Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 23, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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    tttt; rnwvTxrr OiroONTAX. TFTSDAT. DECEMBER 23, 1913.
Genera! Villa Extracts Money
From Persons on Leaving
Chihuahua City.
property of Jacob E. Touche, Valned
at $500,000, Taken by Rebel
Chief, AVbo Demands $10,000
From Owner to Free Sister.
JUAREZ. Met. Dec. 12. A waiting
attitude was assumed today by General
Krancieco Villa and his rebel troops,
to learn what action, if. any,' the fed
eral forces at OJinaga, on the border.
Intend to take. So long as the bulk
of the federal army in the north re
mained at Ojinaga. more than 100
miles from striking- distance of any
of the rebel strongholds. General
Villa said he was satisfied. While
the federals have been provisioning
their commissary as if preparing to
march Into the Interior, they are with
out any train or telegraphic communi
cation south of the border. They have
among them 10 generals, or one for
each 400 soldiers.
Farce to Move om Torma.
General Villa, at Chihuahua, began
to turn his attention toward develop
ments southward. The nearest fed
erals in that direction are at Torreon.
about 200 miles south. As soon as
he is sufficiently advised of conditions
General Villa Intends to send a large
force toward Torreon. Skirmishes be
tween federals and rebels at Gomes
Palaclo and Lardo, near Torreon. oc
curred, but they were Insignificant.
Exaction of money from persons who
leave Chihuahua continues, according
to refugees. They said General Villa
required the money as a tribute to the
revolutionary cause, and the money
had to be paid or the refugees were
not allowed to leave.
Mrs. Hedro Prlesto. wife of a mer
chant, said she had to pay 112.500 in
gold, and Luis Sequerces and Pedro
Torres, merchants. $5000 each. ,
Fine Properties Confiscated.
The home and property of Jacob E.
Touche. a native of Turkey, valued
at $300,000 was confiscated Dy v ina.
and Touche paid f 10,000 cash for the
release of a sister.
Touche was reputed to have amassed
a large fortune in Mexico after enter
ing this country many years ago. with
nothing more than a trained bear. His
elaborate home In Chihuahua was one
of the sights of the city.
Jlenibers of Carrania's Family "Pro
tected" by Federals.
HERMOSILLO. Sonora. Mexico. Dec
II. Communications by rail and wire
virtually have been restored through
out Northwestern Mexico, according to
an announcement made today by Ig
nacio Bonillas. secretary of communica
tions In General Carranza's provisional
This is assisting materially the Con
stitutionalist campaign by putting the
various insurgent leaders in. close touch
with the headquarters here.
In Northwestern territory the feder
als hold only the coast towns of Guay
xnas. on the Gulf of California, and Ma
zatlan. on the Pacific Ocean. Constitu
tionalist officials assert that only the
presence of two federal gunboats on
the coast has prevented the capture of
these ports.
General Carranza received from his
Tiome at Saltillo, Coahuila, news that
his three sisters. Ursula, iiermelda and
Mariana de Carranza. had been forced
to ride upon a federal troop train. This
followed previous reports that federals
lad compelled the wives of constitu
tionalist officers to ride on patrol trains
to prevent attacks by Insurgents In
that vicinity.
Friends of the constitutionalist com
mander also confirmed the report that
his Saltillo residence had been sacked
by the federals, who carried away fur
niture and either destroyed or appro
priated a library of S00O volumes.
American Involved in Plotting Is
Turned Loose by Mexico.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 22. Word came
today to the State Department from
the City of Mexico that, at the instance
of Nelson O'Shaughnessr, the American
Charge, the federal government had
ordered the unconditional release of
William Krause. an American, who had
become involved In some of the plot
ting incident to the present revolution.
Krause is now with his family in tho
Mexcan capital.
A report of a small skirmish near the
town of Aldema. about 25 miles north
west of Tampico, claimed as a federal
victory, was the only war news re
ceived today.
cumstances in which the country finds
itself and in order to give sufficient
time for unfounded alarm which has
been created among the public to sub
side and prevent the crisis from be
coming general."
" The decree gives to the clearing
house and all banks throughout the
country the right to suspend all busi
ness and adds two days, or until Jan
uary 12, to the period In which they
shall not consider themselves com
pelled to meet their obligations.
The members of the clearing-house
decided tonight not to take advantage
of the decree, but to open as usual, ac
cepting for collection checks against
the Bank of London and Mexico, the
depositors of such checks to depend on
the bank for payment. If they are not
paid they will be returned to the de
positors. It is believed this will have
the, effect of reducing the line at the
paying window and thus create the Im
pression that the run has been reduced.
The affairs of the Bank of London
and Mexico were also discussed by the
clearing-house members and a group
of bankers conferred again with the
sub-Secretary of Finance. The clearing-house
inquiry developed that the
bank has in its vaults 12,000,000 pesos
in coin and 2,000.000 in hank notes,
about15 per cent of which are the dis
credited state bank bills.
