i : ' " ' "' VOL. J All. NO. 1G,3G1. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY ,CEMBER 23, 1D13. PRICE FIVE CENTS REVISED CURRENCY BILL PASSES HOUSE Conference Report Up held 298 to 60. NTN4TF VllTPX ARAN TIHliYl Hblinik I w tew iiwfin I .wwn.i I President Expected to Have . Measure by Tonight. CHANGE NOT FUNDAMENTAL Majority Leader Underwood Gets Great Ovation as He Klses to De fend Measure Mann Makes Grave Prediction of Result. WASHINGTON, Dec 22. The House passed the conference report on the Ad ministration currency bill at 10:4J o'clock tonight by a vote of 298 to 0 and sent the report to the Senate, which had waited in session to receive it be fore adjournment for the night. General debate on the report began In the House at 7:30 o'clock. It was agreed to discuss the measure for two hours and forty minutes; an hour and twenty minutes for the Democrats, an hour for the Republicans and 10 miuntes for the Progressives. Fundamental Change Made. Opening the discussion. Representa tive Glass said the conferees had re ported the original House bill back "without one single fundamental alter ation." Mr. Glass went over the conference report In detail and defended the note provisions of the bill which had been assailed by bankers and members of the Senate. Representative Hayes, of California, minority member of the House confer ence committee, criticised the failure of I the Senate and the conference to re move the provision which makes the Government of the United States pri "riiarUy responsible for the notes It rro vosea to Issue to the regional reserve banks. Faraa Lu Credit Hit. ,. Mr. Hayes also declared the bill de fective in the provision extending credit on farm loans, maintaining that It was a "gold brick to the farmer." in that or.ly a small percentage of the 'surplus of the small banks could be leaned to the farmers. Representative Lcnroot, of Wiscon sin. Republican, announced that he would vote for the conferen-e report because he believed It an Improvement of both Senate and House bills. "Undrj- this bill." he said, "the re serve in Wall street can no longer be used In stock speculation, but must be usd to meet the commercial needs of tiie country." "Travety," Snys JImk, Representative Moore, of Pennsylva nia, characterized the bill as "a trav esty upon Democracy's so-called popu lar rule." and a "confession of dicta tion." Ilepreycntative Guernsey, of Maine. Republican, said he objected to the bill "cliirrly because the Reserve Board would be controlled by partisan inter eats. Representative Ragsdale, of South Carolina.: Hellln. of Alabama, and A. Mitchell l"r.lmer. of Pennsylvania. Dem ocrats, supported the report in enthu siastic talks. Victor Murdock. in announcing he would not vote for the report, insisted the Democrats had acted too hastily, and struck only a "half blow" at spe cial Interests. "In the last eight months." said Mr. Murdock, "I have seen the mental atti tude of Democratic leaders change from a desire to serve the public to an atti tude! of trying to avert National disas ter. There Is no panic in this country yet. There are no hard times yet. but the special interests of the country, which are no mean enemy, have been spreading the poison of pessimism all over the country." High Cat Phaatem Seen. Representative Lindbergh, of Minne sota, Progressive, assailed the confer ence report cn the ground it eventually would increase rather than decrease the cost of living. The vital defect of the measure, he said, was that it did not give the Federal Reserve Board the right to fix rates of interest to be charged by the bankers to the borrow ers of the country. Representative Kahn. of California, and l'latt. of New Tork. Republicans, criticised the report, declaring it would prove a disappointment to the Nation. Much of the discussion concerned the elimination by the conferees of the Senate's scheme of guaranty of bank deposits. Representative Glass de clared the Senate provision would have defeated any real guaranty or bank deposits, and intimated that further legislation on this must be undertaken. 