rrtr. hwwxtxg oregoxtan. Saturday, December 27, 1913. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGOSIAH TU-IFHOSrS. fW,tiB.ito-m ...-7IH..-;;?S?iiSJ5 City Circulation . gain TOT o a afanaruis- Editor Sain T070 A eoes Ooropoatas-Room .... Sali Tola. A SOS3 AJfTEKMEirTS. Tut-ATER cElemth and Morrison) ITtl I.Jfi THKAI j KTh. pink 1 ari This DRPHEPM THEATER (Broadway and TT- rV.ude.il. Tola atterDooa at 8:1 aad toalsht at 0:1a. CWPRESfl THEATER .Broadway and Tam- hlllV -VaaderllW. Ttala afternoon at 2:lt and toniant at 1 :S0 and . PANTAGE3 THEATER (Broadway and Al- 4,rVaiidea1lle. Thla afternoon, at a aad tonlcat at 1:80 and S. I.TRIC THEATER (Fonrtli and Star) .tuelcnl comedy. -The Suffra.ettas" and Tw1t Tanco Dunn." Tnia ' aftrnoua at 3:13 and tonight at : ta 1 43. PEOPLE? THSATER (Weft Parlt and AI- dr Charles Hiwtnr to "A From Mara," All week. SEW 8TAR THEATER rwablntera and Prk). ARCADE THEATER (Wajhlnaton, brtwean Sixth aad Broadway) aUclualTe tint-ran pictures daily. COLUMBIA THEATER (Sixth and Wean- Inrton) Coauauous Brat-run pictures from 11 A. M. MAJESTIC THEATER CWaabtnston and Park) Continuous Dxat-run mouoa pls turaa, GLOBE THEATER (Elarantb and Waahlna tou Continuous 0. rat-run motloa pictures. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Orders for copies of the New Year's Oregonian, which will be issued on January 1, 1914, to be sent to friends, should be sent to The Oregonian at once. Price 5 Cents Postage in the United States or possessions, Canada or Mexico, 5 cents. Foreign postage 10 eents. Address The Oregonian, Port land, Oregon. AJntliai intruded far taw City New la Brief calmna In Sunday's laaaa Bast be banded la The Oregonian bnslnesa 0010 by S s'eleek Satordny evening. Morr Christmas Goodies Nbdd. liss Valentine Prichard, of the Peo ple's Institute. Is arranging for a big Christmas tree and party at which about 400 children will be entertained at Trinity parish house on December 1". To make every one of these little folks happy there must be 400 red stockings for anta to distribute, and the stockings must be full. At pres- . .1 i. I.. H tn en 50. Till Illci c I il viit . u n - Who will help with the remainder? alust some or tne cnuarou '"u, way disappointed?" These are- the Questions that are worrying the com mittee. The children who will attend this tree will come from the poorest V. T-V, I - annual ftlvttV m,tlll much to them and Mies Prichard and her helpers are worKinsr ouigcuu, make the day the happiest of the year for their little guests. Horace Mecklem. for many years In the life Insurance business in Port land, has been appointed general agent of the New England Mutual Life Insur. ance Company. of Boston, to take effect on January 1. The New Eng land Mutual la one of the large Eastern life insurance companies that has not heretofore been represented In Port land, though It has a large business 1. - a tmrr n.rinn who hVB COIT1B In from other states. Mr. Mecklem has b.-en connected with the Columbia ure lz Trust Company for a long time. Workman Expires SrDDEXLT. Sam Kauvaln. 53 yeara old. a wioower wnn four children, died suddenly while at work in the yards of the Standard Brick A; Tile Company, on the Canyon Road, yesterday. His death, said Dr. R. J. Marsh, -who was summoned, waa due to natural causes, woramen k.:.r. in th nlunt. and on re turning" from lunch, found Sauvaln's body. Sauvain lived near Mount Calvary Cemetery, on tne tsarnes rou. n mnrr.m exitminatlon will be made. White Slav Charok Preperrd. Charged with violation oi tne ji"" - 1 . Inhn Iav, WAS COn- Hnetl in the County Jail yesterday. pending a preliminary ui X'nited States Commissioner Cannon. Lowe was arrested with Bertha Lowe, the woman he is charged with bring ing from Seattle to roru. I .