9 TTTB MOKXTXCr OREGOXIAX. THURSDAY. DECE3IBEB 25, 1913. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OKEGOXIAX TELEPHONES. Print Ins-Room City Circulation ...... Managing Editor... ..... Sunday Editor. . ........ Composlns-Koom ------- Superintendent Botldlos- .Main TO70. A .Main TOTO. A 7070. A oes ftO!5 Ildala 7070. A eoss ,11am ivv. " .Mala 7070, A SOBS 6095 - AJtCBKMKSTS. EEILIG THEATER EiernthMd Morrison) Musical comfiy. "a W lal matinee th.s afternoon at 8. IS nn tonight at 8:1 J. BAKER THEATER fBroadwar aa S: on) Baker PlaTr in 8"e Acra Thlealternoon at " tonight. 8.15. CRPHEUM THEATER (Broadway and Tay- kr Vaudeville- Tnia alumoua at 2 OS and tonlant at s:-ui EMPRESS THEATER (Broadway and Tara Klll Vaudeville. Thta afternoon at 2:1S and tonight at J JO and . n . . r-. . -j turateR iftrotdviT and Al- o-r) vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:13 ana xomsat . L.TRI0 THEATEK (Fourth and Stark) rnmedv. "The Buffraaettee" and t Tfli-vi Tanco mincera" Tnia aiurnooa at 3:14 and toalsot at :M to 10:45. unpr.E' THEATER rwttt Park and Al der) Cbarlas Hawtrey in "A Message From Mara." Ail week, J.-EW STAR THEATER (Washington and Park)- ARCADE THKATEH (Washington, between 81x10 and Broadway) ixclualve first-run plcturea dally. COLUMBIA THEATER (Sixth and Wash ington Connnuoua nrst-run pictures from 11 A. M. MAJESTIC THEATER CWasnlagton and Park Continuous 0-rgt-rua motion pic tures. OIX3BB THEATER (Eleventh and Washing ton) Continuous flrat-ran motion picture. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS ' Orders for "copies of the New Year's Oregoniaa, which will be issued on January 1, 1914, to be sent to friends, should be sent to The Oregoniaa at once. Price 5 Cents Postage in the United States or possessions, Canada or Mexico, 5 cents. Foreign postage 10 cents. Address The Oregonian, Port land, Oregon. GTXMASiuit Classes Fhud Up. The athletlo classes in the boys' gymna alum of the Peninsula Park recreation building have been tilled op since it was opened about two weeks ago. E. Peterson, who is in charge, reports large boys' classes In the afternoon, and ' a good class of men at night. The girls' gymnasium has not yet been opened, and will not be for some time. When the girls' gymnasium Is opened another rtrls' attendant will be required In order to aid illss Maud Ryan, now in charge of the women's department of the park. Mr. Peterson said that he looks for larger attendance on the gen eral activities of the park next year than during the present, when 300.000 people visited the park. The opening of the recreation building, it Is thought, will increase the attendance materially. Efforts are being made to have Pcnln sula Park selected as tbe place for holding the rose show next year. Retaining Wall. Too Costx.t. Because of the heavy expense which would be Involved In the construction or a long concrete retaining wall, the City Com- mission yesterday tabled a petition from East Side property owners to extend Larrabee street in a southerly direction to the east approach of the Steel bridge. By arrangements made daring the Rushlight administration the necessary property for the street Is available and property owners in sist that the street be extended, the ex pense to be borne partly by the prop" erty owners and partly by the city. City Commissioner Dleck recommended against the improvement at this time. The proposition was laid on the table for consideration possibly at some fu ture time. Law Prbvxsts Nkw Ststem. While the methods of keeping county accounts as recommended by the New York Bu reau of Municipal Research are good, and will be adopted eventually, the laws must be changed. State Insurance Commissioner Ferguson has written Auditor Martin, before the county bookkeeping can be revised. The law provides that county accounts be kept on a cash and disbursement basis, as Is maintained at present in the Audi tor's office, Mr. Ferguson says, and ad vised Mr. Martin not to change his sys tem until the law is changed. Reed Coulbgs Has Ewtertatxicent, A Reed College entertainment, which it la proposed to make an annual event, was given In the large hall In the Cen tral Library Tuesday