Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 22, 1913, Image 1

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Argument Over Monroe
Doctrine Warm.
Ex-Diplomat Told He Is Uiv
, V wise in Raising Issue.
Students Start Demonstration t
Santiago This, However, Is Not
Thought to Represent Real
reeling of Populace.
WASHINGTON. Dec II. Members of
the diplomatic corps, especially repre
sentatives from the South American
countries, were greatly Interested In a
report reaching- Washington that ex
President Roosevelt and Dr. Marshall
Martinez, at one time Chilean Minister
to the United States, clashed In Santi
ago de Chile on account of divergent
views on the Monroe doctrine. The
Chilean is reported to have dissented
strongly from the Roosevelt view that
the much discussed doctrine is still a
vital issue.
The reported debate attracted un
vsual Interest here because both of the
prepared speeches were reviewed be
fore delivery by the Chilean Foreign
Office. Dr. Martinez, It was said to
night at the Chilean legation, was
elected because of his strong friendship
for the United States as the spokesman
of the Chilean government at the state
reception given the American visitor
recently at the University of Santiago.
Colonel' Ire Aroused.
In his address at the Roosevelt re
ception. Dr. Martlnes characterized the
Monroe doctrine as a dead Issue and
arguing that the conditions which gave
rise to Its promulgation by President
Monroe In ISiJ have almost entirely
This statement Is said to have
aroused the ire of Colonel Roosevelt,
who replied "WltTr-some" heat, trolding
that the Monroe doctrine still was a
vital principle of the foreign policy of
the United States. He is said, too, to
have- suggested to the Chilean diploma
tist Incidentally that it was ill-advised
on such an occasion to Inaugurate a
Both Addresses Passed oa.
Then Colonel Roosevelt, according to
report, said that before he left the
United States the texts of the ad
dresses he proposed to deliver in Bra
sll, Argentina and Chile had been sub
mitted to the diplomatic representa
tives of those nations In Washington to
avoid the inclusion of anything that
might prove offensive to his hosts. To
this Dr. Martinez is said to have re
plied that hla own address had been
submitted to the Chilean Foreign Of
fice three days before Colonel Roose
velt's arrival and that as no objection
had been raised In that quarter he could
see no reason why the discussion of
the Monroe doctrine should be avoided
as a dangerous issue.
Nothing official has reached the
Chilean legation here concerning any
phase of what diplomatists are inclined
4 to consider a delicate situation.
Talleaa Minister at Loss.
"It Is true that the legation passed
upon Colonel Roosevelt's Santiago
speech-" said Chilean Minister Saures
tonight. "After reading it I had the
speech translated Into Spanish and for
warded It to the Foreign Minister. I
understood that Colonel Roosevelt's
speeches In Rio de Janeiro and Buenos
Ayres likewise were submitted to the
Brazilian and Argentine Foreign Offi
ces, as those addresses and the one de
livered in Santiago were to be his prin
cipal utterances during the South
American tour. I cannot understand
how an Issue could be raised between
Colonel Roosevelt and Dr. Martinez,
since the latter was selected to speak
In behalf of Chile on account of bis
well-known sympathy with the ideals
f the United Slates."
It s said that at the conclusion of
the Roosevelt reception a demonstra
tion against the American visitor was
niaJe by a small clique of Central
American students. The story goes that
as the Colonel left the university, the
students shouted. "Viva Colombia.- This
Incident, however, is understood in no
ay to have represented the general
feeling of the populace.
Gigantic Tree? Christmas Eve Will
Provide for All Needy Families.
SUOENE. Or, Dec 21. (Special.)
An out-of-doors Christmas tree, deco
rated by the city government, was an
nounced this morning by Mayor Toran.
to be the culmination of the 10 days'
campaign to seek out all needy fami
lies In the city and provide for tbelr
.wants at this Christmas season.
The response of the citizens to the
plea for supplies was so spontaneous
and hearty that more than enough has
been provided, and now the event Is
to bo celebrated Christmas ere In one
of the plaxa blocaa in the center of
,hAChuge living fir tree Is to be deco
rated with tinsel and colored streamers
and bright electric lights. Children will
sing Christmas carols and there will
be a band concert and songs by some
of the city's best soloists.