A. -Wallace, Mining Man, Held for
Alleged Debt", Free.
DOUGLAS. Ariz.. Dec. 22. A Wal
lace, American mining man, arrested
for debt at Agua Prieta,-Sonora, Fri
day, was released today after a hear
ing at Fronteras, where he had been
taken Sunday from Agua Prleta.
Wallace said he settled the bill of
$1600 alleged to have been due Ramond
Balonda, a Mexican, for work in Wal
lace's mine in Sonora,
Yaqui Indians are attacking many
Mexican freighting outfits traversing
the section around LaDura, according
to Americans who have arrived re
cently from the Sahuaripa district.
Brisk battles are not unusual, they
say. the Indians winning iao buiiwui
of the fights.
While several freighters nave Deen
killed, it is reported that others were
tortured, the favorite method of the
Indians being to strip" the men of their
clothes and turn them loose on tne
desert to make their way home if they
No effort is being made to curb the
Indians, the Americans stated, because
of the usefulness of their services to
the Constitutionalist army.
Nobody Meets Hnerta's Envoy, but
Demonstration Follows.
TOKin. Dec. 22. Francisco De 1"
Barra, former Provisional President of
Mexico and now special envoy to Japan
to thank her for participation In the
Mexican Centennial, arrived today.
A group of members of Parliament
met tnnlrht and Dassed a resolution
expressing regret that no members of
the Japanese Cabinet had gone to the
railroad station to receive ue la rarra.
The same group is making arrange
ments for a mass meeting and lantern
procession in .honor of the visitor.
Memorial Asks Submission of
Constitutional Amendment
to Abolish Liquor.
Dynamite Ship Adrift Causes Panic and
Tag Rescues Another Scow Is
Stove in Darin Excitement.
Attack on Victoria by Way of Sun
Luis Potosi Is Expected.
VERA CRCZ, Pec. 22. The gunboat
Zaragoza Is expected to arrive tonight
with General Joaquin Mass, Jr.. and
the forces which have been operating
at Tuxpan. It Is believed here that
General Maas has heen ordered by the
War Department to attack Victoria by
wav of an Luis Potosi.
Ths branch office at Vera Cruz of
the Bank of London and Mexico was
closed today.
u'nflnned Krom First Pajr-.)
NEWPORT. Or, Dec. 22. (Special.)
A series of accidents wnicn Degan
when the barge Frederick, of Porter
Brothers, of Portland, was wrecked on
the Jetty here December 13. ended to
dav with the final sinking of the barge
in deep water and the staving-ln of a
scow. Two otner Darges Drone meir
lines Saturday and one, laden with dj
namlte. drifted along the waterfront
until rescued.
First, the Frederick was wrecked and
beached. Its cargo was taken off and
SO tons of dynamite, which it carried,
was loadetd onto a small barge, to be
brought to port. During Saturday night
the barge broke Its moorings. The
launches Truant and Fearless started
in pursuit, while persons along the
waterfront sought safe places. The
launches picked up the barge safely
and brought It back where it belonged.
Meantime the barge Coquille, of Por
ter Brothers, broke loose from the tug
L. Roscoe, outside tne Dar. it was
picked up again - before damage was
Today the Frederick parted Its line
during an extra high tide and floated
into the channel. The tug I. Roscoe
went after it, but had to beach It
again, this time in water that sub
merges all except the pilot-house.
During the excitement John Fogar
ty's scow, chartered by the Porter
Brothers, became jammed and both
ends were stove in.
for some Jays to the other banks and
the susfTi-stion was made on Saturday
that Huerta be requested to
save the situation by making It possi
ble for a bank legally to refuse pay
ments for a period. The management
demurred, as It believed it could
weather It out. but at the opening hour
this morning It became evident it could
not and the finance department was
called upon for aid.
Huerta Within Power.
A decree was prepared and the search
for the President was begun. He was
found shortly bt-fore noon and affixed
his signature without hesitation. An
extra edition of El 1'iarlo Official was
prepared, carrying the decree, and with
this posted conspicuously In and about
the building, the doors of the bank
were opened early in the afternoon.
President Huerta's right to issue the
decree was the result of the action of
Congress prior to adjournment, when it
vested In him extraordinary power over
three departments if the government.
Including the Department of Finance.
The decree recited that it was Issued in
accordance with this extraordinary
power and that the holidays were de
creed on accyunl ul lliii iUHicuil tie-,
Son of Portland Woman Jailed at
Toledo, Or., Following Killing.
NEWPORT. Or., Dec. 22. (Special.)
