' tttv. ' woTtxrsa oKroovrAy. Thursday, December 25, I9i3. 15 " 1 ' i " ' i ZZZ I wmrr ivn KO-TVI.. I FINANCIAL. - rKOBAIIOXER rant-d to train for "IJJ . tnond. Wa!i.: salary firm rl ' fc end y.ar $IJ... third !Mr II. P"? -icliidin- oar.l, lodging nd IwfJ- Pj ! p'.v to Ann. Horfman. matron. Raymond r,;i,.rjl Hospital. Rajntocd; n- RVA N TK Ml:omn bookkeeper and len" rapher for wnolesal. manufacturing Pt . must I, comp-'renl ana ""'c - , ,, . -I J1U -bond; reference required. At ". ..r (gnuui itrirl. onlv IWANTED Two, competem c " - - apply, r rio --- - .VANTtiD Oirl for g-.neral hot.se worK; pim rooking; fsmllv of tl-ree; light work, good SonJi ' Apply iW E. 4-JrO. or 'phone BVK gins to learn beauty culture; pay while learning: l'!"r,.!,S"rS: 40- .. , . Kunttarr Parlors. - i I T'irn - Wanted A good lrl for p"1-1 ,houM i?rk jVimJ.1 Umjiy of adult Inquire v . r.i f-5 to travel. demonstrate and sell "i, Ci P railroad far. paid 616 Shetland bldg. Call mornlngs. fit,-A NT F.I SMART MEN TO LEARN MOV Ir PITTI-KK OPK RATING. 417 ROTH- I 1111.1' ui" - olrlL wanted, cofTee-houae, 3i 5th at Nor til. ' WANT young girl lor coffee boose. 46 N. ' 4t'h t. HEf.F WAXTTP MAT.K OB FFMAf F- IlcH. Teacher Agency secures poaltlona for teacher. Bl Journaf bldg. Main 48AO HF1.P W.NTFO MlM-ElAASEOrH. OREGON Barber College leaches you the barber trade In 8 weeks; pa you whl a learning- tools free; tuition reduced this term; extra Instructors; years In business, ' poiltlon guaranteed; epeclal Inducements i u mum. j jt.u.H " COURSES IN PHOTO fLAT WRITING AKfc GEMiKALLV SOLD FOR firt TO CLR OKKER: COMPLETE XNFTRI.CTION AND INFORMATION 1. BOX H'fc kAlLWAT HAIL CLERKS . u.lom-1 oue amlnatli. aoon; Parcel post 'njn more clerk.: lnO to 17l0; frea Look. Pacific Ftatea gchool. Mch.ay 1-ldg. CiOVKR.NMF.NT poaiUona open to women: ?. month; write Immediately for frj-a list. Krank-lln Initltula. lept. tiJS 11. iluLER Barber College will teach you ouiokly. cheaply and thoroughly, pay you while learning, furniah toola free. Write Tor free, catalogue, a j irvlN(PICTL'RR OPERATORS WANTED IN EVERY C1TT I.N - THE WORI.O. .EARN IT. 4JT KOTHCHILD BLDU. i-KIVATE BUSINESS COI.I.EO E Individual Instruction. irir..j iinunin.., ".""m keeping. 4Q4 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4-.. AlfN. IS to Si. wiahing to be railway mall clerk,. TS month, apply for Information. AV OSt. urygqni". til RIJ Learn beauty parlor work: earn money whlla learning. Tho Hair Bazaar. Majestic Tneater bwjg.. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. PER MO. :w imi si. m. ra. enp. instrctn. BITrATIOX WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper oa Clerka. ivvrSTIf. ITBD MEN. The kind you want. Honeat. Induitrloua. qualifleA. Can do anything you want uona, Amloua to aerva you. Kacorda la hand for your lnapectlon. CalL Write. I'hona. STANLEY BAKER. , Bmployment Sei-retary. X. M. C. A. Main IW3. A 8561. WILL Al DITToPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE ,'p booka. prepar. balance and atatem.nt ln.tall avatema Ollllngham. auditor. 41 Lewie bldg. Marahall 117. iOt-N'j man. 13. good appearance, clerical experience, wanta po.itiun aa clerk In email hotel or liullar employment. P Oregoniaru ilji.iK :-!' with wide office experience wanta position. Addreaa H Oregonlun MlecellaDeoua. IHOBOL'GHLT organised construction will take contract or force account work: long lob preferred; can baadle entire worn ' ar any portion of It. C E. Powell. Broad way Hotel, mono or Mum? . WANTED poaliion ou ranch, orchard work apecla.iy; Iueaxr experience: best of references; slng:e. Phona Maxshail 43. o. or P frlfi, Oregon4an. WANTED Contract clearing land near Portland: not loo heavy, i-all or writ J. E. Johnson. 13 lh at- ronn STEAM engineer wants Jot; experiences with aiitorrfatlc Bra sprinkler. Phono a g!34. room m . STOVES and rannea repaired and rclined; water colls mada and connected, wooa lawn 31SL WANTED To contract for woodcutting wi4b tool, and cabin turnl.hed. Addreaa Wil liam Moore. 210 Alder at. KIGIIT WATCH MAN. a reliable.- experienced and sober niglitwalchman wanta poaluon. . P Oregoulan. JiUHT watchman, a reliable, experienced and sober night watchman., wants posi tion. AIARRIED man wanta position on farm or dairy; experienced. S ). Oregoman. IP too want an all-around atova man, phone Woodlawn 3161. CHAUFFEUR wants position; can give best of reference. Address N Ml. Orcgonlan. 8ITCAT10X9 WANTED FEMALB. BoeAvkeepora aad Menogrmphen. . i -x.-. -. i.irea noaitlon as bookkeeper, stenographer or caahler; can speak Ger man. A H. Uregonian. STENOGRAPHER. 2 years' experience, wanta position January 1; moderate sal ary. J el A, OrcsoniaiK BOOKKEEPER, can use typewriter, or any kind of office work; In or out of city. S 0 ojd St.. B l3i Arreeamaker. FAi-KiONABLt; dressmaking and mllinery. home or day, ltlfr Uittbs su Main tl. SEWING, darning and mending by tho day. Phone Sliwocwt 10 - MATERNITY nurre wants case; wiUdolgbt housework. Phone Main 14. VOMAN of refinement, middle-aged, thor ough in all detail, of the household, wishes nuinsn in reflnert good home o adults. widower's or invarvl s household; children school age; relwrencca. ' man. "WIDOW wiahea position aa housekeeper fo bachelor or wiijower. borne, no objection to leaving city; good rof. T-ia t litn. Sellwood car. Iomratlc. EXPERIENCED colored woman cook wU help get Christmas dinner work by the vk. Main 32t. 1 i;th at. North. CAPABLE woman would like work by day er week: East Portland preferred. Phone Woodlaan 3-J?i. JxTrMF. R secretary dtsires position, doctor's or lawyer's office preterred; reference. phone Marshall 5411. ij cashier in roslaurunt or picture show or any other llhi work. Ctll 2V4 Second at-. near Madison. EXPERIENCED cashier or exchange oper ator wanta position, "- " Oregotnan. . COklPUTENT woman wanta work by Uis !. Mala e-iis. WOMAN wanta work by hour or day. hour Phona Last o.s. WOMAN would Ilk work. Friday; refer ences. Woodlawn 111. WANT ID ACKNT8. J'OHTRAIT canvasser wanted for aome thlng different. W mak all dellveriea. Call at 51 AUinglon bla- tomorrow. ll:o to 1:30. WANTKD TO RENT. 1 WANT to rent a good J-room cottage ot bansatw cKse in on East bide; must b Sodern and hav lurnac. Mr. Boyr. aln . lioaw VANTED To rent five or lx-room modern cottage, roou wiKnoorniwu, an XI i. 8 Oreaonian. . 1 , 1 1 . , vn,r nr.nrv. wttK Bl CO- l,.nhia Trust Comrsr.y. CIS Board of Trade b'.dg. Main e3& Room With Kowrd. Tiii-vr; man learnlnr a trade wants board and room, private family; will do chore around place to maxe pne reasonaoie. Phone Fast 4Ts. Ylt r.lTVT .Kurnudicil Huwu). 1HS LARRABEK. I.arrabee Rooms. week up; brick building, steam heat, hot. cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL ARTHUR, nth and Yamhi'l: evenr modem conven ience; rate 94 wee, anq op. jiwin fiHS; KING. Sh Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms, modern, central, S2.