Most of President's Vacation, De
signed for Thinking, to Be
Given to Personnel.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 21, President
Wilson intends that his vacation at
Tass Christian. Miss., shall be a com
plete rest from official activity, but fh
leisure moments he will apply himself
to the task of choosing tentatively
members of the Federal Reserve Board
to be created by, the pew currency law.
Tha President will see no visitors,
will engage in no voluminous corre
spondence and will Isolate himself for
three weeks of recreation and think
ing. He realized that in the selection
nr h TMiiinl hoard he would be con
fronted with one of the Important prob-
lema of his Administration, and mat
the success or failure of the new cur
rency law would depend to some ex
tent on the quality of the officials of
the board who will administer it.
Mr. Wilson thus far has fixed on no
Individuals. He has a tentative list
under consideration. Members of Con
gress, especially Democratic Senators,
are not recommending anyone, as they
fA thev wish to leave the
President free from any political pres-
nr The President is desirous or se
curing the biggest men possible, versed
alike In the details of business ana
finance. James J. Hill, formerly head
of the Great Northern, la known to be
one of those In the President's mind. .
Tha President is hoping to leave
Tuesday. He will not be accompanied
by Secretary Joseph Tumulty, who will
really be the Acting President at the
White House, inasmuch as Secretaries
Bryan. Garrison and other Cabinet offt
win he iwu for the holiday re
cess. Mr. Tumulty will keep both Sec
retary Bryan and the President in
formed on developments In Mexico ana
New Art Lithographic Posters Ap
pear In California.
cial.) Something new in billboard
poster art, with an entirely new mo
tive behind it, has made Its appearance
on billboards In this city and across
the hay. of late.
One is a large lithographic reproduc-i.-
r h Totivitv. "0 feet long by 9
inches high, probably the most beauti
ful specimen of litnograpnic poua
work ever turned out In. this country.
"Ask your Sunday school teacher to
tell you the story," runs the caption.
It is to be followed shortly by. a
group scene from-the Inspiring life of
General U. S. Grant, and later by other
These pictures are not advertise
ments. They' represent the first guns
of a campaign by the education com
mittee of the National Poster Advertis
ing Association to utilize the billboards
aa a means of educstlng the youth of
the country.
This campaign is expected in a
measure to offset the opposition to
billboards from art leagues and civic
Older Child at North Bend Rescued
From Drowning.
NORTH BEND. Or.. Dec 2U (Spe
cial.) Esther Berglund. 6 years old.
Is an idolized heroine In this city,
through her rescue of 10-year-old
Dorothy Wood from drowning. The
two girls mere near a well in Simp
son Park and the Wood glrL In trying
to find the depth of the water, fell Into
the well.
The top was covered about two
thirds over with boarding, and when
the girl came up she was underneath
the covering. She went down a sec
ond time, and on coming up again her
little companion lay flat on the
ground, pulled her from underneath
the boarding, and then assisted her
to safety.
The mother of the Berglund girl Is
a widow, and the Wood family la plan
ning to recognize the rescue in a sub
stantial way.
Woman Wlio Broke Into Jail to Keep
From Starving to lie Bride.
LOS ANGELES. Dec 21. (Special.)
Mrs. Mary Erlckson. of Portland, who
last week threw a stone . through a
cigar store window because she was
hungry and wanted to go to jail to
obtain food, is to become the wife of
Fred Smith, of Denver.
Chief of Police Sebastian proposed to
Mrs. Erlckson for Smith. The Denver
man wrote the Chief that ha was will
ing to marry any woman who could
throw straight enough to hit a window
and who had the spunk to break into
lail to keen from starving.
At first Mrs. Erlckson refused the
proposal. She relented today, however,
and said her first decision was be
cause the proposal was "so sudden."
Attempt to Assassinate Anti-Saloon
League Official Fails.
