamos Pumps Blowers Rails Pullevs Belting Channels Cable Pipe Eyebeams Pipe fittings Valves Building Material Radiators Rope Packing Plumbing Supplies Corrugated Iron Pipe. Pipe. Pipe Sledges, Wedges . Wire of all kinds Tents Tarpaulins Wagon Covers Canvas Snatchblocks Plow steel cable Largest Stock In the City. Our prices and terms cannot be beat. J. SIMON & BRO., Front and Grant Sts. PRICES THAT TALK. Rubber roofing. 60c per square. G-alv. corrugated Iron, $2.76 per square, 100 16x20 Government tents, $6.50. New wire nails, $2 per keg. Galv. wire fenclngNlc per pound. Sledges and wedges, 4c per pound. Picks anil mattocks, 20c each. H-inch pipe, 20 per foot. 4-lnch pipe, 3Hc per foot. 3- lnch pipe, 3Vc per foot. l&-inch pipe, 4Mio per foot. 1-Inch pipe, oVjo per foot. 2-iuch pipe, 6c per foot. 8-inch pipe, 10c per foot. 4- inch pipe. 17c per foot. Ail guaranteed to be absolutely in good condition. J. SIMON BRO., Front and Grant Sts. IP TOD NEED PIPE, SEE US. 14-Inch pipe. 8140 per ft. 1- Inch pipe, SVtO per ft. lii-lnch pipe. 4c per ft. lH-inch pipe. 6 Vic per ft. 2- inch pipe, 60 per ft. 2-inch pipe, 9c per ft. S-lnch pipe, lOo per ft. 4-lnch pipe, 17c per ft. All pipe first-class. Prompt shipments and satisfaction guaranteed. Pipe-cutting and threading our specialty. We take orders for all kinds of piping and thread ing. Give us a trial. CENTRAL PLUMBING ft MACHINERY COMPANY. 22S-228 Front Street ROOFING rAPKH. See our genuine rubber roofing The famous "EDRAB 2." tt-plv, 60c l-piy. $1. 2-ply, $1.25. ,. ., S.-ply, $1.60. Nails and cement included. All rolls contain 10S square feet. M. BARDE & SONS, "The House of a Million BaTrgaJns." 240-242 Front St., corner Main. ROOFING. Weather.-Proof. Ready to Lay. 1- Ply, 6O0 roll, 108 sq. feet. 2- ply, 75c roll, 108 sq. feet. 2-ply $1 roll. 108 sq. feet. Nails and cement 25o per sq. extra. The very best heavy rubber roofing pa per. Feels like rubber, wears like iron. Simple and easy to lay. Perfect satisfac tion guaranteed at prices never heard of before. Lower than cost of manufacture. Selilns: direct to you makes these prices possible. PREPARE FOR THE RAINY SEASON. Samples Mailed on Request. J. SIMON & BRO.. Front and Grant Sts.. Portland. Or. See us for PULLEYS BELTING SHAFTING CABLE HANGERS BOILERS ENGINES, DYNAMOS I-BEAMS ETC. CENTRAL, PLUMBING ft MACHINERY COMPANY. 226-228 Front St. JTTST received, carload genuine rubber roof in. All rolls contain 108 square feet, nails and cement. Remember, thia Is a genuine rubber roof ing and does not crack by bending Our stock is freBh and pliable. M. BARDE & SONS, "The House of a Million Bargains." 240-242 Front St., corner Main. WE HAVE FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES. WHICH ARE IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION: ONE LARGE WORTHINGTO.V STEAM PUMP. IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. THIS PUMP WAS FORMERLY USED BY THE CITY OF PORTLAND AND IS FTRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. ONE BUFFALO DUPLEX PUMP. 6x8x10. TO ONE WHO CAN USE THESE PUMPS WE WILL SELL THEM AT A BARGAIN. FOR. IX FORMATION PHONE MAIN 618. RUBBER ROOFING. CORRUGATED IRON. v Npw is the time you need thia material. See us for prices before buying elsewhere. We need your orders and can save you money. CENTRAL PLUMBING ft MACHINERY COMPANY, 128-228 Front St. HELP HELP HELP. Help us fight the trust. We sell plumbing supplies to all at wholesale prices. J. SIMON ft BRO. Front and Grant Sts. 1 DRAG SAW, complete, first-class condi tion, at a bargain. 1 6-h. p. boiler. " 1 water wheel. CENTRAL PLUMBING ft MACHINERY COMPANY. ' 226-228 Front St. DIAMONDS for the money loaned. $85 and up. both Belcher and Tiffany settings 820 Lumber Exchange Building. WELL ROTTED" HORSE AND COW MA NURE. PHONE EAST 4286. wanted nscKLLAygoua. FAIR DEAL We pay best prices for second-hand clothing and furniture. Call Main 9272. 60', Sd St. Phone A 6263. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE want old machinery or scrap of any description. Call us by phone or ' write and our representative will calL We pay spot cash and no amount of goods to small or large for us. M. BARDE ft SONS, - THE HOUSE OK A MILLION BARGAINS, 240-242 Front St., Cor. Main. WE are In the market to buy anything In the machinery. Iron or metal line. Give us a call and you will make money. CENTRAL PLUMBING ft MACHINERY COMPANY. 1 -Phone Main 273. 226-8 Front St. YOU are sure of steady employment, pood warea: few months only learning. For particulars. Watchmaking -En graving-Optl. cal School, 216 CommonweaiLh bldg., ttth and Ankeny. Levin hardware ft- furniture co.. 221 Front st., buys second-hand furuiture. carpets, sto.-es. ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7-74 or Main 9072. our puyer cans promptly. f 1 WE want to buv 11000 worth of nnil hand furniture In the next 30 uaya and pny"all the cash It Is worth. Wllilams ave. Furniture Exchange. Phone East 036 PARTNER wanted for a solid factory bus! ness; will be mostly outside work and don't require very much money. The profits are large. Call room 329 Morgan WILL Eii; Y OLD fiTTX-S nlrrtl. Eo.-rrHB knives. Write describing what you have to c- t. atone, uoo Last iiiitu North. Port land, Or. W"E pay highest cash prices for second-hand billiard and pocket tables. The Bruns-v.-ick-Balke-Collecder Co., 40 5th street. r-none Main A no. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms; registers guaranteed. W. J. Macauley. 