-i a ock up I mm un. . roauar. iu nr..Vj --- - I - I mniUbrH Anartmmts. I HocBeiwIw Boama. i -'""""""" : RATES, DAILT. WEEKLY, MONTHLY. HOTEL WASHTNOTON. Formrl Called Annex Hotel. WAJUIXGTON ST, COR. li'TH. FamiW hotel. l.V rooms, European plan; absolutely fireproof toalldtng, modern and clean in every respect ; hot and cold run-ntnx- water, both telephones In every room, ladies parlor, largo bathroom, ladies' toilet ano gentlemen's toilet, tiled floor, well ventilated, on each floor; largo parlor oil main lobby. CHAJi H. BOWI.EY. MANAGER, PORTLAND, OR. HOTET. WEAVFR. TIO Washington Su Under new management; large, pleasant rooms, private phone and bath with each; extra large closets; large, comfortable re ception parlor: rates moat Reasonable. Telephone Main StoL HOTRL ROWLAND. HOTEL MINOOK, SM7H -1th. IISH 4th. SPECIAL WINTER RATES. Nicely furnished rooms; homelike, re. apectable, clean and modern; hot and cold water, privat baths; Winter rate. 3 per week and up; special attention given to tourists; give n a call; yon will like It, for you get your money' worth and then some. . lit iT K i. BUCKINGHAM, 2uth and Washing ton ata; eAegantly located, new and mod ern, outside rooms, well heated, quiet and homelike, for transient or permanent guests. S2.50 week up; private bath, Si a week up. ' 1 i i )'I r. I. REN WICK, Broadwajt. cor. Taylor; modem house, beautifully furnished out side rooms, some with private bath; a quiet, homelike place for transient or per. manent gueats; rates reasonable. A. L. Fteward, prop, and mgr., 0o Broadway. FOR Y. M- C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable In price: fireproof build ing, vicuum cleaned, shower baths, club facilities; special rate at cafeteria. Cor ner 6th and Taylor at. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. Nth and Washing ton ata.; elegantly located, new and mod ern, outsld room; well heated, quiet and homelike, for transient or permanent guests. I:. 50 wk. np; private bath, So up. HOTEL MADRAS. Centrally located on Washington at 1-th St., hot and cold water and phones; $3 weekly and np; very attractive price to permanent guest. HOTEL FRANKLIN. 3S Washington sl. cor. 1.1th. KOo per day and up ;weekly, S3 ani up; ram, puoue, o 1 1 m NICELY and newly furnUhed light and airy room, aery desirable and homelike, all to 15 per month. 275 S. -2d -, one block from Wetover car. HOTEL OCKLEY, 390, Morrison st., cor. 10th. ' 50c per day and up: weekly 2.S0 and up; free bath and phones; steam heat. ,-,lvi2 uriTiri Modern, nicely furnished rooms; ateara heat, hot and com water; vi per sw. 347 Oak St.. opposite Hotel Oregon. HOTEL SAVON, "181 Eleventh at-; new, modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably furnitied; transient oliclted. . HOTEL ANSONIA, 14 14th at., corner Washington: nicely furnished rooma, atlictly modem; rate 3.30 week and up. Marshall I4l. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand av. and East Belmont Rooms, 112 month up, $22.50 up with private Darn; large, pieaaani iou"i. absolutely a respectable hotel. East 323. HOTEL CORDOVA, 280 11TH ST. IStrictly modern; private baths; en suite; rooms $3.50 UP. Main 0472, A 4 7 S3. lOCNO'min rooming at T. M. C A. wanta roommate to reauc rooaung miwiw Inquire Y. M. C. A.. 6th and Taylor. NICE, furnished room for single man. 163 Park, corner Morrison. HOTEL JOYCE. S70H -JTH ST. Nicely fumlhed rooms, day or week. Faralsbeta Boon In Private Femlllea. NICELY furnished front room, econd floor, desirable location. 74S Hoyu Phone Mar ahall 4753. 7S MORRISON Desirable double room, doublo closet, well furnished, new, clean, convenience. LARGE, furnished attic room, clean, with good bed. la month. 4t Clay. STKAM-HEATED furnished room 18 up; phone, bath. bbb Gtlsaa St. VERY LIGHT housekeeping-room, first floor, reasonable. 2u8 12lh u ' NEWLY furnished front room. 55 Clinton, close In. iuchmond car. Sellwood 63. NICELY furnished room for one or two gen tlemen: all convenience. 211 loth N. ' NEWLY furnished room In a modern steam heated bouse. Main t-7. Rooms with Board. ALEXANDRA COURT, Residence Hotel, 63 Ella Street. A 6211. Main 461L The beat residential hotel In the city. Suites and single rooma Bates reasonable. the Virginia" hill, 14th and Jefferson St. An exclusive residential hotel: attractive rate to transients or permanent guest. Main B2S3. A 6623. PARKVIEW HOTEL, SS Montgomery St., at West Park Mod ern conveniences; room with or without bath; excellent table ervice; reasonable rates for regular and transient gueata. NICELY furn. rooma. attractive home, ex cellent table board; only six minute busi ness district; very reasonable term. 311 lith. m THE WH IT E H ALL, 253 6TH ST. A residential hotel; large sun porch; rooma with or without baths; home coot. ing: fPIQ poaru a ip-miif. THE HAZEL Now changed to family hotel. Special, rates; strictly home cooking. 3o3 . . 1 1 at. rnon a'w iwn. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 2th year. Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 610 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, Sup. ROOM and board at The Calumet. . 150 Park t.. 315 per month: double, with private Mill, lii; VM - - CAS A ROSA, furnished rooms with board; rooms for families. Cor. 6th and Jefferson. THE MANITOU, 21 13th. steam heated. gooa taoie. uouio ijiihidbv m,.u ..u- ELEGANT rooms, facing the park, flrt clase board. 874 Park su NICELY furnished room, with board, be tween Ilth and l!th. 42T Clay. Room With Board La Private Famllie. KEN WORTH Y COURT Board and room, modern conveniences, good table, home made bread: special rates to families; close in. Phone East 4217. TWO beautiful, furnished room In refined private family; modern; steam heat, use -of piano and homo prlvUegas: board It desired; reference. East 64.12. BOARD and room for two persons; easy walking distance: good neighborhood and home cooking. 372 Broadway YOUNO man. also young lady wishes room mate; good board, home comforts; use of piano; separate beds, lttl 11th. Main 6381. FURNLSHED room with board, also sleeplug porcn. aiu ntn su rnone a iwb. GOOD room, new bouse, near Multnomah t-IUO; two mwil) iwwumun. -- LOVELY room, breakfast and dinner In modern nome, sia anq eav. v-v c.g.w ROOM with board, 12 and up. The Chrys ler 233 loth St., corner Main. ROOM and board. 133 10th su Walking distance. Main Q7t. A 28t. Famished A part meat. kGOaEVELT 6 rooms, heat and hot water; cicely arranged. 332-60 per month. Port land Trut Co.. or Janitor. S Kearney and 21st ata . THB WINSTON, 341 14th at., at Market, New two and three -room apartments, completely furniahed: walking distance; prices reasonable. Phone Main 173a. FGKTNOMAH APTS I room with all con veniences: phone, hardwood floora. etc 324. E. 13th and Taylor at. Walking dis tance. . MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park su. at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-rooin furnished apart ments: ratu reasonaoie. 