-- hv Pnllnimill J. M Wise several days ago. and was turned over to Vnlted states apeciai jveu Ashes ik Barrft. Start Fire. Hot ashes, dumped Into a wooaen dim ment ash barrel, yesterday afternoon caused a lire in an empty flat at 7S6V4 Johnson street, that ran up the wood lift and did about 1100 damage. Quick ku n--mn restrained the flames. A hot iron falling into a tub of oil caused a small but spectacular flre at vt- Tmn Wftrk, Thirteenth and Pettygrove streets. yesterday afternoon. First Prbsbttkrian Chcrch. Twelfth and Alder atreets. At tne xnoru- .-i rt Trthn tl Ttovd. DaStOT preaches on "The Duty of Living in the Present." At 7:S0 P. M. his sermon 1,, m. r .hi tuttan on the New Year the Unpassed Past." At 12:15 noon. Judge William Gatens will ad dress the current eventa clasa on. "Portland Problems as Seen From the Bench In the Juvenile toun. . c.... T .w TrMTERTAIXlTENT. iriAinn cvA.iu. i . A Christmas entertainment and tree has been planned by the three Danish Societies of the city. Trie affair will take place tonight at Arlon Hall. Be sides the appearance of Santa Claus i.w t.i- ..,,-tnrj will be a pro gramme of special features and songs contributed oy tne i ..ii, . clety. The children of the members will ...ni and share In the festivity. T. J. Armstrong's Brother Drea T. J. I . ,-ii-,l . tplea-ram con - veylng the sad news of the death of hts brother. ir. J. . ... j .v. . itv three vears ISO is vice-chairman of the Canadian Com. ml--ton on Technical Education and In iu.trlal Training, being entertained at that time by the Mayor and School Board. . . m n TtK DtSCTSSED . . , i n-n) Ka discussed bv Father hMvIn V. O Hara. chairman of the State Industrial commission. ii r t . a.nwBtMr man and --i.J. .... aublects. at 227 . : , , ... . .. . . t 1 Sundav I niniiill eirrri Ah - - Tl.irty minutes will be used by each n.,k,r. Kvervnne is invited. Koiau Neighbors to Bk Hosts. Itarguerite Camp. Royal Neighbors of America, will be host to all Modern Woodmen and Royal Neighbors at a free entertainment to be given Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at 128 Eleventh street. Lunch will be furnished by the women. Dirino his absence from the ""city. patient v . - " " n.. - - tk rid his prescriptions for glasses at the optical department of Woodard. Clarke Co, where they can ba re filled If necessary. Wood-Lark bldg. Alder sU at West Park. Adv. Doo With Rabies Dies. Dr. R. H. Ellis. 15J0 East Taylor street, lost a valuable Airedale dog yesterday which died from rabies after biting three ether dogs, two of which belonged to the doctor and the other to a neighbor. All of the bitten dogs will be destroyed. Dr. Fkxtok. dentist, has returned; Oresouiao bWg. Adv. i tj riKninrrn RmniT. Dedication of the new Rose City Park rresoyterian tnurcn win r ncm morrow at 2:S0 o'clock. Services will be oDened with song: followed Dy a prayer by Rev. J. H. Boyd. Rev. J. B. Snyder will preside. The Scripture les- - . . ..T 11:' son will be. react oy xie. tt. ... YounKston. of the Rose City Park Methodist Church. Mrs. J. C. O'Day will in - .nln -1 Tllvin. " RV. All- drew J. Montgomery will make a state ment of the affairs of the church. .The dedicatory sermon will be delivered bv Rev. Henry Marcoiie. 