TlTOWXTVft OK TOnVTAX. . TTTESDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1913. 13 TTTT7 CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dallr Om tiro -.. Saw ad. twa caoaaratlTa tiaaca fcaiM ad. tana caaaacutftTa tiaaas- ...... Basse ad. six ar wn eaaaecatl.a llaw. -Mr 1 a. abor. rales applr la adrerUaemeau aniirr -n Taoajr- and ail atAar rlaaallirs. tlsaa uceol tba following! eituaUoas Wan tea. Male. . Btinn" Waeiaa. Feme. iac stent. Bwim aTl.aSfc Yaxalllea. jhMOi and fcaartl. irrivai. eaailllal Hmf aa lb re elaa.iflralieae la 1 cenu. a Uaa each laaerllaa. bca aaa advartiaaoseat la mot rua la com aeeuilv la.uea UM aas tima rata applies. six average werde eoaat aa aaa Una aa cat adveriwemcata and aa ad. cwlad tat lea. taa two uaea. Oa -caare'ed" advcrUacaMata cnarse will be baaed aa l number at Uaea t.ppcarlag la Ul paper leaaralees ef tae Biuabar al merae am eaca Uue. Minimum cUarge, twa Uaea. 1M Oregaalaa will accept classified aa weiiMeawats aver U talepnoae, prairldlag the la a aotweriber to eitlier pneae. -N price IU be uaatcd aver tba pneae. ut wu will be icfluued tlie lollvMiaa urn,. Huviucf Muacqucot advertweaaeata will aa accepted aer uie pbuaa eepeuu. upua tbe LiMullLUCN ef pueat al tetcpuuna advar tllecatata. ftUuailoae M anted ana ser. ae.e.lueaieBl. will Bot be accepted aver tba leiciniuu. orscr. lr one lnaeruva oulj auj be acteptad lar surnllure lor bale," " acaa Opportunities," lawuilliaa'-rl oases" and ai.4ru la rieat." lite oreaoaiaa will aat a-naraatee aecaraey ar euioe repoeblUljr tor error, accurrua la icicuaooea auvetttocmeata. Tba Oreaeaiaa will aol be reopoaalbla fee ,, tnan owe Incorrect Inacrtton ot aav auarl iiti-1 etiexea iw aiore la w Today" all advertleemente are raauscd b sueaaure ai. la Itnea ta tae am a. kemlttaaeea must accompany .at-of-towa ajrrtlaemeBta to receive arampt elaeslfl- eatwn must be la Tbe Oreg-uuiaa office Itclore 1U e cioca at "I1". bMwwj. Cloalaa boor for The bandar oreconiaa wtii be t o'clock bntnrdav Blent. Tbe office will be open nattl 111 e'clock a. si., aa uauai. hau .1. rMYlrrd toa lata for proper clail- ration wlU ba rua Bauer .ewoinjc "Too Le to 4.kalt?. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE! JSO. S20 USIOX AVE?trE. COR.VEH MARKET STHEEI'. Pboae Iaat 1-123. B 2S13. Horsa ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all caaaa of cruelty to this office. Open day and nignt- 'CW TODAY. LAURELHURST BVautiful New Homes and High, Sightly Building Sites For Sale on easy terms In - the finest, most highly developed cloae-ln reaiaence para m too city. the very heart of the East Side residence district, with best of car aervlce and aur rounding Laurelhurst Park, the peer of all Phone for our Auto. Main 15v3 or A 1515, and let us abow you around. ww an a AIT RPHV Sale Aeenlii. f'lOVi Stark street. Tract Of fice K. tn aoa iiiiwid pis, iwwt w Laurelhurst Snap Swell modern seven-room bungalow: ftttic, three bedrooms, sleeping-porch mid den. oak floors, fireplace, book cases, buffet, Dutch kitchen: corner Int. 78x110. For quick sale, ,5750; 11000 down and f50 per month. C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbet' Tilda. A 141M. Marshall 82. MORTGAGES Bought and Sold HAHTMAN-THOMPSON BANK Chamber of Commerce Bldj. lortsape Loans 6 TO 7 H. E. MOONEY Mala no. aswasa 1 FalUaa BlaU. Mortgage Loans Carreaf Rates) ROBERTSON & EWING 1 FalllaaT BldaT. MORTGAGE LOANS Our Usra Moary at Carreat Hate. Western Bond & Mortgage Ca. . aauaaeretal Clab Bills;. PartlaaJ. Or. CI1Y & FARM LOANS I100O and up at lowest rates. C. M. ZADOW 414 Cerbett biag. A 1414. ataraball X CilY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount &t Current Kmtea. JOHN E. CEONAN I2 Kpaldlnc lild. PortUad. Or. KKAL KSTATB IEALE1V. .i-.k K, William 31a1-31 Fatllng bldg. UKNKPU'T ItKOiS. iBurrell Hftghtt. 130 H-Hiborne ve.. cor. ilU Tbor fdA. Jcnnmita A 'u. Main lrw 2Ki Orpgonlan. KiKlAN. homfs, Iomiu. 815 Spalding bldjc. 'AI.MKR-JONd CO.. H. P.. 4l4-40i-4U- Wtlcox bid. REAL E8TAT1C. Vnr S-le Lot. A SNAP. Pour rood lota on S3d nd Pumner for Just of what was paid for aamt thre months ao: must bo cah. C. ii. Ernst, a41 Washington at. Lo T v lvH. near Muitnomah station, on the Urenon KlectrK. with Bull Run water pipou in the itrMt; price $23. sma.I payment down, easy monthly payments on ta.jnc. XX flOO, Qrcsonian. i I Nh home site, only la. minutes carrice. Vvst containing acre; best buy la the.clty for Jil'O: $10 rash, 5 per mouth. M. K. l-ee, Corbett bids. FOR SALE Lota at corner 41st and East Grant to 42d at. Call at 932 th iU Nortn. Phone C 17. k for Mrs. Howe- Bl'lLDlNG lots at a bargain price for In fOoi location: act quick. C. A. Zygow ko -kl. 2V1 Oreelry si. WK Hl'V MORTGAGES. SO. T. MOORE CO., Ma A aim ton Bldf, Yiti L. A N D lot. worth 00t trnii SALE CHEAP 1-ot 100x10. E. Grant. iil Kl;AYMEAD lot. near 24th; lrvtnston !ot iifar ta; botii soud lots; cheap.c lou. ill KUAYMEAD l't. near 24th: Irrtnrton Park lot. CSJ, both rood lots, rheap. ClQou. Far ale lloas IHVINGTOS 6-room modern house. 3 bed rooms, nrepla. furnace, burtet, Dutrh KHrhen. lot suxl'X'. a M anap; 3rtSO; down and -0 ptr month, on East Sflth. nur limy C. M. ZAPOW. 4M Corbett bids. A 1416, larshall 92. foRTLAXD HEIBHTS Slrely furnlshJ. Iarg:e. a -room bunsaiow. 7 mtnutes from Pstton rr-ad car. In natural grove; elty water, flreplare. electricity; referencea Phona Marshall 48U forenoon and een- tnra 6-room home, lrvtngton. for $3T5 worth .'HHl; lot 40x100. East 2Ti, V. H. Henlman. 6-ROOM rnolern bungalow, liwwfoot front ase on Willamette bird; paved street; cheap on account ef etckneaa. C. A. Zy- o ikl. ree;y at. kyw 4-room houae. with attic 4 lota 10"x stH. stfi. eaa terms If wanted. AE 014. Qresonian i on ALE CHEAP Purnlahed aousa. S.U aood SIM mornings. REAL ESTATE. For Salt Houses. LESS THAN HALF PRICE FOR IX NEW HOUSE. Must aell my attractive near bungalow and will mnk Ma- sacrifice If sold at once. a rooms and Jarre attic; built months and modern: fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet. Dutch kitchen, full basement, 1 block from -jtv car: will take o9 for my $1,4 equity, balance very easy terms. Bea owner. lit E. tlat North, -00 feet south of car. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE. OR ANYTHING: PLANS FRE3 . WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR TVORK. WI.L GIVE BONDS. L. P BAILEY c CO.. CONTRACTINO ARCHITECTS. Hi ABINGTON BLDO GOOD TIME TO BUILD TOUR HOME OR APARTMENT. WHY NOT DEAL WITH RESPONSIBLE FIRM WHO CAN FURNISH THE MONEY? EASY PAYMENTS. Wfi HAVE DONE IT FOR MANY OTHERS. WHY NOT FOR TOUT PLANS TO SUIT. TAYLOR BUILDING CO.. SOS M'KAY BLDG. ' DANDY home, 6 rooms and bath, on large lot; lot excellently graded, seeded for lawn; fine large living-room witb fire place; bookcaaea built in. witb leaded glass doors: nne dining-room, built-in buffet, good-sixed bedrooms, nice bath, closet, basement; only e2Gr,0 on low monthiy paymenta. Phone Lasti'549. LAURELHURST, HOT-WATER HEAT. Fine new- 6-room house with garage; atriclly modern, with fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in effects and hot-water heat ing plant: a fine home and a snap; flTail; easy terms if desired. GRUSSI & HOLDS. 1 Board of Trade. Main 713:. A 4401. 3l DOWN. 930 PER MONTH. New. coxy -room house, lotftf Knott "t., Beaumont carllne; sleepins porch ana other modern conveniences; hard surface traar ririfM f.tZTift r0-rin 4T CVerV thing. This is a snap. Phone owner, Marshall 604 Piatt bids. FOR SALE On account of leaving, will e?ll borne which contains 5 rooms, nas nam, fireplace and furnace, buiit-ln conven iences; will also leave the electric fix tures, gas range and water heater; must have $1'.".0 cash, balance $-0 a month. Call Ea?t 1:549 or Main 54-2. LADD ADDITION. This new modern 6-room house with sleepins porch and all modern conveni ences for sale at reasonable price; will consider trade and part cash. Call ST I East Uuth, near Harrison. Phone East 4433. C ROOMS, sle-ping-porch, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, bufTet, bookcases, fireplace, clothes chute, linen cloeet, 2 toilets, fur nace, full cement basement, double con airucted; Just about completed ; $C20O; terms. Phone B 2.67. or H 003. Oregonian. DO YOU WANT A HOME? We draw the plans, build the house, furnish the money; easy payments; low Interest. If you want it GOOD see us. Butterworth -Stephenson Co., Couch bids. FOR SALE For bargain, new, modern. 7 room bungalow. If sold Immediately. Main Ask room 03. IRVINGTON home, 6 rooms, lot 40x100. In choice location. S3750; cheapen property In city. East 273. W. H. Herdraan. NICE 6-room house and full lot on E. near Thompson St.; modern plumbing, 3750. E 441, Oregonian NEW, modern nine-room house in Laurel hurst. phone owner. East 2432 For ale Butane Property. 11 PER CENT net on equity of $3750. Sell ing price ti750, mortgage 3W0, 3 years. 7 per cent; store building. East 25th and Broadway; 45x00 ft. with basement; se cured 5-year leases, responsible tenants; all improvements in and paid for; guar anteed title. Apply owner, E. B. Mac Naughton. b9 Fourth street. Main 1373. FOR SALE A block of 5 lots facing on Linnton road, near Gasco and the Port land Gas Co., Standard Oil and R. R. equipment plants; all improvements in and paid the street with no competition; siiKM). Address AC 43S, Qresonian, 3-STORY building, 50x100 lot. close in, $12,u00; terms. See owner, 328 2d st. For bale Acreage. ELECTRIC TRALN SERVICE on January 13 to our BEAVERTON REEDVILLE ACREAGE, In the Finest Steel Suburban Cars In the West. Secure your Home now while you can benefit by the low prices and have choice of selection. These acres are ideal home sites, the very best about tho city, and only 30 minutes' ride. Rich soil, water un der pressure, graded streets, stores, new 4 -room school, sidewalks, etc. Tracts from 1 acre up. Prices reasonable, terms easy. Discount for cash. Live where you can dra-r foods from the soil and vitality from the air. Let .us show you these tracts at once. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. 5 AGUES, $250. $10 DOWN, $5 MONTH. Buys good, level land. 1 mile from rail road between Portland, and Astoria: 20 acres 9500. with two beautiful si re am n it. This aiso Ilea 1 mile from railroad, j JO down and 910 .month. Also 40 acres near Castle Rock, near station on man line R. R.. 98oO. 920 down and 910 month. This has beautiful trout stream on 1U BELL REAL ESTATE CO., .isl XH V aVJ AV.U4.ufv. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; cn.CKea arm n mi au.ica new subdivision near Greeham; 5 acres 400. 95W 700; 3 acres 95uO, 90O; 30 acres S 750, 9RH. 91000 per tract ; best soil free wood, spring water; acreage at bcappoose. Or., 925 to $1ik) per acre. FRANK M FAKLAND REALTY CO.. 3GD Yeon Bldg-, Portland. Homesteads. TWO aluable homesteads on fine creek. . 000. 000 timber on each, good cabins and cicatrtiiK. S1U0U. SOS Oregon! an bldg. HOMESTEADS of value near Portland; dc- ;i run i at n om es. u r . a... IF looking for a homestead, we can locate you. KS. A Z. U Vk BIS. I, XfX YJ. v.-. w For bale Fruit Lands. FOR SALE. Eleven -acre fruit farm at Paterson. Wash.; adjoins railroad and is suitable for platting; nine acres In best commercial fruit trees in bearing, two acres In alfa.fa, w hich cuts four crops yearly; excellent soil for tomatoes, potatoes, grapes and berries; berries marketable very early; private irrigation plant; new. modern buildings; everyihing In first-class condition- ciimate particularly adapted to per sons troubled with asthma or rheumatism Deal direct with owner; price very rea sonable; will consider unincumbered city property in part payment to 9;500. Rea son for sale, owner alone and growing old. MrMUlen, ScU Multnomah st. lhon East 54v. For .Sale Partus. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM, 70 ACRES. All In cultivation, in the heart of the val ley electric car service, all conveniences, cream route, close to acbool, all good loam soil, the best there Is to be found; hay and grain for feed and seed; li acres al ready seeded; good house and barn ana outbuildings: Ism from 1 to S ears; running water for stock; all first-class stock on ths place. Including big team of mares, cows. pis, chickens, feed and farm machinery. Fu.l ll and price of ch article of personal property la our office! The price is cheap at 91200. This te a swell farm. Rnt only 94oj. To see this meAEj to rent. PORH E. KEASET CO., 2d Floer Chamber ox Commerce. I'OK oAl-K ol'OU acres of high-class bbti cultural landa in the Ochoco and t rooked Kler Va;.ey. Crook County. Or.; deep, rich soli, marvelous:? productive, excel lent well at il feet, artesian water at leaa than 210 feet; railway transporUi tlon. excellent marketing facilities: price 12 to ,30 per acre; one-tenth cash, bal- nc: In nine equsl annual PM""--,-OKEGOX a WtiTKKX C(5l.OMZATJON CuMPAXY, m Stark 8t-,PortIand. Or. FOR "SALE 1J.000.400 feet of fir timber. locaUd along a good logging atrtam; price l.5 per thuaand; tlmljcr oniy. with long time to remove. , . . IJO-acre farm, about 75 acres rich bot tom lana in cuiiinv. " , .IT in paature; creamery close to place, price 114.100 with good terma on part. - - . . mi rimner nav, ourr ii'u ntl la u s iwc mic. .....v ----- - Xor Hie " i . . c " . " Address J. ft.'WBeve. tuquiuo. A 40-ACRE rsnch for sale. 19 miles south of Cottsge Grove. Or.; eight s,-res under cultivation, bslance partly cleared. fKe Sndla.5: plenty of free out rang, and water: aiao 10 head of cattle, two good nSSr- CoftagV atwVV OT-.V, Crx a. - . . . . u nf rrvsi t IO .creJ , bouom. cult., fully equipped ana stocseu. t Bo7,::nu:r elV.r.Tr?e:-bargain for IU casn. xy -7 W ANTEP-REAt ESTATK. WANTED From owner, a roomins-ouse of li or :0 roomi; West Side; good furni ture; must be cheap. Addree T04 K. 26th. WANTED TO BET FARM 9, WANTED To rent 40 to 100 acres within 100 miles of Portland. Send description. terms. Jox iu. raosnxx. uiib, TO EXCHANGE. CATTLEMEN TAKE NOTICE. i3M imi with lots of outran (re- Eastern Oregon, where plenty of rain falls, iv.e run- ihrniiih nlare-. 10 head cattle. 7 horses, BO hogs, 100 chickens, plenty hay and feea, to exenange. u-nw " liam Johnson. 527 Chamber of Commerce. CASH A-N'D LAND FOR MERCHANDISE. UMl nav nnt-rhlri4 i-ash and balance In silt-edge real estate for clean stock of general merchandise, from J15.U0O to 30, 00 0. Will not consider buildings, and stock must be good. LUE DDE MANN. RCLET & CO. SU3 Chamber of Commerce. tin a pr F!S. a1 loins Lebanon. Or., all culUvation: 413.700. 50 acres, adjoins riima Rivr Or - "6 .n besj-lnz orchard ir. or-ra hnttoTti land, balance bench land: $-0,000. Exchange for good wheat ranch, one equipped preferred. Will be at Hotel Cornelius until Thursday. b. C larrou. HIGH-GRADE Jewelry, brooches, Iswellerres. lockets and rings, diamond settings, will ' trade any or all for clear vacant, good equities, phonographs or anything of equal vaiue. SUMMERS SONS. 88 Grand Ave. FOR SALE or trade, 40 acres, all in culti vation, well fenced, fi miles from Esta cada 1 mile to Sprinswater store and post of flee, school and church; price SloO per acre; mortgage against property Soouu, running ' ..- - Long, 420 Hawthorne ave. HOPGROWERS. TAKR NOTICE. 2S2 acres, good dairy and stock ranch. 2o acres in nops, living water pipeu iu house, good buildings, close in, some trade, terms. Owner, Wm. Johnson, 527 Cham, of Commerce, TO EXCHANGE Poolroom and cigar stan.l In good valley town of liGOO. for picture show in some suitable location. Particulars AV 711. Oregonian. WO ACRES of North Dak. wheat land; 400 acres under cultivation; sooa ouiiaings; part cash and trade for income property. O 605, Oresonian. 5-ROOM bungalow, close In, to trade for from '2 to i acre, improved; will assume. W. W. Poiiock, Montaviiia station, Port land, Or. MOTORCYCLE, second-hand, or sood phon ograph wanted In exchange for ejuity tn Astoria lot. O tf02, Oregon fan. CLEAR, improved acreage, value $'JO00, for clear house and lot. Owner, L OUfl, Ore gunian. WILL trade even, 10 acres beaverdam land, value 11 $00, for solitaire diamond one third the. value. 603 Oregonian bldg. EQUITIES. Free and clear lota for equities. Main 11:34. 50 Henry Bldg. WILL exchange Income Irvington flats for well-located vacant lota. F, E. Bowmau & Co. SloOO EQUITY in 40-acre farm; for srocery or auto. Tabor 10 ACRES Oklahoma for pood rooming house. Swank, 611 Northwest bldg FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. HERE. YOU SNAP-HUNTER. IfiO acres of timber, about 4.000,000 feet, mostly yellow fir; 18 miles from Van couver, Waah., adjoining the Vennersburg colony; fine soil, after timber is rejnoved; one and a half miles from postoffice. 8tor, church and school; price, if aold before January l, 1914, $1600 cash. Address Postoffice Box li6i, Vancouver, Wash! TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN, 30 4 McKay Bldg. CHEAP STUMPAGE. Ideal location for a mill; stream run ning to railroad spur. P3 6th U $12.50 PER ACRE A FEW DAYS. 160 acres, 4.00O.000 feet timber. Owner, box 16i. Falls City, Or. FOR BENT FARMS. 4 ACRES, deep soil, cultivated, fenced, 5- room house, smati orcnaru, cnic.wii near electric depot and county road, miles Portland; rent or trails. McFarland Realty Co., 309 Yeon bldg. A BARGAIN. 20 acres, 5-room house, $120 per year; sell team and feed, $200; located 2 miles from Newberg. Purse & Co., 818 Chamber of Commerce. FOR 8 ALE Horses, Vehicles, Etc. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon. and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 410 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72, B 1369. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO. sell on commission, nor sea, muies, ve ni cies and harness. Auction sales every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M. private sales dally. 240 E. tith St., near Haw thorne. E. 6315. 50 H EA.D of horses j ust arrived, 100t to 17ou, well brose, to 8 years o.u, wew matched teams; also some we have taken In exchange cheap. 