21 said that such a guaranty of de posit ought to place the tax on the banks and not on the Government Representative Temple. Progressive, of Pennsylvania, announced that al though ha voted against the House bill, ha would support the conference re port because he believed It a great Im provement over the original measure. IsirniMe Gets Ovation. Majority Leader Underwood, as the debate neared a conclusion, was given a great ovation when ha rose to epeak. PRESIDENT SINGS FROM THEATER BOX WILSON JOINS IN OLD 'NASSAU CHORCS AT COLLEGE PLAT. Washington Society and Diplomats Hear Nation's Executive Aroused by Princeton Spirit. WASHINGTON. Dee. 2Z. President Wilson stood in a box in a local theater iviv fhn with unlifted hands joined in the chorus of "Old Nassau," the alma mf Ar snns- of Princeton. It was at the conclusion of the per formance of the Princeton University "Triangle Club," when the entire audi ence arose and Mr. Wilson also sang, as did all alumni of the lnatitution present. The play, a musical comedy written by the students, was attended by Wash ington society in general. Mrs. Mar shall, the wife of the Vice-President, and the ladles of the circuit and Su preme Court circles occupied boxes, as did members of the diplomatic corps. A son and nephew of Justice Pitney, of the United States Supreme Court, took part in the performance. The students gave the President a locomotive cheer as he left the theater. He was accompanied by his youngest daughter. Miss Eleanor Wilson. JOB, $500 MONTH, OFFERED Commissioner DIcck Heady to Ap point City Engineer. Who wants a Job at $300 a month? City Commissioner Dieck has such a position which he is anxious to fill. He says he will fill it as soon as the right man puts in an application. The posi tion will be that of City Engineer, or perhaps it may1 bo called "Municipal Engineer." ' Commissioner Dieck announced yes terday that inasmuch as the people at the last election refused to so amend the charter that an engineer could be selected outside the city, he will try onoe more to find someone at home, Efforts so far have been of no avail, he says. . "As soon as I am sure I have the right man, I am going to make the appointment," said Commissioner Dieck yesterday. PARCEL POST IS SWAMPED San Francisco Postoffice to Handle 1,000,000 Holiday Packages. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 23. (Special.) Before the holiday rush ends San Framrtsi-o'a department of the parce' post Will have handled 1,000,000 pack aces, ranging In weight from 1 to 20 pound?, at an average fee of 15 cents a package. This means receipts of (150.000 during the first Christmas package business handled by parcel post in this city. ' One hundred men are working day and night delivering packages from 25 wagons and four automobiles; 100 more handle the outgoing Business. Fifty-five thousand packages were handled Saturday. Postmaster Fay says today's business and each day hereafter during the holidays will average 100, 000 packages. So popular is the parcel post business here that the authorities have given up hope of keeping tab on it from now until New Year's. TURKEY ARRIVALS LIGHT Receipts or Holiday Birds Not Up to Expectations; Prices Klrm. Receipts of Christmas turkeys yes terday did not come up to expectations. The bulk of the supply arrived yester day, and dealers were enabled to get a line on the situation.' There probably will not be any shortage, nor is any surplus in sight. Prices, therefore, are steady. In the retail markets, fresh turkeys were quoted at iS cents to 30 cents, and these prices probably will prevail today and tomorrow. 'In some of the markets turkeys tnat were carried over In storage from Thanksgiving are being offered at 23 cents. Ducks, geese and chickens are fairly plentiful and are selling well. Addi tional shipments of turkeys will arrive from the country today. WfLSON'S MEN CONFIRMED Senate Sanctions Appointments of Williams and Whltlock. - WASHINGTON. Dec. 22. The Senate tonight confirmed appointments of George Fred William?, of Massachu setts, to be Minister to Greece, and Hrand Whltlock. of Ohio, to be Min ister to Belgium. - ' The appointment of Henry M. Tln dell as Ambassador to Russia is still before the foreign relations commit tee and probably will not be considered by the Senate until after the Christmas recess. A large number of appointments were confirmed, including a majority of those sent In by President Wilson since the new session assembled. CORSET, SHAVES