854 pu' 'uo. main i&io, a 1010. WANTED SECOND-HAND rilTHfA Highest prices paid for second-hand lot-ies. oio 1st St. Main 13S3. A 8081. WANTED Standard hair dryer for beauty parlor, alternating current, phone 4S4 or fiddrefla Mnilania IHalr T Q lunl v. 1 A Vancouver, Wash. ' SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest cash prices paid for ladies' and gents' castoff clothing and shoes. Call Main 62U3. 234 3d st.. The reliable buyer. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED. Buyer calls promptly; estimates given 1S4 1st, near Yamhill. Main i77.J. SPOT CASH paid, for household goods, c. M. Pennell. 851 1st st. Phone Marshall 4265. WANTED Buy set of books entitled "Mes sages and Papers of the President"! must be cheap. F 662, Oregonian. DO not sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction nouse. iwi st- marshal! 4783. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur nlture; highest prices paid. Sellwood 1682. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanltar .peauty t-anors, 400 pekum bldg. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cosh for any ainq or lurniture. ualn NATIONAL cash register; price must be icaauiiuilie. JViain llDU, A 3tWO. CASH BUYER DIAMONDS, PIANOS. MAIN 4817. WANTED Marine gas engine. 3 to 6 H. P. ; uo uumij. Ai -000, wregonian. HIGHEST prices paid for rifles, shotguns. - - .iuluiciu, o .-h. ou. oi, cor. LOUGH 4 LARGE photo trays, 10x20 or larger. 643 Vancouver ave. WANTED Competent critlo to examine fli. a. a. 11 641, oregonlan. WANTED Fixtures for a drug store. John Dick, 031 Union ave. North. HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT (One of Many). Office Secretary Employment Department Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) If 1 pay you $5 for employment membership I will have only $16 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership, you will have the Y. . M. C. A., with all its resources, between you and starvation. Result Young man joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 11 months ending Nov. 80: Calls for men from employers. ...... .2409 Positions filled ......Xlit Special employment membership "guar antees member will secure employment or membership fee will be refunded. Gives two months' full privileges, including use of gymnasium, swimming pool, bath, etc.. and 10 months' social or house privileges, including the services of the employment department for the entire year. All young men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin ists, carpenters, mill workers or in other skilled lines, are cordially Invited to con sult with the secretary of the advisory and employment department. START 1914 RIGHT. We can locate you on 6 or 10-acre tracts of good plow land within 80 miles of Portland that will only coat you from $350 to $650, where you can have work at good wages if you want It, from March until Christmas. The next two months will give you a good opportunity to get settled on your property and do some clearing; you only need from $50 to $100 to get located, balance long, easy monthly payments. Come In and let us tell you about it. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY ft CO 913 Chamber of Commerce. BRIGHT YOUNG AMERICANS compose the iu "j. it you enlist you will find yourself in good company. Life is healthy, work interesting, plenty of sport and athletics, foreign cruises and steady advancement as you become more compe tent; unusual opportunities to learn trade and prepare for successful career. Free board and lodging, pay nearly clear Ap ply Navy Recruiting Station, Morgan build ing. Broadway and Washington streets. Portland. 40 TO AGENTS NO COMPETITION. $5.00 to $15.00 per day easy; every horse owner a customer; endorsed by humane societies; see new "horses' friend" feed bag; a square deal to all. References given and required. Exclusive territory; agent's sample $1.60; retail J2.S0. Write for circular. "Horse Friend" Feed Bag Co.. P. O. Box 222. Portland. Or. WE CAN use a few good salesmen to rep resent us in various parts of the state the very best of merchandise; we sell di rect 10 the consumer, thereby saving all middle profits, which we share with the consumer In the form of valuable premi- urns. Grand Union Tea Co., 448 Washing ton St.. Portland, Or. WANTED A bright young man as assist ant for general office work In a timber laud office; applicant must be well rec ommended and have a knowledge of bookkeeping; also write a good, legible hand and possess some originality; splen did opening for the right party. M 657 Oregonlan. ASSOCIATE wanted to sell scholarships in salesmanship, business building and per sonal efficiency courses; must be a five energetic studious, A-l salesman; sales manager's experience preferred. Want de talla In letter. T 638. Oregonlan MAN and wife wanted on farm near town. Must have experience In general farming and handling of horses and stock. No chil dren. Recommendations necessary. An swer, giving past experience and for whom you have worked. J 660, Oregonlan. PHOTOGRAPHER "wanted, "operator and re toucher; must be up to date and a hust ler; steady year-around job If suitable; . state wages wanted. Clinkenbeard Photo Co., Aberdeen, Wash. WANTED A young man without business training or experience who has the am bition and determination to work up into a splendid position; give references as to character. J 608. Oregonlan. WANTED Plasterer; will pay part cash ?art. L?jaIlply a" ,irst Wment on small -ast bide