3 ELEGANT furnished housekeeping rooms with sleeping porch. 323. i E. Wssh. su. cor. 2:h. . Phone East 61 or East 374. THB STANFIELD, New, S-roora apt., light and 3'" clnded. 15 up. 2t'4 Porter st. Mala 78W2. DRICKSTON 44S 11th. three-room apart ment: two Holme beda; on two-room apartment, Marshall 67. ANGELA APARTMENTB St Trinity Plr. 2. 3 and 4-roora fur nished apt.; private bath and phone. X U u - . , . . , lrth and Harrison 3 and 8-room apart ments; beat service. App'y on pr-mlsris. THE CUETOPA, 16th and Flandar 1, 3 room ateam-heated apartment, unfur- , I- -' -. nih,r anartments. NICE 1. 2. 3 aad 4-room apartments at ;ui Klillniraworui ave., i" '-- -" ' premiaea THE MARLBOROUGH 31st and Flanders. O-room, every ,.m.x.-... KING DAVI9 APTS 34 N. King, t and 4 room. hlgh-cls; reference. Main 2053. MODERN 4-room .umlshed apartment, steam heated. Cottel Drug Co. ONE 4-room apartment now vacant; M.adl Via I'aik. Apt, I'hon, alaia ifi, OUR FR-EE AtTOMOBTLE AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APAETME.N7a. Furnished and unfurnished apartment, from 3 to B room, from 120 to $5J i per month. If ou wnt one. telephone 2Cli Sundays, or A -01. Evenings call Mr. Balden, Marshall 2290. Ocr automobile will call at any address with our agent, who will be glad to show these apartment References required. We own or control the following: Cecilia. 22 d and Gllsan st. . ClaypooL 11th and Clay at. Columbia, 11th and Columbia. Fordham, 170 Ford. Hanthorn. 216 12th t near Main. Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near lltn. Hanover. 166 King u. near Wah. Orderlelgh, &; Grand ave. su Clair. 176 Su Clair u. near Wash. Ht. Francis, 21st and Hoyt sta, Wellington, loth and Everett sta MORGAN. FLIEDNER BOICET. 813-821 Morgan bldg. THB BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta This new four-story brick now open: fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 8 and -room suites: reception hall, electric auto matio elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built-in buffet and writing desk, gas range, icebox, plenty of closet rooms, botn f hones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons, f you want something nice, come to tne Barker, phone A 1744, Marshall 2961. STRANGER, TRAVELER. Do you want a cozy home while In Port land? Daily, weekly or monthly rate. You will always find comfort, . conven ience and courteous treatment, and be close to the center of the city .at the WHEEI.DON ANNEX. 10TH AND SALMON STS. TR-LNITY PLACE APARTMENTS. 48-67 Trinity Place. The finest apartment on the Pacific Coast, with every modern convenience; apartments furnished and unfurnished; terms reasonable; references required --furnished bachelor quarters with clubroom. . , . . .... 1 1 i i,ii CUMBERLAND. W. Park and Columbia st. Very choice 9 and 8-roqm completely fur nished apt., all modern conveniences, beautiful location, facing the parks: 5 minutes' walk from business center. We always maintain our reputation for flrst class. clean apt., with best of service, at reasonable prices; references required. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia. , . 2 and 8-room apartment furnished, strictly modern and new; referenoes; close walking distance; servlc first-class. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS, Corner Park and Taylor. Best location In the city; well fur nished. In 2. 8 and -4-room ulte; llrat class service. ' VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Cdt, Furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. Beferences. WITH STOVE HEAT, 3 ROOMS, S22.50. Plenty of heat, luily and completely fur niahed apartments, including table linen. East 1322. B 3041. THE UPSHUR, 28th and Upsnur sts Fur nished 2-room apts., 313, $18 up; steam heat hot and cold water In every apart ment; public bath, electric lights. SA ranges, laundry-room, all tree. Take "S 23d or VV" car north. Phone Main 3523. bAVBi eo x-r,rv oi,i. Three large furnished rooms, $22.60. In eluding table and bed linen; large rooms; on carline; see thi ure. Tabor 22Sa, East 1322. NEW YORK APTS., nicely furnished, very central, 2 and 8 room; large kitchen, 'baths, heat, light and both phones; $18 to $25 per month: also sleeping rooma East 7th and Belmont, SEE the Overton Apartments, furnished and unfurnished, cheapest and best In the city; private phone, bath and electric elevator; no inside rooms; new manager. Take W car. Z73 aist ana overtop. QHANDEdTA East Stark ana Grand ave., new building, nicely furnished; private phone and baths. automatic elevator; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 208. AVA LON Nearest to Union Depot of East Bide apt.; one iruni, bimiu-iiito suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; also 1 8-room apartment- .t eoio. LINCOLN APTS.. 4TH AND LINCOLN All outside 2-room fur. apts.; low rate. Include free light, heat, private phone. "S" or 16th-st. car south. Main 33i7. THE M" KIN LEY APARTMENTS. East 7th nd Morrison sta Very central, 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished com pletely, private baths; room 320 to $21.50. THB Northampton. 407 Hall at., onea-room. lurnisneu. msia mvu. ONE, 2 and 8-room, furnished or unfur nished. The BJelland. A lbH7. Main 1687. Unfurnished Apartment. THE WASHINGTON. 8 Northrup 6-room unfurnished apartment, with bath and all modern conveniences, telephone, steam heat. gas. electric lights, etc Take W car to list and Northrup. Phone Main 47. WALKING DISTANCE. REX ARMS APARTMENTS. ISth and E. Morrison sts.; S-story fire proof bldg., lil two and three-room fur nished and unfurnished apt. ; automatic elevator, balcony, tile bathrooms, all lat est Improvements: rates $J5 to $33. FORDHAM APARTMENTS. 170 Ford li near Washington Th best 3. 4 and 6 room apartment In the city for the money. Finished in mahogany and oak. handsomely papered walls, elegant til bathrooms; rent from 135 to $62.50. 705 DAVIS ST. We have one top floor duplex apart ment left In our new seven-story fire proof building; contains 7 rooms with 3 fireplaces; will decorate rooms to suit tenant. Apply on iiicuino t.irrnETiA conRT. On Lucre tia su. north of Washington; best residence district, walking distance; open court; finest unfurnished apt.. 3 to 6 rooma; rate reasonable; referencea Mgr., Mar. 1.13. 4anltor, Mar. 1500. HANOVER APARTMENTS, King and Wash ington streets Absolutoly fireproof, new, modern, sanitary; two or three-room apartments, with bath, from 320 to $17.60; SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 173 Broad way, corner Jefferson; easy walking dis tance; 3 or 4 rooma with private hatha; very reasonable rent; best service, splen did arrangement. -All outalde rooma KEELEK APARTMENTS. 