Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 23, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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What Gail Be Nicer Than
a Piano for Christmas?
Portland's Big Piano House Makes Special Induce
ments to Christmas Buyers
A Modern Talking Machine With Plenty of Records Is a Splendid Christmas
Gift, but Probably Best of All Is a Player Piano !
Duty Rebates Paid on Coal Not
Government Ownership Would
Cost Only $900,000,000,
Says Lewis.
Debited to Barges -at
Canadian Mines.
a jf
. 3
ult of these alihArr
re rank only "TJ
AnJnst lhsc 1 1
hat our pcv'I.r v
7 EM
l fit -
1 Mil
Vnited States Pays More for Talks at
, Distance Than Other Countries.
Telegraph Rates Too High,
Xteclares RepresenUtiTe.
WASitTSGTOX, Dec ti. Government
ownership of the Nation's telephone
lines would cost less than 1900.000.000
and would present no. greater diffi
culties of financing than did the Pan-
tn rannl Representative Lewis. . of
Maryland, told the House today In an
exhaustive analysis of bis proposal -it
Iiave those lines operated by the FoaV
OITIre Department. . ,
"Investigation discloses that our tele
graphic rates are tne nignesi amon
countries, ine rwun
inal rates is that we
9 n " e " - -" v
oitlons. it appears that our pPT"
average lower than other cour
that the number of letters
highest in the world. f I
Telegraph companies Jj
lacking in institutional
ticlency. The operation'
telegram is loaded down
dental services iMitiroc
thun So nf m-hlrh would
affixing- the postage stare,
can Inefficiency is lurif
in all important towtts f
tne denial or me tn
sand necessary points.
Teleohoaes More
"The telegraph servie
.1 1 . J i..u.t tntlnn D '
unwise now to postal! id it tadorfe'i a
i- .... i .. . rrn Vn Ir a over, t
telegraph lines alone and Vperate tem
merely as telegraph lines mifcht-, result
In postal bankruptcy.
"But our telephone tolls and long-distance
telephone rates compare with
those of other countries even lees favor
ably than do our telegraph rates. It Is
not unfair or Inaccurate to say that the
American interurban ' telephone rates
are the scandal of public service rates
the world over. The American tele
phone monopoly takes the 13th place
among 17 countries with regard to the
lownesa of these rates.
"Local rates of the Bell telephone
monopoly are Just twice the average
charge in other countries. While our
postal rates give us the first rank in
lowness of charges, this company ranks
14th among 1 countries with its local
telephone charges and we are one of
three countries where the charge for a
local call exceeds ths letter postal rates,
the other 13 countries giving a much
; lower similar telephone call than their
letter rates.
Enrooeaa Cities Pay Less.
"Subscribers' rates in American
cities, compared with Continental
cities, are about three times as high.
' For example, in New York 5400 calls.
about 15 a day under measured serv
ice, cost more than the four unlimited
yearly rates of London. Paris, Berlin
: and Stockholm together. For like
! services, Baltimore people pay more
i than the rates of London and Parts
combined, and Washington pays as
much as the five cities of Amsterdam,
; Kotterdam, Auckland, Toklo and
' Copenhagen combined. In postal tele
! phone countries the local toll tariffs
, tend to run about one-half the charge
', for a letter, while here It runs with
the streetcar fare and sometimes ex
: reeds It. and it is three times the let
I ter rate.
1 "While competition does not supply
' a remedy because it divides the serv
ice and necessitates the payment for
f two telephones, yet it throws an Inter-
eating sidelight on the tendency of a
! private monopoly to push up the rate.
Monopoly Sienna Hln Rate.
"Thus, 60 of the great American
1 cities. 84 averaging J42.488 In popula-
tion. pay an average annual telephone
' rate of $5 J under competition: while
' the other S cities, averagings only
; 388,629 in population, without competl
; tion. pav an average rate of Ssl. Since
5 ij jf"
Wilson Seeks to Recall Ideals
. of Army and Navy Men.
President In Formal Letter Requests
"Very Serlotrs Reprimand" to
Carabao Of ricers Opinion Is
Records Xot Marred.
VAi90Ulv.i -
wn,nn muiA nublic today a letter ad
dressed to Secretaries Garrison and
Daniels, respectively, requesting mm
a very serious repnoumu b
. . . . i. a ... mA Vbyv nffi
isierea to iwvm 1 - - " ----
cers who participated in the recent din
ner of the military order of the Cara
bao. at wnicn ine aumiuii.uu.
