14 NEW TOD AT. LAURELHURST Beautiful New Homi and High. SUhtlj Hullding Site. For Sai. on easy term tn the finest, mul highly developed elose-ln residue, park In the city. Being located in the vey heart of th. East Side reeldene. district, with beat of ear aerrtce and sur rounding Laurelhurst Park, the peer of all natural scenic parka In the world- Phone for our Auto. Main lio3 or A lota, and let us ahow you around. trvin a vamPMY gain Agents. xH Mark trr. Trmrt Of- IRVINGTON SNAP Nrv eight-room modern home: four bedrooms, Dreaatasi-ruoui .i"" - floods, fireplace, furnace. Dutch kitchen: i . . fir,. rra?r' harrlslirface all in . nH nB'H IAi'inr citv and rut tile price to eTiuO: 17J0 down, and $50 per month. Sixteenth, near Stanton. C. M. ZADOW 414 Cwrbett Bids;. A 1410. arahall 2. Mortgage Loans 67o TO 7 H. E. M00NEY Mala SI. Room 41 I-alllaa Bids;. WiDamette Heights Two Iota onxlno each: arooil v lew: hard surface all In: tliret; blocks to car. r or crilck sale llli" each: $100 down and J10 per monlii. .Make an offer. C. M. ZADOW 414 ("wrhett Blrie. A 14IK, larmll S MORTGAGES Bought and Sold HAETMAN-THOMPSON BANK Chamber of Commerce Bids'. VEST SIDE SNAP 100x100 corner, w ith ten modern flats, all rented: around Is worth JliO.ooo. building cost J-'l.ooo. Must sell, and w-lll take 135.000: 10,noo down, balance easy terms. On Fourth street. Just south of City HalL Will take trade. C. M. ZADOW 4l4rarhett BIHa. A Mitt, Marwkall 02. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Kates. JOHN E. CEONAN BOS Spalding- Hldaj. Portland. Or. BKAL F.STATE DEAUiRS. Hr.. K. William ;.. alS-il failing bldg. BENEDICT KKOd. Burrell Heights!. 930 Hawtnurne avo.. cor. :ilst. Talur old. Jennings Co. llin is. xi'o Oregoiilan. La-wJAN. home, loans. M3 Spalding b.dx. rALMER-JU.vtS CO.. H. P.. 4O4-404-4U. Wilcox bldg. nE.il. ESTATE. lr sale -lxta 2D MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE. BUILDERS. CUMUAUTOKA HEAD: 1 have 9 lota tioxluo feet). Just 1 block from tao 4tb-st. line. This lino will be running electric ear January lo; price i per lot. These lots are all together And bav. .om. nice Itr ul en lUena, Address O tKlo. Oregonlan. UHUE CUuli.'B HOMESITES. Wesl bide. fir only .;-.'; 10 cash. o per month; only 14 minutes' car ride. 5c fare. The best value In tho city. If you are look ing for a fine homeslte with a big fu ture, this will suit you. 31. E. Lee. Corbelt bldg. tA'xIlO VIEW lots. West .Slue, grand for home: only IS minutes' car ride, ie tare; haudy to 3 carlines; price only S--o. $lo down, balance 40 per month. These are the best buys In the city. AL E. Lee, Cor- bett blue. BARGAINS. ; lots. T6 bv about lift, on 2th and Sherman; will take fJOO tor tll.-.OO equity. 1 lot 50xl5 feet on 4th and Division sis., price S1250; will take !w cash. AJ Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. liouaea, lota, quarter blocks, tracta and acreage: all locations, views and pricea Marshall 4SJ7. BKOOKK. A SSJ. Every Customer la a Reference. QCARTER-ACRE TRACTS. 15 minutes" car ride, 6c fare. Weal bide; price only f32o: SIO down, 45 per month. It will pay you to ee thl property. It la the best ralue In the clt". M. E. Lee, S2i Oorbettbldg. AT EAST JJILWALKIB . ' 10 lots, GoxlOO rarh, near new carllne now building. $10H. Johnson Realty Co., Mtlwaukie. phone Red 04 EXCELLENT BI T. Nice lot on East 13th. near Tillamook, clear of all encumbrances, for e-t-OO. f . Fucha, 43 Chamber of Commerce. WE Rl'T MORTGAGES. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. HI ABington Bldg. ilRLAND lot. aSSD; worth terms ! monthly. Main Hod or Tabor 'JO. KT JOHNS. lOVxlOO, close to carllne. only 100v; all clear. F M1. Orcgonlan. LOTS ou Weat Sliie. chvap. If taken at once. Tabor RU'.k II. E. Brooks. Wot tseUe- l?o Or COURSE IOU WILL BUY. Not a shack, but a modem NEW 3-room bungalow, with bath, toilet, plastered and tinted walls, for the low price of l-S-i. and on easy terras. Don't phone, come In and co Tilth us t' see this pUco. PROVIDENT TRLtT COM PANT, 21---1 t?e!llng buildins. Eyl lTV GIVEN AWAY. Must sell my attractive new buncalow and will make bi sacrifice If suld at once. & rooms, large attic, full basement, built six months and modern, with built in bookcases, buffet, etc.. fireplace, full lot east facing. Will take .W for my SliO Equity, balance easy terms. One block sjutb. of UV car. Owner, ill Kaal 61st North. 1 OWN a modern 6-room bungalow wblch la new and baa never been occepled. Large fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, large altio big enough for two sleeping room. I will sell at a very low figure on easy terms. Will take a good piano aa I first payment. Monthly Installment on I Daiajice. ti i run uiui, "' - - ner Park and Washington St. LOT WANTED. Want lot in Alanieda Park. Rossmere or Rose City Park, for L:0t equity in new modera hunrmiow. Lueddemann Kule A Co.. 9li Chamber of Commerce. $1.1 MONTHLY. INCLUDING INTEREST. Bungalow. 3 rooms, lot SOxIOO. bath, etc Price $lr..'0: carfare 5c; near Reed College. Write Mr. Wilson. Mllwaukle, r. t. box i2. DO YOU -WANT A HOME? We draw the p:ns. build the house, furnish lae money; easy payments: low Interest. If you want It GOOD se us. Hutterworth-Stephenson Co.. Couch bid. IRVINGTON HOME. $T.00O. - rooms, modern. East 14th. near Bra see J500 cash, balance monthly: no mort gage. E, A. Hccirath. 2S Chamber of I'onimerce bldg. TVF,.sT S'PE Aristocratic S-roora house on lower Heights, within walking distance; magnificent unobstructed view, modern throughout, $ooou. terma F 034, orego- FOK S KLE 32 acres good land with saw mill and coooi'.ouo feel timber, located In good established fruit district: price right, easy terms. Freeman Sullon, 2l4 v. 13th. Vancouver. Wash. . U A R I i .1 MODERN HOME. Trvlttgton. rooms, oak and mahogany rmta!i. oak rioors. ; oawta, aerwois iwuxm. garjge. East 27s. W. H. Herdma.i. PLANS $3 BOOK FREE. Artistic home des'gued to suit you. A. H- FAB slit. Architect. SrtO Aineworth Ave. Woodlawn 254- WKST SIDE. Linnton road, block of 5 lets fa-ing on. the road: hsrd-aurfaced at., near Case atation. $-XH0. terma O 610. Oregon lan. ... t, .-.tv ttMtiti'ul home in I.aurelhurst, cost" '$L50. will take $2. $32vo cash. balance terma Address -i- jvico fv-, Union. E. Couch at-. Portland. i mlvs inniTION. Thu ew modem. 4-rwm honse for sale cheap. Phone F-at 4433. ,"7-v K...nea lot. 1 00. on carllne street." eloee to bank. $1700. terma G 11. i regonan. r;W moCern nine-mom hmws 1 Laurel. ... nmner 1 Ut 1 4. . 1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. LAURELHURST SACRIFICE. Strictly modern new 8-room house. 