0 I HI - IK I vj I1; iiassai ies iAfmmmi'mUd 5 III THE MORNING" OREGONIAN; THUESD AY, JAXTJAIIT 1, 1914. PORTLAND has no more attractive office : block than the Morgan . " building, which teas completed in October, 1913. With an ' entire block frontage on Washington street and covering an area of half ablock. first' thought of the Morgan building it had been designed, erected and 'occupied, at a cost of $600,000. The builders, the Morgan-Bushong Investment Company, leased the site from the Fechheimer Estate Company it is a massive and beautiful structure, although in height it does not rank! for a period of 50 years. The rental is based on an arbitrary ground valuation among the skyscrapers, sin excellent combination of red tapestry bricfy and of $1 ,000,000, the payments being graduated during the life of the lease. cream terra cotta makes one of the finest exteriors in the city, and the interior . The rapidity with which Portland really values have grown is indicated is up to the same standard. In less than a year from the time that the owners by the fact that half of the site was purchased in 1900 for $35,000. Mil- IPX !. ' iililllM fe. 71 r.s w. . i mi 7i i . H 3 in i i ?wr. it J liliiil , 'At' ' ' ' MORGAN BUILDING WASHiNGTON, BROADWAYand PARK STS. Li 4 BtJI i :' . v :5s 5