FOR BABY Beer. Wine, Flour and Coal Also Go to Lorain's First-Born 'in 1914. LORAIN, O.. Dec. 22. (Special.) A the result of a movement started by a local newspaper, the first baby born in Lorain In lslt will not have to worry about the high cost of living for some time to come. When the publication asked for gifts a flood of donations were received, among them being: A corset, bottle of sherry wine, theater pass for life. barber work for life, case of beer, fouv sacks of flour and a ton of coaL The father of the first-born gets a suit of clothes, a box of cigar and a E RTA SAVES BANK BY CALLING HOLIDAY London and Mexico In stitution Near Crisis. $7,000,000 HURRIEDLY DRAWN Ten Days' Respite Edict May Ward Off Disaster. OTHER BANKS INCLUDED Indications Are No other Houses. "With Possible Exception of One: Will Take Advantage of Privi lege to Halt Business. MEXICO CITY, Dec. 22. The direct ors of the Bank of London and. Mexico tonight began a careful scrutiny of the affairs of that Institution, and If their findings are Indorsed by other bank- era it is not Improbable assurances will be offered the directors which will en able a full resumption of the lousiness of the Institution. It Is reasonably cer tain, however, the bank will continue to avail Itself of the decree of Presi dent Huerta Issued today making the last 10 days of the present year legal holidays. With the .possible exception of one other instiution It la believed that no other bank than the Bank of London and Mexico will take advantage of the official edict, which authorizes finan cial Institutions to do as little or as much business as they desire during what is regarded as a financial crisis. 200 Pesos Drawing Limit. The Bank of London & Mexico was crowded to its capacity at the closing hour of business today by men and women who were trying to withdraw their deposits. The amounts paid de positors were limited to 200 pesos, and no assurances were given that even this much would be given out in the future. The approximate amount with drawn from the bank since depositors began demanding their money, several daya ago, Is said to exceed l?(000,00f pesos. -Of this amount 11,000,000 pesos ((7,000,000) was withdrawn since last Tuesday. The Bank of London & Mexico has, in the various states, 12 branches, four of which were closed some time ago on account of local conditions. These were at Monterey, Torreon, Mazatlan and Durango. On a minor scale the condition of the remaining branches Is similar to that of the parent Institution, but all are taking advantage of President Huerta's decree which has been tele graphed to the various points where the branches are located. The crisis which the Bank of London and Mexico faces has been no secret (Concluded on Page 6.) - THE CHRISTMAS SPIBIT THEN AND NOW. J i VVF-V CW A AS ' i &" i Vl JUST 1 ' . I 17 , HEEDED, HEY TV'1-' WfelMr S Hj fit ' yiO Afl l HlTljll1 '- t i : (of shoes fokI "7ohgjv- t you eoBBy Mowiiyovr t yfy-Z y HAVE VP STAY INDEX.?" jOAFSNEWS n . The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum - temperature, 36 decrees; minimum, 32 degree. TODAY'S Rain or snow; winds mostly southerly. Foreign. Huerta saves bank by call in c holiday. Page 1. Refugees are forced to pay big tribute to Villa, page 3. Rational. President Wilson sings from box in theater. Page 1. Among banks to file application to join new currency system Is St. Johns, Or., insti tution. Page -0. Profits in Government-owned telephones cited in House. Pace 2. Currency bill as It will become law Is ex plained in detail. Page 20. President requests "very serious reprimand" to officers of Carrabao Club. Page 2. Revised currency bill passes House by big m aj on ty . fage l. Domestic. Witness says Western Fuel books show weights juggled. Page 2. "Drysf appeal to President Wilson. Page 9. Sports. European game and songbirds to be trans planted in Oregon. Page 8- North western magnates tn session arrang ing date schedule. Page & Pacific Northwest. West's order disobeyed, Copperfleld saloons stay open. Page L Once -prosperous mining man. facing pov erty, - emis lire In Haker restaurant. Page 7. Snow blockades train service east of Baker; ships bar bound at mouth of Columbia, Page 7. Teachers at Salem hear plans to solve problem In state. Page 