4 bed rooms and s!eeplng porch, furnsce, fireplace. hardwood floors. breakfast room, all latest built In effect. My price Is $.'.5Co, but I want to sell and will en tertain an offer, will give yon the best bargain in LaiUrt-Ihurst ; mak m an offer. Easy terms. Will take S-rooin, bungalow, lots or acreage for equity. OWNiiH. Mala A eeii. Sl Board of Trade Bldg- th and Oak. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TURN A INCOME T WE WILL BURDBX INTO FLR.Man tela MONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS. RKsI- PENCE. OR ANTTHING: PLANS TB.cS WE ARE' RESPONSIBLE. E avNuv. HOW. TALK TO OL8 CLIENTS. SES OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. EA1LET CO.. CONTRACTING! ARCHITECTS. 2 ABINQTON BLDO GOOD TIMB TO BUILD YOUR HOME OR APARTMENT. WHT NOT DEAL WITH RESPONSIBLE FIRM WHO CAN FURNISH THE MONE.YT EAST PAYMENTS. WE HAE DONE IT FOR MANY OTHERS. WHY NOT FOR YOU? PLANS - TO SUIT. TAYLOR BUILDING CO., 5O0 M'KAY BLDG. 1 or bale iiuaioees Property INVESTMENT BARGAIN. Four-family flat, brand new. modern, bungalow atyle. rents for $H: all rented no and has been since construction; price tVJ.MJ. tio.0 cash, rest terms. Address W. J. Platts. Eugene, Or. BT OWNER MODELS APARTMENT FLATS. WEST rIDE. CLOSE IN: INCOME U PER CENT NET; PRICE 10.00O. D 64. Orefonian. For sale Acreago- AUTO SNAPS. GUARANTEED USED AUTOMOBILES. We have the followrns list of used cars that we have trailed in on new Cole and ltz:ers. We need the room. For quick sales will name an attractive price. 11110 Srudebaker Carford, "-passenger, 40 horsepower. fully equipped; good tires and In A - I condition: snap, I0U. , 191S Hudson. 0-cy!lnder. 5-passenger, fully equipped: electric lights and electric self-starter, brand new tires and In A - I condition; a sacrifice for quick aale; $10U. 1011 Michlcan, 3-passenger, 32-horsepow-er, 4400. 1911 Cole. s-passenjer, 40-horsepower, fully equipped: guaranteed li months; 1913 Michigan, five-passenger, 40-horsepower, fully equipped. A-l condition, like new; cheap for quick sale; $375. See us for light deliveries. It will pay you to see our line of used cars before you buy. We can save you money. Liberal terms If desired. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. Broadway and Couch St. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station: chicken and fruit rauchea near Portland: new subdivision near Greaham; ft acres goo. S5I.H. StOO; o acres ooo, $700; 10 acres $700. $'.W. $1000 per tract; beet soil free wood, spring water; acreage al cappoose. Or., $15 to $100 per acre. FRANK U FARLAND REALTY CO.. aotf Yeon Bldg., Portland. HALF-ACRE tracts, close in on West iide. 1.1 minutes' car ride. 5c fare. Price only 4o.".o; g-O down, balance $5 per month. This property lies beautiful, fine view. Ideal for home. 100 ft. facing street. This In the best value in the city. M. E. Lee. 5'J2 Corbett bldg. FoK SALE 10 acrea land, close to Port land, near school, store and railroad: some Improvements: price $10 per acre: half cash. See owner. Take W-R car to cii-l. 1114 Fast Ivon St.. Portland. Or. 160 ACRES, half mile Columbia River front. some rleareo, small dudiiu" . wheat or alfalfa ranch, stocked, to $20,000; price $10,000. J. R. Halght, Vancouver, Wash. Vl'lix sell part of our land In the White almon Valley in tracts to ault buyer, easy terms. Lea l" W. Sutton. 210 W. 15th St., Vancouver. Warn. UonscsteSMls. UOMESTEADS Good timber, water and rich agricultural land; aome reauy iu piowr. Covey Co.. 207 Oak. room 2L TWO timber or homestead claim In Hood River Valley, clae to m. a. euu x-ara w Hood River. Irrigated 1 Mad. THE Ideal Irrigation project, sontll of Port land, wltn water in tne irgniui - at the very time when the crops need It. Easy terms to bona fide settlers. See Will amette Valley lrrig. Land Co. 2ttv Stark street. . For hale Farm. FOR SALE inn-ACRE FARM. NEAR MEDFORD. OR., On the famous Rogue River; Crater Lake auto road runs through the land: only l'J miles from a railroad: rural free de livery twice dally: 3 small lowna within a radius of miles; all fenced and cross fenced In excellent condition, 84 per cent tillable. 20 acres cleared contain 40 bear !nr fruit trees and other small fruit, bal ance In excellent virgin timber, pine, fir ai.d cedar; enough timber on the land to nearly pay for it; line stream of spring water floas through the garden and pas-tu.-e not over 200 feet from the house; 4-room house, in good condition, partly fttfnished: well on the porch: other build ings, woodshed, barn, toolhouse, chicken house fruil house, corral, hog house and numerous other buildings; fine school house on the adjoining property: price, $5sot; $lS0o down, term on the balance to suit the purchaser; would coualder trade of lots for part of balance. Plata furnished on application. T 010. Ore gonian. BEAUTIFUL PLACE; IlEAUTIFUL, RICH COUNTRY. SO acres, level as floor, all tillable, run ning stream, fenced and croas-fenced; 55 acres In cultivation, balance pasture, or chard, windmill, bam. sheds, etc.; on two hne county roads, railroad atation 1 mile; 2 1, miles Brownsville. Or.: R. F. D creamery route grist mill, cannery, cream ery: woolen mill in Brownsville; a rich dairy place, and price only $5:am; $25o0 cash, pientv time on balance. BECKER. 225 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE SOOO acres of high-class agri cultural lands In the Ochoco and Crooked River Valleys, Crook County, Or.; deep, rich aoll, marvelously productive, excel lent well water at 20 feet, artesian water at leaa than 250 feet; railway transporta tion, excellent marketing facilities: price $25 to $30 per acre; one-tenth cash, bal ance In nine equal annual paymenta, OREGON 4t WESTERN COLONIZATION COMPANY, 26g Stark St.. Portland. Or. SECTION LINE ROAD S.G6 acres fronting on this beautiful road only four miles from the city. Rich, lev! land, fine for fruit and garden. Much good cord wood. Owner must have money and will sacrifice this piece for $1004) cash. STRONG! ft CO.. 603 Concord bldg. A GOOD BARGAIN. I have about Vi acres which fronts on road between the Powell Valley and Sec tion Line road. The land la partly clear and Is only S miles from the Courthouse. Will sell for 40oi per sere. AO 42S. Ore gonian. FARM for sale: a beautiful little lartn 01 St a-r- at rignt Drice. liocnu lej ui. o particular address owner. P. O. box -2, Myrtle Creek. Or. No sgsnt. FORCED sacrifice, Willamette 40, necessary buildings; excellent son; now. uj o. some Improvements, $eou. Owner. 1050 Grand. North. RANCH. 00 acres, with bulldlnga. is mi from Portland, near electric to. . .... for all caah. By owner. 