Philippine and other policies were sat
irised. The letter follows:
"The officers who were responsiuio
tn- tt nroaramme of the evening are
certainly deserving of a very serious
reprimand, wnicn i nereuy mi
administered, and I cannot rid myself
of a feeling of great disappointment
that the general body of officers as
sembled at the dinner have greeted the
i f -1 w v. a nrnrrammfl with
apparent indifference to the fact that
It vioiaiea boiiio "
and sacred traditions of the service.
"I am told that the songs and other
amusements of the evening were in
tended and regarded as 'fun. What
are we to think of officers of the Army
and Navy of the United States who
think it -fun' to bring their official su
periors into ridicule and the policies of
the Government which they are sworn
to serve with unquestioning loyalty,
into contempt? If this is their Idea
of fun, what is their idea of duty? If
they do not hold their loyalty above
all silly effervescences oi cui ".
ler. formerly a Major in the volunteer
medical corps and secretary of the
Washington corral of the Carabao. He
v v. 1 ---.u nf PmtHAIIt
seems w w wcjwmm ...
Wilson's reprimand, as he is now In
civil me.
It has not been determined whether
the reprimand will be noted on the
records of the respective officers, but
opinion tonight is that such notation
will not be made. ,
Xotes on Teleplione Talk Testimony
In Mississippi Trial.
.rnT.aoTTTrs xt a m rjc! 22. Testi
mony purporting to have been obtained
by means of a teiepnone ueviue i.o
introduced today at the trial of State
Senator Hobbs. charged with soliciting
and accepting a bribe in connection
with a bill providing for the creation
' nn.v In T1anlRsiDDl. This
testimony tended to corroborate that
given by Stepnen uasuenun, wuu owuc
that he had given Hobbs 200 as a
bribe. ,
W. L. Douglas, who said he recorded
conversations between Hobbs and Cas
.i.m.n ruii t the liirv what he said
were notes of these conversations. Ac
cording to these notes, Castleman was
willing to give a bribe and Hobbs to
receive it.
competition can only augment tne an suiy eawvru . --.
toM coat of operation, it is apparent what about their profession do they
. .. 1 A Kln-h rat, hnti! AAOrpd?
how private monopoly and high rates
So hand in hand.
hi. iii w .in. a. .iin r tn tn 1c a over
the telegraph lines here (capitalized
at $240,000,000). as both kinds of com
munication can be handled on the tele
phone wires, which exceed the tele
graph wires tn mileage and geograph
ical distribution.
"The cost of acquiring the telephone
networks is Indicated at something
less than tDOO.000.000, for which it is
proposed to Issue S per cent bonds,
payable in 50 years. It Is calculated
that the postal system, by superim
posing the telegraph service on the
telephone lines at half present tele
graph rates, may net some J50.000.COO
annually from that traffic alone, which
with the present profits of the tele
phones, and after deduction of Inter
est on the bends and depreciation,
would supply the department with a
large surplus for extensions and other
Owner of Ranch Near Lanplols to
j Establish Thorouffhbred Herd,
' LAN'GLOIS. Or. Dec. IS. (SpeciaU
Dr. J. R. Wetherbee. of the Star dairy
ranch, two miles south of here, re
turned Sunday from a tour to a num
ber of cities and farming communlfea
of the Northwest In search for catt'e
with which to stock his Curry County
dairy farm. Pr. Wetherbee brought
back four yearling Holsteln-FTiealan
heifers, which cost him tlii'i).
Dr. Wetherbee plans to change his
entire herd of nearly J00 head of cat
tl. and eliminate every grade and
other strain except the Holsteln
Krlestan. While passing through here
he stated he will bring more thorough
bred cattle in next Spring and thus
start breeding at once.
Two Hundred Xlnety-Thlrd Annlver.
sary of Landing Celebrated.
DrtCT.iv t4 Th 191d anni
versary of the landing of the Pilgrims
was commemorated yesterday In the
VIU W 1 111 uu.u
Rev. Dr. George Hodges, of Cambridge.
described tne apirn oi m. pubhii.
. i - - th. imitrlMii anlrlt of Indi
vidual protest. It is the spirit, he said.
.-t.,.-h nrntuii acainst monopoly in
business, politics or religion.
