Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 22, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Formal Attack Expected Soon,
First Rumor Having Been
Proved Mistake.
31 ex lean Government and Bankers
, enable to Jjrre on Solntlon ot
k Currency Question Loan -of
Temporary Benefit.
' MEXICO ' CITT, Dec 21. Rebel
forces ere croirdinfr close on Tamplco
and a formal attack may be expected
Boon. The report received by the gov
ernment last night that the assault had
bren jtlven was not questioned as It
vas assumed at the palace that this
was the rebel plan, but It developed
that the officer who made the report
.had become confused over a minor
engagement at a point some miles from
The War Office baa utilised the time
since the last attack to strengthen the
garrison at Tamplco. and professes con
lidence in Its ability to resist the rebels.
Rebels Asala Appear.
Forres under General Panflio Natera
re slowly advancing on Zacatecaa.
capital of the State of Zacatecas, and
between Saltlllo and San Lulu Potosl,
Jong the main line of the National
Railway rebels have again appeared
In large numbers. Thla region bad been
comparatively free of rebels several
davs. '
Two. minor engagements nave oc
curred between Taropico and Atakmlra,
3 miles to the north, and the federals,
according to the War Office, were vic
torious In both. It is also announced
by the War Office that General Inea
balasar has defeated the rebels be
tween Conejos and Bermejillo, in the
State of Coahulla, to the north t Tor
reon. Buken1 Saaarestloas Rejected.
The government and bankers have
not been able to agree on the solution
of the currency question. The commit
tee of bankers met again today with
the sub-secretary of finance, but their
suggestions were not accepted, chiefly
because the bankers would not listen
to the proposal that tho guarantee
fund should be deposited In the na
tional treasury. They Insisted that it
should be deposited In the National
Bank. ,
The management of the Bank of
London and Mexico says that It has
enough currency to meet the demands
should the withdrawal of deposits con
tinue tomorrow.
Government officials express pleas
ure at the auccess of the negotiations
lor a loan In Europe, but the conserv
ative and unofficial element profess to
see In it little that will assist President
Xuerta in operating the government
for any great length of time, since this
loan Is to meet Interest payments on
the bonds.
i . -1" . - r j
j -tT-,. Jv... rrr.-",l i4 iU-li.--'TE?J.---;v . -- -
Differences Rapidly Disposed
of With Prospect of Va
cation as Lure.
All of Commissioned Officers of Bat
talion Suffer at Guaymas.
HERMOSIIXO, Sonora, 'Dec Jl. The
commissioned officers and many ser
geants and corporals of the Tenth bat
talion of the federal garrison at Guay
mas were executed at sunrise yesterday
In that city, according to word brought
here tonight.
Officers and men of tne Tenth were
disarmed several days ago by General
OJeda, federal commandant, when he
discovered they were plotting to desert
to the Insurgent side.
Accompanied by three of the federal
officers who surrendered to the insurg
ents at Maytorena, General Obregon,
field commander of the constitutional
ists In Western Mexico, returned here
last night to assist In locating the scat
tered groups of federal soldiers who
had deserted front the Guaymas garri
son. ' . .
General OJeda and his remaining
troops are still in Guaymas, as far as
could be learned, but Insurgent sentries
reported that one of the. federal gun
boats had disappeared. This was taken
as an Indication that at least a part of
the federal garrison had departed for
Mazatlan or Manianlllo, farther down
the west coast.
It was announced last night that
services of neither officers nor privates
of the deserting federals would be ac
cepted In the constitutionalist army.
This is in line with the policy of Gen
eral Carransa that service would be
accepted from only those federal army
men who had taken the first oppor
tunity to Join the revolutionists.
Major B. Figueroa and other federal
officers who surrendered at Maytorena
have received their freedom, and their
troops will be disarmed and set free,
since they will not be allowed to be
come constitutionalist soldiers, it Is
said. -
Japanese Explain This 'is Merely
Bnlnee, Xot mrrlendHneas.