6. Commercial and Marine.' Strong position of wheat market in .North west. Page 21. Wheat weakened at 'Chicago by slump in corn. Page 21. Stock prices rise on favorable news from Washington. Page 21. , Bark Hlnemoa leaks badly following col lision. page 17. Portland and Vicinity. City's labor relief plan in full operation. Page lo. - v Public responding generously to fund for Christmas relief of needy. Pace 12. Greater Portland Plans body asks sugges tions for auditorium. Pare 14. Ringleaders of restaurant rushers sentenced to Jail terms. Page 13. Wallace R. Struble discusses coming Water ways convention. age id. Selection of Interstate bridge engineer de ferred to Saturday. Page 14. Butter men divide on plan for proposed ex- cnange. rage id. Two witnesses heard for defense in Von Klein case. Page 13. Government studying postal methods with aim of effecting standardization. Page o. State branch of National Motion Picture Exhibitors League being formed. Page 16. METHODIST EDUCATOR DIES John Thomas McFarlandi" D.D.. Passes at Homo in New Jersey. NEW TORK, Dec.' 22. John Thomas McFarland, D. D., ex-president of the Iowa Wesleyan University and editor of Sunday school publications of the Methodist Episcopal Church since 1904, died today at his home in Maplewood, N. J. lr. McFarland was born at Mount -Vernon, l!id.,"In" 1851 and was educated at' Iowa Wesleyau University. Simpson College, Iowa, and Boston Uni versity School of Technology. At various times Dr. McFarland held pastorates in Iowa, Illinois, Kansas and Rhode Island. He was prominently identified with all progressive move ments in the field of religious educa tion. Mallcarrier Travels 73,000 Miles. RICKREALL.' Or., Dec. 22. (Special.) To travel a distance nearly equal to three times the circumference of the earth has been the experience of Mil ton Grant, a rural mallcarrier, who has completed a Journey of over 73,000 J miles in Polk County. Mr. Grant lias been serving his rural patrons for ten years, completing about-20 miles each day. He says he enjoyed the work and will continue carrying mall. -- r w 1 V m; t CEAHWAVETEARS UP MILE OF T Passenger Train Halts Just in Time. SALTAIR BEACH WRECK STREWN Summer Homes and Hotel' El more Damaged by Water. RAILROAD IS UNDERMINED Engineer of Passenger Train Sees Danger Before Those on Board Are Aware or Peril Train Reaches City 8 Hours Late. A mighty wall of water, greatly re sembling a tidal wave, came up from the stormy Pacific yesterday morning and swept the beach for more than a mile near Saltalr in Tillamook County, tearing railroad tracks from their beds, undermining the foundations of dwell ings and leaving wreckage and ruin in its path. i Southern Pacific train No. 20, which left Tillamook at 7 o'clock yesterday morning for Portland, narrowly es caped the giant wave. . It arrived on the stretch of open beach just as the angry waters reached their height. The engineer saw the track a few hundred feet ahead of him go out. He was run ning slow and applied the brakes. The train came to a standstill on the edge of a shallow channel that had been cut under the track by the tide. Track Hangs Suspended. ' t The rails, twisted and bent out of shape, spanned -the channel, the ties hanging suspended below them. A wrecking crew and section hands repaired the tracks, while passengers ambled about to take an inventory of the damage wrought on other parts of the beach. Many small 'dwellings and two or three larger houses suffered severely. The water tore the sand away from under the foundations, many of which ara of wood. Most of the, houses on this part of the beach are used by Portland people as Summer cottages. They are not Intended for permanent occupancy, and are not constructed of heavy material. Elmore Hotel Damaged. The Elmore Hotel, which is one of the largest buildings along the beach, was damaged considerably. This build ing recently has been raised about eight feet. The water tore away the steps leading from the sidewalk to the front porch and undermined tho wooden foundation. The floors of some of the houses that are built nearer to the ground were flooded. Train No. 20 arrived in Portland (Concluded on Pose 6.) RACK NEW POWER PLANT WILL BEGIN TODAY NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COM PANT READY TO