Christmas special. Order of Good-Fellows
at Globe Theater, commencing
hold sacred?
Ideals Are Recalled.
"My purpose, therefore, in adminis
tering this reprimand is to recall the
men wno are respun-nu-tj " ......
ering of standards of their ideals; to
remind them of the high conscience
with which they ought to put duty
above personal Indulgence ana to u""
of themselves as responsible men and
trusted soldiers, even while they are
amusing themselves as diners-out."
Secretaries Garrison and Daniels de
cided to administer the reprimand by
transmitting a copy i" -letter
to each member of the enter
tainment committee.
Secretary Garrison lmmeuiaieiy c".
this memorandum to Major-Uenerai
Leonard Wood, chief of staff of the
"It is nereoy oraereu mm-.
cers of the United States Army who
. V. nna r.m TTl i 1 1 M and
were uii ... .
-i . .Mnnn. hi. for the pro-
were .ucreivtw . -- - .
gramme or
dinner of the Military uroer oi u.
Carabao. be reprimanded in pursuance
.. i . 1 lha PrntiRnt
or tne commun'-.uwik v . -
to me. copy herewiui. m i
the reprimand should take should be
xo iurini fc" "
copy f the letterfrom the President.
Mir Act Teday.
Secretary Daniels probably will issue
a similar order tomorrow, oauut
Presidential rebuke effective so far as
Navy officers are concerned.
It is understood inai . .v.. .
. .w. v ,.. mrrnlMl that Rear-
Admirai Thomas Benton Howard, who
presided at tne omner oi - -
. i i . n-a lhA new-
mOunt LSrSDHV " " "
..u..i f thn orsraniza
tion. resign the position of chief of the
society because of the conduct of the
m and Navv officers at the dinner
last Thursday. Kear-AdmiraJ I Howard
was born at uaiena, m-. -
.i.i cr.i.rir Danlvla that he had
ri. I In m T. I Himn L fl B 1I1DU1-
8UU1. A ' I, 1 1 1 .1. " -
ractM" for 13 years without hearing
anv objection.
.i.. v. tha lllnniP commit
ino uiniioTia - ,
tee on the part of the Army who will
hi.aivm mn or rrwtuoti, . . . ...
communication are:
Major Lawson at. ruuor,
Major Francis J. Koester. Captain War
r.n.ln Frank T. HineS. Ill
jor Jame's E. Normoyle. Major Kdgar
Russell, Brtgedler-GenerM mn Jic
Intyre and Colonel P. O. S. Helstand.
Navy officers on the dinner commit
tee. wcrn :
u...Aa4inira.l Thomas B. Howard
..v., .- tinr-ruiaral William P
. . . a r r r'.nt-in W. P. bhoe
maker. Surgeon Frank E. McCullough
Lieutenant - Commander erank E
Kidgely, Paymaster Victor B. Jackson
ITxlIrr Reessa Xsasaaae.
m. i v. ih, rnmmittH
inn tun nit th ... - - .--w -- i
not In the servica is Dr, Joseph at. Hi-
More Than 85.000 Signatures to Re
quest for Amendment-
. . .. c !-., Ti n TTcH
LAJS AJiuiintii), - which a
W. Wheeler, chairman of the "Califor- collectea.
nla Dry in 1914" campaign committee. I
announced today that more than tis.ouu
- iniiM rhnn twice 'the
BlSUaLUlco v " J .
number needed, have been obtained to
the initiative petition asking that the
nation rf u ctT t i t ii t joiml amendment
nrnhf hftinir the manufacture, sale or
use of liquor be placed upon the ballot
at next year s state election.
r hs. nun itr natures secured. 36
Ann A 4-b InaH in T A T tr
UUU wrin uuunuvu
Northern California, is opposed to the
German Slakes World's Distance In
Spherical Bag
Government Agent Says Customs Re
funded on Sworn Statement of
Officers of Company
San Francisco. -
d.-k- univfism Tied 22. Books of
.- iTn ..I PomDanT show that
In 8 per cent of cases more coal was
discharged from the company a
into American steamers man.
loaded on the barges at Canadian
mines. .On the figures for coal ais-
. -v. i.rrM and not for
CDHlgCD -1 "II H' " a
the coal the barges received, affidavits
were presented to tne customs -
ties ana arauiv y . . . , -
. ... , . .lit In ,M
that had been couecieu worn
Such was tne testimony iwu., -
D. Tidwell, special agent of the Lnltea
, mnt . in th O
trial of eight indicted directors and
employes 01 tne company i-
. , . j u, TiHnreii'n testimony
to aeiriuni. - , , . , .
was based on figures which he had
. . Ui.. a! Pnm.
compiled rrom me y chidi u
pany s dooks ana iewiu
Overweight Rebates Paid.