3S1 Water, foot of Montgomery. Phil Suetter. Main 2208. FOR SALE One first-class team of horses, o vears oiu, weigning -ivu pounua, horse 5 years old, weighing 1600 pounds; all are sound, true and without blemishes. 226 Russell St. SPECIAL. One roan horse, 1000 lbs.; 1 sorrel mare. 1250; 1 black horse, 1300; 1 single light spring wagon, $2a. SOS Alder. SPECIAL. One roan horse. 1000 lbs.; 1 sorrel mare. 12.".0; 1 black horse, 1300; 1 single light spring wagon, $25. 505 Alder. FOR SALE Good draft team, with or with out harness; weigh about 1501X Capital Lumber Co., Salem, Or. Phone 436. FOR SALE Shetland pony, 6 years old, dark bay mare. Inquire E. F. Nudd. Cen tralis, Wash. . FOR SALE A bunch of 21 horses and colts. well bren, suitable ror stocK rancn. au. uress room 507, Broadway blcg.. Portland. 2400-POUND team without a blemish; must. be sold at once; at your own price. E. Yamhill st. FlivST-CLASS horse and wagon, $1.25 per day. 546 J-ront st- FOR SALE 2S0-lb. team, 7 and 8 years oid. $350. lvi-a Aiaer. THREE good horses, for sale or trade, at your own price. -tJ oa. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. MUST sell my beautiful mahogany upright grand piano. mis spienuiu lusiriiiiieui can be bought for $125 cash. Call today. IWM E. Glisan. Montaville car to 32d. Ta bor 3595. $200 VICTROLA, mahogany finish for 15 some recoros, guuu new, 8uaiui olutely perfect condition. Phone B oloi or address AB 604, Oregonian. 1 '75 WELLINGTON piano, mahogany fin T j ' - Phona isn. uvea uiuy bmvi . .hue, B 8157 or address Tf 57L Oregonian. BABY grand piano, bargain for cash or traae. real esimc. tr yigau.-. Doc. Birds. Pet Btocau FOR SALE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Boston terrier and bull terrier puppies. $10 and up; all pedigreed stock, out of prise-winners. Call Tabor 630. Flash light Kennels. 8119 B4th St. S. E. See window display at Hudson Arms Co., on 8d. near Wash. COLLIE puppies make fin Xmas presents; they delight the whole family; 60 puppies fur sale $7..0 up; catalogue free. C- D Nairn. Amity. Or. BOSTON terrlera exclusively; 12 toy pup pies six weeks to six months; two very fine' toy dogs at stud. East 14th at Mor rison. East I3t7. Prlsco Kennets. Alia EDA LE TERRIERS for pals, guards, hunters. I.adtUx Kennels, gstacada, Or Furniture for sue. urnp'fl a CHANCE. Leaving city, will sell furniture 3 rooms, good condition, cheap if taken at once, 21 t.. 3ttn. r-r -T- W.-TT,-.- r rnnm a nnlv K months Old for" salo cheap. 1M Pendleton ave. Take Fulton car. KOL'SE for rent, furniturd for sale; $4.. Phone Main 4204. pries Automobiles. 6ACR1FICS. 1013 HUDSON 1913. cvllnder, 5-passenger. Delco electric. aif.ttsriifiir and 1 1 . h tin? system, tnor- oiighly overhauled in our shop; brand new tr of 3rti4 ut-inch tires: this car In A-l .mriiTAn and the bigxCSt bargain ever offered in a high-grade car; cost new over $2500. itt d ct rurrir FOR 11."0 TAKES XT. nrin tndsv from 10 to 12: come" In and look it over. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, Broadway and Conch St. Main Sl!7. A 4959. BARGAIN FOR CASH. 7-pasnser auto in good order. Cost when naw HMO; will sell tor 11000. C29. Oracoalaa. FOR 6AJaE. A ut omobiles. GU VRANTEE auto repairs, contract rates. P.eliance Garage. IOC Hawthorne. Auto storage. MUST sell at once, Chalmers car. 1912 model, excellent condition, cash or terms. AO 607, Oregonian. - DEAD STORAGE, S3 to 15 per month. VAX HORN TRANS. CO.. 40 ZD ST. ONE S-ton truck, Al condition, price $90 ; a bargain. AB 6-19. Oregonian. NEW delivery wagons at second-hand prices. Oregon Motine Plow Company. GARAGE, Usht and water, reasonable. Kearney. Main 5749. LOANS on autos and motorcycles. 206 Al der. a S425 TAKES 5 -passenger four-door Ford. Phone B 1TS3. CAKAGE for rent. 19 E- Everett. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED To trade for A No. 1 automo bile, 5 or 7-passenger; must be new model of one of several standard makes; no Junk or old cars considered; will ex change 120 acres land in Central Ore eon and will nay difference In cash. L fifls. Oregonian. Poultry. IS THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Reds, all young, laying; new chicken-house, wire and posts for yard; bargain at $50. Phone Woodlawn 3479. Call 1051 Derby t. Li. Mtoi'k. BEAUTIFULLY" located, clear lot, and cash for horses, cows and farming outfit. 147 Front st. Main 363. FOR SALE cheap. A- J. C. C. bull, 2 years o.d, gentle; come and see hli calves. Box 10, MHwaukie. Or. .Machinery. REMINGTON S-ton refrigerating , aad lec machine. Phone Main 764. Typewriters. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER PRICES. UNDERWOOD. 4 & 5, ;J?.a and J42-50 REMINGTON. 6 & 7, $17.50 and.... 20.00 L. C. SMITH & BROS., visible...... 37.50 MONARCH, visible . . . 37.50 ROYAL, 0, visible 50.00 ROYAL, 1. late model , 40.00 SMITH PREMIER. 2 17.30 FOX. visible model 24 25.00 BUCKEXSDERFEB, 7, with case.. 12.50 BAKLOCK, visible 12.50 OTHER MAKES FROM $12,50 UP. LARGEST STOCK. ON THE PACIFIC COAST. TERMS $5 cash and $3 per month. All machines guaranteed. Any machine sent on approval. Typewriters rented. Cata log on request. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. Phone Main 5US1. 321 Washington st. S15 TO ?05 will buy a Gill rebuilt type writer as gooa as new, u.11 niiirico . ni from and workmanship guaranteed; terms to suit; catalogue mailed on request. THE J. K- GILL COMPANY, 3d and Alder sts. Main &50O, A 60C8. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all manes OI typewriters, oeuu iui vui illus trated folder; retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash, st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65. NOKTHWiSaS T TirtiWKUJM. -KJ., 262 Stark St. NLW. rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. f. L. to., -L Biarn. .tiuid mui. FOR SALE Brand new Oliver, No. 5 type writer, half price. 620 Corbett bldg. Miscellaneous. 40 YEARS IN PORTLAND. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. 