night. That the event is destined to be a popular one was evidenced by the fact that the big hall was tilled and many were unable to obtain seats. The headliner on the programme was a reading of selec tions from Dickens' "Christmas Carols" by President Foster. A double quartet of Reed College sang a number of Christmas carols. Princtpai. Is FcawKisBD. Mrs. Lem mon. principal of the Rose City Park School, was surprised when she ar rived mt lier office yesterday morning to find that a transformation had taken place. As an expression of esteem the teachers and pupils had decorated the office. A new rug covered the floor, new pictures were on the walls and pretty curtains were at the windows. A telephone stand, made in the manual training department, was added. A new blanket and pillow also adorned the office couch. Prizes Art A wards rx The East Burnside District Improvement Asso ciation yesterday awarded the follow ing prises for best three decorated business bouses on East Burnside street: First. R. yohmeer & Son; second. Ked Hardware Compny; third. Smith & Evans. The awards were made by Judges selected from outside of the district, who visited East Burnside street and marked the standing of the houses on cards. Nearly every busi ness house on the street entered the contest. Spkxd Xxai With the Foucs. Week-end Rates Good going on De cember 54 and S5. returning Decem ber I. Portland (1st and Alder) to Eagle Creek and Estacada. $1 round trip Trains leave: :45. :45. 10:45 A. M. 13:45. 1:45. 4HS. :45 P. ML De cember IS. round trip. 75 cents to Kstacada and Intermediate points. Oood only on this date. Portland Rail w. Light Power Company. Adv. Albixa AvitNcn to B" P a vp. Sewers are being laid in Alblna avenue and all service pipes in advance of the pave ments to be laid there In the early Spring. This improvement will be made from Kllltngsworth avenue to Lombard street. AIMna avenue la on the west aide of Peninsula Park and the pave ment there is wanted as soon as pos sible for that reason. Bodt Is Sent to Chicago, The fu neral of Mrs. Nettie E. Pratt was held Tuesday afternoon from the chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors and the interment will be made in Chicago. Mrs. Pratt Is survived by two daugh ters. Mrs. T. J. Ripley, of Portland, and Mrs. F. P. Dillon, of Chicago. MojfAACH Metal. WaaTHEa cTarps on your doors and windows save fuel, pre. vent draft, rattling windows, keep out duat and rain, make your house com fortable. Office JS5 Stark street. Phones Main 14:5, A ITSO. Adv. T. P. A. AMD V. C T. Banquet will t.tke place December 17. at S P. M.. at the Multnomah Hotel. Procure tickets at office. JOi Gerlinger bldg. Adv. DAXcixa Xmas afternoon and even ing. Dreamland hall. Morrison at Id: special attractions; novelties and souvenirs. Adv. Dm. TTxton. dentist, has returned: Oregonlan bldg. Adv, GazsRAJt Dbt January L Acting on the advice of Deputy District Attorney Collier, the County Commissionerr yes. terday signed an order prohibiting the sale of Intoxicating liquors in the City of Gresham. to take effect. Mr. Collier said, January 1. The order Is made as a result of the local option election held last month, the vote standing 232 for and 188 against prohibition. Her man Matthes and Hans Jacobsen con tested the election, but the validity of the vote was upheld by Judge Kava naugh, who allowed Mattbiea and Jacobson five days to file an amended complaint. This they have failed to do. J. J. Brands Paroled to Far. Ar rested because he passed a bogus check for 117.50 tmpayznent for a parrot and cage. J. J. Brands was paroled yes terday by Judge Cleeton after Brands had pleaded guilty and been sentenced to two years In the penitentiary. The parole was granted on condition that Brands go to a ranch in Washington, where a Job has been provided, re frain from the use of liquor during the time of the sentence, and report to Dis trict Attorney Evans one a week by mail. Those conditions were accepted by Brands, and he was released. Frva Prisoners Arraigned. Five prisoners were arraigned yesterday be. fore Judge Kavanaugh, two of them pleading guilty to the charges against them and three pleading not guilty. John