One case was cited In which, on April
20, 100S, a barge discharge ions
more coal into vessels than the com
pany's books showed was aeoitea w
that barge ana a. arwui;. -lected
on the debited amount plus the
66 tons. , Vr.l.-A
Mr. Tidwell tesimea mat ui..-
States Army transports and revenue
cutters had loaded coal from wtern
Fuel barega at various times; that tne
Government vessels had received more
i -it!...- n ih hnnks. than the
records showed had been loaded Into
the barges and uh uu.ciui
had refunded customs duties for the
larger amounts.
Refunds had been inaae. no
kv .worn statements of James
Smith, or some other of the defend
ants, that the company's figures for
the amounts discharged from the
barges were correct.
According to Air. iiawen a uunWi.
between April 1, 1906. and December
31, 1912, the Western Fuel Company
sold 2,196,Zli long ions oi mitu" --.
which was in round numbers a,uuu
tons more than the company had re
ceived, plus what was on hand prior
to the former date.
Weight Expert xesuiiea.
tr wills, nort captain for
a Seattle firm at Nanaimo. B. C, and
formerly In command of the coal barge
Two Brothers, plying between Nana
imo and Seattle, was called to the stand
in the afternoon to testify to the meth
od of weighing coai at. m " cd.-.
Fuel company s i.n'" , .
He was followed by W. J. Dougherty,
chief weigher for the customs service
,ki. xr,. nnnsrhertv said there
could not be more than 10 pounds dif
ference between xne wuB-
load of coal obtained on a "rising
. n a ., "rmn Vioam " or when the
Deaui ii" ;r ,
balance was perfectly horizontaL He
said the kind of scales UBSd on the
docks for weighing coal would reg
ister the weigni 01 h--"-
as five pounas.
r Vnrnrng, SACretarV Of the
Liaviu v
company, was on the stand again today
for a short time to identify certain
i th a nanniiTiEr ox cutii uu
reuoiuo wi.
which a refund of customs duties was
tt1 pt i xt tvo, 95 Hrr Kevlen. a
German balloonist, who with two pas
sengers ascenaea irom on.ic.nciv.,
Prussian Saxony, in the balloon Dufs-
V- t IimIhV
Durg on j-itstcuiuc. -that
he had descended at Perm, a town
in European Itussia near me oi mi.
. . - . i ..lahHahlnfi' a world's
ironnwr. i ...... " -
distance and duration record for spheri
cal bauons.
The Duisburg was in the air 87 hours
and traveled 1738.8 miles.
Bchumann-Heink Files Suit Against
WllUam Rapps, Third Mate.
CHICAGO, Dec S2? Suit for divorce
was filed here today by Madame
" .. . ,u.inV the onera
Ernestine wi"- . - ,r..
singer, against her husband. ""ftln
Rapp. Desertion Is the charge. They
were marnea nere ij. -
the singer since has made Chicago her
residence. Rapp deserted her two
years ago, she alleges. - xney nau
children. . ,, .
....i.l family differ
ences are said to have estranged the
Rapps. Madame ecnumann-xioiu-
eight children by her two former marriages.
Invention Promised Much and Success
Was Sincere Hope, Declares Man
Wao Developed Idea.
kt-ctxt xvoir n.f 22. Uriea De For
est had faith in the wireless telephone
and was, sincere in ins -.cue
success at the time he and others or
ganized the Radio Wireless Telephone
De Forest maae mis Biaiemcui iw-j
i v in thn F'a.Tai uouri iieio.
is on trial with James Dunlop
. . i . i. r.' i v TP T3iii-1 Incrn m A and S Bill -
311111.11, A 1 1 1 1 1 i j. . - -
uel Darby, charged with misuse of the
mails to promote sales of the company
i. - . V.
