Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 23, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Efficiency and Force of this Great Christmas Store
Is Demonstrated by Its Power to Serve You Best Up to the Very Last Minute
Casseroles, Special $2.75
Eight-inch casseroles, round shage of
heavy browned glazed ware with heavily
nickeled frame of solid brass.
Wicker Basket for Rolls $1.25
A nine-inch white wicker basket for
serving rolls with a heavy nickel rim, size
nine inches.
Crumb Trays for $1.75
Very heavy crumb tray and scraper in
nickel, copper or brass.
Serving Trays, Special $1.48
Oval and oblong serving trays with
glass-covered cretonne centers and framed
in mahogany with brass handles, or in dull
old gold frames. Size 1 6 by 10 inches.
Hors d'Oeuvres $8.00
Contains five glass compartments in the
cut star design, with a heavily nickeled
frame and handle.
Beautiful Italian Marble Busts
Twelve Different Models
That Sell Regularly at $15.00
Very Special $7.48
These busts are exquisite examples of the
sculptor's art. showing twelve different beautiful
models finished, in ivory. No more beautiful
gift could be imagined than one of these
'Pigeon Urns
In three sties that sell at $5.00,
$7.50 and $12.00, according to size.
These urns are exact reproductions of the
famous bronze urn now in the garden of the
Vatican, which was presented to one of the
Popes many years ago. They are of marble,
finished in ivory, and are used as centerpieces
for holding fems or flowers. suth Floor.
A Xmas Sale of Fine Silk Umbrellas
'That Sell Regularly at $10.00 and $12.00
Very Special $5.98
Umbrellas for men and women, of pure taffeta silk, mount
ed on Paragon steel frames. The most fashionable handles
of the season will be found on these umbrellas for the men
they have the crooked handles, gold or silver trimmed and
the women's umbrellas have the long graceful handles mount
ed in gold or silver and some with a combination of pearls
with the metal.
Other Umbrellas, Very Special $2.59
Union taffeta umbrellas for men and women, with Para
gon steel frames. The handles are of wood, trimmed with
gold, silver and pearl. First Floor.
These Are Pictures Not Come
by Every Day in a Sale at 95c
They will make most delightful gifts.
Oblong and square pictures carbons.
Sepia prints, court beauties and copies
of some of the old masters. Many are
beautifully colored framed in mahog
any, antique gold, old ivory and rosewood,
and some carbon pictures framed in rich
brown mouldings. mus Floor.-
Hand-Colored Artotypes
Special $2.95
These are beautiful reproductions in color
from such artists as Corot, Henna, Hoffman,
M l.jj Cmrar Reicke. and others. Size 1 4x1 7
-Jr- inches, framed with a 214-inch mission mould
ing with gold lining.
Sixth Floor.
ThePower ofaDollar
Is Forcefully Demonstrated in
The Holiday Bazaar, 3d Fl.
Where Thousands of Xmas Gifts Are
Assembled for Your Inspection
Nothing' Over One Dollar
20,000 Pieces of Cut Glass
All at 20 36 Reduction
From Original Prices
;,7 " "fi Tn
Water Set Special $8.00
A very handsome seven-piece cut glass
water set, consisting of six glasses and one
two-auart Ditcher, cut in the marguerite design.
Cheese Dishes, Special, $3.95
This cheese dish has an eight-inch plate and four star cut cover. Very
effective design. .
Fern Dish Special, $2J8
Size eight inches, cut in a very pretty design, having a heavily nickel
plated lining.
Flower Vase Special, $3.95
Ten-inch vase for flowers in a very graceful model with a slightly flare
design, heavily cut pattern. simtfc Floor.
$2.50 Shaving Sets
Special $1.98
Shaving Sets, consisting of ex
cellent mirror, mounted on stand
complete with attached cup and
shaving brush, nickel finish.
""Glass has extension rod so that
it may be adjusted to the right
height -First Floor.
$1.50 Silk Stockings
Special $1.19
Ingrajn thread silk stock
ings in black, made with
wide cotton Jtrunk tops, also
cotton soles, heavily spliced'
for long wear. Tops tipped
with lavender or gold.
$1.75 Silk Stockings
Special $1.35
Extra heavy thread silk
stockings in black. Fine
gauge strong and serviceable.
Made with long wearing
cotton tops and soles. Extra
spliced soles, heels and toes.
Stockings that will give
exceptional service.