home; work now ready AS 571 Oregonlan. , " FIRST-CLASS automobile repair man want ed; only experienced need apply; aive full particulars and references. AF 632 Oregonlan. ' M4N .and, wlfe to worl on a Ia"n near Portland. Must understand the care of an orchard. State experience and give refer ences. S 627, Oregonlan. WANTED Brick mason, to build six chim neys; small family man' preferred; part caBh,', "iart. i?,Japply as ,lrst payment on small East Bide home. E 657, Oregonlan CASH advanced you weekly selling our hardy, guaranteed stock; excellent terri tory; hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. BAKER to take charge of cake department must be well recommended. Call 508 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone WANTED Salesmen to carry our strlns purses and bank bags as aide line or oth erwlse; commission. AB 648. Oregonlan. WANTED Men to write health and accl dent Insurance. Oregon Surety ft Casualtr Co., 301 Board of Trade bldg. 7 PHOTO coupon; best offered; beauty oon test started. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg ABLE promoter will be Interested in my proposition. W 028. Oregonlan. PHOTO solloltors, $lO0 diamond ring given free. Barony Studio 3464 Morrison! HELP WANTED MALE. WAii.D A young or middle-aged man. familiar with icemaking machinery, am monia and brine system, to assist In oper ating 10-ton ice plant. Applv, stating ex perience, etc., to the Lincoln Produce & n-etngeraimg Co., Twin Falls, Idaho. 10 $40 WEEK made selling fire inaur- cut rates, a trtjy, uregonian. HELP WANTED I EM A I.E. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN for Jewelry, Drug, stationery. Knit Un oerwear and Women's Suit Departments; only those having experience need apply; good salary and short hours. Anniv h. tween 9 and 10 A. M. at superintendent's wi.i-o, i.n nour. xeier as rank store. WANTED An efficient lady of education and refinement not over 30 years of age; must be an excellent cook: to take charge of modern home for widower and -son; when answering, give name and phone w-ith other Information. If not within aouve requirements do not answer. O 638. Oregonlan. uii-i tor orrice work Irom ' to 12 A. M.; some knowledge of typewriting uut nut snonnana; work chietly Keeping office open. Address in own -writing, giving experience, age, salary ex pected. etc.. AM 824. Oregonlan. WANTED Girl that can do firat-class cooking and general housework for small family. Must have good references and be capable. Will pay a very good wage to the right party. Call lt)00 E. Gllsan St., Laurelhursu SPECIAL XV 4 X'TQ TrtnA V Cook, out of city; housekeeper, out; walt- leiit,; gin, ioreigner, ior cnaniberniaid, ana other3. Call early. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Ladles' Dept., 205 Morrison st. WANTED An ambitious young woman who can give character references; previous orrice experience or training not essential. J 669. Oregonian. COMPETENT woman for general house work; small washing: three children, wages $35. Call before noon; references re quired. Main 1749. WANTED A hlih school girl to assist with housework; 2 blocks from Washing ton High; some pay. Call East -52, ask for H. A. THOROUGHLY experienced gown sales woman, also high-class waist woman, must know the business. References required. E 656, Oregonian. GIRL for company and general housework in small family; good wages. 1J95 Mon tana. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages. 466 N. 32d bL W illamette Heights. Morrison car. COMPETENT second girl, city references; apply morning. 103 King st. Phone Main 2470. WANTED Finnish or Swedish girl to assist with general housework. Call at 62 Lu cretia st. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; good wages. 1025 Raleigh. Main 2907. WANTED Capablo cook for general house work. Phone or cali Lt. Weeks. Qrs. 14, Vancouver Barracks. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270 V4 Washington, room f-ai m. r-none Alain or A bzti. CAPABLE girls are securing good positions through the Domestic Service Bureau. S35 11th st. Main 7667, A 6125.- WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. COMPETENT girl wanted for general houseworkl none but experienced need apply. 504 East 26th North. East 5038. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay while learning; position guaranteed. 400. 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. LADIES to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers, $25 to $o0 per week; railroad fare paid 615 Swetland bldg. Call mornings. WOMAN or girl for general housework. Ap. ply Tabor 2175; wages $25 month. GIRL for general housework in family of two. Phone East 81. GIRL for general housework; good cook; references. Phone East 4 6 74. COMPETENT girl for light housework and cooking. Phone Sellwood 75. WAITRESS Country hotel, $25. Washington St., room 7. S45H WAITRESS City and country, $25 to $30. .Howes Agency. 270H Washington. WANTED School girl to work for board and room. B 1046. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. SOMEONE to play and sing for social en tertalnment two hours 5 evenings a week, must be person of refinement; will give uoarq in exenange. fnone Marshall X197. PORTRAIT canvassers wanted for something uiiLciwu. vve maae an aeiivenes. write tor terms or call at 614 Ablngton Block, muwiiVHr, mou to A .OU. main 0840. MAKE money writing stories or articles; good pay; free booklet tells how. United riH oynoicate, ban rancisoo. Fl&K Teachers' Agency secures positions for teacners. flip journal bldg. Main 4835. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MOVING-PICTURE OPERATORS WANTED IN EVERY CITY UNCLE SAM has donated movlng-plo- i.uie juiiciiiues tor nis Army. Movlng-olcture machines a.r belnsF T-v STALLED in SCHOOLS and CHURCHES. .-ew tneaters- opening EVERYWHERE. Operators EARN $20 to ISO week. Through THEATER course given. 407 Rothchlld Bldg. OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade In 8 weeks; pays you while learning; tools free; tuition reduced this term; extra instructors; years in business, position guaranteed; special Inducements to ladies. 233 Madison st. 252 2d st. GOVERNMENT . positions open to women; f75 month; write Immediately for free 1st. Franklin Institute. Dept. 696 Ja. Rochester. N. Y. MOLEK Barber College will teach you quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you ?.hile learning, furnish tools free. Write or free catalogue. A 48 2d st. North RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Custom-bouse examinations soon; Parcel Post gaining more clerks; $900 to $1700; free book. Pacific States School. McKay ldg. G1KL8 Learn beauty parlor work; earn money while learning. The Hair Bazaar. Majestlo Theater bl-dg.. Wash, and Park. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. UKlSGO (SHORTHAND, book keeplng. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE will help start tne new year right; new classes Jan. 5. Central bldg. Main 6599. Mjl'N. 18 to 35, wishing to bo railway mail clerks. $75 month, apply for Information. A v ooi. uregonian. WH want two more men to learn moving- 1jh.-i.uio operating. 4 ttotncniid bldg. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. " $5 PER month. 93 11TH ST. EXP. TEACHER SHORTHAND TVP17WP TTTWd K t)T7D rn vlBa 1 ITi t i "1- . . ono ... , - . . " 1..-. , .. " o. jn. oii.io, ciA i . inainut. n. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks! INVESTIGATED MEN. The kind you want. Honest, industrious,' qualified. Can doanything you want donee Anxious to serve you. Records in hand for your lnspectlon. Call. Write. Phone. STANLEY BAKER, Employment Secretary, Y. M. C. A. Main 7065, A 6561. B(JOKKEEPER with practical experience in vV retail lumDer, implement, building and loan and mercantile lines, operate typewriter; can do anything to be none In an office; no work too hard- go 1'U",Xhere.i references and bond furnished. AV 744. Oregonlan. A YOUNG married man, recently from the ciencai position with some good lumber company in Portland; sev eral years' experience in lumber; quick and accurate in figures; can keep books, and 'a al1 around general office man. M-65a. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER, married man. with several years' banking experience, speaks Eng lish. German. French and Hungarian de- 3f "vo position in orrice work """'w terms. Auaress J. Silver 12th st. H. Phone A 7878. 357 WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up uouks, prepare Daiance and statements install systems. Gilllngham auditor. 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. BY strictly sober young man, several years' experience camp cook; also experience as meatcutter and grocery clerk; best of ref erences. R 636. Oregonlan. A-l ACCOUNTANT and bookkeeper. 7-years' -.jJ..cuuc umi-uiiiB reierences; lumber or sash and door preferred. Phone Main 581. or address p. o. Box 727 YOUNG attorney who Is stenographer and 4,uw,,u wouiu mte position in law yer'q office. J 670. Oregonlan. - SALESMAN owns runabout, well acquainted. p 'J - - i- . - - i-i c . n a. li 1. Oregonian. SHOE salesman desires position in Port- 7 .. ,a A ' , ' ' parx commission. V l38, Oregonian. CXi'?fnTEi?T mal tnfaphr desires po- A-l GROCERYMAN wants work. Leave SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ' Miscelianeonm, TO BUILDERS Young man who has had 10 years' experience in every branch of the building trade, a first-class carpenter, all 'round, good estimator, timekeeper, book keeper and superintendent, and can handle any job, is open lor a position with a firdt-clasa builder or contracting firm. AE 639, Oregonian. A COMPETENT, careful and experienced chauffeur, attending Holmes Business Col lege, desires care of family car In ex change for room and board: best of ref erences. Call Main 513. A 2534. I AM an experienced Old Country German taker on cakes, pies and bread, or am a good camp cook, and I wish position do ing one 01- the other. Address Tony God lip. 3t3 14th st. North. EXPERIENCED hardware, stove, range and crockery salesman desires situation cover inn city and surrounding territory; well acquainted; salary or commission. AP 030. .Oregonian. YOUNG man would take position any kind; good mechanical ability, understands re pairing or any kind; can run postcard gallery; can leave city; references. 1392 East 14th st. Phono Sellwood 2050. POSITION wanted by man with executive ability; manager, buyer, salesman, experi enced hardware, stoves, ranges and furni turj salary secondary consideration. AH GlifT Oregonlan. STEAM shovel, stationary or gasoline en gineer, chief papers; can handle dynamo; have tools. Ernest L. Kelly, 262 Flan ders st. PHONE your odd Jobs to the Associated Charities. We have men who are witling and able to do any kind of work, skilled or otherwise. Main 717. A 1517. WE have several respectable men who are willing to work for board and room until they can secure permanent employment. Main 717, A 1517. SALESMAN who can make good with sta tionery, sundries or specialties wishes po sition on road or in city representing wholesale houg-i. AT 623, Oregonlan. WANTED By young man. place to work to help defray expenses while attending business college; experienced chauffeur; best of references. AP 618, Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE mechanic wants automobiles to overhaul and repair at your own ga rage. Phone Tabor 1025 or address AF 631, Oregoman. PAPERCUTTER in printing shop: take care of stock nnd make myself useful. AP 657. Oregonian. WANTED Position on ranch. 