14TH AND CLAY STREETS. One of our best 4-room front corner suites, unfurnished; references. GRACE APTS., 24tb and Northrup sts i large rooma, front veranda and sleeping porch, hardwood floor, water heat, phona, strictly modern, unfurnished. - ROSE FRIEND Cor. Broadway and Jeffer son. Elegant unfurnished apartments; first-class service; private phone ; ref. THB DEZENDORF. 208 ISth, near Taylor. Main 471. 6-room furnished and unfurnished apta KINGSBURY, Ford near Washington; high class, unfurnished apartment. 3 and 4 rooms, private balcony, reasonable renu flats. 5-KOOM flau 780 Gllsan su, near 23d st. car: new, modern, convenient; hardwood floora fireplace and furnace; select neigh borhood. Morgan, Flledner AV Boyce, 813 Morgan oiag. $22.30 5 rooms, new range and gas heater, at 384 E. 1st su, near Broadway. H. P. Palmer-Jone Co., agents. 404 Wilcox uiag. pnonts m. ooog. j. CONVENIENT, well-located -8-room flat, gas atove and gaa heater; reduced rent to good tenant. 493 Everett, near 31st. Phone Kaat a SIX rooms, modern conveniences, beautifully IlnUhed. fine view, private basement: rent $20. 15S9i Belmont at, MU Tabor. Phone Tabor 3235. LOWER flau $0; rooms; Hoyt sU See Mr. Hyde, janitor, Su Fraud Apart- menta Zlst ana tioji 6 AND 6-room modern fiat. $20 and $23, West Side, walking distance, fine condi tion. Woodward. 104 2d. HOLLADAY ADDITION Beautiful flat Call 4UV, Wasco st. Phone East 3805. MODERN 6-room -upper flat, with furnace. E. 12th, beu rjurnsiao anq uoucu, -o Ktviri.l. t-num modern upper flau 24S Ulenn. COr. HSWlcgm. rimi" " '"- 4-ROOM flat, choicest location. West Side. Inquire 17. Kth su, corner YamhllL FLAT of rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 110 thsu Phone Main 278. MODERN 6-room npper flat, Wert Side; very reasonable. Inquire 623Everett t. Flat! 3444 Montgomery. ner Broadway; reduced to.xia. rnons c. -o'-o. MODERN unfurnished flau Call East 784, C 2612. . Fmraiahed Flat. FLAT, S rooms, handsomely furnished, complete throughout; no children; owner will lea for th Wintr Apply 6S Davis, cor. 19th.. bet. hour of S and 2. FURNISHED flt for housekeeping, $15; 1 front room and kitchenette, furnished. Mln eev'v MODERN four-room flt, walking distance, $25, Phone Woodlawn 185 Housekeeping Rooa ROYCREST. 175 12th' large rooms; furnace beat; complete for H. all convenience. The Beaver. 12th and Marshall sts,; fur nished for housekeeping; ga range, elec tric light, hot water, bath, laundry free. $12 per month up; a clean place, best in the city for the money; short distance from Union Depou Take S or 16th-su care north, get on at Marsnaii. io $1.50 TO $2.75 week; clean, furnished house- Keeping room, euitauie iw - . - -heat, laundry, bath. yard. ga. Phone noaa. ana Vancouver. 208 Stanton. U ' free E. car. THB MONTGOMERY, East 8th and Horrt on; neatly furniahed housekeeping suites. reasonaoie. rui. , - i .- 1 1 T - r mA T'nahtir fill urniahed -"" . v T. i , , - tin --room api. ; atcaiia u-cat, . " v-tn T&ke "S." 23d or "W tar north up. . ii be C, ILMA. lt mi-, - '"'r ' ' FURNISHED h. k. roomi cheap. Cambrld v i j .,j ii...i.e Dnni-a Vain H- r D IU J. , iUj ffllf. JUIIIDUI4. a t Houcfcccptng-Booin.t In Fi-lTate Fmmlly. BEFORE lookinc for roomi, houBekoepInR f am- iuriuasoea or uliiui aajdaao, u - - lly, also furnished and unfurnished ria flats. nouses, anta.. etc., can idu i 1 1 e . ass t-a. vnll large tuiio. ua coixipic.v ., trouble and money. No coat to you. PORTLAND RENTAL BUREAU, 602 Broadway Bide Main P43. LIST lULiii H(JO3 a n X W J Weil-lUrUIBUCU uuuoiv A O ..a. -1 4C1V x CI 1 - WrWili rooms. fur- WILH afLALU II ". --, uu 7., nlshed; saa, electric lighta, phonea. ' Main. M Klcely furniahed rooms,' day or weeh. ROOMaS, completely furnished for housekeep ing; good neighborhood and easy walking difttance; also deairable sleeping rooms. Ola. Biuauw J $10 PER, MONTH for neat housekeeping rooms: on car line: walking distance; free . . , . . -vi v- I 4 -o p-ca -c Mnrriann PORTLAND HEIGHTS Rooms complete for housekeeping, with fine view; reason able. ' Main 4844. . LIGHT housekeeping rooms, single or en suite, rent reasons Die. jonnBon bu NICE furnished housekeeping rooms, 67 N. 14th, between Davis and Everett. 3498. SS PER week, 'ererything lncludtd, small H. K suite, close In. 1B1 14th. TWO nice front rooms; heat, Ught and gaa 414 M11L LARGE, clean h. k. room for couple; run ning water: close In. 181 14th. 1, 2 OR 8 newly .papered rooms; dandy, cen . tral; Nob Hill location. M Everett. Houses. HOUSES. $20 1 rooma at 4o7 Market at near 18th. $2& rooma at 288 North 17th U near Pettygrove. , V2o 6 rooms, modern, at 849 North Twenty-eighth str-set. Willamette Heights. S,tlO 11 rooms, suitable for lodging house, at corner Tenth and Yamhill sts. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., , 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. 8G9&. A 263. FREE RENTAL LIST. We issue weekly a printed bulletin con taining a complete list of houses and Ilata for rent; free for the asking. THE FRE-D A. JACOBS COMPANY. Main 6609, 26 Washington St. A 6267. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Beautiful residence, ati modern conveniences, high class neigh borhood, large grounds, magnificent views, near cars, school and club; also for sais eaar terms or exchange. Owner, iwo Spalding bldg. Marshall 1736. 25 ft-room bouse, suitable for two faml Illes, at 342 Tillamook St., close to two car lines, 11 blocks from Broadway bridge, large yard; also re., 984 E. 23d st. -North, 7 rooms, modern cottage. Phone Main436iJ. FOR RENT Will lease 2-story. 5-room bun galow, fireplace, cement basement, laun dry trays. Dutch kitchen, ga-s, electricity and furnace; never occupied; rent e18.U. Geo. A. Ross. Phone Main .-970. HOUSE far rent. $10, 4-room cottage, bath, pantry, electrio lights, cement walks, clean, one block to Woodlawn car, or will ' sell, 100 down, J10 per month. Phone East 1628. 8-ROOM modern bouse for rent, at 166 North lbth st.: nice location, or phona Main Key at -676 Irving St., or Inquire of P. JC tne do, at ocaJiaii.v a1 u" EIGHT-ROOM house, well arranged to sub let (two rooms rented)," good repair; rent 5: central. East 61de, walking distance. Phone East W5. COTTAGE, 6 rooms, West Side, unfurnished; 201 n- 24th. bet. Kearney and Lovejoy; modern; Includes heat and hot water, $32.60. Wakefield. Fries ft Co.. 85 4th st. WjcJ can rent your jiuupo iw HACKER & THERKELBEN, 30a Spalding bldg. M. 7592. WEST SIDE, fi and 4-room cottages at 168 and 170 17th at., near Morrison; low rent. Cord Sengstake, ttoaxeonoiog. MODERN 7-room house; furnace, walking distance; Holladay Addition; rent JfOR RENT 440; new, strictly modern 9 room house in Irving ton. 'Phone Colum bia 449. 5-KOOM modern bungalow, $20: Hawthorne district. 