OPERATE. Tariff Filed Calls for Reductions in Rates East Side Business Dis trict ' to Get First Service. The first delivery of power in Port land' by the Northwestern Electric Company - will begin this morning, when electric light and power circuits serving the, East Side business section and part of the residential district, will be switched Into operation from the company's East Side, distributing station, at Alblna avenue and Loring street' . v W. E. Coman, vice-president and general manager of the company, "nklJ nounced yesterday that everythingS. ready for operation. . ; C, "Today's service marks the begi ning of active competition in the ele trie light and power field in this cij said Mr. Coman. l ne district to be served at on on the East Side includes the busine section along Union, Grand and Wll liams avenues, Russell street, and large part of the UDDer Alblna ujrt East Portland residential sections. Service on the West Side will hot bi started until the completion btX btXtd b, bas ife will main distributing station, in the ment of the Pittock block.. ' Thi be on or about March 1. -,- A tariff, making general reduction's In the present rates charged for both light and power in Portland, has been filed at Salem with the State" Railroad Commission, by the Northwestern Company. ' ' . v "The new tariff discards the per centage system entirely," explained Mr. (..oman. "it fixes a definite rate for the first 100 hours" of power used. wun another certain fixed rate for power or light used in excess of 100 hours. SL0VER ASKS FOR HEARING Leases of Recently Discharged Police to Be Called Today. Declaring that his dismissal from the police department was "for political and religious reasonB and was not made In good faith for the purpose of improv ing the public service." E. A. Slover, ex Acting Chief of Police, yesterday filed a petition fcr a hearing before the Mu nicipal Civil Service Board, of the charges on which Mayor Albee dis charged him recently. All of the policemen recently dis missed have asked for hearings. George v.. Caldwell, chairman of the Civil Service Board, announced that the cases will be called tomorrow at 2 o'clock and set for hearings. Each man will be given a separate hearing if desired. MYTH DESTROYER FINED Man Who Tried to Disillusion Son as to Santa Is Arrested. NEW TORK, Dec 22. The man who does not believe in Santa Claus was fined (3 today for trying to convert his 6-year-old son to his creed. The chief witness against him was his sister-in-law. She testified that she had pleaded and wept when he tried to persuade the boy that Santa Claus was a myth. Her cries brought a po liceman to the house and tho police man brought the man to the station, where he was charged with disorderly conduct. The man is Gustav Kotch. He lives in a flat in the Bronx. ST. PAUL POLICEMEN PLEAD F.x-Chief Sajs Not Guilty, Too, to 13th Indictment Against Him. ST. PATJL. Dec 22. Several of those ndicted by the grand jury that re turned 37 Indictments Friday in con- j-nection with Its investigation Into graft in tne underworld entered pleas of not guilty in tne JJistrlct Court today. ' Martin J. Flanagan, ex-Chief of Po lice, was Indicted jointly with Daniel Walker, "sergeant of detectives, and De tectives John Delaney and John Thomas for the alleged slugging in the police station of Howard Guilford, editor of a weekly newspaper. Flanagan pleaded not guilty to the 13th indictment that has been returned against him in two weeks. " MUNICIPAL TREE LIGHTED Spokane Mayor Plays Santa to Poor on Downtown Corner. SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 22 Spo kane s municipal "Christmas tree, B0 feet high on a prominent business corner, was lighted for the first time tonight. It will be illuminated each night until 12 o'clock, December 31. A programme of carols and other Christmas music will be rendered each night. Mayor W. J. Hindley acted as Santa Claus tonight and distributed presents to the children who furnished the programme. BRAIN GONE, PATIENT LIVES Man Shows No Sign of Cerebral as Think Tissues Shrink. PARIS, Dec 22. Before the Academy of Science tonight. Dr. Robinson re ported a case in which life was sus tained when a great part of the brain had been destroyed. The case was that of a man 62 years old, treated