10 years" ex perience, orchard work specialty. Phone Marshall 4376. MR. PRINTER I can get the business; ex perienced; salary or commission. AB 645, Oregonlan. JANITOR Experienced, wants position; can give references. Will work for moderate wages. Main 717. A 1517. MAN and wife, first-class cook and helper, want work, out of town preferred. Percy Howell. 509 Everett st. BOY, 16, wants job on farm near city; chance to go to school; experienced; small wages. Y 610, Oregonlan. POSITION, chef. 20 years' experience, sober, economical. In or out of city. AO 629, Oregonlan. GOOD man with heavy team and equipment w a. 11 ia wurn. i . ti. rsox tjui. City. PROFESSIONAL window cleaner; wh Phone Main 7268. WANTED Position running elevator by ro. spectable man. Main 717,. A 1317. YOUNG married man would like position criHuueur; pest rererences. Tabor 3565. MARRIED man wants work, any kind; en gineer by trade, w 630, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and St en ox rap hers. COMPETENT stenographer, experienced in general office work and billing, wishes permanent position, phone Friday between 9 and 6 Saturday between 9 and 1; Main itfi; a zfui. NEAT, quick, energetic young lady desires position as oooKKeeper or cashier; nve years experience; can furnish references. call sellwood 350. COLLEGE woman with knowledge of book Keeping uesires postlon by Jan. 1. for experience; small salary. Marshall 1152. BUSINESS college student desires position . uuoKiteeper or stenographer, u- bta Oregonlan. DfiCTTinv 1 I Jt . ., , srrapher familiar with office work. Tele- yuuno itiuur too.. Al TYPIST. 3 yrs. experience, bookkeeping billing, etc. $80 per month. Mar. 2239. 4fr8Hmakert. DRESSMAKER, prices very reasonable, at- istaction guaranteed. 1124 Ores tiara mU, St. Johns. LADIES' tailoring, alterations, coats re lined. Mrs. Muokler. 4-45 Morrison, sec ond floor. Phone Main 6133. FASHIONABLE dressmaking towns, spe cialty; prices reasonable. Room all uranaesta Apt. feast 4505. FASHIONABLE dressmaking and millinery, home or day. 182 H Gibbs st. Main X94. SEWING, darning and men cling by the day, Phone Sellwood 1962. A NURSB with HQ months training wishes position in aoctoi-s omce. au 610, Ore gonian. lioosefceeperft. WIDOW. 84 years, refined, wishes noNitlon In widower's home or for single men as houiekeper; good manager; 12 years ex- penenca. yy oai, oregonian. WIDOW would like position housekeeping, for widower or bachelor. In nice home: would leave city. 746 SL 17th st.. SeU- vv uuu car. REPINED lady, aire 28, desires position as housekeeper In respectable widower's home in city. .N 632, Oregonian. COMPETENT woman with boy, S, wishes .luuacnccyiug, wiuu wor or single men. ia Dor .-wa. LADY wants good home as housekeeper or aasiBiani; gooa seamstress. JUain Mi icellsneoDB. wain i tuu Any position 01 trust; have tact, ability, can superintend unions or homes; middle-aged lady; give me a trlaL AP 655, Oregonlan. TOUNO lady, stranger here, wllllnar work small wages, waitress or dishwasher in small place; must nave work. Phone 8 11UU. Apartment 6. RELIABLE woman wants day work serv ing dinners; also other work; reasonable. Mam 1 1 o v, ape as. HUNGARIAN woman wants housecleaning or worn oy ma a ay. juain iif, A 1017. COMPETENT and experienced woman wants to 00 day work. Main 717, A 1517. WOMAN wants work by day. Phono Main wutw, Koom 1. WORK by the day or hour; neat, reliable woman. Main 37 43. EXPERIENCED waitress wants work. Call EXPERIENCED German laundress day work. Call Tabor 4508. wants WOMAN wants work by the day or bour. Main 5040. WANTEn iA G ENT8, 40 TO AGENTS NO COVPETITTOV 5.00 to 415.00 per day easy: everv horse owner a customer; endorsed by humane societies; see new "horses' rriend" feed bag ; a square deal to all. References given and required. Exclusive territory; agent's sample II. BO; retail $2.50. Write ior circular. "Horse Kriend Feed Bag xjox ha jfortiana, ir. ' WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Furnished 8, 6 -room house or flat. Phone Tabor 8671 or AD 60S, Oregonian. 5 Booms With Board. BOARD for boy. private home. Christian Science preferred. 814 6th. Main 42S8. FOB RENT. FXirnlrthrd Rooms. HOTEL MADRAS. Centrally located on Washington at 12th St., hot and cold water and phones; $3 weekly and up; very attractive prices to permanent guests. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh St.; new. modern brick building, steam heated, prl. vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably furnished; transients solicited. HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th St., corner Washington; nicely furnished rooms, strictly modern ; rates $3.6o week and up. Marshall 1470. HOTEL. EDWARDS, Grand ave. and East Belmont Rooms. 2 month up, up with private bath; large, pleasant lobby: absolutely a respectable hotel. East 328- HOTEL CORDOVA. 