182 Morrlaon st. FOB RENT FARMS. FIVE-KOOM furnished house, with five acres, all under cultivation, with family orchard. I cows, 1 White Leghorn bens; 6 mile from courthouse, on West Side; s.'i.l rer month; references required. Phone Marshall 5174. FOR RENT 37 acres garden land, near Beavcrton. macadam road all way Into city. good improvements. school near, third rental In work. F S. Jackson. 204 Railway Exchange oiag. ACRES, deep soil, cultivated, fenced. 8 oom bouse, small orchard, chlcken-housea. ear electric depot and county road. lj is room nnr eiwi -. - - - miles Portland; rent or trae. McFarland Realty Co .80 Yeon b.dg. PLACE FOfTcOWS AND CHICKENS. 6 lots, 6-room house and barn, a good olace for family at $10 a laonth. at Mon tavir.a. F. Fochs, 42t Chamber of Com merce. FOR KENT lrto-eere farm. 60 acres In cul tivation, house and barn; rent taken out in work. Call 4"6 McKay bldg. 3 miles f--m Mosler. Main 034. vi'kvrwn modern or 7-room bungalow, i km. i n, park or Irrinrton. Call 4V4 Broadway bldg. FoR HUNT A good stock ranch. See Title Guarantee ft Abstract Co.. Marshfield. Or. THE MORNING OREGON IAN. TUESDAY, DFCE3IBEB SO, 1913. TO EXCHANGE. DIVISION ST. CORNER TO EXCHANOE toOoj. equity In a IcOxluO corner with over 1170O worth of street improvements paid' good for residences, stores, fiat or apartment, to exchange for bungalow, 'house oe cheaper lots, will assume if your property la Improved. Corner E. ltitu and Division. GRUSSI & BOLDS 816 Board of Trade; Main T452. A 4401. GILT EDGE business property In very best location la thriving college town close to Portland, occupied by prominent mer chant for several years, leased at $70 per month, rune 4 yeara more: price si-'.uuu. Will accent farm in Yamhill or Marion Counties up to 7000 and mortgage balance. . - . , GODDABD A WIEDRICK, 1143 Start St. for CHOICE WHEAT LAND FOP. SALE ON CROP PAYMENT PLAN OR EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND OR WILLAMETTE VALLEY PROPERTIES. I HANDLE ONLY MY OWN PROP ERTIES. THESE WHEAT LANDS ARE HIGHLY IMPROVED AND DESIRABLY I OCATED j". O. ELROD. S19 CORBETT BUILDING. CATTLEMEN TAKE NOTICE. 1320 sere, with lot of outrange. In Eastern Oregon, where plenty of rain falls; river run through place; 120 head cattle. 7t horses, SO hog, 100 chickens. plen'T hay and feed, to exchange. Owner, W II llam Johnson. 527 Chamber of Commerce. IRRIGATED 20 acrea in Yakima Valley; alfalfa and fruit land: 2M miles from Prosser; on Yakima River; on good boule vard and close to school: beat 20 acres In the Yakima Valley; ready for seeding; water on land. . To exchange for home in Portland. Call 333 Oak. Phone Main S04T. WANTS SMALL FARM. Fine modern 7-room house in good dis trict in Portland, cheap at $500, to trade for small farm with stock and equipment Wants 40 acres or more within oO miles of Portland. Will go to IS00O or $10,000 and give or assume mortgage for difference. LUEDDEMAN, RI LEY ft CO.. 1.13 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE. bJ ACRES. Wheat farm all in lo crop. 3 miles from a aood town in Klickatat County. WTU ex change tor good six-room bungalow in 1'urtiand. KUPPER ft HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. WILL take a second-hand piano a first payment on $450 lot. Bull run water piped In street; only 20 minutes from center of city, one block from city school. Easy payments on balance. See owner. 512 Piatt bldg. southwest corner Park and Wash ington st. SOUTHERN OREGON. Good general mill.' business, with P. O., hotel and small Improved ranch at a bargain; will take some Portland unin cumbered property; some cash, balance good terms. Total value $15,000. Van duyn ft Walton. 515 Chamber of Com. CASH FOR MERCHANDISE STOCK Will pay one-third cash, balance.ln gilt edge real estate, for clean stock general merchandise. $15,000 to $30,000. DO want buildings. LUEDDEMAN, RULEY ft CO.. 013 Chamber of Commerce. not BUNGALOW TO TRADE. Will take good lots or small tract acre age up to $1500 for equity In very at tractive new bungalow; balance very easy payments. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY ft CO., ol3 Chamber of Commerce. WILL trade one of the finest view lots on St Francis Hill, cleur of encumbrance all street improvements in and paid, for a bungalow or small piece of acreage. LUEDDEMANN. RULEY gt CO., 1)13 Chamber of Commerce. WANTS TIMBER OR ACREAGE. Well located lots in Portland, worth $4o04l. clear, lo trade for timber or close in acreage. i.LEDDEMAN, RULEY ft CO., Ill 2 Chamber of Commerce. , WHAT have you In exchange for 640 acres. Eastern Colorado. $12 per acre, all level, no rocks, no incumbrance? AT 629, ore- goniaa. GOOD saloon, excellent location, long lease; owner leaving town January 1. tor sale or will trade for acreage or farm prop erty. AB 607, Qregonlan. 40 ACRES. Improved ranch, no incumbrance, close to worth $3000, P.. It. town. exchange for bungalow. Walton, 315 Chamber of Vanduyn ft Commerce. EXCHANGE 5 acres, free and clear, 33 miles from Portland, for rooming-bouse. Value 7.X Marshall 4Mg. WHAT have you to trade for 7-passenger 1010 Garford in Una condition? AS 373, Oregonlan. WILL exchange 10-acre tract on electric line. What have yoo? Oregonlan. i Oregon S 6o0, SPLENDID home for sale or trade; 1 block from high school; 9 rooms, phone Tabor 3MI. . WILL exchange Income Irvlngton flats for well-located vacant lota. F. E. Bowman ft Co. WILL out. trade 10 acres good land, 23 miles for team or vacant lot. Marshal! 4t2. WILL trade good house and lot for timber. Anderson. 414 Broadway bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE client will Pay cash for 6 or 8-roora house within 1 mile of our office; must be convenient to Catholic school; price not to exceed $4500. GoDDA wr : WIEDP.1CK, S4S Stark St. CLIENT wants a to 5 acres with modern 41-room house within one-quarter mile from station on 5c car fare: price not to exceed $'.oo. Can pay $2000 cash. GODDARD ft WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. St. I WANT the cheapest lot I can get for cash in Olmstead or Alameda Park. Give ex act location, amount of atreet Improve ments or any incumbrance. AP 65S, Ore gonlan. MODERN home in terma What have nian. Laurelhurst on easy you? Al, (54, Orego- WANT lot In Olmstead, Alameda or vicinity for cash. AR 654. Oregonlan. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER limit for sale; on Ulliora isianu, JSrltish Columbia; every section cruised thoroughly and reported on in lo-e blocks, by J. W. Rankin. Olympis, W ash. Sc6.625,0cO cel cedar, hemlock and white nine: nrlce soe.ouo. x-o caaii. ranged. This llgures about 6Sc pe reel Ainlv T. O. Mackay. 403 B low) elmont block. Victoria, B. C TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT. AND SOLD. M sTCRACKEN. 