for a year for an apparently slight wound of the occiput. During this time the patient showed no signs of brain trouble, but the autopsy revealed the presence of an abscess which had reduced the brain r a 1 1ST NOT OBEYED; COPPERFIELD WET Baker Sheriff Refuses ' to Close Saloons. LEGAL RIGHT IS QUESTIONED District Attorney .Counsels ;f 7 Keeping Hands Off. TACK, LAID TO REVENGE fl r Complaint Is Said to Be tven Saloonkeeper, Mho icedOut of Business, cials of 'cw City. K OltivsSKKTS AUTHORITY. . O-f.Dec. 22. (Soecial. nnfmAd tnntirht that Sheriff K&Vbt Caker County, had defied 4i drtffer close the saloons of Cop ptrfleld, ddtlarlng tho Executive had j ntf "Jesal yuthorlty to make tho or 7 dery Governor Woat vaid: Well, I will close the saloons there f my I sal self,- and I will close any other saloons In that ounty that need I cloetnir." I GoYrnor "West declares that lie has 4 authority under the provisions of tli to act In cases of breaches of peace, and also under the home rule BAKER, Or., Dec 22. (Special.) Ed. Rand, Sheriff of Baker County,, today flatly refused to carry out Gov ernor West's order to elose the salocns at Copperfleld, and said that the only way he knew tnat the Governor could have his wishes carried out was to declare martial law at Copperfleld and take in the militia and enforce the law with their assistance. Mr. Rand declares that the District Attorney has advised him that there is no law on the statute books which would war rant his closing the Copperfleld saloons or any other saloon which has a license, and that therefore Mr. West's peremptory order, received today, must go unobeyed. Sheriff Rand telegraphed Governor West today asking hiin to cite the cede under which he expected to have his order obeyed, and he said that until he gets a satisfactory answer to this message he will make' no mova against the saloons at Copperfleld. Prosecutor Upholds Sheriff. District Attorney Godwin upheld the Sheriff in his stand, and said that he could find no authority for proceeding in the Copperfield case, despite the Governor's peremptory order. Sheriff Rand and District Attorney Godwin were disposed to make light of conditions at Copperfield, and de clared that the Governor had been led to believe that a condition of lawless ness existed, when, as a matter of fact. there was nothing, they said, other than a neighborhood quarrel, in which two factions were at loggerheads, and each was endeavoring to bring ruin upon the heads of the others. Saloon Quarrel Is Asaertlon. "It is all a tempest in a teapot," declared Mr. Godwin, on receipt of in formation of the telegram to Sheriff Rand today. "In the first place, there is positively no statute under which Sheriff Rand can take the law into his own hands and go up there and close up those saloons, even should they be conducting their affairs as the Governor ha3 been led to believe by petitions from persons who are ab solutely! lined up on one side of the two factions which have been running things In Copperfield. "One of these factions is headed by Martin Knezevich, a saloonman of Copperfleld, whose license recently was revoked by order of the city of ficials. The city officials at Copper field happen to be In the saloon busi- iConcluded on Page 0.) Portlands Remarkable Progress Do jou know that Portland has issued 33,814 building per mits during tie last five years, and that the building expendi ture during the same period has been $81,198,372? - Do you know that this. is a record not equaled by any other city in the Pacific Kortli. Seattle ranking next with less than $63,000,000 expenditure? Do you know that Portland's bank clearings for 1913 will reach $626,800,000, placing it lor tne Iirst time among the I $600,000,000 cities? . I Do you know that Portland's J postal receipts for 1913 will be approximately $1,176,000, the t highest in the city's history? - I- These facts and many others i or equal interest will be in cluded in The Oregonian -Annual, to be issued January 1, 1934. Both in text and illus trations this number will excpl. Every citizen of Oregon should T man copies to ms inends in I sther states. An order blank is printed on another page of to- day's issue. I i 1 t .codo t peac law. J (Concluded oa I if few other luxuries. tissue to a mere theil.. s