2G9 11TH ST. Strictly modern; private baths; en suite, rooms $3.50 up. Main 9472, A 47S3. THE LARRABEE. 227 Larrabee Rooms. $2 week up; brick building, steam heat, hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th and Yamhill ; every modern conven lence; rate $4 week and up. Main 4226. THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely furnisned rooms, modern, central. $2.25 week up. Nicely furnished rooms, day or week. l'O It RENT. ZTurairiUcd Iwooms. RATES. DAILY. WEEKLY. MONTHLY. HOTEL WASHINGTON, Formerly Called Annex Hotel. WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 12TH. Family hotel, 150 rooms, European plan; absolutely fireproof building, modern and clean In every respect; hot and cold run ning water, both telephones in every room ladies' parlor, large bathroom, ladles' toilet and gentlemen's toilet, tiled floor, wel' ventilated, on each floor; large parlor off main lobby. CHAS. H. ROWLEY. MANAGER. PORTLAND. OR. HOTEL WEAVER. 710 Washington St. Under new management; large, pleasant rooms, private phone and bath with each; extra large closets; large, comfortable re ception parlor; ratea most reasonable. Telephone Main 8651. HOTEL ROWLAND. HOTEL MINOOK. 2071 4th 13, 4th. SPECIAL WINTER RATES. NIoely furnished rooms; homelike, re spectable, clean aud modern; hot and cold "Rater, private baths; Winter rates, $3 per ween and up, special attention given to tourists; give us a call; you will like lt. for you ,et your money's worth and then some. HOTEL FORD, 783 Washington Street, corner Lucretla Place. Under new management; large, pleasant rooms; phone in every room; 80 private batha; rates reasonable. Main 623. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 2uth and Washing ton sts.; elegantly located, now and mod ern, outside rooms; well heated, quiet and homelike, for transient or permanen guests. $2.30 wk. up; private lath, ii wk. up. HOTEL UENWICK. Broadway, cor. Taylor, modern house, beautifully furnished out side rooms, some with private bath; a quiet, homelike place for transient or per manent guests; rates reasonable. A. L. Steward, prop, and mgr.. - 2i6 Broadway. FOR - Y. M- C A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club facilities; special rales at cafeteria. Cor ner 6th and Taylor sts. HOTEL OCKLEY, 890 Morrison St.. cor. loth. 6O0 per day and up; weekly, 92.50 and up: free bath and phones; steam heat. HOTEL FRANKLI, -468 Washington St., cor. JSth. 60c per day and up; weekly. $3 and up; ihwhj, Bifani ileal. OAKS HOTEL Modern, nicely furnished rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water; $2 per week. 847 Oak st., opposite Hotel Oregon. HOTEL ANSONIA 124 14th St., corner Washington; nlcelv furnished rooms, strictly modern; rates $.i.5o ween and up. Marshall 1470. Fur ill wlied Booms in Private Families, N E WLY-FURN I SHED, light and airy rooms in very desirable neighborhaad, eiectrio light, telephone and bath. 11 to $15 psr month. 275 N. 22d eu H-block from w csiuver car. naain 4o49. GOO, comfortablo furnished rooms, elec tric lights, furnace beat. In refined. West Bide home; cheap to person of good habits. main 4tfts. ' lAi-.lK front room, with Drivate bath and all conveniences: splendid location; two gtinuemen. do ISth St. North. KICEL.Y furnished front rnnm In rc.nn.ti home to lady or couple employed; privl- lit liuuuyu. ,vi o.i . uregonian. T f( VT Vi:''nv ixn nT,i.hTi TZ . vate home, 1 blocks from 1 or B., near ' .1 J - AO I A. 1 OK 2 desirable modern warm clean roomtf who. or wnnoui board, to anyone em- xjipygu. oi4 cvereu, near ziau YOUNC5 man, also youne lady, wishes room mate; good board, home comforts: use of jiuwo; separate beds, lai llth. Main 6SS1. tl2 DESIRABLE furnished room In m heated apartment; walking distance. Main 19 9. BTEAM-HEATED furnished room.. Ill) un electric lights, phone, bath. oooVs Giisan GOOD, clean, warm rooms, $2.50 per week nu up. roner i-ioiei, oxs da St., oppo- DErilRABLE warm, well furnished room i hot and cold water, electric light. Phone mornings Aiarsnan 41. LADY has furnished apartment In first-class apartment house, rent room to lady. Very uesiraoie, waiaing distance. Mar. 1517. v i--. ii,-it i,r..T,itiu large sunny room, strictly modern, men preierred. 2ft4 E. Hrd u, cor Muiiaumaii. i'n. ju. O.NB w-ell-furnlshed room, new bedding, good .uugmmoaaiioiiB, reasonaoie, central luca tion. 6S6 Everett st. FURMiiUED front room nrlvara mnrf.n. home, close In. Main 83 forpartlcu- larn. NICELY furnished rooms, running water, suitable two. 738 Hoyt St., near 2SL $2.50 PER week: small sleeping room for Koimeinap, close in. 131 14tn. LAKGK room, nicely furnished. two closets. wanting distance. 7 Hoyt. Mar. 4 Til 3. NICELY furnished, clean, warm rooms, all conveniences, fa week. 26 N. loth st. ROOMS, heat, light, bath, phone. 850 Mad" lson st. NICE large front room downstairs, cheap. plenty oi neat; hu isortn litn st. $2.25 WEEK, clean. Quiet room; very close in. baimon st. Main o4SM. PLEASANT room. heat, phone, piano, home privileges. Main oi-ja. oso unsan st. FURNISHED rooms, centrally located. 145 jitn st. Main uoj. 227 8TH ST. Furnished rooms, modern res ilience ; close in. Marshall 5784. NICE front rooms, modern accommodations, plenty of heat and hot water. 