Stock. rie was a Wliueao
1 Fn.n.t .nlH Af tllP mefltS Of thS
invention on which the organization of
h Knflin uomnany waa u""
- . n , wimir.H telenhone com
municatlon was established between
Milwaukee and Chicago ana vice vei.
ii 1 A .1 .hnnt mA.ncres which
the Government alleged were never sent
between those cities, wliiuuku i-.j
were advertised by the company. De
. i ; .l . K , Mflcnm "mn 1 n I V
r ureoi c.uia.nn.u . -
mechanical," preventing the telephone
from operating, were responsiDio ror
.i i- .cnt The witness con-
LllCll II i- u ..... o "
..j. that the Radio Company had
never yielded returns to the stockhold
ers. . .
Questioned concerning the pamphlets
. . TV UVtraa. ma i A
lssuea ny me cohhjiij,
hn did not think the assertions were
Th tslonhone Dromlsed much," he
The trial will be resumed tomorrow
The Coming Christmas is the 4
11 CI rX rrmMiuni riav found
a most appropriate Holiday Gift in
The World's Oldest Turkish
In Neat Brown Boxes of
10. 20. 50 and 100
S I ' K
Philip Morris & Co., Ltd
New YA ,Loodoa MonUejl
See the new style 10, reduced price $485.
See the new style 12, reduced price $517. "
See the finest, daintiest, sweetest - toned, new
1914 design, reduced price $565.
Corresponding reductions obtain throughout
this great assortment of bungalow and all our
other player pianos.
SPECIAL TODAY AND TOMORROW See our elegant new Christmas
Gift Pianos, reduced price $256, on payments, $8 down and $8 a month.
Buy Now a
Player Piano
The Beautiful Bungalow Player
Pianos, the -most popular of all, and
in an almost endless variety of fin
ishes, are now ready for sale. Six dif
ferent styles, supplied in various
beautiful fancy woods known only in
high-grade piano-making, may be
had. , The magnitude of our business
makes still lower prices possible.
' Never was so much obtainable for so
little. Nowhere else can such high
quality, such up-to-dateness be had
for even 20 or 25 more than these,
sale prices.
Terms of payment will be arranged
within reach of any home worthy the
name. Silent pianos will be accepted
at fair valuation toward payment of
any of these Bungalow Player Pianos,
or of any of the other numerous Play
er Pianos now on display.
Liberal supply of Music Rolls free
with these Bungalow Player Pianos,
as with all of our Player Pianos; free
exchange privileges for music rolls.
Every Member of the Family Profits by a Christmas Gift Piano or a Talking
Our Christmas Exhibition Sale now in progress. Eilers Music House, Broad-
way at -o-iuei. oucci.
dickering BT7 Grant
Kimball Baby Grands TMnt Machine Wquartexs. All the various makes of modern
Chickering Artigraphic P 1 7 r talking machines and all the records for them.
Pianos tj,, oniy place in town where intelligent comparison is possible;
via. w.,M where one make, after trial ia exchangeable without depreciation
Chickering Plexotone Plarr Piwos ther that may , deaired.
Kimball Acmelodic Player Pianos A jiMical Ohristmaa Is Sure to Be a
Sensible Christmas and Also a Bans
factory Christmas
Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and other
Small Musical Instruments
Sheet Music
Popular or Classic
Music Portfolios
In short, everything musical at
Player Pianos De Luxe
and the -
Genuine Autopiano Player Piano
40 Makes of the Best Pianos
all sold by Eilers Music House
Every Instrument Sold by Eilers
Music House is Covered by an
Unconditional Guarantee That
Means Satisfaction to the buyer.
The Nation's Largest
' Eilers Bldg, Broadway at Alder
Biggest, Busiest, Best
You Can Own a Complete, Modern
Disc Graf dnola With an Outfit of
12 Double Disc Records (24 Pieces)
cash or at the same cash price on $5
monthly payments if you like no in
terest or extras. All delivered by our
nearest dealer and subject to approval.
s-Tx'JB&i. S
This Is the Golumbia
Grafonola "Favorite"
the first Grafonola ever offered at its price or anywhere
near it We believe it is the best that can be constructed
and sold at this price, or near it the first instrument of the
enclosed type offered at anything like its price, and capable
of all the tonal qualities of a $200 instrument
AU Colombia Records Cao Be Played Victor Tmlktas; Machines.
All Colombia Instruments Will Pier Victor Records.
Columbia Graphophone Go.
371 Washington Street, Portland, Or.,
oUaesdayv wJl v.