21 -Jewel Hamilton. Elgin and Waltham watches, in 14-karat 25-year cases, $1S. Steel-blue . diamond earscrews. guaran teed perfect; original cost $220, only $170. i-karat steel-blue diamond, guaranteed, only $200. Imported pearl and Japanese emerald. Lavalliere, guaranteed; original cost $75; for $35. Genuine elk teeth, gold mounted, from $5 to $15 each. 14-karat solid gold 23-Jewel Illinois Railroad watch; original coat $175; only $65. Beautiful set organ chimes: no reason " able offer refused; must be sold at once. Miscellaneous articles, such as kodaks, violins, opera-glasses, silverware, etc., at greatly reduced prices. Exceptional bargains on many articles that would makw very desirable Christmas gifts UNCLB MYERS, "40 years in Portland. 71 Sixth st., near Oak. SAFES Mosier Safe Co., manufacturers: low prices, easy terms; safes opened and repaired; bargains in second-hand safes. 108 2d st. Phone Main 7676. 14-KARAT tsold-filled 25-year 21 -Jewel Ham ilton, Elgin ana v aunam wbiciim, ,ui anteed, only $18. Uncle Myers, 71 6th st., near Oak. BEAUTIFUL diamond scarf pin, perfect white stone for less than half its cost. Call room S, Washington bldg., 4th and Washington sts. SAFES New and second hand; low prices, cany terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORT LAND SAFE CO., 85 5th st. Main 6300. PURE, well-rotted cow manure. Geo. W. Lindsav, gardener and dealer In fertili zers. Phone evenings. Sell. 16S5. RENT a visible typewriter i $4 delivered. 244 Stark st. 6273 or A 4441. months for phone Main NEW Kimball, $175. Safe, $35. Roll desK. $2'.. Fiat 1 amiuii. namm. PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. capital stock. 30 shares, par $1M, for $j0O cash. A 0r. Oregonian. HEATING stove. almo3t new, t.ou icos 815). iii YOUR own price: 3 pool tables, good as new L 6u". Oreponian. ATION L cash registers. Get inv prices Povey, 351 Wash., basement.- Main 60ti FOR SALE Gas stove ana refrigerator, most new. aiarsnaii wu. i SPLENDID diamond. Belcher setting, n3 $100; see iu ou i-umuw t,n.a.y FOR SAI-E Invnlld's chair, good as new; hair price, i-none -w. $3u0 PAINTING luch less it soia Deiore nrcsimas. i"it c 5-FOOT floor, left, cigar case, $25. Phone B How to Rent Find Those Harmony in the Home for a Few Cents a Week. Can't You Afford a Piano? Then rent one. Some dealers and individual owners will permit rent to apply on purchase price. Or you may combine rent and instructions in one small price, payable weekly or monthly. Don't go through life with out music in the home. It gives you new purpose, recreation and pleasure. If you deal in pianos or have an instrument you won't use for some time, rent it A piano in use lasts longer. One of our little Want Ads is the straight path to what you desire. Tell your message in a few words. Get it in tomorrow's paper, and watch results. It is cheaper than carfare. It gives you many offers to select from. It is the modern method of leasing pianos and no matter what you de sire, the test things will come to you if you The Want Use FOE SALE Miscellaneous. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. Boilers, Engines. Pumps, Pulleys, . - Shafting, Belting. Gearing, Rails, Cable, Iron and steel. Babbitt metals. Pipe, pipe, pipe. Fittings, Building materials. Winches, I-beams, Dry kiln trucks. Cars, Sash weights. Radiators, Dry kiln supplies,. Vault doors. Sidewalk doors, ' Rope hawsers, S Oil, oil, oil, Belting, belting. Packing, Steam traps. Drums of all kindj. Plumbing supplies. Large stock at the right price, Roofing, roofing. Rubber roofing, Corrugated roofing?. Brick, siding, Pipe. pipe. A complete line of Plumbing supplies. Sawmill supplies. Machinery supplies. Loggers' supplies. Steamf liters' supplies. We guarantee to save you money. See us ana we 11 ao Dusiness. M. BARDE & SONS, The House of a Million Bargains. 240-242 Front St., Corner Main. SECOND-HAND billiard and pocket tables, built and refinished. completely equipped, nt nripeo from si oo uoward: liberal terms. The Briinswick-Balke-Collender Co., 46 5th st. phone Main 76S, A 1769. OXR second-hand roll top. two flat top, two bookkeepers' desks, three rotary chairs, one 60-inch mahogany roll top desk and chair. Bushong & Co., 01 ParK st. Main 104. FOR SALE. Beautiful selection of solid gold Jewelry, will sell cash and terms or good trada. East Side Furniture Co., 88 Grand ave. v WELL-ROTTED horse manure, delivered for 92 a loaa. 1 eu. aeuwooa xol. USE Bassetfs Native Herbs for rheuma tism, 52 tablets for 25c All druggists. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front st., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main Our buyer calls promptly SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest cash prices paid for ladies' and gents' castoff clothing and shoes. Call Main 9203. 204 3d st. The reliable buyer. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms; registers guaranteed. W. J. Macauley, 354 Burnside. Main 1816. A 1SI6. WE want to buy $1000 worth cf second-hand furniture in the next 30 days and pay all the cash it Is worth. WiJliams-ave. Fur niture Exchange. Phone East 636. WE pay highest cosh prices for second-hand billiard and pocket tables. The Bruns-wick-Balke-CoMonder Co.. 46 Oth sL Phone Main 769, A 1760. WANTED SECOND CLOTHES. Highest prices paid for second-hand clothes. Main 1333, A 3681. 346 1st st. FAIR DEAL We pay best prices for s-c-ond-hand clothing and furniture. tail Main 9272. 60 !4 3d st. Phone A 81.63. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED. Buyer calls promptly; estimates given 1S4 1st. near Yamhill. Main 4773. SPOT-CASH paid for household poods. C. M. Penne!, 351 1st st. Phone Marshall ,4265 DO not sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House. 