01 nCi mlnieter Presbyterian Church. Song by Hie congregation will be followed by remarks ey Rev. Bond! not teeley, Jr, Mavor Albee will make brief remarks. Rev. John H. Boyd will dedicate the building. The new building Is valued at $15,000. The membership Is 250. The church was organized four years ago. and owing to growth of the neighbor hood a larger building became neces sary. tt . si m p i to Ba Improved. Petitions are being circulated for the cavirur of East Glisan street from East Feventy-flfth to Esst Eighty-ninth streets, at the Mount Hood depot. This petition carries also a request for the . . , . - . nil.afi trMt laying or a lateral in ra-oi. . s-..t Kitrhtv-nlnth street In advance - ,- innrnvamont. Provisions have been made for paving East Glisan street vast hnrTV-neTcnui w - been let lor me worn. ii I Forty-seventh to East Seventy-nito traA a . risl VflfV ITtB.T D BUa .f - I any time. Commissioner Dieck Bmrd a committee from Montaviua rnat pru- ceedlng. would be -tarteo 10 .M.h , Glisan street Trom i--". ."-- " Trom r.m 1 I t'Ut Eia-htv-nlnth streets in tne earij i,f T-'omt nilian street is con sldered one of the most Important im nrovements projected on the East Side. Camp Holds AjwuaIj ESTrvrnin. - the World, held Its annual Christmas festivities last night in Its hall on East Sixth street. To prevent over crowding the invitations were iiihiicu to members and their families. Two iar-. I.,, war. nlaced on each side of the -stage well loaded with toys and candy, uver vv on were given and about as many dolls More than 700 packages of cream choco- ... , , ... T r tnn.B WAS late were oistnouieu. - - master of ceremonies and Santa Claus. A brief programme was provided. The hall was decorated attractively. On Christmas the camp sent out 80 turkeys and 24 went to widows of members. The others were sent to families In need and to members who had earned them by getting new memoera. Rev. Robert McLean to Speak. ev. n-i untan Ti TV. nutierlntendent of Presbyterian missions of Northern Mexico and adjoining territory, will oc. . i. . Third Presby- cupy iiic iuiii, . . . . A. Al1at l4 AAtifh SB nil terlan cnurcn, t-i East Pine streets. Sunday morning. Sunday night Dr. McLean will deliver an Illustrated lecture in the Anabel Presbvterian Church. Mount Scott, on .w. u..i. .Itiitillnn. He will use nhtalned hlmBelf. Dr. McLean will meet many of the former membera of the Third Church, whert h wna nflRtAr VDett tne prescui was bullf and from which he was ..n. tn. Piihn as sunerintendent oi Presbyterian missions. Southern Pacific Gets jionth i . . rr, l t .r PAmm MlOtl VeS LKWAZ. A ... - ,.-i.v granted the Southern Pacinc until February 16 to get the electric cars in operation of Fourth street and t- . .traat. The franchise granted the company about a year ago called lor tne compiwuw" v' ---- tne oijih"i -' - . 1914. The company represented to tne ii ..,. that while It is hoped that the line will be in operation by January IS. tne extension is asked so that the company's Dona win he nrotected In case there Is an unexpected delay. i v.vao Pern.T. r,w JnDOES. ine East Side Business Mens Club favors the recall of Federal judges, a tlon adopted at the last meeting of the . ... cAVanra Tjina and Cham- C1UD aSKHlfi tJCIMHUI B .J. . berlaln to frame a taw prei"i-s recall oi r-eaerai juubbb j trlcts throughout the United States, ..A A ham It is set forth in the resolution sent the Senators that the "recall will not injure e" . i , , aofatv-v&lva and help DDI Will J " , j luil naa and Sid In ClVlng the people tne oeneni m rather than tne corporiiun. AUa..w rnstM Ovi.t Bidder. The American Express Company Is the only concern in i-oruanu wmvn to collect the city's water rental, vr neu t. j ..n.j fur hv the Citv Com mission yesterday for the collection service, the American concern only one which presemea any "R "'" That company agreed to do the collect- I Tha rnmnnnv nOW has the icvcu ..w ii ,tn. .nninrt t the ume rate and maintains 92 pay stations in various parts of tne city. Case Filed aoaixbt jiwsmi ni. Suit to collect 1100 license fee and $100 penalty for failure to comply with the law requiring foreign corporations .