Note: With alt pur
chases of silk hose holly
box will be given free if
First Floor.
Vacuum Bottles
Special 89c each
Vacuum bottles that will
keep liquids at the tempera-,
ture they are when placed in
the bottle, for many hours.
For either hot or cold drinks.
Neat nickel finished case.
Flint Floor.
Alpine' Embroidered
Special 75c the box
One thousand boxes handker
chiefs of pure linen embroidered
in the new Alpine Embroidery.
Swiss Peasant industry. Dainty
designs, all different Three in a
handsome box. First Floor.
$1.25 Beauty Spot Veils
Extra special 50c
Shetland finish beauty spot
veils in black, white and colors.
With hand-run figures. One and
a quarter yards long.
First Floor.
Dainty Little Dresses
Special 95c
Selling Regularly at $1.50
These little dresses are of fine, soft
nainsook and have tiny yokes in point
ed and round effects of imported em
broidery. Trimmed around neck and
sleeves with braid and tiny lace edge.
Short or long sleeves, deep hem finish
at bottom of skirt.
Sizes 6 months to 2 years.
Knitted Toques, Spec. 79c
Very pretty toques for the little one
from 2 years to 6 years of age. Made
of white zephyr with combination turn
back in fancy rose stitch in pink and
white or light blue and white.
Warm and light.
Fooxts Floor.
Last-Hour Christmas Gifts
Are Best Selected From Our Great
jewelry and Silverware Store
Last-hour shoppers are sure to find a complete selection of holiday gifts in jewelry, silver novelties, watches
and silver tableware. , "
It is well to remember that this store protects its customers, not only in QUALITY but also in PRICE,
so that you may feel satisfied on this score. Nowhere else, under any circumstances or under any other trade
condition, is it possible to match the prices marked throughout this great jewelry store for the balance of the
Christmas shopping season. ' " ' ,
For months preparations have been made to gather together the best examples of both foreign and Ameri
can jewelers and silversmiths. The major part of our stock is distinctly individual, many articles being shown
exclusively at this store. Then again this store buys upon a different basis than most exclusive shops, buying
greater quantities, paying spot cash, buying from first hands only. This in itself is a prestige which it is diffi
cult for most exclusive shops to overcome, who secure most of their stock on memorandum, on long-time pay
ments, which naturally means a higher cost-
For Tuesday and Wednesday you will find immense assortments awaiting your inspection. We ask you to
post yourself, become familiar with prices asked elsewhere. IT IS THEN THAT OWEROFTHIS
I wt si
Attractive, Serviceable Gift Pieces
Genuine Clunv Pieces, Special 19c to $24.49
Selling Regularly From 25c to $32.50
French cluny doilies and centerpieces with deep elaborate bor
ders. Size 6 inches to 72 inches in diameter. All pure linen.
Madeira Hand-Embroidered Pieces
Selling Regularly From 50c to $7.50
Special 35c to $5.69 '
Hand-embroidered Madeira Doilies and centerpieces in hand
some designs with scalloped edges. All pure linen. Sizes 6 inches
to 45 inches in diameter. .
- Hand-Drawn Lunch Squares, Special $1.00
Japanese hand-drawn lunch square, size 30x30 inches. All
pure linen. Elaborate drawn borders and centers, hemstitched
hems. . Basement.
Merchandise of cJ Merit Only
Toilet Articles
One-Fourth Off
Every toilet article for the
dressing table can be found
here. Hair brushes with
fine bristles, mirrors in several
styles, different kinds of
combs, large and small, puff
boxes, salve boxes, trays,
jewelry boxes, shoe horns,
sewing cases, bonnet brushes,
hat, brushes, military brushes,
pin cushions, glove stretchers,
hair receivers and vanity
When engraved with init
ial or monogram, a set of this
ivory may , be compared ad
vantageously with any of sil
ver, gold, or even of real
German Royal Ivory
French Premier Ivory
English Crown Ivory
Domestic Ivory
All the very finest of its
One-Fourth Off.
First Floor.
Gloves for Gifts
J Special $1.45 Pair
Women s two-clasp pique
sewn glace finished gloves with
embroidery back, worked in self
or contrasting colors. Shown in
black, white, tan, gray and
Special 95c Pair
English walking gloves for
women shown in tan shades. A
very serviceable glove for gener
al service. First Floor.
A ?
Collars, Special 65c
Selling Regularly at $1.25
Hand-embroidered collars of fine
lawn or net, with double plaited
jabot of net, in round, square or
epulat shapes. The illustration is
an exact reproduction of one style.