1080 Arnold, near 36th St. Call 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. A 4401. SS FOR good 4-room house on Union ave. 14157 ; two carllnes, opposite Woodlawn SchooL Inquire next door. i FOR REN.T Modern 6-room cottage, 107 13th st.. West Side; some furniture for sale cheap. HOUSES to rent in all parts of the city. HACKER 4 THERKELSEN, Mm BDaldlnr bldg. M. 7592. JANUARY 1, 5-room modern cottage, with furnace, near Union-ave. CsirUne. Phone C 1242. DOUBLE house. Montgomery st-, near 4th; 22 rooms, $65. H A. Holmes, 60tf Beck bldg. fnone juain MODERN house, 7 rooms and btb?2 water heat. Ill North 17th sU . Apply 562 jjiisan si. MODERN 7-room house, Northrup near Jlst. $-40 month. Vanduyn A WaltuJW 614 Chamber of Commerce. 4-ROOM house, 417 Overton St.; key next door; $15 per month. Main 4821 Monday, room 202 Stock Ex. bldg., 3d and YamhllL 10-ROOM modern house at 374 34th at. In- gulre 37U ntn. uwoer 115 -i oi n. IF you want to rent, call up .feast -i. v. H. 1 era man. GOOD modern 6-room house;, furnace. c. T ,.lr- o nrl ISth Ili.".- 6-ROOM cottage on E. 19th. $20; garage If wanted, $5. Main 6368 or Marshall lbil. MODERN 8-room house. 699 Flandars, near 23d. phone Mam tsu-w or cum, goo. 6-ROOM house, 709 Davis st between 2 1st and 22d. Marshall 3639. MalnligjS ROSE CITY PARK Well-built bungalow; - . t t- 4JO-: Vf.ln OTSl nrepiace. iccyint iy-jn.ii, HOUSE of 0 rooms and bath. 69 E. 19th North. Inquire 130 '6tb st. Main 62T8. 5-ROOM cottage, perfect order, Broadway car. 886 9th. East 547. C 1668. Furnished Ho A MODERN" 6-room furnished house for rent January 1 at corner East 11th and Grant ata,. 30 month; no children. In quire at 118S Clinton at. Phone Tabor VERY exclusive home furnishings for rent for a period of three months; $100 pef month,: references. U. It MORTGAGE ft INVESTMENT CO- biz-aia i eon xiag, 4-ROOM furnished house, Thorburn ave., Mt. Tabor, large grounds and orchard. $17 SO key at 1394 Thorburn ave. Phone Mam bszi 1 block to school and car. Fred w. Ger man Co., S3a tn-mper m vutuiuoi-.u. FURNISHED bungalow, all new and mod ern,' first class; reasonable. 637 East 6th St.. Rose city ya-ra. COMPLETELY furnished 8-room house in Irvlngion, on canine, cm too. 2731 BROADWAY, furnished 4-room cot tage; eiecuio iiguL.,- waa-u, MODERN 6-room bungalow, fully furnished, best car service. Phone East 1187. WE have furnished houses and bungalows from $15 up. Main 8308 or Marshall 16.1. SPACE IN MODERN BASEMENT, venti lated and well lighted; N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts.; suitable -for cafeteria, nHntin. .hnn fte- : reasonable rent. Mor- ran, Flledner ft Boyce, 818 Morgan bldg. c-ttiw d pvt st or? Nos. 24S and 250 Haw thorne ava.; east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne pock Co. rnona aast ..wo. CHOICE location, cor. Id and Harrison. Ap ply J. G. Thomassen. 402 3d at. Phone Main 777L For rent for meat market. FOR STORES, FLOORS AND BLDG 6., SEE W. H. VVCj1p, WO icon mug- BRICK store, corner 11th and Hawthorne. for rent. FalrcniiQ. -ii'i fcnerioc. $20 Store, fi modern rooms in splendid lo cation. Main $785. Office. OFFICES In HEART of CITY at prlcea very reasonable, SUITABLE for MERCANTILE and PROFESSIONAL purposes. Arranged to suit tenants. 303 Swetland bldg. DESKRGwM, $10 per month; both phones, vsutt. lavatory. 213 Oregonlan bldg. ROLL-TOP. desk. Including phone, $6. 723 Chamber of Commerce. ' MlsUaAeous. TWO second-floor locations, suitble for light manuciurliig; central. Inguirs lOOVs rront ! GARAGE for rent. 1229 B. Everett. k TO LEASE. AtTOMOBlLE MEN. NOTICE 15.000 square feet floor" space, best lo cation for salesroom, supply house or garage; new building, fireproof. Just com pleted, 14th, Stark and Burnside; will subdivide. M. M. Bin-rler. 2ol-b Morrison be. Phone MarsBall SIS. BUSINESS OPPOKTraillKS- FOR SALE AT ACTUAL COST. A complete retail lumber-yard, consist ing of up-to-date stock, grounds and con crete lumber sheds, located on one of the best business corners in one of the most thriving towns In Southeastern Idaho; town surrounded by rich agricultural country; reason for sale, owner cannot manage -It himself. Address all Inquiries to P. O. box S47, Focatello, iflano. FOR SALE by owner, high-class cafeteria tir best location downtown, doing an ele gant business, showing big profits, four . years lease; reasonable for csh; will con sider some local real estate In trade; good reasons for selling; no agents. G 6.4, Oregonlan. IF YOU want a whole or half interest In business, no matter what It is, we have it or If you want to sell quick or cash, we ' have buyers waiting. See Mr. Hewitt, who has been in business in Portland since Xmai, 1889. 803 Lumber Exchange, -d and Stark. ' HAVE & high-class manufacturing and eii fur proposition to offer. The proposltloa will interest anyone desirous of manufac turing and selling a device well protected by patents: simple to manufacture ana with a wide market; will require an in vestment of $10,000. AN 458, Oregonlan. WANTED An laea! - Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas, they may bring yon wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions," "How to Get Your Patent and Money." Randolph ft Co.. Patent Attorneys, Washington.P.C CHRISTMAS GIFT. ' Grocery doing good busine In best lo cation In Portland at) sacrifice; must sell this week; some terms. Call today at store, cor. 26th and Upshur sts. Phone Main 168, - CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called inter est in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. 818 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. - attention;. Before buying or selling a business, see Mr. Chamberlain. PROVIDENT TRUST! COMPANY, 212-221 Selilrg Bldg. Main 1800. A 6261. OPPORTUNITY. For sale at a bargain, new and second-hand furniture store; doing good busi ness; price $1800; If taken at once, will Include auto truck worth $300. Address J, D. Winn, Independence, Qr. kXR SALE The undivided half interest in the best county-seat weekly in the Wil lamette Valley; don't answer unless you have $3000 to pay down; references given and asked. Address A V 715, Oregonlan. OLD established business; $40,000 required to handle; profits 1913, $5000; part cash, balance terms or trade; give full descrip tion of your property and state whether you are owner or agent. G 609. Oregonian, WANTED Rooming-house, pool hall, thea ter, or any good business In exchange for Pasco city lots up to $tio,000; clear if your property Is clear. Address AV 724, Ore gonian. ' A PARTY with $2000 wishes to meet a man with the like ronount to enter into a new business that will surely make money; references must be' exchanged. A 664, Oregonlan. HAfcF interest In cleaning- and pressing business, man with some experience to look after the inside end, preferred. In quire After 6P.M. i-ast att. GASOLINE boat, valued $1600, 48 feet, 20 fot. cabin, for stock groceries not exceed ing $2O0O; will pay or take cash differ ence, a 661, Oregonlan. A GOOD opportunity