TOKIO. Dec. SI. The arsenal at To
vu mannffltiiriiir irin9 ordered by
the Mexican government, which, it is
expected, win te inippwi w- - ,
nese oitlcials explain that this Is mere-
- .... n , kn,4n.M anil ia not In-
i'lcative of any unfriendliness to the
United States.
. lomwrnv TW. il TInh.rto
, i.i , -
Pesqulera, confidential agent here of
the Mexican constltutionansxs, nm in
structed the agent of the party- in
London. Miguel Corrovarublaa, formerly
Mexican minister to Russia, to advise
LJoyds agency that steamers of any
. t 1 . .t-in. munitions of war
contracted for by the Mexican govern
ment will DO nrea on uy nm j""
.. .- hap. 4li.inll tO UT
whether the Constitutionalists expected
to buy any snips ror tne purpoo
blockading ports held by the Federals
but it was plain artillery and land
.forces would not hesitate hereafter to
tire, on foreign ships ir tney carriwi
rma for the Huerta government.
t- HiinMinff to Constitu
tionalists here, would be Justified under
international law.
H...I .nmnlfratlona are like
, . ..I., it- i'i.n,l itiifinnaliftta ooen
with their mountain artillery on for
eign ships, but aa mere seems no im
mediate possibility of such a con
tingency, officials displayed littla In
terest iu the suojecu
Yakima Hop Crop Contracted.
Special.) Estimates of bopbuyers in
.w, -t- that oAunda
of the bop crop of 1914 In the Takiraa
Valley have neon eoniraciea airemay.
most or tt Dy jicoii on, i rw wuu--
. , . hit Kmi filed vet. but
the prices bare in all known instances
been 15 hi or 1 cents. Twenty cents
U the general figure at which the end
of the 11 crop is being disposed
of. The market is sjow.
Conferees Labor All Day Sunday in
Hope of JEnkinr Early Comple
tion of Job Report Will
Have Right of Way.
WiSHrNOTOV. rwwv SI. An all-da?
conference of the 'Joint Congressional
MimmlttkA on the currencv bill, nut
that bill close to perfection tonight.
Problems involving tne reserve provi
sions, the size and character of the
Federal reserve board, the redemption
of 2 per cent Government bonds and
retirement of the present National bank
currency proved troublesome, but the
conference finally smoothed ont most
of the Issues between House and Senate.
Wh.n tha two branches of Congress
convene tomorrow. It is said, plans will
be made for a recess beginning Tues
day. It was predicted tonight that the
currency bill could be completed and
signed by the r resident late tomorrow
or Tuesday, and Congress has dropped
11 nth., nrnhldmi in anticlD&tlon of
the first actual recess that it will have
bad since April 7.
All Wilt te Get Away.
It is planned to drop all business un
til January 13. . President Wilson will
leave Washington for Pass Christian,
Miss., as soon as the currency bill is
An tolTiii of the bill bv Senator
Owen anad .Representative Glass, chair
men of the conferees, snowed z points
of difference between the two houses.
Many of these were of a minor charac
ter and disposed of quickly.
Ammff- thn more imDortant decisions
of the committee today were the following:
The minimum capital stock of eacn
regional reserve bank waa fixed at
000.000. a compromise between tne
J3.000.000 minimum of the Senate Dill
and the $5,000,000 minimum of the
House bill.
The Senate's provision for from
.ic-ht a is" rea-lonal banks was ac
cepted by the House In place of the
mlnmum of 12 fixed in the .House diu.
Six Per Ceat t Be Exacted.
t-i. cntA nrAiridnn that each mem
ber bank must subscribe for stock of
h. .-.e-innai hank in its territory equal
tn nr cent of the member bank's
capital and surplus was accepted by the
House to replace Its own prevision mat
the subscription must equal 6 per cent
the member bank's capital.