Extremely pretty collars, which
may be worn with the shirtwaist or
on the outside of coat.
Marabou Muffs and
Marabou muffs in black or nat
ural color, large barrel shape. Fine
quality marabou.
Special $6.00
Marabou stoles in black or nat
ural color, four strands wide by two
yards long.
Special $6.00
Dresden scarfs of all silk crinkled
crepe. A sample lot imported from
the famous novelty house of Liberty,
All delicate colors in Persian,
Orinetal and floral designs, exquisite
color cornbinations.
Regular $4.00 to $10.00
Special .... .$2.00 to $ 5.00
First Floor.
Bath Robes
$4.50 Bath Robes, $2.95
$6.50 Bath Robes, $5.95
, Made of heavy blanket
materials in neat designs and
splendid assortment of colors.
Finished with patclT pockets,
turn down collars. Heavy
rope girdle at waist in har
monizing colors.
With and without border
trimming at bottom.
First Floor.
Men's Neckwear
Special 50c
Five hundred dozen new
holiday neckwear. Special
purchase of wide flowing
end scarfs in broche and fig
ured silks in a wonderful as
sortment of patterns and col
orings in Oriental, Persian
and conventional designs.
Also crocheted neckties in
entirely new color combina
tions and effects.
First Floor.
A Gift for Her
Leather Hand Fags
Selling at $1.25 to $15.00
Special 75c to $9.00
An Immense Sample Lot
Not Two Alike
The collection embraces smart
handbags in the pannier, tango,
envelope, plaited, boulevard, Monte
Carlo and Avenue shapes. The lea
thers embrace genuine pin seal, mo
rocco, grain seal, walrus, goat seal,
in black and colors.
All bags are fitted with coin
purse and vanity accessories.
Sale Eeaded Bags
A large assortment of imported
beaded bags in a" wide variety of
shapes, sizes and colorings. Fin
ished with chain handles, and hand
somely lined. First Floor.
$3.00 Bags, special. . .$1.95
$3.50 Bags, special. . .$2.95
$5.00 Bags, special. . .$3.50
and Glove Bonds
On Sale
Fifth St. Entrance
First Floor
Dainty Boudoir Caps
Special 79c
In five distinct styles, of net,
trimmed with frill, faille silk in col
ors, Dresden flowered silk mull, soft
chiffon and crepe de chine and net.
Made in Dutch and round shapes
with and without long backs.
All dainty colors.
Boudoir Caps
Special $1.49
Two extremely pretty caps of all
over shadow lace. One is made in
the Vanity or Castle style, with
pointed wired revers, turned back
from the front. The other is a regu
lar Dutch style, trimmed with shirred
satin ribbon and bows.
Fourth Floor.
Camisoles, Spec. $1.98
Zamisoles of allover shadow lace
in filmy quality with pink or light
blue ribbon, and lace shoulder
straps, or camisoles of pink or white
crepe de chine with shadow lace in
sertion, and ribbon shoulder straps.
Two very dainty styles that will
make handsome gifts.
Fourth Floor.
Gift Slippers
For Men, Women and Children
CH l LUKbN'S -UUltf
COMFY slippers, exactly like cut, with
kitten on front, and comfy padded soles.
Sizes 5 to 10, $1.00.
Sizes 11 to 2, $1.25.
BOOTS" high slippers like illustra
tion. Made of red felt with pussy
decoration on cuff.
Sizes 5 to 10y2, $1.50.
Sizes 11 to 2, $1.75.
PERS of heavy felt, like cut. Trim
med around top with ribbon beading
and have pom-pom on toe. Shown in
brown, red, purple and black.
All sizes, $1.50.
"Comfy" de W. en's Slippers $ 1 .95
Regularly $2.50 and $3.00
In tan calf, brown kid, brown
alligator, green seal and red seal.
Hand-turned soles. Newest lasts.
Very finest quality slippers.
Men's Slippers
Very special $1.45
In brown and black kid, made
with turn soles, well finished
throughout, several styles to
choose from. Basement.
. Women's
Luxe Slippers, in lavender.
Oxford gray and old rose. Have
turn-back tops, run with ribbon.
Come high about ankle.
All sizes, $2.00.
Men's "Comfy" Slip-
pers, in wine and Oxford
gray. Heavy felt, "comfy"
padded soles.
All sizes, $1.50.