fo hustler with $3000 for Exposition consession in 1915; , no triflers need -ans.; strictly business; money secured. T pp. uregonian. MY half interest in pool hall, 15 tables, cigar stand, lunch counter, electric piano, money maker, $2650 will handle. Phone E. K. L., Main 8470. WASHINGTON-ST. restaurant, clearing $20 to $25 per week; low rent, A-l location; this is a very cheap buy for only $250. Call 24 Stark at. FOR SALE Modern store building with liv ing rooms, now occupied as confectionery; good town. Address C. M. Crittenden, Huggard, Or. . , SELL YOUR BUSINESS Or Buy a Business. See W. LAWRENCE, $15 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Both Phones. OWNER will sell y Interest In good cash business; no credit; will pay better than $30 per week; $250 required. Call 248 Vs S t ark st. GROCERY One of the largest and best; old established; best location in city; modern; good bus-mess; to be seen to" be appre ciated: $7000. C 680. Oregonlan. DRUG STORE ON WEST SIDE. Stock and-fixtures A-L, new iceless foun tain; business over $10,000 last year; low expense; sacrifice. S 593, Oregonian. SUBURBAN grocery at less than Invoice; here's a chance for man and wife to make good; will invoice about $S(A. Call 24S-ft Stark st- POOLROOM $150 cash will handle good paying poolroom and cigar stand, la quire 1135 Albina ave. PARTNER in clean office business, this doesn't take much money, but man must be active and honest. 248 H Stark st. GROCERY .and fixtures, including horse and wagon, for sale at a bargain. 861 Mary- land ave. Phone Woodlawn 2897. WANTED Partner with $3000 In agency business for Eastern manufacturers. R 617, Oregonlan. . FOR SALE Clothing, shoes and men's fur nishing store, good location, small capital will handle. Inquire 4 North 3d st. - FOR E AXE Old-established saloon business in good small town. Address C. M. Crit tenden, Hubbard, Or. WANT a handy man to assist In running fuel Business that can make a small in vestment. Telephone Main 8454. RESTAURANT, good location, $300; $15 per month. O 600, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Grocery store; clean stock and nice fixtures. 428 Failing st. 1 RESTAURANT and, living-room, a snap at $225. 362 1st st. HALF interest in a picture show for $550; terms. A 665, Oregonian. 150 -2 Interest In good paying Wash. st. coffee house. 609 Commercial block. WE sell anything; don't be foolish; we can do It. Room B, Worcester bldg., Portland. STOCKS AND BONDS. $900 Provident Trust Co. 6 per cent bonds, with $28 interest due January 10, for $600. Phone East 41U3. BOOMING-HOUSES. NOTICE. We buy. sell and- exchange rooming houses, hotels and apartment-houses for quick results and a square deal. i 1 T7'l' '7 at, DlKflT.D'W 816 Railway Exchange Bldg. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. HOTELS. ROOMING AND APARTMENT HOUSES SOLD AND EXCHANGED, - 22-24 Falling bldg., id and Wash. Sts. Free Auto Service. Phone Main 6560. MARY E. LENT. C. V. RYAN. WILL trade 6 acres Grays Harbor, cash value $500, for rooming-house. R 615, Ore gonlan. WILL sacrifice practically new furniture of 8-room bouse if sold this week; very de sirable location for roomers. Main 4204. LOST AND FOUND. REWARD 415 reward for Information lead. Ing to the arrest of party who broke Into the Wardrobe Cleaning Plant, at 22 d and Raleigh, on the night of December. 1U13, and look a 4ot of men's suits. LOST Tuesday night, between Hawthorne ave. and E. Maui son, a smalt black purse containing about $5 in silver; reward. Call East 925. LOST Lady's feandbag on St, Johns car Wed. P. M.; contains sum of money; finder please phone Woodlawn 600 and receive re aru. LOST Between Oregon st. and Sandy road, lady's glasses and cards reading McCausi land Paint ft Paper Co. Return 878 Ore- gUU BU A.VO v sat "-A. LOST In Meier A---Yaik,s, a sable muff. Return to 224 E. 58th st. Phone Tabor 77ft. Reward. LOST An old-fashioned earring, having two square rubies and pearl; an heirloom. 704 Spalding bldg. Marshall 2485. Reward. LOST Black eoln purse, conUOnlxig $2, ticket to Salt Lake City and 2 trunk checks, pnone vyuwiawq un. LOST White English young bulldog, tan spot on right side, biack eyes. Reward, Return to Majestic Theater. LOST Open-face gold Howard watch, with Initials "W. S. S-": reward. East 3 S3. Broadway Dye Works. LOST Gold ring, bulldog head. - Reward. 413 Lorn 1 UIUO diu. LOST Small black purse in Olds ft King's store; rewam. rwu w ih.mu oc-tv. L-OST eOtcn come -(,. ivuiu u:i oM St., near Arthur. Phone Marshall 18 1A 1 . . . tit. -.. sSC 4 TI7 THE following alUcles have been found in tne car 01 mo riwunuu -j , , Power Company and turned . In at tne different division points. Owners may se cure same by applying; at barns as indi cated. , Ankeny bam A 6131 3 packages. 1 Slove, 3 purses, 1 photograph, 1 suitcase, 1 baby cart. 1 sheet music BeUwood barn. A 6131. 1 umbrella, 1 clove, 1 grip, 1 picture, 1 piece of ruober. 1 sack of laundry. Piedmont bam. A 61S1. 3 pairs glove. 1 cross, 1 key, 1 sle-3, 1 grip. 4 misc. arti cles. . , . i a 131 1 small rocking chair. 1 package md.se., 1 pkg. -paper, 2 umbrellas, 1 purse, 2 notebooks. LOST Lady's gold watch, YVaJlham, on Morrison or Was nine ton. In the vicinity of 5th to Jth st; engraved Inside "From Wm. E. to Minnie I. Taylor, Dec. 26, 1909." Reward. Address W. E. Taylor. Amity, Or. . WILL the person who found the string of coral beads on Saturday nigrht, December 20, please remember the golden rule, as the beads were a Christmas present from my husband, and communicate with 614, Oregonlan T Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposal Incited. Hi THE DISTRICT COURT of the United State for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Snyder A Co.. bankrupt. Re quest for bids I will receive sealed bids tor the following parcela of property, sit uated at Glendale, Or., In the storeroom formerly occupied by the above-named baukrupt, said property being formerly the property of said bankrupt, up to and until 32:00 o'clock noon on Friday. December SO. 191S: . J, Stock of goods, wares and merchan dise, consisting of grocerle. tobacco, hard ware, tinware, ammunition, crockery, glassware, oil, paint, wagons, farm lm tikfments, etc. of the Inventoried valu of 15402.68. . One mule, three delivery wagons and one sr't harness, of the Inventoried value of $170. Fixtures pertaining to the same of the Inventoried value of S881.7S, 2. Certain buildings upon property not under lease, of the Inventoried value of 1100. , ' Bids to be received upon parcels No. 1 and No. 3 separately, - Certified check for 10 per cent must accompany each bid. Saye subject to the approval of the court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office, and also at Glendale, Or., where the property may be Inspected. Dated this 11th day of December, 1813. R. L. BAB1N, T40-T4T Morgan Bldg. Portland. Qr. PROPOSALS INVITED. t- ,u. nf Uon-nr Mr Co.. of HOOO River. Insolvent, I will receive sealed bids on the stock of merchandise, known as the Rockford Btore, in noo ' until 12 o'clock, noon, on December oi. . i. -,n,i,,. larmlv of rrocerles and some hardware, crockery and men's hoes and apparel. Bald stock can be Inspected any time before December 30 at above named store. - , Also one new Chase auto truck, one -ton "SSJif'.