Close, who pleaded guilty to non support of his wife and family, was sentenced to six months on the rock pile, and James Curtis. Joe Anderson, alias Joe Thompson, and James Hill, alias Jack O'Brien, alias Jim Cummins, who pleaded not guilty to minor of fenses, will be tried before Judge Mc Ginn early next month. "ACDrroRiru" Nor for Idlb Men. City Commissioner Brewster yesterday refused to grant the use of the city's temporary auditorium, formerly v the Gipsy Smith Auditorium, for a bunk house for the unemployed. A commit tee representing the unemployed league called upon him and Insisted that the auditorium be provided with beds and that idle men be given full use of it. After considering the propo. sition Commissioner Brewster informed the committee that the building could not be used for that purpose. M. J. Jones and M. Mace arrested. Complaints charging M. J. Jones and M. Mace, of the Jones Market, 151 Fourth street, with working girls em ployed at their place more than 60 hours a week was made out by Deputy T-i ... , tt.n.v TOrthirtenn veflterdaV at the Instance of State Commissioner of Labor wore com men wwr ar rested and later released on bond. The date of their hearing has not been set, Fon Your Christmas Dinner go to Justlns. 445 Washington street. Adv. Man Shoots' Self in Hand. Edward n.n i.- . Vin.i- at,. u rfriver for the Fernwood Dairy, shot himself through the hand last nignt wunc un loading an automatic revolver In the .) ,v. fiflratnirft HoteL Grand lan cuiti-i v . .--- . and Hawthorne avenues. The bullet passed through the iiesn Between thumb and back of the hand, without breaking the bones. Patrolman Llllls dressed the wound end the man was taken to St, Vincent's Hospital In the city ambulance. Bail Comes Christmas Eve. To en able him to attend his sister's wedding at Cottage Grove today, friends sent J 100 bail yesterday to Jay De Spain, the alleged ex-minister who was arrested Sunday in Erlckson's poolroom, at Sec ond and Burnside streets, by Officers Hiller and Holbrook. on a charge of selling liquor without a license. The bond was accepted, and the man re leased. De Spain Is said to have been a preacher among the Seventh-Day Ad ventists. Fiptt-Day Sentencb GrvBN. A sen tence of 50 days in jail was meted out to John Moore, who was arrested by Special Officer Marlow yesterday on a charge of larceny, within an hour after he had been released from the City Jail, where he had been serving a sen tence for vagrancy. The evidence showed that Moore had broken into a popcorn wagon at Ninth and Couch streets and had stolen a quantity of candy, gum and nuts, .valued at about $10. POucn Examinations January 22. Examinations to secure an eligible list from which to make permanent ap pointments of captains of police to till the vacancies caused by the recent dis missal of two captains by Mayor Albee, will be held January 22. The Civil Service Board at a meeting yesterday appointed Chairman Caldwell and Clerk Tupper a committee to arrange the test, which will be open to all members of the police department. Crrr Oftices Closed Todat. The City Hall and the various other buildings of the city excepting fire stations and the police station will be closed all day todav. Commissioner Brewster, who has charge of the City Hall, announced .A will nnt even be open during the afternoon for persons wish. lng to visit the city museum, ntrcur , a mnnpum has been open holi days and Sundays as well as week days. Road Meeting Scheduled. improve. . ., nt rnH will be discussed at a luncheon which will be held at the Commercial Club Monday, itoaumas ter Yeon suggested the plan end lnvl . i in-iiAri veterdav by the County Commissioners. Members of the City Commission, representatives the newspapers, members of the high way advisory board and other public of ficers Interested will attend. Laborer Charged With Theft. Matt Webber, laborer, accused of steal- i . u e lnthtnar from Edward I M K fl ui , " - Hoffman, a companion, was arrestee yesterday at nrst ana -Mauiauu by Sergeant Lyon and Patrolman Burrl. ta-v.v.