The Senate gave way on its provision
that no "class B" director of a re
gional bank, could be stockholder in
any member bank. This would permit
the three directors who represent ag
ricultural, commercial or Industrial"
interests In the directorate of each re
gional reserve bank to own stock In
local banks In their district.
Members Preparing; to Xavc
The attempt of the House conferees
to have the Secretary of Agriculture
anad the Controller of the Currency
made members of the organization
committee to inaugurate the new sys
tem and permanent members of the
Federal reserve board held the atten
tion of the conference through much of
the afternoon. The oHnse bill Included
these Federal offlcera aa members of
the board, while the -Senate allowed
only tho Secretary of the Treasury to
remain on the board.
Should the conference report be
ready tomorrow, it will have the right
of way In both the Senate and House,
and adjournment will follow as soon
as the President signs the bill. The
members of both bouses are preparing
to leave Washington for the holidays
even before President Wilson writes
bis approval on the new currency law.
Senate Reserve Section Wlaa.
After a lengthy argument the House
conferees agreed to accept the reserve
section written Into the bill by the
Senate. Under the House bill a reserve
of J3 1-S ner cent of gold was re
quired behind the Federal reserve notes
which will constitute the new cur
rency. The Senate provision agreed to
In conference provides for a 40 per
. with a tit nf 1 DAT Cent
Ion depreciation down to IlVi per cent
and a graduated tax below that point.
The Senate receded from an amend-
S. t, AW'.--. r-jj:
n m (iiMtrlti for CimiM. Ud
AHrrBe"w rd"-ot
the South, Who Declare Hnerta win Be " - -
ment which would have admitted to re-
j i I. , V. n .Mlnnnl batiks aC-
U 1 MiU I, II . . . r.
ceptances based on domestic shipments
of merchandise. Tne House
yielded to a Senate amendment which
will allow the Secretary of thei
Treasury discretion in the depositing i
of Government Tunas in tne new itu
eral banks.
Rediscount Provtaloa Comaromlacd.
A compromise was arranged as to
the forcing of one regional bank to re
discount the paper of another, Dy
which the vote ot five memoers oi mo
reserve board will be necessary to
require such discounts, and the confer
ence struck out a Senate amendment
nnder which member banks could have
discounted with the regional banks
their own direct obligations.
The conference agreed to retain a
Senate amendment providing that no
member of Congress shall accept any
division of profit in the new system.
The amendment providing that the
Secretary of the Treasury, the assistant
Secretary of the Treasury and the
Controller of the Currency should be
ineligible for two years after leaving
the Government service for any posi
tion in a member bank also was ac
cepted. RATE siSllUDOLED
'There She Is; Take Good Care
of Her!' Is Advice.
Aaotber Appeal to Supreme Court,
Wbick Has Once Held Rate
Reasonable, la Prospect.
KANSAS CITT. Dec 21. Almost
simultaneously with tho filing at Jef-
Iferson City of a suit for iz.ouo.ouu
against the Missouri racmc nauj
by John T. Baraer, Augrncj-"'
for overcharges said to nave oeeu
made by the road while the z-ceni iaro
and maximum freight rate laws were
enjoined. Judge McPherson. In the Fed
eral Court here made a new order sus-
.jt ,ii T.niiHrv lo the decrees
he had ordered af the morning session
of the court Saturaay. xnese uecrec.
dismissed the suits Hied by 13 rail
roads to enjoin the state from enforc
ing the rate laws.
isft the Missouri rate
cases tonight In a more complex legal
. .v.Q ,. Another triD to the
Supreme Court of the United States,
more litigation anu more -pear
to be In prospect for the cases,
ki.i. kaan in cnurt since 1906
and in 1J of which the Supreme Court
upheld the reasonableness oi tne rate
t . ...... t . 4 .... l.t finmmpr.
The Attorney-General will file suits
. k.-nrhrr 13 roads Involved in
the rate litigation. These suits will be
brought in counties through which the
roada run.