Vincent Wantag. the young man sus
pected of having killed Robert Wylie
in a drunken brawl on the Sllets reser
vation at midnight Saturday. Is in Jail
at Toledo. A charge has not yet been
filed against him. but Sheriff Geer, who
captured Wantag. says the charge
against him will be murder. Wantag's
mother resides in Portland.
The Coroner's verdict read that Wylie
was killed by an unknown person In a
drunken brawl. The shooting occurred
in a room at Archie Johnson s ranch.
Wantag was the only white person
presont, the others being Mrs, Archie
Johnson. Paul Washington and an old
Indian named Applegate Jack. Whisky
had been plentiful and all were Intoxi
cated, it is said. Wantag escaped after
the shooting and was captured sunaay
afternoon hidden under the hay in the
top of Henry Bell's barn, one mile from
where the shooting took place. The
other members of the party will be
placed in Jail tomorrow.
Little is known of Wylie. who . was
12 years old, except that he came from
Chemawa Indian School two years ago.
Xatlon-Wide Prohibition Only Ad
vance Step In Application of Dec
larations of Baltimore, Says
Petition to Executive.
COLUMBUS, O, Dec. 22. President
Wilson was memorialized today to ask
Congress to submit a constitutional
amendment looking to the abolition of
the liquor traffic in the country at
large. The memorial was signed by a
special committee of 25 at the Anti
Saloon League demonstration on the
steps of the Capitol In Washington De
cember 10 and which was an outgrowth
of the National convention of the Anti
Saloon League of America and other
temperance forces, held in Columbus
In November.
President Wilson was unable to re
ceive the special committee on the oc
casion of the Washington demonstra
tion and the memorial sent to the
White House was issued in lieu of a
personal hearing. It asserts. In effect,
that nation-wide prohibition would be
only an advanced step In the applica
tion of the declarations of the Balti
more platform upon which President
Wilson was elected.
The memorial quotes the section of
the Democratic National platform of
1912 regarding the conservation of
natural resources of the country and
"We .believe that men, women and
children should be included in the for
ests, sources of water supply, arable
and mineral lands and navigable
streams as objects of National protec
tlon to prevent their being wasted or
absorbed by special or privileged inter
ests such as the extant organized oov-
ernment co-partnered liquor trust of
the United States."
Concluding the memorial says:
"The party which you have the honor
to lead offers its platform of 1012 as
the pledges of Justice to the people and
on that pledge we plant our appeal for
the right to have this most vital issue
passed upon by the people and their
Legislatures throughout the states and
at the earliest practicable opportunity."
in the
,Do you really know
how convenient and
attractive KRYPTOKS
They combine near
and far vision in one
lens. Yet they have no
lines nor seams to blur
your vision give you a
freakish appearance or
accentuate your age.
And they free you from
fussing with two pairs
of glasses. ,
We invite you to come
in and see them.-
Optical Institute,
209-10-11 Corbett Bldg.,
Fifth and Morrison.
Burglar Who Bought Fine Home for
Sister "Two-Time Loser."
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 22. Chief
White, of the Police Department,
learned today that William Bastian,
the studious, quiet mannered burglar
who bought his sister a handsome
home from the proceeds of diligent
years of crime, had previously done
time in New Jersey.
As a "two time loser," Bastian waB
eligible to 20 years in the state prison
instead of the four years he received.
What was supposed to have been a
complete confession . influenced the
court to be lenient-
Massachusetts Institute of Technol
ogy to Found New Course.
BOSTON, Dec 22. The establishment
of courses in aerial engineering, said1 to
be the first In any educational Institu
tion in this country, was announced to
night by R. O. MacLaurin, president of
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Some of the courses will be opened
Immediately to officers of the United
States Navy now under instruction at
the institution. Lieutenant Jerome C.
Hunsaker. U. 8. N., has been detailed
by the Navy Department to co-operate
with the faculty.
Our Location
2Vear the Business Center Is '
Most Convenient.
National bank
master Johnson, a score or more of
Corvallis waifs will enjoy a more gen
erous visit from old Santa Claus than
they have ever .experienced before.
Touched by efforts to reach old
Kris Kringle by the postofflce route.
Postmaster Johnson hit upon the plan
of rewarding the faith of the young
sters by sending their appeals to the
prominent bachelors of the community.
These appeals were accompanied by
a personal letter from Mr. Johnson
urging investigation and such atten
tion as a "properly developed Christ
mas spirit might prompt,
Corvallis' unmarried men so ap
proached fell in heartily with the idea
and it Is known that several have re
sponded generously.
Corvallis Postmaster Gets Unmarried
Men to Help Poon
CORVALLIS. Or., Dec. 22. (Special.)
Through the forethought of Post-
Xearly 1000 Employes of Hosiery
Mills Join Walkout.
PHILADELPHIA. Dec 22. Nearly
1000 employes of . the William H.