- ai. I 1 ana atntlntlcal reDOTtS ig 1113 IUIBUVI.I . . L . Vaa fllad bv District o, rue -',.. Attorney tvans yesirruajr Urllllant jeweiry uoiniinn;. . panv, Mr. Evans says, is Incorporated i. mnA hm conducted a busi ness in Portland without complying 1th the law regulating ioreisn -ur- nAPatlntiR. Masons Will Present Jewels. The Installation of the newiy-eieciru wn. cers of Washington Lodge, No. 4, A. F. tr .in Ka h.in tonlnht In the hall at East Burnaide and East Elgntn B1IU ..... " ... " streets. One of the interesting ira'"i will be the presentation of Jewels to -,i .... o.,ara r the lodse who have not hn bo honored. It will be the annual reunion or memoera a... close with a lunch. v r A nam Tn SPEAK.. H. W Stone, general secretary of the Port land Toung Men s wnristmn .i 1 1 1 nA nivmnlA today, where he will be the speaker tomorrow at the opening or. a series meetings. All the churches and the . r . niwnnla h a VR lOlnOd in erecting a tabernacle in which these meetings are to oe neio. t ctdim wi Ria OrvKN. Dr iiir.-n r u.waa nf the University of Oregon, will give an Illustrated lecture on birds at the East Side Library to night at 8 o'clock. His subject will be c,i,nf.i Children Can Do for Bird Protection." The Audubon Society .ni w. i nf tha meeting. The iu w - - - nnhiin la invited to attend. Bin. Provides New Grade Bases. City Commissioner DiecK win inuouu an ordinance at the next Council meet ing changing the base of grade of Port laud to conform to the Federal Govern ment bases. At present he says the city has a base of grade different from the bases recognized by the Govern ment. Phone Box Robber Sentenced. Fred n.nK.. who. was cauKht robbing t.lmhone boxes in a confectionery l.-lnnln l R A. BettS. WBS store tfcmmiu, sentenced to SO days Imprisonment when he was convicted in .Municipal r'ni.rf vaatarditv afternoon. Market Is Incorporated. Articles of Incorporation of tne nay "-m Market, capltallxed at iio.ouo. were (lied yesterday tn County cierit. i-oucj a office The Incorporators of the new rtrm are Paul R. Spatb, Hilda Spath and A. B. Adams. Candies are a dainty means of carrvlng New Tear good wishes. The world's best will be best appreciated by her. Maillnrd's. Park Tlllford's. Allegretti's at Slg. Slchel's. 2 d st. and Sth at Wash. Both phones. Adv. SfjrnAT Walk Arranged. The Phy sical Culture Walking Club will meet at 808 East Glisan street on the Monta viiia carllne at 10 o'clock Sunday. The membera will go out Base Line road and return by Sandy boulevard. -The r,...nn rtvt,. iMfnfl has issued a ci :ir- 14. cular outlining Its programme for 191 . and It proposes to oiscuiw - -revenue laws of the state, questions i i- j nhnj nralfar nreventl ; of ntlo'n of Area Investigation oi tne wmiuiuij of combining city and county govern ment, study of conditions in Oregon with respect to the care of the feeble minded, study of the question of the abolUion of. the State Senate, co-operation with suffrage organisations out side the state, work for the abatement of the smoke nuisance, co-operation with the etate In Inquiry in regard to the high cost of living and to discuss a number of other matters of Im portance to the people of the city and state. Two Divorces Granted. Two divorces were granted yesterday by Cir cuit Judges. Ave of whom were busy In their courtrooms after the holiday. Mrs. Pauline Kapus was granted a divorce from Harry Kapus on grounds of de sertion. The decree was signed by Judge Kavanaugh. The couple were married in Portland in April. 1907. Judge Davis granted a divorce to Adolph Schlewe from Hermine Schiewe on grounds of cruel and inhuman Vnnr.KB. Carl Sie ego. i ni.nH i,ntv to foraerv. w raa . -n v.,r,nl9v hv Judsie MotTO' to from 2 to 30 years in me t inHttmntft were re- . a - NoTember -" .- m grand Jury. - n ..aw.