804 M'KAY BLDO. C, J. CHEAP STUMPAGE. Ideal location for mill; stream run ning to railroad pur. S3 ft 6th St. FOR SALE Horses, Vehicles, Etc HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALS OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold: new wagon and auto beds made to order: livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNS STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Are. Phone East 12. B 1369. XHS MURPHY HORSE ft MULE CO. sell on commission, horses, mules, vehi cles and harness Auction sales every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M. Private sales dally. 240 E. 8th at-, near Haw thorne. E. 6315. HAVE nice blocky horse, grocery wagon and harness; must sell; ask for Allen's rig. Murphy Horse ft Mule Co , S40 Bast tth sr. SPECIAL. One roan horse, 1O0O lbs.; 1 sorrel mare, 1250: I single light spring wagon. $23. 503 Alder. BARGAINS Bay horse. 1200 lbs. 8 years old. fine driver or good worker. Only 6o. 802 Front st 4 GOOD saddle or light work horses and several cheap farm teams for sale at 24 N. 14:h St.. between Burnslde and Couch. nirxra CALLED EAST. Most sell a good 2t$00-lb. team, mare and horse, ages 7 and 8. $200. 605 Alder. FIRST-CLASS horse and wagon, $1.2-5 per day. 546 Front at. SERVICEABLE team, your own price; party going East. 1029 t. Yamhill st. WANTED Good second-hand farm wagon Call Main 4008. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECOND-HAND pianos on sale this week from $136 up. among them are Kimbau Sehuberta. Wlllarda, Holmes ft Eons. Stelnbsch ft Drehers, Weber's and many . i H,K1, m,k Vow la TOUT OD UO T tunlty to get a good bargain In a second tisnd piano of standard make. Reed French Piano llfg. Co., 10th and Stark st. . A $1000 UP-TO-THE-MINUTE SS-note player piano that Is almost like new can be had this week for $360. Including bench and library of music rolls. Here Is a anap on a atrletlv high. grade lnatrument. Reed- French Piano Mfg. Co., 10th and Stark sta. ' LOOK at th $650 SS-note player piano In our aindow for only $35.1. Then some In and try It. This Is some snsp. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co, 10th and Stark sis. MUST soil mT beautiful mahogany upright piano- will 'sacrifica this splendid Instru ment." 115. CaU today. UIKJ E. Glisan. Montavllia car to Sid. Tabor 35'Jo. PLAYER p.ano for trrf cash, balance yZ2T small monthly payments. C. v. Carson, SO E. 13th St. N. FOR SALE. I'lniioe. Organ- and Musical Instruments. ONE new cello, also collection of violins. Call Sunday or week days. 60 N. 15th. Dogs, Birds. Pet Stock. HUGE St Bernard pup from prlxe winning registered, pedigreed mother; trained to pull. Rochat. R. 2, Spokane. Wash. AIREDALE TERRIERS for pals, guarda hunters. Laddlx Kennels. Eatacsda, Or. Furniture for Male. OFFICE FURNITURE. High grade, consisting of roll and flat top desk, carpets, leather-seated waiting chairs, revolving chair, wall safe, medium size Globe filing cabinet, cost $165: sec tional bookcase, large double flat-top desk. For appointment to aee it address Box AP 656, Oregonian. BANKRUPT FURNITURE 4l WASHINGTON. We close our door Wednesday even ing. Last three days of this ale. Strict ly up-to-date furniture at lowest price ever seen. Automobiles. TRUCK with job for sale; WIS tone truck clearing $10 per day at present. Sum mers u clears $30 per day; 1 have about $KHM paid In. baL monthly: will trade my equity with Job for light car. E ti4o, Oregonlan. lOlrt MAXWELL runabout; good running order, newly painted. 2 extra tires, sacri ficed today. $lUO. 619 Morgan bldg. Uar- shull lull... GUARANTEE auto repaira. contract rates. Reliance Garage. 1063 Hawthorne. Auto storage. AUTO, 5-pass. 4 doors, 1012, In good condi tion, bargain at soou. Lau at a-?s ond st. room MICHIGAN 40 H. P., 11J model. A-No. 1 condition. I am going to take best offer. B 613. uregonian. dkad STORAGE. $3 to $5 per month. VAN HORN TRANS. CO., 40 8T. NEW delivery wagons at second-hand pricea Oregon aaonne now vumiunj. FOR SALE Ford motor In first-class con dition, i.an VIOOUlHWIl iwu . MODEL K Chalmers roadster, first-class shape. y42o. call laoor --ou ancr GARAGE for rent. 12"-"J E. Everett. ' Automobiles Wanted. Beach location, S lots, front Pacific Ocean, near Ocean Park. Wash., price $750 clear of encumbrance; want good 4 or a'-passenger auto. Logan, 815 Spalding Diag. Livestock. FOR SALE 2 line cows. 13S7 Rodney ave. Phone Woodlawn 1223: Poultry. THOROUGHBRED single-comb Buff Orp ingtons; some prize stock; young and old. Call East 35th st. North. Take Al berta car to Jarett t.. 6 blocks eaat. Machinery. REMINGTON 8-ton refrigerating and loe machine. Phone Main 7t4. Ty pe writers. -cc-iini treat. H! TYPEWRITER PRICES. UNDERWOOD. 4 ft 5. $:12.50 and $42.50 REMINGTON. Oct, iii.ju auo. . L. C. SMITH ft BROS., visible MONARCH, visible ROYAL. 5. visible ROYAL, 1, late model SMITH PREMIER. 2 FOX, visible model 24... - BLICKENSDERFER, 7. with case v,il.iM'lt visible 20.00 37.50 S7.50 60.00 40.00 17.50 25.00 12.30 12.50 OTHER MAKrls frtojl i-ou cr. LARGEST STOCK. ON THE PACIFIC CTEKMS $3 cash and $5 per month. All machine guaranteed. Any machine sent on approval. Typewriters rented. Cata log on request. ' THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., Phone Main 66S1. 321 Washington St. $15 TO S65 will buy a Gill rebuilt type writer as good as new; all makes to choose from and workmanship guaranteed; terms to suit; catalogue mailed on request. THE J. K. GILL COMPANY. Kd and Aider sta. Main S50O. A 606S. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters, send for our illus trated folder: retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $03. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 262 Stark st. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentala at cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407 A NEW standard folding typewriter; good as new; 635. T 63S. urcgonian. Miscellaneous. 40 YEARS IN PORTLAND. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. 2I-Jewel Hamilton, Elgin and Waltham watches, in 14-karat 26-year cases, $13. Steel-blue diamond earscrews, guaran teed perfect; original cost $220, only $170. 