BLAIRSVILLE. Pa, Dec 21. What is
believed to have been an attempt to
assassinate Rev. R. E. McClnre. pas
tor of the Blalrsville United Presbyte
rian Church and president of the In
diana County Anti-Saloon League,
failed last night when a bullet fired at
the minister penetrated a Bible which
he carried under his arm and made a
slight abrasion upon his left side.
If RIIPPI-PJ!v VTErrERDAT'Slnet".mprature. 6
I winds.
Refugees Report 137
Brutal Killings.
Band of Drunken Rebels Are
Turned Lose With Arms.
One American, Condemned to Die,
Slakes Escape and Brings Talo
or Pillage Two Generals
Brutally Butchered.
MANAOS, Brazil. Dec 21. (Special.)
A motor launch has arrived here with
refugees from the rubber colony of
the Terrltorl de Amazona. Venezuela,
telling of "173 murders there In the
last few months and confirming sto
ries of atrocities brought here by
Michael J. Gilleran. an American refu
gee who had been ordered to be shot
and who escaped in a canoe, making
the trip here through several hundred
miles of the Rio Negro.
Refugees arriving here tell ofa reign
of terror and anarchy in the rubber
colony. A rebel force has been organ
ized under General Gonzales and all
who are suspected of being opposed to
him are shot.
Wsmen and Glrla Mardered.
The latest crimes Include the mur
der of eight women and four young
girls in the rubber territory between
San Fernando de Atabapo, on the Ori
noco, and San Carlos da Rio Negro. It Is
believed here these women and girls
were put to death because It was feared
they would escape and spread to the
world news of the horrors being com
mitted in the colony. It is believed
they were members of the families of
men who already had been murdered.
This condition of anarchy and mur
der has been brought to the attention
of President Gomez, of Venezuela, but
no troops have been . sent to. oppose
the rebels.
Tale of Butchery Told.
Tlfe most atrocious murder was that
on May 8, last, of General Roberto Pu
lldo and 26 men and boys at San Fer
nando. Mr. Gilleran tells a thrilling
story of this butchery.
"General Pulido was appointed Gov
ernor by President Gomes a few weeks
before," he safd. "The traders waited
on him and tried to make terms, but
he told them he would accept no
bribery, that "the export taxes would
have to be paid and that -lawlessness
must cease. From that minute he was
a marked man, as was General An
tonio Varella. who President Gomez
had sent to the colony in charge of
"The traders gathered about 60 men
(Concluded on Pas 3.)
4 , j
- - -J
' " -
Anti -Colombian disturbances threatened in
Panama. Pass 1.
Mona Lisa turned over to France. Face 2.
Assault on Tamplco about to be" renewed.
Storyof2"murd brought from Venezuela
rubber colony. Page 1.
Root squelches Presidential boom. Page 1.
Wilson has J. J. Hill in view lor currency
board. Page 1.
Conferees hastening report on coming bill.
Page S.
Humphrey blarov tariff for closed mills.
Page 6.
Roosevelt said to have stirred up dissension
In Chile over Monroe Doctrine. Page 1.
Connecticut Governor besieged with petitions
not to let woman be nangea. rags .
LaFoIIette seamen's safetl bill Ignores
imu and children first Idea. Page .
Wisconsin engenlo law futile; marriage cere
mony not . required by law. Page
If athewson tells might-have-beens of world's
series. Pegs IT.
English propose changes in tennis rules.
Page IT. '
Murphy maintains winning record as driver.
Page 16.
Dr. Stewart falls to have Washington.
Aggie 1B14 game switched to Portland.
Page 16.
Napa still watching Hagerman and Lober.
Page 19.
Pacific Northwest.
Poultry show at Albany in January to be
big event. Page 6.
Wallace R. Btruble comes from Lewlston to
promote waterways convention. Pagell.
Teachers gather In Palem for convention
of western Oregon division ot associa
tion. Page 6.
Two vessels at anchor collide near Tongue
Point. Page 18.
Robert A. Booth receives many messages
ot congratulation on decision to enter
race for Senator. Page 6.
Governor Weit orders saloons at Copper
field closed by Sheriff. Page 1.