101 2d st. Marshall 4783. vV ANTED Used bicycles for cash. East 24S2. WE want $10, (KM) worth of second-hand fur niture; mgncst prices paia. acuwuuu iu-. .V'lLL pay cash for carat diamond at bargain. Call 603 Oregonian bldg. JASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty parlors, 4CH Dekum bldg. HIGHEST prices paid for rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hochfeld, 35 N. 3d St., cor. Coucn. mi OKD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for any kind of furniture. Main yoi. NATIONAL cash register; price reasonable. Main 060, A 8606. CASH BUYER DIAMONDS, PIANOS. MAIN 461L CASH oaid for used hydraulic barber chairs. Call Main 7605. HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMAN to carry Al line of gloves with prent line; com. S. Fear, San Francisco, CaL . i'HK HOLTZ STORE requires services of 6 boys for delivery wagons. Apply 8 A. M., Superintendent Holtz Store. BUSH ELM AN, first-class, and presser at once; steady position. Call between 8 and u A. M. WANTED Men to write health and acci dent insurance. Oregon Surety & Casualty Co., 801 Board of Trade bids;. tV ANTED Boy with motorcycle for deliv ery. Apply at once. Cat 'n Fiddle, 145 B roa (1 way. - WANTED Wide awake salesmen to sell leweiry on the installment plan ; old es tablished house. Apply 207 Corbett bldg TvANTED Moving picture operator, no cig arette smoker; steady job. B 600, Ore Ionian. 3LTCHER wanted as partner; excellent op portunity for right man. Apply East 19th p.-. fi Broadway. .VANTED A registered dentist. Tiiford bldg.. cor. 10th and Phone Marshall 262. Room 305 Morrison. PHOTO coupon; best offered; beauty con test started. Cutberth Studio, Dekum bids. 'ALESinEN for city, big future for those that qualify. 417 Worcester bldg. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED STOCK SALESMEN. 38 MORGAN BLDG. PHOTO solicitors. 100 diamond ring given free, sarony btuaio, tto axo .-vu. v" hnrcr wnrtfd nt rflvfs st. a Piano, or Who Wish to Rent iSuggestionm for You to Adopt WANTED TO RENT An upright piano; also wifcb InstrTJcrJons In mosLe for daughter of eighteen. Will lease for s year; prefer plan ef appryins rent on purchase price. Ad dress: PIANOS TO RENT Splendid new anfl uprights. $3.00 to $6.00 monthly. Rental, apply on purchase price If you want to boy later. Call or address: Ad Way" HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department. Y. Al. C. A. Young man. stranger, seeking employ men; t20 his total cash asset, If 1 pay you $5 for employment membership, 1 will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership, you will have the Y M. C. A., with ail its resources, between you and starvation. Result Young man joined association. In less than a week he bad satisfactory employment. Record for 11 months ending Not. 30: Calls for men from employers os Positions filled ., .....1.-4 Speciai employment membersh.p guar antees member will secure employment or membership fee will be refunded. dives tw mnnhtf fhll Drivileees. including use of gymnasium, swimming pool, batn. etc., and ten months' social or house privileges including the services of the employment department for the entire year. All young men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin ists, carpenters, mill workers or in other Bkiuea lines, are coraiauy iu- t - Fult with the secretary of eaasury and employment icpartmeni, REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. 4 nf tl.a corTlflllrtlll Of tUe currency question, the completion of the canal, and the general feeling of optimism on all slaes. win De tne uesi pnff I'lmi v,., a knnu'n We have lined up some of the best properties on the West and East sides, in lots and acreage, and our contracts and commissions are the most liberal in the city. Talk to Mr. Short, of , THE FIRM THAT DOES THINGS. 203 Piatt Building. THE NAVY'S PURPOSE Is to make every one of its ennstea men a success m ' The greater his success, the better the American Navy. Navy trainins hts men for usefulness, in the Navy or in civil life; variety of work aboard ship otters manv opportunities lor &h...ed men ; pay excellent. graded according to compe tence. Apply Navy Recruiting Station, Morgan building, Broadway and Wash ington sts., Portland. WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bodied, un married men between ages of IS and SO; citizens of United States of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speaK, read and write the English language. For Information apply to recruiting officer, Worcester bldg.. Third and Oalc sts., Port land, Or. WANTED 0 young men not over 2 years to travel together under the direction of substantial organization; muat have nerve and good references; exceptional oppor tunity for the right men. Call S to 9 A. M. and 12 to 6 P. M-, 406 Hotel Wash ington. PRACTICAL man with family familiar witn horses for general farm and orchard work; permanent position and good opportunity to acquire small farm to right party with not less than $250 cash to invest. Write AT 60ii, Oregonian. COUNTY manager for a new model patent H hrtttfhnlii article selling for $3.o0. Half profit. $8 to $12 a day. Life job. Sells over and over again to the same peup.c Samples loaned. Sales Manager, l Sycamore bL, Milwaukee, Wis. ; WANTED Family with 2 or U boys old enough to work on farm; good wages, steaoy job; furnish 4-room house, with electric lights, half-acre garden free. For full particulars apply to Freiwald, Belve dere Hotel, cor. 4th and Alder. WANTED Automobile garage salesman fa miliar with trade and a practical machine tool man; state business, shop experience, age and salary desired. AV 697, Orego nian. CASH advanced you weekly selling our hardy guaranteed stock; excellent terri tory: hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenish, Wash. WANTED Automobile superintendent fa miliar with trade, and a practical ma chine tool man; state business and shop experience, age and salary desired. AV eys, Oregonian. WANTED Bovs with or without wheels; good wages. Apply early. Mr. Malone, rear door, '76 3d st., cor. Oak. MEN with patentable Ideas write Randolph & Co., Patent Solicitors, Washington, D. C. HELP WANTED FEMALE. PROBATIONERS wanted to train for nurses in the Point pleasant aanaiorium, a m j-n Wash. aalarv first year 810, sec r.H v.r S12.S0- third vear S15 per month Including board, lodging and laundry. Ap ply to Anna Hoffman, matron, Raymond Ljenerai nuauiwii ""u : WANTED Strong, healthy woman, without family ties, who is good plain cook, to do general work in an apartment-house; good, permanent position for rignt party; giate experience and salary expected. C ti-H, Oregonian. pavidutcvt nnprntnrs of the Oliver type writers are In demand, positions waiting. If unemployed stenographer, register for po sition ana use oui n t" ULt1 , , ver Typewriter Agency 244 Stark st. WANTED Thoroughly experienced uillcr on Remington typewriter with Wahl auaer attachment. Apply superintendents of fice D to 10 A. M. Olds, Wortman King. ATTRACTIVE, cultured, sweet-mannered young woman as semi-hostess. Cafeteria, noon and evenings; good salary. 