1 -karat steel-blue diamond, guaranteed, only $200. Imported pearl and Japanese emerald Lavailiere, guaranteed; original cost 70; for $55. Genuine elk teeth, gold mounted, from ' $5 to $15 each. 14-karat olid gold 23-JeweI Illinois Railroad watch; original cost $175; only $65.' Miscellaneous articles, such as kodaks, violins, opera-glasses, silverware, etc, at greatly reduced prices. Bear in mind that my entire stock must be sold a soon as possible, and that 1 am making substantial reductions on every article. UNCLE MYERS, "40 years In Portland." Sixth St., near oaa. WE ARE closing up our business and will sell our furniture and fixtures dirt cheap, for Instance . Comptograph adding machine, coat new one year ago $So0. for 150. Like bargaina In Globe register. Y. ft E. verticle files, roll-top desks. Under wood typewriter and desk, standing desk, safe, electric fans, house phone system Isix Instruments), srtid numerous other bargaina MICHIGAN AUTO ft BUGGY CO., 614 Alder St. Main 3896. SECOND-HAND billiard and pocket tables, built and refinished, completely equipped, at prices from $100 upward; liberal terma The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 46 6th st. Phone Main 763, A 1709. ONE econd-hand roll top, two flat top, two bookkeeper desks, three rotary chairs, ono 60-lnch mahogany roll top desk and chair. Bushong ft Co., 61 Park st. Main 104. SAFES Mosler Slle Co., manufacturers; low prices, eas terms; safes opened and repaired; barga.na in second-hand sates. 108 2d st. Phone Main 7070. SAFES New and second-hand ; low prices, easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCBLL SAFE CO. and PORT LAND SAFE CO.. 35 Bth St. Main 6309. RENT a visible tvpewrlter J months for $4. delivered. 244 stark st. phone Main 673 or A wu SIX months' tuition In a leading business college at a bargain; easy payments. Call East 168. after 4:30 P. M. ROLLTOP office desk, chair and late mc-TJel Oliver typewriter, for sale at big b a rgain. Phone Woodlawn 644. PURE, well-rotted cow manure. Geo. . W. Lindsay, gardener and dealer In fertili sers, pnone evemasi oeuwuvu HANDSOME rolltop desk, -cost $135; also regulation pool table, cheap, phone Wood lawn 1223. FERTILIZER for sale; cow manure. East 427U. NATIONAL cash registers. Get my Prices. Hfivf v. A.iJ. f-a nMu.. v -wiiu MALLEABLE RANGE, a bargain for caaa. CO SCHOOL desks, cheap; safe, desk. chair, QJ. jiar. a-i. aii WE sell anything. Room 2, Worcaster bld io I sues. Apyi WELL ROTTED HORSE AND COW -MANURE. PHONE EAST 429$ WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash rectsters and sell them on easy terms; registers fuaranteed. W. J. Macauley, So Durniiae. iubih aou. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED. Buyer calls promptly; estimates gl.en im 1st. near Yamhill. Main 4773. SPOT CASH paid for household goods. C M. Pennell. aZ'l JSC 8- X" nuuo ' FAIR DEAL We pay best prices for sec nnri.hand cloihin and furniture. Call Main 9272. 60 3d t. Phono A 6363. DO not sell or five away any of your fur- . a.-a exll !. T?l 1 AllCtlOtl nirur. "' iT" CM Tri. Mouse. -a """ ' WANTED Sleigh suitable for llifht work. ob sleigh preferred. Call 35 E. ilth N. rnone casi ov. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand tar nitnre; nignesi pnew c.. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitar JUlUrifc.? l prices pttiu iui naic., ...v.B..- r--mrfls. Uochreitl SO IS. SO It, cui v-vut-x. FORD AUCTION CO. pays mow ewh for any Kina oi i urmmi c iuam NATIONAL cash rejrtster; prica must reasonaMe. 31 a in nw, a oww. COLD-FRAME sash, second-hand, for cash. Marvin vvnue. Bo.rww, v- - WANTED MISCELXAXEOtlS. YOU ar sure of steady employrnent, H"01 waces; few months only learning. particulars, Watchtnaking-Engraving-Optl. cal School. 21ti CowmonweaKa bid-., tith and Anaeny. IaEVIX HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front St., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, sto.-ea. ranges, hardware or. tools of any kind. Call A 7'74 or Main 0072. Our buyer calls promptly. WE want to buy 1000 worth of second hand furniture In the next 30 t-ays ana nutr Bii th sH It is orth. Vv" t i iairi S" ave. Furniturw Exchange. Phone East 638. WE pay highest cash prices for secona-nana billiard and pocket table. The Bruns-uick-Ballfe-Collender Co.. 4G 5th street. Phone Main 7tSV. A 17t3- "WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTH E3. Highest prices .paid for second-hand Clothes. a4C 1st st. Main 1HS3. A SttSL SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest cash prices paid for ladles' and cents' castoff clothing and shoes. Call Main 'IfH 3d st. The reliable buyer. CASH BUYER DIAMONDS, riAXHWD, amnui -wa. HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT (One oi! Many). Office Secretary Employment Department Y. M. C. A. Young- man, stranger, - seeking employ ment (?J0 his total cash asset) If 1-pay you $5 for employment membership I wiil have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment' membership, you will have the Y. ' M. C. A., with all its resources, between you and starvation. Result Young- man Joined association. In less than a week ho had satisfactory employment. Record for 11 months ending Iov. 30: Calls for men from employers. -408 Positions filled Special employment membership guar antees member will secure employment or membership fee will be refunded. Gives two months' full privileges, including use of gymnasium, swimming pool, bath, etc, and 10 months' social or house privileges, including the services of the employment department for the entire year. Al' young men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin ists, carpenters, mill workers or in other skilled lines, are cordially invited to con sult with the secretar of the advisory and employment department. THE NAVY'S PURPOSE is to make every one of its enlistea men a success m mo. The greater his success, the better the American Navy. Navy training fits men for usefulness, in the Navy or in civil lite; variety of work aboard ship offers manv opportunities for skmed men; pay excellent, graded according to compe tence. Apply Navy Recruiting Station, Morgan building, Broadway and Wash ington sts.p Portland FLANNEL SHIRT SALESMAN. We would like to communicate with shirt salesman desirous of taking as a side line well-known brand "Duko" flan nel shirts; largest and best line shown; commission only. Washington and Ore gon. - Rosen & Herman, itJ Broadway, X. Y. City. WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bodied, un married men between ages oi! 18 and 3t. citizens of United States of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to recruiting officer, Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak sta., Port land, Or. WANTED A young or middle-aged man. familiar with icemaking machinery, am monia and brine system, to assist in oper ating 10-ton Ice plant. Apply, stating ex perience, etc., t the Lincoln Produce & Refrigerating C., Twin Falls, Idaho. WANTED Young- man for stenography and general office work; applicant will not be considered unless he states age, experience, phone number and salary expected; ref erences required. Address AT tKl, Orego nlan. WANTED Automobile superintendent fa miliar with trade, and a practical ma ch lne tool man ; state business and shop experience, age and salary desired. AV yii. Oregonlar WANTED Automobile garage salesman fa miliar with trade and a practical machine tool man; state business, shop experience, age and salary desired. AV 6&7, Orego nian. BOYS WANTED FIFTY or more to joim our class in salesmanship; now is the time to begin; our graduates preferred for commercial uusiuvus, ucw . -. "-'ji 2t9 Taylor St. PHOTOGRAPHER wanted, operator and re toucher; must be up to date and a hust ler; steady y ear-around Job if suitable; state wages wanted, cllnkenbeard Photo Co., Aberdeen, VVash. - WANTED Machine tool salesman, familiar with trade and a practical man; state ex perience, age, salary expected and give WANTED Millwright. S3. SO; off bearer, iZ.io; pondmun, $ii.75; broom maker, city. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 223 and 224 Couch St., Bet. 1st and 2d. CALENDAR salesmen for our 1915 imported and domestic line; new selling plan en abling to meet all competition. P. O. Box 2815 R, Philadelphia, - rn v "M C. A. MEMBERS. Bookkeeper and stenographer, out of town; flrst-ciass lumoer nun v ri&u. jlmi ployment Department, Y. M. C A. MAN and wife to work on a farm near Portland. Must understand the care of an orchard. State experience and give refer ences. S 627, Oregonlan ' WANTED Two nrst-class colored waiters for Country Club. Give experience, refer ences, address and phone number. AC 624, Oregonlan, CASH advanced you weekly selling our hardy, guaranteed stock; excellent terri tory; hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co., Toppecish, Wash. WANTED, at once, two men to learn auto repairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne Garage. 445 Hawthorne ave SOBER, reliable ranch hand who will clear land and do general ranch work; live on u i vTiri t.(v 'salesman. eood commis sion. Call room 10, 140 Broadway, be tween 4 and 6 P. M. jvtrst-CTjASS checker for restaurant; only thoroughly experienced need apply; must show A-l references. ai oiu, ureguu.. FIRST-CLASS solicitor that Is acquainted on West Side. Call at the Elk Dye Works, before b:3U. ourtn. 1 CAN help you if you are making onl a i week and want to advance and only $20 earn more. X 574. uregoman WANTED Men to write health and acci dent insurance. Oregon Surety & Casualty Co., ,301 Board of Trade bldg. PHOTO coupon; best offered; beauty con test started. Cutberth Studio, Dekum bldg BARBER wanted, steady job. 103 Morrison street. BOOKKEEPER A little sidework, $3 month. Addrerj T t.39, Oregonlan. ABLE promoter will be Interested in my proposition. W CHS. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED solicitor and collector wanted. Call 417-418 Swetlaud bldg. iOUNG man wanted; solicitor; good com mission. Call 543 Washington st. PHOTO solicitors, $IO0 diamond ring given free. Barony Studio. 34tiji Morrison. BARBER wanted. 29 N. 6th st. HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL wanted for general housework In a small family; nouse mouem. tyj - 476 East Slid St. xsorT-n. WANTED A reliable middle-aged woman to take care of two children and do faouse- n.nr Tall lOS Nelson St., JUOlltS. WANTED A reliable girl to care for child A. voaru rrom a lu I uuuu ou" - WANTED Refined, capable woman for re .nihl nosition. Viavl Co., 609 Roth- child bldg.. 4th and Washington. Txr A-vrTirn TTousekeeoer. under 33, "for widower's home; small town; wages, S20. o, ioi. Agency. 2S8 Main. Main 2039. gT LOUIS LADIES AGENCY Cham ber iss. housework. 115 to $33; other good ' positions. 288 Main St. Main 2039 t . T-.T -c nw.Bn nnt under SO. for nosl tion with local firm; not office work. AO 615. Oregonlan. COMPETENT girl wanted for general housework! none but experienced need apply. &l4 East 26th North. East S038. WANTED Reliable, experienced girl to care for 3-montha-oId child. 7 to 11 P. M. Call Alder Hotel, room 830. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture ; pay while learning; position guaranteed. 400 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. WANTED Girl for general housework; email family. Apply Mrs. Sam Rosenthal. Gace Apartments, N'o, 2, 24th and North- rup. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; good w,ges. 1035 Raleigh, Main 2967. ja Qi es to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. J25 to $00 per week; railroad fare paid 61o swetiana mag. mum-us'. i-a-ir-v-.i o-iri for ceneral housework. 563 Firtn st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply sjl IVtla. DRESSMAKERS with long experience want ed; bring reierenceB. i.- .uvui-uu. GIRL for general housework. hre n fam- 11V- tot JH call! ot.. . WANTED A midd!e-aged lady to care foi baby. Cartl 181 13tb, room 5. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADY FOR OFFICE WORK. ONE WHO TS ABLE TO SOLICIT BY TELEPHONE: MUST BE CAPABLE: STATE AGE AND EXPERIENCE; GIVE PHONE NUMBER. T 637, OREGONIAN. SPECIAL WANTS TODAY. Chambermaid, waitress, housekeeper. S girls for general housework, girl for mixed work. NW PLACES OPEN EVERY DAY. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Ladies' Dept. 205 Vi Morrison st. WANTED Girl that can do first-class coolting and general nousewoia. family. Must have good references and be capable. "Will pay a very good wage to the right party. Call 1000 E. Glisan su. Laurelhurst. WANTED A good housekeeper; 3 in fam i:v; two children, one 2 and the other 4 years of ace. Phone Mai 803" Dec. SI, 3913, or write E. R. Herndon, faheerwood. or. WANTED Superintendent for the Portland women s union, a uiwuo ot.--.!'- -ing girls: must have had experience in this line of work; references required. Ap ply mornings. o bu ..q..... WANTED 3 young ladie for nurses train ing in hospital, recognized by state; pay from start. Nesblth sanatorium, t.16 Love- joy, WANTED First-class surgical nurse for head nurse, with managing ability and experience, for private hospital. A. u. 632 uregonian. jurta. v;ko - vvasningion uiuj.. .iwn ''"'." : oTr 35 near 4th. Phone Main 3o or A 3-06. CAPABLE girls are securing good positions through tne jjoiiie.wo iae. nth st, mam mi. a WANTED at once, young girl to wash dishes in ooaraing-uouoc, nrr,.il Kll 11th St. wanted Girl for general housework. Phone woooiawu. v. WANTED 2 young girls to work In coffee house. 26 N. -lin st. CHAMBERMAIDS, family help, city and country, nowe s Agency. 7 GIRL or middle-aged woman to assist with general housewora. ow j.. ..m ... WIDE-AWAKE boy wanted, with refer ence. Max smitn, iionst, iei m o" COMPETENT girl for light housework and cooking, rnone dcuwouo io. GIRL wanted to wait on tables. 