- luviornniTK 13. '- "d bT Mc- Si JXri'. mI. f Vncornoration of ' . , . -- n' nr in "L,T.w. r--..n tne unnran i-uoh.""ib The firm, which will conduct a print lng and real estate pusiness, io -i" tali zed for 11000. at Ciktenabt Church. t-ast run th preaches a gospel sermon, 11 A. . Handel's "Hessian. Dy me Portland Oratorio Society at 7:30 P. M. A treat for muBic lovers. au. ma- CnNRREOATlONAIa CHURCH, fAR AND MADISON STREETS. DR. LOTHKR R DTOTT. THK MINISTER, PREACHES TOMOR ROW AT 11 AND 7:45. CHRISTMAS REPEATED AT 7:45. ADV MRS. BROPHY GETS DELAY Alleged Annojer Olitalns Chance to "Start New Year Bight." Josephine Bropny, a resident of Mt- Scott, who In the last year has De come locally famous by her methods of annoying her neighbors, will have a chance to "start the New Tear rignt, tinnii'iTiii Jurlia Stevenson yester day passed her latest trial over until January 6. Mrs. Brophy was arrestee , . PMrinn. s. on complaint ur 1 ' V . neighbor, and charged with disorderly conduct- . r i l.na haan in Mnmc Dal aura, joiupn "- - . i-, . . vi n n-.n tlmur p.hareed with LUUl l a, . Bghting orally and otherwise with her neighbors. She was put miner a. Dono or aivw -' l !..,. allairad acta took nlace after she had been convicted of calling her neighbors names, tsne bought a phonograph ' and said her compliments to her neighbors Into It. Then she piacea tne rocu chine, and placed the machine close . n n-fnHnar B f T 1 1 Tl IT it tO W O T It. to ail wfci " Her neighbors caused her arrest on a charge or -proi.no language. She proved that she did not ,,aa the lanaruaa-e charged. In the pres ence of her neighbors. CONVENTION WORK BEGINS tj.aa Man TTerei Preoarlna; for Waterway Session In AprlL . . i .Mvu Af Tirliitnn. Idaho H miauB - - - . .-..B,,rar nf tha Columbia and Btreiw Snake River Waterways Association. has established himself in the omce 01 . i ,HnmAriniiAn committee of the Chamber of Commerce at the Invita tion OI tne t;vmmfci", - In Portland In future preparing for the big waterways convention that Is to be held here April la ana i T-, i rrnm ail nKru tjr luq . . , . , i attend and the l,riCfcO.,u,io a . lUmDia II"'" 1 " , " .i .miaa in reeard to many of the problems of development on the Upper ColumDia ana mo . pected to have Important effects on future action of the Department of the interior aim "..p. Mr. Struble's activity for the next few i ha in nro-aniTintr liih cuh- ventlon locally and In arranging with the cities of the interior to semi ne gations. LUNCHEON FOR VETERANS Members of George Wright Post to Feast at Press Club a, , ( A 4tia ClWt Wrttrht Post No. 1. Llncoln-Garfleld Post No. S and Sumner Post No. 12. oranu a., . t. ii. win have luncheon at tne ici'u ",,t " .-- - , the Portland A-ress Club Tuesday at 1 o'clock, to which all memDer r ... Army are Invited to be present. Com rade C. A. -Williams, who Is making the arrangements, says It will be necessary for him to know not later than Monday morning how many of the veterans will want tickets, that he may notify the club. Mr Williams said the Rincheon mere . ... .1.1 afr.it. which, if en- y will oe avwa. Joyed by the "boys." will be repeated. "1 would like to nave i.uru -month, and we will do It If everything i.7lrht. and I think It will," said Mr. WlUiams. JEWELRY AUCTION DENIED City Commission Acts on Bequest of Ij. C. Henrichsen i i ...miatii ara to continue un der the ban. The City Commission, at a meeting yesterday voted down unan . i - nAitiAri Yi-v la. C Henri c n - imouoiv - - a, ia. aiuirri tn conduct an auction on Washington street. The same action a--- 'oUen hV tile LOmmieSlUU 4 -Ur" of weeks before Christmas. T.n.iKne that thrs would be no ob jection to granting such a PJit after the holiday rusn. jr. w.a.