Plunder From Oak Grove Residence
Located by Sheriff Mass.
raimnv CTTT Or.. Dec II. (SDe
cial.) The cache where the robber of
aavaral homes arftund Oak Grove - and
other points through the county has
hiriian hi nlunder was discovered on
the banks of a stream near the town
today by Sheriff Mass and his deputies.
Several pieces of Jewelry that have
been Identities by tnose wnoto auiu
. v. i i inimA. in the nils.
The discovery of the cache has led the
ntiartrf tn believe that one man has
i ..Mnlutfn nil nt th robberies
and that he haa ditched his plunder In
tha niara for safekeeping when the
noise died down and he could return
for It . .
Paris Acquaintances of Perugia Are
Believed to Know Something of
Robbery Italian Queen-Mother
Views Famous Masterpiece.
Roma. Dec. 2L Mona Lisa, brought
h... nH,r cniArd from Florence, was
tn tho Trench Ambassador
r Oo p-T-a at th. TliStrV Of IllStrUC-
. i .J n tViA ..rnccn r-n nf Mnrnills di
Sangulano. Minister or rgreign aiioiis,
Senor Credeiro, Minister of Public In-
t.x.iinn- xr De.nnardx. director of the
French school In Rome, and other
prominent personages, who signed tne
document or tne transier di me
. ..1.1.1. n Awl1ialv Vl O I h,.n nffi
cially identified by M. Lepieur, director
of the painting section oi tne wjuyir
by the aid of documents and detailed
Th. "Mnno. Lisa." was placed In a
rosewood box and Dr. Corrado Rlccl,
director-general of fine arts In Rome,
handed the key to the second secretary
of the embassy. M. Qlle-Laprun, with
.1. vamaflr
"There she Is! Take goou care oi
The naintner was conveyed to tne
It is seldom, indeed, that yon have the opportunity to buy the
'o oTirl rrh.ldrpTi's Shoes at the prices
very utn. iucu o, n - .
of the cheaper kinds. This is a demonstration to prove the
. , m w-a il .1 OI
superior wortn oi itosentnai ssaova
Keg. SO,
A saving of 50c to $2.00 on every purchase.
$5.00 Shoes for Ladies, ?3.45
$6.59 Shoes, Pair, $3.85
Ladies' Patent Colt and Velour Calf Button
ShnAs. with Cravenette or kid tops, all the
newest toes and heels, all sizes and d0 AVL
Xmas Slippers
Men's Opora Slippers, made ot
black and tan kid, reg. g Oft
12.60 Slippers, choice.. iiaOW
12.50 Everett Slippers, genuine
hand-tur ned soles, J 80
Men's Finest Russian Calf Opera
Kitnnars luit the thins for a
nice Elrt. all slses. now y o u r
Hrs. t.oo,
widths. Res. $5.00 shoe, now, pr.
Beautiful Gun Metal Button Shoes, also Pat
- ent Colts, made with the new English heel and
toe, swing last. A regular $o.ou ur'J e w
shoe, now, the pair
choice during: this sale, dJO C
Our Entire Stock 53,15
ElxcJusive Portland Agents For
Hanan and Boyden Shoes For Men
Hanan Shoes for Ladies All Reduced
This is a distinctly different sale, our shoes are the pick and cream of the shoe world andare not
made for sale purposes. ' At the regular retail prices they are the greatest values to be h&A. Jwt
think what it means to you now, to buy these famous shoes m this sale at these tremendous savings.
Men's Calf Button and Blucher Shoes, full double welted, soles, gunmeiai lops,
latest lasts. Regular $5.00 shoes. All sizes. Now on sale at ,.
English Last Shoes for Men, in the finest black and tan leathers, that
sold to $6.00. All sizes and widths. Now offered for this Cal 45
great sale for, the pair "J, -
Buy the Boy a Pair of Rosenthal's High Cut Boots for Christmas.