Taubel hosiery mills in Kensington,
most of them girls, went on strike to
day. Notice announcing a 2 per
cent reduction in wages after January
1 was said to have caused the walk
out Members of the firm said that for
a month or two lifter the first of each
Gifts for Men
' i.
Gloves, Dent's or Perrin's,
$1.50 to $7.50
Sweaters and Sweater Coats,
$3.50 to $8.00
-Umbrellas, , $1-50 to $10.00
Cuff Links, Full-Dress Sets.
and Tie Pins, $1.50 to $7.50
Fine Neckwear, 50c to $3.00
-Silk Hosiery, $1.00 to $3.50
Silk Pajamas, $5.00 to $6.00
Pullman' Slippers, $2.00 the pair
Collar Boxes, $1.00 to $4.00
Leather Toilet Sets, $2.00 to $6.00
Q ELECT your Gifts
M- for men at this Men's
Store and avoid the crush
and delay of the department
stores. Here is a wealth of mer
chandise in style and quality es
pecially pleasing to men here you
may select leisurely and with judg
ment. Many articles now the most wanted are reduced
in price, making a visit to this store doubly at
tractive. Men's House Coats and Smoking Jackets, in
beautiful patterns and in all sizes ; prices are $3.95,
$5.95, $7.95, $9.95, $19.95, which present unusually
attractive reductions from standard prices. ,
Dressing Gowns and Bath Robes make acceptable pres
ents; our reduced prices on these are $2.95, $5.35, $5.95,
$7.95, $11.95, $19.95. The fabrics and workmanship axe
superior to ordinary offerings.
Fine leather Traveling Bags and Suit cases are offered
at $4.95, $8.75, $12.85, $16.65, $22.45, $29.75. The
prices are much below the normal. Your inspection is
courteously invited.
A Glove Order or a Hat Order will please Mm
buy them here. n
Agents for
Morrison Street at Fourth
year business is dull in the hosiery
trade, and to keep all hands employed
it was necessary to cut wages.
Shooting Deer Out of Season Costly.
ASHLAND. Or., Dec.22. (SpeciaL)
A fine to the extent or $25 and costs
was assessed today against M. S. Ken
nedy, residing in the vicinity of Tol
man Springs, 15 miles southeast of
Ashland, for shooting deer out of sea
son. He was arrested yesterday by
Game Warden Hubbard, of this city.
Pisgah Home Donations Asked.
Mrs. Hattie B. Lawrence. 102 Fifth
avenue north, Lents, matron of Plsgah
Home, asks, as a Christmas gift for
the poor men whom she befriends, a
donation of unbleached muslin or
Oregon Farmer Dies in East.
ROCK FORD, IU., Dec. 22. (Special.)
Gottfried Oslund, 'Of Portland, Or.,
died Tuesday noon at the St. Anthony
Hospital in tins city. He had come
from Portland to have an operation
performed on his nose and throat. He
remained at the hospital only a short
time, going to the home of his brother
and remaining three weeks. He then
went to the hospital. Mr. Oslund cams
from Sweden In 1902 and was em
ployed at Rockford until 1911. when
he bought a farm in the vicinity of
Portland. The funeral took place at
the home of his brother here.
Trunk Co. for fitted eases.
Make it a Sensible
by buying that nice warm
or a good sturdy, stylish
here in my low expense
Train Held 30 Minutes for Accom
modation of Shoppers.
On Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday
this week the train for Salem and in
termediate points leaving North Bank
Station at 9:10 P. M., Jefferson-Street
Station. 9:30 P. M., will leave these
stations and regular street intersection
stops 30 minutes later than schedule
time. Adv.
where you get the utmost
value for your money
Open Evenings
Colonel Mercer Wants Judgeship.
EUGENE. Or., Dec. 22. (SpeciaL)
Colonel, W. G. D. Mercer, sergeant-at-arma
of the Senate of the Oregon Leg
islature at Its session two years ago.
this morning announced himself as a
candidate for the nomination for
County Judge on the Republican ticket.
Colonel Mercer was in the Government
Secret Service for IS years and was In
strumental In obtaining the evidence
that drove the Louisiana lottery out of
lll-W'IrJ-ga.H l i:HJ
w M 1 vj a. inun
Washington and Park Streets.
aid for one week, in addition to the regular
programme! ! ! 1
refined and elegant,
" Professor Ringler's Assistant,
' - and
A Professional Dancer.
Under the direction of
The actual dance itself. The
genuine artistic creation that
has caught society's fancy.
Twice in the afternoons, 3 to 5, and three times
in the evenings, 7 to 10:30 o'clock.
1 1 1 1 AT GREATLY ;
'ilffill n the Corner, Telephones -II I 111
i. Tl
. ii
Why use candles for tree light
ing, when you can drape your
tree in a few moments with
Electric Tree Festoons? No
grease, no danger of fire, no sad
All sizes and prices. '
Let Us Solve, That
Gift Problem
with the following :