Portland and Vicinity.
Plea for Oregon products made by youthful
essayist. Page T.
Letters to Santa Claus come from all classes.
Page 18.
Bishop Scadding announces formation of
social service league. Page 13.
First Methodist Church devotee day to
Christmas programmes. Page 12.
Police will mingle with grill guests at New
Tear's eve celebration. Page 1.
Six hundred family men to get city Jobs
this week. Page IS.
Mob demands food In restaurant and police
are called. Page 10,
Stagehands hope to have Alice Lloyd as per
former at midnight matinees. Page 9.
Call for Christmas relief fund drawing warm
supporters. Page 10.
Alumnae societies to give tea and dance.
Page 10.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 13.
Weather man says there will be no "silver
thaw." Page 13.
Arguments In Klickitat 'Suit to Be
Made at Vancouver.
GOLDENDALE, Wash. Dec 21.
Special.) Judge R. K Back, of the
Clarke County Superior Court, will
hear final arguments Tuesday at Van
couver in the case of Birdie May Jor
dan and W. T. Jordan vs. Klickitat
County, The County Commissioners, H.
J. Marshall, as Treasurer; The Colum
bus Land Company (now the Maryhlll
Land Company): H. C. Richardson and
N. D. Miller. This case has been in the
Klickitat courts since June, 1911.
Judge Back is taking the place of
Judge Dorch on account of Judge
Daren's former connection with the
suit as an attorney.
The Jordans are contesting the pay
ment of an assessment of $2858.95 lev
ied against property owned by them
known as the Presby Orchard Tract,
on the Columbia River, near the town
of Maryhlll.
Judge A. S. Bennett, of The Dalles,
is attorney for the Jordans and Rich
ard S. Montague, of Portland, is the
leading counsel for the defense.
Lid to Go on and Stay
on at Copperfield.
Help Is Offered in Case of
Governor Notified That Town Is at
Mercy of Saloonkeepers and Gam
blers and That Safety of
Citizens Is Endangered.
SALEM, Or., Dec SI. (Special.) De
termined that the town hall shall not
continue "wide open." as reported to
htm by ZS residents. Governor West
telegraphed Sheriff Rand, of Baker
County, to close the saloons of Copper
field at once.
The action was taken in response to
an appeal from citizens who declared
that the place vai uider the control of
saloonkeepers and gamblers, and the
lives of themselves, their families and
their property were In danger.
Governor West said he had power
to act under the oode in cases of
breaches of the peace and also under
the home rule amendment. In case the
Sheriff should be in need of it. the
Governor said he would furnish all the
aid necessary. It Is the first instance
in the state that the saloons have been
ordered closed in a "wet" town.
Two Officials Absentees.
According to information received by
Governor West, H. A. Stewart, Mayor,
and Tony Warner, W. M. Wiegand and
W. Woodbury, Councilmen, are engaged
in the saloon business. J. J. Burns,
aonther Councilman, is said to be serv
ing illegally, and R. B. Clark, Recorder,
and Councilman Griffith have moved
from the city.
It is charged that the saioonmen have
sold to minors and habitual drunkards
and have kept their places' open" Sun
days and at all hours of the night The
Mayor Is said to be tha owner of a
dancehall where Intoxicating liquors
are dispensed.
In a petition to the Governor to give
'.hem relief, the citizens of the town
caiH thov had anDealed to the Dis
trict Attorney in vain and that H. A.
Fisher. Marshal of the town, was under
the control of the Mayor and Council.
They said the Mayor recently in
structed the Marshal to allow the
saloons to remain open until 5 o'cijek
Sunday mornings.
Railroad Men Residents.
Copperfield is on the O.-W. R. & N.,
and is near Oxbow Tunnel.' where a
large number of men, who live in the
town, are employed. The Governor's
(Concluded on Pace 8.)
Teachers From Chile and Spain
May Be Needed to Fill Places.
Demonstrations Are Checked.