0S1 Ollsan. NICE front rooms, modern conveniences; plenty of heat and hot1 water, em Giisan. CHEAP sleeping room for one or two gen tlemen. Close In. 1S1 14th. LAKG3 front parlor, well furnished, nice nomo, V-.CtO week. 409 Taylor. VERY liKht housekeeping room, .ultaula for one. lth st. FRONT ROOM, pleasant, quiet, gaa 12th st. Booms With Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An exclusive residential hotel, attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Main 62S3, A PARKVIEW HOTEL. S86 Montgomery st., at West Park Mod ern conveniences; rooms with or without bath; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular and transient guests. ' THE WHITEHALL. 253 BTH BT. A residential hotel;, large sun poroh; rooms with or without baths; home cook. 1ns;, table board a specialty. THf2 Robinson. 828 10th st. A home boarding-house; all con venlenoea; hot and cold water: prices reasonable THE HAZEL Now changed to family hotel. Special rates; strictly home cooking. 8 S3 8d St. Phone Main 70U4. PORTLAND WOMEN'S L'NION. 6th year. Rooms with board, use of sewlne-room, il brary, 610 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson. Sup. THE MANITOLT. 261 13th. steam heated. good tabie, home privileges. Main 1184. ELEGANT rooms, facing the park, first class boaayl. 374 park st. Rooms With Board in Private Families. ROOM AND BOARD, WEST SIDE; WALK ING DISTANCE; ALL CONVENIENCES. MAIN 315a EXTRA well furnLshed front room, with or wtuicui iwaru. ior two young men. lhone Marshall 6460. 800 12th. cor. Columbia. itOOMS and board, hot water, bath, phone. $3 week or J-0 month. 1S2V Glbbs. Main 0194. EXCELLENT front room, everything mod ern; best homo cooking 2 young men. Phone Earst 4016. LA RO E. newly-furnished room for 2. with board; modern; West Side; close In. Marshall 1405. WANTED One or two gentlemen to board and room; good homo cooking; reason able. Phone Woodlawn l&iKK. YOUNG man! Would you not prefer a fine. private nome to noteis or boarding houses 7 Call Main 733S. ' ROOM and board, 567 Mulberry St., Ladd aaa. .cast 4.14. ROOM and board. 333 10th st. Walking distance. Main 6979, A 2865. NICELY furnished room with board, be- tween llth ana 12th. 427 Clay. FIKX13HED rooms with board. 167 t-ieventa sr. LOVELY room, breakfast and dinner In modern home. f2o and ,30. 625 Everett. ROOM and board! 414 Columbia,-mi. Mar shall 4467. NICE single room, rood home oooklng; olose in. Aiarsnaii nxio t . I2.50 TWO connected housekeeping rooms un srrocii iioor. DM Dtn St. ROOM, board for retlned young lady. $20 ytrr inuiiui. jj mm st. iN., near wash. NEATLY furnished room with board, $23; ? ""-J numq Q'l lIH. ROOM, board, two gentlemen, private home; sleeping porcn. 010 Ladd ave. East 2333. FOB RENT. Rooms With Board In Private FamiUe WALNUT PARK modern home, furnace huat, good furn! turo. piano, phonograph, nice front room, for man and wife or 2 gentlemen; good homo cooking. Call Woodiawn 2025. iLiaUKHLY lady with pleasant home and large grounds will furnish good home for one or more children at reasonable rates; references exchanged. Call or write 1501 East Giisan ft., Montavilla car. BEAUTIFUL front room, suitable for 2 gen tlemen or ladles; board If desired; 3 other rooms on fioor; home privileges, with con genial lamily of 2 ; piano, pool table, hot water. 2j Kelly st. 8 car to Curry st. BEAUTIFUL furnished room in refined pri vate family; modern, eteam heat ; very pretty home, lare parlors, use of piano and home privileges ; board if desired ; close In. Phone East G422. YOUNG business woman wants roommate; very n U-e, large, warm room ; separata beds and dressers; good home cooking ; close In. Phone Marshall 5 70 7. MODERN newly furnished front room for 1 or 2 young men, well heated, ell horn privileges; excellent table; references; swalklng: distance. East 1ST5. ROoM with board for 1 or 2; every modern, convenience ; hot and cold running water in room, shower and tub baths, use oC phone, etc. ; very close in. Main 4504. NICEIT furnished front room with boar a" suitable for two gomltmen or ladies ; us of piano, with home, comforts; close in, reasonable. Phone East 512'.. NICELY furnished rooms, with board, In modern flat; walking distance; excellent meals; $5 per week. A 8752. 547 Va Sixth. TWO to share room. West Side, two block from postoffice; modern house; eiectrio lights; reasonable. Call Marshall 383. NEWLY furnished front rooms, suitable for one or two; excellent board; heat and hoi water. 480 Jefferson. Main 6746. FurnUhed Apartments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILJ! AT YOUR SERVICE WHEK HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments, from 3 to 5 rooms, from $20 to 55 per month. If you want one. telephone ialn 2015 Sundays, or A Evenings call Mr. Balden, Marshall 2290. Our automobile will call at any address with our agent, who will be glad to show these apartments. References required. We own or control the following; Cecilia. 22d and Giisan sts. Claypool, llth and Clay sta Columbia, llth and Columbia, FordUam, 170 Ford. Hanthorn, 215 12th St.. near Main. Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near lltlu Hanover, Id 3 King st., near Wash. Orderleigh. 82 Grand ave. SU Clair, 170 St. Clair st., near Wash fat. Francis, 2lBt and Hoyt sta Wellington, 16th and Everett sts, MORGAN, FUEDNER A BOICB, 8ia-82l Morgan Bldg. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts. Ihts new four-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. s and -room suites; reception hall, eiectrio auto matic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, bullc-ln burfet and writing desk, gaa range. Icebox, plenty of oioset rooms, both f hones, vaouum cleaner free to patrons, f you want something nice, oome to the Harker. Phone A 1744, Marshall 2961. s 6TRANGER, TRAVELER. Do yon want a cozy home while la port land T Dally, weekly or monthly ratea. You will always Ond comfort, conven ience and courteous treatment, and be close to the center of the city at the WHEEL-DON ANNEX, . 