- .mitteH t.iklnz the clothing. but Insisted that be had forgotten where he place) it- uom mo., charged with being drunk, and will be held for investigation. Pikc.ah Homhi Gets Box. Merchants on Front street yesterday made up a large box of good things to eat and -. i th TiHo-nh Home, where It will be enjoyed today along with the rest of the good tnings oi nrmLiu--. After getting the things together the v. t.unhnnNl to Mavor Albee and he willingly loaned a city automo bile truck to haul tne dox to tno iiu.... $4000 E stats) Probated. Petition for i . r tK. win of Mrs. Mary C. Smith, who died December IS, was filed yesterday by George ssmitn. wiaowm. By the terms of the will, which was ai'.i .hi. ih notltion. Mrs. Smith left all her estate, valued at approximately 4000. to ber husbanu. alter iwu un.au bequests to a niece and nephew have been paid. Oak Sate for Trophies. H. S. Hald has presented Peninsula Fark with a hand-made oak and glass safe for stor lea this nsrk has won. The safe stands In the library of the recreation building, ana airouy fllled with silver cups. If the park . .. mAM trnrthiea Mr. Hald will have to provide another safe for their keeping. Return Suitcase. The man who took -4 .. v. , af iiftcaaa from Ankeny car et East Twenty-second, about 7:20 last night By mistake is asaea to re turn It to 12 East Twenty-fourth today and claim his at the carbarn. W. J. Cuddy. Adv. For coal call Mar. 3884. A 49oS- Adv. DR. EQUI, SORRY. SET FREE Cpon Renewing Apology, Judge Stevenson Suspends Sentence. eke De Marin EuuL sen tenced to five days In Jail yesterday morning for centempl of court, should i'i i ..iiaa in custody. Munioinal Judge rltevenson accepted her apology in court yesteraay anernoou anu ex pended sentence. vw k?i h.i-a mM a n wry wbca three men 'were sentenced to 15 days euoh on Warning to Investors in Mortgages! Solely for yonr protection, we take ... , i , a 1 1 " this metnoa oi caning- jour atten tion to tit new real estate law, which goes into effect January 1, 1914. Which exposes you to danger of loss of your se curity after the expiration of tea years from ma turity unless the mortgage is re newed in due form. TmranoTRSsrHnuiH. For that portion of the new law re ferring to this subject, phone, call or write our mortgage department. Title & Trust Company Fourth Street, Near Stark the rockplle for refusing to pay for their meals in a restaurant, and criticised the action of the court. Judge Steven son ordered her to desist, and when she continued. Bailiff Johnson escorted her from the courtroom. As she passed through the swinging doors she re newed her remarks. Judge. Stevenson summoned her back and sentenced her to five days In jail. In the solitude of a cell. Dr. Equi repented her hasty words, and asked Matron Sampson to interceae lor ner, saving that she would apologize. "A certain amount of respect to the judge Is necessary for the proper con duct of business of thfs court." said Judge Stevenson, in reviewing the case. "However, in this Season of good feel ing. I am disposed to be lenient. Your apology Is accepted. DESIGN TIME EXTENDED ROSE FESTTVAIj FOSTER CONTEST CLOSES DECEMBER 28. Possibility of Some Entries Being Buried to Christmas Matl Moves Board o Postpone Closing. Artists, architects, students and others with artistic minds who hope to contest for the 1914 Rose Festival poster design will not be compelled to submit their designs December 28. At a meeting of the board of governors yesterday It was decided, on account of delayed Eastern malls and because of the great number of letters received at the Rose Festival headquarters, to extend the closing date of the contest to December 29. Secretary J. A. Currey, while he lias received a great number of designs, has also received a number of letters from artists who have been at school In other states, saying that they were returning home for the holidays and that they were bringing their poster designs with them and would submit them in person. Another reason for the extension of time Is the fear that. with the Postofflce being burled under the avalanche of Christmas mail, some of the designs would not be delivered In time. In order to meet these contingencies all designs will be accepted when it is shown by the cancelation that the de sign was mailed before