PANAMA, Dec. 21. The anti-Colombian
sentiment has grown to such an
extent that an open letter has been
addressed to President Horras demand
ing the expulsion from the republic
of the country's detractors and the dis
missal of all Colombians holding gov
ernment positions in Panama. A fur
ther demand is made that the police
corps shall be composed exclusively of
At present about one-third of the
teachers' staff in the schools of the
republic is - composed of Colombians
and there is a large sprinkling of them
In the police department.
The leaders of the anti-Colombian
movement express the opinion that if
there are not enough Panaman teach
ers to supply the schools teachers from
Chile or Spain should be engaged.
' It Is reported that another anti
Colombian demonstration is being ar
ranged for Thursday, but the govern
ment will probably take steps to pre
vent a repetition of the scenes of last
Thursday, when several houses occu
pied by Colombians were stormed.
The editor of La Patrla, a local anti
administration organ with Colombian
leanings, has been the object of threats
in the last day or two.
Lane County Avoids Increasing
Number of Precincts.
EUGENE, Or.. Dec. (Special.)
In order to obviate the necessity of
creating a large number of new pre
cincts in Lane County, the County
Court yesterday determined to appoint
two election boards for each of some
44 out of the 84 precincts In the
county. With the granting of the
franchise to women and the increase
of population,' especially in the cities
bf the county, the number of voters
to the city precinct has reached nearly
500. :
The court will determine whether
each board shall receive ballots, and
each count Its own, or whether one
board shall receive ballots and the
other canvass the returns through the
Two new precincts were created In
the territory north of Eugene, along
the Oregon Electric where small tracts
are being settled and the number of
voters Is Increasing rapidly.
Man Believed, to Know-Something of
North Plains Robbery.
HILLSBORO.'Or., Dee. 21. (Special.)
H. Lunow. a young rancher, was
placed in Jail by Sheriff Reeves last
night, on suspicion of. knowing some
thing about the North Plains post
office robbery, which took place one
night a week ago.
Young Lunow was in North Plains
yesterday, and told Mr. Troutman, in
whose storo the office was pilfered,
that he could find the guilty parties
if there was money enough in it. The
Sheriff was notified, and upon going
to the ranch where Lunow was stop
ping, met a denial from Lunow that
he had made any such remark.
Sheriff Reeves asked him to go to
the store, a mile distant. Lunow as
sented, but later asked that the of
ficer wait until he could tell the ranch
people where he was going. Permit
ting this. Lunow went into the house
and did not return. Reeves later
forced one of the doors and' found
Lunow, who was hiding.
Eugene Protective Organization Ex
tended to Include County.
EUGENE, Or., Deo. 21. (Special.)
Having outgrown in purpose and scope,
the Eugene Merchants' Protective As
sociation last night changed its name
to the Lane County Credit Association.
Organized eight years ago by a group
of Eugene merchants in order to weed
out deadbeats, the membership has
been increased to cover many lines of
business and professions, not only in
Eugene, but in other parts of the
The original purpose has been wid
ened to include the gathering of gen
eral credit information and the publi
cation for the use of members, of
credit ratings of persons throughout
the county. Ratings have been pre
pared on about 10,000 persons to date.
Everybody's Doin It at Fairbanks
and Goldstream Camps.
FAIRBANKS, Alaska. Dec 21. (Spe
cial.) There Is Joy in Goldstream Val
ley tonight. The tango is here, every
one Is doing It. Grizzled sourdoughs
and verdant chechacoes alike are tango
ing. Even the children are learning the
new dance. Tango parties are the rage.
Fairbanks people a few days ago re
turned ; home after sojourning on the
outside. They brought with them the
latest thing in dances and Immediately
began to teach the steps to the home
folk. A dog team party went to Fox
City yesterday for a dance, and while
there Introduced the tango to Gold
stream. Everybody was doing it. before
the dance ended. .
Recruiting Offices Report Record for
Time of Peace.
WASHINGTON, Dec 21. There baa
been an unusual increase lately of
young men offering themselves to the
army recruiting officers for military
In November there were 5000 appli
cations, 2000 more than ever before
recorded In a month in time of peace.