10TH AND SALMON ISTS. . ' TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. 4-67 Trinity Place. The finest apartments on the Pacific Coast, with every modern convenience! apartments furnished and unfurnished; terms reasonable; references required ; fur nished bachelor Quarters with ulubroom. Manager. Marshall 1101. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia. 2 and 8-room apartmeuts, furnished: strictly modern and new; references; close walking distance; service first class. THE UPSHUR. 20th and Upshur sts. Fur nished 2-room apts., $15, $1S up; steam heat, hot and cold water in every apart ment; public bath, eiectrio lights, gas ranges, laundry-room, all free. Take "S." 2.id or "W" car north. Phone Main 8523. VILLA ' ST. CLAIR. 12th and Talor. Most modern apartmeuts on the PacLflo Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. HARRiMAN APTS., 164 N. 24th St.. on. large, most desirable 4-room furnished apt., all modern conveniences and private phone; references required. Phone Main GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup sts., 1 large rooms, front veranda and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, water. heat. phone, strictly modern, unfurnished. NEW YORK APTS. Newly furnished, very central. 2 aud 3 rooms, large kitchen baths, heat, light and both phones; 114 to $25 per month; also sleeplng-rooma. East 7th and Belmont. SEE the Overton Apartments Furnished and unfurnished; cheapest and best In the city; private phone, bath and electric elevator: no Inside rooms; new manager. Take "W car. 273 21st and Overton. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. Corner Park and Taylor. Best location In the city; well fur nished, lit 1 and 4-room suites; first class service. GRANDESTA, East Park and Grand are. New building; nicely furnished; private phone and baths, automatic elevator; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 20tt. SAVE $20 PER MONTH. Three large furnished rooms, J 22. BO, in cluding table and bed linen; large rooms; on carline. Bee this sure. Tabor 225, East 1322. TUB WINSTON, 81 14ih 6t.. at Market. New two aud three-room apartments, oompletely furnished; walking distance; prices reasonable. Phone Main 1739. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park St., at Maiiison. Modern S and 4-room furnished apart ments; rates reasonable. 4VALON Nearest to Union Depot of East Side apta. ; one front, steam-heated room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; also 1 8- mmn apartment, njast 1 u b 1 . THW W'IfTVl PV ADA lif WTT.T.r. -... .-..... . jvtniiur.Aia, East 7th and Morrison sts. Very central; a and 8-room apartments, furnished com- iJinniq unmet, ruuiu u CO ?l?1.0O. NEWLY renovated apartments, furnished or uniurnisnea. uown town. Royal Annex bldg., 350 V, Morrison St. THE DAVENPORT. 505 JEFFERSON ST. single rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water, phone and electric lights. NEWLY furnished 3 or 4-room apartment, light, beat, phone, bath free; garage If desired. SI E. 85th and Stark. Tabor 2667. 268 11TH ST. Large room, all conven iences; suitable for one or two gentlemen, with board; rates reasonable for two. ANGELA APARTMENTS, 89 Trinity place 2. 3 and 4-room for nlahed apta ; private bath and phone. FOR RENT S-room furnished apartment. with new piano. Browne Apartments Main 7219. BUENA VJSTA 12th and Harrison 2 and 3-room apart- ments. best service. Apply on premises. ROOM furnished apartment, sleeping porch, hot water heat: $23.50,' worth $35. 1264 ft Belmont st. Dr. C. APARTMENT FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR PALE, very cheap, phone Main 6S91. Call apt. 22. THE STANF1ELD. New 2-room apts.; light and gas In cluded; $13 up. 2)4 Porter St. Main 7302. PART Y leaving city for three months will rent nieeiy lurnisnetl apartment, with piano, to responsible people. Phone A 543. ONE completely furnished front corner steam-heated two-room apartment, only $22.50 per month. 187 17th. near Yarnhlll, THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders o-room; every convenience. Main 751. KING DAVIS APTS., 54 N. King 3 and 4- room, mgn-ciass; reierences. Main 205S, MODERN 4-room furnished apartments; steam heated. Cottel Drug Co. HE11MENIA, 401. Hall, and rooms; mod- ern. Main 6144. THE NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall St. One . room, rurnisneq. Alain 42!'!. Unfurnished Apartments. KEELER APARTMENT?, 14TH AND CLAY STKEFTS. One of our best 4-room front cornel suites, unfurnished; references. ROOSEVELT 5 rooms, heat and hot water. mueiy arrangea; eitx.nu per month Port-, land Trust CO., or Janitor. 608 Kearney and 21st sts. ROSE FRIEND Cor. Broadway and Jeffer son. Elegant unfurnished apartments; first-class service; private phone: ref. 6-ROOM modern apartments, all outside rooms, line sieepinK porch. Nob Hill district-Call Main 8231. THE DFZENDORK 208 16th. near Tavk.r. Main 17R S-room furnished and unfurnished apt.. KINGSBURY. Ford near Washington- n.C. nui iiiniicu apartments. A and rooms, private balcony, reasonable rent. 5-ROOM furnished apartment, $42. The Kearney Apartments. Main 52S3. ELEGANTLY furnished 4-room front apart ment. Florence Apis., 368 llib. st A