Monday mld night, December 29. JEWISH SPECIAL ISSUE OUT Hebrews ' Hlgb In Literary World Contribute Articles. With Its usual artistic merit and lit erary excellence the Jewish Tribune makes Its appearance this week in the form of a special-Christmas number. It consists of 44 pages inclosed In an. at tractive calendar. Among the contributors are some of the most learned men In the Jewish literary world, including Dr. George Alexander Kohut, of New York, Simon Eolf, of Washington, D. C.; Slgmund Livingston, of Chicago; Dr. N. Moses sohn, of Portland, editor of the Jewish Tribune: Rabbi Jacob Greenbaum. of San Francisco, and others. "The effect of opening the Panama Canal on Jewish Immigration to the Pa- cltio Coast" Is discussed by the lead ing rabbis of the West. There are nu merous other interesting and attrac tive articles. STREET OPENING DELAYED Commission Kefnsed to Pay Price Demanded for Property. Another delay was recorded in the long-drawn-out proceedings for the opening of Oak street from xentn to Burnside streets yesterday, when the City Commission voted down an ordi nance settling the controversy by pay ing $47,500 to John Klosterman for the portion of the street held by him which the city has been unable to obtain. Proceedings have been on since laus and negotiations for a settlement with Mr. Klosterman have been on for near ly three years. The Commission re cently asked City Attorney lAKOcne to try to bring about a settlement on the basis of $35,000. Mr. LaRoche was urf- ble to get Mr. Klosterman to accept less than $47,500. ANOTHER CALL TO BE MADE a Creamery Mien Will Endeavor to Or ganize Board After Holidays. Another call will be Issued for a meeting of creamery men after the holi days to take up the formation of a dairy produce exchange In Portland. As the matter stands now an except two or three, of the larger butter manufac turers of this city have signified their willlngnessto become members of the exchange. ' It is hoped by the promoters of the proposed butter board to secure the co operation of every cramery firm, but If this falls steps will be taken to organ ise the exchange without the Portland creamery men. 200 NEW ARCS ORDERED Daly Orders Installation of Lights In Monnt Scott District. The East Side, principally the dis trict about Mt. Scott, Is to have 280 .. - . --m ifarhta aa soon as t he V can bo Installed by the Portland Rail way, Light 02 rower torapanj. . m lowlng an extensive Investigation of U..IWI.- Hivi.m a ascertain mo jib it , i "n here lights are needed most. City Commissioner Daly has selected SO0 street intersections and ordered the lights put In, These will tne nrst ineiaiieu in Portland's Best t To the Well -Dressed Men of Portland properly garbed in the . XV uppenheimer Xlothes we take pride in featuring' to all our friends and associates and to all mankind our wishes for a happy Ynletide eordially extended. Our announcement tomorrow win be well worth reading. Gus Kuhn, Pres. . Succeeding A. B. Steinbach & This border on an ad means TO- Q "LOOK FOR THE MM- .-0F?- . at THe m , ' M!ffPl''vVEST PARK AND ALDER. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOLIDAY ATTRACTION THREE MORE DAYS TODAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ' The Popular English Comedian . ... Charles Hawtrey - ' In the role he originated in "A Message From Mars" A pleasing combination of mystery, laughter and tears. People say: "It teems with action. V 1 No Change in Prices. Continuous Performance Every Hour and a Half. Beginning at 11:30 A. M. to 11:30 P. M. Coming Sunday, December S?CASS "DAVID COPPERFIELD ' o- about eight months. It having been Impossible to order any more lights i that nAftnri under the nrovl- slons of the lighting contract held by the Portland itauway, jjigui Company. There are about 1500 petl iinnc fnr Horhts now in the hands of Commissioner Daly. He proposes to Install about uu more arcs uu.ms 1914.. ' THESPIANS TO CELEBRATE Entire Company Appearing at Em press to Feast at Hotel Portland. r'i,,i.im will be celebrated tonight by the entire vaudeville company ap pearing at the Empress at notei t-on-land, where a- table set for 25 persons .i 1 1 ha, hr rARArved