113 N. 6th HELP WANTED MALE OB FKMALK. SOMEONE to play and sing for Boclal en tertainment tWO nuuts O ovciou. - , "TJ must be person of refinement; will give ..... -h in .rfhanee. Phone Marshall -li. MAKE money writing stories or articles; good pay; free booklet tells how. United press toynqicate, jiu j.nuw... F1SK Teachers' Agency secures posiUons for teachers, oxo jou.i, umB. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. OREGON Barber College teaches you tne barber trade in 8 weeks; pays you whi e learning: tools free; tuition reduced this term; extra Instructors; years in business, position guaranteed; special Inducements to ladies. 233 Madison st. 2o2 2d St. GOVERNMENT positions open to women. $73 month: write immediately for free list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 695 H. Rochester, N. Y. MOLKR Barber College will teach you quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you while learning, furnish tools free. "rlle for free catalogue, a o u RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Custom-house examinations soon; Parcel Post gaining more clerks: $000 to $1700; free, book. Pacific States School, McKay 1-ldg. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work; earn money while learning. The Hair Bazaar. Majestic Theater bldg., wash, ana rar. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Indlvidua, Instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book k.eoing. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4-oo CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE will help you start the new year nnui, o Jan. 5. Central bldg. Main 6ti9. AiiiN'. 13 to 30, wishing to be railway mall clerks. $75 month, apply for Information. a r T.R1 nrpfrnnian. STENOGRAPHERS, any system, speed and piaced in positions, 629 Worcester block. STUDY LAW; new classes now forming. Portland Law acnooi, ooi w muciw . 269 14TH ST. 393. EXp! InSTRUC'N. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers sunt Clerk. INVESTIGATED MEN. Honest, inaustriou qualified. Can do anything you want done. Anxious to serve you, Records in hand for your inspection. Call. Write, Phone. STANLEY BAKER, Employment Secretary, Y. M. C. A. Main 7065. A 6561, MARRIED man. 2S. anti-loaf, destitute, ex- periencea meaicuiici, kiw-cu , b-""- merchandise, bookkeper, clerical work;, ac cept anything; willing, obliging, steady; rffrencrs: interview solicited. W C2li. Oregonian, or phone Tabor 3240, YOUNG man wants position as clerk in gro cery or country store; five years experi ence In country stores; will go anywhere; can give references and cash bond if re quired. AKJ O..-, UlCSUUlttU YOUNG man desires position, preferably in a city ofiice, but is willing to do anything. Is a good penman and can give best of references. Clark, care B. A. N., 411 Com mercial DIOCK. Will audit, open, close or write up books, prepare balance and statements. Install systems. Gillingham auditor. 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. YOUNG attorney, who ts stenographer and notary nubile, would like position in law- CREDIT man desires position; four years' local experience and best of references. V 60 , uregonian. SALESMAN wi3hes position with wholesale house, either traveling on road or la city. rt ooti, ureKuiiitiii. WANTED -By a bright young man, a post. -tlon as clerk in hotel or store; will work for board and room. AH 601, Oregoniam POSITION, wanted by young married man, experienced in bookkeeping and clerical 1- T-,. TLTn) OJfl w urn. riiuiio jia.ui u.ia Miscel laneoos. POSITION wanted, all-around baker, by trade, a good camp or boarding-house cook; if in need of one by a man of exper ience; a stranger in this city with a fam ily in neea. wj, uiiwhiui, AN AMERICAN, married and perfectly re liable, would like position as foreman on ranch, or would rent stocked: grain ranch MAN with 4 years' medicine experience in tierraany. married, wants worts in urug store, etc; speaks 4 languages; Christian j;iUn. V tvJ. UlCAVUiaa. STEAM shovel, stationary or gasoline en gineer, chief papers; can handle dynamo; have tools. Ernest L. Kelly, 262 Flan ders st. PHONE your odd jobs to the Associated Charities. We have men who are willing and able to "do any kind of work, skilled 1 1 xirntn 917 A 1 ".1 7 OT ULIltSl W IQO Wttlal IXI, -a-- a- . WE have several respectable men who are willing to work for board and room until they can secure permanent employment. 1 - Irv TIT A PAPER cutter, in printing shop: take care of stock and make myself useful AP 657, Oregonlan JAPANESE, first-class cook, general houne work, private family; good reference. Main i3rl. A 1568. Japanese Mission, N. 15th. WANTED Position on ranch, 10 years ex perience, orchard work specialty. Phone Ce u 1 1 snT0 J.UI3I11I11 TO V. JANITOR Experienced, wants position; can give references. WiH-iork for moderate .wages. Main 717, A Tmi. MAN and wife, first-class cook and helper, want work, out of town preferred- Percy TT ! 1 RAQ Cvaral t at CARPENTER WORK by day or contract; reasonable; first-class references. Y till, Oregonlan. HONEST Japanese wants work in hotel or apartment. AE 617, Oregonlan. PROFESSIONAL window cleaner, white. pnone juatn .zoo WANTED Position running elevator by re- Vleln 7.7 A 1-.17 MARRIED man wants work, any kind; en- CHAUFFEUR wants position, can give best of reference. Address N 613. Oregonlan. 6ITPATTONS WANTED FEMALE. . , I WANTED General office or cashlei; work; bnauiiariira tpnntrranh v. Main 251.1 WxtkJteeper and StsnoKiaDhen. room i. EXPERIENCED stenograpner. assista.ni bookKeeper ana oixice agtioiaui. mucB work. Main 1311. STENOGRAPHER, experienced in different lines, wishes position; $9 to start. Phone today before 1 o'clock. A 6144, Main 7. t. COLLEGE woman with knowledge of book keeping desires poetion by Jan. 1. tor 4brripnce: small salary. Marshall JJol. STENOGRAPHER -wants position; rapid tv-pist; lew preferred;- would take other work. ' Phone Marshall C7US. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. POSITION desired by experienced steno. grapner iaiiin;d.i u - Dbone Tabor 4332. CAPAELE young lady desires position, as- SlSiauL UUUnhtivkrvi , uvuv al l 4 nrasnnliin BOOKKEEPER, can use typewriter, or any Kina ot oiin-w utv, ii v w-- - C2d st. B - l-resmj.kerm FASHIONABLE dressmaking and millinery. nome or aay. im "- 5 lasr-CLASS dressmaking done by day .50 a dav. Cail M. 6u72. SEWING, darning and mending by the da. Phone Sellwood 1&&8. - sanM. EXPERIENCED nurse desires position- enronic case, in or out . i .o ycarts. Z's Main. A! am -uo;. NURSE wants more engagements, terrns rUq,r.nohta- aa U XX i.r k ! rtf eTenOSSW Main 4944. . Ho ufBM per. WJDOW, 34 years, refined, wishes position in widowers home or lor s-ngie mru housekeper; good manager; 12 years' ex- per lent;". v doi, irf juijjxii. tvXPERlENCED cook and housekeeper de- IrUn la ni-lcnf.fnmill" tlttVA fhiltl ;-; years. Phone C 2G43. . REFINED English lady, references, as man aging iiouat.t-rpv. , awtvi, ruuiuiiiA-aio-'vi out of town. 2SS M:tin st. Main 203. YOUNG widow, boy 2 years, desires posltioa housekeeper. 