-a. plied for permit for an auction be I wv rA Jnntiarv 1. Commis- sloner Blgelow. who has charge of the license bureau, objected to the grant and his Idea was concurred In by tne others. OWNER OF PARCEL SOUGHT Address "220 Broadway," Confuses Postoffice Emploj"- The nam. "Broadway" Is a bugaboo in the Portland postoffice. A parcel post package addressed to . ... --ra ttit1i Of What -Zaiu jroai wo. - -- . , postal employes declare has happened a alt ilnrme1 IFIA lerqueiuij. - ni I n a. aHtarl The package was taken to the East Side where Broadway simply is Broad way and not Broadway North or South, as it is on the west side of the river. There was no one there of the name of the addressee. Then room 220. Broadway building -t i with IfVa reanlt- nu n ,-" . . .. haa haan made out and will be circulated by carriers to see 11 the owner or tne ps.ca.aee mj Warning to Investors in Mortgages! Solely for your protection, we take this method of calling your attention to the new real estate law which goes into effect January 1, 1914 declaring m o r t- gages to be of no legal effect as a 1 1 e n or Incum brance after the expiration of ten years from ma- turlty. For that portion of the new law re- XI VoVe" iWAnOTn8STK)Omt call or write for as many copies as you desire. Title & Trust Co. Fourth, IVear Stark found at No. 220 on Broadway North or Broadway South, either sido of Ankeny street west of the river. The postal regulations require oui one attempt to deliver a parcel -post package ana tne owner or rue pm-na-o in question must call at the postoffice for it. ' BANK BANQUET IS HELD Employes of California Institution Celebrate at Multnomah. Hotel. ft.. .ffl..ra an1 to f f nf the nAnk Of California National Association recently held their annual banquet at me muu nomah Hotel. The same evening the staffs at San Francisco, eaitie anu x coma were enjoying themselves in like manner. William A. MacRae. manager of the Portland branch, presided. O. W. Web ber acted as toassmaster. TXrilll.m -Manlrintnah BTAn ArUl man ager of Northern branches, and one of the oldest ana oest Known oannero m the Pacific Northwest, was the guest of tne evouuifi. Selections, songs and music were given by members of the staff, who re ceived their usual Christmas gift from tne Dank. SALOONS CLOSED BY DEATH Vancouver Liquor Men Show Respect When Wife of One Dies. v a vrinrrrrcv Waal, T)i 2fi. For one hour on Saturday, from 9:15 until , , .11 1 ...... .. n T7i nnnll Var 1U:19 g CIWK, .'I aaiwwuo. . . , save one, will close their places of I nn a. - a wTf nt rMIMlll til uuBiiieaa a- v . . .... Samuel J. McGowan. whose wife died on Christmas eve. ine tunerai win no nnl -nm fir .Tflmaa' Cfttholic Church at 9:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. One saloonkeeper refused to close his place. in closing ror a muoru L,m ot. .uw,. keepers of this city have established a precedent here. All will attend the services. Mrs. McQowan, 38 years Old, leaves her husband, and three children. She had been a resident of Vancouver for the past 30 years. s FRESH AIR CAMP PLANNED Chester A. Iiyon Buys Tract If ear Lebanon for Summer Use. -"l. A T ,.nn onHval In TnrrlRnd yesterday from Salem, where he-has been attending tne state teacners- meer- ir. T n la rrnm Tlllnnta. He iua -i. - passed last Summer In Chicago working with the boys and girls of the Chicago stockyaras aecuon. Since Professor Lyon's arrival from Chicago this Fall he has purchased 20 acres of land, near the City of Lebanon, Or., for the purpose of using it as a fresh-air camp for the poor boys of Portland. He expects to have the camp ready by the first week in July. BOARD ANDR00M $24. T 1 1 k r 1 a., nnfelrlA vrtniri Wa.11 ra,nrilo t-a. Knt- anil nl H -wa tor nil fnn - V DHIWBVVVA, SSW-A, Wfaau a,w.v .....a... a... vcnlences. If occupied by two parties, J M av-. 