New Year's Eve Edict
Issued by Albee.'
Official Eye Will Be Kept on
Sales of Liquor.
Code of Ethics for Occasion Not
Completed, but Major Will Draw
Distinction Between Ililarltj
and Disorderly Conduct.
Mayor Albee ' announced yesterday
that he will clamp the lid on the grills
and similar places in Portland New
Year's eve and that he will not tol
erate such scenes as he understands
have been enacted in some of these es
tablishments in years past.
Policemen will be posted in the grills
and other establishments where it has
been the custom for society to gather
and watch the old year out and the
new in. with instructions to keep order
and to allow no improper actions in any
Seemly Conduct Demanded.
"I am determined that there shall
be no such scenes as I understand
have been enacted in some of the grills
in the past on New Tear's eves," said
the Mayor, commenting upon the forth
coming celebration. "I shall order
policemen to be at all of the grills and
such places as are planning these
events, with Instructions to keep strict
watch on the sale of liquors and the
conduct of those present. Further
more, I shall hold the proprietors of
these places to acccount for occur
rences in their establishments. I Intend
to see to it that the laws are obeyed
on this occasion."
Mayor Albee would not say whether
or not the policemen to be assigned to
the grills will be In uniform or .plain
clothes, but he was emphatic in saying
there will be' enough of them in each
place to see that the liquor laws and
other police regulations are enforced
. Lane Precedent Followed.
This will be the first time in many
years that the police have interfered
with the gaiety of the festal occasion
of New Year's eve celebrations. When
Dr. Harry Lane, now Junior United
States Senator from Oregon, was May
or, in the iirst year of his reign, he
stationed policemen in the grills, but
this was before the custom took on
such hilarity as It has in more recent
years, and nothing special happened.
It had the effect, of .course, of keeping
considerable semblance of order and
during the remainder of his term these
events were somewhat "tame." He did
not post policemen again.
While Mayor Albee would not enter
into the details of his plans for main
taining order in the various grills on
New Year's eve, he did say that he will
rigidly enforce the law relative to the
sale of liquor, which will mean, for one
thing, that none of it may be sold to
the guests after 1 A. M. Thusday, Jan
uary 1, 1914.
Table Danclne Barred.
It is altogether likely, although this
is not authoritative, that drunkenness
will not bo permitted, as It has been on
some occasions In the past, when the
hilarity became so loud and the scenes
so animated that women climbed up on
the tables and danced, much to the sat
isfaction of their male companions.
Scenes of this sort are regarded by
some of the officials as constituting
disorderly ponduct. thereby subjecting
the participants to arrest and prosecu
tion, and it is believed that they will
be put under the ban of the Mayor,
who, later, will Issue orders to Chief
of Police Clark on Just what will and
will not be tolerated on the festal oc
casion in consideration.
Liquor Limit in Doubt.
Another moot question is as to how
much liquor champagne has been the
chief beverage in the past will be al
lowed to be sold In any of the grills.
Under the ordinance women are sup
posed to be served a complete meal
when served with Intoxicants and there
Is some question as to whether the pro
prietors may, without fear of arrest
and prosecution, dispose of unlimited
quantities to the guests, even with a
full meal.
All of these points will be worked out
by the Mayor before the night in ques
tion and it is not unlikely that the pro
prietors of the various grills will have
a consultation with him before JHe
eventful occasion, in order that an un
derstanding may be reached.
The forthcoming order of the Mayor
on the question of putting the I Id on
the gTill activity New Year's eve was
preceded by an order from him In
structing the proprietors of all such
places to keep cabaret performers off
the floors. This alone is expected to
aid In keeping things quieter.
Veteran Dies From Nosebleed.
NASHVILLE. Tenn, Dec 21 Sum
ner A. Cunningham, editor and pro
prietor of the Confederate Veteran, and
well known among both Union and
Confederate veterans, died here to
night at a hospital following a series
of hemorrhages of the nose. Mr. Cun
ningham served in the Confederate
army in the Civil War. After the war
be entered newspaper work and at one
time owned the Chattanooga Times...