2bS Main. Main 203P. Mtocellaneocia. WORKING girl would like to work even ings, Sunday and half day every other Monday fur room and board. AR 600. uregyniau. NEAT and reliable colored woman wishes, general housework; references. Phone Marshall 203. YOUNG lady wishes work In cafeteria or xaimiy note.; musi ly. Main 21U1, Detween v mm v. COMPETENT woman wantsday work Tues day, w euiieuttjf, j. inAiu2f j - aiarsnan ovx. TWO ladles wanted, day and chamber work. $1 aay ana car iv , "vvv' pnone xaoorv. WOM AN will do bundle wash reasonable. HUNGARIAN woman wants housecleanlng or WOrK oy in un. jum a. COMPETENT and esperienced woman wants to ao aay worn. aj.aiii COMPETENT woman wanU work for Sat urdays ana a ui;aunj . uum. COLORED girl would like day work. Main PRACTICAL nursing or housework by ca- paoe muy. x-i.ua a-o. GOOD piano player wants position witn moyirg-picture snuw. GIRL 18 wants light housework for use ol piano ana nnii' r. a. ma.. w & rjTir.rT)av work, cleaning, 25c nour. jf pone a saoi ouiu A YOUNG girl wisnes worK in pnviuo hi- lly, lo. tan juam -iw, no."w DAY work by competent woman. Marshall 242, YOUNG lady will teach English and other stuaies evening", a uuq asxx. . LET me clean your rooms nicely for New Year. Main 4670, Room 430. EXPERIENCED woman cook desires posi tion Waxes. W. rii'-ua SWEDISH girl wants to assist with house work: reference. Phone Tabor S624. WANTED TO' BENT. IIOQl WANTED At once, & or 6-room modern furnished house ; party with children ; re ferences. AR 657. Oregonlan. Rooms With Board. BY business girl, room and J52arld. ' priJn" family; not over .x-. uq. Business Place. WANTED Desk and phone service In nod ern office; give location and terms, 5 0-0, Oregonian. FOB BENT. Furnished Booms. RATES, , DAILY. WEEKLY, MONTHLY. HOTEL WASHINGTON. Formerly Called Annex Hotel. WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 12TII. Family hotel. 150 roomB, European plan, absolutely fireproof building, modern ana clean in every respect; hot and cold run ning water, both telephones in every room, ladies' parlor, large bathroom. ladies toilet and gentlemen toiler, tiled floor, weri ventilated, on each floor; large parlor off WaCHAS.bH. ROWLEY. MANAGER. PORTLAND. OR. HOTEL WEAVER. 710 Washington St. Under new management; large, pleasant rooms, private phone and bath with eacn. extra Urge closets; large, comfortable re ception parlor; rates most reasonable. Telephone Mala Soul. HOTEL ROWLAND. HOTEL MINOOK. 207 U 4th 21 3 y. 4tn. , SPECIAL- WINTER RATEfc. Nicely furnished rooms; homelike, re spectable, clean and modern; hot and cold water, private baths; Winter rates, i per weeK and up, special attention given to tourists; give us a call; you will like it, for you get your money's worth ana tnen some. HOTEL KEN WICK, Broadway, cor. Taylor, modern house, beautifully furnished out side rooms, some with private bath; a quiet, homelike place for transient or per manent guests ; rates reasonable. A. L Steward. prop, and mgr., 206 Broadway. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 20th and Washing ton sis.; elegantly located, new and mod ern outside rooms; well heated, quiet and homelike, for transient or permaneri t guests, $2.50 wk. up; private bath, $5 wk. UJJ. CUH Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable In price; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, ciuu facilities; special rates at cafeteria- Cor- ner Bth and xayior sta. TJ i vT T71 T ITD i V k' I .Ti . 46S Washington St., cor, iJth. 50c per day and up; weekly, $3 and up, bath, phone, steam heat, . t.r 1 t l'i nriti.KV S9014 Morrison st.. cor. 30th. 50c per day and up; weekly, JJ2.50 and up; free bath and phones; steam heat. rv t - c- T.I CiT IT T . Modern nicely furnished rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water; $2 per week. 347 Oak st., opposite Hotel Oregon. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh St.; new, modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably furnished; transients solicited. 124 14th st., corner Washington; nicely rnrrii-hAH moms, strictly modern; rates $3.50 week and up. Marshall 1470. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and East Belmont itooms, $1.6 niumu "v. ; . with private bath; large, pleasant lobby. fthKointaiv a respectable hotel. East 6Z. r.rnnrti7i tj.Hi 11TU ffi'P Strictly modern; private baths; en suite, rooms $3.50 up. Main 9471i, A 47t3. YOUNG man rooming at Y. M. C, A. wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. inquire Y. M. C a., otn ana THE LARRABEE, 227 Larrabee Kooms, $2 week up; brick building, steam neat, hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HATPI DrpUITU 11th and Yamhill; every modern conven ience; rate $4 week and up. Main THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely furnisned rooms, modern, central, tt:a week up. HOTEL JOYCE. 270. 4TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, day or week. Furnished Booms In Private Families. 47S MORRISON Double room. aouoi. closets, electric lights, all conveniences: also housekeeping, DESIRABLE ' warm, well furnished room; hot and'cold water, electric liBhl. Phone mnmisra Marshall 4-l-. ONE well-furnished room, new bedding, good accommodations, reasonable, central loca tion. 60 Everett st. NICELY furnished front room, second floor, desirable location. 715 Hoyt. Phono Mar shall 4753. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two " young men; also single room; very reason able. Call 6D5 Davis. Main 4752. FI-RNISHED front room, private, modera home, close in. Main S743 for particu lars. FfRNlHHED rooms, with bath, t1! iurnace heat. eiHli Everett with bath, electric st. NEWLY furnished room in a modern steam- heated nouse. r.iain 1 - fiPS'-', Glisan yBiriADajE. mwuciia . . St., near 21st. With or without board. J2.S0 PER week; small sleeping room for gentleman, close in. liil 14UK NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking uls tance. $1..U per week.431 nth st. a WEEK; clean and neat little sleeping room. 26S J-'tn st. CLE N, qnielf room, reasonable at. Main 6194. 40S Salmon