2.2 StarK LADY TO cook 2 meals and keep house, small private family, no washing, for her own and part of husband's room and board; new modern home. Tabor 10 S3. GIRL wanted to do light housework, 2 in family. Good wages, good home. Mrs. 1. J. Stillings, tamas, wash. FIVE; girls to learn beauty culture; pay while learning; position guaranteed. 4u0- 414 Dekum omg. ""uai j MARRIED woman to do janitress work; will fsm n'firlr A n fi-" li A not iaKe iua.ii .7.7 Apartments. 79 Trinity Place, apt.iti. AMBITIOUS woman,Nnot under iiu, willing to apply herself; prospect of quick ad vancement. AB 023. Oregoniaiu Yol'NG "lady as experienced checker in grill. Call 12 31., Cauaret Uriil, lid aud Burnside. MARRIED woman to do janitress work; will not take man away from work. Angela Apartments, 39 Trinity Place, apt. 2b. FAMILY of 2 want girl or woman to do light housekeeping for room and board. Phone Tabor GiKL wanted t ... lipht housework; three In iamily: state ages desired. S 610. Ore gonian . CTRL for second work, experienced; must bring references; good home, good wages. Apply 574 Elm st., Portland Heights. FAMILY-cook, $40; second girl, $30; house work, $20 to $3.". St. Louis Agency, -ioo Main st. Main 2U30. EXPERIENCED girl for bakery and restau rant, evening work. Apply Sunday between 10 and 12. 623 Wash. st. LADIES to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers, $25 to $i0 per week. R. R. fare paid. 615 Swetland bid. Call mornings. "MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, Washington bldg., 270 Washington, room 85, near 4th. Phone Main S!s3tf or A 3266. WANTED--Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., 6v9 Roth child otdg., 4th and Washington. GIRL wanted for general housework in rooming-nouBc. rvu- .j. WANTED Girl to help with housework. Phono East 656. WANTED Competent girl, for general houseworK. zov zs. aoin. GIRL wanted for general housework. 280 E. 17th St. INortn, corner waau. KELP WANTED .YilSCLLLANLOLS. MEN, 20 to 40 years old, wanted at once for electric railway motormen aim wn ductors; 60 to $100 a month; no exper ience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write immediately foi application blank. Address AV 00O, Oregoi-san OREGON Barber College teaches you tho barber traae in s weess; fjs " learning; tools free; tuition re .uccd this term; extra instructors; years i.i busines-s, position guaranteed; special inducements to ladies. , 233 Madhn bL B52. 2d st. MEN, women, get Government jobs, $00 per month; li,WV .appointments cumin,. for list of positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 323 H, Rochester. N. X. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Custom-house examinations soon ; Parcel Post gaining more clerks; $000 to $170J. Free book. Pa ciflc States School, McKay bidg GOVERNMENT positions open to women, $75 month; write immediately for free list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 695 tt, Rochester. N. 1. MOLER BarDer College will teach you .h.nntu and Irinrnnehlv nav VOU while learning, furnish tools free. Write for free catalogue. A 4S, N. 2d at. STOP wage slavery, LEARN to WRITE J1UV I Li riv.ii.riQ r i-.--v 1 , jvui 1 r tl.. ..el- in oil ilia ixFaiiphbi Dept. C. box 117G, Portland. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual . .. r.nn-n r-rii-iDTii i vn K.ilr. instruction, urvciuu keeping, 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 42oH. " THEATRICAL EXCHANGE Companies organized, routes directed, acts written. Ed Roberts, Hotel Alder. MEN, 18 to 85, wishing to he railway man cierKs; ao muuiu. awj w -' tlon. AV bol, uresonian. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. tarn rv.ii Ipamfnt- Thft Hair Eazar, Malestc Theater bldg.. Wash, and Park. SHORTHAND TfE WRITING; PER MO INSTRUCT N. moving pic- I i bldg. I 260 14IH al. an. oJ. 11.-1 . ture operating. 417 itothchild HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FISK Teachers Agency secures positions for teachers. 816 Journal bldg. Main 4835 . SITUATIONS WANTED MALK. Bookkeepers and Clerks. INVESTIGATED MEN. 1 IB JLiUU jwaa - Honest, industrious, qualified. Can do anything you want dona. Anxious to serve you. Records in hand for your Inspection, CaiL Write, Plione. STANLEY BAKER, Employment Secretary, Y. M. C A. XIH IWWl vva. l HAVE sold a high-class specialty line for one concern eifiht years and will change on or after Jan. 20. Can present any line to high-class trade; thoroughly aceAiainted with Western trade; must carry salary, expenses aud commission; no stock or real estate considered; am 33. with ciean WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR W RITU t'p books, prepare balance and statements. Install systems. Gillingham, auditor. 414 Lewisbldg. Marshall 717. YOUNG man, 2S, university law achool grad uate, with several years' experience m banking and mercantile lines, , desires po sltion. Address AR 604, Oregonian. SALESMEN, salaryor commission; also hotel and restaurant experience. German American, S5 years; security. Phone 410 THroadway Hotel. YOL NG man, 23, good appearance, clerical experience, wants position aa clerk in small hotel or similar employment. P 949, 4 r .1 r.