bv An drew Mack of "A Night in a Police Station" company, wno was aeiesaicu by the vauoeviiiiste to m i.nso n.c i- 1 1 j -. .. ,...r imm,i1lfllAlir after the second show tonight the performers will march across Broadway to the hotel to the strains of merry music wafted from the grill window, which is the street from the stage entrance of the Empress. Members of tne unrisimas party win be the Morandinl trio. Arthur Geary, . i- . nni.n unnr: Hnm Wilson and Bob Rich, blackfacers: Mr. and Mrs. Hillardt, owners of the trained ape. B i OE.R0WERS wanted 1 We have a surplus of funds for loans upon improved Portland real estate business or resi dence If you want to get a loan, see us at' once Quick action and reasonable rates If you want to raise funds on an issue of bonds get. our quotations "We buy en tire issues We handle nothing but high - grade securities "We are prin cipals We buy and sell mortgages Confer with n -B 6 us first. Commerce Safe Deposit and Mortgage lo. m 91 Third St, ej Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 13 Clothts Shop Co. Fourth and Morrison Kuppenhehner clothes at the Lion MOVING BEAR. Q 28th, for One Week Only, SEVEV PARTS Prince Floro; Mary Dorr, the popular mimic, and Joe Maxwell's company in "A Night In a Police Station," includ ing Jerry O'Donnell, William Walther, Edward Fox, Andrew Mack. Elmen Lelghton, Lillian George, Margaret Connyee, Clara Lucker, Dolly Grey, Blanche 'Ellis and Lulu Belmont, the little toe-dancer. CHRISTMAS JINNER 75c. Eat your dinner here today. Every thing the best. Chinese and American delicacies. The New Republic Grill, 847 Morrison street, corner Park, up stairs. Adv. CHRISTMASJDINNER 75c. New Perkins-Hotel Restaurant; noon until 9 P. M. Adv. CARD OF THANKS. TVa desire to thank all those -who so kindly assisted ua in our recent bereave ment. We also wish to express our appre ciation to all our friends.' for their many beautiful floral tributes. Adv. ff. LARSOV AXP FAMILY. 'Twill Make Your Mouth Water Q to lift the cover off a box of - Hazelwood Q Candy It's the purest and best you J can bny. q The Hazelwood Confectionery and Restau p rant, "Washington at Tenth. MOORE'S RESTAURANT Will Serve a CHRISTMAS TURKEY DINNER H to P. M76a. HllthHt, PhoneA. W ' Merry M W Did You Forget : j ; Someone? Sta Send Them or Her or Him a Box of -jp fyji SwetlancTs Sweets iffl, f$ Open All Day ftp and Deliveries pb? Promptly Made pa Beautiful New Holiday Boxes and jsM wrr Baskets Add to the Charm of These "Sugg Delightful Confections $ig ; Use the Phone Main 19,' A To our patrons and good friends who have co-operated xvith us in an endeavor to give Portland a better and broader service we express our appre ciation and wish A Merry, Merry Christmas L. P. Hugging Your Fireside These Cool Nights How satisfying and restful it is to have the decorating and furnishings of your home both beautiful and harmo nious. The humblest home or the most palatial mansion will have our best efforts along these lines. Unander and Jakway Decorators and Furnishers, Alder, at Eleventh. Accounts Opened for $1 Our fia-rlng reparrment is under Government nperTlion l.umbermens National, bank CAPITA!, Sl.OOO.OOO FIFTH AXD STARK L The most fatal explosion aver known was at Oravellnes In 1064. Tbree thousand paople ware killed. Reynolds, Asst. Mgr. PERFECT HEARING FOR TUB DEAF The Little Gem Ear Phone and t Aato Massage. The simplest, smallest and most effective hearing device ever shown. It is used under all con ditions in church, theater, gen eral conversation. Massage stops head noises. Call for Free Demonstration. Woodard, Clarke & Co. PORTLAND, Exclusive Agents. Write tor Booklet. Christmas and Sunday Dinner Turkey complete, T5t Chtckea complete, 50t Meves Restaurant Excellent Food Popular Price GOOD MUSIC If. E. Corner Sixth aa WaaUastea FOOK SANG & CO. 24 Pine St.. Portland. Orestm, Phone A 7?V. CHINKSE PUBK JADB JEWELRY. Also gold bracelets, signet rlnss and bMt buckles in any design, made to order, with names or rood luck Chinese characters en graved thereon. Prices are very reasonable. Orders promptly executed and sent prepaid to any part of tho V. S. We are skilled Chines. Xrm-CMXOKO. MAXAGXB. .