-j nw.,r. i,i about S3SO0-. truck coat .1S50 and used only four month. Bid on store and truck received separ ately. r.Mifiui ti.olr far 1A ner cent must ac company each bid. Privilege reserved of rejecting any or all bids. Inventory can be seen at my effice or at store. This store enjoys an exclusive trade and is lo cated In one of the most thickly settled parts of Hood River Valley. J. H. HBILBKONNER. Hood River. Assignee. SEALED bid will be received at the office of the undersigned. 401 Courthouse, until & P. M. December 31, 1913, for a new or second-hand automobile to cost approxi mately $500. Specifications may be ob tained at the office of the undersigned. A certified check for 350, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each bid. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. . H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated December 22. 1913! Miscellaneous. BARGES for rent. Apply A. S. Pattullo. Main 1410. HNAXIAI. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. TjVESTERN BOND tt MORTGAGE CO., 416 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. WE furnish the money at a low rate of in terest and save you more than the brok-t-.ca or 2 ner cent If we do the planning and building for you. It will pay you to see na 1 c Ataiiey ricu n.id for rood first or second mort- - gages on real estate or. sellers Interest In contracts tor w, w., bernieu's bldg. . FIRST and second mortgages and building , contracts bought. E. B. Miller, 410 Abing- ton bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages flrst and second), equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis Ac Co., 3 Lewis bldg. WE MAKE short-term loans, JoOO upward on approved bankable securities, Robert son & Ewing, 810 Falling bldg I BUT short-time mortgages and contracts; no delay; my own money, Odell, 605 Con cord bldg. Main 6482. - WE BUY MORTGAGES. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 518 Abington Bldg. WE BUY notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson Ewing. 810 Falling bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate. PRIVATE FUNDS ON HAND TO LOAN. $10,000 at 'I per cent, J700O at T per cent, 500O at 7 per cent, S1500 at, 7 per cent, $1200 at 8 per cent, 31000 at 8 per cent, $500 at 8 per cent, M'KENZIE & CO., Main 2901. 515 Gerllnger Bldg. WE have private funds to place on residence! property In amounts of $300 to $10,000. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. TO LOAN. I "HAVE PLENTY OP MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT 5 TO 8 PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL, 800 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ON Improved city property or for building purposes, t to 8 years time: liberal pay ment privileges: money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav Ings & Loan Association, 240 Stark at. $1000 STERLING 2000 2500 FOSTER 7 and S per cent 903 Yeon Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 PER CENT TO 7 PER CENT. H. E. MOONEY. ' Alain nv. in i' na MONEY to loan. 5 per cent to 8 per cent, any amount; prompt service. HAMMOND MORTGAGF COMPANY. 423-425 Chamber ot Commerce. $500 TO LOAN on real estate in or about Portland: submit your security to me at 513 Piatt bldg., southwest corner Park and. Washlngton ta. MAKE specialty of loans from $500 to $3000; property examined same day application Is made. A. D. Wtlloughby & Co., 415 Cor bctt bldg. Main 8855. $200 000 TO loan In sums to suit; building loans: lowest rates, W. G. Beck, 315-31. r ailing piog. TO LOAN $30,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDQ. MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount; prompt service. Geo. H. Thomas, 267 Oak st, room 2, Ainsworth bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on city property; low est ratea A. H. Blrrell Co., 202 McKay bldg., 8d ana 5tara eta, $1000 TO $5000 Private money loaned. Easy terms. E. Evans, 206 Gerllnger bids. $500. $lo0o AND UPWARD on Improved real estate; favorable terms; no delays; no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Real estate security, current ratea 201 5 stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. $200, $350, $600. $900, $1200. $1800. Fred W. German Co., 932 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. Henry C. Prudhomme, 806 Wilcox bldg. Money loaned, real estate, contracts & Atga bought. H. Mlloy, 204 Gerllnger bldg. ilobo TOHTsoOO, private fund for good loss. Phone Tabor 2520. - MORTGAGE LOANS AT 6 AND 7 PER CEN. FRED 6.WILLIAMS, 92, 1ST ST. iTsoo AND $5000 private-money to loan on real estate. Main 8429; 832 Morgan bldg. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Belts Ac Co., 310 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING, 313 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 Pia CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 2?Q STAR-. ST. MONEY to loan on Improved cltj property. Ridings & Riley. 404 Broadway bd. AL281Z. MONEY to loan, city or .'arm landa. J. J. Cahalin. 635 Chamber of. Commerce. MONEY F. W. TO LOAN, 6 AND 1 PER CENT. TORGLER..106 SHERLOCK BLDG. MONEY to loan on real estate mortgages. B. B. Paguc, 51. oregonian oiog. STATE" agent FUNDS, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas. MTJ1 tnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com- MONEY GEO TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATES. P. DEKUM, 224 UEISR7 BLJXJ. Money to Loan Real Etate. MONEY TO LOAN". In sums to suit, r on improved real estate securltv. , ... 50O to S5C.00O. " Prompt service. -Lowest rates. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO, 42S-424 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 2ftOn WANTED at 8 Der cent on 60 adiolnins Rainier, valued at $15,000. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO., 42S-424 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO, U16 SPALDING BLDG. ' MONEY TO LOAN . - Good supply for city and farm property. 6 to 7 per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL. i04 Second St., near Washington. SHORT-TERM loans on real and collate!, securities. 804 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and (Salaries. NEED MONEY QUICK? You can get it TODAY. WE LOAN ANY AMOUNT to Working People and Others on Plain otes. Furniture, Livestock. Pianos, Autos. Storage Receipts, Real Estate or Motor- . cycles. WE BUY MORTGAGES. You Do Not Jeopardize Your Furniture or Sell Your Peace of Mind IF YOU DEAL WITH US. . ' NO CHARGE FOR APPLICATION. NO EXTRAS. NO DELAY. On ALL LOANS. If the HEAD of the fam ily dies before the acocunt Is paid In full and the payments are made as agreed WG GIVE THE . WIDOW A RECLfX IN FULL Off ACCOUNT. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. Rebates Given If Paid Before Due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, 413 MACL&AY BLDG.. between 4th and &ih sts., on Wash, st. Open 8 A. M. to P. M. every day. Sat- till 8 P. AL WHY PAY EXORBITANT RATES? We will loan you money as low as 8 per cent on your diamonds and Jewelry. We are .the must liberal licensed money lenders In the city. Our establishment la located at &4 Washington street, near 'Broadway. -Get our prices on forfeited diamonds. Diamond Palace. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS on diamonds, watches, jewelry, automo biles, musival instruments. All interviews strictly confidential. Eioy Company, Lumber Ex. Bldg. MONEY for salaried people and others up on their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing eise wnere; confidantia. D. D. Drajie, Henry bldg. . jlUMiY loaned on diamonds, watches, jew elry, pianos and warenouse receipts. Brown fc Co., room V, Wasmngton bldg. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on fur .niture. pianos, autos, motorcycles. 20 Al der. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jswelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx & Bioch, 74 ltd st. MONEY sold on Installments; coniiaentisi. - salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg. LOANS on diamonds and Jewelry, strictly confidential. 141 3d. near Aider. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Wm. Holt, room 8 Wasmngton bldg. Wanted. WANTED ON Al SECURITY: $17,000, :i years. -at 7 per cent; value SSO.OfOJ; income $tii0 per month. , 1 $1U,0u0 at H per cent, value $&a,Q00. 3.1KK) at 7 per cent, value 6,000. 2,ooU at 7 per cent, value 4.5U". 3,00-6 at S per cent, value 7,iMHK 1,100 at H per pent,, value 4,o0o. 1 100 at 8 per cent, -alue 4.00U. M'K-ENZIE & CO, Main 2Sul. &15 Gerlinger Bldg. S5000 WAIS'TED, 8 per cent, on a half-mile of choicest shore frontage near Cannon Beach; hotel on property cost $tO0O; own er's valuation, $40,00-0. , HAAa.alu.ND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 4i3 unamoer ul $1000 AT 8 per cent wanted . on property near city limits valued at J30U0. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO., 423-424 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. " $15,000 on Improved South Portland real estate. " Monthly rental $250. No commission paid. Address N 410, Oregonian. $uzo FiKST mortgage, S per cent; will dis count $50. Oil Wilcox bldg. Marshall 221. . . . ; . WANTED Two $4000 loans at 6 or T per cent on gilt-edge security. Call 40tl Mt . Kay bldg. Main 1)34. ' WANT to sell good second mortgage note of $700; will discount $150 and guarantee note Box C&o, Portland. $1000 WANTED on $5000 Improved city property 8 per cent ; private party. G 621, Oregonian. $aoo WANTED on $2000 home, S " per cent; private party. G 622, Oregonlan. $700 WANTED on $2500 home, 8 per cent and expense. G 62i, Oregonian. - WANTED $3600- on $000i Irvlngton home; 7 per cent. 'Phone Columbia 443. $700 WANTED on 671 E. 18th st. South, 8 per cent. 501 Gerlinger bltig. PERSONAL. HAIR-HAIR-HAIR-HAIR. $12, 84-inch switches ...$4.43 $0, 26-inch switches 1.95 Hairdressing jj Face massage ,....,... Shampoo ,....... Manicure, 26c; 6 for 00 scalp treatments - -0u Superfluous hair removed by electrio needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair in any shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary Parlors. 400- 41- OeKUIa DiUg., i)U tLiixx , aounifct-ju. RADICAL cure oy the latest nature healing method ; no medicines or operations; all chronic and acute diseases treated and cured in the least time possible at the smallest cost; over 8000 testimonials can be secured at my office; the most expen sive, finest equipped private office In the West; consultation Is free. Dr W. L. Mallory, Naturopath, 312 Rothchild build ing. X EaAJ VLI. K Iliinuuu-'. Leading wig and toupe-makers; finest stock of human hair goods, switches from ' 5c up; hairdressing, manicuring, face ao-i scalp treatments; combings made up t order 147 7th, near Morrison. Main -Mo. v. v-fl - - 1C IT P. 11 A. XTt'DI TT GERMAN TRAINED NURSE. First-class masseuse, German graduate, treats rheumatism, lumbago, massage and baths 452 Salmon. Marshall 60S3. Open Sundays. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's direc tions bath, massage. No. 7 East llth St.. second door south from East Ankeny car line. Phone East 260, B 1803. WITHOUT NOTORIETY. Injury claims, collections, deeds, wills. Consultation free; reasona-ble rates. Atty., .us aeiiAiis "i". " 7"- DRESS SUITS for rent Keep ybur clothes cleaned pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired, $1.50 month; prompt calls and deliveries. UniqueTallortngC !o809 Stark. MRB STEVENS 20 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, now at 291 Mor- a,. ... I Imanfs 1 1 -- ti hv rBUI IL rison st. -i-tei v -a - DIVORCES Lawyer, 25 years experience, UJLwirr.. ir- ft 404 Rothchild eld.. ,reiloUlc, gi,uva-v - - 2S t t w asn. BOSTON graduate narse, sanitarium, treat ment, medical gymnastics. 887 Yamhill Bt., up one fllsht. room 7. ' THE FUR SHOP Remodeling and new orders; trimming; best work, low prices. 620 Swetland bldg. vrMTD f-nMOT-;s Switches, tt5c; curls and puffs, i5c flu . nl ah A tut ria ir utrn hlnsT ltary .Beauty " "-"'" LESSONS In phrenology, palmistry and card reading. 6th st. Phone Main 7j48. Hours 1 to 5. 6 to 8. 2 SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Price Readings daily. Circle Tues. 2, Wed. and Sun 8. 875 A St. Marshall4283!A 288i MRS c s MORRISON Steam baths ana massage for rheumatism, lumbago, etc 333 Madison. A 4470, Marshall 3D68. ijfiRENZ Nerve Tablets restore lost vltalit-r. 25o per box, e for L:i5. Stipe-Taylts. Drug Co., 28" Morrison. CHIROPODY and manicuring, 601 North west bldg. Main 648. XlBA NELLIE SPRING, chiropodist. Of flce 2. SiHVs Morrison st- FHODA PIERCE, manicuring. 2S1 Mor .nn st.. cor. 5th. room 8. CHIROI-ODY Mrs. Potter vibratory seal if and racial ireaiumi'a. - MANICURING, facial aild scalp treatmeat- 401 flonownai urns. balm OF FIGS, compound Royal Tome Tablets, on, i.vi. .... Mwi.o A.Lt MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 4-'t r licmier mu6. mum SPIRITUAL medium, Mrs. A. Hamot; offo Dni,w,IIH Klriv Ath nnti Wash. gaily, j-x xm...,.-. - - -j - - - - MANICURING. R. 22, Gordon Hotel, Yamhill ana yvcsi x-.i- SWEDISH massage, -alp treatments. Room 2.1. Uordon Hotel. W. Park and Yamhill. CHIROPRACTIC, vibratory treatments, batn and massage 412 Northwest bldg. M. S.Utf. DA" -Go fo Monohan genera! delivery for letter. W. E,