1 - w.A do o -n Kss had for $24 each per month; also have 4ha 4.a.ar AAfnot- sulfa. with bath, in the hotel, Clubroom tn hotel. wiiQ pianu, cara uutes, eii, pruviuo plenty of social enjoyment. Sargent T-f of 1 n-rflnii nVrntiA and Hawthorne. Phone East 291. Adv. COAL COMBINATION. Pocahontas, (6.50; one ton Clear Creek naro, coai, iiv.ou; total, 111, Dotn ior Sl. Ton Roslyn mine run, one ton hard 1 ...... 1 II Q , T EA Dnw.la-, M. Suburban Coal Co. Phone Main 358. tstaDiisnea isuj. xerms casn on an sales. Adv. HALF PRICEPAINT SALE T .Ae1 riierk-rj'ra.la nolnto varnishes, stains, enamels, brushes, etc.. laDei a am a sea omy, quality suaranieea, now ready lor sale about one-half regular prices. Pioneer Paint Company, xat rruui bu, iicii j. tiaiiiiiii. -jiu. Total Lerr in Astoria 44 Mills. ASTOP.IA. Or.. Dec. 26. (Special.) The County Court, at its session this nftamnnn flvnd the Ip.T levies nn this year's roll as follows: County pur poses, 11.1 mills; state tax, 4.9 mills; aountv school, 3 mills. This makes id 1I0NEY IS EASY" if for loans on im- j proved Portland prop- erty We have an abund- ant supply to put out at m current rate s Any s amount from $1000 up Prompt consideration and E3 quick action We want to get this money to g working If you need a m loan on your property iS come in and see us first w If we cannot meet your 3 needs well tell you If we can meet them youll gt o-ot the monev without a 0 V. delay. Commerce Safe Deposit and Mortgage Co. g ffl 91 Third St., I S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. f "DAVID CCPPERFIELD" BliPWORTH TEIXS DELIGHTFCLLY QUAINT PICTURE MUI " SEVEN PARTS. Pertlaad and ae People's Theater la to He Coafrrarnlatrd on Mfunw 'I' k la fila: Attraction. From the Moving-Picture World.) Raaderx of Dickens, and particularly those who love the great author's favor ite book, "David Copperneia. win no entertained and edified in seeing the pictured version of that story recently produced by the Hepworth Company of London, and now being marketed In America by Albert Blinkhom. Ameri can companies have given us, in a small way. some excellent motion pictures dealing with the life of David Copper- field, but these nave Deen onn uncn acter studies in the main, not attempt ing to cover the entire story. The Hep worth picture Is In seven parts, begin ning with the childhood life of David at the Rookery, Blunderstone, and depict ing the more important incidents up to the time of his marriage with Agnes terminating with the Yuletide dinner. It would be quite impossible to put into any single production all of the little comedies and tragedies included within the covers of the famous story. The wonder Is that the Hepworth peo ple have been so successful In separat ing the events in which David was most concerned and clothing them with so much interest. Rare discrimination has been exercised in the choice of events so that we have been given a story in pictures that holds together and does not tax the imagination of the observer or require a profound knowledge of the story Itself in order to obtain the full est enjoyment from the seeing of It. Much of the beauty of this picture lies In the scenes of Old Kngland. Hep worths have gone to the actual places nf which the Ktorv tells and given us views of Canterbury, the cliffs of Dover, and street scenes mat nave not maieri oii .hancraH in tha niut hundred vears. The beach at Yarmouth and the home of Peggotty and Ham and little ismuy, re ferred to so frequently and lovingly by David, is reproduced in a gratifying manner. The locale of this production throughout was carefully chosen, and gives educational value to the picture that will make it most desirable for school use, for few schools these days