. TTtV. MORNING OREGOXIAN'. TtfESDAT; DECEMBER' 23; 1D13:. AllFormerEmployesMeier &Frank Co.Desiring 2 Days' Employment Apply Not Later Than 10;30 A.M. at Supts Office, 6th Fl Meier & Frank's Portland's Greatest Store Is a New Store Each Day With Replenished Xmas Stocks Greatest Variety of Merchandise! Lowest Prices Prevailing! Courteous Attention Always! Prompt, Reliable Deliveries! i-' ' . . ...... Forty Horse and Motor-Driven Vehicles to Deliver Your Purchases on Time Over Two Thousand Employes Here to Willingly and Cheerfully Serve You GLOVE ORDERS OR MERCHANDISE BONDS Issued in any amount $1 or over. Redeemable any time Main Aisle, First Floor, TEA AND LUNCH ROOM, SEVENTH FLOOR Regular 50c Luncheon served from 11:30 to 2 P. M A la Carte Service and Tea, 2:30 to 5 :30 P. M. A la Carte Service Evenings Until Christmas. U. S. Parcel Post Insurance and Mailing Station in the New Basement Annex. "Working with increased facili" ties. Parcels -wrapped by experts, weighed and stamped ready for mailing to any part of the world. Express Office, Basement. Packages weighed and sent to any destination. . NEW! Victrola and Grafonola Parlors With Sound-proof Rooms In New Basement Annex New Entrance Sixth and Alder Vestibule Store Opens at 9 A.M. Store Closes at 9 P. M. Until Xmas LOST-AND-FOUND BUREAU, BASEMENT Articles lost in the store may be traced through this department. MONEY ORDERS ISSUED Postoffice Department, New Basement Annex. Leave Your Parcels at Free Checking Desk in Basement A perfect checking system assures safety. - Telephones Marshall 4600 or A 6101 Only Two More Days to Purchase Christmas Gifts Store Open Until 9 P. M. Vast Throngs Daily Show Their Preference and Satisfaction in Buying Here! The Hurried "Last Minute" Gift Choosing Can Be Accomplished Here -With Greatest Facility) Accommodation Desk First Floor, Main Building. For the use of our patrons. Leave your messages at this desk for friends coming to the store. Free Nursery for' Children Under supervision of a trained nurse. Chil dren cared for while mothers shop. The Handkerchief and Ribbon Annex Sec ond Floor, New Bldg. Holiday Merchandise in the entire Millin ery Section. Hospital Fourth Floor. For the accommodati on of patrons indis posed while shopping Mail Order Department, Sixth Floor. Last-minute Mail Orders given instant and efficient attention. Increased corps of ex pert shoppers to do your bidding. Let us help you do your delayed Christmas shopping. SECOND FLOOR Ribbon and 'Kerchief Annex Corsage Bouquets Ostrich Plumes Boudoir Caps Dainty Gift Undermuslins Waists,.Dressing Sacques Women's Lingerie Women's Bath Robes . FURS THIRD FLOOR Men's Bath and Lounging Robes Smoking Jackets Art Needlework, Baskets FOURTH FLOOR ( FURNITURE Sold on Club Plan Easy Installments TOYTOWN FIFTH FLOOR Greatest Toy Store in the West! FIRST FLOOR SEW BUILDING Gift Suggestions Jewelry, Leather Goods Mesh Bags, Watches Shell Hair Goods Parisian Ivory, Toilet Sets Clocks, Manicure Sets . Pipes, Scissors Pocket Knives Perfumes in Fancy Boxes . Brass .Desk Sets Stationery in Fancy Boxes Christmas Cards, Labels, Etc. Table Napkins, Laces Kodaks FIRST FLOOR MAIN BUILDING " Gift Suggestions Handkerchiefs, Ribbons Women's Neckwear Veils, Cut Glass Silver-Plated Ware Marabou Sets Men's Ties, Socks Shirts, Gloves Sweaters, Hats Women's Silk Hosiery Women's Silk Underwear Umbrellas in Holly Boxes Perrin's Gloves, Canes 1913. TM& Q.UAL1TV STdR& OF PORJLAMD nfU5bcU.TtorrisoiAldr3ta. IN THE BASEMENT Books! Calendars! Santa Claus Toys at 25c Dinnerware Candy Store Christmas Boxes Crockery, Electroliers Hand-Painted China Groceries . For Preparing the Christmas Dinner Eastern Sugar-Cured Hams Special, lb. . . .ISVzC Chestnuts New, large nuts, pound. . 106 Butternut Butter A favorite brand. Roll 726 New Walnuts New crop, large nuts, lb 19 Mixed Nuts Good mixture, lb. . . .206 and 256 Navel Oranges Large and sweet, doz. 506 to 156 Seedless Raisins Unbleached Sultanas, 3 lbs. 256 Seeded Raisins No. 1 packages, 3 for ...256 Golden Pumpkin For pies, etc. Cans, 106 156 Mince Meat Atmore's, qt. jar, 456 ' Pt i3, 256 Table Raisins No. 2 boxes, 256', No. 1 boxes, 156 Cleaned Currants No. 1 Cartons 2Vz6 PURE FOOD GROCERY BASEMENT. AT 7 - MM 3 m -