-o n BOOKKEEPER wants position. Phone Main Miscellaneous. YOUNG MAN desires position of trust In some office In the city; has a college edu cation and also experience In nearly all branches of office work, especially collec tions; can give best of references. B. A. N.t 411 Commercial block. THOROUGHLY organised construction crew will take contract or force account work; long job preferred; can handle entire work or any portion of iL C. E. Powell, Broad way Hotel. Phone or address, MAN who has had 12 years experience m painting would like either outside or in side work; competent and reliable. Main 717, A 1517 YOUNG man, experienced janitor or porter, must have position; expert window cleaner. Mr. Spearin, San Marco Hotel, 422 Vs Wash ington st. Main 7034. ... SAW filer, doing bench work, band or cir cular, will agree to prove worth before fix ing wage; can go anywhere. 400 Graham ave. Phone East 60o3. WANTED Position on ranch, orchard work -pecia.ty; 10 ears experience; btfst ot rt-ferenccs; single. Phoue Mar-hall 43.0, or P Oregonian. FLERWiU take stock In lath mill and fit and file lath saws; can agree on terms; will go any place. 400 Graham ae. Phono East 0053. rtANTiiD To contract for woodcutting with tools and cabin lurnished. Address Wil liam Moore, 210Va Alder st. ' N IG H T WAT CH MAN. a reliable, experienced and sober nightwatchman wants position. F 640, Oregonian! ' COMPETENT carpenter and cabinetmaker desires employment; can apply part wages on property. Phone Fogel, A 7504. GERMAN carpenter wants work; family man; good references; willing to do any thing. Main 717. A 1517. ' PAPERHANGING, lowest rates; have it done now; don't delay. Hanson. " Main 40;; 1. CARP EN PENTER, first-class finishing hardwood n, O. K. on alterations. Walker, 703V ma Hoyt. MAN and wife wants work, man mechanic, do anything; woman do housework. J 640, Oregon ian. EXPERIENCED washerman wants position; married anil steady. Phono Marshall 1697. O 604, Oregonian. JAPANESE wants any kind of work In city. AL 612, Oregonian A JAPANESE boy wants a position as school boy. R 61&, Oregonian. WANTED Contract cutting wood, large or small. M 611. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG lady desires position as bookkeeper, stenographer or cashier; can speak Ger man. A 640, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, rapid typist, wants po sition. Marshall 37US. wjieutt maker. FASHIONABLE dressmaking and milinery, home or day. lSl'i. Gibbs st. Main 61,4. EX PERIENCE D dressmaKer, taiioress, wants day work; lit guaranteed. 330 teacramento. COMPETENT seamstress wants to do plain sewing. Marshall 30SO. Ho u settee pert. EXPERIENCED lady wants management of hotel or lodging house; may buy. K 623, Oregonian. RELIABLE German housekeeper wishes po sition. Main 22,0. Domestics- EXPERIENCED colored woman cook will help get Christmas dinner or will work by tho weeK. Main 3; "4 3. Can call lit lth st. North. GIRL wants general housework, small wash ing; wages $:i5. Call Main 6870. Between 9 and 11 A. M. Miscellaneous. WANTED A position in a public school. Education: Graduate of high school at Corning, Iowa; 1 year in college at Shan andauh, Iowa. Teaching experience: 3 years iu rural and graded schools in Iowa; 3 years in Eastern Nebraska; 4 years iu South DaKota. AS 64-. Oregonian. COMPETENT, middle-aged widow, unin cumbered, wishes position as housekeeper in. widower's home; country if good wages. Room 0. Marshall 5107. COMPETENT woman wants work all day Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Marshall 5,31. - CAPABLE woman would liko work by day or week; East Portland preferred. Phons Woodlawn 3389. COMPETENT woman wants work by the cay. Main 6118. WOMAN wants work by the day or cham ber work. Phone Main OObU, room I. WOM AN wants work by hour or day, 25c hour Phone Last 5374. YOUNG woman wants work, chambermaid in hotel. J 640, oregonian. COMPETENT woman wants day work Fri day, Saturday. mis, nass. NORWEGIAN lady wishes some day work. Phone Marshall 17!)3. WOMAN would like work, Friday; refer ences. Woodlawn 1161. WANTED TO KENT. FOR RESULTS list your property with COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 51S Board of Trade. Main I WANT to rent a good 5-room cottage or bungalow close in on East Side; must be modern and have furnace. Mr. Boyer. Main O-SttO. Houses. IF you u aut results in renting list your property witn us. uoinmwa 1 rust Pny, 51S Board of Trade bidg. Mam 83oi. WANTED Furnished small cottage for fust of Jan.. East Siau. T 6u, oregonian. Rooms. UNFURNISHED room. West Side; have own furniture; will take care of room; state address and price. D 638, Oregonian, WANTErJ Congenial young lady wants to chare apartments or housekeeping rooms on West Side. P 650, OregoniaiK Rooms With Board. YOUNG man seeks room and board with private family, pleasant aim tuunurwuio home, with bath, heat and hot water, walking distance to lower Alblna; must be reasonable. T C10, Oregonian. Jr'OB KENT, FuraudieU Rooms. "hotel ANSONIA, 124 "Htb st., corner Washington; nicely furnished rooms, strictly modern; rate : $3.30 wedk and up. Marshall 1470. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and East Belmont Rooms, $12 month up, $2.50 up with private bath; large, pleasant lobby; absolutely a respectable hotel. East 823. HOTEL" COKUOVA, 20, 11TH ST. Strictly modern; private baths: cn suite; rooms 3-30 up. Main 0472 A 47S3. HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th and Yamhill; every modern conven ience; rate $4 week and up. Main 4226. ALL modern 2-room suites, private bath, suitable for ii to 4 persons, prices reason nt,ie 5G3fc Washington ef. Main 5647. YOUNG man rooming at Y. M. C. A. wantg roommate to reu u, innnira v m. C. A.. 6th and Taylor. THE LARRABEE. 227 La rrabee Rooms, r .- 1. . Us-iolr KiillrHnc. ileflm hear. hot, cold water,bath, phone, electricity. Nicely furnished rooms, day or weeJc. THE KING, :i)0 Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms, modern, central, $2.20 week. up.