do not Include a critical study of this famous story of Dickens' in the course of English literature. Considered from a purely mechanical point of view It would be difficult to find a flaw in the entire seven reels. The photography is excellent, and the settings reveal great care in arrange ment. the total levy on property inside the city limits 44 mills. At' the present rate of increase It Is pre dicted that 200,000 motorcycles will be in uae In the United Kingdom by the end oi the year. ' Spend New Year's Eve AT THE Hotel Oregon THE CENTER OF PORT LAND'S BEST CELEBRA TION. Tahle reservations now being made. CALL US UP. LEAVE YOUR NAME, SPECIFY ING THE DINING ROOM YOU PREFER. SPECIAL VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL PROGRAMME. Tonight After the theater, or for din ner, or tomorrow for lunch, visit the RATHSKELLER GRILL and listen to the new musi cal specialties of the HOTEL OREGON CAB ARET AND THE AMERI CAN BEAUTY REVUE CHORUS. HOTEL OREGON Wrig-ht-Dickinson Hotel Co.. Props. Chas. Wrlgrht, Pres. M. C. Dickinson, Man. Director. Resolve that during the coming year you will compliment yourself with a first-class laundry service. Resolve for UNION near perfect handwork. Phone Main 398, A 1123. ILUJNPRYI V SECOND AND COLUMBIA F.W.BALTES & COMPANY ' INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES FOR PRINTING First and Phones Oalc Main 165 A. 165 j PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM -1 irrm Tail to B-itre CH-J 60tiHEEJmsi TTTTTTTrTraNTTIT I KfJI-iH V."1 WEST PAW AMP ALPEff LOOK FOR THE MOVING BEAR Coming, Sunday Dec. 28 The play that every lover of English literature has heen waiting for, Charles Dickens' 'DAVID C0PPERF1ELD' A wonderful photo-play version (seven parts) produced by Thomas J. Bentley, the foremost . authority on the works of Dickens. Taken in exact authentic location in England where the story is laid. o o NO INCREASE IV TRICES. BALCOM IO. LOWER FLOOR 20t. BOX SEATS 30. Box Seats May Be Reserved by I 'boning- Marshall 880 or A ZOST LAST TIME TONIGHT CHARLES HAWTREY in "A MESSAGE FROM MARS" MYSTERY LAUGHTER TEARS Thes Dansants Saturday Afternoon Four Until. Seven in Ball Room These, the popular social events of the se&son, are gaining: in favor every day. Invitations may fee., had froin-ideslc upon request. L. P. Reynolds, The stronger and rougher whiskey tastes the more harm it will do. Why take chances with your nerves, your stomach, your general health. Cyrus Noble is pure, old and palatable--Bottled at drinking strength. Sold all over the world, W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon For the Lover of Sweets Hazelwood Candy with that dainty, smooth quality . to be found only in the high est class candy. The Hazelwood Confectionery and Restaurant Washington at Tenth Savings Department Under Government Super vision. 4 INTEREST. LUMBERMENS National Bank RESOURCES I MILLIONS Flftk aad Stark. o o CURTAIN RISES 1130A-M. 530P. M. LOOP. M. 7OOP.M. 2i30P.M. 8:30 P.M. 4iOOP.H- IOiOOP.M. Assistant Manage Efficiency Schools TO FIT MES KOR BETTER POSI TIONS AT HIGHER WAGES. Architectural Drawing I 7.50 Assaying Automobile 51.00 Bookkeeping Electricity Pharmacy JO.ou Plan Reading Cost Engineering 15.00 Reinforced Concrete Construction 20.00 Salesmanship 20 00 Show Card Writing. Shorthand Surveying and Mapping 10.00 TeleBraphy and Dispatching; 12.0O Typewriting. Wireless Telegraphy (course)... 50.00 Freehand Drawing ' Mechanical Drawing. J.60 Boys' School ". Accountancy (full course) 150.00 No Fee Chanced te January 1 to Those Who KeKlster Before That Date. V.M.C.A.DAV AND XIGHT SCHOOLS, Sixth and Taylor Sta. Telephone Ifaln 706S, A 6561. 7"i . ""1"iJL-M(.,eL-J"r-w.J ?. '.611ft&' 50 simHi$ L ll--'',JejgV?WEST PAWK ANO ALCiEg