Sale Prices Are in Effect at Our Main store uniy
129 Tenth Street, Off Washington
Farneae Palace, where the French em
bassy Is housed, and was viewed by the
Queen mother. It will be placed on ex
hibition at the BorBhesi gallery from
Tuesday until Saturday.
Hurts Are'. Slight, HowCTer,.ana
3Iany Help Put Out Fire,
t i7TTr wn Dec 21. Two hun
dred passengers were slightly Injured
when the Canadian Northern train from
Duluth. Minn., and Fort William, unt.,
was derailed near here -today and five
coaches, a baggage car and a diner
overturned into a ditch.
The wreckage caught Are, but tne
passengers., many homeward bound for
the holidays, escaped through broken
windows with no more serious injuries
than scratches and bruises, and helped
extinguish the flames.
Biplane Starts to Fall After Loop
With Hands Off Steering Gear.
FRESNO. Cal., Dec. J 1. Lincoln
Beachey. the aviator, had the closest
call of his career at the fair grounds
today. He looped the loop with his
hands off the steering wheel, and soon
after he passed the loop of the circle
his motor stopped.
The biplane turned sideways and
dropped 209 feet before Beachey re
gained control.
Invalid Safe, hut House Burns and
Colple Are Left Destitute.
Mrs. A. Talboft an elderly woman,
living at 1564 Delaware street, rescued
her Invalid husband from a fire which
burned their home to the ground at
an early hour yesterday morning. In
her efforts to drag out her husband j
she failed to turn In a fire alarm. The
destruction of their house" leaves them
Mr. Talbot, who is a real estate man,
ha aa fiAilHildpn for flvA months.
Tho fire started from causes not yet
learned. Mrs. xaioot smeiieu smoKe
and awakened her husband, wrapped
him in bedclothes and dragged him
into the yard. She barely escaped be
ing burned. The house was valued
at 1500. The Talbots were cared for
last night by neighbors.
Club to Entertain Seamen.
The following programme will be
given by the MuBical Study Club this
evening at the Seamen's Institute, 125
Fifth street north: "Carol of the Birds"
and "We Three Kings of Orient Are,"
by chorus; solo, selected, by Eva Zim
merman; violin solo, "Apple Blossoms,"
by Dorice Hawkins; piano duet, Wel
lord Cavender and Georgiana Fifer;
solo, selected, Addle McCullogh; read
ing, "A Christmas Kid," by Roberta
Downing; solo, "Stille Nacht," by Ro
zella Knox, with violin obligato by
Minna Backus; "The First Nowell";
"Joy to the World'; accompanists.
Misses Geraldine Altken. Naomi Weist,
Alice Gholke and Theresa Knox.
The London Herald was the first English
newspaper to employ a war correspondent.
This was George Borrow, who wrote of the
Carltst fighting In Spain In 18:10.
Roller Skating and Dancing
Positively finest floor in the West. You all know De
Caprio's Band nuf sed. Will we run it clean? Just try.
to rag; and see.
The Tango
We don't like it but we will demonstrate it this week
because it is popular just now.
v Skating 7 to 10:15 Dancing, 9 to 11:30
OUR MOTTO Clean Amusement for Respectable People.
Spectators, 10c. Skaters and Dancers, Gentlemen, 40c;
Ladies, 25c. This Includes Both.
In Heart of City
354 Morrison Street, Corner Park
m t ww i v y v v 1
Urder I our Holiday uoods nariy
Imported and Domestic Wines, Whis
kies, Cocktails, Cordials, and Gin.
Champagne and Beer.
Telephones b
Main 28, A 2802
.bllahed 1886
le and Retail v &
: AT . rr J
Wholesale and Retail .12
M 1 W W
AW Jt 0 -
o s
pzzp ojQ mortgage
JVI s y
Interest Bemi-Jumually. The clsaaest, safest, up-to-date way to
SVJS Staid ill $100 and $600 and multiples thereof.
A 2850
Hitman & Thompson
Fourth and Stark
Mr- Hartog